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1913 The orN mal College News, June 13, 1913 Eastern Michigan University

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UND[R ELECTRIC LIGHTS The atmosphere on the campus ls President McKenny in Normal Hall SAV[S JUE DAY Girls' Gym Glasses to Present Program rapidly becoming charged with the on Sunday evening. Monday is given Normals Find U. D. in Ninth Inning spirit of Commencement, as the clos- to class day exercises. The Degrees of of Drills and Dances on Football ing da.ys of the school year draw near. hold theirs at ten in the morning, for Four Merry Runs; Game Field Tuesday It .seems diffi.,cult to realize that followed by the Senior class and Ivy Played at Bois BlanG a fl of l from Tungs- there is but one more week of real Day exercises in the afternoon. In Under ood ight The ball team successfully clashed ten lamps suspended over the football .school. Next week occur the final the evening the campus songfest. oc- exams for those unlucky ones who curs and the conservatory Commence- with University of Detroit at Bois field, the final public appearance of Blanc Wednesday, The Free Press the girls' gym classes will be made have to take them, and the rounding ment. Tuesday is set aside as Alumni m reported the game as follows: next Tuesday ev'3ning at eight o'clock. up of the year's work is supposed to Day. The old grads register in roo With two men down in the ninth The program includes many pretty be accomplished by Friday night. This 30, with a number of class reunions inning and the score tied at three runs effects of' costume and lighting, and means the departure of about half the occuring during the day. The inau- each, the Ypsi Normals did some clout­ wil1 be thoroughly enjoyable in the student body for their homes,-the gural exercises take place Tuesday ing and before their clubbing activi­ outdoor air. This is the first year only ones to remain being the Seniors, a:lso, in the morning, and the afternoon ties had been halted the Normals had that the program has been given off although this year there is an ad- is filled with the almuni ball game and scored a quartet of runs, which gave the gymnasium floor. The program ditional inducement for the Juniors t� meeting. The pregident's reception to them a 7-to-3 victor� over the U. of D., in full: stick around in the impressive inau- faculty alumni, Senior class and as the home team could not cross the Military Marching-Phys. Tr. 9. gural exercises of President McKenny, friends occurs Tuesday evening, The rubber in their half of the final frame. Pole Drill with N Banners-Phys. at which Governor Ferris and many Commencement exercises, proper take distinguished educators are to speak. place at ten o'clock Wednesday morn- Rynearson, who started for the visi- Tr. 3. tors, was found for a half dozen hits The week of Commencement begins ing, followed by the Commencement Sw�dish Equesttrain March (Bros­ . during his incumbency of the mound trom) with the Baccalaureate .sermon by dinner at noon, which is the conclud- an d was yanked in favor of Bell, who Helen Barnard. ,he.Id the University clubbers. M'ars:hke pitched fairly good ball until the fata Mazurka (Pierroni)-Phys. Tr. 7. l ninth, when he was taken for four Hoop Drill, Normal N-Phys. Tr. 6. ORGAN RECITAL SUMMER SCHOOL hits. Tarantelle, or Dane� or Death, First ork Begins June · 30; Gover.nor Purcell's. playing of-the initial sack (Hiller) Guild Recital in Normal Hall W and Grouse's hitJting were the feat­ Claribelle Landt. Sunday Afternoon Ferris to Lecture ures of the contest, which was played ,at Bois Blanc. Crouse hit for a home Torch-Club Swinging-12 Girls . The largest summer school in the run on his first trip to the plate, but Shepherd's Hey-Phys. Tr. 3. The first org�n recital ever given failed to touch seco Group Wand Drill-Phys. Tr. 6. in Norma1 Hall under the auspices of history. of the college begins Monday, nd or third in his hurry to score and was Lantern March-Phys, Tr. 3 the American Guild of Organists will June 30th, and runs six weeks, up to put out at . the keystone when the ball Dance (Goddard-Marian was re­ Butterfly .occur next Sunday afternoon at 3 o'- August 8th. All departments, includ- turned to the diamond. Score: Mo n. clock. The program ,yili be presented ing the training school, will be re- Mass Dumb Bell ,Drill-Phys, Tr. 3. YPSI NORMALS V. presented by regular class work, ba- Gondolier Dance (Nevin)-Phys. by Miss Elsie Andrews, reeently AB H 0 A Tr. 9. elected to the Guild and by Mrs. R. ginning at seven o'clock in the morn- Goodrich, 2 ...... 