AN ILLUSTRATED QUARTERLY A Bibliography for the Study of VALA/The Four Zoas Book and Exhibition Reviews uittunuo rtmvinoju VOLUME 41 NUMBER 3 WINTER 2007-08 £$Ue AN ILLUSTRATED QUARTERLY VOLUME 41 NUMBER 3 WINTER 2007-08 CONTENTS Article [Robert C. Brandeis,] William Blake and His Contemporaries: A Bibliography for the Study of VALA/The lour Zoas An Exhibition Selected from the Bentley Collection at By Justin Van Kleeck 100 Victoria University, Victoria University Library, Toronto Reviewed by C S. Matheson 131 Reviews Magnus Ankarsjo, William Blake and Gender Reviewed by G. A. Rosso 133 Jennifer Davis Michael, Blake and the City Reviewed by Michael Berber 125 Minute Particular Jeremy Tambling, Blake's Night Thought* Reviewed by Wayne C. Ripley 127 The Lust judgment by"B. Blake" By Morton D. Palcv 135 Jason Allen Snart, The Torn Book: UtlReading William Blake's Marginalia Reviewed by Jennifer Davis Michael 129 Corrigendum To "Blake's 'Annus Mirabilis': The Productions of 1795," Bhke 41.2 (fall 2007) By Joseph Viscomi 135 ADVISORY BOARD (i. 1 •'. Bentley, )i\, University of Toronto, retired Nelson Hilton, University of Georgia Martin Butlin, London Anne K. Mellor, University of California, Los Angeles 1 >etlefW. Dorrbecker, University of Trier Joseph Viscomi, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Robert N. lssick, University of California, Riverside David Worrall, The Nottingham Trent Universitv Angela Esterhammer, University of Zurich CONTRIBUTORS Morris Eaves, Department of English, University of Rochester, Rochester NY 14627-0451 Email:
[email protected] MICHAEL FERBER is professor of English and Humanities at the University of New Hampshire.