Building Materials in Dredging, Maritime and Waterfront Construction

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Building Materials in Dredging, Maritime and Waterfront Construction Building Materials in Dredging , Maritime and Waterfront Construction Ir. Bernard Malherbe Jan De Nul Group Maritime & Dredging 2010 1 Maritime & Dredging 2010 2 Types of Infrastructures & Constructions Breakwaters Seadikes & Riverdikes Bank- & Reclamation confinment/revetment Reclamations Quay-walls Locks Pumping culverts Berthing structures (dolphins,…) Sinkers Pipe – and cable-landfalls Beach & coastal protection structures Maritime & Dredging 2010 3 Port of IJmuiden (Nederland) Construction method for breakwater extension: North & South Pier (1965) Construction Stages of Rubble-Asphalt Breakwater Underpart BreakwaterMaritime & Dredging 2010Upperpart Breakwater 4 Construction Method of IJmuiden breakwaters 13. De twcc belangrijkStc conceptics van de Combinatie Ijmuiden : ondcr­ losscrs en hefpontons met kraan. beidc gcadvisccrd cn in opdracht van Rijkswatcrst3at ontworpcn. Maritime & Dredging 2010 5 TePoul.. ur{nabIJlu lk}al"I ••n1f11 ln¡er.edvoor\lervoervanatortaleen n.. , Umu lden. Construction method of IJmuiden’s breakwaters - Maritime & Dredging 2010 6 Port of Zeeebrugge (Belgium) 1903-2003 Anno 1976 Anno 1990 Maritime & Dredging 2010 Anno 2003 7 Construction sequence of Zeebrugge breakwaters J. De sJeu/ uitbaggeren met sJeepzuiger o/ cutterzuiger ----==_:_________ :_ "i_' :_" _,: __~_________________ ~ __~~-- 2. Grind storten op het gekJepte zand ~.............> i 3. Zínkstukken a/zinken _ª_=_______ :;; 4. Bermen voor de bescherming van de damteen storten = s. De darnkem opbouwen met T. V. o/ 1-3 ton = 6. De 1-3 ton secondaire bescherrnlaag plaatsen 1. 25-30 ton betonblokken plaatsen 8. De kruin a/werken en eventueel zandopspuitingMaritime uitvoeren. & Dredging 2010 8 Engineering design of Zeebrugge Rubble-Mound Breakwaters on soft soil: soil- replacement and erosion protection Maritime & Dredging 2010 9 Dredging of soft soil-replacement trench & Construction of breakwater’s core Maritime & Dredging 2010 10 Construction and placement of willow fascines for erosion protection of soft soil- replacement Maritime & Dredging 2010 11 Zeebrugge Port Extension: sequence of Rubble Mound Breakwater construction Maritime & Dredging 2010 12 Zeebrugge Port Extension: placement of 25t to 28 t concrete armour units of Rubble Mound Breakwaters Maritime & Dredging 2010 13 Melchorita Breakwater, PERU LNG (anno 2007) 6.50 +11.00mCD C 3.25 onc 3 3 re MLWS 0.00mCD -6.00mCD 2 te 2 1 R C .6 oc u 0 ks b 15.00 W e 1T 5 4 = 0= m Rocks W50= 1T 50 1 3 5.00 -7.50mCD W T s 3 ck 2 25.00 -10.00mCD -14.00mCD o CORE 0-500kg 1.60 R 3 1.80 2 -14.00mCD(varies) 2.00 4.20 CORE 0-500kg 1 1 1 2.00 1 5 5 5 5.00 5 5.00 5.00 20.00 SEABED BCR 4 m3 W50 = 0.75 t < 1 t Wave-FlumeMaritime Testing & Dredging of Breakwater 2010 14 First engineering rule in maritime construction: Terzaghi filter rules Armouring Layer Underlayer Filterlayer (mineral or geotextile) Geotextile: • woven fabric Seabed or reclaimed material,… •Non-woven fabric •Material: PP, HDPE,,.. Permeable but sand-tight construction: d15upperlayer / d85 underlayer < 5 (bulk of underlayer cannot migrate trough pores of upperlayer) d50 upperlayer/d50 underlayer = 15 ….60 d15uperlayer / d15 underlayer = 5…40 Layer thickness: Filter-layer (e.g. gravel-sand): > 0,10m Underlayer & Armour Layer: 3 … 5 x d50 Maritime & Dredging 2010 15 Gradation of Maritime Construction Materials CORE UNDERLAYER ARMOUR UNITS Maritime & Dredging 2010 16 Determining parameters for: • Non-cohesive grains: • grain-size distribution • volume-mass & specific density • permeability •Cohesive grains: • water content (w) & Atterberg Limits (SL, PL, LL) • Plasticity-Index : PI = LL – PL (PI = high > Clay; PI = low > Silt) • Liquidity Index: LI = (w-PL)/(LL-PL) • Activity : A = PI / (% < 0,075mm) (A < 0,75 Inactief; A 0,75-1,25: Normal; A > 1,25: Active) • shear resistance, cohesion • deformation properties (compressibility,…) • permeability Maritime & Dredging 2010 17 A. Natural Building Materials Clay • What is Clay ? For geologists, Clay is a fine-grained sediment, constituted of mainly alumino- silicate minerals (> 45 %), that are plate or flake-like grains with equivalent Stoke’s diameters of 0,020 mm en 0,0001 mm. For geotechnicians, Clays are soils constituted of particles with equivalent Stoke’s diameters lesser than 0,002mm. Geotechnicians distinguish between under- normal or over-consolidated Clays, depending upon their consolidation degree as a function of their overburden history. • Typical geotechnical propertes of Cllays Low water-content : w < 35 % Low permeability : k < 10-11 m/sec High cohesion : cu = 10 tot 150 kPa Maritime & Dredging 2010 18 Electronic microscope shots of Clay Minerals Illite & Kaolinite 1000m I IO."n Maritime & Dredging 2010 19 Clay as