Information on Rights of Way in including extracts from

“The Hampshire

Definitive Statement of Public Rights of Way”

Prepared by the County Council under section 33(1) of the National Parks and Access to the Countryside Act 1949 and section 57(3) of the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981

The relevant date of this document is 15th December 2007

Published 1st January 2008


1. Save as otherwise provided, the prefix SU applies to all grid references

2. The majority of the statements set out in column 5 were prepared between 1950 and 1964 and have not been revised save as provided by column 6

3. Paths numbered with the prefix ‘5’ were added to the definitive map after 1st January 1964

4. Paths numbered with the prefix ‘7’ were originally in an adjoining parish but have been affected by a diversion or parish boundary change since 1st January 1964

5. Paths numbered with the prefix ‘9’ were in an adjoining county on 1st January 1964

6. Columns 3 and 4 do not form part of the Definitive Statement and are included for information only Parish and Path No. Status Start Point (Grid End point (Grid Descriptions, Conditions and Limitations ref and ref and description) description)

Amport 1 Footpath 2973 4555 2993 4583 From Road C.17 southeast of Mullenspond Bridge to Road A.303 That part of the path which ran between 2993 4583 and Wiremead Lane Road A303 2989 4588 has been extinguished From Road C.17, northeastwards along grass track enclosed approximately 14 ft. wide between wire fence and hedge, across concrete footbridge, along grass track enclosed 16 ft to 12 ft wide between wire fences, then northwestwards along grass track enclosed approximately 9 ft. wide between wire fence and hedge to Road A.303.

Amport 2 Footpath 2993 4583 3081 4584 From Road A.303, at Mullin’s Cottages, to Road C.182 That part of the path which ran between 3010 4613 and Footpath 1 Sarson Lane 3030 4596 has been extinguished From Road A.303, across grass verge and over stile, southeastwards along undefined path across pasture, over stile, along headland of arable field on northeast side of wire fence, That part of the path which ran between 3030 4596 and through gap, eastwards along undefined path across arable field, along earth cart track 3046 4587 has been diverted and now runs between enclosed approximately 10 ft. wide between grass embankment and hedge (bordering arable 2993 4583 and 303046 4587 field) and through gap to Road C.182.

Amport 3 Footpath 3082 4582 3112 4579 From Road C.182, north of Sarson, to Parish Boundary Sarson Lane Monxton 6 at Parish Boundary From Road C.182, across grass verge, eastwards along 6 ft. wide grass headland or arable field on south side of wire fence, and through gap to Parish Boundary.

Amport 4 Footpath 3112 4579 3079 4527 From Parish Boundary (at railway bridge) to Road C.182 Monxton 6 at Parish Sarson Lane Boundary From Parish Boundary (at gap) southwestwards along undefined path across arable field and then across pasture and through gap to Road C.182.

Right to plough without reinstatement.

Amport 5 Footpath 3071 4460 3109 4461 From Road C.182, north of Sarson to Parish Boundary Sarson Lane Monxton 5 at Parish Boundary From Road C.182 opposite Chapel eastwards along grass path enclosed 4 ft. wide between hedges and wire fences, through gap, along grass path on verge of arable field on north side of hedge to Parish Boundary.

Amport 6 Restricted 3077 4453 3090 4413 Between 5.0 and 10.0 metres wide Byway Road C17 Road C43

Amport 7 Footpath 3080 4443 3044 4430 From No. 6, south of Sarson, to Road U.61 That part of the path which ran between 3048 4428 and Footpath 6 Road U61 3089 4414 has been diverted and now runs between From No. 6, over stile, northwestwards along undefined path cross pasture, over stile, along 3048 4428 and 3080 4443 undefined path across arable field, over stile, along cinder path (5 ft. wide), skirting northeast side of cottage and across grass verge to Road U.61.

1 Amport 8 Footpath 2995 4426 2986 4482 From Road U.61, west of Amport, to junction with No. 9 Furzedown Lane Footpath 9 From Road U.61, over wooden rails, northwards along earth path (3 ft. wide) enclosed approximately 25 ft. wide between hedge and trees, through gap, along 5 ft. wide grass headland of arable field on west side of hedge, through gap, and along undefined path across arable field to No. 9.

Amport 9 Footpath 2979 4502 3028 4431 From No. 12, southwest of , to Road U.61 That part of the path which ran between 2985 4495 and Footpath 12 Furzedown Lane 2985 4506 has been diverted and now runs between (C17) From No. 12, southwards along undefined path across patch of pasture and along grass path 2985 4495 and 2979 4502 between nissen huts and wire fence, through gap, along path, along 9 ft. to 6 ft. wide grass headland of arable field on west side of wire fence (and then of bushes), along undefined 1.8 metres wide between 2985 4495 and 2979 4502 path cross pasture, over wire fence, southeastwards along undefined path down embankment enclosed 10 ft. to 25 ft. wide between wire fences, along verge of pasture on northeast side of hedge, over barbed wire fence, along verge of pasture on northeast side of hedge, over wooden rail fence, along earth track enclosed approximately 12 ft. wide between cottage (and then fence) and hedge, and then southwards along earth road (6 ft. wide and between village green and iron railings) to Road U.61.

