Vol. 16, No.2 “De Nieu Nederlanse Marcurius” May 2000 Venema, “Indians in Arnhem? The Van Zandt for her dissertation enti- Upcoming Events Court Proceedings of Brant van tled “Negotiating Settlement: Colo- June 15–17, 2000. Conference on Slichtenhorst”; Evan Haefeli, nialism, Cultural Exchange, and New York State History, Fordham “Leislerians in Boston: Some Rare Conflict in Early Colonial Atlantic University. Conference informa- North America, 1580-1660.” As in tion is available on the web at: past years the proceedings will http://www.nysm.nysed.gov/cnysh/ take place at the Museum Theater Otherwise contact: Stefan Bielinski of the Cultural Education Center of at <
[email protected]> or the Empire State Plaza in Albany, tel: 518/4746917. Of special inter- NY. Pre-registration is $25, at the est to our readers will be the ses- door $30. To pre-register send $25 sion on Friday afternoon “Colonial with your name, address and affili- Religion and Culture,” featuring ation to: The New Netherland Pro- talks by Paul Otto, Dirk Mouw, ject, New York State Library, and Paula Carlo. Albany, NY 12230. NB: This year *** everything will start one hour later. The Museum Theater will be open June 17, 2000. Presentation of this for registration and coffee at 9:30 year’s Alice P. Kenney Award to instead of the traditional 8:30. The The Horlepiep Dancers will take morning session will begin at place (as it did last year) at Ni- Adriaen van der Donck’s map of New Netherland, 1656 10:30 sharp. cole’s Bistro on 633 Broadway in *** Albany.