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1978 The aiD ly Lobo 1971 - 1980

10-30-1978 New Mexico Daily Lobo, Volume 082, No 49, 10/ 30/1978 University of New Mexico

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Recommended Citation University of New Mexico. "New Mexico Daily Lobo, Volume 082, No 49, 10/30/1978." 82, 49 (1978).

This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the The aiD ly Lobo 1971 - 1980 at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in 1978 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. l'al-(e 12, New M"xieo Daily LOBO, Ot•tober 27, HJ7H SERIAlS DEPl plu·, lllllllH:., ncar '-ampu<-., Jlllfl '•11\ukcr. 2fi6-3CJ62 tL• ~t11.lf ~klll~. Ytm Vr!ll knl.' tt1epcnpk ;md yuu1 hour" 3. SERVICES ,,ftcr ~ onpm. 11,.02 ilfC 111!-XJhlc. \\'1.' arc hl.'aVJI~ inw ~.·l•mpu!(.'h Call \1AI-! ·\1.-Ar-.··m,_~-~~-IAKT ll(;tl•t'. -i.-l2(-~;~~iuliinv Hl•alth 1-lJ:'>liUr.;e Rc~l'>tr:-.- Nur1h ( ·amru..,, o:.;ur!!C Kl""J\CJ''. J'l'f']•.c, ~.1 R\]c l l!li\1 "•dt'•'lhJ .lf'P"''''ftJ~·!I~ ~~Oil "I H\l 'r '\1AJII!\CJ ( Jf/.(TT-:\J{...,, ~ • ~ .'U• lt' !' V.· !11 ~···. lit_ \l"trnah ...,UI'f"IJt>d • • .. '!an llllm~:d;;JI.;;\. In··· (,! 1].-\H I [",'fit·,·, \[I 1·,], \1.1' fnlii,L• 5. .FOR SALE ,lc!;~~~- )lllllll:'f 'fJ!JC ( ],_!\,<.;<(Til •il!l>"l ·Ul, \ ·\ •J4JJ.C: w ~~ ------. ..,4 !JfJ!JC,l \-/\!'<, tt:l'l)" tu hmld 11p OW.' \til), l False campaign alleged IJf\ l)'PI~~r, '1l f.l.ldf ( •\ .1111if•klt· l~flWI! ,wd ,,tln•J, lllilflllitl lran~llll'•'•lnll, ~nod prH:c {till 2ti'i­ PAii""i"fT~J·r·I!N!J. ' nwrnin_g~. (J;[:'i.Jm <'dillliM] ._,,•,lnH I•·• hill> ill, Jll'll{'f,ll. h:.)l•ll. ITICih~;.~l, l9]H.tflcrbpm tl11 !LUia"rn, 1 cluld. Xyr-~.., pa~ nep,il(l<~bk. (·all ZM·-'960. By BILL ROBERTSON same a~ that amount of per~onillitllithlt"•· 1.J"i 212.~ )2:01 II NAfiii:-291-xc,Hri;J~ Put (Jcpcndalllc· $75.00, 2S:'i-SR92 or 277-4826. 10127 PAR'l I'JME~ NJGHT Bw.boy. Part t1me rn~lllt~r. Rational Energy Alternatives), at and newspaper advertisements industry. I J 101 mgJtt., and weekend~. Apply in per~on tletwcen Z· U.S. depenclence upon nuclear llARMON KARDON PRE-arnplifier-cqu approxtmmcly 66 hn. on wccken1h 125 Uf!RMAN, COIN OPERA"lFD fomball mblc in Worncn'~ Re~iUt!nce H<~ll for 1979 \p:ring scmc~ter. CARD'~ Albuquerque Joumal pl'r per~u!l {all Dr (il:lm·~ druly Ill XXI 06f~l,IJ<<; $395.H43·764fo 10130 innuendos, misrepresentations and for Alternatives to Radioactive The members of AREA are nuclear energy, whether for Earn single room, bonrd, $200 per month and receive ad of Oct.8 included the statement, 15c per word ·~ --~---~,~-,..,-ccc-"CC"=.,----,--,-_:_l::OI::.:_•1 1975 f>AT!;UN B210, 2H,OOO mile~. $l ,700. C'nll aftt!r outright falsehoods, said David Dumping) for "grotesquely false aware of the importance of WlPP national defense, civilian power, tui\ion wuivcr. Apnl> A~~ociate Dean of Studcnt!t I·s·r lJDlAR 1./\ AMI\ RICA !.A TINA en Ja 1\rn~·r[~,.·a .~:30, 265·50UB. 10130 Offie~,:,l.a.Pmada Hall. Deadline Novcmbcr3, 1978. medical purposes or anything else.'' "Scientifk studies have shown that J alili.:J lnlnrmw.:mn, 229 Ortc!l,a. 10/.27 1971 C)RfiMI..IN, r•AIR cou!-litiOr1, cle;~n, easy on gas. J0/30 a speck of pllllonium only II !(Xllh 'I YPINCi - f(·HM I)APf~RS, them, re\umt:\. 299· "No waste disposal also 277-529.~ after ~ix. 10/30 the size of a grain of salt can cause 9R70. 10/27 CAMPER SI·H:.LL, FOR short and oarrow bed $100. ultimately will mean no New 8 MISCELLANEOUS 11 OliJTAR I FSSONS. JWCilNN!NGiintcrrnccliatc·. rom lawn mowor. $35. 10 Speed Bik'. 135.3 Speod • Mexico uranium mining industry," cancer. lJNM Senior (iuitar MaJor. 266-n94, 10/3 I Dike, $35. TV c;tcrco console- $75. Cali.298-048I. -~--~--~~~----- 10131 ARCl-JIVAL FRAMING AT reasonable prices, Williams said. Williams, educated at Harvard ~TliDENTS CJOOD STLJDFNT and non·~mok!.!r 40,000 postcards, posters by Steinberg, O'Keefl'e, New Mexico and MIT with a postdoctoral fellow $1.00 th~t·ouul~- (all llill McKibbin, Fnrmer'~ lmurnnce, CARD has stated in its anti­ SINGER FUTURA TOP of the line, ~lighLly u~cd but Goines, Dine. or hers. The Silver Sunbeam Gallery, 292-0SIIor345-2312. IJ/01 ,Ji1J under wamm1y. AutomatiC' bohhinwindcr, lm~ 3409 Central NE Tues~Sat 11·5:30. II /03 W IPP campaign that nuclear at Los Alamos Scientific • • buuonholcr, without attn!'hments. Also. com· 1\CTURA"I h TYJ)JNCi UY profcS\iomtl 1142-01\61. FREE KITTENS: 2 adorahlc kiTtens for free to a wastes arc extremely dangerous. Laboratory, said, "Tile most 101.10 pmcri1cd s1.rcctch stitch anti doe.~ lot<; of fancy slit~ good hqmc, C~ll Jutly 292-298.5 after S:JOpm, 10/30 dangerous exposure pathway for !; I\e~. R eg. $80000 , now ni us l .~·a cr fi ce. $l!i000 ca.~~ 1. DAILY Williams, an employee of Sandia l'lANO IJo.SSONS JUIU.Ii\H[); M A, $l0 per/hr., 88\.4889. 10/Jl ~ plutonium is inhalation as a very J ~ Laboratories, said, "Obtaining a iH.IuJt.., tmd chikln:-n. 243- H4. 10130 .~ ~ Monday, October 30, 1978 '69 DODGP. POLARA $275.00. Dcpc;nda,bl~ ltun· 1·/\MCllJS QlJIVJHA BOOKSI!OJl nnd nltlllography lethal (probable cancer-causing) fine dust with particle diameter ~portation, 360V.g P.S.!P.B. A.IC A.T. Cnll 266· €PISCopal mtntmum 1Wilery lw;;d wtaccc~~orie'i-, $110. I SJ 5 Copper canteRBURY c11apel cidcnts involving rad-wastcs, the .IYf.sT UN!\·t AI~ARU.1E·.NT. Nicely furnl~twd N~ #l"r 242-7056. Hl/27 animal life." Williams cited figures which C "l'l.l~lum, ~·;1rpctctl. One block w campu~. Hill\ rnid IY7J YAMAHA 2~0 !\.h. Excellent condition never 425 llniV€RSitY n.€. equating the exposure required for spectre of t\RD raised in its lmm ~1£.5.00. { ·;.lii2~Ci-UJ85. 201·:!.09 C"tllumbia. SF. been raced, $500. Rfi9·2%J al'1er 6pm. IOtJO a one per cent cancer risk to 50,000 Journal ad, Williams ;, "True, I·CHINI> -V..·iJMAN··~{,(J{.j)' wall'll ;·;~h llwkcr1 ll/06 Sunday Services-8; 10:5 1. I)EH.SONALS h;•ml ldi'llllf'l;tnll•lillfn. \:Jmnut IIlli!. Room IU:'i mill ircm. but so what? Even defense tran­ tfll ~17~. N!· .1 Ul'DROOM. Snac1ouc; kitdu:n, priv;;t-Buu T 2 IWDJWOM twu~l' . $9(1. 12 t(IJ \t C l,lt!\.11 IN!Ol~M!\[JOH·~ \BOI~I utn 1(-)\_i._ \H.)N (}{'1-·lft~-,;;1~,\h.:Ulltynfl;ducaMn a year's amount. of sexual activity incorporating multiple ·barriers Spotlc-~., kHt.:hcn, phnh enrpeting. Fenced pri\-acy. ll,ht'JIIl IMMI.:L.>JAT{:l.Y! Work 262 J7"il. Valley Rt.'n!al~. $~5 fcc. 10127 Barry's Electronic between two people (everyone is agai11st the release of radioactivity I lu>t1't' ,111.1 0] ~I I J 20 Dl' R I'M }I; ·v ( B ( ·untilll 26(, I6JIJ. Rcw 1 ar~DROOi\1 near UNM. FREE ESTIMATES and '{,\ ruJ,o!l ht·,fu,knh\\ilh I D 1414614 10-21 W" tfn p:l)') help. Preferably bu~inc'~ major to oversee Modern nppiJiliKC"· ccntrul heat, $70, 262·175J. 1 bu~UlC\\ u~pcct~ of am magatinc. Aboul2-3 hour\ a 10% OFF USED TV'S c Ill iH{,\IT H··\ll o\.Vi·J-N--JN -~~"i~.:·-~,,, 110 i(;. l·ht- Ni)· fl"Xili 01: .!!111\r\ m I-iiii.: At!'> Building. Vallc.v Rental\. SH fcc. 10/27 1.