Fall 2020 Introduction to the UCI MAE Department


• Introduction to MAE • Research and Courses • MAE Graduate Student Organization Marc Madou Roger Rangel Graduate Advisor Department Chair and • Chancellor's Professor of HSSoE Graduate Affairs Office Professor of Mechanical and Aerospace Mechanical and Engineering; Biomedical Aerospace Engineering; Chemical and • Engineering Faculty Profiles Biomolecular Engineering Research Interests: Research Interests: Heat transfer, spray Miniaturization science combustion, two- (MEMS and NEMS) with phase flows, fluid emphasis on chemical and instability and biological applications, C- atomization. MEMS and CD based .

2 MAE Department Mission Statement

• Mechanical Engineering: One of the most diverse and versatile engineering fields, mechanical engineering combines facets of mathematics, physics, biology and system engineering. Mechanical engineering careers center on creating technologies to meet human needs. This includes solving today's problems and creating future solutions in health care, energy, transportation, world hunger, , climate change, and more. • Aerospace engineering: The primary field of engineering concerned with the design, development, testing, and production of , , and related systems and equipment it is made up of two major and overlapping branches: aeronautical engineering and astronautical engineering

• MAE Mission Statement: Our mission is to educate students, at all levels, to be the best engineers and leaders in the nation and world by engaging them in a stimulating community dedicated to the discovery of knowledge, creation of new technologies, and service to society. 3 Highlights of MAE Department Department Student Population Research Faculty and Recognition Affiliated Centers History and Degrees Offered 1983 1298 $ 11.2 M Research 31 Full-time faculty 7 World-Class Center Department of Undergrads Expenditures 15 Adjuncts and joint and Institute Affiliations Mechanical appointees Engineering 220 5 Research Thrusts • Advanced Power founded Graduate Students • Dynamics and Honors: and Energy Program Controls 3 National Academy of (APEP) 1990 Degree offered: Engineering Department • and • UCI Combustion 2 Fellows AAAS expands to include • Master of Propulsion Laboratory Aerospace Science (M.S.) 4 Fellows ASME • Thermal and • Integrated Engineering 4 Fellows AIAA • Doctor of Transport Sciences Nanosystems Philosophy 2 Fellows IEEE Research Facility (Ph.D.) • Mechanics of 2 Fellow APS (INRF) • Master of Materials and Engineering Structures 1 Mexican Academy of • National Fuel Cell (M.Eng.) Science Foreign Member Research Center • Systems Engineering (NFCRC) and Design 1 Swedish National Academy of Engineering Foreign • UCI Irvine Materials Member Research Institute 1 Office of Naval Research (IMRI) Young Investigator Award • Center for Complex 7 NSF Career Awards and Active Materials4 1 National Academy of (CCAM) Inventors • Beckman Laser 5 Distinguished Professors Institute 1 Chancellor’s Professor Difference Grad and Undergrad School

• Courses • Classes dig deeper, assume you learned undergrad course material • More initiative in learning is expected from you • Multiple references rather than one textbook • Smart, hardworking classmates the norm • Research and Teaching • Participate in creating new knowledge, i.e., research • Work individually with faculty research advisor • Opportunities to teach, e.g., informal, TA

5 Goals/Expectations/Advice for Graduate Students

• Make academics your 1st priority • Take initiative in your educational development, recognize knowledge gaps and fill them in • Develop broader impact perspective • Engage with, and benefit from, the intellectual community – classmates, labmates, faculty • Attend seminars

Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering Graduate Student Association (MAE-GSA)

6 Mechanics of Materials and Structures - Research

Areas of Interest: ● Nanoscale Mechanics ● Morphing Structures ● Active Materials ● Machine Learning ● Defect Formation/Propagation ● Deformation and Failure ● Advanced Manufacturing ● Composites

7 Mechanics of Materials and Structures - Faculty

Ramin Bostanabad Penghui Cao Edwin Peraza Tim Ruppert Lorenzo Valdevit Mark Walter Hernandez Assistant Professor of Assistant Professor of Associate Professor in Professor in Materials Professor of Teaching in and Science and Engineering Mechanical and Aerospace Mechanical and Aerospace Assistant Professor of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Engineering Engineering; Materials Mechanical and Aerospace Professor (Joint Appt.) in Engineering Science and Engineering Engineering Mechanical and Aerospace Research Interests: Associate Professor (Joint Research Interests: Appt.) in Mechanical and Engineering Design under uncertainty, Research Interests: Research Interests: Mechanics of Aerospace Engineering probabilistic machine Fundamental Morphing structures, Director: Institute for multifunctional materials, learning, materials understanding of the building energy efficiency. deployable structures, Research Interests: Design and Manufacturing informatics, computational mechanisms by which origami, tensegrity, active Nanoscale Mechanics and Innovation (IDMI) microstructure materials plasticity deform materials, structural Materials. Research Interests: characterization, topology and fail, particularly in optimization. optimization. extreme environments. Optimal design, fabrication and experimental characterization of micro- architected materials

8 Mechanics of Materials and Structures – Courses Highlight

• MAE 254 Mechanics of Solids and Structures (Continuum Mechanics) • MAE 258 Mechanical Behavior of Solids - Continuum Theories (Materials Modeling) • MAE 259 Mechanical Behavior of Solids - Atomistic Theories •MAE 207 Advanced Finite Elements •MAE 248 Mechanics of Smart Structures •MAE 255 Composite Materials and Structures ENGRMAE 256. Nanomechanics. 4 Units. •MAE 256 Nanomechanics •MAE 282 Engineering Design Under Nanoscale materials and the experimental and computational Uncertainty techniques used to measure their properties. Mechanical behavior is the •MAE 295 Failure and Fracture main focus, but other material properties such as diffusion and electron transport are discussed.

Restriction: Graduate students only.