5 2 0 3 3 Gypsy Dance (Parker)-Ruth Sco­ A. Clifford, soprano, with Professor ing and continuing until four in the Crouse, 3 . , , ...... 5 3 2 Bell, l-p · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 5 2 8 0 vill. Frederick Alexander, accompanist. afternoon. The majority of the classes Russian Polonnaise-Phys. Tr. 6. · · Gump, s · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 4 0 1 0 A s1 1 ver off ermg · wil be taken m w1 1 1 be con d uc te d b y the regular in- Highland Fling-Phys. Tr. 3. l Curtis, m ...... 4 0 1 2 structors, although as a num- Willow Hoop Drill-Phys. Tr. '9. accorda.nce with the regulation of the : , usual, Lewis, c ...... 4 1 9 1 All the dances will be in costume, Guild. All are cordially invited to ber of the faculty have this, summer Rynearson, p-1 ...... 4 2 2 2 including the individual members. The attend. off as vacation. Full ,credi� is given for Alford, r , , . , ...... 4 1 1 0 Jefferson, 1 0 lantern march will be a pretty effeet, The program is as follows: the work done in summer school, al- · · · · · · · · · · · · 4 2 3 as 100 ,girls will march in fancy for­ 1. Praeludium et Fuga in B minor though the school is �lso an institute 27 11 mations carrying lighted Japanese lan­ Bach. Totals ...... 33 13 for eleven neighboring counties, and OF D. terns. The Pierroni Mazurka and the 2. Aria from "Isai�h," Willard Patten u. AB H A Gondolier d,anc.e are absolutely new, "Cry Moud, Spare Not." work will be offered to fit the needs 0 1 0 0 being arranged for this exhibition 3. Sonata op. 80. .••.•••••••• Guilmant of those desiring to prepare· them­ Purcell, ...... 4 12 Dolan, under Mrs. Burton's guidance. The Allegro appassionato. selves for the county teachers' ex­ s ...... 4 1 1 1 music wi11 be furnished by t_he Nor­ Adagio. aminations. Barton, m ...... 5 0 1 0 mal orchestra. A feature of the summer school is Marshke, p ...... {), 0 0 5 Scherzo. 1 The seat sale has been going on all Choral et Fugue, the special lectures and conservatory Dacey, 2- ...... •.....4 2 1 3 week at the gymnasium office and recitals. The faculty of the conserva­ Tobin, 3 ...... 3 2 2 2 4. Songs:- 1-2 ...... 4 seats are still to be had. As there a. When the Swallows Fly ....White tory will give a musical evening each Cronin, 2 3 1 sold on the :field, it will Monday nig,ht during summer school McLaughlin, C ...... 3 0 '7 1 will ·be none b. The Birth of Morn ...... Leoni 3 b enecessary to buy tickets at the c. June ...... Jes ·sie Pease with the exception of the first Mon­ Sweeney; r ...... 1 {} 0 office before Tuesday night. The price b. Fantasie ...... Saint-Saens day night. These recitals give the is twenty-five ,cents. The tickets ad- 5. a. Andante ...... Borow.ski students of the summer school a fine Totals ...... 30 8 27 13 ml-t to bleachers and chairs. Children opportunity to hear pleasing and in­ Innings ...... 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 under twelve years will not be ex­ ALUMNI SPEAKER structive programs, including , Ypsilanti ...... 0 2 0 0 0 {), O 1 4-7 pected on -the field unless accompani- pipe organ and vocal numbers, U. of D...... 0 0 ,0 1 0 1 0 1 0-3 ed by adults. W. W. Chalmers, '86, former super­ A number of notable lectures will Errors-Dolan, Tobin, Goodrich, intendent of the Toledo (0.) schools, be given during summer school. Pro­ Gump,, Curtis 2. Runs--Marshke 2, fessor Earl 0. Barnes, who has an Dacey, Crouse 2, Goodrich, Lewis, Ry­ WANTS LUIDENS will give th principa address at the CALVIN COLLEGE e l international reputation as a student nearson, Alford, Jefferson. Hits-Off Alumni meeting Commencement week. The following dispatch from a and lecturer on education-al suubjects Bel1 2, off Rynearson 6. At bat­ The other speakers will be President will lecture daily July 1, 2, and 3. Mr. Against Bell 9, against Rynearson 27. Grand Rapids newspaper announces McKenny, the president of the alumni J. C. Blosser, who has won an enviable Two-base hits-Sweeney, Dacey, Ry­ good news for a member of this year's nearso _ Bell. Sacrifice hits-Purcell, association, W. J. McKone of Albion, name as a tr.avelog lecturer on the n, graduating class: Sierra and Cascade Mountains and on Tobin, McLaughlin. S,tolen bases­ the Senior class president Oscar "John E. Luidens, the Grand Rapids , Mexico, will lecture July 8 and 9. Mr. nolan, Marshke 2, Dacey, Goodrich, ood, and perhaps one or two others. boy who has been making a record W Chas. W. Seymour, who is a well­ 10rouse, Gump. First base on balls­ It is interesting to know that Mr. known lecturer on historical biogra­ Off Marshke 3, of Rynearson 3, offBell with his work at the State Normal Chalmers is the father of Andrew phies and who has lectured before the 1. Hit by pitcher-Curtis. First