Administration of Barack Obama, 2011 / Mar. 22 of President Funes; Prime Minister David referred to the Central American Regional Se- Cameron of the United Kingdom; President curity Initiative (CARSI) and the Building Re- Nicolas Sarkozy of France; and Col. Muammar mittance Investment for Development Growth Abu Minyar al-Qadhafi, leader of Libya. Presi- and Entrepreneurship (BRIDGE) Initiative. dent Funes referred to President Sebastian President Funes, a moderator, and two report- Pinera Echenique of ; and former Presi- ers spoke in Spanish, and their remarks were dent Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva of . He also translated by an interpreter.

Remarks at a State Dinner Hosted by President Carlos Cartagena of in March 22, 2011

Buenas noches. President Funes, First Lady, dral this evening and pay my respects to Arch- former Presidents Cristiani and Saca, distin- bishop Romero, who remains an inspiration to guished guests, on behalf of Michelle and our people all around the world. And I see the cur- daughters, thank you for the wonderful hospital- rent archbishop here. We’re very grateful for ity that’s been shown to us here in San Salvador. the wonderful tour that you offered. As many of you know, this has been my first It’s the El Salvador that not only forged his- trip through as President, and toric accords, but has sustained them for nearly this is our final night. We are closer to home. I two decades, proving, in the words of your na- mean this in more than just a geographical tional anthem, that “happiness is found in sense. El Salvador is one of those places where peace.” the bonds between the and Latin And it’s the El Salvador that gets up every America are strongest. day and goes to work—students, merchants, Just about every Salvadoran has a loved one farmers, young entrepreneurs, businesspeo- or a friend in the United States—husbands and ple—who remind us that building a just and sons, mothers and daughters—working hard, prosperous future cannot be the work of gov- sacrificing every day. They strengthen my ernment alone; it must be the responsibility of country, and they mean so much to El Salva- all—of all—who love their countries. dor. They’re very much in our thoughts tonight. Of peace enjoyed in perfect happiness In my speech in Santiago yesterday, I said El Salvador always nobly dreamed, that Latin America is not the stereotype of a re- To achieve this has been Her eternal gion in perpetual conflict or trapped in an end- struggle, less cycle of poverty. I repeat that tonight be- To keep it, Her greatest glory. cause many look at a country like El Salvador and only see the struggles. I’m proud to work With these words, I’d like to propose a toast, with President Funes, a courageous leader, to if I can get a glass. [Laughter] To President meet those challenges together as partners. Funes and the First Lady, for their outstanding But I also want to take this opportunity to hospitality and friendship, and to the peace pay tribute to the side of this nation that is too and happiness that we seek: for our peoples, often overlooked, which is just as real and just for the region, and for the world. May we not as important. It’s the El Salvador that endures, only achieve our dreams, may we keep them even when the earth shakes and the floodwa- for this and for generations yet to come. ters rise, because are people who Salud. persevere. It’s the El Salvador that has struggled for NOTE: The President spoke at 8:25 p.m. at the justice and human rights. And along with Pres- National Palace. In his remarks, he referred to ident Funes, I was honored to visit the cathe- , wife of President Funes; former

291 Mar. 22 / Administration of Barack Obama, 2011

Presidents and Elias Antonio Jose Luis Escobar Alas of San Salvador, El Sal- Saca Gonzalez of El Salvador; and Archbishop vador.

Statement on the Terrorist Attack in Jerusalem, Israel March 23, 2011

I condemn in the strongest possible terms once, and we underscore that Israel, like all na- the bombing in Jerusalem today, as well as the tions, has a right to self-defense. We also ex- rockets and mortars fired from Gaza in recent press our deepest condolences for the deaths days. Together with the American people, I of- of Palestinian civilians in Gaza yesterday. We fer my deepest condolences for those injured stress the importance of calm and urge all par- or killed. There is never any possible justifica- ties to do everything in their power to prevent tion for terrorism. The United States calls on further violence and civilian casualties. the groups responsible to end these attacks at

Remarks at a Celebration of Greek Independence Day March 25, 2011

The President. Well, good evening, everybody. your Prime Minister, our good friend Mr. Pa- Audience members. Good evening. pandreou, today, and I wanted him to extend The President. Kalispera. our congratulations to the entire Greek nation. Audience members. Kalispera. And we very much appreciate you being here The President. Thank you, Your Eminence, to represent your Government. for the kind introduction. It is always an honor We are also joined here by Greek Ambassa- to welcome you here in the White House. dor Kaskarelis. Where is he? There he is. Good We’ve been friends for quite some time now, to see you, Mr. Ambassador. We have the Cypri- and His Eminence always displays such grace ot Ambassador Anas—aww—[laughter]—Anas- and good humor and is so generous. We are so tasiades—there you go—[laughter]—and his very grateful for your leadership. wife Maria. It is a wonderful pleasure to see so many Tonight we reaffirm the bond our two na- friends and leaders of the Hellenic American tions have shared for as long as we’ve existed. community here as we celebrate the 190th an- Our Founding Fathers were students of Greek niversary of Greek independence. I want to ac- philosophy and Greek history, drawing on knowledge several people. First of all, we’ve Greek principles to guide our own Nation in its got some Members of Congress here. Michael earliest days. Grimm from New York, where’s Michael? When it was time for Greek revolutionaries There he is. Carolyn Maloney, also from New to fight for freedom, they looked to the United York; John Sarbanes, from Maryland; and then States for strength and support. And to this we have another guy—I don’t know if he’s any day, the United States and Greece shares a relation—Paul Sarbanes, also of Maryland. bond rooted in common values and common We’ve got Ambassador Demetrios Marantis, ideals. Deputy USTR. He’s got a few fans here. We’ve As allies, we stand together, not only for our got Nicholas Karacostas, the President of the own security, but for the freedom of peoples American Hellenic Educational Progressive around the world. And right now Greek and Association. American soldiers are serving together in Af- I want to especially welcome Deputy For- ghanistan. And as we celebrate the indepen- eign Minister Dollis for traveling all the way dence of the Greek people, the United States here from Athens to join us today. I spoke with and Greece are standing with our NATO allies