9 Dynamics and Control - Research

Areas of Interest • Control Theory and Algorithms • Autonomous and Distributed systems • Navigation and Flight systems • Machine Learning

10 Dynamics and Controls - Faculty

David Copp Tryphon Georgiou Faryar Jabbari Zak Kassas Solmaz Kia Athanasios Sideris Haithem Taha

Assistant Professor of Distinguished Professor of Professor of Mechanical Associate Professor of Associate Professor of Professor of Mechanical Associate Professor of Teaching of Mechanical Mechanical and and Aerospace Mechanical and Aerospace Mechanical and and Aerospace Mechanical and and Aerospace Aerospace Engineering Engineering Engineering Aerospace Engineering Engineering Aerospace Engineering Engineering Research Interests: Research Interests: Research Interests: Research Interests: Cyber-physical systems Systems and control; Research Interests:. Research Interests: Research Interests: Dynamical systems and Control theory, (CPS), autonomous vehicles decentralized/distributed Machine learning, Neural Geometric nonlinear Optimal control and control, mathematical particularly in robust and (aerial, ground, underwater), algorithm design for multi- network control, Robust control theory; unsteady estimation, hybrid physics, applied nonlinear control systems. -based navigation, agent systems; control aerodynamics and aeroelasticity; dynamical systems, mathematics. Saturation control and intelligent transportation cooperative navigation; energy storage, control applications for systems (ITS), cognitive and sensor fusion; fault optimization, calculus of pedagogy. combustion and fuel cell software-defined radio (SDR), detection. variations and optimal research. Controller sensor fusion. control; flight dynamics design for systems with and autopilot design; limited actuator capacity, airplane performance with emphasis on active and configuration and hybrid control aerodynamics. systems for earthquake engineering.

11 Dynamics and Control- Courses Highlight

• MAE206 Nonlinear Optimization Methods • MAE241 Dynamics • MAE270A Linear Systems I • MAE 239 Dynamics of Unsteady Flow • MAE 270B Linear Systems II • MAE 272 Robust Control • MAE 273 Control ENGRMAE 275. Nonlinear Feedback Systems. 4 Units. • MAE 274 Optimal Control • MAE 275 Nonlinear Feedback Advanced tools for feedback control system analysis and synthesis. Norms, operators, Lp • MAE 276 Geometric Nonlinear Control spaces, contraction mapping theorem, Lyapunov • MAE 277 Learning Control Systems techniques along with their extensions. Circle criterion positivity and passivity. Applications to • MAE 278 Estimation/Filtering nonlinear control methods, such as sliding mode or • MAE 295 Inertial Navigation adaptive techniques. • MAE 295 Networks & Control Prerequisite: ENGRMAE 270B • MAE 295 Stochastic Control Restriction: Graduate students only. • MAE 295 Satellite Systems

12 Fluid Dynamics and Propulsion - Research

Areas of Interest • Aeroacoustics • Electrosprays • Aeroelasticity • Jet & Rocket Propulsion • Biomedical Flows • Multiphase Flow • Combustion Theory • Turbomachinery • Computational Fluid Dynamics • Turbulence

13 Fluid Dynamics and Propulsion - Faculty

Said Elghobashi Manuel-Gamero Perry Johnson John LaRue Feng Liu Bihter Padak Dimitri Distinguished Associate Professor of Papamoschou Assistant Professor of Professor Emeritus of Professor Emeritus of Mechanical and Professor of Mechanical Assistant Professor of Mechanical and Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering and Aerospace Mechanical and Professor of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Aerospace Engineering Engineering Aerospace Engineering Mechanical and Aerospace Aerospace Research Interests: Engineering Research Interests: Engineering Research Interests: Research Interests: Research Interests: Fluid mechanics, heat Research Interests: Electric propulsion, Research transfer, turbulence. colloidal thrusters, Turbulent flows, Computational fluid Combustion, reaction Interests: Direct numerical electrosprays. particle-laden and dynamics, kinetics, and emissions simulation of turbulent multiphase flows, turbomachinery, control technologies. Aeroacoustics, chemically reacting turbulent boundary propulsion. compressible layers, large-eddy turbulence. and dispersed two- simulations, scientific phase flows. computing.

14 Fluid Dynamics and Propulsion - Faculty

Roger Rangel William Sirignano Haithem Taha Jacqueline Department Chair and Distinguished Professor Thomas Professor of of Mechanical and Associate Professor of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Mechanical and Assistant Professor Aerospace Aerospace Engineering of Mechanical and Engineering Aerospace Research Interests: Engineering Research Interests: Research Interests: Combustion theory, Research Heat transfer, spray multiphase flows, Geometric nonlinear Interests: combustion, two- turbulent reacting flows, control theory; unsteady phase flows, fluid computational methods. aerodynamics and Design of aircraft instability and Rocket and jet aeroelasticity; optimal systems and atomization. propulsion, gas turbine control; flight dynamics operations, aviation and internal combustion and autopilot design. environmental engines. impacts, Three-stream asymmetric nozzle used for aeroacoustics. reducing jet engine noise. Dimitri Papamoschou

15 Fluidic Dynamics and Propulsion- Courses Highlight

• MAE 230A Inviscid Incompressible Fluid Mechanics I • MAE 230B Viscous Incompressible Fluid Dynamics II • MAE 230C Compressible Fluid Dynamics • MAE 230D Theoretical Foundations of

ENGRMAE 231.Fundamentals of Turbulence. 4 Fluid Mechanics Units. • MAE 231 Fundamentals of Turbulence

Phenomenon of turbulence. Reynolds equations. • MAE 233 Turbulent Free Shear Flows Dynamics of turbulence. Free turbulent shear • MAE 236 Nonequilibrium Gas Dynamics flows. Wall-bounded turbulent shear flows. Turbulent transport of scalar quantities. Spectral • MAE 237 Computational Fluid Dynamics dynamics. Mathematical models of turbulence. • MAE 239 Dynamics of Unsteady Flows Prerequisite: ENGRMAE 230A and ENGRMAE 230B

Restriction: Graduate students only.

16 Systems and Design- Research

Motors Bowden Cables Computer

Prosthesis End-Effector

Data Cable

Areas of Interest • Design and control of MEMS • Carbon- and Magnetic MEMS • Machine information systems integration • CD-Based Fluidics • Computer Aided Design • Rehabilitation, prosthetics and exoskeletons • including microrobotics • Kinematics of spatial motion • Biomechanics • Design of Mechanical Systems

