TUESDAY, APRIL 29, 2014 JAMADA ALTHANI 29, 1435 AH Info minister Assad seeks Bouteflika Outrage over describes media re-election as sworn in as banana insult as double-edged Syrian civil president to footballer sword 3 war rages7 for10 4th term in18 Spain Kuwait signs LNG import Max 39º Min 26º deal with gas-rich Qatar High Tide 00:05 & 11:42 KPC, Qatargas eye greater cooperation Low Tide 05:59 & 16:38 40 PAGES NO: 16150 150 FILS KUWAIT: Kuwait has signed a contract to import liquefied reserves and produces around 1.3 billion cubic feet per day natural gas (LNG) from fellow Gulf state Qatar to help meet (2011 figures), up 15 percent from 2010 production. Kuwait its energy needs to the end of 2014, state news agency needs natural gas supplies for electricity generation, water KUNA reported on Sunday. desalination and its petrochemical operations as well as for The announcement follows on the heels of a successful use in enhanced oil recovery techniques. mediation effort by Kuwait to help resolve a diplomatic dis- Growing demand and the failure to develop local sources pute between Qatar and fellow Gulf Cooperation Council has put pressure on Kuwait to turn to imports. Kuwait relies states, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain. on a diversity of suppliers. It has deals with Royal Dutch Shell In March, the three withdrew their ambassadors from Doha, and Swiss-based trader Vitol to supply it LNG during the alleging that Qatar was interfering in internal affairs and peak power demand period from April to October over the supporting the Muslim Brotherhood, which has been last four summers. Earlier this month KPC said Shell and BP declared a terrorist organization by Egypt. had signed deals to supply Kuwait with LNG over the next The first shipment of Qatari LNG was to arrive in Kuwait five to six years. The combined supply from the two compa- yesterday under the contract between Kuwait Petroleum nies will be around 2.5 million tonnes a year. Corporation (KPC) and state-owned Qatargas, KUNA said. The contract with Qatar paves the way for greater coop- There were no further details on the terms of the deal with eration between the two companies, KUNA quoted a KPC Qatar, which is the world’s largest LNG exporter. official as saying. It added that major oil producer Kuwait Kuwait began importing LNG in 2009 though it has an was still looking at ways to supply its LNG needs beyond estimated 63 tcf (trillion cubic feet) of proven natural gas 2019. — Agencies

KUWAIT: Former MPs Musallam Al-Barrak (left) and Ali Al-Deqbasi are seen during an opposition meet- ing in Shamiya yesterday. — Photo by Yasser Al-Zayyat Prosecutor summons Barrak over remarks Assembly to discuss PM’s grilling today By B Izzak ernment measures taken regarding a highly-sensitive issue. He particularly criticized National Assembly KUWAIT: The public prosecutor yesterday summoned Speaker Marzouq Al-Ghanem over his handling of a par- prominent opposition leader and former MP Musallam liamentary debate over the issue. But the most sensitive Al-Barrak for interrogation over explosive remarks he part of the interview was Barrak’s allegations about made last week during a television interview. Barrak high-profile corruption in which the bank account of a was called to appear before the prosecutor on Thursday former senior official swelled from $235 million in June following a complaint filed by the information ministry 2007 to as much as $23 billion in Dec 2013. He revealed over the interview with Al-Youm satellite TV channel, no names but offered hints that made the former offi- which is close to the opposition. cial recognizable to most Kuwaitis. In the interview, Barrak strongly criticized the gov- Continued on Page 15 Brotherhood chief sentenced to death Jazeera seeks $150m damages from Egypt MINYA, Egypt: An Egyptian court sentenced 682 alleged Islamists and Muslim Brotherhood leader Mohamed Badie to death yesterday, a lawyer and prosecutor said, after two brief sessions the defence partly boycotted. The same court in the southern province of Minya also reversed 492 of 529 death sentences it passed in March, commuting most of those to life in prison. The court, presided over by judge Said Youssef Sabry, had sparked an international out- cry with its initial sentencing last month amid an extensive crack- down on supporters of ousted Islamist president Mohamed Morsi. The crackdown has extended to secular-leaning dissidents who supported Morsi’s overthrow but Mohamed Badie have since turned on the army- installed regime. In Cairo, a court banned the April 6 youth movement that spearheaded the 2011 revolt which toppled strongman Hosni Mubarak, following a complaint accusing it of defaming Egypt and colluding with foreign parties. In Minya, judge Sabry is set to con- KUWAIT: Huge clouds of dust are seen rolling firm the death sentences on June 21. into Jahra on Sunday. Continued on Page 15 TUESDAY, APRIL 29, 2014 LOCAL Police escort for money transport vehicles Officials ‘upset’ about Sulaibiya robbery

KUWAIT: A police car will accompany every tion that the ministry’s steps came as a reac- was the same one that the suspects used to money transport vehicle in Kuwait as per an tion to the crime, something seen as showing commit their armed robbery. He added on agreement reached between the Interior failure to take precautionary measures that that regard that the car’s owner, who had Ministry and security companies following a helps save lives, the sources said. reported his vehicle stolen prior to the crime, recent armed robbery in which two security “The heinousness of the crime and the was taken for questioning based on suspi- guards were killed and KD13,000 were stolen. audacity that the perpetrators shown have all cions that he knows the identity of the sus- The agreement calls for a company to notify made Lt. Gen Al-Fahad extremely upset,” the pects. the ministry about any transport operation source said. The bedoon man had stated when he filed beforehand, in order to dispatch a patrol vehi- the case at Sulaibiya police station that his car cle and put relevant authorities at a state of Strong lead was stolen from outside a coffee shop in the alert in anticipation for any potential attacks, And while investigations are ongoing in area while he was sitting inside. Al-Rai daily reported yesterday quoting the case, detectives have reportedly been Criminal evidence personnel are also wait- sources with knowledge of the case. able to find a ‘strong evidence’ that could lead ing for results of DNA tests conducted on The sources who spoke on the condition of to revealing the perpetrators’ identities. items found on the crime scene, including the anonymity said meanwhile that Lt Gen Criminal Evidence Department personnel empty bullet shells. This was reported by Al- Sulaiman Al-Fahad, the Interior Ministry’s found a jerrycan that the suspects filled with Watan daily which also indicated that Jahra Undersecretary, was ‘very upset’ during the fuel and used to burn the car they used in the detectives have so far questioned around ten meeting that took place one day after the crime, according to a security source quoted people in the case. crime was committed in Sulaibiya Friday by Al-Jarida yesterday. Annahar daily confirmed earlier reports night. Lt. Gen Al-Fahad reportedly went furi- “Investigators are gathering surveillance which indicated that detectives have been ous as soon as he was told by assistant under- tapes from gas stations close to the crime able to identify the suspects hours after the secretaries that they have agreed with securi- scene in a bid to identify the suspects,” said crime was committed. A ‘high-level source’ ty companies on new security steps to follow. the source who was unnamed in the report. quoted anonymously in the report says that “He angrily responded by saying ‘where were Meanwhile, the source said that investiga- the three men are members of a gang with those steps before?’” the sources said. tions have confirmed that the car found history of criminal offenses including mug- The senior official also expressed frustra- burned in Sulaibiya following the incident ging, drugs, and thefts. divorce rate drops KUWAIT: First yeardivorces dropped in Kuwait for the first time in several years in 2013. The justice ministry’s assistant WANTED undersecretary for real estate registration and documentation Dr Bader Al-Zamanan said that divorce rates have plummeted among Kuwaitis compared to previous years. He said of the 9,608 marriages registered in 2013, only 560 of them broke up within the same year, a new low divorce rate of only 5.3 per- cent. “Such improvement happened thanks to the efforts of Editors & Reporters the family consultancy and the Sharia documentation depart- KUWAIT: Kuwait Market Exhibition for Travelling was inagurated yesterday in hall ments,” he underlined. number six at the International Fair Ground in Mishref. The exhibition was held Al-Zamanan added that 1,756 Kuwaiti male citizens got under the patronage of Minister of Information and Minister of State for Youth married to non-Kuwaiti women in 2013 and 114 later Affairs Sheikh Salman Sabah Al-Salem Al-Sabah and attended by undersecretary of divorced, a divorce rate of 5.6 percent. Al-Zamanan added Ministry of Information Salah Al-Mubaraki, Nabilah Al-Anjari and a large number of that the total number of Kuwaiti women getting married to Full time, must be in Kuwait, dignitaries. It is worth mentioning that more than 33 companies have participated at non-Kuwaitis was 672 in 2013 and that 32 of them got the exhibition that will continue till the end of this month. divorced, a rate of 4.6 percent. have transferrable 18 visa Climate change ‘a critical issue’ and writing experience

By Ben Garcia change the model, the mentality and attitude of thing, humanity is in trouble. I am anxious, but people around us and keep the future sustain- on another hand, hoping that every country in Send CV, letters of reference KUWAIT: “The window of opportunity to do able,” Hulot added. the world will do its share to help poorer coun- something together to protect the environment tries by transferring technology and help other and 3 writing samples to and change the course of an impending disaster Window of opportunity countries to adapt to new technology so as to due to climate change is becoming shorter and France, according to Hulot, sees the current help save the world,” he added. [email protected] shorter,” warned a French special envoy at a situation as a window of opportunity to work Hulot said the 2014 Intergovernmental Panel press conference at French ambassador’s resi- together and put differences aside. He said the on Climate Change (IPCC) report noted that cli- dence in Jabriya on Sunday. Nicolas Hulot, increase of world temperature by two degrees is mate change has 98 percent human interven- Only those who are shortlisted will be contacted Special Envoy of the French President for the already a big disaster. According to him, about tion. “Are you going to ride a train with 98 per- Protection of the Planet, said climate change is a 100,000 people die every year as a result of cli- cent possibility of disaster? It is short of saying real and critical issue and that people around mate change. “Millions of people are also mov- that you are going to die in the train 98 percent, the world, especially leaders, must do some- with only a 2 percent chance of survival. Will you thing to avoid catastrophic disasters like the still ride the train?” he asked. The first manifesta- recent typhoon which took the lives of thou- tions of climate change according to scientists sands of people in the Philippines. are already very obvious, like the frequent and He said people around the world are paying more fatal natural calamities. the price of human mishandling of the earth’s Before visiting Kuwait, Hulot was in Saudi resources. “Our humanity has a very short mem- Arabia on Saturday to deliver the same message. ory of major disasters. The Philippines typhoon He also visited Abu Dhabi and Dubai last week recently was just one of many. We need concert- and the last leg of his Middle East tour will be ed efforts to handle the environmental prob- Qatar. “I am very happy to say that your leaders lem,” Hulot said, adding that the clock is ticking here are very much aware of the climate change very fast on this issue. “We are losing time issue, especially Ali Al-Homer. He is very well- because the climate change issue is a very diffi- informed of the climate change challenge and cult subject. It requires countries around the promised to help the climate change conference world to understand the process and follow it, in Paris in 2015 be a success,” he mentioned. The perhaps starting from Europe and the United conference according to Hulot will decide on States, because the truth is we are the main con- what to do next after 2020. tributing factor for climate change since the “I am also in charge of mobilizing countries industrial revolution 150 years ago. But we can- Nicolas Hulot around the world on the issue of desertification. not do this alone and need everyone’s coopera- I am not here in Kuwait and the Gulf region to tion. Our responsibility to the world is higher, ing out of their native places because they are give lectures; I am here to share the point of perhaps because we shared the highest growth no longer viable and sustainable. The movement view of France and to understand how we are over the last century, but we cannot continue to of people continues and we are comparing it going to contribute in fixing the world environ- sacrifice the future for the present. We want to now to a war scenario - if we do not do some- ment,” he concluded. ‘Unwise to hasten amending CMA law’

KUWAIT: At a time when the parliamen- unwise to hasten discussing the suggested tary legislative committee stressed that it CMA law amendments and said that Al- would be unwise to hasten discussing the Mudej had asked for more time to com- Capital Markets Authority (CMA) law’s sug- plete his remarks on the constitutional gested amendments, Deputy PM and flaws in them. Al-Sane added that after Minister of Commerce and Industry Abdul receiving Al-Mudej’s report on Thursday, Mohsen Al-Mudej stressed that the min- the committee would finish its report on istry would report back to the committee Sunday pending referring it to the parlia- on Thursday with its constitutional opinion mentary financial committee. about the proposed amendments. Speaking after attend- ing a meeting with the committee, Al-Mudej stressed his keenness on attending the meeting. “We had some remarks con- cerning the amendments and are in the process of completing some other ones,” he said, adding that he would highlight the constitutional flaws in some of the suggested amendments, promising to submit a full report to the legislative committee by next Thursday. Commenting on the consumer protection law that is due to be discussed by the legislative commit- tee today, Al-Mudej said that both the government and the parliament agree on it and hoped that it would be passed soon. Member of the parlia- mentary legislative com- mittee MP Yaaqoub Al-Sane said that it would be p3.e$S_Layout 1 4/28/14 10:07 PM Page 1

TUESDAY, APRIL 29, 2014 LOCAL Airport power outage

KUWAIT: Electricity went out at the Kuwait minutes without any flights being affected. International Airport yesterday though no He explained that the Ministry of flights were disrupted, according to local Electricity and Water asked earlier in the sources. The outage was reportedly due to General Administration of Civil Aviation in a a shift from one of the standard power formal letter to disconnect the power sup- plants to a backup plant, causing a partial ply on Monday at 11am. He stressed that disruption in service for five minutes. all devices and equipment from sources Deputy Director General for Kuwait that feed the stream uninterrupted work International Airport Essam Al-Zamil said in incessantly without being affected by this a statement to Kuwait News Agency that process, adding that there are books sent he coordinated with the Ministry of from the Department of Engineering at the Electricity and the General Administration General Administration of Civil Aviation to of Civil Aviation for a switch in power sup- all civil aviation stakeholders to take note ply and that the process took less than five of that procedure. 1,500 compensation demands from southern Iraqi province

By A Saleh that HH the Amir Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah gave approval to grant financial KUWAIT: Hundreds of people in southern compensation to Iraqis who provide docu- Iraq approached local authorities with ments that prove that they are entitled to compensation demands after Kuwait social security and financial privileges that offered to pay Iraqis who were deported they did not receive when they were KUWAIT: Minister of Information Sheikh Salman Al-Hmoud, Prince Bader Bin Abdulmohsen and HH the Prime Minister Sheikh Jaber Al-Mubarak from the country following the 1991 libera- deported after the Gulf War. A decision has at the forum. —Photo by Fouad Al-Shaikh tion war. Documents filed at the office of since been made to open an office in Vice President Khudier Al-Khuzaie must Baghdad’s Karrada neighborhood in order include papers that prove that an applicant to receive applications. Since then, 1,500 Kuwait aims to spread worked in Kuwait’s public or private sector applications have been filed from the prior to the 1990 Iraqi invasion, said Shaker southern Dhi Qar governorate alone, Dareji Al-Dareji, a lawmaker representing the Dhi said. He did not, however, provide details Qar governorate in Iraq’s Council of about the volume of the compensations ‘message of peace’ Representatives. demanded and the mechanism in which Khuzaie announced earlier this month they will be calculated by the Kuwaiti side. Arab Media Forum opens

By Nawara Fattahova destruction. But if we dealt with it correctly, then when they adopt one, another new one jumps it will be a positive tool for developing the on the scene. The communication media has KUWAIT: Prime Minister HH Sheikh Jaber Al- nation. Kuwait was always a pioneer in culture, become a new world,” Khamees said. Mubarak Al-Sabah launched the 11th Arab intellectualism, art and media, and Kuwaiti The Arab world has experienced many Media Forum titled ‘Media, Changes and media products spread around the world. changes during the past three years. “These Challenges’ at the Kuwait Regency Hotel late Modern Kuwait aims to build bridges and strong changes brought many challenges, and this Sunday. During the launch ceremony, that was relations with all Arab countries, and spread the inspired the slogan of this year’s forum - ‘Media, attended by hundreds of media personalities message of peace from Kuwait to the entire Changes and Challenges’. During these events, from various Arab countries, Saudi Prince Badr world,” he added. the media was the main partner, so the general bin Abdulmohsen was awarded the Arab Award Secretary General of the Arab Media Forum opinion has split into accusing or praising the for Media Creativity. Madhi Al-Khamees noted that Kuwait has been media. The media was also the first stage of Sheikh Salman Al-Homoud Al-Sabah, Minister hosting this event for 11 years. “During the past expression when some countries achieved free- of Information and State Minister for Youth years, we worked as a media center to improve dom, which previously was an unreachable Affairs, assured that Kuwait was always a “media and develop Arab media. We are in contact with dream,” he explained. lantern” and will always be “an open gate for our journalists working in different fields in addition According to him, this forum aims to set the friends from all over the globe”. “Kuwait has to the media sector at the Arab League that has correct criteria for Arab media. “Since 2003, always supported cultural and media activities been supporting this forum since its inception,” when the forum started, we aimed to direct jour- that strengthen ties between all Arab countries he pointed out. nalists to adopt the positive message of the in various fields. I’m glad that Kuwait is hosting “A hundred years ago, the world was abstract- media. Our work was based on cooperation this huge media event which is attended by a edly watching the developing of media. It start- between the journalists and exchanging infor- great number of popular media personalities,” he ed with the press in the middle of 19th century, mation and experiences,” he concluded. said during the ceremony. followed by radio and then the TV revolution. It Prince Badr praised the role of Kuwait. “I visit- The media can either be a negative or posi- was an amazing revolution at that time, and ed Kuwait 25 years ago and I was a known poet tive tool, Sheikh Salman said. “The media should today we are witnessing the second revolution only in my country Saudi Arabia. But I left Kuwait play a positive role in serving the nation through due to modern technology. The communication as a popular poet. I thank the organizers of this its effective message. If we don’t organize the media is systematically developing and many forum for awarding me tonight and wish them rules of the media, it may become a tool of countries are following this development. And all success,” he noted. Grasshoppers sweep Jahra area coming from Hafr Al-Baten in Saudi Arabia.

TUESDAY, APRIL 29, 2014 LOCAL Al-Ghanem inaugurates Student Parliament KUWAIT: National Assembly Speaker “Democratic and human values should be “Democracy is defined by the extent of Marzouq Al-Ghanem inaugurated yesterday taught to children since early years, “ Al- freedom of expression, respect of different the first session of Kuwait Student Parliament Ghanem said while opening the Student points of view, development and building,” Al- with a view to giving students first-hand Parliament. “Today’s session is a step in this Mulaifi said. experience to parliament work. direction,” he added. “Dialogue is our sole option to solve prob- The top legislator highlighted the impor- lems and achieve aspired development.” tance of the initiative on promoting democra- Forty-eight students, 24 males and 24 cy and respect of different points of view. He females, are partaking in the lively debates of added that the session was also a chance for the Student Parliament session. Each of the the MPs to listen to the views of students in Kuwaiti six governorates are represented by 8 several issues. student MPs. Al-Ghanem has announced that the stu- The Student Parliament is a simulation dents will discuss a number of bills on the project organized through cooperation development on the educational process and between the National Assembly General the outcome of their deliberations would be Secretariat’s Training Department and the referred to the parliamentary Educational Ministry of Education. Affairs Committee. The project aims to increase students’ For his part, Minister of Education and awareness about democratic practices as well Minister of Higher Education Ahmad Al- as to train them on the decision-making Mulaifi touted the Student Parliament’s ses- process in the parliament through simulation sion as historic chance for listening to the of the parliament’s work. Its lively debates are views of the new generations which would meant to encourage students to freely lead the country in the coming years. express their views. —KUNA KUWAIT: The first session of Kuwait Student Parliament in progress. Maid charged with assault of infant Diver dies in Shuwaikh accident

KUWAIT: A Kuwaiti man filed a case against his woman suffered circulatory collapse and car- International Airport faces charges after admit- domestic worker, accusing her of torturing his diac arrest after a drug overdose. The body was ting to stealing from packages. The Pakistani son. In his statements to Sabahiya police sta- taken to the forensic department by criminal national was reportedly identified as a suspect tion, the man explained that he obtained video investigators for an autopsy. A case was filed. during investigations in multiple cases report- evidence showing the Ethiopian maid hitting ed with local authorities. Several people out- the two-year-old boy when they were left Drug offenders side Kuwait reported missing items, including alone at the house. The man explained that he A drug addict was hospitalized in a critical valuables, from packages that were sent to decided to fix surveillance cameras around the condition while police arrested two youngsters them from Kuwait. The man denied involve- house after noticing that his son was constant- who rushed him to Adan Hospital. Police were ment in the case, but police obtained a war- ly crying. He gave officers a medical report called after two men in an inebriated state rant to search his house. There, they found showing bruises that his son sustained on his arrived with an unconscious man who was expensive watches and other valuable items legs. Investigations are ongoing. rushed to the intensive care unit. The suspects matching those reported missing. The man were able to escape, but police managed to admitted that he stole the items from pack- Diver dead locate and arrest them shortly afterwards. ages he was assigned to deliver. He was A diver died in an accident near Shuwaikh Investigations further revealed that one of the referred to the authorities to face charges. Port Sunday. The man, a South African national suspects is wanted to serve 15 years in prison in his thirties, was killed when his oxygen tank over previous charges. The two admitted dur- Harasser caught exploded while diving near a ship, according to ing questioning that their friend collapsed A man faces multiple charges including a case filed at the Sharq police station. Criminal while they were abusing heroin. murder threat, public intoxication and resisting investigators were called to the ship, which arrest in a case filed at the Maidan Hawally belongs to a Dutch company, in order to exam- Co-op workers charged police station. The incident reportedly hap- ine the body and take it to the forensic depart- Two co-op society workers were arrested on pened outside a girl’s college in Hawally where ment. Investigations are underway to deter- charges of forgery and embezzlement pressed a patrol officer was on duty to prevent mine the circumstances behind the incident. at the Abdullah Al-Salem police station. Investigations with the Egyptian men reported- harassers from approaching. He approached a Drug overdose ly revealed that they forged documents to man that was wandering suspiciously around A woman died as a result of a drug overdose obtain food items for subsidized prices, then the building, and discovered that he was in her apartment in Salwa, according to the resold the items. Based on their confessions, drunk. Backup police soon arrived to place the police report. Paramedics and police rushed to they were taken to the public prosecution for man under arrest. The bedoon man showed KUWAIT: A team from the Commercial Bank of Kuwait visited the Sheikhan Al-Farisi the scene in response to an emergency call further action. strong resistance however, and threatened the School for boys as part of its ongoing ‘Ya Zain Turathna’ cultural campaign. Public made Saturday afternoon, but discovered that officer who stopped him with murder. He was Relations and Media Department staff gave students a presentation on heritage the 50-year-old Arab woman was already dead. Airport worker held placed under control and taken to the Maidan information as well as professions and popular games in old Kuwait. Cultural compe- Preliminary investigations indicate that the An airfreight worker at the Kuwait Hawally police station to face charges. titions were also held. TUESDAY, APRIL 29, 2014 LOCAL

kuwait digest kuwait digest Come up with Guardians facing a new saying a big dilemma

By Thaar Al-Rasheedi By Bader Khalid Al-Bahar he two most used sayings by those who claim to rivate education needs a serious move to rescue the be successful are ‘Progress cannot be stopped by students’ guardians who are faced with the loss of Tthe criticisms of scoundrels’ and ‘A fruitful tree is Ptheir savings and time because of the burdens they always stoned’. Rarely have I seen a loser in politics, art are shouldering. or literature who does not use one of them in a state- It seems that many guardians who became confident ment or an interview. On the other hand, real success- of the possibility that their children will receive better ful people never use these two sayings, but only have education and a more respectful behavioral environment their work and deeds speak for themselves. in private schools are now facing a dilemma, like the per- I wrote an article in 1998 in which I criticized a son who swallows a blade faces, as they face private female TV presenter who later came to the newspaper school administrations and their profit first philosophy. office and asked to meet me. She was very angry and They also face the education ministry which imposes the instead of refuting the points of criticism I mentioned Arabic language and Islamic education in private schools, in the article, she said: “I just want to tell you that only which guardians want to reduce. On the other hand, there the fruitful tree gets stoned”. At this point, I could not MP is a lack of strict ministry supervision over education stan- but say: “Dear sister, Palestinians have been stoning The grilling dards and the density of students in these schools. Israeli troops since the beginning of the intifada in Many guardians are facing something similar to extor- 1988...does this means that Israelis are fruitful trees?!” tion. The burden of gaining education, teaching, and Feeling speechless after my wise reply, the gor- homework has been thrown at them, in addition to hav- geous TV presenter wrapped the argument up and left Al-Anbaa ing some schools asking guardians to register their chil- without a word. However, my criticism of her proved dren in after-school teaching institutions that belong to them to get more money after schools have already eat-

Feeling speechless after According to the statement my wise reply, the kuwait digest of the director of the gorgeous TV presenter private education wrapped the argument up Concentration on youth department, the number and left without a word. of Kuwaiti students in private By Khalid A Al-Tarrah schools is around 60,000. uwait’s true wealth is in its children, and mation “based on facts that look for youth ambitions correct because she turned out to be someone who this is a wealth that can never be equaled, and interests and checks public needs.” pretended to be successful and that was why she used en up their budgets by annually increasing fees. Another a saying that was as old as oil in Kuwait in response to “Kas they are the backbone of the future and The report, which was published by Al-Qabas this month, indirect extortion that guardians face is when they meet my criticism. Even politicians who use the same old say- the country’s hope, and with their arms achievements summarized youth interests and worries in ten points, most the teacher and see the crowded classroom that do not ings are mere pretenders who claim to be successful will be made and ambitions fulfilled.” notably being affected by the family (parents), religion, trust provide the student more attention, and discover that though they are at least three million light years away This is the way HH the Amir Sheikh Sabah Al- of their government and fading optimism that accompa- the teacher or school do not have more to give due to from success! Ahmad Al-Sabah, may Allah protect him, summarized nied the Arab Spring, while unemployment rates increased the low standard of some of them. This prompts Even the caravan mentioned in the Arabic saying’s his vision during his speech in parliament, and who- as well as living costs. The report considered civil conflicts a guardians to resort to private tutors, which means more equivalent to ‘Progress cannot be stopped by the criti- ever follows the speeches of the Amir will find con- “major hurdle” the youth face, while the report detected the wasted money. cisms of scoundrels’ (barking dogs cannot stop a cara- centration on youth and their role in building the soci- youth’s enthusiasm to work in the private sector. The report According to the statement of the director of the pri- van’s march), might be one of bandits. It mustn’t neces- vate education department - which supervises 235,000 sarily be one of respectable merchants. Moreover, it is ety and development. The youth today are considered said that UAE is considered an attractive area to live and work, an important element in all fields, so we find that the while the Internet, television and social media are considered students and nearly 80 schools - that dates back to so natural that watchdogs bark at thieves. Who is more October 2012, the number of Kuwaiti students in private youth issue gained the attention of many organiza- a “main source of information”. The report relied on a sample respectable then - the thieves or the watchdogs?! schools is around 60,000. And as the education ministry Following up interviews with politicians, artists, tions to a point that the issue became an attraction to of 3,500 people in the age category of 18-24 years of both confirmed during the same period that the average cost poets and writers, I found out that whoever uses either the research establishment, and the best example is genders equally. The interesting thing is that the report con- of a student is KD 3,682, the state saved over KD 220 mil- of the two sayings is either snobbish, egoistic or both. what the Burson-Marsteller Co have done. tradicts the Freedom House report on freedom as Kuwait, lion annually. So the poor citizen deserves half of this He might even know nothing at all and eventually we’d Libya and Morocco headed the countries that enjoy partial amount as support, because his children deserve support find out that he was one of those who popped up by Major hurdle freedom! Official systems concentrate on reports issued by more than farms, pens, stables and animals. Guardians of wasta. So, I urge them all to please stop using those students in private schools should form an official union two sayings because they are becoming too cliched. Try The company has issued research papers in cooper- international and regional establishments, but such reports ation with Penn Schoen Berland (PSB), including the should be followed by close follow-up in order to realize the to unite them to face the education ministry and private to come up with a new saying of your own and stop school administrations and demand part of the amount parroting these two sayings that I believe were original- sixth report on the youth situation in the Arab region accuracy of information, and if necessary to answer and cor- the state treasury saved to be able to face expensive pri- Translated by ly said by two really successful people! — including the Gulf. CEO John Sunil said the goal behind rect them, especially with regards to Kuwait. — Translated vate lessons and school fees. —Translated by Kuwait Times Kuwait Times from Al-Anbaa conducting studies about youth is for providing infor- by Kuwait Times from Al-Qabas from Al-Qabas

kuwait digest Let’s sit down and talk

By Dr Ebtihal Al-Khateeb read parts of the Opposition Coalition’s project of political human experience pales in comparison to their own inter- reform. I liked some of it, wondered about some others, and I pretation of divine logic. Iwouldn’t lie to you, I did not comprehend some other parts. But the longer I read the project’s introduction, the less enthusi- Two main points astic I became about it. But I kept reading, encouraged by After that, the project must be cleansed from corruption phrases such as “the road to reform includes improving the role and corrupt individuals. This means that anyone who was of the judicial authority constitutionally and legislatively, in proven or suspected to be guilty of profiteering, mediating for order to attain justice that the constitutional calls for in accor- a criminal or corrupt individual or interfering to take someone’s dance with the latest that the human experience has reached in right and hand it over to someone else, then their association this regard.” I am not sure if the people who wrote that sentence with the project must end. The opposition, which depicts the realize exactly what it means. The latest that humanity has government as the ‘Great Satan’ in its project, should at least reached is something that the opposition does not even dare to admit the mistakes that its members committed. think of, let alone adopt it. While the project contains several Finally, and most importantly to me, is that the project mak- amendments that I believe, judging by my humble experience, ers need to include two main points in it: The first is an article are nearly perfect, it fails to provide necessary details in some that prevents tribalism in electoral lists or parties, and sets strict main issues such as electoral lists and political parties. regulations that protect the society from tribal alignments, such I believe that in order to form a complete personal point of as regulations that prevent by-elections or quotas for represen- view over the project, I first need to listen to or read legal and tation in parties and lists. The second is removing the second constitutional experts’ researches on it. But before moving article of the constitution in order to ensure that the political towards that phase, I believe that there are several important scene in Kuwait is not controlled solely by an Islamic vote. This points that need to be agreed upon. provides guarantees that legislation remains purely civil, and First of all, the project makers need to clear it from the done without reference to religious regulations that might give things that they are criticizing. In other words, we cannot certain parties advantage over others. We are not concerned trust a project that talks about freedoms, democracy, justice about who is going to heaven or who is going to burn in hell. In and ‘the latest that the human experience has reached,’ when this life, we need justice, equality and freedom. Can the opposi- it was designed by a group that includes people who do not tion guarantee that? If they can, then we can sit down and talk believe in freedom and democracy, or believe that the about their project. — Translated by Kuwait Times from Al-Jarida

kuwait digest Sympathy and empathy

By Dr Sajed Al-Abdali know the article’s title is a bit confusing but you will soon more useful, as some might jump to conclude. What I mean to understand what I mean. Sympathy and empathy are two say is that even the wittiest and wisest people might be mental- IEnglish words that are closely rhymed but have different ly disturbed when in distress and the harder the problem is, the meanings. However, I failed to find an accurate Arabic transla- more his/her mental abilities are pressured. That is why our tion for both words that would explain the difference. They are ancestors always said that people possess the same health but both translated as ‘ta’atof’ in English-Arabic dictionaries, which they are different when inflicted. Naturally enough, people are is too shallow and cancels the slight difference between them. even different in terms of wisdom stamina. ‘Sympathy’ denotes feelings of pity and sorrow for someone else’s misfortune to the extent that one might even feel the Basic principle same pain of others in a certain experience. On the other hand, This everyday fact is a basic principle students learn at med- ‘empathy’ denotes the ability to mentally understand and share ical colleges as they are taught the necessity to empathize with the feelings of others, appreciate them and act accordingly. their patients without getting emotionally carried away into Let me clarify the meanings and the difference a little more sympathizing with them in order to maintain ability to make to explain the purpose of this article. Experiencing a misfortune sound judgments as well as to void overburdening themselves makes someone feel sorrow, pain and heartbreak. He might with the pains and sorrow they see all the time in their line of also get into an endless state of sadness that might make work. For the same reasons, surgeons are not allowed to oper- him/her unable to make sound judgments or decisions con- ate on their nearest and dearest in order to avoid deterring their cerning his/her ordeal. At that point, people around, especially sound judgment. those who care for this person, will be divided into two groups. It is easy to find people who sympathize with you and echo The first one will literally feel the same sorrow and sadness to your sorrows and grief, but it is much harder to find people from become replicas of the person they care for. They provide psy- the second group who mentally empathize with you. This chological support as they wish to say that ‘we are there for you embarrassment of exposing sensitive issues to those close to us and share your concerns’. The second group is those who fully might be one of the reasons why the psychiatric and social understand the magnitude of the dilemma yet they remain advice profession is flourishing nowadays. People are accepting ‘pulled together’ and in full control of their mental abilities such the idea of visiting a shrink to help them make the right the as vision and decision-making. decisions to solve problems they face, even if they have to pay Here, I do not mean to say that the second group is better or too much for it! —Translated by Kuwait Times from Al-Jarida Iraq attacks kill 27 as security forces vote Page 8

TUESDAY, APRIL 29, 2014 Assad to stand again for president

DAMASCUS: Syrian President Bashar al-Assad has registered to run in next month’s presidential vote, which is expected to return him to power despite the grinding conflict, the parliament speaker announced yesterday. The election will be Syria’s first multi-candidate presidential vote, after changes to the constitution, but it has already been criticised by the opposition and much of the international community as a “farce”. The government has not explained how it will hold the vote in a country gripped by a brutal war that has killed more than 150,000 people and left large swathes of territory beyond regime control. Speaking at a session of parliament, speaker Mohamed al-Lahham read a letter from Assad announcing his candidacy. “I, citizen Bashar Hafez al-Assad, wish to present my candidacy for the post of president of the republic,” the document said. A posting on the presidency’s official Facebook page quoted Assad as calling on supporters of different candidates to express themselves through the ballot box. “Those who wish to express their joy and support for any candidate for the presidency should do so in a responsible, patriotic way, first, and secondly, through the ballot box in a timely fashion,” he said. “I call on all Syrian citizens to refrain from firing in the air in joy, whatever the occasion might be, especially as Syria will be having its first election in modern history.” In Damascus, as children left school, dozens of young girls and boys chanted their approval of his candidacy, shouting “God, Bashar, and that’s all”. Assad is expected to sail to victory against the six other candidates who have so far announced their runs, one of them a woman. They are all largely unknown, except for one member of parlia- ment, and it remains unclear how they will angle their campaigns against Assad. Assad became president after his father Hafez died in DAMASCUS: Syrian demonstrators shout slogans and wave portraits of Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad during a protest in support of the President in Damascus 2000 and will be competing in the first multi-candidate elections for yesterday after he registered to run in next month’s presidential vote, which is expected to return him to power despite the grinding conflict. — AFP the post, after a constitutional amendment did away with a referen- to regime-held parts of Aleppo city. dum system. The western part of the city has been without power for more than Electoral rules prevent those who have lived outside Syria for the a week, after the opposition cut high-tension power lines to try to past decade from competing, effectively ruling out participation by pressure the regime to end aerial raids on the rebel-held east of the the opposition-in-exile. city. But the Observatory, a Britain-based monitor, said Monday that a statement from the Al-Nusra Front jihadist group promised to “restore ‘Parody of democracy’ electricity to all of Aleppo to end the suffering of our people.” With nearly half the population displaced, inside and outside the Earlier, the Observatory reported that regime helicopters had country, it is unclear how many Syrians will be able to vote. dropped barrel bombs on the rebel-held Masaken Hanano district of The head of the electoral commission also said yesterday that eastern Aleppo. Rights group have decried the use of the highly Syrians who left the country “illegally” would not be allowed to vote. destructive, improvised bombs saying they cause indiscriminate civil- Many of the approximately three million Syrians who have fled the ian casualties. country did so through by being smuggled across the border into The Assad regime has increasingly employed them over rebel-held neighbouring countries, or crossing through rebel-held border posts. parts of Aleppo, where fighting between the government and rebels The main opposition National Coalition has criticised the elections has stepped up in recent weeks. as a “farce” and Washington said the vote would be a “parody of Hundreds of people, mainly civilians, have been killed in a nearly democracy”. five-month aerial offensive against Aleppo. More than 150,000 people Elsewhere in the country, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights have been killed in the Syrian conflict since March 2011, according to said opposition fighters had announced they would restore electricity the Observatory. — AFP Israel, Palestinians US congressman in custody NEW YORK: US congressman Michael from upholding the law to breaking it. In so square up as peace Grimm was taken into custody yesterday doing he turned his back on every oath he and charged with fraud and obstruction of had ever taken,” US Attorney for the Eastern deadline looms justice, accused by federal prosecutors of District of New York, Loretta Lynch, said in making $1 million “disappear” from the announcing the charges. JERUSALEM: Israel and the Palestinians appeared books of a business he owned. Lynch pulled no punches, outlining how determined yesterday to seal their divorce as The former FBI agent and a second-term Grimm hired undocumented workers and Washington’s nine-month deadline for reaching a Republican from Staten Island was paid them cash, off the books, in a scheme Mideast peace deal was to expire, leaving peace hopes arraigned in federal court where he plead- to fraudulently under-report earnings at in tatters. ed not guilty to an array of charges linked Healthalicious, the Manhattan restaurant After more than a year of intensive shuttle diploma- to his conduct while the owner of a health he co-owned from 2007 through 2010. cy by US Secretary of State John Kerry with the initial food restaurant before he became a mem- The scheme, Lynch said, allowed Grimm aim of brokering a deal by April 29, Washington’s ber of the House of Representatives. to make “over $1 million simply disappear.” patience appeared to be growing dangerously thin as A federal indictment charged Grimm The indictment stated: “In an attempt to both sides moved to distance themselves from the cri- with 20 counts, including five counts each conceal his schemes, in January 2013, while sis-hit talks. of mail fraud and wire fraud, three counts of a member of Congress, Grimm lied under Speaking to a closed meeting of senior international filing false tax returns, two counts of per- oath during a civil deposition about his role diplomats and officials, Kerry reportedly said that if jury and one of obstructing official pro- in operating the restaurant, including false- ceedings. ly denying that he had paid Healthalicious’s Israel didn’t seize the opportunity to make peace soon, “Michael Grimm made the choice to go workers in cash.” — AFP it risked becoming an “apartheid state,” a US news web- site reported Sunday. “A two-state solution will be clearly underscored as the only real alternative,” he said, according to a tran- script of the meeting obtained by The Daily Beast web- site. “Because a unitary state winds up either being an apartheid state with second class citizens-or it ends up being a state that destroys the capacity of Israel to be a Jewish state,” he said. Apartheid is the term for the system of racial segre- gation put in place by the white supremacist regime in South Africa from 1948 until the country’s first all-race elections in 1994. Although the process was at a point of “confronta- tion and hiatus,” Kerry insisted it was not dead-yet.

The sword of reconciliation But both the Palestinians and the Israelis appear to have drawn their own conclusions about the life expectancy of the US-led negotiations, which have made no visible progress since they began on July 29, 2013. Last week, Palestinian leaders in the West Bank and the Hamas-run Gaza Strip announced a surprise unity deal aimed at ending years of bitter political rivalry. Israel denounced the deal as a deathblow to peace hopes and said it would “not negotiate” with any gov- ernment backed by the Islamist movement. Washington also denounced the deal as “unhelpful”. Under the deal, the Palestine Liberation Organisation (PLO) and Hamas will work to establish a new unity gov- ernment of political independents which would be headed by president Mahmud Abbas. It would recognise Israel, renounce violence and abide by existing agreements, in line with the key prin- ciples set out by the Mideast peacemaking Quartet, Abbas said. But Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said on Sunday there would be no negotiations with the new government unless Hamas accepted Israel, otherwise Abbas would be forced to chose between the two. Chief Palestinian negotiator Saeb Erakat accused Israel of using reconciliation as a weapon. “During the negotiations, reconciliation was a sword used by Israel every day-they were asking: what would you do with Gaza?” he told Voice of Palestine radio yes- terday. — AFP TUESDAY, APRIL 29, 2014 INTERNATIONAL Jordan arrests suspects after unrest in tribal town

AMMAN: Jordanian police arrested about 16 youths hoods saw youths firing at police targets and burning suspected of involvement in armed attacks against tyres to block off roads. government buildings in the poor southern town of Petrol bombs were thrown on two banks and two Maan in protest against the killing of a man, security police stations were attacked by unknown gunmen. officials said yesterday. Witnesses said security forces remained vigilant The unrest broke out last week over the death of near government buildings as a precautionary meas- bystander Qusai al-Imami during a raid on what ure and outside the city but without a heavy pres- authorities described as bandits and drug dealers in ence that could provoke locals. the tribal stronghold, which is known for its defiance Deputy Amjad Al-Khatab, to whose tribe the dead of central authority. youth belonged, said successive governments was to Although civil unrest is rare in Jordan, Maan has blame for the unrest. He accused the authorities of been the scene of violent protests in recent years, failing to inject much-needed investments to create often refecting Bedouin resentment against the gov- jobs in the economically deprived city. ernment as well as tribal rivalries. Muslim Salafi fun- Jordan, which is reeling under the impact of more damentalists are also active. Many residents carry than 600,000 Syrian refugees, is struggling to satisfy weapons and have resisted pressure to disarm. demands of Jordanians for state jobs as it imple- Last week’s raid was mounted a day after a relative ments an IMF-austerity programme to cut its chronic of fugitives killed in earlier police round-ups had fired budget. on several policemen guarding the Maan court in the Inter-tribal violence has been on the rise in Jordan old city. where tribes, who are the original inhabitants of the City mayor Majid al-Sharari said police had arrest- country, form the backbone of support for the ed around 16 people in the last two days who are sus- Hashemite dynasty. Although eruptions of tribal vio- pected to have been behind the attacks. lence are not new, they have become more frequent ARBIL: Members of the Kurdish Peshmerga force show their ink-stained fingers in the northern Kurdish city Residents reported gunfire every night from last and eclipsed traditional protests against government of Arbil yesterday, after casting her ballot in special voting ahead of Iraq’s first election since US troops with- Wednesday till Friday. Witnesses said some neighbor- policies. — Reuters drew. — AFP Free political prisoners, Iraq attacks kill 27 as urges Iran ex-president security forces vote

