Revealed. in Report
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. '-,. , , \' '''' ":" I . - . , . #~ "1 . ~ ItJI The News Of All The Pointes Every Thursday Mo,,!,ing • ---- _ VOLUME I6-NO. 35 • 1.'---------------, 5c Per Copy, El'ltered u' ~~nd Ciasa Matter • S3.00Per Year ,at the Post ,office at. Detroit, NJch. Fully Paid Circulation " : • • DEADLINES .1 Happy Winners of. AhnuaIJi$hl~g.~bdeo::',.J Army Advises 01 lb•. • , ~ • A <of BigPoinie Growth Officials of WEEK AS Comp;l~tJ by 'tb. Future Plans Gross. Point. News Revealed. in Report ..... f , Anti-Aircraft ArtilJery Base Thu~ay, August 25 - Deemed Necessary for. THE GOVERNMENT RE- .OfPlanning Group Indefinite Period' PORTED that "inadequate" man- I ufacturing and testing procedures A communique from the a p par e n t I y left dangerous Shows Greatest Gain, Percentage-Wise Army Corps of Engi- amounts of live polio virus in :When U.s. some Salk vaccine produced by Compared With Figures of 1950; Woods neers, read at the Park Coun- the Cutter Laboratories. Has Most New, Homes cil meeting Monday, August According to the U. S, Public 29, revealed that the Anti .. Health Service the exact reasons ..' . Aircraft Battery stationed at could not be determined, but that The suburban reSIdentIal rush, not at all remmlscent of the foot of Three Mile Drive it was certain some children had the' great land: scrambles' way bac~ in 1849, because then it will be kept as a permanent developed polio from the vaccine. was for free, has definitely been felt in the Pointe. This, the. installation. The report came almost four half-decade statistics. released last week from the' Detroit . "The present planning crite~ months after intensive investiga- , . ' rIa • • ," as set down by the 5th tion starteti in the Cutter labora- Metropolitan Area Regional Planning Commission, confirm. AA.A. Regional Command and tory in Berkeley, Cal., and others Though not on~ of the greatest the 45th A,A.A. Brigade at Fort across the nation. areas of growth, tw.~ of ther ed U f ld &heridan, Ill., deems the post • • • Pointe's five municipallties' have ., S n 0 necessary ".•• for an indefinite Friday, August 26 ~ndergone substantial housing K ., period of time," the letter said. SECRETARY OF STATE John mcreases. - e, Lease Expires Next August Foster Dulles announced today A T l __ Shores Biggest Gainer The ~resent property ~~ase 'ihCit the United States is willing I mazIng a e to gU:I.i'antce both Israel and its . The Woods has shown. a per- Of Th. runs ~tl~ August 31, 1956. The Arab mdghbors against attack centage gain in the numbE!t ~f levery letter IS Just to alert u~ to the houses built over the last five fact that the Army WIshes to from eaCl~ other. Emphasizing years of 61.1 and the Shores 66.7. continue the lease after its ~,." ~. that he' sJ>0k~ with full authority 'Of President ~isenhower, Dulles These rap-~ near the top. in an ,Church, Store, Club Members piration n~xt year," City M'a~. area that stretches from~ Mt. A d- E 0 P ager EverItt Lane told COunCIl. said .the United .States will help Clemens to Ypsilanti and down n ven wn arents Lane also told the council that foot the bill for a program of re- , to Monroe. , Listed Among Victims in talking with the local battery Ilettlement and rehabilitation for All the other Pointes are --- command, he learned that the 900,000Arab refugees from Israel. ot below ~he 50 pex:cent 1?lark.' . The Woods police cleaned lease woul~ probably be on • • • • Though the Shores 'IS -high It t. f t th f h 10-year basIS. Saturday, August 27 cannot begin to match the g~ins up. a_s rIng 0 pe: y e ts t at "They plan to put up perman- A SWEDISH, 1870-ton freigh~- of neighboring St. Clair'Shores have been plagumg merchants ent structures with foundations. er Dorotea, enroute from BrazIl one and a half"times larger th~ and, residents in three cities I think it's here to stay," he said. to South Africa, flashed a dis- tress signal today from the mid- in 1950. ' for the last six months when Opposition Deemed Futile , Frid' Bunne~ . " Top~.for th;e :whole area ifi Oak they arrested two' juveniles The council's r~action to Atlantic that she Wf'.S having crew tb:~ • , • • ,', • " • , • ',' J. ', ••• , ,," • -Park m Oakland County. In. 1950.,for st alin . d 11 ~ letter was .that It was unan1.. trouble aboard. Her captam, J. Here ,~re the Point~'s t~p young ~nglers. Their s~p're~~9Y:w~~ .