



TIME : 7.15 PM



CO-OPTED MEMBERS: Representative of Bedfordshire Police: Inspector Graham Bates Dr Nasrin Razzaq & Paul Lindars, Luton Clinical Commissioning Group Ward Representative(s):



From 6.00 p.m. to 7.15 p.m. Ward Forums will take place. The Forums will enable issues that are specifically relevant to each Ward to be discussed.

The Area Board will commence at 7.15 p.m.

PURPOSE: To enable the Council to effect locally based communication, consultation and decision-making.

This meeting is open to the public and you are welcome to attend.

For further information, or to see the papers, please contact us at the Town Hall:

IN PERSON, 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday, or  CALL Democratic and Member Services on 01582 546070 or

ACCESS the Council’s Committee Management Information System (CMIS) at Arrangements can be made for access to meetings for disabled people.

If you would like us to arrange this forPage you, 1 ofplease 43 call us on 546070.





1. 11th March 2014 2.1/1-2.1/6





1. ROTHERAM AVENUE TO BE TURNED INTO A 7.1/1 – 7.1/3 ONE WAY SYSTEM: (Report of Head of Engineering and Street Services)

8. HEALTHWATCH LUTON GP REVIEW – REPORT AND 8/1 – 8/12 RECOMMENDATIONS (Healthwatch Luton Project Officer)

9. YOU SAID, WE’RE DOING: NEIGHBOURHOOD GOVERNANCE 9/1 – 9/8 PROGRESS REPORT (Report of the Community Development Project Manager)

10. AREA REPORT 10/1 – 10/8 (Report of the Head of Policy & Performance)


12. DATE OF NEXT MEETING: 12TH November 2014

Contact Officer: Angela Fraser Direct Line: 01582 546070 Page 2 of 43 AGENDA ITEM

SOUTH LUTON AREA BOARD 2.1 11th March 2014 at 7.30 p.m.

PRESENT: Councillor Sharif (Chair), Councillors Ashraf, Farooq, Gale, Hussain, O’Callaghan, Taylor and Timoney

1. MINUTES (REFS: 2.1)

Resolved: That the Minutes of the meeting of the Board held on the 13th November 2013 be taken as read, approved as a correct record and signed by the Chair.


The Board was reminded of the purdah restrictions due to the by-election In the Farley Ward On 13th March 2014.

The Chair informed the Board of a request from members of the community to change the time of future Ward Forums to 6.00 pm – 7.00 pm and to bring forward the start of the Board meeting to 7.15 pm. After discussion, changes were unanimously agreed for future Ward Forums and the Board meetings as follows:  Ward Forums meetings would start at 6.00 pm and end at 7.00 pm;  Board meetings would start at 7.15 pm until finish.

Resolved: That with immediate effect, South Luton Area Ward Forums and the Board meetings times would be changed as follows:  Ward Forums meetings would start at 6.00 pm and end at 7.00 pm;  Board meetings would start at 7.15 pm until finish.


Feedback on key issues discussed at each ward was provided as follows:

Dallow Ward:  Congestion and parking issues;  Pot holes;  Rubbish.

Farley Ward:  Vehicles parking fully on pavements;  Water leak – reported to Thames Water;  Cars driving wrong way – Stockwood Crescent

South Ward:

 Parking on pavements;Page 3 of 43

2.1/1  Bins causing obstruction on pavements;  Unauthorised Traveller encampments causing frustration, as issue raised by Ward Forum for years, but no actions appeared to have been taken.

Cllr Taylor commented a scheme to narrow the junction at the London Road end to address the issue of cars driving the wrong way up Stockwood Crescent, was in next year’s work programme, but it was competing with other high priorities schemes.

Cllr Gale commented the effectiveness of Ward Forums was being compromised as Ward Councillors were not getting feedback well before the next meeting from officers on actions taken on issues raised and requested to be followed up by Ward Forums. He asked that officers be instructed to deal with actions and speak to Ward Councillors.

The Board agreed that relevant officers should contact and update Ward Councillors on actions taken on issues raised at Ward Forums, well before the following meeting, to ensure the effectiveness of Ward Forums.

Resolved: (i) That feedback on the top key issues from the ward forums be noted;

(ii) That the Area Board Support Officer ensures the Board’s instructions are passed on to relevant officers to deal with actions taken on issues raised at Ward Forums and to update the relevant Ward Councillors well before the following meeting, to ensure the effectiveness of Ward Forums.


A member of the public raised an issue about nuisance motorcycles late at night in Whitehill Avenue. She was informed the matter had already been raised at Ward Forum and noted by the Police. Any information to help identify the offenders, e.g. registration numbers and helmet details requested to be passed to the Police, which had a dedicated team looking at car crews problems.

Another member of the public questioned why the ‘You said, We’re doing’ leaflet was in colour in time of austerity. In answer, the Neighbourhood Governance Manager explained this new document was produced in-house to keep costs down, and provided important feedback to the community on the progress of key priorities and advertised opportunities for volunteering and training courses. He said that the Council and its partners believed that giving positive feedback to residents on their work to address community priorities in the Area was important and a way of trying to encourage wider involvement of local people in the decision making process . He welcomed feedback and said so far members of the community and other interested parties liked it better than the old black and white reports which ceased 6 – 9 months previously.

Responding to questions on how money allocated to projects had been spent, the Area Board Support Officer explained as follows: Page 4 of 43

2.1/2  In relation to the Active Youth Dallow (AYD) project (DA 514), none of the money had yet been allocated, as some equipment was obtained through the Council procurement process. £1800 remained unspent. The Chair added that some Board Members had visited the project as part of the accountability procedure;  In relation to Bedfordshire Rural Council Dallow Greenspaces project, as no update was available, they would be contacted for a response.

Another member of the public asked if residents at the top of Strathmore Avenue would be getting a council tax rebate as more flights had moved off trail and flying over their houses.

The Area Board Support Officer said it had not been possible so far for the Airport Operations Director to attend a Board meeting to answer residents’ concerns. However, he added the Airport Operations Director had now agreed to attend a special meeting in the Council Chamber at Luton Town Hall at 6.00 pm on 14th April 2014. All residents on the database for the South Luton Area Board would be invited to attend.

