DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR TO ACCOMPANY MAP MF-ZOO7 U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY FOSSIL LOCALITY MAP AND FOSSIL DATA FOR THE SOUTHEASTERN PART OF THE CHARLEY RIVER QUADRANGLE. EAST-CENTRAL ALASKA Compiled by Ronny T. Miyaoka INTRODUCTION This table and location map are compiled from fossil information collected within the Charley River A-1. A-2, A-3. 6-1, 8-2, 8-3, C-I, and C-2 1:63.360-scale quadrangles. Sources of information for the campilation are mainly published reports of the U.S. Geological Survey, as well as unpublished fieldnotes. maps. and fossil reports of USGS workers conducting geologic studies in the area. The fossil data in the table are listed chronologfcally, by collector, according to when the fossils were collected. This information includes, where available, map number. geologic map unit, collector's field number, USGS collection number, fossil list, and fossil age designation. Sources of information and names of paleontologists Hho identified fossils are keyed with superscripts and cited at the end of the table. Reports for most of the collections that have been assigned a USGS collection number are on file at the U.S. National Museum of Natural History in Washington. D.C. The fossil lists are reproduced as originally prepared by the paleontologists indicated. However, many of the older collections have been restudied by later workers, and because of improved taxonomic and stratigraphic frameworks, restudy has resulted in revised identification, correlation, and(or) age designation for many collections. Consequently, care should be taken in using the appraisals of early workers and most attention should be given to the more current reports and publications. The fossil location map is reproduced on a screened geologic base at a scale of 1:100.000. The geology and map untts are.frun Dover (in press) which contains a brlef descriptton of stratigraphic unlts. The locations of fossils collected prior to 1931 (map numbers 1-87) are only approximate due to the lack of precise location information. Although much effort went into making the fossil table and location map as complete as possible, some existing data were not available for inclusion, and some data may been omitted inadvertently. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I am indebted to Ellen White and Sue Booth of the U.S. Geological Survey's Technical Data Unit in Menlo Park for their invaluable sssistance in recovering archival information, and to J.T. Dutro. Jr. for his editorial review which led to many important additions and improvements. REFERENCE CITED Dover. James H.. in press, Geologlc map and fold-and-thrust-belt interpretation of the southeastern part of the Charley River quadrangle, east-central Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Miscel laneous Investigations Map 1-1942. scale 1:100,000. Fossil data for the Charley River A-1. A-2. A-3, B-1, 8-2. 