Comet “Tales” Essays, Poetry, Stories, Artwork, and More

The Creative Arts Magazine of Marionville Elementary and Middle School Students 2015-16 Foreword

Welcome to the fourth publication of Comet “Tales,” the literary magazine that celebrates the creativity of Marionville students in grades 3-8.

Thank you to all the teachers who submitted student writing and artwork.

A link to an electronic (full color) version of this publication is available on our school website:

The Editors,

Cindy Mueller, PK-8 Librarian Ashley Mann, Middle School Communication Arts Jenna Unerstall, Middle School Communication Arts

Cover Illustration by Jana Fulp, 4th

A Publication of Marionville R-9 Schools Marionville, Missouri 65705

Elementary Principal: Greg Hopkins Middle School Principal: Shane Moseman Superintendent: Dr. Larry Brown

Totem: Sofi Armfield, 5th Why so Many Colonists Died in Early Jamestown

Why had so many colonists die in early Jamestown? Jamestown was the first permanent in America. Jamestown was located in Virginia and was founded around 1607. Many colonists died for several reasons in Jamestown’s early years, early years being around 1608 to 1612. Jamestown colonists died mainly because of three reasons. These reasons are the Powhatan, starvation and health/water. The first and main reason so many colonists died was due to health/water. Evidence shows that their main source of water, the James River, was also used to dispose of human waste, food scraps and even used to wash clothing. Instead of the waste being removed naturally, like the had thought, it stayed and drastically damaged their health and food supply. The fish in the river died, moved along or became contaminated, spreading disease to the colonists that ate it. To make matters worse, the water had also become brackish from tides, which led to salt poisoning. The colonists who were gentlemen were not used to hard labor and were prone to sickness and illness. The diseases and illnesses were most likely not treated properly because there was only one surgeon and no apothecaries. With bad water and weak men, most did not stand a chance against their illnesses. The second reason so many colonist died was because of starvation. There are several reasons why the colonist died from starvation including losing their main source of food in the winter and fall due to the water. With no fish, farmers, or women colonists had little options regarding food. Since they were up river, there was little fish to begin with. Finally, with no choice, the colonists opted to trade with the Powhatans for food. Realizing they did not have enough to support the colony, but they did have enough to get back to England, the colonist that went for the food never came back to Jamestown. The remaining colonists were left with little to no food to support themselves. The third and last reason so many colonists died was due to the Powhatans. With barely any items to trade with the Powhatans became hostile. Also with little food, the Powhatans and colonist fought for the remaining food which led to more conflict. When the colonist went to trade with the Powhatans, they used force and killed several Powhatans causing the Powhatans to become even more enraged. The Powhatans also besieged a fort, killing several colonists in the process. Trading was an important part of the colonist relationship with the Powhatans and when the trading was compromised, the relationship was destroyed in the process. Many colonists died in early Jamestown mainly because of starvation, health/water, and the Powhatans. It is significant we know how and why they died to understand what it took to start a successful colony. It is important that Americans know how America was started and to see how we progressed from our first colonies to our present state. It matters that Americans know this because in America today, we don’t usually go through the challenges and struggles Americans in the past were faced with. Madalyn Ernst, 8th

Totem: Rachel McCraken, 5th

Jamestown Essay

The first settlements in America had a hard time getting started and Jamestown was no exception. The settlement of Jamestown was located on the Chesapeake Bay up the James River. Colonists arrived in 1607, built a fort, and then people started dying. There were about 401 deaths in early Jamestown (1607-1612) which poses the question, “Why did so many colonists die in early Jamestown?” Colonists died in early Jamestown because of three problems. These problems were the water and their health, Powhatan Indians, and starvation. The first reason colonist died in early Jamestown was from the water and their health. The location of Jamestown was at the salt-fresh water transition, so the tides would bring in salt water. This led to salt water poisoning and intrusion in the wells, then death. The colonists also introduced human waste, filth from clothing, and food scraps into the river at this point where they stayed instead of flushing away. In addition, the colonist didn’t bring any apothecaries, men that prepared medicines and drugs, so there was no one to care for the sick. This evidence helps explain why so many colonists died because about 288 colonists from 1607 to 1610 died of sickness. The second reason Jamestown colonists died was from the Powhatan Indians. The Powhatan Indians and the colonists fought over food and water. The colonist also killed some of the Powhatan leaders which led to attacks from the Powhatan Indians. This evidence helps explain why so many colonists died because about 141 colonists died from Powhatan attacks. The third reason Jamestown colonists died was from starvation. In the fall and winter, the colonists lost their food source of fish. Also, there was a drought, so the animals and plants on land deceased. The colonists were surrounded by Indians so the food sources were divided on top of being decreased. This evidence helps explain why so many colonists died because people need food to survive. Many colonists died in early Jamestown because of the water and their health, Powhatan Indians, and starvation. The water caused them to get sick and die, the Powhatans attacked and killed them, and little food caused death from starvation. This question is significant because we need to know how the U.S.A. was founded. It is important to know why early colonists in Jamestown died because it helps us today. It helps us today by showing us what not to do. Amanda Burnley, 8th

To Step on a Sea Anemone As I walk across the beach, the warm and squishy sand tickles my toes. The free air of the Atlantic is relaxing. My dad is calling me to come into the water. All of a sudden, there was a - CRACK- of a shell and pain like a bullet through my foot. The agony was washing over me like a flood. The sea anemone’s stingers are still stuck on my foot. All I can do is scream and shout. Suddenly, I can’t feel the pain anymore. Everything in sight is raven- black. Then I woke up in a white room. There was a pulse oximeter in my finger and some sort of medical wrap on my foot. Out of nowhere, everything was dark, again. Mattie Wright, 6th Spiral: Brenda Morales, 4th

White Squirrel: Dustin Janes, 4th


The Sun shines happily as autumn approaches the . The leaves fade from green to orange and crash against the ground. The crispy apple pie fills the air with its sweet fragrance. “It’s autumn now” a voice whispers from the woods. The wind starts whistling and smiles spread throughout the house. Our family drives off to find our favorite cold slushy apple cider, and then return to build a mountain of crispy orange leaves. It’s autumn now and everything’s happy.

Charli Vodden, 6th

The Matter Units In the city of Nuetork the city hall of matter is offering a day of a free tour of the nucleus, they decide to let two very special units of matter in the nucleus. First a very happy boy who always was supportive of the town hall Jack Proton who was full of joy. Next a very quiet girl who never did a single wrong thing Rose Neutron who seemed to not have a single thought about it but looked as if she didn’t have a choice. Though far away on the other side of Nuetrok laid a very angry man who wanted to go in the city hall his whole life but was banned a man called John Electron, he was so fast that some wanted to call him flash, but yet he still enjoyed running around the hall making faces at the mayor of Nuetrok who now seemed to not notice but just cover the window with a paper. Although they all were so odd for as usually every Electron moved in so did a Proton as some didn’t notice it managed to keep the city in balance, now in Nuetork most of the Electrons live in the outer cities like Sparks or Speed but they still all get along to form there big matter. Edwin Valente, 7th

Monster: Cooper Workman, 3rd Monster: Zachary Easter, 3rd

The Alien

The alien that crashed to earth was truly a gruesome sight. The creature was a blob that was six feet tall with long flowing tentacles. Its body felt like cold dishwater that bubbled when touched. The alien’s breath smelled like roadkill skunk with onion perfume. The only sound the creature made was a strange alien language. Overall, the alien was a horrendous monster. Kyland Lake 6th

Pickle Juice

A few months ago I drank a whole gallon of pickle juice. I did it so I could play with my friend. The sight of raw pickle juice made my stomach rumble in fear. The smell of salt and vinegar scorched my nose. It hissed at me as it swished in the jar. The gooey pickle juice was running down my chin. Slimy liquid was sliding down my throat. At that moment I knew I was going to throw up and I did. I will never eat a pickle again. Jude Ernst 6th

Spiral: Owen Bright, 4th

What Makes me Happy There are a lot of things that make me happy. My best friends make me happy, sleep makes me happy, my parents make me happy, animals make me happy, and food makes me happy. My friends always have a way to make me happy, especially Caitlynne, Taylor and Kyle S. All they have to do is text or call me and I'm automatically happy. They just know so much about me. They know the right things to say and when to say them. They usually know what’s wrong and know how to fix it. My parents do know everything about me so they can always make me happy. Sleep, well I'm pretty sure this makes everyone happy. My animals and pets I have are always playful, and can make me happy most of the time. All I have to do is walk through the door and immediately I have a black lab, Precious, and a brown Dachshund, Brownie, tackling me to the ground playfully licking and biting me. Finally, food makes me happy. I usually go home, escape from my dogs, and then eat. Eating is my go-to stress reliever for some reason, STRESSED = DESSERTS These are few of the hundreds of things that make me happy. :D Kyilee Katz, 7th

Letters to Mrs. Claus and Elvin the Elf

Dear Mrs. Claus and Elvin the Elf, I think Santa’s suit should be a football player’s shirt. Peyton Manning plays for the Denver Broncos. He is the best! I think Santa should have a Denver Broncos jersey because he can run to get hot so he is not freezing. He has the number 18 on his jersey, so he can be like Peyton Manning. He should not have a hat. He should have a helmet. I think he needs a football jersey for Christmas. I hope you pick my suit for Santa for Christmas. Sincerely, Owen Willis, 3rd

I think Santa should be Chewbacca. I think Santa needs a furry suit so he will be warm. Also, when he gets milk on his shirt, it won’t show. It won’t be noisy to wake the kids up when he steps on a wooden floor. It won’t make him look old. Probably some people say Santa is old, but I want him to look 40. I want him to look good. That is why I want Santa’s suit to be Chewbacca.

Braydon Bellah, 3rd

I think Santa’s suit should be striped with Christmas colors, gold buttons, polka dotted pants and a snowman hat. I think it should be striped because it is Christmas colors (red and green). I think he should have gold buttons because he wants to look fancy. He wants to look good when he goes on the trip. I think he should have polka dotted pants because his other pants were red and he likes polka dots better. I think a snowman hat looks better than red. I think you should pick him. He will look great. Anna Bright, 3rd I think Santa Claus should look like a superhero. Then he could fly. He is real cool. He is real awesome. Awesome cool. He can give the reindeer a break. It is cool because Santa can fly.

