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U. S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY RADIOCARBON DATES VIII* BETSY LEVIN, Patricra C [HADIOCARllO:", VOL. 7, 1965, P. 372-3981 U. S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY RADIOCARBON DATES VIII* BETSY LEVIN, PATRICrA c. IVES, CHARLES 1.. OMAN and MEYER RUBIN U. S. Geological Survey, Washington, D. C. This list contains the results of measurements made during 1963 and 196~. Samples are counted in the form of acetylene gas, as previously, and ages computed using the Libby half-life of 5568 -+- 30 yr. The error listed is always larger than the one-sigma statistical counting error commonly used, takes into account known uncertainty lahoratory factors, but does not include external (field or atmospheric) variations. Unless otherwise stated, collectors of all samples are members of the U. S. Gcological Survey. SAMPIJ'~ DESCIUPTIONS A. Eastern U. S. \Varnl Mineral Springs series, Florida Charcoal from stratified marl on ledge 45 It below surface of spring now discharging connate water, Warm Mineral Springs, Sarasota County, sec. 24, T 39 S, R 20 E (27° 03' 35" N Lat, 82° 15' 38" W Long), Florida. Coll. 1962 and subm. by H. K. Brooks, Cniv. of Floric1a, Gainesville. Comment (H.K.B.) : d('posit represents history of spring from an open sink to the present Rowing connat() sprin?;, material being deposited on the ledge as water tahle rose in postglacial time. W-1243 represents last phase ill rising of water table just he­ fore black organic oozes of the connate spring began to accumulate; it is as­ ~;umed sealevel was approaching its present position. W-124.J represents a stage in which frt'sh water stood in the sink above the ledge. W·1245 and W-1242 represent phases when sealevel was (est.) ca. 90 ft lower than now. W-l153 is from zon(~ largely suhaerial in origin and marks beginning of deposition. 8520 -+ 400 W-1243. Charcoal, top 6570 B.C. Sample coIl. from top of stratified subaerial and fresh-water marl. 8600 -+- 400 W-1241. Charcoal, -37 ft 6650 B.C. Sample colI. from middle zone of fresh-water marl, alt -;)7 ft. 9370-+-400 W-1245. Charcoal, -38 ft 7420 B.C. Sample colI. at aIt -38 It. This zone is transitional to fresh-water marls of zone above, and still contains many plant remains and terrestrial vertebrate bones. 9500 -+- 400 W-1242. Charcoal, -38.5 ft 7550 B.C. From predominantly fresh-water marl. * Publication authorized by the Director, U. S. Geological Survey. 372 Downloaded from https://www.cambridge.org/core. IP address:, on 27 Sep 2021 at 01:38:41, subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use, available at https://www.cambridge.org/core/terms. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0033822200037322 Betsy Lavin, Patricia C. lves, Charles L. Oman and Meyer Rubin 373 9870 -I- 370 W-1153. Chareoal') -39 ft 7920 B.C. From impure marl and travertine containing large amounts of wood and lpuwf'. 7390 -I- 500 W-1306. Penohs(~ot Bay') Maine 5440 B.C. Wood from N part of Penobscot Bay 01,0 25' 22" N Lat, 68° 49' 58" ~r Long), Maim" core sample just above prominent sub-bottom reHecting horizon~ fairly continuous throughout hay. Horizon represents sandy, pel)bly zone in marine ~ilts and clays, on-rlying glacial sediments and bedrock, and extending to pH'sent water hottom. Sandy, pehhly zone formed during an emNgent phase of hay ~('dim(,lltatioll. ColI. 1959 by R. L. Cory; suhm. by C. Ostericher, U. S. Navy Oceanographic Office, Suitland. Maryland. Comment (C.O.) : date defines upper limit of age of emergence. Barnstahle series') :Massachusetts Pcat cut from vertical marsh hank on NW side of Scorton Creek opposite S end of Wicks Island, Great Marsh, Barnstahle (4,1° 43' 36" N Lat, 70° 21' :i9" \V Long), Massachust-'tts. Bank is composed oI successive layers of peat fornwd at inlt'rtidal levels and capped with thin layer of high marsh peat. Layl'fs of sandy silt alternate with layers of fibrous silt, the layers incH'asing in thickness downward and underlain by hard sand 6.7 £t below marsh surface. Coll. 1963 by A. C. Redfield, B.L(·vin~ and T. K. Newbury; subm. by B. Levin. Comment (A.c.n.): dates give rate of accumulation of peat during intertidal stage when accumulation depends on sf'dimentation rate rather than change in sl'alevel. Accumulation rate is 6.9 X 10-3 ft/yr, rise in sealevel is 3.3 X 10-:1 ft/yr (Hedfieid and Rubin, 1962). \Vith 60 layl'rs in 610 yr~ stratifica­ tion does not represent annual growth. o +- 200 W-1342. Upper peat A.D. 1950 Sample colI. 0.9 to 1.1 £t below surface of marsh. 