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The Premier Filipino-American Newspaper Since 1961 NORTHERN CALIFORNIA EDITION  MAY 24 — 30, 2019  YEAR 58 ISSUE 43  website: www.philippinenews.com Woman tops PMA First Ilocano five-star resort to be 2019 Class Mabalasik built in Pagudpud, Ilocos Norte One of the most admirable traits that who eventually become Americans is to maintaining and show- ing their love of the place they came and grew up from by helping their own struggling Kababayans become suc- cessful like them. And that is precisely what buddies and business partners Larry Dela Cruz, Dionne Mae Apolog Umalla Rick Rivera and Nelson Manmano seek FORT DEL PILAR, Ba- PMA “Mabalasik” to achieve for they lived through and guio City, Philippines (Mandirigma ng Bayan experienced how very challenging it is — A 21-year-old na- Lakas at Sarili Iaalay for someone who just migrated to the tive Ilocana leads the para sa Kapayapaan) United States to adjust to their new life- 263-strong graduating Class. style that is different from what they class of the Philippine “I offer (this feat) to got used to back home. Military Academy Class God,” said Umalla, who Dela Cruz was one of ten siblings, of 2019 on Sunday. chose the Philippine born in San Marcelino Dingras, Ilocos Dionne Mae Apolog Navy for her military SCHEDULED for a soft opening in Feb- Sports, Fitness Center, Restaurants, Norte, attended Nagmarcaan Elemen- Umalla, of Alilem town service. ruary of 2020, the Pagudpud Sands Re- Business Center and everything that tary School to. Ricarte Dela Cruz, a in Ilocos Sur, will get Umalla said she sort features 144 Suites complete with one would expect to fi nd in the best community leader in Ilocos and Ha- the Presidential Saber drew inspiration from full kitchen, two Infi nity pools, Water resorts anywhere in the Philippines. waii-born Maria Dela Cruz. for topping this year’s her mother Dionisia, a FIRST ILOCANO  16 WOMAN  12 12 winning senators all pro-Duterte Ex-ombudsman held By BETING LAYGO DOLOR, Editor – Two winners of the May 13 sen- at HK airport atorial elections showed that they were not Link seen to ICC case vs China’s Xi fanatically pro-Duterte by refusing to do the MANILA, Philippines — Former ombuds- clenched fi st bump, while two reelectionist man Conchita Carpio-Morales was held senators just out of the Magic 12 graciously at the Hong Kong airport on Tuesday for accepted defeat. “immigration reason,” in what her support- The Commission on Elections (Comelec) declared the ers believe was in retaliation for her suing 12 winners on Wednesday, May 22, while resetting the Chinese President Xi Jinping before the In- declaration of the victorious party-list representatives to ternational Criminal Court (ICC) for envi- Thursday, May 23. ronmental crimes in the South China Sea. The dozen senators were all allied with President Ro- Hong Kong airport offi cials said the drigo Duterte, but and did not refusal of her entry was an “instruction” follow the lead of the 10 others in their fi rst group photo from a source they did not identify. by not doing the sign that has become synonymous with the Duterte presidency. EX-OMBUDSMAN  12 While considered pro-Duterte, Poe ran as an indepen- dent, while Binay was not endorsed by the president despite her being generally supportive of the chief exec- Canada moves utive’s programs. The winning senators are, from fi rst to twelfth place, to retrieve toxic , Poe, , , Bato dela garbage Rosa, , Lito Lapid, , , , , and Binay. CANADA has tapped a shipping company Except for Dela Rosa, Marcos and Tolentino, all are to get back the garbage dumped in the