17 Systems and Design - Faculty

Marc Madou J. Michael David Natasha T. Buswell Donald Dabdub Lawrence Kulinsky McCarthy Reinkensmeyer Chancellor's Assistant Professor Professor of Mechanical Adjunct Professor of Professor of Director of the Professor of of Teaching in and Aerospace Mechanical and Mechanical and Performance Mechanical and Mechanical and Engineering; Civil and Aerospace Aerospace Engineering Program Aerospace Aerospace Environmental Engineering Engineering; and Professor of Engineering; Anatomy Engineering Engineering Research Interests: Biomedical Mechanical and and Neurobiology; Engineering; Aerospace Biomedical Research Interests: Research Interests: Micro- and nano- Chemical and Engineering Engineering; Physical Mathematical modeling of manufacturing, hybrid Biomolecular Medicine and Graduate engineering urban and global air manufacturing, Engineering Research Interests: Rehabilitation education, faculty pollution, dynamics of , development, atmospheric aerosols, electrokinetic Research Interests: Design of Research Interests: engineering teaching, secondary organic phenomena, mechanical systems, engineering aerosols, impact of energy BioMEMs, Miniaturization computer aided Robotics, education research generation on air quality, personalized science (MEMS and design, kinematic mechatronics, methods. chemical reactions at gas- diagnostics, and drug Natasha Buswell MAE 295 NEMS) with theory of spatial biomedical liquid interfaces. delivery. Academic Writing emphasis on motion. engineering, in Engineering chemical and rehabilitation, biological biomechanics, neural applications, C- control of movement. MEMS and CD based fluidics.

18 Systems and Design - Faculty

Nina Robson Andrei Shkel Jacqueline Thomas Camilo Velez Alexandra Voloshina

Associate Adjunct Professor of Mechanical Assistant Professor of Assistant Professor of Assistant Professor of Professor of and Aerospace Mechanical and Mechanical and Mechanical and Mechanical and Engineering; Biomedical Aerospace Aerospace Aerospace Aerospace Engineering; Electrical Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering and Computer Science Research Interests: Research Interests: Design of aircraft Research Interests: Kinematics, Research Interests: systems and Research Interests: mechanical systems operations, aviation Magnetic,microsystem design, robotics, Design and advanced environmental s & Microrobotics. Rehabilitation robotics, biomechanics. control of (MEMS); High- impacts, Emphasis on prosthetics, precision micro-machined aeroacoustics. Advanced exoskeletons, gyroscopes; MEMS- manufacturing of locomotion enhanced optical magnetic materials, biomechanics. systems; Electro- biohybrid–powered mechanical and machine- microrobots, and information systems microrobot swarms. integration.

David Reinkensmeyer demonstrates one of his robotic devices created to help patients recover hand and arm function after neurologic damage caused by stroke or spinal cord injury.

19 Systems and Design- Courses Highlight

• MAE 242 Robotics • MAE 244 Theoretical Kinematics • MAE 245 Spatial Mechanism Design • MAE 212 Electrochemistry for Engineers • MAE 247 Micro-System Design • MAE 249 Micro-Sensors and Actuators • MAE 250 Bio-Robotics • MAE 252 Fundamentals of Microfabrication ENGRMAE 252. Fundamentals of • MAE 253 BIOMEMS Microfabrication. 4 Units. • MAE 281 Design for Human Movement Introduces Engineering and Science • MAE 282 Computational Methods in Design students to the science of miniaturization. Different options to make very small • Engr 265 Advanced Manufacturing Choices machines (micro and nano size) are • MAE 279 Special Topics in Mechanical Systems reviewed, materials choices are discussed, scaling laws are analyzed, and many • ENGR 290 Developing Teaching Excellence practical applications are listed. • MAE 295 Academic Writing in Engineering

Restriction: Graduate students only.

20 Thermal and Transport Sciences - Research

Areas of Interest • Combustion and Emissions • Heat Transfer • Fuel Cell Technologies • Atomization and Sprays • Advanced Energy Systems • Reaction Kinetics • Renewable Energy •

21 Thermal and Transport Sciences - Faculty

Jacob Brouwer Derek Dunn-Rankin Jaeho Lee Vince McDonell Bihter Padak Professor of Mechanical and Professor Emeritus of Mechanical Assistant Professor of Adjunct Professor of Assistant Professor of Aerospace Engineering; Civil and Aerospace Engineering; Civil Mechanical and Aerospace Mechanical and Aerospace Mechanical and Aerospace and Environmental and Environmental Engineering; Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering Environmental Health Sciences Research Interests: Research Interests: Research Interests: Research Interests: Research Interests: Combustion, Heat transfer, Combustion, alternative fuels, Combustion, reaction kinetics, Fuel cells, energy systems optical particle sizing, particle cooling, energy harvesting, gas turbines, sprays, and emissions control dynamics, electrochemical aerodynamics, laser diagnostics photonics, microdevices, and diagnostics, combined heat technologies. systems design and analysis, and spectroscopy. nanomaterials. and power, emissions, chemical kinetics, reacting autoignition/flashback flows.

22 Thermal and Transport Sciences - Faculty

G. Scott Samuelsen Yun Wang Yoonjin Won Director of Advanced Power Professor of Mechanical and Assistant Professor of and Energy Program, Aerospace Engineering Mechanical and Aerospace Research Professor and Engineering Professor Emeritus of Research Interests: Fuel Mechanical and Aerospace cells, computational modeling, Research Interests: Multi- Engineering; Civil and thermo-fluidics, two-phase scale structures for thermal Environmental Engineering flows, electrochemistry, CFD, and energy applications, in turbulent combustion. particular fabrication, Research Interests: characterization, and Combustion, sprays, laser integration of structured diagnostics, air quality, materials. turbulent transport, alternative fuels, modeling reacting flows, practical systems, energy and environmental conflict.

23 Thermal and Transport Science- Courses - Highlight

• MAE 216 Statistical Thermodynamics • MAE 217 Generalized Thermodynamics • MAE 220 Conduction Heat Transfer • MAE 221 Convective Heat Transfer • MAE 210 Advanced Fundamentals of Combustion • MAE 212 Engineering Electrochemistry: Fundamentals and Applications • MAE 214A. Fuel Cell Fundamentals and Technology ENGRMAE 260. Current Issues Related to Air • MAE 214B. Fuel Cell Systems and Degradation Quality, Climate, and Energy. 4 Units. • MAE 214C PEM Fuel Cells Current issues related to the atmosphere, • MAE 215 Advanced Combustion Technology climate, and air quality in the context of energy conversion and sustainability. Topics include • MAE 224 Advanced Transport Phenomena transportation systems; building design; • MAE 227 Thermal Resistance Analysis in impacts on humans and ecosystems; modeling and meteorology; economics; and application Microdevices and Nanomaterials to public policies. • MAE 228 Nanoscale Phase Change Transport