base school at Ypsilanti, has a chance to !Chalmers, a Junior prominent in track summer s-chool in past years, will lee­ on errors-Yps.i 2. Left on bases­ go from his books into a college chair. activities. ture July 15 and 16. Governor Ferris, Ypsi 3, U. of D. 5. S'truck out-By At the session of the board of curators so well known thruout Michigan, will Marshke 6, by Rynea,rson 2, by Bell 3, s•chool but Passed ball�Lewis. Time-2: 15. Um of John Calvin college today 1t was TENNIS WITH OLIVET TODAY lecture before the summer , ­ decided to invite Mr. Luidens to take the date has not been decided upon. pires-Lynch and Herzog, vacant by the leave The girls' tennis team, Misses Todd ing event of the week. the position made ganizations of the country. Course of absence gra.nted Prof. Albert Broene and Wyant, will play with a team from July 26 the Ypsilanti Chautauqua and tickets for the Chautauqua exercises and teach German, French and elocu­ Olivet on the gymnasium courts this will open for a week's session f the are one dollar to students of the col­ tion. Mr. Luidens will be graduated afternoon at 2: 30. This will be the last will bring to Ypsilanti some o or- lege, from the Normal school this month." match of the year. best known speakers and musical 2 THE NORMAL COLLEGE NEWS IN GRE T FORM Y. W. G. A. 60 to ___ Next V\'ednesday evening at 6: 45 Rynearson Pitches Fine Ball Against the usual monthly committee meet- Teachers from the North ings will be held. This will oe the The Normals took an easy victory last time the committees will be able from their fellow teachers from Mt. to meet together this year and it is milltr's Studio peasant Saturday afternoon, the score very necessary that everyone be pre­ being 6-3. sent as there are many plans to di's· I Photos cuss and various thing3 to talk over. ,coach Brown s ,)rung a surprise on For Your ... � Picture Framing the visitors wher he assigned Bell, whom the upstartns expected to face, S. C. A. l Amateur Work to cover tho initial sack, thus On Friday, June 13, a farewell party strengthening the infield, and put Ry­ will be given at Starkweather Hall nearson, the freshman twirler "find" for the S C. A. This promises to be of the year and a strong slabbist a very jolly affair and the entertain­ ment will be something unique as tthe espe0ially in cold weather, in the box. which will be carried out is one He allowed the Hp state sluggers but quite new Refreshments wi)l be serv­ J. S. Miller fivc scattered hi s and whiffed as ed. Admission three cents. All S. C. many batters. In additiion he rapped A. members (meaning Y. M. G. A. and Phone 174 122 Congress St. out a double and triple himself, and Y. ·w. C. A. member3) be sure ancl

J. M. BURKHEISER Ladies' and Gentlemen's Oarment CJeaning Corner Congress and Huron Sts. 2nd Floor Phone 794-L 'THE NORMAL COLLEGE NEWS 3

� ff r 1�1 =C==A=M==P=U=S=H=A=P=P=E =N =I N= G=S=j! GIFTS FOR COMMENCEMENT WHAT'S DOING NEXT WEEK The returns from the call for alumni membership fees are very gratifying. Watches, Diamonds, Jewelry, Silver, Cut Glass Today-Girls' tennis withh Olivet, The pre.,ent Senior class has already gym courts. contributed about $75 in actual cash, and Brass Novelties. Tomorrow-Baseball with Western lJesides the many pledges. Responses Normal, 2:30. from the alumni keep arriving every We will be pleased to show· you our Sunday, June 15.-0rgan recital jn day. Normal Hall, 3 p. m. S . C. A., Stark­ Concord High defeated Normal High line of these goods. weather, 2: 30. in a good game of ball on Normal Monday, June lG.-Garbage problem field Wednesday afternoon 4-2. The at Civic League, Starkweather, 7: 30. s-core stood 2-2 up to the eighth when Jrank Sbow�rman roncord rolled in the other two tallies. Tuesday, June 17.-Girls' physic:11 \Yoods and Dickerson were the Nor­ eorner eongress and Huron �tWtltr training exhibition, football field, 8 p mal battery. m Artley Gee and Glen Waite left yes- �======zP Wednesday, June 18.