\-'cck. Call Gayle 87.3·J904 after 6ptn, 10130 ,t\k ,lfT~·ud th1· lt.tlh•mm· ( tuh ( 11\lumc lt.lrmtf\.tml~·l:nlnltl.\furtctlllhtlliO~ 11101 with valid UNM ID ~sub Machine Room/ STtlDIO & tnR UNJm ltJ:n lhnldJJti!l lkwurd. 29l 7471 IJ.'Ol also have ttlectronic parts in stock. \f.f from 10-12:10 or cal1294-!i523 for appL 1l :08 ~chooltyping bw.::kgrouml. We will train you and add Hill "'1: 1>·\N< \Nt' I Jw .mll~ni-~lrl ·llt<~l ~~~~~··~ 1 cn'"INrl~ .,Viii IF~ fi·\·IAtl· killen. ncnr Fdth;. ROOMMATE \VANTED: SHARE .2tBrnt. home \hlrl!.lll ( l,h'•l' .. ~1;111111~ Od 'fl 1111.t,l1M ·I':Ji:" Bldp; .• hlitd. llJHtklllW• tlll lll'l"k Cal\294-$783. 11• 01 with "icldom hl)lne Law ~ludcnl. Downtown an."tl. sign to be posted 111 10 j()~"f _~jj,-...\(--~ WAJ 1.1-1-~Cw,trd. lmtial~ UST. H42· nice, fireplace, furni~hctl $100/mo. 242-4\68. Al~o, Campus Bicycle and Moped (Behind Okies) lll· NR) 'd IU.Nt•l· f{~~Jir· AN . t;f -1\-,Ju}i;;~j-,;~;, N~l}{l ll ··02 ll!Jrm. for r.ent $175/mo., u1i11 incl. 10/27 \ktho~h~l Ilu:olu~1Uil ~dtuul 111 Ohi(l, \1tlll he at · • -~-~~ -. Sekai, Fuji, Azuki 3,5;10 Speeds ROO!'.f~1'ATR TO SHARE two bedroom house, Sl.SO What ever happened to the Sub Machine Room? \lmlcJ \lllll"'lfll''l n•ntcc. l!WI I J\ I1111UI~ NI-. 247 DISCOUNT PRICES Visa, UJIJ':', Wnhtt•'>(fa~ Nmcmhcn 1. w.un 12JII)IIJ1, 111 In the fall of 1970 a contest was held to name the game room n!l't'l V.l\h 'i.'OIIIIJl\1\ llliiU~I"r~, \;h:I,JIIy i)ln~J~OII h1mnttnn dt:\L'II\PJJlCnt~ 11r , •m~nll.'nn~ _v.r,· \~ntk it\ tile IJcltl ll n1 1718 Central SE 243-9630 Mon.-Sat. 9-6 machines, pool tables and pin ball games in the area. \\-l ~\~ ·\i11i\l' Y(WR {ln;~un.~~ 1u·c,cnh A biology student, Mike Bailey, who is now in graduate school at 1kJl!llllltn1J. Wl'il"tllg. d:Me\ <,ltltt Nuo, l<,t&9th . UNM, won the contest with "Sub Machine Room." He received (jl'mmnp, wmk'ihop Sut N1w. II tb- Wc~wcr~· ~tudiu. .:!:.O'i ',{!Hl SI· (2M.-9l00). ll iOZ $50.00 for his winning entry . Ill\ j~\'1.h\St• ('0NlA("1" me it'i '-OUI\ "" \His.~\ble A sign was never posted with the new name of th~ room. tt"J.Wtdln~ nur mfl't\ il'''' 1:1~1 n'mnth. 1)1.'\thll', '1,17 TDDAY'S CROSSWORD PUZZLE -red Martinez, Director of the New Mexico Union since 1972, didn't ~(,"if, II ·OJ ACROSS \I~ I f ~ \'\lll H 1·\// ~)~J,ult·i t'\t'f\"i-nJ;,~ l(jj·~; 53 u.s. party: UNITED Feature Syndicate know about the contest. He checked records of the SUB from 1970. ' Wpm· .ll Nt·tf.. 10 2"? 1 Angry Abbr. Thursday's Puzzle Solved: Senior biology student Scott Van Pelt reaches for a ripe "I wasn't even aware it was named the Sub Machine Room," iro\pp\-riJJ{-JJII>·\'1 Jn\uiu:Rt)w .feilil'-~ 6- and 54 Spanish An apple Winesap in his South Valley orchard. The valley had a good Martinez said. \•ILl .u kohl ,JIIolhrr :-~ ( [1 iU ·2.1 robbers hero El ~ apple crop this year, so students will have plenty of chan­ The Director said a sign will be posted in the game area as soon as \, n f'II \fl<.,~ vttu fl1i~"";,~;;,:;;!;-('fiJ~·I?"~ 57 According to 2.11th Jn .. h JO ... Z1 10 Basics ~~hl~ - 14 Evil one 59 Body part a ·day ... ces to butter up professors by leaving one on their desks. -\\fi( J()~ Of" 1 ~\ -,,~;~~~-~~;:::1~~ rc-l. ."Ulllltl~ HliUntccro; 61 Golf ball ac­ lm .t t111C' mnnt1t ~mnmcr \tl)<.ll:lC hl "iuuth Alllenca. 15 Turk. regi- t .111 '-.alh WtlOd, \4:C: f1M:2 nr Vt~ki lttelllkct, !l9.8· ment tion .::~ .. 1 I 1!03 MAKE IT 16 Spruce 64 Small 1 \i:t:-i}l-\·t• coNcHAS cqutr. P1t:k up today. 17 Alleviating 67 Parent: In­ 1'\IMS~.:uha(·luh. 101].7 WITH No-shoes Yoga meeting 19 Anecdote formal ! : -\ \\' ·\RJ) \\"INNJN< i I'O!:nn· 11nd phtlltlg"r:tphy ill 20 Blissful 68 Exaggerates The .._i,lleclur'.-, hr..,l cthtion tlf c·lllll:t"J'timl~ ~nuthV.c<;t tln •ak m," for ,, hunted tunc ft,r $1 no in Marnm 21 Small tooth 70 Monogram i 1hlll. Runm 10$. ('onHtin\ work tlf ll\Cf 40 UNM 23 Sharpen part: Abbr. I A.T!N~ tfn JUAREZ 25 Meadow 71 Suture held at Honors Center U·tll.l FXl"RAVA(i:\NZA HH+ 1M Crucco; 26 Owned 72 Incident lirCCI1 {.'hili on I·ggo;., tmd for the r~l of October· 73 Quote \0\U i..'tcam cnchiladao; \vllll blue corn tortillas and TEQUilA 27 Calendar ByVICKY MARQOEZ self, realize that God dwells in After her lecture, the group 74 Blunders gtccn dnh. ~h1rning (ilory Cafe. 2933 Monte Vista GOLD OR SilVER abbr. The Honors Center hosted a everyone and see God in each relaxed on the floor and chanted Nl· 2(18·7()..10. (Righi otcros~ Central from U.udy 75 ~~oon't- 12 Kind of lily way IMPORTED & BOTTLED BY TEQUILA JA.LlSCO S A 29 Etched lecture Friday afternoon given by "Om Nama Shivaya" for a quarter Uueno). 10/31 -boy ... " 13 Equine 43 Bobbins other." ST LOUIS. MO . 80 PROOF 31 Apex Makinc Edelstein in which par­ of an hour. Following that, WIIO HAS l-lflltUAL & imported c:igarettes·llic 33 Arab cloak 18 Certain nuts 46 Criticizes Edelstein said the old cliche lil!.hters 59c-all other cigarette lighter~ 20ner cent o(fl DOWN ticipants got to take off their shoes, members of the group sat in silence, 34 Tricky one 22 Extremity 4~ Pixies "You are what you think you are" Pipe& l'obcu:co Road doc~. 101 Corne\1 266-7578. sing eerie tunes accompanied by 36 Elevates 1 "Woe- 24 Quick looks 51 Quietude a is true. "We get eaten up by our some meditating and others just ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~i=O/~JO ~~~=:=:=:=:=:=:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~ 27 Condiment 54- strip harmonium (miniature cross pondering the preceding events. f>t:Rlt V'S PIZ'l.A. PIZZA by the slice and pan. l 11us -** 40 Hanker negativity," she said. 2 Foray 28 Arab father 55 Prince of between a piano and an accordian) y, Oct. 28,1978 the inner existence; it's hard to plimetlted Albuquerque, saying that it's a pleasure to see organizations ~ ~ This scarecrow watches imagine that God would let only here involved in these struggles. fJhmN Tlws • 1lu~r~ & 1l1111 5::30 ·!i:30 8:00 p.m. ~* the festivities {rom a cornet r:n&Sat 5:-30-IO:no Tickets $3.50 certain people in. Meditation is a Lynrt Rashkind, a member of the Socialist Workers Party, said the Square- ~.. ~ direct path to that understanding," public heeds candidates it can believe when they speak. "We almost wish in the SUB ballroom Thur­ 301 Cornell SE Students $3.00 Edelstein said. voting machines had a none-ofcthe-above [ever," Rash kind said. sday night during the UNM (at Cornell & Lead) At All Tkketmaster Locations ~ "Siddha has one basic teaching: Floyd Fowler, running for U.S. Congress, District One said American Wagon Wheels Square dan" t Capitalism is "in the midst of a criss of terrible magnitude," and crow Meditate on youtsel f, kneel to ce Club's costume dance.• -.!'... 266-8400 -,.. ...-,:- yourself, love and worship your- businesses are on the offensive against the workers. ~~~~~******************** Pugt' .1., Nt•\1. Mt'Xko Daily I,( l ll<). t ktobt•r :30, W'i'K

