Draft Floodplain Management Plan: Edward and Wakool Rivers Stage 1 250000 300000

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Draft Floodplain Management Plan: Edward and Wakool Rivers Stage 1 250000 300000 Stage 1 floodway network maps Figure 1.0 Key map Figure 1.1 Sheet 1 of 7 Figure 1.2 Sheet 2 of 7 Figure 1.3 Sheet 3 of 7 Figure 1.4 Sheet 4 of 7 Figure 1.5 Sheet 5 of 7 Figure 1.6 Sheet 6 of 7 Figure 1.7 Sheet 7 of 7 62 Draft Floodplain Management Plan: Edward and Wakool Rivers Stage 1 250000 300000 Stage 1 Draft FMP Floodway Network Deniliquin to Moama - Moulamein Railway Moulamein Key Map Figure 1.0 Figure 1.7 6100000 Figure 1.5 6100000 Figure 1.2 Jimaringle Figure 1.6 Morago Moonahcullah Burraboi Figure 1.3 Dahwilly Figure 1.1 Wakool LEGEND Figure 1.4 1.X Figure Number Abc Towns Major Rivers/creeks Deniliquin Roads Railways Draft FMP floodway network Stage 1 FMP floodplain ± 0 5 10 km (MGA Zone 55) Waterways: © NSW Depart ment of Information and Technology Managem ent (200 6). Barham Koondrook 250000 300000 290000 300000 310000 West 8844 OLD MORAGO ROAD LEGEND Stage 1 Draft FMP Floodway Network Draft FMP floodway network EDWARD RIVER Deniliquin to Moama - Moulamein Railway 1981 Guidelines floodway network Sheet 1 of 7 Rivers/ creeks Figure 1.1 6080000 Roads 6080000 East 5494 Railways HYDRAULIC MEASURES (Refer Table 4.1) South 5475 Dahwilly Issu e 1 .X Hy draulic I ssue I D Existing flood control work - West 5540 HOLSCHLERS ROAD modifications required COBB HI GHW AY ENVIRONMENTAL MEASURES (Refer Table 5.1) COLLIGEN CREEK ROAD 5870 Environmental Issue ID (Murray Wetlands Working Group No.) 1981 G uidelines floodway boundary realigned to encompass FDE site EDWARD RIVER Phy sical works modifications required to restore/maintain floodwater access to FDE site COLLI GIB BS RO AD GE EK N C R E ± CALIMO ROAD Issue 1.2 Issue 1.6 0 1 2 3 km (MGA Zone 55) Base photography:SPOT Image 2004-2005, Copyright CNRS 2004-2005 Issue 1.4 5632 Issue 1.1 reproduced under licence from SPO T Image and Raytheon Australia, all rights reserved. Waterways and roads: © NSW Department of COCKRAN CREEK Information and Technology Management (2006). COOEE CREEK 5630 COOEE CREEK 5673 EDWARD RIVER BACK C REEK YA L LA KO OL C RE EK DAHWILLY ROAD C ALIMO ROA D WA KO OL R IV ER WAKO OL RIVER BRASSI ROAD North 5823 6070000 6070000 WAKOOL ROAD WAKOOL ROAD BRADLEY LANE WAKOOL ROAD 290000 300000 MULWALA CANAL 310000 270000 280000 Stage 1 Draft FMP Floodway Network Deniliquin to Moama - Moulamein Railway Sheet 2 of 7 Figure 1.2 DENILIQ UIN - MOULAMEIN ROAD LEGEND 6100000 Draft FMP floodway network 6100000 1981 Guidelines floodway network Rivers/ creeks CLARKES CREEK Roads Railways 5209 HYDRAULIC MEASURES (Refer Table 4.1) Issu e 1 .X Hy draulic I ssue I D Existing flood control work - modifications required MIDDLE CREEK ENVIRONMENTAL MEASURES (Refer Table 5.1) 5870 Environmental Issue ID (Murray Wetlands Working Group No.) 1981 G uidelines floodway boundary realigned to encompass FDE site Phy sical works modifications required to restore/maintain floodwater access to FDE site EDWARD RIVER ± 5217 0 1 2 3 km (MGA Zone 55) Base photography:SPOT Image 2004-2005, Copyright CNRS 2004-2005 reproduced under licence from SPO T Image and Raytheon Australia, all rights