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ItJI The News Of All The Pointes Every Thursday Mo,,!,ing

• ---- _ VOLUME I6-NO. 35 • 1.'------, 5c Per Copy, El'ltered u' ~~nd Ciasa Matter • S3.00Per Year ,at the Post ,office at. Detroit, NJch. Fully Paid Circulation "

: • • DEADLINES .1 Happy Winners of. AhnuaIJi$hl~g.~bdeo::',.J Army Advises 01 lb•. • , ~ • A

larger than the June figure. ~lal . game w~rden. h~lped th~ 'k" .~~> f;g ey .u~~r, tf"r"~'Fni":": ,(Con~ued o~~~ge 2)' , 'The' .sections:' are:' ~,,,.J~,~ed, !with figures indicating the num- health coInJrl,issioner., used, for the Army installation. • • • Judgmg commIttee check out the er-c/,:a ,..~ve~1Ue:~~., ~ ht 1. f" . . ~. Man," -"F!r'ench'-and$panis~,:Era,:~.'ber'of homes:- There have been' a total of six _ A st 30 catches. some lme urmg ,e mg 0 P l- ,",T' - · .'. ."Our' ,Pilgr-ims,"+~'''Williamsburg/'. " ., % cases reported in the district to P I. E t d FRA~~~YMA:i~L,. 66-ye~r- Jerry Trombly, representi~g August .26. , ' , 0.lCe ra~nlng.- UWestward;' 'Ho;'" : "Victorian,'!' Community: 1950 1955 Gain date. Five of them were adults 0 lee x en Old presiden~ of the Wayne Coun- t~e Ci~y took top honors with an .The atterI1pted' robbery wa~ S h "l PIa d ' "Ct?nt~~por,a1;Y.'.a1J.$i'MQdern:~g~;y_W~odS .:; :2,917, 4,700 61.1 and the sixth a 14-year-old boy. Helpl.ng Hand ty and Detroit Federation of eIght Inch 7% ounce silver bass. discovered by.' stP.re ~an~ger. F., C. (JO .: _" nne .."13lasses for .Iuniors," ""Classes' df' Shores 264, 440 66.7 There w~ no &>aralysis accom- Labor, died of a heart attack Though for the most part, the E. Francen when he w~nt to work: .. .. ' :; ~ ' 'Hort~c1;1lture,_SpecimeI)s" ,'.a n'd, Farms 2,580 3,400-' 31.8' panying any of the cases. There yesterday' aft ern 0 0 n in the fishin~ was sparse, late in the S~turdarcm~rni~g. !ranfen calle,d, .. :.The,.Parlt, ~l;!n~c~pal.Bui1d~g. ;'S~~l.~Vf~~~.' .•.'.. ,' .~':,', ," 'City' ~ 1,89& ',2,100 10.6 had, been.2lJ cases, reported up to stbd . TIle Farms pp:le. WIlL ~e- the~scene .o~ the t~~~d ;. ThematicallY)i"'-,t~e';"~s~ciw,. will Park: ,•.: 3,067" 4,400 15.6 this time last,year .. selves out to an old man who wu He was in the office of hotel school of sun :fish WIl1chlIvened 0l?-e.J?,adtamp~red .,wlth ,t~e, rear. ,30'-p.p1,lrpd11ce~tra,lp.lng ses~lon. :tracer the,' significant., Reriods, of, . '. Dr. Davies said ,that the second "walking to' Akron" .SatUrday, (lwner W. Stewart Woodhill things up. . door.. ' , " . c~au;ct~d"kie.patro1n;len,in ,~ll ph~'Ses , Eac~ .sect1~I?-",al~hape~callYio~- brol,{~'" ,both his legs. He "was of September 19. . on one of the middle islands. for 36 years. .TheySIze and number are rela- sprmg the door. . " :; of, police .work, completes .the ,derecl, lIS :under the: c4arge ..tof-,'a~~rushed to Bon'Secours hospital' . The inoculations will be given When they stoppeQ to' ask if ' • • .. tlvef. unimportant." . Entry was not gained: .There' sc;hool~ng tha~'.takes' ,a. year. T1?-e,. :s~par~te.,garden cl~b. '~,~.;I...:'::',:,,'," by,;the. City police'~where he was in the schools, either In two mor- he'd ",lost his way, he said, "Most Wednesday, August 31 Tuough below expectat:.ons, was no estimate as to. the ,amount current' class starte~ back -in .~he' :.:1 Section "J;" or. th,e, Special treated' for hiS.' mjuries and, ning" sessions or all on one full definitely not. I'm goiDg to Ak. SECRETARY OF STATE :(Continued on Pate 2>' of the da~age' to, the door. ..: ~al1,p~:l95.~~ '., ',< ',~',' , I ••• ',Aw.:a.~d.s.,cat~gory'i..~~~,,~:,~f ..~~e:, ~~!l01~,~~~ ' day .. ron to' get a job in a restaur. Dulles in Washington said there '.. . Taught by members"of ...the rep-- ,~lallDt~rest, to fl,ower.shdw goe:r;s.- , ,' .. 'ant!' He was 65-year-old' Joseph have ....een reliable, 'reports that M t. j ed t .S d rresent,ed .forces,.the 'school 'is bn~. :It, will cO}1~~~:'Q~~~t.a.n,u.- .b,arbe.' 'D' 'Ll'· S h .1St T 0 Marrow of Pittsburgh. ' Russia had offere~ arms to Ar~b I' ys erlOUS ti..CC..... en en s of -t!ltee~spons~~~.,Dy~th~ ~?Upl~~.~quetray~arr~n~e~el;lts~'~.•., .:'.': '. C:UU "lC' C 00 S e 0 pen Marrow. told ilie, police _he'd states. Such acbon by RUSSIa .L i' eastern :Assoclat~on .. S lmq;~r~t' , ,,' (ContJnu~,()~,"~age; %~ . co~c to Detroit and was unable to get a job, so he was going b ~o~~r~~t tCe~J~~,ut~etos:~~~~~ ~~~oo~.i~~~~n.ta~~J~~ H.o~al,o~~,':.~B:.u:rgla.r:s./V~I.S~I.t:"..' Aleron where ,he kilew, the owner made it clear to reporters that Two Policemen.. to" Hosp'ital B d h :fi-J P '. ~ Sep" t~8~..'or 9,000' Students . f . - eSI es t e .ve omtes, ~re- . ' '. >, .' ',' ~ ~ of an eating establishment. he had no official m ormation A mysterious, l.ate eve n r p. g badly.dam.aged, was estim~te~ to c~uit~.?ffic~rs.~~att~~d. ~ _ : ._ , " " :' Wll~ open on Thux:sday, Septem., entrollments. , ~lac~ tp'en.th;lS we~k t~ enr,oll p~: ers'" meeting~ Fred Nelson, presi- "The sad thing was," Pilon security subcommittee t.hat "con- ~amt~r at;ld WIlham We~sse were The f~espassing compl~ip.t was 'Park ,'Ohief ....of. < Pollce, 'ArthUr: .:d}sco:v~~~ b;y' !li~:"(Ci~" ,P.Pl!-c~".plls. ~ew .to C:r~sse'Po~~e ~,uJ:>h\,;dent,"of,~he Grosse Pointe Teach- said,' "he was headed east"'on siderable indignation" had re- mv~sb~atlOg a tresp;).ssmg c0In:- ph~ned: m by- a ~esid~n~ .at :11:3Q., ~ouw.e!s, ,in:.:'.tuPt- serids ..its An;~ :'~~.~~.:they?,"~,~ae/.~he~ '~outln~ ~~OIs., anc:I ~~.lt. remaln._ :" ,', 'ar." 'on. leave 'Of:,abSence; and 26: .. ' (Continued on'Page %) Qut about seven. in,the' avenine. 1 j ~ ~..1 ~ , • o(~ . ~\, ; ~ . ~.~, ;

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!..:. ~ ~:.\,'~".,~; ...~"" .::.....,.~.. (.:;,... ~:" t('" i~'" '':' ;hT ...... ~"",.....~ ...... )iii.llt". , a:, ,.. e .••• .,'-'1', ~~~~~~~,J~~ ~~??> ~.

, . . .' I' ''',' .' / '\< ". , / , Page Two. G,R.O~'SE. 'P'O I NT E ,NE~'V./S:"-' ThurSday •.September 1. '1955 Second Civil Air Patrol On NavyCruise Po,ni;-PublkSch06ls . ,PqblicSclwols Set to Open on September 8 . .' ' "" ~ (Qo;'tiBued from.P-olge 1) . new to Grosse Pointe High School for .the new'students. Needs Help of Volunteers' 'I::~'~d' ~.f '.",19'5'5',:56 '~~' Tuesday afternoon. and Wed- .-including all students. transfer- Scbool hours will be the same ~,C::a e,n..':~~:',,..or,:..;, .~.." .' :-. ,> •. ',', . " •..• ~: nesday will" be, devot'ed to. meet- ring both'from Grosse. Pointe in. school-year 1955~56 as they (Continued from Page 1) _ Squadron higher-ups would . . . ings and other preparation' for schools and from other districts were .last 3~ar: - Parcells ,and aSSE:tto the Pointe both civ)c1y like to fill the .other two vacan- . . August 29."~.:Septem:be;,z2:Registrat~o~r<)f.new .p,ripiis;,~ ' th~ opening ..of scho'ol.,on Thurs- -will be held at 1 p.m.,Wednes- Pierce will open at 8:45 a.m. and ~nd defensively," said Civil De- des with Pointe residents. "We . "1 .:.3'30.n~m:) ;..\~, ',. <.: '. '<, ~. ~.~. '.~' ,' •• ,,' .':"; " .~ ' •• "', .day morning for all students. ' day, at the High School building. close at 3:30 p.m. with dstaggered fense Director George Elworthy. would like as strong a. Pointe \. ,. .. J:". ~ ",' . '. , . '.' . . . ., .f '. Oriehtation programs for all New students 'are urged :b~ lunch hours fox the stu ents. Boasting a f11embership of 3.5 backing as possible," Mrs. Mow ' .,. , .S~pte~~r' .5"..!¥QnQ.ay, ,_L~bor.:Q~yr-,:A 11 schooJ ';"'7th'g' raders and atl other 'J'UIiior 'school Officials' to go to the appro- The' High School will open at

}j <>. in the cadet ranks, the new umt said. ,;'..b~il.dl.'n. ..gs.,.:_:pu.. ~c,."' ..lib.jI"ar, i~s.' an,d. "offi.,'. ce,.s ..'cl.. se.,.d.-',.':.' .. :", .. ' '.' high school students new to; the priate orientation program' since 8:30 0'cl_?C. k' an d ..c1ose at "..3:'10.. • is now busy adjusting and relo- Satisfaction Only Pay -- ,,-, .sep~ber .. 6-.7." {Tues.-W..ed.) ~-- ,..QrganlZabon ..meet'1'... Grosse Pointe Public 'Schools' win 'it'is intended solely-to acquaint o'clock w:th a rotating system of cating in preparation for an ac. Serving without remuneration, . irigs .and :pla:ri'iring-.conferehces~ '.' '-:,' ". .'.., ,:,,be held at 1:30"Q'c1ock,Wednes~ them with the scboo! whicil they, -lunch perlocisJ' . '. tive winter. 1)oard members' have only the: ,', ,- .'~ Se:ptemb~~:8', (Thur~daY)t:~ Scho,pls. opeIi'at,regtil~r' ; day, Septl,mllier 7;' at .bothPier.:e will' attend. ~xperience has shown: .~.elementary schools w!ll be- .Despite strength in numbers, prestige and joy of working with' hdurs-.f~r:-an':al~-4ay~'ses~i~:Ii~"\::~}"',~'/,"'~,:'-,:')':' .; . <.. ': .. ';. ,ahdParc~lls. Th~high,schooLori-. that'the programs make school ~gm at 8:45 a.m., close at n.30'for the unit has suffered admmistra- the future stock of the' nation. . .. 'q~~obei' 2~~28',..(~~~.f:F;i~~t....,.;.A-ll::scho0!S ,plo~~d' for:,:, eri:tation: program for all students ,.adju~tnients easier and happier' lunch, t:econvene at 1~45;'. tive1y from the switch. "Nation. HAnd possible other iation~," reglOllal teacherS"me,~:hngs.::-: ..;., :':-;.,." '.' ;: al headquarters deman~ t~~t ~e Mrs. Mow asserted. :. :N.ov~mbei"24R25':;(ThurB~~Fri:)":7A,1l schools' closep have local private backmg, saId I9r Squadron spokesman Mrs. Rubie This year Biriningham is the Thafiksgivmg, vacatio~?i" 4-11.:schpoL bui~dings. public:, Mow. "Becaw:e we are not yet t host to CAP cadets from Gr~at libraries and offices,Closed.:aIl.day :Noverriber24 .. ,~;,:, .' tablished in the Pointe, we have Britain. "We hope that by next .. ,.' December 22 ('Thurs'day)':'-':All 'schools..close. at.' end, Appare'/. year Squadron 633-1 will be r-n a ' Authentica/./y to recruit the necessary help." . position to offer the hospitalities . of..d-ay.,foJj.Chr-istmasevacation.-- .,~ '.'--.~.,,-_. '.-, . ..,. '-.~_..--" Advice :r-;eeded Most' of the community to cadets from, . . ... '. .' "'D~~em~er ~~ (~.;rpnd~y'~Al1.scn091 ,bu.i14~s, pubi~c ': Chiefly, the help needed is of other exchange. nations," said A~ANTIC~LEET. (F'"'.tlT.l~~), .hbrarles '~d~bffices ..;clos~d~.': ',' .>~t'.. , 'i ~, ..; '. "':' -" " um r an advisory type. "We must Pointe CAP Lt. Roger B. Rea- .-:rakin.g ,P,~rt. ill 'th.e,. s m7 :s :" "J'~i)'~arY,.~2' (Mqri,day'.-;.:{:A:ll. school 'b'4ildings, public' ~1 ." have three local citizens to help more, cadet body spokesman: tMh~drd~Rlcfo~hBIEPR~T.~nGt~~IDlHOnW.gEC~'~s~~~n'.. librariesand'(j£fices_Close(t. '. '.. , ., -: .,.. . I serve on the Advisory Board," Besides a~visory poard mem- ~r. and .Mrs. R~gi~a~d . '. ,January 3 (Tue~day)'~,Al1 schools:'reopen at usual':: I Mrs. Mow said. The Board, which 0/ 'w. II J;>ers,~he umt needs other adm,in~ . Howe of 2064 Beaufait I :Giosse' . hours after Christmas' vacation.,.' . '.. . . . ,. I meets once every three months, lStratlve personnel. "We' thl~ Pointe nians~ a~,battle.'-'t~lephorie ., January '.21'C(FridllY).;-, . ,Eri,(of. first seines~er~ . ~'"' serves as a guiding hand for ca- e det activity' and policy. v: hav;" a squadron. chaplam aboard".the'heavy"ctuiser .;USS . .January 30 .(Mo:t:ld.ay): ~ Secondseinester beg~n's~""', The squadron, though, i~ not hned up, ~rs. Mo:v ~ald. Oth~rs Newport News. .' ,:. '~ ~ ;.'. ,'" March' 29 (7'hursday f..;';;Scl:iools .close: at; end of 'day'" needed are. a public mformatlO:n '. I ' • 'n" • t , ..' ;....U' .•'. f E' t . ' . t.....' .n" • , .. waiting for John Q. Pllbhc to officer, a 'medical officer. and an H~ .1$. ~ semo~ a . .lV~la~l ...:n~- . or as er vaca IOn;. , ... :. '.' '.' "'.', ' come inquiring at his conven- aviation theory'instructor. . verslty al;,.Oxford, O~IO~; , ;.,' ,~;Marc~'30 ',(~oo~~p.tfay')~:A.U sche)()l b4"iI4ings,'pu~'. ience. "We have too much to do "The instructe'lr is probabl:r the . More-. than' 1,300, Nayal.~.ROTC hc~ llbrarles and~offlces closed ..:, ,,' .'.'., "'. . ~:3)" and too many goal~ to reach to most important." Lt. Reamore. midshipmen left Nor!blk, V~.;, :' April, 9 (Mon'day)-All sch6dls.teopen at ti~tral'hours , wait around," said Mrs. Mow. said.' July 1.B. ab~ar.d 13..,Shl~S.. ~f.'.th;e: ,.' after Easter. ,racation.. ' . ',' . '.' " . Alr~ady one citizen has .been con- Would Take Training At1~ntlc, fleet. for ~':a '~sIx-w~e~.; "." . *Mayli {Friday)-All school'close t~acher insti~ tacted and has offered to serve loi- Id t. 1 t th . t ht cruIse." They are' undergom'g .. t t . t' ..,. . . ' , on the three man board. en lea 0 e course' aug practical training' -in shipboard . Y U e mee mgs. '," .' :', \'...... : .' A resident of Phillip avenue, to basic cadets in the U. S. Air life and duties. , ", I ~ay,30 (W.ednesday)-AU ..~cho:oJ;bu.ndiz:lgs, :publi'c for; the he is Daniel Spariosu, a former Force, any reserve officer would The' training .squadron has' libraries a,nd offices'closed: (Me*or~al:D~y,.OD~ervap.c~). CAP Major now retired. qualify for the position. "Besides scheduled stoP1' in .._Co1on,:Pana-' June'15 .(Frid.ay) '-;- Ails'c.hoo.l.s' clos.ed the yeaf~, being given a chance to teach, the ' , for. ., officer would qualify for an avia- ma; Havana" Cu~a; . and G'lan~ "June 18 (Mohday) -. Summer.'~chool';arid si:lIllm~r.' tion training program' .now' of- tah~mq ,Bay, Cuba. ' . .'.playground activities'begin. !. College Wardrobe fered at many of our colleges and .Gunnery praCtice at ..Guanta- . ' '. , . I .' • universities," Mrs. Mow'said. The namo Bay ~wil1 cUma~(.the' cruise .*Date' .not defiriite .. • college course would consist of before 'the ..midshipmen disem- .~LIP :FO& \'REFERENCE the theory of aerodynamics; navi- ~rk, at Norfolk August 26. . ,. I • . \ gation, weather and many more " . of the components of applied flight. For the, cadet, completion of Fish Rodeo Kids. Unfold Flower Show ihis program as taught by the . , . ; . (c 't. d f 'p 1)" •. (C.ontinued from Page' 1) The Ivy L'eag~e Look is the- natural flight instructor, qualifies him for (Continued. from Page 1) ,on mue . rom age c. .' .' ,. , • .'. • an immediate rank 'of airman 3rd the fishing was better' than.~last of :when'or w)i~re"" said Dete~- Open to all garden Club mem- look ••. and at S. 'Stein &. Co .. you class in .the regular Air Force. year,' when most of ..the prizes .tive Everett :P1l.lInb. . bers ....and their children, exhibi-. To The position of PIO officer at- had to' be dra~ for. . .,Besides. snatchings '. from the tors may'.enter as. man~ as four. ',viii find pure' wool tweed " sports ~',"". fords good.experience for anyone The rain 'kept a few 'anglers W60d~,. the four admitted to rop':- sections;, but'nc)more:thari 'one' •. , coats with natu'ra! shoulders, narrow aspiring. for the journalism pro;- away. but not many~ Over 300 bing a church '.in st. C~air. Shores'clasidii'each :section;"'. I' ' Francois' fession or public relations field.' showed up. and a.shopi~ G.~osse P,ointe CitY.' _:;':The: ~ ...erit:. ~ystem for".judging ... lapels • • . pure wool f1'~nnel'slacks Besides compiling a local PIO :Handling the contest,-. that'." ReceI,l~ly:,.th~ .group.?-Sf be~' ,will.beused~-",:A:,J)lue rib}>~!1'will .. , ••• smart topcoats • ~. button- Clean Plaie Glubbers bulletin, the "fficerhas the went off srnoothlyin,face of th~ ',concentrat~g ~p. ~~e p).cltings~t, .deno.te..,fu;st'~p~ace,' r~d~ sec~~d, , chance of contributing to "COll- weather'. were: City. chairman, the ,Loc~oor. .9!up .. ,Non. me~- ,yelloy.r' t~rd;.;~;tld :whlte ... hon.c~- : 'down coll.ar shirts and hundr'ed's of tact," . the CAP's national bi- Clyd F. Putnam; Park .chairman ~eIS, they dbuy; ..theIr way .l~. abl~'tIl~~~~n~ '." ... , . .'.' items weli-d~~ssed A Happy Birthday weekly tabloid. Feys; Farms chairman William .W~ knew. memb,ers:, an~ v.:e~. Rlbbon,s' will. be .givento,.th.e . other the college Not Much Time Requil'ed Carruthers; . 'P r i z e . cOn)Init~~~ pifer them acdollarjo;take us In, exhibitor.'. :h~vplg." the. highest: man wani's. T f d' 1 rf _ .messers. Hoffman, .Feys, :Putnam,.;on~ ~f the four admitted to the p~ulllber 'of .'.blue .ribbon po~ts; SEPT. 5 , .Th e posllon 0 me ~ca 0 Ice.., Carruthers; inem.bers. of' the ;pohc~. the, exhibitor.having.~rie ~gh~st ,. Patricia Jenkins. 1236 Wayburn op.en to doc~ors, Inter~s or Ladies Auxiliary :of.the V.r.W' •. Then inside, they'd rob Pete~ numbefof points~in',the'amatetir' , Bobby Ausbeck. 875 Balfour tramed nurses, IS a splendId op- . -. to pay Paul. "They' kept. ahead di .. th' xh'b't" h ... ".'h ' Margaret Barrows. 172 Merri~ 'ty to use the l'ndl'V!duali Ppst. 303, ,.,Metro.polItan.', Clu.b VlSlOnj eel I or. avmg t e v weather portunl , - s members ana varIOUS CIty offl of themselves. 'They'd buy their highest single blue.ribbon 'award '.' Rickie Schoew. 17521 Maumee profession in a worthwhile 'civic . " - way in with the money'. they'd anli a specllll award'fo~; Section" . Carol Wood. 942 Sunnlngdale .Charles Whitney, 424 Washington way. Mi-s. Mow was explicit. inc~als...... ' taken from' the purses the day be~ "J." . Debby King. 1975 Manchester po.inting out that the job y.ras not "The food served by: the' Auxih~. 'fore," Plumb said. Separate Judging , . Daniei O'Leary. 97 Touraine: particularly time . consumin~, .aTY, and the cokes and. po,P ." Eveh Picked on Parents ",I, '''I'm more. than-. su.re that It, handled by the .metropol.ltans .Ap'art from~. snatchm' g....chang'e Eachtsectio,n ':and ';class; will'. be :. SEPT. 6 , 1 d b 11 judged .apart' from the . Ga;rden, . ". "CharCJe. Open M1ke Coleman. 606 Pemberton wo;Ud not ~nt~,rfere WIth any doc- were we come y. a . " ~:.-fr9~.c01¥l~e:.s, r~p:b4:1g,col~~cti~?t .Center Awards' and given ribb'oDs ' ~c :" . John Hock. 358 Mary Fri~ay Christopher Stoepel. 579 Neff tor s practl~;h th h, f d-, Other Winners ~oxes and pocke.tmg'merchand~~':" for the' particu1ar','"category."~ ' '.,. Accounts' Bob Garrett, 1114 Balfour . !,-~ong .Wl . e pus Qr )8.. .' ;The other winners were: mg, the 'four' supplemented th~lr . Fr'.,!." '''S'' "t ""h'" 23~'t'h ~,,'.'."; "," :.. EveninCJ mmlstratlve asslstance, 633~1 IS ....'.. income by robbing." theil- paren1l;.~' .. I "ar, ~p ell1 er ". e "ex~ .,'. hivited' . SEPT. 7 going to ~ake a; sust~ined Wmt:r' .Fa:ms, .Boys: Jackie. Deane. The' 13: and. iI-year .:.old brotIi.~r, :hlbl~ Wlllbe. op~n ffom' ,2.~o~O ' 'Til Nine membershIp drIve ) Though. we GIrls. Joyce, Furton... b' . t' "d .. d "j, ds'" ,p.m. and on..Saturday,. September Kathleen C)'onin, 1390 Whittier . 11 'b h" "C't J com ma lOn, eeme . no-goo,' 24 it will b' i.";" 10 ....-tli Carolyn Romine. 658 Barrington have a fu mem ers lp' now, ,1 y, Boys: _ erry. Trombly. by,Plurnb admitted( ~tealing. ' . . e.ope? ...pm ~.' e Barbara Peat, 1898 Kenmore to Jimmy Grace, 1006Whittier said Lt ~ Reamore. , "we can a1- Girls:. Pam Putnam . . over $100 ~In th e Iast'"SIX '.mon. ths:.. mornmg'untIL4.m.. the ...afternoon. .. Dana Metzen, 266 Lewiston ways use more." .. ' d' b' Park, Boys: Richard Salkow- The ,-other .two estimated their. \..... ~'-''-''-'~~'-'~~~~~~~~~~~'-'~''-'~~.-..''-'~~~~~--..~ John Blake, U66 Lochmoor - Wilfred Jones, 273 MerrIweather The opportumtIes. offer:- .y ski. Girls: Phyllis. McLa~gh1i~~ purse pilfe£in'g. takEr 'at some-' . '.. '.' .' . '.. J the. CAP are many and dIverse. 'Along with the ..annolincement where .around $50. ' . " " ' . ,- .' ' I , SEPT. 8 ThlS !ea~. the wh~le s9uadtcm of the National, Prize' winners, ':The,:Woods police plan;,to,turn .', . . , Jack Crane. 913 University was f.vwn ~o Sampson. AIr Forre the committee also announced the'four'.over to the Wayne CouiJ.-. j . ., , ~~;~n°'k;'~~:'5~ii:~~~~~~te Bas.e a;. .Geneva, N. y., for a, ~~~ the v;hmers of the season's' pre- .ti J~venil~. A':lth~dties 'fqr. pro.s~", . " , ~~~oV~1~~~s.8~~ ~~~~~:,strane ~:d~:l~tra~~;or~~:il~~ ~~~p1ied ro~~~yc~~~~~~~rk, Terry Lenter, ~~~~~~~t~~:d ~~~~hto,i~:YSh;:~~':' '0' "u"/r per's' "nal allent-Ion helps II j George Wrigley. 1009 Bishop by the Alr Force, cost only $~3.50 John Pool, Carol. Johnston and. and 'the', City for:fw-ther >action., '.. '. .' . •• ' SEPT.9 per cadet. Dougals Rem; City, Tom Davis, : UThey' definitely need," to .' be , ' , James Moore. '185Balfour Advantages Cited Fred 'Parent, Berry Trombly"and 'taught a 1esson,"Plumb,:said. It ., . - '. , . " , ~~a.ar':t°rJ~~;.~:7:t~~~:l:;'gham A 'release from the Michigan Lee Allard; Park,., .Gerry Sal- was;' not. disclosed, 'what' ;charges ,_, , i![r~i~~~s.l:~g~f~~~~ham Wing headquarters in Detrojt kowski, :rim ~oss,' Robert.Moran ~he four .woulrl face' frqm' the' . Depe'n' "dab'le" p'reSe'rle.p'tI-On. servo I-ce ~ t Rosellen Brilmyer. 472 St. Clair best. sun;m.arizes . t~e . need for and TUCKer TIlley. county. '- Roy Adler. 259 Mt. Vernon sound aVlatlon trammg as offered ,. " I' . .- SEPT. 10 by the CAP. -'''Because aviation t 'th' b'l- th' . d- I ' is going to develop tremendous.1y P 1-" I". ' d - . C .-h '-,'. 0 PU IC,. lea , John Snell, 1252 Yorkshrie 'I'n the years to come, your Chll- '0 ICe' ..n]u'r~ .'In, 'ras' , ,'. e. " e" me , Lynne Montgomery. 2041 Van \. ,. f . - . d th h -t I .- G~~t~~~er, 20OB.Norwood .dren will be flying just as the (Con.tinued fro~ P~ge 1) wi~dshieid ~~d Weiss;was treat- . pro .eS~IOn, .an . e OSPI a , Edith Swartz. 1137Balfour boys and girls of the past genera- teenagers, were'. later picked up ed for a concussion and chest in- j .'. . .- Lee Snell, 1252 Yorkshire tion made the change from the on an adJoinrng estate. ,They .iuries~',':. . . ' f .27 . . , SEPT. 11 horse io ihe automobile.' T.he were released' with. a warning.'Chief"Duemling said a further j or . . year~ .- Davie Richardson, 428 Lothrop more they can learn about. 9.Vla- Painter and Weisse, who are investigati9n; 'would follow. re- , Lorelle Touscony. 424 Chalfonte tion now, the better they wi1l:be veteran. for IC, e members, ,both. lease,';1rorri .the' hospital of. the j' .. 'Wi!liam Herrick, 3495'Bedford ~~~~red for the ,world of ~omor. with good'records, were. reported tWQ officers;, , ...'.. (. .. , ~~~~ir:,o:507~1~~~mbley Encompassing 1light, naviga- out of danger late. Friday .. faint.' '. . , ". ,. .The A. J.. Meyer Phar~ac,' Carries CO,mplele Lines of Medical Supplies. '- Stf~~~;~ Richardson. 428 tion, weather, aerodynamics, res- er suffered numerous'~aci~~c:uts, i.en won't, strain ..your ' eyes. to , . . : J. C. Rolley. 937 Trombley cue, first aid" military and re- when he was thrown .against. tne. l()ok~on, the bright side of'things .. ' . ,

sponsibility training, the CAP is ~ . .I~ . N '~ ....~."'tl!:!!!!!: 4 ~ ,....-,.. • ~ T ~ ===~ (",, .., , Catering to YOU I making sure that its cadets are ~~. and YOUR Family Yo~:~d "for tile world o1tomor. It;. PRESCRIPTIONS:SURGICAL GARMENTS DEPARTMENT:. • Those interested in the new of t A staff of 9'pharmacists whosecombiped.kJow-how '. :Cainp Surgical Supports, Truform'Supports, Chester- « MACK at SOMERSET unit's activifies may' obtain more End the Season , " ...... ' " ',.' . , information 'by calling Mrs. ,R,,- .' ~ . . , ',. and experience, exfe~ds .overa'l>eriod'of 100 years. . . manRLeland Supports and Elz,stic HoSe for both men '- GROSSE POINTE bie Mowat TU. 2-7424 or Lt. 1~' ______R_o_g_er_R_e_am_~_or_e_at_V_A_,_2_-_U_79_4_._ " 2'" Price•. '(.. :. The A. j. Meyer pharmacy.' has filled.'far in eXcess of . . andwomel1 •.'1'ou are atte6.

Ocld.lots, 'of~the le~ainjng, s~mmer gof?d~ 2 MER •S SUI T S ~ ~erluced to 17 pii~e for quick sale; I ':!~ dr,!ps.:;~~n~ ..J6hnsonBabySUPl'li~ All btal\ds otInsulin lrept I)nder refrigeraci~~ hypo- ! Ie TO.peOAIS Short Sleeve_ ; Sport :C~ats ,.and aILb.rands.of baby milksandmiJk.substitu~~.. syringes, hypo-needles, sugar testing kits,.stedl~ers, , LADIES'C0 A T S ~:c;:s~~:ks SummerS!~cks, i. '...... c diabeti~ ~~. . . ;.

& D R E spsnES ;~7s~~;:Sts\ ~::c:h9S ri >, '\ All

S~~RJ:i:~~:::Sc a~bll'S.,~'..tA.;J~MEYER Pharmacy ; O"ly •••••••• 59 I.-i'" .. , h.hstorelHmen " '. '",,' .... ' ... '" C." -~ -""'>y.':"'~."."".t'''':~!'~...... 1':"._" ".I!"i~,~~,'::"'.,::~,,:?'.:t:-';./';'i,~';~.~:-r.::,;,~~~,:.i~~::'.;.-,',~"ii:t"~"~.,,::,.;:-,.;':",,:,:,,'I,,',,~...;..:;.:<.:.;::",;:~';'.:; <:,;".:-,:', ~~:~':;":-•." "',)~~:::' ':"::,'7:, :':;':::?,'~~S',:,:':I . '.,,:.:.; ',.,:;'.:• •,'~~'.\,.. :~",.,\ '."~.~ ....",.:",~.'' ,. ,_.. '....6,':...... :.'' . ~~•• :...... :"•• :Y/'.'~~, ;.1... "...... ~~.. ,:_, _~'.'.' ,,_. . .'

, > '. ,


-1955 . -. , ,Thursday~ September t '1955 GR'O'S"~'-E 'P-Oj.N':~E,;:',NE'iiS ,~~'. Page Three er8 To Erect Stop Signs in Park J~lam'es,'Trailing , ' • , Recommended by Park Chief be erected at all the cross far~5 .E~peJi~enfsWit~-N~~tr~fHc Si9n Damage Minor the same Arthur Lo~wers, the additional streets. The' move will not affect Car .for' Crash • \ c. • as .they In ,Farms Fire' 8topM signs was. approved by City the continual non-stop flow of Mrs; Mary' Habel, .Of 15765 ells .and . ana-ger Everltt Lane.. traffic headed' down to Wm'd- a.m. and To. mc 1udea. 11 streets 'running. mill Pointe drl've. Charles in. East .,.'Detroi't was, An attic fire, deemed well :~taggeted east d t ticketed' for not. having her car handled by the owner of the an wes south of Jeffer~ Streets to be marked are'. Avon- . . . home, 'b:roke out in the John B. lents. son. m th e P ar.k stop signs will dale. Fairfax. Essex and Ko'rte.'".under control, causing, . 'an acci;. open at , .dent on Thurspay. Aug~t 25.' '. ' Ford III residence at ,103 "'len- e at 3:20 Traveling' 'east on'. Mack,,'Mrs.: domt1 4ugust 25, doing damage I .ystem' of 'Habel .struck . a car driven .by' estimated at $500. ChffordW.~ Shock. of 1378"'WiiY- The city fire dep~tment also will.be- burn as Shock was. trying' to responded, but went back im-'. what YOU, l1=30-for mediately when it was not . j park; .: should' know about :45; , . Mrs, Habel told the ,pOlice'that ." needed. she saw Shock's car, but was.! .. The blaze was handled by run- unable to avoid the' accident be- " ninga line up through the house' your 'child's:~ " \r.rwo_VIardrobe t~Basics") cause she was'blocked froln' pUl.. and into the attic. The aerial ling, out and around him' by:il' . ".~.., ladder was thrown up and a hole eyes! car tr~iling.'her on the, left. ". opened in the roof to help local- I ize the flame. When a child lags behind il'- ~.Young Men will need Damage to' the Habe! car' was school it's easy to assume he's quite serious. The fire took appr<>ximately 30 to blame. So often it's not his minuteS to put out. The alarm fauIt'-it's because he can't to return to classes! was put in at 4:28 in the after- see wel!. . All Yachted Up; noon and the trucks were back And yet he doesn't know. at the station. clean-up opera- it; if he's IttWIt'S seen things' No Place to 'Go' tions complete, at 5:15. blurry, he thinks it's rutu,.tJI, Though beams of the roof were and that all people see that "The bcst'laid plans, or-mice charred and. part of the shingles way! Even those who do well destroyed, no content damage in school may be straining and men ••. It. and they ce:rtainly . did, go amiss -that-,is. for the ", was done. \ . . their nerves and eye muscles The, use of high pressure fog to make up for ocular defects.. E. A. Smiths of McKinley Avenue- , Eventually headacheS occur. on WednElsday, August"2(. ...' nozzles. held water damage to a minimum. or "upset stomach." , For some time. the $nuths . In a letter to the Farms Chief Play safe with your loved have been, planning to. buy .a ones. See tha~ they get a thor .. yacht. on which to, sail' the ..laKes " 'of Police William Mason (re- ough professional eye exami- printed in this issue). Ford com- during vacation months. The only :, nation before they start back - :,;>roblem to find a :suitable ,~; mended the fire fighters 011 a job . to school this FalL waS; well done. ~ on~. They .. found 'it, early .last'.' , . He Draised the ,efficieucv with week. ' .' . .' ' " . ..., . '-PictUre by ,Fred,R~nne1l9 which- th: squad loc'lt.~d The fire Johnston Mr. Smith and his wife wgnt ' Chief-Walter .Hoyt of the ~anns police;i~ anxi'OtlS "to find out":h,owthese signs will' and, began, fighting operations up to Hunter, Judd, esta'tem Mt. '. work. Erected in t1,le.1o:~a~ion~:wherestop.signs'are'usually';plac"ed; they do not, demand' and the minimum of property Optical Co. Clemens Wednesday to close the ", that the 'driver stops, but he mustyje1d .~oa d.dve~ 'approaching from.either direction On damage they, did during the "Makers ot High Graae 'deal. the 'cross .street. If, involved 'In'an acCidenba't an intersection so'mark'~d;.th.e diiv.er who blaze. . Glasses' since' 1876" They'd signed the ~3p,ers. lock- . has approach~d through th~'''Yieid'' sign"will' be ,held"responsible. This particular'sigI}. is 81 Kercheval ed the boat up and had the k~ys located at Belanger 'and Webster:' , '\ ' A man of resources isn't neces- . TU 2-5950 in their pocket when Mrs. Smith " .' , sariiy a man of means. I slipped. through some. loose ' ..., _', . planking on the Judd dock and - broke her leg. . "Rear. End. Crash- , Hit-Rull Driver' 'ToFace, , Court'. Now th~ planIled cruise down On Lake Shore Donald Allen of 837. Loraine' Askew of 2625 Harding in De- to Put-In-Bay will have to be __' will face charges of drunk driv- troit ... Askew's.: car" was unoccu- rat cancelled. "1 guess the' boat'U go Driver'Anthony J. Daly of 213 ing and'leaving the scene' of an,. pied at. the time of ~he' coilision. the new "Blackboned" Colorsare up in dry-dock for the .rest of Newport in Detroit was the vie- ac.cident,'for thetwci-,car colli:':' Admittetlly under theinfiuence ou the summer," Mr.' Sriiith' said.' tim of a reckless d,i'iver .Wed- sian.at 16300 Mack avenue AU-hf alcohol at the time of the rts Mrs. Smith" will be in a. cast nesd,ay. August: 24. gust 23. . . ';, accident. Allen was r~leas~d 'on until, the .frost is well onto the, D.aly, headed' east. ,on' Lake Allen, whose :ablhty was' lIsted $100 bond.' Court date was not ,Button.Down pumpkin. uIt's just one of those. Shore road. was 'waiting' to turn as. impaired ,.on,the Park police. :s'et. things,'" Mrs. Smith said. uYou aroUnd the island ,in front of 123 report, struck a parked' car arid, . ,HATHAWAY can't blame anyone. ,J Lake Shore. when he was struck sped on. '.' Witness, Robert, Gr.,a.y',: ------' - an employe in',the shop at.16300; HAT-MAKING HINT SHIRTS in the z:ear. by. a car driv:enby got the, license: nuniber and, ,Wh~n, you remove the tr~m ,to . Runs Into Rear Richard Ballard. of 16073. Eas'c-turned it over'. to, the. police. make over.a hat, b~ sure to mark ,'tailored to clean wood in Detroit. . . Allen was picked up at his'herfectioh in white, · C HANDSOME SLACKS Of TurnIng .ar The force of th~ collision sent . Allen. 'who .was traveling east. 'and',brill1, cautl0n.s clothmg spe- }-el1ow, hlue and .Daly's car .up over. the cUrb and on Mack, .struck the .left rear Cialists' at Michigan State Uni- to we,ar with- sport pink oxford cloth. A two car rear end. collision at into a tree on. the island. fender of-a ca.r:o~ned: by Walter. ver~ty. '. coats 'and jackets" Also white broad'- Notre Dame and Waterloo in the . ~Considerable'"" dam age was .Beautiful ~abr!cs ~.'::I' cloths with french City August 23 resulted In a done to' Daly's. car. N-o one was smartest taJlortng.. , cuffs. ticket issued to Eleanor M. -injured .and Ballard was, ticketed .... $1'.9' Houthoofd of ~1331 St. Gertrude, for, not having his. car "under . -: ' black megft St. Clair. Shores. fOr not. having control.. ' . :' ; ! "Just Arrived': ";..' . .'. her car under control. , . • ' The accident occured when Imblders" Mrs. Houthoofd 'failed to observe -.Young ,.' , " , , A ,Wide :S~leCtion,of', a car driven by Madelin~'~Ohns-Warried.By' 'Police ~LG0t-HuRD '10n of 1302 Somerset waItIng on ' . Waterloo to' turn onto . Notre .-- - r ' '_ - ' Dame. Two teenagers. one a juvenile, ,92 Kercheval On~the~Hilt . According to the City police were ' re~eased to.,'.their .parents ',' , ,:- 'Downtown store: Washington Bouiev~d report.. Mrs. Johnston {had her 'Friday night ...with a stiff warn- . Hand Tailored" turn signal on. She was issued mg by the .Farms police for nip- . J" • a witness .ticket to appear in pin~'iIi' acar~ . court. Both cars were driv.eable Two. 'empty and, One partially 'By Lebow and no one was injured., consumed bottles. of beer were -'---- . found "in: the' car. ; These fine' worsteds ~are' ....o VZ.sz-t' The'boys told the pOlic,e.they Burgla • 0 found the bottles in a field. No really. distingUished. ,charges were brought-against the TOg5 that win high -grades (Continued from Page 1) .youths., . .sui~ings. Leoow:haS made: •. a good set of fingerprints was up several distinctive'. obtained.

," Flannel 'Suits , . • • • for young students ,CHESJER Specializes in SCHO.OL,SHOES • FOLKW.EAVE SUITS'

.,~" Sizes 12 .. 181 Thf! trend today is to darker muted ef. fects.' And for the most interesting ex.... Sizes 19..20., pression of this new fashion, we sugg~st .1' . Flannel •• ;. just what the we"~ you see our new StroOck Folkweave t. Suits, in ccBJackboned" CoJors t dressed student will wear ••• , . on campus, in class, on dates. , Come to' CHESTER'BOOT SHOP for pro- I They~re true black.magic ••-. achieved by per.fiftilig" :depend~DI... 'SCHOOL SHOES Stroock's genius in blending as many as Styled correctly ~•• and .w - • at most lIIoderate prices •. We 'carry na- meticulously finished details. tionally re~ognized.lines.-' in, complete eleven different colors of their super wools! And, since the suits are perfec- In Cambridge grey. ch~r~ .sizes.' ~ the right :st.oes for growing Ifeet • " fitted persoiially by Saturn' or' Ann tion-tailored by, H. Freeman & Son of coal grey and brown. Chester. ' Philadelphia, they are as pleasant to wear , as they are to see t. Sport Coatsl 23.95 , 4)

Siacksl 7.50 to 13.50 ,,~'CHILD,LIFE" , J ". . • Flannels end Gabardines '75' ,"POLL 'PARROT" SP'O,R TS JACKETS $SS "OFFICIAL BOY -SCOut" .. '," ,

and a comp'ete ~s.liction.0" ..',:;:',\ ,.,' .' . ,"" " . ' . ;'" " ,. q.l~ .< ''-~~, "CORRECTIYE (~rth~p.~lc) .S,HOES. '"". J"l.~ . \,/1. , MEN'S WEARJ INC. " for boys ,~'~:dgfrli~::'< ',' ,."",' ':, '., ':'.... , .80 KERCHEVAL;ON THE HllL-:. TJJxedo 2..3590 . : .M!!ASinGToJl ,llQ. .Aim BUILD'" na So I'CHI6A1'I& Chfldren's 1591,. East, IIETton 1t1M!1I&1WI OIItA.O 'SHOE . , Warr.n'Ave. TUxeao T-9252 GROSSE POINTI SPECIALISTS CHESrE R8.0 o.t_~S;II:;O.Pi"--. TU 5.0863

. " . • ~ ,'-~ ,,' r,-~

• • • I /, 4:. "

. ..

