Esoteric Exordium on the Theorem of the Zodiacal Decanates: Part II

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Esoteric Exordium on the Theorem of the Zodiacal Decanates: Part II Esoteric Exordium On The Theorem Of The Zodiacal Decanates: Part II By S tephen Pugh THE ZODIACAL DECANATES abstract, theoretical, and metaphysical. It is the period (yet not one of time) wherein the SIGN ORDINARY WHEEL REVERSED WHEEL fourth dimensional astrological wheel becomes dominated and its multiple energy effects Aires Mars, Sun, Jupiter Jupiter, Sun, Mars controlled. Simultaneously, serially, and Taurus Venus, Mercury, Saturn Saturn, Mercury, Venus sequentially the cycle of major initiations Gemini Mercury, Venus, Saturn Saturn, Venus, Mercury begin. Cancer Venus, Mercury, Moon Moon, Mercury, Venus The Tibetan's revolutionary thesis on the Leo Jupiter, Sun, Mars Mars, Sun, Jupiter dual mode of progression through the signs Virgo Venus, Saturn, Mercury Mercury, Saturn, Venus reverses all previous astrological thought and Libra Mercury, Saturn, Jupiter Jupiter, Saturn, Mercury normal procedure on the method of study or Scorpio Pluto, Venus, Mars Mars, Venus, Pluto approach to understanding the role and Sagittarius Sun, Mars, Jupiter Jupiter, Sun, Mars function of the zodiacal decanates on human Capricorn Mercury, Venus, Saturn Mer. Venus, Saturn psychological behavior. His hypothesis will be Aquarius Venus, Mercury, Saturn Saturn, Mercury, Venus rejected a priori by exoteric astrologers as it Pisces Mars, Moon, J upiter J upiter, Moon, Mars has no demonstrable basis in observable material fact. The physical sun does not Progress, process and passage of the reverse its motion - real or apparent – in any human soul, as we have seen, through any one sign. It is the heart of the sun that the disciple particular sign of the solar zodiac of twelve responds to upon the counter-clockwise constellations is ruled, regulated and reversed wheel of discipleship, not the physical controlled by the specific tests and trials sun. During the third phase of the "One Path" associated with the conditioning triangle of it is the central spiritual sun that the initiate planetary ray decanates which astrologically responds to, the mysterious source of the life, rule or govern the corresponding solar birth will, purpose and the forward progressive month. I am choosing my words with care. The motion of the Monad. Exoteric astrologers find purpose of the study of the decanates is to all of this quite difficult to understand as they follow the psychological life history of that have no conception of the sevenfold etheric triple – in time and space phenomenal entity constitution or fundamental triple nature of that we call a human being during both the the internal atomic anatomy of the solar atom, involutionary and evolutionary aspects, or of the human atom for that matter. Those phases, or stages of the ONE GREAT PATH. astrologers, seeking to cast the horoscope of This excursus on the subject of the decanates the soul, and those ray psychologists who seek does not discuss the third aspect of the Path as to understand the conditioning impact the it would be for our limited understanding; three major aspects of the solar process have 1 Esoteric Exordium On The Theorem Of The Zodiacal Decanates: Part II J ournal of Esoteric Psychology • Volum e 4 • N o. 2 • 1988 upon the psychological life history of the human kingdom was closed in Atlantean days. human soul, would do well to experiment with The original sin of man took place eons ago the Tibetan's esoteric instructions on the when humanity reversed the proper direction subject of the zodiacal decanates. They will not of its true course around the great wheel of find this astrological exercise a waste of time spiritual unfoldment. and hopefully - in due time - will be rewarded Man deviated from the natural course of by first finding their own true "place in the the counter–clockwise zodiacal current, began Sun" and, secondly, correctly placing and to proceed backwards around the wheel by therefore accurately determining their following the apparent clockwise motion of the client/subjects' evolutionary status on the sun and became totally conditioned by the Great Wheel (the One Path) before attempting physical appearance of things, as being any esoteric astrological counseling. This is declarative of reality. Counter-clockwise is the necessary, is it not, prior to attempting any true path of the motion of the axial rotation meaningful or helpful analysis of the inner life, and orbital revolution of the Earth the cause of ray make-up, or the major initiatory crises of the apparent daily and annual motion of the disciples and of initiates? sun. The Earths' real motion causes the Astrology, as it is presently studied, is apparent motion of the sun and the heavens to subject to the Great Illusion, owing to the proceed clockwise. reversal of ideas that takes place upon the Obviously, our Sun or solar system is not astral plane as the ideas descend downwards the central point in the sidereal heavens that from the higher spiritual planes