£\0NAL4/ju STEB 1 9 3 4 VOLUME 23 NUMBER 65 Washington, Wednesday, April 2, 1958 TITLE 6— AGRICULTURAL CREDIT terest rates which exceed the last bond CONTENTS interest rate by more than 1 percent per Chapter I— Farm Credit annum. Agricultural Research Service Page Administration (Sec.-6, 47 Stat. 14, as amended; 12 U. S. C. Proposed rule making: 665. Interprets or applies secs. 12, 17, 39 Horsemeat and horsemeat prod Subchapter B— Federal Farm Loan System Stat. 370, as amended, 375, as amended; 12 ucts; eligibility of foreign Part 10—F ederal L and B anks G enerally U. S. C^771, 831) countries for importation into 2139 INTEREST RATES ON LOANS MADE THROUGH [SEAL] H arold T. M ason, U. S____________ 1 --------- ---------- ASSOCIATIONS Acting Governor, Agriculture Department Farm Credit Administration. See Agricultural Research Serv Effective March 19, 1958, the interest rate on loans being closed through na [F. R. D og. 58-2413; Filed, Apr. 1, 1958; ice. tional farm loan associations by the Fed 8:49 a. m.] Civil Aeronautics Board eral Land Bank of Louisville and by the Notices: Federal Land Bank of Wichita was re Hearings, etc.: duced from 5 V2 percent per annum to 5 TITLE 24— HOUSING AND American Airlines, Inc., en percent per annum; and effective April HOUSING CREDIT forcement, case____________ 2144 1,1958, the interest rate on loans being National Airlines, Inc., en closed, through national farm loan asso Chapter I— Federal Home Loan Bank forcement proceeding_____ 2144 ciations by the Federal Land Bank of Sfcr Board Proposed rule making: ~ Louis will also be 5 percent per annum Subchapter 3— Federal Home Loan Bank System Turbine-powered transport cat instead of 5 x/2 percent per annum.
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