reserved. Waterways and roads: © NSW Department of Information and Technology Management (2006). WERAI FOREST DENILIQUIN - MOULAME IN ROAD 6090000 6090000 COLLIGEN CREEK EDWARD RIVER WERAI FOREST 270000 280000 DENILIQUIN - MOULAME IN ROAD 270000 280000 COLLIGEN CREEK EDWARD RIVER LEGEND EASTMANSROAD RANGEMO RE RO AD TUMUDGERY CRE EK RIVE R R OAD Issue 1.3 Draft FMP floodway network 1981 Guidelines floodway network Rivers/ creeks Roads Morago Railways Issue 1.3 North 5427 HYDRAULIC MEASURES 8601 (Refer Table 4.1) West 8844 5427 Issu e 1 .X Hy draulic I ssue I D Issue 1.5 Existing flood control work - 5437 modifications required Moonahcullah ENVIRONMENTAL MEASURES (Refer Table 5.1) EDWARD RIVER MOONAHCULLAH ROAD 5870 Environmental Issue ID Issue 1. 15 (Murray Wetlands Working Group No.) TUM UDGE RY CRE EK RANGEMORE ROAD 6080000 1981 G uidelines floodway boundary BOXDALE ROAD 6080000 realigned to encompass FDE site Phy sical works modifications required to restore/maintain floodwater access to FDE site MERRIGINNIE ROAD R EEK ± COLLIGEN C 0 1 2 3 km (MGA Zone 55) CALIMO ROAD Base photography:SPOT Image 2004-2005, Copyright CNRS 2004-2005 reproduced under licence from SPO T Image and Raytheon Australia, all rights reserved. Waterways and roads: © NSW Department of Information and Technology Management (2006). WERAI SOUTH ROAD COCKRAN CREEK COCKRAN CREEK Stage 1 Draft FMP Floodway Network 8635 Deniliquin to Moama - Moulamein Railway 5630 COOEE CREEK Sheet 3 of 7 Figure 1.3 5668 8634 270000 280000 270000 280000 WERAI SOUTH ROAD COCKRAN CREEK COCKRAN CREEK 8635 COOEE CREEK5630 5668 8634 TO KE CREEK HAYESROAD BRA SSI ROAD 8640 WAKOOL ROAD BRASSI ROAD 6070000 6070000 SHAW S CRE EK Issue 1.8 Y A L L A K O O L CR E E K YALLAKO OL CREEK WAKOOL RIVER WAKOOL RIVER WAKOOL RIVER Issue 1.7 STAGE 2 AREA WAKOOL ROAD WAKOOL ROAD HYDRAULIC MEASURES LEGEND (Refer Table 4.1) Draft FMP floodway network MOAMA - MOULAMEIN RAILWAY Issu e 1 .X Hy draulic I ssue I D 1981 Guidelines floodway network Existing flood control work - Rivers/ creeks modifications required Roads ENVIRONMENTAL MEASURES Railways (Refer Table 5.1) 5870 Environmental Issue ID ± (Murray Wetlands Working Group No.) 0 1 2 3 km Stage 1 Draft FMP Floodway Network 1981 G uidelines floodway boundary (MGA Zone 55) Deniliquin to Moama - Moulamein Railway realigned to encompass FDE site Base photography:SPOT Image 2004-2005, Copyright CNRS 2004-2005 reproduced under licence from SPO T Image and Raytheon Australia, Sheet 4 of 7 Phy sical works modifications required to all rights reserved. Waterways and roads: © NSW Department of restore/maintain floodwater access to FDE site Information and Technology Management (2006). Figure 1.4 YALLAKOOL CHANNEL 270000 280000 YALLA KO OL CHA NNEL 250000 260000 LEGEND DENILI Stage 1 Draft FMP Floodway Network Q MEIN ROAD UIN - M OULA Draft FMP floodway network Deniliquin to Moama - Moulamein Railway 1981 Guidelines floodway network Sheet 5 of 7 Rivers/ creeks Figure 1.5 Roads Railways BALPOOL ROAD EDWARD RIVER ± 0 1 2 3 km 5090 (MGA Zone 55) Base photography:SPOT Image 2004-2005, Copyright CNRS 2004-2005 reproduced under licence from SPO T Image and Raytheon Australia, all rights reserved. Waterways and roads: © NSW Department of Information and Technology Management (2006). EDWARD RIVER PAPANUE CREEK DENILIQUIN - M OULAMEIN ROA HYDRAULIC MEASURES (Refer Table 4.1) D Information on the management outcome Issu e 1 .X Hy draulic I ssue I D Issue 1. 