First Christian Church News July 3, 2017 (Disciples of Christ) Emporia, KS S P E C I A L

P O I N T S O F VOLUME 66 NO. 13 JULY 3, 2017 INTEREST: Wholeness Café 7/16 Reflections Spotlight Disciple New Directory Out This is an exciting time in the life of our church. We have embarked on a journey to which we do not know where the forks in the road will take us. Deciding which road to go down will take prayerful discernment. We will not be able to rush down INSIDE THIS the road. There may be pebbles in the road and we may fall. If we do, we need to ISSUE: get up and dust ourselves off and start again. We will have times when it seems we Serving Schedule 2 are not moving forward, but backward and other times when it feels like we are not

Food Pantry 2 moving at all. With the help of God, however, we will grow in our understanding of God’s movement in our spiritual lives. Prayer List 2 In Matthew 13:10-17, helps the disciples understand why he speaks in para- Attendance & 2 bles: Giving Then the disciples came and asked him, “Why do you speak to them in para- Prayer Chain 2 bles?” 11He answered, “To you it has been given to know the secrets of the king- 12 Birthdays and 3 dom of heaven, but to them it has not been given. For to those who have, Anniversaries more will be given, and they will have an abundance; but from those who have 13 Mark the Date 3 nothing, even what they have will be taken away. The reason I speak to them Wholeness Cafe 3 in parables is that ‘seeing they do not perceive, and hearing they do not listen, 14 Lectionary 4 nor do they understand.’ With them indeed is fulfilled the prophecy of Isaiah that says: ‘You will indeed listen, but never understand, and you will indeed New Member 4 look, but never perceive. 15For this people’s heart has grown dull, and their ears IHOP Dividends 4 are hard of hearing, and they have shut their eyes; so that they might not look

LCP Letter 5 with their eyes, and listen with their ears, and understand with their heart and turn— and I would heal them.’ 16But blessed are your eyes, for they see, and NEW DIRECTORY 5 your ears, for they hear. 17Truly I tell you, many prophets and righteous people Library News 5 longed to see what you see, but did not see it, and to hear what you hear, but Church Contact 6 did not hear it.

Calendar 6 In two weeks, on July 16 following worship, we will discover Wholeness Café! This Spotlight on 6 is an opportunity for the congregation to share good food and good talk with a vari- Disciples ety of people. But the key to Wholeness Café is the telling and listening to stories. It’s all about relationships—having a pleasant time learning and growing together. Just as the disciples needed to hear Jesus’ voice as he taught and preached in towns all around, we need to hear each other’s stories.

Please plan to be with us at this NEW EVENT that may be one of the most enjoyable things you do all summer! Just bring your appetite, a willingness to break bread together, and to share and/or hear a story or two.

Shalom, Pastor Lorraine VOLUME 66 NO. 13 P A G E 2 Upcoming Serving Schedule In June we helped 44 families consisting of 118 people with 45 bags of food plus 34 dozen

July 9, 2017 eggs. It has been a busy month. 18 of these Candlelighter ~ Gavin LeClear families were first time guest to our food pan- Children’s Message ~ Cameron Moore try. Diaconate ~ Carl* & Rita Headrick Voices of people you have helped this month: “I am so Tammie McDiffett, Joy Frevert glad there is a network of help in this town. Thanks for Elder ~ Judy Moore being organized and sharing information.” Greeters ~ (N) Carl & Lana Richardson ~ (S) Dick & Debbie Hubert Nursery ~ John Lexow & Cindy Lexow Worship Leader ~ Barb Gimple Children’s Church ~ John & Cindy Lexow Message ~ Jean Miller