Prerequisite: ENGRMAE 261 or CHEM 245 or Physics EARTHSS 240 • MAE 260 Current Issues Related to Air Quality, Restriction: Graduate students only. Climate, and Energy • MAE 295 Chemical Kinetics and Simulations

24 Aerospace Engineering

A broad theme that encompasses many research and educational activities in MAE, including: • Aircraft systems design and operations • Innovative engine cycles for airbreathing propulsion • Electrified propulsion for aircraft • Subsonic and supersonic aerodynamics • Dynamics and control of aerospace vehicles, including geometric nonlinear control • Aeroacoustics of integrated aerial platforms • Aeroelasticity and morphing structures • Spacecraft propulsion • Autonomy and Cyber Physical Systems • Navigation Systems

25 Aerospace Engineering - Faculty

Manuel-Gamero Edwin Peraza Zak Kassas Solmaz Kia Robert Liebeck Feng Liu Dimitri Associate Professor of Hernandez Papamoschou Associate Professor of Associate Professor of Mechanical and Adjunct Professor of Professor of Mechanical Mechanical and Aerospace Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Assistant Professor of Mechanical and and Aerospace Professor of Engineering Aerospace Engineering Aerospace Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Mechanical and Engineering Engineering Aerospace Research Interests: Research Interests: Research Interests: Engineering Cyber-physical systems Systems and control; Research Interests: Research Interests: Research Interests: Electric propulsion, Morphing structures, (CPS), autonomous decentralized/distributed Aerodynamics, Research colloidal thrusters, vehicles (aerial, ground, algorithm design for multi- hydrodynamics, and deployable structures, Computational fluid Interests: underwater), satellite- agent systems; electrosprays. aircraft design. dynamics, origami, tensegrity, active based navigation, cooperative navigation; turbomachinery, Aeroacoustics, materials, structural intelligent transportation sensor fusion; fault propulsion. compressible optimization. systems (ITS), cognitive detection. turbulence. and software-defined radio (SDR), sensor fusion.

26 Aerospace Engineering - Faculty

William Sirignano Haithem Taha Jacqueline Thomas Distinguished Professor Associate Professor of of Mechanical and Mechanical and AAssistant Aerospace Engineering Aerospace Engineering Professor of Mechanical and Aerospace Research Interests: Research Interests: Engineering Combustion theory, Geometric nonlinear Research multiphase flows, control theory; unsteady Interests: turbulent reacting flows, aerodynamics and computational methods. aeroelasticity; optimal Design of aircraft Rocket and jet control; flight dynamics systems and propulsion, gas turbine and autopilot design. operations, aviation and internal combustion environmental engines. impacts, aeroacoustics.

27 MAE Graduate Student Association

 Student‐run organization with a focus on improving the academic lives of graduate students in the MAE department  Enhance your educational experience through mentorship, outreach, and social activities.  Provide guidance and support for your academic life  Relationship with your PI  Issues working as a TA or Grader  Masters degree requirements/options, Preliminary exam, etc.  Provide workshops and information sessions to prepare you for a career after graduation



28 MAE‐GSA Officers

President: Maryam Asghari VP Internal: Zahra Heydarzadeh VP External: Shiva Farzinazar International Student Rep: Kimia Montazeri Masters Student Rep : Marzieh Ataei Outreach Coordinator: Alejandra Hormaza

Are You Interested in Joining Us? Email us: [email protected]

Available positions: Secretary, Masters Student Rep, Treasurer, Web Master, Publicity, Faculty Ambassador,

29 HSSoE Graduate Affairs Office

204 Rockwell Engineering Center (building #311) http://www.eng.uci.edu/current/graduate [email protected] Monday-Friday 9am-12pm; 1pm-4pm

Dr. Fadi Kurdahi Associate Dean

Jean Bennett Mark Banderas Director Graduate Counselor [email protected] [email protected] Primarily works with Primarily works with all MS MSEM, M.Eng, and and PhD students

Computational Science JDP Revised 7/2020


31 Ramin Bostanabad Teaching Assistant Professor • MAE 200A (Engineering Analysis), F19 09/2019-Present • MAE 295 (Engineering Design Under Education: Uncertainty), S20, W21 • Ph.D. Northwestern, 2019 • MAE 150 (Mechanics of Materials), F20, • BSc. Tehran University, S21 2013 Sample Research Projects • Deep Learning: Art + Engineering + Statistics • Design: Mechanics + machine learning + topology optimization

Computer vision for materials

See https://pmacslab.eng.uci.edu/ for more and reach out if you are interested.

32 Personal: Natascha Buswell Hometown – Boulder, Assistant Teaching Colorado Professor Interests – Reading, PhD, Engineering hiking, camping, visiting Education, Purdue University US National Parks, Quilting, and my dog, BS, Aerospace Engineering, Syracuse University Kona Service: Joined UCI in January 2018 Undergraduate Studies Committee, Senior Design Task Force, ABET Evaluation Team Member, Engineering Faculty Learning Community facilitator

Teaching: ENGR 290: Developing Teaching Research: Excellence I aim to understand the experiences of engineers and Features – student-led discussions, people in STEM (students, instructors, professionals) creating a statement of teaching philosophy, designing a course syllabus in academic and workplace contexts. I research the MAE 189: MAE Projects, Large teaching experiences and methods of graduate multi-level enrollment, various students and faculty at a variety of institutional types, group sizes and projects the writing processes of graduate students, and the Features – weekly check-in meetings, identity formation of undergraduate students. design documentation, design reviews Inclusive Excellence: I love supporting graduate students and colleagues with their teaching development plans, especially as they relate to inclusive teaching practices and ways of Example of an application activity – ensuring UCI is an equitable learning environment. model something in daily life as a beam


Associate Professor FC Power 170 Experiment • Electrochemical System 168 Model 166 Dynamics and Control 164 FC Power [kW] Power FC Energy conversion device 162

