Consequences of squeezing initially coherent (semi classical) states with regards to finding if the cosmological constant is, or is not a ‘vacuum’ field Andrew Beckwith,
[email protected], Abstract The following document is to prepare an analysis on if the cosmological constant is a vacuum field. Candidates for how to analyze this issue come up in terms of brane theory, modified treatments of WdM theory (pseudo time component added) and/ or how to look at squeezing of vacuum states, as initially coherent semi classical constructions, or string theory versions of coherent states. The article presents a thought experiment if there is a non zero graviton mass, and at the end, in the conclusion states experimental modeling criteria which may indicate if a non zero graviton mass is measurable, which would indicate the existence, de facto of a possible replacement for DE, based upon non zero mass gravitons, and indications for a replacement for a cosmological constant. Introduction: Dr. Karim1 mailed the author with the following question which will be put in quotes: The challenge of resolving the following question: At the Big Bang the only form of energy released is in the form of geometry – gravity. intense gravity field lifts vacuum fields to positive energies, So an electromagnetic vacuum of density 10122 kg/m3 should collapse under its own gravity. But this does not happen - that is one reason why the cosmological constant cannot be the vacuum field. Why? Answering this question delves into what the initial state of the universe should be, in terms of either vacuum energy, or something else.