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Continue Part of the series on the Constitutional History Bill of Rights (1689) Settlement Act (1701) Treaty of Paris (1763) Royal Proclamation (1763) Act (1774) Constitutional Act (1791) Constitution Act (1840) (1867) Supreme Court (1875) Constitutional Act, Act, Constitutional 1886 British North American Laws (1867-1975) Statute of Westminster (1931) The Throne Act (1937) Letters Patent (1947) Canada Law (1982) Constitution Act (1982) Document List of Amendments Unsuccessful Amendments of the Constitutional Law Constitutional Discussion of the Patriarchy Charter of Rights and Freedoms of Canada Canadian Bill the Canadian Human Rights Act is the highest law in Canada. It sets out Canada's governance system and the civil rights and human rights of those who are Canadian citizens and non-Canadians. Its content is a combination of various codified acts, treaties between the Crown and indigenous peoples (both historical and modern), uncoded traditions and conventions. Canada is one of the oldest constitutional democracies in the world. According to section 52 (2) of the Constitution Act 1982, the Constitution of Canada consists of the Canadian Act 1982 (which includes the Constitutional Act of 1982), the acts and orders mentioned in its schedule (including, among other things, the Constitution Act of 1867, formerly the British North America Act, 1867), and any amendments to these documents. The Supreme Court of Canada has ruled that the list is not exhaustive, and also includes a number of acts, preliminary confederations and unwritten components as well. Read more about this in the list of Canadian constitutional documents. The history of the Constitution The main article: The Constitutional History of Canada The first semblance of the Constitution of Canada was the Royal Declaration of 1763. The act renamed the northeastern part of the former French province of New France to the province of quebec, roughly sosexual with the southern third of present-day quebec. The proclamation, which established the designated colonial government, was the constitution of quebec until 1774, when the British Parliament adopted the act of quebec, which expanded the province's borders to the Ohio and Mississippi rivers (one of the complaints listed in the Declaration of Independence of the United States). It is noteworthy that the Law of quebec has also replaced the French presumption of guilt in criminal law until the innocence of English criminal law is proved, the presumption of innocence until proven guilty; however, the French code or civil law system persisted with respect to non-criminal violent issues. A picture of the negotiations that would lead to the adoption of the British North 1867 Treaty of Paris 1783 ended the American War of Independence and sent a wave wave British loyalist refugees to the north to quebec and Nova Scotia. In 1784, the two provinces were divided; Nova Scotia was divided into Nova Scotia, Cape Breton (returned to Nova Scotia in 1820), Prince Edward Island and New Brunswick, while the city was divided into Lower Canada (southern Canada) and Upper Canada (southern through lower northern Ontario). In the winter of 1837-1838, there was an uprising in both , causing their return as a province of Canada in 1841. The British North America Act of 1867 established the Dominion of Canada as a federation of provinces. Initially, on July 1, 1867, the four provinces joined the Confederation as One Domination called Canada: Canada West (formerly Upper Canada, now Ontario), Canada East (formerly Lower Canada, now quebec), Nova Scotia and New Brunswick. The title of the Northwest Territories was transferred by the Hudson's Bay Company in 1870, from which the province of Manitoba (the first created by the Canadian Parliament) was created. British Columbia joined the Confederation in 1871 and then Prince Edward Island in 1873. Yukon territory was established by Parliament in 1898 and then Alberta and Saskatchewan in 1905 (all parts of the Northwest Territories). Newfoundland, the oldest British colony in America and later the Dominion, joined the Confederacy in 1949. Nunavut was created in 1999 from the Northwest Territories. The Imperial Conference of 1926, which included the leaders of all the Dominions and representatives of India (which then included Burma, Bangladesh and Pakistan), led to the final adoption of the Westminster Statute of 1931. The Statute, an important temporary step from the British Empire to the Commonwealth of Nations, stipulated that the existing Dominions would become fully sovereign of the United Kingdom and any new Dominions would be fully sovereign after granting Dominion status. Despite these data, Newfoundland never ratified the law, so was still subject to imperial power when its entire system of government and economy collapsed in the mid-1930s. Canada ratified this law, but with the requested exception, the Canadian federal and provincial governments could not agree on a formula for amending the Canadian Constitution. It will take another 50 years to achieve this goal. In the meantime, the