Another member of the public concerned that planning permission for airport expansion had been agreed behind closed doors by the Council was informed that the Development Control Committee met in public and that the final decision was a matter for the Secretary of State.

Resolved: That the Area Board Support Officer invite all residents on the database for the South Luton Area Board to the special meeting with the Airport Operations Director in the Council Chamber at Luton Town Hall at 6.00 pm on 14th April 2014.

5. PETITION - ROTHERAM AVENUE TO BE TURNED INTO A ONE WAY SYSTEM (REF: 6.1) Abdus Salaam, the Highways Assessment Engineer, presented the report of the Head of Engineering and Street Services (Ref: 6.1).

He said at its last meeting, the Board had considered a petition requesting that Rotheram Avenue be turned into a one-way road and resolved that a public consultation exercise be carried out in the Rotheram Avenue area and the outcome be reported back to the next meeting of the South Luton Area Board.

He added the public consultation had been carried out and that 64% of respondents were against making the whole of Rotheram Avenue a one-way road.

In view of this result, he requested the Board to consider an alternative option of a part-time ‘no left turn’ onto Rotheram Avenue from Friars Way, operational only between 08.15 hrs to 09.15 hrs and 14.45 to 15.45. This would effectively make part of Rotheram Avenue one-way during the times of congestions, which should address residents’ concerns. He said that if this option was approved by the Board, a further public consultation would be required. Page 5 of 43

2.1/3 A discussion followed with a number of points made as follows:  It would be difficult to ‘police’ the part-time restrictions;  Double parking posed a serious risk to residents;  A one-way system for the whole of the road would be inconvenient to residents of Rotheram Avenue at all time, when the problem was only during morning and afternoon due to the school;  Flashing LED signs would operate at school times in the morning and afternoon;  Traffic would be faster on a one-way road, which could pose a road safety risk;  Believed speed was unlikely to be an issue in Rotheram Avenue;  The original petition was from people in the area of Rotheram Avenue, but the Council consultation was with residents of Rotheram Avenue, who would most be affected by any change;  Anyone could respond to an open legal consultation;  There was a two thirds ‘against’ and one third ‘for’ split in the responses to the consultation from people living in Rotheram Avenue;  A one-way system in Rotheram Avenue would have an impact on other roads in the area.

Following the discussion, the Board noted the report and the outcome of the consultation, and agreed to consider the alternative option of a part-time ‘no left turn’ onto Rotheram Avenue from Friars Way, operational only between 08.15 hrs to 09.15 hrs and 14.45 to 15.45 during school times, subject to the outcome of a fresh consultation with the original consultees, which was to be reported back to the next meeting of the South Luton Area Board on 23rd June 2014

Resolved: (i) That the report (Ref: 6.1), including the outcome of the original consultation be noted.

(ii) That a further consultation with the original consultees in Rotheram Avenue be carried out on the alternative option of a part-time ‘no left turn’ onto Rotheram Avenue from Friars Way, operational only between 08.15 hrs to 09.15 hrs and 14.45 to 15.45 during school times, and the outcome reported back to the next meeting of the South Luton Area Board on 23rd June 2014.


The Neighbourhood Governance Manager introduced his report (Ref: 7), the purpose and headlines of which he said he had explained in answer to a public question at Minute 4 above. He invited Paul Lindars of the Luton Clinical Commissioning (CCG) Group to address the Board on health issues.

Paul Lindars gave an overview of the purpose of Luton CCG, the main commissioners of health services in Luton. He said the CCG took the opportunity to gain feedback from residents about health issues and where they would like to see improvements, through the town-wide Neighbourhood Governance survey. He added the main comments received from people were that they were not Page 6 of 43

2.1/4 particularly happy with some elements of access to General Practice and would like it to be easier to get appointments with their GPs.

He further said the survey also revealed that General Practice performance was variable, with some performing very well and others not so well for certain elements of GP service, depending on the area demographics and patient expectations.

He informed the Board, there would be a big push in 2014/15 for patients to be able to directly book appointments and order repeat prescriptions online and to have additional access to their GPs on top of traditional methods, e.g. telephone consultations.

Answering questions, Paul Lindars provided further information as follows:

 It would take time to get all Practices to address variations in standards. It was NHS England that actually commissioned GP services, not the CCG, but the CCG was working with Practices to try and improve services and reduce variability;  Currently many GPs tended not to go out of their Practice boundary to see patients;  Community Services are improving through initiatives such as ‘My Care’ an administrative team involving the Keech Hospice allowing health care professionals such as the McMillan Nursing team, providing co-ordination in relation to palliative/ end of life care and psychological services;  The CCG was currently going through the process to re-procure mental health services and community health services, using the ‘competitive dialogue’ procurement process. The CCG was involving service users in this commissioning process to assess bidders’ responses how they intended to improve services;  The CCG had no control over GP opening hours, as controlled by NHS England contracts, but the CCG did exercise influence.

Resolved: That the progress report of the Neighbourhood Governance Manager (Ref: 7) be noted.


The Area Board Support Officer presented his report (Ref: 8), updating the Board on issues that were raised following the last meeting.

He advised the Board that the balance in the Area budget of £4,149.00 had transferred to Participatory Budgeting.

He added there were no funding applications to be considered by the Area Board, but one Group was seeking to develop a Bike Trail project at Dallow Downs and was looking for financial support of up to £500.00 from the Participatory Budget, for a partyPage made 7 of up 43 of local residents, councillors and 2.1/5 community development officers to visit a working Bike Trail in Bristol on 28th March 2014.

The project lead spoke in support of the request, informing the Board the project would benefit parents and their children on cycling or walking together. He added the project would enable the community to keep and use green space for recreational purposes.

The Area Board Support Officer said enquiries were still on-going about the travel arrangements, to keep the cost down to possibly less than the £500.00.

Following discussion, the Board unanimous agreed to fund the visit by up to £500.00 and requested feedback be provided at its next meeting 23rd June 2014.

