THE MAY 2007 COVERCOVER STORY:STORY: GOINGGOING FORFOR THETHE GOALS,GOALS, P.P. 1818 AARONICAARONIC PRIESTHOOD:PRIESTHOOD: THETHE UNSEENUNSEEN POWER,POWER, P.P. 22 LEARNINGLEARNING FROM FROM YOURYOUR PATRIARCHALPATRIARCHAL BLESSING,BLESSING, P.P. 1414 WHYWHY II BELIEVEBELIEVE THETHE BOOKBOOK OFOF MORMON,MORMON, P.P. 2834 BEINGBEING AA BROTHER,BROTHER, P.P. 3030 The New Era Magazine ucceeding Volume 37, Number 5 May 2007 in a sport Official monthly publication takes for youth of S The Church of Jesus Christ determinationS to of Latter-day Saints keep on trying. The New Era can be found See “Play It Again, in the Gospel Library at Sam,” p. 18. Editorial Offices: New Era 50 E. North Temple St. Rm. 2420 Salt Lake City, UT 84150-3220, USA E-mail Address:
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