TEHRAN: Iran’s former president Mohammad added. Khatami has called for the release of political pris- The fate of Mousavi and Karroubi-both of whom Six journalists wounded in bomb blast oners and urged an end to house arrest for two are reportedly suffering health problems-has BAGHDAD: Attacks including a spate of suicide bombings killed allegedly consolidating power and targeting minority groups leaders who alleged fraud after the 2009 election. attracted global attention and triggered heated 27 soldiers and policemen yesterday as they voted in Iraq’s first amid worsening security, is seeking a third term with Iraqis frus- In remarks published by ISNA news agency, debate at home. Western powers and UN Secretary election since US troops withdrew. trated over poor basic services, rampant corruption and high Khatami, in office between 1997 and 2005, said General Ban Ki-moon have repeatedly urged Tehran The bombings in Baghdad and the north and west raise seri- unemployment. such steps would benefit the country. to release them from house arrest, and Iranian ous concerns about the security forces’ ability to protect people He was referring to Mir Hossein Mousavi and reformists have echoed those appeals. during Wednesday’s general election, when more than 20 million ‘Iraqis want change’ Mehdi Karroubi, reformists held incommunicado Rouhani promised to resolve the issue and his Iraqis are eligible to vote. The month-long campaign has seen Baghdad and other cities since February 2011, after they urged massive officials have expressed criticism of the measures They come amid a protracted surge in violence and fears the plastered with posters and decked out in bunting, as candidates street protests following the election. imposed on Mousavi and Karroubi. In December, country is edging towards all-out conflict. Seven attackers wear- have taken to the streets, staged loud rallies and challenged each Thousands of protesters, reformists and journal- influential Iranian conservative lawmaker Ali ing suicide belts hit polling stations in Baghdad and cities north other in angry debates. ists were arrested after demonstrations that Motahari said the judiciary should end the house of the capital, while roadside bombs struck military convoys and “All Iraqis have a desire for change,” said Jawad Kadhim, a became known as Iran’s green movement. “The lift arrests and put Mousavi and Karroubi on trial. targeted journalists covering the polling. police sergeant. “There should be a change from the previous on house arrests and the release of all those who However, the decision rests with the Islamic At one voting centre in western Baghdad where a suicide government which has failed in all senses of the word. The parlia- are in prison is beneficial for the country, establish- republic’s judiciary and the Supreme National bomber killed seven policemen, ambulances ferried off the ment did not do anything.” ment and everyone,” Khatami said, referring to the Security Council. Judicial officials have in recent wounded as soldiers cordoned off the street and ushered Along with more than 800,000 members of the security forces prisoners. months said the restrictions on Mousavi and passers-by away, an AFP journalist said. eligible to vote at upwards of 500 polling centres nationwide, “Although the release has been already delayed Karroubi will not be lifted unless they repent. Five members of the security forces were killed by another hospital and prison staff, patients and inmates were also voting for too long, many of them will be free soon provid- On Monday, prosecutor general Gholam Hossein suicide bomber at a polling station in the city’s north. Attacks on Monday. elsewhere killed 15 members of the security forces, officials said. The election commission also said more than 60,000 ballots ing that no other case is being built against them,” Mohseni Ejeie, Iran’s intelligence minister between In the main northern city of Mosul, six Iraqi journalists were had so far been cast in out-of-country voting, which continued Khatami was quoted as saying. 2005 and 2009, was quoted by official news agency wounded as a bomb exploded while they were in a military vehi- yesterday. Khatami said a “change” in the country’s political IRNA as saying there was “no change” in the cle to cover the vote. The blasts shattered an early morning calm Attacks on candidates, election workers and political rallies atmosphere was among expectations from the Mousavi and Karroubi cases. as soldiers and policemen queued outside polling stations amid have cast a shadow over the election, and parts of Iraq that have administration of self-declared moderate President Meanwhile, the opposition website tight security, before leaving with the traditional purple ink- been out of government control for months will not see any bal- Hassan Rouhani, who won a first-round electoral reported that Karroubi has expressed readiness to stained finger indicating they had voted. lots cast. Authorities announced a week of public holidays to try victory over conservatives last year. stand open trial, so that he could give his account No group claimed responsibility for the bloodshed, but Sunni to bolster security for the election. The unrest is the latest in a “Even if they were freed one day earlier, it would of what he called the “engineering” of the 2009 militant groups are typically blamed for suicide bombings and for months-long surge in violence that has claimed nearly 3,000 lives be an auspicious matter and in regards with the lift election which led to Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s sec- trying to derail the political process. already this year, and anti-government fighters have held an on the house arrest, I hope it happens,” Khatami ond term in office. — AFP Government officials did not publicly comment on the entire town a short drive from Baghdad since the beginning of attacks. Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki, lambasted by critics for the year. — AFP TUESDAY, APRIL 29, 2014 INTERNATIONAL Pilot missing after two planes collide RICHMOND: Crews were searching the Undersheriff Jim Wegner said. northern part of San Francisco Bay for a Both planes had departed from Eagle’s pilot after two small planes collided while Nest Airport to participate in the Pacific heading home from an air and auto show, Coast Dream Machines, an annual festival sending one aircraft crashing into the at Half Moon Bay Airport that features a water while the other one safely reached variety of planes, motorcycles and cars. its destination. Both planes left Half Moon Bay, about 20 Search teams found no signs of the miles (32 kilometers) south of San downed pilot after scouring San Pablo Bay Francisco, and were on their return flight to through the night, Coast Guard Petty Ione. Officer Loumania Stewart said early Witnesses at Point San Pablo Yacht Monday. She said there were no immedi- Harbor told the San Francisco Chronicle ate plans to suspend the search. that the Cessna spiraled out of control and The collision Sunday afternoon near crashed into the choppy water. Debris was the Richmond-San Rafael Bridge found in the bay after the collision, Stewart involved a single-engine Cessna 210 and said. a single-engine Hawker Sea Fury TMK 20, Wegner wouldn’t discuss damage to the Federal Aviation Administration Sea Fury, citing the ongoing investigation spokesman Ian Gregor said. by the FAA and the National Transportation The Cessna went into the bay, and the Safety Board. FAA records indicate the Sea Sea Fury’s pilot was able to land 40 min- Fury, a vintage British fighter plane, is regis- utes later at Eagle’s Nest Airport in the tered to Sanders Aeronautics Inc. in Ione. A small Northern California city of Ione, man who answered the phone at the com- Gregor said. Amador County firefighters pany’s listed number declined to comment. and medics sent to the Ione airport were Sanders Aeronautics’ website said the not needed because the pilot and pas- family-run company specializes in aircraft TUSHKA: This Friday, April 15, 2011, file photo, shows an SUV that has come to rest on a tree in Tushka, Okla. A large section of the senger in the Sea Fury - a husband and restoration, and brothers Dennis and Brian Midwest and South are at risk for strong tornadoes, severe thunderstorms and flash flooding this weekend, forecasters say. —- AP wife - were not injured, county Sanders are avid air racers. — AP Student to be arraigned Tornadoes kill 17 in in prom day slaying Arkansas, Oklahoma HARTFORD: A 16-year-old student faces school’s football field. Organizers are arraignment on murder charges in the seeking donations so the junior class can stabbing death of a classmate at their buy a memorial bench in Sanchez’s hon- high school on the day of the junior or. New $14 million intermediate school destroyed prom. Mark Robinson, a technical education Police haven’t released the suspect’s teacher who saw the suspect being taken VILONIA: Three years after a tornado devastated 60 to 70 homes and injuring 25 people in the city that no one was killed. name, but people who saw him taken out of the school in handcuffs, said the Little Rock suburb of Vilonia, its residents found of Baxter Springs, according to authorities in “About 30 vehicles - large trucks, sedans, pickup into custody identified him as Chris Plaskon is the third of five brothers and themselves huddling in the dark early yesterday Kansas. A death was reported in Baxter Springs, trucks - were going through there when the funnel Plaskon, a friend of the victim, 16-year- has a good sense of humor. His family has wondering how they would rebuild again after the but it wasn’t yet known if it was caused by the tor- cloud passed over,” said Bill Sadler, a spokesman for old Maren Sanchez. deep roots in the community, Robinson most powerful tornado yet this year carved a path nado, making the Oklahoma death the only con- the Arkansas State Police. Plaskon’s attorney, Richard Meehan, said. through their city and others nearby, killing at least firmed death from Sunday’s storms outside of Karla Ault, a Vilonia High School volleyball says his client is being held in a hospital “There’s no reason to suspect he 16 people. Arkansas. A suspected tornado struck near Plain coach, said she sheltered in the school gymnasium under psychiatric evaluation and will not would have done this. I think that’s what The tornado touched down Sunday about 10 Dealing in northwest Louisiana. as the storm approached. After it passed, her hus- appear at his arraignment, scheduled for makes it harder,” Robinson said. miles west of Little Rock at around 7 p.m., then The overall death toll stood at 17 early yester- band told her their home had been reduced to the today in New Haven. Classmate Imani Langston, who saw carved an 80-mile path of destruction as it passed day. The tornado that hit Arkansas didn’t form until slab on which it had sat. Plaskon is charged as a juvenile but Plaskon being read his rights and taken through or near several suburbs north of the state night was setting in, so the full extent of the dam- “I’m just kind of numb. It’s just shock that you Meehan has said he expects him to even- away in a police car, said Sanchez and the capital, including Vilonia. It grew to be a half-mile age wouldn’t be known until after sunrise yester- lost everything. You don’t understand everything tually be charged as an adult. The stab- boy were just friends and had never dat- wide and remained on the ground for much of that day. The National Weather Service’s Storm you have until you realize that all I’ve got now is bing occurred Friday morning at ed. route, authorities said. Prediction Center said more storms were expected just what I have on,” Ault said. Jonathan Law High School in Milford, Sanchez, a member of the National Among the ruins was a new $14 million inter- Monday in the South and Mississippi Valley. The country had enjoyed a relative lull in violent hours before the school’s prom, and Honor Society who was active in drama mediate school that was set to open this fall. weather and didn’t record the first tornado death authorities are investigating whether and other school activities, had been “There’s just really nothing there anymore. Destruction until Sunday, when a North Carolina infant who Sanchez was stabbed after turning down focused on prom in the days before her We’re probably going to have to start all over The Arkansas twister shredded cars, trucks and was injured by a twister Friday died at a hospital. the boy’s invitation to the dance. death. She had posted a photograph on again,” Vilonia Schools Superintendent Frank 18-wheelers stuck along Interstate 40 north of But the system that moved through the Plains, Connecticut’s chief medical examiner Facebook of her blue prom dress and was Mitchell said after surveying what was left of the Little Rock. After the storm passed, tractor-trailer Midwest and South on Sunday produced torna- said Sunday that Sanchez died of wounds looking forward to attending with a new building. rigs tried to navigate through the damage to con- does that struck several states, including also to her torso and neck. Milford boyfriend. The tornado was the largest of several pro- tinue their journeys, while gawkers held smart- Missouri, Nebraska and Iowa. Alderwoman Greta Stanford said the People who know Plaskon said he is duced by a powerful storm system that rumbled phones to their windows to offer a grim glimpse of The weather service’s North Little Rock office school would remain closed. A memorial an athlete and described him as genial through the central and southern US. Another the destruction. said it was virtually certain that the Mayflower and service is scheduled for 7 pm on the and respectful. — AP twister killed a person in Quapaw, Okla., before State troopers went vehicle-to-vehicle to check Vilonia storm would be rated as the nation’s crossing into Kansas to the north and destroying on motorists and found - with genuine surprise strongest twister to date this year. — AP p10 2_Layout 1 4/28/14 10:04 PM Page 1


UN rights chief arrives in conflict-wracked South Sudan

JUBA: The UN’s top human rights official arrived in Both sides have been implicated in atrocities Conflict takes an ‘ugly turn’ town fell to rebels. “People who fled to the hospital South Sudan yesterday, officials said, amid mount- and war crimes including massacres, rapes, attacks More details on the Bentiu atrocities emerged in search of safety were selectively targeted based ing global outrage over the country’s civil war and a on UN bases sheltering civilians from ethnic vio- yesterday, with the international aid agency on their identities and loyalties. Once again in wave of atrocities. lence and the recruitment of child soldiers. Doctors Without Borders (known by its French South Sudan, we see hospitals-places that should The UN’s High Commissioner for Human Rights In neighbouring Ethiopia, peace talks between acronym MSF) releasing fresh eyewitness testimony be protected safe havens-are increasingly places of Navi Pillay and special envoy for the prevention of the government and rebels were scheduled to of the carnage. attack and cruelty,” he said. genocide Adama Dieng arrived in the capital Juba, resume yesterday, according to regional mediators, “What I saw in Bentiu-bodies of civilians strewn Kiir’s government has been fighting Machar’s a UN spokesman said. although previous rounds have achieved little and through the streets in grisly states of damage and forces-a mix of army defectors and ethnic militia- The two are expected to remain in the country hopes of progress remain limited. A ceasefire decay, being eaten by dogs and birds-was an since December 15. The four-month-old war has until tomorrow and hold meetings with South signed in January quickly collapsed. “Talks are set to affront to humanity,” said Raphael Gorgeu, MSF’s left thousands and possibly tens of thousands of Sudan President Salva Kiir and other senior officials. start today,” a diplomat from the IGAD regional bloc head of mission in the country. “The violence in people dead, and forced over one million to flee They are due to tour massacre sites “if security con- told AFP. South Sudan has taken a particularly ugly turn, their homes. ditions allow”, UN Mission in South Sudan The head of the government peace delegation, stripping people of their most basic human dignity. More than 78,000 civilians are currently spokesman Joe Contreras said. Information Minister Michael Makuei, also said a It is a terrible thing to witness.” crammed into eight UN bases in the country, while Last week the UN Security Council raised the resumption may be possible later in the day. Christopher Lockyear, MSF’s operations manager thousands have fled to neighbouring states, mainly threat of sanctions against both sides in the con- Earlier this month, the rebels were blamed for for South Sudan, said staff had “heard tales of hor- Uganda and Ethiopia. flict-the government forces loyal to President Kiir, the killings of hundreds of people in the oil hub of rific brutality taking place on the hospital grounds” The violence has taken on an ethnic dimension, and rebels backing former vice president Riek Bentiu, and a pro-government mob killed dozens of in Bentiu, and had credible information of up to 33 pitting Kiir’s Dinka tribe against militia forces from Machar. civilians in an attack on a UN base in Bor. people killed in Bentiu State Hospital when the Machar’s Nuer people. —AFP

22 killed in attack on C African hospital

BANGUI: At least 22 people including employees, without giving further threat to their lives”. three staff members of medical charity details. The gunmen had stormed into Medecins Sans Frontieres were killed the building as local representatives Muslims flee Bangui during a weekend attack by gunmen on and MSF employees held a meeting, The Seleka rebels were ordered to a Central African hospital, in the latest the MISCA officer said. disarm by their leader Michel Djotodia atrocity to hit the violence-plagued “The assailants first opened fire at a several months after they installed him country. group of people, gunning down four of in power in a coup. But some ignored The brutal attack in the northwest them. Then they went to the hospital orders and went on a killing, raping and was blamed on the mostly Muslim where they killed 15 other people and pillaging rampage. rebels known as the Seleka, whose coup three members of MSF. Mostly Christian communities then in March last year unleashed a vicious “They took computers and several formed “anti-balaka” vigilante forces to cycle of sectarian violence. other assets, breaking down doors wreak revenge against Muslims, usually “Armed men from the ex-Seleka and probably in search for cash,” added the targeting innocent people. of Fula ethnicity on Saturday afternoon officer. “France strongly condemns the Djotodia resigned in January after attacked a hospital supported by MSF in deadly attack perpetrated on April 27 failing to put down the violence that the region of Nanga Boguila, killing at against the medical centre,” said French least 22 people, including three Central foreign ministry spokesman Roman has claimed thousands of lives and dis- African employees of MSF and leaving a Nadal on Monday. placed a quarter of the country’s 4.6 dozen wounded,” an officer from the “The perpetrators of this intolerable million population. And today, extrem- African-led MISCA peacekeeping force attack must be brought to justice,” he ists of the Seleka alliance actively told AFP yesterday. said, while adding his praise for MSF’s encourage de facto partition. MSF confirmed the death of its three work “in difficult conditions and under African and French peacekeepers, backed up recently by an EU force, have been struggling to curb the fighting ripping the country apart. “It is a region that is not completely secured, because our forces (are not large enough) to be deployed in other sites than the main cities like ALGIERS: Algeria’s Supreme Court chief Slimane Boudi (R) reads from the holy Quran as Algerian President Bossangoa,” said the MISCA officer, Abdulaziz Bouteflika repeats taking an oath during his inauguration ceremony as he is sworn as Algeria’s President for a fourth term in Algiers yesterday. Official results showed that Bouteflika won 81.5 percent of the referring to a city about 100 kilometres votes in an election marred by low turnout and claims of fraud by his opponents. — AFP from the scene of the MSF attack. The weekend attack came as 1,300 Muslims left the capital Bangui on Sunday under heavy guard. Bouteflika sworn in as Tens of thousands have already fled northwards, almost emptying the south of the country of Muslims. They have president for 4th term travelled to predominantly Muslim BANGUI: People celebrate, in Bangui, after about 1,300 Muslims who were areas in the north, while thousands of President gives first public address in two years hiding in the PK12 district left in a convoy escorted by the Misca African others have fled across borders into force, to be relocated in the north of the country. — AFP Chad and Cameroon.—AFP ALGIERS: Abdelaziz Bouteflika was lowing a display of their weapons out- many people had been clamouring sworn in as Algeria’s president for a side the beachfront Palace of Nations for change. fourth term yesterday, a year after suf- resort. After shaking hands with the Algeria has witnessed more self- fering a mini-stroke that was expected head of a constitutional panel, immolations than Tunisia since 2011 to end his 15-year grip on power. Mourad Medelci, and members of his and many people express astonish- Sitting in a wheelchair and dressed government, Bouteflika was greeted ment that a state with foreign in a navy three-piece suit and crimson by celebratory ululation. exchange reserves of $182 billion tie, Bouteflika placed his right hand The inauguration ceremony does not do more to improve their on the Koran as he repeated in a frail wrapped up after 30 minutes with a lives. Social discontent and deadly voice the oath read out by Supreme standing ovation for Bouteflika, and a riots rattled Algeria in January 2011 Court chief Slimane Boudi. rousing rendition of Algeria’s national when revolts were spreading across The 77-year-old, who was also in a anthem. the region, but the regime snuffed out wheelchair when he cast his ballot in Bouteflika followed it up by paying the protests with a sprinkling of politi- the April 17 election, has hardly been tribute to those killed in the war of cal reforms and pay rises. seen in public since the mini-stroke independence at El Alia cemetery, the Bouteflika’s third term in office was that confined him to hospital in Paris final resting place of other former overshadowed by speculation about for three months last year. presidents. his health, and even rumours he had Official results showed he won 81.5 died, after he underwent surgery in percent of the votes in the election Opposition boycott Paris in 2005 for a stomach ulcer. marred by low turnout and claims of The opposition boycotted The Algerian president was hospi- fraud by his opponents, including Monday’s swearing-in ceremony, talised in France again in April last main rival Ali Benflis, who received including five parties that had called year after a mini-stroke, spending just 12.2 percent. on their supporters to stay away from three months recovering and chairing In a brief inauguration speech the election. Among the absentees just two cabinet meetings in 2013. before senior Algerian officials, diplo- was Benflis, who has refused to recog- But he won re-election in a land- mats and other delegates, Bouteflika nise Bouteflika’s re-election, saying slide, despite not even taking part in stumbled on his words as he thanked that doing so would make him “com- campaigning. And in his inauguration the security forces and observers for plicit in fraud”. speech he said he would continue to “ensuring the election was run One of the few remaining veterans seek from “international partners” smoothly”. of the war of independence against backing for Algeria’s “development Bouteflika also paid tribute to vot- France, Bouteflika first came to power based on mutual support and the ers and other candidates in the elec- in 1999, and has been dogged by ill transfer of technology”. tion, which he hailed as a “day of cele- health and corruption scandals. He also promised the advent of a bration and democracy for Algeria”. Bouteflika remains popular with “diversified economy” in a country At the start of the ceremony, many Algerians who credit him with heavily reliant on hydrocarbons, Bouteflika had sat with his hands on helping to end a devastating civil war which account for 97 percent of his knees as he inspected soldiers fol- and contain Arab Spring protests. But exports. — AFP Obama announces sanctions on Russia

KOSTYANTYNIVKA: The United States of Russian troops massed on the border will be sanctioned to build pressure on moved to impose fresh sanctions and Ukraine’s prime minister warning of Putin and Russia’s recession-hit econo- against Russia yesterday over the crisis efforts to start a “third world war”. my. He added the measures would also in Ukraine, as pro-Kremlin gunmen focus on “high-tech defence exports to seized another town in the east, further High-tech exports Russia” that he said were not appropri- escalating tensions. On the last leg of a four-country Asia ate given the parlous climate between Speaking in the Philippines, US tour, Obama announced new steps to Moscow and the West. President Barack Obama said the sanc- punish Russia for what the president has The sanctions are in response to tions would include export restrictions called “provocation” on Ukraine’s border, Russia’s perceived lack of action to on high-tech defence goods in a bid to where Moscow has conducted military implement an April 17 accord struck in ratchet up pressure on Russian operations. Geneva to defuse the crisis. Obama has President Vladimir Putin, blamed for the He said Washington would unveil a said Moscow has not “lifted a finger” to worst East-West crisis since the Cold list of “individuals and companies” that enact the deal.—AFP War. Top EU officials were also meeting in Brussels to step up European sanctions on Russia as part of a coordinated glob- al effort against Moscow. On the ground in eastern Ukraine, tensions spiked fur- ther as gunmen stormed the town hall and police offices in Kostyantynivka, the latest in a string of insurgent assaults on towns in the region. The pro-Russian mayor of Kharkiv was also left fighting for his life after unidentified gunmen shot him in the back. In the flashpoint town of Slavyansk, rebels refused to release a group of international monitors from the OSCE after presenting them to the media as “prisoners of war” in what Germany said was a “repugnant” display. KOSTYANTYNIVKA: Local residents lay down sandbags to form a barricade at Meanwhile, the threat of a full-scale the city hall in Kostyantynivka, 35 kilometers (22 miles) south of Slovyansk, invasion loomed large over the ex- eastern Ukraine, yesterday, after masked militants with automatic weapons Soviet country, with tens of thousands seized the hall building. — AP TUESDAY, APRIL 29, 2014 INTERNATIONAL Indian confronts mining industry, wins prize

GARE VILLAGE: The man walked into are challenging building and mining with the big guys.’ But once we started have been killed in 35 countries over the in the area for several years, but Gare Ramesh Agrawal’s tiny Internet cafe, projects that local residents believe will winning a few cases, people started past decade, including six in India, and the neighboring villages of Sarasmal pulled out a pistol and hissed, “You talk damage the environment, undermine believing in themselves and believing in according to a report this month by the and Kosampali have seen little economic too much.” Then he fired two bullets into their livelihoods or even uproot them this country again,” Agrawal said. London-based Global Witness group. benefit. No new schools or hospital clin- Agrawal’s left leg and fled on a motorcy- from their homes. India’s rapid economic growth over ics have been built, and only a few cle. “People are gaining confidence and the past decade has boosted the Asthma, lung ailments on the rise dozen menial labor jobs were offered The 2012 attack came three months losing patience,” environmental lawyer incomes and living standards of millions, After he was shot, Agrawal’s attackers after protests by residents, who were after Agrawal won a court case that Ritwick Dutta said in New Delhi. “These mostly city-dwellers. turned themselves in, revealing them- once self-sufficient growing rice and blocked a major Indian company, Jindal are not established activist groups or But the environmental impact has selves to be Jindal Steel & Power’s securi- vegetables, villagers said. Steel & Power Ltd., from opening a sec- nonprofits like Greenpeace campaign- often been ignored, and the rural poor ty guards. But police never linked the There are, however, new roads on ond coal mine near the village of Gare in ing on global issues like climate change. largely left behind. The 400 million attack with the Indian company. which dozens of uncovered coal trucks the mineral-rich state of Chhattisgarh. rattle through communities every day For a decade, Agrawal - who has no with coal dust blowing off the back. “For formal legal training - has been waging a six years I have been sick,” 55-year-old one-man campaign to educate illiterate villager Sushila Choudhury said through villagers about their rights in fighting bloodshot eyes and the wheezing pollution and land-grabbing by power- cough of an asthmatic. “Why are they ful mining and electricity companies. doing this to us? We haven’t done any- He’s won three lawsuits against major thing wrong.” corporations and has spearheaded sev- Dr. Harihar Patel, the area’s only en more pending in courts. trained doctor for 10 kilometers (six “When I started this fight, I knew I’d miles), said he’s seen a jump in the num- be a target. It will happen again. Let it ber of people with asthma and other happen. I’m not going anywhere,” the lung ailments, skin lesions and exhaus- soft-spoken yoga enthusiast said in an tion. interview this month in the city of “The system is not working properly. Raigarh, where he hobbled around his The rich get richer, and the government modest home with a cane and a metal supports them over us,” Patel said. brace screwed into his shattered femur. “Twenty years ago we had no idea this Agrawal, 60, will be recognized in a could happen to us, to our land and our ceremony in San Francisco as one of six water.” recipients of this year’s $175,000 Agrawal began researching the rights Goldman Environmental Prize, often of the poor in confronting corporations called the “Green Nobel.” in 2005, after becoming alarmed by the Among the other winners are former sudden influx of industry into his home corporate lawyer Helen Slottje who state of Chhattisgarh. In 2010, he won fought fracking - pumping chemicals his first court victory in blocking Indian and water underground to break open company Scania Steel & Power Ltd. from shale rock formations - in New York state expanding a coal-burning power plant and South Africa’s Desmond D’Sa who without clearance. closed down one of the country’s largest He’s been helped by some legal tools toxic dumping sites. The award was along the way. In 2005, India passed a established in 1990 with a grant from law giving citizens the right to review philanthropists Richard and Rhoda RAIGARH: In this April 15, 2014 photo, India’s Ramesh Agrawal walks outside his shop during an interview in public records. Six years later, India Goldman to honor grass-roots environ- Raigarh in Chhattisgarh state, India. Six environmental advocates from India, Peru, Russia and three other launched a separate environmental mental activists in the six regions of nations have won this year’s Goldman Prize, which is awarded annually for grass-roots activism. —AP court system that gave any citizen the Africa, Asia, Europe, Island Nations, right to demand a hearing on environ- North America and Latin America. These are regular, everyday people wor- Indians who live on less than $1.25 a day He also has been jailed for 72 days on mental matters. ried about their survival, and their voices are dubious about their economic what he said were false charges of extor- Two years ago, the court ruled on a Milestone of dissent are forcing India to change.” prospects, particularly those who have tion and defamation that were later dis- lawsuit filed by Agrawal on behalf of “This is the biggest milestone in my Villagers in the central state of lost their land or been forced to live with missed. In the village of Gare, where Gare residents to revoke Jindal’s clear- life,” Agrawal said of the award, which he Madhya Pradesh have won national TV poisoned groundwater, dirty air and Agrawal has helped villagers voice their ance for a second mine in the area. flew to California to receive. “But it also coverage for their cause by standing fetid rivers. objections to Jindal’s plans for more Jindal has since reapplied for clearance makes me sad, that someone in a for- neck-deep in water for days to protest “Why should these villagers pay for mining operations, the earth shakes vio- to mine in the village, and Agrawal is eign country who I don’t even know is large hydro-power dam projects that development that is defined by shop- lently for a half-hour each morning as preparing another suit to block it. “We willing to do so much for us, while so would flood their farms and homes. ping malls and luxury items?” Agrawal workmen blast a gaping coal pit with have to look after the environment, or many people here don’t even know us Apple growers in northeast Himachal asked. “We have to redefine what devel- dynamite, sending clouds of black dust there will be hundreds of thousands of or want to help.” Pradesh are suing dam builders who opment means, and decide if it’s for the billowing up. The acrid smell of smoke people with nothing, no employment, Activists, lawyers and analysts in India they say have tunneling plans that will few or the many.” hangs in the air, already hazy yellow no money, no farmland, no forests,” he say that’s changing as hundreds if not damage their orchards. Environmental activists are also from the nearby power plant pollution. said. “They will end up cutting each oth- thousands of small, scrappy movements “People used to say, ‘You can’t fight increasingly facing violence - at least 908 The company has been mining coal er’s throats just to survive.” —AP

Pakistani killer ‘wanted to teach gays a lesson’ ‘It is tragic that families have lost their relatives’ LAHORE: Short in stature and softly spo- wrongdoing. “My way was wrong. It is he was not gay himself. ken, Pakistani paramedic Muhammed Ejaz tragic that the families have lost their rela- “I started going on Manjam two was probably destined for a life of relative tives but they were spreading evil in socie- months ago using my mobile phone, and anonymity-until he began killing gay men ty and I had to stop it,” said Ejaz, who is due found that the gays are everywhere in he met online. to appear in court yesterday. “I wanted to Lahore,” he said, referring to a popular The 28-year-old father-of-two was warn them to stay away from this evil.” social networking website. arrested last week and confessed to three “They are spreading evil and transmit- brutal murders, saying he wanted to send Brutal killings ting diseases. They cannot control them- a message about the “evils” of homosexu- The killings happened in March and selves,” he added. Ejaz said he was the vic- ality, though police insist he had sex with April, according to police officer Asad tim of sexual abuse by an older boy when his victims first. Sarfraz, who headed the investigation. The he was around 10 and had led a deeply unhappy childhood. “I have hated them ever since for what happened to me,” he said. A court in Lahore remanded Ejaz in custody at a hearing yesterday.

Fear among gays The case has shone an unwelcome spotlight on Pakistan’s closeted gay com- munity, who are often afraid to come out to their families. In the absence of gay ven- ues they rely on the Internet and mobile apps to arrange clandestine dates. Manjam, the gay social networking and dating site which Ejaz is said to have used to meet his victims, has closed to new members in Pakistan. “To increase your pri- vacy and security, we have decided to close Manjam to non-members in Pakistan until further notice,” it said in a statement. With sex outside marriage both illegal and deeply frowned upon, same-sex part- LAHORE: Pakistani policemen escort a handcuffed Pakistani sus- ners are generally able to avoid the same pect, arrested in connection with the murders of three homosexual level of scrutiny which unmarried hetero- men, at a local court in Lahore yesterday. —AFP sexual couples come under. One member of Pakistan’s gay commu- The killings have sent shockwaves victims were a middle-aged retired army nity said he was worried Ejaz could be through the underground gay community Major and two other men, both in their hailed as a hero by some conservative in the eastern city of Lahore, which fears twenties. All three were found with their Muslims. “The problem is that paedophilia Ejaz could be lionised as a hero in a con- necks broken and had been sedated. After and homosexuality are often conflated, so servative Islamic society where homosexu- examining their mobile phone call logs, people think eradicating homosexuality ality is stigmatised and sodomy is punish- police were able to identify Ejaz’s number means eradicating child abuse,” he said. able by up to 10 years in jail. and found another former lover whom Ejaz had been a sexually active member In an interview with AFP from his they used to lure him to a meeting a week of the gay community for several months, prison cell Sunday night, Ejaz, who sport- ago, where they arrested him. the man claimed. “It seems he was moti- ed a neat trimmed beard and was kept Ejaz, who married in 2011 and has two vated by self-hatred and internalised shackled, expressed remorse over the infant children, said his family knew noth- homophobia,” he said. “The worry is-will it killings but said he was acting to stop ing of what he had done and insisted that inspire others to do the same?” — AFP S Lanka police form religious hate crimes unit after attacks

COLOMBO: Sri Lanka police yesterday announced a new unit plaints relating to religious matters,” Illangakoon told to investigate religious hate crimes after attacks by Buddhist reporters. The move follows a series of attacks since early last monks on churches and mosques last year raised concerns year on mosques, churches and Muslim-owned businesses by about religious freedom. nationalist Buddhist groups who accuse religious minorities of Police Inspector-General N. K. Illangakoon said the new undue influence on the island. unit would swiftly investigate any complaint relating to “reli- Videos shared on YouTube have shown mobs led by gious matters” on the majority Buddhist island amid rising Buddhist monks throwing stones and smashing a Christian tensions over the attacks. prayer centre in southern Sri Lanka in January this year while “This unit will cover the entire country and deal with com- police looked on. —AFP TUESDAY, APRIL 29, 2014 INTERNATIONAL Thai opposition leader meets military head

BANGKOK: Thai opposition leader Abhisit nearly a decade of confrontation between The turmoil has dented business confi- through an amnesty bill that could have But supporters of the Shinawatras have Vejjajiva met the head of the armed forces Thaksin and the Bangkok-based royalist dence, especially as Yingluck has headed a allowed Thaksin to return without facing vowed to resist efforts to unseat Yingluck yesterday to discuss ways to avert a show- establishment who see Thaksin, a populist caretaker government with limited powers jail time. The demonstrations quickly and they plan a big rally on the outskirts of down between rival political factions next former telecoms tycoon, as a threat to their since dissolving parliament in December. turned into a bid to oust Yingluck. Bangkok on May 6. Both sides can whip up month that threatens more bloodshed and interests. The protesters accuse Thaksin of Data yesterday showed that industrial out- The rallies have waned in recent weeks large crowds and both have armed economic damage. Former Prime Minister corruption and nepotism, which he denies. put in March was 10.4 percent lower than but that has not deterred protest leader activists in their ranks. Abhisit, who met Armed Forces Supreme They want an unelected “people’s council” in March last year. Suthep Thaugsuban, who has promised a Abhisit, who has taken part in some of Commander General Thanasak Patim- to oversee reforms to tackle graft and end Later, the Commerce Ministry released “final push” to oust Yingluck in May. anti-government rallies, launched his rec- aprakorn, has asked for two weeks to try to what they see as Thaksin’s money politics. data showing exports fell 3.12 percent in The protesters are also pinning their onciliation bid saying he wanted to avert resolve the crisis peacefully. Thaksin, who was ousted in a 2006 mili- March from a year earlier due to a lacklus- hopes on legal cases that could lead to more violence. But his proposal for an elec- “He supports what I want, which is to tary coup and lives in self-imposed exile to tre global economy, while imports were Yingluck’s removal from office within tion to take place alongside political bring all sides together to find a way out avoid a jail sentence for graft handed down 14.19 percent. weeks. She has been charged with abuse reforms has met with a lukewarm response for the country,” Abhisit told reporters after down in 2008, remains hugely popular The central bank has warned that the of power for her transfer of National from both pro-government leaders and a two-hour meeting with Thanasak. among the rural poor in the north and economy could contract in the first quarter Security Council chief Thawil Pliensri in protest leader Suthep. “The commander underscored that northeast. compared with the final three months of 2011, which opponents say was done for The cabinet on Monday extended an political problems must be solved through The military, which has intervened fre- 2013. It has cut its 2014 growth forecast personal and party political reasons. If Internal Security Act in Bangkok and sur- political means.” Prime Minister Yingluck quently in politics in the past, has stayed several times and said last week it would found guilty, she may have to step down. rounding provinces until June 30. It allows Shinawatra has faced months of anti-gov- out this time, although its leaders have probably fall short of its most recent fore- Yingluck has until Friday to present her the authorities to impose curfews, operate ernment protests aimed at removing her said they will intervene if violence worsens. cast of 2.7 percent. defence. She also faces charges of derelic- checkpoints and restrict the movement of and ridding the country of the influence of Twenty-five people have been killed in tion of duty over a state rice subsidy protesters. However, it has done little to her brother, former premier Thaksin politically related violence since the unrest ‘Final push’ scheme that has incurred billions of dollars curb the protests and the government has Shinawatra. began in November, most of them in Yingluck’s government triggered the in losses and left hundreds of thousands of been reluctant to use force against protest- The protests are the latest phase of shootings and grenade blasts. protests late last year by trying to push farmers unpaid. ers for fear of a backlash. —Reuters Undersea search for MH370 to expand

SYDNEY: Australia’s prime minister yes- authorities who are struggling to “By this stage, 52 days into the terday announced an expanded search explain the loss of the aircraft. search, most material would have across a huge swathe of seabed where “I regret to say that thus far, none of become waterlogged and sunk.” Flight Flight MH370 might have crashed seven our efforts in the air, on the surface, or MH370 disappeared on March 8 carry- weeks ago, admitting it is now “highly undersea have found any wreckage,” ing 239 people and is believed to have unlikely” any surface wreckage will be Tony Abbott said. He added it was now crashed in the southern Indian Ocean found. “highly unlikely” authorities would find off west Australia after mysteriously A massive hunt for the Malaysia surface debris, noting that an area of diverting from its Kuala Lumpur to Airlines Boeing 777 in the southern more than 4.5 million square kilometres Beijing journey. Indian Ocean has so far yielded nothing (1.5 million square miles) had been Abbott said the search would now either on the surface or below, baffling scanned from the air. enter a new phase of intensified under- sea efforts, with authorities scouring the ocean floor over an area of about 56,000 square kilometres. “If necessary, of the entire probable impact zone which is roughly 700 kilo- metres by 80 kilometres,” he said when asked about the extent of the search area. The search zone has been defined by analysis of satellite data. Searchers’ hopes were boosted by several detec- tions of transmissions believed to have come from the plane’s black box flight recorders before their batteries died. MANILA: A Filipino activist holds a slogan near the Malacanang presidential palace yesterday during a rally to But the US Navy submersible Bluefin- oppose the Enhanced Defense Cooperation Agreement between the Philippines and US. The US military will have 21, scouring a 400-square kilometre greater access to bases across the Philippines under the new 10-year agreement signed yesterday in conjunction with US. — AP CANBERRA: Prime Minister Tony Abbott, left, looks on as retired Chief Air zone centred around one of these trans- Marshall Angus Houston, the head of the Joint Agency Coordination missions, has failed to yield results. Centre, speaks to the media during a press conference at Parliament House Abbott announced a hugely expand- in Canberra, yesterday. Abbott and Houston announced that the underwa- ed underwater search involving differ- Obama: Philippine pact ter hunt for the missing Malaysia Airlines jet will be expanded to include a ent technology, possibly a specialised massive swath of ocean floor. — AP side-scan sonar.—AFP will improve Asia security ‘Our goal is not to counter China’

MANILA: President Barack Obama said Philippines has struggled to bolster its tions that an undercurrent of weakness a 10-year agreement signed yesterday territorial defense amid China’s increas- in his foreign policy has enabled the to give the US military greater access to ingly assertive behavior in the oil- and type of festering crises that have Philippine bases will help promote gas-rich South China Sea, which Obama become distractions even during peace and stability in the region and flew over on his way here, according to Obama’s trip to Asia. Reviewing his deci- that he hopes China’s dominant power the Air Force One cockpit. Chinese para- sion-making on Russia, Syria and other will allow its neighbors to prosper on military ships took effective control of global hot-spots, Obama said he’s their own terms. the disputed Scarborough Shoal, a rich strengthened the US position in the Signed as Obama arrived in Manila, fishing ground off the northwestern world even if his tactics “may not always the Enhanced Defense Cooperation Philippines, in 2012. Last year, Chinese be sexy.” Agreement will give American forces coast guard ships surrounded another temporary access to selected military contested offshore South China Sea ter- New agreement camps and allow them to preposition ritory, the Second Thomas Shoal. “For some reason, many who were fighter jets and ships. Although the deal proponents of what I consider to be a is being perceived as a US effort to Stability disastrous decision to go into Iraq counter Chinese aggression in the Aquino, standing next to Obama in haven’t really learned the lesson of the region, Obama said his message to front of a lush backdrop of tropical last decade,” Obama said of his more Beijing is that the America wants to plants, said the new agreement “takes hawkish critics. “Why? I don’t know.” partner with China in upholding inter- our security cooperation to a higher lev- Honoring Obama at a state dinner national law. el of engagement, reaffirms our coun- later at the palace, Aquino presented “Our goal is not to counter China. tries’ commitment to mutual defense Obama with the “Order of Sikatuna,” a Our goal is not to contain China. Our and security, and promotes regional national award recognizing exceptional goal is to make sure international rules peace and stability.” Still, the increased service to the Philippines and its global and norms are respected and that US military role drew consternation relations. Obama was given the rank of includes in the area of international dis- from some Filipino activists, who say the “Raja,” a distinction bestowed only on putes,” Obama said at a news confer- agreement reverses democratic gains heads of state, and said he was deeply ence with Philippine President Benigno achieved when huge American military honored. Aquino III at the Malacanang Palace. bases were shut down in the early “I accept it in the spirit in which it has Obama’s overnight visit to the 1990s, ending a nearly century-long mil- been bestowed, with a commitment to Philippines is the last stop on a week- itary presence in the former US colony. continuing to depend the bonds long Asia tour that also included Japan, Some 800 of those activists burned between our two great nations,” Obama South Korea and Malaysia. At each stop mock US flags and chanted “no-bama, said as some 300 guests watched from along his tour, Obama reaffirmed the US no bases, no war” on the road leading to long tables adorned with baskets of treaty commitments to defend its Asian the gates of the palace where Obama tomatoes, red peppers, figs and other allies, including in their territorial dis- met with Aquino. Others burned an effi- local produce. Under the new military putes with China. gy of Obama riding a chariot pulled by agreement, Filipino facilities would “We don’t even take a specific posi- Aquino, who was depicted as a dog. remain under Philippine control and US tion on the disputes between nations, Seeking to allay concerns, Obama forces would rotate in and out for joint but as a matter of international law and said at the outset of his remarks that the training, as some already do, and not be international norms, we don’t think that US wasn’t trying to reclaim bases or based in the country, he said. The coercion and intimidation is the way to open new ones. Instead, he said, the Philippine Constitution bars permanent manage these disputes,” Obama said. He agreement will improve maritime secu- US military bases, although hundreds of added that when the US has disputes rity and hasten response to regional American military personnel have been with its neighbors, it works them out natural disasters. deployed in the southern Philippines through dialogue. “We don’t go around Yet even as he moved to increase since 2002 to provide counterterrorism sending ships and threatening folks.” America’s military presence in Asia, training to Filipino soldiers fighting With its anemic military, the Obama pushed back against sugges- Muslim militants.—AP Malaysia holds nine for suspected terror links

KUALA LUMPUR: Malaysian police have links to terrorists abroad, and suspected key figures in militant said they arrested nine people yester- some of them allegedly held “a secret groups such as Jemaah Islamiyah. day under a security law on suspicion meeting to strengthen their militant The al-Qaeda-linked group has of involvement in a terror group with ideology, raise funds and undergo been blamed for a number of attacks overseas links. military training in preparation to in the region-the deadliest being the National police chief Khalid Abu commit acts of terror”. 2002 Bali bombings that killed 202 Bakar said the nine, aged from 22 to The statement gave no further people. 55, were arrested near the capital details. A source familiar with the Police have said they are probing Kuala Lumpur and in the northern arrests said those detained were terrorism as one possible reason why state of Kedah bordering Thailand. Malaysians but not linked to Jemaah Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 veered They were held on suspicion of Islamiyah, a militant Islamic group, or off course and vanished on March 8. being “involved in a militant group to the disappearance of flight MH370. The missing passenger jet is that is responsible for planning terror The source did not elaborate. believed to have crashed into the acts in and outside the country”, Malaysia has not been the target of southern Indian Ocean with 239 peo- Khalid said in a statement. any notable terror attacks in recent ple aboard. No sign of wreckage has He added they were believed to years. But it has been home to several been found. — AFP



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Issues Iraq PM faces fractured oppn in reelection bid

By Mohamad Ali Harissi

ouri Al-Maliki is bidding for a third term as Iraqi premier tomorrow without any obvious chal- Nlenger, in marked contrast to the 2010 election when he faced an ex-premier in a tight race. Supporters of the prime minister, in power since 2006, have culti- vated an image of a strong leader fighting off violent extremists and outside powers. But his critics have lam- basted the 63-year-old Shiite Arab for what they say are insufficient improvements in basic services and perva- sive corruption. Sherpas struggle as Everest shuts down “For Maliki, it is a matter of life or death,” said Aziz Jabr, a political science professor at Baghdad’s By Paavan Mathema hardest on us.” daughter, who is very naughty,” she said of broke free on a dangerous stretch of the Mustansiriyah University. “A third term will mean pre- As the climbing business has grown in her last conversation with her husband, one mountain called the Khumbu Icefall. Sherpa serving all the benefits of being in power, but losing n unprecedented shutdown of Mount Nepal, sherpas, an ethnic group thought to be of three sherpas whose bodies were not and others spent hours digging through means giving up all of that.” But Jabr added “the fissures Everest after the worst ever accident on of Tibetan origin from the eastern Himalayas, recovered from the avalanche.With no sav- snow, pulling out bodies, including that of his that have emerged in the Shiite community in the past Athe world’s highest peak has left griev- have become indispensable as guides and ings, Ang Dali fears for her children. “I wanted cousin, and rescuing injured colleagues. “My four years have not helped highlight another Shiite ing Nepalese sherpa guides and their families porters for expeditions. The most famous sher- a better future for our kids, I never wanted first thought was we were all going to die,” the leader against Maliki.” fearing for their livelihoods. The avalanche on pa is Tenzing Norgay, who made the first sum- them to become guides, but now who knows 38-year-old guide, who has crossed the icefall Though not codified, Iraq’s leaders have established April 18 that tore through a group of sherpas - mit of Everest with New Zealand mountaineer what will happen to them.” numerous times during his 11 summits. a de facto agreement whereby the prime minister is a who were hauling gear up the mountain for Edmund Hillary in 1953. The term today is used The disaster sparked a debate about com- Days after the avalanche, Russell Brice, vet- Shiite, the president a Kurd, and the speaker of parlia- their foreign clients before dawn - left 16 peo- for all local guides who assist Himalayan expe- pensation for the families of injured or killed eran mountaineer and owner of top expedi- ment a Sunni Arab. Tomorrow’s parliamentary election, ple dead and three others seriously wounded. ditions, earning between $3,000 to $6,000 dur- sherpas, many of whom are forced to rely on tion company Himex, told AFP, “anywhere else the first since US troops pulled out in late 2011, comes The resulting labour dispute, with sherpas ing the two to three month season, a relatively the charity of Western climbers despite being in the world, we wouldn’t be climbing across with violence at its worst since Iraq’s brutal sectarian clamouring for better death and injury bene- good wage in a country where hundreds of key to the industry’s success. The govern- an icefall like this one.” “We do it because it’s war between Sunnis and Shiites in 2006-2008, and with fits from the Nepalese government which thousands of others are forced overseas in ment pledged $400 for the families of those Everest,” Brice said. At a funeral ceremony in anti-government fighters in control of the town of reaps huge revenues from the multi-million search of work. The community numbers 600, killed to cover funeral expenses, an offer Kathmandu for those killed, one woman, Fallujah a short drive from Baghdad. In addition to the dollar climbing industry, saw scores of expedi- ranging from cooks on Everest to guides and rejected by angry sherpas, whose families whose husband escaped uninjured from the near-daily bloodshed, voters have a long list of griev- tions cancelled. The effective closure of the elite ice doctors who fix the ropes and ladders currently only receive $10,000 in life insur- avalanche, said the shutdown has left her anx- ances, ranging from power rationing and poor sewer- mountain this season dealt a huge blow to before climbers tackle the peak. ance. Medical coverage is about $3,000, ious about the months ahead. “The mountain age to high unemployment and rampant graft. international climbers who paid large sums which does not even cover the cost of a sin- is our livelihood, this is what we do,” said for the chance to fullfil their dreams of scaling Uncertain Future gle helicopter trip out of base camp for treat- Sarkini Sherpa, whose husband was preparing No Obvious Challenger the 8,848-m high peak. But sherpas, who are For Tenzing Chottar Sherpa, 27, who was ment. to leave base camp. “We had hoped he would Despite these issues, the month-long election cam- often the sole breadwinners for their extend- taking part in his first Everest expedition, it earn enough this season to pay for our kids’ paign has centred around Maliki’s bid for a third term, ed families, face a more desperate problem, meant the chance to send his children to a Everest is ‘Our Livelihood’ education in Kathmandu... but now I am very something he said in February 2011 he did not want to with many left struggling to make ends meet private school, his wife Ang Dali Sherpa told The disaster underscored the huge risks worried, I don’t know how we will pay our pursue. Though his critics have railed against him, a in a country mired in poverty. “All of us came AFP. He had promised to come home as soon borne by sherpas who carry food, fix ropes, bills,” the 40-year-old told AFP. But she was fractious and divided opposition has meant that he here to climb and earn. To choose not to climb as the season ended, and Ang Dali, 28, decid- repair ladders and more to enable climbers to certain the sherpas would return to the moun- remains the frontrunner to retain the premiership. A is a critical decision for us,” Lam Babu Sherpa ed to wait until then to tell him she was preg- reach the “roof of the world”. Namgyal Sherpa tain next year. “This is a terrible tragedy, but potential replacement for Maliki “is the key question” in told AFP as his expedition prepared to leave nant with their third child. “He told me to was just a few steps ahead of those killed the men... will climb again,” she said. “There is these elections, said a Western diplomat who spoke on Everest base camp. “A cancelled season will be take care of our kids, and be patient with our when the massive block of overhanging ice no other option.” —AFP condition of anonymity. “It’s different from 2010... People haven’t formed alliances that offer a clear cut choice ahead of the elections, because everybody is Syrians suffer as call for aid access ignored waiting to see how they will do during the elections. Once the votes are in, we may see people emerge.” The landscape for the April 30 election differs By Sara Hussein siege, around 197,000 of them trapped by government meet needs as best they can. markedly from 2010, when Maliki faced off with Shiite forces. In the Palestinian Yarmouk camp in southern In southern Damascus, one activist described beggars ex-premier Iyad Allawi, who at the time headed a secu- n rebel-held parts of southern Damascus, activists Damascus, more than 100 people are reported to have as “ghosts” wandering the streets, their faces black with lar Sunni-backed coalition. Allawi’s Iraqiya bloc narrow- say the streets are filled with “ghosts” - Syrians wan- died because of food and medical shortages. dirt because there is no running water. “When there’s a ly edged out Maliki, but the incumbent still managed to Idering and begging, desperate for food and medi- The UN agency for Palestinian refugees UNRWA food distribution, people are so hungry they can’t wait manoeuvre to secure the premiership by winning the cine that is nowhere to be found. In February, the UN makes sporadic aid deliveries when it gains govern- to get home to eat it,” Mohammed told AFP over the backing of powerful neighbour Iran and allying with Security Council urged the government and opposition ment permission, but in the past month went two Internet. “You see grown men standing by the distribu- other Shiite parties after the election. Iraqiya has since to allow aid to be delivered freely, but civilians, activists weeks without access. “From the perspective of an aid tion lines and eating right there, on the street.” In south- fractured into multiple factions, and Maliki’s principal and aid workers say little has changed. They lay much organisation trying to work in Yarmouk, it is clear that ern Daraa province, another activist said local aid is Shiite rival in the 2010 polls has also broken down into of the blame on Syria’s government, for preventing UN several blocs. At the time, the premier touted gains aid deliveries through rebel-held border crossings and made in security, when violence was close to multi-year laying siege to opposition areas. lows. “The Syrian government has essentially been using a type of blackmail to not allow UN agencies to be pro- ‘Tackling Extremists’ viding the type of assistance that’s really needed in Security is again at the centre of the debate, but opposition-held territory,” said Lama Fakih, a researcher with Maliki now arguing that he is leading a fight with Human Rights Watch. UN agencies can operate against Sunni extremists. “Maliki is using the security only with government permission and know they could crisis to shift the debate from public dissatisfaction with lose access to government-held areas if they work on governance,” said Michael Knights, a fellow at the the opposition side without regime consent, she said. Washington Institute for Near East Policy. “If he suc- UN resolution 2139, passed with support from ceeds, the security crisis could greatly benefit him.” Anti-government fighters currently control all of Syrian government allies Russia and China, demands Fallujah and are battling Iraqi security forces in other that “all parties, in particular the Syrian authorities, parts of the western desert province of Anbar. promptly allow rapid, safe and unhindered humanitari- Maliki has pointed the finger at Saudi Arabia and an access for UN humanitarian agencies and their Qatar for supporting militancy in Iraq and blamed fall- implementing partners.” It urges access “across conflict out from the civil war in Syria for the surge in blood- lines and across borders, in order to ensure that shed. Analysts and diplomats have urged the premier humanitarian assistance reaches people in need to reach out to Iraq’s Sunni Arab minority and address through the most direct routes.” its complaints to undercut support for militants. Ahead Since the resolution passed, the UN has delivered of the election, though, Maliki and other Shiite leaders aid to a rebel-held area in Aleppo city, but was forced have been loath to be seen to compromise. to use a perilous path from Damascus rather than a With at least some Sunni backing crucial to any real- nearby rebel-held border crossing with Turkey. The istic bid for a third term, that may hamper him. “The government also allowed the UN to deliver aid through image of the strongman that Maliki is trying to cultivate a different border crossing with Turkey that remains will not benefit him among Sunnis,” said Jabr. “The under regime control, with aid going to a city where Sunnis will not accept a third term for Maliki, after four regime forces maintain a presence. years of campaigning against him.” —AFP Knock-on Effects Aid workers say the government’s restrictions on the A file picture taken on Jan 3, 2013 shows a Syrian girl riding her bicycle in an almost deserted street in UN have had a knock-on effect across the entire human- the Teshrin neighborhood of the Qabun area of Damascus. —AFP All articles appearing on these itarian response effort. “It’s not just the fact that the UN pages are the personal opinion of can’t do cross-border convoys directly to opposition- resolution 2139 is not being implemented,” UNRWA dwindling as needs multiply in the fourth year of the held areas, it’s that all of these other parts of the spokesman Chris Gunness told AFP. conflict. “At the start of the revolution, you had many the writers. Kuwait Times takes no machinery are not able to function as they should,” said people who had enough savings to help others. Now, it responsibility for views expressed one aid worker involved in the Syria response. “There ‘People Dying Needlessly’ is no longer the case, especially as the Syrian lira is col- therein. Kuwait Times invites read- have been endemic issues with coordination and the In a progress report on Wednesday, UN chief Ban Ki- lapsing,” Abu Anas said. ers to voice their opinions. Please UN isn’t funding agencies that are doing cross-border moon said “none of the parties to the conflict have In some rebel-held areas, weary residents and fighters activity,” she said. adhered to the demands of the (Security) Council.” have agreed to truces in a bid to win access to food and send submissions via email to: opin- The UN has also been unable to assume its usual role “People are dying needlessly every day,” he said. The medicine, which activists say is evidence that the regime [email protected] or via snail advocating with both sides for access, she added. “The resolution authorises the Security Council to take “fur- uses aid as a weapon. “The regime uses the humanitari- mail to PO Box 1301 Safat, Kuwait. response is bifurcated between what happens from ther steps”, like sanctions, in case of non-compliance, an situation as a card to pressure people into submis- The editor reserves the right to edit Damascus and what happens from neighbouring coun- but it requires a new resolution, which Russia and sion,” said Mohammed, the activist in Damascus. “People tries.” There has also been little relief for the 242,000 China are unlikely to approve. That leaves international say to the armed opposition: ‘What can you do for us? any submission as necessary. Syrians who the UN estimates are under regime or rebel and Syrian aid groups on the ground struggling to Can you bring us food?’” —AFP NEWS TUESDAY, APRIL 29, 2014