-- ·-- ---...... ----~, Council to consider ------/ World News productivity issues WASHINGTON relationship witb patients. (lJPI)-Government health experts "I will tomorrow ask the Israelis return to talks are studying the possibility of a National Health Planning Council TFI i\ VIV, hracl (UP I) -l'>racl West !lank of Jordan. >harp reaction from both "productivity standards" system to to begin careful consideration of sent ih top pcm;c negoti~tors b11ck Wa>hington and Cairo. assure more efficient medical care the issues raised by productivity to Washington Sunday, apparently l·orcign Minister Moshc Dayan In Washington, Secretary of by doctors and hospitals, HEW standards," he said. "I hope that, on a collision course with the and Defense Minister Ezcr Secretary Joseph Califano said during the coming months, they United Stntc'> and Egypt because of Weizrnan departed for Washington State Cyrus Vance said he was Sunday. will develop a systematic approach it.; decision to expand existing to rc.\Umc peace treaty talks with deeply disturbed by the Israeli Califano said such standards to this pressing problem." Jcwhll ;elllcrncnts in the occupied their Egyptian counterparts and decision and immediately got in could cut unnecessary surgery, He did not go into detail about face the possibility of a stall in touch with Prime Minister make better use of expensive minim urn productivity standards in prog1·css on a pact because of the Mcnachem Begin on the matter. machinery, shorten hospital stays a speech to the annual meeting of government decision. "We regard the reported decision and ward off a projected $1 trillion the Institute of Medicine, a branch Sleep Study national medical bill in the year of the National Academy of taken. by the Israeli cabinet to GEXERAL All Mens' Shirts & Jacket"l Health Minister Eliezcr Shostak 'thicken' some of the settlements on 2000. Sciences. Subjects said the cabinet made the decision the West Bank as a very serious "I recognize that we must "A concern with productivity because of concern over U.S. in­ matter and are deeply disturbed by proceed with great care in at­ presumed a strong doctor-patient 20%0FF Sloop study subJOCI!J aro botng mvllod to volvement with notables of the it," Vance said in a statement. tempting to set standards regarding relationship characterized by STORE pnrtrc:ipDtom u study of two typos of ~>loop­ occupied West Bank of Jordan and with coupon, Ing prlls "We have already communicated health care productivity," he said, human caring," he said, noting that SubtlWtf> who havo had dlffic.ulty sleep the Gaza Strip and to gain the and assured doctors any such move Expires November 5, 1978 with Prime Minister Begin and will physicians, economists, 111 I-Iarvard SE • 8117 Menaul NE rng for ut lonat two wook!l, wtro havu no rna· support of cabinet hardliners for would not infringe on their professional standard groups, /Or rlhUHlS itrld who ars not now takrno refrain from any further comment the draft treaty. hospitals, nursing homes and other flloopm{J pills or psycllololgtcal rnmhcatton until we receive his response." oro ltkoly to bo mutilblo medical facilities would contribute nm study roqulrO'> lhroo rnlomowa and The Israeli move drew immediate lncludos a. lull medical ov<.~luatwn_ Tllr;Ho I.S In Cairo, Prime Minister Rightists to the set of standards. no wmto sub) eras wJmtUod to the study Mustafa Khalil said the Egyptian With the "moonshot age" of Thono who nocd more tnforrnauon or am mtoroo;!OO m atttmdmQ a scroonrng mlor­ Eyeglasses ur Contact Lenses government in considering the complex medical technology and vtow ~.twufrl wnto to Fast Scrvict', ()ualit)· and possibility of recalling its lop refined special skills have come the Quick delivery to UNM Or JaGk B()rllmtt Dcpl Stvlc at Heusunuhlc Cost negotiators from Washington for problems of unnecessary medical of P~ych1atry UNM, to join IIIII (from 5 pm to midnight; till 2 am on weekends) filO L<.umno do f:iatutl NE.B/131 Casey Optical Co. consultations on the latest Israeli procedures and a proliferation of qr ptwrw, Mrs. Belly BJOrnm !:I duun \\ 1''1 "' CU\l'\ lli•\uJIIJru~\1 facilites which are under-utilized, 21Jr> 1/ll, [·.xt '2612, Mon throu{]h Fn policy decision. l.<1mas at W ushingion • 265-8546 said Califano. PizzA Khalil told reporters the He noted: government was thinking of Arabs When you buy a large pizza with B.C.'S -In 1975, there were more than PIZZERIA summoning Home Defense TEL AVIV, Israel (UP I) - A three hospital workers per patient the same number of ingredients. · 255-0709 Minister Lt. Gen. Kamal Hassan 921 San Pedro SE commander of the Christian militia in this country while the ratio in Offer good thru 11-19·78 266-4291 Ali and acting Foreign Minister in southern Lebanon said Sunday Germany was one-to-one and Butros Ghali. Stanford MBA Christian leaders in Beirut have two-to-two in Great Britain. A decision will be taken and agreed to join the Arab front -Studies at home and abroad announced Friday, he said. against Israel in return for Syrian suggest that as the number of REPRESENTATIVE COMING But Khalil emphasized this did protection from the Palestinians. surgeons rises in an area, the Thru 11·31-78 TO CAMPUS not mean a deadlock had been "We want Mr. Begin to speak number of opertaions also goes up, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 8 reached in the negotiations. about the problem again with with no clear evidence that the extra es lnsta .. Tune Dayan and Weizman left for President Carter," Maj. Sami surgery in necessary. A rcprcscntutivc of the Stnnford Gruduatc School of Washington aboard a chartered El Shidiak told a news conference in llusiness will be on campus to discuss with interested The Finest Tune-Up Available AI commercial jetliner. The two the port city of Haifa called by the Chinese deny Day students Ute exceptional cducntionul opportunity of the ministers remained aboard the Public Committee for Aid to 4101 Menaul NE Coal & 1·25 SE Stanford MilA l'rogrnm. heavily-guarded airliner during a Lebanon. any Tuesday 268·5221 842·5806 one and a half hour stopover at Shidiak .said an emissary from Vietnamese Paris' Orly Airport. After con­ A (lpointments mny be mnde through Beirut came to southern Lebanon Thru 11·17·78 UNM Special: Present ID for special anti·freeze ferring on the plane with Israeli The Student I>innncial Aid and Career Services Office last week with reports that Saudi flush and replacement. Just $13.75 at Coal location. Ambassador Mordcchai Gazit they Foreign Minister Saud Faisal told accusations took off for wa~hington. Christian leaders he would be HONG KONG (UPI)-Vietnam The MilA l'rogrnm is u two-year generul management The Israeli decision to strengthen willing to mediate with the Syrians Sunday accused China of massing course of studies designed for men and women who wish settlements in occupied Arab because ''Israel cannot help troops and artillery along the to develop numagemcnt skills to meet the broad respon­ territories was a move likely to irk anyn1ore," border and sending soldiers across Haagen-Dazs ce Cream sibilities re•1uircd in both the private and public scclors President Carter and stall progress The Israelis have been arming to loot and terrorize Vietnamese toduy und in the future. on delicate treaty negotiations with Christian troops and providing villages. 