r THE NEW YORK HERALD, SUNDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1922. * If PERSONAL INTELLIGENCE. H. F. GUNNISON BACK THE REV. J. A. SEITZ DIED. //. Vanderbilt Miss Francke and MISS JEAN FLETC,HER BRIDE FROM BRAZIL EXPOSITION DIES AT 84 IN COS COB SBW YORK. FI3UST..Slgmund, beloved husband of K<r. mine 8. and darling father of Leonora R. Attends Princess de Bragansa is at the G. Remick OF HARRISiON G. REYNOLDS Also Was Publisher and Loewenthal. Arthur, Marie H. Wlndmann, Newport UitzCarlton.Joseph Godowsky, Pianist, Religious Dr. Philip and Fldney. beloved fath r-ln. From South America.Arrives Father of Don Seitz. law of Inane 1-oewenthal and Harn! Wed in 1*. Wlndmann. Funrral from Ida la-' Tennis Matches Miss Anne Morgan will sail for Hewlett residence, 220 Went 98:h St.. Sunday 10:34 this week. Europe Herbert F. Gunnison, vice-president of The Rev Josiah A. Selts, a clergyman A. M tho Brooklyn Itaily Eaple and New York and publisher and father of Don C. FRE0ENHEIM.Lovl, beloved hun'oand e" This Mrs. Richard Gambrill will close her of Mrs. State commissioner to the Brazilian Ex Heits, business manager of the World, Clara and father of Sidney, brother o' 'There for First Time Daughter Liudsley returned on the Pan America died In hie S Abe and Fanny Hamburger, at hn» house In Newport on October 26 and position, yesterday home, Orchard residence, 1019 Hollywood a>., Par ItooW to from Rio de Janeiro. With street. Cos Cob, Conn., .in his Season.Guest at The return New York. a Bride of yesterday away. Relative* rnd friend* and mem Tappin him were thirty-four men and women year. Born In Melmnre, Ohio,eightyfifththe tier* of St CectJe I,od(e. No. 308. P. and Rev. K. of P are Mrs. Lyman Hine and Mrs. who visited the exposition us guests of Mr. Self* attended Oberlln College A. M Eclipse Dodge, 194. Breakers. Northrop Man. Boston % and became a invited to attend the funeral on Sunday, Ira r the including William V. teacher and later a Richards, Jr.. have come from Daily Eagle, In October 1. et II A Locust to the ^-v_ Hester, son of the president of the 1867 he entered the ministryphysician. Valley Vanderbllt for the of the and GAMBLE..On Friday tieptomber 23. 1f>22. at week end. Mrs. John Eewls Chi'ds andnewspaperMrs. Unlversallst Church had his home, MO W. fl'.th at., William to The New Yosk Hmued. In Trinity Church, Hewlett, h. I., yes;-1 at Adrian and Attica, Ohio. parishesHa Fptcial Dispatch V>.> w A. Barton Hepburn. amble, beloved husband of I.eonora at # v<fcit i: ij£. JfrH then took the theological course at of S. Leslie riaothle NewroRT, R. I., Sept. 30..Tenuis Mr. and Mrs. Wilber A. terday Miss Kleanor Huntington Leopold Godowsky, pianist, and his St. Gamble and father Bloodgood wife and who had been in South Dawrence University, Canton. N. V.. nnd Mr*. Ada Florence Taylor. Funeral the Casino morning attracted many and Mies Rosalie Bloodgood have gone Francke, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. son, and aervices at North Preabyterlan Church. JJhis America f»t four also were subsequently filled pulpits lu and among the arrivals there were Mr. to Hot Springs, Va. Llndsley Tappin, was married to Mr. months, and and in ISBth St., near Broadway, on Sunday, at passenger.-' on the Pan America. Mr. Nyaok Harlem. Malone o'clock. Interment Woodlawn. "William H. Vanderbilt, here for the Joseph Gould Remick, son of Mr. Joseph In 1876 he went to Norway, Me., Mr. and Mrs. Godowsky is suffering from an infected where GILBERT-William Croll of 1211 E. 87th *D, this summer, and a young man Richard T. Wilson Remick of Boston. The bride is a him for besides his church work he suddenly, on 26. Notice of tirst time at dinner at great- hand, which may incapacitate In September Sherry's lastentertained some time. He cut the hand with a 1878 and edited a established hereafter. funeral friend. They are at The Breakers with evening for Mr. and Mrs. Oriswold A. granddaughter of Daniel Huntington, a newspaper. The vaseline bottle soon after taking New Religion.denominationalGROt'I.X,.Mrs. Claire (nee Trudeau). Mrs. Vanderbilt. Others in the Thompson. distinguished American portrait painter. He moved the publication in 1882 to French tearher In the New York He will spend ten days in this mother of Mrs. Aliceformerly were and Mrs. Russell Thayer. Through her mother she Is a collateral passage.North Conway, N. H.. where he also public school*, MV. gathering country and tiien will start for the Chave. paired away September 29. Mr. aiiH Mps 1-* v» t ~;*i« descendant of Washington the White Mountain .Yews. He and Mr. and Mrs. Fttz Eugene Irving. first to Canada. established service Monday, October 