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European Police Science and Research Bulletin 14 SUMMER 2016 EUROPEAN POLICE SCIENCE AND RESEARCH BULLETIN ISSUE 14 SUMMER 2016 EUROPEAN POLICE SCIENCE AND RESEARCH BULLETIN Also published online: Latest issue available here: Editorial board: Antonio Vera, German Police University, Münster, Germany; Eduardo Ferreira, Escola Policia Judiciara, Portugal; Peter Neyroud, Institute of Criminology, Cambridge; United Kingdom. Published by: European Police College (CEPOL) (Director: Dr. Ferenc Bánfi) Editorial and production support provided by: the European Police College (CEPOL). Contributions or comments are to be sent to: For guidance on how to publish in the European Police Science and Research Bulletin: Disclaimer: The views expressed in the articles and contributions in the European Police Science & Research Bulletin are not necessarily those of the publisher or the editors or the European Police College. Sole responsibility lies with the authors of the articles and contributions. The publisher is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained therein. Freephone number (*): 00 800 6 7 8 9 10 11 (*) Certain mobile telephone operators do not allow access to 00 800 numbers or these calls may be billed. More information on the European Union is available on the Internet ( Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 2016 © European Police College (CEPOL), 2016 Reproduction is authorised for non-commercial purposes, provided the source is acknowledged. Print QR-AA-16-001-EN-C ISSN: 2443-7883 PDF QR-AA-16-001-EN-N ISSN: 1831-1857 Printed in Luxembourg PRINTED ON ELEMENTAL CHLORINE-FREE BLEACHED PAPER (ECF) EUROPEAN POLICE SCIENCE AND RESEARCH BULLETIN ISSUE 14 — SUMMER 2016 CONTENTS REVIEW OF ARTICLES ..................................................................................................................... 2 ABSTRACTS ..................................................................................................................................... 2 FROM THE EDITORS: CONTRIBUTING TO THE ADVANCEMENT OF POLICE SCIENCE AND RESEARCH IN EUROPE .................................................................................................................... 6 Eduardo Viegas Ferreira, Peter Neyroud and Antonio Vera INTERPOL’S EVOLVING APPROACH TO INNOVATION AND RESEARCH-BASED POLICING ......... 9 Andrés Eduardo Buenaventura FINDINGS OF THE CODISP PROJECT — CONCEPT AND TOOLS FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF INTELLIGENCE-LED POLICING ......................................................................................................18 Thierry Delpeuch and Jacqueline E. Ross MANAGEMENT TOOL USAGE AND PERCEIVED BENEFITS: INSIGHTS FROM GERMANY’S POLICE FORCES ............................................................................................................................. 26 Rolf Ritsert, Robert Rickards and Michael Evers TRANSFORMATIONAL, TRANSACTIONAL AND COOPERATIVE POLICE LEADERSHIP IN THEORY AND PRACTICE ............................................................................................................... 34 Faye Barth-Farkas and Antonio Vera COUNTERFEIT PLANT PROTECTION PRODUCTS: A MIXED-METHODS STUDY OF AN EMERGING CRIME THREAT TO THE AGRICULTURAL INDUSTRY ................................................ 44 Christopher I. Sambrook TRUST IN PSYCHOLOGISTS AND IN PEERS IN LAW ENFORCEMENT ORGANISATIONS .............52 Tatyana Grishkina THE FACTORS CONTRIBUTING TO POLICE VEHICLE DAMAGE IN FINLAND ..............................57 Suvi-Tuuli Mansikkamäki ATTACK AGAINST HUNGARIAN STATE TELEVISION HEADQUARTERS — THE REALITIES OF THE POLICE OFFICERS ...................................................................................................................62 Mihály Fogarasi TURNING A SOCIAL PROBLEM INTO A CULTURAL OPPORTUNITY: THE CRIME PREVENTION PROJECT ‘SOS AZULEJO’ ................................................................................................................69 Leonor Maria de Amorim e Sá THE ROLE OF DRAWING IN THE CONTEXT OF CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION ............................. 