© 2008 by www.bike-explorer.ch / françois panchard


Verbier – Les Planards – Savoleyres – Les Etablons – - Le Drotsé - Prarion - Balavaux - Tracouet - Sofleu - Siviez - Tortin - Téléphérique des Gentianes - Col des Gentianes - La Chaux – Les Ruinettes – Verbier BikePark – Verbier

Short description:

This version of the Tour du Mont-Fort is designed for the ones looking for serious challenge. There is over 2000m of ascending elevation and more than 3000m of descending elevation to satisfy even the athletes among you. On this special menu, there are three “bumps” to climb before the tour ends with a dessert, a long decent nearing 17km that will bring you back to Verbier. Take advantage of the Verbier BikePark to improve your technical skills.

Distance: 59.13 km Season: July-August Elevation difference: +2263m / -3112m Highlights: The descent from the Col des Gentianes with the amazing view of the Duration: 4:15 - 6:20 h. on bike / 8:00 h. total Massif du Mont-Blanc is one of the highlights of this tour. Physical level: Remarks: The length of time noted consists only of the time spent on your bike. Technical level: Breaks and lift transport have not been accounted for. Therefore it is very important to leave early in the morning. Panorama:

Adventure: Emergency number: call 144

Km Alti. Type Direct. Remarks Location Signs Km Alti. Type Direct. Remarks Location Signs 0.00 1522 SR Verbier – Médran Follow route de Ransou 54.76 1890 DR gondola 56.54 1756 DR Ride above the golf 0.92 1543 SR Route des Creux course

58.17 1610 DR Follow the Trotinette 3.35 1756 SR Route de la Croix de trail Cœur 59.13 1522 SR Verbier – Médran Cross the parking to 7.04 2135 DR Turn left shortly before gondola the start point top 7.62 2165 DR Go on climbing

9.40 2354 DR Top of Savoleyres Follow the road on the gondola edge

10.23 2230 TR Turn left – follow the

Trotinette trail 11.44 2080 TR Les Etablons Follow the Trotinette

trail 14.35 1630 SR Les Etablons Follow the Trotinette trail 15.88 1510 SR La Tzoumaz Follow route de la Croix

de Coeur 16.88 1471 SR DR Cristalp

19.87 1292 DR Le Drotsé Haute-Nendaz

22.74 1560 DR

27.62 2040 DR

28.77 2125 DR Tracouet

29.63 2200 DR Tracouet – top of Ride along the lake and gondola turn left. Come back on

the same road.

30.48 2125 DR Tsâblo Plan

31.32 2030 DR Alpage ski slope

31.69 2050 DR La Maretse

34.95 1676 DR Sofleu Siviez

36.45 1626 DR Tsableau Perru Siviez

38.69 1700 DR Forêt des Eaux Follow , join the SR main road to Siviez and continue uphill 39.45 1728 DR

43.13 2045 Tortin-Gentianes gondola 43.13 2894 DR Col des Gentianes Follow the only road that descends to MR = Main road SR = Secondary road Verbier 50.14 2218 DR Follow DR = Dirt road / forest road TR = Trail

= Uphill section (normal, steep, very steep) 50.63 2245 DR La Chaux

= Downhill section (normal, steep, very steep) 52.62 2192 DR Les Ruinettes Follow Verbier

= Uphill & downhill 53.15 2135 S Verbier BikePark Verbier BikePark – Red = Flat line Legend St-Pierre-de-ClagesSt-Pierre-de-Clagesde-Clagesag Tour du Mont-Fort n Alternative Brignon LeytronL ytryty n Le Rhône Feyy Cablecars transporting bikes Nendaz 1965 Intersections Beuson Restaurant

Cabin Condéminesm Saclentse Parking RiddesRidR s 1676 Danger

Caution pedestrians

2030 2125 1626 2200 2050 Tracouet Isérablesa

2436 Dent de Nendaz 2040 Villardr 1560 Balavaux 2456 Pointe de BalaBalavauxavaux Planchoueto Prariono La Tzoumazm 1292 15101 La Dzora Lee Drotsé 1515 1471 1700


1740 1728

1733 Siviez

2667 Mont Gond

2608 Savoleyresv LaL CrCroixrroixo de Coeur Le Fou 2354 2173 2230 2619 21355 24162 Dents Rousses Têtes dese Etablons 2165 2742 Pte des Champsp Ferret Tortin 2045 2396

L‘Arpette Lac

ded Cleuson

Laca des Vaux 2694

n MontMtR Rogneux

1590 15434 17567 VerbierV Les Attelas

3023 Mont Gelé START 15222 Médières Les Ruinettes

2192 3232 Becs des Etagnes FontenelleFoFoontenelle 28942894 Cottergt Villettee

22662 Gentianesntianes 3328 Le CChâble 2245 La Chauxx 2218 Montagniern

3223 Bec des Rosses

Prarreyer Versegères