-Senior-Jmiior terday to attend the annual Lake girls' tennis. Jeneva, (Wis.) Conference ,of Y. M. • C. A. workers. The conference oc­ The Minerva girls will have a picnic cupies len days, the time being de- II in Prospect Pa rk tomorrow. voted to educational meetings .of a � mo.:5t inspiring character. Clarabelle Landt will spend this I? For ... week-end at her home in Monroe. l\1is.3 Helen Atwater Field has ac­ e:·pted the kinderg;i,rten position at PHOTOGRAPHS Ruby Hoyt, Molly O'Connor, and the Woodruff school made vacant by PICTURES FOR APPLICATIONS Marian '.Vy.ant spent Saturday in V[iss Barbara Schwable. Miss Sch- Detroit. wable returns to Teachers' College, AMATEUR FINISHING The Alpha Sigma Tau sorority in­ New York, to continue her st;dies and itiated Opal Jones of St. Johns, Satur­ to act as assfatant in one of the kin ­ day morning. dergartens in connection with Teach· ers' College. Thomas W. Palmer, the Detroit Mil­ }c{e, lionaire who died last week, left $50,- The physical education society met Over P. 0. Phone 1158-L 000, to Albion college. w,ith Prof. W. P. Bowen Thursday Miss Adams, entertained the Senior night. This was the last meeting of � the colleg � II kindergarten class in the kindergarten e year and an election was room Tuesday evening. held. Formerly the administration ,of the society has been in the hands The Pundits meet with Professor of committees. Miss Lera Curtis was Lathers at his home on Olive street made president and Lawrence Mc­ tomorrow evening, at 7:30. Kenny, secretary-treasurer. ARNET BROS. --Tailors Mrs. D. L. Quirk entertained thP The Normalt:13ook Store has install· Kappa Psi girls at tea last Wednesday ed a new five-drawer cash registeT Cleaning Repairing afterno1on at her home on Huron st. that is considerably the finest in the Miss Foster entertained the girls of city. Tlle machine is ope.rated by Pressing Alterattons the Kappa Psi so,rority at luncheon electricity and enables the manager from four until six, Wednesday after- to keep separate tab on each clerk's noon. sales. A couple of new showcases 25 N. Washington St. Phone 1150-L Invitations are out for the marriage have been added to further increase of Retta' E. French, one of this year's the attractiveness of the store. graduates in domestic science, to Dr. Tuesday evening the Freshman Harry Bidwell of Monrovia, Cal. Household Arts classes enjoyed a Dr. Harvey gives a Commencement picnic supper at Peninsular Grove. address at Bison, S. D., next week, and The viands were all prepared by the r BAKER'S PLAIN PRICE VARIETY STORE will visit � number of the state edG­ girls in their class work and many cational institutions while there. were the good things brought to view Our in1ported China with College Views_ The next rehearsal of Normal Choir when the boxes were opened. Miss for the music to be sung at President Allen, of Chicago, who i3 visiting Mis::, are acceptable Commencement and McKenny's inauguration will be held Fuller, was a guest at the picnic. next Monday at 7 o'clock in Normal A couple of Normal men returned Graduation Gifts Hall. this week from Columbia university I About thirty from the kindergarten where they have been studying the DAINTY GREEN and WHITE BASKETS for FLOWERS or FRUIT 29c department went into Detroit last past year,-C. E. Davis and Fred J. week to attend the kindergarten play H. Fricke, both A. B. '12. They will PASSEPARTOUTS, From 1 Oc to soc festival given by the kindergartens cf return to Columbia for another year's BULGARIAN BOWS, BULGARIAN COLLARS - 25c the city on Navin Field. . . work. Mr. Davis js the Goldschmidt fellow in chemistry for next year, Dr. Hoyt gives Commencement ad­ is s 111 Congress Street. In the Middle of the Block. dresses at the following places this while Mr. Fricke ,pecializing in mathematics. week and next: Flat Rock, South Lyon, L » Coleman, Cheboygan, Trenton, Caro, The Alpha Sigma Tau sorority held A·lma, Vassar, Oalr Grove. their an:n"ttal spring party Saturday evening at the Countr Olub which Fred Churchill, '95, of Troy, has y , was prettily decorated with pennants · charge of the alumni ball game line­ and spring flowers•. Prof. and Mrs. up and reports that a goodly number E. A. Lyman and Miss E. Wilson of the old men will be on hand :.o F. W. BERANEK chaperoned.' Music was furnished by break sticks with the regulars. Whitmires's orchestra. Miss Burns The Senior and Jnior girls will con­ of Ann Arbor, and Miss Judith Clark Ladies' and Men's Tailoring, test in tennis next Wednesday after­ of St. Johns were out-of-town guests. noon. All S'enior gfrls are urged to Five or six manu ·cripts had been come _:out for practice evenings at submitted in the college -song contest French ·Dry Cleaning and Pressing 6: 30. Junioir arrangements to be an­ up to Wednesday night. The Stoics nounced. offer a prize of $35 for the best song 18 N. · Huron St. Visiting superintendents at the train­ submitted, and President McKenny a ing school this week · have been prize of ten dollars for the second Messrs Lee of Richmond, Preble of best. The judges are Prof. Alexander, Schoolcraft, Brink cif Lawton, Sanders, President McKenny, Prof, Roberts, Mr. of Columbia City, Ind., and Hart of Elliott, and Miss Gardner. The a­ Insurance, Real Estate and No Armada. wards will be announced in next J. H. Wortley, tary Public Mis� Mice Boardman left last Fri­ week's