Resolved: (i) That the report of the Area Board Support Officer (Ref: 8) be noted;

(ii) That the request for funding support for the visit to the Bristol Bike Trail of up to £500.00 be approved;

(iii) That the Area Board Support Officer be requested to arrange for feedback to be provided about the Bristol Bike Trail visit to the next meeting of the Board on 23rd June 2014.


Resolved: (i) That the following items be added to the South Area Board Work Programme: . Petition - Rotheram Avenue to be turned into a One Way System - Outcome of further consultation on the alternative option of a part- time ‘no left turn’ onto Rotheram Avenue from Friars Way, operational only between 08.15 hrs to 09.15 hrs and 14.45 to 15.45 during school times . Dallow Downs Bike Trail Project - Feedback on the Bristol Bike Trail visit


Monday 23rd June 2014 (to be confirmed)

(Note: Special meeting with Airport Operations Director to be held in the Council Chamber at Luton Town Hall at 6.00 pm on 14th April 2014. All residents on the database for the South Luton Area Board would be invited to attend).

(Note: The meeting ended at 8.30 p.m.)

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DATE: 23RD JUNE 2014











1. To report to the South Luton Area Board results of a public consultation calling for Rotheram Avenue to be made part-time one-way.


2. That the South Luton Area Board is recommended:-

(i) to note that a Council consultation has been issued to the residents of Rotheram Avenue, Tinsley Close and Friars Way on the introduction of a part-time ‘no left turn’ from Friars Way onto Rotheram Avenue effectively making the majority of Rotheram Avenue one-way, operational only during the school-run the results of which can be found as Appendix A of this report and.

Page 9 of 43 7.1/1

(ii) that in the light of the results of the Council consultation the Area Board determine whether or not to introduce a part-time ‘no left turn’ from Friars Way onto Rotheram Avenue effectively making the majority of Rotheram Avenue one-way, operational only during the school-run..


3. Rotheram Avenue currently operates part one-way in the direction of Friars Way towards South Drift Way; this was instigated in September 2009 before the opening of the Barnfield South Academy in order to ease traffic congestion outside St. Margaret of Scotland Catholic Primary School. Discussions were held at the time that this may need to be extended to cover all of Rotheram Avenue when the new Academy was fully operational.

4. A Petition consisting of approximately 64 signatures was received in 2013 stating ‘We the Residents of Tinsley Close/Rotheram Avenue and Friars Way are signing this petition to get Rotheram Avenue turned into a one- way system to ease traffic congestion’. On the basis of this Petition a Council consultation was carried out with the residents.

5. The results of the standard Council consultation carried out in January 2014 demonstrated that 62% of the residents that responded opposed turning the entire length of Rotheram Avenue one-way.

Contacted Properties No. Responses of No. Responses Percentage Are you in favour of of making the entire Road Name length of Rotherham

Ave one-way?

YES NO Friars Way 16 14 88% 3 11 Rotheram Avenue 51 44 86% 19 25 Tinsley Close 61 24 40% 9 15 31 51 Totals 128 82 64% 37% 62%

6. During the Council consultation; a counter-petition was organised by the residents of Rotheram Avenue opposing the proposal to make the entire length of Rotheram Avenue one-way. The crux of the objection was that congestion is only an issue due to the School and therefore issues are only prevalent during the school runs.

7. Based on a more detailed analysis of the results, the Area Board on 11th March 2014 requested that a further Council consultation be carried out with the residents and the School as to whether to introduce a part-time Page 10 of 43 7.1/2

‘no left turn’ from Friars Way onto Rotheram Avenue effectively making the majority of Rotheram Avenue one-way, operational only during the school-run.


8. In accordance with the Area Board’s request a further Council consultation was commissioned asking the residents of Rotheram Avenue, Tinsley Close and Friars Way and the School for their views on the introduction of a part-time ‘no left turn’ from Friars Way onto Rotheram Avenue effectively making the majority of Rotheram Avenue one-way, operational only during the school-run.

9. The deadline for all submissions to the Council consultation is the 23rd June 2014 and can be found as an Appendix to this report. Early indications are that residents are not in favour of the introduction of a part- time ‘no left turn’ from Friars Way onto Rotheram Avenue effectively making the majority of Rotheram Avenue one-way, operational only during the school-run; however this is subject to change as the results become clear.


10. There are no direct legal implications at this stage; however should the recommendations be progressed then a part-time no left turn banning order will be needed. This Report was agreed by J. Newman in Legal Services on 9 June 2014.


11. There is an allocated budget of £15,000:00 set aside within the Engineering & Street Services approved capital programme for 2014/15.


To follow

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DATE: 23rd June 2014

SUBJECT: Petition – Maple Road West & Maple Road East

REPORT BY: Jennifer Wyatt – Enforcement Officer

CONTACT OFFICER: Jennifer Wyatt (01582) 546860








1. The purpose of this report is to respond to a petition signed by 32 residents of Maple Road West – East Luton on 19th March 2014 regarding continual fly-tipping in this area.


2. It is recommended that officers highlight this location as requiring a longer term permanent solution which can be achieved by funding for two static CCTV cameras to be installed for the safety - health and wellbeing of the community of Maple Road West - East.

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3. The Residents of Maple Road East – West signed a petition with 32 signatures (See appendix A) to requesting a camera (CCTV) is deployed to at this location to deter persons whom illegally deposit waste at this location.

4. This location has been known as a hotspot for environmental anti social behaviour and crime for a number of years and has had temporary CCTV installed to deter this activity and capture valuable evidence.

5. Officers in Environmental Enforcement Unit considered concerns of the residents and have taken the following actions to make Maple Road East – West to alay resident fears and improve the local environmental quality standard:

 Waste from the Public Highway has been removed by Luton Borough Councils Cleansing Department.

 Discussions are on going between Luton Borough Councils Environmental Enforcement Unit and Luton Town Football ground regarding removal of waste from Luton Town Football Grounds land.

 A “No Fly tipping” sign has been erected by the Environmental Enforcement Unit to warning persons that fly tipping is a criminal offence and the maximum penalty is £50,000.