Amport 10 Footpath 3049 4469 3002 4492 From Housing Estate, north of Sarson, to Road C.17 The path follows a diverted route between 3010 4493 Sarson Close Wiremead Lane and 3035 4481 From turning circle of housing estate northwards along path enclosed 5 ft. wide between wire fences, northwestwards along earth path enclosed 4 ft. wide between wire fence and That part of the path which ran between 3042 4478 and hedge, over stile, along undefined path across arable field, over stile, along verge of pasture, 3056 4471 has been diverted and now runs between southwest side of hedge, over stile, along undefined path across arable field, over stile, and 3042 4478 and 3049 4470 along earth track (from 20 ft. to 8 ft. wide between hedges and trees) to C.17. 2 metres wide between 3010 4493 3034 4481

Amport 11 Footpath 2926 4547 2968 4460 From Road A.303, southwest of Mullenspond, to junction with No. 22 Road A303 at Parish Footpath 22 Boundary From A.303, through gap, along earth path up embankment southeastwards along defined path across pasture, along verge of pasture on southwest side of hedge, through gap, along earth path enclosed approximately 9 ft, wide between hedge and wire fence, along gravel road (6 ft. wide) enclosed approximately 12 ft. wide between wire fences, along path enclosed approximately 4 ft. wide between hedge and wire fence, and along unenclosed grass path approximately 3 ft. wide across arable field to No. 22.

Amport 12a Footpath 2986 4507 2806 4426 From Road C.17 (at East Cholderton), to Road C.7 That part of the path which ran between 2919 4478 and Wiremead Lane Road C7 2927 4483 has been diverted and now runs between From C.17, along earth track (approximately 9 ft. wide) skirting southeast side of cottage, 2913 4475 and 2927 4483 southwestwards along earth cart track 8 ft. wide enclosed 20 ft. wide between wire fence and hedge crossing footpath along track approximately 14 ft. wide between arable field and 2.44 metres wide between 2913 4475 and 2927 4483 Amport 12b Footpath 2915 4474 2919 4478 hedge along track (approximately 8 ft. wide) skirting southeast side of lodge, through BOAT 28 Footpath 22 wicket gate (at field gate) along track enclosed approximately 25 ft. to 30 ft. wide between wire fences, and crossing unmetalled highway, over stile, along verge of pasture on southeast side of wire fence, and over stile to Road C.7.

Amport 13 Footpath 2805 4426 2813 4381 1.8 metres wide Road C7 and Footpath 14 Footpath 12

2 Amport 14 Footpath 2813 4381 2910 4362 From Parish Boundary, north of Upper Amport Wood, to Road U.61 That part of the path which ran between 2845 4374 and Footpath 13 Road U61 2908 4398 has been diverted and now runs between From Parish Boundary, eastwards along grass track enclosed approximately 10 ft. wide 2845 4374 and 2910 4362 between bushes and trees, northeastwards along undefined path across arable field through gap, along grass track enclosed 16 ft. to 10 ft. wide between wire fences (at copse), through 1.8 metres wide between 2845 4374 and 2910 4362 gateway, along track enclosed 16 ft. wide between wooden fences, and through gateway to Road U.61.

Amport 15 Footpath 2904 4479 2946 4518 From Road U.61 south of London Hill, to junction with No. 11 BOAT 28 Footpath 11 From Road U.61, northeastwards along earth cart track (approximately 8 ft. wide) between arable field and wire fence, along track enclosed approximately 10 ft. wide between wire fences, to No. 11.

Amport 16 Footpath 4981 4519 2950 4508 From Road C.17 (at East Cholderton), to junction with No. 11 Wiremead Lane Footpath 11 From Road C.17, through gap, southwestwards along gravel Road (8 ft. wide), enclosed 12 ft. to 16 ft. wide between fences and hedges, and up embankment to No. 11.

Amport 18 Bridleway 2990 4171 3015 4164 From No. 17, southeast of George Down Cottages, to Parish Boundary Minimum 2.44 metres wide Bridleway 502 Monxton 1a at Parish Boundary From No. 17 southeastwards along grass track approx. 10 ft. wide between hedge and arable field, and through gap to Parish Boundary.

Amport 19 Footpath 2968 4228 2849 4216 From Road U.61, north of Georgia Down Cottages, to Parish Boundary Road U61 3 at Parish Boundary From Road U.61, through gap, then along earth track around headland or arable field, and northwards along grass track through railway arch, over stile, northwestwards along verge of arable field skirting Gollard Copse, over stile, southwestwards along verge of pasture on northwest side of wire fence (and hedge), through gap, along undefined path across small pasture on (southeast side of farmhouse) through field gate, westwards along earth cart track (approximately 6ft. wide) enclosed approximately 25 ft. wide between cottage and farm building, along unenclosed track and crossing farm road, along 6ft. wide grass headland of arable field on north side of wire fence, and over stile to Parish Boundary.