Cooper Workman, 3rd

Christmas Monster: Kiah Lake, 3rd

Letter: Maggie Murphey, 3rd

Crest: Peyton Gold, 5th My First Perfect Game I woke up at seven A.M. I then put on my uniform, brushed my teeth and ran out the door. I put on my cleats, jumped in the truck and told my dad “let's go”. We drove to Monett. We were playing the Monett Cubs. When we arrived I found out that I was pitching. Even more exciting was my best friend Brady was catching, so I knew he would catch anything I threw at him. After a while, I started to warm up. Right before the game it started to rain. But we went ahead and started. We ran on the field and zoomed to my position. The ump said, “Play ball”. The first inning I struck out every batter that stepped up. Then we were up to bat. I hit a triple. Then I stole home. At of the second inning the score was seven to nothing. We were winning. Then I was pitching again, three up three down. For the next three innings it was three up three down. The final score was 15 to nothing. Everyone yelled, “We Won! Perfect game!” After the game was over my dad and I ate at D.Q. Jacob Davis, 6th

Early Practice Every morning, I walked down to the park for practice. The sun beat down on me as I began to practice. It was very quiet. The only sounds were me breathing, the ball dribbling, music playing, and chains rattling. Sweat started to roll down my cheeks. I drank water continuously. My feet started hurting as I ran, the heat making me sweat even more. I stretched out my sore muscles. I got another drink of water, and wiped the sweat off my forehead. My body was tired; yet my mind was excited. I ran back and forth, my feet killing me. I stopped; and fell onto the ground. I lied there, panting hard, but I smiled knowing I was one step closer to reaching my goal. Circle: Garet Stanton, 4th Taylor Hardin, 6th

Circle: Lucy Newberry, 4th

What I Love About Baseball I love baseball for a lot of different reasons. The first reason is that it is fun in my opinion. I think it’s fun because I can play with my friends. I also like baseball because people can make amazing plays and get really good hits to score and win. I also think it’s fun because nobody can try to make every play by themselves; it’s impossible. Another thing I like about baseball is that it is a team sport. Unlike basketball, nobody can try to make all the plays and score all the points. It also takes 9 players instead of 5. The last thing I like about baseball is that everyone can find a way to play. Most towns have a baseball team that you can play on. All you have to do is sign up! Duane Hammonds, 7th

A Place That Is Special To Me One place that is special to me is Phoenix, Arizona, because I lived there for 5 to 6 years of my life. Also, at the end of the summer my mom says we are most likely moving there. One of the main reasons I like it is because a lot of my family is out there including my dad, his parents, his brother Phil who I get along with, my mom's uncle Bob who I also like, my best friend Abby, and probably many more. And, I get along with all of my dad's friends. Another reason it's special to me is because I have so many memories there too. So overall, Phoenix, Arizona is very special to me. Justin Harper, 7th Immortal Trees I used to think trees were immortal. I always thought this as a small child because trees are so tall. I also that this because my parents always tell me about how long the trees have been there. One tree in my yard has been there since my great-great-great grandparents were children. This gave me the thought of trees living for ever because the tree has been there at least for 200 years. How I found out my theory was incorrect, was one day my favorite tree started losing all of its leaves in the middle of summer. None of the other trees were doing this, so why was this one? The night before it started looking dry and dead, there was a lightning storm. My favorite tree was hit by lightning. I asked my dad why people were cutting it down, and he said because it was dead and could be dangerous. So, now I know trees can die and some can regrow. Trees are very helpful to our environment. They provide us with oxygen, and homes for animals. trees, there would be little wildlife in our community. Most animals rely on trees for a home, and food. In my opinion deforestation should not occur unless the trees are endangering someone/something. Taking down large amounts of trees should not occur in my opinion. Kyilee Katz, 7th

Reflection: Payden Blevins, 5th

Totem: Kenzie Liebe, 5th Danger in the Everglades

People think that Burmese pythons are a good pet to have, but really they are causing a problem for the Florida Everglades. There is a growing population of Burmese pythons in the Florida Everglades threatening the ecosystem and wildlife. This problem came from irresponsible humans and a hurricane in 1992. How is Florida dealing with the problem? With a contest for whoever can catch the most. The Burmese python was brought to the Florida Everglades by people who imported them from Southeast Asia. Pet store owners bring these pets to the and sell them to people who believe that a Burmese python is the ideal pet to own. The owners buy these pets as small babies, but then they grow to be too large, and they let them out into the wild (Piven 44). Even a natural disaster can cause a problem. In the year 1992, Hurricane Andrew destroyed a pet store owner’s warehouse that held over 900 Burmese pythons, and all of the pythons got away and are now in the Florida Everglades (EcoEchoes 47). The pythons caused many problems for Florida and its Everglades. The pythons killed many wild animals such as opossums, raccoons, and bobcats, as well as many bird species. The pythons also killed dogs whenever their owners would let them outside or the animals were kept outside (EchEchoes 47). Since the pythons have no natural predators, they eat these animals, causing a decrease in the population (Ng 45). The Florida residents are fixing the problem by having a contest for registered people to hunt pythons. The contest offers a reward for whoever can kill the most Burmese pythons. The people in the contest will learn to hunt and kill these huge snakes. (Ng 45). Some people believe that this will grow to be a larger problem because people will still bring these snakes into the Everglades (Source 4 EcoEchoes). The presence of Burmese pythons is changing the Everglades if they are not educated about the dangers of bringing them here. Because of irresponsible humans and natural disaster, the deadly snake is endangering Florida’s wildlife and the communities of Florida. Humans are attempting to fix the problem with a contest of hundreds of people with deadly weapons out in the wild trying to catch these creatures for money. The population of pythons has gone down drastically, but with irresponsible humans bringing these reptiles in to the United States and breeding them, will this problem stay a problem, or will it finally come to an end? Works Cited Piven, Matt. Burmese Python: Not the Ideal Pet. Performance Assessment ed. Orlando: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2015. 44. Print. EcoEchoes, . Burmese Python The Ecosystem is Changing. Performance Assessment ed. Orlando: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2015 . 47. Print. Ng, Andrew. Florida's Python Hunt. Performance Assessment ed. Orlando: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2015. 45. Python Challenge. Performance Assessment ed. Orlando: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2015. 46. Print. Ema Fisher, 7th The Everglades’ Big Scaly Scaled Description Problem

The Florida Everglades are This reptile’s scale colors scare. endangered and changing because of the His daggers for fangs carnivorous Burmese python. The pythons Fills you with fright that have escaped and been let loose by their owners are wiping out many animal species As you flee through the night. and harming the ecosystem, but humans, the His heart is cold as ice main cause of the problem, are also trying to He is the opposite of nice. solve the Burmese python invasion. He slithers through the darkened sky. Many snakes were let loose by their owners. Most snake lovers buy the large In shock he strikes with a frightening snakes as babies while falling in love with “snop”. their beautifully colored and patterned skin, You realize he is evil like a phantom. but as the snake gets bigger, the owners see that they have more snake than they can handle. Then, in a most irresponsible way, Jamison LaPlante, 6th they take them to the Everglades and release them in the wild, and they overpopulate (Piven 44). Another reason the pythons are in the Everglades is because of Hurricane Andrew. In 1992, Hurricane Andrew hit and completely destroyed an exotic pet shop and let over 900 Burmese pythons escape (EcoEchoes 47). Burmese pythons are also distorting the ecosystem. The pythons are wiping out many animal species like bobcats, opossums, raccoons, and many bird species. These animals are important to the food chain, and if one species dies out, the others overpopulate and suffer (Ng 45). On the other hand, people are trying to fix the scaly invasion by a massive hunt. This hunt is called “Florida's Python Hunt”. It consists of people around the country that come to hunt for pythons. So for 30 days, hunters are walking around with any type of knife and. The hunter who bags the most pythons gets a $1,500 prize, and the person who bags the longest python gets a $1,000 prize (Ng 45). So in summary, the invasion of Burmese pythons that have escaped and been let loose by their owners has wiped out many species of animals and is destroying the ecosystem, yet humans are trying to fix it. Florida's big scaly problem is still bad, but hopefully humans and nature will fix the problem. Work Cited EcoEchoes. Burmese Python The Ecosystem Challenge. Performance Assessment. Orlando: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2015. p.47. Print. Ng, Andrew. Florida’s Python Hunt. Performance Assessment. Orlando: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2015. p.45. Print. Piven, Matt. Burmese Python: Not the Ideal Pet. Performance Assessment. Orlando: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2015. p. 44. Print. Monster: Brooklyn Adney, 3rd

th Erin Blevins, 7 The Job

My job stinks We have plastic floors We have three doors We don’t have heating nor cooling. There are no paintings No walls No halls In fact, there is almost nothing at all I hear the building screaming out, I feel it having its final doubt. It wonders if he can ever let go But he doesn't, as he lets the little ferns grow. It trickles down my spine It’s like committing crime I don’t want to do it It takes too much time. My job stinks It has no meaning As I am leaning Crest: Kaleb Kirby, 5th I keep on dreaming Of becoming a police officer My job is a big peak NIGHT And if you are too weak

You will fall into an abyss In the night Of nothingness While the raven flies Ethan Lindblom, 6th Underneath the moonlight

The wolf howls

Like a screaming girl. Books In the night Books bring bright bundles of joy Underneath the moonlight Carrying stories from town to town. The snake slithers silently Chapters are like sunrises Underneath the trees Beginning of new days all around. Which dance in the Words grab you in detail by detail Whistling wind. Letting you know what's happening. Book are black holes In the night A THUMP a FLIP the book is over. Underneath the moonlight

th The crow pecks Madison Essary, 6 At the leaf covered platform While the leaves go crunch, crunch, crunch. Silas Potter, 6th Circle: Josie Bowling, 4th Volleyball

Volleyball is a passion we all share. We play with a certain flare. We don’t play as a team, but as a family. The ball hits the ground (BOOM) the team has scored a point.

Serve, set, spike, the ball shakes the ground. The ball zips through the air like a howling hound. The ground seems to be moving like shifting sand, This is out court, this is our land.