~stP.9lis~~d,at 'the;':held~at:, it had: 1,446 liomes.' ,,Today ~t has e g nme 0 ars !rom mously opposed to the continua .. A. Bolenius was being held pris- j the Grosse Pomte ~ar~s pIer park last ,Saturday. Bottom .row, left ~o .right:-PI;I¥Lli(S ~c~~UGHLIN~' ..I?,ark;~'JACKIE". 7,700 or, a f~ur-fold plus gam~ ,. a.wAllet at the Lochmoor Club tion of the site as an Army base. oner in his cabin. Owners of t~e DEANE, over-al~ \\tumer;.Farms and PAM'PUTNA~,. City" ,T,opJow l~ft righJ:~:a!\:fl.RY: ~ROl'4B~~~:eity;'.J01>;CE':, J • ',:. Ne~ 'S~we~ 'B~}ped . on ,u~s~,19.. The' question tha~ arose: was. :freighter in Stockholm were waIt- to. FURTON, Farms and ..,RICIM:~D, SAI;;KOWSK~,,P~:i'~.:-{,~:>,,;jy':.{'""'" f >,<';c~~."',"'~~~-','.' '.'~,.' : > :~7;~',::,:,or':~';";:'\~~,".:,;l;;"..'~'.'.. ~r"."~'li'~r Tiny Gross'erPOi~te:Shores has Plck;ed up on a tIP from the "What. c~- ~~ do 'apout It?~' : ing for further confirmation of I _ '" • '. ':_, ..' " • ._, • " "',.': •• ' ::/ felt,.the pressure ~f the mO'ling club pool ma~ager~ Jack Math- To this ~It!" 4ttorney, Plerr. the repol"t. c • • . e '~",'"""-'"'8"" '. d'~'" • "el X.: ',- •. .:.,.. " . , ::;" ,"""'.' .~,' :<~.'.PopulOU$,$e~ver ew~).th~twoJuvemles,b.rothers, He~~ler sa_~d,..; ~OlJ~l;r,;,I'm not '~:< additions;.tllat"'6pene'd 'Up':'pr'evf;' one"'1I.. adnut~d'~to~ S~~,-;"'d()nlt think"YOtl-e813;:~O Sunday, August 28 Fish Rodeo -.....:~OInte's econ ,CIVI lr' Oen.J::e' Ujo-l:;Js'" £., , "'- ,,; , - ".'.'. , .,.~.~~~'. U ously undeveloped sub.divisions;' .the :val1et th:ft ana 15 others In- much. '. IT TOOK GAS, fire) and 40 't' -"1U · U ' I' N': d" 'oVl ..' 'Sh.', that and the cohtmual land ex- .clu~mg, stealmg over $100 from CounCIlman George Ives ven- gun shots in a four-hour siege Attracts' 300 'Pa ro nIt rg.ent Y', 'ee' S.'l!" ,ower ","~'ow l?ansiOIlfor residential'. use' creat- theIr parents. tured, ,"P~ssib1y if, ~~ co~ld to subdue b e r s e 1" k gunman, . • • '. .' ';" " ' , .,' :.- iJ' .. .'.' .t " ',' -,. ~d by ,the' sub-4ividing' of many Implicate Two Others come up WIth an alternative j Charles Luther Rollins ot Leorpa, s:,te, 'of the' huge LaKe Shore estates. In f" th ' . d we could get them to move., ! Tenn. He was struck down and <A, . t" F " " 't'T -} t" S'".!t' 2':9" '2'-.;#,' Kid Anglers I (J" .. ' ~~' . 'l"h~ Woods" grc>wth"has been two ~~res;~~;~al' ~rdslI~~~~cO~i_ ~ecause there was' no ~e~t:e killed after fire routed him from .ftSSIS ,anc.e... rom ...,.0' un eers. ep., ~ -', • • .' , . ' , , '. •.•• '" '.' ' t' ( -' • " '" " • : ' ,.princlpally due to the tremend- ,bIe for an undetermined number actIon to be ta~e~, the counc~ a flaming home at 11046W. Outer "1 S •• t ' '. , '. " . .':' .': .' , - ous expanses of land available f th fts . h' r' d~ferred any POSItIve move untU Drive. Rain Fal s to Dampen plrl Three-Man AdVisory Board, 'Chaplaln', 'nformation Officer, Pamphlets AVc1;JlabJe'at War, ~or development. It"isthe largest to e lr~~mg Afrlolmfs oPwlftmds~a later date. \ l During the siege some 5,000 f C . t' Y d A .-. Th '..'~ • '1'C ' f' II f • -. ' 0 purse. ootmg. our, 00 o ompe '"9 '.o~ng... '> an vlat,lon' eory Instructor lVJ~morla . enter. ,L 3:rea-w.Ise, of the, five' commUnl- r.esidents, c01lle from good fami~ Second Base to Go . • people gathered' to wa~ch ~he or.'A battle in which 200 DetroIt pollee ster$ at 'Farms Pier" Being Sought ClasseS- .of.' Ent'r.ants. bes. '... hes. The ~cond A.A~. base WIthin participated. in an effort t~ .rout -- ' . ". , r ' . Farms Shows BIg According to the police, the the Pomte, located. m. Chalfonte D 't . 1 t th " ' "" '.. ,' "'. 1. ' , . -". ".'", Of the under - fifty,- percent quartet has been difinitel linked road east of Lothrop, 1S expected the heavily armed mad KIller. espl e mc emen -w~a., '" A. sq~a~ron red~s.lgnat~~p,:IS,sued':fJ;om CIv~l ..'AIr~Patrol , ~r~~gemen~ ar~(':Wel~.,un~, 'group, the' Farms is at the fore- with most of the reports ~f petty to be evacuated next year. The. Three persons were injured, one, the 1955 National Fiship.g"Ro. National,Headquarters in \\ra~hington;,D.,'C.~ last week gave _Gder:dW~~fp~b~~7~~r9S~~.'~~~~~~, :fro~t with. a gain of '31.8.-over thefts occurring within the last l~ase on that. property also ex. Senior Inspector Walter J. ~y- deo held Saturday, August 27, the Pointe its nd CAP't " . '. ar. en,~lu ,.~,~~tU~'.l~O":~ the~',1950 ::fig~res"the ~ark 15.6 six months., They expect to un- pIres ne~t August.. rod suffering a shattered rIght at the Farms pie? w~s a huge . sec,o '\. un],~ . .' sh9w,~,:thIS~'year:', car,ry~g, the and.' the CIty, comp~etely, devel- cover' even more. The. l.:halfonte sl~e.