Alcohol Use Raises Concerns for SMC Campus
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---------------·-- - • Current Miss America Kate Shindle is • Swing dancing is sweeping the nation. Scene to Wednesday preparing relinquish her crown this week reviewed a new swing album by The Brian Setzer end. Women's News examines issues sur Orchestra. Find out if it's worthy to groove to. rounding SEPTEMBER the pageant. Women's News • 3 Scene•14-15 16, 1998 THE The Independent Newspaper Serving Notre Dame and Saint Mary's VOL XXXII NO. 16 WWW. ND.EDU/- OBSERVER • MULTICULTURAL BEAT Despite ruinor, Hispanic Heritage Month begins at SMC Driver still By EMILY PARKER News Writt·r plays for ND YnslPrday nHtrkPd tlw bnginning of National llispanir llnrilage Month. and Saint Mary's Collngn was no I'X!'I'plion. rl'!nbralPd in slyln with the By KATHLEEN O'BRIEN l'irsl-PvPr Annual lli,;panic l!nritagn News Writer Month. Tlw PV!'Ill, PntitiPd "1·:1 Crito dn Ia Sophomore football playnr Tony Drivnr is lndPpPIHIPIH'ia." -Spanish for "Cry back on campus. wondering what all tho fuss for lndPpPIHIPni'P" - was sponsornd was about. and dPsignnd by La Fu!'l'za. a Latina Driver. a strong safety. conf1rnwd last night studt•nlorganization. It included din that he is still a Notre Dame student and a Ill'!', folk da1H:ing and music. membnr of the football team. dnspitn ynstnr Tlw organization sponsors about SO day's reports to tho c~ontrary. JlPI'I'Pnt of till' I'VPnts this month. "Tlwre was a lot of stuff on my mind. some along with llw Ol'lirl' of Multit:ultural stufl' I had to take care of at home." said Affairs. Drivnr. "Football's fine. school's finn, I just Tlw purposp of llw Cry for needed to go home for a day." lndPpPIHII'IH'Il cPinbralion is to mark Driver left eampus Monday afternoon bdorn tlw nunwrous Latin Anwrican inde football practice, returning to stay overnight at j)('lldnnrP days that orr.ur this month. his home in Louisville. Ky. Saint Mary's arlivities wern com Based on comments of some of his tllam prisPd of' Mnxican folk danc:e, Chilean mates and his conspicuous absence from foot musir and Ni1~araguan poetry all pnr ball praetice, The Observer reportnd yHsterday fornwd by Saint Mary's students. 'that he had left the University indel'inilnly. A StudPnls who are of llispanie back few teammates said Driver left eithnr because ground are PXI'iled to display thnir he didn't like the coaches or because he had rullun• and lwrilagP throughout tho been switched from the tailbaek position to month. safety. "It is a wondPrful opportunity for When Driver returned to campus, he was stud1•nts to show pride in their cul surprised to learn that his status at the llll'<' and lnarn morn about other University was the focus of such attention. l!ispanic rulturns." said Maria ''I'm fine. I'm 1 00%." said Driver. ''I'm just a Oropl't.a of tlw Ol'fico of Multicultural normal student who had things going on at Affairs. home. but I guess my situation's a lot more Latino rulturl' is not just onn cui open than other people's." tun·. but many dif'l'nn1nl cultures He also said that he is happy with his situa from many difl'nt'Pnl arnas, mixing tion on the team. The Observer/Manuela Hernandez tiH• barkgrounds of tlw selllnrs of Driver is considered a key figure in tlw suc Latin i\morir.a. surh as British, A folk dancer celebrates the beginning of Hispanic Heritage Month. Saint Mary's cess of the Irish this season. Tlw 6-foot-2. 210- Spanish. l'ortugunsP and African. College held an event with music and dance to mark the beginning of the month. pound safety is a significant contributor to the with till' pradicPs of the indignnous in Mexir.o. the Caribbean, Guam and Oropeza said. Irish defense. making seven tackles in thn pPoplPs. the Philippines. It couldn't be applied Due to the differences of the people team's 45-23 Joss to Michigan Stat1\ last week "Tlw word II is pan it: i Ls1ll f' means to the peoplo of Brazil. who speak and the cultures involved. the Office end. pPoph• of Spain. and throughout his Portuguese. of Multicultural Affairs and La Fuerza He appeared in all 13 games as a freshman. Lory was appliPd only to those with "Latino is a term the people have have deeided on ovents that reflect averaging 19.5 yards per kickoff return. One of Spanish surnanws. including peopl11 ascribed to themsolves, really." that same diversity. six freshmen to earn a monogram. he also ear ried the ball 35 times for 125 yards. Alcohol use raises concerns for SMC campus By NORA KULWICKI of Hesidenee Life. "Some students One rector at a male dorm News Writer In the past, were taken twice." clearly delineated Notre Notre Dame has she said. noting Dame's "real" policy. indicating Stnp onto a shuttle bus any bonn ranked as that one student that it is much looser than Friday night and r.hanens are ono of the top SMC~Wedllesday was hospitalized Saint Mary's alcohol rules. your snns11s will bn dduged by bingo drinking twice within a two- "I know that !underage lhP sight. Stnl'll schools in the week period. drinking] does go on ... fresh a n d s o 11 n d o f ~....,.P'!. ~,..... 