July 16, 2017 Candlelighter ~ Kinzie Kurzen We are in need of more people to be on our church prayer chain to pray for others. Please volunteer by call- Children’s Message ~ LeRoy Garnett ing Jeanice Miller at 343-9592 or Luella Hush at 342-2493. Diaconate ~ Jake Dalton*, John Lexow It is easy and something everyone can do, so please con- Alan & Betty Richardson sider giving your time and talents for the Prayer Chain. Elder ~ Jaylene Arnett Greeters ~( N) Carl & Rita Headrick ~ (S) Barb Gimple & Don Allen (medical);; Lonnie Atchison Nursery ~ Kat Dorcas & Rita Headrick (cancer); Tom Bell; Joyce Cress (cancer Worship Leader ~ Vel Lukert & recovery); Diane (sister of Joyce Cress, breast cancer); Tom Higgins (broken vertebrae, in Children’s Church ~ Joy Frevert back); Bonnie Iverson (shingles); Janet (friend of Jean Mil- July 23, 2017 ler, cancer); Brad Jones (son of Jan Jones, heart problems); Candlelighter ~ Jack Dalton Jan Jones (health issues); Wes Jones (health issues); Patty Children’s Message ~ Marlene Hanson Karg (sister of Leroy Garnett, cancer); Gale Kelley Diaconate ~ Larry Gamblian*, Joy Kimbrel (hospice); Joyce Kellison (health issues); Steve (broken Cameron Moore, Carol Rhoades neck) & Ramona Langley (brother-in-law and sister of Elder ~ LeRoy Garnett Betty Richardson); Gary Logan, (brother-in-law of Janece Greeters ~ (N) Guy & Janece Bacon Bacon); Charles Marin (health issues), Pam Scheve ~ (S) Lola Walker & Dorothy Matile (daughter Jan Weeks, health issues), Jim Siebert (son of Nursery ~ Nikki Simmons & Mikinzi Simmons Janice Miller, back pain); and Elizabeth Wells (cancer & Worship Leader ~ Nancy LeClear recovery). Children’s Church ~ Jennifer Dalton Eric MacGregor (Military)

July 30, 2017 Candlelighter ~ Juliana Martinez Children’s Message ~ Joy Frevert Attendance and Giving Record Diaconate ~ Nikki Simmons*, Elizabeth Brown ATTENDANCE & GIVING RECORD

Joe & Bonnie Denson Elder ~ Jean Miller June 25, 2017 SS 20 / Worship 62

Greeters ~ (N) Larry & Glenna Gamblian July 2, 2017 SS 13 / Worship 53 ~ (S) Wanda Davis & Marilyn Dalton GIVING RECORD Nursery ~ Marilyn Dalton & Jennifer Dalton Worship Leader ~ Mary Volland June 25, 2017~Offering $1,918.50 / Building $278.50 Children’s Church ~ Sonya Ihde July 2, 2017~Offering $1,431.00 / Building $28.50

FIRST CHRISTIAN CHUR C H N E W S (DISCIPLES OF CHRIST) EMPORIA, KS VOLUME 66 NO. 13 P A G E 3 Mark these Dates Friday’s 3-6 pm—Clothes Closet & Household Hut open

Saturday’s from 9—Noon—Clothes Closet and Household Hut

July Anniversaries Sat. July 8—9:00 am-Christian Ed. Workday—Clean Youth 13 Jake & Jennifer Dalton Room 21 John & Carolyn Kuhn, 1950 July 8-12, 2017--General Assembly, Indianapolis, IN

Thur., July 13, 2017, 6:30 pm—Family Promise Meets at July Birthdays Messiah Lutheran Church 01 John Harding Sunday, July 16, After Worship—Wholeness Café in FH (you 01 Joyce Kellison will be served your meal) Mark the date—Something New!!!! 02 Allison Harding 02 Janet Lostutter Sunday, Aug. 6—Promotion Sunday

05 George Ford Sunday, Aug. 13—Installation of New Officers, lunch then Re- 06 Laura Breshears treat for training. 07 Suzanne MacGregor Sunday, Sept. 17—Pastor Lorraine’s Installation during Wor- 07 Alan Richardson ship 08 Seth Tilton 08 Judy Moore 9 John Kuhn Wholeness Café 13 Jessica Alexander 13 Jill McGrath On July 16, 2017, you are invited 15 Nicholas Kuhn to stay after Worship Service for a 18 Lola Walker 24 Brayden Fleming very special meal. It’s a combination 24 Jody Fleming of food and conversation about who 24 Joy Frevert we are. It’s the Wholeness Café! 25 Addison Lee (Garnett) Oulette We will offer a three-course meal. 25 Corey Giger 26 Ty Michael Barrett The program offers eating, talking, 26 Jared Johnson listening, drawing, dreaming, and 27 Janet Parks remembering. Something for every- 28 Dorothy Boyce one. Christ calls us to wholeness. 28 Melissa Tilton “We are Disciples of Christ, a move- 29 Jeremy Dalton 30 Lorraine Bailey ment for wholeness in a fragmented 31 Ahren Thornton world. As part of the one Body of Christ, we welcome all to the Lord’s Table as God has welcomed us.” (Disciples of Christ Identity Statement). Mark your calendars for July 16. Come eat and grow in the Spirit with us!