British Parliament has periodically adopted relevant acts allowing constitutional amendments to be requested as they arise; it was never anything but a rubber stamp. The legacy of the Canadian Constitution was achieved in 1982 when the British Parliament, with the request and consent of the Canadian Parliament, passed the , which included the Constitution Act, 1982, in its schedules. In this way, the United Kingdom officially frees itself from any remaining canada or jurisdiction over it. In the official official on Parliament Hill in Ottawa, queen Elizabeth II declared both acts into law on 17 April 1982. The Constitution Act 1982 includes the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Prior to the Charter, various pieces of legislation had protected a wide range of civil rights and responsibilities, but until 1982 the Constitution had not been enshrined in the Constitution. The Charter thus emphasizes the individual and collective rights of the people of Canada. The adoption of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms has fundamentally changed much of Canadian constitutional law. The act also codified many earlier oral constitutional conventions and made it much easier to amend the Constitution as a whole. Previously, the Federal Constitution of Canada could be amended by a single act of the Canadian or British Parliament, a formal or informal agreement between federal and provincial governments, or even simply the adoption of an oral convention or enforcement as a custom that shows a case-by-case but unwritten tradition. Once the law is enacted, the text amendments must now comply with certain provisions of the written part of the Canadian Constitution. Constitution Act, 1867 Main Article: Constitution Act, 1867 This section needs additional citations for verification. Please help improve this article by adding quotes to reliable sources. Non-sources of materials can be challenged and removed. (June 2017) (Learn how and when to delete this message template) It was an act of the British Parliament, originally called the British North American Act of 1867. It sets out Canada's system of government, which combines the Westminster model of the British parliamentary government with the division of sovereignty (federalism). Although it is the first of 20 British acts of North America, it is best known as the main document of the . With the patriarchy of the Constitution in 1982, the law was renamed the Constitution of 1867. In recent years, the 1867 document has largely served as the basis for an analysis of the separation of powers between the provinces and the federal government. Constitution Act, 1982 Main article: Constitution Act, 1982 This section needs additional citations to be verified. Please help improve this article by adding quotes to reliable sources. Non-sources of materials can be challenged and removed. (June 2017) (Learn how and when to remove this template message) This law, approved by all provincial governments except quebec, is an official act of Parliament that exercises Canada's full legislative independence from the United Kingdom. Part V of this law established a formula for amending Canada's constitution, the absence of which (due to more than 50 years of disagreement between the federal and provincial governments) that Canada's constitutional amendments still require adoption by the British Parliament after the in 1931. This law was enacted as a timetable for the Canadian Act of 1982, the British Parliament Act, which was introduced at the request of a joint appeal to the queen by the Senate and the House of Commons of Canada. As a bilingual act of Parliament, the Canadian Law of 1982 is honoured to be the only legislation in French that has been passed by the English or British Parliament, since the Norman French (French Law) has ceased to be the language of government in England. In addition to the passage of the Constitution Act 1982, the Canadian Act of 1982 stipulates that no additional British laws of Parliament will apply to Canada within the framework of its law, which fades Canada's legislative independence. The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms Main Article: The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, as noted above, is Part I of the Constitution Act, 1982. The Charter is a constitutional guarantee of the civil rights and freedoms of every Canadian citizen, such as freedom of expression, religion and mobility. Part II addresses the rights of Canada's indigenous peoples. It is written in plain language to ensure accessibility for the average citizen. This applies only to the actions of the Government and the Government with the intention of preventing the Government from creating unconstitutional laws. Amendments to the Formula Basic Article: Amendments to the Constitution of Canada Instead of the usual parliamentary procedure, which includes the monarch's formal royal consent to the adoption of legislation, amendments to the Constitution Act, 1982, must be made in accordance with Part V of the Constitution Act, 1982, which provides for five different formulas of