who was also a native of and was I have no idea if this was/is correct. When Southam a thatcher by trade. He being 81 years of with Squire Chamberlain; Williams wages Prestige Home & Garden age at his death. His mother was a native went up to four shillings per week. At 15 Kimberley Maintenance of Byfield, and previous to her marriage to years of age, he commenced employment C J & N D Wright Aqua Cleaning 26 St. Marys Close, Southam of Yesteryear William, had been in service to a Mr.Hawkins at the cement works run by the Oldhams High-pressure Drive, patio, path, Kitchen/Bathroom Fitting of the Manor House . Great family. Their graves being on the right of All types of drives constructed to new By Bill Griffin grandfather Duckett said in 1923 then aged the footpath as you go down to the church forecourt, wall & decking cleaning permeable surface regulations. Tiling Wall & Floor Painting & Decorating 74, that he started school at four years old via the lytch gate. The Oldhams family being Eco friendly, no chemicals Drop Kerbs - fully insured & registered During a search for information on the boys and left at eight. His first job was minding related by marriage to the Brewster family All Aspects of Gardening school tin whistle band, that broadcast pre Call for a free Quotation under the new street works act. cows at 3d per day, in todays money, a little of Brewster’s corner fame. Mrs. Brewster tel: 01926 814541 mob:07850 293967 Call Fred for a FREE quote on: war on BBC radio, I came across a report over 1p. This was for a Mr. John , now residing off Warwick Street. in the Rugby Advertiser of May 18th 1923; 07765 061143 Tel: 07758 739022 or 01926 814505 grandfather to Mr Joseph Warwick. In my When at the cement works, William was given to them by my great grandfather. reminiscences; I think it was one of his employed as a general handyman. After 12 With the boys school band details missing; son’s that married a Russian Princess, or a months, he went to work in the quarry. After I have decided to concentrate this months daughter that married a Russian Prince. I two years, he said he went on a tour of the article on great grandfather Duckett’s know of this through working with a relative country doing whatever work came his way. reminiscences, with a few added additions of Mr.Warwick, Trevor Roche, who like me He returned to Southam after a tour of the Under the heading of ‘’In the old days’’ was an ex-Armstrong Whitworth Aircraft country that lasted some three years, and at Southam Venerable’s memories of 70 years Apprentice. Trevor now living in the Outer the age of 23 married a Miss. Martha Umbers ago. William Duckett of Mountfield Gardens Hebrides. who was also a native of Southam, her father The Original Bangladeshi Southam celebrated his 74th birthday on Mr. Warwick the farmer ran a small farm being an agricultural worker. After his April 4th last, and his recollections of living in a house on Welsh Road, now the marriage to Martha; my great grandmother, and Indian Cuisine Southam go back to nearly 70years ago, are Food sampled by residence of Mr. Frank Amos. He, I believe he returned to work in the cement work Prince Charles remarkably clear and interesting. I the writer was an ancestor of the present day Mr. Brian quarry, where he stayed for some 21 years. of this article, was born in the same house Goodwin, whose mum before marriage was He then took up work in agriculture, where as he had lived, my dad’s mother being Marjory Amos. When about ten years of age, at the age of 74 years he still continued to William’s daughter. Furthermore, grans William started work for Mr. John Walker be active. Martha died in 1918 as a result of us Fo sister was my Aunt Lucy, she had never of Rectory farm, driving a plough for two the so called Spanish flu epidemic; as did ulo od ab & married, living with her dad all her life. She shillings per week. Today 10p. Rectory farm her neighbour two days later, Mr. Turner F W in suffering from a mental disorder, brought by the way was on the hill as you go out of and his nextdoor neighbour Mr. Wakefield’s e s on by a childhood illness. So living with her Southam to Stockton; the sight of which is infant son, a day or two later. There being was of benefit to her, mum dad and new now a hole in the cement works quarry. At 3 deaths in 6 neighbouring houses in one me, gave much comfort to poor aunt Lucy. 14 years of age he went to work for Squire week. Martha, Wiliam and Mr. and Mrs, icensed R Her dad, great grandfather William Duckett Chamberlain at Bascote House. This family Turner remain neighbours in death. They L es ta was born here in Southam, in April 1849, he I was told were related to the war time all laying side by side in the church yard u r a being the son of another William Duckett, Prime Minister Mr. Neville Chamberlain; but next to the south wall. n William then went on to detail his children t and 21 grand children. Three of them being otors of H om ea my dad, Bill Griffin his elder brother Len, r lth P y F whose widow Enid lives in Stockton Road, o

