
REGISTER TO VOTE! City-wide Drive far Veter '132' rStarts Renewal Talks Covering 5,000


WHO'S AFRAID OF t h e BIG? The Nation's Verdict

r~ N«w York TlGori Spurring Cify-wide Drivo for Voter Roqlttratioo at Firehouse*. REGISTER TO VOTE! (Page 8.) 7 3 2 'Starts Renewal Talks Covering 5,000 —Fog* I

Q LADIES GARMENT WORKERS UNION Jersey City. N J, August 1. 1144

^ we ore lo live in a decent society, there Is no substitute for compose

vigil for well-being at home among ourselves.

be agoinsl threats lo our military lines of supply. We must be as alert to conditions on the perimeter of our society as lo those on tho perimeter of the Free World. We must be as resolute in keeping our commitments lo our own people as we ore In

We have a commitment to full . We must beep It —and we shall. We hove a commitment to equal rights and equal opporlunity. We must keep It — on'd e shall. We have o'commitment la universal . We must keep it —at every level. We have a commitment lo security for the aged. We must keep it^bnd we shall, when they are ill as well , when they are in good health.

: keep that commitment and keep it fully. -We hcnrapaaces-and^srosperity. Times are*good. .' I announced yesferjidy — and I repeat today. The Council of Economic Advisers informs me this will be the

But all through our society there are signs and signals which tell us we can ■ must go to war on poverty —and all itscauses. Poverty at home is an enemy of our society as much as aggressors abroad. Poverty amid plenty can subvert our prosperity and undermine our stability. on poverty is a war to redeem human life, not destroy it —and It is c

Our challenge —yours and mine and all Americans —is to sc

We do not have — the Free World does not havo — any stronger asset than this solid, steady economic well­ being for the American system.

I want to continue it — and we shall by trusting our tradition of compatriots, not by toying with the expedients of coercion. America's agenda is long. But at the head of it now is one imperative — ossuring tho rights of all our peoplo under the law and assuring respect for the law from all osjr people. I would repeat to you as I said yesterday: I intend to work to ensure that every person en]oys tho full constitutional rights and that are his birthright as an American citizen. I intend lo.use all the resources I have to make sure those who claim rights — and those who deny them — bend their passions to peaceful obedience of the law of the land. But the man in the White House — whoever he may be — cannot do that blone.---- I need your help —and the help of every American. Responsible leaders of labor aro pari of the responsible leadership of our Ameri- I ask you lo exercise that leadership.

cause now by urging your communities to trust the law of the land and help it to

Wo must not slip from that position into the depths of division and Ipse the JUSTICE Lobor for Kornor COP Candidates, Platform Give Back-of-Hand to Labor


Young Workers, Nonwhites Still Main Jobless Victims WASHINGTON—The/. employment picujre^may Jtaee Impeovel

Democratic Conver generally expected

Senate Approves Anti-Poverty Bill, Crushing Goldwater Opposition

T7IE SENATE MEASTRE. AS fASSED. JUSTIC fay* TV#* Push Fund Merger Action JUSTICE Ai^m* I. I'M Labor Board Cracks Down Jonny J n Victor* On 2 Los Angeles Evaders

Add 20 0 Strikers, 2 Days: Get NEast Jonny Jax Gains

Hitting Judy Bond Unionising by S'East Reaps Big Dividends For 730 at Lee Mar Workers a| ihc ncv.lv organiid Lee Mar Plant 2 in DourIm,


Urge $2 National Minimum Pay Bill W orker Safeguard OKAY NEW KNIT TERMS Thru '142' Victory In Standard Ruling u v.i nun Eege SU JUSTICI A*.

Potomac Pilgrimage

local 105'i tribute lo John Kennedy. (lop Ii9h« local groce Iho Copilol steps. . (above) HGWU legislative Representative Evelyn Dubrcw chain a legislative briefing session, (right) IlGers ond the man who swore eternal vigilance ogoinsl tyranny— ■ VI®


Study Period (and k£ooF» m( yd open)

This label 'ad' will appear in nation's leading newspapers on August 4, Pw|! T. JUSTICE

K»v'<. I nil DiwtriliHtfrw Jinlirr "Money ami Life’ Iteprinfw

ILGers, Kentucky Labor , They Came from Afar tor Central States Meet Fight City 'Work' Laws

M'West Strike At Marathon in JUSTICE

'97' Will-Power Witts Triumph at Judy Bee