change. Amendments may be made under article 46 (1) by any province or federal legislature. The general formula established in section 38 (1), known as formula 7/50, requires: (a) the approval of both the House of Commons and the Senate; (b) Approval of two thirds of provincial legislatures (at least seven provinces) representing at least 50 per cent of the population (in fact, this will include at least quebec or Ontario, as they are the most populous provinces). This formula specifically applies to amendments related to proportional representation in Parliament, the powers, the selection and composition of the Senate, the Supreme Court and the addition of provinces or territories. Other formulas of amendments relate to specific cases under the law. An amendment related to the Office of the queen, using either formal language (according to article 43) or the amendment formula itself or the composition of the Supreme Court, must be adopted unanimously by the consent of all provinces under article 41. In the event of an amendment related to provincial or official language only within the province, the amendment must be adopted by the legislature (section 43). In the case of an amendment that only affects the federal government, the amendment does not need provincial approval (section 44). The same applies to amendments affecting only the provincial government (section 45). Sources of the Constitution Additional information: List of Canadian constitutional documents, Aboriginal land title - Canada, Canadian Crown and Indigenous Peoples of Canada, Canadian Aboriginal law, and moderate treaties The Canadian Constitution has roots, origins, origins, including the Magna Carta of England and the first English Parliament of 1275. It is one of the oldest working constitutions in the world (others: Great Britain, USA, Sweden, Norway, Switzerland, Denmark). Canada's Constitution consists of several separate pieces of legislation. There are three general methods by which the law is enshrined in the Constitution: the specific mention as a constitutional instrument in section 52 (2) of the 1982 Constitutional Act (e.g., the Constitution Act 1867). The constitutional enshrining of an otherwise statutory English, British or Canadian instrument, since its (still in force) substantive provisions are directly attributed to one of the methods of the amendment formula (under the Constitution Act 1982) - for example, provisions relating to the monarchy in the English /16 or the Settlement Act 1701. British and British laws are part of Canadian law because of the Colonial Law Act of 1865; Section 129 of the Constitution Act 1867; and the Westminster Statute of 1931. If still at least partially unrepealed those laws then became entrenched when the formula of change was made part of the constitution. (quote is necessary) Reference to an entrenched document, such as the Preamble of the Constitution Act, the enshrining in 1867 of written and unwritten principles from the United Kingdom Constitution or the Constitution Act, a reference 1982 to the Proclamation of 1763. It is important to note that this includes Aboriginal rights and crown treaties with specific indigenous peoples (e.g., historical moderate treaties; modern land claims agreements). Unwritten or unverified sources of the existence of unwritten constitutional components were confirmed in 1998 by the Supreme Court in a certificate on the re-secession of quebec. The Constitution is more than just a written text. It covers the entire global system of rules and principles governing the exercise of constitutional authority. A superficial reading of certain provisions of the written constitutional law, without more, can be misleading. In practice, there are three sources of unwritten constitutional law: Constitutional conventions are part of the Constitution, but they are not enforceable in court These include the existence of the Prime Minister and the fact that the Governor-General is in most cases obliged to grant royal consent to bills passed by both houses of Parliament and the requirement that the Prime Minister either resign or request dissolution and general elections after losing a vote of confidence in the House of Commons. The of the Canadian Crown Reserve, as the remnants of powers once held by the British Crown, was eventually reduced by the parliamentary system. First of all, these are orders in the Council, which give the government the power to declare war, to conclude treaties, to issue passports, to conclude meetings, to adopt regulations, to include and receive land that is warmed up by the crown. Unwritten principles that are included in the Canadian Constitution in the preamble of the Constitution Act 1867, including the statement that the Constitution looks like the Constitution of the United Kingdom in principle, much of which is unwritten. Unlike conventions, they are acceptable. Among the principles that are most recognized as constitutional to date are federalism, liberal democracy, constitutionalism, the rule of law and respect for minorities. Others include , representation of the population, independence of