GLEANER November 25, 1980 URNING POIN the Majestic March of the Seasons Has Ushered Us Into the Final Quarter of 1980
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Tz A tLTA UlkA6i4 GLEANER November 25, 1980 URNING POIN The majestic march of the seasons has ushered us into the final quarter of 1980. Across America most families will be making plans for yuletide joy for there is peace in our land. Said one writer, "Love and peace go together for love is the flame that warms, a light that glows, a magnet that draws, a fragrance that refreshes, a cup that cheers, a hope that endures." It was hope and faith that helped Victor Herman survive the Soviet gulag. Writing for the "Wall Street Journal" Carl Gersh- man presents this provocative backdrop. The following experience is the ultimate rewards that satan extends to the whole human race—man against man and man against God. Carl Gershman writes as follows: Herman went to Russia with his family in 1931 at the age of 16. He was one of 300 Detroit families that resettled in Gorki where the Ford Motor Company was helping the Russians build a great auto- mobile factory modeled after its own River Rouge plant. Along with many of these families, Herman stayed on beyond the contracted three-year period and so got caught in the great purge of 1937-1938 period. All but a small handful of these Americans had already been arrested by the NKVD in the summer of 1938. Victor Herman claims to be the only survivor of all the Americans from Gorki who were sent to the Siberian camps. The astonishing thing is not that the others died, but that he lived. He endured 10 years in the gulag and eight more in exile in Siberia. His first year was spent in a prison near Gorki in a cell 10 feet by 51/2 feet in which 16 men were kept. It was like a war in purga- tory, before he would enter "the vastly harder conditions of the camps." The men would sit on either side of a large pot which received their waste and was emptied every 10 days. Their "meals" would consist of a bowl of hot salty water, or a small bowl of cereal, or a bit of soggy black bread. They left this cell only when they were taken to the bathhouse every 10 days, or when one of them was removed for interrogation. During this first year, Herman was interrogated for 55 nights running. Refusing to confess his counter-revolutionary activities, he was systematically beaten about the kidneys and subjected to other torture. He saw others die from this treatment, including a hugh, powerful American who had been famous in Detroit for knocking over a mounted policeman during a workers' demonstration. The By Aaron N. Brogden, Director gulag destroyed such people but not Herman. He even achieved a Stewardship and Development kind of triumph when, using the prisoners' "tap language" which he Atlantic Union Conference had deciphered, he proclaimed to those who thought he had been executed that, in fact, he continued to live. He spent the next nine years in a Siberian hard labor camp that was really an extermination camp since no one sent there was ex- pected to survive. He endured starvation, exhaustion, the arctic cold, epidemics, and periodic visits to the isolator, a hole dug in the frozen ground in which he was forced to sit while guards doused him with water every two hours. He even survived—he was the only one of 18 foreigners to do so. It is to Victor Herman, and the Russians, and to all men every- where, that the Gospel of Jesus Christ must be proclaimed. Jesus Christ perceived the needed preparation when He commissioned His witnesses, "Go ye therefore, and teach all nations . ."(Matthew 28:19). But before one is qualified to teach, he himself must become a learner. He must understand the ABC's of the Christian's commitment. And what better time than "year-end, and square-up time" that has this annual reminder on Stewardship Day, December 13, 1980. The purposes and objectives of the annual stewardship day is to: a. expose the largest number of church officers and members to the biblical con- cepts of Christian stewardship b. to establish the need of stewardship education c. to encourage ministers to present in every pulpit the stewardship day sermon d. to expel the erroneous idea that World Stewardship Day is a "money raising" occasion or a "special offering" day. World Stewardship Day will enable the members to understand better that the stewardship program is an education program. They will glimpse anew and realize what it will take to finish the work. Education must go on throughout the year, but World Steward- ship Day is the special Sabbath of the year when all Adventist pulpits should give united emphasis to the great principles of Christian stewardship. We need to understand the stewardship of the TOTAL LIFE. This includes not only the stewardship of our money—but also our other resources, health, time, abilities, et cetera. Money is important. It is needed urgently. But the partnership— the living experience is needed most urgently—critically] Money is not the problem today. It never has been the problem in God's work. The problem lies in the spiritual experience of the recipients of God's blessing. Just to raise money is not the answer. The answer lies in satisfy- ing the poverty of the soul—and receiving unto ourselves an enriched experience with Jesus Christ in salvation. We need to develop FAITH. The results will be predictable: 1. Deeper spirituality of membership. 