Public toilets Galleries Public toilets (1 Apr – 31 Oct only) DB Hbf. Q Customer toilets are located Galerie 99 in all multi-storey car parks ] W Art de Temple E Galerie Muschik Q R Glasstudio Bergmann Q I Discover Kleberstr. W T Graphik-Cabinet (prints and drawings) Q Johannisburg Palace Aschaffenburg Y Kornhäuschen This red sandstone palace is one of the most significant U RW KunstLANDing and beautiful Renaissance buildings in Germany. Its unique E I KunstSalon features include the chapel (decorated by Hans Juncker in includes a map R O Werkstattgalerie the early 17th century), the royal living quarters, the world’s of the town centre W largest collection of architectural models made from cork, [ the state gallery with paintings by Lucas Cranach the Elder and the palace museum, which houses works by Ernst Ludwig P {A Kirchner and Christian Schad. Q Q o The state gallery, the vestment chamber and the royal living T quarters are currently closed as a result of ongoing restoration works to the palace. I U O W Palace garden Y Schloßg. p Y U E Designed by Friedrich Ludwig Sckell in the 18th century, the Magnolia palace garden covers the area between Johannisburg Palace } grove I and the Pompeiianum. In addition to the leafy promenade T q yT P Ot u i offering beautiful views, the garden is home to impressive w r U features that include a neoclassical ‘breakfast temple’ and a { Fountains and memorials mediterranean-style landscape surrounding the Pompeiianum Y with figs, agaves, almond trees and vines. Information e Q Brentano fountain RO Tourist Information W E St Germain terrace fountain E The Pompeiianum Schloßplatz 2 · 63739 Aschaffenburg E Sculpture commemorating T: +49.6021.395800 · F: +49.6021.395802 King Ludwig I of Bavaria commissioned this replica of a Roman the first German driving school Email:
[email protected] villa in Pompeii, the only one of its kind in the world and a R Owl fountain marvel of interior design and decoration.