WALBUNDRIE PUBLIC SCHOOL Culcairn Road Newsletter WALBUNDRIE NSW 2642 Term 2 – Week 5 Phone: 6029 9004
[email protected] 1 June 2018 E:
[email protected] Shooting Hoops Our School Leaders learnt Through the funding provided by the Sporting Schools Grants, we have heaps at the GRIP Leadership begun having sessions each week with Basketball Australia and coach Conference Helen. These sessions will be held Mondays and Wednesday afternoons every week until Week 9. GRIP Leadership On Monday 28 May, Lilly and Olivia attended the GRIP Leadership Conference in Albury. The girls had the opportunity to learn what makes a good leader and how to make positive change in their school. Check out their report on page 2. RPSSA Cross Country Congratulations to Lilly, who will be representing our Walbundrie Small School Network at the Riverina Cross Country in Gundagai on Thursday 14 June. Well done, Lilly, we wish you all the best of luck! Upcoming Events PSSA Netball Monday 11 June Olivia and Lilly represented the Walbundrie Small Schools Network in QUEEN’S BIRTHDAY the PSSA Netball Knock-out competition. The team was successful in both of their games and is now onto the next level, which should be held Thursday 14 June before the end of term. Congratulations girls! RPSSA Cross Country Down the Rabbit Hole We Went! Monday 18 June It was awesome to see everyone all dressed up for our Book Fair and Library Visit 9:30am Mad Hatter’s Tea Party on Tuesday. Thank you so much to all our Friday 29 June parents for the delicious treats that were sent it, the kids had a fantastic Reports home to parents time! Tuesday 3 July Even Teachers Learn SRPSSA Athletics Carnival As teachers, we are constantly learning to refine our teaching practice Friday 6 July and knowledge.