.4 ••• "'. ,. '.l... _;'" .".~u ".~. , . .. . ) _ " .of'- ~ ...... , , ;, Ij ,.,", ," •• ,. .. ".... .~ •• ' 1< •• ,' •• , '''" r, .- ...... 'I.,." ~'. ~ .~" ...... ~'f> ...... ~.,~f~~ •• '::4.:- ..... 4.. ~.".\~ ...... ",r ...... , ..... , ...... ",J::;


Page Four . , . G. R0 SSE. ,p ..0 I.N.t E , ' NEW S ThursClaYl$eptemoer ...., '1955. ! - r , .' Davis Cup Stars BLINDFOLDED CHAMPION The FJnest T lISt. Srnoofher Rides ,Promised. Pointe Bus Rrders Newell W. BankS, the blindfold like (ill Old Keepsake • 0 • checkers. champion of thi world, to in the Wood.f • ,. I To Be Seen Here. ,will take on all comers at the 1955 Michigan State Fair, Sep- Sf American and Australian Davis tember 2 through 11. Banks, one =---0--- Cup stars, fresh from the Davis of the few men in history, who e~ Cup matches and the National can play both chess and checkers V( Singles, will be seen in action at blindfold, will play six games a the Grosse Pointe Hunt Club simultaneously agamst opponeni.s It.: September 14. ~: : who care to 'challenge him. There Top stars Tony Trabert; Ham I will be no charge for observ- be Richardson, Lew HQad Rex', . ing or competing with Banks: pc: Hartwig and Ken RosewJU' will I :." N Old FashioneJ- pla~ singles and doubles, matches, " . tu durmg their stop-off in" Detroit ~" sInce er Hard Crust Bread Grosse Pointe t I Cc on the way to the West' Coast' I " ;.'~.... , ,~ =-~/927.. tournaments. ; Pr Also Ft'ench, Rye fo It will be the only time 'during 'News NEW HO~ Pumpet'nickel, Raisi1) the year that Detroit tennis fans PubUihe4 .very Thursday by Ante'ebo ch have .the opportunity o! seeing Publishers, [nc., 99 Kerc~u!VlL1,Groue 20331 MACK AVENUE ani and Whole Wheat Pointe Farma 36. Michigan. rot top-flIght amateur tennis. ' Phcui. TV. 2-6900 ! Three Trunk Lines [LEANERS'~ TfiAA~HM~in the }¥~a's ~ Grosse Pointe Woods Matches begin at 2:30 on Wed- Entere4 as lecond class matter at the -GROSSE __ 'j eel nesday, September 14, and tick- post office, Detroit, l\t1cblran, under POINTE' Opl ets are on sale now at Gray's , the act cf March 3, 1897. er BAKERY Subscription Rates: $3.00 Per Y~r by ~. and at the Grosse' Pointe Hunt ' Mail. All News and Advertising Copy ce' £0756 Mack Ave. Club. ~ Must Be in The News Office by Tues- ' .. pro day Afternoon to Obtain Insertion - Near Vernier Road The matches have been arrang- '-'his Week. SOl Opposite Municipal Bld~. ed by Frank Donovan, former l fa~ Detroit tennis champion. - fal' lnf incl New Patrolman. thl' . Hired By ~ark ity Eight new coaches that "Ride on Air') have just been purchased by the Lake Shores tr~ The Park police force added Coach Lines from General Motors at a cost of $176,000. On hand as the transaction,was ene another patrolman last week to completed were,.left to right: E. P. Crensha;,W',vice-president of General Motors in charge ad' release a vet~ran. officer for the ec( approved motorcyt:le .duty,it was of coach sales; Walter Schweikart, president' of the bus company; William: J. Dale, super." cib announced Friday, 'August 26. intenderlt of maintenance of 'the coach line~~ and Ed L. Lewis, 'regional, zone. manager, pal' The. additio~, OK'd by the city GMC C.O~9h~ales. The new bus'es will be put into service about September 3. _ ' dil councl1 early m July, brings the The coaches Rare the result of 120 ~ ... ~ ~ ," - ~ , icy Park's force to 33.' . the yea~s of ~gineering work per- Lieut. Paul T. GreeninG- Lauded by Gen. Tucker Starting duty August 29 was fect~ng the' new developnient, . ~ " John P. Can'oll of, 13341 Flan- ~hich is ~al1ed Air Suspension, HAMILTON, Calif. - Lieuten-. . He is the son of Mr. and 'Mrs. in ] ders, Detroit. smce ,the coach body ".floats" on ant Paul T. Greening of Devon- Wendell G. Greening of 1544 ing CLOTHES MASTER Carroll, a native Pointer, was compN:!ssed air. shire road, Detroit, Mich., rec- Dorthen Road, Grosse Pointe, abe VAUGHAN graduated from St. Ambrose The new type suspension re- ~tl! received a !ett~r of, appre- Upon his rel~ase from. act~ve ••• an. extra clOSeT; the , RADIO ar,d TRAIN SHOP High. School. A veteran, he is pri~ places conventional metal leaf clatl~:m~frqm. BrIgadIer General duty, Lt. Greenmg and hIS WIfe, Sturdy tubular steel f,:ome, sci~ LloneJ Approved Service Station marned and the father of a ten springs. Compressed air in 8 E. L, Tucker, Deputy Com,man- the former Joann~ K. Hengehold- entiflcally braced-easy to set S' 15434 Ho.rper LA "-0771 month old girl. heavy, flexible tir~-fabric bel- "del' of Joint Western Air Defense of Detroi.t, Michigan, will re- l'icl. Nr. Nottln{:ham-Open Eves. 'tlJ 8 lows supports the ,coach' and its Force, praising ,him for the ex- turn to, Detroit." up or store it in a compact poir carton ••• ideol for office Or passengers-they LiterallY' ride on emplary manner in which he . I of ail'. \) . performed his duties as Director Blame~rCreeping Car home. 7.95 corr. Ohitna.-ies 25 Jarring~ jolting road shocks ate ?f Internal In~ormation at Ham: For MI'nor AccI'dent ' all absorbed by the,. powerfully, Ilton AFB, Callf. Deluxe Clothes ,Maiter lan<. Waltei M. Chase Extra heavy 1" tubular steel, son, constructed yet flexible bellows. Lt. Greening will revert to in- . on!'. Walter M. Chase, 67, who re- Minor;' "high-frequency" vibra-:, acUve'status in the United States "'It just crept up on me!" That plus casters , ••••••• 16.95 figU, tired only last December 31 as tions-principal cause ()! llassen- Air Force Reserye the end of was the only explanat~on driver A, associate director of advertising gel' fatigue, which do not activate this month. John Creech of 21621 Finran in vore: & for Parke, Davis Company, leaf springs, are all aY>sOl'bedby During his active service Lt. St. Clair Shores could give for dim died of a cerebral heman!: age Air Suspension. Greening at ten d e d numerous . h 1 th . 1 d d the minor accident that occurred peri, on August 25. Through an ingenious air met- s~rvlce' sc 00 s . ~t mc u e a l'ain Chase was nationally known in ering device, called a leveling ....F.lxed ,Commumcatlt".n Cours~ at at 'the intersection of Mack and viet pharmaceutical circles and was valve, the air system adjusts Lt- F. ~. ~arren ..A'!!.3, WYOml~g, Allard roads i:q. the Woods Au- 'space-x-panders out. just completing a three-year self automatically to all load con- Ba.!pc PIlot Tramm.g at B~m- gust 22. In term as an elected member of the ditions-a big advantage over brl~g~ AB, GeorgIa, Observer -A -.car driven by Helen L. colle National Council of the American leaf ~prings, which have to be Trammg ,at Connally AFB, Knight of 22114 Pleasant, East 30 Pharmac~utical AS~\Jciation, one designed for maximum loads and- ~exas" and All Weather Inter- Detroit,'was waiting for'the light man, of the highest honors lU phar- are' too stiff. for less-then~ful1- .c,~ptor. Crew Training at Tyndall to turn green when. Creech hit tion macy. He was a life member of load conditions. AFB, Florida. her. He said that' he'd stopped tral the A. Ph. A., with which he had The design of the system prom: ~tior to, T~porting to Hamilton and the c'ar 'crept ahead unknown loca: been affiliated since 1915. He also ises considerable savings in main- AF:B, Gr:-emng was a ;radar ob- to him. untir. was' a lifE' member of the Maine tenance, such as the expense, of server Wltl1.th,e. 61s~ FIghter In- Slight damage was done to SOWll Pharmaceutical Ass 0 cia t i o'n, periodically replacing metal ieaf t~rceptor ,'Squaaron. at Stephen- Mrs. Knignt's'. ~ar, .but no ticket~ . cont: which honored him for his part springs due to fatigue. Prolongeci VIlle, Newfoundland, for 18 were' issued whe~ Creech agreed lem in the '.'Know Your Pharmacist" test~ by GM engineers indicat~ months. to 'take :~ar~,of a,-ll,the damag:e~:, Sp series 0'£ Parke-Davis ,advertise- the system will last the life of the' • DISPOSALL ~ ments. the vehicle. No lubrication (j[' , "i'/<:,' Pro.: that -'~ ... He was, past president of the the _new system is necessa~iJ ", YOUll Food wa'N J. Michigan Branch, A.Ph.A., and a Body stress will be reduced, ifis Bl 1 ,.movod before It claimed, because the. Air Suspen-, 3-TIER WALL SHOE BOY SHOE BOY' on WHEELS TROUSER RACK who director and past president of the , thei,' bocome. SJQ,bog. sion system absorbs shock. more~ Michigan Academy of Pharmacy. effecti vely. Easily attached ••• loop~type Holds up to 9 pairs of. any Functionally compact 6 - tier syste ••• quickly, ' ..... - type shoes in sboe tr':!e fashion Chase had spent 40 years with Since the air system regulates shoe trees, holds 9 pairs of any rac'k holds 6 pairs of trousers' He ,convonlently, afto' -sturdy steel frame on rolling ther-: Parke-Davis, including 34 years only vertical movement, radius type shoes-doeli not detract or slacks (with cuff) in only , ... "'''ory ","U of close association with Ralph G. rods are installed at both axles We think you will like some of the modern casters, 4.79 char( Ideal for .. ptlc from norma! closet space. 20" Sickels, director of advertising. to regulate lateral, longitudinal SHOE BOY'(as above-no cast- 2 Y2" of space, swivel hook for war. tanka too, fe"tures In YOllr home that we cu'stom Bll The two were known as the oldest and torsional movement, giving wide. . 3.79 ters) • • • •• 3.79 easier handling. . 1.89 , unusual riding stability. -custom build into. .new homes~, exp€( such "team" in the pharmaceu- • to a ~ only tical, industry. Both joined the Other features of the new coaches are: redesigned front • Built.in ,Desks terna $124.95 company on the same day, Sept- soci( 1 stepv:ell, placing step height • Built-in Vanities Inomlol InlfeUCltlo" ember 28, but six years apart- nearly two inches lower than behe:l Chase in 1914 and Sickels in 1920. by Berk.efey earlier models; shorter turnin~g !t Built-in'Wardrobes .- Born July 2, 1888 at Bangor, radius; safety glass as standard • Built-in Oven Maine, Chase received a B.S. de- equipment, and dual mufflers: gree from the University of Maine which give added silencing of ten- • Built-in Refrigerators"

College of Pharmacy in 19104 He gine exhaust. spent several years getting re- KITCHEN CABINET~ tail pharmacy experience before HUBCAPS STOLEN PANELLINGS SNACK BARS joining Parke-Davis. D u r i n g W. Loren Parmalee of 1122 World War I, he sE:l'ved as a Hawthorne reported to the, po- m~dical supply officer in the U.S. Army. He was a past commander lice that while his car was park- r .,. r. col'eman . ed in the Woods theatre lot on of Turnverein Post No.. 291, builder TV. 5-0072 American Legion, and a member the evening of August 22, some- • one stole bis two front hub caps. and past chaplain oJ Parke-Davis i Call TU 5-809r. Post No. 469. Plumbing & Heating Mrs. Chase and a daughter, • Master Garment Yalet MILADY'S BELT RACK Doris Ann, survive. They live at ~~e your Charge-Plate 6-'rIER BLOUSEKEEPER AND Blouses stay wrinkle - free on 1254 Bishop road. Triples your closet capacity in Neat and compact -' holds. a Funeral services were held 6" • • • holds Q complete shoulder-shaped ha'1gers, holds " Imported from West Germany • • 0 complete belt wardrobe within REPAIRS Monday at St. Clare ,de Monte- wardrobe-Lfih "over the door" 6 shirts Or blouses, rounded 17427 MACK. Woodhall fa1co Church. " . at or stores compactly. 2.95 easy reach. Colorful plastic plastic tiP9 prevent snagging. hook guards. Gift :"oxed. 1.95 Lightweight, easy to handle. Permanent mount type. 2.95 24-Piece 1.00 MELDRUM & SMITH -- OPEN ~'~LABOR D)~Y! Velvet-Finish. give you, neater 'more effi cient storage' ,', " , I . Stainless Steel Fruits and Starter Set .... Vegetables ~I co".'pl.t. with fitted cost at our

%' Outdoor 'StandI " CLEARANCE': Six hollow handle luncheon knjv~s, six luncheon Aluminum Summer Furniture. . forks, six te~spoons, ,si~ soup spoons' ••• tl set Arriving Soon! so beautiful its pattern, is called "Dream." Mode of th& finest , Complete S~~ii'lgen heavyweight steel In perfed proportion ana bafance, by Old World craftsm,en,' its scrateh-reiist~nt finish needli no polishrng.~.

Selection > Open Stock P~c •• '"Availa~l. , ,Daily of . '} ~-;;'\-.(".... Useyour, 9:30.toI, ")$,,:, 5:30 I ,1:,"1, .l Cilarga-Plate .. ~~l'" • \ I * W. Deliver - Call TUxedo 5-5433 '* Meldrum & Smith Nursery SlIles 17750 Ma~k at Rivard TU 5-5433 I' Home Dect)rative Shop , Grosse Pointe 171'41 Kercheval. In th'e V5I1a,.

, , .

; 1 . :'. ~


1955 Thursday, September f, -1'955 .~R'OSS'E,' 'POI'NTE'",NI:'W.$''' ,~, - ',' . " . '.- - , . ~". . . '.", Pagt'. Five .' '. Experts Describe Michigan State University next Life of Soviets I, :Juvenil~8 from ,the' makers and sellers of Forget the old superstition that Two .Army ·Wins •.Safety;Cifatlon'i .•..fall will establislio,.thenation's Vario.us aspects of life------in the trailer or mobile homes" mem-" shaving tends to increase hair the opinion thC).t-the arms race, Beat Up Girls first. four~year up,iversity '. pro- bers of 'Mobile Momes Manu- growth and coarseness. Facial Soviet Union were C\utHned by not agriculture, waft posing the, . ,., '," gram cOIlcerned' 'with. mobile facturers association and of Mo- hairs, whether. you shave or not, experts on the USSR for Uni- biggest problem _for the Soviet. ' ., ' , . homes.. Th~ degree' program was bile' Homes Dealers National as- coarsenvery.sligl}.tly il1a process versity ,of Mic~igan students in Referring to a free arms in- The Farpls cleared..1.l.p,the;case~ made, pos,sibleby a. $45,000.grant sociation. . that continues. all y'our .life. a RUSSIan-studIes seminar this spection pa~t, ,Professor, Resto\y, of teenagers. 1?olesbng,resIde~t~ summer. ," pointed out t};lat Soviet leaders' when they ..pI~ked,,',~P' t'?l0,')-~,:", Visiting sp'eakers included Her- know this freedom would mean year-.oIds .for botherll1g',a ,~~ bert Block from the U. S. De- the end of the Iron Curtain and of gI:rl$ on, the G~osse' Pomt,~ partment of State;' Prof. John thus of their political ard. social High S~hool grounds Wednesday, N. Hazard of the Russian Insti- control over the USSR. August 24. ' , ':: tute, Col?mbia University; Rob- A rash ,of molestings. were," ert D. HICks, Lt. Cot USAF Air Lazy ..Kids Susper-ted , reported ',the .latteD'part of..Juri~: ' Command and Staff College' and first of ,July about yOuhg:< this is Prof. Walte~ W. Rostow,' Cente: In Theft of Two -Bikes sters on'bikes grabbing at ped;. , for Internatl~nal Studies, Massu.- estrians as they rode by., .'. chusetts InstItute of Technology' 1'wo bikes were stolen. from .,Sq~~ci c.ar"?fiicer' ~arl-:..F~~~d and Lazar ': o~in, U. S. Depart~. the .Parcells school bike rack' .hea.rd 'sC!ea:I~llngco.mmg' fr,o;n ment of AgrICUlture. while the owners were visiting the fiE:!~?-in the 'early; ~ft.ernoo7l. Block spoke o~ the So~iet the library Wednesday, August on Wecmesday. Inv~hgatIon'l'r':" . economy, sta:ing that the philos- 24. . :vealed .t)le. two boys, i p~th De-.'. . . . '.. troiters,':",who' were beatmg .'t.1P' :' ophy behind it was one of "pow- The ownelS, DennIS ,C~lrns of two YO'Jng'Pointe 'girls:' " .:. er before welfare" with six per- 1824 Brys and D.avld Hlmmels- . They .admitted 'the' June' t'J!.:- ':~ Two new silhouettes to herald autumn cent gr~wth per year in rate of bough of 1796 Brys, rep~rted, the fenses and were released' t6:th~'ir' I',: production. He gave several rea- .theft to the Woods ~ollce, who parents with a stiff' wanting .. ,. sons why their economy moves later recovered the bIkes a few ' • • , c' dramatic velour pro~ile faster than ours, including the blocks away. '. C' /,' facts that centralized invest- li beret, a sleek soleil jewelled c~p. Dior ments play a big part and heavy "Some kids probably were too Dog Left In ar.: :.'sE,"cREiARi~':6F':T.HE' ARMY,",w"iLBE," RYM: ,t3Rbc K'ot:; . . , industry receives 43 percent of lazy to walk home so they just "s Sh \.' , ., . ':'7~rt~ picked up the bikes and took cares . oppers ' En, :0£ ..V~nd.ome; ~.bad~.Jeft~ shows.the: ....N~t~~naf.,scl;f~ty blue, black~ navy or brown. ':';'7';' '.. • ;- ',' oJ these inves.tments. ? ..... :. }':i off,'" said Detective Everette __ . 4\Yardpl~qu~:ito ...~~i,~~,C,L'OW,.U.S..:Ar~:~ S~f~ty ]J.ir:ectQr, . " , A 48-ho.ur week and a major- 'Plumb. "That kind of thing is A qei:rn'aI1 'shepherd' dog. be.-- after ~r~Brucker.accepted: the award ,on, behalf:; 'of the' each .. ,..,,:,;)1 ity of theIr labor forc'e in indus- awfully hard to .stop,. even longing to a. Bloomfield Hills. . The' Arrily' 'rec'eived ':the"plaqti'e'in.:j'.~cognition',' try are two other factorsinfiu- Army:. for.-, en~ing Russia's rapid economic though it happens. a good deal." resident 'was no help to a Pointe .puq~c.sarvie'e, at a. cerenibny', in .the.' Peritag9nin '.Wash- .. 16.95 advancement. He ~abel1ed the ------merchant Thursday, August 25~,; lngton. .' ", '. '. , .... '.. . -. . , t;~;tl economy "a pressure cooker" To Hold Antique Show The'dog, left in an open: CO!);;-, , .' . '. . , citing agriculture as the weake~t In Redford Auditorium vertible, snapped. at customer,~:V' . . N' ., W': 't' M'. : (..' :1 part because of poor soil and as they left. the st,ore.- The c~r;.r arms ew 'a er ' alns. r- .;.~"::?~.l ~limate, erratic. a1{ricultural pol- --- was.parked In a pnvaterear lot.,. .' . . '. . .;:..;;.: .... :::; ICy and lack' of incentive among • f;'X;:::l;~ the farmers. fr~~~~.~~""lra~n~;:,~:s~~al::,lh~dO:a~;;~~~~~~.;j~~edhi:t;Approved Following .Tests hibit in the 35th semiannual an. The shopper had to go. to .the . .' ,.' " "Housing is also a sore point :Ki~::r:::.:'! in Russia," Block declared add- tique show at Redfor.d, Septemo: station an,! pick her pooch up.~ The' $t'80;()OO'water expansion creasing .Our: pumping capaCity,- ing that .each person is aiIotted. ber 9, 10 and 11, 'from noon to No charge,~'were filed'. program started back' in 'May in. ,wiUgreatly improve the distri- about 45 square feet less than 10 p.m. in Carpenter's Auditor-, ------, the Farms' .was',:partial1y cOm- bution of '~he water to residents .. the space in a cell ~f aU. S. ium. Awa ds G ·ve .. pleted last.w-eek. This should help( water: pressure, Kercheval, at St. Clair prison. This show is known for the r,' In. The.'ent!re'project, which in- in all cases," Furton said.. i... , . Some further remarks onag- extraordinary large displays and Park E!mployes Clude~'7,1~O ':f.e~t'of water main :::==---"--'---'-.:-.--.,-...-----=====::::;:==::=:======l'lculture. came from Volin, who large variety of items featured. . and two addltlOnalfllter .beds'for pomted out that only 10 percent Pispla.ys consist ot furniture, -- '. ,the pumping:: station, scheduled of Soviet soil is tillable. This A);nerican gl.assware, chinas and .~he FC,'ur1.h Annual Safe ..for completion.'.late' in' Septem- compares with a U. S. figure of pottery, Victorian area. colored Dnver Awards were bestow~d 'ber. . " . .... ;.!ial 25 percent, 'and -when pasture glass and bric-a-brac, -primitives to nine GroLl,~ePointe .~ark em~: The water main under, ,con- land is included in the compari- of wood, brass, copper and pew- ployes a~ afitting ceremont het,d: tract: .to:ihe .Ray ':6. 'Bake~ :Co., son, the Soviet total becomes tel', Americana, stamps and at the CIty Hall, Monday, .h.ugust was ,finished .offlas~ week::' a1- , only 25 percent while the U. S. coins, antique firearms, old toys, 29...... most"ihree weeksal1ead' of:time. •' 1\ll~ :figure rises to 65 percent. dolls, lamps and early lighting George Danke, safety engmeer Fr~day, August 26,. wat~t was for the Marsh and McLennen In- pumped into the new main to seal '.' .... And, said Volin, even less fa- items. vorable than the soil is the Featured in the show will also surance Agenc~, made. the. itilp~ Pressure; t,ests were. held: climate in Russia. Shorf growing be large exhibits of decorative awards at the 4,o'clock program. 'early this week and the main was , peri.:xis, freezing winters, lack of European china and art glass. The a\~ards gIven to ~hos~eIll'-. deeme,{ competent' by cityengi-; .. rainfall, all make the lot of So- ployes Vi ho have gone wIthou.t neers;, ._. ' . . viet farmers harder, he pointed HOW TO SELECT CORN an ~uto or .truck accident for the. The main, which will make for out. Corn-on-the-cob time is here. penod of one year, were alh, a more uniform distribution of In addition, of the 90 thousand Here are some things to look nounced.. before the assembl~Et~ Farms water'and supply addition": o. collective farms in Russia, about for when buying corn-bright, of mumclpal ~mployes by elt:r a1 wat~r for ,the. City, of ..Grosse 30 thousand are inefficiently plump kernels; well-filled -cobs ~anager ;E~en~t.Lan~. Pointe, runs frOlll the jun~tion of managed. he declared. Introduc- without insect injury; dark green The r~cIpIents w~re., Vendome, north ..on Vendome to .' tion of farm practices from cen- . For .two years WIth OUt. a tr.af.. Morossand' Kercheval" west' to husks which are fre.sh in ap- ) tral party offices, re.gardless of pearance and wound tightly fIC mIshap: Leonard .Pedmos., . Ridge'and then west ag~in:tothe , . ::::',:;::1 local needs or special problems, ;[hre€' year awar,d. Herman junction of. the Ci~yand Farm~. ... ,". -.'-:;:: around the bottom of the ear; , , untimely farm operations, late .... ; shiny, dark brown silks;. and' a K I~h. ." .' Thou~h ready. for use,Jhe-mam -: ..-..' .-:.; sowing and delayed harvesting .Flve year award. Damel Weav- must wait for. the~ompletion of , ~".: st-3m, green at the break, to in- ,.', :' .. <::.~ contribute to making the prob- dicate freshness. 'eI. the new iilterbeds. Under con- lem acute. . Seven year awards: Thomas tract';~t~'.the ' Birmingham.. Con'- Speaking on another phase of HOUSEHOLD HINT Stack, Frank DeBets an? CI;yd" structi,on,Company~ the bed com- . . . the USSR, the new Soviet elite, T. ~ennolds... . .' . plet~or.cis .waiting on receipt of Professor Rostow pointed out Waffle irons can be used to EIght year awards. Alb~rt .Cook, machine' parts.'; , that the pFesent rulers are not bake corn bread" corn fritters, Frank Sandley and 'CYrIl Korte. "The' parts. are needed to hook ~'oung hotheads, but are old men drop biscuits, 0 a t meal drop cookies, brownies, date sponge PAPER BOY NIPPED .up' the pumping ho~e ..equipment who have much to conserve for . to the b~ds," City Manager Har- their comfert in the Communist cake, French toast, spice cak~ and gingerbread. ' ' , Paper boy Wiiliam Snow, 12; of .ry Fur.tonsaid. . '. r system which war would destroy. 405 Calvin in the Farms, was bit;,: Despite'the .hOldups, Binning- He expressed ihe belief that ten by a dog while he was de-' ham spokesmen are sUre that the there is better than a ~0-50 FAffi HAS SKY WHEEL livering his route on Merriweath- beds will be completed bj,the chance of avoiding a third \vorld The world famous Sky Wheel, er, Wednesday, Augus't 24; scheduled late September date. war. ,,' a ferris wheel on ~op a ferris The 'dog,. owned by the F.' V" Compl.etion of' the entire pro- But, he cautioned, we mustn't wheel, will be at the Michigan M9rans of Merriweather.,' bit 'gram will greatly reduce the expect the Soviet system to grind State Fair, September 2 through Snow on the calf of.the right- leg. Farms .and, City's. summer water to a halt under pressure of in- 11, at Detroit fairgrounds. This He was treated at Cottage hos- plight. There will still be periods ternal problems. "An enemy's fabulous ride is powered by six pital and the dog is, now. under- of .restrictions, ,Furlari . warned, o society doesn't drop dead on your electl"ic motors, weighs over 18 going. the required '10 days' ob- 'but they should not be as severe. behalf," he said, and expressed tons and has a height of 92 feet. servation period. "The. new system, .'besides: in- "'. • ,- / :~ " :~,

OUR 100%. PURE 'VOOL LAMBELLAGIRLS' COATS , I AND'TOTS"COAT SETS '.:: • i ..... ,..,.,..4 , . From now on, all though'ts'turn to \. the beautiful warmth of •o our Lambello fleece coats' .•• their all-wool interlining~', p.rotedive insulated' " .Miliu~ ,linings, 'o:nd~tbeextra ~dFJ~p hems and cuffs for oddedwear~ e A. Tots' French 'bliie.' red . .' , ISHEREL. .orce~ise coat 'set wi'+h • Ii.ned leggings and d~tachable cape~ ,WEDNESDAY', SEPT.. 7 ., ~. J • . Sizes 3 to bx.. 10' A. M. TO ,5",:P.M'. .. . , .

trimmed muted WIT'H :.HER:, 0 RIG rNA1~ , . . , . tt ' • ...... , : : check: in, grey or;' , ,': l>-..~\ ~ • ....FA..C.t. 1955 ,COLLE'CTIO,N' beigd. ,$iz.es z.ja 1:4.-. ," .' ~: ' '. '. ..' .. each 35.0t» OF STREETWEAR, " I. ,, - , ' .. ': ,'" . I ". ,r, " ~ , ., . . , '~atchin;~:';'H~t~i'4~95'( . )',. C'O',C'KTAI'L \ENSE'MBL-E,S: . '. , , . ANOtATE-DAYWEAR .- '0 " , "-

-.'. I

t ' . "Jacoljs()n-'s. Kercheval, :at St: Clair I , ) .. L. ,,,,', \ . ! '" l . - ~ -- I ' - t-'. I

): . ,~ ." ' ~..:~~.').~ .- .' 'Us. ,:Your Charta.Plate , . ' KercheY~'ire.tSt' .Clair , • r • _ •• : ,,'I" • • .,.,~,~, -

'.~ I .-J'-, p .' ".,.,. , 'f ~'.:-;-: '.' " " .' '.- ~ -". ". . '. . ~ , <' ••• '. , ~ .' ' ...... ,...... u ._ .U'_, v; '"'iw" ...... - ...... -., -.- ,. k .. .oj ...... ,. r " '''l _' ,. ~"',' ;- ,', :~,.~"( - ,. . , , ' . './

,! . ,h i i ~ ,.. ~ ""OlJ*t'¥i$,iJ&A ....¥O*. i?*""\it:titt~__ ,wr-' - Th'ursC:Jay, S.pfemlier T, 1955 , I Page Six ,Gi.R6sSE;lPOINt~':N'EWS', "'--'-,'-:-"'l~ ; b .r* ~ $ 4 the' City, pollee and the "wino" Ever wonder why after dinner speakers are usually men? Wo- Sp~ederMisses . ResidentObjet;ts to Nuns DreatnRe'alized NabsSltopllfter With, Wet Goods was locked up pending: the sign. men CaIl't wait that long. ing complaint. O~chekski ", .'.. A&P~anager ..D. M~.Todd t Park: Grove in Detroit tried to of • oooooo~oo~~oooo~ C~d ~. Str~et... •OccUPyiflY Par'kRe1ii,dence caught 'a ~op~r~ed.handed Iw~k I,)utwIth. a bo',~e of 69.cent was penniless a,t the' time of his RICh!\rd Eldt was ticketc::d.for ,. '" ' . "','. : :.' . ,'. ' Saturday,. ,August ,27, when 41- wme under his shrlt..' . rollr A-G Store y.ear:Qld .Tohn Olsch,ekski of 14671 . Todd reported the InCIdent to arrest. reckless driving aUd'in~dvertent~ A political .•'hot :potato" w~ .~..The"council~ tight .,mouthed". () 1y causing an accid,ent on'Sun- thrown rl:gbt'back into.the'lap of: throughout the' discUssion ,.let' SPECIAL resident ~:George Williamson ':by: ~Heftier' do an .of' itS, tallting~' . , i day, August 28. the Park', Council" at its' Monday: >{', ' "Char'" ..p' _...:..,' , ", ' . .- ) 'd h l' 7' .' 't' A"'" 9 ' ' , ..' , «e _ ..veness ". SUNDAY HOURS E1 t, wOlves at 65 Umver- eve~~ mee mg,,' ugust 2 .. ' ,.~ ,:'" '. t, ;' '," '" ':.' " ",.: sity, was speeding at a rate of WIlliamson appeared before ,the.• ,: ~ f8D' t~~erstand. ....how • y()u 40 'm.p.h. on narroW University council .to,'as~ the proper rne~fcan..,t~e sU~"a'j~~SlV~' ,st~d when he barely wissed hiltinga of keepmg the Bon Secours. ,Hos':',.when: ther~ ,I~, ~bVlOUS. mtent to 10:00 child who ran blindly into the pihtl Nuils,':fioom moving, into 'ab~~ak a law,"'JillifmlsOIl direct':' , Cln you qu,,/ily••• street. temporary' residence on HarVald ,~d':at th~ co~cil. :.,,' TO ,The child, four-year-old Craig road. " ",.'NoW, 3ust:,a ~minute:"Heftler , () Bowden" was crossing the street ,Williamson, who resid~s at 1033 ~aid.,~uYou~cotrie)n~hereto get.us : ' . f when the screech of EidtJs tires Harvard; contendeci,that by mov-' ,to:'~emedy a.'prohhim ..,that is 'best , . ing into 'the, residence at 1040 "hBiidled thi'ough' your, own. rightS. , ,for PRUDENTIAL'$ Sel1ior Ii 6:00 frightened hini and he dashed Harvard, ,the- Nuns WIll ,be in di-~~To'gei' an'fu'junction becaUse the' ' •• c Open Thurs., Fri. 4nd Sat. ~~~\f~~e~~~rb. He tripped aI?-d 'reet violation of.boththe'sub::'di-:-, :'group)s~::violaim:g:"the ~ub-diVi:;;:: vision" restrictions: .and; the city 'Sian. rightS,"iS~he 'ordinary, way; , Age Protection Ian for Hospital Evenings Till '9:00 P ( Eidt had to swerve to miss the ordinances," To,~'andle i~;through' the' ~itYord-' t child. " "Council Agrees inance 'is the .~xtraordinary way. ' P Craig had to be taken to Bon With this contention. the coun- ,In,~nly' one."case .I:ve' eyer come, 'and Surgical Expenses.? ROSLY,N Seco)lrs Hospital lor treatment. eil J agreed. U_ ,aga~sthas :th~ Ju?ge enfo~e:e,c;,:.., ' ' ' , ' "~. Eidt' was issued a reckless dtiv- At 'present" the Nu...~sare liv- an,?rdm~ce ~efor~ 'It_w:asbrok-: ' ','A1ife~long. a~bitionto' be an t; MARKET ing ticket. "He was going far ing in a. small frame house. on en. " ", , '.. ' '" ' " airlin~. sfewa~deSS. has '''finally . Written to age 70! too fast," said Chief Thomas ,the HospItal grounds. Part~ of the ,,' Won t Intimidate Self, .. , . . ',' ,~, ,. ''- ,* Continuab.le for life! 21020 MACK at Rosfy'" ltd. Trombly. ."But then the child mOl:ilesfrom the' recent. hospital' "But I don't want. to intiIriidate been re~~zed ' ~y-,~~~T, B,AL-: i was lucky, too. He 'never should .fund raising, campaign will be inyself," Wiliianison said •. ".' LENTINE C?f}r111cre~t'road." In Pai~ upat age 80! / , 1:- TU. 4-9821 ,** Non-cancellable! .. ):. have been allowed tQ wander used.forthe new convent type of. throw 'the',hot'potat6.'ta7~~,Jat1:et,:~a~~'up'hetriiind to .iSoyou I' across the street." hOUSll~gfor the permanent hos-in our laps," HeftIer retorted. 'thIS' when, she was ,"a' fourth- Provides daily hOlpital confinement benefits! a ------pital staff. T th: Will" ' , '1 t gr d r', ' ,'! , * Surgical expense benefits! (: Thepropsed site; of this new ,,0' IS", lamso~ waS,SI en. "a.,~~, \' ' '.. " \ home is the 'present, dwelling. ,. ,In any ca:se~the ~ourts :vo~d , WheI1 sh~was .graduated ir.om', * d BACK TO SCHOOL ••• IIRumor has it' that the Nu.ntpr6b~bly ,1ldJourn Clty ac.tlon.In GrC',ssefomte,' High School her \ * Fot infermation. in this area' can plan to live in the Harvard road .Ught of.,the circumstances," 'Heft-~ ,career paper: was about this, oc- e residence while the, new facili- lercontinued .."(' ", .,,' cupation., . ' .' ' ~ 0 InStyle and Comfort ~••. by Hack! ties' are under construction,~' The ;'dis::ussion that ''lasted a1- "On August'24;,Jane{was"grad7~, :F Williamson' said. uI would, like to most:'three quarters of an hour~ uated ,from the United Air.:LIDes' , VA 3..1022 TO 1-7159 'I go on record as saying that I, atbrou~~t out ~l~a:rly that no one' 'Class afte~ five

dence." .Hugh Grant Barns. a neighbor of v~r, Colorado.,,: p, Forces :Qisorganized ,/' yours,u, Mayo?=,,:Homer' Fritsch" ',Followirig." ,graduation 'from. = b Williamson a~itted to the: saidtt.o Wil~am:"pn, "telling me of high school" 'Janet, attende,d, ,G council that his Harvard 'road the cIrc~t~ces and t~at some: 'Carleton "Co.llege, and received, pi forces were disorganized. ~.Ihave of ,the, .resldeIl:ts we.re, alarm~~..., :her bach~lor:of .arts, degree fro~ cl Saddles for Girls, Blue and For Boys in come here on my own part to feel But he calle~ me. later and sa1?,, U.of C. m Boulder; Colo., She 'IS: & White, Brown and White Black or Brown out the, council on the matter,'~ that everything was. clea~ed UI~.,t~e daughter', of;,Mr. ,and Mrs. I-t's No Secret! he said .• 'Though j 'know,my be- You~~appearanc: bEFforet~;s body RIchard K. Ballentme. ' liefs have the backing of the, cam~ as a surprIse to me. ------• 'Fin'e Carpeting HACK SHO'E CO. block, we'have,not as yet formal-' Williamson said that,he appear- ,1\11', amCI-an', VI-SI-tS' Regular As Well As Prescription Shoes ly organized~ ed.to .'get some things out into, ll.l b.& • Quality Installations It came out later that one 'of the clear:~ HI don't know who I'm Child" ; H ' 16633'E. WARREN, at Yorkshire Williamson's ,chief objections and, ,dealing with, members' of the ' ren S,' orne • Low Prices reasons for opposing 'the occu..:,fund ~ampaign" the Nuns or .a' --',

; p' .pancy was .the way the riegotia;~~riest. I don't know w~cre ~he ,Young fry at the' Protestant • Terms Arranged tions were being handled. "The' ,money for the house IS comIng Children's' Home were treated to "\ home was not boug,ht' through a fr()m; I'd like to know.)" _ a diffeirent kind of entertain- , BOYD realtor, it was handled ,privately. HeftIer Reviews Facts ment Monday evening~ August' TOM INC. "Had a reaU?r ~n~wn. th~~,~it 'Heftler cleared a few things up eloteren was to be used In an ~stltutlo~~ 'when he reviewed the facts of the 29. way, I"doubt very ID;uchwhether case to date. HWhen the cam- 'They were mystified py a

;J)eSolo..pl'Jrnoulh Safej anJ Se~vict1 h~ w~uld .have S?l,dIt to the h~:, paign realized ute fundS to allow talented Pointe, teeri~agert John < neo, BuckIngham pItal. WIth thIS the counCll a ,ne"N residence'to be built, a 'Osborne< of Lochinoor •. He pre- 15839 E. WARREN ag~eed. ',f'~1lld committee member, George sented his magic' act. ,,' What assurance ~o we have Naumann, negotiated for the ------'------,.--.;..-----.:..---- th~t unfoFseeable cIrcumstances, house on Harvard as a temporary I mIgh~ not come, up, suc~ as warr~sidence. He has closed' the deal or dlsaste:, a~d ~ecessitateth~, and that 'is how things stand now~" ON" expHie1ue ••• • Nuns contmual reSIdence on Har- ..' . , . vard?" Williams asked: , " ,~illiamson wa,nted to ,know if II1Ul m4t1y h4pp, Sought-Alter .The council replied that he had the Nuns,"had the fundJ;>.to pay, no asstU"ance where such mat~ for the house~,Heftler saId that he ./4mj,lies ••• two-- Service'. • • ,; ters were concerned, had talked to ~hem and ~hat they .t'id~ thtl, ft/InOW" ,{ ' 'M tb .:I~ Cited had assured hun" ~hey'dld. . 11 is RUMAN Two e o~ " ,,'~. " . . . ' I.Well, you fellows know that /01" ,~rulipg.IOve11 r to remember only W~l~lamson then asked w~~t financing is a nebulous ..thblg~" S kitchens, even 10 who did the poor specIflcall~ could be do;o.e.P~k Williamson .said to the council. :! counsel PIerre Heft1er replied 'To ~his the council' d~d not reply~ ~ equippi.,ig them. iob! But it's pur. th~t he had two recom:se.s.,. In light of the' ,council's hesi~ ~ WISDOM to remember ~ou can get. an :lnJunctlon tancy to act, Williamson said . 4.,oti ~ 'thinting ahead to .Ch"idtina6,wh'},not You'll like our who did the a~amst them m.ovmg;ill on YOl1:'that'he would organize his Harv- lillle.fuss, little- rI.g~t~ as con~al~ed. m ,the :Jub- '-ard road forces "and see if soine~ good job. dlVLSIO?restrIC~lOns.or you. ca~ thing can't be worked out." come In. ~nd SIgn a complamtJ It was recommended that he get condide,.4 complete!, NEW KITCl-!EN /0,. h~,.l Heft~e~ saId. t.. - together a committee to' me!'!t , ~,~ ' W:Ilhamson s mtenb,~ns were, with the hospital forces and talk WE' HAVE HUNDREDS' OP sATISFIBD GROSSE. POINTE CUSTOMERS ObVl~USthroughout. , Is .there things over•. ' " . . , '. - nothIng you can do to prevent I them from obviously iJ;ltending to ' Showing Compl~te ,Line 0," famC?'us General ~'ectric., Appliances 'Call-LA 6..3700 break a law?/' Williamson .asked; Samuel Armstrong, Jr; "If )'ousign the ,complaint, it 'Promoted in Air -Force Through dur' experience 'we have been able to design and build sQme of the most will be against iiltent," ,Heftler' charming and effiCient kitchens to be found anywhere~ We can rebuild ,your replied. "We can. then t~ke ,it to BE.ALE"AIR ,FORCE\ BASE, court and ,ask the judge for' an - , kitchen quickly,and eeonomically. injunction, 'but' the' chance! of CALIF., August ~3,._- Sat,IlUelE.. I' Free Estimates. TUxedo 5-3206 . • Between Whittier ~ Six Mile getting, it are a thousand toone- ArmstrongJ Jr. has recentlY. been J327l GRATIOT AVENUE . against. Intent is protected under promoted to the g:-ade of AIrman Ithe sub-division rights." ,S.econd ,Class. He IS p~esently as- _-..=-_-.:_-_-_-_-_-_-.:_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_--=-_-.:-=-_-_--=-_-_-_-_-_-_-:_--=-::..--=-:.:=-_-...;.-:;;::-~~~~_=__=_=__ -'-. _' __ '____ SIgned to 2275th HospItal Squad. ron at Beale, the western home Tbulro olthe Aviation Engineers .. 'earlis" '/l/ower ~~~~:~;~~ • ~:~I:C;o~ ,A/2C 'Armstrong is' the son of , ITORI HOUR5-Open till 9:00 MOn.,Thvrs. .nd Fri., and till 6:00 Tua, Wed., and Sat. Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Armstrong,. 642 ~. ~" , ~ .Lincoln road, Grosse Pointe. •••••••••••.~~.~••,. ••~ •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••~~••~. ~,..•r. - •••• ~.. ~~•••••••••••••• P,.••••••••• r." ,~- .-r••••••••• rrr.-wr~ •••••••• ~.~,_ •••••••••r. _.~._...... r ••y 1r_ .--r Character • • • plus Charm '•• III

I, f ,ope.n house the NEW Rob'elle'sBeautySaloQ . 829 Trombley Road. Grosse Pointe Park'

i This 'solidly built English Tudor with exquisite detail throughout' is serenely' s~t'.~ ..'19027 'Mackl:al ..,7 Mite . f on a lot 80' x f75'. which is secluded and attractiv6'Jy planted. . ., " ., just 2 DaMS ,Prom' Ou~"F~ to~atiOn " . ~. '.. ' From the center hall. which is a symbol of dignity, you can step into a '9ra~i~us' ,- , living room and dining room' filled with an at!Tll:'Sphere of elegance and tran~ ' quiflity which is sure to please your mQst fastidious guests~ There is ~lsP' a;:~oriny : sunday,. Selll~mbern. chestnut paneled library and sma.rt .breakfast room. " ,'.. ' from 1.2',noon" The seco.nd floor features a iarg'8 master bedroom. three additional bedroo";s and two baths. A delightful basement recreation' room with fireplace, is excellent We'rey,'e'ppY' to weIcom~ ,you',to-our beautifuf n~w e~r,'-eonditt6ne'd " .for entertaining. . '. I ' . , s~lon '. _ • and are, setti'ng. aside~Sun,d-ay".~~ptel!',~~r'.I I,' ~,' An exceptionally fine home ~or a f~mily which, desires corrifortabre accommodatioi'ls , • ~ t ~ • ., < ,_ , and eleasant surrou~din91. es ,a\s.ped~1 ~ayfor ypu to ,previe'~i,~~\~~!~r.:~ry~>,~','~,", ,j',,~ modern,appointments ~ •• and meef:our:\seven.:Yir.ginia.:FarreIF" , ' , ....>' "trai,ri,ed beaufidcn,S who wiII,~'i~r~e'..y6~~':~~','" <~',': ':' .. " ,': "

'- - ' ,j" ',: .' , I . .' '!. :". ' , .. :: , ' ( : ~ ' .' ',: ,~': ", ,'" II '.' _ • "

1 ,,"" j,' • ,. '. 11. '\ I ,'- " ~.'

