The Auk 118(3):611-623, 2001 A CYTOCHROME-b PERSPECTIVE ON PASSERINA BUNTING RELATIONSHIPS JOHN KLICKA,L3 ADAM J. FRY,TM ROBERT M. ZINK, • AND CHRISTOPHERW. THOMPSON2,5 •J.E BellMuseum of NaturalHistory, University of Minnesota, 1987 UpperBuford Circle, St. Paul,Minnesota 55108, USA; and 2BurkeMuseum and Department of ZoologyDB-10, University of Washington,Seattle, Washington98195, USA ABSTRACT.--Wesequenced the completemitochondrial cytochrome-b gene (1,143 nucle- otides)for representativesof eachspecies in thecardinalid genera Passerina (6 species),Guir- aca(1 species),and Cyanocompsa(3 species), and useda variety of phylogeneticmethods to addressrelationships within and amonggenera. We determinedthat Passerina,as presently recognized,is paraphyletic.Lazuli Bunting(P. amoena) is sisterto the muchlarger Blue Gros- beak (Guiracacaerulea). Indigo Bunting(P. cyanea) and Lazuli Buntingare not sistertaxa as generallythought. In all weightedparsimony trees and for the gamma-correctedHKY tree, Indigo Buntingis the sisterof two sistergroups, a "blue" (Lazuli Buntingand Blue Gros- beak)and a "painted" (Rosita'sBunting [P. rositae], Orange-breasted Bunting [P. leclancherii], VariedBunting [P. versicolor], and Painted Bunting [P. ciris]) clade. The latter two speciesform a highly supportedsister pair of relativelymore recent origin. Uncorrected (p) distancesfor ingroup (Passerinaand Guiraca)taxa range from 3.0% (P.versicolor-P. ciris) to 7.6%(P. cyanea- P.leclancherii) and average6.5% overall. Assuming a molecularclock, a bunting"radiation" between4.1 and 7.3 Mya yielded four lineages.This timing is consistentwith fossilevidence and coincideswith a late-Miocenecooling during which a varietyof westerngrassland hab- itatsevolved. A reductionin sizeat that time may haveallowed buntings to exploitthat new foodresource (grass seeds). We speculate that the BlueGrosbeak subsequently gained large size and widespreaddistribution as a result of ecologicalcharacter displacement.
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