Cannabidiol Reduces Withdrawal Symptoms in Nicotine Dependent Rats Lauren C. Smith,1, 2 Lani Tieu,2 Ray Suhandynata,3 Brent Boom
Cannabidiol reduces withdrawal symptoms in nicotine dependent rats Lauren C. Smith,1, 2 Lani Tieu,2 Ray Suhandynata,3 Brent Boomhower, 2 Melissa Hoffman,3 "adira Sepulveda,$ Jeremiah D. Momper,$ Robert Fitzgerald,3 Kate Hanham,+ Joseph &owling,+ Marsida Kallupi, *1, 2 and Olivier George., 1, 2 1Department of Neuroscience, The Scripps Research Institute, 10550 N. Torrey Pines Rd. La ol!a, CA 92037 %Department of Psychiatry, University of Ca!ifornia, San Diego School of Medicine, San Diego, "# 92093 &Department of Pathology, University of Ca!ifornia, San Diego School of Medicine, San Diego, "# 92093 ,Division of Pharmaceutica! Sciences, University of Ca!ifornia, San Diego Skaggs School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutica! Sciences, La Jol!a, CA 92093 5". Sciences, Inc., 10070 Barnes Canyon Road, San Diego, CA 92121 *Correspondence to: mka!!upi1hea! and olgeorge1hea! 'unding and Disclosure This work was supported by the Nationa! Institute on Drug Abuse (grant no. 1F31D#047113-01 to L.C.S.), Nationa! Institute on A!cohol Abuse and A!coholism (grant no. ##022977 and A#006420 to O.G.), Tobacco-Re!ated Disease Research Program (grant no. 27IR-0047 to O.G.), Tobacco-Re!ated Disease Research Program (grant no. T31KT1859 to 1 +.K.) and CV science (9.G.). Joseph Dow!ing and Kate Hanham are CE9 and Acting Sr. VP of Deve!opment of C. Sciences, Inc. The authors would like to thank Mol!y Brennan, Sharona Sedighim, Liese!ot Carrete, Hassiba Be!djoud and Nathan Ve!arde for providing he!p with the study. /uthor Contributions +;, O:, K=, and JD designed the experimentA LCS and LT performed the behaviora! experiments, nicotine and cotinine blood extraction.
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