Prosecutor summons Barrak over remarks Continued from Page 1 tution as many pro-government MPs have said. Opposition MPs Riyadh Al-Adasani, Abdulkarim Al- The government later directly criticized Barrak’s Kandari and Hussein Quwaiaan filed the request to grill interview without naming him and called for not mak- the prime minister over allegations of mismanagement, ing false accusations without evidence. It also called on corruption and a number of crises that the government people who have any information on corruption to pro- has failed to resolve, like the housing problem. vide all the documents to the prosecution. The supreme This will be the fourth grilling against the prime min- judicial council also issued a rare statement warning ister in the current Assembly term which began in late against attacking judicial officials and said it will take all October. The first one by Adasani was scrapped by the legal actions against such people. Assembly after he refused to delete some issues consid- In a related development, former deputy Assembly ered to be in violation of the constitution. The same speaker and opposition leader Khaled Al-Sultan said in may happen to this grilling. The second grilling was an interview with the same television station that he filed by Adasani and the third by MP Safa Al-Hashem, heard that another mega scandal will be exposed soon. and both were debated together without any further He said the size of the new scandal is between $15-22 action. billion, but Sultan declined to provide more details. The Pro-government MP Youssef Al-Zalzalah yesterday opposition members of the Feb 2012 Assembly also joined several other MPs in saying that the grilling is issued a statement late Sunday night in which they unconstitutional and that the prime minister should not expressed regret and concern over the serious deterio- accept to be quizzed. MP Saleh Ashour said the govern- ration of the situation in Kuwait. The statement called ment has a comfortable majority to discuss and defeat for urgent reforms before things get worse. the grilling, adding that MPs should not make state- In another development, the National Assembly is ments about the grilling ahead of the session. The due to discuss the grilling filed by three MPs last week prime minister has categorically denied that he offered against Prime Minister HH Sheikh Jaber Al-Mubarak Al- cash handouts to MPs, two weeks after pro-government Sabah. The Assembly is expected to refer the grilling to MP Abdullah Al-Tameemi said that he arranged with the its legal and legislative committee to discuss if the prime minister’s office cash handouts to needy people issues in the grilling request are in breach of the consti- and husseiniyas. MAKKAH: A picture taken on Oct 11, 2013 shows pilgrims performing Friday prayer at Makkah’s Grand Mosque, as hundreds of thousands of Muslims poured into this holy city for the annual hajj pilgrimage. — AFP By foot or budget airline, Muslims flock to Makkah

PARIS: Once pilgrims came on camels or on foot in their pilgrimage certificates included in the exhibition illus- thousands, now millions of Muslims make the journey trate how the hajj has always been a source of inspira- to the Makkah each year, travelling by boat, coach and tion for artists. More recent works include “Pilgrims budget airline, and their number is constantly rising. In Going to Makkah” by nineteenth century French artist the past century new modes of transport and techno- Leon Belly, depicting a column of people on camel and logical advances have transformed the hajj. In 2012, foot, as well as contemporary art installations. An eigh- there were over three million pilgrims, 1.6 million of teenth-century pen and ink “map” of the Ottoman whom came by air, while the call to prayer is signalled empire with Makkah at its centre shows a sparsely pop- five times daily by the illumination of 21,000 green and ulated city surrounding the Masjid al-Haram (the Sacred white lights. Mosque) that illustrates the changes in scale that have The meaning of the hajj, however, remains taken place. Today, the mosque is the biggest in the unchanged and is explored in a major new exhibition world covering an area of 350,000 sq m. that has just opened in Paris through works of art and A large-scale photographic work by Ahmed Mater, a photography, rare manuscripts, objets d’art and textiles. Saudi artist, shows the mosque as it is today with the Every day items stress the human aspect with identity foreground filled with cranes bowed over unfinished cards, water bottles, guide books and souvenirs. “We go buildings. In the background, the Abraj al-Bait Towers from the very contemporary to pieces that go back complex can be seen with the outline of the mountains 1,500 years; the emotions are the same,” curator Omar in the distance. The largest of its towers, known as the Saghi, told AFP, adding that the Hajj was “present in the Makkah Royal Clock Tower, is at 601 m, six times as high heart of all Muslims”. as London’s Big Ben. With its 21,000 green and white Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) received the first revela- lights, it can be seen from up to 30 km away at night tions in the early seventh century in Makkah and since and 12 km during daylight hours. then the Saudi city has taken on the role of spiritual And while the modern world may have encroached, centre and the heart of Islam. The pilgrimage is one of the exhibition also shows how the rituals undertaken by the five pillars of Islam; the Holy Quran lays down that it pilgrims have remained essentially unchanged. “Hajj: is a sacred duty for all Muslims to go on pilgrimage to journey to the heart of Islam”, at Paris’s Arab World Makkah, if they are able, at least once in their life. Institute, in partnership with the King Abdulaziz Public Centuries-old miniatures and sections of elaborate Library in Riyadh, runs until Aug 10. — AFP MINYA: Egyptian women faint outside the courtroom after an Egyptian court sentenced Muslim Brotherhood leader Mohamed Badie and other alleged Islamists to death yesterday. — AFP Brotherhood chief sentenced to death Continued from Page 1 police station” in Minya, said the Avaaz rights group. Defence lawyers and relatives of defendants said those Under Egyptian law, death sentences are referred to sentenced to death in March also included a man who the country’s top Islamic scholar for an advisory opinion was killed on Aug 14. before being ratified. A court may choose to commute The government has defended the court’s handling of the sentences, which can later be challenged at an the first mass death sentences, insisting they were issued appeals court. only “after careful study” and were subject to appeal. Of the 683 sentenced yesterday, only 73 are in cus- Prosecutor Abdel Malek defended the charges against tody, prosecutor Abdel Rahim Abdel Malek said. The oth- the 529, saying the prosecution compiled videos and wit- ers have a right to a retrial if they turn themselves in. ness testimony. “We have strong evidence that incrimi- Yesterday’s hearing lasted just 10 minutes, said Khaled nates all those sentenced to death,” he told AFP. Elkomy, a defence lawyer who was in court. The verdict Last month’s death sentences sent a chill through was the first against Badie, spiritual head of Morsi’s opponents of the military-installed regime, which has Muslim Brotherhood, in the several trials he faces on vari- held mass trials of thousands of alleged Islamists since ous charges along with Morsi and other Brotherhood Morsi’s ouster. Amnesty says more than 1,400 people leaders. have been killed in the police crackdown since the army Some female relatives waiting outside the courtroom overthrew Morsi, Egypt’s first elected and civilian leader. fainted on hearing news of the verdict. “Where is the jus- tice?” others chanted. A fugitive from the trial who only Compensation identified himself as Gamal and a member of the Separately, the Qatar-based satellite network Al Brotherhood lashed out at the court. “This is a political tri- Jazeera served Egypt with a $150 million compensation al against those who oppose the military,” said the 25- claim yesterday for what it said was damage to its busi- year-old who was among the 683 sentenced yesterday ness inflicted by Cairo’s military rulers, a step likely to but who is in hiding. “My cousin has also been con- worsen Qatari-Egyptian relations. In a move aimed at demned, but we will continue our lives and this process drawing attention to what Al Jazeera calls Egypt’s unac- will not stop the youths” from demonstrating, he said. ceptable treatment of it and its journalists, a lawyer act- The Brotherhood urged the world to act against “gross ing for the pan-Arab channel told Reuters he had handed human rights violations and injustice committed by the a legal document detailing the claim to a representative military junta in Egypt against its own people”. It said in a of the Egyptian government. statement it would “continue to use all peaceful means to Egypt had begun a “sustained campaign” against Al end military rule and achieve justice”. Jazeera and its journalists after the army toppled Islamist Badie, considered a conservative hardliner, was President Mohamed Morsi in July last year, said Cameron charged with crimes including inciting violence that fol- Doley, a lawyer at London law firm Carter-Ruck, which is lowed the army overthrow of Morsi. The slight, 70-year- handling the case. “Al Jazeera invested substantial sums old veterinary professor stood trial in Cairo in a separate in Egypt,” said Doley. “The effect of this recent campaign case hours after the sentence was affirmed. “If they exe- by the military government is that this investment has cuted me one thousand times I will not retreat from the been expropriated. Egypt is bound by international law right path,” Badie was quoted as saying by lawyer Osama to pay Al Jazeera just and effective compensation.” Morsi, who attended one of his trials in Cairo. The com- Cairo had six months to settle the claim, filed in the ments were published on the Facebook page of Osama context of a bilateral investment treaty, he said, or face an Morsi, son of the Brotherhood leader ousted as president. international tribunal. There was no immediate comment Two security officials told Reuters that Badie appeared from the Egyptian authorities. Qatar, a Gulf Arab monar- relaxed and joked, asking other Brotherhood members to chy that funds Al Jazeera, backs Morsi’s deposed Muslim buy him the red outfit that prisoners condemned to Brotherhood, which Cairo has declared a “terrorist” group. death wear. Qatari ties with Egypt have been strained since the army ousted Morsi after mass unrest against his rule. ‘Industrial Scale’ Sentencings Three Al Jazeera journalists are being tried in Egypt on Those sentenced yesterday were accused of involve- charges of aiding members of a “terrorist organisation”, in ment in the murder and attempted murder of policemen a case that human rights groups say shows the authori- in Minya province on August 14, the day police killed ties are trampling on freedom of expression. All three hundreds of Morsi supporters during clashes in Cairo. deny the charges and Al Jazeera has said the accusations Defence lawyers boycotted the last session, branding it are absurd. Egyptian officials have said the case is not “farcical” after the mass death sentencing, which the linked to freedom of expression and that the journalists United Nations denounced as a breach of international raised suspicions by operating without proper accredita- human rights law. Amnesty International condemned tion. The trio - Peter Greste, an Australian, Mohamed yesterday’s death sentences. “Egypt’s judiciary risks Fahmy, a Canadian-Egyptian national, and Baher becoming just another part of the authorities’ repressive Mohamed, an Egyptian - were detained in Cairo on Dec machinery, issuing sentences of death and life imprison- 29. ment on an industrial scale,” Amnesty’s Hassiba Hadj Both state and private Egyptian media have fanned Sahraoui said in a statement. anti-Brotherhood sentiment, suggesting anyone associ- Lawyer Elkomy claims 60 percent of the 529 defen- ated with the veteran movement is a traitor and threat to dants sentenced in March, including teachers and some national security. Egyptians often ask journalists in the doctors, have evidence that “proves they were not pres- streets whether they work for Al Jazeera. Saying yes ent the day they were accused of attacking the Matay could mean a beating. — Agencies TUESDAY, APRIL 29, 2014 SPORTS

Del Piero leaves Sydney FC Olympic medallist arrested Raonic hits the heights SYDNEY: Former Italy and Juventus great Alessandro Del Piero has played his MELBOURNE: Australian former Olympic swimmer Geoff Huegill OEIRAS: Altitude-averse second seed Milos Raonic yesterday found himself last match for Sydney FC and will not renew his contract, the A League club has been charged with drug possession by police in Sydney after perched high up on the mast of a training vessel as the Canadian took his mind said yesterday. being arrested at a horse racing meeting at the weekend. temporarily off of claycourt tennis prior to starting the Portugal Open. The 39-year-old striker’s two-year contract expired with the club’s 2-1 defeat Huegill, who won a medley relay silver and a 100 metres butterfly The youngest member of the world top 10 at age 23, who stands 10-4 this to Melbourne Victory in the A-League elimination play-offs earlier this month. bronze for Australia at the 2000 Sydney Olympics, was charged with season, was helping to promote the 2015 Lisbon stop of the Volvo Ocean race. “Australia, the moment has arrived to say “arrivederci”,” Del Piero said in a state- his wife on Saturday and will appear at a Sydney court next month. The round-the-world challenge will set off from Spain and visit South Africa, ment on his website ( “Police were patrolling Randwick racecourse as part of their gen- United Arab Emirates, China, New Zealand, Brazil, United States, Portugal, “My adventure with Sydney FC is about to be concluded, and, even if it eral duties when they were directed to a suite in the grandstand by France and Sweden, spanning 71,745 kms en route. It begins October 4 in makes me rather sad, because I have had wonderful time here, I have commu- security personnel,” a police spokeswoman said. Alicante, Spain, and finishes June 27, 2015, in Gothenburg, the Swedish home nicated my decision to the club. “Police spoke to a 35-year-old old man and his 30-year-old wife, of Volvo. Raonic tweeted his bemused reaction to an interview conducted high “I’m really grateful for the last two years and for the club’s request for me to who were alleged to be in possession of a small quantity of white above the boat’s desk. “A selfie 100 feet in the air on the mast of a sailboat and remain and with whom, I am happy to explore new opportunities to continue powder, believed to be cocaine.” Huegill posted links on his Twitter I don’t like heights! That was fun,” he said. Raonic will start his second campaign our relationship. account on Saturday to pictures of himself and his wife beaming in a at the Jamor Sports Complex in the second round after a “It hasn’t been an easy choice, also because my life on and off the room at the race meeting while drinking champagne. bye, playing on Wednesday against the winner from pitch has been fantastic, my family and I have really enjoyed these “Enjoying the day with @mshuegill in the MoÎt suites at Randwick Aleksandr Nedovyesov of the Ukraine or Uruguay’s Pablo two wonderful years: Australia will remain in our hearts forever.” The today,” a caption read. Huegill’s lawyer Paul Hunt confirmed the cou- Cuevas. Italian’s arrival in Australia on a A$4 million ($3.78 million) deal in ple were issued with a court notice. “As the matter is not yet resolved, He was forced to quit a 2011 Portugal semi-final against 2012 was hailed as a coup of sorts for the league. Del Piero, who is my clients do not intend to make any further comment at this point Spain’s Fernando Gonzalez due to back pain. Raonic has also the ambassador for the 2015 Asian Cup in Australia, in time,” he said in a statement. A former 50m butterfly world record reached the quarter-finals of all three Masters 1000 events so said he will need some time to decide on his future. holder, Huegill retired from the pool after the 2004 Athens Olympics far this season, in Indian Wells, Miami and Monte Carlo, Media reports have been linking him to DC United and battled depression, weight and alcohol problems before making where he lost to eventual champion and 2013 Oeiras in the .—Reuters a highly publicised comeback in 2008.—Reuters champion Stanislas Wawrinka. —AFP Blackhawks pound Blues

CHICAGO: Duncan Keith had a goal and three assists, and the Chicago Blackhawks used a four-goal third period to finish off the St. Louis Blues with a 5-1 victo- ry in Game 6 of their first-round playoff series on Sunday. Chicago won four in a row after a slow start in St. Louis. The defending Stanley Cup champions will play the winner of the Minnesota-Colorado series in the Western Conference semifinals. The Avalanche lead the Wild 3-2 heading into Game 6 in Minnesota on Monday night. Jonathan Toews, Patrick Sharp, Andrew Shaw and Keith scored in the third period as the Blackhawks improved to 14-2 in home playoff games over the last two seasons. Corey Crawford made 35 saves, keeping Chicago in a tie game when St. Louis controlled the second period.

DUCKS 5, STARS 4 Nick Bonino scored 2:47 into overtime, after get- ting one of Anaheim’s two goals late in regulation, and the Ducks eliminated Dallas in six games. Bonino took a wrist shot from in front of the net after getting a pass from Andrew Cogliano, and made sure the Ducks didn’t need a Game 7 to advance in the playoffs for only the second time since winning their lone Stanley Cup title seven years ago. The Ducks scored twice in the final 2:10 of regula- tion to force overtime for the first time in the series. Bonino skated around the from behind the net and got a puck over Kari Lehtonen’s left shoulder to get the Ducks within 4-3. Anaheim got the overtime-forc- ing goal with 24 seconds left after a wild scramble in front of the net with an extra skater and Lehtonen without his stick. When the puck trickled free, Devante Smith-Pelly pushed into the open gap for his second goal of the game for a 4-4 tie. Corey Perry had the primary assists on both third-period goals for the Ducks, who will have to wait to see who they play in the second round. Teemu Selanne assisted on the first two Anaheim goals, by Smith-Pelly and Ben Lovejoy. Trevor Daley scored twice on breakaways, the first goal coming after he got the puck charging out of the penalty box, and had an assist for the Stars.

IMOLA: In this May 31, 1992 file photo, Brazil’s driver Ayrton Senna gives a thumbs RANGERS 4, FLYERS 2 up after he won the Monaco Formula One Grand Prix.—AP Brad Richards and Dominic Moore scored second- period goals, and Henrik Lundqvist made 24 saves as the Rangers pushed the Flyers to the brink of elimina- The day Senna grabbed tion. Defenseman Marc Staal gave the Rangers the lead in the first period and they extended it in the Formula One attention second in taking a 3-2 edge in the first-round series. Game 6 is Tuesday in Philadelphia. If necessary, a LONDON: While Formula One remembers what he was doing was spectacular. And such deciding seventh game would be back at Madison Ayrton Senna on the 20th anniversary of his a rubbish car, too.” Square Garden on Wednesday. The teams have alter- nated wins the entire series. New York clinched this death at Imola, happier memories of another CHICAGO: Blackhawks’ Andrew Shaw celebrates after scoring a goal against the St. Louis Blues one on Brian Boyle’s empty-net goal with 15 seconds race 10 years earlier highlight just why the ABSOLUTE TREASURE during the third period in Game 6 of a first-round NHL hockey playoff series.—AP great Brazilian is still so sorely missed. The Even Symonds, who had come through remaining.—AP 1984 Monaco Grand Prix, held in pouring rain, Formula Ford and seen for himself how was when even the sleepiest followers of the impressive Senna was in the junior ranks, was sport woke up to just what a talent they had surprised. in their midst. “I knew the guy was good. When he joined Senna, starting in 13th place in the first the Toleman team I thought we’d done very street race of his rookie season and in a car well. I won’t for one minute pretend to really that he had failed to qualify two races earlier have anticipated how well we’d done and at Imola, finished second to McLaren’s Alain what an absolute treasure we’d got,” he said. Prost - his future team mate and rival - for his “Once he started working with us, I think a first F1 podium. great sign of a good driver is that you forget The harder the rain came down, the quick- they are inexperienced... And that was the er he went. The Brazilian set the fastest lap case with Ayrton. He was just so at home in and was poised to take the lead when the Formula One that you forgot he was a rookie.” race was stopped controversially and half Whether Senna would have actually won points awarded. in Monaco that afternoon had the race gone Pat Symonds, now technical head at full distances is one of Formula One’s many Williams after working with Michael unanswered questions. Schumacher at Benetton and Fernando Although it emerged afterwards that the Alonso at Renault, was Senna’s race engineer Brazilian’s car was damaged, Symonds sus- that day at the unheralded Toleman team and pects he might have done. “Yes, it is true that looks back on it as an almost surreal experi- one of the front rockers was cracked. And we ence. believed that had happened on a trip over “It wasn’t exactly on the radar,” the Briton the kerbs at the chicane. But no-one will ever told Reuters. “It wasn’t like ‘Yeah this is com- know whether the car would have finished or Ford Mustang to conquer regional drifting arena ing, we’re going to win one soon’. It was like not,” he said. ‘Wow’. Everything aligned and we very nearly “In my view, it was a serious crack but it DUBAI: The legendary Ford the Red Bull Car Park Drift. The holder for longest car drifting and the event director for Red Bull Car won the race. wasn’t just about to fail. No-one will ever Mustang recently set the bench- announcement was made earlier Rally Champion, Abdo Feghali, aka Park Drift, said: “We are very excit- “It was very surreal and very mixed emo- know the answer.” What is certain is that mark for muscle cars by clocking this week as Ford Middle East and Dado, will be driving a customised ed with Ford Mustang as the offi- tions afterwards, having achieved something Senna showed that day some of the qualities up 50 years of continued produc- Red Bull Middle East & Africa 5.0L V8, rear wheel drive Mustang cial Red Bull Car Park Drift car. This more than either of us had achieved before that would make him such a formidable com- tion. Today, its conquest goes fur- expanded their ongoing regional throughout the Red Bull Car Park year promises to take drifting to and yet not got that prize. petitor - complete self-confidence and an ther into the Middle East and partnership to include sponsor- Drift Qualifiers this season. the next level as the most antici- “There was the initial euphoria of getting amazing ability to absorb information. Africa drifting arena as the 2014 ship of the Red Bull Car Park Drift Paul Anderson, Ford Middle pated event in the Middle East’s that second place and then two hours later Senna left Toleman for Lotus at the end of Official Car for the highly Series 2014. As part of this agree- East’s Marketing director said: motorsports calendar brings more thinking ‘Well, actually it should have been the year and won his first race in Portugal in acclaimed regional drifting series, ment, Guinness World-record “Mustang set the tone for muscle smoking tires, serious doughnuts first place’. That was quite hard to deal with.” 1985. His brilliance, and failings, would shine cars 50 years ago, and it’s getting and spectacular sideways rides Senna had been a sensation through the through - the win in the wet at Donington better, more powerful and popular around a difficult, technical course. junior series, winning Formula Ford champi- Park in 1993 ranks among his greatest - but than ever. As we expand our tie- We can’t wait to see Mustang con- onships and 12 out of 17 races in his first year Monaco was to become a favourite with the up with Red Bull to include Red quer the challenging courses, and in England in 1981. Brazilian triumphant six times in total in the Bull Car Park Drift, we are very are eager get that engine started In 1982 he had dominated Formula Ford principality. pleased to see the powerful and roaring!” 2000 and then won the British Formula Three “There were so many drivers who in order Mustang in the Middle East’s pre- Mustang’s unique combination title in 1983 after a battle with Martin Brundle to drive a car fast, needed 100 percent of their mier drifting arena and see it per- of style, performance and afford- and the Macau Grand Prix. mental capacity. Ayrton didn’t. He could drive form with power, reliability, dura- ability established an entirely new The Brazilian had tested with various it faster than anyone else and he still had bility that only a true muscle car class of sporty cars that has teams including Williams and McLaren, the capacity to remember every little detail of can deliver.” inspired numerous competitors. team he would later win his three titles with, every lap,” recalled Symonds. “We are thrilled to have Ford on Mustang has come to evoke a vari- before he signed for Toleman, but Monaco “We didn’t have data acquisition in those board as regional automotive part- ety of emotions in customers and was where many people sat up and took days, we didn’t have real-time telemetry. It ner,” said Alberto Chahoud, Area fans - freedom, independence and notice. was down to the driver. And he was very, Communication Manager for Red being true to one’s self. “Probably the first time that I really very good at describing the car and remem- Bull Middle East & Africa. “With a “It’s going to be an exciting year noticed him was his driving with wets, when bering every little thing that happened. “He developing scene and increasing for Mustang and the Red Bull Car he was driving that awful looking car, the was naturally very competitive, he had this popularity year on year, Red Bull Park Drift as we see action and Toleman, in Monte Carlo,” McLaren head Ron self-belief that wasn’t arrogance. It was true Car Park Drift has grown into the capability from the iconic pony. Dennis told reporters in a recent recollection self-belief. Therefore he didn’t have that rev- largest and most coveted drifting We are confident that drifting fans of their time together. erence to the established drivers of the time. platform in the region,” added will be ultimately pleased with the “If the race had finished, who knows He just thought they were there to be beat- Chahoud. Mustang’s performance,” conclud- whether Prost would have let Ayrton past but en.”—Reuters For his part, Feghali, who is also ed Anderson. TUESDAY, APRIL 29, 2014 SPORTS

Braves edge Reds Photo of the day

ATLANTA: Freddie Freeman’s single to the cen- Rochelle, allowed four runs in five innings. ter-field wall scored Jason Heyward from sec- ond base with two outs in the 10th inning CARDINALS 7, PIRATES 0 Sunday, lifting the Atlanta Braves to a 1-0 win Adam Wainwright became the majors’ first over the Cincinnati Reds. five-game winner and Jhonny Peralta ended Cincinnati’s Johnny Cueto and Atlanta’s Julio the St. Louis Cardinals’ 366 at-bat homerless Teheran each allowed only three hits in eight drought with a pair of long balls in a victory scoreless innings. Cueto struck out 11. With two over Pittsburgh. outs in the 10th, Heyward singled off J.J. Hoover Peralta drove in four runs. The Cardinals (1-3) and B.J. Upton followed with a grounder totaled five runs in their previous four games. off the pitcher’s glove for an infield hit. Left-han- Wainwright (5-1) allowed three hits in eight der Manny Parra was summoned, and Freeman innings and hasn’t allowed a run in 25 consecu- hit a drive that bounced on the warning track tive innings. Edinson Volquez (1-2) gave up six beyond center fielder Billy Hamilton’s reach. Ian runs in 5 2-3 innings as Pittsburgh lost for the Thomas (1-0) got one out for the win. fifth time in six games. His day unraveled after Reds manager Bryan Price and pitcher the Pirates’ appeal of a potential double-play Homer Bailey - who was on the bench - were ball was denied. ejected in the first inning after a replay ruling went against them. ROCKIES 6, DODGERS 1 Josh Rutledge hit a three-run homer and CUBS 4, BREWERS 0 Jorge De La Rosa pitched seven strong innings, Jason Hammel allowed just three hits over leading the Colorado Rockies over the Los seven innings and Starlin Castro homered twice Angeles Dodgers. The Rockies won their fourth as the Chicago Cubs blanked the Milwaukee straight series after beating San Diego, Brewers. Hammel (4-1) struck out a season-high Philadelphia and San Francisco. De La Rosa (2-3) seven. Wily Peralta (3-1) had won three straight allowed a run and four hits. The left-hander has decisions. Brewers stars Ryan Braun and Jean beaten the Dodgers in three straight starts after Segura both missed the game with injuries. going 0-8 with a 7.32 ERA in his 10 previous Braun out sat with a slight chest muscle career starts against them. strain and might be out three to five days. Hyun-Jin Ryu (3-2) gave up six runs and nine Segura had a partially closed right eye and hits in five-plus innings. He is 0-2 with a 9.69 bruised right cheek after being accidentally hit ERA in his three starts at , but 3- by Braun’s practice swing Saturday. Segura said 0 with a 0.00 ERA in four road starts. he hoped to return during a seven-game road trip to St. Louis and Cincinnati. PADRES 4, NATIONALS 2 Cameron Maybin celebrated his return to Aaron Chase performs during a preshoot for Red Bull Wide Open in Monterey, USA .— PHILLIES 2, DIAMONDBACKS 0 the lineup with a pair of hits, and Ian Kennedy AJ Burnett pitched eight sharp innings for pitched seven strong innings as the San Diego his first win of the season as the Philadelphia Padres beat Washington. Phillies ended a 10-game road trip with a victo- Maybin had been out since rupturing his left ry over Arizona. biceps in spring training. The center fielder dou- Burnett (1-1) gave up five hits, struck out bled down the third-base line in his first at-bat, White Sox defeat Rays eight and walked none in his sixth start. then singled and scored during a two-run sixth. Jonathan Papelbon pitched the ninth for his Kennedy (2-3) gave up three hits, struck out CHICAGO: Jose Abreu drove in four runs and set a eighth save and second in as many games. nine and walked none. He retired 16 straight major league rookie record for RBIs through the Chase Utley hit an RBI single in the first, then batters at one stretch. Huston Street closed for end of April as the Chicago White Sox beat the doubled and scored in the sixth while raising his his ninth save in nine chances. Ross Detwiler (0- Tampa Bay Rays 9-2 on Sunday. batting average to .360. The Phillies took two of 1) lost in relief. Abreu, who had a two-run home run in the three from Arizona and went 6-4 on their trip. sixth and a two-run single in the seventh, has 31 Brandon McCarthy (0-5) struck out a career-high GIANTS 4, INDIANS 1 RBIs. Albert Pujols had the previous RBI mark of 27 12 in seven innings. Brandon Hicks hit a three-run homer with in 2001. The homer was his major league-leading two outs in the ninth inning as the San 10th and extended his own record for home runs METS 4, MARLINS 0 Francisco Giants completed a three-game by a rookie through April. In his major league Dillon Gee pitched three-hit ball over eight sweep over Cleveland. debut, Scott Carroll (1-0) gave up two runs, one innings, and Chris Young hit a two-run homer as Buster Posey led off with a single against earned, in 7 1-3 innings after he was called up the New York Mets beat Miami. Gee (2-1) struck Cory Allen (2-1) and pinch-runner Gregor from Triple-A Charlotte to fill in for injured ace out six, walked four and threw 110 pitches - his Blanco went to second on Juan Perez’s sacrifice Chris Sale. high since May 30, 2012, against Philadelphia. bunt. Pablo Sandoval struck out and Brandon Rays starter David Price (3-2) allowed eight That was six weeks before season-ending sur- Crawford drew an intentional walk, setting up runs, six earned, in six innings. Trailing 1-0, the gery to repair a damaged artery in his right Hicks’ home run. Sergio Romo (2-0) pitched a White Sox scored five runs in the sixth and four shoulder. Carlos Torres pitched a perfect ninth scoreless inning to get the victory. Giants starter runs in the seventh. to finish the three-hitter. Tom Koehler (2-2), who Ryan Vogelsong threw seven shutout innings, The Rays committed four errors in the sixth. was born in Bronx and grew up in New giving up two hits. —AP Gordon Beckham reached on an error and scored from second when Price threw away the ball after fielding Marcus Semien’s bunt single. Adam Eaton scored when right fielder Wil Myers fumbled the ball after Price’s throwing error. CHICAGO: White Sox second baseman Gordon Beckham forces out Tampa Bay Rays’ David YANKEES 3, ANGELS 2 DeJesus (7) at second on a double play during the third inning of a game. —AP Mark Teixeira hit a tying homer and Jacoby Ellsbury scored the go-ahead run thanks to a earn the win and Fernando Rodney closed out the Orioles, who finished with five hits. Before the passed ball and wild pitch in the eighth inning, ninth for his fifth save. Rangers starter Matt game, Baltimore put slugger Chris Davis on the 15- sending New York past Los Angeles. Harrison made his first appearance in more than a day disabled list with a left oblique strain. Miguel Masahiro Tanaka struck out a season-high 11, year, giving up two runs on three hits in six Gonzalez (1-2) gave up four runs, three earned, including Mike Trout twice, and overcame an early innings. and six hits in six innings. bout of wildness in a pitchers’ duel with Angels right-hander Garrett Richards. Neither starter ROYALS 9, ORIOLES 3 ASTROS 5, ATHLETICS 1 received a decision, leaving both undefeated this Omar Infante homered and tied a career high Collin McHugh allowed two hits over 8 2-3 stel- year. Adam Warren (1-1) struck out two in 1 2-3 with six RBIs, and James Shields allowed just three lar innings as Houston beat Oakland. McHugh (2- scoreless innings. David Robertson worked the hits over seven innings as Kansas City coasted over 0) followed up his first outing where he struck out ninth for his fourth save and second in two days. Baltimore. Nori Aoki scored three runs for the 12 and allowed three hits in 6 2-3 innings at The Yankees took two of three in the series and Royals, who took two of three from Baltimore to Seattle on Tuesday with another dominant per- ATLANTA: Cincinnati Reds Zack Cozart pulls his bat in on an inside pitch to walk in have won 10 of 14 overall. David Freese homered conclude a 3-4 road trip that began in Cleveland. formance. the eighth inning of a baseball game against the Atlanta Braves. —AP for the Angels, who went 4-5 on a tough road trip Kansas City is 12-0 when scoring at least four runs He struck out seven and walked three, allowing to Detroit, Washington and New York. and 0-12 when scoring three runs or fewer. one run in the longest outing of his career. His pre- Infante hit a run-scoring groundout in the first vious longest outing had been seven innings on BLUE JAYS 7, RED SOX 1 inning, a sacrifice fly in the third, a two-run double Aug. 23, 2012 against Colorado when he was a Kiwi teen Ko takes Melky Cabrera, one of a record six players from in the fifth and a two-run shot in the seventh. He member of the New York Mets. the Dominican Republic in Toronto’s starting line- entered with one home run and 11 RBIs in 21 After the first, McHugh retired 23 of the next 24 Swinging Skirts title up, hit a go-ahead double as the Blue Jays ended a games. Shields (3-2) allowed two runs, struck out batters, including 19 straight before Brandon Moss season-worst four-game losing streak. six and walked two in winning his third straight was hit by a pitch with two outs in the ninth. Moss start. The right-hander gave up only an infield hit stole second and came around to score on Alberto SAN FRANCISCO: New Zealand teenager amateur, triumphs that helped convince The first four hitters in Toronto’s lineup were all in the first five innings and improved to 10-7 life- Callaspo’s single - McHugh’s first run allowed in 15 Lydia Ko captured her first professional title the women’s tour to waive their 18-year-old from the Dominican Republic: shortstop Jose time against Baltimore, including 7-2 at Camden 1-3 innings this season. Raul Valdes got the final Sunday, closing with a birdie to edge Stacy age minimum in her case. Reyes, outfielders Cabrera and Jose Bautista and Yards. Nelson Cruz hit his seventh homer for the out to complete the two hitter.—AP Lewis by one stroke and win the Swinging Ko was paired with Lewis all four days first baseman Edwin Encarnacion. Skirts LPGA Classic. and praised her as an example of what she Juan Francisco served as the designated hitter, Three days after her 17th birthday, the hopes to achieve in her career. “When I see batting sixth, and outfielder Moises Sierra batted South Korean-born Kiwi fired a final-round her play, it just makes me feel like I need to seventh. Esmil Rogers, the seventh Dominican MLB results/standings three-under par 69 to finish 72 holes on 12- play good to kind of keep up with her,” Ko player on Toronto’s 25-man roster, struck out the under 276 to win the inaugural $1.8 million said. “She’s such a great player and I admire side in the ninth. RA Dickey (2-3) won for the first Toronto 7, Boston 1; NY Mets 4, Miami 0; Kansas City 9, Baltimore 3; Atlanta 1, Cincinnati 0 (10 innings); San Diego 4, event at Lake Merced in California. It com- her all the way. Someday I want to become time in four starts. Washington 2; Chicago White Sox 9, Tampa Bay 2; Chicago Cubs 4, Milwaukee 0; Houston 5, Oakland 1; St. Louis 7, pleted a landmark week for Ko, who pock- a great player like her.” World number one Jon Lester (2-4) allowed four runs and five hits Pittsburgh 0; San Francisco 4, Cleveland 1; Seattle 6, Texas 5; Colorado 6, LA Dodgers 1; Philadelphia 2, Arizona 0; NY eted $270,000 and was named to Time Park In-Bee of South Korea, China’s Feng in seven innings. He walked none, struck out seven Yankees 3, LA Angels 2. magazine’s list of the world’s 100 most Shanshan and Denmark’s Line Vedel shared and threw a season-high 122 pitches. Brett Lawrie American League National League influential people on Thursday, the only fourth on 282. —AFP homered, doubled and drove in two runs as the Eastern Division Eastern Division golfer so honored. Blue Jays avoided their first sweep against Boston W L PCT GB Atlanta 17 7 .708 - since June 2011. NY Yankees 15 10 .600 - NY Mets 14 11 .560 3.5 Ko is set to rise from fourth to second in Baltimore 12 12 .500 2.5 the world rankings late yesterday. After a Washington 14 12 .538 4 Toronto 12 13 .480 3 Philadelphia 13 12 .520 4.5 bogey at the fourth, she began a run of MARINERS 6, RANGERS 5 Kyle Seager hit a pair of home runs, including a Boston 12 14 .462 3.5 Miami 11 14 .440 6.5 three birdies in four holes at the par-5 sixth, Tampa Bay 11 14 .440 4 Central Division three-run shot in the eighth, to lead Seattle over Central Division although she had bogeys at seven and 10 Milwaukee 18 7 .720 - Texas. Seager has five home runs in four games, a Detroit 12 9 .571 - to keep her in a pack battling for the lead. St. Louis 14 12 .538 4.5 power surge that started with a two-homer game Minnesota 12 11 .522 1 Ko made back-to-back birdies at the Cincinnati 11 14 .440 7 against the Astros on Wednesday. He’s also had at Chicago White Sox13 13 .500 1.5 13th and par-5 14th to reach 11-under and Pittsburgh 10 16 .385 8.5 lead by two. American Lewis birdied the least two hits in all four games, tying a career-best Kansas City 12 12 .500 1.5 streak. Seager led off the seventh inning with his Cleveland 11 14 .440 3 Chicago Cubs 8 16 .333 9.5 16th and South Korean Jenny Shin, who Western Division first home run and then gave Seattle the lead with Western Division finished third on 278, birdied 17 to move San Francisco 15 10 .600 - his two-out bomb down the right field line in the Oakland 15 10 .600 - within one stroke on the last tee. Colorado 14 12 .538 1.5 eighth off Alexi Ogando (1-2). The comeback victo- Texas 15 10 .600 - Shin settled for a par at 18 and third LA Angels 11 13 .458 3.5 LA Dodgers 14 12 .538 1.5 place while Lewis birdied the par-5 finish- ry also gave the Mariners their first home series Seattle 10 14 .417 4.5 San Diego 12 14 .462 3.5 ing hole, but so did Ko to take the victory win against Texas since September 2012. Houston 9 17 .346 6.5 Arizona 8 20 .286 8.5 over a field that featured 18 of the 20 top- Danny Farquhar (1-0) pitched the eighth to ranked women in the world. “It was just intense the whole way,” Ko said. “At one point I had a two-shot lead, but then Stacy made a birdie and Jenny Noh wins Zurich Classic made a birdie. At the 18th hole I knew how loud the claps were, so I knew I needed to hit it close and give myself a birdie oppor- NEW ORLEANS: Noh Seung-yul became the the final round and finished at 19-under 269, news unfold, but returned to the U.S. soon after- tunity.” fourth South Korean player to win on the PGA while Americans Andrew Svoboda (69) and wards to refocus on his golf. “All the TV, all the Lewis took some satisfaction in having Tour when he captured the $6.8 million Zurich Robert Streb (70) tied for second on 17-under. people, everything focus on ferry and then all pushed Ko to the limit before settling for Classic of New Orleans by two strokes on Noh won at the same tournament where trail the people very quiet down, so same as me,” said second. “I knew it was going to be tough. I Sunday. blazer K.J. Choi 12 years ago became the first Noh, who has thought about winning at the knew she wasn’t going to go away. Lydia Wearing a black ribbon on his cap in memory Korean to win on the PGA Tour. Choi now has highest level since he was a boy. “When I start played great,” Lewis said. “She answered of the more than 300 victims of the recent eight victories, while countrymen Yang Yong- playing golf at age seven always my dream is every time I hit a shot in there. More credit Korean ferry sinking, Noh displayed composure eun (two) and Bae Sang-moon (one) have also playing PGA Tour, playing major championships, to her. I did all I could. I made three birdies beyond his 22 years when he carded a one- won. but my dream’s come true today so I’m really coming in and made her work for it at CALIFORNIA: Lydia Ko of New Zealand under-par 71 in strong winds at the TPC American Kevin Na, who was born in South really happy now.” least.” holds up her trophy on the 18th green of Louisiana. Korea but moved to the U.S. at a young age, also Noh arrived in the Big Easy ranked 176th in Ko collected her third LPGA title and first the Lake Merced Golf Club after winning “Dreams come true,” Noh told reporters after has one victory. Noh was home in Korea visiting the world, but his lowly status belied his recent US triumph. She won the 2012 and 2013 the Swinging Skirts LPGA Classic golf collecting $1.224 million for his first tour victory. family when the ferry sank on April 16. consistent form and his victory was not the huge LPGA Canadian Women’s Open titles as an tournament. —AP He always held at least a share of the lead during He was in a sombre mood as he heard the shock it might appear to some.—Reuters TUESDAY, APRIL 29, 2014 SPORTS Outrage over banana insult to footballer in Spain

BARCELONA: A storm over racism in Villareal ground by certain people at the ums and the continental and global bod- Spanish football erupted yesterday after a game,” the club said in a statement. ies, UEFA and FIFA, have tried to launch fan threw a banana at Barcelona full-back Barcelona welcomed the condemna- campaigns. In November last year, FIFA Dani Alves, with Brazilian President Dilma tion of the banana insult by Villareal, which president Sepp Blatter said he was “sick- Rousseff joining widespread outrage. sent a message on Twitter after the game ened” to see some Real Betis supporters A spectator threw the banana onto the saying: “Pity to see an ignoramus capable make monkey chants at their own player, pitch near the 30-year-old Brazilian inter- of such a lamentable act. There is no room Brazilian defender Paulao, in a city derby national as his star-studded side played at for it in sport and even less in our club.” against Sevilla. Villareal on Sunday night. Villareal’s reaction was a move in the Earlier in the season, two Elche fans Alves won praise for his reaction, pick- right direction towards “converting were fined 4,000 euros ($5,400) and ing up the banana to take a bite before grounds into areas where sports take pri- banned from attending sporting events for going on with game and setting up a goal ority and where the bad behavior by some 12 months for racially abusing Granada in Barcelona’s dramatic come-from-behind people is, first, isolated and then, eradicat- defender Allan-Romeo Nyom. 3-2 victory. It was the latest in a long series ed for good,” Barcelona said. Incidents have also stained top level of racist taunts in the Spanish game and “I have been in Spain 11 years and it games in Italy, Russia and other European one of many suffered personally by Alves has been the same for 11 years. You have nations. Ghana international Kevin-Prince during more than a decade with Sevilla to laugh at these backward people,” Alves Boateng walked off the pitch over racial and then Barcelona. said after Sunday’s game. insults made during a friendly between his “The player Dani Alves gave a daring “We are not going to change it, so you then club AC Milan and a lower-league and strong response to racism in sports,” have to take it almost as a joke and laugh Italian side in January last year. UEFA in Brazil’s President Dilma Rousseff said in a at them.” Alves’ team-mates and fans lent February punished the Serbian federation, series of Twitter messages. Such racism him public support. Russian club CSKA Moscow and Cypriot had become “unfortunately common,” she Former England international Gary side Apollon Limassol for racist behavior added. Referee David Fernandez Borbalan Lineker who once played for Barcelona, by fans. Serbia’s under 21 team were noted the banana-throwing incident in his Barcelona’s Brazilian defender Dani Alves tweeted after the match: “Utterly brilliant ordered to play a match without home match report, which will be reviewed by sanction. Barcelona issued a strong mes- finals in Brazil in June. “Barcelona totally reaction from Alves. Treat the racist berk fans after their supporters made monkey the competition committee of Spain’s foot- sage of support for Alves, who is likely to support and stand with player Dani Alves with complete disdain!” Racism has long chants during a game against Belgium on ball federation today and could lead to a be one of the key players in the World Cup after the insults he received Sunday at the been a problem in European football stadi- November 15.—AFP