12 for Papanue Creek is EDWARD RIVER Existing flood control work - provided in Section 6.2. modifications required P ENVIRONMENTAL MEASURES AP 6100000 (Refer Table 5.1) 6100000 ANU E BALPOOL ROAD CREEK 5870 Environmental Issue ID Issue 1. 10 (Murray Wetlands Working Group No.) MURRAIN YARREIN CREEK 1981 G uidelines floodway boundary realigned to encompass FDE site Phy sical works modifications required to restore/maintain floodwater access to FDE site Issue 1. 10 Issue 1. 10 FRAS ERS ROAD CREEK E N LOWI NGS ROAD AWBO J 5230 Issue 1.9 AMORS ROAD AMORS RO AD NIEMUR RIVER NIEMUR RIV ER 5319 5336 250000 260000 250000 260000 AMORS ROAD AMORS RO AD NIEMUR RIVER NIEMUR RIV ER 5319 5336 5346 NIEMUR RIVER COCKRAN CREEK 6090000 Jimaringle 6090000 RANG EMO RE RO AD MOAMA - MOULAMEIN RAILWAY RANGEMORE ROAD LEGEND JIMARINGLE CREEK Draft FMP floodway network RANGEMORE ROAD 1981 Guidelines floodway network COCKRAN CREEK Rivers/ creeks Roads Railways HYDRAULIC MEASURES (Refer Table 4.1) Issu e 1 .X Hy draulic I ssue I D RANGEMO RE RO AD Existing flood control work - 8971 modifications required STAGE 3 AREA JIMARINGLE CREEK ENVIRONMENTAL MEASURES (Refer Table 5.1) 5870 Environmental Issue ID (Murray Wetlands Working Group No.) 1981 G uidelines floodway boundary realigned to encompass FDE site Phy sical works modifications required to Stage 1 Draft FMP Floodway Network restore/maintain floodwater access to FDE site Deniliquin to Moama - Moulamein Railway BURRABOI ROAD Sheet 6 of 7 ± Figure 1.6 0 1 2 3 km Burraboi BEEMELONROAD (MGA Zone 55) Base photography:SPOT Image 2004-2005, Copyright CNRS 2004-2005 reproduced under licence from SPO T Image and Raytheon Australia, MERRIGINNIE ROAD 6080000 all rights reserved. Waterways and roads: © NSW Department of 6080000 Information and Technology Management (2006). JERRYSROAD NIEMUR DRAIN 250000 JIMARINGLE BRANCH CANAL 260000 230000 240000 250000 Moulamein DENILIQUIN - M Stage 1 Draft FMP Floodway Network O ULAM EIN ROAD Deniliquin to Moama - Moulamein Railway Sheet 7 of 7 Figure 1.7 BALPOOL ROAD EDWARD RIVER 5017 6110000 6110000 BARHAM - MOULAME IN ROAD MOAMA - MOULAMEIN RAILWAY Issue 1. 14 STAGE 3 AREA EDWARD RIVER 5075 DENILI QUIN -MOULAMEIN ROAD YARREIN CREEK BULLOCK CREEK Issue 1. 13 5090 BALPOOL ROAD EDWARD RIVER LEGEND Draft FMP floodway network 5115 Issue 1. 12 1981 Guidelines floodway network Rivers/ creeks 5092 Roads MURRAIN YARREIN CREEK Railways PAPANUE CREEK DHURAGOON ROAD HYDRAULIC MEASURES (Refer Table 4.1) Issue 1. 11 Issu e 1 .X Hy draulic I ssue I D Existing flood control work - 5156 modifications required Information on the management outcome Issue 1. 12 ENVIRONMENTAL MEASURES for Papanue Creek is (Refer Table 5.1) provided in Section 6.2. 5870 Environmental Issue ID (Murray Wetlands Working Group No.) 5184 P AP 6100000 1981 G uidelines floodway boundary ANU 6100000 E realigned to encompass FDE site CREEK Phy sical works modifications required to Issue 1. 10 restore/maintain floodwater access to FDE site MURRAIN YARREIN CREEK ± 0 1 2 3 km Issue 1.
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