Ins tauration - - D [E - DECEMBER 1975 THROUGH DECEMBER 1987 $25.00 UNSTAUIRATUON UNDIEX - - Note: Page numbers in bold type indicate major articles. This index-by name and subject-covers the first 12 years of Instauration. Subsequent indexes will be published every two or three years. Xerox copies of all issues of Instauration are available at $7 per issue, plus postage. Some original printed copies of recent issues can be ordered at the same price. Instauration is also available in microfiche (December 1975 through August 1988). The cost is $1 ~O, plus $5 shipping and handl ing. Florida residents please add 6% sales tax. © 1989, Howard Allen Enterprises, Inc. All rights reserved. International Standard Book Number: 0-914576-21-6 HOWARD ALLEN ENTERPRISES, INC. P. O. BOX 76 CAPE CANAVERAL, FL 32920 '" .~------~~-~-~~------- .-.--~~-~------ Abt, John. S77. 14 083. 20-21, MarS5. 2S, NBS, 2S, MayS7, A Abu Bhabi, ApS4, 2S 3S.AuS7,14 A. N. Ebony Co., NS6, 22 Abu-Jaber, Jilah, JuIS5, 35 Adorno. Theodor W" S77, 22, Ja7S, 23, A Team, The, MarS4, 15 Aburakari II. Ap77. 13 Oc7S, 12. OcS2, 29 Aaron, A., FS6, 34-35 Abzug, Bella, 076, 12, Ja77. 12, JulSI. 30. Adrian IV, 25 Aaron, David, Au77, 12 JunS4,16 Adriance, Paul, OSO. 31-31 Aaron, Henry, JunSO, 24 academic freedom, Ap76, 10, MayS7, 21 Advance, May7S. 23 Aarons, Mark, AuS6, 34, JaS7, 33, MayS7, academic mind, Ap7S, 6,20 advertisements, integrationist, Ju186, 24; 38 academicians, Ap7S, 20 misleading, NS3, 27, OcS7, 36; outdoor, Aaronson, Aaron, Ap84, 29 Accardi, Sal, AuS4, 43 Ju186, 14; rejected, Ma76, 19, May79, Abba, Ap77.
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