


Compiled by

Ronny T. Miyaoka


This table and location map are compiled from fossil information collected within the Charley River A-1. A-2, A-3. 6-1, 8-2, 8-3, C-I, and C-2 1:63.360-scale quadrangles. Sources of information for the campilation are mainly published reports of the U.S. Geological Survey, as well as unpublished fieldnotes. maps. and fossil reports of USGS workers conducting geologic studies in the area. The fossil data in the table are listed chronologfcally, by collector, according to when the fossils were collected. This information includes, where available, map number. geologic map unit, collector's field number, USGS collection number, fossil list, and fossil age designation. Sources of information and names of paleontologists Hho identified fossils are keyed with superscripts and cited at the end of the table. Reports for most of the collections that have been assigned a USGS collection number are on file at the U.S. National Museum of Natural History in Washington. D.C. The fossil lists are reproduced as originally prepared by the paleontologists indicated. However, many of the older collections have been restudied by later workers, and because of improved taxonomic and stratigraphic frameworks, restudy has resulted in revised identification, correlation, and(or) age designation for many collections. Consequently, care should be taken in using the appraisals of early workers and most attention should be given to the more current reports and publications.

The fossil location map is reproduced on a screened geologic base at a scale of 1:100.000. The geology and map untts are.frun Dover (in press) which contains a brlef descriptton of stratigraphic unlts. The locations of fossils collected prior to 1931 (map numbers 1-87) are only approximate due to the lack of precise location information.

Although much effort went into making the fossil table and location map as complete as possible, some existing data were not available for inclusion, and some data may been omitted inadvertently.


I am indebted to Ellen White and Sue Booth of the U.S. Geological Survey's Technical Data Unit in Menlo Park for their invaluable sssistance in recovering archival information, and to J.T. Dutro. Jr. for his editorial review which led to many important additions and improvements.


Dover. James H.. in press, Geologlc map and fold-and-thrust-belt interpretation of the southeastern part of the Charley River quadrangle, east-central Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Miscel laneous Investigations Map 1-1942. scale 1:100,000. Fossil data for the Charley River A-1. A-2. A-3, B-1, 8-2. 8-3. C-1, and C-2 1:63,360-scale quadrangles. Alaska Ltootnotes at end of table]

Map USGS number- collection map unit ~ocationl Field number number Fossils Fossil age

Collection of J.E. spurr2

1 Pt A-2 (A) 2444-PC Amplexus? cf. A. zaphrentiformis I ~ermian~**~~ Productus longispinus Productus longispinus? Productus multistriatus Productus semireticulatus var. Productus cf. P. undatus Pustula punctata var. Spirifer cf. S. scobinus Avicullpecten sp.

Collections of A.J. Collier

2 Dnr I A-2 (0) 2443-PC~ Globigerina? sp. permianZ2 Chonetes cf. C. laevis Productus cf. P. Cora var, Productus cf. P. multistriatus Productus semireticulatus var. Productus cf. P. semireticulatus Productus cf. P. undatus Pustula cf. P. humboldti Marginifera sp. Camarophoria cf. C. pinguls Rhynchopora cf. R. nikitini Spirifer cf. 5. striatus Spiriferella arctica Reticularia cf. R. lineata Streblopterla sp.

3 Pt A-2 (A) 2445-pc2 Productus cf. P. multistriatus ~ermian~~ Productus cf. P. semireticulatus Spiriferella arctica

4 KJgu? 8-3 (A) 2674-Mes. Aucella crassicollis ~e~serling* Early cretaceousZ4 Buchia okensis1° Early - (Berriasian) 25

5 PMcb? A-1 (A) 2970-PC~ Lepidodendron? sp. Mississippian? or Late ~evonian~~

6 TKs? A-2 (A) 2971-~es.~ Plant fragments Late ~retaceous~~

Collections of A. ~ollick~

I 7 Dnr A-2 (6) 2441-PC Zaphrentis sp. permianz3 Stenopora sp. Streptorhynchus cf. S. pelargonatus Chonetes cf. C. morahensis Productus cf. P. koninckianus Productus cf. P. mammatus Productus sp. Pustula cf. P. horrida Pustula cf. P. irginae Avonia cf. A. porrecta? Marginifera cf. M. aargardi Marginifera cf. M. splendens Rhynchopora cf. R, nikitini Spirifer cf. S. marcoui Spiriferella arctica Squamularia cf. S. perplexa Cleiothyridina sp. Schizodus sp. Aviculipecten sp. Omphalotrochus sp.

8 Dnr A-2 (0) 3AH7 Spirophyton sp. ~enns~lvanian?~~


2 Map USGS number- collection map unit ~ocationl Field number number Fossils Fossil age

Collection of A.H. P.rooks2

I Collections of G.L. ~arrington? I

10 Dm A-1 (A) 738 Fenestella sp. Middle ~evonian~' Eatonia? sp. Pugnax sp. Atrypa reticularis Martinia cf. M. rnaia

11 Dm A-1 (A) 740 Fenestel la Middle Lievonian2'

12 Dm A-1 (A) 741 Chonetes sp. Middle ~evonian~~ 13 Dm? A-1 (A) 742 Stropheodonta sp., found in float Middle ~evonian~~

Collections of 0.0. cairnes2 (Canadian Geological Survey) Map USGS number- collection map unit I.ocation1 Field number number Fosslls Fossil age

D.D. Cairnes (c~nt)~

I 18 (cont) Reticularia sp. Athyris? n. sp.

19Do 6-1 (A) XVIIj,kl6 Zaphrentis sp. Middle Favosites sp. Stropheodonta sp. Atrypa reticularis (Linnaeus) Schizophoria striatula (Schlotheim) Gypidula sp.

20 Do 0-1 (A) XVII p 4,5 Favosites sp. Middle ~evonian~~ Camarotoechia sp. Pugnax cf. P. pugnus (Martin) Atrypa reticularis (Linnaeus) var. Leptaena rhomboidal is (Mil ckens) Schizophoria striatula (Schlotheim) Reticularia sp. Anoplotheca cf. A. acutiplicata (Conrad) Platyceras sp. Cytherella sp. Cyphaspis cf. C. bellula Cyathophyllum cf. C. quadrfgeminum Goldfuss Hercinella? sp

21 Pt7 B-1 (A) XVII n 34 Chonetes cf. C. ostiolatus perrnianZ3 Productus cf. P. aagardi Productus n. sp. Rhynchopora cf. R. nikltlni

22 O€jr A-1 (A) XIX j 9 Obolus sp. Middle cambrianZ9 Lingulella sp. Acrothele cf. A. coriacea Linnarsson Acrotreta, 2 sp. Agnostus. 2 sp. Ptychoparia sp. Anomocare sp. Liostracus sp. Levisia sp.

23 mjr A-I. (A) XIX J 17, 18 Obolus (Westonia) cf. 0. stoneanus Middle Cambrianz9 (Whitfield) Lingulella sp. Acrothele cf. A. coriacea Linnarsson Schizambon cf. S. typicalis Walcott Undetermined trilobite 24 DO A-1 (A) XIX j 23.22 Atrypa reticularis (Llnnaeus) Middle tIevonianZ8 Stropheodonta sp. Schizophorla striatula (Schlotheim) Cryphaeus? sp.

25 Wjr A-l (A) XIX j 31 Foraminifera? undetermined Middle cambrianZ8 Obolus. 2 sp. Obolus (Westonia) cf. 0. stoneanus (Whitfield) Lingulella. 2 sp. Dicellorms? sp. Curticia? sp. Acrothele cf. A. coriacea Linnarsson Acrotreta sp. Orthoid Coral? Ostracode Agnostus sp. Eurycare? sp. Three unidentified trilobites

26 Ejr A-1 (A) XIX J 32 Micromitra (Iphidella) pannula (White)? Middle cambrianZ9 Obolus 2 sp. Obolella? sp. Acrothele cf. A. corlacea Linnarsson Acrotreta, 2 sp. Ostracode Illaenus? sp.

fl - t. Map USGS number- collection map unit ~ocationl Field ntnnber number Fossils Fossil age

I 0.0. Cairnes (contl2

27 DOr A-1 (A) XIX m 6 Cladopora sp. Middle ~ilurian~~ Favosites sp. Zaphrentis sp. Camarotoechia? cf. C. acinus Hall Camarotoechia? cf. C. indianensis (Hall) Atrpya sp. Atrpylna sp. Nucleospira cf. N. pisiformis Hall Trematospira cf. T. camura Hall Sieberella n. sp. Mytilarca? cf. M. sigilla Hall Platyceras sp. Orthoceras sp. - Dalmanites sp. 28 Do A-1 (A) XIX p 10 Cyathopyllum? sp. Middle ~evonian~~ Atrypa reticulari s Leptaena rhomboidalis (Wilckens) Spirifer sp.

29 Ejr A-l (A) XIX p 20 Obolus 2 sp. Cambrian29 Lingula sp. Acrotreta 2 sp. Asaphus? sp. GSC-273 Re-examination of collection (Canadian Early OrdovicianJO Geological Survey collection number)

30 Do A-1 (A) XIX q 23 Fenestella sp. Middle ~evonian~~ Atrypa reticularis (Linnaeus) Atrypa cf. A. flabellata Goldfuss Stropheodonta cf. S. arcuata Hall --_-Conocardium cf. C. cuneus Conrad 31 DOr? A-1 (A) XIX s 28 Pholidops cf. P. squamiformis Hall Middle Atrypa sp. Atrypa cf. A. marginalis Dalman Orthis flabellites foerste Dalmanella cf. 0. elegantula (Dalman) Whitfieldella cf. W. nitida Hall Anoplotheca sp. Illaenus cf. I. armatus Hall 32 DOr A-1 (A) XIX t 27 Whitfieldel la sp. Late Silurian28 Atrypa reticularis Linn

Collections of E.M. ~indle~ (Canadian Geological Survey collection numbers)

)r 33 TKs A-3 (A) 20 Plant fossils Late ~retaceous~~ 34 Kb 8-3 (A) GSC-3783 Pinna sp. Early cretaceousZ4 Inoceramus sp. Aucella? sp. Pecten sp. Perisphlnctes? sp. Inoceramus sp. Early Cretaceqys Pinna sp. (Valanginian) Polyptychites sp.

35 Kb 8-3 (A) 19 GSC-3785 Aucella crassicollis Keyserl ing Early ~retaceous3~ Buchia "sublaevis" Early Cretace us (~alanginian)$5 - 36 3gl A-2 (A) GSC-4054 Camarophoria? cf. C. crumena Late ~riassic~~ Pugnax cf. P. osagensis Pugnax sp. Djelasma? cf. 0. bovidens (Tschernyschew) Martinia? sp. Spiriferina cf. S. laminosa Spiriferlna cf. S. simensis Nucula sp. Halobia cf. H. superba

i a Map USGS number- collection map unit ~ocationl Fleld number number Fossils Fossil age

I E.M. Kindle (contj2

36 (cont) Aviculipecten cf. A. parvulus Aviculipecten? sp. Plagioglypta? sp. Pleurotomaria sp. Ostracoda

Collections of L.D. 0urling2 (Canadian Geological Survey collection numbers)

37 mjr 14-1 (A) CSC-4689 Syrnphysurina sp. Early 0rdovician31 ------Eoorthis sp. 38 OEjr A-1 (A) GSC-4730, Eoorthis sp. Late cambrian31 4731.4733 Westonia sp. Acrothele sp. Parabolus sp. Trilobites of several genera and species GSC-47323 Yukonaspis kindlei Kobayashi Late ~arnbrian~~,~~ Undet. eurekid Also contains fossils listed above for GSC-4730,4731.4733

39 Wlt A-1 (A) GSC-4734 Same fossils as listed above for Late ~ambrian~O,~l GSC-4730,4731,4733

Collections of G.C. arti in'

40 Pt A-2 (A) 82 Zaphrentis sp. ~errnlan~~ Avonia cf. A. porrecta Spiriferella arctica

41 Pt A-2 (A) 83 Zaphrentis sp. ~errnian~~ Lingulidoscina cf. L. utahensis Productus cf. P. Cora Productus cf. P. gruenewaldti - 42 hgl A-2 (A) 84 8895-Mes. Rhynchonella sp. Late Rhynchonella? sp. Terebratula sp. Spiriferina sp. Halobia sp. Avicul ipecten sp. Natica? sp. Nautilus sp. Ammonite of undetermined genus 85 8896-Mes. Halobia cf. H, superba Late Triassicz4

86 8897-Mes. Halobia cf. H. superba Late ~riassic~~ 87 8898-Mes. Halobia cf. H. superba Late ~riassic~~ Clionites? sp. 88 8899-Mes. Pseudornonotis subcircularis Late ~riassic~~ 43 Dnr A-2 (A) 89 Plant specimens not identi fled

44 TKs A-2 (A) 10266-Mes., Pseudornonotis sp. Late ~riassic~~ 10267-Mes. Halobia cf. H. superba

Collections of E. lack welder^

45 Rgl A-2 (A) 1507/81 9382-Mes. Rhynchonella? sp. Late ~riassic~~ Terebratula sp. Pseudomonotls subcircularis 1507lE 9383-Mes. Halobia cf. H. superba Late ~riassic~~ Map USGS number- collectlon map unit ~ocation' Field number number Fossils Fossil age

E. Blackwelder (c~nt)~

I 45 (cont) 1507lH 9384-Mes. Rhynchonella sp. Late ~riassic~~ Spiriferina sp. Halobia? sp. Avicul ipecten? sp. Pecten sp. Pleurophorus? sp. Orthoceras sp. Nautllus sp. Monophyllites? sp.

46 Dnr A-2 (A) 15071X Indet. vegetal matter indeterminatez6

47 Dnr A-2 (A) 1507163 Bothrodendroid? group Early Mississippian or Late 0evonianz6

48 Rgl A-2 (A) 150818 9385-Mes. Rhynchonella sp. Late Triassicz4 Spiriferina sp. Avicullpecten sp. Avicul ipecten? sp. Orthoceras sp. Nautilus sp. Placites? sp, Popanoceras (Parapopanoceras?) sp. Trachyceras (Protrachyceras?) Cf. T. (P.) leconti

1508lC 9387-Mes. Pleurotomria? sp. Late ~riassic~~ Clionites? sp. Bone fragment 150810 9388-Mes. Halobia cf. H, superba Late Triassicz4 - 49 KJgu? 8-3 (A) 1509 9389-Men. Inoceraws Early cretaceousz4 50 Dnr A-2 (B) 1799 Productus sp. ~ermian~~ Rhynchopora cf. R. nikitini Dielasma? sp. Spiriferella arctica Martinia sp. Straparol lus? sp.