• i" ,gohP,stone '& I gohnston,e, fJn~ .... ()pm Th'ursJi,y~'FritUy Evening$ ',' '. "', ". , ' , . . '~.' " I , , • ,', - ~ ... - + I REALTOkS, . .~:,'<';'.A:ppo'intm'ents: Tl):'.4-l130'," s, 19790~Mack Avenue. Grosse Poi.~te Woods,' TU, 1.6300 .Free Gifts, for All Who Attend!

" ",,"-, . "~, ..... '''' , ,_~ 1 t" ,- , <. ;;i~';~'"

{ ',""' " " , ... ' ,- '. ~ ,I ~.. .;;~~... ,.' '/,

, ,~,- "" ,::'-':;1>'...- " a 0 _.. d d d ft .... b .... L, t:,~-:i:.~ a •• _ dab 0 C r's reM • * ... c1: dzr. d ...... - ...... •. l,


", ThQrsd~y.,Sepfemher "1', '1955 ' 1955 • '(,; R OS,:S,E~.,P,O (N',1 E:,":N EW S ..' - '" '. ; , Page S.v... he .'wino" I' the sign .. Garden. Club Council Urges Show 'Mailman 'Bitten Visi~or'Badly ...Fashion })JansdntheMakirig' l Hits Stop Sign ~chekski - ., ., ,- '. lime of h~ Flowerlng Shrub Planting. 'By Dog in Park Injured'in Fall In Making Turn I feUI ~ould have' only one shrub advance as to time, place and Another, mailman was ,bit~n Timothy Crowley, 55, of 9266 A faulty turn led to the level- or tree, I'm sure I'd take a flower- date. by'a dog~hile trying ,to carry ,ing of a stop sign', in the City out his time worn task of mak- Wlldemere, Detroit, wishes he'd ing crabapple/' states Mrs. Bert For any information regarding' Saturday, August 20., Luther Lindz~y, president of the price!\, varieties, size &nd culture ing sure ,'the mail getS .through.' never gone visiting at the Lin- Driver Charles, Kubasta, of G P . t G d please call the above or Mrs. He was Kenneth Meddelton of coln Wurzers of 1780 BroadstQne rosse om e ar en Club Coun- LindzSy. VA.'2-5511 OrTU~4-3030. 23018 St. Joan in Detroit. Nipped in the Woods Sunday, August 28. 1444 Yorkshire, driving west on. cil. She adds, feTe me there's, Get your calls in early and add a Goethe swung too wide' making while delivering on his Buck- Crowley slipped on. the base- nothing like them for beautifying further spot of beauty not only inghani route. he 'was, taken to a left turn onto University. . ment stairs, and fell down a jumped the curb and struck the our yards ,and community. Each to your own house but to Grosse the U.S. Marine Hospital a-:;'the /' , whole flig!:lt,' injuring himself SIgn.. property should have a white Po~te. , foot of Alter fOr" treatment. quite badly. Rushed to Bon Se. Kubasta, who reported the ac- one, every branch sizzling with Grosse Poi~te hlil.salready ~n- The offending Dalmatian, now cours, "he was ~reated for com- cident himself to the police, was flowers and bees, a pink one that tered the Nat~onal Cleanest CIty under observation, is owned by pound fractures of his left arm, not issued a ticket when he of- Contest for 1955. Awards are the Charles T. McKinnons of 1214 face and head injuries and, pos- lights up the ground and a, based on, beautification as well fered to make all the, necessary Buck;i.nghani. sible internal complicati.ons. . crimson one that flashes fire." as clean-up. restoration for damages. The Grosse Pointe Garden Club Council is offering residents of the five Pointes an opportunity to Joseph F. O'Sullivan purchase, at very low cost; eight Takes Aviation Course varieties, best suited to our cli- mate and locality, for' planting

CORPUS CHRISTI, Tex. -' this fall. , ""c -.. (FHTNC) - Am 0 n g, the 1,400 NIGHl AND DAY. The deadline for placing orders is approaching, so if you have NROTC Midshipmen who com-, been away or it has slipped YOUr pleted a three-week aviation in- ~1nd, contact your Garden Club doctrination cours~' August 16 at representative or telephone your the Naval Air Station here was area chairman ton road, Grosse • -Picture by Fred Runnella Pointe Park, Mich. calf ,enters the s,cen$ For thl! Park call Mrs. M. Rob-- , Three circles of the Altar SoCiety of Oux Lady ;'of the Seas Parish will- sPo~so~ " fashion The midshipmen, fr.om 52 col- ert Olp, TtJ. 5-4415; the City, Mrs. a fashion, show and luncheon' in the Gross~ Pointe 'Yacht Club at 12:30 on September 13. ' leges and universities throughout Busy with, th e pla:ns are, left ,to righ,t: MRS. 'HAZEN P. WI~SON,' decora~ons c,hclirman; to step smartly into .fall Otis U. Walker. VA. 2-0506; the the U. S., received training in, 7 Farms, Mrs. Wm. F. Connolly, Jr., engineering, navigation, ap.rody- MRS., GEORGE S.KARLE, prize ch$man; MRS•.NELSON J. McB:~UD;E;::'publicity;and TU. 5-5112; the Shores, Mrs.,Har- MRS. JOHN K. BUSCH" general. chairman. ' ~ ~ ' . ", ," with you.Top: Opera pump namics, and other phases.of Naval I ~ old O. Love, TU. 1-5701; ,and in , '~~-' -'----' -' aviation. Each midshipman flew /The fashi"n show, •which, £01- • " , ' ------, ,'. are as follows:' , / meticulously styled in sleeK the Woods. Mrs Stanley L. Smith in the P5M flying boat and, the lows the luncll,eon, will include very smart women s suits and AssIsting' th~, general chairman; TU.4-2892. T-28Bj one ,qf the Navy's latest models from Walton-Pierce'dis- ,dresses., Mrs. William C. Roney and Mrs. bJac~ or cinnamon stiCk Late in October the shrubs will ,type training 'planes., ' playing their latest .colleption of Also, from Youn~ Clothes, Inc., ~~mond,Lynch. be distributed from a central Prior to arrival here the mid- , ' a group of youngsters, will mO,del ,C' 'Mrs~W:' :b~~ RobinSon, fash~ brown. Bottom: Halter strap' t Grosse Pointe location and a mass shipmen completed a three- planting week observed. All pur- Lester W. Stevens what the. well-?r"essed ~r~-school ions;' Mrs. Roney; patronS;, Mrs~ week training 'course at the Am .. an.d schoo~ chi!dren,:;wll1 wear Ray, Whyte, co-chairman of ,pa-:- pump perfectly detailed and chasers will be notified well in phibious Base, Little Creek, Va. Promoted by Dodge thIS fall, and" wmter.;, . , trons; Mrs~MichaelKearins/tick-' The sponsoring circles. o!the ets. Mrs. V.H. DeBaeke co;';chctir- imaginativery draped in . 'Prom'otion of Lester W. Stev-' Altar Society are numb.ers 7, 8, ma;" of tic~e'ts; ¥ts. Arthur Suth-' ens to the position of territorial and 9. ' erland,,. programs; 'Mrs. Norman' nanas.ome black and Back To Dancing Sch,oo" development representative "for Proceeds from'the event will Nigro, co-chamnan of ,programs; , brown lustre Dodge, in the Midwest'zone; w~s: be used to help defray the ex- Mrs. Clul1e WSlSh, fiiumciar'sec.: :carf. , announced by L. A. Wehde, zone pense of pews for the new church retary; Mrs.' Robert Lewis, co':' sales manager of Dodge.' Bros.', ,on Morningside drive, alld. Fair.: chairman of. decorations an~' Mrs'. ' 16.95 Corp.. " ford road. ; " , John Wilt, and ,Mrs. Arthur "ged His new duties, el1tail develop- 'Other 'committee head members Cerre, co"'chairmen;:o~ pul:!licity. ment work in Michigan, illinois, Iowa, Missouri, Wisconsin, Min- nesot~, North and Soutb Dako- ta, 'w yom i n g a:-id Montana, which .comprise , the Midwest zone. Be,~utiful,S,e'amle'ss Nylons Stevens has been working OIl special assignments since he join- ed Dodge in September, 1954.. Stevens has 19 years' ,experi- at irresistibly, ence in' the ,automobile and ji:' At Blll Wilson School special pre-school baby rhythm classes !Ire available for children ages 3 to 6. Your child deserves th~ best in nance 6peratiqns., He has worked dance training. as sales and general manager at LOW "PRICES! ••• 'retail, and nas' helddistrict,re7', '\ Fall Term Begins Sept. 6 Tap gional and zone managerships,' " for another automobile com~, ,. For All Age Grou~s Ballet pany. He 'also directed Ithena~ '4l" Acrobatic tional dealer' deyelopnient pro~' Our school offers instruction~ by accredited, gram :for another automobile SI ely teachers. Spacious waiting rooms. Large air BaJlroc;rn 'concern. ' cleaned studios. , or 3 pair 'for 2.95 10 BILL WILSON Pvt. David M. Sh8ne , - Misty clinging ..seamless nylons, Coming Hack to, States' ,, 51) be~utifully ~heer you barely SCHOOL OF DANCE FIRST DIV., GERMANY-Pvt. 16600 Harpe,. Ave., at Kensington Rd. David M. Shane. 20, son of Mr. know you're wearing tnem•. ' I and Mrs. William. E. Shane, 365 'l!s~ Your Charge-Plat. ENROLL NOW BY CALLING TU. 1.2395 McMillan rd." Grosse, Pointe; 1n f~lI's favorit& complim~Jitj[]g' Mich., is scheduled to leave Ger- Ke,rchevaJ,at St. Clair many for the'.U. S. in September' , ' co1ws of fant~sy ~nd charm . , .as part of Operation Gyrosccipe~ the Anny's new unit rotation beige. Sizes ,8'1i to plan.' , I'.' Private Shane's :unit, the, 1st Infantry DiviSion, is being re- placed'm Europe by the 10th In- fantry ,Division. The, 1st will be, stationed at:Fort, ,',Riley ~ Kan., , when it arrives in the U. S. An aircraft mechanic in Head. Edwards- quarters Battery of 'the 1st Divi•. Kercheval; at St. CI.,ir sion's ,5th Field, Artillery . Bat-' tali on, Shane entered the Army in March 1954 and 'arrived over':' ..Use Your Charge-a-Plate" ,shOes seas last ,September. for EXTRAORDINARY VALUE! -children safegu~rd young feel with eorreet fit. ~'enuine Alligator', Handbags superior des,ign ~n~ ~orkmanship ••• in.. • Aristocr~ts of Leather lUring future feot . he~lth by , • II' ., ~'oo especla y prIce d2d encour~gin9 , , , plus tax 'n_orm!f 'foot growth. 'A. Boys" brown eolf

, " Spectacular .savings, e'arJy. in tns shield toe oxford. Sizes 6V2 to'9, 6150 , "s'e~so~,for these' t~P,qu~litY' Sizes 9V2 to f~. 6.95 handb~gs, only the silkiest Mexi- '.. Sizes 13 to 14, 7.95 can "~lIigetor skin~ hove been B.'

used. leether Jined~ b~autifuily .~Jf or bJue " , suede oxford oppointe~~includi;,g hand ...,,' , with ~repa , ~tih::h"ecf'deteiJ.' Satcher)). sole. boxes or slim 'snve10 pes-' ma'ny, Sizes 13'12 to 4 ' , .' 7.95

. '~ . .,' ' Sizes 4 to 7, a.50

,'",HOURS: " ) " ,~ :\ DaiIX':9:30, t~ 5:3'Q~-' • ..,l ' ....

BRANCHES: HAYES AT MAYFIELD ru. 1-1900' 8846 EAST JEFFERSON Use your Charge.Plat. 10 PENOBSCOT BLDG. " ' CONCOURSE Harper ~atGrayton '" Kercheval, at St. 'Clair " "Use'Your Charga ..Pfefe , ' .. , ,)-. " " . Kerchevei, at St. Clal, , " ,,',:", .. , , • t •• '~ .~•• :.'~,"~'l_ " ': '~':"'.' '~'~"::.r' ...:\~,,$_,_ .'~, 1 >,>. ~' .. " '.'- '- . -r J, , " ", \ .'- , " ~.. " . , '."

ft: • _ .------...... , i

Page Eight ThuJLsaay. Septemher 'f, "955 , LICAVOLI RPBBED ' .Marines Plan Exhibits At Michigan State Fair Gives $100,000 Peter Licavoli. of 20904 Bon ChurchWotnen'G~ttirig,Reaay',fot~ :Catholics Plan- Sale .xhi'.b'.t' .t' U • The United States Marine and heavy machine guns, ami For Flood Relief Heur in .St.. Clair Shores report-. .E. I a" 1" aIr Corps, traveling exhibit will be medals, and decorations author., ed to the Wooas. police 'that . I ::::',', ...'.d': --' at. the Michigan State 'Fair in zied forw~ar by Mari~'es. " A $100,000 contriblltion by someone ~tole the front'hub'caps :. One.',ofthe ~ost interesting ex-Detroit, September, 2 through 11. Also shok will, be modelS Of General Motors to ihe American' ftom his: car parked' hebind the ~hi~its ~t.~the,1955 ~ichi%an st:'-te DIsplays' ~clude a prese~tation' planes used by the Marine C0;P."~ Red Cross Fund for.' relief of Woods. Drug Center. The theft r~m.wWb~. theCatholI~. fO;~lgn. of life at Boot Camp, toOls of battle streamers of the,. Marm~~. flood victims in six North East. occ\lrred August .'27•. mlssl~ns.sponsor~ by, theSocl~ty the' trade' including an armored Divisions and. exhibits fr0t:n the , . fo~:thePropagabon of ,the ,~a~t~, t bas" all' arms. m'ortar Marine Corps Institute .. ern States was announced by the. Pope's' own world ...nusslon. _v_es:....:.:..,,__ lc-s-m----- .. ~ ---~---- Eastern, Sta~es have suffered Harlow H. Curtis, president of societY' aidfug and supporting '.all great losses in the :flood diSaster Catholic .missions thl~ou'gh.,the General Motors. and are. deserving. of 'help from world.:, " . "Residents of our six North all America," Mr. Cttrtice said. . F~rthe first time a doz'en: Cath- .o1ic mlssi~nary societies. will ,co- ,otucille eppleI' :operate ,in an exl;'iibit that will' . , :be'as' educational :as it: is varied. Grosse Pointe . Representing ,socleties ..that. have. . missions in every corrie~ 'of ...the' ELECTROLYSIS 'Conservat.ory of Music '.world, 'will: be. veteran'mission- Permanent Removal of -Superfluous Hair. ;, aries \\rho:, will report .00' the , By New Short Wave Meth~d 19787 Harper, bet. Eastwood and 'Huntington thi-iUs .:and.'c::lisappointmentS en- cou.nteredin: theii ,work. ' No Obligat;on Jot' Consultation Leona Hahnke, Director " I'} • -;, The Mission' exhibit. will be 1..5315'E. Jefferson, Grosse Pointe Park . VAlley 2-4784 . • PIANO • VOICE- THEORY - ACCORDION open ;from, 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. Esquire Theater Buildi1zg daily, .September '2 through 11, Wind and String Instruments movies will be shoWn every 'hour. Registration, Aug. 29 '. Coil TUxedo 4-4620 There 'will be, displays of novel- Classes begin Sept. 6 ofter . .4:00 .p.m. ties brought from the.' .ma,ny Open Fridays foreign mission, lands the ' which SHEet THEIR '," p,m. missioners will' be- happy to .ex- . ~.::. '" . till 9 plain. I . Pa~ticipating wili be the ':Re- \ derilptorists, the. Augustinians~ ar the Miss~onaries of St. Peter and g:, " St. Paul,- the .Holy ,Ghost Fathers, IT , ! '.' :... ",', . ..-Picture ..by.:Fred'Runne11ll the, Marists, the 'Marianhm tE The annual Rummage Sale at St. Michael's Church won't .be 'held' unti~ September" Fathers; . tJ:jeVeronna Fathers, ••• and be sure . 24 f,ind 25, but.the women of the congregation :ha\Tebeen.prepar,irig;for.the'event 'for some':, ~he MaryknoU'Fathers, .t~e,Basil- \, . time. ,Checking in some'.of ..:the'Clqthiiig,':that, has ,be,en poriated,arei lefttoright':-' 'MRS;--:: 'lan, ,F~thers, . the JesUlts",the they're WILLIAM GOODSON MRS. ,ROBERT,CHANDI)ER arid 'MRS.: RICHARD WEBER. Mrs." :Catho~.lcWar Vet~rans, and the I '~. W b' .' . .h' .~,'.'. .. . , , .' , :. ,.' . ArchdIocesan SOCIety for the , Goo dson, an d Mrs. e er, are co-c a1rmen.~.. . . _Propagation 'of the Faith •. Sp.asonsInfluence Car I Thr'ee Save Woman Trapped N~:~~~~~~~~/~fsi't:nS~~i:f; Sturdy. long-wearing Buyers' Color Choices shoes with wise and good. looking lines for Have you ever thought that :.As.Car- Plunges .Into' I~ake DOLL REPAIR SHOP tr. comfort now and foot health cars look brigh~er and more A runaway ca~ p1un~ed. into ,an awful,lot of water," Rae said: Complete line. of. wigs. shoes co ,stockings 'and dresses. in years 'to come. ca colorful 011 a hot summ~r day? Lake st. Clair' at the fo"t., of She .was rushed to Bon Secours Well, there's a reason. Seasonal Lochm'oor drive takitig itS driv~ hospItal for. further. treatment,; .' Repair~g 'Dolls' Since 1895 JQ:N OUR FAMILY SHOE CLUB. Buy temper'atures influence a buyer'~ er with it Su~d-ay, August. 28. ------' : COMPLETE LINE OF NEW DOLLS AND 12 poi" • • • get 13th pair FREE!. color preference~" a review' of The accide,nt. o.ccuJ;Ted,'shor'tly 'Drum.' M al-ors . DOLL CARRIAGES " e\' , sales trends'~ and customer re. , after nOon. . TV. . .. quests .indicate.d 'here last week. 0 ze at Fa'ZT ur ..~ The traditional trelld' to light ' For~apparently no reason Mrs. . , '. . KAMMERER ce / BABY CARRIAGE CG.' , Pointe SHOE SALON colors, according to R~ C. Somer- Richard Ralph" of 20919 Van-, -- sw 871)5' GRATIOT WA l' 2710 ville, vice-president in charge of Antwerp in Harper Woods, while Talented drum majors and at Fischel'. ~- TU 1-8621 20443 MACK, in the Woods no • sales Dodge Division of Chrysler. turning onto Lake Shore road, majoret,tes ,from e:ve!y section. of , Cor~rati6n. Somei'Ville made his lost 'control of' her. auto. ~t jump-' ,Michigan, .:will.-again' cpmpet~ in. se; statement "during are 'c en t e,d .the curb. and plunged over t~e Drum Major' Cont~st tor. of analysis of c u s tom e r sales the sae' wall. State c:parnpion~hips at ,the 1955 preferences., Shores policeman Earl 'Wake- Michigan, Sta~e Fair, September su: en' "A year' ago," Somerville de. ly, off duty" at .the time, was 2 through 11; . . * elared, (Ithe e~perts were say- , by ing that nobody was really in- nearby. ip. a boat,'fi.shing. He The contest is under~th~ direc:- beauty salon an terested in white .as an automo-. arrived on';the scene just as the tion' of. Graham T. Overgard, di- I . . ie" bile color. Today, '.five of the top .car submergec.' completely. rector of. musical . events and;' fOimerly of 190 19 M~ek Ave., near Moross I color combinations in the more P speciaI activities. ou than 55 selections available 1;9 . assersby had' stopped and so ' . f th G ' . t D Contestants will' be required to Dodge "passenger car. buy~rs in- two. 0 em" erne enomy . '.' '.', . tel' elude white: The popularity of and Robert JardL.'le, both of Cor- appear, m ,um!0Inl' andtwu:l' now in a new lo'cation of in pastel colors is seemingly keep'- uima, Ontario, jumped in the through a 1O.inc~ ~~arch' recor~. I ,( ing pace with the' thermo.meter. lake to help Wakely.' 'of their own selection. There will, , gyt HAVE SIAR As the \summer grows longer and ,.' , ,: . , also ."be ~ Individual 'Novelty. pe' I ' ..2.0527 'Mack Avenue ord temperatures rise, S0 do our ,': DIVI~g under to fish 14.rs. Cont~stconSistirig'of flag twirl- . , th~ ~LE~,N~YOUR~RUGSI orders'for' the light greens, 'Ralphbut;,the"',l'es.cuei's'\ fourid .' ' . I ne~r Be<'l'ufait r. " ,ing, two-b,aton tWo irl.ing,' .dan,cin'g' 't._;' yellows and rose combinadons. the car doors locked and 'the "r' Black remains the mas't popuar wind~ws:.shut. They. used the andt-Wirlint, acrobatic'and ewi.rl~ , T~esUi~'bright,~ beautifuC floor -coverings single c?lor., Somerville ,pointed 'boat' anchor to smash the window ing~'and fire tvifr ling. ' Presenting these Virginia Specializing itz: .~. which brighten the whole room ••• 'and earn out. It IS used moref*gueI)py,. '. , , . All cont~starits\vill be divided Farrell trailt.ed, Beauticians: ,.., with other combinations' than and open .thedoor. into age groupsr ea!ch age . HAIR CUTTING you the compliment of "bri~ht ,woman!" It costs and any other single Golor. , Mrs. Ralph was unconsdo'us group will be, grad'~a .or judged. .* CELE .sUrprisingly little to transform your home from SHAPING a ~. "We ~,ntrodticed the three-tone when .she was dragged ashore. into five division. Division win- ANNA ~~u11to bright. Have Star call for your rugs tod~y. styling ,this yea;: and the blac~- She; w,as given. artificial respira.: ners will receive medals and will * STYLING th:l .PAT daj j, and-whlte-and-heather rose. l~ '.' " '. participate in. the :firiats. . '.* , WAVING act : now our second most pOpular .hon, by wltn~s BIll Rea, a gas Every ef:fortwill be made to EUNICE roup," Somerville said. company em,ploye•. .* an~ color g see that compfating drum majors MARY TINTING He stated that black will gain Con'tinual work. prought Mrs.. and majorefte~,enjoJ' themse,lves.. * SOll greater favor with the general Ralph-arou~4. "She'd taken in They will' p'art~ipa~e in'. the kDl public next year. Solid black' daily' .Fairgrounds Parade .. and .. T hursday EtJ,ening~by Appointment . AIR CONPITfONED " cars with 'shocki11g' color ac-. Cameo"'.:R~d,' 'Sapphi~e White; also,'will. be, giyen, i.ree..tickets fe'.1 cessories and inteiiortrims will .Sapphire; White, FaI?-t~y'~ell#l; to all, activities spons9red: by. the 'I' . Free Pa-rki1zg ne'i show a sudden-' gain, he pre:' Halo Blue, Admiral Blue; 'Jewel State: Fair niimagemEmt, accord.; I TUxedo 1-060,6 in Rettr pel !. dieted. Black, Heather. Rose; 'and Em:' ing to' Donald' L.. Swanson, be In an analysis of color pre!-. eraM Gree.?-~Satin Green.'" general manager; '.. ------..;;..------, Ion erence from. January through L.- ~- _ ___.:_ -- == ...,....""=------

CARPIT CLEANING CO. May, the following" combinations. ' 2& be:, " w~re 'the most popular: Heather ~ anI. LOroin_7-3400 Rose, Sapphire .White; SaPPhire ' for . White, .1ewe!. Black~ Heather; . ~ Ru~ and Carpet--Cleaning EXCLUSIVELY For 62 ,Years 'Rose; Satin .Green,' Chiffon wh Green; Sapphire White; Parisian, is Blue; Admiral :Blue, ,Halo. Blue; , evi thl . , \, se\' fOI dec Have YOI Oonsidered Converting Your Porch 10 a " .. ,.. CAMERA FANS! ( info . the Room of Floridci I ' • - For Summer or Winter Comfe;irt • We'can give you c~lfreeestimate •. including architectural advice. '••• a ~ew shipment of the new

without obligation for •• 4,

• Construetior) from the slab up- , .. Enlargement . , Rolleic:ord V • Conversion from screens.

• Porch wit" floor tile. .. ' Why pict~r~s are always better • • • by fa r '.. : with RoUei • Wall pan~ling. . , , . . ,... • Heating for winter, use. . Just:viewthrough'ilie>ia;rge ground gl~s' of. Also its many ,o~her eX'71usivefea~es such, as Rolleicord' 'V" for: ,a' new exper~ence fn fast, the automatic speed/stop selector, self-timer, ~.~atch.stiek drapes." NEEDLE-SHARP' .FOCUSING,' ,'~nd,PERFECT automatic film transport, double exposure pre- :. I ,~~ • Enclosure with Pro..Teet-U ' PIcritRE. COMp.osiTI6N~L:With:}rQur:'Subject vention and release, large and sensitive focusing JALOUSIES" or .MIAMI" TYPE sho~.n::'iri::,:full.pi~e :size, 'and'in full color, knob, and many others. ,_Jah "'. , . "t _•• ~o~".~, ,WINDOWS :'fo~,:inStandi'an"a~::,:#~~Y:~':"geteach picture, .' Good picture 9pportunities won't wait. and .'~ . . -EXACTLY AS YOU<'W.ANT."IT .... Fol'y~ • Also, we have. Moder~fold. Doors se~dom repeat the!QSelves. Your camera' must .~ ___ and you must be' right THE EIRS't 'TIME. ~.{ Theri ~~ote.."Rolleit~rd~s:rin~~~alled optical fast, PORCH or BREEZEWAY • Wro~9ht.lron Railings. . sys~~..;:':.)u)~tahd'\harp, ~tting. Schneider Rolleicord "V will, gi'9'e you exactly what you • Kaufmann Combination Storm ~Xena:r)ens,. an

TU 2-6606 or '~ \ :' J ..' ./ • ' , ,~ •• the fully ':. ;'." ....' ~: ' '. '/, ~, " , , ; . CALL USTODAY !! " ?_,.i,," , TU 2-1454 automotlc . ~'.~ " :', ',; :~:,,'o\ " CA.RCJOYNER:S O~r skilled' help a'r 'ready .... fovorlte, to serve you ., " ('.

:' studio",' , calDera ,shop

; 1., 'J'9755.M'aek Ave.'-- TU' Jalousie Window & Door.Co.' I " 'I ... ,:6200 carri' a ~omp'ete' fine of Nikor Tanks and Ace;)Slo,ries TU 2..6606" ' 201'87 .Mack Ave., " TU 2.1454 I w. . ..

.'. .. .. \", \'.

'>, r J ., ,co ~ .-.... .,# •• ,.c- _ ,IJ-. .. .. • ¥co. ... W 4WF • » c:_qa 44 •• - - .¥ Jf!'# •. ~, ,. ,0 .~,?"" :S,U -_: ...... q ••• « ,;0.-":'4' )0::, sa. eo' "/~"'? • ~.'T~*

- ~. ~, . -~/ P i'..~' • s Tharsday. September 1. '1955 . Page Nine " fr , , . - Twe Mlore ,J(ein'Brides-Elect: •'; and Wide, - ,Selection. •'."••Outstanding Values .thor- ••• . ' :ls Of F., Your' ~orp, arine, the :.3 DAY,

,"', '"• '/J,,'" ,"SU~E~~~IC;HT',QUALITY _ "

\~~~F4."';:;,~:i'"S,~i';';; e','<"':<'''~ --"-MOKE'',' ',' . ,D 34 ...... , . ~.. ~- -Photo by Spellman Studio Mr. and Mrs. L. Eugene Kelly . -Picture by O'Connor Studio ~ fNr;t;~, " .' ' , ' of Whittier Road announce 'the • The engagement of CAROL engagement of their daughter, GAY STEPHENSON and George RONALIE "JEAN, to Rob e I.: t Proctor Wilson, Jr., was announc- ed at a family dinner party in the, COME SEE, COME' SAVE:.i :i AlP' I. Jackson Smith, son of Mr. 'and , WHOLE Mrs. Robert Smith ot Renaud Grosse Pointe Yacht, Club, by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. ~dward HAM SLICES road. STORE HOURS CENTER CUTS LB•. The bride-elect- and her fiance Cameron Stephenson of Oxford C c road. ".ilJJiif.:':.' , : .' ,,:: ' ; - '. "'"PC:~1~N 'LB. '59 . are students at Western Michi- . :':.:~.:':.:':'::,' The bridegroom-elect is the son •.•.•....•/...... :, ' ..,. 99 gan College. Mr. Smith is a 'All A&P Super Marke,s'; m~mber of DG1ta Sigma Phi fra- of the George P. Wilsons; of. ternity. Lakeview nvenue. ::it~j~~t':COMPLETELY CLEANED, TE.NDER, YOUNG "SUPER.RIGHT" 7.fNCH CUT-STANDING No date has been, set for the .A September wedding is being Open Thursday and " weddin~. planned. t LB. il.wi Frying Chickens ,LB. 49c Rib.,Roast ... 65c Friday'ltil ", \P.M. : ..~••••&:..:. \ . -. "...•:...... :... ' - .b .'SUPER-RIGHT" Hot Summer Doesn't Meun Closed Monday, labor Day Spare RI s QUALITY, MEATY •.• '. •• La. 49, Cold"Winter, Says U-M Man I:,'~~~;~~~:~:ens ;i~~i~'"L:~.~:~ Beef Chuck Roast "s:a:t~Jt,.. us. 43c L8. Beef . LB. 39c e • • • PKG. Old wiv(;s'. tales to the con4 and the 'other rests on' the lidea l!1 Ground GU;~~M~~r;;,SH .Allgood Sliced Bacon • 49c or that as the glacial areas in' the LB. trary; you just can't predict a _ AIP-OUI FINEST QUALI'IY LB. .'SUPER-RIGHT" • .• •. Ith northern . hemisphere decrease ,.:~~t~it~:~~~:.:,:8eef. Roast "~:E;NRJ~I~~"C~~M~....53c Sliced ,Bacon 2 PKG. 1.09 cold, cold winter C01l1ing up be4 there is less of a source :f(\! cold e. cause of our hot-hot summer, luncheon I Meats ",v!.s~~~.~~~~e-GI us. air, and refrigerating capacities -Ine'a''pp" Ie. JU-Ice .ttf!i~I('Beltsvilie' Turkey'S 4 T~V~Ni~~~o:.VG. LB. 59c 59c says a University of Michigan decrease. :::::::::::::::::::::' .,. , b "SUPER.RIGHT" . P HYGRADI _... _ LI. meteorologist. But, he says, these are only, ::::::::}:::::::::::.Leg.O lam GENUINE SPRING ..'. .' LB. 69c All-Beef Franks 59c In, fact, meteorologists aren;t theories and some meteorologists have already begun predicting a even sure yet that this will meas- reversal Of this trend. ~oz; .'27' C .::ilii.tr1, ~', 'SFPEC~ALLlVSELECTED~SMEhDIUM:ZE , ure up statistically to an ex- S pea kin g of ,Michigan's

U' 5.LB. BOX,' ceptionally hot summer - the weather and warming trend, , AN, .:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:~::~5::'••••••. ~ 'tfi.-Y-,l~":t(V.,lL. 0 ~ nc'Y rlmp LB. Dingle says that if, the. pattern 2.59 • it • • • sweltering man in the street : lona Peas .EARlY JUNE ••••• 4.1~~~Z'49c' J:~~~~m~W\'"1/ 'it . '.' .• 53c notwithstanding! continues this area may find it- self inclining toward the tropicaL So says A. Nelson Dingle, re- But, he concludes, there's need 3~~Z. 10!--1-oZ search assQ.ciate in the University no . Sweet Mixed Pickles' :::~J.· · 29c !It#t!t ..'L b " T '.1 ' 99 for anyone around now to worry COMPLETELY DUSSED ~' ;. LI. of Michigan's Engineering Re- 1).11 p. kl ' DAILEY BRAND' , 32.0Z. 29c .~:~~:~:~:~~:~.0 ster, a, s •.••••••••• 'KG. " C Lake Trout 59c about. it-it'll take years, hun-' search Institute, who looks on areds of them. ' summer and winter as separate Jumbo Shrimp. • • • • • • • ;; La. 89c entities significantly separated A~ar'~CL::ch:;~ER~=~;':c: : : : I~~~ 29c :~~':E:L:D.Ri:SE~.: ~:: '\lIfi[~~~:u~::::~:h CAP'N JOHN'S'. ., ; '. 1:K~~ by the fall season during which Holiday Traffic Fantail Shrimp 49c anything ca~ happen atmospher- IOlla Tomatoes • • • • • •• • 1~~' .#'@lTHOMl'sON SWEETDELICIOUS' ically, and usually does. Warning IsslJed 2 25c He explains this by pointing Gut that although there may be With Michigan State troopers some continuity in weather pat- supported by more than 400 Na- A&P-OUR FINEST QUALITY ,LBS. .' tern during the summer, a time tional Guardsman to patrol the I, of relatively few storms, changes highways; the Traffic Safety As- 29c .. in air temperature and other sociation cautioned drivers to 'omato' Juice 2 ,. ,f- gyrations make fall a turbulent observe the law and cut their I' period, disrupting wh~t little- speed.over the coming Labor Day . GREA~ WITH "SUPER.RIGHT" HAMI ....I IrpPERfECY' Fo,Rh"SlICiNG.~tS"Et ." ..,,', order there might have been in holiday. ~ Golden Corn - W~~EB~::EL• • • 4 1~~,45c ElBERTA 2'9 i, the pattern. Last year 22 persons ~~re . Cut Green Beans IONA--' .: .• '. ~ • 15l1~z.1Oc, ::;:::::::~::}~:;,. 3 9:S' L~S..'.( ,Yams ..•'it' & .- • :3: --< eac es .:- 'J.Bs.!,29c ,I' Spring is the same kind of un- killed over the thrE''''l-day Labor predictable season with a rapid- Day weekend, a sharp decline 1 Gra,pefruit Juke A&P,' • • • i. 2 ~~~~.43c 'flMW:: H' D' M''I" ~,CAL;FORNIA ef e Or 200-220 SIZI, . 5.LB. 69 I ly warming atmosphere making from 1953 when 31 persons met ::::::::~:::::}:::;;oney, ew' eons JUMBOS-SIZE' EACH 49c CalI orlDla anges SWEET AND JUICY .. ' BAG ' C its weather changeable, he says. death, It was this toll, as well as

"For some strange !'~ason' pe04 the Memorial Day and l'ourth of Kraft Dinner ••..• • • •••• ' 2 7p~~S~.29c ttIJfJ', Michigan Cul,ivated' Blueb~rri.s :Jx 29c Egg Plant .'NOME GROWN •••• 2 1ge, pIe expect the atmosphere to be July tolls in. 1~54 that ~r?mpted a simple thing producing weather Governor WIllIams to d~clare an Chopped Beef ARMOUR'S • • • ". 3 ~2A~~.8ge lJti!!l:.Michigan/,Pears. BUSHEL 3.98 • • 3 LIS •.. 29c' Acorn Squash Bun~:NUT•••• 2 POI .19c that follows logically day after e:nergency and call ou~ t~e Na- Fruit Cocktail A&p: " . 30.oZ. 39'c '.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:-:,H' . G . 'c bb' '. I 5 day," Dingle states, "but it is tIOnal Guard for traffIC control ' • • • • • • • CAN ::~:~:;:;:~~~:;:~:~.'ome rown' a age..,.,..... ',LB. c ' .Home Grown Cucumbers. _ • • 3 POI 19c. actually highly complex, huge, purposes. . ,. and influenced by many forces- This .year the fatalIty toll on Bartlett Pears IONA •••••• 3 ~A~~.97;; rttjjt. VeHow 'Onions :~~N:~~v8::gE3'::0 25e Watermelons 'l'iG. .; •• e IACH 99c some of which we don't even Memorlal Day was 16 and over J 3:~~. :::;:;:::;:;::=::;::/:7 '. .. know ab~ut:' the Fourth of July 19, drastic Weather prediction beyond a reductions under the pre~ious SURE GOOD :~{:~:r:~:r.:,... LIBBY'S.LIMEADE, OR ' - few days is a pretty risky busi- year. The use of the Natlonal ness, he declares, since "weather ~~ard and the trem,endous p';l'b- .~oz~. 99 ~.. persistence," as It is called, can't ~iCIty barrage tha,t accof?pame.d Margarine :2 J~s;39'c' iiitt" ~ Lemonade . .' CANS. . .. C ~ be counted on as a guide for It has been. credIted WJth thIS •••• • • 8 A&P 29-OZ. longer than this period. sharp" reduc~lOn. '. . 'Sauerkraut 2 2'7c. .tlf" ~' '. • • • • • • • ., The TraffIC Safety ASSOCIatIon , • • • • • •• CANS .....:...... '. l0.0Z "The we.ather seeI?s to remem- pointed out that it was up to each libby's Tomato Juice •••.••• 4~J. '29c. llt '.Strawberr,~ie$ LI.BBY'S ~. • • • • 4 CANS.99t Lima Beans lillY'S •••••• 2 ~~t49c ber what l.t was dom~ yesterday driver to discipline himself and and be gUIded by thIS, but only drive according to traffic regula- 'n Bey' erag' es ASSORTED 3 24.0Z. 29" :~~;~~~;;~f:,Red' RGspberriesLlBBY's •••• 3 b~~~.'79c ' ,Green' Beans LIBBY'S •••••• 2 ~~t45c for a couple of days," he states. tions and' safe practices. Yuko FLAVORS e •• BOTS,; ~ '::::::.. . Ii ,'. . A popular topic for speculation "If each driver would observe "Gum Candies WORTHMORE' '... ~ it •• l¥KA~.29c :~ti!!~l\.Chicken Pot Pies l!BBY'~ e •• 4 :K~~:99c' French ,Fried Potatoes LIDY'S '2 :~i37c when the mercury sits above 90 the laws and not take foolish, ir- .T .• is .the general warming tre~d. responsible risks, fatal acciden~s ' d B POPULAR 6 BARS 25 :'.::::::: ", eVIdenced all over the world In would be reduced spectacularly," CaM y ars 5c VARIETIES '. •• IN BOX C t:~:tr. CHED-O.BIT PASTEURIZED PROCESS JANE PARKER i' the past centuries. There are the Association said. "And in the .' t ~everal possible reasons advanced last analysis, it is 'the driver him- STOCK UP ON THESE PICNIC NEEDS .:~~t~1~~:.,. " for continuance of this, Dingle self who is responsible for get- . , :::::::::::::::: . ~ LARGE dec1are~, and cites two theories. ting involved in an accident." .... One is based on the increas- Speed on the highways anC', 'F'su,rPEaR.RnIGHkT",ngINrLEStSer..s 43 .tII!Iif; .,::: . Cheese "Food jng amount of carbon dioxide in passing on curves and hills are ,-"'. the air caused by man's burning the chief causes of our highws.y ....., of fossil fuels' like oil and coal, accidents, the Association said. LB. C fMtt-~ _,AMERICAN' I__gel ,',~ii 'Plates ECONOMY BRAND PKG. 49 :::::~::::::::',. 'OR PIMEN'TO . - ' " Paper . 9.INCH 'SIZE " • • '. OF 50 c.:.;.:.:.:':.:. 2 L~~F 75"c Saran Wrap MOISTURE PROOF '25.FT. 27 {:~:::::::::::." . I SELF CUNGIN~ ••• ::~ c .:t!ilil!t..:;'-:,CRESTMONT VANILLA OR NEAPOUYAN .. AIumlnum Foi WEAREVER .• : .' '•.•. ~.' ROLL~27 c .\:::::::::::~.',.) '. C' " .. * GAL 85 Foodling ~' . . ..~lttulorly~hl Ann Page Beans .: ',._:.'., ()'. ~.• 2. ~~~~.25c" ,'. • OF 25 25c . ::=::::::::::::: / AMERICAN OR PIMENTO PROCESS CHEESE SLICES Apple Pie . ,_.1-:~39~ I Paper Cups 'g:IJ:c~T...... 6:~'i25.: ~

Loin Lamb Chops 'y~~~:~rc::::NJ~L1~DINNr.LE:'.i~ .•••••• J ,.' •• Vii: 1~85 Y OUt' Gross. Pointe Buicll Defile,.... , '" "k'"' .h ", SUCCULENT" '-ORK AT ITS'IEST " 155 :~enter Por ,Cops THREE C!:IOPS 1O:A PACKAG!. ;.~' .' ,It •• '.~ • :_:e - •• '•. ~~., • TURNER BUICK '8 'f f 5 ' ..HLICTID PIECES OF. QUAlITY .- ", 85 INCORPORATED ee or tew. lEI', CLOSILYTRIMMED'" ••• e •• ' e," _ ,.,' •• ' '•••.• ,e • LI., C • " .. '..-, • , • .'.J.' ~ ','~"'" ....: "

I'Ve"al C'utl.' II eINYI. CUTI-YOUNG VIAL', . '_!." " ',','.'.' '. II. "1'.,1'9 15103 Kercheval Avenue ' FROM THI' DAIIY'COUNTI'V ••••• • ..• ',.. • • e • .0'Ill':;. e'! it • • ,•. , ; • ~ ~". "' ... ,~••• 1 • " , ,I -' ,.. • t...... ,~ "." ~ MI " .. , ~ fit' "aMJIIl . """;"~'" - ....------_.- - -- , '. , , :.. ~.. , ;/ ..'fl I '~.' .. " . " r' , ','" '~ -, '