Cardiff, Fulham hope two wins enough to avoid drop

LONDON: Time is running out for the flight football. survival-seeking Premier League strug- “I am not afraid we won’t stand up for glers Cardiff City and Fulham, but both the next game,” he told the British media. believe six points from their remaining “We still have a chance and will go on two games might still be enough to and try to take it. We were in front and avoid the drop. Cardiff fell to the bottom everything was fine and then they get of the table after suffering a 4-0 defeat at two goals it seemed like it was the end of fellow strugglers Sunderland on Sunday, the season. while Fulham threw away the chance to “The players were very disappointed get out of the relegation zone when they in the dressing room and they didn’t talk. let slip a 2-0 lead and could only draw at I told them it’s too late now, we have to home to Hull City. stand up and take our chance if we get a Sunderland’s victory allowed them to chance next week and try to win at escape the relegation places and they sit Stoke.” Cardiff face an even bleaker situa- in 17th on 32 points having played a tion as they sit bottom with a trip to game less than the current bottom three Newcastle United to come before a final of Norwich City (32), Fulham (31) and day clash at home to a title-chasing Cardiff (30). Fulham next face a trip to Chelsea. 10th-placed Stoke City on Saturday The Welsh side have the second worst before finishing their campaign at home defence in the league behind Fulham to Crystal Palace, who are 11th. and have also changed managers this “I think we need to win the last two,” season with Ole Gunnar Solksjaer Fulham defender Brede Hangeland was brought into replace fan favourite Malky quoted as saying by British media yester- Mackay, who led the team to promotion day. “That is clear for everyone to see. Is last year. that impossible? No, it is far from impos- Cardiff were as high as 11th after sible. Of course we can do it. beating Fulham early in the season but a “It is all about doing the business next public spat between Malaysian owner week and then the week after and hop- Vincent Tan and Mackay was followed by ing that will be enough. It is a massive a slide down the table with the Scot game next week and we have to win eventually sacked in late December with that.” Fulham have conceded a league- the team in 16th. worst 79 goals in a calamitous campaign Former Manchester United striker with German Felix Magath their third Solskjaer has managed only three league manager of the season and struggling to wins since taking charge, but still MUNICH: Real Madrid’s Sergio Ramos (from left) Marcelo and Casermiro warm up during a training session prior to the Champions League semi- final soccer match against FC Bayern Munich today. —AP arrest the slide. believes they can avoid the drop despite The German replaced Rene a joint-worst record of seven victories in Meulensteen in February after the the campaign, shared with West Dutchman was sacked following a run of Bromwich Albion who are 15th on 36 Bayern counting on home defeats despite being backed heavily in points, one ahead of Aston Villa. the January transfer window. “We thought we needed two wins Greece striker Kostas Mitroglou has before today,” the Norwegian said after advantage for Real clash played only twice after struggling for fit- the Sunderland loss. “Now we’ve got two ness since joining for around 12 million. games left and we’ve got to win them. Magath, though, was focusing only on It’s hugely disappointing and of course MUNICH: Bayern Munich plan on making home score, not to defend, and that is the manner in League trophy and will be the first team since next week’s fixture as Fulham attempt to we’ve taken a big blow but we won’t give advantage count in today’s Champions League which we will continue to work.” Juventus (1996-98) to reach three consecutive semi-final, second-leg, against Real Madrid hav- Ancelotti has never lost to a German team in finals if they get past Madrid to reach the final in secure a 14th consecutive season of top up.”—Reuters ing never lost at home to the Spanish giants. six encounters from his time as AC Milan manag- Lisbon on May 24. In contrast, Real are eager to Madrid arrive in the Bavarian capital holding er, but the key to Tuesday’s game will be who reach their first Champions League final since a 1-0 lead thanks to Karim Benzema’s 19th- scores first. winning the title in 2002 having bowed out at Boca enjoy best game as minute goal in last Wednesday’s first leg in Real will be chasing the first goal in Munich the semi-final stage for the last three seasons Madrid and are looking to avenge their defeat at which would leave Bayern needing to score at running. the same stage to Bayern two years ago. History least three times to progress to their fourth With Ronaldo and Bale both fit, Ancelotti is River fail key away test is on the Germans’ side. Champions League final in five years. set to include both in his forward line alongside Bayern have never lost to Real in Munich, Worryingly for coach Pep Guardiola, Bayern Benzema with Isco on the bench. BUENOS AIRES: Boca Juniors beat Arsenal 4- reporters. Palermo was naturally upset with with eight victories and one draw, to lead the have conceded the first goal in seven of their last Guardiola has some key selection decisions to 2 in their best game of the year while River the setback. “Conceding an early goal at overall series with 11 victories to Madrid’s eight nine matches since winning the Bundesliga title make after Brazil’s Rafinha struggled with the Plate failed again to match their winning Boca’s ground is not easy, we managed to lev- from 21 encounters. The second-leg is finely with a record seven matches to spare last fleet-footed Real attack in Madrid and one home form with an away victory that would el it, the first half was even but it was a blow poised. month. option would be to move captain Philipp Lahm have earned them the joint lead on Sunday. to go to the dressing room with another goal Real maintained their positive momentum A woeful first-half in Saturday’s dress rehears- to right-back from the defensive midfield. River, held 1-1 at modest Olimpo, are two (against at halftime),” Palermo said. since beating Barcelona in the Copa del Rey final al saw the hosts 2-1 down to Werder Bremen in Guardiola must also decide which stars to use points behind leaders Gimnasia who beat rel- “Roman had room to control the game, we before their first-leg victory over Bayern by Munich before Bayern roared back with four sec- in the attacking midfield after Germany pair egated former South American champions were unable to counter Boca and we suf- romping to a 4-0 win over Osasuna in the ond-half goals to claim a comfortable Thomas Mueller and Mario Goetze both started Argentinos Juniors 2-0 at the Diego Armando fered.” Argentinos Juniors, the club that dis- Spanish league on Saturday. Ballon d’Or winner Bundesliga win. on the bench in Madrid, with Mueller in particu- Maradona stadium on Saturday. covered the talents of a stream of top Cristiano Ronaldo proved he is fit for the Munich But the flattering scoreline failed to mask lar voicing his discontent. —AFP Colombian winger Carlos Carbonero put Argentine players including Maradona and clash after a hamstring injury by scoring twice to Bayern’s dreadful defending in the first 45 min- River ahead after a quarter of an hour with his Riquelme, were relegated as Olimpo picked leave him on 47 goals for the season. utes, which Guardiola admitted gave him cause fifth goal of the Final championship with up a point against River.—Reuters Real coach Carlo Ancelotti rested stars for concern. Pablo Luguercio equalising on the stroke of Benzema, who picked up a knee knock in the “That is the first time that I have been a bit Matches on TV halftime. River have won only once in eight first leg, and Gareth Bale, who was recovering disappointed and sad about the first half-the (Local Timings) away matches this year - their 2-1 victory over from flu, at Osasuna. fans didn’t deserve that,” said Guardiola. Boca in the ‘Superclasico’ at La Bombonera on The Italian has insisted both men should be “We were better in the second half, that’s UEFA Champions League March 30. They were top equal with Gimnasia fit to start at the Allianz Arena. “I am sure that good for the mood ahead of the Madrid match, going into the 16th round of matches after whatever eleven I play will be full of desire and but it will be a completely different game. making their Monumental stadium impreg- excited to play such a big game,” said Ancelotti. “I trust my team and I hope that we can all Bayern Munich v Real Madrid 21:45 nable on a run of six home wins in a row with- “Everyone should be calm because we are manage it together.” Bayern are bidding to beIN SPORTS 2 HD out conceding a goal. going to prepare properly. “The objective is to become the first side to retain the Champions Boca, on the other hand, had been strug- gling for form, playing poorly even in victory and had fallen out of contention. They are ninth, seven points behind Gimnasia, who are chasing their first ever title. Ferdinand hopes to erase Boca enjoyed a party atmosphere at La Bombonera against Arsenal, now coached by one of their most popular former players and holder of their all-time scoring record, Martin upsetting year at United Palermo, who was given a resounding wel- come by the home fans. LONDON: Rio Ferdinand hopes to remain at plumbed new depths under former Everton because you don’t want to. It’s embarrassing. The biggest show of support, though, was Manchester United to help resurrect the fallen manager Moyes, and will miss out on the next You don’t want to look at the league table and for Boca captain Juan Roman Riquelme, Premier League giants after an “embarrassing” Champions League tournament, a once see where we are, but that’s down to us as whose inspirational performance had fans season under David Moyes. unthinkable prospect. players. “We take responsibility for that as chanting: “Riquelme is not going”. Boca presi- With his contract set to expire in June, the Interim coach Ryan Giggs took the reins much as anyone else. We are where we are and dent Daniel Angelici has cast doubt in recent 35-year-old former England captain had with a 4-0 win over Norwich City on Saturday, we have to take some responsibility for that. days on whether Boca would renew the 35- appeared set to finish his 12-year career at the their biggest home league victory of the sea- “We are not shirkers and we are not people year-old, injury-prone Riquelme’s contract at club after being used sparingly under recently son. The win kept them seventh on the table, who don’t take responsibility. I don’t think you the end of the season next month. sacked Scotsman Moyes. six points behind Tottenham Hotspur. get to where we have got to in our careers “I’m going to continue playing,” Ferdinand Ferdinand was unable to explain the team’s without taking responsibility and this is no dif- ARGENTINOS RELEGATED Riquelme has replied on the pitch with a told British media. “Whether it’s here, I don’t immediate improvement without Moyes in ferent.” superb last-minute goal in last weekend’s 1-0 know, but I hope so. “I am sure that whoever is charge. “The person who has the correct Giggs has been backed to continue as win at Tigre and the penalty that put Boca 2-1 here, whoever is managing, the aim of this club answer to that would be a genius,” he said. “If United’s full-time boss by Ferguson, but up against Arsenal in first-half added time on is win trophies and championships and we we knew why, then I’m sure the change of Dutch media have linked Louis van Gaal with Sunday. “A performance like this gives you have done that for 25 years. Long may that manager wouldn’t have happened. I’ve not the role once he finishes his World Cup com- signs of hope. We won playing well which is continue.” After winning last year’s league title looked at the league table for ages. mitments with Netherlands’ national team in important,” Boca coach Carlos Bianchi told Carlos Carbonero in Alex Ferguson’s final year as coach, United “We were saying it before the game. It’s Brazil.—Reuters TUESDAY, APRIL 29, 2014 SPORTS Amid economic despair, Atletico is hope in Madrid MADRID: For Spain’s working class suf- lections of more famous stars. Neutrals captain Gabi Fernandez said in a maga- sion, most recently from 2000-02. the Champions League final after reach- fering through what feels like never- across the country are in Atletico’s cor- zine interview. “We’re changing the sto- The club’s flare for dramatics is partly ing the semifinals of Europe’s top com- ending economic recession, Atletico ner, hopeful that Diego Simeone’s team ry through our commitment to giving what makes Atletico’s story so human. petition for the first time since 1974, Madrid’s stunning season offers an can break the monotony of a duopoly people what they want: A team they can Despite its ups and downs, it has always with everything to play for on uplifting example of beating the odds, that has strangled the Spanish league feel proud of, that win or lose they’ll say, succeeded in winning trophies. And Wednesday at Chelsea in the second leg with the Spanish title and Champions since Valencia was the last team apart ‘Damn, this is my Atletico.’” since the return of former player following a scoreless draw in the first League final both within its reach. from Barcelona or Madrid to win the Atletico was founded in 1903 by Simeone, it is taking on and often beat- leg. Not bad for a team nicknamed “Los The club rooted in blue-collar Madrid championship a decade ago. Basque students setting up a Madrid ing Europe’s elite. Colchoneros” - “mattress makers” - with is looking down on rich neighbor Real “This is Atletico Madrid and that’s branch of the Athletic Bilbao club. Its Simeone played for the last champi- its red and white strip resembling a tra- Madrid and defending champion what we’re about: work, work, work, standout qualities of passion, hard work onship-winning team. The Argentine ditional pattern for Spanish bedding. Barcelona from atop the Spanish league heart. We never give up,” Simeone said and self-belief have over the years been coach has instilled defensive discipline “If we win it’s because we’ve standings for the first time in 18 years. It during the Champions League quarterfi- canceled out by dramatic collapses, dis- in a squad that was prone to late col- deserved it, not because we have some beat Valencia 1-0 on Sunday to move six nal series triumph over Barcelona. “The organization and disappointment. lapses. Creative midfielders Koke and ‘galacticos,’” Gabi told Panenka points clear of Real Madrid. people of Atletico Madrid are no doubt Names such as Luis Aragones, Hugo Arda Turan provide for striker Diego Magazine, referring to Madrid’s history Win two of its last three games, and proud of how we have competed.” Sanchez, Fernando Torres, Christian Vieri Costa, who already has 35 goals this of breaking transfer records to sign play- Atletico is champion for the first time Atletico and “the people” are inter- and Diego Forlan made their marks on season. ers such as Cristiano Ronaldo, Zinedine since 1996. Spain was a more optimistic twined, with the club’s Vicente Calderon the club. But so, too, did construction The past four seasons have seen Zidane, David Beckham or Gareth Bale. place the last time it lifted the league Stadium built over an unattractive high- magnate Jesus Gil, the former president Atletico win five trophies, including a “When I was young and was asked trophy, with an economy heading for way in the middle of the industrial but who was embroiled in embezzlement pair of Europa League titles - one trophy what I wanted to be when I grew up I boom times before the more recent revitalizing Arguanzela neighborhood, charges and jailed after one of his build- more than Real Madrid over that same didn’t say a football player but a football bust and now record unemployment. south of the Spanish capital’s world- ings collapsed, killing 58 people. period. Ending a 17-year wait, Atletico player for Atleti. I’m living the dream of Part of Atletico’s appeal is that it has renowned museums and tourist attrac- The club owes the Spanish govern- also finally beat its crosstown rival last all of our fans, which is nothing less achieved so much with a squad worth a tions. ment millions in back taxes. It also has May, in the Copa del Rey final. than to be playing for the team you fraction of Madrid and Barcelona’s col- “It’s the working man’s team,” Atletico endured six seasons in the second divi- Atletico is on the verge of a place in love.” —AP Mourinho rejects misconduct charge

LONDON: Chelsea manager Jose Mourinho going. has denied a charge of misconduct levelled “So congratulations to all of them, and I against him by England’s governing have nothing more to say. I’m sorry.” During Football Association folowing comments the course of the match the Portuguese he made after the Premier League title- boss’s assistant Rui Faria angrily confronted chasers shock loss to Sunderland. the match officials on the touchline and The Black Cats ended Mourinho’s 77- had to be restrained by several Chelsea match unbeaten home league run as staff, including Mourinho, before he was Chelsea manager with a stunning 1-0 win sent off. at Stamford Bridge last month. Monday saw Faria admit to two FA Afterwards, Mourinho mocked the offi- charges of misconduct after Chelsea mid- cials by saying: “Congratulations to (referee) fielder Ramires had already received a ret- Mike Dean, because he made a fantastic rospective four-match ban, ending his performance. “And congratulations to Mike domestic season, for swinging an arm and Riley (head of refereeing body Professional striking Sunderland’s Sebastian Larsson Game Match Officials Limited), because during the April 19 match. what they did during the season was fan- A FA statement said: “Jose Mourinho has tastic for the way the championship is denied an FA charge and requested a non- personal hearing in relation to comments he made following Chelsea’s game against Sunderland on April 19, 2014. “It is alleged that Mourinho’s post-match comments constitute improper conduct, in that they call into question the integrity of the referee appointed to the above fixture (Mike Dean) and/or the integrity of Mr Mike Riley, general manager of the Professional Game Match Officials Limited, and/or the comments bring the game into disrepute. Liverpool’s Uruguayan striker Luis Suarez “In relation to the same fixture, Chelsea assistant manager Rui Faria has admitted two misconduct breaches and requested a non-personal hearing. PFA award brings “The first breach was that Faria used abusive and/or insulting words towards the fourth official (Phil Dowd). The second breach was that Faria’s behaviour following the match referee’s request that he leave Suarez full circle the technical area amounted to improper conduct. “A date for both hearings will be set in LONDON: From Public Enemy Number One to type of guy. “He is a sheer winner and that prob- They were the initial shots in a salvo of 10 due course.” Mourinho has already been Player of the Year, Liverpool striker Luis Suarez ably overspilled last year, but his development goals in four games, which meant that the race sent off at both Cardiff and Aston Villa this has completed one of the most improbable over the last year has been remarkable, both on for the Golden Boot was effectively over by season. rehabilitations in the recent history of the and off the field, and Liverpool have benefited Christmas. In a development that would have Speaking about his latest brush with English game. from that.” That Suarez has reached the 30-goal been unthinkable months earlier, he signed a authority on Friday, Mourinho said: “Every Just a year ago, the football world recoiled in mark is rendered all the more remarkable by the new four-and-a-half-year contract in December, time I speak there is a consequence. Even if horror after the Uruguayan sank his teeth into fact that he missed the first five matches of the having captained the team in a match against I say that a referee was amazing that was a the forearm of Chelsea defender Branislav campaign as he completed his ban for biting Tottenham Hotspur the previous week. “It was reason to be with a charge. “I can’t say the Ivanovic during a game at Anfield, earning him a Ivanovic. It also came after a turbulent close sea- weird, strange. I’d never imagined myself as truth. I don’t feel free at all. If you want a fine and a 10-game ban. It came just over a year son, which saw Suarez push for a move away Liverpool skipper,” Suarez told FourFourTwo better press conference, speak with the FA. after he had been handed an eight-match sus- from Liverpool and even accuse the club of magazine recently. “I told the referee he was amazing, and I pension for racially abusing Manchester United’s breaking promises after they blocked a potential “After everything that had happened with repeat: the referee was amazing.” Mourinho Patrice Evra, and prompted speculation that he transfer to Arsenal. me, to retain the support of the club, the coach was also bitterly sarcastic regarding might never play for Liverpool again. Twelve Rodgers rebuked Suarez, briefly forcing him and my team-mates showed me they were hap- Ramiers’s ban, by saying: “He’s a lucky guy. months on, he has been elected Player of the to train on his own, but Liverpool owner John W. py to forget and forgive.” We accept the charge because we are hap- Year by the Professional Footballers’ Association Henry stood firm, refusing to cede his most Booed at last year’s PFA Awards ceremony py with it.” (PFA) after becoming the first Liverpool player prized asset to a major rival. after finishing runner-up to Gareth Bale, Suarez As for the prospect of another fine, since Ian Rush in 1986-87 to score 30 league now has the acceptance of his peers. Mourinho said: “When I have to give mon- goals in a season. CAPTAINCY HONOR Ironically, Sunday’s ceremony was preceded ey, I prefer to do it privately. “My wife says While he stills plays with the same burning The club’s faith was rewarded emphatically, by a game between Liverpool and Chelsea-the that charity is anonymous. I prefer to do will to win-and is still prone to the occasional as the Uruguayan struck up a lethal understand- fixture that last season saw Suarez’s popularity that than give money because people theatrical tumble-the 27-year-old’s on-pitch con- ing with strike partner Daniel Sturridge that has plummet to previously uncharted depths. decide to take money out of my pocket.” duct is now befitting of his extraordinary ability. helped to fire Liverpool back into the Unhappily for the former Ajax striker, he was Chelsea, now just two points behind “He is a brilliant talent. I think the supporters Champions League. It took Suarez only 36 min- to finish on the losing team as Jose Mourinho’s Liverpool in the Premier League title race have seen him mature over the course of the last utes of his first league game, at Sunderland in side pulled off a 2-0 win that handed after a 2-0 win at Anfield on Sunday, face season,” says Liverpool manager Brendan September, to open his account for the cam- Manchester City the initiative in the Premier Atletico Madrid in the second leg of a cur- Rodgers. “I think he was in a real low moment paign. After a hat-trick against West Bromwich League title race. Chelsea’s Portuguese rently goalless Champions League semi- after that game (against Chelsea), but he has Albion and a brace against Fulham, he scored The odds are against him again, but as he has manager Jose Mourinho final at Stamford Bridge tomorrow. —AFP gone away and probably looked in the mirror four times at home to Norwich City, opening his demonstrated repeatedly over the past 12 and reflected on himself because he is not that account with a stunning 45-yard lob. months, Suarez does not give up easily. —AFP Guadalajara miss Gerrard’s cruel slip could last-eight cut end Liverpool’s title hopes

MEXICO CITY: Guadalajara failed to reach the ulary,” the outspoken Argentine known as LONDON: While Luis Suarez’s 30 goals have pro- his captain, saying his form was the reason they Mexican Clausura championship’s knockout “Bigoton” (big moustache), told reporters. vided much of the impetus behind Liverpool’s were fighting for the title. phase after conceding a late goal to go down “The team needs some reinforcing ... but I remarkable rise to Premier League title contenders “Steven is a boy who has picked up this club so 1-0 at home to Monterrey on Sunday. don’t see big changes. We have young players this season, captain Steven Gerrard has been the many times,” Rodgers told reporters. “And it was The Chivas, rebuilding under former pushing (for places in the team), but from the beating heart at the centre of the Merseyside just really unfortunate because he slipped at a cru- Mexico coach Ricardo La Volpe, needed a win middle towards the front we need players revival. cial moment and it was right on half-time. to be among the top eight teams in the 17th with more experience.” Guadalajara’s arch- Unfortunately for the 33-year-old midfielder, “He was doing everything he possibly could and final round of the championship’s league rivals America, with whom they share a who has spent his entire professional career at the today and we hoped there would be one or two phase. record of 11 league titles, secured their place club, his slip in Sunday’s 2-0 defeat by Chelsea may who would step up to the plate instead of him, but Neither Guadalajara nor Monterrey made in the last eight with a 1-1 draw at Toluca. prove costly if Liverpool’s 24-year wait for a title we couldn’t quite do that today. it into the last-eight after defender Efrain “I’m not satisfied, we need to improve and continues beyond the season. “There’s certainly no blame because we are in Juarez headed the only goal in the 85th take better decisions but I have confidence in Just before halftime at Anfield, Gerrard slipped the position we are in now because of him; he’s minute from a corner taken by Chile’s these players. The important thing was to be while receiving a routine pass from Mamadou been instrumental for us this season. “It’s just Sakho, allowing Chelsea striker Demba Ba to race unfortunate that he’s slipped over. It could have Humberto Suazo at the Omnilife stadium. inside (the knockout phase) and we are, all in on goal to put the visitors one up. happened to anyone. This is a guy that is so strong Monterrey finished with 23 points but behind eight teams have chances of being champi- Willian doubled the advantage late on as mentally.” Liverpool have matches away to Crystal eighth-placed defending champions Leon on ons,” said America’s Argentine coach Antonio Liverpool failed to break down Chelsea’s dogged Palace and against Newcastle United at Anfield, goal difference, while Guadalajara were left Mohamed. defensive line, a defeat that ended their 11-match and will hoping City, who beat Palace 2-0 on stranded with 21 points. Pachuca qualified in dramatic fashion on winning streak and took their Premier League title Sunday, will drop points to Everton, Aston Villa or Leon, who won the Apertura champi- Friday when they scored four goals in the last aspirations out of their hand. West Ham. Despite the denials of manager Jose onship in the first half of the season, will meet quarter of an hour to win 4-3 at Queretaro Liverpool still lead with 80 points, but third- Mourinho, Chelsea are also still in with a slim Clausura leaders Cruz Azul in the two-leg after trailing 3-0. placed City sit three points behind with a match in chance of winning, but Rodgers said it was impor- quarter-finals. Substitute Enrique Esqueda and striker hand and with a superior goal difference, meaning tant his side picked themselves up for their last “It’s a bad result, everything looked set for Abraham Carreno scored two goals apiece for the 2011-12 champions can secure a second crown two outings. “If we can finish off the season and a win today, I think the team had good con- the “Tuzos” (moles) with the latter’s winner in three seasons if they win their last three match- win these two games, we’ll finish above them and trol but we lacked more chances and to finish coming in added time after Queretaro’s es. Chelsea are second with 78 points. Having won maybe above Manchester City. But there’s still a them off,” said La Volpe, whose side won one Brazilian Ricardo da Silva had put the match the Champions League, a UEFA Cup, two FA Cups way to go,” the Northern Irishman said. and lost two of their four matches since he seemingly beyond Pachuca’s reach complet- and three League Cups, a league title is the one “City will now feel they can go on and win their took the reins on April 2. ing a hat-trick in the 66th minute. thing missing from Gerrard’s list of club honours, games. We’ll just recover now; we’ll focus on the “I took charge with four matches left (in The rest of the quarter-final line-up has and it would be a cruel twist if his error went some next game, and continue with that positive men- the round-robin phase) and there you have Toluca against Tijuana, UNAM Pumas versus way to denying him what many would see as a fit- tality that we’ve had throughout the season - the results, logically we can’t think of failure Pachuca and Santos Laguna meeting ting reward for a career of graft and loyalty. because that’s the reason why we are where we because that word doesn’t exist in my vocab- America. —Reuters Liverpool’s English midfielder Steven Gerrard Manager Brendan Rodgers refused to criticise are.” —Reuters The day Senna Bayern counting on grabbed home advantage Formula One for Real clash attention

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Amid economic despair, Atletico is hope in Madrid Page 19

BIRMINGHAM: Will Power of Australia, drives the No. 12 Team Penske Dallara Chevrolet ahead of the pack on the first lap during the Honda Indy Car Grand Prix of Alabama. (Inset) Ryan Hunter-Reay celebrates winning the Honda Indy Car Grand Prix. — AFP Hunter-Reay coasts to IndyCar win

BIRMINGHAM: Ryan Hunter-Reay deftly guid- what I needed. I knew it was going to be close He passed Power on lap 16 when the until Andretti pulled even at the finish line to of a bummer for the fans. In the future, hope- ed his car around the rain-soaked track, stayed to make it all work out because it was so easy Australian left the track and skirted by the tire savor the moment with his teammate. He led fully we can find a way around that.” out of trouble and wound up with a much to make a mistake today. Just thrilled. This barrier before pulling back on. “I kept creeping three times for a total of 40 laps. “They’ve giv- Drivers were focused on handling the track happier ending. victory feels real good.” my braking point a little bit further and fur- en us great cars here, and a second win in a conditions, not payback from any lingering Hunter-Reay coasted to his second straight A full-course caution came out for the final ther, and I went too far,” Power said. “It’s tough row for Ryan is awesome,” said Andretti, whose anger over Long Beach clashes. It ended badly victory at Barber Motorsports Park on Sunday seven minutes of the timed race after rookie to not push past the limits with wet patches radio worked only sporadically down the for Aleshin, who walked back to pit road while when the rain-shortened IndyCar race finished Mikhail Aleshin lost control and went off the everywhere. We really didn’t have the pace in stretch. the rest of the field finished. Earlier Sebastien under caution, with Andretti Autosport team- track. That left Hunter-Reay unchallenged. the dry anyway, but that sure didn’t help our Dixon said running a time race was “kind of Bourdais had spun the Russian from behind, mate Marco Andretti behind him. The win Scott Dixon was third, followed by Simon cause when I went off course.” annoying” and Andretti said it removed some leaving him stalled. Bourdais received a drive- came two weeks after Hunter-Reay touched Pagenaud and pole-sitter Will Power, a two- The turn is called “Charlotte’s Web” because strategy from the formula. They wound up through penalty for avoidable contact. off what turned into a seven-car pileup with time winner at Barber who had a slight but of a huge spider sculpture stationed there. “I going 69 laps, and Hunter-Reay was up front The race was a change-up for Dixon, who an ill-timed attempt to pass Josef Newgarden costly misjudgment on a slippery track in the almost threw it away three or four times there for the final time starting on No. 52. “The race finished second in each of the first four races at Long Beach to end what had been a domi- tight Turn 5. myself,” Hunter-Reay said. “It was just tiptoeing should be the full distance,” Dixon said. “To at Barber. “We went the wrong way, but it was nating performance. “He was out there cutting the grass,” around. It was a very fine line between getting have to shorten these races for TV, you know, I an interesting day,” Dixon said. “Whenever you “The week after Long Beach was a pretty Hunter-Reay said. “I had to take advantage of it all right or getting it all wrong. understand the difficult predicament that have a rain delay it sort of puts a strain on long one,” Hunter-Reay said. “It was one where that. It was so easy to do that today. I almost “Any guy that’s been in an IndyCar on the everybody is in, but these are championship everybody trying to figure out what we need I just wanted to get back in a racecar as soon lost this race three times.” Web will tell you that’s how it is. You’ve got to races. They all pay the same amount of points. to do. “The cars were pretty good. The track as I could. There was some slipping and sliding, espe- go up the risk side to the get the reward out of “You decide to take 30 laps off them ... I suits wet conditions. There were a few trouble- “We knew it would be tough here. When it cially in the minutes after the field switched it, but it’s really easy to throw it all away.” think it changes strategy a lot and you’re con- some areas with standing water and a few of came to race time, I had the car in the wet, I from the wet tires with several drivers leaving It’s the 12th career win for Hunter-Reay, stantly chasing that window. Then ultimately the guys found those spots. But generally the had the car in the dry. They gave me exactly the track. who was alone up front during the caution you finish on a caution, too, which is also a bit race went fairly smoothly.” — AP Warriors down Clippers Robertson in snooker OAKLAND: Stephen Curry made a career play- The Blazers haven’t advanced out of the first off-high seven 3-pointers and scored 33 points, round since the postseason in 2000. James world quarter-finals leading the Golden State Warriors past the Los Harden had 28 points and Dwight Howard Angeles 118-97 on Sunday to even a first-round added 25 points and 14 rebounds for the SHEFFIELD: Australia’s Neil Robertson 7 I was delighted because I won quite a series that has been pulled into a race-related Rockets. booked his place in the quarter-finals of lucky frame. I had quite an unbelievable scandal involving the Clippers’ owner. Portland trailed by as many as 11 points, but this year’s World Championships with a fluke on the green, so to come out today Clippers players made a silent protest against rallied in the fourth quarter. Mo Williams’ 3- 13-7 win over Mark Allen yesterday only (Monday), I knew I had to come out and Donald Sterling by shedding their warm-up jer- pointer put the Blazers in front 105-104 with to barely miss out on a notable land- play really well. seys and going through pregame routine with 18.9 seconds left. Dorell Wright missed the first their red shirts on inside out. They also wore mark. “Those last two frames I was like a of two free throws making it 106-104 with 8.3 The world number one was left cricketer on 190 or something like that. black bands on their wrists or arms and black seconds to go. stranded on 99 competitive century It was unfortunate. I missed the black socks in a show of solidarity. Howard dunked off a feed from Harden with breaks for the season, with Robertson with one red left and I thought I hit the Curry and the Warriors made another kind of 3.6 seconds left to tie it again and Williams statement. The All-Star guard made his first five missed a 3 at the buzzer to send the game into still one shy of becoming the first man to black perfectly and I was about to cele- 3s to give Golden State a 20-point lead in the overtime at 106-106. compile 100 hundreds in a single tour brate but it rattled in the jaws. first quarter that held up most of the way. Curry WIZARDS 98, BULLS 89 campaign. “That frame there, I missed a really shot 10 for 20 from the floor, including 7 of 14 Trevor Ariza had a career playoff-high 30 Melbourne-born Robertson, the 2010 tough red down the cushion and I from beyond the arc, and had seven assists and points as Washington scored the first 14 points world champion, resumed with an thought I hit it pretty good again but it seven rebounds to help the Warriors snap a two- of the game and barely looked back in taking a overnight 9-7 lead and then made wasn’t to be. The snooker gods are going game skid. 3-1 lead in the Eastern Conference series. breaks of 59 and 69 to pull further in to keep you guys waiting a little bit Golden State outshot Los Angeles 55.4 to John Wall added 15 points and 10 assists for front against his Northern Irish oppo- longer.” Seven-time world champion 42.9 percent. The Clippers had 19 turnovers, the Wizards, who forced 16 turnovers and com- nent. Stephen Hendry was in the commentary while the Warriors had a series-low 15 turnovers. mitted only six. Washington played without for- Remarkably, Robertson succumbed box and Robertson, who long ago sur- Game 5 is today in Los Angeles. ward Nene, who was suspended for grabbing to something akin to cricket’s ‘nervous passed Judd Trump’s record of 63 hun- Andre Iguodala added 22 points and nine nineties’ in the next two frames when he dreds in a tour season, was disappointed assists, and David Lee, Klay Thompson and Jimmy Butler by the head in Game 3. The Harrison Barnes each scored 15 as the Warriors Wizards are looking to win a playoff series for missed pots after recording breaks of 94 not to have reached his 100th century in regained their shooting touch in front of a roar- only the third time since the 1970s. They can fin- and 92 respectively, although both front of the Scottish snooker great. ing, gold-shirt wearing sellout crowd of 19,596 ish off the Bulls in Game 5 today in Chicago. those efforts were more than enough to “I was gutted because Hendry was in that stood after every swish. Taj Gibson scored a career-high 32 points on be frame-winners. the commentary box as well and I would Jamal Crawford scored 26 points, and Blake 13 for 16 shooting for Chicago, but his team- “Throughout the whole match Mark have loved to do it with him in there,” Griffin had 21 points and six rebounds for a mates combined to go 22 for 62 from the field. kept sticking with me and I thought he Robertson said. Clippers team wrapped up in the most talked- RAPTORS 87, NETS 79 played really well,” Robertson told the “Hopefully for the next couple of ses- about topic in sports. DeMar DeRozan scored 24 points and Kyle BBC after his latest victory at Sheffield’s sions he can be in the box as it would be TRAIL BLAZERS 123, ROCKETS 120 Lowry added 22 as Toronto evened the first- Crucible Theatre in northern England. good to do it in front of him.” In LaMarcus Aldridge had 29 points and 10 round series at two games apiece. Amir Johnson “He’s always going to score really Monday’s other afternoon match Wales’s rebounds as Portland took a 3-1 advantage in had 17 points for the Raptors, who started fast, OAKLAND: Klay Thompson No. 11 of the Golden State heavily but his safety was really good Dominic Dale took the frame he needed the series. Nicolas Batum added 25 points in the gave up all of a 17-point lead, then shut the Nets Warriors is called for an offensive foul against DeAndre and I didn’t have many opportunities at to secure a 13-4 win over Michael first win for the home team in the series, which down over the final 5 minutes to snap a 13- Jordan No. 6 of the Los Angeles Clipplers in Game Four long balls. Wasley, the shock first-round conqueror moves to Houston for Game 5 on Wednesday. It game road losing streak in the playoffs that of the Western Conference Quarterfinals during the “I was really happy to be 4-4 and at 9- of China’s Ding Junhui. — AFP was the third overtime game of the series. went back 13 years. — AP 2014 NBA Playoffs. —AFP Euphoric small investors let Dubai bourse defy gravity Page 22

Illegal housing boom big Business challenge for Egypt’s Sisi TUESDAY, APRIL 29, 2014 Page 23 France meets Alstom bidders with pledge Wataniya and Ericsson inspire Kuwaiti media to protect jobs Page 26 Page 25

HONG KONG: A woman uses her mobile phone as she walks outside a building near Hong Kong’s Victoria Harbor yesterday. — AFP Drugs giants lock horns over $100bn merger bid AstraZeneca pursuing deal despite Pfizer’s cold-shoulder

LONDON: US drugs titan Pfizer is pursuing plans for a broader front, big companies are showing renewed inter- note to clients. Pfizer said it had informally offered £46.61 blockbuster merger with British rival AstraZeneca to fuel est in takeover opportunities amid a new-found appetite ($78.4, 56.59 euros) per AstraZeneca share on January 5 in cancer treatments despite having a $100-billion bid reject- for risk, driven by strong cash positions, and cheap money a cash and stocks offer, which valued the target company ed, the pair revealed yesterday. since the financial crisis Reports of a potential tie-up at £58.8 billion ($99 billion). Pfizer chairman and chief executive Ian Read said that a between the two drugs groups had first emerged one Read said yesterday that “patients all over the globe tie-up between two of the world’s biggest pharmaceutical week ago. would benefit” from a merger, “in the form of potential groups would “help to fight some of the world’s most In a statement issued to the London Stock Exchange, new therapies”. He added: “The combination of Pfizer and feared diseases, such as cancer”. Pfizer said “it previously submitted a preliminary, non- AstraZeneca could further enhance the ability to create It would benefit also the shareholders of both compa- binding indication of interest to the board of directors of value for shareholders of both companies.” nies, he claimed in a Pfizer statement. AstraZeneca hit AstraZeneca in January 2014 regarding a possible merger back, arguing that the informal offer made by Pfizer in transaction”. Pfizer also stressed “its continuing interest in Rush of tie-ups January “very significantly” undervalues the company. a possible merger transaction” after again contacting Speaking last Thursday, AstraZenenca chief executive Outlining its defense in a statement, it added that its AstraZeneca on Saturday “seeking to renew discussions”. Pascal Soriot said his company was on the lookout for “board remains confident in the ongoing execution of deals. Soriot, who also said that large acquisitions can be AstraZeneca’s strategy as an independent company and Pfizer to turn ‘hostile’ “very disruptive”, spoke following publication of that its successful delivery will create significant value for Joshua Raymond, chief market strategist at City Index AstraZeneca’s latest earnings update and after drugmak- shareholders”. trading group, said Pfizer’s statement indicated that the ers Novartis and GlaxoSmithKline unveiled multi-billion- Analysts said Pfizer was unlikely to walk away at this company was no longer interested in a friendly merger dollar deals also involving US group Eli Lilly. The string of point and the bid was set to turn hostile. AstraZeneca’s deal. “Make no mistake, the confirmation today of Pfizer’s deals by the three giant healthcare groups will see share price surged by 17 percent in response to yester- interest is a declaration of its intention to now pursue a Novartis sharpen its focus on the high-grossing cancer A combo of two file pictures shows (top) the logo of US day’s developments, bringing the company’s market value hostile merger. sector, GSK boost its share in vaccines and Eli Lilly drug giant Pfizer and (bottom) a signboard of British to slightly above January’s informal offer price equivalent “With AstraZeneca rebuking their attempts to negoti- strengthen its animal health unit. Also last week, Valeant pharmaceutical company AstraZeneca. — AFP to about 72 billion euros. ate, Pfizer has tried to create a buzz within AstraZeneca’s Pharmaceuticals offered to acquire Botox-maker Allergan and diabetes after announcing a plunge in profits for the Yesterday’s developments come as the global pharma- leading shareholders to get them to force the issue with for more than $45 billion. first quarter, hit by generic competition following the loss ceutical sector is undergoing a huge shake-up to face the the current board. “The board of AstraZeneca remains Raymond said that a merger would produce also a mas- of exclusivity for some of its key drugs. AstraZeneca is challenges of expiring patents for key brands and deep under pressure after falling sales and a failure to gain sive tax benefit for Pfizer. AstraZeneca is looking to push shedding also around 5,000 jobs under a three-year cost- cuts to government healthcare spending worldwide. On a momentum for ... turnaround plans,” Raymond said in a ahead with new treatments for cancer, respiratory disease cutting program due to end in 2016. — AFP AstraZeneca bid supports Gulf markets dip as retail FTSE 100 despite Russia investors book profits LONDON: AstraZeneca shares surged to as if a deal is going ahead, traders said. boost Britain’s top share index yesterday, New sanctions on Russia from the United after US rival Pfizer said it wanted to buy States contributed to choppy afternoon the drugmaker. The FTSE 100 looked set to trade. Markets initially took a hit when the MIDEAST STOCK MARKETS post a new 7-week closing high, despite a sanctions were announced, fearing eco- volatile afternoon session as investors nomic fallout from the move, but then DUBAI: Most stock markets in the Gulf will reduce passive fund inflows associated The firm made a profit of 1.59 billion digested new sanctions on Russia from rebounded as analysts said the details of declined yesterday as retail investors with the upgrade - although they were riyals ($437 million) while analysts polled by the United States. AstraZeneca jumped 15 the sanctions were less harsh than antici- booked profits in Dubai, Abu Dhabi and expected to be modest in any case. Dubai’s Reuters had on average expected the com- percent after Pfizer confirmed yesterday it pated. Qatar after strong gains lifted those bourses bourse slid 0.8 percent yesterday. Dubai pany to earn 1.77 billion riyals. Its shares had approached the drugmaker in “It’s been a long week since we had a to multi-year peaks earlier this month. The Islamic Bank, down 2.2 percent, was the dropped 3.0 percent yesterday. January and said it had contacted the sense of optimism that negotiations could three markets are the top performers in the main drag. The lender is due to publish its A number of sharia-compliant stocks con- company again on April 26 seeking discus- pave the way to a solution. But these are region: Dubai has gained 51 percent, Abu first-quarter results in coming days. tinued to decline after rising earlier this sions about a takeover in what would be targeted, rather than a widescale, scatter- Dhabi is up 19 percent and Qatar has added Shares in construction firm Arabtec month on speculation that some of them one of the largest pharmaceuticals deals gun mentality, which is encouraging,” IG’s 22 percent. Holding edged down 0.7 percent as trading might become acquisition targets of Ezdan ever. McCaig said. The FTSE 100 was up 32.91 “Given the run-up year-to-date, it is natu- volume decreased after it hit an all-time Holding, a firm founded and chaired by AstraZeneca added about 30 points to points, or 0.5 percent, at 6,718.60 by 1435 the FTSE 100. The shares had traded 4 and GMT, with AstraZeneca’s rise accounting ral to see them (retail investors) book a little closing high of 8.99 dirhams on Sunday. The members of the ruling al-Thani family. Ezdan a 1/2 times their 90-day daily average vol- for all of the index’s gains, which set it up bit of profit,” said Amer Khan, senior execu- stock has gained 49 percent this month. In has now announced two of three planned ume by 1413 GMT, with total turnover on for a new 7-week closing high as it rallied tive at Shuaa Asset Management. Also, all Abu Dhabi, the index slipped 1.2 percent, stake purchases, buying into Islamic Holding the FTSE 100 less than half of its average. through 6,703. three markets have been boosted by expec- pulled down by large lenders such as Abu Group and Widam Food and leaving less Astra’s share price gain raised the group’s Analysts said a rebound in corporate tations of increased foreign investment Dhabi Commercial Bank and First Gulf Bank, room for further speculation. market capitalization by roughly 7.7 billion dealmaking could offset concerns about since index compiler MSCI said last June it which fell 2.5 and 2.0 percent respectively. Egypt’s bourse declined 1.0 percent, pounds ($13 billion). The prospect of more frothy valuations for British firms and low- would upgrade them to emerging market down for a second session in a row after corporate activity in the sector also lifted er analyst forecasts, keeping the FTSE 100 status at the end of May 2014. Qatar, Egypt closing at a three-week high last Shire and GlaxoSmithKline. Shire added stuck in a range for now. But, citing limits on foreign ownership, The Doha benchmark fell 1.3 percent, Wednesday. Property developer Talaat around 10 percent and GlaxoSmithKline “It just shows how important M&A is to MSCI told clients at the end of last week that largely due to Industries Qatar which posted Moustafa Group was the main drag, drop- about 6 percent last week. keep sentiment positive given that the it would cut by half the index weightings of a 38 percent drop in first-quarter net profit ping 3.1 percent as its shares stopped carry- Without further news, Astra shares macro, although it’s improving, is kind of four major stocks from each country. This on Sunday, trailing analysts’ forecasts. ing the 2013 dividend yesterday. — Reuters were set to consolidate around current priced in now,” said Ian Williams, a Peel levels, extending their gains only if it looks Hunt equity strategist. — Reuters TUESDAY, APRIL 29, 2014 BUSINESS News in brief Euphoric small investors let

Egyptian pound’s Dubai bourse defy gravity official rate weakens CAIRO: The Egyptian pound weakened at a central bank dollar sale and on the black market yesterday. The central bank said it sold dollars at a cut-off price of World Expo, MSCI upgrade hopes may be overblown 6.9900 pounds, weaker than the rate of 6.9853 pounds at its last sale on Wednesday. On the black market the DUBAI: A sense of euphoria can be felt as you walk onto analysts estimate, compared to levels well below 50 percent are supporting the market,” said a third investor. He came to dollar was being offered at 7.48 pounds yesterday, a the Dubai Financial Market’s (DFM) trading floor. Excited for many other stock markets around the world. the DFM with his son, who also plays the stock market. “We market participant said, compared with 7.37 on investors sit huddled at tables, eyes fixed on trading That makes retail players more powerful than institution- local investors have a long-term view of the economy.” Wednesday. The central bank sold $39.2 million yester- screens. Occasionally the floor erupts in applause as certain al investors in dictating day-to-day market moves. Their The second pillar is international equity index compiler day, it said. It had offered $40 million. Egypt’s foreign stocks shoot up to target levels. A local investor in his fifties presence can be seen in a roughly threefold leap in trading MSCI’s plan to upgrade the UAE to emerging market from currency reserves edged up to $17.414 billion in who gives his name as Abu Hany, dressed in the traditional volume on the DFM in the past year, to levels last seen in frontier market status at the end of May, which will put March from $17.307 billion in February. They remain white robes of the Gulf, describes himself as essentially a 2009. It could also be seen in this month’s response to an Dubai on the map for more foreign fund managers. well down from $36 billion before the uprising that led short-term trader - like many of the customers in the room. initial public offer of shares in Dubai, the first IPO on the Expectations for the boost from this factor may well be to the ouster of President Hosni Mubarak in 2011 and “Most of my investments are hit-and-run. This is my DFM since the emirate’s financial crisis froze primary market overblown; fund managers calculate Dubai might draw a subsequent tumble in the value of the currency. investment strategy.” But he also shows little inclination to issuance five years ago. between $1 billion and $2 billion of new foreign money, not take money off the table for any extended period; profits he Marka, a “cash shell” being set up by prominent local much compared to the market’s $93 billion capitalization - makes from selling one stock are quickly ploughed into businessmen, does not have any current operations and and a lot of the new money has already arrived. Dubai airport passenger buying another. Abu Hany’s strategy helps to explain the investors were asked to commit money on the basis of a But if the first two pillars weaken, retail investors have a traffic up 7.5% y/y in March extraordinary strength of Dubai’s stock market. He and general plan for the company to open fashion retail outlets, third pillar to sustain them: a dramatic improvement in the DUBAI: Passenger traffic through Dubai’s main thousands of other individual investors - most of them restaurants and cafes across the Gulf in coming years. But outlook for some individual local firms, thanks to the airport, one of the world’s busiest, rose 7.5 percent United Arab Emirates citizens, but some of them from other the IPO was designed to appeal to retail investors - shares region’s economic boom and in some cases, support from from a year earlier to 6.29 million people in March, rich Gulf countries such as Saudi Arabia and Kuwait - have were sold through a wide network of subscription banks - UAE authorities. Last year, for example, Abu Dhabi state the airport operator said yesterday. In the first made Dubai the world’s best-performing major stock mar- and the 275 million dirham ($75 million) offer, representing fund Aabar increased its management control of Dubai three months of this year, passenger traffic at ket this year. 55 percent of Marka’s capital, was a massive 36 times sub- builder Arabtec. Since then, Arabtec has launched an inter- Dubai International increased 11.4 percent to Flush with cash from the Gulf’s economic boom and scribed. national expansion drive, winning among other contracts a 18.36 million people, driven by expansion in the inspired by some impressive corporate success stories, they Leverage played a big role during the last big retail $40 billion deal - backed by both the UAE and Egyptian networks of the Emirates and flydubai airlines, have pushed the emirate’s main stock index up 50 percent investor-led booms in Dubai’s stock market, in 2005 and governments - to build one million homes in Egypt. Dubai Airports said. Freight volume handled by so far in 2014 after it more than doubled last year. Many 2008. This time, many investors claim they are more cau- That deal alone is worth over five times Arabtec’s entire the airport rose 6.7 percent in March to 228,154 professional fund managers and analysts are starting to tious. “In 2008, I invested in a fund through a bank in the 2012 revenues; more contracts related to Aabar and the tons, partly because of increasing strength in the worry that the market may be overheating; some have UAE. I leveraged four times my capital and after five years, I Abu Dhabi government are in the pipeline. Arabtec’s share world’s developed economies, Dubai Airports been predicting a pull-back for months. But the flood of lost more than half of my total investment - and I was price has more than tripled so far this year. Many fund man- added. Three-month freight volume rose 5.0 per- money from retail investors has pushed the index up almost unable to repay the bank,” said another customer at the agers, noting that Arabtec may struggle to manage such a cent to 613,876 tons. Growth in the airport’s opera- without interruption for 18 months, and as long as people DFM this week. fast expansion and translate its huge deals into concrete tions is set to slow in the next two months as it like Abu Hany keep their confidence, the uptrend may well “This has taught me not to invest through margin lend- profits, have become skeptical of the stock at its current lev- plans to reduce the number of flights it handles by continue. ing.” But leverage is clearly a significant factor in the current el of 8.84 dirhams. Five of a sample of 12 analysts now have 26 percent during an 80-day period of construc- “Our markets and economy are strong and I believe that bull run. The number of accredited margin trading some form of sell rating on it, against only three rating it a tion work on its runways, starting from the begin- Dubai is the ideal environment for investors,” Abu Hany said providers at the DFM has increased by seven to 18, the buy, according to Thomson Reuters data. Many retail ning of May. Some of the traffic will be diverted to this week. If there is a market pull-back, he added, “I believe bourse said in its first-quarter report. investors, however, say they take the announcements of Dubai’s new Al-Maktoum International Airport. that it will be minimal.” corporate deals at face value. Optimism “If the size of one contract is $40 billion, I am not sur- Risk and reward Retail investors’ optimism appears to be built mainly on prised at Arabtec’s share price performance and I expect When the Dubai market started its ascent at the begin- three pillars. One is the strong momentum behind the the stock to reach 10 dirhams by the end of May,” Abu Hany UAE lender NBAD ning of 2012, it was cheap. By some measures, that is no Dubai economy’s recovery from its 2009 crisis; gross domes- said. Q1 net profit flat longer the case; analysts estimate the market is trading at tic product is growing at a rate of 4 percent or more, and If faith in Arabtec falters, there are other high-flying ABU DHABI: National Bank of Abu Dhabi yesterday about 19 times estimated earnings for 2014, compared to residential property prices were up by about a third from a stocks to lure retail investors. State-backed Emaar beat analysts’ forecasts even though growth in first- about 10 times for MSCI’s emerging markets index. year earlier in the first quarter of 2014. With real estate Properties , Dubai’s largest listed real estate developer, saw quarter net profit was flat to last year. The biggest bank For many institutional investors, that means the prices in some areas nearing their pre-crisis peaks, some its first-quarter net profit jump 55 percent and last week in the United Arab Emirates by market value posted a risk/reward ratio has changed for the worse - so regardless investors argue that the stock market index, now just above predicted profit would quadruple by 2018. net profit of 1.41 billion dirhams ($383.9 million), of how optimistic one is about the long-term outlook for 5,000 points, is heading for its record high of 8,545 points, Of a sample of 14 analysts rating Emaar, 11 still give it unchanged from the first quarter a year earlier. That Dubai’s trade-and tourism-fuelled economy, the bull run hit in 2005. Qatar’s market regained its 2005 peak last week. some form of buy rating and none view it as a sell. A fourth topped an average of 1.20 billion dirhams forecast by should soon pause. “It is hot and there is nothing to fuel the Many individual investors cite Dubai’s success last retail investor at the DFM said he felt Arabtec was indeed analysts polled by Reuters. “Overall, we produced very heat apart from high hopes, some of which are about to be November in winning the right to host the World Expo in overvalued, and that the Dubai index would drop as much good ‘business as usual’ results in a marketplace in dashed,” Sanyalak Manibhandu, manager of research at 2020, an event promoted by the government as a big boost as 5 to 7 percent in the next six weeks. But this prospect did which we continue to see margin compression,” CEO major brokerage NBAD Securities, said last week. to the emirate’s development - though some private ana- not change his bullish overall view of the market, he added. Alex Thursby said in the earnings statement. “Our strate- But such misgivings are having little impact on share lysts say the scale of the long-term benefits is not clear. “The market is fairly valued and that is the reason I am gy enables us to generate growth at acceptable returns prices because of the structure of the Dubai market. Retail “Analysts give excuses for the rise and fall of the index, invested. Dubai has got a lot of potential to rise. On that for our shareholders in this competitive environment.” investors account for some 60 to 70 percent of daily trading, but I think that the Expo 2020 and the government’s vision basis, I am satisfied,” he said. — Reuters UAE banks in general have recorded impressive growth in the first quarter, continuing the trend from 2013, as the economy rebounds from a real estate crash and debt problems at Dubai government-linked entities. Egypt sees deficit