1799lA Productus cf. P. cora perrnianz3 Rhynchopora cf. R. nikitini

1799lB Rhynchopora cf. R. nikitini ~ermian~~

51 Pt A-2 (A) 1800 Productus cf. P. gruenewaldti ~ermian~~ Productus sp. Marginifera cf. M. aargardi Deltopecten sp.

1800lA Productus sp. permianz3 Pustula cf. P. horrida Marginlfera? sp. Spiriferella? sp. 180018 Batostomella sp. permi an23 Stenopora sp. Streptorhynchus? sp. Productus cf. P. mamatus Rhynchopora cf. R. nikitini Spirifer cf. S. marcoui Spiriferella arctica? Composita subtilita?

52 Kb 8-3 (A) Chondrites heerii Eichwald Early Cretaceous?

Collection of P.3. illl lard'

53 TKs A-2 (A) 9321-Mes. Pseudomonotis? sp, Late Triassicz4

L 2 Map USGS number- collection map unit ~ocation' Field number number Fossils Fossil age

Collections of G. Girty2

54 Pt A-2 (A) 2437-PC Batostomella sp. permi anz3 Lingula sp. Chonetes sp. Productus cf. P. mamnatus Marginifera cf. M. aargardi Rhynchopora cf. R. nikitini Squamularia cf. S. perplexa Aviculipecten sp. Pleurotomaria sp.

2437a-PC Lingula sp. permfana3 Chonetes cf. C. morahensis Productus cf. P. koninckjanus Productus cf. P. mamnatus Pustula cf. P, irginae Marginifera cf. M. aargardi Rhynchopora cf. R. nikitini Squamularia cf. S. perplexa ---Streblopteria sp. 2437b-PC Lingulidiscina sp. permi an2I Chonetes cf. C. morahensis Marginifera cf. M. aargardi Rhynchopora cf. R. nfkitini

2438-PC Lophophyl lum sp. permi an23 Meekella? sp. Chonetes sp. , Productus cf. P. Cora ,-+' Productus cf. P. koninckianus

,,I Productus cf. P. koninckianus var. Productus cf. P. longus Productus cf. P. mammatus Productus sp. Pustula cf. P. irglnae Marginifera cf. M. aargardi Spiriferella? arctica Squamularia cf. S. perplexa Martinia sp. Oeltopecten cf. D. occidentalis Pleurotornarla sp. Schizostoma sp.

2439-PC Arnplexus sp. permi an23 Streptorhynchus cf. S. pelargonatus Chonetes cf. C. morahensis Productus cf. P. Cora Productus cf. P. koninckianus var. Productus cf. P. longus Productus cf. P. mammatus Pustula cf. P. irglnae Avonia cf. A. porrecta Marginifera cf. M. aargardi Marginifera typlca var. septentrionalis? Camarophoria cf. C. margarltovi Rhynchopora cf. R. nikitini Spiriferella arctica var. Squamularia cf. S. perplexa Martinia? sp. Spiriferina sp. Edmondia? sp. Pleurotornaria? sp. Schizostoma sp.

2440-PC Productus cf. P. Cora (of Tschernyschew) ~errnian~~ Productus cf. P. konincklanus var. Productus cf. P. longus Productus cf. P. mammatus Pustula cf. P. irginae Marginifera cf. M. aargardi Camarophoria cf. C. margaritovi Rhynchopora cf. R. nikitini Squamularia cf. S. perplexa Bardia sp.

244Oa-PC Chonetes cf. C. morahensis permi an23 Pustula cf. P. horrida Marginifera cf. M. aargardi

-- d Map USGS number- collection map unit ~ocetion~ Field number number Fossils Fossil age


G. Girty (cont12

54 (cont) Rhynchopora cf. R. nikitini Squamularia? sp. 2442-PC Triplophyl lum? sp. ~errnian'~ Batostwnella sp. Phyllopora? sp. Derbya sp. Streptorhynchus cf. S. pelargonatus Chonetes sf. C. geinitzianus Productus cf. P. Cora (of Tschernyschew) Productus cf. P. koninckianus Productus cf. P. longus Productus cf. P. mammatus Productus sp. Pustula cf. P. horrida Pustula cf. P. irginae Pustula sp. Avonia cf. A. porrecta Marginifera cf. M. aargardi Marginifera typica var. septentrionalfs? Aulosteges sp. Rhynchopora cf. R. nikitini Spirifer cf. S. marcoui Spiriferella? arctica Squamularia cf. S. perplexa Martinis? sp. Splriferina sp. Cleiothyridina sp. Edmondia? sp. Solenmya? sp. Pseudomonotis? sp. Schizodus sp. Aviculipecten sp. Pleurotomaria? sp. Schizostoma sp, 2442a-PC Chonetes cf. C. morahensis ~ermian2~ Productus cf. P. koninckianus Pustula cf. P. irginae Rhynchopora cf. R. nikitini Streblopteria? sp. 2442b-PC Lingulldiscina sp. permi an23 Chonetes cf. C. morahensis Productus cf. P. koninckianus Productus cf. P. mmmatus Pustula cf. P. irginae Marginifera cf. M. aargardi Rhynchopora cf. R. nikitini Squamularia sp. Streblopteria sp. Pleurotomaria sp. 2442c-PC Chonetes cf. C. morahensis Permi an23 Marginifera cf. M. aargardi 2442d-PC Productus cf. P. cora var. permianz3 Productus cf. P. longus Productus cf. P, mmmatus Pustula cf. P. irginae Marginifera typica var. septentrionalis? Spiriferella? arctica var. Squamularia cf. S. perplexa 2549-PC Lophophyl lum? sp. ~errnian~~ Batostomella sp. Crania sp. Streptorhynchus cf. S. pelargonatus Chonetes cf. C. geinitzianus Chonetes cf. C. morahensis Productus cf. P. Cora Productus cf. P. koninckianus Productus cf. P. longus Pustula cf. P. horrida Pustula cf. P. irginae Pustula sp. Marginifera cf. M. aargardi Marginifera typica var. septentrionalis

w ------. - -. -m WP LlSGS collection number- Fossil age map unit locatlonl Field number number Fossils


6. G'irty (cont12

54 (cont) Aulosteges sp. Camarophoria cf. C. margaritovi Rhynchopora cf. R. nikitini Spirifer cf. S. fasciger Splrifer sp. Spjriferella? arctica Squamularia cf. S. perplexa Cleiothyridina sp. Aviculipecten sp. Streblopteria? sp. Schizostoma sp. I.

Collections of J.B. ~ertie~

55 MDf A-1 (A) 30 AMt 3 6840-PC Triplophyl lum sp. Late Batostomel la sp. ~ississi~~ian~~ Fenestella sp. Rhombopora sp. Cystodictya cf. C. pustulosa Productus cf. P. inflatus Productus sp. Pustula n. sp. Pustula? sp. Camarophoria sp. Pu noides? sp. Sp!rifer cf. S. logani Brachythyris cf. B. subcardiiformis Leda sp. Caneyella? sp. Pleurotomaria sp. Pleurotomaria? sp. Euomphalus sp. Naticopsis sp. Late 56 MDf A-1 (A) 30 AHt 4 6841-PC Productus cf. P. ovatus var. latior Pustula cf. P. subsulcata ~ississi~~ian~~ Leiorhynchus carboniferum Canayella cf. C. wapanuckensis Aviculipecten cf. A. rectilaterarius Gastrioceras? sp.

6841-PC~ Gonlatites crenistria Phillips cf. G. Late granosus Portlock ~ississippian~~ Girtyoceras? spp. - Late 57 MDf A-1 (A) 30 AMt 12 6842-PC Leiorhynchus carboniferum var. polypleurum ~ississippian~~ Astercalamites ~isslssi~~ian~~

58 A-1 (A) 30 Ant 28 6843-PC Leiorhynchus carboniferum var. Late PMcb polypleurum ~lssissippian~~ Caneyella cf. C. nasuta Caneyella cf. C. wapanuckensis - permi anz3 Pt 30 AM 29 6843A-PC Productus cf. P. cancriniformis Productus cf. P. aargardi Pustula cf. P. punctata Pustula sp. Spiriferella arctica var. Martinia? sp. Cleiothyridina cf. C. Incrassata Pleurotomaria? sp. Bul imorpha? sp. ~errnian~~ 59 Pt A-1 (A) 30 Mt 3q 68436-PC Chonetes cf. C. ostiolatus var. tmpressus Productus cf. P. phosphaticus var. Pustula cf. P. humboldti Pustula sp. Rhynchopora cf. R. nikitini Spiriferella arctica var. Spiriferella cf. S. saranae Squamularia cf. S. perplexa Avicullpecten sp. Ostracoda - Map USGS number- collection map unit ~ocationl Field number number Fossils Fossil age

J.B. Mertie (cont12

60 Wh A-1 (A) 30 AMt 47 Kirk no. Archaeocyathus sp. Middle CambrianZy 2535?-50 61 OGh? A-1 (A) 30 AMt 136 Archaeocyathus sp. Middle 62 Dm A-1 (A) 30 AMt 137 Acervularla sp. Middle rJevonianZ7 Favosites sp. Heliolites sp. Atrypa reticularis Linnaeus Rhipidomella sp. Camarotoechia sp. Spirifer sp. Pentamerella sp. Naticopsis sp. Cyclonema sp. Conocardium sp. " 63 Dm A-1 (A) 30 AMt 138 Atrypa reticularis Linnaeus Middle ~evonian2' Atrypa n. sp. Camarotoechia 2 sp. Platyceras 2 sp. Large crinoid columnals. seven-eights of an inch in diameter .. -. -- -- 64 Do A-1 (A) 30 AMt 141 Atrypa reticularis Linnaeus Middle ~evonian~' Atrypa n. sp. Stropheodonta sp. Camarotoechia sp. Reticularia sp. Cyrtina sp. Fragment of fish spine

65 mjr A-1 (A) 30 AMt 145 253640 Dalmanella sp. Early 0rdovician2' Syntrophia sp.

2536-so5 Mixed fauna Early and Middle or Late Ordovi cia1132

Streptelasma sp. Middle Halysites sp. 0rdovicianZ7 Strophomena sp. Dinorthis sp. Dalmanella sp. Leptel loides sp. Zygospira sp. Christiania sp. Catazyga sp. Platystrophia sp. Lingula sp. Rhynchotrema sp. Sowerbyella sp. Illaenus sp. Bumastus sp. Eoharpes sp.

66 OClr A-1 (A) 30 AMt 146 Elkania hamburgensis (Walcott) Late ~ambrian33 Obolus tetonensis Walcott Obulus (Westonia) linguloides Acrothele? burlingi Acrotreta cf. A. sagittalis (Salter)

67 OEjr A-1 (A) 30 AMt 147 Obolus tetonensis Walcott Late Cambrian33 Acrothele? burlingi Eoorthis? sp. Hyolites sp. Pseudagnostus (Plethagnostus) clarki Chuangiella intermedia Tatonaspis alaskensis Briscoia mertiei Briscoia robusta Briscoia septentrionalis Parabriscoia elegans Parabriscoia stenorachis Parabriscola? tripunctata Hungaia? pacifica

Archaeocyathus sp. Middle ~arnorian2~

+ L J Map USGS number- collection map unit ~ocationl Field number number Fossils Fossil age

J.B. Mertie (cont12

68 Pt 0-1 (A) 30 AMt 200 6844-PC Leioclerna? sp. permi anz3 Rhipidomella? sp. Chonetes cf. C. ostiolatus Chonetes cf. C. ostiolatus uar. impressus Productus cf. P. aargardi Productus cf. P. gentculatus Productus cf. P. phosphaticus Productus cf. P. phosphaticus var. Pustula cf. P. humboldti Pustula cf. P. humboldti var. Rhynchopora cf. R. nikitini Squamularia cf. S. perplexa Aviculipecten sp. Streblopteria sp. Paraparchi tes? sp. 69 Dnr A-1 (A) 30 AM^ 208 Ropey structures 70 Pt A-2 (A) 427-PC Stenopora? sp. permlan23 Streptorhynchus? sp. Chonetes cf. C. morahensis Pustula cf. P. horrida Pustula cf. P. wallaciana Marginifera cf. M. aargardi Rhynchopora cf. R. nikitini Dielasma cf. D. elongata Squamularia cf. S. perplexa 71 Pt A-2 (A) 428-PC Derbya? sp. ~ermian~~ Productus cf. P. mammatus Pustula cf. P. horrida Pustula cf. P. wallaciana Marginlfera cf. M. aargardi Rhynchopora cf. R. nikitini Spirifer cf. S. marcoui Spiriferella arctica 72 Pt A-2 (A) 5839-PC Lophophyl lum sp. perrnian2j Batostomella sp. Crania? sp. Streptorhynchus cf. S. pelargonatus Chonetes cf. C. morahensis Productus cf. P. koninckianus Pustula cf. P. horrida Pustula cf. P. irginae Pustula sp. Avonia cf. A. porrecta Marginifera cf. M. aargardi Marginifera typica var. septentrionalis? Pugnoides sp. Rhynchopora cf. R. nikitini Spiriferella? arctica Squamularia cf. S. perplexa Pleurotomaria sp. 5839a-PC Triplophyllum sp. permianz3 Lingula sp. Productus cf. P. Cora Productus cf. P. Cora (of Tschernyschew) Productus cf. P. koninckianus Productus cf. P. longus Productus cf. P. mamnatus Pustula cf. P. irglnae Marginifera cf. M. aargardi Aulosteges sp. Camarophoria sp. Rhynchopora cf. R. nikitini Spiriferella? arctica Squamularia cf. S. perplexa Cleiothyridina sp. Aviculipecten sp. Pleurotomaria sp. Gastrioceras? sp. 5839b-PC Chonetes cf. C. moranensis ~ermian~~ Productus cf. P. koninckianus Productus cf. P. longus? Productus cf. P. mmatus

I . .- - . ..- . ..------Ma USGS rimier- collection map unlt ~ocationl Fleld number number Fossils Fossil age


J.B. Mertie (~ont)~

72 (cont) Marginifera cf. M. aargardi Pleurotomaria sp.

5839c-PC Streptorhynchus? sp. permi an23 Productus cf. P, Cora (of Tschernyschew) Productus cf. P, koninckianus Productus cf. P. longus Productus cf. P, mammatus Pustula cf. P. irginae Marginifera cf. M. aargardi Camarophoria cf, C. margaritovi Pugnoides sp. Rhynchopora cf. R. nikitini Spiriferella? arctica var. Squamularia cf. S. perplexa

73 Pt A-2 (A) 5840-PC Triplophyllumsp. permianz3 Streptorhynchus cf. S. pelargonatus Chonetes cf. C. geinitzianus Chonetes cf. C. morahensis Productus cf. P, koninckianus Pustula cf. P. irginae Avonia? cf. A. porrecta Marginifera cf. M. aargardi Rhynchopora cf. R. nikitini Spirifer cf. S. fasciger Spiriferella? arctica Streblopteria? sp.