Taylor Hardin, 6th

Crest: Alexis Hardesty, 5th Baseball

The bat hits the ball with a blow To first is the throw He is out Without a doubt

A new batter is up He hits the ball and the first baseman catches it as if his glove were a cup The inning came to a stop After the ball hit the glove and made a small pop

Dust flew off of the sturdy white pillow as he ran As he stole He slides “Safe!” The wind told him to run So he did it for fun

Charli Vodden, 6th

To All the Bullies Out There

There are many people in the world each with their own shape and size But making fun of a person could ruin several lives Everyone has been in that position where bullying occurred The bully needs to realize it’s only themselves they hurt Bullying affects some people so bad it makes them cry And the bullies don't notice they might commit suicide Have you EVER meet someone who had a tough time and struggled It made them think no one cared and so they went and hustled Those words you say make people want to hide behind closed doors And you never know what their thinking anymore The victims hoping their dad doesn't notice the 9 mm missing from his drawer You have good days and bad days but a bully doesn't care Their only thing is to taunt you anytime anywhere FOR ALL YOU BULLIES OUT THERE GET YOUR ACT TOGETHER YOU MIGHT WANT TO CARE!

Jaxi Brown, 7th


Forgive me Lord for I have sinned I haven’t forgiven myself I haven’t forgiven everyone else

I cannot be honest To be true is quite difficult for me to do To not hurt others is my goal Hurting myself is a result of this, too For no one will care if I do Alone all my life I would be if I was true

Forgive me Lord for I have sinned I’ve given up on being true to myself And Lied to others about being myself

To lie to someone else Is the greatest of sin to others But to lie about being yourself Is harder on you than anyone else

Nicholas Guldner, 7th

Totem: Olivia Hopkins, 5th

Bluebird: Kyle Smith, 3rd I Am….

I always come out at night, Never seen by the sun’s rays, But by the moon’s small yet Very bright lights, I’m lost in the days, But you wait for me. You wait for the night to come So you can see me again

I’m used to people staring at me. They think I am beautiful, But I stare at their pretty faces at night Through their window. I watch them peacefully sleep While some look at me for comfort Because they're afraid of the dark.

I am also an artist People stare at my work Until their eyes get too heavy and they Fall deeply asleep. Some wish dreams on my brothers that fly; Some always come true but some They have to do. Backyard

So what am I? You finally ask. The woods, the birds, the trees I am an artist, You never know what’s out there I am a night light, Be careful and don’t go barefoot I am a place where wishes are made. And always watch behind you I am never seen by day, th But live in the night sky. Alyssa White, 7 I am the stars, Bright and beautiful. We stare at each other with wonders and wish to see each other more, The Woods but until then The woods, a beautiful, frightening place Goodnight and I’ll see you when Gorgeous trees and deadly snakes the sun goes down. Fantastic birds and vicious wolves I will always be there Admire, but be cautious of what’s in the Watching over you, giving you light. woods Goodnight. Erin Blevins, 7th Alyssa White, 7th

Library Dewey Sign: Levi Wittenborn, 5th Feminism: Misunderstood Sara Thompson, 8th

All women and men have faced discrimination in their life because of their gender, whenever they caught it or not. There are people in the world, both men and women, who think your gender should control your life. These are the same people who think the word “feminist” has a negative meaning. Despite what you may have been told (that feminists are hairy, bra-burning, man-hating women), feminists believe in the equality of the sexes. The progress feminism has made and is making is well under appreciated, all because people think “feminism” is a bad word. Like any other word, “feminism” has a meaning. Merriam Webster’s dictionary defines it as “the theory of the political, economic, and social equality of the sexes.” But why do people still think it is a one-sided organization? spoke in an interview and said that she doesn’t like to use the word “feminist” because of its “negative connotation.” It must be that one person did not like the idea of equality and change, so they made up complete fiction about feminists and spread it along. In 2014, Time magazine included “feminist” in its fourth annual poll over what word the public would like to see banned in the upcoming year. Around this time, there were signs posted on Tumblr from women bashing feminism like something along the lines of “I don’t need feminism because I want to wear lipstick and be a housewife” or “I don’t need feminism because I like men.” Obviously, there seems to be confusion between femininity and feminism. There is also the stereotype that feminism is about girls hating boys, thinking that women are the superior sex. But what goes unseen by “non-feminists” are the benefits that the organization is making for men. Feminists have been trying to get equal consequences when a man is raped as if a woman was to be (Avantika). In 2013, a thirteen year old boy in New Delhi, India was sexually assaulted by three senior boys behind his school. The three seniors were later convicted of a sexual offense, but the Delhi Victim Compensation Scheme deemed it as “child abuse” and the boy received 50000 rs ($736.54 usd). Many argue that if a young girl was in the position the boy is, the seniors would be convicted of rape instead of child abuse. So, the boy’s family and supporters started a petition to get the boy justice. The petition outlines their problems with such consequences by saying, “[Delhi Victim Compensation Scheme] discriminates between male victims and female victims as females are entitled to a compensation of three lakhs ($6000 usd) under the head of rape whereas a male victim will only be entitled to 50000 rs ($736.54 usd) under the head of child abuse.” But sadly, this is a case similar to thousands that the Delhi Victim Compensation Scheme and others have discriminated against male victims of sexual assault by dismissing it as rape and calling it child abuse. Efforts are still being made today to finally bring justice to male sexual assault victims. Just as feminism is helping men, women are being supported too. In 1940, women only made up 27% of America’s workforce, leaving men to fill 73%. Now, 47% of the American workforce is made up of women (Scholastic Math). Women now hold jobs that were once only held by men like lawyers, doctors, judges, and CEOs. In Brazil, Dilma was elected their president. Even Germany has a female leader, Chancellor Angela Merkel. But many people argue that equality already exists. Though, it is not equal when women earn 79% of what men do, while doing the same job (Wiltz). Clearly, there is still large steps needed to take before men and women will be whole. Now taking into account of the effects of feminism, more supports are needed. There are still people who do not know the definition of what it means to be feminist. As a result, men and women’s rights are suffering. Without proper education about feminism and their goals, basic human rights and morals will turn worse. Though hopefully, there will be more achievements for the organization in the future. Works Cited Heiger, Monica. "Women In The Workplace." Scholastic To the Sky Math 34.9 (2014): 12. Middle Search Plus. Web. 16 Feb. 2016. Mehta, Avantika. "Discrimination against male sex crime Swing high to the sky victims?." Hindustan Times 10 April. 2015: Like a firework Newspaper Source. Web. 16 Feb. 2016. Come down to the ground Radin, Kate. "The Problem With Feminism. (Cover Faster than a plane up Story)." Girls' Life 21.4 (2015): 70. Middle Search Plus. High I am a bird that Web. 16 Feb. 2016. Goes to the sky. Wiltz, Teresa. "States attack the pay gap between women I am an astronaut and men." (Washington, DC) 28 Sept. 2015: Newspaper Source. Web. 16 Feb. 2016. That went to the moon.

Sahara Hendricks, 6th

Monster: Abi Carlton, 3rd

Prison Guards Should Take More Precautions with Prisoners Colesie Inmon, 8th The United States has the biggest prison population of any developed country in the world, so shouldn't we have more guards to keep an eye on them? There have been 21,936 inmates that have died in prison from the years 2001 - 2007(Bureau of Justice Statistics), that's a lot in six years. Prison guards should watch prisoners more carefully because, death rates of inmates are rising, lots of inmates suffer from a mental illness, and 14,305 out of 780,357 inmates escape each year. Death rates of inmates are high, according to Bureau of Justice Statistics. The death rate has risen 4% from 2012 - 2013, most are unknown, the total amount of unknown death this year are 520, 4 - 6 deaths are homicide. Deaths from drugs or alcohol are 174 - 546 people in the years 2001 - 2013, inmates of the age 55 or older make up more than half the deaths in prisons, white males make up 55% of deaths, 96% are male(Bureau of Justice Statistics). The people that are dying could be innocent or maybe even getting out soon. They may have families and friends, and when the inmates are getting killed, the families are blaming it on the guards. So, why can’t the guards just do their jobs? They are there for a reason, to keep people safe, which includes the inmates. According to the American Psychiatric Association, 2.3 - 3.9 percent of inmates in state prisons suffer from schizophrenia or another psychotic disorder. Between 13.1 and 18.6 percent have

major depression and between 2.1 and 4.3 percent suffer from Will You Be There? bipolar disorder.(Health Affairs Blog) Individuals who suffer from mental illnesses are three times more likely to be in prison than in a mental health facility, which is where they If my heart breaks more should be. They need help. 40 percent of individuals with a Will you be there to patch it up? mental illness will spend time in prison; because of this most of our prisons in the state have inmates that have mental If my tears create the ocean illnesses. ( Health Affairs Blog) These people need to get Will you be there to dry the help, not be in a place full of people who can harm them, and wetness away? make their condition worse. Richard Matt killed two men. Matt attacked his 72 If I fall down year old boss and shoved the man into his trunk because Matt Will you help me up? thought he had hidden money. Later Matt figured out that it

was not true. He broke the elderly man's neck, dismembered the body and put the pieces in a field. The second murder was Or what if I am broken in a bar. When he went to prison he tried to escape twice, so Will you help me heal? they moved him to the prison in New York. David Sweat is also a convicted murderer, at a young age of 22; he shot a Even if you are thousands of sheriff's deputy, and then ran over the injured man. Matt at the miles apart age of 48, and Sweat at the age of 35 had a conjoined cell at Will you still be there...? the New York max prison. The two smuggled tools from the After all my doubts prison tailor, Joyce Mitchell. They used these tools to cut a D hole in their conjoined cells and in the back wall, and every E night they would go exploring. One night they found a pipe to E climb up that lead into the P street, they escaped and inside I hope that it's a yes. Bluebird: Triston George, 3rd were gone for 22 days.

Richard Matt was killed th by an officer, and David Hanna Nolf, 7 Sweat was shot two times in torso, but survived. (Syracuse) This is just one

of few escapes. Think, this is a maximum prison, the “best prisons” for the worst prisoners, but hundreds of inmates escape from them each year. Prison guards should check inside the cells instead of just taking count, they should look for weapons and other dangers, and the guards should do frequent questioning sessions with their employees. Prisons and prison guards need to take more care of their inmates, for these things are happening in prisons because of the guards. They need to keep the inmates safe, send inmates with severe mental illness to mental health facilities and check for runaway inmates. All in all, this is something the state should look into and take action. Works Cited Aufderheide, Dean. "Mental Illness In America's Jails and Prisons:Toward A Public Safety/ Public Health Model ." Health Affairs Blog. N.p., 1 Apr. 2014. Web. 21 Sept. 2015. "Executions." Missouri Death Row. N.p., n.d. Web. 16 Sept. 2015.

