Central Florida Future, Vol. 15 No. 06, October 1, 1982

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Central Florida Future, Vol. 15 No. 06, October 1, 1982 University of Central Florida STARS Central Florida Future University Archives 10-1-1982 Central Florida Future, Vol. 15 No. 06, October 1, 1982 Part of the Mass Communication Commons, Organizational Communication Commons, Publishing Commons, and the Social Influence and oliticalP Communication Commons Find similar works at: https://stars.library.ucf.edu/centralfloridafuture University of Central Florida Libraries http://library.ucf.edu This Newsletter is brought to you for free and open access by the University Archives at STARS. It has been accepted for inclusion in Central Florida Future by an authorized administrator of STARS. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Recommended Citation "Central Florida Future, Vol. 15 No. 06, October 1, 1982" (1982). Central Florida Future. 484. https://stars.library.ucf.edu/centralfloridafuture/484 Good Luck Ironmen! Frank Rohter Boyd Johnson Tim Hancock ~FUTURE Gerald Gergley University of Central Florida Vol.15 No.6 October 1, 1982 State Attorney's Office investigating. Bookstore.employee dismissed after audit · by Mike Griffin refused to comment on the dismissal. business affairs, said in the Sept. 3 UCF Police Chief Ronald Seacrist Editor In chief Maxwell is ·the second bookstore issue of the Future that the in­ said that the attorney's office will administrator to be disnlissed in con· vestigation resulted from a routine make a determination ''in one to two University Bookstore Director Ian nection with the embezzlement in­ state ·audit conducted in March which weeks .as to whether or not crimiruil Maxwell was dismissed. last week in vestigation. indicated discrepancies in the charges will be filed." connection with an inves.tigation of .Alice Battle, former fiscal assistant bookstore's financial records. According to Goree, both Maxwell possible embezzlement, according to at the bookstore, was terminated on The UCF Police department and and Battle are appealing their the director of Auxiliary Services. Aug. 20, according to university the university auditors completed the dismissals. The appeals will be· made _ Richard Scott said Maxwell was President Trevor Colbourn. Battle investigation. last week and referred before the next meeting of the Career dismissed last Wednesday. When could not be reached for comment. the results to the State Attorney's Of· contacted by the Future, Maxwell John Goree, vice president of fice. Bookstore, page 5 Tight budget · forces cutting of writing lab by Katrina Kersey Future news The English Department's writing lab was closed indefinitely this week, due to lack of funds, a department spokesman said. Dr. Stuart Omans, chairman of the English Department, made the decision to close the lab when college­ wide budget cuts reduced the depart­ ment~s expense allocation. Omans said the lab was created to help students with fairly sophis­ ticated writing problems concerning paper organization, paragraph struc­ ture, and research techniques. The lab, which has been operating since 197 4, was staffed by English graduate students. , The lab, located on the fourth floor From out of the woodwork. Lab,page7 crawled the contestants for this year's College Bowl. Some of the:: quiz kids played it straight, but representatives of the Future and Sigma Chi fraternity leaned toward the bizarre. Sigma Chi mem­ BSUsenate bers, from left to right, are B. Voegele, J. Poon and B. Nichols. Below, Future entertainment editor Larry Thompson grilnaces as e·lections high; his buddy (left) gives the wrong response. 70 percent vote Seven .students won Black Student Union senate seats this week, in an election that attracted 70 ·percent of BSU members to the polls. · "It was a good turn-out, but not quite as good as last year," Vice President Stan Halbert said. Need Claiming unopposed freshmen seats · maid service .questioned were Darryl Harris, with 75 votes; .. by Deborah L. Horton Susan Jay, 4 7 votes; and Margaret Singer, a communication major. Kurt Jones, Osceola Hall's resident . te Future news Phillips, 41 VO S. McCray said he · had considered .assistant, said no one cleaned the Johnny Mack won an unopposed Dorm students could save $35,000 reducing the maid service last year as rooms during the first three weeks of sophomore seat with 94 votes, while a year if the university cuts its dor­ part of a way to cut expenses. But classes, but he made cleaning supplies two other sophomore seats remain mitory maid staff in half, a.ccording to since the eight maids are career ser­ available to the residents. vacant. Members failed to run for any Director of Housing Chris McCray. vice employees, McCray said he could "I don't think it's the maids' fault," of the three unoccupied junior seats. UCF is the only state