74 8f 8-2 (6) 5842-PC Chonetes sp. permi an23 Productus cf. P. koninckianus Marginifera cf. M. aargardi Rhynchopora cf. R. nikitini

75 Rgl? A-2 (A) 13423-Mes. Pseudmonotis subcircularis Late ~riassic~~ Halobia sp. Trachyceras (Protrachyceras?) sp. 76 Rgl A-2 (A) 13424-Mes. Halobia sp. Late ~riassic~~ ------Clionites? sp. 77 Rgl? A-2 (A) 13425-Mes. Pseudomonotis subcircularis Late ~riassic~~ Pseudmonotis subcircularis? Halobia sp.

13426-Mes. Halobia sp. Late ~riassic'~

13427-Mes. Rhynchonella sp. Late ~riassic~~ Pecten sp. Nautilus sp. Monophy 11 ites? sp. Nathorstites sp.

78 Kb 8-3 (A) 13428-Mes. Inocerams sp. Early ~retaceous~~ Belemnites? sp.

Collections of A.C. waters2

79 Pt? A-1 (A) 30 AW 12 6845-PC Acervularia? ap. permian2 Coeloconus? sp. Chonetes sp. Productus cf. P. Cora Tschernyschew, not 0' Orbigny Pustula cf. P. punctata Pustula cf. P. irginae Modiola sp. Aviculipecten cf. A. magnus Ostracoda

6845-PC Astercalamites scrobiculatus Late ~ississippian~~

80 O€jr A-1 (A) 30 AW 22 Elkania hamburgensis (Walcott) Late ~ambrian~~ Dicellomus? sp. Acrothele? burl ingi Acrotreta cf. A. curvata Eurekia sp. Map USGS number- collection map unit ~ocationl Field number number Fossils Fossil age


A.C. Waters (cant)*

m 81 mjr A-1 [A) 30 AW 58.59 Kirk no. "Archaeocyathus" Middle Cambrian2' 2533-SO

30 AW 58 Kirk no Re-examination of collection Early cambrian30 2533-so5 -- 82 mh A-1 (A) 30 AW 60 Kirk no. Archaeocyathus sp. Middle ~ambrian*~ 2539-SO "Archaeocyathus" sp.

Kirk no. Re-examination of collection Early Cambrian30 2539-s05

30 AW 61 Fragmentary brachiopods, probably Late ~ambrian27 referable to Eoorthis and Obulus

83 %h A-1 (A) 30 AW 62 Kirk no. Archaeocyathus sp. Middle ~ambrian~~ 2941-SO Ethmophyl lum sp. Doropyge? sp.

Kirk no Re-examination of collection Early Cambrian30 2941-$05

84 MDf A-1 (A) 30 AW 72 Psi1 ophyton? Early ~ississi~~ian~~

85 MDf A-1 (A) 30 AW 75 Pseudoborni a? Early Lepidocystis? Asteroxy I on?

86 MDf A-1 (A) 30 AM 80 6846A-PC Fenestella, several sp. Late Rhombopora sp. ~ississippian~~ Cystodictya cf. C. lineata Orthotetes? sp. Rhipidomella cf. R. burlingtonensis Chonetes sp. Productus cf. P. inflatus Productus ovatus? Productus cf. P. parvus Productus sp. Pustula cf. P. vittata Pustula cf. P. wallaciana Pustula cf. P. wallaciana var. Pustula cf. P. biseriata Pustula? sp. Spirlfer sp. Brachythyris cf. B, subcardliformis Clieothyridina cf. C. sublamellosa Composita sp. Hustedia sp. Edmondia sp. Para1 lelodon? sp. Cypricardinia sp. Bucanopsis? sp. Pleurotomaria sp. Euomphalus sp. Coniatites cf. G. choctawensis Paraparchites? sp.

6846~-pc4 Goniatites cf. 6. granosus Late ~ississi~~ian~'

30 AW 81 68468-PC Caneyella cf. C. nasuta? Late Gastrioceras cf. 6. caneyanum Mississippianu

68468-PC~ Neoglyphioceras sp. Late

87 MDf A-1 (A) 30 AW 83 6841A-PC Productus sp. Late Pustula cf. P. biseriata Miss~ssippian~~ Pustula sp.

Collections and observations of E.E. ~rabb~

88 PMcb A-1 60 ABa 101 Crinoids, brachiopods, corals bryozoa, spirifers, fine ribbed productid brachiopods, pelmatozoan debris, bellerophontid gastropods

P USGS collection map unit ~ocationl Field number number Fossils Fossil age

E.E. Brabb (~ont)~

89 PMcb A-1 Spirifers, pelecypods, planispiral , dictyoclostoid brachiopods, plant fragments 21762-PC Posidonia sp. - --- Permian34 90 PMcb A-1 60 ABa 111 Horned corals, brachiopods 91 DOr A-1 60 ABa 121 0167-~0' Linograptus aff. L. posthumus (Reihn. (early Richter) Ludlow , Monograptus dubius (Suess) Monograptus- Monograptus cf. M. dubius (Suess) nllso i Monograptus aff. M. praedubius (Boucek) Monograptus pseudodubius (Boucek) Monograptus uncinatus Tullberg Climacograptus cf. C. antiquus Lapworth ~rdovician~~ Cl imacograptus sp. Dicellograptus cf. 0. sextans var. perexilis, Ruedemann 60 ABa 1218 Corals 0754-CO' Climacograptus cf. C. phyllophorous Gurley Late Climacograptus sp. (early Cryptograptus schaferi (Lapworth) ~aradocian)~~ Cryptograptus tricornis (Carruthers) Dichograptid fragment Dicellograptus cf. 0. smlthi Ruedemann Dicellograptus gurleyi Lapworth Dicranograptus contortus Ruedemann? Glossograptus hincksii (Hopkinson)? Glyptograptus teretlusculus (Hisinger)? Glyptograptus sp. ------Orthograptus? sp. 92 DOrri' A-1 60 ABa 122 Plant fragments 6841-50 Straparollus (Euomphalus) sp. Silurian-permianJ6 Michel lnoceras? sp. Middle? or Agoniatites Late? ~evonian~~

93 O€h A-1 60 ABa 131A 4303-~0~*~Dorypyge cf. D. olenekensis Lazarenko Middle cambrlan30 Prohedinia brevifrons n. sp. Semisphaerocephalus latus n. sp. Spencella acanthina n. sp. Spencella? sp. 60 ABa 1318 4302-~0~>~ildonaia alaskensis n. sp. Early ~ambrian30 Antagmus" laminatus n. sp. Bonnia tatondukensis n. sp. Onchocephalus profectus n. sp. Ogygopsis antiqua n. sp. Olenellid undet. 1 Olenellid undet. 2 Genus and species undet 2 Genus and species undet. 3 60 ABa 131EA 4304-co5 Middle cambriar130 60 ABa 131FA 4308-~0~ Trilobites, brachiopods, archaeocyathids ---60 ABa 131FB 4309-~05 60 ABa 131H 4310-~0~*~"cf. Marjumia callas, Walcott" Middle cambrian30 60 ABa 131JA 432540~ Trilobites, brachiopods, archaeocyathids Middle 60 ABa 13158 4326-co5 Hypagnostus sp. Middle Cambrian30 Cedaria sp. 60 ABa 131K 4327-co5 Trilobites, brachiopods, archaeocyathids Middle or Late cambrian30 60 ABa 131LB Brachiopods 94 mh A-1 60 ABa 184 Archaeocyathus Early Cambrian I Ma USGS numger- collection map unit ~ocationl Field number number Fossfls Fossil age

E.E. Brabb (~ont)~

95 Do A-1 60 ABa 192 6443-$D8 Alveolites sp. Early orj,Jiddle Cladopora sp. Devonian Favosites sp. B.? Thamnopora

6443-SO Echinoderm debris late Early or Fenestrate bryozoans, indet. early Mi dle Rhynchonell id. indet. ~evonlan~l Atrypa sp. Cyrtina? sp. Thamnopora sp. Cortezorthis? sp.

96 Do A-1 60 ABa 194 Fossi 1 iferous 97 Eh A-1 60 ABa 203 Crinoids, brachiopods, archaeocyathids 98 O€h A-1 60 ABa 204 Archaeocyathids, corals, large brachiopods

6444-s~~~~Xystriphyllum sp. cf. Stenophyllum gorskii early Middle (Bulvanker) Devonian (~ifelian)~'

99 Eh A-1 60 ABa 206 Archaeocyathids 100 Do A-1 60 ABa 211 Brachiopod fragments. indet. late Early or Echinoderm debris, including 2-hole early Mifple columnals Devonian Smooth ostracods

101 Dnr A-1 60 ABa 451 01927~ Well-preserved spore assemblage comparable probably to, but less diverse than locality Late Devonian39 60 ABa 687 (map number 126)

102 Dm? A-1 60 ABa 471 Plant fragments late ~aleozoic~~

103 MDf A-1 60 AQa 472 Rhacopteri s? ~ississi~~ian~~ 104 PMcb A-1 60 ABa 482 Forams? 105 MDf A-1 60 ABa 484 Plant fragments 106 KJgu? C-1 60 ABa 503 Forams? 107 KJgu? 0-1 60 ABa 532 Gastropods? 108 Kk 8-1 60 ABa 543 Inoceramus prisms?

109 Kk 8-1 60 ABa 544 Rhynchonelloid and terebratulold ~esozoic4' brachiopods Pectenoid clam fragments, (Camptochlamys?)

110 Kk B-1 60 ABa 551 Halobia aff. H. brooksi Smith middle late Pteria?, sp. indet. TriassTc? (late Indet. armnonite ~arnian)~~ Indet. spiriferid brachiopod

111 KJgu? 8-1 60 ABa 552 ~1026~~Polyptychites sp. Early Cretaceous Buchia cf. B. crassicollis (probably ~alan~inian)~~

112 KJgu? 0-1 60 ABa 553 Forams Early ~retaceous~~ M1027 Buchia cf. B. crassicollis Early Cretaceous (probably ~alan~inian)~~

113 Pt 8-1 60 ABa 561A 21742-PC~~ Cancrlnel la sp. Late Chonetina sp. (~uadalu~ian)43 Krotovia sp. Linoproductus? sp. Megousia sp. Yakovlevia? sp. PermophricodothyrSs sp. Indet. rhynchonell id Rhynchopora sp. E Map USGS number- collection map unit ~ocation' Field number number Fossils Fossil age


E.E. Brabb (~ont)~

113 (c0nt) Obliquipecten? ~errnian~~ Euconospira permi anJ6

114 TKs 8-1 60 ABa 573 Plant fragments, coal seam 01797 Aquilapollenites Late ~retaceous~~ ... . 115 TKs B-1 60 ABa 581 Plant fragments, coal seam Late ~retaceous~~ Cal ami tes ~enns~lvanian?~~

01798 Betulaepol lenites Late ~retaceous~~ Aquilapollenites Wodehouseia

116 TKs 8-1 60 ABa 582 Plant fragments, ferns, seed pods Small seed membranes post-~evonian40 01799 Aquilapollenites Late ~retaceous~~ Pachysandra Dacrydi urn Wodehouseia

0179912 Aquilapollenites clarireticulatus Late ~retaceous~~ A. dentatus A. parallelus A. scabridus A. senonicus A. rectus Fibulapollls scabratus

117 Dnr 8-2 60 ABa 593 Plant fragments

118 Pt 8- 2 60 ABa 614 21745-PC~~ Indet. Pleurotomariacean ~ndeterminate~~ Cyrotorostra cf. C. varicostata Branson, Late Permian 1930 (Leonardian Strehlochondria sp. or Guadalupian) 34 Pectinoids - genus and species indet.

Indet. orthotetids Rhynchopora sp. Tornquistia toulai (Dunbar) Waagenoconcha payeri (Toula)

60 ABa 614A 21744-PC" Girtypecten? mid- or Pectenoids - genus and species indet. Late

Indet. chonetid Late Permian Derbyia? sp. Derbyia cf. 0. grandis Waagen Horridonia sp. Krotovta sp. Licharewia sp. Permophricodothyris sp. Neospirifer sp. Odontospirifer? sp. "Spirifer" sp. Waagenoconcha sp. Waagenoconcha sp. cf. W. irginae (Stuckenberg) Yakovlevia sp.

60 ABa 6148 21743-PC~I Streblochondria sp. perrnian3& Plagiostoma? Pectinoids - genus and specles indet.

Architreta Cf. A. kempei (Andersson) sp. Late Permian Krotovia sp. (Guadalupian or Linoproductus? sp. ~echstein)~ Lissochonetes? sp. Neochonetes? sp. Permophricodothyris sp. "Productus" arcticus Whltf ield Rhynchopora sp.

+ # Map USGS number- collection map unit ~ocationl Field number number Fossils Fossil age

E.E. Brabb (~ont)~

I b 1 18 (cont) Striatifera sp. Streptorhynchus sp. Strophalosia sp. Tharnnosia sp. cf. T. arctica (Whitfield) Tornquistia? sp. Waagenoconcha cf, W. irginae (Stuckenberg)

119 Dm 6-2 60 ABa 6229 Spores probably Late

120 Dm 8-2 60 ABa 631 Brachiopods, crinoid stems Fenestrate bryozoan fragment Middle CIevonian4l Warrenella?

121 DOr 6-2 60 ABa 632 6445-~0'>~ Echyropora? sp. Middle Favosi tes sp. Spongophyl lum sp. A. Thamnopora sp.

Echinoderm debris and large columnals, Middle Devonian41 indet. Fenestrate bryozoan fragments, indet. Amissopecten? sp. (rhynchonelloid brachiopod) Spinatrypa sp. (large) Medium-spired gastropod, indet.

122 Dnr A-2 60 ABa 645 Plant fragments 123 Dnr A-2 60 ABa 652 Plant fragments in float

124 Pt? A-2 60 ABa 67214 21752-PC'~ Astartella sp. Edmondia sp. 21752-PC" Brachiopods, not examined I ~errnian~~ 22328-PC~I Cancrinella? sp. I perrnlad3 Horridonia sp. Liosotella pseudohorrida (Wiman) Megousia sp. Neochonetes sp. Neophricadothyris sp. Neospirifer sp. Rhyncl~opora sp. Septacamera? sp. Spiriferella sp, Stenoscisma sp. Tornquistia sp. (large)

60 ABa 6726 27157-PC Gastropod - new genus unknown36 21769-PC" Megousia sp. Permian43 Neochonetes sp. Rhynchopora sp.

60 ABa 672C 21753-PC" Cancrinella sp. ~errnian~~ Megousia sp. Permophricodothyris sp. Orbiculoidea sp. Rhynchopora? sp. Yakovlevia mammata (Keyserling)

60 ABa 672CB 21795-PC" Lingula sp. ~errnian~~ Orbiculoidea sp. Cancrinella sp. Cleiothyridina sp. Horridonia sp. Megousia sp. (small) Rhynchopora sp. Tornquistia sp. Yakovlevia mamnata (Keyserllng)

60 ABa 6720 21754-pcll Anidanthus? sp. permianh3 Llngula cf. L. freboldi Gobbett Linoproductus sp. Lissochonetes sp. b and others. 1 foot

Brabb and others near or at

Indet. leiorhynchoid Linoproductus sp. WP number- co:l~:oq I I 1 1 Fossils I map unlt ~ocetion' Field number I 1 I I

E.E. Brabb (cont16

Llosotella pseudohorrida (Wlman)? Neochonetes sp. Permophricodothyrls sp. Rhynchopora sp. Splrlferella sp. Stenoscisrna sp. Thamnosia sp. cf. T. arctica (Whitfield) Waagenconcha sp. Yakovlevla mammata (Keyserling) Cancrlnella sp. ~er~nian~~ Llnoproductus sp. Permophri codothyrls sp. Thamnosia sp. cf. T. arctica (Whitfield) Splriferella sp. Yakovlevia mamnata (Keyserling) Anldanthus sp. Cancrinella sp. Clelothyridlna sp. Linoproductus sp. Permophricudothyris sp. Thamnosla sp. cf. f. arctlca (Whitfield) Yakovlevia manmta (Keyserl ing)

22325-PC Plagl ostoma?