 A temporary WCCTV camera (supplied by the Environmental Enforcement Unit) has been installed in Maple Road West to reduce Environmental concerns and obtain critical evidential footage.

6. The Councils Environmental Unit has monitored Maple Road West and via CCTV has observed two vehicles illegally deposit waste which are currently being investigated. The demand for the WCCTV camera is very high and there is pressure for its removal and deployment to another location.

7. This is a concern to officers who are working with other departments to try to secure a longer term solution for residents.

Page 13 of 43 7.2/2


8. The proposal is for 2 Static camera’s to be installed @ Maple Road West – East, these will be monitored by the CCTV control room at the Council 24 hours a day. 9. The cost for 2 x camera’s are estimated @ £25’000 each. **Jennifer this is estimated as Jason Butler was not about**

10. If the Council purchased these Camera’s it would give the residents of Maple Road West – East better protection, safety - health and wellbeing in the community





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1. This report summarises the key findings, recommendations and next steps required to improve patient experience within GP Practices across South Luton, with the purpose of informing ward Councillors and Area Board partners and shaping Area and Neighbourhood work programmes.


2. There are 12 doctor surgeries in or directly serving the communities of South Luton. Seven surgeries scored negatively for wheelchair/pram access. Nine surgeries do not have a hearing loop system in place. Seven surgeries do not have a Patient Participation Group. Six surgeries have been identified as requiring extended opening hours. Three surgeries have been recommended to install an electronic-check in system. Following the responses received from the individual surgeries, the Board is asked to consider and note the following 8 recommendations for LCCG and partners to progress:

 NHS England to assist and support surgeries with extending opening hours applications.  LCCG to consider funding the implementation of electronic patient check in systems, during this financial year, establishing a simple and straightforward process for surgeries to apply for, and have installed, the relevant hardware.

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 Luton Borough Council (LBC) and Luton Clinical Commissioning Group (LCCG) to support funding applications for automatic/power assisted doors. Healthwatch Luton will be liaising with NHS England throughout this process.  LBC and Councillors to ensure any planning issues that arise with reference to the installation of automatic/power assisted doors, are resolved at the earliest possible opportunity.  LCCG to consider funding the implementation of hearing loops within surgeries, during this financial year, establishing a simple and straightforward process for surgeries to apply and receive funding.  LCCG to support surgeries in developing and establishing successful Patient Participation Groups.  LBC and Councillors to encourage participation and involvement in Patient Participation Groups with local residents.

 In addition it is recommended that LCCG encourages and supports GP practices to be making better use of social media such as text reminders for appointments.


3. The Neighbourhood Governance Residents’ Survey (2013 – 14) found that 57% of people in South Luton responding used GP services when they needed to get help urgently for a health problem over the previous 12 months, more than any other health service provider. When asked about local health services like the GP, local hospital or community nurse, residents were also asked what one thing they felt needed most improving? The main generic issues flagged up in response to these questions were:

 Access to GP appointments  Waiting times at GP services and other Health services

4. The CCG has also undertaken surveys with residents and patients across the Borough and the key issues raised were also difficulties making an appointment, and having services closer to home, rather than having them all based at the hospital, both of which are access issues. Further research on residents’ views across the Borough on the relative desirability of particular community based services will be undertaken through the Neighbourhood Governance Residents’ Survey this year (2014 – 15), and this issue of patient access to Health services remains a priority for the CCG.

5. Throughout the months of September – December 2013, Healthwatch Luton conducted a review of GP services in Luton. In this review 962 patients were surveyed and 39 unannounced visits were carried out at each GP surgery in Luton. From our review a total of 680 recommendations were submitted to all GP practices in Luton. Our recommendations are designed to improve the overall patient experience in Luton and address areas from appointment availability, Page 8/162 of 43

physical access, access to information, waiting times and patient environment/experience. Each GP surgery has been issued its own individual report with recommendations based on our survey and observation data. Each surgery responded to our recommendations prior to publication.

6. In South Luton there are 12 GP surgeries in or servicing the communities of the wards of Dallow, Farley and South. In Dallow there are four GP surgeries. These are: Bell House Medical Centre, Kingsway Health Centre, Lister House Surgery and Medina Road Surgery. In Farley there are two GP surgeries: Farley Hill Medical Centre and Whipperley Medical Centre. In South there are six GP surgeries: Bute House Medical Centre, Cardiff Road Surgery, Castle Street Surgery, Liverpool Road Health Centre, Medici Medical Practice and Town Centre GP Surgery (Chapel Street).

7. We have issued 201 recommendations across all 12 GP surgeries in South Luton.

8. Healthwatch Luton will be liaising with each surgery on an individual basis to address the implementation of each recommendation. Some recommendations can only be implemented with additional or further funding that will require a collaborative approach with National and Local Commissioners. For example, in some cases an application for further funding will need to be made directly to NHS England as they are the responsible contract holders for GP surgeries in Luton. Some recommendations may need the assistance of LBC with regard to planning permission/applications if it is determined that the surgery refurbishment will require planning permission.

9. The purpose of this report is for LBC and LCCG to be included as key partners into the discussions for supporting and assisting the implementation of our recommendations where appropriate.

10. An overview for the overall findings of South Luton is included as an appendix. All individual GP surgery results are available on request.


Appendix A – South Luton Overall GP Surgery Results

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South Luton Overall GP Surgery Results


Page 18 of 43


South Luton Overall Results

South Luton GP Results

Throughout the months of September to December 2013 Healthwatch Luton conducted a review of GP Services. Listed below are the overall survey results and overall observation results for GP surgeries in South Luton. A total of 12 GP surgeries are captured in this report which are: Bell House Medical Centre, Bute House Medical Centre, Cardiff Road Surgery, Castle Street Surgery, Farley Hill Medical Centre, Kingsway Health Centre, Lister House Surgery, Liverpool Road Health Centre, Medici Medical Practice, Medina Road Surgery, Town Centre GP Surgery (Chapel Street) and Survey Results Whipperley Medical Centre. Total number of respondents = 312

AGE UNDER 18 18-25 26-40 41-65 OVER 65 FREQUENCY 20 41 96 95 60




Page 19 of 43 2


Survey Results South Luton GP Surgeries

Q1. Is it easy to get through to your surgery on the telephone? 69% of respondents stated that it was not easy to get YES NO NOT SURE through on the telephone.