Building Material • Domain of application of Clays • Impermeable cores of dikes HW Clay Sand • Impermeable revetment of water-retention dikes • Colmatation layer of upland disposal facilities, ponds,... • Workability of Clay depends upon Plasticity Natural water-content close to PL Maritime & Dredging 2010 20 Waterfront-dikes as water-retention structures: body of sand with clay-core • Deltaplan (Netherlands) • Sigma Plan (Belgium) Maritime & Dredging 2010 21 Waterfront Engineering : Risks (of failure·induced damage) =Probability (of failure ) x Damage (resulting from failure) ~~~'''''''''''''''''''''''''--------''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''~ 1.E+10 ,-~""'''''''''''''''''''''~--~--'''''''''''''''''''''''''-- 1.E+09 e " :¡u. 1.E+08 ~ ~ D = 872144. RpO.8174 " ~~~-----------+----------------~------------------ 1 el~ 1.E+07~-----------------~ '"E Q.. 1.E+06 + 1.E+05+------------------.-----------------+-----------------.----------------~ 1 10 100 1,000 10,000 Return Perlod of Failure-causing event (years) Water·retention dikes Maritime & Dredging 2010 22 Ref after data contained in MKBA Rapport Sigma Plan, 2002 Mud • What is Mud ? Mud is a mixture-sediment : a mixture of fine sand,silt - particles (0,063mm to 0,002mm) and clay-minerals. Generally Mud has a high content in organic fractions (2 to 10 %) and CaCo3 (till 35 %). Mud is the typical sediment for estuaria, shallow seas and sheltered deposition areas. Mud has generally a high water-content. Mud is the building material for what will become Clay after consolidation. Mud is a cohesive sediment with low shear-strenght. Till recently, Mud was considered as inappropriate for recycling or re-use. • Geotechnical properties of Mud: High water- content : w = 100 to 250 %, , beyond LL Medium to high cohesion: cu = 1 tot 30 kPa Flocculation (aggregation to larger particles, called Flocks) Sand-admixture (co-precipitation in flocks) Transition sediment between suspensions and soil: classic geotechnical laws do not apply…rheology is the science of stress-strain behaviour for such Non- Newtonian Fluids. Parameters influencing shear-strength: initial rigidity (yield stress) , dynamic viscosity and thixotropy ( typical for Bingham fluids, a particular form of Non-Newtonian fluids) Maritime & Dredging 2010 23 Mud as Building Material After dewatering (accelerated consolidation by lagooning, sun-drying, filter- pressing, chemical dewatering,.…), Mud can reach dry-volume-masses of 500 to 600 kgds/m3 (bulk-densities of order of 1,45 to 1,60). Dewatered Mud can be re-used as an impermeable, cohesive, shapeable building-material with low-permeability: landscaping voor sight or sound- screen, fill-material with high deformation properties,…… Gravitational dewatering by lagooning (load : 400 to 600 kgds/m2) Mechanical dewatering by chamber filter-pressses. Chemical dewatering by admixture of CaO (8 to 16 %): exothermic reaction (evaporation) and water-adsorption. Maritime & Dredging 2010 24 Lagooning of Dredged mud, Ring-canal in Ghent, Belgium ENVISAN Grondverwerkingscentrum Hulsdonk Day 100: After crust- revolving Day 1: just after filling the experimental lagoon with fresh Mud Day 36: Crust-drying with superficial cracks Maritime & Dredging 2010 25 Decantation and Consolidation Properties of Mud Sedimentation/Consolidation Experiment 100 90 80 70 Sedimentaton 60 50 Compression - Point Height Ratio 40 30 Primary Consolidation 20 10 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Time Axis (T0 + x minutes) Decantation Ratio Hd/Hinit Kallo Slib Sedimentation Ratio Kallo Slib Sedimentation Ratio Hs/Hinit Dr Bath Decantation Ratio Hd/Hinit Dr Bath Maritime & Dredging 2010 26 Sand • What is Sand ? Sand is typically a detrital sediment, constituted of individual particles and with a relitavely low intergranular cohesion.The particles have equivalent Stoke’s diameters of 0,063 mm to 2 mm. Sand-grains are generally mono-mineral particles of Quartz (Si O2), Feldspars (Al, Mg Si O4) or of organic origin: these latter are generally coral-fragments, shell-fragments,…constituted of Calcite, Aragonite,.(Ca Co3). • Geotechnical properties of sands are: Low in-situ water-content : w < 35 % High permeability : k > 10-6 m/sec Subrounded or rounded grains of 0,063 mm to 2,0 mm Sorting degree, d50, d90,….of grain-size distribution Compaction properties with generally a rapid compaction and a maximum compaction-density corresponding to a typical water-content (Proctor-density) Angle of Internal Friction (varying between 27°and 40°) , determining shear- strength, equilibrium inflow-slope, active/passive soil stresses,… Maritime & Dredging 2010 27 Quartz sand (S Afrika) d50 = 0,700mm Carbonate sand (Dubai) d50 = 0,654 mm Maritime & Dredging 2010 28 Grain-size distribution of Carbonate Sand • " • , , • , • . ., . • .• - • .. í f Maritime & Dredging 2010 29 Sand as
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