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MIL-HDBK-799(AR) 5 April 1996 Downloaded from METRIC MIL-HDBK-799(AR) 5 April 1996 DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE HANDBOOK FIRE CONTROL SYSTEMS—GENERAL This handbook is for guidance only. Do not cite this document as a requirement. AMSC/NA FSC 12GP DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited. Thi d t t d ith F M k 4 0 4 Downloaded from MIL-HDBK-799 (AR) FOREWORD 1. This handbook is approved for use by the Department of the Army and is available for use by all Departments and Agencies of the Department of Defense. 2. This handbook is for guidance only. Do not cite this document as a requirement. If it is, the contractor does not have to comply. 3. This handbook was developed to provide guidance and general approaches to the develop- ment of fire control systems. In particular, the handbook has been prepared to aid the designers of Army fire control equipment and to serve as a reference guide for all military and civilian person- nel who may be interested in the design aspects of such materiel. The guidance in this handbook is based on the fundamental parameters of the fire control problem and its solution. Primary emphasis is placed on the systematic approach required in the design of present-day fire control equipment and systems. This approach involves thorough analysis of the particular fire control problem at hand, establishment of the most suitable mathematical model, and computerization and mechanization of the mathematical model. 4. This handbook was developed under the auspices of the US Army Materiel Command’s Engineering Design Handbook Program, which is under the direction of the US Army Industrial Engineering Activity. Research Triangle Institute was the prime contractor for this handbook under Contract No. DAAA09-86-D-0009. The development of this handbook was guided by a technical working group chaired by Ms. Robin Gullifer of the Fire Support Armament Center of the US Army Armament Research, Development, and Engineering Center. 5. Beneficial comments (recommendations, additions, deletions) and any pertinent data which may be of use in improving this document should be addressed to Commander, US Army Arma- ment Research, Development, and Engineering Center, ATTN: AMSTA-AR-EDE-S, Picatinny Arsenal, NJ 07806-5000, by using the Standardization Document Improvement Proposal (DD Form 1426) appearing at the end of this document or by letter. ii Thi d t t d ith F M k 4 0 4 Downloaded from MIL-HDBK-799 (AR) CONTENTS FOREWORD ...................................................................................................................................................ii LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS........................................................................................................................ xiv LIST OF TABLES .......................................................................................................................................xvii LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS ....................................................................................xviii CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION TO FIRE CONTROL SYSTEMS 1-1 DEFINITION AND NATURE OF FIRE CONTROL ....................................................................1-1 1-1.1 GENERAL ...............................................................................................................................1-1 1-1.2 DEFINITION AND GOALS OF FIRE CONTROL ..............................................................1-1 1-1.3 SUMMARY OF FIRE CONTROL METHODS .....................................................................1-2 1-1.3.1 Direct Fire Control ........................................................................................................1-2 1-1.3.2 Indirect Fire Control .....................................................................................................1-2 1-1.3.3 Geometry of Typical Fire Control Problem .................................................................1-3 1-1.4 CLASSIFICATION OF FIRE CONTROL EQUIPMENT ....................................................1-4 1-1.5 APPLICATIONS OF MODERN FIRE CONTROL SYSTEMS ............................................1-4 1-1.5.1 Surface-to-Surface ..........................................................................................................1-5 1-1.5.2 Surface-to-Air ..................................................................................................................1-6 1-1.5.3 Air-to-Surface ..................................................................................................................1-6 1-1.5.4 Air-to-Air .........................................................................................................................1-7 1-1.6 THE INPUT-OUTPUT (IO) CONCEPT ................................................................................1-7 1-1.6.1 Primary Factors in Establishing Input-Output Relationships .....................................1-7 1- Factors Affecting the Projectile Path....................................................................1-7 1- Target Motion With Respect to the Weapon .....................................................1-7 1-1.6.2 Secondary Factors in Establishing Input-Output Relationships ..................................1-8 1-2 CHRONOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT OF ARMY FIRE CONTROL ........................................1-8 1-2.1 INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................................................1-8 1-2.2 PRE-19TH CENTURY FIRE CONTROL ..............................................................................1-8 1-2.2.1 A Word on Nomenclature ............................................................................................1-8 1-2.2.2 Control of Weapons Prior to Firearms .........................................................................1-9 1-2.2.3 Development and Control of Early Firearms ..............................................................1-9 1-2.3 DEVELOPMENTS IN THE 19th CENTURY .......................................................................1-9 1-2.3.1 Improvements in Weapons ...........................................................................................1-9 1-2.3.2 Improvements in Fire Control ......................................................................................1-10 1-2.4 DEVELOPMENTS IN THE 20TH CENTURY THROUGH WORLD WAR II ..................1-10 1-2.4.1 Field Artillery Fire Control Equipment ........................................................................1-11 1- Instruments Used in Target Location .................................................................1-12 1- Binoculars ....................................................................................................1-12 1- Magnetic Compass ......................................................................................1-12 1- Maps and Plotting Boards ..........................................................................1-12 1- Sound and Flash Ranging ...........................................................................1-13 1- Aiming Circles .............................................................................................1-13 1- Battery Commander’s Telescope ...............................................................1-14 1- Optical Range Finders ................................................................................1-14 1- Ballistic and Meteorological Data ........................................................................1-15 1- Entering Elevation Data Into the Weapon .........................................................1-16 1- Gunner’s Quadrant .....................................................................................1-16 1- Elevation and Range Quadrants ................................................................1-17 1- Entering Azimuth Data Into the Weapon ...........................................................1-17 1- Fuze Setters ...........................................................................................................1-17 iii Downloaded from MIL-HDBK-799 (AR) 1- Direct Fire Optical Instruments ..........................................................................1-17 1-2.4.2 Tank Fire Control Equipment ......................................................................................1-18 1- Sighting Equipment ..............................................................................................1-18 1- Ranging Equipment .............................................................................................1-19 1- Stabilization Equipment .......................................................................................1-19 1-2.4.3 Air Defense Fire Control Equipment ...........................................................................1-19 1- Target Data ...........................................................................................................1-20 1- Target Angles and Rates .............................................................................1-20 1- Target Illumination and Sound Location ..................................................1-20 1- Optical Range Finder ..................................................................................1-20
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