216 96 0 Q1.

Q2. Can you book your 81% of respondents stated appointment online? that they could not or were unsure if they could book YES NO NOT SURE their appointments online.

59 95 158 Q2.

of 49respondents% of respondents stated that they wouldstated use an Q2b. Would you use this service if available that they would use an online appointment booking service YES NO NOT SURE if it were available.

153 143 16 Q2b.

Q3. Does your surgery send you an 56% of respondents stated appointment reminder text message? that the surgery does not send them an appointment YES NO NOT SURE reminder text message.

130 175 7 Q3.

81% of respondents stated Q3b. Would it be/is it helpful to you? that an appointment reminder text message would YES NO NOT SURE be helpful to them.

252 47 13 Page 20 of 43 Q3b. 3


Survey Results South Luton GP Surgeries

Q4. Are you happy with your surgery’s opening hours? 85% of respondents stated that they were happy with YES NO NOT SURE the surgery opening times.

266 45 1


Q5. Is the building accessible and patient Q5b. Are you happy with wheelchair friendly? access/pram access?


268 31 13 137 61 114

Q5c. Are you happy with the waiting 57% of respondent stated room? that they were unhappy or unsure if they were happy YES NO NOT SURE with wheelchair/pram 280 27 5 access. Q5b.

Q5d. Is the waiting room child friendly? 21% of respondents stated that the waiting room is YES NO NOT SURE not child friendly.

116 66 130 Q5d.

Page 21 of 43 4


Survey Results South Luton GP Surgeries

Q6. Can you get an appointment for Q5e. Are you happy with the toilets? when you need it?


255 14 43 153 159 0

51% of respondents stated Q7. Is there enough privacy to talk to reception in confidence? that they could not get an

appointment for when YES NO NOT SURE they needed it. 142 170 0 Q6.

5 4% of respondents felt Q8. Is it clear for you to know when it is time to see your doctor (system in that there was not enough reception for alerting you to see your privacy to talk to reception doctor)? YES NO NOT SURE in confidence. 281 31 0 Q7.

Q9. How long after your appointment time do you 46% of patients stated normally wait to be seen? (In Minutes?) that they waited for more than 15 minutes after More than Can’t Less than 5 5 to 15 their appointment time to 15 remember see their GP. 28 140 142 2 Q9.

Page 22 of 43 5


Q5b. Q5b.

Q6. Q6.

Q7. Q7.


Survey Results South Luton GP Surgeries

Q10. Are there any language barriers Q11. Is there the right when communicating with staff or information/leaflets available at your doctors? surgery of specific interest to you?


28 284 0 274 35 3

88% of respondents Q12. Do you think your surgery should have water available in the waiting stated there is room for all patients? information of specific YES NO NOT SURE interest available at the 270 39 3 surgery. Q11.

Q13. Do you only see a certain doctor in 87% of respondents your surgery? stated that there should be water available in the YES NO NOT SURE waiting room. Q12. 90 222 0

Q14. Do you avoid any doctors? 23% of respondents stated that they avoid a YES NO NOT SURE certain doctor.

73 238 1 Q14.

Page 23 of 43 6


Survey Results South Luton GP Surgeries

Q15. Do you have confidence and trust in your doctor? 91% of respondents have confidence and YES NO NOT SURE trust in their doctor. 284 28 0 Q15.

Q16. Do you feel your doctor listens to 88% of respondents feel you and considers your opinion? that their doctor does

YES NO NOT SURE listen or consider their opinion. 276 36 0 Q16.

Q17. Do you feel you have enough time 83% of respondents stated with your doctor? that they felt they did have

enough time with their YES NO NOT SURE doctor during their

260 52 0 appointment. Q17.

Q18. Do you feel you are involved in 86% of respondents decisions about your care and treatment? stated that they felt

YES NO NOT SURE involved in decisions about their care and 269 43 0 treatment. Q18.

Page 24 of 43 7


Survey Results South Luton GP Surgeries

Q19. Overall, how do you rate the doctors at your 74% of surgery? respondents

rated the doctors Score Very Poor Poor Ok Good Excellent at the surgery as either good or Frequency 3 13 64 153 79 excellent. Q19.

Q20. Are the staff (reception/practice manager) at your surgery helpful and understanding? 87% of respondents stated that staff are YES NO NOT SURE helpful and 270 42 0 understanding. Q20.

Q21. Do staff listen to you? 90% of respondents stated that staff do YES NO NOT SURE listen. 280 32 0 Q21.

Q22. Do staff treat you with respect? 91% of respondents

YES NO NOT SURE stated that staff treat them with respect. 285 27 0 Q22. Q22.

Page 25 of 43 8




Survey Results South Luton GP Surgeries

Q23. Overall, how do you rate the staff at your surgery? 76% of

respondents rated the staff at Very Score Poor Ok Good Excellent Poor the surgery as either good or Frequency 6 20 49 159 78 excellent. Q23.

Q24. Overall, are you happy with the 90% of respondents quality of care, treatment and service you receive at your surgery? stated that they were

YES NO NOT SURE happy with the overall quality of care, 281 31 0 Q23. treatment and service. Q24.

Q25. Would you recommend your surgery to other people? 81% of respondents

would recommend the YES NO NOT SURE surgery to others.

252 60 0 Q25. Q24.

Q26. How would you score your doctor’s surgery?

Score 1 2 3 4 5

Description Very Poor Poor Ok Good Excellent

Frequency 4 15 76 139 78

70% of respondents rated the GP surgery a Page 26 of 43 score of 4 or 5. Q26. 9


93% of respondents would recommend this surgery to other people.

Observation Results South Luton GP Surgeries

Key Observation Findings

58% of Surgeries 75% of surgeries (7 out of 12) scored (9 out of 12) did not negatively for have a hearing loop wheelchair/pram access. system in place.