8-3. C-1, and C-2 1:63,360-scale quadrangles. Alaska Ltootnotes at end of table] Map USGS number- collection map unit ~ocationl Field number number Fossils Fossil age Collection of J.E. spurr2 1 Pt A-2 (A) 2444-PC Amplexus? cf. A. zaphrentiformis I ~ermian~**~~ Productus longispinus Productus longispinus? Productus multistriatus Productus semireticulatus var. Productus cf. P. undatus Pustula punctata var. Spirifer cf. S. scobinus Avicullpecten sp. Collections of A.J. Collier 2 Dnr I A-2 (0) 2443-PC~ Globigerina? sp. permianZ2 Chonetes cf. C. laevis Productus cf. P. Cora var, Productus cf. P. multistriatus Productus semireticulatus var. Productus cf. P. semireticulatus Productus cf. P. undatus Pustula cf. P. humboldti Marginifera sp. Camarophoria cf. C. pinguls Rhynchopora cf. R. nikitini Spirifer cf. 5. striatus Spiriferella arctica Reticularia cf. R. lineata Streblopterla sp. 3 Pt A-2 (A) 2445-pc2 Productus cf. P. multistriatus ~ermian~~ Productus cf. P. semireticulatus Spiriferella arctica 4 KJgu? 8-3 (A) 2674-Mes. Aucella crassicollis ~e~serling* Early cretaceousZ4 Buchia okensis1° Early Cretaceous- (Berriasian) 25 5 PMcb? A-1 (A) 2970-PC~ Lepidodendron? sp. Mississippian? or Late ~evonian~~ 6 TKs? A-2 (A) 2971-~es.~ Plant fragments Late ~retaceous~~ Collections of A. ~ollick~ I 7 Dnr A-2 (6) 2441-PC Zaphrentis sp. permianz3 Stenopora sp. Streptorhynchus cf. S. pelargonatus Chonetes cf. C. morahensis Productus cf. P. koninckianus Productus cf. P. mammatus Productus sp. Pustula cf. P. horrida Pustula cf. P. irginae Avonia cf. A. porrecta? Marginifera cf. M. aargardi Marginifera cf. M. splendens Rhynchopora cf. R, nikitini Spirifer cf. S. marcoui Spiriferella arctica Squamularia cf. S. perplexa Cleiothyridina sp. Schizodus sp. Aviculipecten sp. Omphalotrochus sp. 8 Dnr A-2 (0) 3AH7 Spirophyton sp. ~enns~lvanian?~~ h 2 Map USGS number- collection map unit ~ocationl Field number number Fossils Fossil age Collection of A.H. P.rooks2 I Collections of G.L. ~arrington? I 10 Dm A-1 (A) 738 Fenestella sp. Middle ~evonian~' Eatonia? sp. Pugnax sp. Atrypa reticularis Martinia cf. M. rnaia 11 Dm A-1 (A) 740 Fenestel la Middle Lievonian2' 12 Dm A-1 (A) 741 Chonetes sp. Middle ~evonian~~ 13 Dm? A-1 (A) 742 Stropheodonta sp., found in float Middle ~evonian~~ Collections of 0.0. cairnes2 (Canadian Geological Survey) Map USGS number- collection map unit I.ocation1 Field number number Fosslls Fossil age D.D. Cairnes (c~nt)~ I 18 (cont) Reticularia sp. Athyris? n. sp. 19Do 6-1 (A) XVIIj,kl6 Zaphrentis sp. Middle Favosites sp. Stropheodonta sp. Atrypa reticularis (Linnaeus) Schizophoria striatula (Schlotheim) Gypidula sp. 20 Do 0-1 (A) XVII p 4,5 Favosites sp. Middle ~evonian~~ Camarotoechia sp. Pugnax cf. P. pugnus (Martin) Atrypa reticularis (Linnaeus) var. Leptaena rhomboidal is (Mil ckens) Schizophoria striatula (Schlotheim) Reticularia sp. Anoplotheca cf. A. acutiplicata (Conrad) Platyceras sp. Cytherella sp. Cyphaspis cf. C. bellula Cyathophyllum cf. C. quadrfgeminum Goldfuss Hercinella? sp 21 Pt7 B-1 (A) XVII n 34 Chonetes cf. C. ostiolatus perrnianZ3 Productus cf. P. aagardi Productus n. sp. Rhynchopora cf. R. nikltlni 22 O€jr A-1 (A) XIX j 9 Obolus sp. Middle cambrianZ9 Lingulella sp. Acrothele cf. A. coriacea Linnarsson Acrotreta, 2 sp. Agnostus. 2 sp. Ptychoparia sp. Anomocare sp. Liostracus sp. Levisia sp. 23 mjr A-I. (A) XIX J 17, 18 Obolus (Westonia) cf. 0. stoneanus Middle Cambrianz9 (Whitfield) Lingulella sp. Acrothele cf. A. coriacea Linnarsson Schizambon cf. S. typicalis Walcott Undetermined trilobite 24 DO A-1 (A) XIX j 23.22 Atrypa reticularis (Llnnaeus) Middle tIevonianZ8 Stropheodonta sp. Schizophorla striatula (Schlotheim) Cryphaeus? sp. 25 Wjr A-l (A) XIX j 31 Foraminifera? undetermined Middle cambrianZ8 Obolus. 