either reelectionists or returnees to the Senate. country “sooner than later,” Malacañang The two reelectionists who failed to make it were JV announced Tuesday. Ejercito and , both of whom conceded with “The DFA issued a statement that the heads held high. Canadian government has already directed The 12 senators will join a Senate which has four in- a shipping company to get the trash back. cumbent oppositionists, thereby giving the administra- According to them, it will be sooner than 12 WINNING  12 CANADA 12 DUTERTE Gathering of ‘angels’ guarding elder rights Part 1 SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO, Ca- keynoted with a personal anec- lif. - Family members learned dote about her mother's cour- to reinforce healthy behaviors age, SSF City Council Member and consider options for inter- Mark Nagales and ABC7 News acting with each other, espe- reporter Frances Dinglasan cially with elders, in the 12th co-emcees, and 25 family re- annual Our Farmily, Our Fu- source providers consulted ture program and resource fair with attendees about their staged May 18 by ALLICE Alli- community-based services. ance for Community Empower- In his welcome message, ment in collaboration with the Consul General Henry Bensur- Phlippine Consulate General to, Jr. highlighted caring for and the Mater Dolorosa Church the elderly both as a moral and Knights of Columbus, Legion of constitutional duty. In her key- Mary and Music Ministry. note address, Council Member San Mateo Supervisor David Nicolas defi nes "angels." Fol- Canepa presented a resolution lowing excerpts encompass the honoring the "empowering objective behind the annual work" of the collaborators, celebration of elders: encom- South San Francisco City pass the objective behind the Council Member Flor Nicolas annual celebration of elders: Carry on traditions despite global change By Consul Gen. Henry S. Bensurto Jr. All of us are duty-bound to know more about available re- SAN MATEO Supervisor David Canepa (holding plaque) commends ALLICE and collaborators for bringing sources and establish linkages with resource providers, to en- enlightenment and healing to families. From left: ALLICE secretary Rev. Leonard Oakes, SSF Counsil Members able us to work together in addressing imminent problems Flor Nicolas and Mark Nagales, Daly City Council Member Pam DiGiovanni, Consul Gen. Henry Bensurto Jr., involved in this aspect of our familial relationships. ALLICE 2019 president Elsa Agasid and vice president Allen Capalla and Frances Dinglasan. Photo by EDD PALOMAR GATHERING  3 website: www.philippinenews.com | NORTHERN CALIFORNIA | May 24 — 30, 2019 Americas 3 Gathering of ‘angels’ guarding elder rights From page 1 ALL PHOTOS BY EDD PALOMAR To a number of cultures, especially among Asian societies, the family, the basic unit of the society, is essential to having healthy communities. It is held in high regard and for Filipinos, family means the world to us. Our successes and failures, our hopes and dreams, our aspirations and challenges, all seem to start within our homes and our families. We nurture our family in the same vein as it nurtures us. Our family is the root of our growth and development as human beings. It is composed of people who ideally nurture us -- from cradle to tomb. Our family is ideally our shield from imminent danger, our recourse when there are a few options to take in every stage of our lives, the inspiration that serve as fuel in realizing our dreams. The family, however, can also be a source of disenchantment, or worse, a cause of danger and abuse. With our focus for this event on the elderly, caring for them

