Los Teianos: Mexican Texans in the Revolution
Los Teianos: Mexican Texans in the Revolution aur D. Lacr ts Exrcuuve Vtcr PnssloENT FoR Aceopulc AppelRs aNo DrnN et SrrvsNsoN UxivgRstrv tu MeRvl,aNo. PRtoR To ACCEPTING THIS PoslrloN, HE TAUGHT HrsroRy nr McMuRnv UNIvrRstrv IN ASILENE, TExes. Dn. Lacr aurHoRED THE proNEERrNc sruDl Tnp, Trx.qs RnvoLunoNeRv ExprRrr.Lrcn: A PourtcAL AND Soaar Hrsrony 1835-1836. IN 1835, MORE THAN 4,000 TrlaNos LIVED rN Trxes. THnv ResrorD CHIEFLY IN FouR sET- TLEMENTS: NeCOCpOCseS, VICTORIA, BEXAR, RNn GOlno. TsE TEXaS REvOluttON Op 1835_1836 DIVIDED MSXICEN TCXANS AND BROUGHT THEM SUBSTANT]AL TTENOSHIP. SOUT TrtaNos REMATNED NEUTRAL wHrLE oTHERS suppoRTED Mrxtco. MaNv TEJeNos, sow- EVER, ACTIVELv AIDED rHe TgxraN cAUsE, INCLUDING sucH MEN es ]uaN SrcuiN, Vtcrol LouplaNo PrAcrto BrNavroes. IN rnrs sELECTToN, Dn. Lacr EXAMINES rse TElaNo norr rN THE TExas REvorurloN..6 ************************ The experience of Tejanos in the Texas Revolution, while distinctive from that of any other group, was not characterized by uniformity. Numbering over 4,000 on the eve of the conflict, "Los Tejanos: Mexican Texans in the Revolution" reprinted from The Texas Revolutionary Experience: A Political and Social Hktory, )835-1 836 by Paul D. Lack by permission of Texas A&M University Press. Copyright O I 992 by Paul D. Lack. 53 the Texas Mexican population resided mostly in four communities. Except in Nacogdoches, with a Tejano population of over 600, they found themselves engulfed by the war. The approx- imately 450 De Le6n colonists from in and around Victoria felt the effects less severely at first than did the 1,600 in the B6xar area and the 1,350 in the Goliad region, where the people suf- fered from living in the war zone.
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