67A2+66 23053-PC" Cancrlnella sp. ~ermlan~' Brachlopods, not examlned (collected by Brabb and others 1 foot above 62 ABa 6728)

67A2+71 23054-PC'~ Linoproductus sp. cf. L. schrenckl ~ermian~~ (Stuckenberg) Brachionods. not examlned (collecied by Brabb and others 6 feet I I above 62 ABd 672") I 67A2*79-81 23055-PC" Horridonla sp. pranul lfera (Toul a) ~errnlan~~ Llosotel la sp. pseudohorrlda (Wlman) Brachlopods, not examlned (collected by Brabb and others 14-16 feot above 60 ABa 6728) - 67A2+85 23056-~~ll/ Brachlopods, not examined permian4' 60 ABa 6725 27760-PC ! Pelecypods ~ermlan'~ 22325-PC" Horridonla sp. Kuvelousla sphlva Waterhouse i Liosotella pseudohorrlda (Wlman) Megousla sp. Wlynchopora sp. Splrlferella sp. Splriferella sp. (tiny) Tornquistia sp. Yakovelvia manmata (Keyserlfng)

21760-PC" Cancrlnella sp. permian43 Indet. chonetid? I I Craspedalosia? sp. I Horridonla sp. Liosotella pseudohorrlda (Wiman) Megousla sp. Neochonetes sp. Permophricodothyris sp. Rhynchopora sp. Septacamera cf. $. kutorgae (Tschern schev) spir~ferellasp. Stenosclsma sp. Thamnosia sp. cf. T. arctica (Whitfield) Waapenoconcha sp. cf. W. irginae (Stuckenberg)

22326-PC" Rhynchopora Spiriferella sp. 1 I (collected from float) Map USGS number- collection mop unit ~ocationl Field number number Fossils Fossil age

E.E. Brabb (cont16 I **A r 124 (c0nt) 67A2+105 23057-pcll Brachiopods, not examined (collected by ~errnian~~ Brabb and others 8 feet above 60 ABa 6725 67A2*106 23058-pcll Brachi opods. not examined (col lected by permianh3 Brabb and others 9 feet above ---- 60 ABa 6725) 60 ABa 672JA 22328-PC~' Cancrinella? sp. Horridonia sp. Liosotel la sp. pseudohorrida (Wiman) Megousia sp. Neochonetes sp. Neospirifer sp, Permophricodothyris sp. Rhynchopora sp. Spiriferella sp. Stenoscisma sp. Tornquistia sp. 67A2+110 23059-PC~~ Brachiopods, not examined (collected by ~ermian~~ Brabb and others 13 feet above 60 ABa 6725A) 60 ABa 672K 21759-PC" Anidanthus? sp. Permiad3 Cancrinel la sp, Horridonia sp. Kuvelousia sphiva Waterhouse Liosotella pseudohorrida (Wiman) Megousia sp. Neochonetes sp. Pterospirifer sp. Rhynchopora sp. Waagenoconcha? sp. cf. W. irginae (Stuckenberg) - Yakovlevia mamata (Keyserling) 22324-Pcl1 Horridonia sp. ~errnian~~ Kuvelousia sphiva Waterhouse Linoproductus sp. Liosotella pseudohorrida (Wiman) Megousia sp. Pterospirifer sp. Rhynchopora sp. Waagenoconcha sp. cf. W. irginae (Stuckenberg)

125 Dnr A-l 60 ABa 685 Plant fragments 126 Dnr A-1 60 ABa 687 ~1928~ Spores: Middle to Verrucosispori tes Late Devonian Leiotriletes (probably Leiozenotriletes Late ~evonian~~ Hymenozontriletes Retusotriletes Reticulatisporites Stenozonotriletes Convolutispora Trilete spores belonging to the Archeotri letes-Hystricosporites- Ancrospora complex 127 Pt A-2 60 ABa 731 Fossiliferous 128 Rgl A-2 60 ABa 732 M1020 Indet. mnite with a lobitid-like Late suture (Karnial to Paranautilus sp. Norian) Halobia superba Mojsisovics, of Smith Monotis salinaria Bronn (- M. alaskana? Smith) Rhynchonella sp. A. Terebratula sp.

129 TKs A-2 60 ABa 733 Plant fragments 130 Rgl A-2 60 ABa 745 Halobia Pseudomonoti s I w Map USGS number- collection map unit ~ocationl Field number number Fossils Fossil age

E.E. Brabb (cont16

131 Rgl A-2 60 ABa 746 I41019 Cladiscites cf. C. beyrichi Welter Late Triassic Discophyllites ebneri (Mojsisovics) of (Karnian to Welter ~orian)42 Indet. clydonitacid conlte Germanonauti lus brooks1 Smith Proclydonautllus aff. P. griesbachi Hojsisovics Mojsvaroceras n. sp.? Paranautilus sp. Halobia?. sp. indet. Pectenid pelecypod Nuculid pelecypod Spiriferina aff. S. yukonensls Smlth S. spp. Rhynchonella sp. A R. sp. Terebratula sp.

132 Pt A-2 60 ABa 751 Productids 133 Rgl A-2 60 Ah 752 Halobia Pseudomonotis

134 Kka C-1 60 ABa 802 Inoceramus? 135 Kka C-1 60 ABa 832 Carbonized plant fragments 136 Kka 8-2 60 ABa 924 Plant fragments 137 Kka 8-2 60 ABa 925 Plant fragments 138 Kka 8-2 60 ABa 931 Plant fragments 139 Kb B-3 60 ABa 944 Worm tubes - 140 PMcb A-1 60 ABa 972 Bryozoa. pelecypods?, crustacea fragments 141 Dnr A-1 60 ABa 981 ~3043~ Spores of the Nation River assemblage Late ~evonlan~~ 142Dnr A-1 60 ABa 982 Plant fragments

143 Dnr A-l 60 ABa 984 6829-SO "Acinophyllum" sp. cf. A. sp. D HcLaren early Middle ($2. 3. 6) Devonian Hexogonaria sp. ($4) (~ifelian)~~ Spongophyllum sp. cf. S. media Soshkina (S7) Xystriphyllum sp. cf. Fasciphyllum submasslvwn Bulvanker (Sl, 51)

144 Kb 8-3 60 ABa 1211 Inoceramus 145Pt A-2 60 ABa 1212A 21751-PC" Attenuatella sp. ~ermlan~~ Cancrinella sp. Composita cf. C. ambigua (Sowerby) Indet. 1inoproductid Kuvelousia sphiva Waterhouse Linoproductus sp. Licharewia sp. Liosotella sp. Liosotella pseudohorrida (Wiman) Megousia sp. Odontospirifer sp. Pterospirifer alatus (Schlotheim) Rhynchopora sp. Stenoscisma sp. Tornquistia sp.

67A3-13, 23062-PC" Kuvelousia sphiva Waterhouse permi ad3 67A3-15 Neospirifer sp. cf. N. strietoparadoxus (Toul a) Brachiopods, not examined (collected by Brabb and others at or near 60 ABa 1212A)

60 ABa 12128 21750-PC Cancrinella sp. permi anb3 21751-pc1l Cancrinella tenulssima Gobbett Hustedia sp. Map USGS number- collection map unit ~ocationl Field number number Fossils Fossil age

E.E. Brabb (~ont)~

145 (cont) Horridonia sp. Kuvelousia sp. cf. K. weyprechti (Toula) Liosotella pseudohorrida (Wiman) Permophricodothyris sp. Psilocamara? sp. Rhynchopora sp. Spiriferella cf. 5. keilhavi (Buch) Thamnosia sp. Tornquistia sp.

67A3-150 23061-PC" Neospirifer sp. cf. N. striatoparadoxus ~ermian~~ (Toula) Waagenochoncha sp. cf. W. irginae (Stuckenberg) Waagenochoncha sp. cf. W. irinaeformis (Stepanov) Brachiopods, not examined (collected by Brabb and others about 65 .. feet below 60 ABa 12128) 60 ABa 1212C 21749-PC~l Oerbyia? ,sp, Horridonia sp. Kuvelousia sphiva Waterhouse Megousia sp. Permophricodothyris sp. Rhynchopora sp. Tornquistia sp. Yakovlevia mamata (Keyserl ing)

60 ABa 12120 21748-PC" Antiquatonia sp. ~ermian~~ Indet. derbyioid Indet. chonetid Liosotel la pseudohorrida (Wiman) Rhynchopora sp. Schuchertella? sp. Spiriferella sp. Spiriferella sp. draschei (Toula) Spiriferella keilhavi (Buch) very abundant Thamnosia sp.

60 ABa 1212E 21747-PC~' Cancrinella? sp. perrnian4j Horrldonia sp. Liosotella pseudohorrida (Wiman) Rhynchopora sp. Undaria? or Striatifera

67A3-265 23060-PC" Fossils (collected by Brabb and others at or near 60 ABa 1212E)

60 ABa 1212F 21746-PC" Cancrinella? sp. ~ermian~~ Crurithyris sp. Indet. derbyioid Horridonia sp. Megousia sp. Permophricodothyris? sp. Neospirifer sp. Rhynchopora sp. Spiriferella sp. Stenoscisma sp.

146 Dnr A-1 60 ABa 1231 Lepidodendroid bark impressions Devonian- permian40

147 8f7 A-2 61 ABa 1873 Crinoid stems?

148 Pt A-2 61 ABa 1881 21741-~c'l Horridonia cf. H. timanica (Stuckenberg) mid-early Yakovlevia sp. cf. Y. greenlandica Late Permian43 Dunbar Odontosplrifer sp. Spiriferella keilhavi (Buch)

149 Rgl A-2 61 ABa 1884 Monotis sp., indet. late Late Halobia aff. H. distincta Mojsisovics Triassic (middle or late ~orian)~~ 150 OGh A-1 61 ABa 2033 4299-C0 Archaeocyathus Early cambrianJO Map USGS number- collection map unit ~ocationl Field number number Fossils Fossil age


E.E. Brabb (~ont)~

v 151TKs A-3 62 ABa 2542 Dl933 Aquilapollenites Late ~retaceous~~ Wodehousia 152 TKs A-3 62 Am 2544 Metasequoia glyptostroboides Hu and Cheng early ~ertiar~~~ Trochodendroides richardsoni (Heer) Krystofovich 01934 Cicatricoporites early Tertiary Piatillipollenites (probab& Eocene)

153 Kb C-2 62 ABa 2634 Mesozoic fossils reported in the area 154 Kb C-2 62 ABa 2637 Plant hash 155 Dnr A-2 62 ABa 2662 Plant hash 156 Kb 8-3 62 ABa 2672 Worm trails 157Ps C-1 62 ABa 2684 Plant and crinoid hash

158 KJgu C-1 62 ABa 2704 Plant hash 159 DOr 8-2 62 ABa 2771A.C 0199 ,b- Monograptus cf. M. yukonensis Jackson and Late Siluri n So7*$ Lenr (Ludl~vian)~~.~~ 62 ABa 2771F 6822-~0~*' Favosites sp. early Middle Xystriphyllum sp. cf. Stenophyllum gorskii Devonian Bulvanker ifel el ian)38 62 ABa 27716 6823-~0'9~ Echyropora? sp. early Middle Favosites sp. B? Devonian Spongophyllum sp. A (Eifel ian)38 62 ABa 2771H 6824-50'*~ Favosites type A early Middle Acanthophyl lum (Acanthophyllum) sp. Devonian (~ifelian)~~

II_pP 160 Do A-1 62 ABa 2802 6825-30 :avosites type C (51) early Middle Fasciphyllum" sp. cf. F. schluteri Devonian Soshkina (S2) (~ifelian)~' Keriophyllum sp.

6825-SD8 Cyathophy 11 urn (Peripaedium) sp. cf. Early or Keriophyl lum sp. F. McLaren Middle 0evonianJ8 Xystriphyllum sp. cf. Fasciphyllum schluteri Soihkina 7172-SD8 Alveol ftes sp. Early or Xystriphyllum sp. cf. Fasciphyllum Middle 0evonian3' schluteri Soihkina

161 Wjr A-l 62 ABa 2812 01077-Dl5 Apheoorthis sp. Early ~rdovic~an~~ Plectotrophia sp. Symphysurina? sp.

162 Do B-1 62 ABa 2842 7179-sD8 Alveolites sp. Early or Favosites sp. A Middle DevonianJ8 Echyropora? sp. .. Hexagonaria sp. 62 ABa 2842A 6826-S07m8 Favosites type A early Middle F. type C (S3.5) Devonian Spongophyl lum sp. A (~ifelianl3~ Xystriphyllum sp, cf. Stenophyllum gorskii Bulvanker Indet. horn coral Bryozoans 7179-sD7 Alveolites sp. lower Middle :avosites sp. B Pachyfavosites" sp. cf. P. vljaicus "Acinophyllum: sp, (cerioid) Horn corals (undet.) ~198-~0~Monograptus bohemicus (Barrande)? Late Siluri n Monograptus crinitus Wood (ludl~vian)~~>~~ Monograptus nilssoni (Barrande)

+ USGS Fossils Fossil age I I E.E. Brabb (cont16

162 (cont) Monograptus scanicus Ti 11burg Monograptus cf. M. tumescens Wood

Fossils - - 62 ABa 2853 Plant fragments

62 ABa 2855 "cf. Cotalagnostus lens claudicans Middle cambrian30 Westergard" Corynexochid, genus and species undet. Ptychagnostus sp. undet.