Dubai’s DP World Q1 at 14-14.5% of GDP container volume up DUBAI: DP World , the world’s third biggest port operator, yesterday said its consolidated container next fiscal year volume rose 9.1 percent in the first quarter, because of the addition of new capacity and a CAIRO: The Egyptian government sees its budget pick-up in global trade. The company handled 6.76 deficit, if it does not implement reforms, running at million twenty-foot equivalent units in the quarter, 14-14.5 percent of gross domestic product in the fis- compared with 6.19 million TEU in the correspon- cal year starting on July 1, Finance Minister Hany ding period of 2013. Gross volumes, which include Dimian said on Sunday, above a target of 10-10.5 all terminals in which DP World is involved, not just percent he gave in March. Egypt’s economy has suf- ones controlled by the company, handled 14.3 mil- fered from more than three years of political turmoil lion TEU, up 10.5 percent year-on-year. that has driven away tourists and investment. Last month, Dimian cut the economic growth target for the fiscal year to the end of June to 2-2.5 percent Jordan Islamic Bank posts from 3-3.5 percent. Q1 net profit of $14.7m “The budget deficit, if we do not implement AMMAN: Jordan Islamic Bank, a subsidiary of Bahrain- reforms, will be around 340-350 billion Egyptian based Al-Baraka Banking Corp, reported first-quarter pounds ($48.60 billion-$50.03 billion), which is net profit of 10.4 million dinars ($14.7 million) yester- around 14 to 14.5 pct of GDP,” Dimian said in an inter- day, the same level as the year-ago period. The bank, view with CBC, a local TV station. Egypt’s fiscal year the oldest of the four Islamic banks operating in runs from July 1 to June 30. Jordan and the largest in terms of assets, said the Dimian, appointed earlier this year, said in March results reflected continued healthy growth in Islamic the state’s budget deficit for fiscal year 2013/14 banking services. Its assets had risen to 3.6 billion would be around 12 percent and expected it to stand dinars by the end of March, compared with 3.5 billion at 10-10.5 percent in the following fiscal year. Dimian at end of 2013, while customer deposits were up at said he hoped economic reforms could bring the 3.24 billion dinars against 3.19 billion dinars at the end JAKARTA: An Indonesian vendor shows clocks as she waits for customers in Jakarta yesterday. Indonesia’s Central bank budget deficit down to 10 percent of GDP, but gave of last year, it said in a statement. expects inflation to ease in April for rise of 7.2 percent on the year, an official said compared to 7.32 percent the previous no time frame. — Reuters month. — AFP


Philippine Peso 0.006358 0.006638 Syrian Pound 2.955 Sierra Leone 0.000062 0.000068 Al-Muzaini Exchange Co. UAE Exchange Centre WLL Nepalese Rupees 3.900 Singapore Dollar 0.219262 0.22562 Malaysian Ringgit 86.850 South African Rand 0.020184 0.028884 ASIAN COUNTRIES COUNTRY SELL DRAFT SELL CASH Chinese Yuan Renminbi 46.335 Sri Lankan Rupee 0.001865 0.002445 Japanese Yen 2.732 Australian Dollar 259.05 256.05 Thai Bhat 9.690 Taiwan 0.009189 0.009369 Indian Rupees 4.632 Canadian Dollar 257.62 258.62 Turkish Lira 127.050 Pakistani Rupees 2.729 Swiss Franc 326.02 324.02 Thai Baht 0.008381 0.008931 Srilankan Rupees 2.158 Euro 394.72 395.72 Bahrain Exchange Company Nepali Rupees 2.896 US Dollar 281.40 284.40 Arab Singapore Dollar 223.180 Sterling Pound 473.05 476.05 Bahraini Dinar 0.741953 0.749953 Hongkong Dollar 36.351 Japanese Yen 2.78 2.80 CURRENCY BUY SELL Egyptian Pound 0.036772 0.039872 Bangladesh Taka 3.623 Bangladesh Taka 3.622 3.892 Europe Iranian Riyal 0.000078 0.000079 Philippine Peso 6.355 Indian Rupee 4.607 4.907 Belgian Franc 0.007332 0.008332 Iraqi Dinar 0.000181 0.000241 Thai Baht 8.754 Sri Lankan Rupee 2.157 2.592 British Pound 0.462277 0.471277 Jordanian Dinar 0.393730 0.401230 Irani Riyal transfer 0.271 Nepali Rupee 2.894 3.429 Czech Korune 0.006264 0.018264 Kuwaiti Dinar 1.0000000 1.0000000 Irani Riyal cash 0.273 Pakistani Rupee 2.788 2.790 Danish Krone 0.048291 0.053291 Lebanese Pound 0.000137 0.000237 Euro 0.385259 0.393259 Moroccan Dirhams 0.024316 0.048316 GCC COUNTRIES UAE Dirhams 76.68 77.15 Bahraini Dinar 748.97 751.04 Norwegian Krone 0.043228 0.048428 Nigerian Naira 0.001114 0.001749 Saudi Riyal 75.257 Omani Riyal 0.726824 0.732504 Qatari Riyal 77.543 Egyptian Pound 40.42 41.02 Romanian Leu 0.086667 0.86667 Jordanian Dinar 400.50 406.15 Slovakia 0.008066 0.018066 Qatar Riyal 0.076790 0.078003 Omani Riyal 733.110 Saudi Riyal 0.074603 0.075303 Bahraini Dinar 749.570 Omani Riyal 731.82 739.12 Swedish Krona 0.040128 0.045128 Syrian Pound 0.002162 0.002382 UAE Dirham 76.856 Qatari Riyal 77.71 78.26 Swiss Franc 0.314266 0.324466 Saudi Riyal 75.17 75.57 Turkish Lira 0.125432 0.132432 Tunisian Dinar 0.175706 0.183706 ARAB COUNTRIES Turkish Lira 0.125432 0.132432 Egyptian Pound - Cash 39.250 Dollarco Exchange Co. Ltd Australasia UAE Dirhams 0.075837 0.076986 Egyptian Pound - Transfer 40.089 Australian Dollar 0.246149 0.257649 Yemeni Riyal 0.001281 0.001361 Yemen Riyal/for 1000 1.318 New Zealand Dollar 0.232670 0.241170 Tunisian Dinar 180.370 Rate for Transfer Selling Rate Jordanian Dinar 398.530 US Dollar 281.900 America Al Mulla Exchange Lebanese Lira/for 1000 1.893 Canadian Dollar 256.355 Canadian Dollar 0.248103 0.256603 Syrian Lira 2.011 Sterling Pound 470.375 US Dollars 0.278050 0.282400 Morocco Dirham 35.709 Euro 392.508 US Dollars Mint 0.278550 0.282400 Currency Transfer Rate (Per 1000) Swiss Frank 321.250 US Dollar 281.600 EUROPEAN & AMERICAN COUNTRIES Bahrain Dinar 744.350 Asia Euro 391.900 US Dollar Transfer 282.100 UAE Dirhams 76.730 Bangladesh Taka 0.003293 0.003893 Pound Sterling 469.750 Euro 394.940 Qatari Riyals 78.280 Chinese Yuan 0.044791 0.048291 Canadian Dollar 254.850 Sterling Pound 475.200 Saudi Riyals 76.040 Hong Kong Dollar 0.034266 0.037016 Indian Rupee 4.633 Canadian dollar 256.450 Jordanian Dinar 397.280 Indian Rupee 0.004372 0.004773 Egyptian Pound 40.090 Turkish lira 127.970 Egyptian Pound 40.444 Sri Lankan Rupee 2.157 Swiss Franc 714.180 Indonesian Rupiah 0.000019 0.000025 Sri Lankan Rupees 2.157 Japanese Yen 0.002646 0.002828 Bangladesh Taka 3.625 Australian Dollar 258.250 Indian Rupees 4.648 Philippines Peso 6.330 US Dollar Buying 280.900 Kenyan Shilling 0.003256 0.003256 Pakistani Rupees 2.819 Korean Won 0.000254 0.000269 Pakistan Rupee 2.810 Bangladesh Taka 3.621 Malaysian Ringgit 0.082334 0.088334 Bahraini Dinar 749.850 GOLD Philippines Pesso 6.330 UAE Dirham 76.700 Nepalese Rupee 0.002842 0.003012 20 Gram 240.000 Cyprus pound 692.400 Saudi Riyal 75.200 Pakistan Rupee 0.002570 0.002850 10 Gram 121.000 Japanese Yen 3.725 *Rates are subject to change 5 Gram 62.500 BUSINESS TUESDAY, APRIL 29, 2014

UAE’s Etisalat secures $4.36bn loan for Maroc Telecom buy

DUBAI: Etisalat has signed a 3.15 billion euro ($4.36 billion) facility to fund its purchase of Maroc Telecom, opting to borrow rather than use cash to exploit low interest rates and maintain dividend levels, its CFO said. The Gulf’s No 2 telecom operator by market value expects to conclude its first major acquisition of the decade by the end of May, having agreed to pay 4.2 bil- lion euros for Paris-listed Vivendi’s 53 percent stake in Maroc Telecom. Etisalat opted to borrow to fund the acquisition despite hav- ing a net cash balance of 13.3 billion dirhams ($3.62 billion) as of the end of March. “The cost of debt is very low so we thought it would be wise for Etisalat to leverage the balance sheet to optimize the capital structure,” Serkan Okandan, Etisalat’s chief financial officer, told Reuters in a telephone interview. He said such borrowing would also enable Etisalat, which posted an 11 percent rise in first-quarter profit on Sunday, to maintain dividends around current levels. It paid 0.35 dirhams per share for the second half of 2013. The new facility consists of a 2.1 billion euro one-year bridge loan, priced at Euribor plus 45 basis points for the first six months. This then increases by 15 bps in each of the following three months, it said in a bourse statement yesterday. The second part is a 1.05 billion euro three-year loan priced at 87 basis points above Euribor. Although Etisalat priced the loans in euros, they can also be utilized in dollars, the statement said, adding 17 local, regional and international banks were financing the facility. HONG KONG: Commuters ride the Star Ferry (right) in Victoria Harbor in front of the Hong Kong skyline (back) yesterday. The International Monetary Fund said yesterday Government bond Hong Kong property prices are set to see adjustments following years of boom. — AFP On Sunday, Reuters reported that an Abu Dhabi state- owned fund would finance a quarter of Etisalat’s purchase of the Maroc Telecom stake, thereby reducing Etisalat’s contribu- tion to 3.15 billion euros. “We cannot comment for the moment,” said Okandan when asked to confirm the role of the Illegal housing boom big Abu Dhabi fund. “In May, within a few weeks we are hoping to close the transaction and at the close we will announce the specifics of this structure. Even without an investor we have enough cash to top up the 1 billion euros.” challenge for Egypt’s Sisi Morocco’s takeover rules require Etisalat to make a buyout offer for Maroc Telecom’s minority shareholders - the govern- ment owns 30 percent, with the remaining 17 percent of the company openly traded on the stock exchange. The price per Population growing at alarming pace share could be different to that agreed with Vivendi, analysts have said. When asked if Etisalat might borrow more to fund a minority buy-out, Okandan said “it depends on the mandatory CAIRO: When an explosion in one of Cairo’s calmer resi- Egypt is among the highest in the world, with one in a someone who will deliver justice and help the poor. tender offer (MTO), which may be launched after the closing in dential areas reduced a five-storey building to rubble, four Egyptians living on less than $1.65 a day. While the Critics accuse him of allowing Mubarak-era officials and Morocco.” residents feared it was the work of suicide bombers. elite live in gated communities with blossoming gar- businessmen to dominate Egypt once again at the Former monopoly Maroc Telecom also has operations in Actually, authorities were dynamiting unlicensed build- dens and artificial lakes or in luxury flats overlooking expense of the poor. Gabon, Mauritania, Burkina Faso and Mali, while Etisalat sub- ings, even though millions of Egyptians are desperate the Nile, the poor set up homes anywhere they can. To Um Mohamed, who faces eviction soon, little has sidiary Atlantique Telecom has operations in several African for housing - a sensitive issue that the country’s new Many have no clean water or sanitation. About half a changed since Mubarak fell. “We thought that after the countries including Ivory Coast, Niger and Togo. Okandan president will face. million people live in a sprawling Cairo cemetery. revolution the situation would improve. We had no idea declined to comment on whether Maroc Telecom, which has After Egyptians vote next month, many will want “Poverty has driven them to that and the idleness of that the thieves would return,” she said. “They cheated made a better fist of sub-Saharan Africa, would take over the their new leader - expected to be former army chief previous governments over the past 40-50 years has us. We had hope that this country would improve but management of Atlantique as suggested by some analysts. Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi - to tackle the housing crunch as resulted in this. This problem has been accumulating that did not happen at all.” “Whether under Maroc Telecom or not, we will continue to con- the population explodes. Sisi is seen as a decisive figure over decades,” said Khaled Gabarty, executive director The government has announced plans to build one solidate Atlantique Telecom (in our results),” he said. Etisalat has by supporters. But the man who toppled Egypt’s first of the government’s Informal Settlement Development million houses for low income individuals in a project made capital commitments of 5.07 billion dirhams for 2014, freely elected president last year has not outlined how Facility. Egyptian officials say the country will need to worth $280 billion Egyptian pounds, one of the down 7 percent on 2013. This year’s expenditure will largely be he plans to ease the country’s social ills, with the hous- provide 500,000 units a year, a target that seems far- biggest in the region, with the help of the United spent in the UAE, Egypt and Pakistan, Okandan said. — Reuters ing crisis one of the most challenging. fetched for a nation where plans to build affordable Arab Emirate’s Arabtec Holding. But many poor Many frustrated Egyptians have taken matters into units have repeatedly fallen short of expectations. Egyptians remain skeptical. “Those are not for us, it is their own hands since the 2011 army-backed uprising “I don’t think any government in the world can catch not for our level. This is for the soldiers and officers which toppled Hosni Mubarak raised false hopes of up with such a big number,” Ayman Sami, head of Jones and their people,” said Hind Gomaa, who lives in a greater social justice. They started constructing multi- Lang La-Salle’s Egypt office. Sisi is seen by supporters as building due to be torn down. — Reuters storey buildings without seeking the required permits or adhering to safety standards that may raise the cost of construction. Some invested their savings in the rows of unfinished red-brick buildings seen around Cairo’s ring road, con- cluding they would get away with living in illegal flats in the chaos of post-Mubarak Egypt. But as the government tries to impose order by tear- ing down those buildings, many Egyptians will find themselves empty-handed, raising the prospect of fur- ther unrest in a nation where street protests have removed two presidents in three years. “All these people will not remain quiet, they stand up against the regime and the ruler,” said Adel Soliman, head of the Strategic BAGHDAD: A worker at a wheel-tap at the Tawke oil field Dialogue Forum think-tank. “This is one of the biggest that is linked with the Jihan Turkish pipeline in Zakho, problems that will face the government.” 400km north of Baghdad. With a budget languishing in Three years of instability has already hammered the parliament, crucial reforms on the back burner and a ham- economy and frightened away foreign investors. Those strung private sector, prospects for Iraq’s economy after this week’s election hinge heavily on the oil factor. — AFP conditions fuelled the illegal housing boom as shady contractors exploited the mayhem and rising demand for affordable homes. Officials say at least 450,000 of these buildings were constructed without permits in IMF raises growth the past three years.

outlook for China Shattered dreams Now a large number will be torn down, dashing the BEIJING: The International Monetary Fund raised its economic hopes of people like Safaa Abdelsattar, holding her one- growth forecast for China yesterday but warned that its financial year-old daughter and pacing around her unfinished system faces risks due to the rapid expansion of debt. The IMF’s 0.3 flat. Nearby, workers were tearing down a building, a percentage point increase to 7.5 percent in its growth outlook for reminder of her fate. Times were good when China may help reassure investors who worry the world’s second- Abdelsattar moved into an illegally built apartment largest economy might be slowing too abruptly. complex in the Maadi district a year ago. Her salesman The forecast is in line with the ruling Communist Party’s official husband invested life savings of 125,000 Egyptian growth target for the year and would be the strongest for any pounds. They could only afford to furnish one room. major economy. But it is well below the double-digit levels of the “This was our dream house. Now people want to past decade and might raise the risk of politically dangerous job come and demolish our dreams. Where will I go with my losses. The IMF warned that China faces the twin risks of an unex- children?” Abdelsattar asked, her voice trembling as pectedly sharp slowdown and “rising vulnerabilities” in its financial panic sets in. system. It said both could cause repercussions for the region. She, along with other residents, accuse corrupt offi- It pointed to the rapid growth of credit from sources other cials of forging the deeds to the land. The illegal hous- than traditional banks. It said the assets of such lenders have grown to the equivalent of 25 percent of the country’s annual ing boom was fuelled mostly by businessmen or prop- gross domestic product. “This represents an important source of erty developers who were well aware of rising demand systemic risks,” the IMF said. Chinese regulators have tried to slow and wanted to make a quick buck under lax govern- credit growth without causing the economy to stall. Total credit ment supervision. They constructed buildings in a rush, was 16.8 percent greater in March than a year earlier. The IMF’s bypassing regulations and sometimes relying on forged warning echoed private sector economists who say the rapid documents to sell apartments at bargain prices, said increase in China’s debt levels is similar to that of other developing Ahmad, a real estate broker, and two contractors who countries that have gone on to suffer financial crises. China’s total worked on such buildings. government and private debt rose to 207 percent of GDP in 2012, Now the fate of these buildings is in limbo as officials a 62 percent increase over 2008, according to estimates by hunt for illegal or unsafe ones to demolish. “After the Nomura economists Zhiwei Zhang and Wendy Chen. revolution many people started to build on land that is The IMF noted recent defaults in trust products, or packages of not theirs ... The housing crisis has made people desper- credit card and other debt sold by banks to investors, and heavy ate to buy property as soon as it is available,” said debts owed by some local governments that borrowed to pay for Ahmad, an agent who helps people find homes in Cairo. roads and other projects. “There is likely to be continued news of “This is a real problem. People put their life savings in credit problems,” the IMF said. “This could spark adverse financial these housing units and then overnight they will find market reaction both in China and globally.” out that these apartments do not belong to them.” The report urged Beijing to make progress toward its goal of rebalancing the economy toward self-sustaining growth based on Population crisis domestic consumption and away from reliance on investment. Egypt’s next leader faces a dilemma. Destroying ille- Reforms promised by the government of President Xi Jinping are “far-reaching and have the potential to transform the economy,” gal buildings could trigger a backlash in a country the IMF said. “There are some burgeoning signs that consumption whose population has grown by one million people in is set to play a larger role in the economy, and efforts to cool down less than six months. Doing nothing could encourage credit growth, raise the cost of capital and dampen investment Egyptians to keep building illegally. Sisi is not as popu- growth should continue.” China’s economic growth last year of 7.7 lar as he was when he ousted President Mohammad percent tied 2012 for its lowest annual rate since 1999 and dipped Morsi of the Muslim Brotherhood last July and to 7.4 percent in the first quarter. Exports and manufacturing have Egyptians will expect him to take on a host of chal- weakened, raising questions about whether growth is slowing too lenges - from an Islamist insurgency to a struggling sharply. The ruling party has promised to make the state-dominat- economy. ed economy more efficient and productive by opening more The housing issue is especially delicate. It is one of industries to entrepreneurs who generate a majority of China’s the starkest reminders of the gap between rich and new jobs and wealth.—AP poor, which helped trigger the 2011 revolt. Poverty in BUSINESS TUESDAY, APRIL 29, 2014 Russia-West tensions weigh on world stocks

LONDON: World stocks steadied above 10- US President Barack Obama announced European stocks rose 0.4 percent, thanks to after state media reported President Xi kets.” The dollar pulled back against a basket day lows yesterday, with investors holding new sanctions against some Russians yester- a 15 percent jump in AstraZeneca after US Jinping as saying current fiscal and monetary of six major currencies, touching a two-week back from making aggressive bets as tensions day to stop President Vladimir Putin from drugmaker Pfizer said it wanted to buy its policies would basically remain unchanged low ahead of a meeting of the Federal Reserve between Russia and the West over Ukraine fomenting the rebellion in eastern Ukraine. smaller British rival in a deal potentially worth following a Politburo meeting on Friday. which is expected to see the central bank cut showed no sign of easing. MSCI’s world equity Obama said he was holding broader measures more than $100 billion. Russian stocks fell more than 1 percent another $10 billion from its monthly bond- index was flat after falling 0.7 percent on against Russia’s economy “in reserve”. The Shares in Bayer jumped 4.7 percent after before recovering, while the cost of insuring buying plan. Friday. European Union is expected to add targets to posting forecast-beating quarterly results. Russian debt against default hit its highest The euro rose to two-week highs against Markets, especially in Asia, had earlier been its Russia sanctions list later. Pro-Moscow “Thanks to central banks’ massive (provision since November 2011 as concerns grew that the dollar before mid-week data that is hit by signals that Chinese authorities are rebels have seized public buildings in Ukraine’s of) liquidity, a lot of companies are now look- new US sanctions would hurt the already flag- expected to show inflation ticking higher, eas- unlikely to support the economy with more east and are holding several international ing for takeover targets across the board, ging economy. ing pressure on the European Central Bank to stimulus, but European stocks drew support monitors hostage in the city of Slavyansk. which is very positive for the market,” said “With the Russia-Ukraine crisis rumbling loosen monetary conditions in the near term. from merger moves and upbeat results in the “Events in the Ukraine are expected once Lionel Jardin, head of institutional sales at on, affecting financial markets in both emerg- On bond markets, Slovenian 10-year bond pharmaceutical sector. The tensions over again to take centre stage this week,” said Assya Capital in Paris. Expectations of merger- ing and developed economies, investors are yields jumped 22 basis points to 3.91 percent Ukraine boosted Brent oil prices above $110 a Markus Huber, senior analyst at Peregrine & related inflows also helped sterling to a new 4- apt to ask for how long it will continue,” SEB after Prime Minister Alenka Bratusek lost a barrel, near a seven-week high, and prompted Black. “Traders will closely watch today how 1/2 year high. analyst Per Hammarlund said. “If (Putin) con- vote for the leadership of her centre-left party, some investors to seek safety in assets such as negotiations continue to proceed concerning Emerging stocks slumped to a one-month tinues to pursue this tactic (of supporting Positive Slovenia. German Bund futures fell 10 the yen, which was close to one-week highs the release of the captured Western observers low, led lower by Shanghai and Moscow. rebels from outside) the implications are that ticks. — Reuters against the dollar. and the new sanctions.” Investor sentiment towards China took a hit the process will be drawn out for global mar-

TOKYO: A man waits to cross a street outside a securities firm in Tokyo yesterday. Shares fell yesterday in Asia as investors remained wary of mounting violence in Ukraine, while awaiting a raft of financial indicators due later in the week. — AP Oil rises above $110 on Ukraine, Libya worries LONDON: Brent crude oil rose above of delivery outages,” said Carsten $110 a barrel yesterday, close to a sev- Fritsch, senior oil and commodities en-week high, as tensions mounted in analyst at Commerzbank in Frankfurt. eastern Ukraine and Libya delayed the Russia’s oil pipeline monopoly reopening of a damaged eastern port. Transneft has said it is worried Ukraine The United States and Europe are may take control of its oil product preparing new sanctions against pipeline to Hungary. “Russia has shak- Russia over its actions in Ukraine. Pro- en up the global energy scene by Russian rebels paraded European showing its willingness to employ monitors they are holding on Sunday, energy as a political weapon,” said freeing one but saying they had no David Hufton, managing director of plans to release another seven. London-based brokerage PVM Oil June Brent was at $110.08 a barrel, Associates. up 50 cents, by 0835 GMT after settling “The world’s largest energy supplier down 75 cents on Friday. US crude for and exporter has reminded customers June delivery added 80 cents to that it is not a reliable source of supply.” In $101.40 a barrel, reversing some of its Libya, the government is assessing dam- losses from Friday, when it hit the low- age at the eastern oil port of Zueitina fol- est since April 7. Western sanctions are lowing an eight-month oil blockade. likely to steer clear of energy as Europe Zueitina is one of two ports due to depends heavily on Russia for oil and reopen after the government struck a gas. But Moscow has indicated a will- deal with rebels three weeks ago. ingness to use gas supplies to pressure US crude narrowed the gap with Ukraine, raising fears that oil flows Brent to around $8.50 a barrel after it could also be affected. stretched as wide as $9.28 on Friday. “The Brent price is likely to find con- Analysts blamed record crude invento- tinued support from the uncertainty ries in the United States for depressing over the way the situation will play out U.S. crude prices despite a rise in refin- in east Ukraine and from the possibility ery utilization rates. — Reuters Gold above $1,300/oz on Ukraine stand-off

LONDON: Gold prices steadied above porting gold. $1,300 an ounce yesterday, under- pinned by concerns that tensions in Chinese import Ukraine could escalate, while platinum In the physical market, premiums in outperformed as a strike across the top buyer China were at about $2 an South African platinum belt entered a ounce. Hong Kong customs office data third month. The stand-off between showed China bought less gold in March Russia and the West over Ukraine from Hong Kong than in the previous helped gold rise strongly towards the month, although the drop was smaller end of last week from the 2-1/2 month than expected, analysts said. Net gold low it hit on Thursday at $1,268.24. flows into China from Hong Kong fell to Spot gold was at $1,303.10 an ounce 85.128 tons from 112.314 tons in at 0926 GMT, little changed from February, the data showed. $1,302.84 late on Friday, while US gold Premiums in India, the second biggest futures for June delivery were up 70 gold consumer, jumped to $110 an cents an ounce at $1,301.50. “The mar- ounce, their highest level in more than 2- ket is nearly flat, consolidating after 1/2 months due to short supplies. Friday’s gains, trading mostly on Among other precious metals, spot plat- Ukraine headlines,” VTB Capital analyst inum outperformed to rise 0.6 percent to Andrey Kryuchenkov said. “The rebound $1,423.25 an ounce, while spot palladi- at the end of last week was driven most- um was up 0.2 percent at $807.47 an ly by safe-haven buyers and some ounce. Producers said they would take investor buying on new April lows.” their latest wage offer directly to employ- “For now, all eyes will be on Ukraine ees after marathon wage talks to end the and potentially extended sanction 13-week strike collapsed on Thursday. against Russia.” Pro-Russian rebels “This raises the possibility that there paraded European monitors they are will be no collective agreement and that holding in eastern Ukraine on Sunday, the producers will have to settle individ- freeing one but saying they had no ually with some 70,000 workers, setting a plans to release another seven as the unique precedent and leaving a question United States and Europe prepared mark over future labor relations,” new sanctions against Moscow. Mitsubishi precious metals strategist Leaders of the Group of Seven Jonathan Butler said in a report. “Any major economies could announce far- non-collective agreement also heightens reaching sanctions on Russia as early the probability that there will be a piece- as Monday, extending previous meas- meal return to work, with the threat of ures against some Russian entities for violence and intimidation.” their role in Moscow’s annexation of Police used water cannon and stun Ukraine’s Crimea region. Tensions over grenades to disperse rioters in South Ukraine weighed on world stocks yes- Africa’s strike-hit platinum belt on terday, keeping them near 10-day Sunday after a government minister was lows, though European bourses bene- attacked by rock-throwing protesters fited from well-received corporate while campaigning for the May 7 elec- results and merger speculation. The tion. Silver was little changed at $19.63 dollar index edged lower, also sup- an ounce. — Reuters BUSINESS TUESDAY, APRIL 29, 2014 France meets Alstom bidders, vows to protect jobs

President Hollande meeting GE chief, Siemens CEO Modest recovery is underway in Egypt


KUWAIT: A number of economic indica- consecutive month in February. The tors now confirm that Egypt’s economy month saw total credit to the private is seeing accelerating growth, though sector increase at an annualized 12 per- the pick-up appears to be tentative. New cent month-on-month (m/m) following GDP, credit, PMI, employment and 11 percent growth in Jan-14. Y/y growth tourism figures all confirm an improving was lower than this at 5.5 percent on the trend in economic activity. While time is absence of growth between Jul-13 and quickly running out for reforms to Dec-13. address Egypt’s ballooning fiscal deficit Egypt’s PMI maintained its improved and precarious external position, it level with the index coming in at 49.8 in appears those risks have been pushed March. This makes it the sixth consecu- back for the time being. The recent tive month of a figure above or around scheduling of presidential elections for 50; and while the index shows that pro- the end of May should move the politi- ducers are more positive about their cal transition along and bring the coun- outlook than they were six months ago, try closer to a government with the the optimism remains cautious. broad mandate and political support to Other indicators also show improve- tackle tough reforms before the end of ment, including tourism and employ- 2014. Economic growth accelerated in ment. 4Q13 saw the largest net increase 4Q13 following a slowdown earlier in in the number of employed since 2011, the year. Real GDP growth rose to 1.3 with employment up 164,000. Though percent year-on-year (y/y) in the quarter this hardly made a dent in the unem- ending Dec-13, compared to growth of 1 ployment rate (13.4 percent), it shows a percent the prior quarter. The produc- gradual recovery is underway. tion index also shows an improving Meanwhile, though tourism trend in economic activity, as the index remained well below levels of a year narrowed its y/y decline to 6.8 percent in ago, it has been improving gradually. Jan-14 compared to a 20 percent decline The stock market continued to per- in Sep-13. The index tracks real GDP form well, though it has pulled back growth well. According to our estimates, somewhat in the last week. The market PARIS: US conglomerate General Electric (GE) chairman of the board and CO Jeffrey R Immelt (left) arrives flanked by General Electric CO for the January index figure implies eco- has done well since last summer, gaining Europe Clara Gaymard and president and CEO of GE power and water Steve Bolze at the Elysee palace in Paris to take part in a meeting with nomic growth of around 2 percent. as much as 82 percent since it bottomed French president yesterday. — AFP Credit growth also confirmed a pick- out in June 2013 and 22 percent thus far up in activity, accelerating for a second in 2014. PARIS: France said it would defend jobs and its After GE CEO Immelt emerged from talks at the with knowledge of them say they have been national interest as it met suitors for engineering presidential palace late yesterday morning the going on for months and are very advanced. group Alstom yesterday, suggesting Germany’s company issued a statement saying: “The dia- Analysts see sense in an Alstom-GE tie-up. GE is Siemens may have an edge over US giant logue was open, friendly and productive.” relatively weak in turbines for nuclear and coal General Electric. President Francois Hollande It added: “It was important to hear in person power generation, where Alstom is strong; its held talks with GE boss Jeff Immelt yesterday President Hollande’s perspective and to discuss established base of power installations generated morning and was due to sit down later in the our plans... We understand and value his per- 70 percent of its global revenue in the last year. A afternoon with Siemens CEO Joe Kaeser to dis- spective, and we are committed to work togeth- deal would also enable GE to expand into offshore cuss the fate of Alstom, the maker of the coun- er.” A source with knowledge of the meeting said wind power and grid technology. Such a beefed- try’s prestigious TGV high-speed trains and tur- Hollande was looking closely at jobs, the nation’s up GE would be a tough competitor for Siemens bines for power plants. energy independence, and the location of activi- hence its counter-attack, say industry sources. Citi “We won’t let Alstom sell this national cham- ties both in power and rail. The source added GE analysts estimate that combined with Alstom, pion behind the back of its shareholders, its had offered some solutions to these concerns Siemens could have 50 percent of the world’s employees and the French government,” but that there was still a lot of work to do. installed power capacity, well ahead of GE, which Economy Minister Arnaud Montebourg wrote on Montebourg said before the meeting with GE currently has around 25-28 percent. Germany’s his official Twitter account before the meetings that France would oppose any deal it considered Siemens, like Alstom, makes high-speed trains and started, accusing Alstom’s CEO Patrick Kron of “a unsuitable. But the minister - who has threat- other rolling stock as well as power station tur- breach of national ethics”. Alstom, which is suffer- ened in the past to nationalize assets belonging bines, and is reportedly proposing an asset swap ing from big debts and falling demand, was to steelmaker ArcelorMittal - stopped short of that would make Alstom a more significant rail bailed out by the French government in 2004 but suggesting the state would do the same for transport player while enhancing its own turbines now needs help again. Smaller than its rivals, it Alstom. and power grid equipment business. was hit the hardest by a slump in orders for pow- “It’s too early to raise that question,” he said. However, industry sources and analysts say er equipment since the 2008 economic down- Hollande will meet Siemens’ Kaeser in the evening, that a deal with Siemens - an option floated a turn depressed electricity prices. at 1600 GMT, then at 1715 GMT hold talks with decade ago but rejected by both Alstom’s CEO Yesterday’s meetings follow a weekend of dra- Martin Bouygues, the billionaire chairman of fami- Kron and then-president Nicolas Sarkozy - could ma when Alstom’s German rival Siemens pro- ly conglomerate Bouygues that is Alstom’s largest bring more overlap and antitrust issues than a posed a swap of power and rail assets to counter shareholder with a 29.4 percent stake. deal with GE. a potential Alstom-GE energy tie-up - which Alstom’s unions warned a Siemens tie-up Montebourg said would create “two European Asset swap implied big layoffs at both companies due to ATHENS: Farmers’ market producers and vendors of the common open air markets and global champions.” Immelt arrived in Paris during the weekend, heavy overlap. Alstom employs 18,000 people in prevalent across Greece shout slogans as they march in front of the parliament in Berlin weighed in yesterday morning, saying aiming to hammer out a $13 billion deal to buy France, about 20 percent of its total workforce, Athens during a protest rally against liberal reforms taken in their sector, yester- an Alstom-Siemens deal would be “a great Alstom’s power turbines business. News of talks against GE’s 10,000 French workers and Siemens’ day. — AFP opportunity” for Franco-German cooperation. between the two surfaced last week and sources 7,000. — Reuters Etihad Airways urges speedy French govt faces ‘moment of restructuring of Air Berlin DUBAI: Abu Dhabi’s Etihad Airways yes- “Etihad Airways believes Air Berlin can truth’ on economic reform terday called for an “accelerated and fun- become a sustainably profitable business, damental restructuring” of Air Berlin, after securing the jobs of its 8,900 employees PARIS: French Prime Minister Manuel Valls lines proposed were “inescapable.” France now says it will meet that target next the German airline’s largest shareholder and the many thousands more workers it moved yesterday to head off a threatened revolt “The private sector in France is no longer year but the economic assumptions underpin- injected cash into the loss-making carrier. indirectly supports,” he said, adding that within the ruling Socialist Party by modifying a competitive enough,” Noyer said. “If we don’t ning this were described last week as “optimistic” Air Berlin said late on Sunday night Etihad Etihad is looking at a long-term benefits of proposed cuts program and demanding a looser make this effort, we will not recover the compet- by its own spending watchdog. has subscribed to a convertible bond the partnership and is committed to the euro-zone monetary policy. Valls, who is under itiveness we must recover.” If the Commission takes a similar line, it could worth 300 million euros ($415 million) and strategy. pressure from fellow Socialists over plans to cut ask Paris to outline further measures to reduce the Gulf airline has also agreed to extend a Etihad, which is backed by Abu Dhabi’s public spending by 50 billion euros ($69 billion) Euro ‘too high’ the risk of missing the deficit target again. The $255 million loan by another five years. oil wealth, is using a combination of equi- over the next three years, outlined a number of Valls acknowledged the cuts could have a government is counting on growth rising from “The airline is clearly in a very challeng- ty alliances and organic growth to expand adjustments which will soften their impact. dampening impact on growth but argued this one percent this year to 2.25 percent in 2016 ing position,” Etihad’s Chief Executive its global reach and compete with fast- And in a move likely to play equally well with could be offset “by a more active monetary poli- and 2017, by which time it anticipates its meas- James Hogan said in a statement follow- growing regional rivals Emirates and Qatar the left of his party, he took a swipe at the cy and a more realistic exchange rate policy at ures to bolster growth will have generated ing Air Berlin’s announcement. “However, Airways. It took a 29.2 percent stake in the European Central Bank over the “too high” level the European level.” “The level of the euro is too 200,000 new jobs. Hollande has admitted that we are confident the business is moving in struggling German airline in 2011 and also of the euro, which he said was blocking econom- high,” he said. his hopes of even being a candidate for re-elec- the right direction, and can be turned extended a $255 million loan to the carri- ic recovery. Backed by President Francois After it is presented to parliament on tion in 2017 hinge on the strategy working. The around but it needs an accelerated and er. The Gulf airline later took a majority Hollande, Valls has proposed the cuts package to Tuesday, the government’s economic program government hopes that cutting business costs fundamental restructuring.” stake in Air Berlin’s frequent flyer program ensure France brings its budget deficit into line will be sent to Brussels for approval by the will make French companies more competitive Air Berlin on Sunday named Marco helping the carrier post its first profit in with EU rules while freeing up funds for reduc- European Commission, which placed France and enable them to hire more staff as well as Ciomperlik, currently its chief mainte- five year in 2012. tions in income and payroll taxes designed to under surveillance earlier this year over its failure making the country as a whole more attractive nance officer, to its management board to Air Berlin still reported a 2013 loss boost the sagging economy and generate jobs. to meet an agreed timetable for bringing its for international investors. Some economists are oversee a restructuring program for the before interest and tax (EBIT) of 231.9 mil- But aspects of the plan, particularly freezes deficit down to three percent of GDP in line with skeptical, arguing that companies may simply airline. The German airline had said last lion euros, compared with a year-earlier on welfare benefits and public sector wages, euro-zone rules. pass the savings on to shareholders. — AFP month it was in talks over certain options profit of 70.2 million. The European Union have angered many within the ruling Socialist that prompted speculation that Etihad is looking into whether Etihad exercises Party. Some lawmakers have threatened to chal- could gain more control over the carrier. more control than allowed under the lenge Valls’s authority by refusing to support the But Hogan said Etihad would remain a region’s rules for airlines with a European package in a non-binding vote in parliament “strategic minority investor” in Air Berlin. operating license. Etihad also has also today. The German airline also said its recapital- minority stakes in a number of other air- A decision by 40 Socialists to abstain would ization would not change the ownership lines, including Virgin Australia, Aer Lingus be sufficient to put the government in the structure. and India’s Jet Airways. —Reuters embarrassing position of having to rely on opposition votes to carry the motion, but the signs were Monday that Valls had done enough Hindustan Unilever sees to limit the rebellion to manageable propor- tions. In a letter to Socialist deputies, Valls demand staying subdued described today’s vote as “a moment of truth” for France and insisted: “We have to stop living MUMBAI: Sales growth at Hindustan Unilever A normal monsoon, key to rural demand, beyond our means.” His concessions to the stayed muted for the eighth straight quarter, hurt and pre-election spending on consumer goods rebels included a pledge that the welfare freeze by a sluggish economy, and India’s largest con- to woo voters in Asia’s third-largest economy, would not be applied to pensioners living on sumer goods maker said it did not expect a failed to lift consumer spending as surging com- less than 1,200 euros a month. demand recovery in the near-term. The company’s modity prices and meagre salary increases Valls also agreed to resume inflation-linked results came after parent Anglo-Dutch consumer weighed on incomes. “The performance is dete- pay rises for the lowest-paid public sector work- group Unilever Plc , which generates more than riorating every quarter and it is causing more ers and said he would proceed with a revalua- half of its revenue in developing markets, said worry than it typically should because it’s two tion of the minimum level of state income sup- emerging markets sales rose 6.6 percent, slower years in a row with no recovery in sight, said G. port for the long-term unemployed from this than the 8.4 percent growth in the fourth quarter. Chokkalingam, founder of research and fund year, rather than delaying it until 2015. “The pace of growth in the market is slow advisory company Equinomics. It was unclear how much these amendments PARIS: (From L to R) Spanish Economy Minister Luis de Guindos, British Finance Minister and there is a high level of inflation hurting con- Hindustan Unilever (HUL), which manufac- would cost, but Valls indicated that he was main- George Osborne, French Finance Minister Michel Sapin, Italy’s Finance Minister Pier Carlo sumer wallets,” R Sridhar, chief financial officer tures Fair & Lovely fairness cream and Sunsilk taining the overall target of 50 billion euros in Padoan and German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble attend a G5 ministers meeting said on a conference call. “It will be difficult to shampoo, said net profit for the quarter grew 11 cuts between 2015 and 2017, when Hollande’s press conference about fraud and tax evasion at the French Economy Ministry in Paris yester- say when will there be an improvement in con- percent to 8.7 billion rupees ($143.4 million). five-year term as president ends. The premier’s day. Ministers of the G5, including France, Germany, Spain, Italy, and the United Kingdom, sumer sentiment but we are hoping it is going Net sales rose 8.9 percent year-on-year to 69.4 approach was endorsed by Bank of France gov- attended the summit to discuss how to better coordinate the fight against financial fraud and to be sooner rather than later,” he said. billion rupees. — Reuters ernor Christian Noyer, who said reforms on the tax evasion. — AFP BUSINESS TUESDAY, APRIL 29, 2014 NBK offers personalized preferential services for privilege customers

KUWAIT: National Bank of Kuwait (NBK) parking, luxury lifestyle offers and instant offers its privilege customers the first-of-its discounts locally and globally that cover kind Privilege Banking Services that are travel, dining, shopping and entertain- especially designed to provide personal- ment. ized, preferential services with a range of NBK Premium Service Lounges are locat- financial products designed exclusively to ed in 25 local NBK Branches. NBK also meet their personal banking needs. launched a dedicated Premium Banking NBK Privilege Banking services provide a Branch in Al-Hamra Tower. NBK’s premium variety of features, exclusive benefits, prior- services banking lounge is equipped with ity service and special privileges through the latest communication gadgets coupled dedicated relationship managers. with luxurious and comfortable seating Privilege Banking customers will enjoy area to carry out all the banking activities being prioritized on all their banking for premium banking customers. Dedicated requests. Privilege Banking services offer a Premium Banking Teller services are also wide range of products including the NBK available at this premium lounge. Visa Signature Credit Card that aims at NBK is renowned for its unique and unri- Wataniya and Ericsson inspire Kuwaiti offering absolute convenience including valed banking solutions. NBK Privilege complimentary access to over 35 of the Banking Services reflect NBK’s commitment most prominent airport lounges, local and to continuously develop its services and to media at GSMA Arab annual meeting global concierge services, free travel insur- maintain its leading position as the bank of ance coverage up to $500,000, free valet choice for customers. Seminar highlights fast transformation of ICT industry