White Squirrel: Leanna Nolf, 4th “BOO!! Hey, might as well talk to you now that you know I can talk… and thanks for the food.” “No, you… are… not… REALLL!!!” I threw clothes at him until my mom’s bra happened to be on his face. “Oh I can’t see anything, what is this madness?” He wriggled around blindly until running into a wall and having the t-shirt tumble to the ground. He jumped up and turned around to face me, and slowly crawled to my body paralyzed. “Now why did you do that? There was no reason for you to do an immature thing like that, and for some reason it seemed to be scripted.” “I’m sorry I didn’t know there was such a thing as A FREAKING DOG TALKING!!!!! But, excuse me for being so enthusiastic.” “Jeesh, you didn’t have to yell at me, I swear humans have no respect for others.” “You’re talking, I didn’t know calling me stupid was nice…” My Talking Dog Dave (an excerpt) “Oh where I come from it’s considered a th compliment!” Nicholas Guldner, 7 “Really?” “No, you are really stupid aren’t you. Ever wonder how cool it would be to have a Gullible too!” talking pet, well… I don’t think you do. One day, I “Hey, for your information I’m above came home from school and my mom had rescued a average intelligence…” dog. I was happy because I love dogs, but did I “For what, being the dumbest human being expect this dog to be a genetic lab test gone wrong on Earth? In dog ways, the measurement of dog, NO!! intelligence is the amount of partners we get or how A week after getting the dog I was in my many pointless tricks you humans make us do.” room trying to complete math homework, but failing “I never thought of that, but that’s kind of horribly at it. When I realized what time it was I went the same thing. We are taught by a teacher the things out to get a midnight snack, I found him. He was we will need in life and are tested over if we can chewing on the entire bag of dog food. When I learn or not.” spotted him I picked up the bag and put it back on the “That’s harsh… As a dog I never have to shelf. worry about being on my own, instincts and all.” “Hey punk, what’s the matter with you? It’s “Why am I talking about life? This a late, and you should probably put that back down!” I DOG!!” Dave seemed to face-paw into his glossy fur. slowly turned around to make sure there was no one “I thought we went over this! I was a dog behind me that was actually talking. “Stop turnin’ being tested on to be a super-crime-fighter or around like you don’t know, you know that I’m something… They messed up and put me up for talking dingus!” I looked down and see the Border adoption because it seemed to be a failure. At least, Collie staring at me. “Yeah, ya big lug, I’m right I’m not all that much of an accident; they did want a here, now give me the bag!” I fell backwards and talking dog.” He glanced down for a moment but yelled, immediately brought his face up with a smile. “Can “Ahhhhhhhhh….!!!” ya’ take me for a walk. I bet it would be FUN!!” I “Ahhhhhhhhhhhh…. Why are we yelling!!!” still haven’t gotten over the fact that I’m talking to a I ran to my room and shut the door, and I didn’t open dog that was mutated into a talking dog… the door until the morning. “YEP, I’VE FINALLY GONE The next day, I opened my door with a CRAZY!!!!!” I run around the room like a creak, and peered down the hallway through the hole psychopath. “I didn’t know it would be this soon in the door. No sign of him, I walked down the hall though, I thought it would’ve been like when I was checking in every room. I enter the kitchen, and 80 or something, but I guess there isn’t any rest for about jumped out of my socks, the wicked.” Dave barked at me and tackled me. “Stop acting like you are INSANE!! You’re “Why are you talking to yourself? You’re FINE; you just need a little more time to accept it. not crazy are you?” I’m startled by his words and That’s why you should take me for a WALK!!” I jump to look behind me. didn’t resist, it looked like he was about to rip my “Yeah I think so… I have a dog that talks to throat out if I didn’t. me.” “OK… maybe I’m not crazy but how do I “YEP!! That’s what I call crazy…” There’s know? Can you talk to other people?” a pause while I hear a flush in the stall. “I have one “NO!! I can only talk to adolescent boys! too, she tells me how to do my work and solve my OF COURSE ya’ dumb-nut! But I don’t feel like it, problems in life… She has a degree in Psychology.” unless there’s a pretty girlll... “ He raises his “Haha very funny, but I’m serious! My eyebrows in unison towards me. “and her dog. Now Border Collie can talk, and is just as sarcastic as me.” that would be a double date!” This dog can even raise The boy observed me with a tilted head and one eye his eyebrows? As well as flirt? I’m not sure if this is open. cool or not. I shouldn’t fight it anymore… I’m not “I think our dogs should have a play-date.” going to accept it, but I have to. My eyes open wide after the seriously stupid words “OH SHOOT!! I FORGOT THAT TODAY that I just heard. WAS SCHOOL!!!” I run out the door with a granola “Ummmm… Sure? Why not?” I start bar in my mouth and pants half down… I forgot to walking and he slips me his address. “Thanks? I wear a belt. So I run back inside and grab a random guess I’ll see you after school.” belt from my closet and run out the door… but I “Yep… By the way, My name’s Benny.” I forgot my homework. I run back in my room grab my chuckle. math book and run back out the door… yet I forgot to “Alright… Benny… See you after school.” I say goodbye. Ehhh, I don’t think I have to, but the exit the bathroom in bewilderment of what just bus is here. I run onto it and hear Dave, happened… again. “You forgot about my WALK!!!!” “I’ll do it after school!” “Fine, but bring back some food!” I manage to get the bus’s attention and hop on it in time. Still can’t believe my dog talks though.

I arrive at the High-School and immediately get picked on.

“Hey, little boy… Ye think yer gonna pass me without given’ me yer lunch money?” Classic bully, always wanting lunch money or something like that. “I don’t have time for this… just let me through, please?” “Oh fine… wait NO!! I’m not gonna be that easy to trick! Yer’ll give me your money, or a punch in the face would do for your taxes.” I try and barge through but I’m immediately pushed back. “Thanks for takin’ the hard way. I needed some stress relief.” With one punch I’m on the Circle: Mathew Murray, 4th ground. He walks off brushing his shoulders. I get back up and walk to the bathroom. As soon as I looked in the mirror, I see the black and School passes by like any other day, but this blue crater around my eye. Luckily I brought some time I couldn’t focus on the pretty girl in front of me, sunglasses. Totally not original to bring sunglasses to which ticked me off. The blonde, blue-eyed, always school and cover up a bruised eye I know, but it will smelling like an entire bottle of perfume, voice that’s keep it covered up and brought to attention. angelic but at the same time annoying to listen to for “Why does he beat me up? It can’t be that more than five seconds, girl. I’m sure every school fun could it? It’s kind of odd that he is the only one has one of those. who doesn’t exactly like me.” I hear a rustle in the I start to doze off, but I hear something that stalls, and out comes a chuckle. catches my interest… “We will be having a city fair this date,” and thought it would be nice to get Dave a weekend… I would like it if you kids could come friend so he doesn’t bother me. “I’m home Talking together and discuss a theme.” Dog! Speak with those genetically modified vocal The class erupts immediately after the bell cords of yours and say Hello.” Mom’s not home so I rings and runs out of the room, dragging me with kind of get to do what I want for a few hours. them. There are already groups in the hallway “Yeah, yeah. All Right…” He walks in with creating paper-mache garments for decorations. You my dad’s glasses on and a tie on. “I look like a could tell what “class” each group was. The popular normal business dog right?” kids were in a group, the jocks were in a group “So you’re a model now? Please don’t tell (High-fiving each other and grunting like usual,) me we have to add more to this story, cause it’s there were the nerds (Typing on their calculators and taking me a while to write all this down you know?” one has an abacus… What the HECK?,) there are the “Oh quit whining and monologue cheerleaders showing off their nails on a piece of somewhere else. A dog has to eat somehow, so I have paper reading “PLANS,” and then there’s me… decided to have my own job. I am going into the Yep you guessed it! All alone with no undercover dog business.” friends, I know right? Classic narrator for a comedic “You’re kidding right?” story right? Alright enough with breaking the fourth “Like I said you are extremely gullible. I’m wall, back to the story. just doing this to tick you off.” I search around for any group that doesn’t “Shut up dog. I can say ‘FOOD’ and you seem large enough to be an actual group, but no luck. come running.” I started to walk off when I heard a familiar voice. “Touché.” I grunt and turn around. “Are you “Hey, Dude? Was’ up? Lonely? Well, come forgetting something? Like something to do with join us! We have room!” me?” These guys just looked normal, no nerds, no “Oh yeah those pills that you were supposed jocks, no cheerleaders (I didn’t really need to clarify to take in the…” that because they were all guys, but some guys do…) “NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!! I mean the Except for Benny, I didn’t really get that good of a walk.” look of him because we were in the bathroom… “I didn’t forget, I just don’t care.” nobody looks at anybody in the bathroom. Nobody. “Alright sassy-pants. If you don’t take me Time for Description… He had brown skin, for a walk, I’ll just monologue as Sherlock Bones all normal build for a 16-year-old boy, brown eyes, and night.” a small amount of hair that could grow into an afro if “Oh god No. I guess it wouldn’t hurt to take he let it grow out. He reminded me of Kevin Hart, but you… Oh, by the way, I set you up a play date with a 16. “Naw, I’ll be fine on my own. Remember that girl dog.” I’m crazy? I’ll just devise my plan over in the corner “Awesome! Let us leave the premises this of solitude.” instant, so I may see my beloved blind date.” “Your loss.” I don’t think it’s a loss, rather “Let’s go lover-boy… or dog.” than just a never have and never will. To Be Continued... I walked back home because all that monologuing gave away about three minutes of my time. I remembered what Benny said about the “play-

What I love about dogs

I love that they are so cheerful and happy. When they’re puppies they are so happy to see you. When they are a little bit older they can be trained to sit, stay, etc..