issue. PHONES: Office 461-J House 177 day for Mt. Holyoke, Mass., where she Miss Fuller and Professor Strong will attend an alumni reunion during united in entertaining the Senior do- Ypsilanti, Mich, the Mt. Holyoke College Commen-ce­ mestic science girls and the men m ment, of which institution she is a the physical science department at a graduate. lawn party Fr.iday night at Miss Ful- J. F. Shigley, B. Pd. '12, who has ler's home on Summit street. The been studying veterinary science at lawn was prettily lighted with lan­ G. A. MILLS, Dentist Cornell this year, dropped in on cam­ terns and dainty refreshments were pus friends the first of the week. Mr. served. Mr. William Kerr of Detroit 31 N. Huron St. Shigley is to return to Cornell as and Miss Gilpin sang � number of student assistant in bacteriology. beautiful solos. Phone, 8 J 9-L house 334-L, office THE NORMAL COLLEGE NEWS

The Normal College News News office receives se, eral buck-; Publls�d by the Mle>htgan State Normal C:'11e-ge on· subscription ; editor getting able t0 MANAG I NG BOARD write out receipts without showing nervousness. PRES. CHAS. McKENNY E. A. LYMAN H. CLYDE FORD ALBION LOSES ORATORY COACH B. L. D'OOGE N. A. HARVEY Summer T oggery H. Z. WILBER Albion, Mich., June 10.-Professor LEIGH G. HUBBELL, Managing Editor Charles H. v roolbert, head of the de­ Office in Main Bull ing, Room 17 partment of English and oratory at Time of Albion college, who has made an en­ Publ ication-The Normal Neckwear Shirts College News is published on Friday viable record as instructor of college of each week, during the College year. debating team' for a decade, will re­ Entered at the Postofflce at Y,p;..,i­ sign at the close of the present school Hats Hose lanti, Michigan, as second cla'Ss mail year to complete a doctor's degree :-1t matter. Harvard university. Subscription price $1 .00 per Year The announcement of his resigna­ Footwear tion caused general regret through! out the school. Under his tutelage FRIDAY, JUNE r3 Albion has won honors on the college • The Im-mediate Need in Our Dancing platforms. He was the instructor of the victor in one national contest The Slndent's party at Harnack's while for five successiYe years Albion Hall Saturday night marked the close college triumi,hed under his direct.ion J. D.Successor LA to HorWREner & LawrenceNC E of the dancing season for Normal in state intercollegiate debates since College and it laid o the table the he came here in 1903. vexatious problem of faculty control As a public speaker Professor ,vool- bert has been in great demand. Lasl of student parties. N xt fall the pro- fall he was 011 the Profresive party hlem must be again t;iken up. rostrum. The year has been an anxious one Through the efforts of Professor for the friends of the dance all over Woolbert Albion college has been re­ cogniized as a leader throughout the .., the country. There bas seemed to be .., United S'tates in public speaking and ..,J a wide-spread feeling of unrest, re­ � � New York Racket Store oratory. sulting in the introduction of grotec,- ( The ,college has made no attempt l eleme que and suggestive nts on a as yet to select a successor. A de- r­ scale never before r·aralleled. The cision, bowe, er, proba1)ly will be reached some time during the snm- Special Sale movemeof nt has probably brought much � mer. 1 value with it; in all likelihood it � Dennison's Paper Napkins, regular price 5c doz. the world has marked a transition period in the Ross 0. Ru1tnels, '08, who has been 1 over. Our special price for a limited time 2 doz. for 5c. history of the dance. iOertainly the a:ttending Columbia university the j You will have to hurry as they are going fast. old conv ntionalities have been rudely past two yea1 s, ha;; accepted a posi­ � We are showing the neatest line of Neckwear that ever came shaken in many cases, and what is tion as princi al of schools at South into the city. Orange, N . .T. � more disconcerting, i 1 °the best cir­ j Now is the time to go after the "Pesky Fly" and we carry the Lulu Reed, '11, who has been en­ cles. Whatever the n aning of the weapons. gaged in Normal Critic work in Wis­ Window Screens, Fly Paper, Fly Poison, Daisy Fly Killers, Fly period, it has been a difficult one to consin, will aC'l as primary supervisor Traps and Fly Swats. I guess fhat will put them out of handle. at. Jackson ne, t year. business. It mu,;L be appare 1t that faculty Laces, Embroideries, etc. By the way, we just received a control of student da1 cing can never shipment of 45c Embroidered Voiles which are the talk of he as effective as th students' own the town. ;control. On the other hand, it is quite as apparent that until the students HER lhelnselves are willir g to exerci'S<' some control, faculty control is a nec­ �. cessity. What is need(•d ? Two things: SHOES . The New York Racket Store F'ir.;t, the recognition by the students 1 PHONE 1133 that there are lower and higher ideals A. L. EVANS, Prop. 13 N. HURON ST. 