20C OFF Egypt. them with supplies in their war with The official Vietnam news Shoppe Foreign Minister Moshe Dayan the Palestinians. Syria has been also disclosed the cabinet decision as he agency, monitored in Hong Kong, GRADUATE SCHOOL OJ<' BUSINESS mounting attacks against the said hundreds of Chinese intruders ALL Natural and Delicious With this coupon STANFORD UNIVERSITY and Defense Minister Ezer Christians. Weizman departed for Washington have ransacked houses, gathered 2677 Louisiana NE· thru Sun., Nov. 5, 1978 Stanford, California 94305 to resume negotiations with Egypt Faisal reportedly told the intelligence and manhandled Christians he would ask the Syrians Vietnamese soldiers in Cao Lang on the U.S.-authored Ll "'" v. to protect them from the Province recently. Palestinians in return for their More than 200 armed Chinese joining in the hard-line Arab moved deep into Vietnamese struggle against Israel. territory in the district Oct. 26, After "feelers" to Israel, the pulling down border fencing, Buy any $1.99 sandwich Snb•••it Lebanese Christian leaders ac­ destroying other defense con­ cepted the proposal for lack of any structions and looting inhabitants, and get a FREE large soda ConeeJ•ti~ns SlV is now aeceptiug s•tlnuissions of alternative, Shidiak said the Hanoi charged. art autl btet•atnre. emissary told him. and your choice of egg Chinese intrusions have gone on ••511 ., AU students, rae•dty aud starr oi" UNlU arc iJtvitcd "As a result free Lebanon is daily during October in Bao Lam Directly Across From Yale Park salad, potato salad or ~ill to eontribut:c. likely to go under and become a village with forces entering dozens protectorate of Syria joining the of times on certain days. 2216 Central SE-265-5986 front against Israel," the southern cole slaw. t!J.._· ~c, For furthct• inforntation eall Christian leader said. "The intruders beat Vietnamese 'oupo,n through ll/3/78 soldiers and wrecked defense 2 77-5656 before noon. In Beirut, diplomatic sources constructions," Vietnam charged, confirmed that Saudi Arabia tried adding that armed Chinese have to sway Christian rightist away also intruded into many areas of from Israel in mediating a peace Van Lang district, photographing plan earlier in the month. with still and movie cameras, you can eat aghetJi Special! A senior diplomat said Faisal had drawing maps, firing guns in met with Dany Chamoun, the provocation and attacking the S289 militia commander and son of Vietnamese border ports. 108 VassarSE right-wing former President The agency contended the Across from UN M includes: spaghetti w/ meat sauce, Camille Chamoun. Chinese police chief at the garlic toast, and.s.alad wlltalian dressing. "friendship gate'' border main­ 268-2300 tained Chinese forces acted on Monday (1 0·30 -78) 5 to 9 pm New Mexico instructions and would ocntinue to No take·outs or deliveries please. DAILY LOBO do so. Vol. 83 No. 51 Vietnam's Communist Party newspaper, Nahm Dan, also 3f;J;()J denounced China's latest complaint i'ht• .\'c11f Mf'l'ff'll /), .ly lAJho 1.~ publr~lwd Mondn~· throu~h J;tirJnr N·ery H·~l~nr i.t·tot•k to the Vietnamese Embassy in of tlw Ur1i\t•nil)• )'l'ar nrrd t\'Cl'kly durfn~ llw Peking accusing Hanoi of border li1iml1\l't ~l-ssinn hy tilt' U011rd uf SLUclt'il\ Publtcullom of tlw U tU\'t•r.~il)· of Ni•V. :..k•.tit'tl, violations that left scores injured Dairy Queen* braziec anti il> !lilt rwunciall~ ll~.~~K·ia(t•d lt.·Hh L'NM. and a child dead. St!CI)Iltf dtl~.~ p0.\ll1~l'' P1lfd Ill AlhlliJHl'ri[Ut•, Nt•w Mt•Xicn M7131. Sul!!>t•tiptlon ratt• l\ $1 O.o:l fur the nt•:Jdt>mlc \'l!ur. SUNDAES TJrt• nplnfoii.~ t•xpru.;.~~d no tlw C'dllttrinl Covered has it all 2 pa).!t''> nf 1'lw Dully l.ulm nw lhfl\(' uf llrt• ~utlwr \nlt:l)·. l:rt~i~ht'dHorial ho11rtl of 'l'lw IJuily Lobo. ~uthing for the price of one prlutl'd in 1'hl' Duil~ Lobo Jt('(·~~~IU'ih Makers of Hand Made Food and Dessert rt'jH~\'i('lll~ !ht• 'it'll.., of lfll' t!nl~l.'t~il} of :\e1~ With this coupon Ml'Xit~l. Indian Jewelry Valid only at 2300 Ccnirnl or l2lh & 1-40 OlDTOWN flag•· ·l, N<•w M••xwo J laily U lllO, 01'1ol"·r :JI), l!J7H

tJ l ~~ ~ Jl!~!J !;' !J JJ~JJ..J !!JlHJ First class Editorial to graduate The only graduate nursing progn1m in New Mexico, now in its first war offers courses in the following three arca.1: Advan~cd nursing prn~ticc' Down to the wire teaching in nursing and nursing .administration. ' The graduate program is part of the UNM College of Nursing and b .Just a wonk and a day away, New Mexico voters will once again be funded by a three-year HEW gratH . lJOIIlll to tim polls to choose representatives for various state and "The objectives of the graduate program arc to prepare nurses for national offices. Next Tuesday the LOBO will publish the general leadership roles; teach research skills; increase individtml commitment to olncuon 1sstm in which various issues and candidates will be examined. intcllo;ctu.~l ~rowth and excellence and develop advnnccd nursing r ndorsnrnonts will also lln presented. Herewith is a preview of some of theones, satd Dr. Leland R. Bcntlett, professor of nursing and director of tho candida!fJs and thnir positions on particular issues. the graduate program at the UNM college of Nursing. In the gubernatorial race, Democrat Bruce King and Republican "This year we admitted 10 students, and hope to admit 15 next year and .Jon Slwnn diffor vory lillie in their positions on the majority of pertinent .20 the following year," he said. tsstws. T'ho only visiiJie polarity concerns right-to work. King opposses. Belly Boyle, Theresa B11rgett, Katherine Chipman, Elisabeth Konti, th<; lonislntlon, which would allow non union workers to work in closed C~rmen Montano, Sail~ Pearso~ and Adele Rubio, all of Albuquerque, union sltops. Skoen favors right~to work because, he says, it is the wtll be the first graduatmg class ml979. Carol Keller, Josephine Waconda prosmwJtion to 11 IJ United Presbyterian Church, USA 4200Central SE Contemporary Women All this-ahd more-in one dusk-to-dawn Women's League for Conservative Judaism U)BO Odlto;lal stlliff: NO, RJJNNINIJ. Photographers,'' a public slide party that Editor-In-chief: Dabble levy 8/JT 71-1AT's presentation on the work of ap­ starts at Msnaglng editor: Colleen Curran American Jewish Congress proximately 15 Women, will be News editor:. ~ka Hoeft A GOOP Photo I!Jdltor; Jam uS fisher IUAY 70 given today by Sandi Fellman, Asslt. photo udltor; John Chadwfck Young Women's Christian Association STAI