Amport 20 Bridleway 2966 4141 2913 4141 From Road U.61, east of Georgia Farm, to Parish Boundary BOAT 29 Grateley 4 at Parish Boundary From Road U.61, (unmetalled) through gap, westwards along grass track enclosed approximately 1 2ft. wide between fences, through loose wire gates, southwards along track west of Georgia Farm, and westwards along 7 ft. wide track enclosed between hedges and fences to Parish Boundary.

Amport 21 Bridleway 3063 4300 3096 4408 From Parish Boundary to Road C.43 (Hook Lane) Monxton 9 at Parish Monxton 721 at Boundary Parish Boundary From Parish Boundary northwestwards and northeastwards along 7 ft. wide track enclosed approximately 20 ft. wide between hedges to Road C.43. Monxton 721 Bridleway 3096 4408 3097 4417 Amport 21 at Parish Green Lane Boundary

3 Amport 22 Footpath 2991 4460 2919 4478 From No. 9 to junction with No. 12 at North Lodge Footpath 9 Footpath 12b From No. 9 along grass headland of arable field and along track to junction with No. 11 then northwestwards across arable field to North Lodge.

Amport 23 Footpath 2666 4406 2567 4395 From Road C.131 to Parish Boundary at Middlecot Road C131 Thruxton 6 at Parish Boundary From C.131 westwards along unenclosed grass track on south side of fence, over wire fence, across metalled track, through gap, westwards then northwards along grass track approximately 6 ft. wide on east side of fence through gap, and along metalled track to Parish Boundary at Middlecot Cottage.

Amport 24 Footpath 2697 4424 2686 4456 From Road C.131 west of Lains Farm to Parish Boundary east of Thruxton Down House That part of the path which ran between 2689 4449 and Road C131 Thruxton 7 at Parish 2687 4453 has been extinguished Boundary From C.131 northwards along grass track, over wire fence, and along verge of pasture on east side of hedge to Parish Boundary.

Amport 25 Footpath 2360 4241 From Road C131 at junction with Road B.3084 to County Boundary 2 metres wide 2361 4188 Footpath 25 Down Farm Lane From C.131 northwestwards through lodge gates and along unenclosed gravel track to (U57) Cholderton Lodge, then along grass track and through gateway into public highway at County Boundary.

Amport 26 Footpath 2417 4215 2399 4243 Cholderton Road Footpath 25

Amport 27 Footpath 2729 4425 2773 4416 From Road C.131 at Lains Farm to Road C.7 Road U57 Road C7 From Road C.131 eastwards along grass track approximately 10 ft. to 20 ft. wide enclosed between trees and hedges to Road C.7.

Amport 28 Byway 2871 4495 2915 4474 From Road C.7 to junction with No. 12 Open to All Road C7 at Bush Road U61 Traffic Farm From Road C.7 southeastwards along roughly metalled track 7 ft. wide between fence and trees 40 ft. to 50 ft. apart to junction with No. 12.

Amport 29 Byway 2975 4198 2969 4096 From Road U.61, at Georgia Down Cottages, to Parish Boundary Open to All Road U61 Monxton 12 at Traffic Parish Boundary From Road U.61, at Georgia Down Cottages, south along grass track 7 ft. wide between hedge and fence approximately 20 ft. apart, then along grass track 10 ft. wide between hedge and field 20 ft. apart, passing No. 20, then along earth track through trees 8 ft. wide between fences 40 ft apart, then between hedge and rough woodland, then between hedges 40 ft. to 60 ft. apart, then along grass track 8 ft. wide between hedge and fence 15 ft to 20 ft. apart to Parish Boundary.

Amport 30 Byway 2843 4294 2834 4288 From Road U.61 to Parish Boundary Open to All Road U61 Grateley 8 at Parish Traffic Boundary From Road U.61 southwestwards along grass track approximately 60 ft. wide between hedges to Parish Boundary.

4 Amport 31 Byway 2870 4496 2840 4510 From Road C.7 to Road A.303 Open to All Road C7 Road A303 Traffic Form Road C.7 northwestwards along grass track between hedge and fence and then between fences 10 ft – 15 ft. apart, widening to 25 ft. and on to Road A.303.

Amport 501 Footpath 3032 4498 3072 4499 Minimum 2 metres wide Footpath 10 Sarson Lane

Amport 502 Bridleway 2970 4176 2990 4171 Minimum 2.44 metres wide BOAT 29 Bridleway 18

Amport 503 Byway 3121 4614 3134 4616 6 metres wide Open to All BOAT 11 Monxton 503 at Traffic (Monxton Lane) Parish Boundary

Amport 711 Byway 3128 4604 3107 4666 From Road C.43 to Parish Boundary, at Road A.303 Open to All Monxton 11 at Amesbury Road Traffic Parish Boundary (C33) From Road C.43 northwestwards along grass track 7 ft. wide between hedges 15 ft. – 20 ft. apart, then 12 ft. wide between hedges 30 ft. – 36 ft. apart, through railway arch, then along Monxton 11 Byway 3216 4488 3128 4604 partly metalled track 5 ft. wide between hedges 20 ft . – 40 ft. apart, then along earth track Open to All Andover Road Amport 711 at 20 ft. wide between hedges to Parish Boundary, just south of Road A.303. Traffic Parish Boundary