2 sp. Obolus (Westonia) cf. 0. stoneanus (Whitfield) Lingulella. 2 sp. Dicellorms? sp. Curticia? sp. Acrothele cf. A. coriacea Linnarsson Acrotreta sp. Orthoid Coral? Ostracode Agnostus sp. Eurycare? sp. Three unidentified trilobites 26 Ejr A-1 (A) XIX J 32 Micromitra (Iphidella) pannula (White)? Middle cambrianZ9 Obolus 2 sp. Obolella? sp. Acrothele cf. A. corlacea Linnarsson Acrotreta, 2 sp. Ostracode Illaenus? sp. fl - t. Map USGS number- collection map unit ~ocationl Field ntnnber number Fossils Fossil age I 0.0. Cairnes (contl2 27 DOr A-1 (A) XIX m 6 Cladopora sp. Middle ~ilurian~~ Favosites sp. Zaphrentis sp. Camarotoechia? cf. C. acinus Hall Camarotoechia? cf. C. indianensis (Hall) Atrpya sp. Atrpylna sp. Nucleospira cf. N. pisiformis Hall Trematospira cf. T. camura Hall Sieberella n. sp. Mytilarca? cf. M. sigilla Hall Platyceras sp. Orthoceras sp. - Dalmanites sp. 28 Do A-1 (A) XIX p 10 Cyathopyllum? sp. Middle ~evonian~~ Atrypa reticulari s Leptaena rhomboidalis (Wilckens) Spirifer sp. 29 Ejr A-l (A) XIX p 20 Obolus 2 sp. Cambrian29 Lingula sp. Acrotreta 2 sp. Asaphus? sp. GSC-273 Re-examination of collection (Canadian Early OrdovicianJO Geological Survey collection number) 30 Do A-1 (A) XIX q 23 Fenestella sp. Middle ~evonian~~ Atrypa reticularis (Linnaeus) Atrypa cf. A. flabellata Goldfuss Stropheodonta cf. S. arcuata Hall --_-Conocardium cf. C. cuneus Conrad 31 DOr? A-1 (A) XIX s 28 Pholidops cf. P. squamiformis Hall Middle Atrypa sp. Atrypa cf. A. marginalis Dalman Orthis flabellites foerste Dalmanella cf. 0. elegantula (Dalman) Whitfieldella cf. W. nitida Hall Anoplotheca sp. Illaenus cf. I. armatus Hall 32 DOr A-1 (A) XIX t 27 Whitfieldel la sp. Late Silurian28 Atrypa reticularis Linn Collections of E.M. ~indle~ (Canadian Geological Survey collection numbers) )r 33 TKs A-3 (A) 20 Plant fossils Late ~retaceous~~ 34 Kb 8-3 (A) GSC-3783 Pinna sp. Early cretaceousZ4 Inoceramus sp. Aucella? sp. Pecten sp. Perisphlnctes? sp. Inoceramus sp. Early Cretaceqys Pinna sp. (Valanginian) Polyptychites sp. 35 Kb 8-3 (A) 19 GSC-3785 Aucella crassicollis Keyserl ing Early ~retaceous3~ Buchia "sublaevis" Early Cretace us (~alanginian)$5 - 36 3gl A-2 (A) GSC-4054 Camarophoria? cf. C. crumena Late ~riassic~~ Pugnax cf. P. osagensis Pugnax sp. Djelasma? cf. 0. bovidens (Tschernyschew) Martinia? sp. Spiriferina cf. S. laminosa Spiriferlna cf. S. simensis Nucula sp. Halobia cf. H. superba i a Map USGS number- collection map unit ~ocationl Fleld number number Fossils Fossil age I E.M. Kindle (contj2 36 (cont) Aviculipecten cf. A. parvulus Aviculipecten? sp. Plagioglypta? sp. Pleurotomaria sp. Ostracoda Collections of L.D. 0urling2 (Canadian Geological Survey collection numbers) 37 mjr 14-1 (A) CSC-4689 Syrnphysurina sp. Early 0rdovician31 ------Eoorthis sp. 38 OEjr A-1 (A) GSC-4730, Eoorthis sp. Late cambrian31 4731.4733 Westonia sp. Acrothele sp. Parabolus sp. Trilobites of several genera and species GSC-47323 Yukonaspis kindlei Kobayashi Late ~arnbrian~~,~~ Undet. eurekid Also contains fossils listed above for GSC-4730,4731.4733 39 Wlt A-1 (A) GSC-4734 Same fossils as listed above for Late ~ambrian~O,~l GSC-4730,4731,4733 Collections of G.C. arti in' 40 Pt A-2 (A) 82 Zaphrentis sp. ~errnlan~~ Avonia cf. A. porrecta Spiriferella arctica 41 Pt A-2 (A) 83 Zaphrentis sp.
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