2. at Funeral Jr., Rolling Hill Farm, Thornwood, N. The ceremony was performed by the Orient, gofcg went to Cos Cob In 1893, where he Conn. who are at Mirlmar with Dr. Y. Madison, Dixon, entertained at luncheon yesterday at Rev. Alexander Bostwlck, uncle of the W» himself to literary and devotedHALL -At White Plains, N. Y.. September and Mrs. Alexander Hamilton Rice; Mr. Plerro'e for their eon and bride, asslted by the Rev. Arthur U Jr pursuits. He wrote severalhorticultural29, 1922. David A Hall, in the 79th year WM. H. SCHMIDT DIES of hi* services at W. Lewis from Conn., Mr. and Mrs. William daughter-inlaw,G. F. Lelth. Rumpus, rector of the church. The works and a vesper servicedenominational age Funeral Trinity R. Rldgefleld, who entered the church for 'hurch. Portland Conn.. Monday, bride, with her AT HOME IN BAY SHORE the church. at 1 P. M. Conn., Miss Hope Gaston and Mr. Edward Mr. had as 2. Mlddletown, October Mr*. Minturn Pinchot and her stepfather. Ta~ppln, matrons The Rev. Mr. Seltz leaves hi* wife, papers plea** copy, Jiangs of Boston. Miss Rosamond of honor, her sister, Mrs. George W. Van who was Miss Rebecca J. Brown, and HARRISON"..Elian Wain Harrison, wlfa of M. Pinchot. returneddaughter.Siclen. and Mrs. Martin W. Civil Engineer Was Identified whom he married The last bake of the season was held yesterday by the Aquttania tind are at Littleton, sixty-one years ago, Charles Cuatl* Harrison, In her 70th year, at the Clambake Club this afternoon. the Ambassador. Jr. The other bridal attendants were With Big Here. and his son nt tier home on September HO. Services .Mrs. ChtUls, 3rl, and the Misses Enterprises at Happy Creek Farms, St. Davids. Pa., the members present were Harvey on Among HaIaii .Tfihnsnn Marv Oufnn/I VI g. 1/1 Monday atternoen, October at 4 Reginald C. II. o'clock. Interment Messrs. Marlon Eppley, Senator and Mrs. Peter Goelet Gerry, Ruth \Vade, Margaret Wallace, \'ir- William Schmidt, aged 62, civil private, Vanderbilt, George F. Cozzens, Walter who were the (pleats of his father. of 24 East Eighth street, diedengineer,HOLIDAY GREETINQS. HDNTERSON.Menrlee Giant .McDonald, ginla Sterry, Josephine Flood and late ttlfe of th-» late Jamc* Henderson, on S. Andrews, Gustav J. S. White, Walker Elbridge T. Gerry, have Commodoregone Friday in his summer home at Bay Crane. Christine Shore after an illness of more two ARNOl.DIMr. and Mm. Henry K. Arnold), September 29, at her residence. 127 .'id St., Breeso Smith and Dr. Harry Jennings to Warwick, R. I. than 88 Madison New New Dorp. Htsten Island. Funeral Mr. Joan Jacques Bertschmann was years from anaemia. He was for St., York city, extend to Knapp. the best man. The ushers were Messrs. many their relatives and friends best wlihs* Sunday, October 1, at 3 P. M. aervtcoe tomorrow. Mr. connected with the United for a Hill Top Inn closes Miss Edith Bowdoin will return from Roderick Philips, Wallace Orr, Milton years happy New Year. » j private. Interment Rnd Mrs. George B. De Forest, who Bar Harbor next and later make Dorldnd Bernard and Construction Company,EngineeringMEYERS .Mr. end Mm. Herman E. Meyers HGWARn .V.t.r.n. nf «f,a C,v,rlh Friday Doyle. M. Baruch, Jr., which a of 1128 Lenox iv. extend to their relatives ment, N. (J. .v. w gtncere have been stopping there, will open tho an extended tour automobile. Lloyd and had part in building the Y., itli regret Mr. and Mrs. George by Byers Franklin Nichols. The Railroad tubes under the and friends best wishes for a Happy New announcement in mtiti1 of the death on Gill cottage and reception was at the conn- PennsylvaniaYear. September 27. of Jards C. Hoaatd to Bon A Meadowcrest, Hudson and laid the foundations for the J. Cullum will go the Mr. and Mrs. Clarence V. who try home in Hewlett of the bride's uncle (Ninth Company). at Augusta, Ga. Hay. piers of the Williamsburg Bridge. Mr. Willard C. Flak. rreaiden'. it-Vanderbiltare the guests of her parents, Mr. and and aunt. Mr.,and Mrs. K. Irving Schmidt also did work in- Russia and Dinners given by Mr. and Mrs. John Mrs. Francis R. ington. The coug>le will live at 139 B I RTHS. HL'TCTIFROV..At Baldwin*. Long lalar.d, Applcton, In Ipswich. HuntI Cuba for his on 29 Henrietta R . Aspegren, Dr. and Mrs. Alexander will Fast street. company. Friday. September Mass., return to-morrow to New Sixty-sixth He became interested In banking sev- widow of Robert Hutcheeon of New Rice, Mr. and Mrs. Marion EppleyHamiltonYork. ARONSON..Mr and Mrs. Albeit Aronson Vork rity. Funeral »ervice* on Monday at were eral years ago, becoming vice-presidert f.Tennefte Wilder of 18rt Sara'cra and Mr.
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