EDITORIALS: Un_sl_gned ad_llorfals rep_resent 11 mlijority oplnlon•-of the LOBO i!ldllorlal of the Religious Coalition for Abortion rights. It might also be offnterest board. All olher columns; _catioons and letters represent the opinion at the auihor and do to note that RCAR is administered on a national level by the Board of not necessarily reflect the vieWs of the editorial bOard. LEITERS: li!!Uers 10: the-editor ·must be typed and :signed by· the author With the aUthor's Church and Society of the United Methodist Church. riame·, address andtelep_hone number, They should be no longt!lr than 300 words. Only the Linda C. Kirk, Coordinator name of the authof will be printed t~ncfnam8s will not be withheld~ :3i~n of. t1~8 _OPINIONS! Oplnlons iiliiSt be iypaa iind__ iUgiled with the t~othor's name, addreSs and New Mexico Religious Coalftion There will be a meeting of tel~ hone n~mbar. Opln~_ons shoUfcl be nO lo_nger _U"an ·500 wDrds, Only the names of thO for Abortion Rights author will be·.prlnted and names will not be Withheld. Wome11 in Mamtgcmetlt today at !?ubmlsSions -lh&t dO nOI comply with these speclllcatloi1s Will nol bo j:ltlnt9d. noon in Room 122 of the Business f?afflp8r.8d ffiaid8f1 AU submissions become the prOperty of the New MeKico Dally LOBO and will be edited · tor length or libelous c::oritenl, School building. The guest speaker will be Vicki F'isher from tlie- ac· 11101 Menaul N.E. 2937 Monte Vista N.a , by Garry Trudeau counting firm or Fox, Elmer, (PootllJIIs shopping center) (On the triarlgle) Westheimer Md ('o. Fisher is also a l'ug<• fi, "'''W Mt·xwo I )ail! J.( Jll< J, ( ktolwr :l!J, W7/J I'Ag<' 7, N<'w l>kxieo Dail) LOBO. ()('tohc•r :lU, J!l7ii Teachers Services publish renewed l nformarion ranging from the book hi;tory of comic.\ to the Nurem bur!> Trial> is no" available through the < 11 authw,, 1 rank/\. I o~~:l/1 and UNM General Library, said Dean IJ••ul'l.l. I' lc'lllllO, l'ni,er;ity ot of Library Services Paul Vassallo. '\r:\\ .\lt,.'\iL·n prn((.'~\ur~ of p,\TIIolnP~. IJiJ\t' ju'lt had their Va1;allo ;aid the library recently huuh. "~\'~tt..•malll. 1\naly"'C) of renewed it; membership in the l t•arnru~· and :\:lntivalion,' 1 Center for Re;carch Libraries in puhlc·.lwd I>\ Jolm WileY and Son; "and the center's many nl ~''" Yor 1-. ;crvkes will continue to be l he l>ooi- addrc·"c' the major available to UNM faculty and 1 nnn•ptual io.,·~ttL'\ invol\L'd iu both graduate ;tudents." <'Hlpil ical amlthc

sess1ons PROFESSORS FOR KING Prof. Vivian H. Heyward- Health, PE & Rec. ADMINISTRATORS FOR KING COMMITTEE Dean Morton Hoppenfeld- Arch. & Planning COMMITTEE Prof, Fritz S. Allen ~ Chemistry Prof. Donald E. Kelly- Chair. Elern. Education Robert U. Anderson - Dir., Gov't. Research to be held Prof. Seymour Alpert- Physics & Astronomy Prof. Steven P. Kramer- History Louis G. Galvez- Dir., Bus. Asst. & Res. Ctr. Prof. Keith F. Auger~ Elementary Education Prof. Peter A. Lupsha -Political Science Lavon McDonald- Dir., .Athletics Dept. Prof. Alan Baker- Theatre Arts Instructor Kathleen A. Marpe- Health, PE & Rec. Antonio J. Mondragon- Coor., Chicano Student Ser. The Albuquerque Rape Crisis Prof. Peggy J. Blackwell- Education Fdns. Dir. Prof. Gilbert. W. Merkx- Sociology L.E. 'Ned' Roberts- Assoc. Dir., lARS Center will conduct a weekend Prof. Sigmund Mierzwa- Sed. & Adult Education training session for new volunteers Prof. William J. Byatt- Elec. Engr. & Comp. Sci. Prof. Wil.liam F, Coleman ~Chemistry Prof. Marshall R. Nason- Mod. & Clas. Language Nov. 4 and 5 at the center, 602 Prof. Noel H. Pugach ~History ThirdS!. N.W. Prof. Virginia Crenshaw- Nursing Prof, Harold D. Drummond- Education Prof. Alan B. Reed- Pub. Admin & Political Sci. .STAFF FOR KING The sessions will be held from 90 Prot: Harold V. R hades·'"': Political Science to 5 p.m. each day. Volunteers are Prof. Charles T. Dumars - Law School COMMITTEE Prof. James W. Ellis- Law School Prof. Janet Roebuck - History trained to staff a 24-hour bot-line. Prof. Leo M. Romero- Law School Augustine A. Apodaca- Prog, Spec., Bus. Dev. Prog. They also accompany victims of Prof, Willis H. Ellis- Law School Prof. Louis Rosasco- Chair. Educ. Foundations Doris Brooks~ Admin. Coor., Dept. of Surgery sexual assault to the hoS),itnl and Prof. Linda Estes- Dir. Women's Athletics Prof. bouglas Ferraro -Psychology Prof. Estelle H. Rosenblum- Nursing Lou Camp- Admin. Coor., College of Law provide support during Jaw eri­ Prof, E.A .. Scholer- PE & Rec. Dir, lARS Bea Cappelli- Admin. Cool'., College of Fine Arts forccment and medical processes. Prof. Robert E. Fleming- English Prof. Jane M. Slaughter~ History Julie McKibben- Admin. Asst., Dept ot Family, Conducting the training session Prof. Douglas R. George - Art . Prof. Sam B. Girgus- American Studies Prof. Sara Dawn Srnith ~ Elementary Education Community & Emergency Medicine will be Sandie Nelson, advocate Prof. Jay B. Sorenson -Political Science Rasemary McNerney- Admin. Asst., College of Engr. specialist at the Center, and Mary Prof, Joseph Goldberg - Law School NATIONALSECURITY AGENCY Prof. Richard Gonzales - Law School Prof. Leonard A. Stitelman -Public Admin. Alicia Olguin~ Admin. Asst., Dill. of Emerg. Medicine Attn: M32·1 Adams-!rujillo, a counselor at ihe Prof. Albert E. Utton - Law & Natural Res. James L. RaY- Prog. Spec., Bus. Oev, Prog. center. Prof. Richard Griego -Chair. Math & Stat. Fort George G. Meade, Maryland 20755 Dean Paul Vassallo- Library Sciences Willia.m H. Robinson~ Adrnin. Coor., College of Nursing Those interested in the volunteer Prof. David Hamilton- Economics Prof. Estelle Zannes ~Speech Communications · Lynette Wilson- Admin, Cpor., College of Arts & Sciences An Equal Opportunity Employer m/f. training shoufd call the center, 247- Prof. Fred R. Harris- Political Science 0707, (or reservations. !here is no charge. Pd. for By students for King Committee, Allred Santistevan, President I'Hg<• B, NPw M<·xi<•o Daily L()Jl( l, O<•lolwr :JO, HJ7k Athletes get scholarships Lobos Triutnph The UN1v1 Alumni let­ terman's A~~ol'iation ha~o~ awarded $300 sdl()larships tn Over Alb. Pub four UNM student athlete,, association President Paul [). Shadel has announced. ~·It rl.~c:lr.. p:reat. Jl."nl great~" B~ RAY GLASS The scholarships, representing I nsk•v said arater the nmtch. "l'1~ the Gwinn Henry Memorial tiknn l'asky broke lm tllo­ been 'de1clnpin~ my kitkin).' skill Scholarship, went to male gamc q riTl!l ll(' miswu kkb with a 'lv·a"' n~rHnlt... It ir., ju.