83% of Surgeries 92% of surgeries (10 out of 12) did not (11 out of 12) did not have a comments/ have privacy at the suggestions box. reception area.

58% of Surgeries 33% of Surgeries (4 out (7 out of 12) did not of 12) did not have an have a Patient online appointment Participation Group. booking facility.

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South Area Board Neighbourhood Governance Progress Report: March-June 2014

Date: 23 June 2014 Name of Chair: Councillor Tafheen Sharif Reporting Officer: Shohir Uddin (on behalf of South Area Partnership and Officer Group)

This report gives an overview of progress on community priorities for south Luton agreed with local people, councillors and council partners as part of the ‘Your Say, Your Way’ programme.

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Luton Clinical Commissioning Group Stronger and Safer Communities

Bedfordshire Police close down brothel Officers executed a warrant at Paradise Sauna Club in Wellington Street recently following complaints about noise and continuous antisocial behaviour. Three women, aged 29, 34 and 37, were arrested on suspicion of managing a brothel. Sgt Melissa Cunningham said: “My team had received numerous complaints about the activity taking place at the location. As a result we were able to obtain a warrant to enter and search the premises. A closure order was then granted by the court to keep the premises closed Participatory Budgeting update for three months.” The successful projects from the 2013 ‘Your Say, Your Way’ programme are “Action can be taken against people all concluded and monitoring and evaluation has already been carried out. making life a misery for others and As for 2014, a total of 42 projects were submitted by local community anyone with information can contact groups and organisations at the recently held Decision Days (Dallow on 9 Bedfordshire Police on the 101 February, Farley on 15 February and South ward on 22 February). Of these, number, or text information to 28 projects were successful in their bids – nine in Dallow, nine in Farley and 07786 200011. Alternatively you 10 in South ward. can contact independent charity Crimestoppers, anonymously, Almost 215 South Luton residents from a diverse range of backgrounds on 0800 555 111, or online at voted in the recent Decision Days. Each successful project has now signed” an agreement and been assigned with Council, Luton Culture and Adult Learning project leads who will be proactively providing targeted support to help them achieve their set objectives. They will also be ensuring the groups make linkages with community priorities and enhance partnership and opportunities for the neighbourhood. Some of the exciting projects to look forward to include community festivals, a dependency support programme, a dads’ club, astro football, a women’s health and wellbeing project, a fireworks display, youth clubs, lantern making, carnival band, an area spring clean and more.

Targeted youth service update The Targeted Youth Development team is pleased to report that Barnfield South Youth Zone saw more than 1,000 visits by young people, children and families between January and March 2014. These activities are provided by a voluntary organisation called FOBE (Friends of Bright Eyes) which runs a session for young people with disabilities as well as Barnfield South Academy and the Targeted Youth Services team. The Targeted Youth Work team is working intensively in the evening and weekends with 12 young people and their families who are some of the most vulnerable in South Luton. Page 29 of 43

2 Stronger and

Safer Communities

South Luton project able to find out about the support that CommunityCommunity is available in the community and how ActionAction updates everyone can work together to prevent AgainstAgainst DrugDrug DealDealinging Community action against drug drug dealing in the neighbourhood. dealing Local media are supporting the event After a successful event last year, with daily live radio shows on Inspire another dedicated week-long FM about the consequences of drug campaign against drug dealing in dealing and trying to prevent young Dedicated radio shows on Inspire 105.1FM: 6-7pm every day from Monday 16 to Friday 20 June which the local community and Friday 20 June 2014 • 1pm − 7pm people getting involved. Community Resource Centre, Road partners come together to tackle drug Following feedback from local residents we are organising a dedicated week long campaign against drug dealing. The week concludes with a drug action day at Bury Park Community Centre on Friday 20 June 2014 where residents and partner organisations will come together to tackle issues relating to issues in Dallow has been organised The event is a response to issues drug dealing in the community. Come along to find out more on what support is available in the community, ask questions and between 16-20 June. raised as part of the ‘Your Say, Your talk about how we can all prevent drug dealing in the area. Workshops: Way’ programme and is led by the 2-2:45pm Drug issues in Luton - reporting confidentially and what is done with the information 3-3:45pm Workshop for parents - help, education and awareness raising The week will conclude with a 4-4:45pm Drug agencies and support in Luton community with support from the 5-5:45pm Young people and drugs - consequences and lifestyle changes dedicated Drug Action Day at Bury Park An ex-drug dealer’s vehicle which has For more information contact Police and Crime Commissioner, the been seized by authorities will be on Community Development on display throughout the day! 01582 54 87 76 Community Resource Centre on Friday Luton Council, Bedfordshire Police and the Culture

20 June where local residents will be Radio for the Community by the Community health authorities.

which is held every Friday evening the ‘Your Say, Your Way’ funded from 5.30-7pm at Farley Community Playschemes at Dallow Primary Centre. School, Foxdell Infants and Park Town Community and Children Centre. More choice for young people Activities included healthy cooking,

Barnfield South Academy have sports, arts and craft organised a number of activities with Next Generation Aldwyck Housing’s ‘Next Generation’

World War I commemoration day An event which marked 100 years since the start of the Great War attracted a packed crowd at Farley Community Centre in May. The event included songs and dances from both world wars performed by project, which offers a range of free entertainer Pete Wayre. There were activities as well as a healthy eating also cakes baked using a special cafe and volunteering, was re- 1914 recipe alongside a variety of launched in South ward recently with cultural foods. partners to increase opportunities up to 12 young people aged 7-14 Farley Junior Youth Club and choices for young people across years taking part. Luton. The young people have really More than 30 children aged 6-12 Tennyson Road Primary’s carnival years have registered for the club excelled by participating positively and embracing each other’s costume band religion and cultures, whilst sharing Thirty pupils from Tennyson Road experiences through discussions and Primary attended four afternoon debates within groups. sessions at the UK Carnival Arts Centre to make their costumes for Easter playschemes this year’s carnival. More than 500 children enjoyed fantastic activities this Easter with Page 30 of 43

3 Health and Wellbeing

Coming together to reduce loneliness and social isolation in Luton Most people understand the emotional pain that loneliness can cause, but evidence shows it can also harm our physical and mental health too. In fact, research reveals that the impact of loneliness and social isolation on early death is equivalent to smoking 15 cigarettes a day. A pilot project designed to reduce loneliness has recently started in Luton. Initially focusing on and , it aims to engage the wider community and develop community-led solutions to the problem. The project will involve community volunteers researching the nature and extent of loneliness in their local areas and working together with their communities and local organisations to identify actions to reduce loneliness. In addition, we are already evaluating a number of ‘Your Say, Your Way’ initiatives across the town to look at how they contribute to reducing loneliness. The lessons from this project will help us understand how we can extend the work across Luton in the future. For more information or to get involved contact Joe Biskupski on 01582 54 87 74 or joe.biskupski@luton.