610 -I- 250 W-1319. Lower peat A.D. 1340 Sample colI. 5.1 to 5.3 It bdow surface of man-h. Distancl' lwtwef'n ('{·nters. iJ,.2 ft. W-1187. Zacks Cliff, Martha')s Vineyard') 15')300 +- 800 l\lassachusetts 13')350 B.C. Leaves, needlt·s, fruits, etc. from thin·hedded gray silty clay, hase of Zacks Cliff, Gay Head, Martha's Vineyard (41° 40' N Lat, 70° 50' W Long), Massachusetts. CoIl. 1962 and subm. hy C. A. Kaye. Comment (C.A.K.) : clay overlies middle \Viscollsin solifluction gravel and compact till of early Wis­ consin age. Date supports interpretation that clay is probably associated with the next drift (lak Wisconsin), which does not overlie the clay-sand sequence in this stretch of cliff. Downloaded from https://www.cambridge.org/core. IP address:, on 27 Sep 2021 at 01:38:41, subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use, available at https://www.cambridge.org/core/terms. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0033822200037322 :..n/] Betsy Lelt'in, Patricia C. Iv('~, Charles L. ()nwn and ill('yer Rubin Quaker Basin series, New York Peat from small elongate swamp 312 mi SE of De Ruyter village, S\V :Yladison County (42° 40' :30" N Lat, 75° 50' W Long), New York. ColI. 1962 and subm. by C. D. Holmes. Univ. of Missouri, Columbia. Comment (C.D.H.) : dak obtained for W-I2:10 n'pn'l'ents (·arIy postglacial for this locality. W-I231 is problematical: date is HypsitlH'rmal and may represf'nt mostly the wooCly portion; pollen from the matrix (nOlH\'oody portion) records a cold interval Iwrhaps several hundred yr earIi(·r. 10,650 -+- 300 W-1230. Silty peat 8700 B.C. Diatom-rich silt with rootlds and other vegetal [('mains colt from hase of swamp deposit, at depth of 11 to 11.5 ft. 6300 -+- 300 W-1231. Woody peat 4350 B.C. Samplf' coIl. from "log ZOlll'" ·1, It higher in ~wction than \V·12:-W. Pollen analysis indicates a return to 95~:i coniferous pollen following an interval dur­ ing which elm-hirch-maple had hecome ('ammon. W-1389. Washington, D. C. >38,000 Oak log from excavation S of Virginia Ave. hetween 25th and 26th S1., N.\V., (;:~9° 00' N Lat, 77° 02' W Long), \Vashington, D. C. From an irregular dl'pressioll on surface of baesment rocks underlying 2 It sandy day~ 2:1 It iron­ stained gravel, and 6 ft fill at top. ColI. 196::3 by Hussell .Morris; subm. hy Henry \V. Coult(·r. Comment (H.\V.C.): dates the hasal clay, a continuous stratigraphic horizon in the area boundt'dhy Pennsylvania Ave., Constitution Ave.. and Rock Cn·ek. B. Central U. S. Big Bone Liek series, Kentucky Samples of wood from Big Bone IJick Salt Spring, 2 mi E of Ohio Rin'r, Boone County (38° 52' :)2" N Lat, 81° 4.5' \V Long), Kentucky. Coli. 1963 and suhm. hy F. C. \Vhitmon·. Comment (F.C.\V.) : date of \V-L358 prohably indi­ cates agt'(. of the following(., mammals recovered from the same level in the ex- cavation : Equus d. complicatus. Mrlodon sp., JIammut americanus. and ilIam- mut./ws sp. \V-1357 came from same horizon as \V·908, <250 (USGS VI). Young date may l)(:· due to reworking as evidenced by the mixed assemblage in the same horizon containing the Adena pendant (see below), worn prohoscid­ can hones, relatively fresh hones of Bison hison, and the \v()od. 10,600 -+- 250 W-1358. Wood with tusk 8650 B.C. \Vood asociated with prohoscidean tusk near top of gray silty clay a few inches hf'low oxidized zone. W-1357. Wood with hones <200 Sample from lwar top of gran'llayer containing abundant bones of Bison bison as well as Ovibos, Cervus d. canadcns£s, and Odocoileus sp. From same lewl as slate pendant id. as representing the Adena Indian culture of 1500 to 2000 B.P. Downloaded from https://www.cambridge.org/core. IP address:, on 27 Sep 2021 at 01:38:41, subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use, available at https://www.cambridge.org/core/terms. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0033822200037322 U. S. Ceological Survey Radiocarbon Dales VIIJ 375 21,080 -+- 400 W-1353. Reidland, Kentucky 19,130 B.C. Small gastropod and pelecypod shells~ % mi NE of Beidland~ McCracken County (37 0 00' N Lat, 88° 34' W Long) ~ K('ntucky~ coIl. from si1t~ probably accumulated in a lake dammed by rapid alluviation downstream. Damming eaust'd Tennt'ss{'t' Hiver to be diverted for short time to flow norl-hward into Ohio Hiwr which occupied Cache Valley. CoIL 1963 and suhm. by ~T. 'V. OliH'. Cornrnent (\-V.\V.O.) : date indicates Tazc\vell age for the sediments. .' ~ 12,740 -+- 300 W-944. West Felidana Parish, Louisiana 10,790 B.C. 'Vood from sedimt'llts along Tunica Bay()u~ believed to lit' late Pkistocent' huried valley, N\V Yt NE ];'~ sec.
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