78 Marina Vale Guedes, Carlos Farinha and Carlos Gregório EUROPEAN POLICE SCIENCE AND RESEARCH BULLETIN ISSUE 14 — SUMMER 2016 REVIEW OF ARTICLES Articles submitted to the Bulletin are subject to internal and external peer-review processes. CEPOL and the Editorial Board are grateful to the following persons for their services in the review period 2015/16: Abi Dymond (University of Exeter, United Kingdom); Ana Assis (Scientific Police Laboratory, Portugal); André Konze (Police North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany); Annika Talmar-Pere (Estonian Permanent Representation in Brussels, Estonia); Carol Vigurs (University College London, United Kingdom); Caroline Goemans-Dorny (INTERPOL); Celine Weyermann (UNIL, United Kingdom); Christian Mouhanna (CESDIP, France); Claudia Kestermann (University of Applied Sciences of the Public Administration Bremen, Germany); Gerd Thielmann (Police Hesse, Germany); Gorazd Meško (University of Maribor, Slovenia); Hans Ditrich (SIAK, Austria); Hans-Gerd Jaschke (Berlin School of Economics and Law, Germany); Joachim Kersten (German Police University, Germany); Joseph Cannataci (University of Groningen, Netherlands); Ksenija Butorac (Police College, Croatia); Michele Riccardi (Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Italy); Monica Den Boer (SeQure R&C, Netherlands); Rafael Behr (Police Academy Hamburg, Germany); Rolf Ritsert (German Police University, Germany); Thomas Görgen (German Police University, Germany); Vesa Muttilainen (Police College, Finland); Wolfgang Kokoska (German Police University, Germany); Wolfgang Schulte (German Police University, Germany). ABSTRACTS INTERPOL’S EVOLVING APPROACH TO guide the Organisation and reinforce its role in INNOVATION AND RESEARCH-BASED enhancing global security against crime threats POLICING of the 21st century. Andrés Eduardo Buenaventura FINDINGS OF THE CODISP PROJECT — CONCEPT AND TOOLS FOR THE This paper aims to provide a broad overview of DEVELOPMENT OF INTELLIGENCE-LED INTERPOL’s activities in the realms of innovation POLICING and research, and provides detailed descriptions of the Organisation’s efforts to adapt its activities Thierry Delpeuch and Jacqueline E. Ross and strategic priorities to a constantly changing global environment. After a brief discussion CODISP (Concepts et Outils pour le Développement introducing INTERPOL and its activities, the de l’Intelligence en Sécurité Publique) is a cultural article is broken down into four main themes: and social science project on recent forms of INTERPOL’s new emphasis on ‘future-oriented’ knowledge management work in law enforcement thinking, its promotion of innovation in police organisations. The aim is to analyse the way training, research initiatives in which INTERPOL knowledge management in law enforcement (its is engaged and innovative tools and technical methods and forms, as well as the means and solutions under development by INTERPOL to degree of knowledge sharing), on the one hand, support its member countries. The activities and the knowledge-based law enforcement work undertaken by INTERPOL in these areas aim to (in regard to social environments and types of 2 EUROPEAN POLICE SCIENCE AND RESEARCH BULLETIN ISSUE 14 — SUMMER 2016 tort), on the other hand, interact. CODISP provides cooperative leadership behaviours, thus moving an opportunity to take time to reflect, exchange beyond traditional notions of the authoritarian, ideas, come up with critical thoughts and learn. task-focused leader. Overall, CODISP extends the repertoire of the day-to-day work of law enforcement personnel. We seek to promote democratic, integrated law COUNTERFEIT PLANT PROTECTION enforcement governance structures that are PRODUCTS: A MIXED-METHODS STUDY sensitive to social environments. OF AN EMERGING CRIME THREAT TO THE AGRICULTURAL INDUSTRY MANAGEMENT TOOL USAGE AND Christopher I. Sambrook PERCEIVED BENEFITS: INSIGHTS FROM GERMANY’S POLICE FORCES The proliferation of counterfeit plant protection products (pesticides) across Europe has been well Rolf Ritsert, Robert Rickards and Michael Evers documented by both industry and popular media sources wherein the economic, environmental, The purpose of this paper is to highlight the and human costs are graphically described. degree to which Germany’s police forces have However, this narrative is largely based on industry implemented selected Public Management derived information. A recent UK Intellectual instruments. The authors conducted 154 Property Office (IPO) assessment of such industry partially structured interviews about these generated reports was sceptical of the data they instruments with key managers in Germany’s contain and questioned their usefulness as the police forces and then analysed the responses basis for response. The aim of this study was to using parametric and non-parametric methods. produce data such that the extent of the threat A principal finding of the analysis is that posed to the UK agricultural industry by this crime controlling tools and management by objectives could be ascertained. This was achieved by taking have relatively higher degrees of implementation a blended approach, a strategy endorsed by the than product-related tools (e.g. product-related IPO as a means of more accurately capturing the budgeting, product-related cost accounting) true nature of a counterfeiting
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