University of Montana ScholarWorks at University of Montana Associated Students of the University of Montana Montana Kaimin, 1898-present (ASUM) 11-29-1995 Montana Kaimin, November 29, 1995 Associated Students of the University of Montana Let us know how access to this document benefits ouy . Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Associated Students of the University of Montana, "Montana Kaimin, November 29, 1995" (1995). Montana Kaimin, 1898-present. 8861. This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Associated Students of the University of Montana (ASUM) at ScholarWorks at University of Montana. It has been accepted for inclusion in Montana Kaimin, 1898-present by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks at University of Montana. For more information, please contact
[email protected]. MontanaMT The University of MMontana ontana Kaimmq q Our 98th year, Issue 46 Kaimin is a Salish word for messages W ednesday, N o v em b er 29,1995 Late-term abortions debated federally Sonja Lee of the Kaimin Abortion rights advocates and opponents in Missoula are question ing how a bill which would make “partial-birth abortions” illegal at the federal level might influence the validity of all late-trimester abor tions. The “Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act” H.R. 1833 which passed in the House of Representatives is now in the House Judiciary Committee. The bill defines partial-birth abor tion as “an abortion in which the per son performing the abortion partially delivers a living fetus before killing the fetus and completing the deliv ery.” A physician knowingly perform ing a partial-birth abortion would be fined or imprisoned for a two year WHEN KSENIJA Radovanovic parents sent her to the U.S.