Baptist Quarterly 34.8 (October 1992): 363, 377
THE VULNERABILITY OF MISSION Maryknoll, NY, 1977, pp.8U. 42 N. P. Moritzen, Die Kirche als Missio (Das 27 cf. also Alan Neely, 'Mission as Kenosis: GesprlJch, No.66), Wuppertal-Bannen, 1966, Implications for our Times', The Princeton p.30 (my translation). Seminary Bulletin, 1989, vol.lO, pp.202-203. 43 lames W. Heisig, 'Christian Mislion: The 28 Kosuke Koyama, 'Christianity Suffers from Selfish War', Verbum SVD, 1981, vol.22, "Teacher Complex", Mission Trends no.2, ed. pp.363-386. Ch. H. Anderson & T. F. Stransky, Grand 44 Quoted in Lesslie Newbigin, The Gospel in a Rapids, 1975, p.73. Pluralist Society, Geneva, 1989, p.35. 29 Kosuke Koyama, Mount Fuji and Mount Sinai: 45 Boxer, The Christian Century in Japan. A Pilgrimage in Theology, Maryknoll, NY, 46 lohnslon, op.cit., p.5. 1984, p.243. 47 Palon, op.cit., p.23. 30 ibid., p.260. 48 References in I. P. C. Van 'T Hof, Op zoek 31 William Frazier MM, 'Where Mission Begins: naar het geheim van de zending: In dialoog met A Foundational Probe', Maryknoll Formation de wereldzendingsconferenties 1910-196.3, Journal, Summer 1987, p.46. Wageningen, 1972, pp.28f. 32 Book, op.cit., p.1l8. 49 Kosuke Koyama, 'What Makes a Missionary? 33 Dietrich Bonhoeffer, The Cost of Discipleship, Toward Crucified Mind not Crusading Mind', (1948), 1976, 197. Mission Trends no.l, ed. C. H. Anderson & T. 34 T. D. Verryn, 'What is Communicat.ion? F. Stransky, Grand Rapids, 1974, pp.1l7-32. Searching for a Missiological Model' , 50 Koyama, op. cit. 'Christianity Suffers . ' Missionalia vol.ll, 1983, p.23, drawing on.
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