• 160 Cycle Conceptualization & 0 50000 100000 150000 200000 dynamics; coupled mass, energy Time [sec] Thermodynamic Analyses and momentum conservation, • Hybrid Fuel Cell Gas chemical and electrochemical Turbine Systems reaction and heat transfer; high • Built Environment Dynamics temp. fuel cell and • Renewable Power Systems PV Power 7.9 kW EZ Power (In) 4.2 kW FC Power (Out) Grid Power


electrochemical device 7

6 dynamics, renewable power 5 4

Power (kW)Power 3 dynamics 2 1

0 Time (One Week) Joined Dept. –July 2011 INSTRUCTION RESEARCH CAPABILITIES

Undergraduate Courses: • State‐of‐the‐Art High Temperature Fuel Cell Fundamentals (MAE114); Applied Engineering Electrochemical Measurements Thermodynamics (MAE115) • Experimental Fuel Cell Systems Dev. Undergraduate project supervision: • Multi‐physics Modeling • Solar Car • Dynamic Simulation & Controls Dev. • Advanced Energy Community • Ceramic Fuel Cell Synthesis & Mfg. Graduate Courses: • Microstructural Characterization Fuel Cell Fundamentals and Technology (MAE214A); Fuel Cell Systems and Degradation (MAE214B); Radiation Heat Transfer (MAE 222) Other: Regular Alternative Energy, Fuel Cell Seminar, and ICEPAG short course instructor

34 Penghui Cao  Mechanics of Amorphous Solids group website: cao.eng.uci.edu

Assistant Professor MAE@UCI Jan. 2019 – Instructionpresent : • Mechanical Behavior & Design Principles (UG) • Material Failure & Fracture Mechanics (UG/G) • Atomistic Theories (G)

Research: fundamental understanding of the mechanisms by which materials plasticly deform  Long Timescale Atomistic Simulation and fail particularly in extreme environments.  Mechanics of Heterogeneous Materials

35 David Copp Teaching

Assistant Professor of Undergraduate courses: Teaching • Electric Circuits (MAE 60) • Dynamics (MAE 80) Joined UCI - 2019 • Mechanical Systems Laboratory (MAE 106) Dynamics, Controls, • Vibrations (MAE 147) Robotics • Capstone Design (MAE 189) • MAE Projects: Ph.D., UCSB M.S., UCSB B.S., Univ. of Arizona Graduate courses: Formerly Research Staff, • Convex Optimization Sandia Natl Labs Research

Optimal Control and Estimation - biomedical, robotics, and aerospace applications Energy Systems - analysis, optimization, stability, and control Engineering Education - increasing participation and persistence of underrepresented students

36 Derek Dunn‐ Rankin Professor Emeritus of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering; Civil and Environmental Engineering; Environmental Health Sciences Experimental research in fluid and thermal sciences, including combustion

Joined UCIInstruction – 1987 Undergraduate Courses: Research Some Research Directions: Air pollution, combustion, engineering design, engineering design in industry Ballistic imaging holography Undergraduate project supervision: Combustion of fuel hydrates and other water‐laden fuels Droplet evaporation in turbulence, Formula SAE, advanced combustion technology Electrical effects on combustion Graduate Courses: Miniature engine Thermodynamics, statistical performance thermodynamics, combustion, optical diagnostics Methane Web: lfa.eng.uci.edu hydrate flame

37 Using parallel computation to understand the dynamics of the troposphere

Donald Dabdub Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering Advanced Power and Energy Program

Research Interest: Mathematical Modeling of Air Pollution


New Research Directions: Undergraduate Courses: Air pollution; Engineering computations; •Alternative fuels (hydrogen, electric Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence vehicles, biofuels) and their impacts on the troposphere Undergraduate Supervision: •Study of the role of NH on the Scientific computation: UNIX, FORTRAN; 3 dynamics of SOA formation Web technology; Scientific Visualization

Graduate Courses: Physics and chemistry of the atmosphere; Engineering analysis; Applied mathematics

38 39 Edwin A. Peraza Hernandez Instruction Assistant Professor, University of California, Irvine • Fall: MAE 254, Mechanics of Solids and Structures • Ph.D., Aerospace Engineering, • Winter: MAE 157, Lightweight Texas A&M University, 2016 Structures • B.S., Aerospace Engineering, • Spring: MAE 148 and MAE Texas A&M University, 2012 248, Mechanics of Smart Structures

morphing.eng.uci.edu u = x – X Contact: [email protected] X x

Research Mechanics and Design of Deployable Mechanics and Design of and Lightweight Structures Small-Scale Structures Morphing Wings Pop-up Origami Structures Lattices with θ Custom Thermal Expansion θ R ef θ er en ce C on fi gu ra ti on

Unfolde Patterned d model film Target Folded structure Stackable Structures shape Origami Microfabrication

40 Current and Past Research Manuel Gamero‐Castaño Associate Professor Fundamental research on Nanodroplet sputtering electrospray atomization of inert materials Research in electrospray atomization and technological applications such as electric micropropulsion for spacecraft, nanodroplet beams, and Colloid thrusters for formation Fundamental research on ion field ’ evaporation,ion induced nucleation, etc. electrospray ionization. flying, NASA s ST7 and LISA missions

Joined UCI –July 2007

Instruction Other Areas for Future Research MEMS multiemitter electrospray Focused nanodroplet beams source for colloid thrusters for micromachining Undergraduate Courses: Electric Circuit and Interfaces (MAE180), Electric Propulsion (MAE113) Undergraduate project supervision: UCISat Graduate Courses: Optimal design of Study of shock‐induced amorphization colloid thruster electrodes using nanoprojectiles Statistical Thermodynamics (MAE216), Classical Thermodynamics (MAE217), Electric Propulsion TEM of amorphous (MAE213) Si layer on single‐ crystal Si, produced by the impact of nanodroplets

41 42 Faryar Jabbari Research Areas: Professor and Robust Control Associate Dean Actuator Saturation Modeling/Control of Fuel Cells Control Systems and Smart BEV charging Applications Multi-agent systems Structural systems Joined UCI: 1986 Active Collaborations: Zareian -CEE (earthquake engineering) Browuer (Fuel Cell Systems)

Undergraduate Courses: Dynamics (Intro) Mechanical Vibrations Engineering Analysis Engr. Design in Industry Graduate Courses : Linear Systems A,B

Nonlinear Feedback Systems Air

System Identification Turbine Generator/ Motor Engineering Analysis Compressor Heat Fuel Exch. Exit + H Fuel Heater

O Oxid- 2 SOFC izer


43 Teaching: Turbulence simulation: →Intro to Fluid Mechanics (MAE 130A) →Large-eddy simulation →Viscous Incompressible Flow (MAE 230B) →Subgrid modeling →Fundamentals of Turbulence (MAE 231) →Scientific computing →Turbulent Wall-Bounded Flows (MAE 295) Turbulence physics: Research: →Multiscale interactions Physics & Simulation of Turbulence →Multiphase flows →Boundary layers Perry Johnson Assistant Professor

