FREEDOM OF RELIGION CRITIQUE OF DISCRIMINATORY AND NONSECULAR STATE POLICY Freedom of Religion Critique of Discriminatory and Nonsecular State Policy Tbilisi, 2016 The Researh was conducted within the framework of the project “Advancing Tolerance, Religious Freedom and Human Rights in Georgia”. Project is financed by the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands. Ideas expressed in the research might not reflect the position of the Embassy. The authors are responsible for the content of the research. Research Authors: Tamta Mikeladze, Mariam Begadze, Eto Gvritishvili, Keti Chutlashvili, Nino Sukhishvili, Keti Sartania Research supervisor: Tamta Mikeladze Editor of the Georgian text: Lasha Kavtaradze, Nino Kalatozishvili Editor of the English text: Isa Chen, Mariam Begadze Translators: Natia Gelashvili, Lika Jamburia Layout and design: Tornike Lortkipanidze Cover design: Salome Latsabidze Print run: 400 ISBN: 978-9941-0-9371-5 It is forbidden to copy the material without written consent of Human Rights Education and Monitoring Center. Address: I. Abashidze 12a, Tbilisi, Georgia Tel.: +995 032 2 23 37 06 Email:
[email protected]; Content Introduction ......................................................................................................................................... 07 Research methodology and limitations ................................................................................. 09 Main findings .....................................................................................................................................