1 -'j " ,.' . t. '- ' l\, ,: • ,:' -: . ~ 'I '/',- •

Page. Ten • ThurSday, September 'f,,1955 Grosse POinte News. / r~-~'--L...... ~t---"t----~'r...... ,5...;....;,t-.,9---;:' ;...-.th...... e~.--E';"";';d---it--o--r -"';','~I PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY BY ANTEEBO PUBLISHER:S. Memorial Center Sched.Lile INC. ALSO PUBLISHERS OF THE DETROIT WESTWARD~, •• J .- - OFFICES t"TNDERTHE ELM AT 99 KERCHEVAL, GROSSE , .... A~guSt'25. :1955' Having' h,ad:experience in dam- - , POINTE FARMS 36. MICHIGAN . ,Dear 'Sir~ . '.' . _,.:' ,.,': . ".,.'."" age:. coIitrol . and ..:fir'e.~fighting SEPTEMBER' 6 _SEPTEMBER 8 -OPEN' SUNDAY 12,~.5 1 Phone TU. 2.6900 34 ... '27 z I ra~e~'lc~~ing, ~:'coJ?Y,ot. a '-during'the war, I,can fully ap':. *An Center Sponsored,Activities Open to tb!-,.Pu~iic ' , Three Trunk Lines , ' ,.' .,' '. >.', .,' .. :,.', ,', -'. ; I~Her ."WhlC~~,,I",~.b.~JeJ:,~~e,n~y;.pr~ciate' th~ ~roblerm .. involved NOTICE: Please ~call for lost ar.ticles at the office. , j .S~AREWAY'~.o,THE~STARS:Eddi~ Fis~er:moving~bistbags:into . :w~lerl"to ,t1l.~..G~~c.~l o~~tqe"c.~t~~,~na...?~a~ 'partl(:u1cu;ly,mtere~ted .' They,wl'U be b,eld for 30 days., .~llt.~i1Berle) for.IIl;er.:Ess~xHous~.ap~rtment .:tJ.../William'H,oldeQ....'.,o~'.~r,~~~<~o~te. ,:~a~ms,ln, ~p;",:l~)he', me.tho~s'used bt the flre- - ROBERT B. EDGAR EDITOR and GENERAL MANA..,.rE:R, .SlgD.l?gthe Sherry,;N~therlands:~~egister:!then~::i' .. -,', .' pre~l~t~~n",~or':t.11e.eJfc.~.ie~~.JObn:~.durll,1g the, 'entire ~pera- Grosse ' Pointe Garden Center Room and Library open for MATTHEW M. GOEBEL : ADVERTISING MANAGE..l\' das~mg off to "21" to$oin' the thirE~ nigh,.ters'.'•• :' . ,...don~ '~Y; o~J;,~F'u;.e,p~p~!tt;nept.~..~," .,tlo~."'.The men, app~ared ex- '. consultation from 19 a.m •.to 12 n~n and frG~ 2 to 4 p.m. JANE SCHERMERHORN FEAT'tJRE PAGE. SOCIETY DenIse ,Darcel looking like .she's"g01i<:,:clot1;les:::..'" . 1,.~h.o~gh~nt.:.D1~ght.;~bel;9t".SO~~''tre'me,Iyalert ~cf. had: acquainted Tuesday,"Wednesday and 'llhursday. On FrIday, 2 t~ , FRED RUNNELLS : :.••••u ••••••••• SPORTS EDITOR , trophobla. H~~strapl.ess~1 Moro~~o'h~~e.r:daspe~:- ',' Int~re~f. t,0"Y9u.,~'l:1e:t~',~_ne:rece~~,,themselves With the exact' l~ca- p.in~ (call TUxedo 1-4594). . JAMES J. NJAIM ••••; ea ~ NEWS looked more like a QIgbelt. ~.,SId:C,aesar,:tossmg. , problegls,:; th;it .ha'ye'X'arlS,enm ,tion and nature of the blaze'wIth- fIt b h 1 JAMES REINDEL "•.•.•.••....•...•••.•••••.e ••••••• " •••••••••• NEWS a $25tip ,to.his,barber,.Rudy/ot:the ..,W:UWick~..~:,.. ~ . ''!:he~-:.beP:.al~'iTsipc"erely:.feel',thatin a'.very few moments from the Hospital eqwpment .available for re.e oan-eru c es, w ee ARTHUR R. BLYLER ,.•.~ ADVERTISING Boris. Ka,rlo~.,corningh~re,.froIn..'EU:i'ope',:to~'dQ.:~i,:' " -they"',:"shoulg.' ~e,.. .'~g~y .."c~m:'",time,tnat I 'had. put down the chairs and hospItal beds. 30ANNE HARGIS •••••~ ,...... ACCOUNTS ~oan~logue fdr.U.S~Steel.:'•. Roy Haniilton'help;;'.:;-.: ,mended;'for.t1l.e"p're~i~'i~n,and-"dis~Jel"eph~#e.: The use 'of water was . * * * ell L'AMOUR SCHNEIDER CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING.. I~g't?e b,ops.0ffi:ce.,a~,.BasinStreet::~"""',:~~rg~e~:}ia~OWI many an s. • 'E unfounded allegations without trying to check their veracity? was mortgaged in::order;to'build'Disneyland~and. a :fire w~lch~s~~~t~dIn)he .at~lC,~to',the,:.~~p:tbers 'of .the other '.Sa"lorPo"nts Out rror Farms Police Chief Walter R. Hoyt has just returne,d it could.1:leJij.sastrousfo~ all Walt' Disney inter:': and. .co1l1d.~a:Y~~,.'b,~~n..d,l.sas~er?us:~cq~pap.~~s.who. respo~ded, Ire,;;' ,II II ests .•. Darryl Zanuck is plenty bitter toward Lee': .~ue to, t~e dry;.ro()f :' ~nd ,roof maIn ' 'I D.. It. t. from the stricken- area, where he went to help relatives. He , S,trass~ergfo.r:his:,p"~~iI!;~p.e¥9~~qe'Mess.If and'": tlmber~ 'If no~ .1l:nm!=!dl~telyat-.,. . : Sincerely,' n rIvIng ns rue Ions visited Winsted, Conn., East Hartford and others of the hard- when she do,es 'an independent; piCture ;Milt . tended to. .,' ,.. ' , . . ,JOHN B. FORD, III est hit communities. He reports that such rumors were cur- ~~~~~~-u-r-L-o-u---~-r-h-e-~~~~~~~ ... Nat -"Kirig"Cole 'establiShedan all time 'high of t,'vo sail boats. rent there until papers of the calibre of the Hartford Courant at.~~~~~~~~~,~~~.the Holl~oo,d' Bowl last 'week. Ptayed ..to I'~----~~~~-_MMMMM_~~~~~~~~Ch . h. N ' wers received. correspondence v' , stepped into the breach. They quickly quashed the fables and 20,000and turned.away fOUl'thousand.The closest . " ' '. " , ..". Friday, -August 26 concerning a He .said, "Isn't this (article) a The proved that not a single case of any. charges could be found. ever to that ,attendance ,was:..t.he.R,odgers~:'arid .' .' U. re. .',' '. S mistake in a story printed in the mhisP~int?th cdarl?rhthe vestshel * ew. . Hammersteiri' concert' which drew' 16,000'•• News in the issue of August 25. s owmg. e re Ig t has e The Red Cross is doing a magnificent job in the flood Perry Como's opemng'a new officeon Fifth Ave- right of way-or, the vehicle on area, and has been since the disastrous storm' started. It has nue to handle. the new.,TV series".he'll do .' .... \ In the form of a letter, it came the right has the right to proceed.." furnished staggering amo.unts of medicines, iood and furnish- , Durante Jimmy Durante~the ,Wizardof Schno~-,helped to GRACE,::EVA:NGELICAL". ,. 'r' . ST. JAMES LUTHERAN from Cap Wortley l)f 1363 Louwers, who was misquoted. 'ings to s~y nothing of the unnumbered hours of heart-break-, " .fin~ncetp,e.careE!r'pf.a dose pal's son. The.boy'. LakeP6inte ;at','Kercheval. McMillan~at Kercheval Grayton." reread the article. He studied the specialty, (he's a medic) is nose bobbing..... Robert.- P •. Beck, Pastor .,Rev. George E. Kurz The article' stated "When drawings and then the article. ' ing toil required to administer such mercy. ?:'hursday: JL,p.m.,.. Board (If SUNDAY: Sund;iY school, 9:30 en t e r i n g an unmarked in- Then he looked it up in the Such an undertaking costs a great deal of money, and to \. • • .Christian EducatIon meeting at a.m. Divine service during $u-m- tersection, a driver should re- book. help refill the coffers depleted by such exp~nditures, the Red THE MODOLLS: ,Talked.to Eileen'Ford. head of the Ford Model Grace. " /' m 930 member that if a car approaches Cross is carrying on a nation-wide campaign, asking the mo~e Agency. f . '- f • • • morning worshiP.' Special ',:con- then, ,dip the edge, in sugar. An avid sailor, he put two and chiefs make those kind 0 mi~4 * * * gregational., ll'!-ee.ting.'foilowlng. ------. two together and deducted that takes." "1 spent today as a volunteer helping a woman doctor, a PENNY ARCADE; L~~siel'.asearn~d over a quarter of a ~illi~n for the worship service.," . . . , . Stt~cess:is;j1.!sta gO,o,d,id~a cou- the rules of the road. apply on He gave the driving manual t~ neighbor of ours who was on vacation at her summer home. her owner so .iar ~ .. {(Mr•.Wonderful" will go into. rehearsal in pled \yith hard ,work.. land as well as water. In his let" the reporter. Nov. 01" Dec. depending' on Sammy Davis Jr.'s commitments and Yle got across the lake by boat and borrowed a station wagon how soon they can get a theatre to, house it ••. 20th-Century~Fox WOODS PRESBYTERIAN, to get to the Rerl Cross headquarters which had been set up refused permission to' Sheree North:,t.') .do a night .club act c••• 19950 Mack 4venue at TOll'ey in the schoolhouse at Greentown, Pa. I can:t figure' how the This year's Ice ,Cap~~es opens ,'the.:Garden Sept.--14th. The Peter Road . R.C. got there, but jt must have been by helicopter. Local Panties on.ice are supposed:to be their'hottest show ever ••• Stand' Andrew F. Rauth, Minister people were helping out. A soup kitchen was set up and wo- back! Juke'boxes willsoonhave'3'O .~ec6nd,.ad:,jinglesplayed 'auto- ' Robert H•. Stanbery, Assistant. , '. Minister::.' " men were making sandwiches .anp. coffee. Medic~l supplie,s matically between recor:4s•• ~~ou'I1?ave.yo.ur ~oothpaste in aero.. sol bombs ala s.having:aetu.nh~tc.a~ll1\i~tlst.:{he:mdu~try.;xnil}iorisand SUNP.A,Y~.SepteIiibe'r' .4: ..l(): a., .now meet-the had been flown in by helicopter. There was ~nti-toxiri for millions to retool .•• 'Ta1king:abouta' riCh bore~Martha 'Ra.ye'sai~ m. Worship Service' (Nursery 3 - -". I. tyhoid preventiQ~~J~chool rqoms. were}illed .:v~th :t;l10ps,scrub «He was born with a silver ~foot'in his mouth.". year olds),' Church "School~Kin- brushes, cleansers; ,chlorax"ah~ soap. poy,rdets; deher rooms . '.... '.. , '~:,.i 1~~,-,/r~f~.:~"~1.""r.-",l,:>F~,.3. 't(I.!,' '. dex:garte.n''and. PrimaIj DEU'art-~ " with canned foods. .... , , ments. :Sermon " theme:~ flJesus; "Another vaccine headquarters was set up in a boarding Conception'of Final Resultkl).This, TAXIGABBING:Judy. Garland;! :tr.aining1i~~'a1iihter f~r her TV ' ' house for old ladies, from 75 to 82 years of age. I talked with spectacular. Diet, and' e.xercise to: WAockoff.the av~ii:duPoison••• .will be' the ~third rand last. sermon' .. many of them andn~v~r ~a"f' anyone so calm and anxious .to Julius La Ros4lgave,up 150,000'in. nitery fees to in a 'series of. three ,'sermons OD. do tlla"t Slimmer TV:show.".:.;. Claude.Charles, of' ~he' general' ~heme:. "Chr.istianity help. A huge stove was fueled with bottled gas which had and Economics"~ been flown in by helicopter, which had taken out 8 of the old the French ,consulate, is '-the,.gal..Art Ford is ~ mademoiselle about .... Tony. Curtis'.and Janet *, h , ladies. Eighteen remained and had no intention of leaving. *, *. Leigh, who are making dllIerent pi;x:in,difterent., THURSDAY, September '8: 7:30 \ "I beat a path all day from the stove to one of the living European cities; meet-in-Paris .forevery.weekeitd';:~, p. m.' Every .. Member • Canvass ~t rooms. boiling used syringes and needles to keep the doctor together ••.• Mitzi Gaynor, whos,e,option' was . Committee meeting., 8 p. m. Chan- ,\ supplied. dropped by Fox, now asks and',gets$lOO,OOO:.per qel Chair rehearsal., , . . . "Unless people have been this close to a major disaster "lensing ••• Howard Johnson Jr.'s favorite' ice * •.• they cannot know what it is. All roads are gone; telephones Clreamcone is Barbara Reynolds, .daugliter of the . SUNDAy, S e p t e.,mbe r 11: gone, houses flooded above their' :first floors and many of them rieh realtor. " Katherine Hepbum"will soon an: Double,. Services. for Worship nounce'some exciting TV plans. "HepburD. and'~Church .School; begin -10 have vanished. Even the water used for cleaning up the --- ...... ; ...... ;______a,nei :11:30 'a.' ro. - I houses has to be boiled. The only. cars are .thO,se,of the, rOp'd ;. crews trying to make new roads around torn out sections and ~lIillllllllllllllllllllliillllllllllljllllllljlliil"IIIII111l11iljl"IIIIIIIIIIIIII!1II1111IIIIIIIlilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllilillllllllllliilllllllllllllllllllllllllfllllllll11II~"lIllm. f .. (-,.. , ST. PAUL:E~ LUTHERAN . ~, to set up temporary bridges. You can't imagine the wreckage 375 ,~t~op • . > and the clean-up job that has to -be done. A. Pryor, bn'Va,catio.n Sunday, _September 4:- 9:30;- "Don't worry about the people now. Those who remain to fs Sunday . School an~' _wprship~ iO:30,Student Support Gommitee:.' grieve and to work. and carryon are not little people; they ... III • are really big, great, the quiet men working in the mud up Grosse ~xcigge;atio~s' Wili Appear Here' Again . .. t I} ",' ~ ~ • . .' to .. ' ' Tues.day,~Septembei' 6: - 7:::l0, to their hips all day on a sandwich and a cup of coffee. . Sunday' School Teachers. .' , On September' 1Sth , , • ... • " or • 1: . "No one knows h@w the Red Cross got here, but it was •. * III here, and I'd like:to tell the American people to do the only llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllmllllllll[llIIlIlIlllllllllllllllilllllllllllllllllllllll111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111III: <.:Th~r~~ay,.Septemb~ 8: ~.1021,. . thing they can do now, You can't give money to proud coun- Women's Guild Pot Luck lunch- try eon. 7~ Chapel Choir. 8, Senior people, so the only w.ay you can reach them. is through ,. the Red Cross. Someone has to pay for all this which the Red Choir. '" . Cross is supplying free." LABOR DAY In case you've been negligent, send your check now to , l ". No man has a more vivid imag..: ination' .than 'the one who imag- tIle American Red Cross Flood ReIi~f, 153 Elizabeth ,Street ines ,he knows 'it all. East, Detroit 32, Mich. TIRE SALE',! GERMAN I)OI.LAR IOMp) • ;0. ~ any G.nnan 'Donor ' No Harm Intended LJ$T ., SALE ' . , Ionelt which 'ha...;. riot b•• n vali. . see TH. MILANO '.PRI~ . PRICE. dat.d, they mUtt' be r.gist.red ' Some criticism has reached us concerning an adv~rtise. . wltll Ih. Yalidalioa Iocird ~for ' ment which has appeared at regular intervals in this paper. Gem.anQollar lo,,'dSt 30 "road . .670-15 W~ W•.Tubeless 36.,1& 2l.50~:e ,.Str•• t, New 'York 4, No V,'prior to We refer to the copy used by the Grosse Pointe Property " febrVary;2.9/1956, to make'1IIM Owners Association, which advises prospective real estate '110-15 23.65::c' eligible for sett ...... nt ""der tfIe '39.66 ...... of .... ,Ag(.Htent OIl Ger •. ' " clients to do business with the Grosse Pointe Brokers Asso- " " . . '. . lIIalli External Diibt.: If-yow have ciation, and lists the names of all the members of the latter . , 760-15 " ~.4& 25.7,5 ~L covpOM detached frOM such bond.. group. . plea.. notify''''' Vaidation'locIord Charges of discrimination a.gainst realtor~ who are not of lIIil'rod. , 710-15 34.'90 ".20.95 ,):~ . ,-, 1nemb~rs of the brokers' association have been heard and " CoilY. Ra10n , In styling.'. '~,. as in performance ••• Stromberg.Carlson sets the pace! We have discussed the matter with some of the present and 768-1& 38~20 22.2&)) ,New decorator lowboy of fine mahogany veneers with simulated marble !,ast officers of both groups.' . ' , " " , .' top' .. ~• biggest available 2:.inch aluminized picture tube. * • two wide While there is general agreement that the original word':' ,670-15 B$W Tubeless 29.50 20.&0 :'.: Anill~a_OC~lrs '. range. spdakers:.•. iIIuminateddialJ stand-up tunin'g •.. tinted,. removable' j~g of the advertisement probably did have a discriminatory .,saf~ty glass ••• advanced design chassis for maximum' picture power. tmge, the broker.s declar~ there was, no intent to harm, any 710~1&".. ." 32.35,: .'24.21::~' 'inPr8In~ncy , legitimate and ethical realtor just because he does not -hap- . (Slightly higher ;in bleached m~hogany ve~eer.) By Fred Kopp, R. Ph. pen to be a member of the group listed.' 760-15 36.45 2&.59):: '. . " .L It is pointed out that the Grosse Pointe Brokers Associa- One: of 'the ~reasohs'medical' tion founded the Property Owners Association and footed the '800-1&" '" " '",.:..38;. "29.58 ~:: . atterition" is .so. important, in, ',~i.1~~-4a-. . '.' .the early' stages 'Iof -pregnancY' . '. b.i1ls for i.ts operation for a number of years. When its activi- .Js,.'. to ,.. :tp~, 'DELUXE' WHITEWAL.L TUBELESS .. , ~~~,~,~.~,rJ~m:,::~l!at.. '\ " ' ," tIe~ were greatly broadened, it, was fe'~ that the two organi- mother's health'remlims con,. ,'. ... ~~ .. AT COM'ARATIVE ,PRICESl ,I zatIons should be separated. During' this transition period sistently good. ;.~;i .L'.:: ", . "', ,.... , ,I. the brokers were the main financial. suppprt. of the Pl'operty . * Guarantee~:,' Factor~" S~C~~d~': .,:: .' .. , ,'. More than'>.-:third::of" 'all Owners Association, and since the shift the two associations Plus Tax & ..Recappable Tire '. ,pregnan.t.,-women suffer ..some ':~'rJle,coriJplefe SlRQM'BERG-CARLSON I(ne';s also on !~ , h,. 1:~'...... , .. • if ;. ~,..... _ "" _ ,degree :of".:,ari_enlla.',-',By~'.P:re- have worked closely together. They feel that it is perfectly . T~ADE YOUR OLD IA'fTERY ::~.. :: .: display a~ our New. Grosse Pointe Sto,e. :natural for the Property Owners Association. to want to,give .scrib'ing,c additional .. b 10 o'd-:-, J , . .DEFO'RE IT LETS "YOU" i),OWN, building' i'toads ~.or..,",drugs~,',a: " , a pat on the back to those members of the.group which had doctor can.J corre"ct~:'ihe"'c6ridi-' so much to do with the'successful establishment of'the newer SM~L.L APPUANCES AT CLOSE.O'UT PRICES.', tion.;':,", ". ' .. ~.:; :\""':J I. ~.,\ .. I '.0. ~. ..', ~ , , : .',' , ' .~. 'i' ;," . ,..': ' organization. ' " . Front Wheel.Alignment. and Brake. Sex.vlee: : . , . Certain drugs ;do:,;a~remark.;. , , . ,.C. A~~'NlJltting The brokers' group is closely ::knit and Jealously' iuards able ..job' 'of'.building.' bloo~ in' , , Co. • " . ',: ' .SALES AND SERVICE' the reputation it has built up in the community. A .unanim- a verY short .time~' ...' '.;, ~.:. ,. ," " ~ i ..• , . Est • ..1924 ous vote is required o~ proposed new members and "no wO-' .', ,Have' pres'crip'tions:.;fi~ie~...hy,. ,', rn~n has ever been admitted to membership .. However, it is. "OUSTO'M •Bilo.S."I~.. "-a .pharmacist who :c~n),..be~-re:-: :,".63'S3:~•..Jefferson ",, 341 Fisher Road pomted out,. the brokers do work closely 'with ,a number of ,lied .,on "for' quaUty ,:pr6ductS' 'SINCE 1.'2.0 '" , _' .. ., I , " and service.: ,'" .., ' " , LQ. '7-5500,. . . TU. 5-Q I,10 realtors who are not members of their org~nizati9n, and' have . . ~ , ' ,.' '.. . " ~. . " , 1'10 desire nor intention to harm any tealtor they feel is oper- : " This is'the 5l59th. o:l!,a'.,aeriel of ECUtorial ; aCiv'.rtUtementi : appearmc ,ik _ .1561&.E.W~RJI~I" .' . " ,,~',TJJ.h~.' '., thi 'O$t Radioand Television Service, call LO.7-5500 aUng ethically and for the welfare 01. the whole community. ~ ':.in; t¥S.. ,p~'pel\'e~~h>~~~k.. . :~.; . .I.",~'r, .' • ~" ' . . ,'f:

• ". t • I , _. . , b ",," •• I"._ ••H'.~'" ' 1 " ••. -J •• --." ••• ~ .. """' ~ _ ~r .~"'" .;\I~ ,'rJ.." ,"-"_ ,... ~ ••••• ~.", ~ _#O ,, ,'., _ ..., ... ~ .. ~ ... ~ "" ~ -' ~. ." ... , '>. ~ ... " ... _ 41> "':"--....- ~. r. t f P t. l:, t~ ..1, i,. ,s •• u =,qa. .,4';* ..,:;pz,',/ ,)~" W~ fO.lU,co ../., '??#," ""~':-:Ci',.*:i,.;O:S_f.,'t; ::f.e~I:;~.~::....~:..,~<:t '0;T.r,7,,;:::A',:"/7'!'T.'~_~ ..T=?:~~:;7~,~'7--; '--:r-: -;--'-::-",::-',-,---4 ~ I ,i' ,.;,..; ...:~ '; .J ',:£' :'~~I";, . ", , ' 'n' '_~,' " .. J ..... , '. . '.

, .... '1955 GENERAL NEWS Thu,'sday, September I, 1955 " ross ~;bin"te -ews: Second Section Page Eleven ~ 12..5 Park Policel Issue Wa,rning. bUc 'Winners of'Sw, imming Mee.i~t:!c,:iL,"'-~ier~:-,:;:::.ilig'h-:S~hooiPlans Specia,l" An:~~~:TD::~~~Lions' ,':1' , , , \ 202-pound center from North 'ice. To 'Side$treet Speeders; " ' '"," ' ',." '- - ',' C Meetings for New Pupils ~~n~ista~~ a ~r~~~~b~ " sistant Coa-;h, Buster Ramsey' pen for The Grosse Pointe Park ~olice dential are a scarry 15 or 20 For the ,il1str~ction and guid .. I student orientaticn me 1!tin ,gs, spotted Miketa roaming arou.nd, [)4 p.m. are now in t.\le throes of carry- m.p.h. limits. ing on a vigorous campaign , ance of students new to ,Grosse Tuesday and Wednesday, Septem .. the dormitory at the Lions tram- ,2 to j agains~ the "side-street speeder," At the moment,' the Windmill Pointe High' 5clj,ool, tl1e' high ber 6 'and 7. ing camp and remarked, "Andy, accordmg to Park Chief Arthur Pointe district is the point ot sch~ol' ,principal,:.;Wal~er.,Clemin- Classes' will begin at 8:30 a~m.) why don't yo~ go up an~ l~ , wh~l Louwers. most of the 'police a,ctivity. "We' '~on, has annoui1ged speclal,meet .. Thursd~y, September 8. down-and ,g81n some ~ex,ght. are patroling that' area theheavi-, "We're run numerous speed est," Louwers said:- "We'll con:-: mgsSeptemb"erto', be 7.held on ,WedneSdaY'I~:'" ' , =~~======;;;==:;::::==1 checks on a cross-section of the tinue for at least a .week' and :a Parks' north-south streets and At 1 p.rn; 'all 9B's~ lOB's., and half, then concentrate, on an-~' new'students, gr.ades9-B';'12A who GROSSE' POINTE' ,1:eeting "found t~em to be raceways for other part of the' city." a good many motorists," Lou- will be at Gross'e' Pointe, High GLOOK MFG d REPAIR' 00 ~eting- wers said. Louwers emphasized that the .Schooi, this, f~n,':will ",repo;rt. to '. an • usual "stiff warning" is' being their home, rooms. Each has been Our 35th 'Year Careful not to put the blame forsaken' in favor of the ticket. mailed' a card, giving the room ~eting- principally on the ~houlders of "People tend to forget' th,e warn- n~ber ~here ,he is to repor,t, 'Caferingexclusively fo the repair of w'atches teenagers, Louwers pointed out ing or think they've gotten away . that many parents were the chief At'l:BO.p.m;"in the auditorium' d I k A h k d' bIt'. ' ~eting- <>ffenders, with something," Louwers said ... ,' of the Grosse Pointe' High Schoo~ . an C oc s. ccuracy c ec e .' y e ec rlc "But when they have to payout the counselors' ahd ao.ministra- "f- ed- . , ''rve put out an order to all their hard-earned 'cash, the im- tive staff',will receive all of,these ImJn9 eVlce. ", f)f the squad car teams to ticket pr.ession is usually mere lasting." students. These: students. should' , Pi~k.up and Delivery Serv~~e, VA 1.6257 II n yon e exceeding the speed also come, prepared to pay the ork-tO limit on any of the side streets" Louwe!'3 said. ' If you are wondering what to deposit on locks~, , 15233 Kercheval, corner Beaconsfield do with party leftov~rs, we sug- . "The purpose,' of: these, meet- I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Brown Though the limit varies ac- gest that you don't invite them ings ,is toas'sign I>upils,'to horne- ~ ~ordjng to the section, most resi- again. rooms and, to help pupils new to the community' 'or new to the' school ,to become familiar with, our practic~s. and policies. so that. ,Don't 'forget ... their. school' beginning September 8 will,' run ,smoothly for them;~" said' Mr. Cleminson~. , \ . The bookstore ~will'be'open' tor film and all high school students Thurs:" :""',I:'~"":"; ..,.,,,,, ..,,,,,,.. , .., day and Friday, ,September I-and

C':<:':r~:':;~:i~f;I}}~~1::~:},::,iJ;:~~!i'~:1(:;!;;~;::t.\.;r',:,~,:Y."s:'::..,. , . ,~j;t$:':~'~%~~~~i:'>:,~e;i:~~~e~d:~d~d Wednesday, flash, bulbs sketchea getting . ~ .."... .•.. , "' ..:,.. ;Pictur~by R.,.L',AnZ~ng~r" The deans have,enrolled many' . WInners of the varIOUS .evet;t~ I.n the, f~nal,s:vun ~eetcofth~.y~~r'at;t~e CI~ spIer, new students ,this. week .. They for your Labor Day week end ic1e) a park last Saturday, po~ed for~,thelr pIcture .follow~ng tHe_ competltlQn., F:::,~n~:roYf, left, to: , will. be. availa,ble again'tomorro~ e vessel right: - KA'I'HLEEN CHOUINA:RD, JIM CHOUINARP~ BOB, CIIOUINAI:tD;~:;KATH~,. afternoon, ]'rid8.Y,~ September '2. with your family. has the LEEN HEALY, SHARONMEHL, MARY JANECOPPOCKand,~!tR¥~.'ELLEW-:McLEAN:' All staff members will attend. hicle on - , Second' row: ~ JANET WINFIELD~. DICK ',CHOU'IN:ARD, BAR;RY:"+RO~BLY; ..' MIKE faculty meetings and. the new' CALL US FOR LAST MINUTE DELIVERIESI roceed." h.gger. KELLEY, ,JERRY CHOUlNARD~,;JULH:JS'~D'ERAEDT; jIM,BLOND;EltL'anct:-FRED-C'Q'T- . -' ---_------squoted, LER, Third row: '- 'BARBARA. de. ROP!, .MARION DETTLINGERr,JOAN ,HINZ :and' People 'who don't realize the died the , PHYLLIS McENTEEr Back,row:-, PAUL ALCOTT, TED HINZ, STEVE VANDERVOORT' value of money seldom have any. d • tide. and TERRY.MOUNTFORD. ' . . . " ------.----- 17114 in the Yes) we're mighty proud to Kercheval Buy Your New I stated Maj. Bodycombe Rubbish-Dumping Starts, Ar.gument to the announce that our store is being uite re- At"A ir Acad~my'. A spat over 'd~mPirig,rUbbis~ .in.thes,tre~t~ ",f ' F'O.D, TUxedo told it enlarged to bring you " ,,' In ~he, street led to, ~t:, as~ault " '_Acco;rd~n'g'.-to; Park Chie:t" of from 1-4096 better .Maj or Richard' Bodycombe, .sOn and. battery charge, .beJD.g :filed 'Police Arthur' LOuweJTs,,the ',quaT- brought f M ' d Mr' A B'.:J ' be' , agamst, Bertha' ,MavlUs, of. 757 r~lover ,the trash ,had, been g'0- D'l.ck ' arne'r' o r. an s.. O\Aycom" Lakepolnte avenue' . ," ' " : , ,,',. ! W, ouwers service and facilities. . ' . . ".' ',' mg ou, for some .tIme. The actual' Open Friday 724 LlOcoln rqad, IS now. servmg The charges, were- filed 'with ac't' o'f"--tr;k" 'h" - 'd', 'A' ," .' s when , . . " .' " . . .' '," .:~ .1 109 . ~ppene : o~, .U-. Adam-Samms, Inc. Evenings of mis .. as a Cadet TramlOg OffIcer at the, the Park -pollce by. a neIghbor, gust. 22,'the ,same day the charges- " Re's. TU '1.5251 Please excuse the noise of the United States Air Force Academy. Mrs., Betty M.. Moran ,of 765 were filed.', .': " ' VA 1-1000 till,9:00 , b '1940 " d' 't''.. f Lakepointe. .Mrs. : Moran state'd ," , . ' .' , ,.... . ' , anual tG A F: r':lary' . gra ua e, 0 t' M' M . 'h't' h 'h" Court date -was. set for August . ~ee me before you buy. workmen's hammers .' lit It won't Grosse Pomte HIgh School, MaJor' t~a, .rs. ..,aV1u~ 1 er. Vf ep 31. , " " III Body'combc received,a Bachelor, of she saId 1t was .lllegal to dump . ::.:..__ .....:...... _"'--_...:..:.~.~~-:..-;.~~~~~~~~~~~~~:::::~~~~======;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;_;;;;;;_;;;;;;;. Science' degree from, the Unive,r- last long. " sity of Michigan 'in 1948. His edti,- M'lX. , cation had been interrupted by 'Three. Ca'r's • World War II, service, in which In'\ .Lakewwood... Hardware's he flew 19 missions over Italy Minor' ,,C'ras'h and won the', Distinguished Fly'- \ iJ:1gCross, ,the A;r:~~dal with ,one' A three car' 'train' pile up oc- " Oak:,Leaf Cluster~ and the Purple' ~ur;red:in ftont'CI!'the' CltY'water- ',,"

Iieart. ~ fr~lft park W~dnes~ar, '~~gust 24. ~. k 171-14, Major BOdycombe is 'a Senior " E~tell~ i~ew:t6n ~(~~Hj'OXfor.d, . Ker~hev~1 Pilot and resides with his wife' .was .waltmg ,:for t,he:'llghtat Urn:.. ~Mtt"';' the former Karin Lindh and soh.' 'v:ersity when',sp.e "was piled:' info' Brian in Deriver, at 1335 South .frOl'ri:.:therear::by~. ~ar~driv,~nby . TUxedo Elm stre'et. Norman Renas:'of 12915 KllOger 1.4096 The Air Force Academy wel~ in'Detroit. ". ,... '. ;, . j) . corned the first class July 11 at Rena~ ~ol~ CitY. police t~at,

hlt '.' Open its temporary site at Lowry Air he'was ,m,the 'rear" shovmgc Friday Force Base ' Denver. Colorado. hiD?- into the' New~on,~car bya Evenings . Major Bod~combe is' asssit~g in ..t~r~ vehicle. ddven,b?,>,Clifford', - Get ge.ared here for your b.est hunting season' - in the VilJag6 till 9:00 giving;the cadets a military back. ,Bl'aathe? of ,4140 Philip"avenue~ ground on which' their 'lifetime,:Detroit; " , ' ,'" ever. We've everything you need. priced to careers at Air Force officers will' Because damage'was slight,and .. make your money go furtherl I be based. all involved &gr.eed' to settle ,~ among' themselves, rio, tickets' • • were issu~d.No cine was, injured:'

• Report Robbery' I, PRE. SEASON SALE, Canning IS Hard Work • • • At Book Store _ • _1 The Grosse Pointe Book store , Vse"Our Use Our was. broken into and robbed of but you con FREEZE with ease'!" , $73 some' ,time, durfug. t1leperiod from 2 p.m. on Wednesday, Au.; L'AY~AWAY BUDGET 'gust 24 to, 10 a.m .• Thursday, let's compare- August ~5, according. to the '- ',PLAN TERMS Woods police' :report.: " .,',' .. 'It, ,was not, determined 'ho~., . " entry', was rgamed::,or:'jhe,exact I b ", 22 I extent, of the "ro~b~rY.. _Acheck.: " , ass Winchester I .rl', ' " 12 STEPS FOR CANNING ONLY 6. FOR FREEZING of the till revealed' the, money , "0' 'b-' ' , 95 I loss. ';, , " . " ar Ine, "; ,:- Model 94, Carbine I , There'is reason to ,believe that, 'Mod'er i52~ : . " " .30-.30, .32 Spec •. 5 29 1 Wash and hull berries ~' some :of the, m:erchandise was' '* I huRbe"le~ I ~ I , , w'"" ..... also ,missing, though- ,8. spot in~ , 'A a' L 'd- ' ..' 2 Pr.pare syrup f:!!!J ~,'; ,. ventory'was impossUJler,'/- " '. IIO~ Qa ~ng", Reminglon Aulo-Load sugar : . , The' entry'was ,reporled-,by ,the' .• ;. M b 22 95 3 Ste~i1i%.ion ~ owner. "I came:'around"on: Wed-' , "ass erg,. ' Woodmasler nesday ~ oUr cloied d~y>to, check' ~,;. 'MOdeL'15' ~M~ ' 3 Place In container ~~' , ' , 34 ,Moder M-748, .•30-.06 the, mail and, was:':iIlorder:. , 4 Place berrl .. In jail all , , r,~4, Closemalne" lIJ When I 'opened:: up 'on 'ThurSday,.' ' ,--.Aulo' ",L'o.' d'.-n" - 5 Cover w;th boUing syrup the money was. gone." :~' Ii» ' ,IIhica 1-31 Pump t ~ 5 Label and date The ,Woods ,have.no,c1ues on': 'II b '22 95 6 R~move air bubbles; ~) ~ the ,robbery, hu~ ',are 'ear'rying ~n " mOSS, erg'. ' .12-.16 and .20 ga. ,~~'.' ,6 Place In freezer . , , 31'95 , adjust lid and $~al -IV ~ an investigation~, ' , Mode', iSI-K' ,'. I S Shot, feather-lite repeater : ' 85 l~: 7 Ploce In canntH' ~ (Z)) PA~KED'CAR,:STRIPPED . :','.'~vai."::, " .1.2or .16 ga, Winchester 8 Pr~ss for specifl.d time ~ HOT WEATHER NOTE Charles Powell: reporte.d •to the ' . 0 U' d ' 95 1 None of these operations Woods' police that, someone strip- ~.• :, ~ "er-, I, Ir', . Double \Barrel ped his car' of :the four ,'hub- caps,; ., ,~22.Cat :.-'nd ,.410 Full or modified choke -77 ,° 9 Remov. fro," canner, . R~Jf5i? ,aquir.s haat. 32 and'two headlight: rims Thursday, ; . , , readjust lids; cool. f1ry ',~tigust '25" y;hileit w~parkediA:' ,~:", larl-.n' ;"'2'2"" .Sle,ens Single Barrel' -the rear lo,t of. the". Howard John- .~ ':, to' ;'.. 10 Test for tight seal 50 yo'u'U, love an 'son restaurant. ,t., '", - 'Carbin.~', _ 85 Shotgun~Model 94 11 label and dat. ' , 12 or 16 qa., full choke " ':ROSSE POINTE " ":i.~ver5Acti~n," ,: · ", 60 23 12 Arrange en ~elv.s m~fm Shoe 'liepair ·'\Marlin,"'lodel :'. ," '- 37~ ,fi,h~, R~.'Opp. High'" :Oarbinl ",' ,~,.: - 6895 ...... 30~~30,'::32 ;'Spec.: ~35':R~m•.

o ' :-'. "\. ,' ..... \ -, '~ ..' , _.'. "r. .. Lakewood Freezing foods, instead of conning, lea\"a5 the kitchen cooler. A freezer is ,~."Re(r~S,t:~g~'H,untingClothes . - . ~...... wonderful in o#,er woys, too. Foods hoJd ,IOO~~'~:W~S;-Red'and Bla~k Plaid tt1eir f:"esh, natural color and flavor. They ~~",. ~:,,' ,:. <, ;,': keep their vitamins and minerals. With a .'Get the most .'29.9S~'Mun'ting'Coats. _•• A' ~ • 21.95 .. varietv of home frozen foods on hand, ~ ' " \ 1.' . '" . ,. } , me.:;d planning's eosier in every way- e•••• ~( SEE ~ 0 U R 0 ~.A. L '.',18~OO;,:Breeches,,Zouaves, "11.95 ' l 1:75'35' MACK AVENUE entertaining is less of a task. . ~-Il ,for your money! ,,.' .',," ' " .." - : T.... t h' .- -- , " _,' ",' ~ " ":'.; ...."c, ',,~.. '" ," . ' 0, Ma c ,~i~~~""W~?,t~*~?:~».%::'K>~:::;::-:':~:::':::::::{::.".*';":~:,::~:'~/'( .:::'t,~(,~{~""'W":~, <.. ,'_ '~ .. "::r'" ."','~J_,;_'_,._. _ .. BetWeen Neff and Hereford 'III' .' .....' ',-' 1 ~ ... "': , _' .' . or _ '..':,,',"M"'URPHY I. "Hvy.,")S'~l~~~ck' Hunting Coats' .'. ~.;,~.,6.49: TUxedo .2~084'5 i ' ":" i .. ", ,M~tc:ning:'/froulen .,'p • '. ~ ••••• , ••• ~ 5.49 . STORE, HOURS: P,ONTI,AC; . • ,j' .Detroit.,'Edison'. .~J ::'" .",,> ,~.', : ..£:~:.<:<_, ; .' ~;A'" r:~'; " .Dally 8:00 to 8:00 Sundays 1:30 to 1:00 . . . . . , ,2013' MACK AT OXFCMtD 10AI) " ", ..'!, .

,... , , , , " 't

, . . ' , , .7 • 5 S • 2 $ a 'IS S .. S S •• rime % s p'i .t a .' 'i "s j .'. sse. C'. is sea s • s s • • s •• 'C ft.n .70••••••••• 7•••••••• &.j '\ ., • , .4;0: L I i. ' . ' , '1,'" ',. ,,"\ "?;f{Mk:3ft~¥;,"*rl'&g%t'il;AA;(\;¥~~M!2~!*,'~*3,!iM~>\'A;fir4'Vi';t'<,''h;:+?,:;,:,/:F...•22 ..•...... •,":"""* • i " .' l:\:, .