Hatters Dads’ Group The Hatters Dads’ Group continues to grow and develop with recent these sessions having included a sports event, nature walk and IT session. The group have been visited by Transport for Luton and Luton Stop Smoking Services. Local Dads have requested a swimming trip which is being arranged at Bedford Oasis which will be a great way of promoting physical health and wellbeing for members. A trip to the seaside is also booked for August and Hatters Dads’ Group members are looking forward to spending quality family time together. The group meets the first Saturday of the month and new members are always welcome. Page 31For of 43more information call 01582 616604.

4 Health and Wellbeing

Youth café doing well The Youth Cafe at Hilltop is going very well with an average of 10 young people taking part in a range of weekly activities such as healthy food. Two young volunteers have now been recruited and are learning how to take the lead on sessions. ‘Your Say, Your Way’ funding allowed the café to purchase cookery equipment and staff to be allocated to support young people. The community are seeing young people engaging in the cafe and new activities are being planned.

Healthwatch Luton Review of GP Services: the patient experience A recent survey on GP services in Luton show that nine out of 10 people had confidence and trust in their Doctor. Nine out of 10 people also said they found staff were helpful and understanding. However more than half the people interviewed said they could not get an appointment when they needed one, while a third had difficulty getting through to the surgery on the phone. The review was conducted by Healthwatch Luton with the support of volunteers and organisations from the local community. In total there were 962 patient surveys carried out across Luton and staff visited and assessed all 39 doctor surgeries in the town. The results also showed that 26 practices do not have easy access for wheelchair users and 28 do not have a hearing loop system in place. Only four were judged to have sufficient privacy in the reception area. A report for each GP surgery has been created and includes a response from the surgery along with their timescales for implementing the recommendations issued by Healthwatch Luton. For a copy call Healthwatch Luton on 01582 817060 or view online at www. report Page 32 of 43

5 Environment and Economy

Clean up day in South Ward More than 50 people from the local community came together in April for a tidy up day in the local neighbourhood. Volunteers were split into nine teams to work on different areas around Bute Street and neighbouring streets in High Town. Activities included litter picking, planting, painting, weeding, removing graffiti and general tidying up. Two Council trucks were completely filled with the waste collected on the day. Another benefit of the event was seeing local people coming together, meeting new people and taking pride in their neighbourhood. In the feedback form completed by almost half of the attendees, 63 per cent stated that what they enjoyed most was team working and meeting people. Every one of them said they would do it again.The whole community are now benefitting from a tidier, cleaner and more looked after environment. Refreshments provided to volunteers from close by retailers is the proof that many people appreciate the work being done and respect it.

children’s services in Park Town, the Council is confident it will be able to retain the building – albeit with a different role. The review also found that there is a significant and unfunded backlog of critical repairs required at Saints Community Centre. In addition to user group meetings, the Council held two Public Consultation events with users and residents to gauge their response to the options available. There are a number of proposals which were consulted on Future of community comprehensive review of the Council- through a survey and these owned community centres which are public consultation events. centres operated by Luton Culture, analysing The consultation came to an end at In order to meet challenging spending the current state of the buildings, the end of last month and the Council targets required by the Government, it usage levels and local demand for is currently analysing the hardcopy and is no longer affordable for all 11 of the services. online data which will be presented town’s community centres to continue Given that there is a nursery operating to elected members for a decision at a operating as they are now. at Park Town Community Centre, future Executive. The Council therefore carried out a and also highPage demand 33 of for 43 additional

6 New parks resolution

Environment and Economy

LETS Meet people Luton’s next Employment, Training & Skills (LETS) Fair is Have fun taking place on 18 September from 10am-3pm at Venue New parks Central in Chapel Street. The aim of the event is to ensure Learn something new that potential candidates can meet local employers, careers Get fit advisors as well as education, training and apprenticeship If you are lookingresolution for a fresh, healthy providers, all under the one roof. and active start to 2014, then join in our programme of healthy outdoor For more information contact 01582 547337. events running from January to March 2014. For details of the full programme including dates, times and venues contact Jayne Maddox, Luton parks service, on 01582 546735

Meet people Have fun Learn something new Get fit If you are looking for a fresh, healthy and active start to 2014, then join in our programme of healthy outdoor events running from January to March 2014. South Ward Community First Panel For details of the full programme So far the South Ward Community First Panel has including dates, times and venues supported 12 local groups and projects with funding contact Jayne Maddox, Luton parks between £500 and £2,500. The projects funded all service, on contribute towards the ward priorities and help to improve quality of life for local people. 01582 546735 The panel is in its final year so local groups in South Ward are being encouraged to apply for funding. For more information visit Alternatively contact Ashuk Ahmed on 01279 71 24 74, Mob: 07771831091 or email: [email protected] 34 of 43