KUWAIT: Wataniya Telecom partnered with Ericsson to provide representatives from the Kuwaiti media a training seminar, titled “The Networked Society Seminar”. The seminar, which was held in light of the 39th GSMA Arab World (GSMAW) Annual Meeting in Kuwait, aimed to highlight the fast transformation of the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) industry and shared knowledge around how mobility is one of the key drivers of this transformation. Younes Abad, Director of Mobile Broadband, Ericsson, Region Middle East and Africa deliv- ered the seminar, focusing on key ICT topics. These included Mobile Broadband, LTE Roaming and Media Transformation, all under the umbrel- la of Ericsson’s Networked Society vision where everything that can benefit from connectivity will be connected. Enjoy ‘Complete Peace of Mind’ “We are proud to cooperate with Ericsson to provide such a key seminar to Kuwait’s media. It offer with Renault Al-Babtain is our strong belief that the local media should media representatives on how the ICT industry is build on their successful and long standing part- have the opportunity to discover the key trans- being transformed. Today, and together with our nership via similar initiatives that will be formations taking place in the telecom world. partner Wataniya in Kuwait, we discussed how announced in due. KUWAIT: Abdulmohsen Abdulaziz Al Babtain according to the criteria of the GCC countries. we can collaborate, learn and then put our The 39th GSMA Arab World Annual Meeting Co, the exclusive dealer of Renault cars in Renault Al-Babtain provides best offers suit- We chose Ericsson to conduct this seminar as we trust the company’s strong capacities being a knowledge into practice in order to seize the was held at the Sheraton Kuwait Hotel from April Kuwait, launched special “Peace of Mind” cam- ing all customers, to meet their convenience and opportunities that will avail from such a dynamic 14-16. Attended by leading representatives from paign on two Renault models, Megane satisfaction, to keep their loyalty to this brand. leader in telecommunications services and solu- tions. I would like to also express my deep grati- and changing industry,” said Victoria Strand, across the telecommunications industry, the 3 Hatchback and Fluence with unbeatable prices. Al-Babtain invites its clients and Renault lovers President of Ericsson GCC. day event aimed to discuss the future of mobile The offer valid till end of April includes free 2 to visit the showrooms to check the best offers tude to Wataniya Telecom for supporting this approach,” said Zeyad Al-Hasson, Chairman of Wataniya Telecom expressed their sincere services in the Arab region, focusing on panel years or 40,000km service, Third party insurance, and get the opportunity to benefit of the appreciation to Ericsson for conducting the sem- discussions and knowledge-sharing of the latest and Vehicle registration. Renault Megane Hatch extraordinary price & peace of mind offer. GSMAW. “Being the leader in our industry, we have a inar which reflects Ericsson’s leading market telecommunications trends and issues emerging is available for KD 4,750 while Renault Fluence Renault Al-Babtain provides not only the position. The two companies will continue to in the Arab world. starting from KD 3,999. This signifies the efficient quality cars but also quality after sales services responsibility to share our knowledge with efforts of Renault Al-Babtain to provide the best through a specialized automotive service team, promotions and offers for its clients including featuring state of the art equipments for peace of mind. mechanical and body work in conjunction with Honda Alghanim offers outstanding Installment The Renault Megane is a small family car pro- highly trained technicians, Abdulmohsen duced by the French automaker Renault and Abdulaziz Al Babtain Co ensures the most con- and trade-in deals for outboard engines became very popular in Kuwait and in the venient and affordable services for its clients, region. While the Fluence was revealed in 2009. while meeting Renault international service Both models were specially designed and tested standards. Honda Marine’s 50th anniversary

KUWAIT: To mark the 50th anniversary of the very ratio in cruising mode, adjusting it to achieve opti- first four-stroke outboard engine, Honda Marine mum fuel economy. Third is the VTEC (Variable has released through Honda Alghanim, its exclu- Valve Timing and Lift Electronic Control) system sive distributor in Kuwait, an irresistible offer for that provides optimum performance through the sea-goers and fishing fans alike. The offer includes operating range, delivering smooth controlled the availability of Honda outboard engines on flexi- power when you need it. And last but not least ble installment plans, plus a 5-year warranty on the comes the NMEA 2000 multi-functional gauges, new engine and the opportunity to trade-in the which are designed to provide simplified and stan- old one with the best in value. It also includes a 20 dardized connectivity on board and to give vital percent discount on spare parts, as well as a com- engine information to the operator. These gauges prehensive maintenance service at the Honda display information on key functions including Alghanim Service Center or through a mobile engine rpm, trim angle, maintenance reminders, maintenance workshop. And with the summer sea- engine temperature, battery charge levels, oil pres- son just around the corner, this offer is simply sure and engine management. And with the incor- unbeatable. poration of NMEA 2000 connectivity, the user is The year 2014 reflects a foundational signifi- able to install an increasingly wide variety of cance to Honda, which marks its 50th anniversary sophisticated electronic equipment, such as GPS on launching the world’s first four-stroke outboard systems, chart plotters and fish finders. engine, the GB30. This modest 4hp engine has Customers are invited to visit Honda Alghanim Al-Danah’s 2nd paved the way for the company to become the Marine showroom in Shuwaikh, opposite the leading manufacturer of four-stroke marine Classical Car Museum, during the working hours of engines-an evolutionary vision that led Honda to Saturday - Thursday from 8:30 am to 8:30 pm, and produce a consistently efficient and environmen- on Friday from 10 am until 8 pm. quarterly draw tally friendly lineup of engine models, ranging from the BF2.3 to the BF250, thereby becoming the Last date to deposit or open account is April 30 largest engine manufacture in the world. And cou- pled with Honda’s resolute determination, not only has the company has successfully generated an KUWAIT: The countdown to the 2nd Customers are advised to maintain the mini- unmatched ubiquity of its outboard engines all Quarterly Al-Danah draw for 2014 has begun mum balance, allowing them to automatically over the world, but also a legendary proven repu- and only 1 day remains for customers to enter the daily draws each working day for two tation for reliable engines. Indeed, Honda has won increase their deposits or to open an Al- draws of KD1000 for two winners, and quarterly seven years in a row the National Marine Danah account by April 30th, to enhance draws, as well as the annual draw. Manufacturers association CSI Award in America their chances of winning, and be eligible for Gulf Bank would like to remind its customers for Customer Satisfaction. the 2nd quarterly draw held on 26 June, 2014 that opening an Al-Danah Account is quick and And the journey does not end at the legacy. For announcing winners of KD25,000, KD125,000 simple through its 58 branches strategically Honda has continuously advanced its technology and KD250,000. located throughout Kuwait. Customers are with an equal amount of ingenuity and proficiency, Opening Al-Danah account merely requires a encouraged to go to their nearest Gulf Bank successfully inventing a variety of exclusive tech- minimum balance of KD 200 deposited in the branch or call the Customer Contact Center on nological features. First is the BLAST(tm) (Boosted account to allow active participation in the Al- 1805 805 and the Customer Care Center repre- Low Speed Torque) technology, which adjusts Danah draws. The more money saved/ deposit- sentatives will be delighted to assist with any air/fuel ratio and ignition timing to boost engine ed in the account, the more chances customers further information or questions on Al Danah or horsepower and torque to provide rapid accelera- gain to win in the draws. Chances increase and on any of the Bank’s products and services. tion, resulting in a strong hole-shot performance to are accrued daily. Minors wishing to open an Customers can also log on to Gulf Bank’s bilin- get the hull up on the plane quicker. Additionally, account require their parents or their legal gual website for there is the ECOmo (Economy Controlled Motor) guardian to open the account on their behalf. further information. technology that uses sensors to monitor air/fuel Malabar Gold & Diamonds opens 115th outlet in Oman

MUSCAT: Malabar Gold & Diamonds, the leading jewellery inum. This outlet will also take part in the ‘The Great Gold Rush’ retailer opened their 115 thshowroom in Ruwi High Street on which is a unique campaign of Malabar Gold & Diamonds. 26th April 2014. The showroom was jointly inaugurated by The group announced fabulous ‘The Great Gold Rush’ offers. Bollywood actress, Karisma Kapoor and Ambasador Moosa In this festive season, the group offers their customers an incred- Hamdan Al-Taei, Chief of International Cooperation ible chance to win 1/4 (Quarter) kilo of gold each through 4 raf- Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Sultanate of Oman, in fle draws making total of 1 KG Gold. The customers who pur- the presence of MP Ahammed, Chairman, Malabar Group, chase diamond jewellery worth OMR 500 will get a 1 gm gold Shamlal Ahamed MP, Managing Director - International coin absolutely free. The company is also waiving making Operations, Malabar Gold & Diamonds, K P Abdul Salam - charges on 8 gram gold coins. Any 22 ct (GCC) gold ornaments Group Executive Director, Maayinkutty C - Director, Karim can be exchanged with Malabar Gold & Diamonds designs by Venkitangu - Director, Najeeb K - Regional Head, Khamis Thani paying only making charges ensure they don’t lose any value on Al-Mandhri, Director - Sultanate of Oman, Muhsin P - Branch the gold rate. These offers are valid at their all Oman outlets until Head, other Directors, personalities from media and well wishers 03rd May 2014. To add more joy during this festive season, the of Malabar Gold & Diamonds. group has revealed its latest collection in Gold, Diamonds and RUWI: Bollywood Actress Karisma Kapoor and Ambassador Moosa Hamdan Al-Taei — Chief of International Malabar Gold & Diamonds’ 6th showroom in Oman features uncut diamonds; the customer can avail this special collection at Cooperation Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs — Sultanate of Oman, jointly inaugurate Malabar Gold & intricately designed international collection of classic, contem- very reasonable price and customer will also get free gold coins Diamonds’ 115th Store globally at Ruwi, Oman on April 26. porary and quality jewellery crafted in gold, diamond and plat- with this special diamond collections. technology TUESDAY, APRIL 29, 2014 Comcast selling some cable systems to Charter

PHILADELPHIA: Comcast would shed about 3.9 about 67 percent of the new company. from 4.4 million. Charter and Comcast will also each approved the transactions, which are subject to million subscribers in deal with cable competitor In February Comcast Corp’s $45.2 billion bid transfer about 1.6 million customers to the new Comcast’s deal with Time Warner Cable closing, Charter Communications Inc. to help Comcast’s topped Charter’s offer for Time Warner Cable Inc. company. approval by Charter shareholders and other condi- acquisition of Time Warner Cable clear regulatory Comcast said yesterday that the combined Comcast said that the new cable provider it is tions. Time Warner Cable’s board has also given its hurdles. Comcast is creating and spinning off a new Comcast-Time Warner Cable will divest systems to creating and spinning off will have a nine-member necessary approval. publicly traded cable provider that will serve about Charter, resulting in a reduction of about 3.9 million board. That will include six independent directors Comcast said it plans to use proceeds from the 2.5 million of its existing customers. Charter will video customers. Once the Comcast-Time Warner and three appointed by Charter. Comcast itself will transactions to lower its debt. It still anticipates its form a new holding company that will have an Cable deal closes, Charter will acquire about 1.4 mil- have no ownership stake in the spun off company combination with Time Warner Cable bringing approximately 33 percent stake in the Comcast lion existing Time Warner Cable subscribers. This and will have no role in managing it. Charter will about $1.5 billion in operating savings. The com- spinoff. Comcast stockholders and former Time will boost Charter’s current residential and com- offer management services to the new company. bination is targeted to close by the end of the Warner Cable shareholders are expected to own mercial video customer base to about 5.7 million Both Comcast and Charter’s boards have year. — AP

Alibaba and partner invest $1.2bn in China video site

BEIJING: E-commerce giant Alibaba Group Kong producer of movies and TV programs. is expanding its online entertainment pres- Also in March, Alibaba invested $215 mil- ence by investing $1.2 billion with a partner lion in Tango, a mobile messaging service in in video website Youku Tudou. Alibaba will Mountain View, California. Tencent has gain a 16.5 percent stake in the company invested in, China’s No 2 e-com- and its partner Yunfeng Capital will get 2 merce service, taxi-hailing app Dididache percent, Youku Tudou Inc said yesterday. and other services. The operator of China’s China’s major Internet companies have most popular search engine, Baidu Inc, also invested billions of dollars over the past has spent heavily to expand into online year to expand beyond their core business- video and e-books. Youku’s smartphone es by creating or acquiring entertainment, app allows users to download movies and consumer finance and other services. TV programs and has attracted millions of They are trying to retain users as Chinese users. Web surfers shift rapidly to going online via Alibaba, based in the eastern Chinese smartphones and other mobile devices, city of Hangzhou, is one of the world’s which is shaking up the traditional Internet biggest Internet companies and says more markets. “This is an important strategic ini- than $150 billion worth of merchandise tiative that will further extend the Alibaba changes hands on its online platforms each ecosystem and bring new products and year, more than Amazon and eBay com- services to Alibaba’s customers,” Jack Ma, bined. The company announced March 17 it Alibaba’s founder and executive chairman, will have an initial public stock offering in said in a statement. the United States. It has given no other The investment will “strengthen Youku details but analysts say it could raise as Tudou as China’s largest online video plat- much as $15 billion in the biggest IPO since form and further differentiate our services Facebook. and user experience,” Youku Tudou’s chair- Alibaba is privately held and doesn’t MOUNTAIN VIEW: Google co-founder Sergey Brin gestures after riding in a driverless car with officials, to a bill signing for driverless cars at man, Victor Koo, said in the statement. release financial data. But Yahoo Inc., which Google headquarters in Mountain View, California. Google engineers say they have turned a corner in their pursuit of creating a car that can The most intense rivalry is between owns 24 percent of Alibaba, said in its latest drive itself. — AP file photo Alibaba and Tencent Holdings Ltd, an online regulatory filing that the Chinese company’s games service. Alibaba has been the revenue for the first nine months of last year biggest spender in the acquisitions race. In rose 60 percent over a year earlier to $4.9 Google: Driverless cars February, it offered $1.1 billion for the 72 billion. Ma, the Alibaba founder, stepped percent of map service Autonavi that it down in March 2013 as chief executive but doesn’t already own. In March, it paid $804 stayed on as chairman. He said at age 48 he to acquire control of ChinaVision, a Hong was “a bit old” for the Internet. — AP mastering city streets Jaywalkers, bicyclists and blind corners pose challenges

LOS ANGELES: Google says it has turned a cor- common tasks. Among them, understanding the majority on freeways, the company said. ner in its pursuit of a car that can drive itself. The gestures that drivers give one another to signal California’s Department of Motor Vehicles is in tech giant’s self-driving cars already can navigate it’s OK to merge or change lanes, turning right on the process of writing regulations to implement freeways comfortably, albeit with a driver ready red and driving in rain or fog (which requires that law. Nevada, Florida, Michigan and to take control. But city driving - with its obstacle more sophisticated sensors). Washington, DC, also have written driverless car course of jaywalkers, bicyclists and blind corners And when will these and other problems be laws. Google has not said how it plans to market - has been a far greater challenge for the cars’ solved? “You can count on one hand the number the technology. Options include collaborating computers. of years until people, ordinary people, can expe- with major carmakers or giving away the soft- In a blog entry posted yesterday, the project’s rience this,” company co-founder Sergey Brin said ware, as the company did with its Android oper- leader said test cars now can handle thousands in September 2012. He made the remarks at a ating system. While Google has the balance of urban situations that would have stumped ceremony where California Gov. Jerry Brown sheet to invest in making cars, that likelihood is them a year or two ago. “We’re growing more signed legislation legalizing the cars on public remote. Traditional automakers also are develop- optimistic that we’re heading toward an achiev- roads in the state. ing driverless cars. Renault-Nissan CEO Carlos able goal - a vehicle that operates fully without To date, Google’s cars have gone about Ghosn said he hopes to deliver a model to the human intervention,” project director Chris 700,000 miles in self-driving mode, the vast public by 2020. — AP Urmson wrote. Urmson’s post was the company’s first official Closing arguments set update since 2012 on progress toward a driver- less car, a project within the company’s secretive Google X lab. The company has said its goal is to in Apple-Samsung trial get the technology to the public by 2017. In ini- tial iterations, human drivers would be expected SAN JOSE, California: The high-stakes bat- ing each other in the Feature phone space to take control if the computer fails. The promise tle between the world’s largest smart- Apple is busy making the category obso- is that, eventually, there would be no need for a phone makers is scheduled to wrap up this lete,” said one confidential briefing presen- driver. Passengers could read, daydream, even week after a month-long trial that has tation. “What makes the iPhone unique is sleep - or work - while the car drives. pulled the curtain back on just how very software (applications) and services, beau- Google maintains that computers will one day cutthroat the competition is between tiful hardware is just a bonus.” drive far more safely than humans, and part of Apple and Samsung. But Samsung fought back, using the company’s pitch is that robot cars can sub- Closing arguments in the patent- Google’s Android system, offering less stantially reduce traffic fatalities. infringement case were scheduled to begin expensive smartphones with larger The basics already are in place. The task for yesterday, with the two tech giants accus- screens. “Consumers want what we don’t Google - and traditional carmakers, which also ing each other, once again, of ripping off have,” said a 2013 Apple presentation a few are testing driverless cars - is perfecting technol- designs and features. At stake: $2 billion if years later, noting that the low-priced, ogy strapped onto its fleet of about two dozen Samsung loses, a few hundred million if easy-to-view competition was surging Lexus RX450H SUVs. Sensors including radar and BEIJING: An online streaming website shows a description of American TV show ‘The Big Apple loses. Teams of attorneys on both ahead. lasers create 3D maps of a self-driving car’s sur- Bang Theory’ but it no longer have access to episodes in the series on a computer screen sides have spent the month trying to poke Throughout the three years of litigation, roundings in real time, while Google’s software in Beijing yesterday. Chinese authorities have ordered video streaming websites in the holes in obscure and bureaucratic patent Samsung’s market share has grown. One of sorts objects into four categories: moving vehi- country to stop showing four popular American TV shows, including ‘The Big Bang legal claims, while keeping the eight jurors every three smartphones sold last year was cles, pedestrians, cyclists and static things such Theory’ and ‘The Good Wife,’ representatives from two sites said on Sunday. — AP engaged. Drawing the most attention in a Samsung, now the market leader. Apple, as signs, curbs and parked cars. the courtroom and the media are insider with a typically higher price, was second, Initially, those plots were fairly crude. A gag- China party mouthpiece says no emails and meeting presentations docu- with about 15 percent of the global mar- gle of pedestrians on a street corner registered as menting the frustration each company ket. Although it’s impossible to predict a single person. Now, the technology can distin- Internet freedom without order faced as they competed for market share. what a jury will do, two years ago a federal guish individuals, according to Google spokes- Less than a year after Apple unveiled its jury found Samsung was infringing on woman Courtney Hohne, as well as solve other BEIJING: There can be no Internet freedom with- not clear why these particular programmes had iPhone in 2007 combining a web browser, Apple patents. Samsung was ordered to riddles such as construction zones and the likely out order, China’s top Communist Party newspaper been singled out. Searches on Youku Tudou, Sohu music player and phone in one swipeable pay about $900 million, but it is has movements of people riding bicycles. said yesterday after several US television shows and Tencent , which provide the shows, produced device, Samsung officials noted they were appealed the judgment and has been were pulled from Chinese video sites, the latest messages that the content was temporarily quickly losing customers. allowed to continue selling products using Crisis of gestures signs of Beijing’s tightening grip on online content. unavailable. “While Traditional OEMs are busy fight- the technology. — AP To deal with cyclists, engineers initially pro- The removal of the shows coincides with a broad “I believe it’s a standalone event and it doesn’t grammed the software to look for hand gestures crackdown on online freedom of expression that represent a policy change toward American TV that indicate an upcoming turn. Then they real- has intensified since President Xi Jinping came to shows,” Sohu CEO Charles Zhang told a conference ized that most cyclists don’t use standard ges- power last year and drawn criticism from rights call with reporters. The directive, he said, gave no tures - and still others weave down a road the advocates at home and abroad. explanation for the take-down notice and he wrong way. So engineers have taught the soft- Authorities last week also stepped up their bat- declined to comment further. Youku Tudou and ware to predict the behavior of cyclists based on tle against pornography, revoking some online Tencent declined comment on the order. Earlier on thousands of encounters during the approxi- publication licenses of one of China’s largest Monday, state broadcaster China Central Television mately 10,000 miles the cars have driven Internet firms, Sina Corp, for allowing “lewd and (CCTV) told Reuters it had acquired the exclusive autonomously on city streets, Hohne said. The pornographic” content. broadcasting rights for The Big Bang Theory, but software projects a cyclist’s likely movements “While ordinary people and governments have did not specify whether or not the license was only and plots the car’s path accordingly - then reacts enjoyed the conveniences brought by the Internet, for TV. if something unexpected happens. they have also in turn experienced the Internet’s “A mile of city driving is much more complex negative effects and hidden security dangers,” the Tighter regulations People’s Daily, the party’s main mouthpiece, said in The removal of the shows followed a directive than a mile of freeway driving, with hundreds of a commentary. from the State Administration of Press, Publication, different objects moving according to different It was published under the pen name “Zhong Radio, Film and Television (SARFT) last month that rules of the road in a small area,” Urmson wrote. Sheng”, meaning “Voice of China”, often used to tightened the process for broadcasting television Before recent breakthroughs, Google had give views on foreign policy. “If you don’t have programs and short films online. Programs and contemplated mapping all the world’s stop signs. Internet order, how can you have Internet free- films lacking licenses are not permitted to be Now the technology can read stop signs, includ- dom? Anyone enjoying and exercising their shown online, according to the SARFT directive. ing those held in the hands of school crossing Internet rights and freedoms must not harm the Penalties include a warning and a fine and, in seri- guards, Hohne said. While the car knows to stop, public interest and cannot violate laws and regula- ous cases, a five-year ban on operations and invest- just when to start again is still a challenge, partly tions and public ethics,” the paper said. ment in online programming. But there are no spe- because the cars are programmed to drive Four US television shows, The Big Bang Theory, cific regulations governing overseas TV programs SEOUL: A man walks past banners advertising smartphones by Samsung and Apple defensively. At a four-way stop, Google’s cars The Practice, The Good Wife and NCIS, were licensed by Chinese websites, said one person who at a mobile phone shop in Seoul. The high-stakes battle between the world’s largest have been known to wait in place as people driv- ordered removed from video websites at the week- works at an online video site, adding that regula- smartphone makers is scheduled to wrap up this week after a month-long trial that ing in other directions edge out into the intersec- end by the government, the official Xinhua news tion was expected at some point but with a minor has pulled the curtain back on just how very cutthroat the competition is between tion - or roll through. agency said. The series are all popular and it was impact on the industry. —Reuters Apple and Samsung. — AP file photo The cars still need work on other predictably HEALTH & SCIENCE TUESDAY, APRIL 29, 2014 Breast cancer mammograms overrated, over-diagnosing Screening ‘hard to justify’

LONDON: How will we ever hope to make desperately early detection programs, has not responded with evi- needed progress in the breast cancer crisis when the main- dence-based changes to their positions and educational stream breast cancer movement continues to push an out- materials. The websites for ACS and for Komen continue to dated and scientifically debunked agenda? The evidence eagerly push screening mammograms for women age 40 has been mounting that the time has come to radically re- and over without acknowledgment of the harms of screen- think the tenets of the breast cancer awareness move- ing programs. Indeed, the American Cancer Society offers ment, because it is clear that the fundamental philosophy to send women a “free breast cancer screening reminder” - behind “early detection” is flawed. and grow their own (monetizable) email list. British leading cancer organizations would be the first After years of pink-ribbon “awareness” campaigns, the to follow the science and put people’s health before vested NEJM study points out, many women in the US overesti- industry interests. But even powerful evidence cannot mate their personal risk of breast cancer. Furthermore, they overcome the vested interests of many of the largest can- vastly overestimate the benefit from mammograms. cer organizations in the country - nonprofits like the Women believe their risk of dying from breast cancer is American Cancer Society (ACS) and the Susan G Komen double if they don’t undergo regular mammography Foundation - which continue to push screening mammo- screening. Yet the data show that there is no evidence that grams without caution. routine mammography screening for women at average This month, the New England Journal of Medicine pub- risk saves lives. lished a strongly-worded perspective from the Swiss At what point are we going to stop this madness, take Medical Board concluding that mammography screening stock of the science and acknowledge that widespread is “hard to justify”. It followed the February publication of screening mammography for non-high risk women is not BRUSSELS: Belgian physicist, ULB emeritus professor and Nobel Prize winner Francois Englert poses for a photo- the largest study on mammography to date in the British the answer to the breast cancer epidemic? graph during an event marking the creation of an ‘atomium’ dedicated to Englert and another Belgian Nobel Medical Journal, which reported that screening healthy When are we going to hold our cancer charities to a award winner Robert Brout yesterday in Brussels. — AFP women with mammography to find breast cancers - before higher standard - and hold them accountable for pushing they could be felt as a lump in the breast - did not lead to a scientifically invalid message? lower death rates for average-risk women in their 40s and And are we ever going to question what we actually 50s. have to show for the billions of dollars spent on screening Rohingya faces In calculating the role of population-based screening, mammograms? the absence of benefit is only compounded by evidence of harm: 21.9% of breast cancers found through mammogra- Growing trend phy screening represented over-diagnosis, according to Despite leading the world in health spending, the US growing health crisis the Swiss Medical Board. This means that one in five notably lags in many health outcomes. As studies and women who was told she had breast cancer after mam- analyses on mammography screening continue to cast KYEIN NI PYIN CAMP, Myanmar: As three-month-old Getting worse mography screening received unnecessary treatment. The doubt on this strategy, there is a growing trend in Europe Asoma Khatu approached her final, laboured breaths, her Visits by Reuters to the remote Kyein Ni Pyin camp, as implication of these results is that tens of thousands of to phase out population-based mammography screening neighbour Elia, a 50-year-old former farmer, dug through well as several camps near Sittwe, reveal a widespread women in the US each year undergo surgery, radiation and for healthy women at average risk of breast cancer. Yet the strongbox holding some of the last medicines in this struggle with illness. In low-slung huts, dozens of mothers chemotherapy for non-life threatening cancers. here in the US, mammography screening remains a foun- camp for Myanmar’s displaced Rohingya. First, some parac- showed their emaciated children. There is no data to com- Why, then, do mainstream cancer organizations, like dation of the mainstream breast cancer movement, which etamol for the severely malnourished girl’s fever and a wet pare malnutrition rates to when NGOs were forced to ACS and Komen, continue to promise that “early detection has told us for more than 30 years that early detection is towel for her forehead. Then some rehydration salts for her leave. Along the bustling main street of the Thae Chaung saves lives”? Their mantra has not changed despite the the solution to the breast cancer epidemic. diarrhoea. There was nothing else left. camp outside Sittwe town, thatched bamboo stalls that increasing certainty that such claims are inflated and The evidence is in. We will never address and end the The death of Asoma in a dusty, stifling hot camp a two- sell a limited selection of drugs have become makeshift imbalanced. breast cancer epidemic simply through mammography hour boat ride from Sittwe, capital of Rakhine State in west clinics. Mohammad Elyas, a 30-year-old who sold medicine screening. The problem is not simply the tool but the basic Myanmar, is part of a growing health crisis for stateless in Sittwe’s market before he was driven out by marauding Pink-ribbon philosophy of early detection. Muslim Rohingya that has been exacerbated by restric- mobs in 2012, displays his laminated qualifications near The perspective published by the New England Journal Our healthcare choices are driven by the expectation tions on international aid. “I think my child would have the front, including a degree in geology and a certificate in of Medicine (NEJM) stems from an independent multidisci- that they will improve and extend our lives - yet mammog- made it if someone was here to help,” Asoma’s mother, traditional medicine. plinary panel’s review of the data around mammography raphy screening does neither. Instead, widespread popula- Gorima, told Reuters, as she cradled the girl’s shrouded, Medicine is sporadically supplied by sympathetic screening and concludes that “providing clear, unbiased tion-based screening has created a population of over- almost weightless body in her arms. Rakhine Buddhists in Sittwe, but they run the risk of retri- information, promoting appropriate care, and preventing diagnosed breast cancer “survivors” without actually saving In February, Myanmar’s government expelled the main bution from their own community for doing so. At least 20 over-diagnosis and over-treatment would be a better the lives of many of those same women. aid group providing health to more than half a million to 30 people come each day seeking treatment, Elyas said. choice [than promoting mammography screening pro- As each woman evaluates her health decisions, we must Rohingya in Rakhine State - Medecins Sans Frontieres- “Week by week it’s getting worse.” “I’m just trying to save as grams].” ensure that we all have access to unbiased information, Holland (MSF-H) - after the group said it had treated peo- many lives as possible. Even though I don’t have the prop- Yet the mainstream breast cancer movement, which is free from conflict of interest and without the heavy thumb ple believed to have been victims of violence in southern er qualifications, if I don’t do this work, people will die,” he financed largely by pink ribbons and primarily focuses on of vested interests tipping the balance. — Science News Maungdaw township, near the Bangladesh border, in said. —- Reuters January. The United Nations says at least 40 Rohingya were killed there by Buddhist Rakhine villagers. The government denies any killings occurred. Attacks on March 26 and 27 on NGO and U.N. offices by Depression, burn-out at a Rakhine mob angered by rumours a foreign staffer for another group, Malteser International, had desecrated a Buddhist flag led to the withdrawal of aid groups provid- work afflict employees ing healthcare and other essential help to another 140,000 Rohingya living in camps after being displaced by LONDON: Depression at work devastates lives she said. Bill Wilkerson, who chairs the Target and wipes billions from the European econo- Depression in the Workplace forum, said Buddhist-Muslim violence since 2012. my, a report finds. Businesses will launch an depression was “the principal source of work- The government had pledged to allow most NGOs to initiative today to tackle the problem, setting place disability”. return to full operation after the end of Buddhist New Year out guidelines for spotting and helping In the report’s foreword he writes: “Today’s celebrations this month. But so far only food distribution employees with mental health issues. Behind brain-based economy puts a premium on by the World Food Programme has returned to normal, the report are executives from organisations cerebral skills, in which cognition is the igni- and Rakhine community leaders in the state government’s including Barclays, BT and Royal Mail. tion of productivity and innovation. Emergency Coordination Centre have imposed conditions Employers should be adept at spotting Depression attacks that vital asset. Research on others wanting to go back. symptoms such as indecisiveness, forgetful- has proven that many organisations fail to NGOs will only be allowed to operate if they show “com- ness and lapses in concentration among their have a concrete mental health and wellbeing plete transparency” in disclosing their travel plans and staff which might point to depression, accord- policy in place. Human resources executives projects and are not seen to favour Rohingya, said Than MEDAN: Young ethnic Rohingya asylum seeker Senwara Begum cries at a tem- ing to the report. therefore must play an informed ... role to Tun, a Rakhine elder who is part of the centre. Neither porary shelter in Medan, North Sumatra, after making a phone call to her fami- It also endorses health interventions advance mental health in the workplace and MSF-H nor Malteser are being allowed back in, he said. ly in Myanmar. — AP already used by top companies, including in- that quest begins with depression.” house counselling, fitness programmes and Companies with good mental health prac- Concentration camp “stress audits” to identify high-risk employees. tices cited by the report include BT, which pro- With foreign aid largely absent, every day of delay is Kids flee alone by boat The report comes from a new coalition of vides employees with a mental health toolkit. measured in preventable deaths. No one is there to count leading European organisations which last Ogilvy, the international advertising and them accurately, but the average of 10 daily emergency year launched an initiative called Target PR firm which employs 18,000 people, runs SITTWE, Myanmar: The two children and his 9-year-old sister, Senwara Begum, medical referrals before aid groups left are no longer hap- depression in the workplace. lunchtime sessions on nutrition, sleep and stood on the beach, at the end of the only climbed on board, cramming themselves pening, said Liviu Vedrasco, a coordinator with the World EU estimates suggest that nearly nine in time management, and also gives employees world they knew, torn between land and tightly between the other ethnic Rohingya every 10 cases of depression occur in some- access to a clinical psychologist. Health Organisation. Extrapolating from that how many sea. They couldn’t go back to their tiny in the small hull. one of working age, with economic costs. A Tim Munden, vice-president of human people could be saved is impossible, Vedrasco said. “It was Muslim village in Myanmar’s northwest As the ship pushed off, they didn’t real- study by the London School of Economics and resources at Unilever UK, said the consumer not ideal before March 27. NGOs were not providing five- Rakhine because it had been devoured in a ize they were among hundreds, if not King’s College London estimated that the goods giant “firmly believed” in addressing star medical care. But they were filling a gap.” fire set by an angry Buddhist mob. In the thousands, of children joining one of the annual cost to European businesses was depression to bring about benefits for the Government medical teams have been making limited smoke and chaos, the siblings became world’s biggest boat exoduses since the £77bn. business and its employees. visits to Rohingya areas, but foreign aid groups say they separated from their family. And after sev- Vietnam War. They only understood it was- A survey by the Depression Alliance chari- “We aim for a 10 per cent reduction by are inadequate. Most of the slack has fallen to under-quali- en months of searching, they had lost n’t safe to stay in a country that didn’t want ty, published alongside the report, found that 2015 in work-related mental ill-health cases fied Rohingya using whatever is at their disposal. hope of finding anyone alive. them. one in three people across the UK struggles to and working days lost to mental ill-health,” he In Kyein Ni Pyin, nearly 4,600 Rohingya live under police The only way was forward. Hungry and Mohamad had no idea where they were cope at work because of “depression, stress or said. guard and their movements are restricted. They are classi- scared, they eyed a rickety wooden fishing headed. And as Senwara looked back in burn-out”. The charity’s chief executive, Emer Mark McLane, the global head of diversity fied by the government as illegal Bengali immigrants. One boat in the darkness. Mohamad Husein, tears, she wondered if she would ever see O’Neill, said depression was the “biggest men- and inclusion at Barclays, said: “We became a foreign aid worker described the area to Reuters as “a con- just 15, dug into his pocket and pulled out her parents again. Neither could imagine tal health challenge among working-age peo- founding member of the Target Depression centration camp”. Elia is one of eight people given seven a little wad of money for the captain. He the horrors that lay ahead. — AP ple” and could lead to loneliness and isolation working group to share and benchmark lead- days’ training to assist in an MSF-H clinic, which now sits at work. Many companies aren’t properly ing practices across industries. empty. The only medicines he has are those he used on lit- equipped to manage employees who suffer “Together we hope to change perceptions tle Asoma and some iodine. Government doctors have NY bill would bar condoms from depression so providing support to around mental health in the workplace in a made three visits of about two to three hours each, he said. these individuals in the workplace is essential,” positive way.” — The Independent Eight people, including six infants, have died since the as proof of prostitution aid group left, he said. The night before a recent Reuters visit, one woman lost her baby during delivery. ALBANY: New York City spends more than a mil- impact. Most prostitution cases don’t go to trial, lion dollars every year to distribute free con- and trafficking cases typically require much Treatment refused doms to combat unintended pregnancies and greater evidence. “Sex workers are more likely Win Myaing, a spokesman for the Rakhine State govern- diseases such as AIDS. Yet city police are allowed victims than they are criminals, and condom evi- ment, dismissed the notion that there is a health crisis in to confiscate those very condoms as evidence of dence was rarely of any value to a prosecution,” the camps. “There is a group of people in one of these prostitution. That conflict is behind the latest Rice said. “If you need that condom so badly in camps that shows the same sick children to anyone who legislative proposal to make New York the first the case against a trafficker, then you don’t have visits. Even when the government arranges for treatment state to prohibit condoms - specifically the exis- a good case.” tence of multiple condoms - from being used as Legislation to formally abolish the practice they refuse it,” he said. evidence in prostitution cases, a widespread across New York state has so far fallen flat. The The United States, Britain and other countries have practice that advocates say undermines decades New York Police Department, which makes called on the government to allow aid groups to return to of public health goals. about 2,500 prostitution arrests a year, has long Rakhine State, to little effect so far. “There may be no actual evidence, and the opposed the bill but said Friday it was taking a Appeals by the international community for Myanmar condom is their only way to trying to prove it,” look at its policy of using condoms as evidence. to do more to end persecution of the Rohingya have simi- said Hawk Kinkaid, a former male escort who A 2010 study by the New York City larly made little impression on a government that sees now advocates on their behalf in New York City. Department of Health surveyed more than 60 them as illegal immigrants and denies them citizenship. “The fear that this will be used against you - it sex workers and found that more than half had U.S. President Barack Obama, speaking during a visit to prevents people from being able to protect had condoms confiscated by police. Nearly a Malaysia, said on Sunday that Myanmar would not succeed themselves.” The practice has come under criti- third said they had at times not carried condoms if its minority Muslim population was oppressed. cism across the country, with prosecutors in San because they feared getting into trouble. He may visit Myanmar towards the end of this year, Francisco, Brooklyn and Nassau County in subur- Two years later, the group Human Rights when it is due to host a regional summit, and he could ban New York City announcing last year they will Watch interviewed 197 sex workers in New York, come under pressure from lobby groups to restore sanc- no longer use condoms as evidence in prostitu- Washington, D.C., Los Angeles and San Francisco tions that have been softened since the end of military rule tion cases. and found that many limited the number of con- in 2011. Opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi, who led the doms they carried - or went without - because fight for democracy while the military ran the country and Health impact. they feared police attention. The report conclud- now sits in parliament, has faced rare criticism abroad for Nassau County District Attorney Kathleen ed that transgender teens, street-level sex work- LONDON: A survey by the Depression Alliance charity found that one in three people her failure to defend the Rohingya. Rice said she decided the benefits of condoms ers and immigrants were especially targeted as evidence don’t outweigh the public health because of their appearance or behavior.—AP across the UK struggles to cope at work because of “depression, stress or burn-out”. HEALTH & SCIENCE TUESDAY, APRIL 29, 2014 WHAT’S ON TUESDAY, APRIL 29, 2014


appy birthday to dear Dodo who cele- brates her first birthday today. May HAllah shower all His blessings on her. Best wishes come from her parents, aunt Soly and uncle Sharif Ismail.

KNES celebration of Queen Elizabeth’s birthday

he Early Years Children of Kuwait National English School (KNES) recently celebrated Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth’s birthday with cake, flags and songs. The children were princes and princesses for the day while they shared the celebration and learned more about the world around them. This is a tradition- Tal celebration held each year in honour of Queen Elizabeth. Best wishes to her Majesty from all the young children of Kuwait National English School! ICSK Amman wins top prizes in Shaastrotsav tudents of ICSK Amman Branch brought home laurels by winning top prizes at the much awaited annual Science Festival Shaastrotsav 2014, conduct- ed recently by NSSCE Alumni Association on April 25, 2014. In the Open Category -Science Project Exhibition, Heba Anna Philip, Class VIII and Diya SMary Varghese Class IX won the 1st prize with their project “Smart Gird - powering a new energy age.” Leander Stephen D’souza and Joseph Alex of Class IX won the 1st prize in Science Project Exhibition in Junior Category with their project “Stirling Engine - converting heat energy into mechanical ener- any happy returns of the day to dear- gy.” Heba Anna Philip also won the 2nd prize in Computer Animation Category with Mars Orbiter Mission. est Mimi. You will forever hold a special Mplace in our hearts. On your special day we remember all the times we spent together. We wish you success in life and all your dreams come true. God bless you. Best wishes from Didun, mummy, papa, Bara mama, Bara mami, Mejo mama, Mejo mami, Rongo mama, chhoto mami, urmi didi, mou didi, Sharmi didi, Ria didi, Rimi, Sonu, Tutu kaka, Kaki, Pishu, Ranti dada, Mamoni, Kona pishi, Somu dada, Manu kaka & Debu dada, & Minu.

SEND US YOUR INSTAGRAM PICS hat’s more fun than clicking a beauti- ful picture? Sharing it with others! Let Wother people see the way you see Kuwait - through your lens. Friday Times will feature snapshots of Kuwait through Instagram feeds. If you want to share your Instagram pho- tos, email us at [email protected] WHAT’S ON TUESDAY, APRIL 29, 2014 GUST President Prof Bates presents MBA seminar on ‘Strategy in Culture’

he GUST MBA program organized a strategy, for most firms, is driven by exter- petition to catch up and even surpass you. He Prof. Bates presentation highlighted the seminar entitled “Strategy in Culture” nal factors that force them to change how recommended instead, “if it’s not broken, break importance of the following: Twhich was presented by GUST they relate to elements in their environ- it yourself,” to constantly improve your organi- l Be prepared for change President, Professor Donald Bates to MBA ment. The strategic change is seldom radi- zation and stay on top of the competition. l Always be concerned about improving all students at the university. Prof. Bates began cal. To illustrate, he used an example from The second concept he illustrated was that aspect of your organization the seminar by emphasizing that many man- his time as a consultant for a pipeline: you one must adjust the organizational culture to l agers change their career tracks several can’t physically move the pipeline but you support the new direction of the company Strategy changes are not huge changes times in their lifetime and the image of stu- can change the customers and products and overcome the resistance to change. If you l Adjust the culture to support the strategy dents entering college knowing exactly what through the pipeline. For the most part, don’t adjust the culture, you will not get the l Reward performance that supports the they will do throughout their careers is not strategic changes are adjustments in cur- change you want. To adjust culture, the desired culture and don’t reward the per- true. While many people plan their careers, rent operations. However, if the adjust- organization must provide training and give formance that doesn’t. just as many end up in theirs by pure chance. ments are to have the desired effect they the employees an opportunity to perform. The seminar was a big success and was He used his personal path as an example of must be implemented throughout the From there, the company should create highly beneficial to all audiences. The overall how family responsibilities and developing entire organization. He used another exam- heroes out of early adopters of the new cul- atmosphere was highly engaging and acces- opportunities can shape and evolve your ple from his time as a consultant for Sea Ray ture; and if necessary, penalize those who sible. career path to reach where you are. It is Boat; as boating is a hobby relatable to stu- don’t get onboard. The most important thing At the end of the seminar, Prof. Bates important to constantly grow your capabili- dents in the Gulf. is to reward performance that is in line with ties and be open to trying new, different and The first concept he debunked was “if it is the new culture and not reward the perform- answered a few questions from the atten- challenging assignments. not broken don’t fix it.” He stressed that if you ance you don’t want; as this may send the dees and they were invited to a snack and He then emphasized that a change in follow this concept, you will permit your com- wrong message. beverage buffet.

Embassy of India he Embassy of India Kuwait has Ahmed Al Jaber Street, Sharq, Kuwait been issuing 5-year and one-year City (Telephone: 22986607 - Fax: Tmultiple entry Business Visas for 22470006) and Kuwaiti businesspersons to promote (ii) M/s. BLS International Services, business activities between the two Mujamma Unood, 4th floor, Office friendly countries and 6-month multiple No.25-26 Makka Street, Entrance 5, entry Tourist Visas to promote further Fahaheel, Kuwait (Telephone: tourism in India. In addition to this, 22986607 - Fax: 22470006). Timing of the outsource centers are - Sunday to Thursday: 08:00 hrs - 11:30 hrs and 16:00 hrs - 19:30 hrs; Saturday: 16:00 hrs - 19:30 hrs. The outsource centers also provide assistance in filling the online visa application form by charging a nominal fee. The processing of Visa Application Form require 2 working days (excluding any closed holidays) and Visas from the Embassy also issues 1-year Medical visas outsource centers can be collected on and Student & Employment visas of the the 3rd working day. required duration. All expatriates living In case of emergency, the printed in Kuwait and having residency of copy of duly filled Visa application form Kuwait, are treated at par with Kuwaiti along with Passport, photographs, rele- nationals with regard to time taken in vant documents, and Visa fee along with visa processing. emergency charges can be deposited To obtain Indian visa, please fill Visa directly at the Embassy Reception at Application Form online at www.indian- 9:00 hrs - 12:00 hrs on all working days The printed copy of and the visa can be collected from the duly filled Visa application form along Embassy on the same working day at with original passport, copy of Passport, 15:00 hrs - 17:00 hrs. However, process- two recent passport size photographs ing of visa application for foreign nation- McDonald’s Kuwait celebrates with white background, copy of Civil ID als, who are not resident in Kuwait, card and other relevant documents requires 5 working days. For additional along with the Visa Fees can be submit- information, please contact on Ph no. Earth Day with ‘Go Green’ event ted at following two outsource centers: 22550171 and 22530600 Ext no. 292, (i) M/s. BLS International Services, Emad 235 and 279; and e-mail cDonald’s Kuwait commemorated Earth Day 2014 with “Go Green”, planting trees a at Rawda Park with the help of the Commercial Centre, Basement floor [email protected]. local community and special needs children, in addition to special guest famed astronomer Dr Saleh Al-Ojairi. The Minitiative was carried out in partnership with the Public Authority for Agriculture Affairs and Fish Resources and Shabab Al Khair.