Chance Shepherd, 7th Reflection: Kolby Ghan, 5th

Why We Should Save the Rainforest

Saving the rainforest is important because of all the animals and plants living there. Brazil holds 30% of the world’s rainforests. Fifty thousand of those forests were cut down from 2000 to 2005. There are numerous plants that can be cures to diseases in the rainforest. The National Cancer Institute estimates that 70% of medicinal herbs are rainforest plants. Many trees that offer delicious fruits and nuts could go extinct. For example; the Brazil nut trees are a valuable tree since they cannot grow anywhere else due to Brazil’s warm climate and common rains. If we destroy the rainforests we could be putting thousands of unknown species at risk of extinction. "Saving Rainforests." Google Docs. LLC, n.d. Web. 22 Mar. 2016. Kyland Lake, 6th

Smoking in the Car with Children

Smoking with children in the car is dangerous. It could cause problems. Rolling down the windows will not help your child. More than 80 percent of cigarette smoke is invisible and opening windows does not remove its harmful effect. Also smoking in a small space like a car is dangerous to. It can be particularly harmful for children who breathe more rapidly and have less developed airways, lungs, and immune systems. Last toxic air is very dangerous with someone in the car smoking. The level of toxic air in a car is up to 10 times greater than levels that are considered hazardous. Smoking in a car is dangerous. It could cause many problems. Work Cited "One Account. All of Google." Aplace Digital, n.d. Web. 24 Mar. 2016. "Smoking and Tobacco Use." Centers for Disease Control Prevention, n.d. Web. 24 Mar. 2016.

Emma Barrickman, 6th

Safari Life: Katelynn Keener, 3rd

The Sun

You are my light in day You help me see You darken me a burning feeling You, the sun, are free I have experienced burning feelings Alyssa White, 7th Hard lumps in my throat Furious outbursts Emotions wanting to break from my mouth Into the form of screams

Those burning feelings hurt Words stabbing me Pins and needles being stepped on Fire keeping me from my escape From misery

The burning feeling Is like a knife Jabbing at my heart And splitting into A million pieces A million pieces, that is Breaking me apart slowly and slowly Causing me to suffer badly Circle: Katelynn Keener 3rd And why do I have this burning feeling?

Elizabeth Poe, 7th God is always with me

God is always with me God is always near Life If people don’t leave me be, I have no fear Life… Like can leak through your fingers In life, there is never a time Just as easy as water does When god leaves my side, Life… Life can be precious all I have to do is trust in him, Life can also though be a curse and the bad times will slide Cherish life the most precious thing god could give, Cherish it like you cherish your favorite was his own son so that we could live, object he died for me Life is easy to let go of he loves me still, The hard part though is choosing to keep he lives for me going or letting go he always will Kylen Macarthur 7th Ema Fisher, 7th Bluebird: Jace Vickers, 3rd


I look at the sky And remember so much.

I remember the day at the building The one with columns for seats And the tall podium up front. The walls were painted white.

I remember the day that I was taken from mom. Me asking where she possibly could me. I whined like a pup calling her mom. And somehow I knew you were gone too.

I remember that morning you were nowhere to be. I looked under our fort. I looked behind the TV. I looked in the toybox. I looked under, over, around, everywhere. And you were nowhere to be seen.

Now I have nightmares that creep my vision everytime I close my eyes. I see you, I see you, I see you. Would You?

Do you not understand what you did to me? Would you walk with me? Do you even remember me? Through the valley of the shadows, where all trees die and no flower ever I look at the sky blooms? And remember so much. Through life and death, Throughout the underworld and all that it The day that I knew you were gone too. offers, Hanna Nolf, 7th Can you stay? Can you stay with me? Even when I’m lost, will you follow me? Will you? I question myself, I question you. My questions, to you, have no meaning. While I am only a slight memory to you, To me you are a part of me and who I have become. Tatum Vanderpool, 7th

Circle: David Brown, 3rd

Spring Poetry Analysis

This time of year will be nice for a The poem “Where the Sidewalk picnic in the park, this time of year brings Ends” is a child's poetry piece. It is a piece cool sweet winds. It brings rain. It’s time for made by Shel Silverstein. In the poem the bears and animals of the forest to wake; Silverstein says that “ For the children, they it’s time for the beautiful flowers to wake mark, and the children, they know the place from a long cold and harsh winter. Soon we where the sidewalk ends.” It seems like her will be out of school and you will see kids saying this, that children lead the way more playing their yards as you walk or drive by. than an adult or an elder does. It seems as if The birds will be coming back and be she is saying that adults should look back singing a lovely song in the mornings to and see how a child might see the situation, wake you and others up. Soon it will be time maybe even it is saying that sometimes you to throw the heavy things in our book bags just need to slow down take a walk and be away and we will play. After spring comes as if you are a child somewhat again. It like we will be lighting fireworks off and this poem because it tells , you celebrate the Fourth of July, we will being really need to sometimes just act like a child eating cold popsicles that will drip down the again. Not meaning be immature and do un- hands of people. We will be swimming and smart things but more of just calm down and forgetting about when school comes and we remember the fun things in life and try to will be forgetting about work for we will all have a little fun once in a while. I also like be on vacation soon. Until then we have a this because it describes the sidewalk, what season to come very soon it bring us flowers you are leaving behind and what you are to turn into apples on trees, it will bring going towards, I like it because it describes sweet sweet yummy berries. I cannot wait well. I like it even more because it does not for summer holidays and spring days. exactly tell you what the meaning of the Amber Bieberitz, 7th poem is but it tells enough for you to get a pretty good idea of the purpose. Ema Fisher, 7th


Sweaters are cool, They are made out of wool. They are nice and cozy, Warm and toasty. Sweaters are puffy, Maybe a little stuffy. Sweaters are big, Big for a twig. They are made out of wool, And that’s what makes them cool.

Danielle Smith, 7th Dewey Decimal Library Sign: Kenzie Liebe, 5th I’m thankful for I’m thankful for Being a human I live in a free country My friends The food on my plate Being alive I get to go to school Everything My friends Being healthy My clothes For having food My siblings Having Mrs. Etter for a teacher My mom For my family Roof over my head

Jasmine Griffiths, 5th Silvia Mayorga, 5th

A Special Place for Me and My


A place that is special to my parents, I’m thankful for God my brother, my papa, and I is our new Food on my table house. It is in Aurora, but it gives me some For my friends time to make new friends. I like this house For school because my family and I have a yard that we For the clothes I wear can all play in. Even our dogs like our new That I have an awesome house. Another thing I like is that I get my teacher own room, so it will not be trashed with my A roof over my head brother’s clothes anymore. The thing that I For my family like about it the most is that I can do what I want, when I want. I am free, my favorite Payden Blevins, 5th thing to be. th Holden Davenport, 7

Judging a Book by Its Cover

Sometimes I believe they ask too much out of me. It's like they think that I can do anything and everything. They believe I have no problems of my own, even though they are bigger than you may ever realize. They believe I'm capable of doing everything on my own even though I can't. They don't believe that I'm weak, and my insides are ripped to shreds, and my heart is shattered to glass. They don't believe that I'm broken and cannot work properly. They believe I'm strong. They believe my insides are strong and whole. My heart is a mountain, strong and whole. They believe I am happy, proud, and full of energy all the time. Well, I'm not. I'm sad, mad, and cry when I feel my heart break. I just don't let it show. They got it all wrong, you see? That is why you should never judge a book by its cover. Hanna Nolf, 7th

Reflection: Sofi Armfield, 5th

his writing that “With no natural predators, these eating machines appear to be wiping out huge numbers of opossums, raccoons, and bobcats, as well as many bird species” (Ng 45). This is not good for the animals of the outdoors. The pythons are taking over the food chain. Tens of thousands of Burmese pythons are estimated to be living in the Everglades, which is why these pythons must be extinguished. Eventually, Burmese pythons will have taken over the Everglades and need somewhere else to go. This is a threat to humans, their homes and their pets. In the article “Burmese Python”, the writer Python Problems argues that “Hurricane Andrew didn’t help matters when an exotic pet dealer’s warehouse Over the years, Burmese pythons have that housed nearly 900 Burmese pythons was taken over the Florida Everglades. Pythons are destroyed, and many of its pythons escaped” impacting the Everglades and inflicting danger (Piven 44). upon people and their pets. Pythons are Because of these overwhelming amounts of interesting creatures that intrigue many people. pythons in the Florida Everglades, there has Maybe it’s their beautifully patterned skin or been a challenge to exterminate these huge their rapid growth rate, but it doesn’t always amounts of pythons. A challenge to all hunters. have a happy ending for the Pythons and their The article “Florida’s Python Hunt” states that owners; this is negatively affecting Florida’s “a grand prize of 1,500 dollars will be awarded ecosystem. to the hunter who kills the most pythons, and These slithery, cold blooded, carnivores another 1,000 dollars to the hunter who bags the have taken over all of Florida’s Everglades with longest one” (Ng 45). It is understandable that an immense amount of Burmese pythons. This people want these Burmese pythons gone, but first started when, as Andrew Ng stated in this can also be a threat to the hunters and “Florida’s Python Hunt”, “A growing population inexperienced ones, too. This challenge invites of Burmese pythons- many pets turned loose by inexperienced hunters from all around the U.S. their owners when they became too big- is to come to Florida’s Everglades and hunt threatening the ecosystem of Florida’s pythons. Not only can these hunters get hurt by Everglades” (Ng 45). Burmese pythons are the pythons, but they could also accidently hurt usually released into the Florida Everglades one another. Perhaps there is a better way to once they get too big. Owners often don’t know extinguish such animals. what to do once the python is oversized, and Works Cited eventually just release them into the Everglades. EcoEchoes. Burmese Python: The Ecosystem This doesn’t help the ecosystem, though. This Challenge. Performance Assessment. Orlando: cycle is often repeated for the Burmese pythons Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2015. p. 47. Print Ng, Andrew. Florida’s Python Hunt. Performance and over time, there has begun to be an Assessment. Orlando: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, overwhelming population of these pythons in 2015. p. 45. Print. Florida’s Everglades. Piven, Matt. Burmese Python: Not the Ideal Pet. Pythons are beginning to become a Performance Assessment. Orlando: Houghton threat in Florida and the animals there. The Mifflin Harcourt, 2015. p. 44. Print. writer of “Florida’s Python Hunt” announced in Kaylin Williams, 7th Burmese Pythons Are Changing the where humans will go and try to kill out Everglades most of the pythons. Hopefully this will kill out the pythons and make the Everglades and restore the balance of the ecosystem. The population of the Burmese th pythons are growing in the Florida Nevaeh Figgins, 7 Everglades due to the exoctic pet business. It is also affecting the humans. One of the reasons that it is affecting the ecosystem is because the pythons are How Magnets Work killing wildlife in the Everglades. They are killing off huge numbers of opossums, Magnets are used to stick metal raccoons, bobcats, and many bird species. together. Soft magnets produce their own They are killing these animals because they magnetic field in the presence of another have no natural predators in the Everglades magnetic field. This field will stay (Ng 45). temporarily after exiting the field. Electrons There are two reasons the Burmese fill the atom’s orbitals in pairs. If one of the pythons came to the Florida Everglades. electrons in a pair starts to spin upward and One reason is that pet owners thought that the other spins downward, it will be they would be a good pet until they started impossible for the electrons to spin in the growing, so they let the pythons go (Piven same direction. The electrons will spin so 44). The other reason is that Hurricane fast that they will make energy, thus creating Andrew destroyed an exotic pet dealer’s a magnetic field. These fields can attract warehouse, and nearly 900 Burmese pythons nickel, iron, and cobalt. escaped (EcoEchoes 47). Work Cited Now that humans have found out Wilson, Tracy V. "How Magnets Work." that so many pythons roam the Everglades, Google Docs. Infospace LLC, 2016. Web. 16 they started a challenge called “Python Mar. 2016. th Challenge.” The challenge is to wipe out as Kyland Lake, 6 many pythons as possible in 30 days. The human who shoots the longest python Dewey Decimal Library Sign: Elizabeth White, 5th gets a reward and the human who kills the most gets a reward (“Python Challenge” 46). In summary, the growing community of pythons is affecting the environment in the Florida Everglades due to Hurricane Andrew and humans letting their pet pythons into the wild. Humans are trying to change this with a method called “Python Challenge” Bluebird: Hope Wittenborn, 3rd