-.t a field competitor, and wrestler men's ru!lbY side to an 11-10 win mattt:r o!' Jnorc pral'(ke." over Albuquerque Pub Saturday University Arena has an echo Frank Gilpin. Women athletes afternoon. l'.aslcy'.s thrce-rtlintcr broke a The smooth brown floor, trimmed with Lobo red, shines from the Diane Dow and Mary Beth string nf' five mh,cd kkks, two Early Lobo Lead Causes Cave-in lights beaming upon it from high above. Roberts, both of whom compete His second hair kick split the earlier in the Pub match and three Presently there comes a hollow, steady beat of leather hitting in basketball and volleyball, against the Albuquerque Aardvurhs grabbed a quick 21-0 lead over the 17 uprights and gave the l.obo.s an ll- lly PETER MADIUO for 84 yards on carries while goal after Lobo defensive end cement. were recipients of the Chuck Hill u \veck a!!,o. Tcxas-EI Paso Miners and went on y.ounger brother Mark toted the Charles Baker stripped the ball 4 !cud tl1at held up under a furiou.s ANXIOIJS EL PASO-The UNM football The narrow hall·way soon becomes filled with the echoes of Memorial Scholarship awards. Bri:rn Reinhart gave the lob01 a to win by that same score. ball . five times for 42 yards in­ from Miner quarterback Oscar Pub rally. team rcmcm bcred what happened basketballs pounding upon the floor of the long, steep ramp. 4"0 lc;1d late in the fiN haiL lie FOR cluding a 20-yard run in the first R!lmirez at the Mincr43. last weekend when New Mexico The win, which was the second Emerging from the ramp are men with names like Everette Jef­ took >ci>.sors pass lhlm lla'e period to set up the Lobo's first Ellis then set up the final Lobo a State jumped out to an early lead; shut-out victory posted by the ferson and Andre Logan. No where is there the familiar presence of Allen af'ter the Pub kicked from SNOW? touchdown. score '!S he hauled in a Wright pass the Aggies lost. 'Pack this year, upped UNM's Michael Cooper or Marvin Johnson, their endmne and sprinted through Scott Harmon, represen• seas.on tally to 5-3 and 2-1 in the for 18 yards to the Miner 13. Four Darkness Knots The Lobos kept this in mind Lobo place-kicker Alan Moore In time, a man with a deep tan and a worried look appears. Norm thedcfenoc for the try. tative of Rossignol, pre­ Western Athletic Conference, plays law Wright. sneaked in from Saturday night before a booted a 50-yard field goal in the Ellenberger has been here before. He's had to mold a basketball squad The Pub tied the score early in sents the breathtaking homecoming crowd of 18,650 at second behind Brigham Young who the one and place-holder Curt from the seemingly never-ending flow of junior college transfers. second quarter which tied the UNM the 1econd half af'tcr several at~ movie "The Cross..Coun· Sun Bowl Stadium as UNM was idle this weekend. McGill hit end Walt Arnold for the mark set in 1964 by Jack Abend­ Monday night the UNM Lobos will be under the lights, On hand Fijis, Law School tempts. ·1 he I.obos stopped the Pub try Experience" featur· two-point conversion. Former El Paso high school schan. will be ten thousand-plus Lobo fans and they will play the role of twice at the one-yard line before the ing Olympic Silver The second half was scoreless as judges. ,. Amid shouts of "I couldn't see The Fijis dominated the second standouts Mike and Mark Williams contest with the law school, l'ub controlled a five-yard serum Medal Winner, Bill Koch the Miner defense adjusted to the Very clear in their minds is the disaster that befell last year's heroes. the snap" and "Where is the INTERMEDIATE and Max Hudspeth paced the. The 'Pack's first score came on a field?" the Fijis (Phi Gamma mounting the game's only sustained and pushed into the cndn1ne. 58-yard touchdown strike from Lobo passing game and shut off the Cal State Fullerton sticks like a headache that won't go away. Thur., Nov. 2 ROCK CLIMBING Lobos with some outstanding play. Delta) and UNM Law School drive midway through the first half. Mark Brown moved the Lobo> quarterback Brad Wright to Keith 'Pack ground attack. In their minds, they can still see Marvin Johnson gliding into the played Sunday night to a 0·0 tie in back in front with n try midway 7:30p.m. by Hudspeth, who was injured Ellis. Ellis caught the ball in the The Miners threatened twice in corner, stretching out his arms and sending the ball through the hoop. Bennett moved the Fijis to the through the hall'. He took ;1 pass No admission fee against Texas Tech, resumed the the fourth quarter but turnovers It was automatic. the championship game of the law school two-yard line but his Outback flat, evaded the linebacking corps from Easley and hulled his way job of punting and punt returning halted both drives deep in Lobo They are going to miss Willie Howard slamming the ball through NROTC flag-football tournament. pass on fourth-and-goal was in­ Adve.-tures of the Miners and outran the through five defenders for the against the Miners and played as if secondary for the score. territory. the cords and Wil "Eraser" Smiley slamming the ball everywhere. On With darkness halting any chance tercepted by Jim Hansen, killing Saturday Nov. 4 he had not been injured at all. Next weekend both teams take to of overtime action, each team the threat. score. The conversion kick was a quiet afternoon in the Pit the echoes of last year remain. wide, leaving the score 8-4, Sunday Nov. 5 In the second quarter, Moore the road as the Lobos are in Salt But along comes a new bunch of basketball bouncers. settled for half of the championship Law school reached the finals Saturday Nov. 11 The Williams brothers, both booted a 26-yard three-pointer to Lake City to face Utah and the They look confident and they look good. and half of the coolers and mugs with victories over LCA 12-0 After Easley's penalty kick, the Sunday Nov.12 grads of El Paso Parkland, ravaged up the Lobo lead to 10"0. Moore Miners leave the continent to play The practice, led by the feisty Ellenberger, runs smooth to the donated by Budwieser. NROTC 14·6 and Coronado 7-6 Pub swarmed over the UNM back>, For Preregistration the Miner front line as Mike rushed then kicked his record-tying field the Rainbow Warriors. uneducated observer. But to Ellenberger and his staff of wise men, Fiji quarterback Eddie Bennet after a first-round bye. forcing several bad passes. The and Information Call: there are a few things wrong. brought his team back the hard Lobos attempted to kick the ball 842-9386 266·3540 "You're slow. You gotta have feet, you gotta have feet. Aw, that way, through the losers bracket, to GLASSES & CONTACTS out of the cndzone but missed and was terrible, just plain awful." reach the finals. MADE WHILE YOU WAIT II! the Pub recovered the ball in the cndzone. The successful conversion But Norm, they do have feet, and they are awfully fast. They are as Bennett teamed with recievers fast as any team around. They are road"runner fast. Their faces national kick moved the Pub within one Doug Fitzpatrick, John Grant and point, but UNM held on for the become blurs as they blaze back and forth, and up and down the Andy Halasz in a come-from­ brown hardwood. optical their second win of the season. behind 19-13 win over Sigma Alpha 2110 Centr.a1 S.E:. 243·S157 The echoes are there for anyone to listen too. But this new bunch of Epsilon and a 12-7 victory over dim sound a little. Coronado. Bennett threw touchdown passes of 17 yards to Fitzpatrick and lO yards to Halasz as the Fijis stopped then-unbeaten law school 13-6, forcing the final game. 1 t 1 UNM OOKSTORE t [ f I MONSTER