of archetypical the solar zodiac revolves around. Neither does ideation. In order to take the next step forward our sun, in reality, pass through the twelve in the field of astrology, astrologers must free signs of the zodiac in the course of one solar themselves from the illusion of the reversal of year, a sweep of the lesser zodiac, or in a Great ideas that takes place upon the astral plane. Year or cycle of approximately 25,000 years, a The physical universe is a mirrored, distorted, greater round of the zodiac. The astronomical imperfect reflection of the perfect universe that calendar or time clock that is measured in star- exists within the immutable divine thought. fixed ages, determined by the precessional Esoteric astrologers do not base their cycle, with a new constellation dawning every correspondences and analogies on the physical 2200 years, is based upon the Great Illusion or appearance of things, as do exoteric the appearance of things. Thus we have the astrologers. To the esotericist, even the various astronomical ages of humanity septenary prismatic spectrum of light on the catalogued and timed according to the physical plane does not correspond with the apparent backwards sweep of the Sun through inner esoteric division of seven colors. This is the constellations. Historically speaking, this an important point to note. The apparent system of time keeping – through accurate retrogression of humanity backwards through recording of observable celestial phenomena in the twelve signs of the zodiac, based upon the the immediate physical environment – is the precession of the equinoxes, is an integral part first true and great scientific achievement of of the Great Illusion. Mankind appears to man, thus making astrology the matrix science follow the clockwise path of the sun around the of all other sciences. No matter how convenient zodiac from Pisces to Aries, thus retrograding the astronomical calendar is to us from a through the signs. Individual human beings scientific observational point of view, astrology eventually, one by one, reverse this procedure is itself, largely based upon illusion and the and esoterically "face the East" and proceed in zodiac is nothing more than the imaginary the opposite direction. Only several million path of the Sun through the heavens. The Sun human beings have accomplished this and the planets are not in any sign or any according to D.K, since the door into the constellation, and by that I mean they are not 2 Esoteric Exordium On The Theorem Of The Zodiacal Decanates: Part II J ournal of Esoteric Psychology • Volum e 4 • N o. 2 • 1988 in any zodiac, i.e.., the tropical zodiac, the the hierarchical structure of the substance of sidereal zodiac or the zodiac of constellations; space and the auric egg of Earth itself and are they only appear to be so and this from the intimately connected with the conditioning totally limited viewpoint of the microscopic process that the material life circumstances human being on the tiny and insignificant and the immediate physical environment have planet Earth. In reality, the planets are in our upon the psychological life process of human solar system revolving around our sun as it beings. Hence, the Tibetan's statement that pursues its revolutionary orbit around a grand the sun's placement in a solar sign is indicative cosmic center. The interpretation of a human of an esoteric truth, though not an exoteric horoscope is largely psychometrical and based fact. upon the thought form of the sign that has Therefore, for technical diagnostic work been cultivated by astrologers through the and for the practical application of the ages. It is well known - again due to the Tibetan's esoteric instructions on the zodiacal precession of the equinoxes that the particular decanates I use the tropical zodiac, the 12 solar solar birth month and corresponding signs, and the equal house system. I do not use constellation do not coincide. The sun is – only equatorial coordinates or quadrant house from the standpoint of time – about 24 degrees systems. The reference plane for all spiritual away from where it is stated to be. For symbolism is the ecliptic. This is the plane of example, the sun is not in the sign Aries in the the 'sweep of the sun along the path of life.' month of March, but in the constellation of Metaphorically speaking, the study of the Pisces. This is owing to the Vernal point's (0" of decanates is the study of the path of the son of Aries of the tropical zodiac) westward (about the Sun. In reality our sun is moving anti- 50" per annum or one degree every 72 years) clockwise in an orbital revolutionary path recession clockwise through the zodiac of "fixed around a greater cosmic Sun. According to the stars." I would remind astrologers of the Secret Doctrine the central conditioning star of extreme relativity of the mathematics our solar system is the star Alcyone that is incidental to precession because of the fact that found in the Pleiades in the Constellation of the obliquity of the ecliptic is not a constant.
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