63 ABa 3231A Cryptograptus tricornis? (Carruthers) Ordovician Oidymograptus sp. of extensiform type (Llandeilian to Glossograptus, sp. indet. earliest Glyptograptus teretiusculus (Hisinger) Carad~cian)~' G. n. sp. with thecal spines II Isograptus n. sp. Orthograptus cf. 0. calcaratus (Lapworth) Pseudocl imacograptus scharenbergi (Lapworth) Retiograptus geinitzianus J. Hall

63 ABa 32318 Graptolites: Late Ordovician Dicellograptus sextans var. exil is Elles (early and Wood ~aradocian)47 Oicellogreptus cf. D, smithi Glyptograptus sp. Cl imacograptus sp. Didymograptus sp. of extensiform type Glossograptus? Oiplograptus sp. Pseudocl imacograptus cf. P. scharenbergi Caryocaris sp.

Linograptus.. sp. indet. Late Siluri Linograptus? sp. (Ludlovian) %9 Monograptus dubius (Suess) Trilobites - Shumardia? - Odontopleurid? Brachiopods - Inarticulata?

63 ABa 3231C Dicellograptus sextans var. exil is Elles Late Ordovician and Wood (early Dicellograptus cf. 0. smithi ~aradocian)47 Corynoides tricornis Ruedemann Cryptograptus, sp. indet. Glyptograptus teretiusculus var. siccatus El les and Wood Glyptograptus sp. Climacograptus sp. Nemagraptus grucilis (J. Hall) Glossograptus? Orthograptus, sp. indet. Diplograptus sp. Pseudoclimacograptus cf. P. scharenbergl? Caryocaris sp.

63 ABa 3231D Corynoides sp. Late Ordovician Cryptograptus, sp. indet. early Glyptograptus sp. Laradociar~)~~ Cl imacograptus sp. Didymograptus sp. of extensiform type (r) Oicellograptus sextans var. exilis Elles and Wood Oiplograptus sp. Orthograptus, sp. indet. Pseudocli~cograptuscf. P. scharenbergi

63 ABa 3231E Dicellograptus sextans var. exilis Elles Late Ordovician and Wood (early Glyptograptus sp. ~aradocian)~~ Cl imacograptus sp. Oidymograptus sp. of extensiform type I Map USGS I . . *I. number- collection map unlt ~ocation' Field number number Fossils Fossf 1 age


Yl ^> - , E.E. Brabb (cont16

166 (cont) 63 ABa 3231F M~o~~-co~Corynoides sp. Late Ordovician Cryptograptus tricornis (Carruthers) (early Glyptograptus teretiusculus var. siccatus ~aradocian)~~ Elles and Wood Cl imacograptus sp. Didymograptus sp. of extensiform type Dice1lograptus cf. D. caduceus Lapworth Dicellograptus sextans var. exilis El les and Wood Glossograptus Diplograptus, sp. indet. Pseudocl imacograptus cf. P. scharenbergl Nemagraptus? sp. Retiograptus geinizianus J. Hall

63 ABa 32316 M1023-~0~ Amplexograptus cf. A. confertus (Lapworth) Late Ordovician Glyptograptus sp. (early Cl imacograptus aff. C. antiquus Lapworth ~aradocian)~' Didymograptus serratulus (J. Hall)? Didymograptus sp. of extensiform type Corynoides tricornis Ruedemann Glossograptus, sp. indet. Cryptograptus tricornis (Carruthers) Diplograptus, sp. indet. Isograptus n. sp. transient to Oncograptus Pseudocl imacograptus cf. P. scharenbergi (Lapworth) Pseudocl imacograptus cf. P. marathonensis Clarkson Caryocar is sp.

63 ABa 3231M M~o~~-sD'Climacograptus? Early Silurian Monograptus sp. with hooked and isolate (late thecae ~landoverian)~~

63 ABa 3231N t41011-~D~ Diversograptus, sp. indet. Early Silurian Monograptus convolutus (Hisinger) (late M. aff. M. crenularis Lapworth ~landoverian)~' M cf. involutus (Lapworth) M. cf. M. priodon (Brown) M., sp. indet. Retiolites, sp, indet.

7028-$0 Scol ecodont not determined4* Bar-type conodont Simple conodont Oboloid brachiopod Graptol ite

63 ABa 32319 702940 Hindeodella equidentata Rhodes Early Silurian- Ozarkodina? sp, Early ~evonian~~

167 mjr A-1 63 ABa 3332 4361-~0~,~Cheilocephalus expansus n. sp. early Late Dunderbergia seducta n. sp. Cambrian ( 1a38 Hardyoides asplnosa n. sp. Dresbachian)

4362-~0~ Richardsonella nuchastria n. sp. Late Cambrian Richardsonella sp. 1 (Trempealeauan) 30

63 ABa 33328 4363-co3*' Bayfieldia sp. Late Cambrian Pseudoagnostus sp. (Trempealeauan) 30

168Ejr A-1 63 ABa 3333 4364-~0~ Diambonia sp. Middle or ate Cyclospira sp. OrdovicianS2 Ptychoglyptus sp. Sowerbyel 1id? Xenambonftes? sp. Paraharpes? sp. Remopleurides sp. Bumastus? sp. Numerous indet. trilobite fragments Eurychil ina? sp. Middle or ate Acronotella? sp. Ordoviciantg Steusloffina sp. cf. S. ulrichi Teichert Smooth ostracods, undet.

63 ABa 3333A 4365-co5 Cyclospira sp. Late Ordovic&n Catatyga? sp. (Caradocjan) Diambonia? sp. Map USGS number- collection map unit location1 Field number number Fossils Fossil age

E.E. Brabb (cont16 - I I I I r 1 Sowerbyella? sp. Ptychopteurella? so. Dalmanelli~d? brachiopod I Odontopleurid trilobite Illaenid trilobite I I I I Aparchites? sp. Hesperidella? sp. Platybolbina? sp. Eohollina sp. Steusloffina sp. cf. S. ulrichi Teichert Smooth ostracods, undet. 63 ABa 33338 Illaenus? sp. (cranidium only) late Early to Asaphid pygidium early Middle Coral ~rdovician~~ Ostracods 63 ABa 33330 Symphysurina cf. S. spicata Early ~rdovician~~ Symphysurina cf. S. clcora (Walcott) Nanorthis? sp. Apheoorthis sp. I I I 4368-~0~ Symphysurina spicata iEarly 0rdovlcian3Z Apheoorthis cf. A. ocha (Walcott) I I I 63 ABa 3333F 4369-C0 Symphysurina spicata (very good specimens) Early ~rdovician~~ Apheoorthis sp. 63 ABa 33336, 4370-co5, Trilobites andlor brachiopods, andlor latest Cambrian 1,J.L 4372-CO archaeocyathids (Trempealeauan) 30 I 1 4373-co5, 4375-co5 -- - - Bayfieldia sp. latest Cambrian Pseudagnostus sp. (Trempealeauan) 30 Bayfieldia sp. latest Cambrian (Trempealeauan) 30 Calapoecia sp. Catenipora sp. Manipora sp. Grewingkia? P. sp. Horn corals (undet.) 63 ABa 33331 1 7173-SD'~~ 1 Xystriphyllurn sp. rf. Stenophyllum Middle Devonian devonicum Bulvanker (Eifelian) 38 I 63 ABa 3333P 1 7474-~~~*~1 Xystriphyllum? sp. tf. fasciphyllum Middle Devggian schluteri Soihkina I (Eifel ian) I 63 ABa 3343 7175-st)8 Xystriphyl lum sp. cf. Stenophy 1 lum gorskii Middle Devonian Bul vanker (Eifelian) 38 Xystriphyllum sp. B -- - - - ,63 ABa 33436 Spongophyllum sp. A Middle Devonian Thamnopora sp. (~ifelian)~~ - - 63 ABa 3343C 7177-so8 1 Favositoids - Pachypora sp. Silurian r ~evonian31 - 1-s I Thmnopora? sp. Early or Middle ~evonian3~ - Massive stromatoporoids Middle Devonian Favositids (Eifelian) 38 Xystriphyllum sp. Charactophy 1 lum? sp. Horn corals (undet.) Acanthophyl lurn (Acanthophyl lum sp. Early or31pddle Xystriphyl lurn sp. cf, Stenophy \ lum Devonian devonicum Bul vanker Polygnathus linguiformis (Hinde) probably &$3iddle Devonian m Usa nrrbar- collection map un~tl~out~nll rirll n~rI n*r I FOSSI~S I ~ossllage I

E,E. Brabb (c~nt)~ I

.. - -- Acmarhachls acutus (Kobayarhf) Lrk Cuklrn Cernuollmbus longifrons n. sp. 1 (~rmsluchtrn)w D tranachephalus? sp. Efburglr djsgranoso n. sp. Hmgnostus alaskensir n. sp. Homgnostus tuidesus (L11 d Ylltflrld) I Hmgnostus sp. Iddingria rslatlvr n. %p. Olenrspella evrnsl (Kobayashl) Pseudagnostus cwunls (H.11 ad Yhltf ield) Pterocephal ia cmstrlct~n. m. ~uebecisplsrsplnou n. sp. - I Quebecaspis conlfrons? Rlsrttl ~i(pwch~ilus?C~CSSUS n. sp. Thollfrons advana n. gm.. a. w. Tholifrons minutus n. gsn., n. q. I . - - 4300-~0~ I Archaeocysthus Early ~drlutl 1 Graptol ltes Early fllurlm Hougnostus tunldosus (HI11 md Yltflrld) Late Cdrlm Iddlngsla relatlva? n. sp. (late Pseudagnostus counls (MI1 urQ Drrsbrchlan) I 4=-c03 I Yhitfleldl I

I Trilobites 1 I . 43M-coS bulders with rrchreocyrthus 4379-~0~ Boulders with uchuoryrthul

4301-~0~ Archaeocyathus UM~-PC" Cancrinella sp, Megousia sp. Neochonetes rp. (huge) Neosplrlfer tp. Orthotetacean (Derbyla w Streptorhynchus) Rhynchopora sp. ~tinosclsmasp. I I I I Thamnotia sp. cf. T. srctlcr (Wlltflcld) I I ------~aapenoconcha sp. 177 Pt B-1 63 AM 3543 Foss4ls 178Pt 0-1 63 Ak3554 Fossils 179nsl 1-1 63 AB~3555 Strmtolites? 180 vt$h A-1 63 Ah 3574 Strmtoli tts 181 n& A-1 63 Ah 3577 Stromatol ites 182 ~tsl A-l 63 AM 3Wl Strolnatol ites 183 nsl B-1 63 AI 3582 stt-mtol ites 184 Ytd I B-1 1 63 AM 3583 1 I ~trornatoliteo I I ..- .. - - 185 nab e-l 63 AL 3597 Stromatolltes I--- 186 Ytsl 0-1 63 Ah3598 Stranatol ites Cedarir sp. Lste Clnbrirn I (Dreobrchlm) 188 Wd A-1 63 ABI 3657 Collenla? 189 Ztdo A-1 63 A& 3741 Strmtolites? 190 Ztdo A-1 63 ABa 3743 Strmtolites Map USGS number- collection map unit ~ocationl Field number number Fossils Fossil age

E.E. Brabb (cont16

191 Pt 8-2 63 ABa 3783 Fossils 192 Pt 8-2 63 ABa 3797 Brachiopods 193 Pt 8-2 63 ABa 3832 21793-PC'~ Cancrinella sp. permian03 Rbynchopora? sp. Stenoscisma sp. Tornquistia sp.

194 KJgu 8-2 63 ABa 3833 Forams 195 KJgu 0-2 63 ABa 3841 M2055 Buchia cf. B. crassicollis. (Too poorly not determined25 preserved for positive identification)

Plant stems

196 KJgu? 8-2 63 ABa 3842 M2056 Indet. ammonite no age Oxytma? sp. significan~e~~

Amnonite, inoceramus prisms, forams

197Kk 8-2 63 ABa 3853 Forams

198 KJgu 8-2 63 ABa 3855 Pelecy pod fragments (Buchia?) 199Kk? 8-2 63 ABa 3863 Pel ecypods (Nuculana?)

200 Kk? 8-2 63 ABa 3864 Pelecypod fragments in talus

201 Kk? C-2 63 ABa 3891 Pelecypod fragments

202 Ps C-1 63 ABa 4032 Crinoid stems, calcareous fossil hash

203 Ps C-1 63 ABa 4042 22359-PC Antiquatonia? sp. (one poor speciman) suggest2 Neospirifer? sp. Permian Rhynchopora sp. Stenoscisma sp.

204 Rgl A-3 63 ABa 4061 HZ155 Monotis cf. M. subcircularis Gabb Late Triassic Heterastridium? sp. (late ~orian)~~

205 TKs? 8-3 63 ABa 4062 Forams Inoceramus prisms 206 PSI C-1 63 ABa 4083 Cancrinella sp. ~errnlan~~ Krotovia? sp. Liosotella pseudohorrlda (Wiman) Lissochonetes? sp. Megousia sp. Muirwoodia sp. Neophrlcodothyris sp. Rhynchopora sp. Stenoscisma sp. Waagenoconcha cf. W payeri (Toula) Also, one pygidium of a phillipsiid trilobite (a rare find)

207 PSI 8-2 63 ABa 4085 Brachiopod, crinoid

208 PSI 8-2 63 ABa 4087 21701-PC Kochiproductus sp. probably ~ermian~~ Brachiopods , bryozoa 209 Ps 8-2 63 ABa 4091 22363-PC Possible "Plicatoderbyia" or a distorted indeterrnin~ite~~ 1inoproductid Fragments of Composita sp. 210 MDf 8-2 63 ABa 4092 Plants - Lepidodendrold? 211 Ps 8-1 63 ABa 4094 Crinoids in clasts 212 TKs 0-1 63 ABa 4104 Plant microfossils - small assemblage of Tertiary, probably just passibly preserved forms pre-~iocene39

213 Dnr A-2 67 ABa 101A-F 04484 A-F Spores: ~evonian~~-~~ Acanthotriletes spp. Ancyrospora spp. Ancyrospora cf. langii

m Map USGS number- collection map unit ~ocationl Field number number Fossils Fbssil age

E.E. Brabb (~ont)~

213 (cont) Ancyrospora cf. simplex Apiculatlsp~rites spp. Archaeoperisaccus sp. (spiny form as in Sappington of Montana) Archaeoperisaccus cf. timanicus Archaeozonotriletes spp. Archaeozonotri letes cf. optivus Auroraspora spp. Auroraspora cf. macromanifestus (Hacuqebard) Richardson Calyptosporites spp. Calyptosporites cf. proteus (Naumova) Camptozonotriletes spp. Cirratriradites cf. avius Corystisporites spp. Craspedispora cf. craspeda Allen Cristatisporites spp. Cymbosporites spp. Densosporites spp. Emphanisporites spp. Geminospors spp. Hymenozonotriletes cf. tlchomirovii uer. devius Chibrikova, 1959 Hystricosporites spp. Hystricosporltes cf. perrectus (Balme and Hassell) Pustulatisporites cf. pretiosus Playford Raistrickia? spp. Retusotriletes spp. Samarisporites spp. Spinozonotriletes