Turbulent oil spill (credit: US DoE)

Turbulent atmospheric boundary layer flows over a wind farm (credit: Vattenfall)

Turbulent sneeze (credit: Bourouiba 2020)

Turbulent boundary layer and wake on a cone at Mach 4. (credit: Schneider 2004)

44 Teaching Research Undergrad: • Cyber‐physical systems (CPS) • Intro. to Control Systems • Autonomous vehicles: (MAE170) Aerial, Ground, Underwater • Fundamentals of Navigation • Satellite‐based navigation Autonomous Systems Systems (TBD) • Intelligent transportation Grad: Perception, Intelligence, & Zak Kassas systems (ITS) • Navigation Laboratory Assistant Professor Satellite‐Based Navigation • Cognitive and software‐ MAE & EECS (Joint (MAE295) defined radio (SDR) http://aspin.eng.uci.edu Appointment), & • Advanced Detection & • Sensor fusion ITS Estimation Theory (MAE295)

45 Solmaz S. Kia Instruction Assistant Professor Research Interest: Control system Undergraduate courses: Dynamics (MAE 80) design and analysis, Networked systems, Robot motion planning, Graduate courses: Filtering and probabilistic robotics Linear systems (MAE 270A) Optimal control (MAE 274) Ph.D., Mechanical and Aerospace Eng., UC Irvine Nonlinear Optimization methods (MAE 206) M.Sc., Aerospace Eng. (Flight Dynamics), Sharif Univ. of Tech. B.S., Aerospace Eng., Sharif Univ. of Tech.

Cooperative Localization Distributed Optimal Decision Making Selected Research Activities Cognitive and Reflective for Mobile Agents Monitoring Systems for Urban Environments

Universal Navigation Solution Manager

Tracked Platforms Particle Filter Navigation Software

Location Referenced Maps, Environment Sensor Models Models, Images, & Algorithms source Platform For Integrity Models Monitoring Databases Lawrence Kulinsky Research Interests Adjunct Professor Electrokinetic retention of fluid in microchannels, Electroactive Polymers, Active Drug Delivery, Micro- and Nano- Enzymatic Biosensors, Centrifugal Microfluidics, Manufacturing, Microfluidics, Additive Manufacturing of Bioassay Systems. Personalized Health Care.

Joined UCI in 2005

https://faculty.sites.uci.edu/kulinsky / Instruction Most Recent Research Undergraduate courses: Electrokinetic Micro- and Nano-Assembly, Additive Introduction to Engineering (ENGR 7A and 7B), Heat Manufacturing of Cellular Structures, Transfer (MAE 120), Introduction to Viscous and Biofabrication. Compressible Flows (MAE 130B), Theory of Machines and Mechanisms (MAE 145), Mechanics of Structures Lab (MAE 150L).

Graduate courses: Fundamentals of Microfabrication (MAE 252), Advanced BioMEMs (MAE 253).

47 Wind Tunnel John LaRue Professor and Associate Dean, Undergraduate Student Affairs Polymer Spring Experimental F (mechanical) Lp Ls Z Zo H W Spring research in fluid and Plate thermal sciences and Anchor

MEMS F (electrical) Electrode V Joined UCI – 1980 Undergraduate Courses: Instruction Some New Directions: Research Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics, Engineering Turbulent Mixing as a function of multiple Design, Aero Lab length scales Undergraduate project supervision: Fundamental turbulence studies SAE Cargo Airplane, Stirling Engine, PEM Fluid‐structure interaction Fuel Cell, Solar Powered Car Particle motion in turbulent flows Electrically Conducting Polymers for use Graduate Courses: as structural elements in MEMS devices Fluid Mechanics and Turbulence

48 Feng Liu Professor Ph.D. 1991, Princeton University AIAA Fellow Research Areas: Fluid Dynamics, Aerodynamics, Combustion, Turbomachinery, and Jet Flutter of F16 with Store Propulsion Flow over NASA CRM Airplane Model

Graduate Teaching: • Engineering Analysis (MAE200B) • Compressible Fluid Dynamics (MAE230C) • Non-equilibrium Gas Dynamics (MAE236) LES Simulation of • Computational Fluid Dynamics (MAE237) Vortices over Delta Wing

Research Projects: • Computational Fluid Dynamics • Turbulent and Reactive Flows • Vortex stability • Flow control using plasma actuators • Fluid-structure interactions • Aerodynamic Design and Optimization • Jet engine cycle innovation • Jet noise prediction Unsteady Flow Through NASA Rotor 35 Fan StageLES Simulation of Noise Emission from Supersonic Jet Jaeho Lee INSTRUCTION Assistant Professor Undergraduate Course MAE, UCI since 2015 • Heat and Mass Transfer (MAE 120) Graduate Courses • Postdoc, Lawrence • Conduction Heat Transfer (MAE 220) Berkeley Lab, 2015 • Thermal Resistance Analysis in Microdevices and • PhD, ME, Stanford Nanomaterials (MAE 227) University, 2012 Senior Design Project • BS, ME, Georgia • Wear A Thermoelectric Calorie Harvester Tech, 2007 (WATCH)

My work targets use-inspired basic research in heat transfer and RESEARCH advances in both knowledge and technology (https://lee.eng.uci.edu/)

Bio-Inspired 3D-Manufactured Nanowire-Based Thermoregulation Metamaterials? Energy Harvesting? ?

50 Marc Madou • Chancellor’s Professor • NAI Fellow • IIT Kharagpur, Honorary Distinghuised Visiting Professor • Tec de Monterrey, Mexico, Star Faculty • Joined UCI 2002

• Instruction: • Research: • Undergraduate courses/supervision: – Compact disc‐based microfluidics • Advanced Manufacturing Choices (rapid Prototyping) – Molecular diagnostics: sensors and • Carbon micro‐ and nanofabrication systems • Diagnostics on a CD – Carbon Micro and Nanomachining (‐ Graduate courses: • C‐MEMS and C‐NEMS) • Electrochemistry for Engineers • Fundamentals of Microfabrication – Collaborators : Lund Sweden, IIT • Fundamentals of BioMEMS Kanpur, KIT Germany, IIT Kharagpur, • Advanced Manufacturing Choices (rapid Prototyping) UNIST South‐Korea, ETH Lausanne and Tec de Monterrey in Mexico. – http://mmadou.eng.uci.edu/

51 J. Michael McCarthy — Robot Kinematics

Undergraduate Course: Professor, MAE 183 Computer Aided Design of Mechanisms Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Graduate Courses: - MS, PhD, Mechanical Engineering, MAE 240 Robotics Stanford University 1979 MAE 245 Advanced Synthesis of Mechanisms - BSME, Mechanical Engineering, MAE 279 Special Topics: Walking Machine Design Loyola Marymount University Senior Projects: Electric Vehicle Design, Mini-Baja Vehicle Design

For N=11 coordinated angles this yields 70 equations in 70 unknowns. Bezout bound d = 270 = 1.18x1021, the multi- homogeneous degree is d = 264x106.