Page Twelve G R.05S E' P,OI N:T E,:,,"NE-W S. Thursday, September 1, '1955 ..: " .', ~l ~ I': • , I t ,! i Society, News" Ga;ithered'From',11 " -.All t t ~ ~~ , . , • '! .' . 1 '. • ' " ~i ' ... ~, - , I \ William Cowdens Jr. I I I From'~~~~:Pointe _S_"h'ort,'~Jld.to...,the Pointe' , Hosts' at, dinner this: Saturday Leave 1 for. Wisconsin" evening. in their Harvard road · ~1~En':~ic~~~y::1,..'M~~.:.witUaro'Cb\vd~ri~6Jt.".'.'.. home will be MR. and MRS. ROY Former Elizabeth, Jean Scales and Bridegroom on Motor 01' , Pointers will.begin .their sOpho- ,', .'...... :'.... .' •...... ,.;',:' . ~,~: .. " .. ' E. DeHART. ,Their guests will more year at 'Grosse P9inte High ' .inc(ude' MR. and MRS. 13.RUCE' ,Trip Following S~turday Marriage in Grosse Pointe This column begins on a strictly personal note today because this autumn. '.' '. ' .- TAPPAN, MR. and MRS. GER: . . . Methodist Church; To Live in Belleville, III. it is our last for the Grosse, Pointe News. It's a diffi~ult • • •• ALD" QUEEN~ .MR.;' and MRS. w goodbye f~r us because these have be~n twelve of. the nic~~t, 'Nice to. report ,that MR: arid, THEODORE SEDWICK,:MR. and The bridegroom's air force base determined BellE;vLl1e, MRS.' HARRY N~ SISSON and ,W years pOSSIble. It's b:en fun to meet and know ;Pom~ers. i.t;S MRS. RICHARD' J. P~ICE JR;'. :: Ill., as the new home of the William Pickerings'CoyvdeIl;s, ~r., been a proud experIence to work for an edItor hke Bob and their young Booby, are'mov,,:, ' MR. an'd..MRS. FRANK' J. WIL- Sp TON. . . who were married last Saturday in Grosse Pointe MethodIst ) 'Edgar, to be associated with the fine staff of the paper and ing back :to the Poiriteafter mak- '. .' ..~ ,... Church.. . su~ expert crew at Abbe Press. It's been a joy t~.co~e~s~c~ety ing thi~. ho~e out. o~ town '~of . THE CHAF..LES B. HtJ:LLS. III Mrs. Cowden was the £01'- Columbus and James Caldwell. an unhampered by any rule. Now you'll be workmg wlth KItty some tll~e.,'. T~ey' .WIll be ,wIth . are in Norwich, Vt: visiting 'her mer Elizabeth. Jean Scales, of Gallipolis, o. eri Marriott, whose writing often has appeared on these page's. Mrs. PrIce ~s pa~ents, MR.. ~d . parents, MR. and. MRS: FORD daughter oi Mr. and Mrs. J ohn ~s. Scales' gown Qf rose silk use . She's a thorough-going newspaper gal and' one who'll take M;RS.. EMERY .. B. : 1;IAT~H, ',of H. WHELDENl of . . t h" , 1 b RIvard Bouleva.rd untIl thelI" new G. Scales, of, Washington. road, shantung was embroidered in~e- our place a11 too we.11 B e as nIce ,,0 er as you ve a way~ een home on Woodcrest.road is/read' • • • quins and pearls,while the bria~~ da: to us and we do hope you'll be glad to say hello to us.m our, for them. . , y MR.. and MRS.. GEORGE. M: anfdMher bn deMgroomW~II1(he. sopn groom's' mother donned ,a Delft JOl d new assignment which begins on the society pages of The' • •. • ENDICOTT l'eturned home Sat- 0 r. an' rs. 1 iam . blue lace and taffeta costuD;le. ho~; urday to "their residence in Mer- Cowden of Lakewood, O. . Following their wedding 'recep- Detroit News, Sept. 12.. Lochmoor Club :members. re- riweather'road. They spent the The Rev. PaUll F. Ketchum tion, the newly~married. Cowdens port they really h'ad awonderftil be * * * Summer. traveling in Europe. . officiated at the 4 o'clo~k ccre- left by motor for a trip'to North- me I! Scheyer Recital time at the recent Golf Invita:..;, • • ~ mony which was followed by a ern Wisconsin. tional week-end. The weather pH 'MRS. FREDERICK M. ALGER reception in the church par- The bride tralelled in navy Some Pointers must detect a note of autun)n in the air be- was made to order for .dancing '<: 11 e 'th' MR' ALGER U S lours. blue silk shantung with pink ac- cause we sense their interest in things to do once again. (It's outdoors around the pool and the ',: JR . wh 0 WI .' ',. •. • chc Ambassador to. B r u ~s e 1s, is ' The bride chose a gown of cessor~es and an. orchid corsage. ing been durn difficult to get milady out of her &ir-conditioned .scene .was gay with brightly' i,' spending ,a few weeks in the Chantilly lace and tulle for her Until. th~. bndegroom com .. er, Cadillac to falk shop until now!) Met Mrs. Wilhelm Fabricius colo~ed, lights •overhead~;They,' '. Pointe,. dasht:!d 'over to Chicago .wedding. The ~lim bodice was plete,s hIS mllitar~ duty, the Co,:,- I ha, the other day, she was sparkling with excitement over the ,also e~Joyed a water show w~e~ I: last weekto visit her brother-in- finished with portrait ne~kline dens address WIll b~ Sco.tt Art der . I .f 1 h' h h f' dEl S h '11' star' dIvers JOE McRANACNA, O ct. 12 recI ~ w :i~ • er nen, ve !ne. c eyer, WI g~ve of Wa y n e.University;.JOHN law and sister, MR. and MRS. edged in lace scallops and the Forc~ Base at Belleville. . H' at the l?etroIt Insb~ut~ of Arts Aud!torl~. We know w.e MASON, of Michigan State Uni-. E. C. 'SMIT;H. ' . full t.ulle skirt had deep flounce , ' esti have to hear the pIanist after the fme thIngs Mrs. Fabrl- versity. RON JAEKEL' of' West- • • • of .lace .foaming over it. Party Honors en cius had to tell of Mrs. Sch~yer, stressing she is "an artist, ern High, and.JACK.MATHEWS' Home from. Crystal. Beach are A bridal cap, of lace .and pearls, -d .' I' , Pol. through and through." The Fabricius' are next door neigh- of Lochmoor; performed. . There MR. and MRS. ARTHUR W.' held ~ veil of'Frenc~ silk illusion Brz e-E eet mee bors of Mrs. Scheyer and her husband, Prof. Ernest Scheyer w~s synchr~nized s~~mming by . KLEINSCEMIDT JR.' of Loch- and m her weddmg bouquet, 18. moor boulevard and their chil~ Elizabeth carried Fuji mums and (Wayne U.) over at Inver. Huron Beach in Canada. Some ~heSt., Clal,r Penqu1?ettes, V:'ho., . Mrs. William H. Bundesen, of 'I. dren"Cherie Nan, Arthur III arid orchids with ivy. She was given day would love to see the decorative things Mrs. Scheyer Ju~t won the ~Inter~atlonalSwlm- ' Lincoln'road, entertained at a ulel Bill. .' in marriage by her father. linen shower for Friday's bride- does with stones and shells she collects on the Canadian rnmg ChampIOnshIp. :JUDY' EL- timf ', t' 1 1. . t LIOTT, daughter of Lochmoor .. • • • Matron of honor was. Mrs. H. elect Judy Richardson who will brin B eac IleSe Th e ar t I;; IS a so a mquls. me m b e r s the GLENN "EL-' MR. and' MRS. REUBEN M. Donald Garber, of Cieveland, become the bride of Arthur' .Beck. ing * * * LIOTTS, is ' .8. member of the. WATERMAN. have r e fu rn e d with Cynthia F. Netting, Donna The shower and luncheon took of t: Trumpets for Crumpets group. , from 'a stay at their Summer Jean. ParoQbeck, of Lakewood, place Aug. 19 in the Bundesen M • ... •. -Picture by Cllnedinst place at Pointe .au:X:'Barques and and the bride's sister, Beverly home and the hostess was assist- the The William Dants got back in the Pointe Mond,ay morning Due back in the Pointe next The former ELIZABETHJEAN~SCALES, daughter of. will occupy their new home on Joan Scales, as bridesmaids. ed by her daughters, Ana and' char pleased as could be that their Kerry Blue, :Krumpet of the Thursday'are that traveling trio: Mr. and Mrs.' John' G~'Scales ofWashirigtc)ri road,wasmar~ McKinley.... • • .. They were identIcally gowned Lilian. diar: Hill, was named the best of winners at the dog show held KITTY ~SMITH, of McKinley ried .on August 27 in Grosse P.'ointe.,IvIethodist.Chu' r'c"h"to: • in opera length' frocks of deep A gay umbrella theme was ran~ last week-end by Chagrin Valley and the Ravena Kennel road; BETSY' CHESBROUGH,':of ~.. NANCY S. SMILEY received a peacock blue crystalette,' small used in the party decor with plea Club at Chagrin. They were preparing some dog biscuits Yorkshire road, and. SALLY ,.the'son'oftheWilliarilPickering".Cowdepsofbakewood; b.' bachelor .of science degree in matching hats and'short pink even the pastel mints in parasol worj ! and truffles for their handsome pooch when they paused to SCHEMM: of.Maumee a v en u e. ., . education at commencement ex- gloves. shape. Tl- i The y have . been motoring'. ,MRS.. WILSON W. ,MILLS will' . . •• .'.. ercises, for the summer quarter Their f1.owers were shell .pink .Among the guests were the say that Krumpet now'lacks only three points of being ,a 15 si ~. through the West on a 9000 miles. presentlier debutante, gr~d-" EDWARD' LINDSAY MAY ,of. graduating class 'at O.hio .State asters and chrysanthemums with bride-elect's mother, Mrs. W. R. for ( , Complete Champion. Won't be any dog's age before he picks junket 'but now turn homeward daughter,' VALE~I~ ~IN.GREE Aberdeen, Md. will b~the week- University in Columbus on' Fri': ivy. Richardson of Prestwick road: Ada these up, either! * iii *" to get ready' for' college ..' Kitty. DEPE~. t?' DetrOl~. soclety .at a end guest. of his fiancee, MARY day, August 26.. " Richard' H. Scales performed the bridegroom-elect's mother, a P" , and Betsy attend U., of M. and receptIOn m the LIttle Club:.next .WAT~RF~L'and" her parents, • • •. duties of the best man for his Mrs. Daniel L. Beck of. Roslyn Deli] Walton Pierce Show '. Sally begins her senior year 'at' :Dec. 24. ,Valerie, daughter .ofMR. and MRS. THORN'l'O~, E. DR. and .MRS> KENNETH H. brother and the guests were seat- road; Mrs. A. Senley of Canada; mod! Teen agers hurried over to Walton Pierce last Tuesday and Smith College. . M.RS. JOHN SHA~LCRO~S,.:ofWATERFALL ,.of Lincoln road BALDWIN .of' Hampton road, ed by Charles D. Barber, of Par- Mrs. Don Richardson and her Th Wednesday for the autumn re-opening and the wonderful '. • • RlVertow~, Md., WIll also. make oyer t.lle. holiday. Mary' ,and with, their son,' RICKY, have left ma, 0.; H. Donald Garber, of mo~her-in ..:law, Mrs .. E. Richard- Revi' fashion show of Alanz Originals (right down peacock alley MR. and MRS. ROBERT" P. her Baltlmore 4ebut" in" 'early. Edward will ,be married Oct.. 8 the. Pointa after a 2-year resi- Cleveland; George W. DeLong, of son of Essex, Ont. ture . ) SCHERER, of' Lake Shore' r'oa,A_December. in .Christ Church; Grosse Pointe dence here~ After 'a visit in Bel- . Mrs. W. R. Jeeves, Mrs. P. Marc, for teen agers, co] Iege ga Is an d .the s-I-I-m young matron " ~~ * • • d h . ',. .'.' Bosch, Mrs. Dallas Shepler, Mrs. enter They watched the dreamy snI\rt clothes modeled by their' will be hosts ata Sept.' 17 partY, CHARI::ES HEN.RY SM!'TH III, an, t e Wat~rfalls plan' a Gro~se~..I~gh,am,,:Wash., their home, th~y: Cocktail Party Fetes 1""" in their home when guests will . Pomte.Yacnt 'Club receptIOn wlll:fiy .to Denver, Col,?, where M' W D R b" G. Brigham, Mrs. T.' C. Ander- Higt friemls: Ann Bush, Mary Hubbard, Duffy Davis, Anne m~ettheir\s.on's recent bride, "fhe.. of .Knoxville, Tenn. bas been the after. the ceremony. He.' is the. 'Dr. Baldwin is stationed at Low';'" rs. • ean 0 ,"son son, of Ann Arbor; Mrs. C. M. John Woodruff, Judy Schoenherr and Helen 'Jean Dodenhoff. former Mary ,Lee Marshall .. The~~s~~~espta of ~~~c1~:ison,.of ]yffi. an~ MRS~. ALBER';[' .~reyAir Fo~e B~sej and Fitzsim- . A cocktail party fOr fifty guests Broom, Mrs. E. Walke, Mrs. W. H. There was quite a gallery of beaming mamas, including Mrs. y,Dung BOB SCHER,ERS will. Uv;e, dtVA:I\T ren, . ana . CARL MAY of Lakewood, 0.'. mons HospItal. was g.i.ven'last week for Mrs. W. Ramsay, Mrs. L. F. Volmer, Mrs. .s A A b th F 11 h h on, .nJ.'1 MACAULEY JR. at • • • • * • DR' b' . th . M. E. Reuter, Mrs. George Johns- A . Sf anse IIB us,h M rs. Hen ry Hubbard ,. Mrs Cha r Ies DavI , In .nn r: or 1S' a, W lIe, e. theh-' Kenwood' 'i.oad home. ' . ean 0 mson on e occaSIOn Mrs. Howard Blood (Buffy Davis' grandmother); Mrs. Don Studl~S at u..~f .M.. They are:.. . ••. , Vacationing' at Pointe' aux . MR.. an~ M~S .. ~TUART H. of he;r. b{rt~day. Mr., Robinson ton, Mrs. G. V. Kuivenen and Mrs. Raymond Sciu:oeder .. Woodruff~ Mrs. Ed Schoenherr, Mrs. Cha~les Dodenhof!, Mrs. due lD'."the. POInte after' Labcir c',:' ,,: .• , ,. ~,'; .. Barques are, MR., and,. MRS. WAR~:.\of,P:vonsh~~~. road an-. and post deb Grace Robinson r Still others invitea were Mrs':. William N. Miller (Helen Jean Dodenhoff's grandmother). Day following.; a, Georg;~~.B~YI"~::MR. ~d, M}tS., .,LEO Jvo FITZ~. T:ijEODDRE ..R~,.BU'rTRiCK. JR noun~e the blrth of.8. dau~trt~l.'" Iplanned the party at the family's . h F 11 h' L 11 E I cruise aboard the senior Scherer's ~ATR~CK ofqoverly road, and bf'Moran'rpad,-and their~chii'dren J&~Er:r LYNN, Q?rn 'o?-. August :Pr:ovencf\l road home. I:.ater\there David Burns, Mrs. M. V. Sing- "1 Su b de b s Intent upon tea c IC were () y cc estone, Capsule III.' ,,' th~ir daughter, ,SANDRA, will Anne;' :Mary, ..Susan. and Teddy. 24.. 'Mrs: Ward IS ,the former was a small dinner at the Coun- richt Mrs. William .~eier, Mrs.' t. Martha Adams, Kathy Benson, Diane Peterson, Nancy Strin- • •• ' leave Sept. JO. :for six weeks trav- Pla'ns.:call fo~ a Tuesday return SALLY HOY~. . . try Club of Detroit in Mrs. D. Mitchelson, Mrs. G. Neill and' gari, Debby Pierce, Pat Thomas, Mary Bradley, Kitty Hut- Traveling to Lake Huron to ..•el in Europe to the . Pointe • (Cont1nued. on P'age. 14) Rab.mson's h onor. Mrs. V: Hudson. ton, Julie Post. There was music and a very social gathering spend the. Labor Day week-end: ", .' •• , from 2 to 4 o'clock in the afternoon. is a party, ,:of. yo.ung Poin~e MR an~ MRS. <:tRE~NE F;E~- * * * couples' including. MR. and MRS: L?y ,JR., of. Un~~erslo/ plac~, Kerrys Return from Rockies TED FRIEDT' MR .. and MRS WIll-he at theU' Pme Row Farm. RICHARD BARNETT, ,MR. and in Rochester, M.i.ch.f~r.the Laoor' . All of August, the young Robert Kerrys (Gloria James) have MRS. ARCHIE. DAMMAN~:MR:" 'Day' W~ek-~nd .. Thelr guests for been vacationing in the Canadian Rockies. Today, they are and MRS. REYNOLDS'W. SEM:':' th~"hollday. 'wl1l be ME. ajld. ,i

due to pull into Ann Arbor where Bob will begin his senior MLER JR. and.:MR. and MRS. MRS.. HENRY F., VAUGHAN' L (Continued on Page 15) GARDNER STRAWMIDGE .. ' , JIi.: ofEdge~oz:t Park, with their. " " children, VIckI, W~ndy,' Davis and Tel':t:y. The Vaughans recent. ly returned' from vacationing' at Old Mission Point. . , • • • r' DR. 'and M~S. C. LESLIE t < '. MITCHELL, of Hendrie lane, are S,,8Uf t tERCE . motoring with daughter' JOYCE RLTon- to ,Boulder,. Colo. '.where the lat~. Grosse pointe .• kercheval at ,t. cia;". ter will st:ldy this Fall'at uni- versity of Colorado. . • • • bri9kt danpfaid.~lert s~rfs .17.95 MR. and MRS. ,RUSSELL 'A. BOWMl\N of KEmsini1;on rOad (BETTY LAFER) have ,announc- cashmere cardi~ans colors 22.QS' ed the:. };>jrth of a son, FRED- 1".98Y E~rC~. ~~EWIS BOWMAN. on Aug. 23.'

• ••• • a.red ( a black ~ naVl{-1&tovfder bag IO.QS THE DA:VID., NEIL O'DAYS of Muir rQad, will return afte; , the Labor. Day Lweek-endfrom IO.QS I ~.qs-to )~ .ff9)',4J~lea#ter bel:ls ) a holiday at their, SUmmer .place i at Pointc' auxBatques; .., " • . ..' ' ..,.and .6.50 OPEN'MONDA~; TILL 8:30 cxazy I1ats

. \ see. '..:..lJourself

JJaffie '. '1" in aIZ:.ihe .

..!/~\i ,exeitihg . .' l' .,' Cal'negie ~ . ~f newsty~es. . ';.'. , ,.,~ wag t' will"'a 6uil

Slim shaft of elegam graphit, . ',. " wool, distinguished by typicti/. CtlNHg;' nwster-stroke de/tlils. W llness ,

~ !.r \:' '\- 1"', ",' , IhtJ tm.y labs, IhtJ lauch, 0/ flel1J,J, Ih, . -:~."ISSII'. lillls' ", ,f . " . COAT~ ~ SJlOlffV(IAl .... : jeweled birds in flight. ,Flawless ta!loring, oj G'ourse. .,'" , " ~11~.11 " . , HOUSE OF'NINE 35 ,W~Grand Riv~r . I ~'-:1:'"IRD ~LOoR'"~'t.;"', ~. ; from our fall collection offamow-designer fashion"" Bet. Woodward ~.'/. , . '.. and GriSwold'; >~;,. , ;~ " .. AIR, C OND~l.:T.IO N'. D , ._ ", ,I " ~ _' c :,", -'., . 'r~ .'"t~, ~,J'".,'. '~ ~.

c . .'

,) " ;:"~ .~',~ F7 I "r," i, ,i f, ... E '. "i 1. au so q,¥.A aq ¥.J (La. pSSAA'; 4>0,>'7 a s ad ¥ & q.s .44 c 3 c $ Sd444=p. b ,,-:2qq:qC'; s,,~,qqups 2.4£, 2assss a 2 asscsssSS 12&e as 2502422&5 :":'1 ~. ~', " .. \ _.~~-:t._~" "i~J.... '~" . . - . , '" .


"'955 thursday, 'September l, '1955 ;:t' .'~ ,I '\ G'R OS S E,' P'O I NT.E,"N:E\4tS,. '. Page Th!rfeen s ~oman's Page .~,.. by,of,,"a.~nd:f:ot PQinte Women Pointe Woma,n'sClub Lora Franklin, Mrs. Ronald RaymondiGauch Couple,tQLive !Pa.tricialouise, Lee .,' ToSludyA'broad In Ann Arbor I Set fot Busy.Season an~O;rs~!~-~~-:;:~t:~oP:z; Bi~,:.~:::~,::~~~~~~WedsRonald Gauch road, is.a busy yowig :lady thes~ cay in' St:, Ambrose. Church~ will Th If D H days. She is making'reaay.for. make their home in Ann .Arbor Couple to Continue Studies at Miami University is Fa ; r. arvey Merker to Address. First Meeting In War a year's stay on ihe continei1l:;': this autumn whiie the brideC Marriage Held Aug. 27, in Grosse Pointe :Woods Pres- . , Memo, rial Center on September 21 traveling and studyil'li: ~. :' ,. ", .' groom continues 'his law studies Ityferian Church., Melbourne Lees, Bride's Parents 'A 1951 bachelor's' degree ,and".' at University of Michigan. st For the !k meeting of the club year, to be held at the and 1953ma,ter.'. _degree,gradu-, .'. The bride was Sheila Anne In a gown fashioned after styles of Nantucket in colonial ell~ville) 'War, Me,monal Ce.nter on September 21, the Grosse Pointe at'e o~

., Steam. Bath ~nd wears like fur •. , . " and .' ,. of our 3 b~x iacket knitted tweed suits. Use your Grey or' beige .. The side-pocketed - in taupe~ and Char,gc!l • Plate sizes 5 to 13 .SwedishMassa~~ Sdlon' . ,copper or grey: and orange. About , ~ " • . ~ • #to' ,.' I • <- , • • After 'tI,1);t41izmg 1r,4SStlgetIiul'MORE ptlmpem,g ••• 80.00' 79~95 • ." • ' • of , ••• , off. y~go~' wtdking On tiirt :,' ':. .;-i The ',choir girl-in grey and gold: or .~ About 75.00., \charcoal, and blue. A'ppoi'~t";.ftt~•• ,.:TU' 2~7511 . The.;cutaway-in magent~1 brown or butterscotch. About 69.95-t lri,sizes 8 to 16. ,Ours alori~

:', " frving, Grosse .Pointe, , "; ..... 82 Kercheval .]acohsdn~s.- ,"> _

, , , . i, 'Also Detroit~ 47, Adams' Kercheval, at St. Clair

• ~) ," .J r

"!' t, , '.. "

-A ...... , t " • a s' C , an e t t •• 2 2 ri • e. *. t 2 2 en> •••• $ 'tit t. t. t't • * *.OM iN- "'" tb ,,;;£e...... h ...... ,,',. , .- ••• ,. • ,":. ,I_~ ~ \.', '• . ,,- -',,' " . "

.~_. '. ~... .f .G R,OSSE -.,P0 I,N T E ..NE W S Thursday, .September '1',. '1955 .. Page Fcurteen ",.' • ". l :, .,' -' -. '_ • 1, .: .... _ .'

~ , ."S(ar1ighters Shorf ai~d't() •Mrs.:, Frederick' ,.1~eic Gordon, Substitute Best Man I .Plan 'PJ:og,ram I I '.th.e'~.J):oint~" , 'The' Brllce Boyd' residerice~ 90 i Sunningdale' . drIve; ,win' be' the Highlights. Wedding j I '(ContiilUell' .from "Page: 12').'. ~ see'rie' of the next, ' Stariighters'

j, " ' ;' • ~ • , • .:. • ~ ~ 'j < • • ,: ~~:~ 'meetfug.: the young: adults, club I Saturday Wedding of Hilda Mae Bristol and Frederick I. Poi I 'Aboard the'S: S.' Britanic on' :rts' :: ... 'of'Our'-Lady Star' of the - Sea John A. Bell Drops ~ole of ~est Man at. Weddillg of ) Gordon Brings Large Contingent of Out of Towner$ ". ..',.1 \ I, .way :to ',New York. ,are .the,',T.O~,( : fi: parish, 'Grosse Pointe; :on' Wed. Margaret Louise Harrigan and William A. Cole to • • ... '.. ~ \ ~ .,J. l. ' '~ T, :liesday, Septeinber14,.'ai 8:30 p.rn: I To Pointe; To Live in Colorado Springs • SE~LA'.ij..Sl'o;f Hampton -road:wlthi '.

, :' '. , ,,' ,(' f • ,,;. • ".! r " " ..... ,~ 3' Become a Fa,ther; Patrick Cusick Assumes Duties , I}; . Plans'are being . made for a ). The de luxe trailer-that strictly twentieth century ver- their, daug.h.te.r".~ ~T~ D~r+n~:th~?-f" ~ "'J '''Games', Day" ,to be 'h~ld at The social c~stom of "all eyes on the ~eautiful br~de" , sion of the honeymoon cottage-. will be the home of, the tw.o-rn,onth V.iSlt .l,n Fra:~~e,Scot-. \. Chandler '-ParK,. Sunda:y, Septem- land~' 'and',Er.igland they:';had'" ,ai' kept most guests from realizing that there was a new and Bir newly-married Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Inez Gordon after ber 9, at ,1:36. Swimming, ten.nis, reunion, ,w-fih.JOE" FROMM. :;of; " last-:minute b~st man at the wedding of Margaret Louise Harv odi their wedding trip. golf and .'baseballare among the f . Kerby roacl'ln 'Lpndoit twi:»'Weeks, :i .many' spor:ts', in' which the Star- rigan and William A. Cole Aug. 20. ' S Th f H'ld M B' tended the wedding and recep. ago; Mr ..:Frorrim is statiohed at-aIi: lighters, may- parteipate in at the Ten minutes before the cere-0>------,Wi( e dorhmerb .ld a.l. ae brItSh- tion. The bride's ,grandmother, Army Base 'ne.a:r'Fr~nkf()~t;:'G~l,'~ : ton an er rI egroom 0 Mrs William McFee came from park. ,Clwfp:riembers will meet ,at mony, in,St. ,Clare of Monte- trim. Her bla~k hat and tan ac. ne~ will study at the University of Hes~el, Mich. ' many ~n~: .~il1' .be " retu~Il,#i~' ''1;'9;, . the Par.cells" Junior High School falco Church, best man, John cessories completed her costume. Clnd the. Pomte, after MarclL,17,'~ ~atJ • Colorado this A~tumn. ~hen Also present were Mr. and Mrs. parking lot. . A. Bell" rushed. to ~on Se. When, they return from Che... bri which time'.h'is'service in the ' A hay ride,at Belle River and they left the Pomte last Sat- J. L. Brenn of Huntington, Ind,; AI'my end .. " . cours Hospital where his wife, boygan, the Coles will apartment and wilr ",~'.,'~;~;~''roller skating at, the' new roller urday. they drove their ele- Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Ormiston of ". 'It<. .... the former Mary Ann Harri- hunt i~ the Pointe.' . SOl , ' . skating; arena: are. bei~g, planned gant wedding gift, the trailer, Benton Harbor; Mr: and Mrs. El:. ,,~J~lWi:'i~\, gan, gave birth to a son, John ' ~ll m all, ~ugust was Ch,,<:ked MR.. ,8:nd ,MRS., PON" W. "SIC- " ;iit:;:!f!;:J:j::::' for the' near future. to Boulder, Colo. lis Bristol of Fostoria .. Harrigan. Mrs. Bell and the Wlt~ events 'f?'.' the Ham.'lgan br( KLESTEEL~ and, d au g'h t e r s," , t:yl"~;'i':::,;:,:, . Fo!: further information regard- . _" family. The brIde's parents' cele- They were married in Christ From Flint, guest~ in~ludcd Mr. CAROL, and',DbNNA, .hav.e ,xe-', /:. ing the., Starlight.ers, activities brlde a;.~ Sl?ters. brated their silver wedding anni- W{~ Methodist Church by the Rev. and Mrs. A. J. OrmIston, Mr. and turned. to ..theIr home hi. Ithaca~ . ") .please. contact 'B,arbara Marciniak Steppmg mto the role of b.est versary on Aug. 16 and Mr. and He John Adams at a 7:30 o'clock in Mrs. Floyd Ormiston, Mr. and N. Y." after -:a,~,iwo weeks' visit. :: at TU'. 1-.2907. , mall:' was groomsman..:l Pat:nck Mrs. Bell, the best man who tio the evening ceremony. The Mrs., Freeman Walton, Mr. and with' their parents; 'the DA VII>. CUSIC~. Guests ~earne~ at the wasn't there observed their fir~ In bride's parents, Mr. and M~s. Mrs. Clifford Bristol and Mr. and SICKLESTEELS,. of ,Mor.a]:'! 'ro:i'd. ' receptIon, held In the Detroit . ' l' '1._ B at CI b f th 1 t . t anmversary the day fol OO'mg tuc onl:' Clare Gorton Bristol of North Mrs. Charles Everhart. and, MRS.; "RALPH'-. CLARK of Lochmoor Tots o ,u, 0 e as mmu e w"dding blw Oxford road entertained at a A family friend, Leland Neuen, O-i'ayton roact' .,.. .' .'. ,., . substitution. • '" ' . :froe . ',' ~ ,'it!,.* ' ------reception in the church's Fel- of Berne, Ind., .w~s soloist at the Have Sept. Date The bride is the daughter of mix lowship Hall. wpdding ceremony. ' MRS ..CIIA~LE.s. BEECHING o! Mr. and Mrs. Edward M. Harri- s. A. Lingemau.s . L, Frederick is the son of Mrs. ------Somerset:road', and, MRS, RALPH' : Labor .Day fun at Luchmoor gan, of Devonshire road .. Mr. to b Club includes a children's party Cole's parents are Mr. and Mrs, as li ~~~r;.nia L. Gordon of Oakland, CLARI):, oi.. Grayton ~road, ,:have, Wed 35 Years Winners L isied ,returned:~ from 'Walloon" : :L'ake,' . on Monday :w.-ith Mis" Brent Andries M. Cole of Lothrop road. Riel': The Rev. Father Jaines Clark The bride's gown of Chantilly where. they:, were, ',guests ':'of,~the Smith, the chairman .. 'A By Brz.dge Club The 'y'oung. 'guests are invited officiated at the nuptial mass, just Mr: and Mrs. S. A. Lingeman lace was combined with white . L. W; ,PENNI¥A~S, .0i'WashIng- five minut~s late from the an- Sr., former residents, were hon- ham for 3 o'clock. Kin( satin and her short illusion v~il --- ton road, at their summer home nO\1nced 11 o'clock hour. ored at a surprise open house on 'h' '.' . . . . ' They, will. be entertained by nav; fell from Juliet of the same lace. Memorial Center Bridge Club on: the lake. ' \ Margaret was a lovely bride in the occasion of .their 35th wed-' She carried white orchids and ivy results have been announced Be f ore er marrIage In ,GhrIst. MethodIst, Church on Hal" Ram and his Marionettes. 6har: as • * * short white brocade gown de- ding anniversary at their home ~aturday, the bride was HILDA, ~'!AE .BR:I~~OL,' ,daughter: There be Punch and Judy the on a white prayerbo\Jk. follows: The S. G. THORNE family of will a signed' with sweetheart neckline at the Viking club, southeast of of Mr.-ana Mrs .. Clare'Gorton Btistol,of'NbHh,Qxford roa9" • Show as well'as Ricky the mown with Hilda's former roommate at August' 22: North and South, Fisher, road which includes their outlined in sequins' and pearls. Gay l?rd: early .this month. ; I University of Colorado, Margaret first, FI.orence Steele and Fern Mr. Gordo:Q. .is)he son of.Mrs._ Vir.ginla,-L~"G:oraon:' of. Dak':;, . from television. Tl': ! children, MARY, MA R T H A, ' SequiJ;lS' and pea r 1 s were .Pnor to m?vmg northward, the Trewbridge, of Billings, Mont., Lichtenwalter; s e con d, Flora JOHN and GEORGE, returned.' la:n.q, .Cal. The .ne!V"lyweds will study 'at .the, Univexsity ..of, Refr.eshments. will be served scrolled on her tiny satin bridal \ Lmgemans hved for many years mok final' was maid of honor and Marilyn Denis and Ethel Cardoze. ~ast this week from their summer Colorado, this fall. . ' followmg the program. hat and she canied a ~pray bou- at, 16900 East Jefferson and later futu! Lang and Irmgard Schlageter and West, first, Jes'sie Cook and camp in Marquette County.:' quet of stepha'notis and ivy cen- at 889 Rivard boulevard, where were bridesmaids. Marian Johnston; second; Au...... Edward A. Skaes Hosts tered with white orchid. they still have their home. They Fo MRS. FRANCES JUD~ON' of I A. week of fishing is' on.' the chan Their froc~:s followed the same drey Burnham and Carol 'Priehs. The recently wed RAY HUET- Lincoln road spent a few 'days the sch.~du1e' for.'MR., and MRS. C. 'Q. At Harbor 'Poin.te Dinner The only attend~nt was anoth. have. been Northern Michigan design, trim bodices and full August 24: 'North and South, er sister, Kathleen Harrigan, residents the past eight years. with TEMANS (JUDY KORrifMEIER)', past week" in Pontiac, Michigan ... SW»;NSONof Lincoln road. They An waltz length skirts. The maid of first, Joanne LeShetler and Vince returned totheir borne mArling- ' .,. • left. on Tuesday for Mr.'Swenson'~ . Mr. and .Mrs. Edward Askin whose pretty frock of green vel- Before the open house that honor was in rose chiffon and the Remey; second, Mrs. Cyril Dun- tendj ton, Va., ~>r,l n:ronday, A.ugust.:~9~ W. HOWARTH GNAU and his fishing ,and. hunting 5lub, in ',the Skae, of. Lake Shore road; who vet was worn with small, match- evening, the couple repeated' maids had :frocks of pink chiffon. can and Duane Duncan. East ing hat. their marriage vows at an an- cling after a ViSit m the Pomte with 'DA V'ID 'f H 11 l' . t Upper Pemnsula. 'WlVes .are a1- ha've been vacationing at Harbor moth All carr.ied bouquets of Rapture and West, first, Andrew Walrond In addition to Mr. Cusick, the niversary mass celebrated in St. tt:e SENIOR' 'HUETTEM~NS of :~~Il~n. Mond~; fro~ i.~~~:t~o~r,f~ lowed.as ~:uestS' during the month 'Pointe this Summer,: were hosts Rapi( roses and had net juliets blending and Kermit Carlisle; second, Ridgemont road, and Judy spar.. Q t. 1 . . of" September. ' ' at' a dinner' party'last .Saturday usher ,list included Jack Heaton Mary's chu~'ch in the morning. ''lith their dresses, Louise Boadway and Flora Denis. ents, MR. 'and MRS. EUGENE. ua ema a. , * 41 * evening' 'at.theresori. Later they and Donald Kuhn. The guest list included up- Serving as best' man was Earle North and South, first, Nora Mrs. Harrigan chose for the oc- wards of 300 relatives and KORNMEIE~ of. V:rnier road." • •• . MARTHA REAM of Muir ~oad took their 'guests' to the, Little 19 G. Ormiston, of Flint, while ush-. Arnold and Mrs.. Ralph Ray. '. After a vacation' in Seal Harbor, spent several days ,visiting .'her Harbor Club follies' where many casion a blue lace dress with cor~ friends, many of whom were ers included Don Chapin, of Fos- mond; second, Mrs. W. D. Eng- MRS. ~HARr...ES BURGESS of Maine, the JAMES tROMBIES . th .. lI,4'RS' L BREAM' 'b f'th t f " sage 'of rubrum lilies. friends from the Grosse Pointe toria. Mich.; Dr. Vaughn L. Clark land and Ma'rty Channel. East of V.ernier road ha've :returned' to mo er,' .J.Y-+ .• ' .' . ',' , '. In mem ers 0 e. cas were rom. MarylEind avenue ,has returned CrawfordSville, ; Indiana. . t his Grosse. Pointe.' Mrs. Cole 'also h.ad rubrum li- area including some .from the of Royal Oak and Raymond' and . West~ first, _Ellen' Walrond lies and her costume choice was Russell- M. Alger Pos't, Veterans EVf1 from a European' trip' where,'she the Pointe. They visited with Mrs. week. ' ,' ...! *;.' ' ...... Brayer. and Rhea Chaffee~' second, Ruth visit.::d in Italy, Germany, France Crombie's sister and brother-in'..: MR. and MRS. :CHARLES W. soft blue J.ace with small cha~ of Foreign Wars. Tl1ey ,¥ere PO' Mrs. Bris!':)} was gowned in Arbury and Art Bayer. Silver Cup Party Given and England She was acc'ompan': law; MR, and 'MRS. EDWARD RABAUT of St.Clair.Shor.'es,: an~ peau.' . active in the Post and its auxil~ SPCI pea c 0 c k blue chiffon. opera By John W. Mulfords , The ~roung Coles left their wed- iary since its institution. ied 'by her grandchildren; l;)AVID CLEMENT.,. nounce the birth of their second dec: length, with small matching hat. * ...' ", ~ing reception for a honeymoon The couple has' a son, Pointe Party Leaves' and SUSIE BURGESS 'of Lincoln daughter;' JOANNE MARIE, on, s. A; at ' Her flow~r:; wer~ roses. Mr. and M~s. -!,ohn W. Mulford, m Cheboygan. Lingeman Jr., who is on the road. DR. and MRS .. F R. A N CIS AugUst. 20. Mrs.' Rabaut is ,the dol' The bridegroom s mother affect- ,For' Travel in Europe • • ... BLAKE of Norwood drive an- daughter. of MR. ,and MRS. JO. of Provencal road, were, hosts at For traveling, the new Mrs. Det;;oit Police force, and a daugh~ ed gray chiflon designed with a large. Saturday evening party C~le wore black 'Y'inter cott?n ter, Dorothy, a private secreta,ry , RETA MAY STRIGHT, former. nounce the' ,birth of their first SEPH'LEINwEBER of, Rivard waltz lengtn skirt. She pinned Mrs. Elton F. MacDonald, of for out 'of towners' here 'to attend WIth narrow tan stnpe and white with a newspaper representative. orchids to one shoulder. Windmill Pointe drive, is leaving ly of Grosse Pointe, will, gradu- child, STEPHEN JOSEPH: Little boulevard .. - " the Silver ~ Cup.' races. Their 'ate :from .the Harper' Hospital Stephen made,'his' debut .August ~ ,•.• When the honeymoon trailer Sept. 9 for two months in Eur. houseg'uests' included" Mr.' and . ' ':'-\ I :pulled oui of the Pointe. the new, ope. Sl:?e. will be accompanied by School ot Nursing on Thursday, 11.. Mrs. Blake, .is the 'former, BILL, KREMER of Hav..thorne Mrs~.Leon TraVIS ':of BUffalo: . Mrs. Gordon was wearing a going the E. L. Waymans Jr., of Wash- September s,. Her parents,:~:MR. SALLY SMITH, ..idaughter"of the road motored. down to Louisville, away costume of deep brown ington road, and the Benjamin T. and MRS. KENNETH STRI(}HT, J. HENRY' SMI-THS of, Bourne-' Ky., 'to attend, the wedding of live in Hingham M;ass. Reta-, was mouth' ro~d .. '! former. Pointer' LOUIS DE. Nan '.Maxwe.II, Returning KERCHEVAL SY,O'RE'ONLY! tailored frock with small match. Baileys of Nottil}gham road. Mr. j ing velvet hat. , Bailey will join the' group during 'graduated 1rom,"Grosse"Pointe .. •.• PORRE. Mr. DePorre was mar- From Huron Mountain Stay' Many out-oi-town guesfs at- their' two month: junket, High-SchooL ':.~ Th MISSES BETTY HAY ried to:MISS JANET BROWN of, D'a Ne,N A GULB"RA'N'S.E'N',. and" Louisville in St.' Thomas" Mor'e , Nan" . Maxwell, daughter ,of Mr. NANCY BI,SKE.' were' recent Church on'S~tur.da~; August 27., and Mrs. Edwin d. Bodkin' of CLEARANCE! , Viy'os itko.rsto AuSa,ble Chasm; New- MRS.'.JOSEPH J. WALKER Muskoka::road, will return;'after r Labor day from a visit at Huron. * ,. • and: daught~rs, ,MARILYN 'and Mountain Club where she has starting thursday 9:30 A.M.

, MR. lmd MRS. STANLEY PCEdG<;t-Yleft" th~u,esd.a~l'l'forC~pe been the guest of Liza Thorne' E SHERMAN MORGAN f D' 0, were h ey Wi vacatlOn of Lake Forest, Ill. shire road announce th~ hir~~o~f' with pvrr:. JO~EPH W~LKER, \ their first-born, a, daughter, JR., who 18' statiOned nearby. set road, announce the birth of CLEVER FIGURING .. . .. dresses MARILYN LOUISE, on August. MR'. d' MRS . MA'LCOLM a daughter, BARBARA, FOSTER, 2:4. Mrs.' Morgan is the former . an . , . ,born Aug 21 . - MARILYN COUSINO.' STAMPER of Harvard road' an-:; .;. * In corduroy Jor campilS or career '. • ... • nounce the birth.of a son, DAVID • . . .. . MICHAEL, on, August 24 •. Mrs.~ MARY ANN' DEMEKE ,and $6 FolIowmg a summer of visItmg Stamper is .the, former. MARl MARY ANNE KRAUSE, both of with her daughter, .and son-in. GUINAN of the PoIrite. . Bishop', .road, :flew. to Chi~ago law, ~R:. and MRS. T. D .. BUHL .. ' It is also. a boy, CHRISTO- SundaY. to attend the' Summer formerly $12.95 to $19.95 14.95 ana. of I:bdge road, MRS. HARR~T ,PHER J~SEPH, born on' August School of. Catholic ACtio'n's, 25th REILLY, has returned to her 20' to MR. and' MRS. MARVIN 'Annual Session. It is being held • variety of summer cottOftS 17.95 home in Brooklyn,~. Y ... Later hi J.' KOLON of J..,enox avenue. jilthe Morrison Hotel from Au- / !he seas~n Mrs. Rell~y Will travel Christopher's mother is the ~for. gu~t 29 to September 3. • assortment of trans-season cottons ~o her wmter home m West Palm mer. ANNE DUNGAN of. Grosse * ... • • both full and slim silhl,)uettes Beach, 'Fla. Pointe.: ••• _ MR., and MRS. ALLAN A. • choose from one and two-piece styles • • • , MR. ,and" MRS. GARNET' R. .RUTTER 'a.'..tnounce the birth of After a brief trip to Bay Shore, CRAMER ;and MR. and MRS. their 'second' ..child, .AMY COR- • junior and misses' sizes; limited quantity. . Long Island, MRS. DEAN,PARK- '~ALCOLM YERKES ,are spend- BIN, August 5. Mrs. Rutter is ER of Lake', S.ilore road stopped mg' the', holiday' weekend ,at the ,former JOYCE .. BOWER, famous makers . in Eochester, N. Y., and brought Gratiot Iiui. ' .' daughter of MRS. E. C.' BOWER, back' her three granddaughters, ... • ... .a long time. Pointe resid'ent and , J ANET"CATHERINE .arid' ANNA 'MR.; and MRS.' JOHN B. FOS- now residing in Harper Woods better skirts F'ARKER for. a visit in the~Rointe: TER (SAL~ Y lVES) of Somer. and the late Mr,' Bower~ .' , .$10 .. ~/h ...... ,.. . - formerly $16.95 and,,$19.95 '~~/r~ ""'-

, . / ' • wool doeskin slim skirts, wool flannel flared skirts r Corduroy, • perwinkJe. beige, aqub, shrimp;- ~b:es 10'to 18 newsmakingi fall • sel1Sational values to wear right, now fabric styled by S(U.~.LTIM(' Sue Brett to do full fashioned Exmoor wonclerfui things ":l~'(qltKIN"T~ for your figure. ".~ .. :':~~::' . , . ". , .' :", . H~RNUNtj.S'U.E wool sW'eaters 8. jumper Slim •• ' ." -,' J .'AlE ,. ", , .. sheath, attached A .' . ~' .' stripe cotton top. $ 399 and"$ 599

Suspenders butt en i. "Qf. $'ll£ c'-44ANGe" on 'or. ,oft Add the ~V£RV, .' formerly $?95 ana 18.95 " daiiCiy'jacket with • • short. sleeved slipon in blue. behie. green, parp'e. silvety ~bittto;lSfor Gr,osse' Pointe Shop ., ;. '~2 u",8' ..gold: sizes 34 to 40 ' " , -'!;6 • • • ~,4 wa...R3.' " r ' , i an ensemble :?lus! Store Hours: .Ion~~ ,sleeved ' cardigan. In 'green, white, bille, 10 •• 'J <'. Grey, brown,' 6 ~ 81b '2. .. gold, beige: sizes 36 to 40 . 9:3() 'til 5:45 , .' 17.95 . ' black.. , , ..~~'-:. : 10'-12. • • .. I2. .. - . . , i:o:f6', .~ . .'; .•0' :.. , }" f .' 2, -',5' .• • • 1~,-tb",2,b .,~ b. Sheath shirtwaist { :':' with sle~k,.c1assic , ."'.,' ""'S'i~d.'~ • .6~.& ut-l. I ~, lines • • to a pam of silk ; ','.':: .,"' I : flying, from. the pocket. Green, \" ... "; .' . 114 ~erc:h~val ~,; ~ on' the Hiir'" periwinkle or'red. 14~95 Both sizes 7 to 15.. " .16900 KERCHEV'Al near CADI'EUX , . ,