Denver Island

Welcome, to Denver Island! It is a place where all of these Denver Broncos fans live and animals live. It is near Hawaii and it was created by a volcano. It is in the wilderness and it has dogs, broncos, monkeys, elephants, and bulls. These are some of the plants and animals that are on Denver Island: pumas and roses. It only has summer, spring, and fall as seasons in Denver Island. There are no fearful things in Denver Island. The only nutrients on my island are bananas, oranges, and watermelon. There are 1,000,000 families on my island. Nobody has to work on my island. The money falls from the sky. There are billion dollar houses. The word that they use for money is Denver monkey. Owen Willis, 3rd

Wazzub My island’s name is Wazzub. The people that live on her island are the Wazubiess. The Wazubies have red hair, freckles, and glasses. My island is near Hawaii, and was formed by a volcanic eruption in 1471. They live in tribes, and there are no opposing political parties. My island is rural, and some animals are pandas, koalas, sunshine birdie, white tiger, sunny fish, pineapple frogs, and toads. My Island has lots of Eucalyptus trees, and bamboo trees. The seasons on Wazzub are Summery, Springy, and Rainzy. Summera is July to December. Springy is March to July, and Rainsy is December to February. The fearful things on Wazzub are Hurricanes and Volcanoes. The way they protect themselves from getting hurt during a hurricane is going down in a really deep shelter. The Wazubies use seashells for money. Some natural resources on my island are corn, tomatoes, cotton, pigs, cows, and horses. The wazubiess are really good at cooking. They even have their own dinner. The average family's income per year is 50,000 seashells. They all get paid about 4,000 seashells per month. The people can work as a farmer, chef, hunters, teachers, fishers, builders, doctors, vets, and dentist. Their houses are made out of mud and sticks, and have bathrooms and windows. They are very smart people. My island has a hospital, doctors, dentist, and good training from Hawaiian people. People travel to Hawaii every 2 months by airplane. Wazuby boys don't hurt the animals; they feed them, and only cut down 2 trees per month. There are about 4,000 people. That is Wazzub for you. Elizabeth White, 5th

Safari Life: Cheyenne Sturgel, 3rd

Safari Life: Kaydence Maggard, 3rd

Shapa Island

My island’s name is Shapa. The location is right next to Europe. An earthquake caused my island to break apart from Europe. It used to be connected to Europe. No one lives on my island, just animals. The population on my island is 18,989 animals. My island is just the wilderness. There are no cities. The most popular animals on my island are any animal you find in the zoo. The most popular plants on my island are the sim, cedar, levor, cactus and other trees. The seasons on my island are spring, winter and autumn. Winter is so warm it is like summer. Autumn is a little colder. And spring is freezing and it gets below 0. The island’s worst natural disasters are tornados and wind storms. The animals do not have money. Instead of money they have sea shells for money. My island uses the water from leaves to use medicine. My island looks like a rock and is mostly green. That is my island! Quana Alaimo, 3rd

The Lord Island

Remember when your mom and dad said unicorns and centaurs and all that stuff wasn’t real. Well now they are. There is an island called “The Lord Island.” It’s located 3,000 miles near Hawaii, and is filled with interesting things and creatures. This island formed by a herd of buffalos roaming Hawaii. There was a big volcano eruption and animals started going crazy, but the buffalos were the wildest animals. Now this might sound incredibly crazy, but little fairies and girl and boy centaurs live on this island. They are incredibly nice and friendly. Their religion is the same as the name of their island which is “The Lord.” None of the centaurs or fairies have any rules. They live freely. They know not to do anything bad. They get three strikes if they do something bad. The population is 7,394,876,929. I know that's a lot. There are so many animals. There are 26 animals. I will name all of them for you. There are finger monkeys, zebras, giraffes, dolphins, turtles, pandas, owls, elephants, horses, unicorns, swan, seals that live in hot weather, kangaroo, raccoons, rabbits, otter, koala, fox, weasels, dogs, cats, sheep, squirrels, walruses, penguins, and mice. All of the animals that live in cold weather have a little place where they live and it's just the right temperature. The food they eat just magically appears. The plant they have there are roses, clovers, sun flowers, palm trees, apple trees, peach trees, orange trees, raspberry fruit trees, and rainbow flowers. The little fairies are the doctors. They are dentists and hospital doctors. The fairies make the medicine with magic. They don’t travel anywhere but, they do have a moon pool that they can swim in. They just walk across a bridge to get there. A moon pool is a pool that lights up when the moon shines on it. Zailee Holder, 4th Crest: Levi Wittenborn, 5th

Giggle Island

You have just arrived to Giggle Island. As you can tell, the bad twister in 2013 made Giggle Island start to float off into the Pacific Ocean. Have you met the Laughicans? They get to choose their hair colors! They are very nice, and want to meet you. Here in Giggle Island, we have 2 church services. Are Laughican religion is Christian. We do have a King and a Queen. King Ryan has blue hair, and Queen Brooklyn has purple hair. Giggle Island only has 302 as a population. In Giggle Island, we have lots of animals. Most of them we cannot find because they are so sneaky. The animals we can find are a Laughicorn, a Unicorn, a Jack rabbit, a Platypus, a Giggle Box, a giraffe, a monkey, a cat, a dog, and a bunny. Most of the plants we have are a giggle plant, a money tree, a soda bush, and a medicine tree. Lots of people have asked if Giggle Island has some kind of way for people to get medical care, or dental visits. We actually have one doctor and one dentist. They get their medicine and dental tools, from a tree that actually gives doctors and dentist’s medicine and tools! Also, people ask how Laughicans get to transport to places. Usually everyone stays at Giggle Island, but when they want to go to the nearest land, they ride on canoes. It takes a little over a week to get to the nearest island, because Giggle Island is in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. Thank you guys so much for visiting Giggle Island. I hope you come back and visit all of the Laughicans! I had a lot of fun and I hope you guys did too. All of Giggle Island says “ Goodbye!” See you soon, and hope to see you guys again. Have a good day. Come back to Giggle Island! Jana Fulp, 4th

Magic Mania

You have just arrived at Magic fish, Purple platypus,Unicorn,Giggle box, Mania in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. Scare bumper, finger Just in case you were wandering Magic monkey,dolphins,swan,and whale. Watch Mania formed when a bunch of bats made a out for the plants to because some are deadly tornado and wiped out what used to be there. and here are some plants….. Sketio plant, Oh, and the people that live there are yardigo plant, snapitup plant, and green tree. merpeople. Their religion is Baptist. Their Oh, and don’t worry if you get sick we have King is God but the king over the country is some awesome doctors. We have merdocs Neptune. Lots of people live in Magic and merists and they have a glow bock that Mania and here it is exactly….. 2,496,297 heals people. Oh, and we haven’t forgot people! Yep I know that’s a lot!!!!!! The about food because you can take a swim jet animals are the most important part of the to the nearest continent. country and here are some of them Rainbow Hanna Phillips, 4th Circle: Brenda Morales Gracia, 4th

BrushBot (Spinny Whinney)

My BrushBot is orange, and her name is Spinny Whinney, she spins really fast. Her eyes are brown and she has blue glasses. She also has a really funny tongue. She has one orange, pink, yellow, and green feather. I really would like to take Spinny Whinney home; I would be heartbroken if she was “recycled”. I promise to take really good care of her. I will play with her every day, and make her a little home too. I really like Spinny Whinney, she is so fun, and I love Spinny Whinney. I made Spinny Whinney out of a watch battery, head of a tooth brush, a tiny motor that vibrates, hot glue, decorative additions. The way I made Spinny Whinney is… First, I took the head of a toothbrush and glued the vibrating motor on to it. Next, I took the battery and glued that on the motor. Then, I attached the red wires together permanently. (When you want it to move you twist the blue wires together, and you can untwist them when you want it to stop) And last but not least, I decorated it. Elizabeth White, 5th


Fluff-bot is a BrushBot. She is small but with a big heart. She is pink with a whole bunch of feathers, too many colors to name (mostly pink and purple). She is made of a tiny motor connected to a battery. The motor vibrates the toothbrush head. She spins a whole bunch, and when she does it she goes fast. Fluff-Bot is very sweet. She is kind and loving. She is the queen of love. Olivia Hopkins, 5th


I think my brushbot should live. His name is Jorge. He deserves to see the world. Jorge is blue. I made him on a Wednesday. If you let me keep him, I will not break him or forget about him. My brushbot is made from the top of a toothbrush, a motor, and a battery.

th th Kaleb Kirby, 5 Warhol Inspired Art: Taylor Hardin, 7

Safari Life: Hope Wittenborn, 3rd Look

The cat is as fierce as a lion.

The dog was as tough as a pack of wolves. The hamster is a small hill. The snake is a moving river.

Jackson Smith, 6th

Animal Descriptions

Eagle's eyes are daggers cutting through its prey. Bear's paws are catchers' mitts. A fish's tail is like a Chinese fan. A porcupine's back is like toothpicks.