'in dancing, and the decision as to 1I which ones are to be cultivated and mettttt t rt rtti!TfTl:J'i'.iii111-\1iI 11:ti I I I I 01 II# I H,:i'iitifl"i iii i\ 11"1 tii"i i iiiYi which ones to be shunned ; secondly som form of c.o-operative effort lo e It is the time of the year enforce the decision of the majority of students in regard to these ideals that a woman gives the most The tool for executing the will of th8 attention to her FOOT­ Com1nencernent Gifts student body is at hancl in the student WEAR, and we are now t council ; it is the first step that each showing the season's new student n eds to do for himself and AT JOE MILLER S herself. The pressing need is to get fancies and choice models in the students who dance to think the LOW CUT SHOES. don1munity and Alvin Silver problem through and come to a de­ cision. This should b<· a task of the THE BEST MADE early autumn. L. G. II. SIGNS OF THE APPR ACHING END P. S. Sherwood & Son Blue books. 126 Congress St. Canoe business looking up, The Bazarette C. P. orders more blue slips from the J}rinter. Pennants and College Poi!lws George Willard busy returning for­ College Students are Cordially gotten dance programs Cllege Stationer v Professor Roberts explaining that Invited ... there arn't any more positions open at present. TO C.A.I.,I., AT THE Neckwear ----- Fancy Work Jewelry Oscar Wood rents the natural am­ phitheatre for practicing his Commen­ cement speeches. POST CARD SHOP -- Professor McKay beseiged by saluta­ F. G. HUTTON, Dentist torians, valedictorians, prophetesses, Passepartout Calendars, Framed poetesses, etc, etc. 202 W. Congress St. Bobby Bishop burning midnight oil Mottoes, Folders, Booklets printing off snapshots of chafing­ and Cards Phone, 7 6 l-J house 194-J office dish groups and other landscapes. THE NORMAL COLLEGE NEWS 5

FACULTY VACATIONS POSITIONS TAKEN aminations which he must take while attending Oxford college, England. Professo11 Peet will s-pend the sum­ This is known as the moderation ex­ Margaret Webster, Romeo Kinder- mer in buildmg a cottage at Crystal amination, and he hopes to prepare garten. Lake, Frankfort, Mich. Misses Pearce, himself so that he will be able to Helen Holmes, St. Clair, Music­ take that examination about two Drawing. Norton and Mackenzie have saile,d for months after entering Oxford. The Esther Freese Ft. Wayne, Ind., Europe. Professor D'Ooge will go u; second examination is known as the , Kindergarten. to his summer home at Charlevoix. final.honor s examination. It l,asts for Emma Haywood, Onondaga, 1st. Professor Jefferson does not teach in 36 hours, and to pass it a man must know about all there is to know about Ercell Graham, Cumber, Rural. summer school, but th� illness of Mrs. the Greek and Roman languages and Helen Hilderink, Frankfort, County Jefferson will probably prevent his literature, besides many more things. Normal. expected sojourn at Charlevoix. Mr. Unlike American universities, not Laura Craig, Ontanonga,n, Domestic Elliott will attend summer school at much attention is paid to attendance S'cience. Columbia university and begin work at the lectures, or to classes, every­ thing depending on the final test. Anna Dau'gherty, Hammond, 5th. for his master's degree. Professor Ivol Spafford, Columbia 1Cdty, Ind., Barbour will remain in Ypsilanti for TO MAKE YPSI PRETTIER Departmental. the summer, playing golf and doing IDlizabeth Shaffer, Alliance, 0., Do­ a Jittle writing. Miss Elta Loomis ,Dr. H. H. Johnson, of the city board mestic Science. will ba ve charge of the physical train­ of health, will talk for a half-hour Zada Fleming, Lima Center, Rural. · ing work at Central Normal summer next Monday evening at Starkweather Gracia DaRatt, Ypsilanti, 7th. Thie i• the type of man who school. Hall on the garbage problem. This Bessie Reed, Boyne City, 6th. •pell, ooea with aeven lottera: Catherine Cox, Onaway, 1st. C·O·M·F·O·R-T. JUNE "AMERICAN SCHOOLMASTER" is one of the vital questions of any city Maud Scott, Grand Rapids, 1st. A and especially so at this time and (]J.adys, Truman, Akron, 0., 5th. -and here is a shoe that he will Normal graduate furnishes the through the summer when garbage Ellen Crawford, Traverse City, '7th. like. This Panama model is a leading article in this month's "Ameri­ must be disposed of to keep the health Mary Rowley, Charlette, 5th. somewhat extreme