Guide to Traffic Management Part 4: Network Management Sydney 2016 Guide to Traffic Management Part 4: Network Management Publisher Fourth edition prepared by: David Green Austroads Ltd. Level 9, 287 Elizabeth Street Fourth edition project manager: Andrew Wall Sydney NSW 2000 Australia Phone: +61 2 8265 3300 Abstract
[email protected] The Austroads Guide to Traffic Management consists of 13 parts and provides a comprehensive coverage of traffic management guidance for practitioners involved in traffic engineering, road design and road safety. About Austroads Part 4: Network Management provides guidance on traffic management at a network level. It addresses network needs of the various categories of user, Austroads is the peak organisation of Australasian the characteristics of various types of network and, importantly, describes a road transport and traffic agencies. planning process for balancing or prioritising the competing needs of different Austroads’ purpose is to support our member users based on a movement and place framework view of the road network. It organisations to deliver an improved Australasian describes the Network Operation Plan, which provides a framework for road transport network. To succeed in this task, we defining the intent of operation of the network, the priorities accorded to the undertake leading-edge road and transport various road user groups, network strategies, and the action plan that defines research which underpins our input to policy how the network is to be managed, operated and developed. development and published guidance on the design, construction and management of the road network and its associated infrastructure. Keywords Austroads provides a collective approach that Network management, transport networks, travel demand management, delivers value for money, encourages shared supply management, road classification, urban networks, rural networks, knowledge and drives consistency for road users.