the judiciary, parliamentary superiority, and the implied account of rights. In one case, in reference to provincial judges (1997), the law was declared invalid for contravening an unwritten principle (in this case, the independence of the judiciary). Provincial constitutions Unlike most federations, Canadian provinces do not have written provincial constitutions. Provincial constitutions are a combination of an uncoded constitution, canadian Constitution and provincial laws. The general structures of the provincial government are described in some parts of the Canadian Constitution. Part V of the Constitution Act 1867 describes the government structure of the original four provinces. The three colonies that joined Canada after the Confederacy had existing British law describing their governmental structure, and this was confirmed in the Terms of the Union, which are now part of the Canadian Constitution. The other three provinces were created by statute, and their governmental structures are described in these laws, which are now part of the Canadian Constitution. Section 45 of the 1982 Constitution allows each province to amend its own constitution. However, if the desired change requires amendments to any documents that are part of the Canadian Constitution, this will require the consent of the federal government under article 43. This was done, for example, by an amendment to the 1998 Constitution, when Newfoundland addressed the federal requesting amendments to the Terms of the Union of Newfoundland so that it would allow it to end religious quotas. In all provinces legislation that sets other rules for the structure of government. For example, each province has some legislation governing elections and other procedures to rule in the legislature. The two provinces explicitly listed such acts as part of their provincial constitution; Constitutions and the Constitution (British Columbia). However, these acts are generally not dried up from other laws and do not require special procedures for amendments, and therefore function as regular legislation. There is, however, some provincial legislation that makes it overshadow all other provincial legislation as the constitution would. This is called quasi-constitutionality. Quasi- costyanticity often applies to human rights laws, which allows these laws to act as a de facto constitutional charter of rights. There is also a small number of pieces of legislation that cannot be amended by a simple majority of members of the Legislative Assembly. For example, article 7 of the Alberta Constitutional Amendment Act of 1990 requires mestizo members to hold plebiscites before amendments to the Act. The courts have yet to rule on whether this type of language will actually bind future legislatures, but it could have done so if a higher bar had been implemented in the creation of the law. The vandalism of the 1983 proclamation by Peter Grayson, an art student, entered the Ottawa National Archives (now known today as the Library and Archives of Canada) and poured red paint mixed with glue, a copy of the 1982 Constitutional Amendment. He said he was dissatisfied with the federal government's decision to allow United States missile tests in Canada and wanted to graphically illustrate to Canadians how wrong he thought the government was. Grayson was charged with public misconduct and sentenced to 89 days in prison, 100 hours of community service and two years of probation. A grapefruit-sized spot remains on the original document; Restoration experts decided to leave most of the paint untouched, fearing that removal attempts would only cause additional damage. See also the Canada Portal Politics Portal Portal Canadian Bill of Rights Constitution Act (British Columbia) Constitution of quebec Constitution Links - Supreme Court of Canada; Public Works and Public Services Canada (November 1, 2000). Supreme Court of Canada and its judges 1875-2000: La Cour supr'me du Canada et ses juges 1875-2000. Dandurn. page 27-. ISBN 978-1-77070-095-6. Patrick Malcolmson; Richard Myers; Gerald Bayer; Tom Bateman (2016). Canadian regime: Introduction to the parliamentary government in Canada, the sixth edition. University of Toronto Press. 75-76. ISBN 978-1-4426- 3598-2. Jon Courtney. David Smith (2010). Oxford Handbook Policy. Oxford University Press. page 21. ISBN 978-0-19-533535-4. Christopher Dunn (2015). (2015). Canadian provincial politics, third edition. University of Toronto Press. page 297. ISBN 978-1-4426-3399-5. Adam Dodek (2016). The Constitution of Canada. Dandurn is a law student at the University of Ottawa. page 13. ISBN 978-1-4597-3505-7. Jeremy Webber (2015). Constitution of Canada: Contextual Analysis. Bloomsbury Publishing. page 11. ISBN 978-1-78225-631-1. Steven May (2013). The language and rights of minorities: ethnicity, nationalism and language politics. Routledge. page 248. ISBN 978-1-136-83706-7. James Harley Marsh (1999). The American Revolution. Canadian Encyclopedia. page 71. ISBN 978-0-7710-2099-5. The Treaty of Paris in 1783. Canadian Encyclopedia. Received on October 8, 2019. B. D. Hussey. Government in the UK Empire and Commonwealth. Cambridge University Press. page 250. GGKEY:No7HUKT7C4X9. Trevor Harrison; John W. Friesen (2015). Canadian society in the twenty-first century, 3e: Historical sociological approach. The press of Canadian scientists. 