. 1-" .~

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Thursday •.September' ' •. 1955 .' , Page Fifteen " , , s ~ oman's Page ; - i , . • • • by~'of,, , { ~ ',' , and. t .' ,for ,Pointe Women Lowell. Orson Birds :Mrs.- Wi.llram- H....Carruthers. FraIn J.4notherPointe of view (Contfnu.ed from Page 12) year in Medical School and Gloria ~il1 be a, senior in' th~ Will Live in Virgin~a Dental School. During the trip, the Kerrys "camped out," 9 having fabulous fun grilling steaks, fishing, sleeping. under the stars. The trip hasn't been without its luxury, ho~cver. ding of Pointer and Bride. t~e F~rmer Joanne Kindley, Lecwe For - ole to They have spent a week-end at the. Banff Springs Hotel Future ...!'i0me In Warwick, Va.; Their Marriage (played 18 holes of golf on that beautiful course). After ties I:vent of August 20 in Birmingham - driving through' Yoho National Park (j.nd.Emerald Lake, the ul bride" traveJers headed for Jasper P~rk Lodge; young Mrs. Kerry's . Joanne Lang Kindley became the bride of Lowell.Orson favorite spot of all.' They celebrated their first wedding.. new and Bl:d on Saturday, Aug. 20 at a. ceremony in. the First Meth~ uise Har- Odlst Church, Birmingham. ~- ' _ anniversary (Aug. 19) at the Chateau on Lake Louise and then started out again, this time for salmon fisping on the She is the daughter Qf Mrs. lips, also of' Grand Rapids; the Columbia> Thry have been at Glacier National Park this William A, Kindley, of Ken- bridegroom's grandmother, Mrs. week and now are ready to put away those road maps and nd tan ac- nesaw avenue, Birmingham, E. L. Bird, of W&yne, Mich.; and take. up' school books. . T costume. C\ndthe late Mr. Kindley. The the Lowell Olsons of Chicago, ~om Che- bridegroom is the son of Dr. Ill. . apartment and Mrs. Orson D. Bird of Dr. ArncUd F. Runkel officiated Somerset road. at the wedding, which was' held Carolyn Johnston Speaks Vows' as 'chocked at 3:30 o'clock in the afternoon. HaMigan Joanna was gowned in em. At a double-ring ceremony in which were strewn in the path rents eele- broidered white organdie and Grosse Pointe Memorial Church of the bride. . wore a small white straw cap. rling anni- League to Aid Crippled last Saturday, Carolyn Johl1$ton David Carruthers attended his Her Howers were white C4rna. d Mr. and Children Meets Sept. 9 exchanged vows with William brother' as best man and groom~- tions. 0 nan who H. Carruthers. , men included Merritt Jones and their fir~ Jane Ann Kchr was the bride's The bride is thE;;"daughter of Robert Luc.e of Alexandria, Va. lowing tn.e only attendant. She wore a crisp The regular meeting of the Mrs. Elwood Johnston, of Neff Michigan League for Crippled Mrs. Johnston, who entertain- blue and white che~ked ~otton Iroad, and the .late Mr. Johnston, ed wedding guests at a recep- frock and canied yellow d~.isies Children will be held on Friday, ' Mr. Carruthers is the son of September 9, at the Stockholm tion.in the Whittier, chose corn- mixed with ivy. Msr. William H. Carruthers, of fiowel' .blue silk shantung with Lowell asked 1v.>nald Bonatz Restaurant, 1014 East' Jefferson Beaupre road, and the late Mr. mullS avenue at Rivard. bandeau of matching' grosgrain to be his best ma~ and assisting Carruthers. and Jo.pan~se bronze spJay o]\- rs as usher was the bride's cousin, The board meeting will be at Gowned in full-skirted waltz chids. Richard L. Phillips. 11 a.m., luncheon at 12:30 p.m, length white embroidered white . A reception was held in the and the l"egul&i' meeting at 2 The mother of the bridegroom Lingeman organdie, Carolyn wore a crown wore gunmetal gray silk shan- .. vere hon- home of the bride's mother. Mrs. p.m. of seed pearls to secure "her Kindley greeted her guests in The program will be presented tung with a small 'avocado green house on 'Wdi ...... w.w••".,...... • fingertip~length veil of imported hat and green orchids. 35th wed- navy and white printed silk by Gail Jordan Tousey, who has . , . .' -Picture by Moffett Studio . "...... -Picture by Paul Gach silk illus~on. She was given in eir home shantung. Mrs. Bird wore for chosen as her theme "New Books Immediately following their. wedding and,reception Sat~' . The form.er:CAR.oLYN,JOH,NSTON,daugl:lterof',Mrs~ marriage, by her brother, Charles Following a stay at Glen Lake, utheast of the occasion gold silk shantung to Read." .. urday" evening M7:.~-and Mrs. James...Ba;rker, :(ELEANOR ,.Elwood,Johnston of,N~fLro,ad,"apd the..late Mr. Johnston) Albert Smylie of Devon, Pa. the young Carruthers will be at home on Iroquois avenue. tho with black accessories. She received her M:aster's de- DAHLEN) leftior, a honey}lioonin,northern Michigap,._The' '\Vas:rp.arr~edQri\,Aum.ist./27'ih'.Grosse Pointe' Memorial Mrs. James CoyIe was her sis. ward, the The young Birds left for a gree in speech from Louisiana new bride,'is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gustav Dahlen of -Church'to ..the. son of Mrs. William H. Carruthers of Beau- ter's matron of honor and an~ . any years motor trip which will take them, State University. After coming Devonshire road. Her' husband's parents' are Mr. and. Mrs. pre road,.and the..late Mr. Carruthers. 'other sister, Mrs. Mitchell Jawor- TEACHERS' HOLD, . , . .~ and later finally, to Warwick, Va" their to Detroit in 1947 she spent four Samuel Barker of.Fisher ro'ad,~>------ski ana June Moffat were brides~ CONFERENCE rd, where futUre home. years on the faculty of the De. The .ceremony was s~le~ized' and)vy.... a,nd pri~es..6f l~ge.-eggs 'haye :ad- maids. Ethel Osborne, biology teacher me. They For going away, the bride partment of Speech at Wayne Large quantity coo k i e and They dresed alike in aqua 01'-. at the Immanuel u t 1: era n The bridesmaids were, Birgit --vanced a ~evt ce~ts per dozen. at the Grosse Pointe University Michigan changed to a navy cotton 'suit University and has had extensive r.. pun~h recipes. come in. handy gandie, classic frock:; with simple School, attended the North Church with'the Rew'rend Con.~.Dahlen, sister of.the.'bri,9-e, B.ett.y There aredncreasmg ..numbers'of t years. with red and navy accessories. experience in public speaking. 011. T" small_eggs. ,Weighing a minimum w:henserving te'as or' community bodices' and tremendous waltz- Central Conference Biology ouse tha1 Among out-of-town guests at~ stantine' Trued' officating. Ann Kroslack ,o~ChICag?,lllmOls, .of'18 ounces:'per' dozen they'are. gatherings. A leafiet;."Cookie .length skirts.' Garlands of ivy Teaching, August 19-30. Jt is span. repeated tending the Kindley~Bird wed- Anytime a man opens the door . and Mrs. Carl Dahlen. TmyDeb8l The brIde wore a ~own of Im- Dahlen was her aunt's' flower becoming:' a better. 'buy' price'. and Punch Recip~s," contains 20 were worn in their hair and they sored by the National ASSOciation at an an- ding were the bride's grand- and helps his wife into the car. lal'ge quantity:cGokie recipes and carried, crescents of deep red of Biology Teachers arid support- ported Chantilly lace ,accented gtrl, dressed iri pink nyioIi'tulie. wise than .the large eggs. of the ted in St. mother. Mrs. Alois Lang of Grand you can bet that he has just ac- eight large quantity' punch Ie- .sweetheart roses. ed by a grant of $15,000 fl'Oln orning. Rapids; her aunt, Mrs. L. Phi1~ quix:ed one or the other. simply by a back bow band of RingbeCi\rers' were' Da'~id Sales :.same'~rade~. . ., . cipes. It is available by. writing As. flower girl, little Carolyn the National Science. Foundation. I'd J h D hI There is a good supply of dairy uded up- yarn-dyed taffeta .and a Chape an 0 J;l a. en.. ,'.. products: to .riHik~.'summer 'meals to the Tourist. and Resort Pro- Coyle wore for her aunt's wed- Meetings were held. at the Uni- ives and train. Three folds. of nylon tulle. D. B. Law~er of Gr~sse PoiI!te easy' and' refreshing.'. gram, . Quantity Food. 'Service, ding a white organdie frock and versity of .Michigan Biological om were 19853 Mack. Grossa Pointe Woods cuff, :embroidered with sequins, served as best. man .U~hers w~re Frozen Melon ~ Michigan State University, East white ballet slippers. She carried Station at Douglas Lake Near se Pointe and pearls, enhaQ.cedthe neckline. Cad J)ahl~n, brotl1er oi ~he b~ide,. . . .. Lansing, Mich. a basket. of white rose petals, Cheboygan, Michigan. from the Her veil was French illusion fin- Richard O'Connell, Grasse P~llnte. . 1 package Rasp.berry geiatin. . Veterans Everywhere throughout Grosse gertip with a close fitting Juliet Oswin O'K~~e" of Rock~ell. Cen- '1 cup hot water. . , ey were Pointe you'll find homes bearing cap, trimmed in seed pearls. She ter, Long Island, New York, Larry .% cup' fruit juice ari,d water . its auxil .. sparkling evidence of the carried a cascade bouquet of Marl" and' Maryin . Weaver of '1 medium. cantaloupe or honey- decorating techniques obtainable stephanoilis and white' spray or- Grosse Pomte.'. . dew melon' '.. . . on, S. A at Wanamaker's. All work ;3 chids and ivy. . The mother of the bride wore 1 cup b1Jleb~rries; (fresh, can- on the done in our own :;hops . • • The attendants of' th~ . bride a rose be.ige goW? of peau.~de..;s,oie . ned, or frozen)" '. a daugh':' k corsage 1-8 ounce package cream cheese wore gowns. of hyacinth b.lue and .carr~~d,& pm rose. . .. ' .'1 tables oon milk" secreta.ry exclusive workmanship but Originals inexpensive. peau-de.soie, . and carried cas :r'he.groom s ;n,other, was gowne4 . . ~, .. . " . esentative. cade bouquets of Happine~s .toses m .navy !renc~ lace ov~_ra taffeta., (Other frwtsc~n. be used 1J} and ivy. Mrs. Dahlen-Sales, sister and carr:eli a pmk. or~~d. cor~a~e.. place of :.blueberrl.es~along with

'd h ' tr' f' The dmner and receptIOn were. other flavors of gelatm.).. '. af th e b1'1 e, W 0 was ma on 0 . . . . 1 'D" 1 It" '. h t t' . In Mink h 'd b .. tof 'Hap~ held, following' the; weddmg, at . ISS~ ve,g~ am ,I.U 0 wa er. ?nor, .carrle a .ou,que. , . Q • • ~ Add . frUIt JUIce. and. water., to pmess rdse~, pmk carnatIOns the .~Ld Run Golf Club. make % cup: chin :until. slightly'

. Food Scoops For'This' Week' - . th~~~:eel~~elon,l~avin~'itwhOle. . . .' :..," ' ...'.. Cut a slIce from. one _end, scoop' , I Now is time for home grown waltmg f.or l~te ~arIetle~ WIllfmd out the' se~.ds::and .'drai'fl. v"~ll. t . . very few thIS y.,ar._. . Place melon upright in, a bowl • vege aOles. ,. ..' Watermelon is still big news, ,. 3 F ld" - .: . '+ ' •. -,.'. '.' The second pICkmg of MIchIgan' 'h I d' 'f~' h' .g stf . o. jrwt In"o,slIghtly thICk. CUSTOM tomatoes will begin this' week' ~t ~ la~ath~ms .1I1 m,9 0, ened ,gelatip'ilIldfnfmeI6n .cavity. * 0 ns lS w li and supplies ~re expected' to, im- t ~. me 3 4 "In d a~~a.. e~fl l~g R place cut~",~lic~,:',fastening it. 24 7 BUDGET TERMS , . l' A I' th . to poun s. ~y '.WI . e. WIth a tootnplCk.. Chill ' prove In qua lty: s o.ngas . ere priced.as low as 60 to: 70, cents in . 4 B f' '. ..'- ...1 ' ...... ' '. t are heavy supplIes, prIces. are ex- 't' All . 11f' 't' 'th'.... e ore- ~~rvmg ,mel.on.. COll).:- N M' h' some 5 ores, sma rl:Us WI bme cream cheese 'andmilk.Beat TU 1.2100 pected to be ~ow.. ' ew, IC Igan the .exception. of cherrie~ ,.'are until smooth and fhif4;<.~.' ,: potatoes are In abundant supply available at reasonable prices. 5 C t'th' .' l' ",y' f' th at lower prices than p'otatoes Shopper'swishing't6 economize 'd" u.da In s Ice., rom .e hi ed from other states. Shop- ._. _ ; . '.' _.. .. ,U? er 51 'e ,.of melon ,to. make a s. pp '. d d th t th ;of' t "';Ill checkp,ork, cuts: f?r_ savmgs fl.rm base. and place:' on', plate . pers are remm ea. e ....us in the meat' depar.tnient. With the .s '.' d' ,', . . '. ' ',.- immature potatoes need careful . '. b . t 200k I ... , th ' . prea. cream cheese. over ~ntlre O er torage to keep properiy prJ,c~s a l?~ . '. h 0'Y '11' an a l surface. To.serve. -in slices. S • " . year ~go, WIses oppel'S WI com~ ~ . Qmility of'M~chigan swe~t:corn ...pare pork loin, Bos.ton.butt,',and'. . h" ".'h'" d 'G'"'d' "SERVICE BEYOND THE was helped by. recent !ams,. so picnic.shoulders 'with 'otner01cinds 'M.~rt a. Mt,jlre:ll :~~ UI e . qualit~ pemains good :vhII: prIfesof meat. To ~a:ve C?nthe

, ".' for You - through 1 " ,I wELCOME WAGON " ' "

" I. from Your Friendly _ "" : Bri8in~ss'Neighbor" Il 'arid ..Civic and ,;., ... : SoctaIWeifare .Leadera 'We .ask 'NEWS" :r~clder$ to: pl~ase phone us ,the ';ri~me "and'., address , 'of newcomers .;to~,th~.,.P'~inte:::'.', '.

I < '.' .• ~':', 'Phone TU.' 5;;4817" . 1 ______., -. I••• .. _ '~ '/ ""':':!~l; TU. 2;:l'134-"" ,.,' yall.. I:L.7I1E!i .'!, •..• ,,', • ,•. "'.-",.'._.: , .. . or. TU. ~~4043 ." 110 KERCHEVAL TU1.7227 ~.. • A • •

,: ':1 r 'f ... ,",",'. '.~,,(N~;~~stor. ,~~I,l~a!i~n).. ,,~;. " I. I...... ' ',"', > . ~ ., . I l.A l . ,~_ "'~"'l \.

p e. . me ••• = •• rt • tis '. b. • • • ••• + ••••••• ' ... * • h dr' ••• de -, "e, ...... • ... :+e .'...... • ...... ~ ...... :...... - ~ __ ,;

. .'. , Page Sixteen Thur~aYr September'li '1955 GROSSE . POIN,'TE'. , .NEoWS

',' .Flyers, "Open .L9ser,~Con9raf;l;Jlates~'N.ew' Th'i~fleChampion, Spectators Left Confused , Gr,i.d Practice By Best Silver Cup Race

Scarcely enough boys show- The thousands of spectators. who lined the .river banks ~ tween Waterworks Park and the Belle Isle BrIdge c~e away 'ed up to "make "two football thoroughly confus~d as to who won the 10th runnmg of the i teams at'. St.",Paul's i~rs'r.i'grid! . Detroit Yacht Clulfs Silver ..Cup regatta .. last Saturday, practice.held at the.'schoiol,on August 27. ~'. It was so confusing that prob~ the more. knotty. Monday, 'August .29. .1.' . ably ninety nine percent of ~hem The plan that was followed by fRfD RUnnElLS . Twenr,i five boys went through' didn't actually know the WInner was this' The"e were three elim.. Embering up and blocking assign- until they read it in the papers '. '. .' . ,. . . ments as- Coach Ed Lauer' loo1te'd the following day..' mation heats wI~h four boats In • '>c .. Best Race To Date the first, four in the secc,nd and for. able replacements to fill -the Despite this they saw 'the best ~ve in t~e third. ~he bo.at.fin~h. Goofy. Wind Gives Skippers gaps le'ft by graduation. Silver. Cup competition in the 10 mg last 11l the tJ:trd ehm~n~tlon . Last year the Flym::~owned a years it has been held on the riy- he~t ,!as automatIcally. ebmmat. Fits in Crescent Regatta- season record of six winS, 'one er. However, they didn't' see any ed. This narrowed the fIeld down . . '\' , . " loss and one tie, which was good of the previous records broken to 12 boa~ whose owners ~ew as was predicted prior to the start for places; In .the two serrufmal A tricky westerly wind that swung a full 180 degrees for third place in the East'Side of the event.' . \. hea~ which In tu:n narrowed during the 27th running of the Crescent Sail Yacht Club re- Parochial ,League standings.' gatta last Sat.urday, August 27, drove ,skippers and their The closest any of tile thirteen the fIeld down to SIX boats. Only ~EightExperienced . boats came to eclipsing '.a record After the two semifinal heats cr~ws almost to distraction as they navigated the various' '" .' of' the' 25 boys ,to report, 'only was Roy and Walter Dossin's re'- Guy Lombardo's "Tempo VII", triangular courses on Lake St. Clair. eight 1).ad.any' pre\7ious e~eii- , Starting directly off the host~~------commissioned "Miss Pepsi" which, Joe Schoenith's "Gale' V", Roy ence either in varsity or reserve under the lead foof of Chuck and Walter Dossin's l'ecornmis- club on Lake Shore Drive the will make a hurried return tnp comp'etition. Looking over. the Thompson, came within an eye- sioned "Miss Pepsi", Willa::-d fleet moved off to the first mark and be here in time for the list we find Dave Conn, Sam lash of tying her own heat rec~ 'Rhod~s "Miss Thri£tway", Hor- of the course with eased sheets. on Sweepstakes regatta.. . Aluia and Earl, Peters vieing for ord of 96.476 mph. "Miss Pepsi" ace Dodge's "Dora My Sweetie'~ a West wind. But before ~he fIrst "Wind Toy" took anothel~ step a guard position.' Ted Zemper is' '.: > ~,':;; won the third' elimination heat and George Simon's "Miss U. S.'~ mark was reached the wmd had t h .... the only returning. .tackle 'aJ'ld with a time of 96.238 mph. were discovered to have garnered h'ft d t th orth with its last owar~ t e DRYA rIver tlt1e m 5 1. e 0 e n the PrIvateer class when she beat Dan Campau is out~ for center I Original Plans Changed the most points in the previous dymg gasp.. Sid Marsh'~ "Indian Drum", positfon. Chuck Gallucci and Bud, . Originaily, the S i I ve r Cup elimination heats and qualified Early Starlers, Becalmed Bobby Roadstrum's "Cotton Top" Roland are veteran ends arid Ken < Race committee, headed,by"'Clyde for what was called the Cham- Consequently, ~~ classes that Bill Howard's.' "Allegra", Do~ Oxley 'is 'back ,at qtiarterba9k. . Pahi1er, had agreed to limit the pionship Heat: had started earlIer w~re found Pixley'!: "Maybe'" and Arnold Fifteen.more boys 'are expected nun:ber of boats in anyone heat These six boats gave the fans out for practice. when :they ,:re- sitting becalmed.. near the first Johnso~'s uWinshi~" over the line to.SI?C.I~ tJ1enpla~ed t? .run t~o a real thrill, or, at least three did, turn from a trip"to, Chicago.spen" Jnark by the ShIP channel as by a wide margin. elnr.matlOn heats In ~I:Ich the, Slx "Tempo VII" with. Danny Foster the smaller classes moved up on _, sored by the school' slowest w0l.;lldbe. elImlI~ated a~d driving, "Gale V', under the hand zephyrs that streaked the lake. 0 m m y Hansen s L boat '+' pilttle Goes to' Texas the ,other SI~ ~acIng for the SIl.;. of Wild. Bill €antrell who had Needless to say it was a brand "Dauntless" took ~dvantag; o~,the ~Plcture by Fred Runnells Larry Prittle, a 225 'poUnd, 6 HOWARD BOSTON, of Mt. Clemens, third'.fronl',right, congratulates GORDON ver Cup, offICIally known as the taken over for Lee Schoenith and new boat race from that position. absence of Freddle Jensen s Es- feet 2 inch lad Lauer was de- T'ne luckier skippers wo.rked cape" to pace the sev~n, b~at L (SANDY) DOUGLASS,of Pain~yille~ .ohio~, ~ter the ,1a t;,te r had. wrested. the Nation,al O• .T.Mulford, Memorial. I&MissPepsi" 'with Chuck Thomp.. pending greatly on to bolster the T?ese p~ans went down t.he son in the drivers seat. out a tantalizingly narrow lead c~ss ~eet. Jerry J~n~~ns .~e~; forward wall, has moved back to championship from Boston m .t};Le10th' annual .Thistle'sailing series' held on Lake. dram when the owners and dnv-' ' .. and caught the first breath of ble D', Fred Kagel s Joy JIll, Texas from .whence he~came. St. Clair lD.st week, August 23 to. 25. Douglass' originate the cl~ss' 10,'ye~s ago an. during ers balked stating "It isn't worth- These three staged, a terrIfIC the new breeze that moved in George McCormick's "Gael", Ed Coach Lauer pegs the veteran', that time has won the national title foure'.times. 'Shown wit h the two skippers are their while readying ,a boat if tl1ere is p,0s:t race ~~r one lap, an~ then again from the northeast to leave Dilks' "Kawartha", AIle Chap- Nativity team 'as the one ;to beat crews~ from left to'right; BILL,:CODY, MR~. DOUGLASS, SANDY~.HOWARD, LOLLY a possibjlity that it might be M1ss Pepsl faltered and It was their counterparts far behind in man's "Nite. Wind" and Harold with St. Thomas 'running a c1bse' knocked out. for the day after one a two boat race between "Tempo" _and SKIP BOSTON:~ ... The Fostons.were.defending. the title-they won at Seewanaka last the calm. ~icou's "West Wind" followed second, mainly because of its size. hea~ and "Gale". . "Gale" puffed black year. oke Once again the wind shifted. In that order The Flyers will open the 1955 b'aced with the possibility of a sn: on the upper turn of .the This time it blew gently from the Mitchell Leads Luders campaign against St. Bernard on walkout of drivers and owners, thi~d lap, ~nd }hat ';,as Just East to give the fleet a broad Ledge Mitchell's "Alert" was September 113 and will tackle Palmer and his crew got their .eno.ugh to gIve Tet?Po. a le~d reach to the finish line in front first around the first marker buoy Nativity on September 25 in the 'Sandy' Douglass Regains Thistle Crown heads together and came up with whic~ she never re~mqulshe.d In of the club. in the flukey wind 'and led the Flyers first home \ga:me whiCh an arrangement to which the t4e. fm~l heat to wm the SlIver Jacobs Beats Sarns Luder class home with Dick Wo'z- will be played, on the Grosse The 1955 Thistle N atidnal Championship series sailed on ~ . I competitors agrero Cup wlth an aggregate total of One of the most interesting niak's "Show Boat", Don Wi!- Pointe' High field. ' Lake St. Ciair last week, Augu~t 23 to 25,~.:under the sponsor- boats tried to squeeze their way 17 Tried To Qualify 1000 points. "Gale V" finished races of. the day was waged by Iiams' "Mischief", Walt Pawluk's ship" .of. Ba:yview Yacht Club in cooperation with t.he Detr. oit into the. weather posJtion at the' In all there were 17 unlimited second in th.e fi~al ~e~t to ea~~ - class boats that attempted to a .two-way tIe WIth MISS PepSI .,! Nubby Sarns "Revelry'~, this "BeBop" and Bil1 Fisher's "Twen- Adolph Hi.tler's Car Thistle Fleet and Crescent'Sail Yacht,"Club, boiled down to' start of each race.. qualify. Thirteen actually made wl~h an aggregate ~o~l of 8~9 " year~s Chicago-Mackinac overall ty One" following in that order .. a two boat affair between a boat builder and a sailmaker.. Then there were other fouls it, which made the problem all pomts: Hor~ce Dodge s .Dora 1V1Y {' winner, and Clare Jacobs' New St. Clair Yacht Club's catboat To Be Shown at Fair The boat builder was' Gordon~ . . . , witnessed on t.1"1ecourse but much . 0SweetIe" was fourth wlth 675. York '32 "Falcon". Jacobs was team led by Bob Drean who fi. (S~dy) ?ouglass.',of ~~inesville, Boston .was. riding in second to t~e surp!'.ise of eve~yone, ~- PAST WINNERS OF SILVER CUP declared the winner by a mere nished second behind Edison. Adolph Hitler'a personal arm- OhlO, bwlder and origmator of place behind,M~f1ton but dropped clu.dmg .NatIonal presldent Bill .Av. Speed 12 seconds after the handicaps Boat Club's Pat Clancy in ,the CK ored automobile, the "Gr.eat the class, and Ho~ard Boston of to fifth'in the second race to fall Hemz, no prote~ts were lodged. Year Boat Owner Driver Full Rue were. figured Dick Jeffry's and Team race, garnered 26 points to Mercedes" will be shown at the Mo nt Clem ns . f th M.d' Michigan State Fair in Detroit u, e. ,one.o , er . 1 - two points off Douglass' 'pace set- On the record it will go down 1946 So Long Jr. Lou Fageol Lou Fageol 63.39\l Jack Wagner's "Last Straw" the win the team title. Detroit Yacht west stop s8ilm*ers. ting lead. as "'one of the cleanest. sailed 1947 . Notre Dame Herb Mendelson Dan Arena_ 70.627 only other starter in Cruising A. Club kad 24, Edison 20 and De- September 2 through 11. . I Narrow Winning Margin One Race Wednesday series. But oft the record--there's 1948 MUlsCanada III E. A. Wilson Harold Wilson '11.176 Llwyd Elclestone's was first troit Boat Club 8 points. F~r ~rotection against as-. Over the th!ee-d~y,. fiTle-race '. W d- room for ..improvement, fellas. 1949 My Sweetie as Horace Dodge Bill Cantrell 79.806 to finish in Cruising B lead- Other Winners sassms, ~he car has bullet-proof series Douglass managed to edge One race w: saIl~d on e 1950 Such Crust 1 Jack Shafer Danny Foster 91.939 ing John, Miller's "V~liant':, Other winners were: glass, Ih inch thick armor' plate defending champion', Boston by. nesday, ~u~~st ,~.4,~llth. Ha:lstea~. Ji'1N~I.,STANDINGS . 1951 Miss. Pepsi W & R Dossin Chuck Thompson. inside the regular he~vy. ,body~ .fow: and one-quarter points, the Whee,ler s . SphInx. g. It. Skipper _ 81.814 Chuck Coe s and Walt Robmson s K class _ Riney Zeidler Duke ;v;m;;m !oints 1952 Gale II Joe S~hoenith .Danny Foster 69.825 specially constructed pistol. CQm- widest margin he 'held during, tlie a~;ad of ,SaIn: M~rrick s" WhIm -.". Sandy Douglass 163¥4 ::Aquavit:: . and Bud Clark's Hubber, and Bud Wellm~. 1953 Gale II Joe SchoEmith Lee Schoenith 78.696 partment, and a :moveable metal entire series which he led all tlie sy and Douglass. Boston too k , .Howard Boston :159 ,~alypso In that order. John Universal A _ Bruce Conlon 1954 Dora My Sweetie Horac~ Dodge .Tack Bartlow . shield 'which. could be raised or way. " .., seventh place ..but map._a~~~.,t~ .' Tony: H~rrmapn .~ .l~Y4 81.872 Warnke's "Flying Dutchman" and 'Fritz Freize, Milt Cross J-r. 1955 Tempo VII . . Guy Lombardo Danny Foster 93.120 , s~.iled t.he wrong course and was and Bill Berry. dropped out of sight. Going into the final race only .hold .on to .secont!, place ..m ,th,.." Dave Minton 1:J2¥.r The car is almost 200 feet long one and a quarter points se~arat- sta.ndmgs .SlX and oIte-quarter ._George Butts, 147 --'------dIsqualified. U JIB J. M .B b , '.' pomts behind Douglass B.II N . 139 ,\ Near River Crown . .n-versa -.tm og, 0 has a capacity. of 56 gapo~ ,and ed the two .1eadets,." 130¥4, for . .' ,. .',., 1 ex:sen ~.':"..... , '" . . . ., Lrv'mgston and Jonn Hutton gets from three to four miles to' .Douglass and 129 for ;B9Ston. BostoI,l gained .ground m .~he. ~al~tea,d ~h~~ler-, 138Y, .In CrUlsmg"C Jimmy ~:u-lm.s 30 Square Meter-Ray St. the gallon. . : Sailing the six mile Gold Cup first race on, the final ~ay. when \ JIm Hen~lcksen t .l35., PIlot sloop Glory Bea, thlS John George Wilson and Ed course, Dougla~s' and Bosto.n he took. fiftI; pl~;e .behm~ To.ny S~m M~rtlck 133 years Port Huron-Mackinac ovei'- Offe; FAST BACKFIELD MAN stuck together' like glue; that 15 H.e r ~.?n!l S" Stl;:keI's, Dlc~ ~Ick GIb12~ ~: 130 I all winner, moved a step closer • , _ I, to the, Cruising C river champion- .Raven - Bob Kerr, R~y Bar- Dave Middleton" Detroit Lions until Boston ran "into trouble at Glbbs.. RRm1;lo, George Dev},in.s .TIm Holewmski 127 ship when she crossed the line bier and Frank Bortolo~t~. rookie halfback from Auburn,' the second mark of the' course. '~Skirr'. and ,.Tim .H~dricks'e~~s Harvey Bus~h •...... ~ 1l9 when he got tan'gled up witp."~ "BI~c Ja'c~" ,D6ugl.ass j1nish~d ", Bill Timms :..: ; 115 \ ahead of Karl Ness' 4'Happi-nessl1 S tar s- Ge~rge '- Rlchards.on .boasts a :09.7. clocking for th.e and Kurt Keydel's "Grace Note". Pa~l Tom p kID'S 0 n. and Jml .100-yard dash. HE;'S 6'1" and whole mess of',the 17-foot ~loops t.en~n'to set llP' the. final rC1cem 'George Deyl~n 107. converging on. the mark. the afternoon as 'one be re- Charles Wl1liarns 105 Thirteen yachts started in this WrIght. weighs 195 pounds.' t!" Douglass Grabs Lead membe~ed. Art. Were 104 class which was only outnumber-' Club Sloop - Bob Greening, ;;==;;;;;;;;;;====;;;;;;;;;;;;;;===;.;;.;;;;;-•• Douglass 'managed' to squeeze Dave' Minton's ,"Hoot Mon" Doug Westin 95 ed by the popular Lightning class G. Slasevich and R. Turner. PAUL P. GARVEY in ahead of the group and again showed the way to the Walter Lineburgh L..;..;.83 which had 24 starters. Thistle - Howard Boston, Lynn worked out 'a 'four boat advan. huge fleet .Inthe final :race '1;0 take V{ill Frissell 82 Wes Weidrick's 'IWee Dee" Babcock Jr. and Oscar Forester. A~countinCJ Serviee tage over his rival. Boston was .fourth place' in the :final stand- Leo Wubbe ~ 80 paced the huge Lightning fleet Lawley 110- Don Hanna, Bob'" TUxedq 1-3363-4 able ,to gain back one position but ings. He was followed o~~r the Art Arms 75 LDwENBRAU with Hen r y Cawthra's new. Creig and Al Fryzoylowiz. C k ' couldn't. catch the.:fast moving finish line established by Don ..,Howard Mead 72 .'Broom II" taking"second ahead CK Free.For-AU-Kremlick, 18230 Mae Avenue Douglass who took' fourth place: '.Johnston's Bayv,iew'race commit- . Doug Wake 72 IMPORTED all the way tl of Warren Jones' "Wa Ha • Weid- Bailey and Roy Sherry. - '-..------~ in the, final race and his ,fourth .tee who,_incidentally,' dfd a .mag- ' Harry Spangenbegr ~ 67 from BAVARIA, GERMANY. rick's win kept him in contention National'title in the ten years'the' 'nificent job in"rurining. the series" . ,Clyde Gump 65 for the DRYA championship in . Some Going N~rth . eder's Ready to Serve event has been held.. by Hcilstead Wheele'!'s' "Sphmx" Jack IBeachem 64 Avail(lble at better places this class, which will be decided ' Some of the local skIppers wlll ,Sailing his "Paukie," which in .and Tony H~rrma~'s "Stickers" Howard Robins 64 in the final interc1ub race of the take their boats' up to Port Huron ~'. B~~E~ Scotch means ."Foxey,!! .the' wee 'and Douglass. Boston. ,finished Bill Marig'old "'.• 59 f season the Detroit Yacht Club for the Fort Huron-Port' Sanilac HAMS" Scot. surged "to the' front. of th~ sev.enth::" . Norm Tischler 56 Boned P.s. Preferred by *discrhl'linatil'lJ* ::>-opl_*. everywh.r., } Sweep~takes on September 10. race which will be held over the Hickory-Smoked 36 boat fleet in the scoring when . The weather w9-s perfect for: Jim' Addison : : 51 Lowenbrau is the supreme aHainm.nt. in beer ~ Weidrick and Jones are the Labor Day week end. The fleet and Oven-Baked he won the second race of the the series with the w:ind reaching Allen Holstrom 50 " enioyment. Enioy it.. rich. dlffer.nt" flavor - Light . ! only two skippers in contention will. sail from Port Huron to Port in our own establishment first'day of .racing. In:tlfe'morn::'. 18- miles per hour in~'only~ one. Jean Jerge : 41 or Dark available in boHle, or on droft. 11< for the title with Jones holding Samlac on. Saturday and compete ing race he took, fourth' ,behi~di 'race, th~ 'second;..C?n.the 15.:st"d,ay. Ed 'Walsh 40 ,. \:.. . - fl 17th ., a slight advantage. According to in a re~urn ~ace the folll}~ing" Year Dave Minton's "Hoot Moti" who' For the most part the wmd was Orner Rich' : 33 IMPORTED -BY O'DONNEll IMPORTING COMPANY Jones his rival will have to win day ..Others wrll take the hohday held the distinction.of bemg the. 'light, making for lazyspinnakeis '.Tack'O'Shea' 32 ;-1 e 19 ~IO"OI A ••. O.. tro,l 7' ~,,,-h' WOod .. ",,, ) .~b36 the Sweepstakes regatta to take to. ~o a little cr~i~ing. and family only craft to win two races in the arid repeat~d\ jamS at'the. marks. Bob .Becker 11 i ~ .... _ /" \ rv " the title. If he finishes below sailmg before drvmg mto the last series.. Minton fell from. conten-, 9ddly though only 'one protest' :,,1 ;. first place his chances are lost. few races left on the racing cal- tioD.in the second race. \vhen he waS' filed, that coming in the final Ob for South endar. finished :fifteenth. " race. However, tltere were plen":' .' , Incidentally, Weiclrick packed Those known to' be planning At the end of the first. race ty of fouls .committed. as' all .~6 ' up his boat right after finishing, to make the long haul up the St Join. the race and began trailing to Clair river are: Bruce Conlon and New Orleans where he will com- Fritzl'Freize with their six meter Try Our Own pete for the Lightning National "Cutty Sark", Allan .Tones and The Grosse Pointe Property' Owners title this ~.veek. Before leaving hIS R boat "Mouette" anQ.Freddie Wes assured one and all that be Jensen with his L boat "Escape". <'timan ~tylr CHA R801 ekane.lbct Home-Made liDRIVE IN" Association . TYPEWRITER Send' the Kiddies bae~ to School in freshly FOR PROTEOTION ,OFYOU~ PROPERTY VALUE SAUSAGE. cleaned clothes . • SALES. SERVICE. REN'TALS w. Cut Prime and Choice B•• f .. Portables and All Makes - JOHN EDER'S ' ~ONS~LT WITH US OR A BROKER MEMBER OF ." WOLVERINE TYPEWRITM CO. Whittier .Mktu 'TU. 5.3230. 14343 EAST JEFFERSON AVE. New Addre.. . THE GROSSE POINTE BROKERS Ass,oelATION ," 26 Years in the Same Location 21300 HARPER A.VE. 16211 HARPER 15309 E. JEFF~RSON "" W. J. BERM, Manager VA. 2-3560 Opp. ,Big National Market . - MEMBER. . ORGANIZATIONS,- _ and JUlIt Beyond County LIlla 16125 Mack 1090'7 Kercheval ! PR 8-1790 . .r. Russell A. An.derson' TU 2~9.421 lander RealtY Co•. , , TU 4-0100 C John W. Baker (Cox & Baker) TllS-7900 Mast &: Creighton' TU .2..1400 .'(. Robert.. B~ Bartlett ,TU 4-2288 Maxon Brothers. Inc. TU 2.6000 ,f" Kenneth W. Carter &'CQ. TU 4-4400 .W. W. Penoyar VA 2..2042

Hugh Chalmers, Jr. TU 4-4040 leona'rd P. Reaume Co. WO 5.5440 't l Paul W. Rowe & Co. TU 4-1000 .r D~stin &: '~hort, Inc. VE 9-9600 •• \ Arthur J..ScuHy Co.' TU 1.8310 l" w~Cor. for tft. BUT_t .1 J. Crawford Frost WO I~2415 H. M. Saldon Co. TU 2.2100 Things You . Before ;Ol.{Jilake a' single ~o~e~ get out free "booklet OIl John s..G~odman TU 5-6063 • " . . Care for! , uMOVING"', , . Silloway &: Co. TU 1-3760 , ' . l-io~seman=Spibley.Corp. VA ~-390~ Call VA. 2-4540 Since John C~ Staudt. lnc~, VA .~.OIOO/ T. Raymond.Jeffs . TU 1..1iOO 1922 Local'ancl Long Distance'Moving . Sweeney. & ,Moore. Inc. TU 1.:6800 Johnston'e' & Johnstone;'lne: TU +0600 A.GENCY, ALLIED VAN ~IN'ES, 'INC., c.'w. Toles' TU 5-4100 •• : ~ ~ " • ~~ I ~. Nation-Wide 'Mov1n«~aIl for Free ,Estiinate. Louis B. Kolb TU 4-3830 Bliss Wolfe, Inc. 'NO 1-5782 . ' . ":,:::.;WOLYERI.E~ Grols. P~int. Property Owners A••oeiation . . ;GULF REFINING ,CO. 16140 Kerch.val. Groue P.l." 30. Mlc1il,•• 1530 Commor - Detroit 12 STORAG,E COMPANY. 11'850 Ea~t Jefferson . ' , . "'. -'. / .VA 2-4540'- PHO.NE.TO. "-1990 .' TO 8-4400 Ml~ .. LurOst ad l'JDelt l'l1'eproet caiutraete. ,War01loaaa-


;, , , ., . i.

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I. '1955 "":G.R'OSS E. P OlN T-E:.N:E W.:s PageSevenfeen .ya~htClub Ready to .PiaylIost toTopSaiUhg ..Event ~~~~:,~;i::p;=~~I~:~~~ar:;r:;.a~sId~persl~=y.p;~~:~~w~:r~~: - EwryW~b~n~~~~Gro~\~~e~~~~'~~~~~~~~~~~'~'h~~'lli~~~~,~~~~will~~~~b~~' ." " , , ' thIS serle,s In order that all ,the I and crews will take place at the skippers' meeting.will be held. _ I for the: fourth, running of. the Clifford ;MallorY 'Cup .:1fu~~1~O"make 'up' the./judgest ,committee Ra:clrig~UiiioIL, .' ' , ",' The Luder is the best one design lrbanks\>e.. be held on .Lake ~t. Clalr, September: 6. to' 9,' accor'djng' to' arid'will'beassiSied' by"DRYA 'EdwarcfJ. Botterell ~iII~y the 'tc1adss~aThi1ingon Lake"lsdt.edCl~ came away general chaum$ln George Cbssaboom " ' , ",' -', '"'''''''' ' . 0 ay.' ey are a mo p y- ljtm Your Coat or Jack.t I. I.,Shape ToW.ar? ,;ling. of the ~'r ,', ,~ '. _' "',' '," judges, C~.,Jilm"o.:4~ ;1','7; Murray colors of .~h~ S~')~wr~~_e:~ ~~~ ::w.oo~Iffill weighing approximate- Saturday, The Mallory Cup, emblematic,. ,," " Knapp" John Stroh, Commodore, '.Jey Yacht Racmg;-Uni.Qn,which iG, 'ljr 2,600 pounds. You Ca. I. Su.... If Your Dry CIM.erUses The of the- North American Senior ,such 'as,the 'Detroit Yacht ,Club, Arthur Sutnmerlee, Rear Com- region 5.'" Botter~;s8.ii~ out. of " ,Cruiser 'for Press ----- S '1' Ch ' .'. -, and 'the Detroit ,Boat Club., Both modore Lynn Stedman, Jr., C~n,l--:' ,," ',', " , , . , '. ,. COAT GUARD, .. a1 mg ampu)nship, Is.regard. . " " , . ' ", 'modore~Paul'Adam and Commer; the..,RQyal .:St•. Lawrence Yacht Doctor Cliff Loranger s crwser . SHURE-SHAPE ed by many as' the greatest sail~ W111,:enter!ain: the ,'con~~st?Jl,ts dore.,Henry.SChuck~' , " . Club.',"", ,.' " .. ,' has been,allocated"for the pr~ No more "m"tsshapen garments' from wire hangers, SHURE-SHAPE as followed ,~,Ejght COAT GUARDS are \lied by quality cleAners who GIVE A CENT for e three elim. ing event in the United' States~ frOm..~he eIght regions wno'~~ill,,:~ Boats't~:'CQmpete'~:.,\. ",'W~'1n ~u~iDa~9~,,: a~d'Bryan,Chaplo.w has ,donated your ,appearance. To be sure of this service. caU

and through the effo;rts of. Cossa. ~evlemg foz: the .coveted siillfug ,', "Alth" '. hD 'tr ~t" 'Uth" c "T1?~s~me;t ',:represent' ~hebest, hls,cFwser "Chapple'~ to carry the , ~our boa!-s in .. ~ second and boom t?e Gros!e Pointe Ya-cht tItle.' , " . ~.~'-:rep:e~~tat~v.eQ~,~ar~nt,~hi.~~:~aii?~s:fio~,.2,~;Of.~t~e2~':.yac,ht- race'~ ~co,~ttee:,'" .. Co~modore V'HITTIER CLEANERS, 15010 Charlevoix. VA 2-2148 Club WIll be the host club. Commodore~'Knapp' Read': series,this:willno,t'lesSen the ex. ,mg ~ss?Cla~~(}?s.aro~ci, .• Nor:~h, Kna.pps Wolverme WIll act a~ ~boat fin~h. ' y '- 't' 't" th' '.' lit ki' AmerIca whIch-hate ,held'mnum. the Judges boat 'and Clare Jacoibs Guards will give months of service in the home! 1 elimination The b,eauti~ul. clu~ on, 4ke 'Commo~or~ ,Murr,8,Y.Kna~p,: o~,,~~~~:ii~i~~ewse h~£gthE!ss~1::'#a~le ,~~~at~~ii:~~~;ri,~-:.to.' 1!nci sailboat ceF~lcon" an~ Ca!te; '. A. C. Troden & Allociat .. , Stephenson Bldg., YR. 5-7601 Ily eliminat. Shore drIve WIll fecelve 'Valuable the DetrOIt RIver Yachting Ass0~ -line" in,the. biggest' race ,o{their:the ,cr,~am ?~~th~lr;,cr~p,1crrepl',e- ~~les a:n~ Sfip(~rows QuerIda" le field down assistance from other' Detroit iciation, will have his ,officialS.out sailirig ".careers., Detroiters will. ,~~?~.:th,eI1;t:;l,lt~,t91f!~,the,greatest. ()f )wners drew River Yachting Assocfa'tibn clubs i1'1 :force to help run the 'eIght l:i.avetheir:: 'on, A1fredJoesailiiig~ve~ts.,,/' '.. .- ro semifinal eyes' n :narrowed . 'race 'z,oundrobin series' which Dowrie ar.n: hhr crew."of;Th~~a~ . ,";The, se~ies:;y.riU:".;be_,sailed' !l) will be ail d .' 'G ld' C ' ;aroeck1::and.Joh::t"Shethar of the, Luder; 1~, ~6-~~~t.. sloops, 10a.ned Ie boats. , :~.e .oyer.8: 0 ,.u~. Chicago Yacht Cl1ib,~~whowill be. by'C,liffp,palen,'''Ward 'cDetWIler, nifinal heat. co?rse wIthm SIght of Lake--Shore 'representing Region: 6-,which 'in~ Pe~er,.Firik;JD!C;k:"'\Yozniak,Droll-- '-; 'empo VII". drIVe, where' 'spect.ators,\\~ill,. be 'C1udf!S'all' ,o{the'Great:Lakes.' Willianis;','j;~~c~t~t:'.'> L~dYar~ .Ie" V", Roy 'all0,wed to park ,the 'auto:m~~Iles' P~iendmgcham~ioh. E~gene ;l\~itch~lll'next-:~:.F~i~~',F.:r~d.~d Grosse Pointe Bank s recommis. ,durmg the r~ce~", There WIll ~e Wallett,.IU,from' ,the ,'Southern Bill.Flshe~. Al~"o(~ese'men ro;e ;i'). Wil1a:od t~..o races dally, weather p.ernut. YachtChib:'in New 'Orleans will .~embers,.,o~ ,,~h~ Lake ,St. ClaIr Grosse Pointe. Michigan tway", Bor .. tmg. , , . " be r~prese.ntip.g 'the' ,Gulf Yacht-:-.L~d~r~~~et., ..~:,:.~ '. " f \1y Sweetie ' The importance .of,the .event is ing, Association~ which: is: Regi()n: ,, ;,.'.. wOhd~rf~1 for . * PHILCO. portUtl and Notice Of Special Meeting 3fI;;u banquets iRCA '.- Admiral I' *20 V,s. SotIsfoctor1, LA. 6-6724 llectronic ServIn. Of Shareholders