Lake High, 6th


The monkey yelled like a dying cow, As loud as a roaring lion and bear. His mouth is the size of an elephant. His owner's head is a watermelon.

Breanna Schapeler, 6th

Safari Elephant: Delaney Bettinger, 3rd

Bluebird: Angelita Rudd, 3rd

Nature Sounds

The crow sounded its siren While the wolf howled like a whistle in a cave. The tree silently moving like a dancer, And the water rushing like plains so swift.

Silas Potter, 6th

Safari Life: Lily Marks, 3rd


Monkeys are like stories, unpredictable. Turkeys are like outlaws waiting to be shot. Deer are hurdles, jumping fences. Rabbits are scared villagers, hiding in holes.

Mattie Wright, 6th


Ants as small as a grain of sand; Ants as red as blood; Ants are powerful people; Ants are the kings of the world.

Jacob Gray, 6th

Newspaper: Kanien Klineline, 4th

Perspective: Ashlin Wilken, 7th Problem in the Future Jacob Bowling, 8th

It was only 9:00 pm and I was already extremely tired of work. I still had to work till midnight. Me and a crew of four other guys, Tom, Jimmy, John, and Joe, were working at cleaning up the old roads that they used so any years ago. Our job was to make sure no radiation from the nuclear war would travel this close to the city. The nuclear war happened sixty years ago and it has put quite the toll on the United States. The government had to evacuate and close off half of the U.S. due to radiation. People were still getting sick from the waste. If you got sick they would have to immediately put you to sleep. They would take the bodies away and never let us see them again. We all found it a little suspicious that they wouldn’t give us the bodies of our now dead family members, but I’m not the one to ask questions. It was 11:30pm and we arrived at our last road we had to clean. “This one’s filthy.” Jimmy was complaining. “Aren’t they all,” I answered. “Let’s just get this last one done and be gone.” We started unloading the cleaning gear out of the back of the truck. As I was getting the shovel out, I heard a loud, deep roar coming straight at us. I looked up and saw the hover bus flying over to the floating Skyscrapers. We made them float because the ground was too dangerous. Taking a good look around, I noticed the unusual high number of robot parts. These weren’t any robot parts though; these were Highly Armored Police Systems or H.A.P.S. Not every day you see an army of them killed. I was getting very uneasy, a normal human could not even scratch an H.A.P.S. Heck, and not even a small gun could dent one. “Let's hurry up, I don’t like this.” I said. We started away, placing our Radiation Barriers on the road so no radiation could get through. We got our Hasmats on and grabbed the vacuums. Our job was to suck every little piece of dust that might have radiation, and get it out of there. Once we fill the truck up with the junk, we take it to the Scorch Pit, a bowl full of lava that we dump this stuff off at. “Hey, did you hear that?” John asked. “I think I did.” Joe answered. “Guys it was probably nothing.” Tom was trying to convince them. “Wait, I heard it too, it was in that small group of trees over there.” Jimmy jumped in. We all walked over to check it out. A man stood up, or a creature, something. “Hey man, you're not allowed down here, we’ll call the cops.” I threatened. He didn’t seem to listen. It stepped into the light. It looked as if it was a nightmare walking on Earth. Its skin was nearly falling off; his arms were longer than his body. He had teeth the size of a grown man's hands. His eyes were gone but he still knew we were there. He jumped at us. It grabbed Jimmy and threw him like he was nothing. He then let out a very loud screech that almost made my ears bleed. We all ran as fast as possible back to the truck. Before we got to the truck three more creatures jumped out, then 40, then more. Joe tripped and fell. They surrounded him biting and slashing with their teeth until Joe was nothing but bones. Me and Tom finally got to the truck. We drove as fast as possible down the road. If we could get to the Hovercraft then we would be fine “What was that thing?” Tom asked me. “Like I have a clue. All I know is we should never go back to that place. We need the military to blow it up or something.” About a mile up the old road, a wall of H.A.P.S. blocked us in. A man in a black suit stopped us. “What are you guys doing in there? Did you not hear that this road is closed?” The man asked. “Do you know what those were, can you kill them?” I needed to know. “What do you mean?” “Those things in the forest, they killed our friends.” “They were people infected by the Radiation. The place that the Government was keeping the bodies was overrun and those things escaped. They are highly dangerous. If you are bit or scratched by one of those things you will not live, trust me. The only plus side to them is that they don’t spread disease. They only infect people with venom. Incurable venom. Hopefully these H.A.P.S. will end their day. So far we’ve killed 800,000 of the monsters. A reported 1,500,000 of them are out there though. Maybe we can block them off from the city.” Right about that time, we heard the terrible screeching noise only a few feet away. The H.A.P.S. engaged. It was an all-out battle that lasted more than four hours. The H.A.P.S. came out on top but only by a little. Two large trucks showed up and started loading the bodies. “You guys aren’t gonna put those in another facility just so they can escape and kill people again are you?” Tom asked. One of the truckers replied, “Nope, we are gonna burn these guys to a crisp, I heard you had a few buddies die up the road, hope you don’t mind, we’re gonna have to cook them too.”

“No it’s fine, whatever you must do to get rid of those things.” As we were walking away the man in the black suit stopped us. “Listen, I’m not allowed to let you guys go home. You have heard and seen too much. I’m either gonna have to kill you both or you guys will have to join some line of work getting rid of these things. Luckily, two spots just opened in one of our hunting squads. Don’t ask what happened to the other two.” In the next few days, To and I trained and prepared to fight these monsters. On the fifteenth day of training, we got word we were going to hunt. My new crew consists of four other guys, Chris, Bill, Carl, and Don. Our job is to hunt down the infected and kill them. We would let the H.A.P.S. do it if they weren’t getting low in numbers. We all loaded up the Hovercraft and got prepared to deploy into the forest. Luckily we had Plasma Rifles that were perfect for killing the infected. The craft lifted off from the floating platform and headed toward the ‘Infected Forest,’ that's what everyone was calling it. We finally arrived. Our hearts were racing; we already knew that one of us, if not all of us, would be killed. We trotted through timber and thorn bushes looking for where they were hiding. We looked for hours and hours not finding anything but dead animal carcasses. After about six hours, we started heading back to the Hovercraft. “Hey! Look, right there, in the tree.” Called out Chris. There they were, all of them, in the trees. They looked in our direction with their dark, black holes for eyes. We opened fire. Sparks and beams of light were being launched everywhere. We shot, and shot, and shot. Bill went to the ground; one was on top of him biting into his flesh. Soon, Chris dropped, then Don. Carl, Tom, and I ran as fast as we could to the Hovercraft. Carl stepped in a constrictor trap, something that wraps itself around your leg until your leg is pretty well gone. The only thing we could do is amputate it the rest of the way. Carl was screaming and wouldn’t live long if we didn’t get to the hospital fast enough. We were flying the Hovercraft as fast as possible toward the hospital. Carl passed out because of the blood loss. Tom passed out because he can’t handle blood well. We finally arrived at the hospital. They immediately took Carl back into the operating room. Tom was given water and ice. After about 30 minutes they released Carl. He had an odd mechanical leg. They said for an extra charge they could put one on the other leg so he can run faster, jump higher, and kick harder. Carl wouldn’t do it. He already missed his old leg. Tom finally woke up. About that time, the man in the black suit showed up. Then a crew of

Perspective: Danielle Smith, 7th

Lichtenstein Style Portrait: Justin Harper, 7th

H.A.P.S. He shot Tom then shot Carl. He sent the H.A.P.S. to kill everyone in the hospital. He looked at me. I lifted my rifle and shot, killing the man in black. I ran as fast as I could out the door. I jumped in the Hovercraft and flew as far as I could. I asked myself, why did he not kill me, he just stood there, staring, almost like he wanted me to kill him? I flew to the other side of the United States, to the radiation zone. It was surprisingly nice there, not much of anything bad. I ditched my family, my friends, my life. What would I do now? I already knew I was going to get sick in this place, but while I’m here, I’m going to enjoy it. The Hovercraft is definitely big enough for one person. The third night I was there, I started hearing helicopters. Then people talking. The Government was coming to get me. I had it in my head that I would fight for as long as I could when they found me. Then I heard the H.A.P.S. I don’t know if this Plasma Rifle can kill one, but I’m definitely gonna try. They started beating on my door. Boom! They blew the door down. Smoke and ash flew everywhere. Shrapnel hit me in the face and cut me. I started shooting into the smoke. They fired back. I heard them screaming. I must have hit one or maybe two. I see the H.A.P.S. walk into my view. I shot him thirty, then forty times. He finally died. I never even realized he shot me. I was hit directly in the abdomen. I was bleeding out fast. I slowly started losing sight. I’m done for, they got me.

th Warhol Inspired Art: Jamison LaPlante, 7 Daddy’s Job Casey Jones, 8th

My name is Violet Smith. I have the same life as any other person, but mine is a little more modified. I live in a world where there isn’t much that you have to do daily. You don’t have chores because you have a robot to the dishes and walk the dog. For Me, the most I have to do in a day was go to school, see my friends, and argue with my teacher about something that happened at lunch or about my missing assignments that I do, but never turn in. When I arrived at school today, I noticed that my teacher, Mrs. McGuire, was gone. I asked my friends and classmates if they knew where our teacher was, but none of them knew. As everyone settled down into class, waiting for their teacher to come through the door with her over- done makeup, the students began to whisper about what they thought had happened to Mrs. McGuire. One of the boys who sat behind me, Alfie, was one of the many kids who were screaming their ideas about their teacher. “She was eaten by Aliens I tell you!” Alfie yelled. I rolled my eyes and continued to wait on my teacher. Soon, the door to the classroom swung open and the students went silent. I watched as someone, who was very much not my teacher, stride into the classroom and took a seat behind Mrs. McGuire’s desk. The kids watched the figure very closely Perspective: Adam Phillips, 7th