Warba Bank staff participate in blood donation campaign

s part of its activities aimed at strength- team of doctors and nurses. keen to undertake its duties towards Kuwait, itable activities. The greatest motive in conduct- organizations including the KCBB. We thank en the concept of corporate social Warba Bank believes that the participation of enhancing human values of solidarity in an ing these activities is to confirm the bank’s role KCBB for their efforts in saving the lives of many Aresponsibilities; Warba Bank recently the entire Warba team in this humanitarian effective way. Blood donation is an easy and sim- as an essential contributor to enriching the com- people through the provision of a large stock of organized a blood donation campaign in activity indicates their keenness towards honor- ple process, but it denotes a great human signifi- passion among members of the society and blood for medical emergencies. We take great cooperation with Kuwait Central Blood Bank ing the duty of social responsibility adopted by cance. Warba Bank has been passionate to extending a helping hand to the needy. Warba proud in the participation of all of our employ- (KCBB), under the supervision of a specialized the bank since inception. The bank is always strengthen such significance by organizing char- Bank is always ready to cooperate with social ees in this noble humanitarian activity. TRISHNA 8 - Festival of Quizzes by NITCAA, Kuwait

ational Institute of Technology Calicut Alumni (TECAA) represented by Athul Suresh Krishnan & Vijai Kerala (estd. after 1980 - AECK) represented by quizzes were also awarded. formance of the children. Association (NITCAA), Kuwait chapter held Krishnan. 2. Runner up - NSS College of Engineering George Mohan, Nirmala James & Shaham Ahmed. On Saturday, 12th April 2014, Trishna 8, the Trishna 8 - inter-school quiz winners: Juniors NTrishna 8, the Festival of Quizzes at three cen- Alumni Association (NSSCEAA) represented by Mega Prize Winner - Trishna 8 Weekly Online inter-school quiz was held for the first time. A total category: Winner: Fahaheel Al Watanieh Indian ters - FAIPS, IEAS and ILOA on the 12th of April, 2014 Shaheem Hussain & Sidharth Pradeep. 3. Second Quiz - Shibu K. John of Thangal Kunju Musaliar of 54 teams from 10 schools participated in the Private School represented by Rohan Saji John and at the Kuwait Medical Association hall, Jabria. The Runner up - Kuwait Engineers Association (KEA) rep- College of Engineering Alumni Association (TKM- preliminary written round held at 2:00 PM at KMA Aishwarya Shaji. Runner-up: Indian Learner’s Own quiz master Arun Narayan Hiregange from resented by Niharika Sunil & Shreyas Lalu. CEAA). Mega Prize Winner - KEF Monthly Online Quiz hall, Jabriya. A team each from eight schools were Academy represented by Sehen Dilkush Gamhewa Karnataka Quiz Association, Bengaluru took the con- Family Trio Category: 1. Winner - KEA represent- 2013-2014- Shibu K. John of TKMCEAA. Trishna8 - selected for the final round, on-stage quiz in both and Reuben Vinod Varghese. Second runner-up: testants and the audience to a different realm of ed by Ramesh N. Athreya, Shilpa Nair & Nikhil V. Most Promising online Quizzer - Jaidev Shriram of the juniors and seniors categories based on their India International School represented by Cheekala quizzing with his craftily framed questions. On 11th Varughese. 2. Runner up - CETAA represented by NITCAA. Overall Champions - CETAA. All the winners marks in the preliminary round. The students par- Sashank and Yumna Kulsoom. April 2014, the registration for Trishna 8 started at James Daniel, Meera Manoj & Mukul Desh. 3. Second were given attractive prizes and certificates. On this ticipated in the quiz with great enthusiasm and Seniors Category: Winner: Fahaheel Al 1.30 pm and the inauguration was held in the pres- Runner up - Association of Engineering Colleges in occasion the prizes for weekly and monthly online the quiz master commended the excellent per- Watanieh Indian Private School represented by Rahul ence of KEF General Convener Suresh Krishnan, KEF Raju and Mohsin Mustafa. Runner-up: Indian GC Designate Santhosh Kumar, NITCAA Kuwait Educational School (Bhavans) represented by Mitoshi President Moti David, General Secretary Suresh K and Nandi and Anirudha Ramesh. Second runner-up: Trishna 8 General Convener M B Vijayakumar. The Indian Community School, Kuwait represented by competition was held in three categories - Juniors, Vivek Prasad Dalbehera and Daanish Baig. Seniors and the Family Trio. The well attended events Overall Champions: Winner: Fahaheel Al saw neck to neck competition in each category. Watanieh Indian Private School. Runner-up: Indian Community School, Kuwait. Second runner-up: Trishna 8 - KEF Inter-Alumni Quiz Winners: Indian Educational School (Bhavans). All the winners Juniors Category: 1. Winner - College of were awarded certificates and prizes. The felicitation Engineering, Trivandrum Alumni Association (CETAA) of the winners of Mahaquizzer ME - Kuwait 2014, the represented by Anirudh Manoj & Rohan Saji John. 2. open, solo, written quiz conducted on 31st January, Runner up - National Institute of Technology, Calicut 2014 was also held on 12th April. Alumni Association (NITCAA) represented by Mahaquizzer Middle East - Kuwait 2014 win- Aadhithya Jayaprakash & Aaron JohnThomas. 3. ners: Mahaquizzer ME - Kuwait 2014: Rahul Raju. Second Runner up - Mar Athanasius College of Mahaquizzer ME - Kuwait 2014 (Runner-up): Engineering Alumni Association (MACEAA) repre- Ramesh Athreya. Mahaquizzer ME - Kuwait 2014 sented by Ivin Issac Georgi & Saurav Jyothi. (Second Runner-up): Dilip Stephen. Top three posi- Seniors Category: 1. Winner - Government tions (Ladies): Lovely Sasidharan, MT Lalitha and Engineering College, Thrissur Alumni Association Nirmala James. TV PROGRAMS TUESDAY, APRIL 29, 2014

21:45 Absolutely Fabulous 14:30 Auction Hunters: Pawn Shop 22:15 Silk Edition 23:05 The Weakest Link 14:55 The Liquidator 23:50 Eastenders 15:20 Manhunt 01:00 AFL Premiership Highlights 00:00 PGA Tour Highlights 00:45 I Escaped Jaws 16:10 Fast N’ Loud 02:00 Premier League Darts 01:00 PGA European Highlights 17:00 Ultimate Survival 02:00 Snooker 01:35 Untamed & Uncut 05:30 Trans World Sport 02:25 Echo And The Elephants Of 17:50 Wheeler Dealers 06:00 AFL Premiership Highlights 06:30 Futbol Mundial Amboseli 18:40 You Have Been Warned 07:00 Golfing World 02:50 Echo And The Elephants Of 19:30 Get Out Alive With Bear 07:00 Snooker 08:00 PGA Tour Highlights 00:00 BBC World Amboseli Grylls 11:00 Golfing World 09:00 PGA European Highlights 01:00 BBC World 03:15 Too Cute! 20:20 How Stuff Works 12:00 Live Snooker 15:00 Futbol Mundial 02:00 BBC World 04:05 Preposterous Pets 20:45 How Stuff’s Made 15:30 NRL Premiership 03:00 BBC World 16:00 ICC Cricket 360 04:55 Animal Cops Phoenix 21:10 Auction Hunters: Pawn Shop 17:30 PGA Tour Highlights 04:00 BBC World 16:30 Live Snooker 05:45 Animal Maternity Ward Edition 18:30 PGA European Highlights 05:00 BBC World 06:35 Steve Irwin’s Wildlife Warriors 21:35 The Liquidator 20:00 NRL Full Time 19:30 ICC Cricket 360 06:00 BBC World 07:00 Escape To Chimp Eden 22:00 Bear Grylls: A Day In... 20:30 Futbol Mundial 20:00 Super Rugby 07:00 BBC World 07:25 Panda Adventures With Nigel 22:50 Bear Grylls: Escape From Hell 21:00 Live Snooker 22:00 Indy Car Serier 2014 08:00 BBC World Marven 23:40 Dual Survival 09:00 BBC World 08:15 Wild France 10:00 BBC World 09:10 Nature’s Newborns 11:00 BBC World 09:35 Nature’s Newborns 12:00 BBC World 10:05 Echo And The Elephants Of 13:00 BBC World Amboseli Outkast returns to home 14:00 BBC World 10:35 Echo And The Elephants Of 01:10 Mega Builders 15:00 BBC World Amboseli 02:00 Man-Made Marvels China 16:00 BBC World 11:00 Animal Precinct 02:45 Mythbusters 17:00 BBC World state for CounterPoint 11:55 Escape To Chimp Eden 03:35 Bang Goes The Theory 18:00 BBC World 12:20 Steve Irwin’s Wildlife Warriors 04:00 Bang Goes The Theory 19:00 BBC World espite the wet and muddy conditions, the 12:50 From Pound Pups To Dog 04:30 Stephen Hawking’s Universe 20:00 BBC World Stars 06:10 Hacking The Planet energy was high for Outkast’s performance 21:00 BBC World 13:15 From Pound Pups To Dog 06:35 Hacking The Planet Din their home state at the CounterPoint 22:00 BBC World Stars 07:00 Penn & Teller Tell A Lie Music & Arts Festival. Organizers suspended the fes- 23:00 BBC World 13:45 Wild Things With Dominic 07:55 You Have Been Warned tival due to heavy rain and inclement weather, Monaghan 08:45 Bang Goes The Theory pushing Outkast’s set back more than an hour 14:40 Echo And The Elephants Of 09:10 Bang Goes The Theory Sunday night. But the Grammy-winning rap duo still Amboseli 09:40 Hacking The Planet put on an energetic show that kept the crowd jam- 15:05 Echo And The Elephants Of 10:05 Hacking The Planet ming in the late hours. Outkast was one of the final Amboseli 00:30 Crime Stories 10:30 Mighty Ships acts to close out the three-day festival in Rome, Ga., 15:30 My Cat From Hell 01:30 My Ghost Story 11:20 Stephen Hawking’s Universe which is about 60 miles northwest of downtown 16:30 Wild France 02:30 Killers: Behind The Myth 13:00 How Stuff Works Atlanta. The group, which consist of Andre “Andre 03:30 The Mysterious Dr. Swango 13:30 Bang Goes The Theory 17:25 Crocodile Hunter 3000” 18:20 Predator’s Prey 04:30 Private Crimes 13:55 Bang Goes The Theory 05:00 Beyond Scared Straight 14:20 Mythbusters Benjamin and Antwan “Big Boi” Patton, grew up 18:50 Predator’s Prey in East Point, Ga. “I know you’re all muddy and dirty,” 19:15 Animal Clinic 06:00 The First 48 15:10 Smash Lab 07:00 Private Crimes 16:00 Mighty Ships said a chuckling Andre 3000, who was wearing a 20:10 Animal Maternity Ward white wig and a black jumpsuit with a white X on 21:05 Echo And The Elephants Of 07:30 Private Crimes 16:50 Hacking The Planet 08:00 Private Crimes 17:15 Hacking The Planet the chest. “And I know y’all are going to want to go Amboseli home and take a shower.” Outkast kicked off their 21:35 Echo And The Elephants Of 08:30 Private Crimes 17:40 Man-Made Marvels China act with the song “B.O.B.” They went on to perform Amboseli 09:00 Private Crimes 18:30 Mega Builders 22:00 Animal Clinic 09:30 Private Crimes 19:20 One Step Beyond some of the duo’s major hits from “Ms Jackson,” “So 22:55 Animal Maternity Ward 10:00 Fatal Vows 19:45 How Stuff Works Fresh, So Clean,” “Rosa Parks” and “Player’s Ball.” 23:50 Animal Cops Phoenix 11:00 Beyond Scared Straight 20:10 Mythbusters CounterPoint was the second stop for Outkast, who 12:00 Born To Kill 21:00 Da Vinci’s Machines is currently on a 40-date tour. Big Boi and Andre 13:00 Look Who’s Stalking 21:50 Rocket City Rednecks 3000 reunited onstage for the first time two weeks 14:00 Fatal Vows 22:15 Rocket City Rednecks ago at the Music and Arts Festival, 15:00 Fred Dinenage: Murder 22:40 Bang Goes The Theory BERNIE ON OSN MOVIES COMEDY HD following a near-decade hiatus. Casebook 23:05 Bang Goes The Theory Outkast is celebrating 20 years in music since the 00:25 Doctors 16:00 Curious & Unusual Deaths 23:30 Stephen Hawking’s Universe 16:35 Dangerous Encounters 12:00 4 Wedding Planners-PG15 release of their 1994 debut, 00:55 Waking The Dead 16:30 Private Crimes “Southernplayalisticadillacmuzik.” “It’s good to be 01:45 Only Fools And Horses 17:30 Man v. Monster 14:00 My Dog’s Christmas Miracle- 17:00 Homicide Hunter back in the dirty, dirty,” said Big Boi, sporting a red 02:20 Rev. 18:00 The First 48 18:25 Wild Wild West PG15 hat with “Atlanta” written in black across the front of 02:50 The Fixer 19:00 The Devil You Know 19:20 Built For The Kill 16:00 The Giant Mechanical Man- 20:10 Animal Intervention PG15 it. “ATL you know what it is. We love y’all. ... 20 years 03:35 Spooks 20:00 Beyond Scared Straight 00:00 Chelsea Lately 21:00 Python Hunters 18:00 Bernie-PG15 and we still here.” The group often danced alongside 04:30 Me & Mrs Jones 21:00 Curious & Unusual Deaths 00:30 Scorned: Crimes Of Passion 00:30 The Spin Crowd 21:50 Going Wild 20:00 Elektra Luxx-18 each other, then stood and walked behind each oth- 05:00 Boogie Beebies 21:30 Born To Kill 01:20 Disappeared 00:55 The Spin Crowd 22:40 Dangerous Encounters 22:00 The Impostors-PG15 er inside a tall see-through box for a couple of 05:15 Little Human Planet 22:30 I Killed My BFF 02:10 Fatal Encounters 01:25 Style Star 23:30 Man v. Monster 05:20 The Green Balloon Club 23:30 Model Killers 03:00 Couples Who Kill 01:50 Style Star songs including “Aquemini.” They showed good 05:45 Poetry Pie 03:45 Nightmare Next Door 02:20 E!ES chemistry onstage as the two smoothly inter- 05:50 Gigglebiz 04:30 Dr G: Medical Examiner 03:15 Extreme Close-Up changed into their own solo acts. 06:05 Boogie Beebies 05:20 Disappeared 03:40 Extreme Close-Up Big Boi took the stage first performing a slew of 06:20 Me Too! 06:10 On The Case With Paula Zahn 04:10 E!ES 01:00 Hideaways-PG15 his songs including “The Way You Move.” Andre 3000 06:40 The Green Balloon Club 07:00 Murder Shift 05:05 E!ES 03:00 Salmon Fishing In The followed up his bandmate’s act with singing his 07:05 Gigglebiz 07:50 Extreme Forensics 06:00 Secret Societies Of 00:00 Parks And Recreation Yemen-PG15 well-known hits “Prototype” and “Hey Ya!.” Outkast 00:30 Gold Rush 07:20 Poetry Pie 08:40 I Was Murdered Hollywood 00:30 The Daily Show Global 05:00 Red Lights-PG15 brought out other performers such as Janelle 07:25 Little Human Planet 01:20 Klondike 09:05 Stalked: Someone’s Watching 07:50 Style Star Edition 07:00 Beautiful Creatures-PG15 Monae, Sleepy Brown and Killer Mike. More than 60 07:30 Only Fools And Horses 02:10 Gold Divers 09:00 Salmon Fishing In The 09:30 Dr G: Medical Examiner 08:20 E! News 01:00 The Colbert Report Global artists performed at the festival including from J. 08:00 Me & Mrs Jones 03:00 You Have Been Warned Edition Yemen-PG15 10:20 On The Case With Paula Zahn 09:15 Scouted Cole, Pretty Lights, and Foster the People. “This 08:30 Rev. 03:50 Border Security 01:30 Girls 11:00 Courage-PG15 11:10 Disappeared 10:15 Married To Jonas seems like a family reunion,” Big Boi said to the 09:00 Eastenders 04:15 Auction Hunters: Pawn Shop 04:30 The Tonight Show Starring 13:00 A Christmas Kiss-PG15 12:00 Murder Shift 10:40 Chasing The Saturdays packed crowd. 09:30 Doctors Edition 11:10 #RichKids Of Beverly Hills Jimmy Fallon 15:00 The Good Doctor-PG15 12:50 I Was Murdered The group also paid homage to the late Pimp C, 10:00 Upstairs Downstairs 04:40 The Liquidator 12:05 E! News 05:30 My Boys 17:00 Dark Tide-PG15 13:15 Stalked: Someone’s Watching performing a snippet of the UGK song “International 10:55 The Weakest Link 05:05 How Stuff Works 13:05 Extreme Close-Up 07:00 Late Night With Seth Meyers 19:00 Texas Killing Fields-PG15 13:40 Extreme Forensics Player’s Anthem (I Choose You).” — AP 11:40 Only Fools And Horses 05:30 How Stuff’s Made 13:35 E!ES 08:30 My Boys 21:00 Arthur Newman-18 12:10 Me & Mrs Jones 06:00 Get Out Alive With Bear 14:30 Disappeared 14:30 Style Star 09:30 2 Broke Girls 23:00 Broken City-18 12:40 Rev. Grylls 15:20 Dr G: Medical Examiner 15:00 Keeping Up With The 10:00 Trophy Wife 13:10 Eastenders 07:00 You Have Been Warned 16:10 On The Case With Paula Zahn Kardashians 11:00 The Tonight Show Starring 13:40 Doctors 07:50 Flying Wild Alaska 17:00 Murder Shift 16:00 Keeping Up With The Jimmy Fallon 14:10 Upstairs Downstairs 08:40 Fast N’ Loud 17:50 Extreme Forensics Kardashians 13:00 My Boys 15:05 The Weakest Link 09:30 Border Security 18:40 I Was Murdered 14:30 2 Broke Girls 17:00 Eric And Jessie: Game On 01:00 The Doors: When You’re 15:50 Me & Mrs Jones 09:55 Auction Hunters: Pawn Shop 19:05 Stalked: Someone’s Watching 15:00 Trophy Wife 17:30 Eric And Jessie: Game On Strange-18 16:20 Lark Rise To Candleford Edition 15:30 The Daily Show Global 19:30 Dr G: Medical Examiner 18:00 The Drama Queen 03:00 Hoosiers-PG 17:10 Eastenders 10:20 The Liquidator Edition 20:20 Disappeared 19:00 E!ES 05:00 The Tall Man-PG15 17:40 Doctors 10:45 How Stuff Works 16:00 The Colbert Report Global 21:10 On The Case With Paula Zahn 20:00 #RichKids Of Beverly Hills 07:00 Reviving Ophelia-PG15 18:10 The Weakest Link 11:10 How Stuff’s Made Edition 22:00 Stalked: Someone’s Watching 20:30 Giuliana & Bill 09:00 My Own Love Song-PG15 19:00 Last Of The Summer Wine 11:35 Gold Rush 17:00 Late Night With Seth Meyers 22:25 Stalked: Someone’s Watching 21:30 Giuliana & Bill 11:00 Cinderella PT 1-PG15 19:30 Me & Mrs Jones 12:25 Klondike 18:30 Raising Hope 22:50 Deadly Women 22:30 Fashion Police 13:00 Cinderella PT 2-PG15 20:00 Upstairs Downstairs 13:15 Gold Divers 19:30 Trophy Wife 23:40 Deadly Women 23:30 Chelsea Lately 15:00 Hoosiers-PG 20:55 Mistresses 14:05 Border Security 20:00 The Tonight Show Starring 17:00 My Own Love Song-PG15 Jimmy Fallon 19:00 The Grey-18 21:00 The Daily Show With Jon 21:00 Night Train To Lisbon-18 Stewart 23:00 Beyond Borders-18 21:30 The Colbert Report 22:30 Web Therapy 00:00 Ancient Secrets: China’s Lost 23:30 Late Night With Seth Meyers Pyramids 01:00 Bite Me With Dr. Mike Leahy 01:30 House At The End Of The 02:00 Hunter Hunted Street-PG15 03:00 Helicopter Wars 03:00 Nip/Tuck 03:15 The Host-PG15 04:00 Big, Bigger, Biggest 12:30 Coronation Street 05:30 The Chateau Meroux-PG15 05:00 Animal Intervention 16:30 Coronation Street 07:15 Vehicle 19-PG15 06:00 Helicopter Wars 19:00 Once Upon A Time In 09:00 The Cold Light Of Day-PG15 07:00 My Dog Ate What? Wonderland 10:30 Olympus Has Fallen-PG15 08:00 Ancient Secrets: China’s Lost 20:00 Grey’s Anatomy 12:30 Hitchcock-PG15 Pyramids 21:00 Unforgettable 14:15 Les Miserables-PG15 09:00 Bite Me With Dr. Mike Leahy 22:00 True Detective 17:00 The Cold Light Of Day-PG15 10:00 Hunter Hunted 23:00 Nip/Tuck 19:00 The Big Wedding-PG15 11:00 Helicopter Wars 21:00 The Bling Ring-18 12:00 Big, Bigger, Biggest 23:00 Insidious-PG15 Andre 3000 of Outkast performs on stage. 13:00 Animal Intervention 14:00 Mega Breakdown 15:00 My Dog Ate What? 16:00 Ancient Secrets: Witch 01:00 Good Morning America Hunter’s Bible 05:00 Good Morning America 17:00 Bite Me With Dr. Mike Leahy 00:45 You Will Meet A Tall Dark 14:00 Live Good Morning America Stranger-PG15 18:00 Hunter Hunted 19:00 24 19:00 Air Crash Investigation 02:30 Jack Reacher-PG15 20:00 Mega Breakdown 04:45 Rise Of The Guardians-PG 21:00 Engineering Connections 06:30 A Heartbeat Away-PG15 22:00 Air Crash Investigation 08:00 Midnight In Paris-PG15 23:00 Secrets Of The Tang Treasure 10:00 Wreck-It Ralph-PG Ship 11:45 Jack Reacher-PG15 00:00 Sutures-18 14:00 Now Is Good-PG15 02:00 Dead Man Running-PG15 16:00 Midnight In Paris-PG15 04:00 Premium Rush-PG15 18:00 Gambit-PG15 06:00 Excess Baggage-PG15 20:00 Rock Of Ages-PG15 08:00 Unbreakable-PG15 22:15 Looper-18 10:00 Crimson Tide-PG15 00:20 Wild Case Files 12:00 Swamp Shark-PG15 01:10 Shark Eden 13:45 Unbreakable-PG15 02:00 Built for the Kill 15:45 The Bourne Legacy-PG15 02:50 Animal Intervention 18:00 Swamp Shark-PG15 01:00 The Missing Lynx 03:45 Python Hunters 20:00 Immortals-PG15 02:45 The Legend Of Sarila 04:30 Free Birds 04:40 Lion Battle Zone 22:00 The Sanctuary-PG15 05:35 Built for the Kill 06:00 Olentzero Christmas Tale 06:30 Animal Intervention 08:00 Emperor’s Secret 07:25 Python Hunters 09:45 Sky Force 08:20 Going Wild 11:15 Mrs. Doubtfire 09:15 Dangerous Encounters 13:30 The Legend Of Sarila 00:00 The Impostors-PG15 15:00 The Fantastic Adventure Of 10:10 Man v. Monster 02:00 Step Brothers-PG15 The Ugly Duckling 11:05 Wild Wild West 04:00 4 Wedding Planners-PG15 16:30 The Elf Who Stole Christmas 12:00 Monster Fish 06:00 Three Men And A Little Lady- 18:00 Sky Force 12:55 Built For The Kill PG 20:00 The Water Horse: Legend Of 13:50 Animal Intervention 08:00 A Christmas Story 2-PG The Deep Big Boi of Outkast performs on stage. 14:45 Python Hunters 10:00 The Giant Mechanical Man- 22:00 The Fantastic Adventure Of THE SANCTUARY ON OSN MOVIES HD ACTION 15:40 Going Wild PG15 The Ugly Duckling Classifieds




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Arrival Flights on Tuesday 29/4/2014 QTR 1078 Doha 13:45 Departure Flights on Tuesday 29/4/2014 THY 767 Istanbul 14:10 Airlines Flt Route Time FDB 057 Dubai 13:55 Airlines Flt Route Time UAE 872 Dubai 14:15 QTR 1084 Doha 00:05 GFA 221 Bahrain 14:20 AIC 976 Goa/Chennai 00:05 KAC 521 Al Najaf 14:15 JZR 239 Amman 00:20 SVA 500 Jeddah 14:30 PIA 206 Lahore 00:15 FDB 058 Dubai 14:35 JZR 267 Beirut 00:25 KNE 472 Jeddah 14:40 JAI 573 Mumbai 00:20 QTR 1079 Doha 14:55 JZR 539 Cairo 00:30 KAC 788 Jeddah 15:00 BBC 044 Dhaka 00:35 GFA 222 Bahrain 15:05 KLM 411 Amsterdam 00:55 PIA 239 Sialkot 01:05 KAC 562 Amman 15:30 KAC 673 Dubai 15:05 JZR 502 Luxor 01:30 PGT 858 Istanbul 01:25 ABY 127 Sharjah 15:35 KAC 617 Doha 15:30 DLH 635 Frankfurt 01:35 THY 764 Istanbul 01:40 RJA 640 Amman 15:55 KNE 473 Jeddah 15:35 THY 773 Istanbul 02:20 SVA 501 Jeddah 15:45 ETH 620 Addis Ababa 01:45 FDB 051 Dubai 15:55 PIA 240 Sialkot 02:20 KAC 773 Riyadh 15:50 RJA 642 Amman 01:45 JZR 325 Al Najaf 16:10 ETH 621 Addis Ababa 02:45 ABY 128 Sharjah 16:15 GFA 211 Bahrain 01:55 QTR 1072 Doha 16:15 PGT 859 Istanbul 02:55 FDB 052 Dubai 16:35 UAE 853 Dubai 02:25 ETD 303 Abu Dhabi 16:45 UAE 854 Dubai 03:45 RJA 641 Amman 16:55 ETD 305 Abu Dhabi 02:30 UAE 857 Dubai 16:55 FDB 068 Dubai 03:45 JZR 266 Beirut 17:05 JAI 576 Kochi/Abu Dhabi 02:35 SVA 510 Riyadh 17:15 MSR 613 Cairo 04:15 QTR 1073 Doha 17:20 FDB 067 Dubai 03:05 UAL 982 IAD 17:25 ETD 306 Abu Dhabi 04:20 JZR 538 Cairo 17:40 MSR 612 Cairo 03:15 GFA 215 Bahrain 17:30 OMA 644 Muscat 04:20 ETD 304 Abu Dhabi 17:45 OMA 643 Muscat 03:20 JZR 177 Dubai 17:45 QTR 1077 Doha 04:25 UAE 858 Dubai 18:15 QTR 1076 Doha 03:25 KAC 522 Al Najaf 17:55 MSC 406 Sohag 05:00 SVA 511 Riyadh 18:15 MSC 401 Alexandria 04:00 KAC 678 Muscat/Abu Dhabi 17:55 QTR 1085 Doha 05:20 GFA 216 Bahrain 18:20 THY 770 Istanbul 04:35 KAC 542 Cairo 18:15 JZR 560 Sohag 05:35 JZR 184 Dubai 18:20 DHX 170 Bahrain 05:10 QTR 1080 Doha 18:25 THY 765 Istanbul 06:00 UAL 982 Bahrain 18:40 FDB 069 Dubai 05:50 KAC 786 Jeddah 18:30 RJA 643 Amman 06:00 JZR 238 Amman 18:45 KAC 412 Manila/Bangkok 06:15 KAC 166 Paris/Rome 18:40 JAI 575 Abu Dhabi/Kochi 06:30 JZR 134 Bahrain 18:50 FDB 070 Dubai 06:30 KAC 416 CGN/Kuala Lumpur 06:30 FDB 063 Dubai 18:45 QTR 1081 Doha 19:25 THY 771 Istanbul 06:50 BAW 157 London 06:35 KAC 104 London 18:45 FDB 064 Dubai 19:25 GFA 212 Bahrain 07:00 JZR 503 Luxor 07:40 AXB 393 Kozhikode 18:55 ABY 120 Sharjah 19:40 JZR 164 Dubai 07:15 GFA 218 Bahrain 19:50 FDB 053 Dubai 07:45 ABY 129 Sharjah 19:00 BAW 156 London 08:25 AXB 394 Kozhikode 19:55 KAC 302 Mumbai 07:50 KAC 618 Doha 19:00 FDB 054 Dubai 08:25 KAC 283 Dhaka 0:30 KAC 206 Islamabad 07:50 GFA 217 Bahrain 19:05 SVA 513 Riyadh 08:55 JAI 571 Mumbai 20:35 QTR 1086 Doha 07:55 KAC 774 Riyadh 19:15 QTR 1087 Doha 08:55 FDB 062 Dubai 20:50 SVA 512 Riyadh 07:55 KAC 674 Dubai 19:25 KAC 513 Tehran 09:15 KAC 361 Colombo 20:50 KAC 332 Trivandrum 08:00 JAI 572 Mumbai 19:35 ABY 126 Sharjah 09:30 OMA 648 Muscat 20:55 KAC 352 Kochi 08:05 OMA 647 Muscat 19:55 KAC 613 Bahrain 09:30 KAC 343 Chennai 20:55 UAE 855 Dubai 08:25 FDB 061 Dubai 20:05 KAC 787 Jeddah 09:35 DLH 636 Dammam 21:00 ABY 125 Sharjah 08:50 MEA 402 Beirut 20:15 UAE 856 Dubai 09:50 KAC 351 Kochi 21:05 KAC 284 Dhaka 08:55 DLH 636 Frankfurt 20:15 ETD 302 Abu Dhabi 10:15 MEA 403 Beirut 21:15 IRA 675 Lar 09:20 MSR 618 Alexandria 20:30 FDB 056 Dubai 10:15 MSR 607 Luxor 21:25 ETD 301 Abu Dhabi 09:30 KLM 415 Amsterdam 21:05 KAC 741 Dammam 10:15 DHX 171 Bahrain 21:50 FDB 055 Dubai 09:35 ALK 229 Colombo 21:10 KAC 561 Amman 10:15 KLM 415 Dammam/Amsterdam 22:05 QTR 1070 Doha 10:00 UAE 859 Dubai 21:15 IRA 674 Lar 10:20 ETD 308 Abu Dhabi 22:15 GFA 213 Bahrain 10:40 QTR 1074 Doha 21:30 KAC 101 London/New York 10:25 ALK 230 Colombo 22:20 QTR 1071 Doha 11:00 MEA 404 Beirut 10:55 ETD 307 Abu Dhabi 21:30 UAE 860 Dubai 22:25 KAC 677 Abu Dhabi/Muscat 11:20 MSC 405 Sohag 11:20 GFA 219 Bahrain 21:45 KAC 381 Delhi 22:30 KAC 541 Cairo 11:30 JZR 165 Dubai 11:50 JZR 135 Bahrain 21:45 QTR 1075 Doha 22:40 GFA 214 Bahrain 11:35 FDB 060 Dubai 22:40 JZR 561 Sohag 12:00 SYR 341 Latakia 22:00 KAC 165 Rome/Paris 11:45 KAC 301 Mumbai 22:40 KAC 614 Bahrain 12:30 FDB 059 Dubai 22:00 MEA 405 Beirut 11:55 GFA 220 Bahrain 22:45 UAE 871 Dubai 12:45 AIC 981 Chennai/Hyderabad/Ahmedabad 22:25 MSC 402 Alexandria 12:20 SYR 342 Damascus 23:00 MSR 610 Cairo 13:00 UAL 981 Bahrain 22:40 JZR 324 Al Najaf 12:50 KAC 203 Lahore 23:10 THY 766 Istanbul 13:10 JZR 185 Dubai 22:55 KAC 785 Jeddah 13:00 KAC 205 Islamabad 23:35 KAC 742 Dammam 13:15 JAI 574 Mumbai 23:20 JZR 176 Dubai 13:10 KAC 411 Bangkok/Manila 23:40 KAC 514 Tehran 13:40 THY 772 Istanbul 23:45 MSR 611 Cairo 14:00 JZR 528 Asyut 23:50 DIAL161 FOR AIRPORT INFORMATION stars34 TUESDAY, APRIL 29, 2014 CROSSWORD 532 STAR TRACK

Aries (March 21-April 19) Libra (September 23-October 22)

Some team effort in the workplace goes well today. Your intuitive mind and Your ability to concentrate is better than usual. Technical problems are easier your ability to take experiences and weave a gripping story for young people may also for you to solve as you have learned to be more patient with yourself and feel better about carry over from your experiences in the workplace. If you keep a notebook handy to help taking more time to decipher the instructions or to do particular research. You successfully create your characters and storyline, you could turn your story into the next bestseller ignore the one who keeps telling you to hurry and you come through the day with more book. You will get much more accomplished than you think today. A young person in the results, answers, progress and discoveries than ever before. You will find the person who family may be very helpful to you this evening. You set aside some time later to visit and wants you to hurry will calm eventually and the future work atmosphere will build into a praise this person-perhaps attend a sports game where this person is playing. , more beneficial one for you. Endurance and patience with yourself is the answer toward soccer, swim team or some other type of sport is the main topic at the dinner table this your progress. Close relationships on the home front become deeper. You and a loved one evening. laugh together and enjoy the evening.

Taurus (April 20-May 20) Scorpio (October 23-November 21)

Effective decisions are important and with your leadership status, you will In your professional life, it is ideas that count, much more than narrowly per- be able to show off your talents in a most extraordinary way this year. You do not stand sonal concerns. A business will honor the employee that works to improve, alone in your company and whether you own a company or you work for a company, this enhance and help the business move forward. Intimate ties and business partnerships get is the year your talents will be acknowledged. You not only use your talents to benefit the the green light today. Business deals and superiors, as you know, can be handled best with company you own or for which you work, you encourage others to do the same thing. tact. Progress is good. An understanding for all the people in your life is admirable and may This lends itself to good teamwork and dependable, reliable team employees. An old be one of the reasons you are usually called on to help out in some cause. You might consid- friend appears to you before your day is over and in no time at all a party is formed; you er ways to help those that are homebound and may have a difficult time in seeing. Perhaps are the guest of honor. You have a lot of things to be grateful for and one of them is your- some recorded stories, biographies, etc., would bring much pleasure to those who can no self. Enjoy the celebration of life. Happy birthday! longer drive or read. Music is most relaxing this evening.

Gemini (May 21-June 20) Sagittarius (November 22-December 21) This may be a challenging day in that you will need to become more You push to solve a work problem but some key information may be miss- absorbed in your work. There seems to be a time element that is important ing. You will find the answer soon-pace yourself. After you have found what is needed, today. You are very enterprising and can encourage others to perform well. Creatively, you ACROSS 87. Goddess of fate. you may want to take a break from the tension and do a little exercise and have a little need to focus on completing projects and seeing things through to a successful conclusion. 1. An orange-brown antelope of southeast refreshment. This afternoon the trend for solving problems seems to continue and you Mental stimulation is important after work and you seek to find a new game, new music, Africa. DOWN encourage and raise the spirit of a depressed person through the art of listening. You new restaurant, etc. If you are involved in a relationship you will find all sorts of improve- 4. Capital and largest city of Indonesia. 1. Climbing vine native to China. have a positive attitude and can usually spread joy wherever you go. There is nothing that ments as your attention is focused on pleasing others. If you are looking for a relationship, 12. (used especially of persons) Having lived 2. Toward the mouth or oral region. pleases you quite so much as work or volunteer service that can make a difference in the thrill of the chase might be most of the fun for now. This is a successful and progressive for a relatively long time or attained a specific 3. English monk and scholar (672-735). somebody else’s life. You may find a friend or family member joining you or helping you day. Your focus brings many rewards. with a worthwhile project. Tonight is for relaxation and perhaps a good book. age. 4. The district occupied entirely by the city of 15. A strong emotion. Washington. 16. European weed widely naturalized in 5. A sharp hand gesture (resembling a blow). North America having yellow flower heads 6. South American armadillo with three bands ) Capricorn (December 22-January 19) and leaves resembling a cat's ears. of bony plates. Cancer (June 21-July 22 17. An independent agency of the United 7. Cubes of meat marinated and cooked on a All indications lead to your being extremely busy in the workplace today. Practical, workable ideas are the ones that make the most sense now-putting States government responsible for collecting There may be many instances where you will have to supply a solution to a skewer usually with vegetables. them to good use is a focus for you. There are optimism, faith and a tendency to take and coordinating intelligence and counterin- particular problem. Be prepared to work quickly and take your allocated breaks when you 8. Distant in either space or time. chances. Today you will be able to stretch your talents farther than usual as you tackle tasks can. You will bring an excellent idea to higher-ups as you write out a plan to adjust a routine telligence activities abroad in the national 9. A rare heavy polyvalent metallic element that require real discipline. You could find yourself working successfully-with the flow of or eliminate a step that has slowed a work process. Focus into your day by finding out where interest. that resembles manganese chemically and is energy and being productive. You may have some serious or contemplative moments that your energies can be best applied. You are good at expressing your authority with a sensitiv- 18. A large number or amount. used in some alloys. help you communicate well with higher-ups. There may be a need for relaxation during the ity that many supervisors do not have. In-depth discussions and probing conversations find 20. A small cake leavened with yeast. 10. The time of life between the ages of 12 noon meal but you might find a leisure walk beneficial. Opt for some quiet time alone this you at your mental best. 21. Made agreeably cold (especially by ice). and 20. afternoon and then you will be ready for more interaction in the business world. 22. A state in the Rocky Mountains. 11. A public promotion of some product or 24. Women's stockings made from a sheer service. material (nylon or rayon or silk). 12. English scholastic philosopher and 27. (Irish) Mother of the ancient Irish gods. assumed author of Occam's Razor (1285- Leo (July 23-August 22) Aquarius (January 20- February 18) 28. A federal agency established to coordinate 1349). programs aimed at reducing pollution and 13. The right to take another's property if an Time will work out most difficulties, particularly if you remain respectful. You are likely to find yourself tuning into some pretty amazing things if you protecting the environment. obligation is not discharged. There is optimism and you take few risks when approaching difficult people. You have a cer- let your visionary side really get going. This is not a great time for career or vocational deci- 30. State in northeastern India. tain way of winning over the most difficult personality and are pleased with the results you sions, but your creative ideas will bring about motivation for others. Some of your motivating 14. An informal term for a father. ideas will be beneficial to you in a roundabout way. You seem to take the fluctuation of the 32. Any of various small or medium-sized kan- 19. Full of submerged reefs or sandbanks or discover. Just remember, steer into calm waters and take them with you as you make your presentations. Professional people recommend you because you consistently succeed in day with a grain of salt and a bit of humor. You work with a good focus and are happy not to garoos often brightly colored. shoals. 35. (Akkadian) God of wisdom. your endeavors. This afternoon, at home, is a different atmosphere as you find friends gather have any more responsibilities than you have. You are intuitively aware of any adjustments 23. A translucent mineral consisting of hydrat- that are needed today, whether it is in the work you do or in how you communicate with the 38. The azimuth of a celestial body is the to gain your attention. There is a chance to help a friend shop for baby clothes this after- ed silica of variable color. noon; there is an indication this child will come early. people around you. The need to adapt to the game of work, politics and performing on a angle between the vertical plane containing it 25. A city of southeastern Mexico. personal level is satisfied. and the plane of the meridian. 26. The compass point midway between 39. A flat mass of ice (smaller than an ice field) south and southeast. floating at sea. 29. Relating to the abomasum (the fourth Virgo (August 23-September 22) 42. A Hindu prince or king in India. compartment of the stomach of ruminants). Pisces (February 19-March 20) 44. The month following June and preceding 31. A river in north central Switzerland that August. runs northeast into the Rhine. Personal and romantic feelings may interfere greatly with your ability to Someone near you this morning has a tendency to use hidden messages for 46. A percussion instrument consisting of a work well. However, once involved in the process of your profession you forget those both- self-expression but a customer or new co-worker cuts through to the facts. 33. Of a deep somewhat purplish blue color You are impressed and right away will make quick friends with this new person. You aim to pair of hollow pieces of wood or bone (usually similar to that of a clear October sky. ering personal thoughts. This period will bring about good conditions and communication held between the thumb and fingers) that are among co-workers. You could be most persuasive with others and charismatic in your com- improve your life in all sorts of ways and enjoy people that you can have in your life as a 34. Not only so, but. mentor or guide. Get ready-this new person in your life may find things about you from made to click together (as by Spanish 36. A spirit believed by Muslims to inhabit the munication. You gain your confidence as you process through your day. You will also be dancers) in rhythm with the dance. confident when you express your viewpoint. Don’t always be the last one to leave your which they will learn. Practical, effective ideas are the ones that make the most sense now- earth and influence mankind by appearing in putting them to good use is a focus for you. You may find yourself analyzing your life situa- 48. An authoritative direction or instruction to place of work; others may take advantage of you. You cannot afford to neglect yourself. This the form of humans or animals. tion and surroundings. You have luck with residential matters at this time. Buying or selling do something. evening the romantic frustrations have been solved and you are more clearheaded and able 37. Cause to go crazy. property now will get you a good price. 49. Free from liquid or moisture. to know what you want. 40. A game played with playing cards. 52. Either extremity of something that has 41. Type genus of the Majidae. length. 43. At right angles to the length of a ship or 53. A mythical Greek warrior who was a leader WORD SEARCH PUZZLE airplane. Yesterday’s Solution on the Trojan side of the Trojan War. 45. Short-tailed wildcats with usually tufted 55. A non-aromatic saturated hydrocarbon ears. with the general formula CnH(2n+2). 57. Being ten more than eighty. 47. An intensely radioactive metallic element 58. Squash bugs. that occurs in minute amounts in uranium 61. A homeless child who has been aban- ores. doned and roams the streets. 50. Informal terms for a mother. 62. (astronomy) The angular distance of a 51. Primitive chlorophyll-containing mainly celestial point measured westward along the aquatic eukaryotic organisms lacking true celestial equator from the zenith crossing. stems and roots and leaves. 64. A pass between mountain peaks. 54. Electronic warfare undertaken to insure 66. An official language of the Republic of effective friendly use of the electromagnetic South Africa. spectrum in spite of the enemy's use of elec- 68. Small terrestrial lizard of warm regions of tronic warfare. the Old World. 56. The civil and religious leader of a Muslim 70. (computer science) A graphic symbol (usu- state. ally a simple picture) that denotes a program 59. Plants closely allied to the genera Satureja or a command or a data file or a concept in a and Calamintha. graphical user interface. 60. Lack of normal muscular tension or tonus. 72. A ruler of the Inca Empire (or a member of 63. With the mouth wide open as in wonder his family). or awe. 76. A metric unit of volume or capacity equal 65. Consisting of or made of wood of the oak to 10 liters. tree. 77. Conventional metaphoric name for some- 67. An acute but unspecific feeling of anxiety. thing, used especially in Old English and Old 69. Type genus of the Alcidae comprising Norse poetry. solely the razorbill. 80. King of Saudi Arabia since 1982 (born in 71. Make reference to. 1922). 73. (Babylonian) God of wisdom and agricul- 81. A drug combination found in some over- ture and patron of scribes and schools. the-counter headache remedies (Aspirin and 74. A human female who does housework. Phenacetin and Caffeine). 75. (Babylonian) God of storms and wind. 82. Poisoning by ingestion of ergot-infected 78. A period marked by distinctive character grain products. or reckoned from a fixed point or event. 84. The cry made by sheep. 79. Sexually transmitted urethritis (usually 85. A unit of length of thread or yarn. caused by chlamydia). 86. Upset and make nauseated. 83. A state in New England.

Yesterday’s Solution

Daily SuDoku Yesterday’s Solution TUESDAY, APRIL 29, 2014 information

For labor-related inquiries and complaints: Call MSAL hotline 128 Al-Madeena 22418714 Al-Shuhada 22545171 GOVERNORATE PHARMACY ADDRESS PHONE Al-Shuwaikh 24810598 Ahmadi Sama Safwan Fahaeel Makka St 23915883 Sabah Hospital 24812000 Abu Halaifa Abu Halaifa-Coastal Rd 23715414 Al-Nuzha 22545171 Danat Al-Sultan Mahboula Block 1, Coastal Rd 23726558 Amiri Hospital 22450005 Sabhan 24742838 Maternity Hospital 24843100 Jahra Modern Jahra Jahra-Block 3 Lot 1 24575518 Madina Munawara Jahra-Block 92 24566622 Al-Helaly 22434853 Mubarak Al-Kabir Hospital 25312700 Capital Ahlam Fahad Al-Salem St 22436184 Al-Faiha 22545051 Chest Hospital 24849400 Khaldiya Coop Khaldiya Coop 24833967

Farwaniya Hospital 24892010 Farwaniya New Shifa Farwaniya Block 40 24734000 Al-Farwaniya 24711433 Ferdous Coop Ferdous Coop 24881201 Adan Hospital 23940620 Modern Safwan Old Kheitan Block 11 24726638 Al-Sulaibikhat 24316983 Ibn Sina Hospital 24840300 Hawally Tariq Salmiya-Hamad Mubarak St 25726265 Al-Fahaheel 23927002 Al-Razi Hospital 24846000 Hana Salmiya-Amman St 25647075 Ikhlas Hawally-Beirut St 22625999 Jleeb Al-Shuyoukh 24316983 Physiotherapy Hospital 24874330/9 Hawally & Rawdha Hawally & Rawdha Coop 22564549 Ghadeer Jabriya-Block 1A 25340559 Kindy Jabriya-Block 3B 25326554 Ahmadi 23980088 Ibn Al-Nafis Salmiya-Hamad Mubarak St 25721264 Mishrif Coop Mishrif Coop 25380581 Al-Mangaf 23711183 Kaizen center 25716707 Salwa Coop Salwa Coop 25628241 Al-Shuaiba 23262845 Rawda 22517733

Adaliya 22517144 Al-Jahra 25610011 Khaldiya 24848075 Al-Salmiya 25616368 Kaifan 24849807 Shamiya 24848913 INTERNATIONAL Shuwaikh 24814507 CALLS Abdullah Salem 22549134

Nuzha 22526804 Afghanistan 0093 Iran 0098 Albania 00355 Iraq 00964 Industrial Shuwaikh 24814764 Algeria 00213 Ireland 00353 Qadsiya 22515088 Andorra 00376 Italy 0039 Angola 00244 Ivory Coast 00225 Dasmah 22532265 Anguilla 001264 Jamaica 001876 Antiga 001268 Japan 0081 Bneid Al-Gar 22531908 Argentina 0054 Jordan 00962 Shaab 22518752 Armenia 00374 Kazakhstan 007 Australia 0061 Kenya 00254 Qibla 22459381 Austria 0043 Kiribati 00686 Bahamas 001242 Kuwait 00965 Ayoun Al-Qibla 22451082 Bahrain 00973 Kyrgyzstan 00996 Mirqab 22456536 Bangladesh 00880 Laos 00856 Barbados 001246 Latvia 00371 Sharq 22465401 Belarus 00375 Lebanon 00961 Belgium 0032 Liberia 00231 Salmiya 25746401 Belize 00501 Libya 00218 Jabriya 25316254 Benin 00229 Lithuania 00370 Bermuda 001441 Luxembourg 00352 Maidan Hawally 25623444 Bhutan 00975 Macau 00853 Bolivia 00591 Macedonia 00389 Bayan 25388462 Bosnia 00387 Madagascar 00261 Mishref 25381200 Botswana 00267 Majorca 0034 Brazil 0055 Malawi 00265 W Hawally 22630786 Brunei 00673 Malaysia 0060 Bulgaria 00359 Maldives 00960 Sabah 24810221 Burkina 00226 Mali 00223 Jahra 24770319 Burundi 00257 Malta 00356 Cambodia 00855 Marshall Islands 00692 New Jahra 24575755 Cameroon 00237 Martinique 00596 Canada 001 Mauritania 00222 West Jahra 24772608 Cape Verde 00238 Mauritius 00230 South Jahra 24775066 Cayman Islands 001345 Mayotte 00269 Central African 00236 Mexico 0052 North Jahra 24775992 Chad 00235 Micronesia 00691 Chile 0056 Moldova 00373 North Jleeb 24311795 China 0086 Monaco 00377 Ardhiya 24884079 Colombia 0057 Mongolia 00976 Comoros 00269 Montserrat 001664 Firdous 24892674 Congo 00242 Morocco 00212 Cook Islands 00682 Mozambique 00258 Omariya 24719048 Costa Rica 00506 Myanmar (Burma) 0095 N Khaitan 24710044 Croatia 00385 Namibia 00264 Cuba 0053 Nepal 00977 Fintas 23900322 Cyprus 00357 Netherlands (Holland) Cyprus (Northern) 0090392 0031 Czech Republic 00420 Netherlands Antilles 00599 Denmark 0045 New Caledonia 00687 Diego Garcia 00246 New Zealand 0064 PRIVATE CLINICS Djibouti 00253 Nicaragua 00505 Dominica 001767 Nigar 00227 Dominican Republic 001809 Nigeria 00234 Ecuador 00593 Niue 00683 Egypt 0020 Norfolk Island 00672 El Salvador 00503 Northern Ireland (UK) Plastic Surgeons Paediatricians Ophthalmologists Endocrinologist England (UK) 0044 0044 Dr. Abidallah Al-Mansoor 25622444 Dr. Mohammad Al-Khalaf 22547272 Dr. Khaled Hamadi 25665898 Equatorial Guinea 00240 North Korea 00850 Dr. Abd Al-Naser Al-Othman 25339330 Dr. Samy Al-Rabeea 25752222 Dr. Abdal-Redha Lari 22617700 Dr. Abd Al-Aziz Al-Rashed 25340300 Eritrea 00291 Norway 0047 Dr. Masoma Habeeb 25321171 Dr. Abdel Quttainah 25625030/60 Dr. Zahra Qabazard 25710444 Dr. Ahmad Al-Ansari 25658888 Estonia 00372 Oman 00968 Dr. Mubarak Al-Ajmy 25739999 Ethiopia 00251 Pakistan 0092 Family Doctor Dr. Sohail Qamar 22621099 Dr. Mohsen Abel 25757700 Dr. Kamal Al-Shomr 25329924 Falkland Islands 00500 Palau 00680 Dr Divya Damodar 23729596/23729581 Dr. Snaa Maaroof 25713514 Faroe Islands 00298 Panama 00507 Dr Adnan Hasan Alwayl 25732223 Physiotherapists & VD Psychiatrists Dr. Pradip Gujare 23713100 Dr. Abdallah Al-Baghly 25732223 Fiji 00679 Papua New Guinea 00675 Dr. Zacharias Mathew 24334282 Dr. Deyaa Shehab 25722291 Ear, Nose & Throat (ENT) Dr. Esam Al-Ansari 22635047 Finland 00358 Paraguay 00595 Dr. Ahmed Fouad Mouner 24555050 Ext 510 Dr Eisa M. Al-Balhan 22613623/0 (1) Ear, Nose and Throat (2) Plastic Surgeon Dr. Musaed Faraj Khamees 22666288 France 0033 Peru 0051 French Guiana 00594 Philippines 0063 Dr. Abdallah Al-Ali 25644660 Gynaecologists & Obstetricians Dr. Abdul Mohsin Jafar, Rheumatologists: French Polynesia 00689 Poland 0048 Dr. Abd Al-Hameed Al-Taweel 25646478 DrAdrian arbe 23729596/23729581 FRCS (Canada) 25655535 Gabon 00241 Portugal 00351 Dr. Sanad Al-Fathalah 25311996 Dentists Dr. Verginia s.Marin 2572-6666 ext 8321 Dr. Adel Al-Awadi 25330060 Gambia 00220 Puerto Rico 001787 Dr. Mohammad Al-Daaory 25731988 Dr. Fozeya Ali Al-Qatan 22655539 Dr Anil Thomas 3729596/3729581 Georgia 00995 Qatar 00974 Dr. Ismail Al-Fodary 22620166 Dr. Khaled Al-Jarallah 25722290 Dr. Majeda Khalefa Aliytami 25343406 Dr. Shamah Al-Matar 22641071/2 Germany 0049 Romania 0040 Dr. Mahmoud Al-Booz 25651426 Ghana 00233 Russian Federation 007 Dr. Ahmad Al-Khooly 25739272 Dr. Anesah Al-Rasheed 22562226 Internist, Chest & Heart General Practitioners Gibraltar 00350 Rwanda 00250 Dr. Salem soso 22618787 Dr. Abidallah Al-Amer 22561444 Dr. Mohamme Y Majidi 24555050 Ext 123 DR.Mohammes Akkad 24555050 Ext 210 Greece 0030 Saint Helena 00290 Dr. Faysal Al-Fozan 22619557 General Surgeons Dr. Yousef Al-Omar 24719312 Dr. Mohammad Zubaid Greenland 00299 Saint Kitts 001869 Dr. Abdallateef Al-Katrash 22525888 Dr. Tarek Al-Mikhazeem 23926920 Dr. Amer Zawaz Al-Amer 22610044 MB, ChB, FRCPC, PACC Grenada 001473 Saint Lucia 001758 Dr. Abidallah Al-Duweisan 25653755 Dr. Kathem Maarafi 25730465 Dr. Mohammad Yousef Basher 25327148 Assistant Professor Of Medicine Guadeloupe 00590 Saint Pierre 00508 Dr. Bader Al-Ansari 25620111 Guam 001671 Saint Vincent 001784 Dr. Abdallah Ahmad Eyadah 25655528 Internists, Chest & Heart Head, Division of Cardiology Dr. Nabeel Al-Ayoobi 24577781 Neurologists Mubarak Al-Kabeer Hospital Guatemala 00502 Samoa US 00684 Dr. Adnan Ebil 22639939 Guinea 00224 Samoa West 00685 Dr. Dina Abidallah Al-Refae 25333501 Dr. Sohal Najem Al-Shemeri 25633324 Consultant Cardiologist Dr. Mousa Khadada 22666300 Guyana 00592 San Marino 00378 Urologists Dr. Jasem Mola Hassan 25345875 Dr. Latefa Al-Duweisan 25728004 Dr. Farida Al-Habib 2611555-2622555 Haiti 00509 Sao Tone 00239 Dr. Ali Naser Al-Serfy 22641534 Gastrologists MD, PH.D, FACC Holland (Netherlands) 0031 Saudi Arabia 00966 Dr. Fawzi Taher Abul 22639955 Dr. Nadem Al-Ghabra 25355515 Dr. Sami Aman 22636464 Inaya German Medical Center Honduras 00504 Scotland (UK) 0044 Dr. Khaleel Abidallah Al-Awadi 22616660 Dr. Mobarak Aldoub 24726446 Dr. Mohammad Al-Shamaly 25322030 Te: 2575077 Hong Kong 00852 Senegal 00221 Dr. Adel Al-Hunayan FRCS (C) 25313120 Dr Nasser Behbehani 25654300/3 Dr. Foad Abidallah Al-Ali 22633135 Fax: 25723123 Hungary 0036 Seychelles 00284 Dr. Leons Joseph 66703427 Ibiza (Spain) 0034 Sierra Leone 00232 Soor Center Iceland 00354 Singapore 0065 Psychologists [email protected] Tel: 2290-1677 Kaizen center William Schuilenberg, RPC 2290-1677 India 0091 Slovakia 00421 /Psychotherapists Zaina Al Zabin, M.Sc. 2290-1677 Fax: 2290 1688 25716707 Indian Ocean 00873 Slovenia 00386 Indonesia 0062 Solomon Islands 00677 LIFESTYLE36 TUESDAY, APRIL 29, 2014 Gossip s alesrecord eaks obr ett ers e’cov s‘Vogu Kardashian’

im Kardashian’s Vogue cover is set to be the highest-selling issue of the magazine. It has been reported the ‘Keeping Up with the Kardashians’ star is on track to sell a record number of copies jus- Ktifying Anna Wintour’s decision to fashion bible. A source told “The projections are that Kim and Kanye will likely sell almost 500,000 copies.” The figures are yet to be confirmed, but it’s thought Kim’s cover could Obama which sold 355,39 and 293,798 copies respectively. Kim’s highly coveted cover didn’t come without controversy with many people boycotting the issue, including actress Sarah Michelle Gellar who took to Twitter to say she would be cancelling her subscription following the decision to put Kim - who shot to fame following the leak of her sex tape in 2007 - on the front of the publication. Wintour was ultimately forced to defend her decision to feature the couple, the cover. The editor said: “As for the cover, my opinion is that it is both charming and touching, and it was, I should add, entirely our idea to do it; you may nothing of the sort. The gossip might make better reading, but the simple fact of the matter is that it isn’t true.”