To .Our Shareholders:. You are hereby notmed that, on Friday, September 16, 1955, at 12 o'clock NOOll', Eastern Standard Time,- pursuant, to action of the ,Board ,of , Directors,', a special meeting of the shar~olders of this Bank will be "" . II held in' the' Conference Room on the' 10th Floor of the National Bank combines Building; ,at the ,corner of Woodward Avenue and Cadillac. Square, Detroit, ----. Michigan, to consider and. vote upon the following proposals, and matters Lavigne Auto Sales .incidental thereto which properly may come before that meetmg: . ~,' .. Fine: FcocI with Firie Entertainment Our' 23rd Year "', .. 1. To ratify'" confirm and adopt the Agreement of Mergel' heretofore entered into on behalf, of this Bank (pursuant to a.uthorization of its Board, of presei,tin~ HUDSON SALES AND~ ,SERVI'C~ ' Directors) with 'l'he Rochester National Bank, Rochester" Michigan, .dated t ... May 9;1955, whereby The Rocbester .National Bank will merge into this Servil'l All of Gro~, ~oh.... Bank pursuant to ai'ld in accordance with Sections 4 and 5 of an Act. of Congress 'of the United States el'l-titled ~c-AnAct to Provide for the Consoli. , HARRY TAYLOR We Specialize, In' dation of National' Banking Associativns:' approved November 7, 191~ ~Iow as amended. .. ' . ..Piano, Satirist" Appearing'! J)uect from Mm. Antoinette. Ft. Lauderdale . .Hudson Used cars: 2~ To ratify, connrm 'and adopt the Agreement of Merger heretofore entered into, on behalf of this Bank (pursuant to authorization of its, Board of 1420I 'E~Warre~.,at ~ewport , Directors), with The' Utica National Bank" Utica. Michigan, dated June 13. LUNCHEON. DINNER. SUPPER. COCKTAI;S • OPEN SUNDAYS , VAile, 2-3459' . , 1955; whereby' The Utica' National Bank will merge into this Bank pursuant Reservations Preferred - VAlley 2-4118 I to and in accordance with Sections 4 and 5 of an Act of Congress of the UnitedStataf entitled "An Act to Provide for the Consolidation of National Maay Our Catering Department Plan Your Next Home or IndUstrial Party? Banking Associations;" approved' November 7, 1918, ,as amended., ' , 15301 E. Jefferson. at Beaconsfield ", r~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~J S•. To' ratify, confirm and adopt the Agreement of Merger heretofore entered * * * ~ ' into" on 'behalf of this Bank (pursuant to authorization of its Board of DireCtors) with the Grosse Pointe Bank, Grosse Pointe, Michigan, dated !, BEGINNINO' NEXT MONDAY, SEPT. &' t July. 11, ,1955,,w~~r~by the, ,Grosse Poin~e Bank will'merge into this Bank. " . pursuant to an~ 'In aecor'dance with -Sectlons 4 and 5 of an Act of Congress . J " ot the j of the United.States entitled. "An Act to Provide for the ConsOlidation -0100 - _ofNational Banking' Associations,napproved Nov~mQer 7. 1918, as amended ... t J ,4~ To authorize the Board of Directors of this Bank to take such action and. .1400 give such :at:.thorizations to the officers of this Bank as ~aid, Boa.rd of Put vour money worries to sleep with a Directors may, deem n~cessary or advisable' in order todetermme whether ..6000 ,the conditions precedent to the completion, of each such. Agreement of Merger have been Satisfied, and to take E,uch other anc;lfurther action and . -2042 ! RUSTIC I give such other and further authorizations to the offi_ce.rsof t~is Bank. as said Board of Directors may dE;em necessary or adVIsable In order to $Personal Loan ..5440 to carry out the provisions of each such Agreement. of Merger. I. T~, ~onslder and act upo~. th~ .proposal recommended by the Board. of . -1000 , Directors'. of the Bank, that,., subJect to the approval of the CQmptroller of '" r No need to be upset when you can r LOUNGE ;J the CurrenCY,ef!ective November 4, 1955 the Articles of Association of the ..8310 Bank; •as they will. r~ad after the action of the shareholders with respect easily finance your medical and dental M · . M P ,.. J to the 'ratification, .confirmation and adoption of each Agreement of Merger .2100 f d " 'described-inPa:ragraphs'1, 2 and 3 above, be amended by amending Article bUts, taxes, school and other expenses f atlan.. .c a.rt an _::r, , . Fifth thereof ,to provide that the amount 'of capital stock of the Bank :shall .3760 , be incre~ed' to' $26,O~()t()QO par yalue of common. stock divided into '2!6QO,OOO through g low ..cost P~rsonalLoan. J'. Jenz. Pialdst- , 'shares of the: 'par, yalue:.of $10..each and that the' sharea. representing, the .0100" . increase' shall be~distributed. as ,a stock -dil/idend pro. rata 'to the 'holcle7's , Arrange for a Manufacturers National ' '. C,~~i~g-- ~ of the, commoll"' stock' of' the Bank of record 'at: "the'clos(l1'of' business .6800. t. 'j , November 4. 1955~,:'" , Joan right in your own neighborhood. .~ 'GEORGUHEAR.I , (Fer.,the conveniehce,ofshareholdp;r8 and in order to avoid ,the issua~c. -4100 j' . NG .j to "shareholders: of fractional. share certificates; ;'it is~'--eontemplated that arrangements will be made.tor -purchase or sale of fractional. share interests .5782 No 'long de1ays•••low interest rates. . " j,. "" , ..' .' ;. "j., in accordance with':shareholders' instructions.) , . . 6. T~ transa~t.such other buSine~s.'incident81 io the foregoing' proposals' ... may properly'come before such meeting or any ,adjo~t 'oradjoum..' ments. thereof~, . '. 'a'c' turer'" Na' f'I'onal S' a''nk', l.' .Noteou~' NewPhone~Uri;ber:

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Page Eighteen Thursday, September "f. '1955

-~ YOUR AI:? CAN BE CHARGED To' Serve You Quickly DEADLINE 4 P.M. TUESDAY; CALL ,TUxed,Q2-690'0' , 'I ------,.------_._-- 'CLASSIFIED RATES 4-HELP WANTED SA-EMPLOYMENT BUR~U 8~ARTICLES ,FOR SALE ~A~TICL,ES, FOR' S~LE ' 9~RTI~LES. W:ANlED ..' 'll~REAL ESTATE FOR SA~E I3-REAL ESTATE FOR SA~I , C~sh Ads - 15 words for 90c COLORED COUPLES, ,coo,ks, Beautuu(Cbr,o'm'e arid,Shick S,TEC~l?UO'-AR~J\~oli~:repro": :W~TED-:- Gi~l's English type LAKEPOINTE BUILDING G~~~~~o~.J~lfrS~~~~E Chorge Ads - 15 words for $1.00 'HOUSEWIVES maids, chaufteurs, care~er~, wrought ":Iron' :Formi~a: ,Break- " dl;l~m~"gr~~ P,I~o..'~\rltp:bepch, .bIcycle, , full SIZe. TU 4M5~9~. CO ' WANTED FOR SALE janitors 'and 'porters.' 'Day ..or ,fast,'SetS',madEr,to ,order.'eh'$s andcomp1ete"muslcrol1:cabmet '. Bungalows.'B~ story and 2 ~?.2 Sc eoch additionol word AND MOTHERS w~k. Field's Employment. ',TR uphoJSter'ed:-in"Diu-an ~lastic:-t:xia.' filled: with /c1as'S1ccil','miJ~lic;''all ll-AUTOS" FOR SALE c OFFERS hO.nes.List with, us now for co..~ Call PaTt time or full 'time emploYM 3-7770. ~;r~~p";~~,~~'~:~~,l:s,t$o2~~,nlh:l:s~ in,~'perlect' operating 'condition LET YOUR neighbor select a 1247 BEDFORD-3 BR. Colonial actionS~LOWAY &, CO. ment. Local assignments with :na------. . for~cash'o~y ..T:a::1~9~92i,' ",' fine reconditioned CadillIie for . . -, . '. ,654 st. Clair. In Village Ttt.1-3'160 tional1y known organization. De- 6-FOR RENT (Unfurni.shedl '$4.95,each. Visit. eur' factory 'dis:. IOU WHITTIER-4 BR C 10 1 TUX.EDO 2.6900 finite guaranteed' income for. ----~~--:-~--=---~plays. ~Buy .direC't;:ftom t;rianufac. ,TIlyIE' TO' P.LANT~' , you ,at ,the: ,Cadillac, ',Factory " . 0 ma OPEN SUNDAYS ~ EVENINGS 3 Trunk Lines those accepted. Pleasing person~ GROSSE POINTE GARDEN', turer and save 33%'~" , , ,POTTED, HARDY', ,MUMS ,,' Branch; ..for, further informa,,: 962 LlNCOLN-3 BR. Colonial ------.;...-----O-R-E-S ality and best references. This is APARTMENTS ' . METAL ,:MASTERS MFG. for, an' abundance' of b1ooInS; tion call Frank Bromley. Days, GROSSE POINTE SH . LINER $TATIONS not a traveling nor usual canM U all t . I 0" this falL' An, good colo'rS;,,:. TR. ,'" 5;5'180; evenings" TU.: 962 BARRINGTON-2 BI:t. Ranch 45 ROBERT JOHN RD. ' CUNNINGHAM DRUGS 16941 Kercheval at Notre Dam. vassing position. For local inter- fo~:~le l ~~~r::~~~~ a~:~ni~~; 21912 'Harper~~t.~ 'Clair Shores 748. H~ptop."~d., ,:' , , ~1-4382~,513'Vernier 'Road. 3 FAIR LAKE LANE-3 BR. Opp. 990 Lake Shore Drive Tu. 5.9698 ~~~r'%~~:, gi~~d~e~~e,:.~~ca:~l~~ with full size dinil1g'room, 1 i)~d-,' 5 Blocks North of 8' Mile ANTIQUE LOVE,' SEA:r;' ,break- 1949 STUDEBAKER ,convertible, Ranch New 3':bedroom, 2 bath ranch. ... HARKNESS PHARMACY phone number to W. R. Dakin, room, cross ventilation, ~utom~tic ' : FR 7-4412, ~: fast set;',-diu~' fable;: map'+~~es~."radio;' heater. Wife's car. TU. ' TV 4-3403 1st floor. Fla. Rm. 2-car attached 20313 Mack Ave. at Lochmoot 'West Blvd., Berkley, Ml'chl'M,heat, fre~ ,parking, excellent con:': 24902'GratiohEast Detroit'. t.ables,: ,nu,,',lk,glass' ,la.m,p,s,.,v.an;';'.. 4':5388.,,"', .', gar., gas h~~t, storms and scr~n~. Tu. 4-3100 1307 dition. Rental $110 to $135. Ref':., PR.,5~5200 GROSSE POINTE FARMS Private reSIdent lake park 'pnvl-. KINSELS gan. erence required',' adults: 21,401' Daily 10 to 8:30/Scinday' 12,'to'6 lty, a~~,~tool, ~tea!n.,I,rt?n;,.'~oast-'f.USTIN~HEALEY"5fi.'bl k d leges. Excellent location' on dead 17051 Kercheval at St. ClaIr ------'er,,'MlxMMaster "WIth grmder, ',- . . "': aC.'"r~ IDEAL FOR RETIRED COUPLE 0 S t d S Tu. 5-4827 OPPORTUNITY Kingsville, 1 block east of 7-~le' FffiEPLACE '::"EQU'IPMENT. elcetric~.'clocks',.:dishesr'mirror", leath.e:"',9~000 ml1es, s~owroom 434 CALVIN. Attractive Cape end.M street. pen a .. an 'un. (Moross), and 3 blocks south of .S" '11 typo , t',' 'd 'miscellaheous' 'items. ,.,~,TUxed~' ' ,C01}.dltlon,under~oated.. $2,700. Cod ranch, 2 bedrooms, 'dh'ling 1 6to by appointment. ' ' For Harper. 'Mr. Moor,e, Mgr. TU', ". cr~e~,,~ : ,es",~~a es.-an, - , 2-074.7.'," ',' " " "" ,'< , UN'. 4M4177,after 6 p.m. P. DE COSTER-Builder 'lA-PERSONALS Matw'e, experienced saleswoman. 5 2078 Irons" ,tools. See. displ,ay, 'at, " room, terrace, carpeting, dra- - , ~vn..LAGE BATHS, mineral ,or To assist department manager -. : ' t' SMITH.:, - MATrHEWS," 6640 'NE~' s~~'b~rrier:2' ove~ ,~lectric )949 .F9R:D Co?ye~tib~e"11;8. Ex-. peries, newly painted and de- -PRescott 6-6775 ~team cab i net s; scientific with shoes" luggage, handbags TWO-BEDROOM, t e r'r ace in' CharleVOIXAve. WA. 2-7155. stove, "tefrig~ratoi" :,B',e,nd f'x ce~lent 'conditlon.: Lady sperM corated. $24,500. 2 OR 3 BEDROOM- ranch type Swedish massage, men and and accessQries. Write to: Gr~sse Po~nte. V.ery good 10- FOR '.A ~E~ER,igi'~de,:6f .p.sed washer, 'and 'rugs:' TU.,'5-1747; so~al car., ~40~.' TU. 4-0879~ ANN BEDFORD GOODMAN home, Grosse'Pointe Shores, ll;~ women. TV 1-6480. 17194 E. BOX R-500 catlon. BYtl appomtment, call 'f~niture" see .N~~tw:~y",FUrni- ,,', , ", 'I TUxedo 5-6063 - LO 7~4706' blocks from Lake, Park privi- Warren, near Cadieux. VAlley 2MO",73 ' " l' OCCASIONA:L~'chair; .ideal, for 12-a-AUTOS WANTED JOHN S. GOODMAN leges; convenie~t to schools; ac- GROSSE POINTE NEWS.' I - .' ture, 13,9~O,'~et:~h.eva . .' We , TV, usec('veiy 'little;j'like' ~ew~ . ';_', tivities room in basement. TU. %-LEGAL NOTICES , 188 ALTER-Lower five room : alv,vys h~'.':e the:t~;m.g,S,"Youare 'Cost $125, s'acrifice".' $40:: TU WE NEED 'GROSSE PO'NTE WOODS 1 6005 SALESLADY for children's ShOP" brick. Gas heat; disposal, g,a- 10C?k~ng.,for. VA~ley:,:2M2115:'1-8083~' ,,' , I , M . BITUMINOUSCONCRETECLASS I: Apply Peter Pan, Inc., 17045 rage. Near transportation. ,$125. ELE'C:TR'IC' G'R''IL'L,' addm'g' m;l. 1950, 1951 and 1952 Automobiles. Open Sunday 2 M6. 13A-LOTS 'FOR SALE j:~8JMM~~~SE2J;. ~~~~~R~~ Kercheval. TUx e do 1-5171, EDgewater POWER lawn"j mower,; Briggs 'Have Customers' Waiting.' A Lot of Good Living "-- _ ~*~ r GROSSEPOINTEW:OODS;0.365 MILE ------. ---- 1-7891. chine,' arbor sa~, sewi~g mla- Stratton,,' ~p.gine, 21. inch.,' U:sed '-F,opa2y91'ngYeU~rp'stWo:e$~Hoo~v'EMe0'Bee.~n'r' BOURNEMOUTH 1599, nr. Mack LOT 100 ft. x 60 ft., Beaupre ON M-39FROMTHE WEST LIMITS MAID, experienced, t1 en era 1 chine, ,band saw, desk, tab e, very little, like new. Cos~ $145'.' N 1 d Lane between KeI'by and CamM OF GROSSEPOINTESHORESEAST P N 2 b d d 1 R ' . ' '0 l. - and 7 Mile Road. ew y ecor- . - housework, cookMserve. Three CLEA e room UD~x. ec. tYP,ewrlteI:. LA. 6-093 . Sar>l'ifice , only"~ $50; TUxedo,' E H' COOK' . g U ~~~~JE~¥' ~:62~~~~~_~.O~~I.!88. school age children. Excellent ~oon:i!,'1as$he5atc~f~uC~d~;~: TRADE-IN 'sofas and, chms. All IM8~83. ' . , 15701 Ha~~er,".Berkshire-Baifour ~;~~lo~~b~~~Oe~ce~l~~:cac~~~~~: _b_r_ld_ _e_._T_._5_-3_4_8_5. _ Net classif1t'ationrequired 'for this references required. Live in if Hosplta. . ~, . ~ " ,in nice condition. Reasonably ------'- 'rUxedo 2-9145' disposal,' automatic .heat, 41x150 13C-LAND CONTRACTS project is 6 Cc Class I. possible. TUxedo 1M1465. ,,' , 'GIRLS' c;lothi,ng, junior 'siz~ 9, Res:,437' Chalfonte Rd:,TU '4M4118 ,Sealed proposals,for'the construc- 744 NEFF, 5-room lower, heated. ,'priced. ;Van Upholster~g,'Co., good con~ition,' T.Uxe'do 5:':4899. ft. beautifully landscaped yard, A QUICK FAIR DE tiOll of thIs project located in City CLERK MTYPIST for east side $135, adults. TU. 1.9799 or 13-230'Harpe?: Open ,,9' 'til",9: . WANTED-Cadillac ,convertible 1lfz car- garage, possessIon. Sept. AL ~ro~::ss:ttt~h;~~~d~iftndbeVi~~~~v~J church, ability to use office TU. 2-4011. ' . , ' : GIRL'S,' 26~inch Higgins" bicycle, ' "50"or ')51.'ICash from, private 15th; Beach" park priyileges. Any' Contract-Any Amount

:fromcontractors having 1955 Michigan machines, must have tact and GENUINE al1tique~, tuft,ed chaise, extra, accessories,. perfect' con- 'party ,for clean car J from ori- By appointment. Immediate pos-, LOW DISCOUNT State Highway Department prequali~, abl'll'ty' ,to meet people. Apply LAKESHORE village apartment, Iou n e,..excell,e,nt condit,io,n,; .. 'dition. TU. 2-8560. . sessl.on. CASH AT ONCE ' fications, in the Veterans' Memorial 9 M'l J ff son r a 2 d fl g . ginal owner. Can. LIncoln p- . 1 e- e er a e, n . hand, caned rocker,', tables" " , 41'91. Bldg" 213 South Cs;>itolAvenue. Lan- by letter stating qualifications 1 d t d 1 b d ' OLD FASHIO ED Open 9 7 Al S d sing, Michigan.until 10:30 a.m.. East- ,New y ecora ~ . e r9Qm" lamps, ,etc. :TU: 5..;2875. -, N", 'Newman reed Owner Transferred. a.m.- p.m. so un Cl.y. ern Standard Time on Wednesday. and salary expected. Box C~80, 'stove and refrigerator, $80.pO. ' , organ; 'baby bed; $5. Call eve- 12A-BOATS AND MOTORS McLain Mortgage & Realty Co. ~~P~u1li~i~5~;:ne'dilla~~e~e:a~t~~~~ _G_r_o_s_se_P_o_i_n_te_N_e_w_s_.____Available Oct: 1. PRo 8-6380. 3 COMBINATION'~ doors, '2 :'30 'nings. TUx~do 2:'1240. FOR SAL~ ROSLYN ROAD, 1705 nr. Mack- 10804Hayes LA. 6-35« posals may be mailed to the Contract- SALESLADY, 25 to 40, with good ' inches~ 'r 3p' inches,' standard' 4 bedrooms and den, 2% baths, ------~~~j~a~a~{~i~~.r1l;hi~;~~('nsT. Mason selling ability in yard goods 6A-FOR RENT (Furnished)' ,length; cheap: 19887 Ida Lane WOOL ~IST carpet' and pad, 16 FT. UTILITY 60 Kermath, gas heat, screened terrace, 2-car 14--REAL ESTATE WANTED The work will consist of placing department, G r 0 sse Pointe W approx. Plfzx22, dark' red, trailer, ,water skiis.' Excellent garage, carpeting, natural fire------Bftuminous Concrete Wearing Course LAVlC'POINTE-WARREN 'uppe,.r . good condition. ,Sell reason- condl'tl'o'n." PR.' 8-3565. i place" low taxes. Close to St. SELDON CO t' store. Full time. Write Bo_x', ...~ bl h m & and other Items 0f Construc Ion. 5 room furnished heated income. PRIVATE SALE." qrl''''nta1 rugs, a y. VA. 2-5310. '" " , Joan of Arc. . . • Completion date for entire project G 481 Grosse Pointe News .... ---;-, ' , OUR 40 h YEAR Novembt'r30, 1955. I - , ,'. Adults only. References. 'fU. solid b r 0 n z e statue' lamps; ? ,JUNIOR' b,eds, $40,' 1 ~asy spI"n ALL, STEEL 16 foot:, utility, 75 t The Department's Standard Specifi- CAPABLE east.sl'de woman, half 58921' Fr nch p'late."""';.....ors'. solid ma' H.P. inooard"',.6 foot 'be,am, for- VICINITY Lis,t your property with us. cations (1950 Edition). its current Soils ,- _. e' ...A...., • dryer washiz?g machine, $75; 1 Manual. the plans for this project. days, ,Monday, Tuesday, Thurs- NOVEMBER TO MAY _ East hogany tab'1e; gold leaf lamps "boy's brown wiilter" coat; ,-size w~rd ~~ckihg and .cabin ty:p'e . Close to St. Joan of Arc Members of the Gro,Sse Pointe }~:iiri~e~~aJ::S~~~~~~SthgeO~~n~~~~ts~~d day, F rid a y. Cleaning and Warren area; furnished 2-bed. 'with tables; oi~ pa~ntidngs;h':~ut, 7M8,, $"15;,'2-, girl's', blue coat, ;~~~,hJ~~;tr3fe~,Pl::~ou~ri~:~ci ROSEDALE" 22326-Charming 3- 18530 ~~~~er~ Associa~~ 2-2100 the employmentand use of labor, and laundry. $1.00 an hour. TU. room house and' garage', refM glass vases; Importe c ma velvet legging a,nd hat sets, bedroom brlCk bungalo s the proposalblanks (all of which are 5 1081 - . P1'1TT 5 7229 . last season. Priced for quick . , w, :un- essential parts of the contract) may __ -__ . erences, $110; security dp;posit; 'vases...L u. - ,.:," sizes 5 and" 6, $20 each. 1 '.Ben- sale. TUxedo IM7736.' ro~m, 1'h g~rage, sohd dnve, t 6-PETS FOR SALE

~£eeD:~i~~eI~'tt;r~~;~~~.tM{~~i~a~~S-SITUATIONS WANTED adults ..TU.5-3628. ' MAHOGANY dinin'g, room bufM dix; $,15. VA. 2~7228~, ' . '.: I, qUIck posseSSIOn.Make offer. ~~oc~~ti;~; ~~~~~~~.~~;gig~~ild~~~ 2 ROOM upper furnished apa~t- ,fe~, an.d ~able;': ~ar~e '~rench 'REFRIGERATOR, G.E.~. goo d ~~~~AL ~STATE Open Sun. 2.6 SHELTIES (toy collies): Beauti- may be obt~;:iedonly at the oUlce of LAMPS ment. 1476.'Maryland. mIrror, dec,orators' It~m,: ma~, condition $40.' TU.. 2,.0916. DEAL WITH Vacant, :mmediate Possession ful registered puppies, ideal the Contract-Estimate Engineer. 715 Custom-made lamp shadel made , ,hogany' K nab e Ml'gnonette '" ' , BEAUFAIT, 20267, near Harpel-- pets. Hilmar Kennels, Windsor, Stevens T. Mason Bldg., Lansing. d d . . 1 t. '1 GAS STOVE M . 'Ch f '6 hs d Mic'higan.up to 5:00 p.m, of the day an recovere m my Q.ome. EAST JEFFERSON. Young'lady plano; e ec rlc s now pow. , , ,aglc e , good A -SPECIAliST mont 01, face brick ranch, REdfield 4-7061. precedingthe opening of bids. A fee TV. 2-0315, 139 Ridge Road. has an attractive apartment to ' Phone WA. 1-33~6. cond~tion,,$35. PRescott 7-3551:' . gas A.C., stall shower, natural of three dollars will be charged for h wI.th same Over 25 Ref ' '. Over 4"", million dollars firc;place, new carpetl'ng, a'IUml'- IRISH SETTER; mal(;, 10 mos., furnishing plans or proposal blanks. SECRETARIAL SERVICE. ACM s are . . - SET OF 5 Wilson irons, also No. HIDE,-A-BED,','10,ve seat length,' ' . 'I.. exceptional pedigree. Friendly Whichwill not be refunded. t d b erences. EDgewater 1-8104 4 wood., Best offer: TU. 5.5615. coral and,' cocoa e plal'd, exce'l,:: exclusively in, inum storms, 2 spacious bed- Full cooperationin carrying out the ,cura e an reason a Ie. Call after 6 pm' " , / rooms, itPIT).aculate throughout, and spirited. 4 months obedI- lIpecial provisions will be required. Rosemary Gant, TU. 2M3283. " .' LIGHT 'tt --, lent condition, $95. TU. 5-5682~ ' GROSSE'~POINTE under $20,000. Minimumwage paid to labor emploYM ,greer.: woven co on rug, . . , ;1 ence training. TU. 1-7438. Days M only. ii~e~ni,{hlgec~~~~~~~l~hallbe as out EXPERIENC~D gardener; grass 6_ROOMS FOR RENT 12x15, $75; lOx16 Royal Wilto? ,WHITE wrough~' i:l"0J\table plus REAL' ESTATE ," CANAL HOME. A Certified or Cashler's Check. cutting and yard work, rnain~ COMFORTABLE, room for em- tone-an-tone, green r.ug, match., 2 rouudec;1,'end tables, 'glass LIBERTY 2 ' '.MINI&TURE' BOX E R, male, :BankMoney Order. or Certificate of tenance. RA 5-1834: ing runner, 7x3 and 4x6 throw tops, 4 chairs, A-1 condition: : " Purchased Lost Year Through 3143, SIX- year - old ::~J';;.Sit~ole:gre~:nk,eni~or~~~,s~~n~~ --______ployed lady; meals and,laun- rug, $150; 9x12 Bigelow dark TU. 1-1305. Ranch type, attached garage, fawn, whIte markings, 15 mos., $75. LA. 1-1477. $3.000.00. payable to Charles M. Zieg- EXPERT FINISHER on boats or .dry if desired;' near express bI $35 TU 4 2248 --,-----'---:-----..,.. ',' MAXON BROTHERS,.. large boat houe, concrete seawall, .ler, State Highway Commissioner. furnl'ture WlS'hes weekend work. transportation. TU. 2-9031. ue,.. - , . GAR'LAND, gas ,stove,' g'ood c'o'n-- Satisfied Clistom_'~rsS'lnce~ 1929'1' natura flrep 1ace, carpetmg,. wad- must accompany each proposal. All HALLICRAFTER Id'..1 d't' TU' ", . TAILED and tailless Manx kit- ,such checks will be returned prompt- Call VA. 4-8538. DESIRABLE f 1 d, '" 'wor Wh.~e 8- l,lon., xedo 2:',7959~"" mg pool, ex~ellent landscaped tens for sale. 1346 Nottingham, ly after the bidding. except that of ' '. . room or .emp oye band portable' 'radio~ 4x5 view It '."'".. • , ~nhe, ,pat:k~r ;','open.s Sunday 2:'5, 60 ft. yard. Under $20,000 VA. 4.8434., :~~~i:o,:~~~~ii~~era~dllcr:n~~yre~~~~~ 'HANDY MAN Desires 2 01'3 day~ profe~~lOna~ or, busmess wo- camera, and miscellaneous. ph9- BEIGE- Townley, ",coat ~Ith dark 1129 wayburn, 'g.p. park for C C H N' EIDE R contract to the State HighwayDepart~ a week, lawns, painting, car- man m w~dow s home. (:load tographic equipment. TUxedo' brown stole; also fox fur- C(l.pe, c'omfpr~ 'qr: income" look high -.J " ' BOXER, 3 years old, AKC regis~ ment pe t k t LA 1 3257 transportatIonl TU 2-3688. 4-3733:' ',' J 6-18. TUxedo '1-5436; : and low to find this: eq'ual,' gas, The right is reserved to reject any n er wor , e c. . - TU 4 0442 ten~d. $75. TU. 1-0477. or all proposals, before 9 a,m. PLEASANT ROOM B' 3 sun porches, fire, 2-car, ,,3 -' .. ~ usmess NEW 'matched Louise Suggs golf SA OFFI~E E'-'UIPMENT b d ' kl'.... 1 BOXER, male, AKC pedigreed. CHARLESM. ZIEGLER. -M---W-.------woman or. girl, references, , , ,-, ...... ' > e rooms up, spar m5 c ean., 20947 Mack at Hampton State HighwayCommIssioner AN lshes work as porter or ' .clubs, :4"woods,' ,9 irons, nylon - '$1.1,70,O,'.",80~', lake~hor'e' near', 8 , . , nnest show stock~ wonderful - Lower Peninsula. Regular near Charlevoix and Somerset. 'h 'NEW' ND "', . ' r B ' , M & FA. 2-15-54 janitor. LO. 8-1375. VA 4M2570. b2.g;.,10.', ;p" mod,el. K64 Mer-: A ust!!dtYPewriters and .. mile," Be' ef{pansive, but' com- GROSSE POINTE pet. est offer over $50. TU• •Dated: 8-23-55 cury Hurricane," ,outboard mo..; adding machines.', All ' makes ' 'pact' in', this surprising house, 739 WASHINGTON ROAD 1-8299. ,,....L_an_S_in_g_._M_i_ch_i_ga_J'l-.. R U F F LED curtains, expertly -R-O-O'-M-a-n-d-g-ar-a-g-e-f-o-r-g-e-n-tl-e-m-a-n.tor; new' po1ar~~d:c,cimera;.'8-'> and: inode1s~'Sales, :and 'rentaIS. 'with: lalb~fro,rit ai'HI, personali,ty. 'LARGE, attrac~ive brick col,on.ial DACHSHUND red male for sale, 2A MUSIC EDUCATION done, priced reasonably. Pick TU d 1 8680 mm K 0 d a k magazine load We 'do"our own se.rvice work. 5 b d 3,L b th 11 tt h d 2 1 ' - up and delivery.' Mrs. Van- xe 0 - . ,mo;ie camera; "6'6" plastic skis NATIONAL OFFICE :' " t e ~~o~si :.lld' a s, ,a e~- '. ~in~~ge k ~~arh ;arag~ l~~ngtI registered, 51;2 m 0 nth sold, ;PIANO TEACHER: Margaret Haverbeke. VA. 2-9691. . ROOM or, rOOIn and board m' 'th 'k. f' b' din TU 5 ' , ras an ,a:, ow own paymen ~ ' 1 C n, rea as loves children. ED. ,1-8925 WI s 1Mree m: g. • - EQUIPMENT tu. 2-4660;:tu. 5~0449. room' and lavatory. Natural . , Elliott Skinner, Master's De- D-A-Y--o-r-e-v-en-i-n-g-b-a-b-y---s-it-t-in-gprivate home, close to Jeffer- 7966. '. ' 16749' Harper at, Bishop, , :~'," ' , , " , " fir e p lac e, 4: bedrooms, llh PUPPIES, black cocker spaniels, : f:~~e s~~~f~~~~~ Js~:p, ~t wanted by junior high student, son ,Beach. anti Kercheval bus BOY'S' clothing, ,'siz'e,'14 and' 1:6; TU. 1..7130 ' " GROSSE, POINTE PARK baths. Lot 50x206. Oil steam $10 each., PRescott 7-3551. 14. Please call TU. 4-0822. line. TU. 1-3669. ' suits, overcos.t, "sl,~cks." sports. , ' K' hea~. Owner, TU. 1-2767. ------. 5-0818. ---______9~AR.TICLES, WANTED' QP'IC SALE BY OWNER 21A-GENERAL SElV.,CES '- . EXPERIENC~D in day work: 7-WANTED TO RENT jacket size' 18, like new. TU ~-:c.---:------~-~_ '40 ACRES near Rochester. Lo- \ ' :2_rUTORING M W d F. C 11 VA ------..:...... :.- ,,,5-59'73. BO'O'KS~b"ough'tIn' anY,'quan"tlty". V\as $32,500-NOW $,29,750.One cated between Pontiac and VENETIAN BLINDS, -'------on., e., fl. a . 2- -SHREVEPORT eXeC\ltl've and block f om'S ...' CIal'r Par'sh 4036 'c' HAMPAGNE b d't'l" k t Entir.e 1i,braries,'"bookc'as'es, art r ''', ,I . Rochester, aut hen tic Early COMMUNITY . wife desire 3-bed,room. cottage" roa al ,Jac e ' A' h , ------or house. lI.'l'opets. Best of care. : trimmed ..w i th ','B'reath of ,objects. Mrs. B., C. CJaes, 167q 'TU 1-46'31.or VA 1-0510 mencan ome, large living TUTORING SERVICE RELIABLE sitter, good refer- .I.' Leverettp- WOod d 3-4267 room, nat"ura,l fireplace, dining WINDOW SHADES M. L t' t b R f Spring'1 mink Perfect condi- ~., war. . MRS. LOUIS MARICK. DIRECTOR ences. mimum 4 hours 7Sc ' ease or op Ion 0 uy. e er- , "', M . ,', ' , 965 ,WESTCHESTER'" ' room, oak paneled den~librarj', TutorIng bv degree teachers oval!. hour. Evenings, week ends. en.c .w.Callp' ,D.~n ,~ttaway, ,tlod~y~lZe 12 16.l'Uxedo, 4-43~2, 'BOOKS purcnased tor ,cash. En- bpen Daily 3 to 6' powder 'room, modern well ap- able In all subjects for grades, high Mrs. Zahm, VA. 4M8224'. MIC.-h ISC. Ipellne G., WOo " ; " ~ ' tire libraries o~fine single jtems. :An older but substantially.' con- pointed kitchen; 3 large bedM PORCH SHADES .Cha~PEC~'II~S °F~R o~E1C~E~~tlon. IRONING done in my home. Call 5-7230. GRQSS~ POINTE private .home. ' Midwest ' BOOK"::~,~tvice, ,4301 ,strueted center hall Colonial, 26~ rooms arid full bath on 2nd CORNICE BOARDS, ' t39 Merriweather.Grs. Pte. Fprms 'LAkeview 6-0755 after Labor BUSINESS 'MAN desires sleep- ' ~ee to .appr;;ciate. ~early new, .Kensington .. TUxedo 5M2450." ft,. living ,room,,: plus "sunroom, floor; large screened porch; Day. ing room and garage; on or ~. prlce, ,deluxe" mahogany ------,------breakfast'. room;" 1st" floor 1ava'- also, modern oil heating plant Complete Repair Servic«t TUxed0 4-2820 near Harcourt. Phone' VAlley dmm~ set of 62 'credenza, ,~P0SI11Y.ELY;" tory, 4 bedrooms, 2 baths,. year and splendid water supply, lav- Cleaning, Repairing ------WOMAN wishes day work, c1eanM 3-'9606. chest drawers, pair round front'. HIGHEST' PR'lc'Es:.:PAID for; 'round sleeping porch. Vapor atory in basement. Spacious Recondi tioning PRIVATE TUTORING ing only. FAirmont 1.0020. corner cabinets;' Master' DanM' ''',' , , steam he'at, sprinkler system, 2- lawns' splendidly ,landscaped, IN ------WANTED-Garage in 'the vicin- bury drop leaf 'table,' 6 cus- furniture l1nd 't!ippTillt:lCes• "'. ,car garage; -lot 60xI80.,..House ,is modern helps' apartment, im~ ESQUIRE SHADE CO. YOUR OWN HOME CO~ORED GIRL desiI'es day ity of ,Rathbone place and E. tom chairs, also ,pai],".,extra, "I-Piece or II Houseful.", " priced to :permit complete '"rede- plement shed, horse barn with 15133 'Gratiot, All subjects; all grades. Adults work; reliable, honest. Grosse Jefferson. Call TUxedo 2-6062. large wing fireside' chairs" and: PRe~cotf' S':Si33' corating i1).sid'e'and out;'plwi' some five box, stalls, and other Open Friday Until 9 P. M. and children. Certified teachers. Pointe references. Phone WAI- DIVISION SALES DIRECTO'R : .....rattan . porch,,' fur., :nit~e'. Very ' 'nlodernizatonjn kitchen.' b~ildings., Offered' at $63,000 LA. 1-1515 ' , LA, 1-1516 Call: nut 3-0754. , d 'f d' 2 'b d "low pnce. TU,5-5503. -' ',' W' ANTE' D WIth terms. Roy Annett, Inc., DETROIT AND SUBURBAN ------an WI e eSlre, e room'. MAI:.THA BACHERS ' R~altors, 28 E. Huron, Pontiac. DRYERS vented, all makes; $15 TUTORING SERVICE AMBITIOUS 21-year-old g i r 1 duplex or apartment, 'fireplace,', NATURAL' wild mink cap.'e,J'ac'-'- ' ' " " " VA 1 7710 FEderal 3 7'193 Op , . complete. LA. 7M0533and TU. WOodward 3-8315. TExas 4-1378 with secretarial experience de- garage, in Grosse Pointe' area," et; 'like new. Reasonable'" cili~ ,.,OLD CtOJHI'NG '. -" and'Sund;i 1-4.' en eve~ngs 14162. _. FALL CERAMIC CLASSES ~~b~sePe;:~~:n~r p~~~~ov~~ ;No cpildren of,pets. TU. 5-611~: I, e:,en~~gs '6M10~'~~JN.2~8997.',:' BEST PRICES' PAID ' 286 CLOVERLY ROAD. -"-

area. TU 5.2731. WOULD LIKE 4-r,,O'om,income 6r 'YOUNG- », MAN'S na,V'U' :flannel' " '", ":." ,: i Charming ,French" Regetlcy de- ' , (, . ., 'r.r 'FOR MEN'S'SUITS "sign. 4 main bedrooms, 2 'baths 'GUIDE' , TO GOOD SER .Afternoons and evenings learn to t. a~artment, refi~ed employed'" double' breas't,ed suit} size' :38M'' " , ' .' . plus maid's, roo,m.and' bath, pan':' ",', , .VICE . make lovely pieces in ceramics. MIDD~A~D~~d~~~- ,m~~-~d coUple ~fu, 'TOpe'OAT.S' AN'DSHOES~,'~~~rn~~~:~~h~~'r:====~~~~~~~~~;~;~;~~(~'~ Decorative, lace, porcelain, apd 3~$1~_~i~~~~.(",' sires 2 days work, cleaning, daughter nme years old. LA.' , ,,'. ' " , oJ :,'. " looking .welf1andscaped gardens; POluTE TAilORS & OLEANERS wedgewood. Call now for en- laundry, b a b y sitting. VA 7-6906. . LEIC4 M-3 WIth Fl.5 Summa:rit TU'Is'~,"3~IS'7'".., , 'oil, A'.C.. heat, lot .105x170, with , " .n , rollment. TU 2M1453. 4-2852. lens; carrying case and lens ... L fine' 'trees. ,", ' , , ' (WINDMILL PO&.L'JTE) (------HOUSE or lower flat for couple", shade, ,with import certificate.' !, " " 'MAX' 'ON"BROTHERS, 1'ldC'. M' d L d ' ' 'GRAMMAR made easy in 10 GIRL wants day work-laundry. resident of Grosse Pointe'for ~"PRescott,8,;7245.' A telephone'call will, bring us to 'I ens an a ies' Suits Tai!ored To Order VA 23040 lessons. Remedial methods will $7 carfare. With rderences. 20 years~ ' TU;'.2-6402. .'. "B ' . " ,', .' ' , , " I you, i,r:nm~clia+'~Iy. TU 2-6000 4.lterations, Relining, Cleaning and Pressing .•• , help your English and langu- LO. 8-0215. --~------.;...'..;....' -' "OY-'S outgroWn"' 'clothing•. 'Size . " .. -, M 14"3'1" EIIST JEFFERSON " ages. $1 an hour, money-back ------3, 4, 5 OR S high cal~ber young 16. TU.2 5242:' ,/:' . , , ',WANTED "';',2-piece living room ' ,. "'WI'ND'MILL POINTE: . ' IJ ,M f • al Oily Limits t M. St k CLEANING, four days. Lillie executives, newly arrived iri. ' " ":, ,:, ,,': ':' ." di . . , • ' , Fred M S h Estab': h ' guaran ee, any age. ISB oc, Brooks. WO.5-2038. ' 'Detroit, desire,furnished or unM:DYED ,SQUIRREL,.- CAPE, $65.;., swte, nmg room suite" re- Contemp'orary Architecture • e uman uS ed 1925 Qpen Eves. 'till 7:,00 ~.~4~~ ld' glf l~ ~t' t ~g~afu~"~a~~ ~V' g~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 'b I EXPERIENCED co lor e d lady furnisheQ apartment or' house a Yt~' 011,c u1Js;'Te.UC::~rI C s 0ve, stove Call VA 1-h93" " ~arge' sum~er, ter,ra~e",overlookM ;-••••••••••••••••••••••• 4 5 20 :3-LOST AND FOUND wishes days 01' weeks. 'LO. imm~diately. Best 'referen'c.~s _pracIca y.n'14Y:~I'.'),~,'.4M...... ~'" .,". '," " ,',: .::. mg'gard~n,4b~d'7:QPIl1;s,attac1?-,~d',:'SEWERS" DRAINS SINKS. ------8 1075 ,Qbtamable. Call Mr. Gibb .,at 'GIRL'S Western?';"riQ,iri', 'lUltS' FUR~UTU~E,.:W~,+,ED" ~ y~u garage. Conve,ment ~o:Trombley. ,. - .LOST-Man's Hamilton wrist- - . WA. 1-8240 E?,t. 5316 9. to, '4 .. .size 12; ,Eng&h>:t.-w~>\;idiri':'g : Aa~e: ~yth1l?-g..m" the, line, ~?~S~hooll 0m:er I?io.ym~<:;,out,:.,:Of:. C,LEA NED - watch in Grosse Pointe Woods NURSE, fully qualified. 12-20.hr. Mon.. thru FrI., wee,kend and ''jacket, size i~;"We~tern" boots \ : ',llOUS~?ld., f~mtUre an~' rug~ town; can",glVe qUIck~possesslon. TU. 1.9813 : ~~~a:c1~c~to~~~~try CIu]:>. duty or baby sit evenings. evemngs VA. 3-9829. ~size 6~. TUxedo 4-4278 '8Ild m.JSCel1aneous,a.r tIC 1e,s,-\, . - , ',.., , , ' :A!l types. Night a"d day service :. . \ . Child care during vacations. ',' please',call the,'Isaac Neatway',' T. RAYMOND JEFFS , • All W k G t d 24-Hr•.a Oar :LOST-Pear1 'earing, vicinity o~ References. WAlnut, 2-2828. -ARTICLES FOR' SALE SOFA, green~ 2 pie~e, sectional" FU,rnitlire,'" 13~30 'Kerchev~,' 81 Kercheval, :,. ": 'I'U, 1~1160 • or uaran ee . Kercheval between Muir and I AU'TO DRIVERSl Ages: 21..651 like new;' tW'in:,:size;bed" com.: .VAll~y .2M~115~"." " ,.'i , GROS'S'E 'p''0" INT'E': ': MOTOl CITY. CHILD CARE SERVICE ' M "Earle' Richards' Service : Fisher, August 24. Reward. TU. Only $6 51 to $776 t t", p1ete. TUxedo 2 8650.. , W.ANTED'f . b' , , : Electrical Sewer Clearling Co. NURSEMAIDS for baby' sittirig . . qlcl81'erlo,1 ,', '. or' grow:mg 9YS,suit-, 1039' H'AR"Y' 'A' RD ". ,LA.7~SOS3 ' ~039'lMack An .. lD tile Wood8 , 5-4700. / . ': I' by hour, day 01' week. Practical buys $5,000 $10,000 Pub U,c ANTIQUE walnut hutch 'cabinet able work bench. ' .TU. Z':9618~(., " , " "j: •••••••••••• It •• III • If ••••• Liability, with $~,OOOProperty " ;ahd',:dr'C)pleaf\dining~'tabl~': Ex-" " .. ' ":' ,"" ,', ,Coz:veniently loc~~ed .older' ho~e~ ------,---- 4-HELP WANTED nurses a va i 1a b 1e. Refel'ences. 'PRescott 7-0377. The ~itters Club. Damage. TUxedl? 1-2376. ,cellent condition. TU. '5.,.4403., C!\~~ for. te~o~bly,:" ,p:r;lc~4:con fene.ed l~t ..'1~~13~.;..Four twm, ' = {Male and Female) ------'," , ...., ., ~, " , ' " " bqys ,:and gll"ls ~:pIcycles.' 'WA~,'size,bedrooms, 2 ba. i 2 .lavatories. ,Fo~Quick ~STENOGRAPHER-Clerk, short- HOMES trimmed, and painted; 'DISCOUNT SCHWINN RACER, "drop''handle::' '~ 2':'4766;', I. . ' :: Big' living ro~rri ~30~i8; G'as heat.', TVaid Radio senice . hand and typing necessary, 25 eavestroughs cleaned and wili. , SLEEP CENTER ,bars;' chrome'\fenders, :',hand"" . "", '.', ", ,', ' ..' 'Very'quick possession.' Guaranteed Repair Work to 40 years. State experience, dows 'washed. VA 1M4127. All nationally advertised ,'matM' brakes, 3 speed:,gea.rs. Excel- WANTED, r~g 9x15 or 7x1t or " '.',' ..;, , • Television ': • Aodio . " tresses, bedroom, suites,' .~ide,Ma., lent c,onditi()Ji:~;""mxedo;'.5M9429.. '~~ini:ai~8;~;',~e',' cut do~. I~40 FAI~,~OlM~ qualifications and expected • Sound '!luip",."t salary. Box W. 207, G.P. News. MATERN:!TY service - 2.hour beds, and other ,sleep. eqUlp~ent. BABY . BUGGY' ' ba:b " scale ,', , ,::: " Vacant.,,~ bedroomJanc~, m pop- ' minimum, 4-hour maxim~m. Open Thur. and Fr!. eveI?-1~gs. (n ) '1 dir "', :t"!' 9'9117 WANTED:-!"Girl~s,i.~des k map1e ular ~ . Eust, End ~ :GENERAL housework for two Care of' newborn babies, serM Closed Wedn'", ~~day noon,;,:. ' ew , g a 'oner.',,, ,,' '..Y•..,..ll.. , M. . '. dressmg~'" .' .table' ",', and boy's,.... trac:.' enc'1ose''''d' terrace.", 'T'l,I e,~Yri~'" f"~ . h'~d,',' , adults, experienced white wOM :vice includes baby's bath, and MATI'RESSES, Il'fC., ~,'. I.HY~G_ ROOM:))irape:d~, four . 'tor:., ,TV.:' 1-~090. :'-:,' " '>;" 'basement-:'has'Jav:' 'and:,::sho'w'er."' man, good cooking and referM lorm~la preparation, laundry, 'Park ,Cab, Co. TV AND >RIDIO 10623 Mack, , VAlley' 2-5152' pairs, ':comparatively,: new. TU. D'ESK:' eU'AIR' '; \ .' ," ' .. ' Gas.,..:J1eat.' ~and 'c~ntra!c~ terms , , ences required. Convenient lo~ one feeding, instructions to , 5 51:89 '. ';',',',. , nn.: ',occaslOnal ch!1"" '1 bI ' , '\.. '. Sciles & Service "'-." ' cation, TV, good salary. Call new mother .. Nur~es experi- ONE _Remingto1'\ .22' rifle: '~~q e M~,' .",', ',';,' , '~ . ",'" with"'o~tomari';or without; 'ai:d,~aval a e. .', ' , , ,~ evenings 6 to 7, mornings 8 enced in pediatrics and 'obntet- cleaning kit; also 16-gauge,shot,; ,T}Vq, w~dr

. ; .., ',,',

\ . . \ .