university in not reduce the maid staff unless some said Pat Repper, an Osceola Hall Senior seats went to unopposed Florida that has maid service for each of the maids quit or retired. resident. "I would clean (the candidates Norman Edwards, who re­ individual room, .McCray said. Other "If we decided we were going to bathroom), but it's just the fact. that ceived 65 votes; Ronald Jackson, 60 universities have maids that clean start cutting pack on total maid ser­ I'm paying for a service and not get­ votes; and Robert Jones, Jr., 38 votes. public and common areas, but each · vices, then as people quit or retire we ting it." Currently, BSU President Karl week UCF' s maids vacuum and clean just wouldn't hire anybody to fill their "They empty the trash," said Kevlli Harmon is accepting applications for the bathrooms in each individual position and we would spread the Booth, another resident. "Besides the one At Large seat and five class . room, in addition to collecting the work out among the people that are that, I think it's abominable that we seats that rem8.in vacant. trash daily, he said. left," McCray said. pay money for maid service which is Harmon's appointments to these Some residents have argued that Students in Osceola Hall have included in the rent and they don't seats must receive the approval of maid service should be more limited. already felt the impact of a ·reduced perform. We should get some of our two-thirds of the student senate in or­ "I think that by the time a student maid staff this fall. The housing office money back." der to be confirmed. The senate will gets to college he should be able to terminated one of the maids this McCray · hired a temporary em· rule on the appoint~ents at Tues­ clean up his room by himself without summer, leaving Osceola Hall with- ployee this week to fill the vacancy day's senate meeting. having maid service,'' said Alan -out a full-time maid. until a permanent maid is hired,, Page2 Future-October 1, 1982 • At A·Clance' r·1iuvioi1·r~'1iic1 r·si-00-aFF · ~-·1 i With thia cewpe11 ! ! With thla coupon i 1 @i,:" 1 1 .. ·- r ~ ;;~:~· : A 1 ,~ !.!_a:1 .. ... .; . 7438 [ (.,=e .·.: : ,i .. 1 i' · ; ': University Blvd. l SAUCERS ~ 1 Careers in FBI available i '' , 1 University Square i Th9 orig1nol. round ICO cmm ·.:=:: : .: Deluxe Sundae ·oinner : : ... d ..1ch ... • nda11111h • .,... , An open presentation will be made on "Careers in the : Ourmottpopul1rtek ..homettem 1 • : ' CAllNDT If Cllll!llNED WITlt A!IY DMR COUP'Gll OR : : CAJlllOT BE COMllllEI WITH ANY IITTIU COUl'()N DI ; , FBI" on Tuesday at 8:30 a.m. in ED 323. · Juniors and '-----~~~~-"-"!~-~~·-···------------------) '-----~~u-~!!'~~-~~· -··--·····----·····---f seniors of all majors are invited. Call the Cooperative Open Education and Placement Center for further information at . 11 a.m. x-2361. to 10p.m. Student nurses to gather The next Student Nurse's Association meeting will be . 678-0637 held Wednesday at noon in PC 104. Subsequent meetings will be held on the first and third Wednesdays of each month. All nursing students, including freslunen and sophomores, are encouraged to attend. ALI BABA'S Rocky Horror party is tonight UCF' s Brevard hall invites all students to the first annual "Rocky Horror Picture Party." It will be held tonight in the RESTURANT· commons building from 10:30 p.m. to 2:00 a.m. Beer and refreshments will be served. Admissio17 will be $1.50. Come Hnest in Middle Eastern Cuisine dressed as any of the "Rocky Horror" characters or be • Specialties Include: . strange and come dressed as yourself. • Shish Kabab • Kifta Kabab Surf contest is tomorrow • Grape Leave • Ouzy • Shawarma Un.iv. Commerce The UCF Surf Club will hold an amateur surfing contest open to all UCF students at Playalinda BeaCh, ramp 12. The contest begins at 8 a.m. tomorrow. --Q)g I ~nlv. Blvd "O An entry fee of $5 will be collected in both the men's and & women's divisions. Trophies will be awarded to all finalists. 6574 University Blvd. (314 mile from 4.36) PoetrY Club to meet 677-4495 CaU On Us Today. The UCF Poetry Club will hold its first ~eeting of the fall semester at 8 p.m. on Monday in the·Creative Writing Room on the fourth floor of the HFA building. All persons interested in reading, submitting or listening to poetry are invited to attend. For more information call Joe at x-6842 after 6 p.m. UCF students in Epcot band Two UCF students have been chosen to participate in the Epcot Center's All-American Marching Band. Kevin Mueller and Mark Drury, who are both percus- · sionists in UCF's own marching band, will join with 450 FASHION SQUARE~ . college musicians from across the country to participate in Epcot's grand opening Oct. 17-24. • • & SPIRITS ~ · Participants were nominated by band directors from 146 FOOD colleges and universities. Enjoy your favorites: Scuba club to meet ·.
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