52 Research

Vincent McDonell Adjunct Professor

910 K 870 K 830 K Experimental Gas 1,000 (msec) Turbine Combustion 100 UCI ‐ Methane Time

UCI ‐ Ethane UCI ‐ Propane Methane Delay

and Spray Science, High Pressure Spray Ethane Propane 70/30 Methane/Ethane 70/30 Methane/Propane Alternative Fuels, Fuel Ignition UCI ‐ Methane/Ethane UCI ‐ Methane/Propane 10 100.0 1.05 1.10 1.15 1.20 1.25 Interchangeability S1F3 1000/T (1/K) 2atm 2.5% mix 2atm 5% 3atm 2.5% 3atm 5% Laser Diagnostics 10.0 4atm 5% 5atm 5% 8atm 2.5% blend* 8atm 2.5% blend* hot air 8atm 2.5% blend* spacer hot Leonard & Stegmaier 8atm 2.5% blend* spacer cold 1.0 Blend* = 75% and 25% Joined UCI 1990, NOx ppmvd @ 15% O2 H2/CH4 blended gas Oil/Water Emulsions Adjunct since 2004 0.1 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 AFT (K)

Instruction: Current Research Directions: • Atomization of Homogeneous & • Combustion and Fuel Cell Heterogeneous Liquids Practical Systems (110) • Combustion Characteristics of • Design of Experiments (284) Alternative Gas and Liquid Fuels • Advanced Combustion Systems (215) • Interaction of Alternative Liquid Fuels • Engineering Design in Industry (188) and Materials • Diagnostic Methods (295) • Fuel Interchangeability Criteria • Distributed Energy Systems • Active Combustion Control/Smart Burners • Optical Diagnostics

53 Bihter Padak Research interests: • Combustion Assistant Professor, Mechanical • and Aerospace Engineering Emission controls • Reaction Kinetics Associate Director, UCI Combustion Laboratory • Molecular Modeling Advanced Power & Energy Instruction: Program Combustion, Heat Transfer, Design Website: www.ucicl.uci.edu

54 Dimitri Papamoschou

Research Graduate teaching • Jet and fan aeroacoustics • MAE 200B - Partial Differential • Aeroacoustics of propulsion- Equations airframe integration • MAE 230C - Compressible Fluid • Jet noise reduction Dynamics • Advanced microphone phased array • MAE 233 – Shear Flow Turbulence techniques • Compressible turbulence


Roger H. Rangel Metal drop solidification Professor

Fluid mechanics and heat transfer of dispersed multiphase systems, including droplets and sprays; atomization; Droplet Radiation Absorption particle interaction in viscous and viscoelastic fluids; mixing in microdevices.

Joined UCI –Aug 1985


Undergraduate Courses: Particle Deformation and Breakup Mixing in Microdevices Introduction to Thermodynamics (MAE91), Introduction to Fluid Mechanics (MAE130A) Undergraduate project supervision: none Graduate Courses: Viscous Incompressible Fluid Mechanics (MAE230B) Other: Balsells Fellowship Coordinator

(courtesy of HRL)

56 Current and past research: David Reinkensmeyer Robot‐assisted movement training after Professor stroke and spinal cord injury Human motor learning robotics, neuromuscular control, rehabilitation engineering, motor learning

Joined UCI 1998


Undergraduate Courses: Mechanical system laboratory; Sensory Motor Systems

Undergraduate Project Supervision: New research directions Rehabilitation Robotics Wearable devices for monitoring stroke recovery Neural models of brain recovery Graduate Courses: Robot‐assisted wheelchair driver’s training , Sensory Motor Systems Motor learning in golf and dance Combining rehabilitation with neuroregeneration Web: biorobotics.eng.uci.edu

57 Vision: Research Tim Rupert Associate Professor Enable next‐generation technologies by (Joined UCI in 2011) understanding novel structure‐property scaling laws and structural stability of nanomaterials. Research Interests: Solid mechanics and materials Current Projects: science of nanomaterials; • Development of bulk nanostructured materials designing the internal with optimal combinations of properties structure of materials • Engineering grain boundary chemistry and network connectivity Website: rupert.eng.uci.edu • Connecting atomistic modeling to experimental techniques • Unique techniques for characterizing materials and measuring important properties Teaching

Undergraduate: • Lightweight Structures (MAE 157) ‐Winter

Graduate: • Mechanical Behavior of Solids: Atomistic Theories (MAE 259) ‐ Fall • Nanomechanics (MAE 295) ‐ Spring

58 Fuel Cell Technology Combustion Technology


Scott Samuelsen Director, Advanced Power and Energy Program Research Professor Mechanical, Aerospace, and Environmental Engineering

Joined UCI: July 1970 Hydrogen Technology



59 Instruction Andrei Shkel Professor Undergraduate Courses: Vibrations (MAE 147) Diploma (Hons), Moscow State University, Russia, Graduate Courses: 1991 Micro-Systems Design (MAE247) PhD, UW-Madison, 1997 Micro-sensors and Actuators (MAE 249) Postdoc, Berkeley, 1997- Inertial Navigation (MAE 248) Joined1999 UCI – January 2000 Research

. MicroSystems, MEMS

. Gyroscopes

. Inertial Navigation

. Vestibular Prosthetics

MicroSystems Laboratory http://mems.eng.uci.edu



Adaptation & Learning & Adaptation


(MAE277) Control Neural

272) (MAE Control Robust

(MAE206) Methods Optimization Control Control


Optimal Optimal 270A) (MAE Theory System Linear

Control Output


Courses: Graduate






(MAE171) Systems Control Digital

Linearize along


Move (MAE170) Systems Control to Introduction


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Courses: Undergraduate P

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Solved CTOC


92 January – UCI Joined ‘

Algorithms. Learning

Statistical and Networks

Neural , Control Optimal

Design, Control Robust



Sideris Athanasios

PROJECTS RESEARCH CURENT William A. Sirignano Distinguished Professor of Current Research Activities Mechanical and Aerospace Combustion Dynamics Multi-phase Flow, Engineering For Rocket and Jet Engines Compressible Flow Theory / Computation at Supercritical Pressure, for Combustion, Spray and Droplet Theory Fluid Dynamics, and a Jet Propulsion Princeton 1964-1979 Carnegie-Mellon 1979-84 UCI 1985 - present