1'1"!1 ~~. w._ nation. Feature With such intoxi men ean register a party with groomnd. por Considering the cating levnls of alcohol." said the rector. "!We fumPd and • "Bing~ social link between alcohol being con arc] trying to help lknepl peo said that she planned to do (' h a l t I' r i n g drinking srill a the two schools, many Saint sumed. it seems that leaving sonw, "heavy drinking." ple in a eontrolled environ fpma!Ps. problem.'' Mary's students cxperienee the the Saint Mary's campus might ment." Saint Mary's rngulations An evening of alcohol is not Most ar11 p.4 Pl'!'ects o!' the score's implica add to the danger. uncommon for her as shr('said only allow for drinking behind IH•adPd to tions. Why then. do Saint Mary's she "parties four days a week." dosed doors if all occupants of N olrn I> a nw to '----------' Mary DePauw. director of' students migrate so readily to This evidenee of "heavy the room are 21 years old or party and many of thnse counsnling and r.arenr devPlop the cast side of the boundary over. drinking" has preeedence. WIJlllt'n plan to drink- !wavi nwnl. said that she is. "very street? Sinen underagn drinking does Orr spoke of some 1~ases in ly. concerned that drinking is a 01111 obvious reason is that occur among Saint Mary's stu the past years that havn gotlPn ThP tradition of' alcohol ron problem at every collngn. underage drinking is mueh dents, some would think it dangerously out of eontrol. sumption that PXists on lhn inrluding ours ... iber.ausnl morn permissible at Notre safnr for them if tlw Colll'gP "Students have been taken to l>onH' sid1• of U.S. :~ l Sl'nms to lhl're is a high correlation Dame. loosnnl'd its drinking poli1:y. the hospital with alarmingly havP bPPn inlwrill'd by Saint bdwnnn alwhol abuse and sit "We respond to what we are lloWIWilr, tlw consensus high blood alcohol love is," she Mary's \\'IJillPn. uations where women get aware of," said Jeff' Shoup. among studPnts SI'Pms to indi said. ~~iting cast~s whcn1 stu TIH• I'Uilurl' of lhn NotrP hurl." diroetor of Hnsidenee Life at cate that this is not lhPir dnnls have tallied .300 blood llanw/Sainl Marv's rommunit.v 01w student relying on tlw Notre Dame. "Thn rPclors are alcohol wntenl levPls. This is desire. doPsn'L makP (t l'asv to no.l shutlle bus for transportation responsibll' for enforcement e.xtrnmely dangerous. consider drink. said Stllil' Orr.- dirPrtor to a dorm party al Notre Dame within the residr,nee halls." ing that a .500 BAC is fatal. see SMC/ page 4 page 2 The Observer • INSIDE Wednesday, Seprember 16, 1998 • INSIDE COLUMN utside the Dome Driver's Compiled from U-Wire reports Ed Bomb scare leads to evacuation of Vanderbilt residence hall NASHVILLE, Tenn. being asked to leave. I've started to wonder a few things about A little after 4 p.m. on Thursday of "We were prepared for this the kind of people who accidentally open last week, Resident Adviser Richard .... , because we talked about this type of their car doors into the car parked next to Helms and Area Director Jason VANDERBILT thing during AD training at the them. Jakubowski were rooting around in beginning of the year," said Specifically, I've Sarah Dylag the ceiling tiles on the third floor of Jakubowski. started to wonder Scene Editor Barnard Hall. Three hours later, the After Barnard was evacuated, the where they learned to previously evacuated residents of the •• package was opened, and a black drive. Vanderbilt-Barnard Quad were told evacuated the building and called alarm clock was found inside. Even Correct me if I'm wrong, but last time I that they could return to their rooms. YUPD, EMS and !SA," said so, the package was retained by checked, if a driver parks a car so close to The bomb squad had declared the Jakubowski. "And I was impressed by Metro police and taken to the crime another car that it is impossible to comfort area safe.