ALLICE with special guests, from left, seated: Paulita Malay, Hon. Pam DiGiovanni, Hon. Flor Nicolas, Hon. Henry Bensurto Jr., Hon. Mark Nagales, Elsa Agasid, Allen Capalla; standing: Dr. Jei Africa, Bettina Santos Yap, Malou Aclan, Frances Dinglasan, Ofi e Albrecht, Nan Santiago, Rev. Oakes, and ALLICE founder-executive director Cherie Querol Moreno.

ALLICE clinical director Dr. Jei Africa and founding president Bettina Santos Tessie and Miriam of Peninsula Family Yap annotate roleplay depicting Service explain their Filipino peer unhealthy and healthy behaviors toward counseling program. elders.

Legion of Mary president Bea Pineda with consulate Vicky Palomar, RN (right), leads Kaiser volunteers Maria Antonia van Espen-Boonen and Ethel Permanente FilAm Association in giving health May Castillo. exams.

and preventing abuse, it is my fervent hope that we of more than 100 million Filipinos constitute the el- turn our attention to them and give back to them since derly. While this is a small number compared to other we all came from our elderly and they have paved the ageing societies, there is still a need to attend to our way for us to realize our goals and aspirations. elders and give them the respect and care they deserve. Aside from children, the elderly is probably the We are fortunate that our culture embraces the elder- next most vulnerable members of our families. Now ly and they are held in high esteem. Our customary past their prime, our elderly is in need of good health kissing of the hand or “mano” to show respect for the care and protection from abuse. As most parts of the elderly attests to our culture’s affi nity for the senior world are currently experiencing an increase in the members of our families. Our families are mostly number of ageing population, there is an urgent need extended families, composed of grandparents among to ensure that the rights and welfare of the elderly are other members. Mater Dolorosa Knights of Columbus Luis Moreno, Ed Pomposo, Audie upheld. Under the Philippine Constitution, the family has Gener, Edd Palomar and Nenar Nicolas at the ready to stage 12th Our In the Philippines, almost a decade ago, some 5.6% the duty to care for its elderly members while the State Family, Our Future. CONTINUED ON PAGE 8 8 Americas May 24 — 30, 2019 | NORTHERN CALIFORNIA | website: www.philippinenews.com heritage, through the Spark*Connect*Empower* Movement. We wish to spark in- terest and eventually, love for the country of their ancestors, among Filipino Ameri- cans, or even Filipinos outside the United States who make up the Filipino diaspora Gathering of ‘angels’... around the world. FROM PAGE 2 We are happy that ALLICE Kumares and Kumpares continues the Filipino tra- also has to take care of this vulnerable section of the dition of family-orientedness and thus, we take that its projects and activities posi- society through social security programs. tively contribute to the improvement of our societies and nurturing healthy relation- We hope to carry on with our traditions in ships. ALLICE’s programs also contribute to the Spark*Connect*Empower Movement spite of societies’ changing attitudes for the elderly for reasons I have just mentioned. around the globe. At the Philippine Consulate, we We hope to learn more about preventing elder abuse and caring for the elderly, try to foster respect for the elderly as we maintain and pave the way for fostering environments that are elderly-friendly. We hope to our Courtesy Lane for members of the public who ensure that their rights are respected and their dignity remain intact even as they need assistance, including the elderly. Respect for approach the end of life. I hope that we at the Consulate can learn from ALLICE our elders is also the reason why we gather some of and also connect ourselves with one another, making the most of our networks and our Filipino American senior citizens at the Consul- available referral systems. In the end, we hope to empower one another through ate for the yearly Christmas party or Paskuhan ng worthwhile and sustainable activities such as those of ALLICE. mga Seniors. For us, this is a way of honoring our Migrante’s Charles Ramilo follows path of his To be concluded. ancestors and caring for the elderly. grandmother Alice Bulos. We at the Consulate believe that the elderly and their role as fi rst generation Filipino Americans, is crucial in handing down their knowledge and love for Filipino history, culture and traditions to present generation of Filipinos. This is crucial in realizing the objectives of our Spark*Connect*Em- power Movement or the SCE Movement. The SCE Movement’s aim is to see young Fili- pino-Americans become the new vanguards of Fil- ipino culture and heritage and of a more united although diverse and empowered Filipino commu- nity. They are then able to contribute more to the greater community here in the US and back home in the Philippines. We believe that to realize this, the fi rst generation must be able to nurture these traditions and serve as mentors to the younger gen- erations. We are working towards providing Filipino Americans, especially the younger generation, an opportunity to discover their Filipino roots and Mariluisa Diaz explains direct services at CORA.

Supervisor Canepa checks in with FALEO president Lt. (Ret.) Eric Quema and SSFPD.

Co-emcees Frances Dinglasan and Mark Nagales present statistics of elder abuse in Mateo County.