2. Individual involvement. 3. Willingness to learn and participate. 4. Greater appreciation of our being or body, our time, our talents and our resources. Stewardship is indeed a spiritual principle which will: a. help find missing members g. provide a system to analyze the spiritual and financial conditions b. activate church officers of your church c. activate church members h. help organize and coordinate a spiritual plan for your church d. eliminate unnecessary Sabbath pro- motion i. help organize and coordinate finan- cial plans of your church e. eliminate unnecessary emphasis on financial needs j. teach the principles for basic Chris- tian living f. inform the members as to what their money, time and abilities have al- k. teach a person how to surrender ready accomplished the life to Jesus Christ "God expects personal service to everyone to whom He has en- trusted a knowledge of the truth for this time. Not all can go as mis- sionaries to foreign lands, but all can be home missionaries in their families and neighborhoods" (Testimonies, Vol. 9, p. 30). "So vast is the field, so comprehensive the design, that every sanctified heart will be pressed into service as an instrument of divine power" (Ibid, p. 47). The church of God has reached the turning point, each in- dividual member has reached the turning point, each minister has reached the turning point, each worker has reached the turning point, can Christ count on you to turn right and keep going straight? (USPS 036.280) According to Harold F. Otis, Jr., TLAtLzzu., General Manager of the Review and GLEANER Herald, the new site has yet to be de- OFFICIAL OKAPI OF THE AUANTIC UNION COAFEADICE OF SEVENTH DAT ADVENTISTS termined. However, the Board of General News ... Directors recommended Washington Leon Davis Managing Editor Geraldine I. Grout Editor County in Maryland as a possible op- Carol Hawley Layout Artist tion. Negotiation for a new site are EDITORIAL COMMITTEE: L. W. Crooker, Chair- Ingathering Experience now being conducted by the Board of man; C. Dale Chaffee, Victor W. Collins, L. H. Directors. Davis, Geraldine I. Grout, D. D. Osborne. The following experience was pub- CORRESPONDENTS: Bermuda, Carlyle Sim- ANITA BOBES-FERNANDEZ mons; Greater New York, Betty Cooney; New lished by Elder Nelson, Lay Activities York, G. E. Kovalski; Northern New England, director in the New York Conference: John Williamson; Southern New England, Victor W. Collins; Atlantic Union College, Ronna Archbold; New England Memorial Hos- "It was Saturday night, December Sales Boost VOP Radiobroadcasts pital, W. R. Holbrook; Metropolitan Ministries, Diane Pomeroy. 15. It was cold and windy as we started for a rural area near Syracuse Published twice monthly by the Atlantic Union Conference and printed by the Col- to do some Christmas caroling and lege Press, South Lancaster, Massachusetts share with others our love for our 01561. Subscription price $5.00 a year. wonderful Saviour. The carolers' All material for publication must be voices blended beautifully on "Silent channelled through the institution or con- Night," "0 Little Town of Bethelem," ference correspondent. and "0 Come, All Ye Faithful." Both old and new addresses should be given when a change of address is requested. "Almost every family we contacted Zip code should be included for all addresses. gave readily and willingly. Many $2.00 Second class postage paid at Post Office. offerings were received, and one $5.00 South Lancaster, Massachusetts 01561. offering. As we left each home, the carolers broke into 'We Wish You A ATLANTIC UNION CONFERENCE DIRECTORY Merry Christmas,' and each one waved 400 Main Street a cheery goodbye. Mothers, fathers, South Lancaster, Massachusetts 01561 and children waved back with smiles on their faces, and many called out a Lance Liebelt (Right), Voice of Prophecy Telephone (617) Clinton 368-8333 hearty 'Thank you.' Most people treasurer, receives a check from Mary Lou E. W. Amundson ........... President seemed to be thankful for the oppor- Whitford Dahl that marks her milestone of A. N. Brogden.,..Secretary; A.S.I.; Stewardship tunity to give." $100,000 raised for the radiobroadcast through and Development; Inner City "What a wonderful way to get our the sale of antiques, jewelry, and other valu- L.