Local Music History Research Los Angeles Area Libraries
. Local Music History Research lll Los Angeles Area Libraries Part I INTHE FIRST EDITION of Grove (A Dictionary of stanced: the sole source listed under "Chicago" was Music and Musicians [A.D. /450-1880). n [London, • 'Karleton Hackett, The Beginnings of Grand Opera Macmillan and Co., 1880), 163), Charles Allan in Chicago 1850-1859 (1913)." Woefully limited Fybee, "Barrister-at-Law," limited himself in his ar though they wcre, at least Einstein's bibliographies ticle headed "London" toan account of the music did underline this fact-histories of music in Euro degrees offered by the University of London. Else pean music centers deal chiefly with institutions and where had appeared George Grove's own article, their leaders. Rarely does everyday music life in "Edinburgh, Professorship of," but nothing else trude. Nor do middling achievers enter histories of concerning musical life in Edinburgh. No foreign institutions. city gained so much as a nod. Dictionaries and encyclopedias originating in the The second edition, entrusted in 1904 to J. A. United States have followed the same rule. Asan ex Fuller Maitland, included articles on " Boston Music ample: institutions occupy what space the University Societies" (1, 367-369); "Cincinnati Music Festival" Dictionary of Music and Musicians (New York: The (1, 537-538); " London Academy of Music," "Lon University Society, 1912, 1, 111-112, 11 9-120; 11, don Musical Society," and "London Sacred Har 435- 439) allotted Chicago, Cincinnati, and New monic Society" (11, 768-769); but no articles headed York (characterized as "the largest city in the two "Berlín," "París," or "St. Petersburg." By way of Americas," and the possessor "in 1909 of the a beginning, an article headed "Rome" by A.
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