while it began setting its things on the table. My gazed began to break with the unknown person and I began to stare at my desk, it was not soon after that my concentration on a little speck of eraser remains was broken. My ears were filled with a static voice that I could barely understand. “My name is Mr. Dean.” The voice crackled. “And I am to be your new teacher.” I looked very closely at the ‘man’ that said he was going to be teaching me about the things I have known in life. He looked different, almost inhuman to me. Mr. Dean asked the class if they had any questions. The first question was about Mrs. McGuire and where she went. “She was given a new job.” Mr. Dean told the children. A few kids asked Mr. Dean if he was married or had kids of his own, both questions were answered with ‘no’. I kept thinking about a question I could ask him and finally I thought of one. My hand shot up in the air. “Yes, Violet?” Mr. Dean called on me and the class stared at me, waiting for my question. “Where are you from? You seem different from the rest of our teachers.” I spoke quietly. “Well you see, I am not from anywhere.” Mr. Dean explained, “I am a special machine that was created to make human’s lives, like yours, a lot more simple.” As soon as he said that, I imagined Mrs. McGuire in her house because her job was given to a robot. Everyone in the class just sat in silence; nobody moved or messed with something on their desk. After everyone let the new information set in, Mr. Dean began to teach. A few hours later, the last bell rang and I pushed through the doors to walk home. It took me about ten minutes to get home, normally it would take longer, but I sprinting so I could get home and tell my brother, Sean, about my teacher. I slammed through the front door, feeling the breeze from the AC that my dad never turns off. My brother was sitting on the couch scrolling through his phone and I plopped down beside him. He glanced up, but then looked back down at his phone. I sighed and leaned back on the cushion. I took in a deep breath and sat up again. “So, guess what happened at school today, Bub.” I said nudging him. He sighed like he was irritated and looked up at me. “Lemme guess, your teacher was gone and some random adult came in and said that they were your new teacher.” Sean said with a tired look in his eyes. “Yeah, how’d you know that?” “Because it happened to me too. Mr. Monroe wasn’t in FACTS today.” He mumbled and looked back at his phone. “Also, the new teachers are robots, just in case you hadn’t figured that out yet.” He added. “Yeah, I know. The new guy said he was one.” I said messing with my fingers. “But maybe these new teachers are better than the old ones; they can’t really make mistakes because they’re computers.” I said smiling and Sean shrugged. “They’re great until they take someone else’s job besides the teachers.” He mumbled and I gave him weird look. “What do you mean?” I asked. Right as the words came out of my mouth my dad came to the front door. He had an angry look in his eyes and I wasn’t quite sure what was wrong. When he

Lichtenstein Style Portrait: Kiylee Katz, 7th

Lichtenstein Style Portrait: Danielle Smith, 7th

noticed Sean and me, a big smile crept onto his face and he walked over and stood before us. “Hey, Bud!” He said kissing my head. I glanced at the clock and realized that he was home almost two hours early. Dad patted Sean shoulder and walked into the kitchen; I followed close behind and sat on the counter. “Why are you home so early, Dad?” I asked while swinging my legs. “Well, the company I work for got some new employees and they didn’t need me anymore so-” He started to say but I cut him off and finish the sentence for him. “You got fired.” I said trying to figure out why they would fire him. He is an honest man and a hard worker. But then, I thought back to how good of a teacher Mrs. McGuire is. They still fired her and replace her with a robot. “Hey Dad?” I asked and he looked at me with the same worried look Mrs. McGuire would give me when I would turn in my assignments late. “Yeah?” He answered smiling. I shifted in my spot a little. “Did they replace you with robots, like the android things that you’d see in movies?” I asked and he gave me an odd look. “What? Why would you think that?” Dad asked trying to hide the fact that I was right, but I could see it in his eyes. “Because they replaced my teacher with a robot.” I said hopping down from the counter. “Mrs. McGuire?” Dad asked and I nodded. He sighed and shook his head. “Looks like they’re pushing everyone out of their jobs.” He said and my heart sank. What does he mean by ‘everyone’? There has to be some jobs left. How will we survive? My dad got a job at the grocery store a few weeks later because of a program that the government made a program for the people who got forced out of their jobs by robots. It pays pretty well and enough to feed himself and my brother and I because our mother dies right after I was born. Our life is a little bit harder now, even with the robots trying to make it easier, but we get along just fine. One of these days, when I’m out of college, I will invent a way to let humans and robots work side by side so that nobody ever loses their job like my dad and teacher did

Warhol Inspired Art: Dakota Wilson, 6th th Warhol Inspired Art: Shelby Webb, 6

Newspaper: Bailey Hosbach, 4th

Marie Curie’s Life still very happy on what she had. Marie had Silvia Mayorga, 5th two daughters Irene and Eve. Marie wasn’t the only one that discovered those two In 5th grade we are researching elements; she and her husband discovered famous scientists or inventors who affected them together. Marie made some very people's lives. I chose Marie Curie, I chose interesting discoveries. Marie Curie because she was the one who Marie had some very interesting discovered two very important elements. discoveries. Marie might have had other The first element was polonium, named after discoveries but she and Pierre discovering the town she grew up in. The second one polonium and radium was big. When Marie was radium something that might sound and Pierre discovered polonium and radium very familiar. Marie Curie was a very in 1898 they were stunned. It was all over special person in life she also helped so the world. Marie and Pierre were famous. many people. I learned about Marie’s Marie knew she would succeed, finally a personal life, her discoveries, and how her chance to show what she knew. Even though discoveries affected people. Pierre and Marie were always busy they Marie had a very interesting life. always tried to find as much time to spend When Marie Curie was first born her real time with their family. In 1903 Marie Curie name was Maria Sklodowska, she was born won a Nobel Prize in physics. Marie was the on November 7, 1867 and died July 4, 1934. first woman to win a Nobel Prize. April 9, She was born in Warsaw, Poland. When 1906 Pierre was hit by a horse-drawn Marie was 11 her mother died. Before wagon, he instantly died. Marie was Marie’s mother died she was a teacher same stunned she was depressed, but she still with her dad. Even though Marie’s mother wasn't going to let to give up. Five years died, Marie always worked hard. Marie had later Marie won a second Nobel Prize in three sisters and one brother. Marie was 15 chemistry she was very proud. Marie’s when she graduated. After she graduated she discoveries were very important in life. went to college. During college she met Marie Curie’s discoveries of Pierre Curie; they had a lot of things in polonium and radium do affect me and common. One year later they were married. people around the world. Marie’s Marie had some tough times but she was discoveries do not only affect me but people around the world because radium is used for cancer treatment, and in some foods. Polonium has alpha particles it is known as “The Perfect Poison. It was called “The Perfect Poison” because if

Lichtenstein Style Portrait: Leslie Vasquez, 7th

polonium was put in your body you will die science and later on in life discovered two because it damages the organs and they will very important things. Marie was a very shut down and most of the time you are intelligent person and a very great loving certain to die. If you have too much radium person. What I will remember mostly about it can hurt your body, but radium is very Marie Curie is that she always worked hard. help full. Many foods like chocolate, brazil She was very famous and rich for her nuts, lima beans, and carrots have radium. discoveries. Marie still tried to discover more even though she had discovered two very Sources important elements. A couple months after Meachen Rau, Dana. “Marie Curie”. Minneapolis, Marie discovered radium and polonium Minnesota: Published Compass Point Books, 1971. people all over the world started using Print. polonium and radium for many important Kathleen Krull and Kathryn Hewitt. “Lives of the things. Even though she died because of Scientists “. New York: Published Harcourt radium she still like what she discovered. Children's Books, 2013. Print. Posner, Tina. “ Marie Curie”. Salem Press Primary I am glad I learned about Marie Encyclopedia, 2015: Topic overviews K-s. Web. 24 Curie, the person who discovered polonium Feb. 2016. and radium. I think it was very interesting learning about a person that loved math,

Lichtenstein Style Portrait: Ashlin Wilken, 7th

Newspaper: Jana Fulp, 4th


She sits at home, the lights turned low. Earphones in, She's all alone. Nowhere to go. She closes her eyes and braces herself for the long ride inside her mind.

th Kaylin Williams, 7 Perspective Art: Kyle Smith, 7th

Give Creative Credit

Hey everybody Some people copy They plagiarize They are sloppy

I give credit I inspire

This poem is mine I’m a writer

th Jasmine Griffiths, 5 Adam Amazing, awesome Good at sports Loves to race Big brother to Hannah Able to fix cars Goes to church Cares about others Adventurous and Athletic Adam th Adam Phillips, 7 Warhol Inspired Art: Eric Gracia 7th

CONTRIBUTORS The following students have writing or artwork displayed in this publication. THANK YOU FOR SHARING!

Adney, Brooklyn Alaimo, Quana Hammonds, Duane Poe, Elizabeth Armfield, Sofi Hardesty, Alexis Potter, Silas Barrickman, Emma Hardin, Taylor Rudd, Angelita Bellah, Braydon Harper, Justin Schapeler, Breanna Bettinger Delaney Hendricks, Sahara Shepherd, Chance Bieberitz, Amber High, Lake Smith, Danielle Blevins, Erin Holder, Zailee Smith, Jacksen Blevins, Payden Hopkins, Olivia Smith, Kyle Bowling, Jacob Hosbach, Bailey Smith, Kyle Bowling, Josie Inmon, Colesie Stanton, Garet Bright, Anna Janes, Dustin Sturgell, Cheyenne Bright, Owen Jones, Casey Thompson, Sara Brown, David Katz, Kyilee Valente, Edwin Brown, Jaxi Keener, Katelynn Vanderpool, Tatum Burnley, Amanda Kirby, Kaleb Vasquez, Leslie Carlton, Abigail Klineline, Kanien Vickers, Jace Davenport, Holden Lake, Kiah Vodden, Charli Davis, Jacob Lake, Kyland Webb, Shelby Easter, Zachary LaPlante, Jamison White, Alyssa Elliott, Wyatt Liebe, Kenzie White, Elizabeth Ernst, Jude Lindblom, Ethan Williams, Kaylin Ernst, Madalyn Macarthur, Kylen Willis, Owen Essary, Madison Maggard, Kaydence Wilson, Dakota Figgins, Nevaeh Marks, Lily Wittenborn, Hope Fisher, Ema Mayorga, Silvia Wittenborn, Levi Fulp, Jana McCracken, Rachel Wilken, Ashlin George, Triston Morales Gracia, Brenda Workman, Cooper Ghan, Kolby Murphey, Maggie Wright, Mattie Gold, Peyton Murray, Mathew Gracia, Eric Newberry, Lucy If we have failed to acknowledge Gray, Jacob Nolf, Hanna the work of any student Griffiths, Jasmine Nolf, Leanna contributing to this magazine, we Grimm, Garrett Phillips, Adam apologize for the oversight. Guldner, Nicholas Phillips, Hannah