lii i' (, SALE ~: I I'l CADEMIC SALE BOOKS l.·~ HISTORY, LIT· CRIT· ETC! BOOKS-BY-THE-INCH POULSEN PHOTO Lobo receiver Keith Ellis sparkled with a 58-yard touchdown run against UTEP. ft h USED PAPERBACKS 7fY' AN INCH HUNT Pt-IOTO Like Lightning LobO reserve Jim Williams Ophthalmic Optician RECORDS Co/borne Strikes FROM $1.98 One Day Service Possible Tickets In Demand By ANDREW CARDONA Today was to have been tlie day However, the demartd for Lobo UNM volieybal! star Billie She said "Besides volleyball when un-renewed basketball tickets basketball tickets as demonstrated GIFT BOOKS Colborne is an athlete who can Billie was a standout in basketball for the University of New Mexico's during last year's 24-4 season move like lightning and spike a and in trcak." 1978-79 season were to go on sale to apparently did not subside. The SfATIONARY Quality. Eyewear volleyball with enough power to The UNM star modestly says her the general public on a first come, very few that were not renewed by make the opposition think twice volleyball game needs improving. first served basis. season ticket holders Were used to T-SHIRTS before they plock it. " "I feel that my playing isn't fulfill commitments to UNM scholarship donors alld - at that SfOREWIDE BARGAINS This is Colborne's second year on consistent. I need to improve my \ 1410-A Wyoming Blvd. NE the UNM squad and her first year blocking,. hitting and serving.'' . ' Correction - not all commitments to those ~.. .,..,...... ,,...,; ... ,.,..., ...... ,..,, ...... ,.., .... .,..,...... ,..,, ... ..,,...... ,...... , ... ,.,.,..,, ...... ,...... ,...,.,,..,,.,..,,., ...... ,,,.,,..,.,...,,.,..,.,~ under volleyball coach Cathy Lies. UNM basketball coach and donors were met. (Wyoming and Constitution) Because of a typo in last "Billie is an extremely gifted former assistant Volleyball coach The UNM athletic department SALE COUPON SALE COUPON SALE COUPON SALE COUPON SALE COUPON Billte Co/borne Thursday's LOBO, more athlete,'' Coach Lies said. ''I have Kathy Marpe recruited Colborne said it regrets that there will not be forUNM. "consistent athlete'' confusion was added to the any season tickets put on sale to the Phone: :'.96-6757 confidence in her, she's one of my already confusing subject of most consistent athletes." The basketball coach says that general public today. However, Colb()rne has been playing Lobo basketball student reserve Before attending U NM, the UNM athlete works c~trcmely volleyball four years and finds the tickets will be made available to the Colborne was a student at Cibola well when she is under pressure. tickets. public on a game-by-game basis $1. Hours: Mon.-Fri. 9:30 to 5:30 sport demanding. "Volleyball A date ticket can be purchased High School in Albuquerque and The volleyball star says she ' throughout the season. requii•es lots of time and con­ ' for with every athletic ID and CREDIT was a member of the Cibola sqUad decided on UNM because she ' $5 Those ticRets Wlll be put on sale Sat .. 10!00 to 1:00 centration. Mentally its a tough not $15. Student date tickets that captured the state volleyball wanted to stay in Albuquerque. SpOrt." on game days and come from those WITH PURCHASE OF $10 SALE MERCHANDISE must be picked up by 5 p.m. ort championship few years ago. She said, ''I wanted to slay near student reserved seats not picked up a The volleyball star plans to the last working day before the Former Cibola coach Barbara liomc so I didtt't bother to look into by the UNM student body by 5 VALID ONLY ON SALE MERCHANDISE cominuc playing for UNM. She game. The ticket office opens at Faculty • Staff • Student Discounts Buller recalls that in high school the any other offers," said, "I hope to coach sotncdayso I p.m. lhe day prior to each hoille VOID AFTER FRIDAY. NOV.::\ 8 a.nL UNM athlete displayed an cx­ The UNM athlete is attending want to gain all the experience I ga111c. ccptiomil alh~etic talent. UNM on athletic scholarshiJJ, can.!¥ l'ag<' 10, l'i<•w M<·xim Daily LOBO, Od

Cild I AR J l·~, \pnn'l, Jlli~~- 8fl! -]IJ12. ll:ll] 8. MISCELLANEOUS ~ 11.·!-)I.~T~ ---, t(.)£)iJ \ f-t-:t'>l N'l am{~~~;~;_:-r I'F'1 YA\1AlJA ;!<.IJ Mx. l x~;dlcm >.nndition nc\er 1\ROIIVI\J.. FRAMING AT ·rca~nmtblc Ptlt:{'~, d•··· lllll, r mllllOn, $:\'iO. Fcndl!r fwin l14ng glilling lcs~on~. 'iD.Ic'>, n:rm1r~. Ccrufi~:tl M:orrou Unll, roorn 105 )!,. Paul, :1.."1"·824.1$, lctwc ulc,~a~c ln~tructot. $85.883--0391. II /]0 Nov. 14. Op~n H:30 a.rro.- 4:30 p.rro. c~'!dJ ~P~' l

Single insertion 15¢/word/day WORK OVFRSb\S IN Jh~ fJcacc Corp~. 217.5907 4. HOUSING ]2l01 5 or more conse<.•utive days, ADDRI·IiSFRS WAN'JFIJ I. ..,..IMI-:DIATELY! W.ork 9¢/word/day NOH I!Jl I. ."-.·!Dl[-.1.. f{{'umnublc dml:t and wel'ldy ~ ll.\f'lCCh llf an' nwga1in11. Ahout Z-J hour~ 11 11!00 v..eek. C·all (iaylc 873-I 904 Uf!er fipnt. I 0/30 Pf f{I{Y'~ I'll./A. PillA h~ l)t'·~!Jt·l'illlli pan !'Itt\ 1. PERSONALS SiT~lJIO & JUI{~ lJNHJRNI~J.Il:IJ, fl{'Hr uunpm, (iiU~AT JOJ) OPEN to any \!l.ldcnl who can qualify ~Jll'tMh l!.'iltLHtnp ftt'\h •,al;id .... 2004 c ~·ntl'al "if· $1'i" '$170. llf, Pm1w1mt SJ·. ~(·c m:uHtgcnul\pt.ll>l for wur)( mtd}'. You only med tn hnvr.: ~omc high 1 1 1 (1\f Tll~~ lrnmlJNMJ !OilO effects of C CJNfl\( l'-i' ' ' POl 1'-.IIINtr & "OJ til IONS WIPP M-l'from 10 12:10nrull\ZIJ4·.'i52lhHttppt 11/08 ~..:hmt! typmg bnd:grountl. Wc will rr;~in you and ndd C,J•,r'J !Jp!lt olll Olllflilll'i. ,2(,'i HH•U1 IV() I I on -A I{TIAXIN<.·~ tlr.t_n_k~~,,~iiL·r -wh;;;;~· .~ By HILL ROilERTSON about one year ago, with gnonts from Sandia totaling 1{{)(11\1.\M 'If· I 0 Slli\IU~ IWo bednlllm huu~c, $ 1.5U to yom \kilh. Yutt Will love the people aml your hour~ wur~ .lw.ul fur Ned'~ HLiO >\t < 1,11(1\ Ji !Ni-o\{~1Afk)N .A.iHH-1 J --~,;r;· plu~ ut1hti\.'\, 1ic;u ~:ampu~, non \Jilokcr. 2116 3%2 r1rc flc:-.ihlc_ Wt• arc hcavil~· into computers. Ci!ll approxirnntely $100,000. Recently renewed, the .. -~· -- -·-·---- ·- Four UNM biology professors are beginning the !r.tLt'Jl(Hlll, •.tt•rdttarwn, ahurnnn H•yhl In ;1 ftc•· ~;()flpm. 11102 l[cahh Ri.'"ouurcc Rcgi~rq· Nonh Campus, Surg.: second year of comprehensive biological survey of project is expected to continue until the early part of f huo~t· l'J•I 0111 J 1. 20 1110!-\. Rm. 266 277·3051 & 277-6322. 10131 a MA1.1- WI\NJJ·D, SHARI: hu.\Hc, $J2."i tnclmhng the 1980's, at which time a monitoring program will U!!llll~~- H42 H%1. [JI(l2 $2CKI \\·'E·.H.:t..V MAll lNG ('JRCULARS! • • • the land targeted for the radioactive Waste Isolation pittflt"'l'o fltH1k~, JC~Illd~, /V. ~lllll'Wldl• h.U)Wt!l'> 1[[. (]) Matclial~ Supplied • • • .,tart 1nuncdiHtcly, free 'iil1Cl. I WO BHllHlOM 1Juu~t·1 hlot;k\ l'mm UNM Pilot Project (WJ PP) east of Carlsbad. commcnc~. detail~· Hunter, 100o:; Clay, San r·mnciscn 1 CA 94115 HI I I Y h~\Nc tN!7lJ,,;·:u;;-;t'l~l ;u\ th,;t u;l!.iin.>~l~~ nmtral hc;u, ~:otrpeun~. ~6:!