style-with can Schoolmaster," Herbert G. Hull, conditions the very best. Gladys Nurenberg, Royal Oak, 2nd. its high, broad toe, short forepart, '98, now associate professor of educa­ Blanch Botsford, Wayne, Kindergar- Following this Mis,s Goddard with high arch and high heel. But it tion in the University of Washington, ten, 1st. certainly is one of the most com­ the aid of some student memb'erss of at Seattle. It is entitled, ''Moral In­ Henrietta Van Dyke, Detroit. fortable shapes ever designed. struction Through Social Intelligence," the Civic League, will present some John Goudy, Oscoda, Sup't. The Panama appeals to thou­ and makes a most readable plea for interesting material from investiga- Jessie Olark, Holland, Defective sands of our younger custom­ greater stress on the study of pre­ tions of trees, bill-boards, alleys, etc., Children. ers who like ita bree�, Western sent-day problems and institutions. He Helen Nichols, Plymouth, 2nd. of the city. Come and show your in- style. says, "If the state is to realize the Edith Carls'On, Milan, 8th. moral idea, it is plain that we must terest in a city clean and beautiful. Ruth Sifert, Gladwin, K-indergarten, have a deeper and more extensive Starkweather Hall. Monday, June 16 1st. Panama Tan Ruasfa or Black �A 00 knowledge of present social affairs," at 7: 30 p. m. . Vivian Barga, Flint, 2nd. Kin& Calf Blucher Oxford - .,-.. Professor Mark Jefferson gives a re­ Mary Justus, Mt. Clemens, Kinder- interpretation of the government's DRAMATIC READING CONTE 1 garten. ST school staitistics regarding the dis­ I B. T. Foley, Alexandria, Minn., Com- tribution of schooling in the United merceH. Athletics. Seventeen student red the e States that sets right some misappre­ s ente pr - H. Wilton, Union City, Commerce. 1 hensions. Another view of the short­ liminaries Tuesday evening in the Harold Skinner, Owosso, Physical

comings of normal school graduates dramatic reading contest. Of this !I Training. is given by Cliff W. Stone, professor Nina Skelly, Harbor Springs, 5th. number six were selected to enter the J of education in the state normal Charlotte Hall, Capac, 8-9. final. The .six were the Misses Noble, . _ school at Farmville, Va. . I Loyolla ,Doran, Grand Rapids. Oatley, Mas,on, McDougall, Flamgan Mabel Van Dyke, Grand RJapids Pri- TO BONE ALL SUMMER and Mr. Ernest Miller. Mirss Joanna I mary. R.E,OALS Graham was named alternate. The Hope Nichoson, Coleman, 7-8th. De\Vitt's I1 Persival Blanshard, of Detroit, the judges were Miss Ella Wilson, Miss Frances Lowrie., Grand Rapids Pri- holder of the !Gecil Rhodes scholar­ Myhs Gallup and Principal Erickson. mary. 107 CONGRESS ST. The fina contest was held in Normal Nellie Beaumont Cedar Springs, ship for Michigan, will spend the en­ l 1 , tire :mmmer in hard study, preparing Hall last evening, an account of which E'ngUsh and History. • we cannot give until next week. Mary Collins, Grand Rapids Primary. himself for one of the two severe ex- I

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We have a very large and choice selection of Books suitable for / • •4• · •• 4• GRADUA· T ION PRE S EN.T S •• • All the latest fiction including :- i� 4•...�.. THE HEART OF THE HILLS, By Jno. Fox, jr. V THE AMATEUR GENTLEMAN, By Jaffrey Farnol. ·�8 ... THE INSIDE OF THE CUP, By Winston Churhill. + ·4• V. V.'s EYES, By Henry Snydar Harrison. •• 4• LEATHER BOUND BOOKS IN VARlOUS BINDINGS FROM 50c. to $5.00 EACH •1• 4• Friendship Books. Scllool, Day Book.s, Books of Poems Standard Authors, Small Oift Books, Etc, A Pine Line of ... BOX PAPERS AND CORRESPONDENCE CARDS ... •1• MIRRORS, HAIR BRUSHES, CLOTH AND HAT BRUSHES, TRAYS, MANICURE SETS, .. s s PHOTO FRAMES, JEWEL BOXES, COMBS, ETC. ,a.� ...f p AR I I AN IVo Ry Goo. D. l:EAS TMAN KODAKS· AND BROWNIE CAMERAS FROM $1.00 TO $25.00 :i 8 ess i WEINMANN=rIA TTHEWS co. 11 ���:; : 1.. -t,�� •1� THE REXALL-KODAK STORE • �·-�··9·��··········· ��·��··················�·�·��···············���

/ 6 THE NORMAL COLLEGE NEWS SEND LETTER OF SYMPATHY ANNA COMPTON RECITAL 11. Arioso from "J, a mort de Jeanne 'TIS SAD BU TRUE d'Arc" ...... Bemberg Normal athletic men were greatly A charming recital was the last Miss Millspaugh. lll. Songs: Juniors Steal Game r Wear shocked to learn Tuesday that Orrin of the graduating recitals of the Con- F om y a. Dedication � ...... Franz E. Maddison, A bion's star athlete, was servatory of Music, given in Normal Seniors Monday fternoon Hall Tuesday evening b-y Miss Anna b. Hark ! hark the lark ...Schubert In a game filled with thrills of every lying at death's door as the result of c. Lassie with the lips sae rosy Rene Compton, contralto, assisted by description