Palestine in the Time of Jesus

PALESTINE IN THE 35 E 36 E TIME OF JESUS ABILENE City Sidon City (uncertain location) Damascus A bana Decapolis city ) ITUREA E Decapolis city (uncertain R ar R. Mt. Hermon arp location) Y Ph T Administrative capital Litani R. Tyre ( -Philippi (Panias) Mountain peak A I Major roads y C G a I A w Other roads h N Cadasa U ig E (Kedesh) L H First procuratorship A Raphana O Gischala L. N (Gush Halav) Huleh I Territory of Antipas H King’s T


Territory of Philip S Capernaum A Syrian territory Ptolemais Bethsaida E (Acco) GALILEE N Sea of Gergesa (Kursi) A Jotapata Galilee T Gamala BA Hippos Coponius was named the Mt. Carmel . Geba R first prefect and established k rmu the administrative capital Xaloth (Chesulloth) Ya Abila Adraa at E Mt. Tabor (Edrei) Dora sd Gadara Legio K ra is el (Megiddo) h on AURANITIS o Va n lley R Bostra Caesarea Maritima . Scythopolis (Strato’s Tower) (Beth-shan) Dion Ginae Pella A (Jenin) D E Aenon EC S SAMARIA A

Salim . P

R Gerasa O W L n (Jerash) . I N Sebaste Fa a S Mt. Ebal r d i r Amathus A (Samaria) a o Neapolis J E J Apollonia Mt. Gerizim ab . () bok R N R. Antipatris rkon Coreae A Ya (Aphek) R Joppa Alexandrium R Ephraim P Gedor (Gadara) E (Ophrah) ER E T Lydda A I Archelais Philadelphia (Amman) D JUDEA E Jamnia Jericho M Emmaus Azotus Cypros Esbus (Nicopolis) () (Ashdod) Bethany Mt. Nebo Medeba Eastern Ascalon Mesad Hasidim () Hyrcania (Qumran) Desert Betogabris Machaerus (Beth-guvrin) Hebron DEAD Callirrhoe SEA (Zereth-shahar) En-gedi Gaza on R. rn A y a IDUMEA w h A g i

Masada H E N

. Arad B T e Malatha s o King’s r A

010203040 50 Miles B A 010203040 50 Kilometers N

Walter C. Kaiser Jr. and Charles W. Draper, “, Land of,” Holman Illustrated Bible Dictionary [online, cited 1 September 2010]. Available from the Internet:

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