Lady Gaga introduces fans to new pet BATPIG Tom Hardy wears Sir ady Gaga has introduced her fans to her french bull- Elton John’s old clothes dog, BATPIG. The ‘G.U.Y’ hitmaker posted an image of he 36-year-old actor portrays the Lthe new addition to her family on Twitter on Sunday ‘Candle in the Wind’ singer in forth- afternoon which shows the adorable black pooch, who is Tcoming biopic ‘Rocketman’ and has sitting on her legs, staring into the camera while the pair borrowed a number of “bits” from the star of them are in a car. She added the caption: “Me and my in order to better get into character. He BATPIG #partBAT #partPIG (sic)” Following this she put an said: “When I play a real person, I like to Instagram video up where she gave her cute pet a name. have bits of them. Since I can’t take physi- She explained: “Her name is Asia. She is a BATPIG. I love cal body parts and sever those, I try and her I’m her mum.” This comes after the ‘Alejandro’ singer grab as much ‘kit’ off them as possible.” lost her childhood dog, Alice, who was battling cancer, in And he joked he will then make a profit October last year. She previously wrote online: “My puppy from the garments. He added: “Then you Alice died. We had to put her down, cancer ate away at a can sell it on eBay.” Meanwhile, the British little angel. My daddy is so sad, we all are, lost a member star - who has six-year-old son Louis with of our family. “I just pray Alice found her wonderland.” ex-girlfriend Rachael Speed - also admit- Following the tragic incident Gaga wore all black during ted he didn’t learn to drive until he was Chelsea Handler to sign Netflix deal her time in London in tribute to the late pooch and 30 and that was out of necessity. explained how difficult she was finding being away from Speaking at a cinema society screening of helsea Handler is close to landing a deal with Netflix. The 39-year-old pre- home during the difficult period. She added: “I love being his new movie ‘Locke’, he explained: “I had senter - who is to leave E! when her ‘Chelsea Lately’ contract ends - is in an entertainer but it is so painful sometimes to be away to take my ex to the hospital to have our Cnegotiations with the subscription streaming service to front a new pro- from home, 17 years she held on, so many memories.” son Louis.” Tom finds it easy to make gram for them, though it is as yet unclear what the venture would entail. A choices on what roles to accept. He said: source told the New York Post newspaper: “Handler has a deal with Netflix, but “It comes back to a very basic principle of the format is to be decided.” It was recently claimed that Chelsea had met with story. Is it interesting? Do I want to be a CBS executives to discuss the possibility of a syndicated daytime talk show, fol- part of it? Yes. How does it work? That’s lowing in the footsteps of the likes of Kris Jenner, Katie Couric and Anderson when you get back to a pragmatic sense Cooper. Chelsea’s manager Irving Azoff has insisted his client is inundated with of ‘What’s the practical next step?’ I don’t offers of work for when her contract ends in nine months time. He said: “Chelsea get up in the morning and go, ‘I have to intends to leave when her contract expires. She hired me to figure out her life Kevin Bacon:Fame could have left me dead find a piece where I can look into some- after E! We have at least seven suitors and many ideas.” Chelsea - who is believed one’s eyes.’ “ to make around $9 million a year from the show - has previously voiced her con- cerns about the E! network and described it as “a sad, sad place to live.” evin Bacon thinks his “obsession” with fame could have left him in “rehab” or “dead”. The ‘Footloose’ star admits the idea Kof becoming famous was “seductive” throughout his early career but it wasn’t until he had two children, Travis and Sosie, with his wife Kyra Sedgwick, that he realized there was more to life than being a celebrity. He told Mariah Carey doesn’t The Sun newspaper: “You can end up in rehab or dead unless there is something else in your life other than celebrity. “People will be nice to you for no other rea- celebrate birthdays son than they’ve seen your movies. “So what do you do ariah Carey celebrates life anniversaries not birthdays. to escape the obsession with fame? Get a proper life. The 44-year-old star - who was catapulted to the spot- With me it’s my family, my wife and children and a light after her 1990 single ‘Vision of Love’ reached the top handful of close friends. Kevin admits he “broke down M spot in charts across the world - has revealed she celebrates in tears” following a series of “film flops” throughout his important moments in her life and not ageing. Quizzed on late career, and claims other actors find themselves whether she worries about the challenge of pop culture’s fixation headed towards a downward spiral if their life outside of youth since she’s been a star for the past 25 years, she told the their Hollywood is unfulfilled. He added: “Those who Observer Magazine: “First of all don’t round up. If you’re going to are wrecked by celebrity have nothing else to fall back upon.” round, round down. I don’t count years but I definitely rebuke Looking back at his early career, the 55-year-old star would have them - I have anniversaries, not birthdays because I celebrate life, some strong words of advice for his 18-year-old self. He mused: darling.” Before she added: “Please put a LOL next to this, because “Don’t worry so much - it’s a waste of energy - and do not take people are going to be like really?” Mariah - who has two-year-old yourself too seriously.” twins, Moroccan and Monroe, with her husband Nick Cannon who she wed in 2008 - insists she’s “eternally 12 years old” and never wants to grow up. She said: “Darling, I’m eternally 12 years old. I’m going to give her to you.” Cara Delevingne: I always eat enough Chris Jericho: The late Ultimate Warrior was a ‘legendary guy’ before runway shows hris Jericho has described the late Ultimate Warrior as a “legendary guy” who gave him a confidence boost when he was starting his career. The Fozzy singer - who still competes on a part-time basis for WWE - was as shocked as anyone when the wrestler tragi- ara Delevingne and Suki Waterhouse make sure Ccally passed away on April 8, just days after he was inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame. Jericho met Warrior they eat enough before runway shows. The at the start of his grappling career when he was competing for now-defunct company WCW (World CBritish models, who helped launch Burberry’s Championship Wrestling) and he never forgot the words of encouragement he gave him backstage at a TV new store in Shanghai this month, have given tips to taping and he says he totally deserved to be honored for his impact of the wrestling business. Speaking to wannabe catwalk stars on how to prepare for shows BANG Showbiz, Jericho said: “I only treat people the way that they treat me and I only met Warrior once and and insist a model should never take to the runway on he was really gracious and really cool to me back in 1998 in WCW. He was there to do something with Hulk an empty stomach. Cara told E! News: “Drink a lot of Hogan and I remember I went up to say hi to him and he went, ‘Hey, Chris Jericho, I know you, you’re water, and make sure you’ve eaten enough. And know doing a great job you’re doing some good work.’ I was a nobody at the time and I remember thinking, where you’re walking. That’s always a hard one.” Suki, ‘Wow, the Warrior likes me that totally smokes.’ It made me feel that I must be doing something right and 22, who is dating Hollywood actor Bradley Cooper, it gave me a little bit of a boost and I always remembered that ... He’s definitely a legendary guy that added: “Vitamin C and the hardcore stretching ... deserves to be in the Hall of Fame, I’m glad he got to go in when he was still alive.” As a youngster Jericho, always workout.” The pair agreed one of their favorite 43, was a huge fan of the Warrior - who died from a heart attack - and he never will forget the intensity he parts of the Shanghai trip was listening to singer had in WWE (World Wrestling Entertainment). He added: “As a fan in the late 80s when Warrior came out, Paloma Faith, who performed during the Burberry he had this energy, this intensity and his look; he was like a heavy metal guy - or he came across that way - show. Cara, 21, also enjoyed being hooked up to ropes and so was I, so I liked that. “I always respected him as a performer, some of his matches were pretty quick I as she flew through the air Mary Poppins-style while remember he came in the Winnipeg arena once and beat Andre the Giant in 30 seconds, at the time I was carrying a Burberry umbrella during the theatrical like, ‘What a rip off! That sucks.’ But I remember WrestleMania VI where he had a classic with Hulk Hogan, much show. Meanwhile, back on British soil the best friends like a lot of guys from that time period he had good matches when he had the right opponent.” Jericho is coming enjoyed a night out on the town on Saturday night to the UK for two Q&A shows at the Leicester Square Theatre in London on June 12 and June 15 with fellow model Georgia May Jagger in west London. ( and will also be playing at Download Festival with his heavy metal band Fozzy and he can’t wait The trio were photographed running across a street to see his British fans again. He said: “I’m so excited about coming to the UK on a lot of different levels; I’ve got a couple of spoken word shows and then and pulling funny faces for the paparazzi as they right in the middle I’m playing the main stage at Download with Fozzy, it’s going to be a good week for Chris Jericho for sure.” enjoyed a girls’ night out. LIFESTYLE37 TUESDAY, APRIL 29, 2014 Gossip Osbourne is crazy about coconut oil elly Osbourne claims coconut oil is a “gift from the gods”. The purple-haired star can’t get Kenough of the natural oil extract and took to her blog to extol its virtues in a post listing its many uses. The 29-year-old presenter shared her top tips for making the most of the product, including apply- ing it as a cheekbone highlighter and a make-up remover, not to mention its appetite-curbing proper- ties when used as a low-calorie cooking oil. She wrote: “Ladies, here’s an amazing trick. Use the oil to highlight your cheekbones over your makeup. Less is more. A little of it goes a long way! At the end of your day, use the oil to also remove the excess makeup. “This is an all-in-one GIFT FROM THE GODS! Have you been looking to burn more fat? This curbs your appetite to give you more energy! “It doesn’t stop there. Cook with the damn thing at a high tempera- ture as a healthy alternative to using vegetable or canola oil. Try it. Love it. THANK ME LATERRR!! (sic)” Kelly is also a fan of coconut oil’s more traditional uses when it comes to her home beauty regimen, and slathers it on her skin and hair for extra protec- tion. The ‘Fashion Police’ co-host preached: “Coconut oil is great as a skin protectant to block the suns harmful rays. This is great for people that are out- doors most of the day! “If you ever had a bad hair day (like most of us) coconut oil is perfect for getting back all of the natural nutrients you need for your dry hair. (sic)”

Stone’s disco-inspired beauty look mma Stone’s ‘The Amazing Spider-Man 2’ New York premiere look was inspired by the “disco era”. The 25-year-old actress’ make-up artist Rachel Goodwin wanted to give Emma a gorgeous beauty look to compliment her nude EPrada dress with silver embellishment, so chose a luminous foundation with sparkling eye shadow to achieve a romantic 70s vibe. The Chanel celebrity make-up artist told “[It was] a 70s party girl meets a princess. To me, the dress had that disco era glam to it but also elegant lines. It was so romantic and beautiful, it was a moment. “I used the fleshy tone and the purple detailing to inform the colour and textures I chose for her.” Emma’s look was set off with a high-impact berry lip, which accentuated the tones of the stunning dress. Rachel explained: “I wanted everything to be luminous. I was inspired by disco-era makeup which is all about shimmer. I wanted it to be really shiny and shim- mery and fun feeling. “I used a lip liner underneath a berry stain (Revlon ColorBurst Balm Stain in Adore and Chanel Aqua Crayon Lip Color Stick in Rosewood), and on top of that I used a fun lip gloss (Revlon Super Lustrous Lipgloss in Raisin Rage). I wanted it to pick up the purple tone that was on her dress.” Leto explores film roles One Direction fans treated after being crushed at gig ne Direction fans were ‘crushed’ during the band’s gig in Peru, leaving 47 young people needing medical atten- tion. The boyband - made up of Harry Styles, Zayn Malik, Louis Tomlinson and Liam Payne - stopped perform- ared Leto is exploring movie roles following the success of Oing during the concert and warned the audience they would walk off stage if they didn’t stop pushing each ‘Dallas Buyers Club’. The 42-year-old actor - who won an other. Mario Cassareto from the Estadio Nacional stadium told a Peruvian radio station: “We treated 47 children with Oscar for Best Supporting Actor for his portrayal of trans- the first stages of asphyxia. Everything is under control. We have nothing to be ashamed of, we’ve handled the situa- J tion well. “We put in place a second evacuation plan so that the younger fans were not affected.” He insists venue boss- sexual AIDS victim Rayon - took a six-year break from Hollywood to work on his music career with band 30 Seconds es are working with the police and security companies who were contracted for the show.” Mario added: “It’s under To Mars and is planning to make a comeback following the control. We are still treating those with symptoms of asphyxia that we pulled from the back. The ministry of health has success of the biographical drama. Talking to the Associated set up tents.” A video taken from inside the venue shows singer Niall Horan warning the crowd: “If you don’t want any- Press, he explained: “I’m looking at scripts and reading scripts. one to take us off the stage, make sure you stay back.” Bandmate Liam Payne added: “Or we’ll have to go - and we don’t Which is interesting because I didn’t read scripts for years want to go.” It was only the group’s second of 69 shows as part of their ‘Where We Are’ world tour. The ‘Little Things’ hit- before ‘Dallas Buyers Club’. “But now you have opportunities to makers kicked off their tour at the El Campin Stadium in Bogota, Colombia, where 44,000 fans filled the stadium. work with people that you really respect or admire, people whose work has been inspiring and influential.” Leto is also contemplating helming a film when he has the “right” story to tell. He enthused: “I think that would be really great. And when I have the right story to tell I’ll certainly do that.” Jude Law joins Genius Final Hobbit movie renamed ude Law is to star in ‘Genius’. The ‘Talented Mr Ripley’ actor will appear opposite Colin Firth and Nicole Kidman in the movie, he final ‘Hobbit’ movie has been renamed ‘The Hobbit: The Battle of Jwhich is based on A. Scott Berg’s biography of editor Max the Five Armies’. Director Peter Jackson has revealed the final install- Perkins. Perkins worked with literary great Thomas Wolfe on a Tment in his epic fantasy trilogy, which is due for release in December, number of his books, and the pair developed a complicated friend- will not be titled ‘The Hobbit: There and Back Again’ as he no longer finds ship which altered their lives. Law will play the celebrated writer, the name appropriate following his decision to expand the original pair of while Firth will star as his editor Perkins, and Kidman’s role has not ‘Hobbit’ of films into a trilogy, much like his earlier ‘Lord of the Rings’ films. yet been explained. Director Michael Grandage - best known for In a statement on his Facebook page, Jackson explained: “‘There and Back his theatre work and making his movie debut - is planning to Again’ felt like the right name for the second of a two film telling of the begin pre-production in August and the film will start shooting in quest to reclaim Erebor, when Bilbo’s arrival there, and departure, were October. The project was first announced in 2012 as ‘Max Perkins: both contained within the second film. But with three movies, it suddenly Editor Of Genius’ and had Firth attached along with ‘Shame’ star felt misplaced-after all, Bilbo has already arrived ‘there’ in the ‘Desolation of Michael Fassbender. And Law’s casting is the second time he has Smaug’. “When we did the premiere trip late last year, I had a quiet conver- joined a project after Fassbender has departed. The Irish actor had sation with the studio about the idea of revisiting the title. We decided to been due to play the hero in ‘Jane Got A Gun’, but left and had Joel keep an open mind until a cut of the film was ready to look at. We reached Edgerton switch sides from playing villain to take on his role, with that point last week, and after viewing the movie, we all agreed there is Law subsequently cast in the baddie guise, though he also eventu- now one title that feels completely appropriate. “And so: “The Hobbit: The ally departed the project before it began shooting. Battle of the Five Armies” it is.” ‘The Battle of the Five Armies’ refers to the epic conclusion of ‘The Hobbit’, which features a huge war among the vari- ous characters and creatures featured in the mythical series. Sarah Jessica Parker to be given honorary CLIO award Cruiseto head to London for Mission: Impossible 5 arah Jessica Parker is due to receive the first ever hon- orary CLIO award. The ‘Sex and the City’ actress and Sinternational style icon’s contribution to the fashion om Cruise is set to film scenes for ‘Mission: world will be celebrated with an Honorary Image Award at Impossible 5’ in Tenerife before the crew the high profile event held at the Pierre Hotel in New York Thead to London this summer. The 51-year- City next month, WWD reports. The star is set to be recog- old actor is gearing up for the fifth installment of nized for her “ground-breaking work and talent that push the action franchise where he will reprise the the boundaries of creativity”, juggling the launch of her SJP role of Ethan Hunt and the A-Lister will be land- fashion label with her best-selling fragrances and acting ing at the largest of the Canary Islands before career. Sarah Jessica can add the brand new award to her list shooting scenes at landmarks in England’s capi- of trophies, which already include a Golden Globe, Screen tal, according to The Sun newspaper. A source Actors Guild prize and an Emmy. The 2014 CLIO Awards, said: “A few items are set to be filmed around which recognize the best in the beauty and fashion indus- London, including a motorbike chase down The tries in terms of PR, marketing, design and film, will be host- Mall, followed by a boat chase scene along The ed by Bravo’s Andy Cohen. Despite being hailed as a trend- Thames. “They are also going to do some work setter ever since she first graced our screens as journalist around the Emirates Cable Cars.” Meanwhile, Carrie Bradshaw, the 49-year-old star doesn’t think of herself Jessica Chastain has been linked to the film and in that way. She previously admitted: “No, I don’t identify that she is set to be Cruise’s “right hand woman”, way. I’m not - and I know this might sound crazy - a particu- reports If her role is con- larly vain person. I’m sort of embarrassed by that introspec- firmed she’ll star alongside Simon Pegg who will tion. “And thinking about myself makes me feel kind of like a return to the big screen as Benji, and Jeremy narcissist. But, I’m aware that there is an identification out- Renner is reported to play William Brandt. side that people have about me - good or bad - and I’m com- Christopher McQuarrie will direct the film, while fortable with it. It’s not for me to resent what is projected; Iron Man 3’s Drew Pearce will pen the script and I’ve been part and parcel of that.” —Bang Showbiz J.J. Abrams and Cruise will produce. lifestyle TUESDAY, APRIL 29, 2014


A file picture shows people walking past the Convent of Trinitarians in central Madrid where Spanish Golden Age writer Miguel de Cervantes was buried in April 1616.

Two operators scan the altar with a Ground Penetration Radar at the Convent of the Barefoot Trinitarians in the historic Barrio de las Letras, or Literary Quarter in Madrid, Spain, yesterday. — AP/AFP photos Spain hunts remains of ‘Quixote’author Cervantes

cientists yesterday launched a radar-assisted hunt in a ering them with a memorial stone,” said Fernando de Pardo, that the radar could reveal a burial but not the identity of the Madrid convent for the remains of Spanish writer Miguel the historian in charge of the project. “He has given us so corpse, which would be the challenge for archaeologists and Sde Cervantes, author of “Don Quixote”. Two technicians much, we are going to try at least to do something by putting forensic scientists. in grey vests paced around a church altar in central Madrid’s his name on a stone to differentiate it from a nameless tomb.” Etxeberria said the searchers would also scan parts of the red-brick Convent of Trinitarians, sweeping a ground-pene- The electromagnetic waves reflected back to the radar walls and the sacristy, in the floor of which there is a pad- trating radar in search of the body of the greatest writer of the machine can detect any disturbance in the ground, such as locked door thought to lead down to a crypt. Born near Spanish Golden Age. from a burial, De Pardo explained. In the first phase of the Madrid in 1547, Cervantes has been dubbed the father of the Under the gaze of photographers and television reporters, project, the scientists will sweep the target area-two rooms modern novel for “The Ingenious Gentleman Don Quixote of the radar revealed images of what lies beneath the floor, the adjoining the church, the former cloister, which covers up to La Mancha”, published in two parts in 1605 and 1615. The con- start of the first significant search for the remains of a writer 220 square meters (720 square feet) — over a period of three vent is still inhabited by nuns and has been designated part of who died in poverty on April 22, 1616, despite creating one of days, he said. Madrid’s cultural heritage since 1921, complicating any effort the landmarks of Western literature. Cervantes is recorded as to excavate in blind pursuit of Cervantes’ remains. “Finding the having been buried a day after his death in the church of the Archeologist’s challange tomb of Cervantes would mean paying a very important debt convent, which has expanded over the centuries. The results will be analyzed over the following two-three to the Prince of Letters in Spain,” Jose Francisco Garcia, Madrid The whereabouts of the writer’s remains, however, have weeks before a report is submitted to Madrid’s city hall, the city hall’s director of cultural heritage, said last month. — AFP been forgotten. “Why search for the remains of Miguel de historian said. De Pardo has put the estimated cost of the proj- Cervantes? Because he is a figure of worldwide importance. ect at about 100,000 euros ($138,000) overall. If Cervantes’s Because all humanity is in his debt. And because we have the remains are identified there, it is planned that he remain A file picture shows a commemorative marble plaque to opportunity and the technology capable of finding those buried in the church but with a plaque, he said. Francisco Spanish Golden Age writer Miguel de Cervantes on a wall remains, removing them from an anonymous grave and cov- Etxeberria, a forensic anthropologist, said ahead of the search of the Convent of Trinitarians in central Madrid. Broadway sees gains for black audiences, actors

arly one Sunday this month, 56 people boarded a bus have another story to tell.” His wariness is echoed by data diverse audience is critical to Broadway’s long-term health in a suburb of Washington, DC, to make the trip to from The Asian American Performers Action Coalition, since producers have seen audience levels fall for two con- EBroadway to see a play. The all-day trip was part of a which found that the percentage of minority actors work- secutive seasons. fundraiser organized by members of the Alpha Kappa ing on Broadway and at the top 16 not-for-profit theater Alpha Sorority, the oldest African-American female sorority companies in New York City rose just 2 percent during the Everything in between of college-educated women. People on the bus ranged 2011-12 season, as compared with the previous season. The average age of the Broadway theatergoer is 42.5 from a child under 6 to grandmothers. There were veteran years, 68 percent of audiences were female and a whop- Broadway goers and theater newbies. The bus was full - Attracting diverse audience ping 78 percent of all tickets were bought by whites in despite it being Palm Sunday - and the trip, which ended Over the years, the representation of actors of color has 2011-12, according to The Broadway League, the group close to 11:30 pm, was long. What would attract so many consistently remained within the low 20 percent range, that represents producers. “I’m seeing every type of per- to make the trip north to see a matinee from the rear mez- never reaching even a quarter of all roles cast, according to son and that’s what’s exciting to me,” McDonald said of her zanine on a religious holiday? the coalition. Data on the current 2012-13 season is still audience. “I’m seeing young people, and middle-aged peo- Five words: “A Raisin in the Sun.” Actually, make that being accumulated. Sanders, who has also produced such ple and young people. I’m seeing people who were alive two: Denzel Washington. “I think everybody enjoyed them- shows as “The Color Purple” with Oprah Winfrey and “Evita,” when Billie Holiday was alive, I’m seeing young African- selves. Everybody on the bus was pleased. They had a estimates that one-third of the audience to “After American girls, 15-16 years old. And everything in good time and thoroughly enjoyed the play,” said Garlette Midnight” is African-American, drawn to the music, cos- between.” Jordan, a federal worker and sorority member who helped tumes and the rich cultural heritage being explored. Many Sanders doesn’t believe there’s a secret to attracting A $10 Mormon gold coin that sold for $705,000 plan the trip. “Of course, Denzel was the main draw.”With on the stage are also making their Broadway debuts, such non-traditional Broadway theatergoers. It’s about putting at auction this week. — AP all due respect to Mr. Washington, it’s not just him. This as Julius “iGlide” Chisolm and Virgil “Lil O” Gadson. The on a memorable show and getting good word of mouth. Broadway season has been rich with roles for African- bump in diversity is something stage and film producer Just landing a movie star like Washington isn’t necessarily Americans and audiences are responding, from the packed Matthew Weaver is cheering. He helped create “Rock of the answer. “It’s right under your nose: If you’re a producer Brooks Atkinson Theatre, where the musical “After Ages” on Broadway and plans to stage another show and you produce a show that has an appeal to an audi- 1849 Mormon Midnight” celebrates Duke Ellington’s years at the Cotton around “Soul Train” in the future. ence, they’ll come. It’s as simple as programming,” he said. Club, to the overfilled Circle in the Square, where Audra “We didn’t plan this, it’s just good luck in timing, but I “I don’t think there’s a gigantic barrier. I don’t think African- McDonald is channeling Billie Holiday. think it’s the perfect time to have a show like this on Americans are sitting at home saying, ‘How can I not go to Black singers and actors are being featured all over Broadway,” he said. “I think ‘Soul Train’ does have the oppor- Broadway?’ I think if there’s something that interests them, gold coin fetches Broadway stages, some in roles written for African- tunity to get everybody - young, old, black, white and they will come.”— AP Americans, such as Terence Archie who plays a fearsome straight. And I think there’s an opportunity, especially for Apollo Creed in “Rocky,” Joshua Henry as a black soldier in the younger audience, to discover this music.” Attracting a $705K at auction the musical “Violet,” and Brandon J Dirden as the Rev Martin Luther King Jr. in the historical play “All the Way.” $10 Mormon gold coin fetched $705,000, and Others are in nontraditional black roles, like James Monroe a $20 Mormon gold coin sold for $558,000 at Iglehart as the manic Genie in “Aladdin”; Nikki M James Aauction this week. They were the rarest of a playing Eponine and Kyle Scatliffe, making his Broadway seven-piece collection of Mormon coins made in debut as Enjolras, in “Les Miserables”; and LaChanze and 1849 that brought in nearly $2 million at an auction Jerry Dixon in the new musical “If/Then.” staged by Dallas-based Heritage Auctions. The terri- torial coins, put up for sale by a collector, went to an Rich Broadway season undisclosed buyer. Bidding ended Thursday night. Earlier this season, Condola Rashad played Juliet oppo- Tyson Emery, a coin expert at All About Coins in site Orlando Bloom’s Romeo. “Not only is colorblind cast- Salt Lake City, said coins and currency were scare ing happening but you’ve got African-American pieces when Mormon pioneers arrived in Utah in 1847, and happening as well,” said McDonald, who has managed to the settlers began making their own coins primarily catch “After Midnight” twice despite starring in “Lady Day to buy goods from the East. “The gold that they used at Emerson’s Bar & Grill.” She added: “It’s a very rich to make these Mormon gold coins came from the Broadway season, too. Not all seasons are this rich. There’s original California gold strike, probably right from the American River at Sutter’s Mill,” he told the Deseret something for everybody this year.” News . And next month, a huge barrier will be broken when Only 46 of the $10 gold coins were made, and just Norm Lewis becomes the Phantom in the megahit “The a few are still around. Emery had predicted the $10 Phantom of the Opera,” making him the first African- piece would sell for at least $500,000. The equipment American to slip behind the famous mask on the Great used to make the coins was crude, and not a lot of White Way. “I think it’s the confluence of a lot of different coins were made as a result. While rare, Mormon things but clearly this year you’ve got a lot of high-quality coins are put up for sale from time to time, Emery work going on, both in the material as well as the execu- said. tion and the performers. It’s quite exciting,” said Scott Mormon currency came in denominations includ- Sanders, who produced “After Midnight,” which has starred ing $21/2, $5, $10 and $20. Simple and rugged Fantasia Barrino, Kenneth “Babyface” Edmonds, Toni designs showed clasped hands, with uneven letter- Braxton and currently Vanessa Williams. The increase in ing and numbers. The Church of Jesus Christ of black roles and shows that attract a black audience builds Latter-day Saints History Museum has a replica dis- on recent successes, such as last year’s hits “Motown the play featuring coins, dies and other equipment. The Musical,” “The Trip to Bountiful” and “Kinky Boots,” which prices for the other coins that were sold at auction boasts newly crowned Tony Award-winner Billy Porter. this week ranged from $64,625 to $235,000. — AP “It ebbs and flows,” warned Porter, a veteran singer and actor who recalls struggling to get parts. “Black people are This file image released by Philip Rinaldi Publicity shows Denzel Washington, left, and LaTanya Richardson Jackson dur- on an upswing now. But if you ask the Asians, they may ing a performance of ‘A Raisin in the Sun,’ at the Ethel Barrymore Theatre in New York.—AP lifestyle TUESDAY, APRIL 29, 2014

Music & Movies ‘X Factor’ musical booted off stage at London’s West End

Factor” guru Simon Cowell has become the lat- Sing!”, which featured a talking dog and portrayed Cowell est big name in showbusiness to suffer an as a megalomaniac, was announced on the show’s website “Xexpensive pratfall in London’s West End with and was also tweeted to its followers. “Stage Entertainment the announcement yesterday that the musical “I Can’t and Syco Entertainment, the producers of ‘I Can’t Sing!’ at Sing!” which he co-produced will close after a six-week run. the London Palladium, have announced the closure of the The demise of the musical parody of the TV talent contest, production on Saturday 10th May 2014,” the statement on which reportedly cost 6 million pounds ($10 million) to the website said. produce, comes hard on the heels of the closures of musi- “The show received a series of rave reviews and stand- cals by long-time West End and Broadway hotshots Tim ing ovations from thousands of theatre-goers following its Rice and Andrew Lloyd Webber. opening earlier this year.” Despite reviews praising the It also follows the expensive fiasco in 2012 of a musical show’s irreverence, it struggled to fill one of the West End’s based on the Spice Girls pop band. The closure of “I Can’t largest theatres, and on some nights a hoarding outside advertised the availability of choice seats for only 20 pounds just before curtain time. “The West End can be an unpredictable place as the closure of a number of high- profile productions recently has shown,” said Rebecca Quigley, the CEO of Stage Entertainment. “‘I Can’t Sing!’ has had audiences on their feet night after night, four and five star reviews from the critics and an amazing company and creative team, but it seems that isn’t always enough.” The West End and the London stage in general have been celebrating a successful period for ticket sales. Last year was a record for revenues and atten- dances, with more than 14 million theatre-goers and gross sales of over 585 million pounds, according to the Society of London Theatre. But despite that there have been some major casualties. Lloyd Webber’s “Stephen Ward”, based on the 1960s Profumo sex scandal, closed after a run of less than four months. His erstwhile lyricist Rice’s “From Here to Eternity”, based on the James Jones novel about the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, closed the same day as Lloyd Webber’s show after a six-month run. — Reuters

Simon Cowell

Footwork music star DJ Rashad dies in Chicago

ashad Harden, a house music and footwork pioneer Harden’s death comes just days before his EP was who performed as DJ Rashad, was found dead this scheduled for release and less than a month after fellow Rweekend of an apparent drug overdose, authorities house music star Frankie Knuckles also died the city. said Sunday. He was 34. Chicago Police spokeswoman Harden, a resident of Calumet City, was poised for a break- A combo of file pictures made on April 28, 2014 in Paris shows president of the 2014 edition of the Cannes Film Festival New Janel Sedevic said a friend found Harden’s body Saturday out year, according to the Chicago Sun-Times. His fifth Zealand director Jane Campion (middle center) and jury members (from top, left to right) French actress Carole Bouquet, US afternoon in an apartment on the city’s West Side. There album received his best reviews, he was scheduled to play actor Willem Dafoe, Iranian actress Leila Hatami, Danish director and producer Nicolas Winding Refn, Chinese director Jia was no sign of injury but narcotics and drug paraphernalia clubs all over the world and his latest EP, “We On 1,” was Zhangke, South Korean actress Jeon Do-yeon, Mexican actor and director Gael Garcia Bernal and US film director Sofia were found near his body, she said. An autopsy was con- scheduled to be released yesterday. Coppola. The jury will award the coveted Palme díOr to one of the 18 films in competition at the May 14-25 festival. — AP ducted Sunday but the Cook County Medical Examiner’s “It’s just a tragic loss of a great musical genius,” said Office said it is waiting for the results of toxicology tests to longtime friend and collaborator Morris Harper, who per- determine a cause of death. forms as DJ Spinn and who was scheduled to appear with Rashad in Detroit on Saturday night. Rashad was considered a pioneer of footwork - an elec- tronic-oriented music genre that originated in Chicago. has majority Once known as juke, footwork is named for its quick dance Cannes moves and is known for what Rolling Stone calls a “fren- zied and hypnotic style of dance music that features heart- racing BPMs and, often, chopped-up loops of popular rap, R&B and pop vocals.” female jury, first time since 2009 The Sun-Times reported Rashad’s fifth LP, “Double Cup,” ew Zealand director Jane Campion will head a jury Leila Hatami of Iran and South Korea’s Jeon Do-yeon, the which came out last year, is credited with attracting a of five women and four men for this year’s Cannes festival said. wider audience to footwork music. “He shared his music international film festival - its first majority female Also on the panel will be American actor Willem Dafoe, with everyone that would listen,” Harden’s father, Anthony N judging panel since 2009. The world’s most prestigious Mexican actor and director Garcia Bernal, Chinese director Harden, told the Sun-Times. “He’s been all over the world, international film festival, which made the announcement Jia Zhanke and Danish director Nicolas Winding Refn. Two taking footwork all over the world.” — Reuters yesterday, has often been criticized for giving short shrift of the 18 feature-length films in competition this year were to women in cinema. made by women - Japanese director Naomi Kawase’s “Still Campion is the only female director ever to win the fes- the Water” and Italian director Alice Rohrwacher’s “Le tival’s top prize, the Palme d’Or, which she secured with her Meraviglie”. — Reuters Rashad Harden 1993 film “The Piano”. Joining her will be American director Sofia Coppola and actresses Carole Bouquet from France,

After US debut, Bollywood aspires to new standard

n throwing its first awards night in the United even have scripts, with filmmakers informally part through studios’ willingness to fire actors. Po Che!” about three men’s turbulent relation- States, India’s prolific film industry has shown discussing each movie with him and paying “We may become very professional in the com- ship premiered at the Berlin International Film Iaspirations to hold its own on quality stan- him after it was in theaters. ing years but we may lose the human touch, Festival and was nominated in Tampa, said that dards on Hollywood’s home turf. To be sure, Kher said that Indian actors were increasing- which I think was the hallmark of Indian cinema. India was seeing the rise of an indie cinema Saturday’s gala at Tampa, Florida’s 66,000- ly trained and signing formal contracts. But I think it’s something that when you gain scene. “Of course in the mainstream film indus- capacity stadium was not up Previously, jobs were handed out based on con- you have to lose something,” Kher said. try, we love our big film stars and big spectacle to Oscar standards with videos played at wrong nections and Kher said he would know every cinema, but smaller stories are there and audi- times, a late start and a five-and-a-half-hour worker on the set personally. He credited Greater collaboration with Hollywood ences are open to watching and appreciating duration that left all but the most enthusiastic Hollywood with ensuring higher standards in Screenwriter Pubali Chaudhari, whose “Kai them,” she said. fans ready to depart when it closed after 3:00 Big-budget Indian films have also gone the am. way of Hollywood by investing in visual effects. But while Bollywood’s famously flamboyant Nominees for top picture in Tampa included and sensual mass dances still dominated the “Dhoom 3,” an action film set in Chicago consid- awards ceremony, industry insiders said that ered Bollywood’s most expensive production India is increasingly seeing a new generation of ever, and superhero flick “Krrish 3.” movies that steer clear of rote plotlines. The first US edition of the awards also Filmmakers pointed to the success of looked to expand cooperation between stars. “Lunchbox,” a romantic film about a mixup in Bollywood has held its annual event outside of Mumbai’s legendary delivery system for home- India each year to showcase its global clout but cooked meals. had never held it in the United States before. The movie was screened at the Cannes Film John Travolta said he was considering taking a Festival and has been praised by Western critics, lead role in “Paani,” a movie planned by director while also faring well at the Indian box office. Shekhar Kapur that examines conflict over Anupam Kher, best known in English-language water. cinema for roles in “Bend It Like Beckham” and “He can’t imagine doing it without me, and “Silver Linings Playbook,” said that the shift start- of course anyone who feels that way about me, I ed a decade ago when many Indians gained have to dive in,” Travolta told reporters on the access to a wide range of international televi- ceremonial carpet. Travolta, who made his sion programming, raising expectations of stan- name with “Saturday Night Fever” and “Grease,” dards. said he felt a natural affinity with Bollywood. “I can easily say that now Indian cinema is in “This is my life. This is what I’ve built the founda- its golden phase,” he said on the sidelines of the tion of my career on-musicals,” he said. — AFP International Indian Film Academy awards in Tampa. “You can make the kind of films you believe in and yet they can do well.” India churns out over 1,100 films a year, more than any other US actor John Travolta poses with Bollywood actress country. Kher said that he was one of the few Priyanka Chopra on the green carpet at the Raymond File photo shows Bollywood actress Deepika Padukone performs during the fourth and trained actors when he entered the industry 32 final day of the 15th International Indian Film Academy awards. James Stadium on the fourth and final day of the 15th years ago and that most of his 450 films did not International Indian Film Academy (IIFA) Awards. Cannes has majority female jury, first time since 2009

TUESDAY, APRIL 29, 2014 39

This undated image shows ‘Venus’, a piece that is thought to be made by the late pop artist, Andy Warhol, on a computer This undated image provided by The Andy Warhol Museum in Pittsburgh, Pa, shows ‘Andy2’, a piece that is thought to be in 1985. made by the late pop artist, Andy Warhol, on a computer in 1985. New Andy Warhol images found on old disks

ybersleuths have unearthed images that Andy Warhol The museum says the images vary from doodles and cam- early 1960s onwards,” Shiner said. The museum said the idea apparently made on a computer in 1985. The Andy era shots of a desktop to versions of Warhol’s classic images of to try to recover images from the disks came when artist Cory CWarhol Museum in Pittsburgh says in a release that the a banana, Marilyn Monroe and a Campbell’s soup can. Arcangel learned of the Amiga work from a YouTube clip artist had a contract with Commodore International to pro- Museum director Eric Shiner said Warhol “saw no limits to his showing Warhol promoting the release of the Amiga 1000 in duce images on one of its Amiga home computers. The old art practice.” 1985. — AP images recently were extracted from disks by members of “These computer generated images underscore his spirit of Pittsburgh’s Carnegie Mellon University Computer Club in col- experimentation and his willingness to embrace new media - laboration with museum staff. qualities which, in many ways, defined his practice from the

This undated image shows ‘Campbell’s,’ a piece that is This photo shows ‘Most Wanted Men No. 2, John Victor G., 1964’ a silkscreen depicting This April 1964 photo provided by The Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts, Inc thought to be made by the late pop artist, Andy Warhol, mug shots of one of the NYPD’s 13 most-wanted criminals whose likeness was briefly shows a 20x20 foot mural depicting mug shots of the NYPD’s 13 most-wanted criminals on a computer in 1985. mounted on a facade of the New York State Pavilion at the 1964 New York World’s Fair. by Andy Warhol, mounted on the curved facade of the New York State Pavilion at the 1964 New York World’s Fair in the Queens borough of New York.

Gallery eyes portraits in the age of abstract art

hen abstract expressionism was all the Portrait Gallery explores how Andy Warhol, Willem de Kooning’s portrait of Monroe is not rage in American art in the mid-20th Robert Rauschenberg, Roy Lichtenstein, Elaine exactly a portrait of a beautiful lady. “If you put Wcentury, many artists thought the art de Kooning and others pushed the boundaries your thumb over the nose, eyes and mouth of painting portraits was dead. Artist Chuck of portraiture between 1945 and 1975. “Face there, you’ve got this lovely abstract painting,” Close went so far as to say that making a por- Value: Portraiture in the Age of Abstraction” is a said curator Wendy Wick Reaves. “But it’s not an trait was “the dumbest, most moribund, out-of- different kind of show for the museum, with abstract painting. It is a portrait of Marilyn date and shopworn of possible things you could quirky and unexpected ways to represent peo- Monroe.” do.” But at the same time, Close and other artists ple through paintings, drawings, prints and Abstract and figurative artists would borrow from the era began reinventing the tradition of sculpture. from each other in techniques, composition and portraits by making the images more abstract. Familiar subjects include Marilyn Monroe, style. Earlier in the 1940s, portraits tended to be A new exhibit at the Smithsonian’s National Jack Kerouac, Jackie Kennedy and Warhol. But small, recognizable, realistic and tried to capture the essence of someone’s personality, Reaves said. In the age of abstraction, though, many portraits became bigger, bolder and less logical and literal. “There’s a certain element of defiance, thumb-on-your-nose defiance, and self-con- sciousness about going back to the face and fig- ure,” Reaves said. “These artists are all learning about abstraction.” Lichtenstein was commis- sioned by Time magazine to create a colorful pop art cover image of Robert F Kennedy. Warhol would tweak and manipulate press pho- tos of Jackie Kennedy for a series of paintings and silkscreen prints, some with a black-and- white shimmer of a TV image. And Larry Rivers would draw an image of Kerouac with minimal features of his face. Curators brought together more than 50 artworks for the show. The exhibit is on view through Jan 11. — AP

This undated handout image provided by the This undated handout image provided by the Smithsonian National Portrait Gallery shows a por- Smithsonian National Portrait Gallery shows a por- This undated handout image provided by the Smithsonian National trait of Jacqueline Kennedy by Andy Warhol, part trait of Andy Warhol by Jamie Wyeth, part of an Portrait Gallery shows a portrait of Marilyn Monroe by Willem de of an exhibit at the museum in Washington: ‘Face exhibit at the museum in Washington: ‘Face Value: Kooning, part of an exhibit at the museum in Washington: ‘Face Value: Value: Portraiture in the Age of Abstraction.’ Portraiture in the Age of Abstraction.’ Portraiture in the Age of Abstraction.’