214 Rgl? A-2 67 ABa 112 D4483A-S Degraded spores and possible spores are o - dinoflagellates diagnostic3g*90

215 Pt A-2 67 ABa 161 23085-PC Chonetina sp. cf. C. superba Gobbett permianl3 23086-pcil Brachiopods, not examined - 216 Pt A-2 67 ABa 162 23089-Pcll Brachiopods, not examined perrnianb3 67A4-200 23082-PC~~ Brachiopods, not examined (collected by ~ermian~~ R.E. Grant and others at 67 ABa 162) 67A4-200 23083-pcll Arctitreta cf. A. kempei (Andersson) Permi an43 Lissochonetes sp. cf. L. spitzbergiana (Toul a) Spiriferel la draschei (Toula) Brachiopods. not examined (collected by Brabb near 67 ABa 162) L 67A4-250 23084-PC" Brachiopods, not examined (collected by ~ermian~~ Brabb about 50 feet below 67 ABa 162)

217 Dnr A-1 67 ABa 171 Spores Late Devonian 218 Dnr A-1 67 ABa 172 Spores Late Devonian

Collections and observations of M. Churkin, ~r ,6 v 219 KJgu? 8-3 62 ACn 801 MI683 Indet. impression of a coiled probably ~esozotcb2

220 KJgu7 8-3 62 ACn 802 MI684 Monotis, sp. Indet. latest Triassic Meleagrinel la? sp. (middl or late Noriant2

221 Rgl 8-3 62 ACn 812 M1685 Monotis cf. M. subcircularis Gabb latest Triassic (middlf20r late Nor ian

222 Dnr B-1 62 ACn 841 Plant fossils 223 €Ztrb? B-2 62 ACn 851 M1 2 Oldhamia probably ,oS.4s cambriansl

- - - Map USGS number- collection map unit Location1 Field nunber number Fossils Fossil age


M. Churkin. Jr. (~ont)~

224 Pt 8-2 62 ACn 852 Brachiopods - Neospirifer? Productid brachiopods 225 GZtrb? 8-2 62ACn891 MI2 Oldhamia probably coS.ls Cambrians1

226 Pt 8-2 62 ACn 892 Fossil fragments Permian Large productid brachiopods

227 k gl 8-2 62 ACn 953 H1686 Halobia dilatata Kittl of Smith Late Triassic (early ~orian)~~

228 Dnr A-2 62 ACn 1001 Plant fragments? 01939~~ Spores - substantially the same as Late or Yjddle 60 ABa 687 (map number 126) Devonian 229 Dnr A-2 62 ACn 1002 ~19398~ Spores - essentially similar in Late or Middle composition to 62 AA 311A ~evonian~~ (map number 315)

230 Onr A-2 62 ACn 1003 Plant fragments 231 Dnr A-2 62 ACn 1011 ~1940~~.~~Acanthotriletes (Naumova) Potonib and Late or Middle Kremp Ancyrospora Richardson 1960 Archaeoperisaccus Naumova 1953 Archeeozonotriletes Naumova) A1 len 1965 Auroraspora macroman!festur (Hacquebard) Richardson Auroraspora Hoffmeister, Staplln and Malloy 1955 Calamospora Schopf, Wilson, and Bentall 1944 Camptozonotriletes Stapl in 1960 Convolutispora Hoffmeister. Stapl in, and Malloy 1955 "cf. Convolutispora mimerensis (Vigran) A1 len" Corystispori tes Richardson 1965 Cristatisporites Potonil and Kremp 1954 Diaphanospora Balmb and Hassell 1962 Foveosporites pertusus Vigran Foveosporites Balm6 1957 Hymenozonotriletes Naumova 1953 Hystricosporl tes McGregor 1960 Leiotriletes (Naumova) Potonie and Kremp 1954 Leiozonotriletes Hacquebard 1957 Lophozonotriletes (Naumova) Potonik and Kremp 1954 Lycospora (Schopf. Wilson, and Bentall) Potonib and Kremp 1954 Pustulalisporites pretiosus Playford Pustulatisporites (Potonib and Krmp) Imgrund 1960 Raistrickia (Schopf, Wilson, and Bentall) Potonik and Kremp 1954 Retusotriletes (Naumova) Richardson 1965 Samarisporites Richardson 1965 I Samarisporltes triangulatus A1 len 62 ACn 1012 019408~*~~Spores - Essentially the same as Late or Yjddle 62 ACn 1011 but less well preserved Devonian 232 Dnr A-1 62 ACn 1022 Straight cephalopod in float in creek Silurian- Ordovician boundary Colonial corals probably Devonian 233 Dnr A-1 62 ACn 1023 019419 Spores - poorly preserved but recog- Late or Middle nizable as about the same group as 60 ABa 687 (map number 126) Plant material Map USGS number- collection map unit ~ocationl Field number number Fossils Fossil age r

M. Churkin. Jr. (cant)'$

234 Dnr A-1 62 ACn 1031 ~1942~ Spores - poorly preserved ~evonian?~~ Plant material 235 DOr A-1 62 ACn 1032 6830-~0~*~Echyropora? sp. early Middle Favosites type A Devonian Spongophyllum sp. A (~ifeljan)~~ Xystriphyllum sp. cf. stenophyllum gorskii Bulvanker Bryozoans 236 Pt B-2 62 ACn 1072 22341-PC~~ Cancrinella sp. permi an43 Neochonetes? sp. Rhynchopora sp. Tornquistia sp. 237 €a 8-2 62 ACn 1081 ~1026-~0~*l~Oldhamia probably cambrian50 238 Ps 8-2 62 ACn 1104 Bioclastic limestone float containing crinoid columnals, fenestell id bryozoa. and brachiopod fragments 239 PSI 8-2 62 ACn 1113 22333-PC Linoproductus sp. ~ermlan~~ Kochiporductus? sp. (small) Indet. productoid 240 PSI 0-2 62 ACn 11141° Plant fragments indeterminate40 241 PSI 8-2 62 ACn 11161° Plant fragments indeterminate40 242 PSI B-2 62 ACn 1123 Plants 243 Ps 8-2 62 ACn 1124 Plants - slmllar to 62 ACn 1116 late Paleozoic (see map number 241) 244 PSI B-1 62 ACn 1131 Crinoid columnals, brachiopods - similar to 62 ACn 1113 (see map number 239) 245 Dnr A-2 62 ACn 1204 ~1940~~Excellently preserved spore assemblage like Late or YJddle that in 62 ACn 1011 (see map number 231) Devonian

246 O€h A-1 63 ACn 1492 4340-co5 Trilobites Middle cambrian30 247 %h A-l 63 ACn 1506 4353-~0~~' Nanorthis? sp. earliest Symphysurina cf. S. brevispicata Hintze ~rdovician~~.~~ Symphysurlna cf. S. spicata (only a single immature pygidium

248 PSI 8-2 63 ACn 1552 Crinoid, brachiopods, bryoroa, indet. 249 PSI 8-2 63 ACn 1553 Plant stems 250 MDf 0-2 63 ACn 1554 Plant stems 251 Ps B-2 63 ACn 1555 Plant stems 252 PSI 8-2 63 ACn 1561 Crinoids

253 PSI 8-1 63 ACn 1562 Pelecypod? 254 PSI B-1 63 ACn 1563 21789-PC Indet. derbyoid Permian43 Linoproductus sp. Kochiproductus sp. - In float: Bryozoa, fenestell id bryozoa, Permian- brachiopods, large productid brachiopods, corals 255 Dnr 8-1 63 ACn 1572 Badly altered spores ~evonian~~

256 8a7 A-2 63 ACn 1603 Worm trails? 257 PSI 8-1 63 ACn 1632 Crinoids

258 PSI B-1 63 ACn 1641 21790-PC Crinoid columnals, bryozoa, pelecypod fossils noi3 diagnostic Map USGS number- collection map unit ~ocationl Field number number Fossils Fossil age

M. Churkin, Jr. (cont16

v 259 Ps 6-1 63 ACn 1642 Fenestell id bryozoans 260 Psl 0-1 63 ACn 1644 Bryozoa, crinoids, productid brachiopods 261 PSI C-1 63 ACn 1651 Crinoids 262 PSI C-1 63 ACn 1652 Crinoids 263 Kk 0-2 63 ACn 1656 Inoceramus mold? 264 KJgu 8-2 63 ACn 1663 M2137 Goniwnya n. SF.? Late Triassic- Cretaceous (Late Triassic? or Early ~urassic?)42 265 DO 0-1 63 ACn 1672 Crinoid columnals, brachiopods, bryozoa 266 Do 0-1 63 ACn 1673 Crinoids 267 Pt B-1 63 ACn 1683 22342-PC~~ Cancrinella sp. ~ermian~~ Megousia sp. Neochonetes spp. Neospirifer sp. Rhynchopora sp. Tornquistia sp. 268 Pt 6-1 63 ACn 1684 22343-PC" Cancrinella? sp. permianb3 Kochiproductus? sp. Thamnosia sp. cf. T. arctica (Whitfield) Waagenoconcha sp. 269 Pt 8-1 63 ACn 1692 22344-PC" Cancrinella sp. ~ermian~~ Megousia sp. Neochonetes sp. Permophricodothyris? sp. Rhypidomella sp. Septacamera? sp. Waagenoconcha sp. - - -- 270 DOr A-1 63 ACn 1713 4307-C0 Conodont? - Possibly a spathognathodid no age determined42 Float of biserial graptolltes Ordovician (Llanvirnian? to early --- ~aradocian)~' Caryocaris? in chert Graptol ites - Oidymograptus Conodonts Tiny brachiopods? 271 DOr A-1 63 ACn 1714 M~OO~-CO' Amplexograptus sp. Late Ordovician Didymograptus sp. of extensifom type (early Glossograptus hinskil var. timbriatus taradocian) 32 (Hopkinson) Glyptograptus sp. Orthograptus cf. 0. calcaratus var. Lapworth Pseudocl imacograptus Scharenbergi (Lapworth) Retiograptus geinitzianus 3. Hall 63 ACn 1721 ~1003-~0' Cl imacograptus, sp. indet. Middle Ordovician Cryptograptus tricornis? (Carruthers) (late Didymograptus sp. cf. extensiform type ~lanvirnian)~~ Glossograptus. sp. indet. Glyptograptus, sp. indet. Hallograptus cf. H. etheridgei Harris Isograptus cf. J. monubriatus (T. S. Hall) Caryocaris sp. -272 Eh A-1 63 ACn 1731 Bifurcate worm trails Cambrian? 273 Mh A-1 63 ACn 1751 4378-~0~ Trilobites, brachiopods, archaeocyathids Middle cambrian30 Map USGS number- collection map unit ~ocationl Field nunber number Fossils Fossil age

I M. Churkin, Jr. (contl6

274 Dm A-1 63 ACn 1752~ Spores Middle o Late ~evonianS9 275 Dnr A-1 63 ACn 17619 Spores Middle or Late 0evonian39 Plant material - 276 Pt A-1 63 ACn 1775 Small brachiopods, productid brachiopods Permian 63 ACn 1775A 22365-PC Liosotella pseudohorrida (Wlman) Cambrian- Megousla sp. Permian43 Neophricodothyris ps. Rhynchopora sp. I ' Tornquistia cf. T. toulai (Dunbar) Two Cambrian trilobite cranidia 277 Rgl A-1 63 ACn 1776 M2138 Daonella cf. 0. degeerl Bohm Middle Trityic () 278 DOr A-1 63 ACn 1931 7031-50 Hibbardella? sp. not Hindeodella sp. Ligonodina sp. Ozarkodina? sp. 279 OEh A-l 63ACn1932 4382-co5 Trilobites,brachiopods Middle carnbrian30 280 Pt 8-2 63 ACn 2051 22334-Pcl1 Cancrinella sp. ~ermian~~ Megousia sp. Rhynchopora sp. Spiriferella sp.

281 Ztl 8-2 63 ACn 2054 Fossil impressions? 282 PI 8-2 63 ACn 2085 22335-PC" Horridonia sp. bermianh3 Megousla sp. Indet. productoid

283 8a 8-2 63 ACn 2091 M1027-CO Oldhamia probably cambrians1

284 Ztl B-2 63 ACn 2101 22351-PC Derbyoid or linoproductoid. indet. not determined43 285 Pt 8-2 63 ACn 2111 22337-PC No indent if iable brachjopods not Bryozoa, Indet 286 Pt 8-2 63 ACn 2113 22340-pC1l Cancrinella sp. Megousla sp. Thamnosia sp. cf. T. arctica (Whltfield) Waagenoconcha sp.

287 Pt 8-2 63 ACn 2121 22329-PC~~ Megousia sp. Permian13 Rhynchopora sp. Tournquistia sp. (Specimens are distorted) 288 Pt 8-2 63 ACn 2124 22330-PC" Megousia sp. Neochonetes sp. Tornquistia sp.

289 BZtrb? B-2 63 ACn 2126 ~1028-~0~#~~Oldhamia probably carnbriansl

290 Pt 6-2 63 ACn 2131 22338-PC" Cancrinella sp. ~errnian~~ Indet. 1 inoproductid Lissochonetes? sp. Megousia sp. Permophr icodothyris sp. Rhynchopora sp. Tornquistia 2 spp. 291 Pt 8-2 63 ACn 2132 22339-pcl1 Liosotella cf. L. proboscidea Gobbett permi an43 Tornquistia sp.

292 Rgl 8-2 63 ACn 2142 M2139 Monotis scutiformjs cf. M. 5. pinensis Late Triassic Westerrnann (early ~orian)~~

-. w. Map USGS number- collection map unit ~ocationl Field number number Fossils Fossil age


M. Churkin, Jr. (contlh

293 Pt 8-2 63 ACn 2143 22336-PC" Megousia? sp. (very poor) 294 Pt 8-2 63 ACn 2144 Brachiopod couquina 295 Rgl 8-2 63 ACn 2152 Halobia cf. H. fallax Mojsisovlcs Late Triassic (early ~orian)~~

296 Pt 8-2 63 ACn 2156 22331-pcL1 tancrinella sp. ~ermian~~ Liosotella cf. L. pseudohorrida (Wiman) Kuvelousia cf. K. weyprechti (Toula) Megousia sp. (very abundant) Neospirifer sp. Spirlferella sp. Waagenoconcha sp. Yakovlevia sp.