Lectionary Schedule July 9 – August 13, 2017

July 9, 2017 July 16, 2017 Genesis 24:34-38, 42-49, 58-67 Genesis 25:19-34 Psalm 145:8-14 Psalm 65 (1-8), 9-13 Romans 7:15-25a Romans 8:1-11 Matthew 11:16-19, 25-30 Matthew 13:1-9, 18-23

July 23, 2017 July 30, 2017 Genesis 28:10-19a Genesis 29:15-28 DWF Psalm 139:1-12, 23-24 Psalm 105:1-11 Romans 8:12-25 Romans 8;26-39 Matthew 13:24-30, 36-43 Matthew 13:31-33, 44-52

August 6, 2017 August 13, 2017 Genesis 32:22-31 Genesis 37:1-4, 12-28 Psalm 17:1Stewardship-7, 15 Moment. . . Psalm 105:1-6, 16-22, 45b Romans 9:1-5 Romans 10:5-15 Matthew 14:13-21 Matthew 14:22-33

We Welcome Our Newest Member (Joined July 2, 2017) Address Update Roth, Nik Tim & Janelle Norton 1210 Drury Lane 3219 Chelsea Drive Emporia, KS 66801 Topeka, KS 66614 Email: [email protected] [email protected] Cell: 620-794-3998 [email protected] BD: 5/26 620-340-5645 J, 620—794-9084 T Elder: Judy Moore Elder: Anita Imhoff

The IHOP Dividend

We just completed the month of June eating at the IHOP Restaurant and our receipt total was $332.24, so we should receive approximately $49.84 in dividends. IHOP informed us this promotion went over so well with the community that they are going to continue it indefi- nitely and will give a 10% rebate back to us. So please continue to save and collect your re- ceipts and turn them in to the office (we have an envelope on the counter) or put it in the collection plate. Ask your friends and neighbors to save them for you too. This is an easy way to earn money for our church food pantry and also have a good time eating out with friends and family.


Learning Center Preschool

Letter from Suzanne West, Teacher/ Directory of the Learning Center Pre- school.

They’re Here! Pick up your updated church directory from the office or from the parlor table. Please let me know (a note or an email) of additions or corrections that need to be made. Thanks Susan in the Office


Wanda Davis has given the fol- lowing books...I’ve Got to Talk to Somebody by Marjorie Holmes, God..Norma by Norma Zimmer, Each New Day by Corrie Ten Boom, by Marjorie Holmes, Rosalynn A Portrait by Howard Norton, A Mir- acle a Day Keeps the Devil Away by Pat Boone and Words of Comfort and Cheer by Mrs. Charles Cowman. Remember we get the Reminisce and the Guideposts Magazines. They are on the book cart by the office.

FIRST CHRISTIAN CHUR C H N E W S (DISCIPLES OF CHRIST) EMPORIA, KS First Christian Church “The mission of First Christian Church is to in- spire each other to reach out to the un-churched Lorraine W. Bailey, and to serve and share with our community by Transitional Minister proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ.”

202 East 12th Avenue Sunday School at 9:30 a.m. 620-342-1582 Church Office Worship at 10:30 a.m. 620-342-8585 Prayer Line Web Page Office Hours Email Office [email protected] 8 a.m. until Noon, Monday through Friday. Pastor Lorraine—9:00 am to Noon, Tuesday Email Pastor Lorraine Bailey at through Friday. Afternoons by appointment. [email protected] Next Newsletter Deadline Follow us on Like us on Twitter Facebook Mon. July 17, & Thur. July 27 (note chg. of date), 2017. Don’t forget to sign the attendance sheet at the end of the pew. Thanks

Spotlight on Disciples Alexander’s Debates (continued)

Campbell’s second debate took place at Washington near Maysville, Kentucky, beginning on October 15, 1823 with Rev. William L. Maccalla. The subject was again baptism and Alexander rationally presented what he and his father believed were “the true and obvious teachings of the .” The third debate, held in Cincinnati, Ohio, April 13-21, 1829 with Robert Owen, a famous nineteenth-century social re- former and philanthropist of New Lanark, Scotland and New Harmony, Indiana, was on Owen’s “Social System” against Alexan- der’s defense of the Christian religion. Alexander gained prestige with this and another debate with John B. Purcell, the Roman Catholic archbishop of Cincinnati, held in 1837. He argued against practices of the Roman Catholic Church. The fifth and last debate of Campbell was held at Lexington, Kentucky in 1843. Twenty years earlier, Alexander and Bar- ton W. Stone became aquainted and through the years formed a Christian movement. The debate was arranged between Rev. Nathan L. Rice a Presbyterian minister of Paris, Kentucky. The lively, publicly praised debate, held in the Main Street Christian Church between November 15 and December 1, 1843, resulted in a published volume of 912 pages. While the five debates did little to further Thomas and Alexander’s aims of a united church, they did spread Alexander’s views on immersion and his defense of returning to practice.