tb.e Junron performed the being struck behind the ear by a base­ ...... Fisher unusual last Monday afternoon by ball Monday. Madison was -playing in Miss Florence Waterman, pianist. Miss Miss Gilpin. whaling ,the Seniors to the tune of V. Songs: 14 a class game. He was on first base Compton's voice is not powerful, but 1 to 12. This victory evened up the wonderfully sweet an«? pure, with an a. Mother o'mine .. : ...... Tours series, giving one gam to each class. when the pitcher threw to catch him undertone of pathos that is very ap­ b. My Jean ...... Hus s The fireworks started oJt very tamely, off the base the ball striking him at pealing. S'he sin,gs with true feeling c. Heart o'me ...... MacDermid Ayres doing the firing :for the Seniors the base of the brain. He was carried and intelligent expression. Her per­ Mr. James. and Norton again for the youngsters. off the field unconscious, with liittle sonality is most winning, her beauti- V. Recitative and Aria from "Orfeo" About the third inning the proceedings hope given for his recovery, although ful simpUcity, modesty and poise be- ...... •....Gluc k came to an abrupt stop, the committee he was still alive Wednesday night. ing exceedingly attractive. She sang Mrs. Gray. on bats and supplies h:tving failed to The following letter of condolence was two pleasing French songs and two Vl. Piano Solo: test the bats sufficiently. As a result sent by our track team: of Schumann's favorite compositions, Rondo capriccioso ..Mendel ssohn a Junior was so rude and uncivilized Ypsilanti, Mich., June 11, 1913. the "Nussbaum'' and -the "Widmung," Miss Quigley. as to lean on the ball a little too hard Coach Kennedy, with excellent interpretation, and gave and b:rioke the only bat on the field. Albion College, Mich. two arias, her voice showing to es­ After a delay of about a half an hour Dear Sir:- pecial advantaige in the wistful, pathe- another was procured and the game We, the undersigned members of tic "Farewell, ye Hills" of Tschaikow­ Teachers Positions proceeded. the Normal College track team, wish sky's "Joan of Ara," and disdosing its Well, time passed, and groups of to express to you and to the Albion loveliest notes in the imploring "Agnus Secured gr.iev'ing S'eniors bega to leave for men generally, our deep regret over Dei," of Bizet, with its elaborate ac· supper and---things began to hap- the shocking accident to your Mr. companiment of organ, piano and vio- Through the pen. The wise were making a last Madison. lin, played by Mr. Alexander, Misses desperate effort to rally their failing We have known Mr. Madison as a Lowden and Owen. Mr. Alexander's pitcher, Rhine- field -accompaniments were striking. Miss Michigan Teachers' strength. With a new 1 friend and a gentleman on the hart, in the box they began to revive of sport, and we wish to have you feel Wat'erman plays enjoyably always, and and the game passed tl e ninth inning our sympathy and hopes for his speedy her numbers were varied-the Liszt Agency with the score a tie, 9 to 9. In the recovery. transcription ·of Mendelssohn's, "On first half the game was apparently Respectfully, Wings of Song," a "Czardas" by Mc­ Ann Arbor, Mich. 'Sewed away by the Seniors with three F. G. BEYERMAN. Dowell, and the Chopin "Valse in A WRITE FOR TERMS runs to the good. T e first Junior H. JAMES'. flat, op. 42."-and she was warmly re­ whiffed, the second Jun·or whiffed, the V. AYERS. called. Miss Compton received encores third Junior,-did you see Wally muff L. OLDS. after each number and was over­ that hot one? Three runs across, two 0. BRUNDAGE. whelmed with beautiful flowers. on bases and our pinch hitter, Vandy J. JAMIDSON. M. R. O. Bogurt at bat, did you aee Wally muff C. McMILLAN. MRS. H. C. CONE that hot one? Two 1triumphant ones H. GERMAN. LAST FACULTY RECITAL crossed the plate and ran home to A. CHALMERS. supper. E. FINAN. The concluding faculty recital of the Ladies' Dressmaking E. A. 'G. H. MOORE. year was given in Normal Hlall Wed­ S. CROUSE. nesday evening before a large and ap- and Tailoring Misses Jessie Childs and Ethel D. ICiURTIS. precl·at1·ve "'"Udience. The program Duebel, who are teaching in Califor­ P. SPRAGUE. follows: 217 Summit St. Phone .f..f,4-J nia, the first at Tulare and the second H. LEWIS. 1. Piano Solos : in Los Angeles, will study this summer R. LELAND. a. ...... Moszkowski Teachers and Students ait the University of California at H. COLE. b. Capriccitto ...... Schuett Berkeley. A. ·GEE. Miss Quigley. Especially Solicited .....

Whe e? At Rowima

VERNOS IN DETROIT BUTR Vernor's GINGER· ALE Is to be found right · here in YPSILANTI In . Bottles or at the Fountain. WHERE? WHERE? AT . ROWIMA