297 Pt 8-2 63 ACn 2171 22332-pCll Cancrinella sp. PermianP3 Cleiothyridina sp. Horridonia sp. Lissochonetes? sp. Megousia sp. Neochonetes sp. Neospirifer Permophricodothyris sp. Rhynchopora sp. Rhynchopora sp. cf. R. kochi Dunbar Tornquistia sp. Waagenoconcha sp. 298 Dnr 8-2 63 ACn 2174 ---Plant fragments? Large plant stem

300 Pt A-2 63 ACn 2191 Fossils Permjan 301 'Rgl A-2 63 ACn 2192 M2154 Halobia, sp. indet., but of the H. Late Triassic ornatissima group (probably late Karnian or ear 1 iest ~orian~*

302 Dnr A-2 63 ACn 2194 Plant fragments 303 €Ztrb? A-2 63 ACn 2212 ~1029-~0~*~~Oldhamia probably ~ambrian~~

304 Dnr 8-2 63 ACn 2253 Spores - too badly metamorphosed and indeterminate3' degraded for recognition 305 Ga 8-2 63 ACn 2264 Worm? markings 306 Kb 8-3 63 ACn 2311 Radiolaria? 307 Pt? A-2 63 ACn 2331 21796-PC" lissochonotes sp. permi an43 Megousia sp. Neochonetes? sp. Pterospirifer sp. I Rhynchopora sp. Tornquistia sp. 63 ACn 2332 21799-pCl1 Krotovia? sp. permi anb3 Linoproductus sp. Martinia greenlandica Dunbar Megousia sp. Muirwoodia? sp. Neospirifer cf. N. striatoparadoxus (Toula) Thamnosia sp. cf. T. arctica (Whitfield) Yakovlevia mamnata (Keyserling) 63 ACn 2341 22323-PC" Cancrinella sp. permi anb3 Horridonia sp. Megousia sp. Rhynchopora sp. Spiriferella small sp. Spiriferella cf. S. saranae Verneuil Tornquistia Yakovlevia mammata (Keyserling) h Map USGS number- collection map unit LocationL Field number number Fossils Fossil age

M. Churkin, Jr. (~ont)~

307 (cant) 63 ACn 2342 22327-PC" Cancrinella sp. Perm4 an'+3 Cleiothyridina sp. Horridonla sp. (smell) Kuvelousia sphiva Waterhouse Megousia sp. 308 Pt A-2 63 ACn 2351 21788-PC" Derbyia sp. ~errnian~~ Hustedia sp. Kochiproductus? sp. Kuvelousia sphiva Waterhouse Linoproductus sp. Megousfa sp. Neospirifer cf. N. striatoparadoxus (Toul a) Spiriferella sp. 309 DOr A-1 63 ACn 2723 ~1005-~~' Monograptus tumescens Wood Late Silurian (~udlovfan)~~ 63 ACn 2731 M~O~O-SD~Limograptus? sp. Late Siluri n Monograptus varians Wood (L~dlovlan)~~ 63 ACn 2732 See 63 ABa 32318 (map number 166) 63 ACn 2733 ~1006-~0~Monograptus, sp. indet. Late Silurigq (Ludlovian) 310 Pt A-2 63 ACn 2781A 21794-PC~~ Cancrinella sp. permi an43 Horridonia sp. Kuvelousia sphiva Waterhouse Lissochonetes sp. (large) Megousia sp. Neochonetes sp. Rhynchopora sp. Spiriferella? sp. Tornqufstia sp. Waagenoconcha sp. Yakovlevia mammata (Keyserling)?

R Ql 63 ACn 27818 M2141 Halobia, sp. indet - possibly H Late Triassic ornatissima (late Karnian- Pteriid pelecypod - probably not Monotis early ~orian)~~ Indet. brachiopods 63 ACn 2781C M2142 Halobia, sp. indet. - possibly H. Late Triassic ornatissima (late Karnian- Indet. terebratuloid brachiopod early ~orian)~" 63 ACn 27810 M2143 Monotis cf. M, subcircularis Late Trjassic (late Karnian- early ~orian)~~ 63 ACn 2781F M2144 Halobia ornatlssima Late Triassic Indet. amnonite (late Karnian- early ~orlan)~' 63 ACn 27816 M2145 Halobia sp. A Late Triassic (late Karnian- early ~orian)~' 63 ACn 2781H M2146 Halobia ornatissima - and H. cordillerana? Late Triassic (late Karnlanh2 early Norian) 63 ACn 27811 M2147 Halobia cf. H. cordillerana Late Triassic (late Karnian- early ~orian)~~ 63 ACn 27815 M2148 Halobia brooksi Late Triassic H. cf. H. septentrionalis (late Karnian- H. sp. B early ~orian)~~ 63 ACn 2781K M2149 Halobia brooksi Late Triassic H. cf. H. alaskensis - wlth (late Karnian- Mo jsisovicsites? early ~orian)~~ H. sp. B - or H. fallax? Map USGS number- collection map unit ~ocationl Field number number Fossils Fossil age

M. Churkin. Jr. (cont16

310 (cont) 63 ACn 2781L M2150 Halobia cordil lerana Late Triassic H. sp. 8 early(late Karnian-~orian)~~

63 ACn 2781M M2151 Halobia cf. H. fallax Late Triassic 'A. cf. H. "dilitata" (late Karnian- early ~orian)~~

63 ACn 2781N M2152 Halobia cf. H. "dilatata" Late Triassic Monotis scutiformls, subsp. indet. (late Karnian- early ~orian)~~

63 ACn 2781P M2153-Mes. Monotis scutiformis pinensis Late Trlassic (late Karnian- early ~orian)~~

311Kk? 8-3 63 ACn 2822 ~2063-~es,l~Buchia "sublaevis" Early Cretace us Valanginian) 23

312Kb 8-3 63 ACn 2824 Worm casts?

313 Kb B-3 63 ACn 2825 ~2064" Inoceramus sp. Late Cretaceous (late Neocmian?) 25

Collections and observations of A. adl land^

I m 314 Dnr A-2 62 AA 251C 01936~-~0~Spores - essentially nlmflar to Middle or Late 60 ABa 687 (map number 126), but less we1 1-preserved) 62 AA 281 01936~-~0~Spores - badly corroded, slmilar to Middle osgLate 60 ABa 687 (map number 126) Devonian 315 Dnr A-2 62 AA 311A 01937~-~0~Spores - well preserved and abundant. Middle or Late All remarks for age and canposition ~evonian~~ under locality 60 ABa 687 (map number 126) apply to this sample 62 AA 3118 ~19378-so2 Spores - basically the same flora as in Middle oq9Late 62 ABa 687 (map number 126) but fewer Devonian forms recognizable and much poorer preservation

316 PSI 6-2 62 AA 401 Productid brachiopod

Collections of R.J. ~oss~

317 OGh A-1 62 RJR 1 1074-CO Caryocaris sp. probably Cl imacograptus sp. ~rdovician~~ Glyptograptus sp.

62 RJR 2 1075-CO Climacograptus sp. Ordovician Oicellograptus cf. 0, sextana var. (Llanvirnia perarilis Ruedemann Carado~ian)~?

62 RJR 3 0191-SD Monograptus cf. M. uncinatus Tul lbert Late Silurian Monograptus dubius (Suess) (late Wenlockian- early ~udlovian)~~

318 Xjr A-1 62 RJR 4 6317-SO Metriophyllid horn coral cf. Enteralasma Silurian or SP- ~evonian~* 01071-~0~ Strophornenid brachiopod, externally ljke Middle or Sqte Megamyonia DrdovicJan Rhynchonell id brachiopod, externally llke Rhynchotrema Rhynchonellid brachiopod, externally like Rostricelluia Illaenld trilobite (fragmentary cranidium) Map USGS number- collection map unit I.ocation1 Field number number Fossils Fossil age

R.J. ROSS (contl6

318 (cont) Harpid or cryptolithid trilobite (portion of the pitted frill) Ostracod ~1071-~0~~Grewingkia sp. Middle? or ate Ordo~ician~~

319 Wjr A-1 62 RJR 5 01072-~0~ Ptychopleurella cf. P. lapworthi Middle or Late (Davidson) ~rdovician~~,~~ Dicoelosia jonesridgensls Ross and Dutro Camarel la? sp. Rhynchotrema? sp. Cyclospira cf. C. glansfagea Cooper and Kindle Cyclospira? sp. Catazyga homeospiroides Whitfieldella? sp. Anoptambonites cf. A. grayac (Davidson) Diambonia cf. D. anatoli Spjeldnaes Diambonia sp. 1 Diambonia sp. 2 Xenambonites cf. X. revelatus Williams Ptychoglyptus? cf. P.? pauciradiatus Reed Christiania sp.

320 Mjr A-1 62 RJR 6 01073-CO Conodiscus? Late Cambrian? to Conotreta? or Acrotreta? Early ~rdovician~~ 383740~ Conodiscus burl ingi latest Cambrian (Trempeal eauan) 30

321 OGjr A-1 62 RJR 7 3833-co3s5 Rasettia cf. R. capax (Billings) latest Cambrian Richardsonella nuchastria n. sp. (Trempealeauan) 62 RJR 8 3834-co3v5 Hungaia sp. latest Cambrian Pseudagnostus sp. (Treinpealeauan) 30 Pseudosaukia cf. P. brevlfrons (Clark) Richardsonella nuchastria n. sp.

322 OGjr A-1 62 RJR 9 3835-co3n5 Briscoia septentrionalis Kobayashi latest Cambrian Lauzonel la? tripunctata (Kobayashi) (Trempealeauan) 30 Pseudagnostus sp. Richardsonella? sp. 2 Tatonaspis alaskensis Kobayashi

323 O€jr A-1 62 RJR 10 3836-co5 Ooklmocephal idae Late Cambrian? Conospidae (Franconian?) 30

324 Dnr? A-1 62 RJR 11 Vascular plant remains? probably no older than Middle sllurian40

325 Do A-1 62 RJR 16 Bryantodus sp. Early 0evonian4' Falcodus? sp. Hibbardella? sp. Hindeodella sp. Ligonodina sp. Ozarkodina sp. Palmatolepis? sp. Polygnathellus sp. Polygnathus linguiformis Polygnathus sp. Synprioniodina sp. 326 Do A-1 62 RJR 17 6320-SD~ Favosites sp. early Middle Xystriphyllum sp. cf. Stenophyllum Devonian devonicum Bulvanker (Eifelian) 38

Collections and observations of U. ~iles~

327 OGh A-1 63 AGs 13 4339-co3s5 Prohedinla breifrons Middle cambrian30 Semisphacrocephalus latus n. sp.

328 PSI 8-2 63 AGs 21 Crinold stems In float Map USGS number- collection map unit ~ocation' Field number number Fossils Fossil age

0. Giles (cont16

329 Psl 8-2 (A) 63 AGs 41 Straight cephalcpod in shale 330 PSI 8-2 63 AGs 51 Plant fragments

331 Pt 6-1 63 AGs 102 22346-PCI' Cleiothyrldina? sp. ~errnian~~ Derbyia? sp. Echinaria? sp. Waagenoconcha sp. Yakovlevia sp.

332 Pt 0-1 63 AGs 113 Brachiopod or pelecypod fragments 333 Pt B-1 63 AGs 121 22347-PC~' Large Lissochonetes? sp. ~ermien~~ 334 Pt B-1 63 AGs 122 Brachiopods 335 Pt 8-1 63 AGs 124 22348-PC" Llssochonetes sp. ~ermian~~ Thamnosia sp. Waagenoconcha sp. Yakovlevia sp.

336 Pt B-1 63 AGs 131A 22349-PC" Cancrinella? sp. indeterrnlr~ate~~ Indet. linoproductid Indet. spiriferoid 63 AGs 1318 22350-PC" Cancrinella? sp. likely Waagenoconcha sp. 337 O€lr 8-1 63 AGs 206 Coral?

338 OClr 0-1 63 AGs 207 Coral? 339 BZtrb9 A-2 63 AGs 344 ~1030-~0~Oldhamia probably cambrlansl

340 Dnr A-2 63 AGs 352 Plant fragments 341 Dnr A-2 63 AGs 361 Plant fragments

Collection of D.B. Stone

Brabbinthes churkini

Collections of R.B. Blodgett

343 mjr A-1 section 116 Brachiopods Late Ordovician (Ashgillian) Graptol ites Late Silurian (mid-Wenlockian) 55 Megafossils Early Devonian (Emsian) 344 Do A-1 section 216 Conodonts Early Devonian (early Pragian to late Emsian) 56 Brachiopods Early Devonlan (early Pragian to late Emsian) 53 345 Do7 A-1 Univ. of Rugosa: late Earl Alaska Museum Xystriphyllum sp. B Devonian X locality Brachiopoda: ~933'~ Carinagypa aseptata Atrypa sp. B Atrypa sp, Perry, Klapper. and Lent, 1974 Spinatrypa (Invertrypa) sp. Echinodermata: Crinoid columnals

i I Map USGS number- collection map unit ~ocationl Field number number Fossils Fossil age

R.B. Blodgett (cont) r 346 Do A-1 section c17 Tabulata: late Earl3 (Univ. of Favosites spp. Devonian Alaska Museum Rugosa: localities Spongophyl lum sp. A A938-A940) Embolophy 1lum sp. Xystriphyllum sp. cf. Stenophyllum devonicum Acanthophyl lum (Acanthophyl lum) sp. or SPP. Brachiopoda: Dalejina? sp. Phragmostrophia cf. P. merriami 'Chonetes' sp. A 'Chonetes' sp. B Elythyna cf. E. Kingi Trilobita: Lacunoporaspis n. sp. Otarion sp. Leonaspis sp. Echinodermata: Gasterocoma? bicaul i Crinoid columnals Conodontophorida: Panderodus sp.