o Long Itchington, and his daughter my d

s cousin Avis Toner, in Warwick Road. My We cater for Uncle Ralph, dad’s youngest brother moved Special Dietary Needs from 4. Mountfield Gardens to Wattons as presented by Lodge, Uncle Ralph’s widow, my Aunt Vie, Health Minister, Rosie Winterton Oct 06 is still in residence there. EXQUISITE, FULLY AIR CONDITIONED RESTAURANT (INKJET Number 4 Mountfield Gardens was the Open 7 days a week 5pm-11pm, including Bank Holidays house William and Martha moved in to 3 Bridge Street, , . & TONER) when first built and they just married It CARTRIDGES Now available being great grandfathers and his unmarried FOR BOOKINGS CALL US on 01926 642171 daughter, Aunt Lucie’s, family home all AT of their lives; and the house where I was born. This in all probability being the very ● Bathrooms bedroom; maybe even in the same bed, that SOUTHAM OFFICE SUPPLIES great gran Martha Duckett died in. This as previously mentioned during the Spanish ● Power Showers For all enquiries please call 01926 815433 flue epidemic of 1918. A bit spookey don’t you think? It’s perhaps worth a mention, ● Radiators Southam Office Supplies, 14 Market Hill, Southam CV47 0HF that in 1918; in a 6 week period there were 26 deaths in Southam. The population then ● Plastering & Tiling The Long Itch’ Chess Club All ages welcome. being about one sixth of that of today. Complimentary refreshments at 9.00pm. Please bring a chess set and timers. Long Itchington So were it to return, the outcome would ● Cylinders Notice Board Chess and Draughts Club, The Green Man, be around 150 Perhaps this brings home Church Road, Long Itchington CV47 9PW 01926 why the recent flu epidemic, which thank Southam Rugby Club U17’s 15 to 17 yr old.Colts 812208 Every Monday 6.30 - 9.00pm God failed to get a hold; was taken by the ● General Plumbing which is 17-19yr and 3 Senior teams. Training Kundalini Yoga Classes at Marton Village Hall. medical profession so seriouisly. In all I on Tuesday & Thursday evenings with training Tel: 01926 632 056 or email: mm.kundalini@ think various members of the family had ● Installation from 6.15pm - 7.30pm on Tuesdays only for the gmail.com lived in 4 Mountfield Gardens for around younger players & from 7.30pm - 9pm for Seniors The Southam Melody Makers ladies’ choir meets both days. Training by qualified coaches that are every Wednesday 7.30-9.30 pm during school 100 years. CRB checked. visit www.southamrufc.org.uk terms at Southam Primary School, St James’s In his memories of Southam’s past, William Superior Plumbing Services Southam and District Round Table meets Road http://thesouthammelodymakers.com/ said he had faint memories of Inspector 24 Years Experience evenings of the 2nd and 4th Monday each month Tel 01926 817 516 Smallbones, whilst Inspector Gaskins was Home: 01926 812043 Different activity and location each time. For Southam Darby & Joan Club Meet 1st Friday FREE Estimates men aged 18 to 45. Call Jens on 01926 817427 monthly at Wattons Lodge. 2pm - 4.30pm. better remembered as he was the Police Officer of his youth. He remembered the Mobile: 07970 794743 Fully Insured and visit www.sanddrt.org.uk. Varied Programme. Transport can be arranged P C Doctor Rotary Club of Southam Meet at The Fox & Hen Call 01926 813652/814294 stocks that were situated on the corner of J.I.B Registered Tuesday of each week. 12.45pm for 1pm (evening Slimming World Kineton & Bishops Itchington: Appendix Street (Pendicke Street) and Welsh www.wetfix.co.uk Plumber meeting on 5th Tuesday in any month, 6.45 for Tuesdays 7.00pm Methodist Church Hall, Road, they were much used...... Southam Office Supplies | 14 Market Hill 7pm). No meeting following a Bank Holiday. Kineton & *NEW GROUP* Wednesdays 7.00pm Secretary: Rotarian Jean Foster Tel: (01926) The Community Centre, Bishops Itchington. Tel To be continued To advertise contact [email protected] Southam | CV47 0HF Tel: (01926) 813535 812003 Lorna: 01926 641214 / 07803 161146 16 17