[email protected] www.po-mayak.ru FSUE “Mayak” PA 3 4 FSUE “Mayak” PA www.po-mayak.ru
[email protected] Federal State Unitary Enterprise «Mayak» Production Association is the first Russian nuclear industrial site. Present-day PA «Mayak» is an up- to-date and dynamically developing enterprise of the State Atomic Energy Corporation «Rosatom». «Mayak» PA is the leading Russian and one of the biggest world manufacturers of sealed radionuclide sources. The product mix offered today by «Mayak» PA to domestic and foreign customers, includes more than 200 codes of alpha-, beta-, gamma- and neutron sources with various dimensional and radiation specifications, and with reactor isotopes Cobalt-60, Iridium-192, fission isotopes Caesium-137, Americium-241, Plutonium-239, Promethium-147, Strontium-90, etc., as their active material, as well as bulk isotopes with Carbon-14 and Helium-3 gas among them. Ionising sources are widely used for various scientific and technical applications such as radiation processing equipment, oil-well logging, industrial NDT instruments, gamma-radiography, various process control and measurement instruments and other gauges, and also in medicine. At present, acting under the Federal Law dated 11.07.2011, No. 190- FZ, «Mayak» PA accepts for long-term storage and re-processing the disused ionising sources operated in Russia and made both by «Mayak» PA and other manufacturers and Mayak’s origin sources operated outside Russia. At present «Mayak» PA has become an independent player in the market of re-sourcing of radiation facilities and machines. «Mayak» PA offers «from cradle to grave» service package that covers the entire life-cycle of the sources from their manufacture to disposal and allows working directly with organisations operating Mayak’s origin sources.