General Fund
GENERAL FUND Description The General Fund is the primary operating fund of the County. The General Fund was established to account for programs and activities that are not required to be accounted for in another fund. The functions which are in the General Fund are general government, judicial, public safety, public works, culture and recreation, welfare and intergovernmental. These functions are financed through taxes, licenses and permits, intergovernmental revenues, service charges, fines and forfeitures, and miscellaneous other revenues. Revenue and Expenditure Summaries – General Fund General Fund Revenue Summary General Fund Expense Summary Budget 2010-2011 Budget 2010-2011 Other $307,739,893 Ending Fund $307,739,893 Balance Health & Financing (in millions) Beginning (in millions) $14.4 Fund $22.3 Sanitation Misc. Balance Other Uses $0.8 $5.0 $21.9 Intervgv't $15.8 Public Safety Fines /Comm $101.5 $8.6 Spprt $9.1 Charges for Culture & Srvs $13.8 Taxes $147.9 Recreation $13.4 Public Wo rk s $13.9 Intergov't Welf are $87.6 Licenses & General $16.4 Permits $8.5 Govr't $65.2 Judicial $49.4 Revenue Summary – General Fund 2006-2007 2007-2008 2008-2009 2009-2010 2010-2011 Revenue Type Actual Actual Actual Estimated Final Budget Ad Valorem: General $ 122,364,770 $132,558,062 $141,012,101 $138,664,298 $128,496,895 Consolidated Jail $ 10,184,436 $ 10,810,403 $ 11,452,210 $ 11,287,077 $ 10,460,628 Indigent Insurance $ 1,973,657 $ 2,095,577 $ 2,219,401 $ 2,187,382 $ 2,025,281 AB 104 $ 2,434,423 $ 2,580,487 $ 2,743,279 $ 2,605,656 $ 2,430,436
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