Undergraduate Courses: Propulsion, Astronautics, Engineering Analysis Liquid Injection Graduate Courses: and Breakup with Incompressible Fluid Dynamics, Vorticity Dynamics Viscous Fluid Dynamics, Nonequilibrium Gasdynamics, Use of Neural Networks Combustion, Engineering Analysis, for Sub-grid Closure Perturbation Methods, Turbulence, in Large-Eddy Simulations Theoretical Foundations of Fluid Mechanics

Multi-branched Flamelet Theory for Sub-grid Closure in Large-Eddy Simulations http://mae.eng.uci.edu/Faculty/WAS/index.html

62 Lorenzo Valdevit Professor, Materials Science and Eng. Research Professor, Mechanical and Aerosp. Eng. Director, Institute for Design and Manufacturing Innovation (IDMI) • Optimal design of multifunctional (Joined UCI in 2007) architected materials http://valdevit.eng.uci.edu • Processing of ceramic micro‐ & nano‐architected materials by Direct Research Interests: Laser Writing and Direct Ink Writing Nanoarchitected materials Mechanical metamaterials • Shell and plate‐based metamaterials Additive Manufacturing • Laser Powder Bed Fusion Mechanics of Materials Materials Processing and • Micro/nanoscale mechanical testing Characterization and microstructural characterization • Cold Spray Teaching

Undergraduate: • MSE190 – Materials Selection and Design (S21) Graduate: • MSE265 – Phase Transformations (W21)

Past teaching • MAE295 – Architected Materials • MAE155/255 – Composite Materials • MAE254 – Continuum Mechanics • MAE258 – Mech. Behavior: Continuum Theories • MAE150 – Mechanics of Structures • MAE157 – Lightweight Structures

63 Instruction Haithem Taha Undergraduate Courses: Associate -PhD, Dynamics & Control of Aerospace Vehicles (MAE Professor Engineering 175) Mechanics, Graduate Courses: Virginia Tech, Geometric Nonlinear Control (MAE 276) 2013 Dynamics (MAE 241) - MS, Applied Unsteady Aerodynamics (MAE 295) Mathematics, Senior Projects Virginia Tech Flapping MAV: 2013 Design, build and fly of a flapping micro-air-vehicle - BSc, MSc LIBRA Aerospace Design of an unconventional flight control system Engineering, for operation near stall. Cairo University 2005, 2008RESEARCH

Geometric Nonlinear Unsteady Nonlinear Control Aerodynamics Unconventional Flight o Nonlinear Controllability Concepts

𝒙 𝒇 𝒙𝒈𝒙𝑢 Lie 𝒇, 𝒈,…,𝒈 𝒇, 𝒈 ,…

𝑴𝒒o Vibrational𝑪𝒒, 𝒒 Control

𝒀𝒒𝑈𝜔 cos 𝜔𝑡

64 Jacqueline Thomas Past Research Design of aircraft systems and Noise abatement flight procedure design and analysis, operations, aviation environmental development of systems framework consisting of flight dynamics impacts, aeroacoustics. and noise source models to determine community noise impacts of Joined UCI Faculty 2020 aircraft

Instruction Current Research Undergraduate courses: Application of systems‐based noise analysis to the design of delayed Airplane Performance (MAE 158), Design Build Fly (MAE 189) deceleration approaches, validation of noise models. Design and environmental analysis of future aircraft concepts

DDA Noise Analysis

65 Alexandra (Sasha) Voloshina Instruction Assistant Professor Undergraduate Courses: - BSE, U. of Michigan, 2007 Vibrations (MAE 147) - MS , U. of Michigan, 2010 - MSE, U. of Michigan, 2013 Graduate Courses: - PhD, U. of Michigan, 2015 Design for Human Movement (MAE - Postdoc, Tech. University of 295) Darmstadt, 2015-2017 - Postdoc, Stanford, 2017-2020


Gait augmentation and Locomotion control and Wearable robotics rehabilitation mechanics

Assistive Active prostheses exoskeletons Robotic emulator system Gait on variable surfaces

66 Past Research: Mark Walter • Reliability and Durability of SOFC Professor of Electrolytes and Seals Teaching, Co‐Director • Thermal Barrier Coatings Center for • Carbon Fiber Composites Experiential Learning Current Research: • Research and • Ground‐Coupled Heat Loss Development for a • Model Predictive Ventilation Conditioning Joined UCI ‐ 2015 more Energy Efficient and Sustainable Future Fall Teaching: Undergraduate Courses: Winter Mechanics of Structures, Lightweight Structures, Intro to Controls, Intro to Eng. Computations, Building Science for Mechanical Engineers Undergraduate Project Supervision: Plant‐Based Greywater Recycling, Dripless Faucet Aerator, Co‐Director MAE Senior Design Projects Program Future Directions: Graduate Courses: • Software Defined Buildings Fracture and Failure, Experimental • Reliability and Durability of Building Mechanics Components

67 68 Prof. Yoonjin Won won.eng.uci.edu / [email protected]

Vapor local dry-out

Cu Inverse Opal evaporative Fluid cooling Heat 50 μm Material Development Phase Change Physics Nanoscale Multiphase Heat Transfer

Electronics Packaging Water Energy Harvesting

Chip Cooling

69 MAE Adjunct Faculty

R.H. Liebeck V.G. McDonell L. Muzio Nina Robson Lawrence Kulinsky Boeing ERC FERCo Mircea Gradu

MAE Active Emeritus Faculty

G.S. Samuelsen John LaRue Jim Bobrow Ken Mease Said Elghobashi Derek Dunn‐Rankin

70 MAE Joint Appointees

Joyce Keyak Arash Kheradvar Abe Lee Vasan Venugopalan Medicine BME BME ChEMS

Mohammad Al Aparna Lorenzo Valdevit Tim Rupert Faruque Chandramowlishwaran MSE MSE EECS EECS

Iryna Zenyuk CBE