5 Thursday, Septemb'er ,~ 1955 .Page Nineteen

Cla.ssifieds .Con'td....2IH ... :~::.:: ....2t~~~NITURi!:D.PAIR ... , I Hai\k~Feys .Wfus. Season's Final SwimM eet ------~ ._'__ ~ ~e~.~~~~~~~~fu~~.~~~~k~-~s~g.~~eY-'d .'"Bbat~Ban~r H C., P kp.' FIsher Building '.' ;',' .. d:i . sel~n ,of, 4~cOl:,ative. ~',~'.: ~".', .,' . '. : . ::,'" Bj F~~(iRM."lh . eld at" lty. s aT :ler 21A-GENERAL SERVICE~ 21e-.;..&LECTRICAL SERVICE.: ,Natjon'aIMGthpr00ffn'9:"a~d :;:.:.~~':~~~~=~tes~~=;--~T~e tuth~a~~alGrosse Point~'. "." ..... ______, CARPET LA YINGELEcTRtCAL WORK ~,' Com~ I '. '. Ca rpet Clea'ninq' Co~~;.' .giyeri:Ewald,1392f) KercJ?,eval.' .bait., castmg;, tou~ey was .he14:. ". . ~:. '. ':'.. . . The final swimming meet of .. 25-yd. back strOKe: Mary Ellen NEW AND OLD mercia!,' residenti~l; '1ndu'Btrial: TR 2-0370'" " . 'ro.: 5-4478-:;. VA '2-8993...' ':.' .' .las~. Sunday, .t\ugUst 28,' at~Jhe" Det;t01ht~~mb"'s,~Rl~tehr'~IIlabig"wOfi~d~ the. season. at the city's :.park pier Mc~an. Mary', Jane CO!)pock, StaIr. Carpet Shifted attics,. rec. rooms, plugs, ranges,, ' '...... <' . . . Par k' Pl~l:"."';,'".".. '. "',., up WIk cfu,. a I an.eo, WIth .f'a 1 . r~-htwas lieId'.for. all. b'oys an 'd'glI'Is " C8W1.,1'""'~P'ChOUlnar.. d. , Rep~irs of An Type etc. Expert wir~g. ReasoiJ,abl~f 211-PAINTING' AND .,F'URNITURE'.REPAIR.~efinilb. ~Th~ tou~~~t,. the. CUlmin~-~:d:y"IU~~~8, : f1~Jri:~ay in:ere.sted:. The following results (~ yrs. and under-"JUDfonrt) , . Leo Trudel rates •. Free estImates. Rapp DECORATING. : lng, reu'PholsterJnI, 'apl'Ul8~ re- tlon 'of.an a~tIve season ~f. baIt to end a wonderful nine days of ar - gIven. ,\ 25-yd. free style:' Su:san ,Bar • ..rU. 5-0703 ElectrIC. PR 6-0780...... :, tied.. ~Antique.' • apecialty;':. an~. '!1Y,cas~.g,. drew a, d~sap-: -water .festiVities .such., as have .. . BOYS",,, tholomew, Barbara Bains; Jill' CE ----.,.------~------DECOR'ATING-Interior, :e~teri-. . Pick-u'md deliver: ~ l)l~: pomtmg ~~~er' of. entrIes •. Of never,'been seen. hereabouts; be- \8 y~ and under-:- ~~a:U Fry) Strachen.' . S FIREPLACE equipment, brass 21 E-CUSTOM CORSETS or. For .y~:)Ur.pers~n~l"sll~l,~!~C- ,~ . -y, , ~he 30~soJ;llee~p.~cte;n: J'l'llJ:S t r a c hen Sharon story lacquered, screens repaired. '. . . , , .' ------. .'c'" ,>" .;". •••• speCla y In eres mg ° e (10 yrs. and under-"Midgets") ~..,., , amiDg S 'th M tth 6640 Individually designed, lightweight ences. W~rk myself. Insured . i.. • . .' tple oye.~7all:,.co.n~est,.dlVl~ed: .-thousands .. ' ot, spe.ctators who 25-yd. free style' John Caval~ Mehl. . v~~. W~. 2:~55'. Charle- foundations" and surgical gar- All we. do. Isgood"~'219-P~STERING . .~t,~( tw:o '.~o.~pg;. of,.semors'and 'found their way downtoth.erlV- 10, Joe Reed, Jack' Koerber. 25-yd. back strok~: Susan. Bar------ments. Over ?ol years exp~ri- LEON ST_RIE_;rEL. .', " .• '.' Ju.n~~rs,:.w;as,wo.n by. Hank,Feys. er bankscwas thp ~eat outboard 50-yd. free style: Jack Koerber, tholomew, .Janet Wmfield, Shar- }-3760 21_WATCH REPAIR!NG ence. Maude Bannert, YA 4 0518 PERFECT REPA~.ING, ce~mgs""wltha 327.~~ot~.for ~O b:g~~s. ~egatta staged by' Commodore. ~ed'Cutler, Jim Chouinard., on MehL ( • INGS ------368 McKinley, Grosse Pomte. PAINTING,'knd: deco:l:ating, wall :.,cra~ks, ...can. match .. aI?-tlques•. ::','~ey~ '.)v.o~,? the semor ,group Nick.Kerns' 'Belle Isle Outboard', ,25-yd. back stroke: Fred Cut- (1~ and under- 'Intermediates") EXPERT WATCH and clo.ck re- TUxedo 5-4027 or TOwnsend .'. k . '1 . SatIsfactIo. n . f~y.. guaranteed.: ~hile, '~0Ill,ll~:.,~ohnst.on, was '£irstc .lIIIJlu!!,"b_.o_n'Frida.y,; Au.~us.t .26, .' ler, John Cavallo, Pat Werner. 25-yd. free style: Judy Osgood, 'RES ., p , 7-4312 ' papermg;'. 'qwc .; S e r v, c e . VAll 4 3Q22 In the ,"'"'''0''' group' , K K-1.. pal1'mg. rompt service. Reas-. CharlesKrim. " VAlley 3.1597. ; ey ....-. • . ;:'~~.04/';" ','. ~. -: ,One hun'!red.and thir'o/"~hree (12 Yrs. and under-'(Juniors") aren ue.L.JJer. '. onable prices. Bradley Je wclers. . . ------Thre~ round~. o~',:ten ta,rgets boats competed. over a closed 25-yd.free style: Mik4! Killey, . 50-yd. free style. Karen Kuer. ,ve 209.26 Mack at Hampt,n. 21F-REFRIGERATION FOR THE FLNEST,generaJ palnt- '21R-eEMENT .W~RK mac1e.u.p the.contest .. Each. con-. course'on,the De.ti'oit, River be- Jerry'Cilouinard,' Mike-.Lynch. bel". . " ... , . '. <1nch. TUxedo 2.9309. . SERVICE ing. and decoratin~ at .reason- - ..-.______t~stanLwould ..c!ist,~r' ,the hoops .tween .the American." shore and 25-yd. b rea s t stroke: Mike 25-yd. breast stroke: Judy Os.. ached ------able cost see'Charlel' A. Scma- 'MASON '&'CEMEN1\Contractor. twic~ ...jnion~«gaIXl~~' of.t~n,tries. 'BeP.~ fIsle~I~was'the first'time Lynch, Dan McL2an. good. w.., een5. privi. 21e-ELECTRICAL SERVICE FRI~~1~A, WcikGE der. VAlley 4-0388. 'Gr~ 'brieR' arid. stone work,. .~.'.~a,chJ?-oop.wasgiad~d~c~ord- .. th~'outboarders.ha'Ye.r~, a c1os.- .' 25-yd ..~ack stroke: Jerr~ Chou- (1:0:a- ~d UDtycIf.J ~enl;::J new .andrepair. Arthur 'DeROO, mg ,~o' ho:w'near the mdIvIdual edcHEADBOARDS' . ~awn cutting, ,?ultivatio~, edg:-:.talking .. A: searc~:o~ .the, car by . .Smith-Matthews Foundry CO•. WAlL WASHINq . SHELVES'. _.FORMICA, ..' . mg: and. clem-up ..wQrk.'; ,Free. the'arrestmg. offIcers: prOduced a Dr. Dale IbrieJ Ministet' . All TjJ)I~sof CabinE!t .Work , estimates. $V75 an hour. >JUUus'half.co:nsurned fifth or:wliiSkey. . 6640 CHARLEVOIX Phone WA 2-7'155 . AND PAINTING Free. Estimates' '. Laquiel'~. PRescott 8-2709:. ' " Warned ~m!l.releasedby' Po~ice' • ,# • • 'Chief' Fred, Deumling) .GARDEN .were brought against .the pair. . You are cordially invited to attend • , • . Satisfaction .. For Free Estimate; 13940 'Charlevoix,'. 'VA 2-1056 AND TREE ..!MAINTENANCE. Call - . " .AND'SERVICE . . STUi>ENT'DRIV~RERRS '. Pride in.perfection ••• 'ESSIU'AKING CAL FLEMING,' Twenty one ..year old' driving. 21T DR A Job Wen Done Means Another One Sixth Church of Christ, VENICE ,9-71'69 - - / .,. , LAND'S"CA'PIN''G"SER"V"I'~CE'. student Donna' Healy. of '15017 e -W-A-L-L-W-A-S-HlN--G-an-d-p-a-in-t-tin-g-.MmA~ MOFFET, 904 st. 'Clair.' . TU 1'-6950 .. " Liberal in Det~oit'.Iost co~trol of I _ Well reconUnended~; Rig h t Sewing and alterations. TU her car a..tte~ptirig to, m,a~e.a left Scientist, ,Detroit price. TUxedo 1..3870. 2-6548~,.' . COMPLETE, LANDSCAP.INGtlirnonto Moross from.' Lake 'Shore MEMBER .MEMBER J 4730 Kercheval, bet. Manistique and Ashland ------AND GARDENING:." road and leyeieda. WaYne ..coUnW' BoJlderl As- DESIGNING. fashionable suits, Also Handy \York .,' ,. ro~d.sign Wednesday, Aug}lSt.,24. sociation o~ Wationa1 21K-WINDOVi. WASHING . MetropoUtaD As8oe1&ttOJl Wednesdaj" Evening Testimonial Meeting-8:00 p.m. , coats' and dii:essesj' alterations :;~. . ...JIM .G90D ...,." '. Because: a licensed driver was in Detroit Sunday Services-10:30 a.m •. 8:l.d 5:00 p.m. of Bulldeq Inrant's Room Open for 10:30 SE;rvice. ' FATHER & SONS and hats; . remodeling; reason- '. 6423 Bethuy; ..Ancho~viUe', . the car ..and the Healys agreed to 1516 , READING ROOM - 16348 EAST WARREN able. VAlley 2-3,610. RAymond., 5::'3703." . make tb~. properr:estitution, .no Mon.. Tues., Thurs., Fri. and Sat. 10 a,m. to 9 p.m. Jan'itor Service . .'. , . Work in G. P~; '.. . tickets',were issued.: . , $15 Wednesday'10 a.m. to '1 p.m. Sunday 2 to 4:3~ p.m. EXPERT alterations, expertly fit-, . . . . .,...., " .. ' . •... . TU. o Commercial Residential WlNDOW.CLEANING .'! "tV.eAd.ll'Mr S4"_8z2'a2h4In,.. 376 .Eastla~,. 0 IS0,0 0, D .0.110(1.0.0 011,.00,'0,0 ODD o'CxO'~.,.,.'V: . OJ Wall washing, storm~ BJ:1d screen ey !010 . r. Iservice, . w a 11 'paper. hanging, .. , . ,...., I' AJj 5140' MT. ELLIOTT, Alterations Do It' Yourself! .. I home and o~ice maintenance,of-. CUS~OM DRE~S~q. c.o.!i~",' ."'., ' SiR co"'" .. WA 2..8000 . flce cleaning. 'swts, dresses, ,eve!Ul1g gOWIlS, ..,' LY aj ir1 ' .• . . ., lI1tera~oDS eXpertl,Y. done. 1jlD: I.J~ I'! ...... I' .. Twice the Value! ".'" ...--. PRESC!O~~'.8-99:2 1-2860.. . UJ~ , . ,Fifty Years J;ti . Residential FREE.' , Industrial ESTIMATES Commercial, Authorlze4 Deal... Half the Price! 21D-PL:::;:KLE ' , L M,.,.B E.•• 'NEW ROOFS • Barrett, U • Bird Ser:~~p~~~?~: aEPAIRING CO." Brick washing'expertly done, PLUMBIN'G ~ HEATING' .., '... . .' ASBESTOS. .'Celotex. BasementPamtin.g. . , SHAKE, Carloacl Buyers • Fllntkote. . ALUMINUM Ll(;~n5ed Contractor' • .Tohns--Manvill. , H. E. GAGE:& ..S,ON.' s~~~%~g~~~," "Rough arid FiiJish Lumber,l~c/udin'g SIDING. A .call wW. bring saplplea • U.s. GyPallm EAVES'lROUGRI for your .dection. TO 4-0136 ," . VA,1-2~.85 13322 E. JEFFERSON' ',: Doo!s,. PlyWood; B~ilding .Mafe,~,!ls TRIPLE-, CLASSIF!EDS .GET RESUL'RSf ' . VA 2-32.14,.~-.' I ' ... , ..' : .'.. , :. ., . ~. :" .GAS AND .OIL 'INSTALLED.,. ' . . ..() LA :keview TRACK. ill 7-7200' Ni,ht Coli. .f~~~~~~""~~'-'~~~~)f~~~~'~~'~~~'~~~'~,~~~~~, • 1,' ". , " . / '.' j '!2558 FILBERT .TU 1.1259 PR5.9834'/ .

I j • Easy to AS,s~mbl. i . . .~.",.'£.DlpIete .... ~- .,.. .- • Easy to Install Good for 45'Years • Nothing to Remove r' '.. ' .Eye" =y/e 0" Fence r.....- ...... Check These Do-It. Yourself Prices! . . .'.,ected for you ' All Sizes Up to 28x55 ...... , .• , .. 14.95 J.' I. • '. ", : NOW AWAITS' YOU AT' ,YOUR' . . " if All Sizes Up to 32x67 ••••••.••..•• '1.6~95' JGR055EPOINTI.:AUTHORIZED ~PO~TIAC, ~~L~Jl~' ... .'. . . WA •.,,:1-62.82- J . , . lIlc1uGIDJ . , All Sizes Up to 44x67 18.95 Chain Link AIl-St•• 1 •• d. 'Rustle., ~tyl.s . CITY SASH & SCREEN IMcLEAN .MOTOflSAI..ES,~INC •.. TIIX.2-HH l. 14. E. SEVEI MilE~;s~r~t1~' . MEHLENBACHER FENCE CO~ t. ' ., '. '; ': ''15210 Mack Avenue' " ,..".' . " . ' '. .'.. ,tI '10403 HARPER. 'RESIDINTIA .... INDUSTR LA ,7-3932 •. LA 7.3700. ' Ope.n Friday Eve 'IU 9 ~-A~.~'-'~~'~~ __ ~~_ .. " ;.i.~_~~~~'~~~~~_~~~--._--.~~--.1, r • •• • 4,,'" '" .'J 1'. ~ _ _ ' , \ l.,~:~:, ."," .f '. . , " . . . I , ,

, , . \, f , ',' --...-....__._--'--_~ ..-...... -l ...... _ .. __ .--~. .... ~...... 'V. ... 1 ..(, r ' {, , , ~ !

Page Twenty' TJ;ursaay. Sepfemlie" T. 1955 '," I

. . .' , *: ." 'e" ,', F * .* m .. * * * * . , _._------; J who. whe~e and whatnot Pointer':of'lnterest TasCe' Gooil\ . . b, whoo;,;1 Favorite Recipes / of At the Imperial Fashion Show ••• cars by Chrysler. -•• People in The Know gowns by Julie ••• and the models ~rom ~ew York-. three flJ~1zte, topflight gals glimpsed often in the slIck paper magazmes . • . HEAVENLY HASH' aU at Grosse Pointe Yacht Club ••• '. Contributetl .by * * * Mrs.' Fred' L. Maher Counter 'Points' The rumor flew around the lakeside lawns of the Yacht ~ doz. orangES , by Roberta Isle, . We have just tossed the Au.gnst cale:~l(iar waste Club ••• that the models each were receiviu¥ $1,000 for .the .! qts. currants Into t;Iie basket We' realize that summer IS somethIng for .the memory evening chore ••• And one nice plump POI,nte .gentle~an . , Z qts. ebei"~e5 observed that the girls certainly didn't spend the'!.r earnmgs book. However there's a new raIl •• : a new winter r.ight ber~. Cut oranges,into dic~;'n~lf- And just as sure'as Velvet (the cat) had fiv~ kittens you will en food ••• Such wedding ring waistlines! inch squares." Remove s~eds find that there will be fun planning and getting ready for the '" and cover," but do. n9t remove seasons ahead. Let lis suggest for going back to sch~ol ••• f{)r * peel. Add sugar, pound" for both, hoy's and girl's .•• the' fipe flexible Spauld1J:'.g Sport Mrs. Joe Burke was a fashion show all by herself- . • • pound, and boil in', lh cup' of Shoes' as shown at Clyde Hornuilgt~, 114 Kercheval, .pn the with those trick deep turquoise feather ear~ings ••• feath.ers water until tender' (about one hill. There are the saddle oxfords In black and white and pointed upward from ears to forehead heIght • • • frammg hour). brown and white .... and the kind of.shoes'children never her face •.• Tres differente! . lt Prepare 'cherries" and cur- want to get "out of •• ~ loafers in glistening red, bl~~k, or rants. Add' sugar,; again pound brown. The pm.'chase of a pair of shoes at Hornung s AL- * * for pound, and boil until,jel- WAYS begins with a proper fitting. That is for sure. Fashion conscious gaTs even put sprained wrists ~nd lies. .ojc' * * arms in good looking slings when' attending a three. s,!ar When oranges., are done" We.'re so.o-o-o-o in favor of the arti/ully executed windoW, event like this one • • • Mrs. Phil Moses uf Bloomfield (JOIn- combine with the fruit and and the mMl's Shetland Sport Coat in charcoa,l green ••• and'i1J ing the William A. Ternes' party) and Mrs. Leigh B. Roberts cook together: 'the StZmeIlew tone of the setZson••• the ch41'com green trousers. (joining the dinner party given by the Lester F. Ruwes) Add one bottl~ of,:Certo and Also' 'the' green printed belt which a~'&entsthis costume beauti- both carried arms in chic slings • •• ,cook Ilh minutes. fully. Frank B,ros. loafers ••• a dress)1suit ••• and the oil pilSn#ng 0./ a Monk ••• i\f. Garinei ••• from the De Grimme gallery dJ,0NJ.I • l * * the windows oj Kilgqre & Hurd this week •... specialists in mtJ4JI. S The Ed Schoenherrs made a hurried retreat midway in Mrs. Fora 'Picks attire ••• 92 Kerche-t'al, on tbe hill. Something to see. the evening's event • ~ • to rush to the Bon Secours ~eds~de * * * of young son,. Rickie ••• ' whose leg was hqrt when hIS .bI~e Drive. ,Lead'ers Zouiws! What sounds are eminating from the new dance records ... one's like Hondo Chi Wutsi •.• High Tide Boogie •.• Jumpin' was hit by an automobile ••• Ah, Yout~! Next day Rlckle Trumpets ..• zounds what sleep and under-cover wear. Florence was fit as a fiddle and a spectator at the SlIver Cup Rages ... Mrs: Benson Ford;' chairman of Riley is presentblg this season. Well we told you last week of last~x the Women's Participation unit of Bien Jolie girdle or panty and bras. And, now, as new as pencl1s * • * the United F'oundation, has, ••• are corduroy lounging p. j/s plus a quilted skirt that ,will make named her four co-chairmen for, you presentable fast, for it is a wrap aropnd skirt. For schOOl~ear Took us back 15 years to see Mrs. Eugene A. Gargaro the 1955 .Torch Drive three' of too, are white socks suitable to wear wIth sport shoes. 31:1 Fisher and Mrs. Sterling Dockson arm-and-arming it to their places whom are Grosse Pom'te women. r Road, TU. 5-9456. ' * * * at the fashion show ••. As Nan Scallen and Margaret Mary Mrs. Ford, who has been active d f' 1 f' ' th Miller they were school day friends • • • The Gargaros are in the.' Torch' Drive .since its . The ~im~ of turning leaves an lrep ace Ires... e all settled at their new Pointe address ••• on Ben'aud road. • • origin in 1949, was co-<;hairman tI!!le of rmg:ng of. school bells .•• and new clo~hes, for the ... of the unit last year when it kIds. And thIS remmds USto tell,You about the VIllage Youth . * . " raised 110.5.percent of its quota: Shop .•• which is part of the S. Stein & Co.t in the village. PILFERINGS JACK GRENARD OF SOMERSET ROAD She will share top leadershipwitri' .We found perfectly co-ordinated Robert Bruce sweaters,' By Jane Schermerhorn ~' he~ hUSbapd, who is 1955 Torch some of 100% wool and some of orlon in either a plain or Maybe you can compile a much more modern le~icon of her son had Il\~g9~ngbus~ness'~nd DrIv,e g-:meral. chairman:-. 'Th.is wonderful w~aves. "y"e found MacGregor jack~ts fashioned." ~ciety columns . • . but here's one Eve Bro~~ dId f!"o~ Actually Pointer Jack ,Grenard ha~ chalked up only, one even, went ,dawn ~o-hIS corner ,yea;:s.' dnve WIll be th~ fITst m 'of nylon and lmed wIth soft warm spun nylon. Tnese the boys an writings of .the late Maury Paul • . • the ongmal eholly solid day's vacation this Summer and h, e.re it'is almost "time stand to help' him peddle his 'hWhlc~h.admd and WIfe team Wear with"truusers' corduroys wools wonder svnthetics,' wares. aye ea e t.he ~nnual fund- , .. . . t, , w :Knickerbocker ••• to return to senior studies at Michigan,. State University. raising campaign for .support of et.c. It s everythmg for a comp~ete boy s war~robe, from un .. Lovely People: Sweetie Sweets. He isn't gr~using one bit@------'Whentalkturnedtoturtlt'S'150health and community ser- dIes ••. to shoes ..• at the VIllage Youth Shop, 17012 Ker .. about the situ.ation, though. ing from the smittie's, bound-till- ' the other afternoon, we were. vices. " cheval; in the village. Nasty People: Soury Sours. introduced to the very l1rst one 4' ... Monev: Oodles of ducats. He's made his first trip abroad death.at,the wrists with lock and Jack had as a pet of his own,. Mrs. Ford selected Mrs. Joseph ' . *.. . Snobbish: Hoity.toity. - spent jus t shprt of two ,chain. Wilbur Horatio Borre m-t.he A. Vance of 32 Hendrie lane as OJ tweed w#t.h a talented toucb. Reverstble tweed, If you Long Island: Longuy land. mo~ths in Ireland, "England; Jane Didn't Wi~ce name has no significance-is ,a co.~hairman itJ.'char!5e ot' organi- ple([se ••• 'BTJT faced with the furriest ligbt-and-Iush Alp,"" Happy: Dee-lighted. Scotland, and Wales. And here's where the unusual ','big fellow and took lively 'in- z.atlOn:Mrs. Edwin O. Bo~in of .that turns with the weather. Love the 1UW sweep from tapered Right now he's working as disposition {)f" Jack's financee terest' 'in the. iilterview. De 64 Musk?ka road a~ co~chair~~p. shoulders thru ho1'izonttd tiers to flaring hemline. All this along The well-informed: Those Who Should Know W~ereof oft'ice boy at the Detroit Free comes, in; , tlllned to, g.reet Jack's proud for spec~al" and central assIgn- with coats that you will wear anywhere. Again this year it will P " k f t I J L f Th Mil grandmother -- Nellie Mae ments;, Mrs. E. P. Grummel of bel H' . h 1 . bib k b 1 1 It' They Speak. ress, thE SIX wee S 0 ac ua ane everenz, 0 ree e Jt.-hm h' J.~~lto i f 615 Notre n'ame as h . e ame. a"r In tee tlSSlC e t. ac oy stye po 0 coal. I experience required in his col- drive, didn't even. wince when ~ ore,~ W 0 came n, 10m - co-c aIrman th f 't f 1 t t M t R' , Mrs. O.H.P. Belmont: Social Sultana. the porch to tell us, "Jack is a: in charge 'of campaigD:,events; e. avat's e. ~r. casu.a ?wn or coun 1'y wear. argare . ,~e I lege major: editoria.l journal- he explained that bit of fun. wonderful, wonderful boy-.,t " and Mrs. Be~nard Osnos of 1477 specs'!t versIon IS' hand pl~ked on l,!p~ls, pockets, cuffs, has f,n~ Sugar-daddy: Grand Old Provider or G.O.P. 1 Ii:;. World Adventure Series- a ~,f~~~c~~t,t~ng~f~~~~a~:l~:~ f:~ Well, Jack cleaned the Gales- Bal~oral ~rrve, De~roit,>as c~- ,Bn~llsh horn btJttons and IS ~e Of kt#e1' soft pure 100% camel . . t J k th' ld t- t 'burg lake of turtles before. he chaIrman .~n charge of training half. 76 Kerch'!'val, on the h,ll. Opera ftrst-nighters: The Turreted Tiara Set • George F. Plerro -gave ac e .,VIewers wou ,wan 0 see • • • . _.' b" . th' t the women volunteers ' * * * tip that the trip abroad was avail- how he did 'liis laundry. ' firushed' WIth a 'usmess a. .' - . . .. Ladies of the old guard: Staid and Steadies, or Stout and bl t hI" .,~, " ,.' amassed $75, the nest egg of his Mis. Vance 1S' a member of If you are a tYPIcal woman, y~u WIll like ty~cal womf:n every- :ss~t 0an~t~~~g :C~~teWt~~~~re~, . ThIS IS :top'secret fot' the thmg whole 'financial picture. the board of Franklin:Settlement wbere, sta!t your. f~ll housecleamng, AND .begIn to get 3rour fa,ll S~eadies. IS supposed .to have been taken ' " ' . ' , . .' ,,' . and has senred 'as a solicitor a wardrobe 111 condItIon. And when you begm don't undere~at. Earl Brink, on one of his.picture- on the travels, .but the couple' ~ we admrred.~il~U! Horat~o well ' , .: .' , , S what sending your fall clothes..to Queen Cleaners will do for them.' Summer: The Torrid Months. taking junkets. - went aver to War Memorial here Borre III, the busmess' man ob- io al at ~r~a, d~lS~on, 'tanndreg- Having lovely clothes cleaned at Queens Cleaners and Shirt Laund .. Irish Movie in the Pointe served,' n "C aIrman ~rmg ~ seven ere~ m.eans eJ;tending. the Uf~ of your, wardrobe. There are tw~ Rich Women: Doughty Dowagers. The assignment was Ireland, They 'got 'permissi~~ to use "i may not have,my,>fir.stdollar, ~ears she. has worked WIth the" b~nches her;e in the Pointe 16912 Kel;'cheval and 19834 Maclt, in the III • and Jack's jab was to 'help carry the pool in the gardens and ••• but there's my 'first turt~e:" orch Dnve: . '. VIllage. For pick-up dial WO*5-6*1~.lie M B' k"n 1 t h' q . Jane took the pictures while ' . ' Mrs. BOdkm;a vIce~presldent of r. t r(lt s p 10.ograp IC e. u 1 P-Jack pUlled piece after piece of _ " the United Foundation, has been Color you will ):Vear ... that is if your fashion is worth To Cholly Knickerbocker 1: men wo mOVIe cameras, 1,-0 a tiv' I t f d " ' 000' feet of .color film' two tri- laundry from the water._ , . Cen,ter t0 H 0Ld \. ~t'm ;0 Ufhary' ~n ~ra1Smg it's salt. And it is also color that your house will be wearing. Dollars were, of course, $$$$$$$$$. pads, etc.), assist in so:me of the A ,Grenard touch,is 'noti~e~ble C Il 'D'. ac IV~Ies, or e, past 15 :Y'e~rs.If you are receptive and eager for a change in colors ••• in A social cUmbe:' donned her "Annette- Kellermans" for a picture' taking and later prepare 'when the' fin~l piece of laundry' 0 eye ance S~et~S t ~e~~~r of th~, boar,~ new, fabrics you will find many new changes in Jacobson's the script for the travelog. turns out. to, be a filmy froth of ' o. e d ~':h St~~Fm~m.tySer: Mdip in the turbulent social seas." . Home pecorative SEop, in the village. New patterns and When Mr. Brink dashed over to feminine lingerie. ' Vlces,an p e . ranCISH0t?e fabriCs are arriving daily in their custom and fabric shop. Paris to 'have the color film- de: The' couple will be graduated Preparations are well under faIr ~rPAh.adnBOYdS,the. uso, Tr~v- Marriage break-ups always ~8me out, "the marital '. way fo~,:the Grasse Pointe War e ers l' an -Boys' Re bI" For example •.. there is a new' group of hand blocked linens barque floundered in th~ matrimonial seas." veloped, Ja~k continued on his from. MSU:-m¥a~ch. : If. the. army . ,. 1 C _ 1 '. . pu I~, gaudy'rus.set, natural, blue, pink, apricot and turquoise in JO. b re-tracmg. 1 000 ml'1'es where do~sn't- reach ...,...out '...... medlately , l'MemorIalS., d Center'ff D s annuathO ' 01t al Torch' Dnve agenCIes,', When a girl married she "embraced holy matrimony" weather •had prevented taking they hope to, be married and ege en -0 , ance' l~ ye~r, 0 Mrs. Grummel also ',is a mem- solids and prints Cotton denim is popular in some'ro<)InS and movies. dream of a '3D-foot ketch. or ,be" held ;Sa,tUI:d~y,~v~IUng, Sep- ber of the 'St. 'Fra~cis. bOard and they ar~ either striped'. or plain ••• and this department is , or "took a dip in the matrimonial seas." J He was able to contribute schooner that will take, them to .te~~r ..P". a~cordmg to, dance has been Torch Drive chairman capable of creating color schemes around the color of wall, al A girl was never simply beautiful; she was beautous. about 1,200 more, feet of 111m far away. places for mare movies. ,ge;nex: '.chaIrman Terry Snow-. for the, North i Central Region rug or curtains ypu already have and" want to keep. If ).ou ~or the Brink picture, "jnclud- He hopes to .take,his :tr~vel zp.ovic dar., " : . _ _' I: for .the past three, years. are not a genius with the needle they are. It's an art with Society didn't gu to the dogs ••• it went to t1:l,eoow- ing l1ne shots of shark-fishing an. a lecture tour nex~ Fall.' , ~ ~e:,!e. g~t.:lf '~he c~mml~t~is ~he '. Women's, Participation al them ~hen it comes to fashioning drapes ••• slipcovers and wows and Cafe Society was T-H ..A-T Set. in the bay off Achill Island. . Busy Family .~. set uP.. ~n..: n ar;,a~gem~ S uOlt wI~l.':undertake' t~ recruit upholstering' fine pieces. Visit them and discuss your biggest He photog~aphed. sharks 30 ,For his exciti,:g ovel'seas Su~- ar~ .no~.' ~em~ ~a.de, .. ~no~d.ay, and tram 15,~OO' volunteers for problems. Photographers were Knights of the Camera, and t~e feet Idng (barrdeSs to. man) mer,' Jack who -'IS the son .of',the salwd.. L'h' f -'" 'tt' ~ th d' the annual dnve. }. Ed d M G ' d' f S' t ea er perffiI 109,' e ance --,....--.------_ * .. * stuffier: ones within the ChC)lly Knickerbocker orbit, were the whose 1,500 pound, Ivers are war " r~ar s 0 omerse," I.U i:; i" h'ld' t" ; th l' Tar and Mothball set. . valuable in the production of road, sPent .only $3£0,.of,his, own' ,WId" ,;. .e ,.. o~l . 0tn e awn Did Jlou 'realize that, when you visit the Ann Louise BellUt, Vitamin' A. . . . . money-the biggest news bargain, ~ eI:,.,aI;l~ne~,"an ~rns. , Salon's Masstlge Sal0r' that j'OU can have YOUf' choice of II relaxmg, Then Jack took off on his own. qf ,1955.. " " _J f, ,C~upl~~ :(~~l ' d~I.l.cer,.to ..t~e 'S~ ~~ay, ••• stimulfltiflgJ or, reducing massage? All this' alang with " steam He no longer traveled in car with 'He has worked !l~s,way through' mus,Ic .oL'p0~:B.arber. ,and "~IS bath, alcohol rub and fllcial m.assage. No less. FO'f' an tlppointment driver but bough~. a bicycle at ~ol1ege.~All;' the , Grena~~ c- ar~ ,~rclies~a.:, "~I. ~, ' . , ;". ~ call TV. 2-7511• Dougias on the. Isle of 'Man' ':for worker-s.. :Mr.. G;renard- Is--m.:m--. ,Sc;!rvmg.,~n;th~,,ga~~e,cOn;~lt • ad !,Iay!' • * * ~avo,.ili3m,j . around twenty' dollar..s. , J ,'~ger of t~e Univer~~ty'C1:ub'a~d tee are.. ,~~~y .F~rsyth, >Pet~r The Isle of Man is ,peopled with national'llresident: of the Club-.Clements_.and ,~lck ..,;e,owes.. ~ Th~re she is. Her nam~ is Pam. Or Nancy or Judy or ", M "'As' 't' fA'" ,M!'l1"V"Kent ZrmmeI1man'heads .Barb. S?e won the twenty-five yar? free style swimming friendly souls, ,according 'to the' ana.g:ers. ~OCI~~~n '0 me!"l:-"" -"'C"". "'Ii ,.),.'", ,i;. '.-- 01 young traveler. For fnstance. the 'ca. MI:~.,Grenard is' ~ m~mber ~f. ,upd,t~~, \efres, IJl:f{t,.c~l~l~e meet this summer. Next week she Will be wearing a bow in man who sold him the."bike-also ,the Gro,s~ePointe ~blic Llbrar.y, an I fa~e ...Do~!; 'Y \w~ 1'"t e her hair and beginning fractions. See her? She's the one in drove him around the ~islan'd'fot :staff.,' . _ care 0 .d~corlltl~P.S.r~,':." the gay:plaid dress with the starchy white collar ••• her mr&. Ralph m Clark two days in his own::motorcycle'. Jack started' his b~ns! : In case: of:.~.a~r .adequ~te friends are weariJ?g ~a striped cotton ••• a jum~r ••• and a and side-car. Jack got some"'of . carreeFat, the-age';,ot nine~ 'At, com~o.d~t~~~~~;<.J~slde,w~ll twe~d s~irt. We .k~ow these girl.s visited Young Clothes, Iile., his best sequences there at the ' 'that ,,~e the famiIf- lived in. made, '.Snoyvday>"a~su~es... . on Itne hill. Ear I~ IS here they flpd. all their school and party MY FAVORITE: famous bicycle races. ', G~lesburg. nt, and hiS ,mo~her .To ~e _hel~",.~rom9: until ml~- , . ..' , ... ',. remembers m.th some dismay mght, a donatIon of $1.50' wIll., Wjlson'~Spalding, dresses .•• and In pre-teen sizes, too. And their'selection of Book A Man Called Peter , ~ero .W~~h.Beard ': ,driving ht}~e ~ith friends"fro~ be' aske~~"at, t~e":door.>~efresh- blouses? Lots. And it's suggested that they be monogrammed. Play The King and I To add color to hIS own mOVIes, the ,bridge club 'to fuld het',son' mep.~s..~p." b'~:'f!e~,.of ~~~ge. , , . ' Rawli~gs,; " - . * * *, ,. Jack grew a beard. t tr' th" "k t cor.. ; Traditlon'a1ly"a tremendously , A A ctress H e1en HaSHye d . "th film~ sr:..lr'In&, ur es on e s ee I aff' • - 'th ,'.' , co~ffure called, "charming elegance" radiates a feeling of a . - A l. e appeare., lD. , e, , 'ner..' , pop~ ar, ~rl WI the college, Foo,thalls demure we!l.mannered hair style. It means that the look ahead is Actor RIchard r e!l through two aevIces. One was to Sh th 'ht th t',1.-' a set; Sno.wdarexpects~a capacity' ... __ '. f ~ for emphasts on waves, smooth flowing lines clinging to head oon.~ . Th C' . Th F . h d th t' '11' e oug ere mus ue • ~ ,-, . tours and hair .lengths ~at taper down to short lengths at the,nape MOVIe :...... ree oms In e ountal~ an e camera. 0 a WI m~,pas~,::more',dignified' :job-:-but nothing, cro~d. ' '.It's,~a:,~onderf.ul oppor- '3.00' to 16.50 " , to ~rmi~ a trim necklIne. This ~reates the necessity of, ,a stynn~ Movie Actress Molly McGee s:~:;a TJ'~:t~lhg~~~~u~n'~ft'~~ ;~~, c~o~Id,diSco~~age hi~.ris~ng \ear!y, :;~~ty. i to bItdh,-all.,.y.~~rS,fri,ednds. that s ~lssored, into ~ay like thIS one,; and possibly' an ever-so .. . b' C, . , J~. ~mthe'mornmg to catch' turtlEs In '. u ~r ano er y.ear, noway." ,.,' " i .,young color ~int- to hJghl~ght your faded loeks. It means a visit to MOVIe Actor '" Ro ert Montgomery then Tush off. to do, the. actl~g., "', ' I 11lak" "ear' b' For 'a'-while saId. ",' . , " ' . -.. Brook$." The" h' 'ff" d" d'd h a sma en y. ", Th" '. ',' " the ,Ann-LoWS€ Beauty Salon, 405 Fisher Rd., TU. 2-'7511 for aft. Show "' What's Line rus mg 0 an:, a ma as' there ';were"three 'of';tU'rtl'es ':" ~~,e.wl~hm~ to.,;oQtain .tic~- polntment. ' A" ' TV MvU tubs Fa',otba "'Shoes

, P f (f)' J d G ( d back, to ,turn off the. c~!p~I;a,.~r!,!,at. the Greriards.', " " 'ets, prIor ..t,o,the dance" may, pick TV er ormer em. U Y ar an deftly: cut out. of'the fi~lshed'pw- 'Proof"'.Positive them" up \ at ,the 'Center., : ., " '.: ' * * * Sbn;eon,e who loves ice ,cre~ni has' written an' article in TV Performer (masc.) Arthur Godfrey ture. , . _' ' But Mis. Grenard' watched tur- :"" ' ' ' .' . 9.~~ ,to ,11.2'5 Women,s;. Day. It pr?ceeds to gIv~ SIXTY different ways to Magazine ~etter Homes and Gatd~ns The beard ,IS rather typical of, tIes turn into- quarters as, the No man c~ pull.~he wpol over" 11.25 Shoe. have Aluminum Cleats p~epar~ Ice cream. dIshes. And, that's' good, especially if you """d d R lV:f toda~'s ' young . CO~lege ~n children of Galesburg:,bougIit 'and .a~'Y~man's eyes wit.flout using, a ' " "'" : .. Commentator ~ war '. J.urrow .abro~d. Jack saId his was gen- . bought' and ,bought.>She 'decided might:Y'good' yarn. t pIck up you:r :f~vorIte flavor at your A&P store, 'in.the village. Columnist Walter Winchell erally accepted wherever he . , ' '. , " ",.... , Yummy. Best In t,own. , . ' Ii ••••••••• ' ,•• '.iI •••••• ' •• '~••• : ~ ' P t E- G t went (althoqgh he' didn't no- •• ,~ 'ii '''TEN~,I'S,',': ' • r' . oe agar ues tice ahything but -clean $aven , ,. . ,MATCHES. Next Mondt!y whet~ the family gets togeth~ jM" LablW DIIj Painter E. Bowen faces when he visited Oxford.) LEO, M. BIGGS CHEVROLET, INO. : &el~~rations you wilt probably take some of the jw,est jllmily Cartoon There Oughta Be a Law However, the ':first custom's, ' '" .'. Th, ~ustralian :pavia Cup Team v.: the U.S. Devi. Cu~ Stars, photo~ y"ou've ever taken. And should you mJed supplks like film C . t Al F 1 & H Sl. f man he met in 'New :York took ':' J' - , ' '" , .' \ ' : artooms aga y arry ,ller en ODelong look at him and asked, "8'930' Ke'"di'evof Avenue • ,~l) be held, Sept. 14 at the Hun~ and /I.asD blubs, etc. the Clltnera Center, in the 1Ju14g~, 'Wul b. Music Classical "What happened to your face?'" : Clvb., Ticket., may be purchas- glJUito 1'U!' them OVe1' to yout' home .,. ,. TV. 1-4~9.6lot' delwery. ed' 'at Gray'.. ' . Game , Badminton There are m:any .incidents' i~ ,. , ciiu,ounces .thut • , . . " \ I ',.~ " the Grenard nio~le, "Western .'. : \, Animal ! l!orse Britain:':'From I;och: Lomond to :,' . • I~~ ;f'- ~,.,b~~0. Person (excluding family) President Eisenhower Land~ End." ,+0' tell '~h~ story o~ :' ,{,,%~"":~~~"~~;~l~f~'~~• (>~?~~ J4~~ oC. U ' ~ ,- t ': ', ,: .... City ; Washington Gretpa Green, ,famous' for :an- ., ,'" 'en' " 'e'" :~ug'g'e- : . ..~.~ , • :,: ::':ii, cient' blacksmith shops and as : ,'. ,.", I • Vacation Spot : : Banff and Lake Louise th t thE l' h ouples, '1 '-;'. • a .spo were, ng I~ • c.' 883 St. 'C!lIir " ': • ) ~-" Je",el Diamond formerly hurried for qwck..mar- : . • 'f~~ Flower ~ : Carnation riages, Jack"qal1ed up()n\;th~J,tal-. ,.' • , ft'" '. : shoes, .e ents of, a p,r,et.,t,ygi.r:1.tour,)s,t./ .,'.", : IS G lye. ,~'. P el.l.ume Ne\,v H'orwlzons -r happened to 'be ..passmg',:by • now. sa,' ,e, s.,t,'~p,_'e~~.n, , , ' a. , • "Plet!Pipers" ar~ deslp~' for nUl. feet, She and are expertly fitted 1IJl~erthe dtrec- nance altz 'when he talked 'her into appear- : q' tlris firm" ,. " .: do. of Mr.' WllIlam McCourt. BxelUli... Food _ : ~ Sea Food ing in lithe American :movie.'~; A, • " '. " , " .. '.,' " : - 1Y., Peter PAD in Gro... PolItte. Ayersi?n Discontented Pe?pIe genial Scotsman took o~er at the : Phon'e: VA '1-9000. '. -:' - Residence~ TU..'2-9463 :' DiverSIon ~ BrIdge camera and made~five'pIctures of..• : ' ..' , ' - .'.' ,:., ,., " • 1-2262 ..' ,'PETER pAN Kerch.f)'" ,h,bition _ To ,Travel, 'Jack and the 'English .girl ,em~g-' : '•.•••••••••••.•••••••••• : , " 17°1" • • '" ~ l' • • • .. • .' I ,. i: 1- .' ~' • ~

'. "

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