67-69. ISBN 978-1-55130-735-0. Dupras, Daniel (April 3, 2000). INTERNATIONAL TREATIES: CANADIAN PRACTICE. Depositary Services Program. Public works and public services in Canada. Received on December 17, 2010. In 1931, in accordance with the Westminster Statute, Canada and a number of other British possessions acquired full independence (4) and with it the power to act internationally with all the attributes of a sovereign state. Thus, full authority over foreign affairs was vested in Canada, and Section 132 of the Constitution Act 1867 was outdated. Footnote 4: Except for amendments to the Canadian Constitution, which remained under the jurisdiction of the British Parliament until 1982. John McMenemi (2006). The language of Canadian politics: a guide to important terms and concepts. Wilfrid Laurier Unive. Press. 271-272. ISBN 978-0-88920-694-6. Stephen Tierney (2016). Accommodation of cultural diversity. Routledge. page 95. ISBN 978-1-317-18591-8. Stephen L. Newman (2004). Constitutional policy in Canada and the United States. Press office of York University. 63-65. ISBN 978-0-7914-5937-9. Tidridge, Nathan (2010), Constitutional Monarchy of Canada: Introduction to our form of government, Toronto: Dundurn Press, page 54, ISBN 9781459700840CS1 maint: ref'harv (link) - Senate of Canada (March 20, 2013). LCJC Meeting No. 74. Royal printer for Canada. Archive from the original on June 14, 2013. Received on March 24, 2013. Re: Resolution to amend the Constitution, No. 1981 1 SCR 753 on page 785. Gaetano Pentassuglia (2009). Minority groups and judicial discourse on international law: a comparative perspective. Martinus Niichoff Publishers. page 117. ISBN 978-90-04-17672-0. Richard W. Bauman; Tsevi Kahana (2006). Least studied branch: the role of legislatures in the constitutional state. Cambridge University Press. 159-161. Dawn Oliver; Carlo Fusaro (August 9, 2011). How constitutions change: Comparative study. Bloomsbury Publishing. page 16. ISBN 978-1-84731-788-9. D. Michael Jackson (August 31, 2013). Crown and . Dandurn. 61. ISBN 978-1-4597-0990-4. Penny Bryden; Dmitry Anastakis (2009). Framing Canadian federalism. University of Toronto Press. page 21. ISBN 978-0-8020-9436-0. They were identified in The Certificate re Secession of quebec (1998) 2 S.C.R. 217 - ARCHIVED - Key Terms - Provinces and Territories - Canadian Confederation - Library and Archives of Canada. archive from the original dated February 13, 2013. Received on April 17, 2013. - The : The Main Organization and Practice (Permanent Dead Communication) - b Conference on Federalism and Subnational Constitutions: Design and Reform (PDF). Received on December 16, 2019. - Terms of the Union of British Columbia, May 16, 1871 (UK), reissued in RSC 1985, App II, No 10; Prince Edward Island Union graphics, June 29, 1873 (UK), reissued in RSC 1985, App II, No. 12; and the Terms of the Union of Newfoundland with Canada, 12 No. 13 Geo VI, c 22 (UK), reissued in RSC 1985, App II, No 32. Manitoba Law, 1870, SC 1870, c 3; Alberta Law, SC 1905, c 3; and the Saskatchewan Law, SC 1905, c 42. Constitutional Amendment, 1998 (), SI/98-25, (1998) C Gaz II, Extra No. 1. Alberta Constitution Amendment Act, 1990, RSA 2000, c-24. Why the Charter has its red spot. The Globe and Mail. April 15, 2012. Received on October 18, 2019. Rocket protester convicted of defamation of the constitution. CBC News. A rocket protester desecrates the Constitution. CBC News. Next reading is Munro, Joseph Edwin Crawford (1889), Constitution of Canada, Cambridge University Press Dole, James (1997). The philosophical basis of constitutional debate in Canada (PDF). Animus. 2. ISSN 1209-0689. Received on August 9, 2011. Christian Leuprecht (2011). A major reading in Canadian constitutional politics. University of Toronto Press. ISBN 978-1-4426-0368-4. Manfredi, Christopher; James B. Kelly (2009). Contested constitutionalism: Reflections on the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. UBC Press. ISBN 978-0-7748-1674-8. External references to the Commons have media related to the Constitutions of Canada. Wikisource has the original text associated with this article: The Constitution Act 1982 Wikisource has the original text associated with this article: the British North American Act, 1867 The full text of the Canadian Constitution in the making - a comprehensive history of the Canadian Constitution with digitized primary sources. Basic Freedoms: Charter of Rights and Freedoms - Charter of Rights and Freedoms website with video, audio and charter in more than 20 languages , 1987 Charlottetown Agreement, 1992 Referendum results on the referendum The Agreement, 1992 CBC Digital Archives - Chart of the Future: Canada's New Constitution CBC Digital Archives - Canada's Constitutional Debate: What Does a Nation? Canada's, derived from constitution of canada pdf download

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