Pacifastacus Leniusculus
Scientific name Pacifastacus leniusculus Common name Signal Crayfish Broad group Invertebrate Number of and countries wherein the 18: AT, BE, CZ, DK, UK, FI, FR, DE, IT, LV, LT, NL, PL, PT, SI, ES, SE, GR species is currently established Risk Assessment GB NNRA Method Links id=54 Other EU countries where the species occurs (5): Croatia, Estonia, Greece, Luxenburg, Slovakia (Holdich et al., 2009, Kouba et al., 2014). Socio-economic benefits: In many countries, especially Sweden and 1. Description Finland, the signal crayfish populations support a large, commercially and (Taxonomy, invasion recreationally important, fishery (Ackefors, 1998). In Europe as a whole, a history, distribution total of 355 tonnes of signal crayfish was estimated from capture fisheries range (native and in 1994 (Ackefors, 1998). This level has increased considerably, and in introduced), 2001 the Swedish catch was estimated to 1200 tonnes. geographic scope, Fishing statistics for crayfish in Sweden states total yield in 2013 was socio-economic about 3.1 million € (28 972 000 SEK), which includes both signal crayfish benefits) and noble crayfish, but it is estimated that noble crayfish is up to 10% catch. This only considers fishing in public water bodies, not commercial rearing in ponds (Statistics Sweden, SM1401.pdf). Very rarely used in the pet trade in Europe (Chucholl, 2013). 4. Has the capacity to assess multiple The crayfish introductions in some cases have been accidental (e.g., pathways of entry and through canals, escapes from holding facilities), but most have been spread in the deliberate (for aquaculture, legal and illegal stocking, and live food trade, assessment, both as aquarium pets and live bait, for snail and weed control, and as supplies intentional and for science classes) (Gherardi, 2013).
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