·!151 Varley R~;nt;lh, $1~ 10.'11 Professors William Martin, Gordon Johnson, Doug Marlin, who is conducting studies of the flora and wunJ.tu < l~riHI!I fht 111 /ina. 11M 471"" 2. LOST & fOUND lel' II ().1 lfl-·10 PARr [ IME f.)!TTIN(j, ,l marning~. 6~ 15am • Caldwell and David Ligon, together with specialists vegetation indigenous to the area and transferred from H~l~\11· WANJVD 10 ~han• IIJ)tlrtllli!nt. N(llt· I JND YCJl;go:,;r If· tN 1!11: PL·ateCnrp\ 277-51)()7 8:10am, J ..:htld, Hyr~ .. pny nc_gntiublc. Cali2M-4960. II I- Nlt '1 ~.r IHNmnker.$1J~mo.2411401. 11!10 frorro three other southwest universities, have been other places, said no endangered species has yet been 12.'/ll II 103 ~h-rht~~JJ',f I ht•nlrtjoi;Ll'al <.,Lhuol HI Oluo, Will ht' .n (AMJICS SPIT! AI, 5 h!.:droom, Uuuhlc h;uh commissioned by Sandia Corporation to chart a map found. l ·mll·d l>.ltllhlm·~ c cnll'J, [HOI I a~ I•Hiht~ Nr, 247 j·{Jt 'NJ). Wcir;1-..-\N;c;·c,o[ n·-,..dt~·h Willi PAP. I llt-..-H· NIGIII' llu~bO}- f'an lime cu~hicr, m;m~itm Applian.:c~. fl•nccd yun.l, $2'i0. Valle~ "lt's highly unlikely that we'll turn up any en­ Cl·i'l ', Wttlm··.day Nnvcmhl·r I, l!l,mll~nnun, [II b.uul ltlt'nuh· nni.l ~ laun ~1LHrnn Hull. RtlOHl IO'i tllt!,hl~ anti \\oCckcnd~. Apply 111 pcr~on bet\\.{'l.:il 2· of the life forms found in the pilot area, \(('lltill~ ':!i35 fcc 2();!.-17'il. 11 ~m College Studies ntt·t! V.\111 '·•llllf1tl" llllltl~l~·r•,, I,J~IIIIV i!lltl ~ttllknt•, Jln ~Jlfl1 f flllHit:r 1-tc<.WUri\nt. 2.4IHJ c·cmi'nl SE II '01 The data is being used to help formulate an en­ dangered species of pl~nt life," be s~id, "especially in J/0i(~(. ROOM, PRIVATI· hath. ~·ntraJKC, llill'lr'·.rnl 111 I lwo1npj, .til du~·atnJJt tk·~dl,jlllll'rth or r ICJ'. 't c)l;N·f)~ IH}O~ IOlli-;;{J;;;-xrt·'ihltJdin~7' lni.'U'-~ SA Vl· $$. 'lrea, m1c Pcllwom, ])em Throw It A II A way .... 1 r ·,Iilli Ntn I ": 1 ~Ji:7i)jJ-ij- CN~l Fltrn \lllfllc mom, Ponrd, $2.0{1 p~r rllonthand n:..:cnc h·~·tltllllt~• Wl'ot~illt! Iii ,•,(", >,J 1 JIII ~V.('iliL'r w ·~m'i.IL• d~'\1~11 ( !.urn :\turon llall. R11nm these life systerros. stabilized dune area, is fmond in many other places in .:arpctt•tl. i<.•tKtd ~ilri.l $7~ 2(12·175 I, Valley Rt:l\lilh, ''l'lllll!IW .,...nlk~h•IP 1hll Nm I lth \h' 11100) II 02 S1'i Icc Olli..:c, I ;1 P'n\athl flail. Ih•aJimc Nowmbcr 3, !9"!!:{. r~,>-t :Nr:i~·-iiAJR(),- ~PJ~;~c~ ~~~ 1:~n.: An., Huillling ------~~,---- ~ ttle a> 6 months! IIU I 1'1 I ,\"ll ( 6N IJ\( .I 111;•• t~ •tHtU ,h pn~~1hf·~· 10 :m waste decomposition on natural nutrient cycles al the The proposed WI PI' site is located in a region that is ltkutih nnU t.loum in Mtmunl taJJ J(l.~. 11 mJ Y1111 mrnplt•lt•U t'OIIl'L::C ~·uurw.~ t'Uil ;.tpply rl;AC'Il!NC; POSITIONS, AlI 'tlbjcct ... hccdum u·~·;utlm~ uur mterHt'\.lr J,p;t mmllh lki,Jm·, 2i7 .. ---.-- 5. FOR SALE \(t\\urd jOn lr.Jiniu~. ·\SD lllt'n• i~ Jmlatkuf site, said a Texas consulting firm, Southwestern the northern extension of the Chihuahan Desert, '·tt ·(t II Ill 1 OST· ('f\ I ct IJ At OR IN I ~IP\ II all {f:(('S llni\cr~ity. 2(1fl.'7(il9, 26~·0(J:lJ II ·0.1 JOBS fur lhmt· With ~kill, Emplo_\'N~ kmll\ lhi~ Research Institute, will write the irnpact statement. which is primarily situated in north-central Mexico. lluihlin¥). l~cwo~r\1. 293 ·7471. 11 !(J J 'i4 \)OJ)( i[· \'AN, rend~ hl hliild ur. One ton, J \\lit ,c >"' 1lr I.~ Aomt·m .. ~-.u~· rt't rutriii~-~·,;l~ulW~ OPPORTllNI Tll·S IN AVJA l'lON. The llmtccl lllld !hut'., wit~ IJ\ t•r lOll() rmnpanil'~ hn\1' ~·llllt·d nake A display of rattlesnakes i7i0~·fb~· Wfllll: I+MI\1 1~ k111cu. nc<~r I due. ~flccd, nwntml tnlll'm'~'tml, guml puce. C'RJl 265· The research project is being organized and "It's a large area," Martin said. "Many of the loti .t tltH' lllt!lt\JJ ~LIIllllll'f \'11\,l)lt' Ill StiLIIh c\/lll'fll;! ~t.ue\ Nav~· I" .:urrcntly ''rccning r.:olle,gc m1Ucm.., or .J.I.n•:Jd~ t1~h~('Ur. and rodents is being shown t ,d! ">alh \\ontl, 1-l'i 7:'1il ur VJtkl J tt~'ln~~·r, HVR llldg., hl:1lk JWJtklll~\\ on nt"Ck. ( ·;t1[294·'i71!.l. II.· n2 VJJ~o1J't1:r6prn tln grad' fur J1(l~lltum in a.,ir11im1. Complerc trainin¥ financed by Sandia Corporation. Other universities species we're finding are duplicated elsewhere." .'.''I II ·'01 ~f:lft~ACh WAll!,!, rcwnn!.lnumJ .. GST.8tl2 OI·RMAN. <'OIN OPI·f.t.A ll:l) rumball tat'tlc t)rfcrct.l for il\"it•rt•tarial show greenhouse. and New Mexico State, types of the area. "We're taking a month-by-rroonth -'lltl,htH' 111t'l'IIIW O~Whl•r 1() .;1( 1·0[) Jl llL l m. I <>Vi·J{, ~uJ;jj~.~~i;~.; lh;;,·,i~ii·~ l~ol/NIJ: <·m OR \1. l!H·~ in Ortc~a lhtlL Btl\ I~ bel; 1971 GRJ.MI JN, FAIR cnuditmn, dean. cw,ytm ga~. study of the relationships between plant life and water said. "We're also looking at game birds., including •trl•i.lll!hR ~~~~lrl and mmm' f{m I 'i·l ICJI111~rtll { t\rll ~ ()(I p.lll h!Ut~lu I dc;,Jp:u,ln 2Cl·7H, l{cward ConiilctS176046. ro,~J Ut),.c $15. TV o.tcrcu ~on\olc· S"''i_ <'aii29H·o.lgl fessionals Your opportuni· Starts Sept. 25 Rules enforced "We're also doing a complete study of the Pecos help of graduate students and often visiting the site J(J .' ;t J 10 ,,() I 0"1 I: ALI h\IIII in ('hu~k. 10130 ties are unlimited in real f.'in:uwial,\id A\:.~iluhh• River," he said, "which is conceivably where any two or three times a month, have recently compiled a n 1c ·tJ\u lNJdiJi-H·~, ~{ ~r•Pi11 ·y·;;,r;;,-;;iJ\~;ur~ ·------~ SINtifiR r·UTl!RA lOP of Ihe line, <.liglllh' mcd hul jnh J1lut. tfn \portulit'lll. 360\'·H P.S, PJl i\,(" A.T. C'"ll 266· '. prompted the Hokona resident Odnln:r 11 m1d get ·,1 fe~mc ma prograrro. with the now-spooky holiday. For Sale; 6, Employment; 7. Travel 8. Miscellaneous. "There is a five-year limit on There is an Irish tale about the special projects like this," she said. origin of jack-o'-lanterns. It is "If we subrroit another prograrro just related that a rnan narroed Jack was like. ,this to HEW we won't get not admitted into heaven because fund~d.'' he had been a miser on earth. He Valdez said she plans to submit could not enter hell becl]Use he had EncloSP.d $ --~ PlaCed bV--~~-Telephone another application to HEW played practical jokes on the devil. "using a different name or a dif­ So he was doorroed to walk the earth ferent slant. They may just go for with his lantern until Judgment SKRONDAHL PHOTO Marron Hall, Room 132 that," she said. Day. Another possibility for continuei:l According to the occult, Mail To fuilding of the project would be. for Halloween is a time (or magical Ghostly According to superstition, Witches, goblins and ghosts are UNM Box 20, University of New Mexico, the New Mexico State Legislature ceremonies. Sociologist Gilbert to walk the earth tonight. Halloween originated as a com­ to pick up funding for the program, Merkx said there are at least three bination of ancient Druid festivals and a Catholic feast day. Albuquerque~ New Mexico 87131 said Valdez. t:olitlrh.ied on p·age 5 lcorith;uod on page 31 Lobo