r THE HERALD, SUNDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1922. * If PERSONAL INTELLIGENCE. H. F. GUNNISON BACK THE REV. J. A. SEITZ DIED. //. Vanderbilt Miss Francke and MISS JEAN FLETC,HER BRIDE FROM BRAZIL EXPOSITION DIES AT 84 IN COS COB SBW YORK. FI3UST..Slgmund, beloved husband of K., Par ItooW to from Rio de Janeiro. With street. Cos Cob, Conn., .in his Season.Guest at The return New York. a Bride of yesterday away. Relative* rnd friend* and mem Tappin him were thirty-four men and women year. Born In Melmnre, Ohio,eightyfifththe tier* of St CectJe I,od(e. No. 308. P. and Rev. K. of P are Mrs. Lyman Hine and Mrs. who visited the exposition us guests of Mr. Self* attended Oberlln College A. M Eclipse Dodge, 194. Breakers. Northrop Man. Boston % and became a invited to attend the funeral on Sunday, Ira r the including William V. teacher and later a Richards, Jr.. have come from Daily Eagle, In October 1. et II A Locust to the ^-v_ Hester, son of the president of the 1867 he entered the ministryphysician. Valley Vanderbllt for the of the and GAMBLE..On Friday tieptomber 23. 1f>22. at week end. Mrs. John Eewls Chi'ds andnewspaperMrs. Unlversallst Church had his home, MO W. fl'.th at., William to The New Yosk Hmued. In Trinity Church, Hewlett, h. I., yes;-1 at Adrian and Attica, Ohio. parishesHa Fptcial Dispatch V>.> w A. Barton Hepburn. amble, beloved husband of I.eonora at # v