347 Do A-1 Unlv. of Strmatoporoidea: late Ear& Alaska Museum Trupetostroma sp. Devonian locali$y Rugosa: ~1055 Xystriphyllum sp. cf. Stenophyllum devonicum Acanthophyl lum (Acanthophyl lum) sp. or spp. Brachiopoda: Carl nagypa aseptata Glossinulina khodalevichi Corvinopugnax sp. Rostroconchia: Conocardium sp. Echinodermata: Crinoid columnals

348 Do A-1 Section E~~ Tabulata: late Earl (Univ. of Favosites spp. DevonianX Alaska Museum Thamnopora sp. localities Rugosa: A1056-A1066) Spongophyllum sp. A Spongophyllum sp. B Xystriphyllum sp. cf. Stenophyllum devonicum Acanthophy 1lum (Acanthophyl lum) sp. or spp. Brachiopoda: Desquamatia cf. D. khavae Mimatrypa sp. Gastropoda: undet. gastropod Trilobita: Cheirurus (Crotacephalus) sp. Echinodermata: Crinoid columnals

349 Dm 8-2 Section 617 Tabulata: late Earl (Univ. of Thamnopora sp. Devonian 55 Alaska Museum Rugosa: localities Acanthophy l lum (Acanthophy 1 lum] sp, A1201-A1212) or spp. Brachiopoda: Atrypa spp. Spinatrypa sp. A Spinatrypa sp. B Spinatrypa sp. C Spinatrypa spp. Vagrania sp. Carinatina lowtherensis undet. atrypld Elythyna cf. E. kingi Gastropoda: Euomphalus sp. L Map USGS number- collection map unit ~ocationl Field number number Fossils Fossil age

R.B. Blodgett (cont)

349 (cont) Pelecy poda: Cypricardinia sp. Trilobita: Cheirurus (Crotacephalus) sp. Echinodermata: Gasterocma? bicaul i Crinoid columnals Tentaculitida: Turkestanella sp. Conodontophorida: Panderodus sp. Pandorinell ina exigua exigua Bryozoans Vertebrata: Fish bones and teeth 350 Do A-1 Univ. of Stromatoporoidea: late Earl Alaska Museum Trupetostroma sp. Devonian 53 localities Tabulata: ~1213~~1214~' Favosites spp. Rugosa: Xystriphyllum sp. cf. Stenophyl lum gorskii Brachiopoda: Carinagypa aseptata Glossinulina khodalevichi Echinodermata: Crinoid columnals I

Collections of J.G. Clough

I 351 Do A-1 locality 218 Girvanella (fossil algae) Cambri an- Cretaceous Renalcis (fossil algae) Cambrian-Devonian

352 DO A-1 locality 318 Girvanella Cambrian- Cretaceous Renalcis Cambrian-Devonian

Collections and observations of J.H. ~overl'

353 MDf A-1 82 ADO 401 Plant fragments 354 Dm A-1 82 ADO 405 Radiolaria? 355 DOr 8-1 82 ADO 409 Graptol ltes 356 DOr 8-1 82 ADO 410 Graptolites 357 Pt A-2 82 ADO 424 Brachiopod 358 €a A-2 82 ADO 425 Oldhamla? Worm burrows 359 Dm A-1 82 ADO 428 Radiolarian chert 360 PSI C-1 84 ADO 327 Crinoid stem

84 ADO 372E 26944-PC Redeposited Famennian conodonts: Late 1 incomplete Pa element of Palmatolepis Mississippian glabra Ulrich and Blaser, subsp. indet. (no older than 1 incomplete Pa element of Palmatolepis latest minuta Branson and Mehl. subsp. indet. Chesterian) 52 2 incomplete Pa elements of Polygnathus, sp. indet. of Famennian morphotype Redeposited Early Mississippian conodonts: 1 incomplete Pa element of Pseudopolygnathus, sp. indet. 1 incomplete Pa element of Siphonodella sandbergi Klapper Redeposited andlor indigenous Late

_* b Map USGS number- collection map unit ~ocation' Field number number Fossils Fossil age

J.H. Dover (cont)l9

360 (cont) Mississippian conodonts: 23 Pa elements of Gnathodus bilineatus (Roundy) 10 Pa elements of Gnathodus girtyi Hass 1 Pa element of Rhachistognathus, sp. indet. 1 M element +I00 indet. bar, blade, and platform fragments 361 PS C-1 84 ADO 330 Crinoids, shell fragments? 84 ADO 3300 29645-PC Redeposited Famennian conodonts: Late 1 incomplete Pa element of Palmatolepis Mississippian glabra Ulrich and Bassler, subsp. (no older than indet. late Redeposl ted Kinderhookian conodonts: Meramecian) 52 2 incomplete Pa elements of Slphonodel la, sp. indet Redeposl ted Osagean conodonts: 1 incomplete P element of Doliognathus. sp. indet. Redeposited andlor indigenous latest Meramecian to very earliest Morrowan conodonts: 6 Pa elements of Gnathodus bilineatus bilineatus (Roundy)

- -- ~ 362 PSI 0-1 84 ADO 333 Crinoids

84 ADO 333A 29646-PC Redeposited Devonian conodonts : no older than Late 2 P elements of Icriodus spp. of Mlddle Mississippian to Late Devonian morphotype (Chesterian) 52 1 Pa element of Palmatolepis marginifera Holms 2 Pa elements of Palmatolepis Quadrantinodosa Branson and Mehl 2 Pa elements of Palmatolepis, sp. indet. 3 incomplete Pa elements 05 Polygnathus, spp. indet. of Middle-Late Oevonian morphotype Redeposited Late Devonian-Early Mississippian conodonts: 1 incomplete Pa element of Bispathodus? stabilis (Branson and Mehl) 1 Pa element of Polygnathus comunis Branson and Mehl Redeposited Early Mississippian conodonts: 1 Pa element of Gnathodus punctatus (Cooper) 1 incomplete Pa element of Siphonodella. sp. indet. of Late Kinderhookian morphotype Redeposited andlor indigenous late Late Mississippian to Early Pennsy 1 vanian conodonts: 5 Pa elements of Gnathodus girtyi Hass

363 Do B-1 84 ADO 349A 11155-SO 3 Belodella triangularis (Stauffer) Early /Middle s.f. elements Devonian 28 Panderodus sp, and Nevparidsrudus .ip. houndaryT2 elements 1 Pa element of Polygnathus ser.otinus (Telford) 4 Pa element fragments of Polygnathus sp. indet. 30 indet. bar, blade, platform, and simple cone fragments

364 GZtrb? 8-2 84 ADO 364 Oldhamia -.,+.". 365 Ytsl 8-1 84 ADO 368 Algal mats Stromatolites

366 Ytsh B-1 84 ADO 369 Stromatolites 367 Dm 8-1 84 ADO 374 Radiolaria

L Map USGS number- collection map unit ~ocationl Fteld number number Fossils Fossil age

J.H. Dover (cont)19

.-368 Dm 0-1 84 ADO 380A Radiolarla? 369 Dm 8-1 84 ADO 3808 Radiolaria? 370 Wjr 8-1 84 A00 382 Archaeocyathus 371 ca 8-2 85 ADO 202 Oldhamia 372 Pt 8-2 85 ADO 218 Brachiopods, productid brachiopods, sponges? 85 ADO 2188 29854-PC 1 incomplete Pa element of Neogondolella mid-Permian serrata serrata (Clark and Ethington) (latest Leonardian 19 incomplete Pa elements of Neogondolella to early idahoensis (Youngquist, Hawley, and ~uadalu~ian)52 Miller) or N. phosphoriensis (Youngquist, Hawley, and Miller)

373 Do A-1 85 ADO 223 Colonial and horn corals, brachiopods, gastropods?

374 Dm A-1 85 ADO 224 Small brachiopods Ordovic ' n- Permian \? Radiolarian chert 375 Ps? A-2 85 ADO 225A Radiolarian chert clasts in conglomerate 376 Dnr A-2 85 ADO 227 Radiolarian chert clasts in conglomerate

377 TKs B-1 85 ADO 232 Plant (leaf?) fragment

Collections of C E. Kirschner and P. Di~ona~O

378 Tks A-3 83 CEK 6 Palynomorphs: undifferentiated Bisaccates indetern~inate'~ 83 CEK 7 undifferentiated Bisaccates Possible Late Lycopodiumspori tes sp. -E rl Del toidospora juncta Cretaceous 44 Gleicheniidites senonicus may be reworked

83 PA0 155 Palynomorphs: Deltoidospora sp. indeter1ninate5~ undifferentiated Bisaccates Multicellaesporites sp. Lycopodiumsporites sp.

379 TKs A-3 83 CEK 9 Palyncinorphs: Betulaceae Pal eocene-Eocene undifferentiated Bisaccates probable ~ocene54 Pesavis tagluensis 380 TKs A-3 83 CEK 11 Palynomorphs: undifferentiated Bisaccates Paleocene-Eocene Pesavis tagluensis probable ~ocene54 Alnipollenites sp. Osmundacidites sp. Caryapollenites sp. (small) 381 TKs A-3 83 CEK 13 Palynomorphs: Ancyrospora sp. indeter~ninate~~ Hystricosporites sp. Kraeusel isporites sp. undifferentiated Bisaccates

382 TKs A-3 83 PAD 144 Palynomorphs: Lycopodiumsporites sp. probable ~ertiar~54 Laevigatosporites sp. Betulaceae Tricolpites sp. 83 PA0 145 Palynmorphs: Laevigatosporites sp, indeterminates4 Lycopodiumspori tes sp. Sphagnumsporites sp. undifferentiated Bisaccates 83 PAD 146 Palynomorphs: Taxodjaceae probable Late Sphagnumsporites sp. Cretaceous undifferentiated Bisaccates (Maestrichtian?Is4 Aquilapollenites sp. may be reworked Wodehouseia spinata r Map USES number- collection map unit ~ocationl Field number number Foss i1 s Fossil age

C.E. Kirschner and P. D1Bona (c~nt)~O r I 382 (cont) 83 PAD 147 Palynomorphs: Alnipol leni tes sp. Tertiary- undifferentiated Bisaccates puaternaryS4 83 PA0 158 Palynomorphs: undifferentiated Bisaccates indeter~ninate~~ Osmundacidites sp. Lycopodiumspori tes sp. Echinatisporites sp.

83 PAD 159 Palynornorphs: Deltofdospora sp. probable Late Laevigatosporites sp. Cretaceous undifferentiated Bisaccates (~aestrichtian?)~~ may be reworked 383 TKs A-3 83 PAD 148 Palynornorph: Osmundacidi tes sp. indetem~inate~~

83 PAD 149 Palynomorphs: Taxodiaceae Pal eocene-Eocen undifferentiated Bisaccates probable Eocenez4 Oel toidospora sp. Pesavis tagluensis 83 PAD 150 Palynomorphs: Taxodiaceae Paleocene-Eocen Pesavis tagluensis probable Eocenet4 undifferentiated Bisaccates Alnipollenites sp. Aqullapol lenites sp. Diporites sp.

83 PAD 153 Pelynomorphs: undifferentiated Bisaccates ~ocene~~ Betulaceae Multicellaesporites sp. Punctodiporites sp.

Collections of N.M. Savage

384 Dm A-1 locality 321 371763 Eognathodus sulcatus kindlei Lane and late Early Ormiston, 1979 Devonian 371764 Polygnathus pireneae Boersman. 1974 Monograptus yukonensis cf. fangensis Jaeger and Stein, 1969 form close to Monograptus cralgnensis Jaeger, 1970 possible new form approaching both Monograptus craigensis and Monograptus pacif icus Jaeger. 1970 possible new form resembling Monograptus telleri Lent and Jackson. 1971 h Location

'A-1, A-2, A-3, B-1, 8-2, 8-3, C-1, C-2--1:63,360-scale quadrangles within the Charley River 1:250,000 quadrangle; (A)--approximately located; (8)--approximately located; age incompatible with that of other fossil collections in nearby loceltties in same map unit References cited 2~ossil information published in one or more of the following: Mertie, J.B., 1930, Geology of the Eagle-Circle District, Alaska: U.S. Geologlcal Survey Bulletin 816. , 1932, the Tatondlrk-Nation District. Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 836-E. 1937, The Yukon-Tanana Region, Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 872. 3~almer,A.R., 1968, Cambrian trilobites of east-central Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 559-8, 115 p. 4~ordon,Hackentie, Jr., 1957. Mississippian Cephalopods of Northern and Eastern Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 283, 61 p., 6 pls. 5tabb, E.E., 1967, Stratigraphy of the Cambrian and Ordovician rocks of east-central Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 559-A. 30 p. 6~ossil information from unpublished field notes and maps of E.E. Brabb. M. Churkin. Jr., and co-workers. U.S. Geological Survey, 1960-67, fran U.S. Geological Survey fossil reports, and, where noted, fran published sources. 7~hurkin. Michael. Jr.. and Brabb, E.E.. 1965, Ordovician, Silurian, and Devonlan biostratigraphy of east-central Alaska: American Association Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, v. 49, no. 2, p. 172-185. soliver, W.A., Merriam, C.W., and Churkin. Michael. Jr., 1975. Ordovician. Silurian. and Devonian corals of Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 823-8, p. 13-44, 25 pls. 9~rabb,E.E., and Churkin, Michael, Jr., 1967, Stratigraphic evidence for the Late Devonian age of the Nation River Formation, east-central Alaska, in Geological Survey Research 1967: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 575-0, p. 04415. lo6rabb, E.E.. 1969, Six new Paleozoic and Mesozoic formations in east-central Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 1274-1, 26 p. 116rabb, E.E., and Grant. R.E.. 1971, Stratigraphy and Paleontology of the Revised-type Section for the Tahkandit Limestone (Permian) in East-Central Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 703, 25 p., 2 pls. 12~schudy, B.D., 1969, Species of Aquilapollenites and Fibulapollis from two Upper Cretaceous localities in Alaska, in Contributions to Paleontology, 1969: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 643, p. A1-A15. 13~hurkin. Michael. Jr.. and Brabb. E.E.. 1965. Occurrence and stratigraphic significance of Oldhmia, a Cambrian trace fossil, in east-central Alaska, in Geological Survey research 1965: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 525-0, p. 0120-D124. 14scott. R.A.. and Doher, L.I.. 1967, Palynological evidence for Devonian age of the Nation River Formation, east- central Alaska, in Geological Survey Research 1967: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 575-B, p. 845-849. l5~llison, Carol W.. 1975, Primitive fossil flatworm from Alaska; new evidence bearing on ancestry of the Metazoa: Geology (Boulder), v. 3, no. 11, p. 649-652. 16610dgett. R. B., Potter, A.W., and Clough, J.G., 1984, Upper Ordovician-Lower Devonian biostratigraphy and paleoecology of the Jones Ridge-Squaw Mountain area, east-central Alaska labs.]: Geologlcal Soclety of America Bulletin, v. 16, no. 5, p. 270. 17Blodgett, R.B., 1978, Biostratigraphy of the Ogilvie Formation and limestone and shale member of the McCann Hill Chert (Devonian), east-central Alaska and adjacent Yukon Territory: University of Alaska. Fairbanks, Alaska, Master's thesis. 18~lough, J.G., 1980, Fossil algae in Lower Devonian limestones, east-central Alaska: Alaska Divislon of Geological and Geophysical Surveys Geologic Report 63. p. 19-21. 19~ossil information from unpublished field notes and maps of J.H. Dover, U.S. Geological Survey, 1982-1985, and from U.S. Geological Survey fosstl reports. 20~ossll information from unpublished field notes and maps of C.E. Kirshner and P. DiBona, U.S. Geological Survey, 1983. 21~avage, N.M., Blodgett, R.B., and Jaeger. Hermann. 1986. Conodonts and associated graptolites from the late Early Devonian of east-central Alaska and western Yukon Terrltory: Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, v. 22, p. 1880- 1883. Fossil age determinations by U.S, Geological Survey, except where noted




Z5o.~. Jones



28~.~.Kindle (Geological Survey of Canada)

29~.~.Burling (Geological Survey of Canada)




33~. Kobayashi (Imperial Univ. of Tokyo)

34~.Pojeta, Jr.

35~.~.~.Berry (Univ. of California)


37~.Gordon, Jr.

38~.~.Oliver, Jr.



41~.~, Dutro, Jr.

~ZN.J. Silberling




47~.Churkin. Jr.



51~.~.Cloud (Univ. of Minnesota)

52~.~.Harrls and K. Oenkler

53~.~.Blodgett (Oregon State Univ.)

54~. Haga (Micropaleo Consultants)


56~.~.Savage (Univ. of Oregon)