7 South Luton

Upcoming community events Your Local Councillors in South Luton Dallow Ward Dallow ward Councillor Contact • Stay and Play sessions at Hatters - Dallow: Cllr Mohammed Ashraf 52 Denbigh Road, Luton, LU3 1NR. Mondays, 10am – 12pm, Foxdell: Fridays, 1- 3pm. Tel: 01582 574804 • Family fun events at Dallow Primary School, E-mail: [email protected] every Wednesday 1– 3pm with activities such as Cllr Mohammed Farooq 72 Naseby Road, Luton, LU1 1LF. picnics, parties, world cup football extravaganza. Mob: 07714139358 Download our app by searching ‘Hatters Childrens E-mail: [email protected] Centre’ on your app store. Cllr Tafheen Sharif 315 Dallow Road, Luton, LU1 1TG. Mob: 07714138721 E-mail: [email protected] Farley ward • Luton Youth space summer programme 4 -22 August 2014 - funded through Bedfordshire and Farley Ward Luton Community Foundation (LAL). For more information contact Barnfield South Academy on Councillor Contact 01582 811571 Cllr Mahmood Hussain 74 Dunraven Avenue, Luton, LU1 1TP. • Farley Festival - Saturday 5 July at Farley Mob: 07930207375 Community Centre from 12-4pm. Contact Farley E-mail: [email protected] Community Centre on 01582 736812 Cllr Sian Timoney 27 Meyrick Avenue, Luton, LU1 5JN. Mob: 07718696116 South ward E-mail: [email protected] • Bedfordshire Police event – 7 July at Matalan Cllr Paul Castleman 10 Osborne Road, Luton LU1, 3HJ carpark. Offering crime prevention advice and Tel: 01582 52 18 68 conducting an operation where we can change E-mail: [email protected] the screws that secure vehicle number plates to ones that cannot be removed. • South festival Saturday - Saturday 12 July, 12- South Ward 4pm at Park Town Community and Children’s Centre. Councillor Contact Cllr Keir Gale 94 Rossfold Road, Luton, LU3 3HJ. • Park Town Playschemes - Monday 28 July to Friday Mob: 07803987448 15 August with usual fun activities including E-mail: [email protected] cooking, crafts, games and a trip. Cllr Amy O’Callaghan 76 Hartley Road, Luton, LU2 0HY. • Park Town junior youth club residential trip to Mob: 07753315338 Caythorpe Court - Friday 1 – Modnay 4 August. E-mail: [email protected] Activities including areoball, quad bikes, archery, abseiling, high wires and much more. Cllr Dave Taylor 20 Garter Court Knightsfield, Luton, LU2 7LL. Tel: 01582 513752 E-mail:[email protected] Luton South Local Policing Team Local Policing Community Team, Luton Police Station, Buxton Road, Luton, Bedfordshire LU1 1SD Email: [email protected] • Web: Call: 101 for non emergencies Looking for more information? For further information on this report or the “Your Say, Your Way” programme call us on 01582 54 87 76 or email: [email protected] South Area Manager: [email protected] • Community Involvement Manager: [email protected]

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Luton Clinical Commissioning Group AGENDA ITEM














1. To bring before the Board an update on the issues that were raised following the last Area Board held on the 11th March 2014


2. The South Luton Area Board are recommended to note the report and make recommendations on further action where required.


3. This report encapsulates the progress of the area board since the implementation of the initiative in October 2001. In addition it includes information on projects and activities supported by the committee and following liaison and mediation with both internal and external service areas, pursues the concerns raised by both the local community and Members of the council.

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4. Members of the public who appear on the current database were informed of this meeting by post on the 9th June and publicity for this cycle of meetings appeared in the June edition of Lutonline, the Luton on Sunday and Luton & Dunstable Express during week commencing 1st and 15th June 2014. Additionally, posters in keeping with the new style advert and corporate approach to area committees were also dispatched to every General Practitioner, Dental Practice, Chiropodists, Chiropractors, Educational establishment, Library, Sports Centre, Community & Youth Centre, Day Centre, Places of Worship and Sheltered Housing provision, across the borough. The information gave dates for every Area Board across the town.

5. The Area Board web site is regularly updated and can be accessed on This address is soon to be changed to


6. I would like to remind the Area Board that the web pages on are regularly updated and members of the public can access all of the following on these pages:-

 Information – What are area boards? What are ward forums?  Dates of all meetings  Ward Forum issues/updates  Agendas  Minutes  Reports  Area project proposal form


7. The following are up to date attendances at the South Luton Area Board for the period April 2012 to February/March 2014.

Area April June October/ February/ June/July October/ February/ Board 2012 2012 November March 2013 November March cycle 2012 2013 2013 2014

South Luton 39 37 51 49 50 69 45


8. The following table shows the budget for the South Luton Area Board. South Luton Dallow, Farley & South Wards Allocation 2014/2015 Page10/ 372 of 43 £10,000.00


9. There are four applications, potentially five, for Members to consider at the meeting this evening. Project Project Cost of Amount Number project requested ALL The ‘Lessons from Srebrenica’ £6,000 £2,500 526 10 Luton young people were recently chosen to represent us part of 20th commemoration of The £500 per area ‘Lessons from Srebrenica’ visits are organised by the board. UK Charity ‘Remembering Srebrenica’. According to The Chairman of the UK charity ‘Remembering Srebrenica' Dr Waqar Azmi “Remembering Srebrenica’s provides an opportunity for many lost and unheard voices to tell their stories. It is only by putting names to numbers and memories to words that victims of this heinous crime can be humanised, and we can learn the lessons to confront hatred to help build a safer and better society for everyone”. As part of their visit the young people have agreed to make a presentation in Luton to tell of their experiences on 6th July. In Luton, as part of this presentation we have been honoured to ask to host 4 actual survivors of the holocaust at the same event. As 6th of July falls, within Ramadan 2014, we in, Luton in Harmony, would like to combine this presentation with a community “Big Iftar” – Luton’s Big Iftar commemorates Srebrenica. The “Big Iftar” is becoming a national event which invites communities to take part in events where Muslin communities are encouraged to open their doors and welcome in guests from their local communities to come and share Iftar with them. This would be the first in a series of 4 major annual community led events in our Town and would be followed by Diwalli – in conjunction with the communities of North Luton, The Christmas Lantern Parade to the Mall and Carnival in May. This event is supported by both LBC and Beds police but to ensure we can provide the Big Iftar for/in the community the event will need to be subsidised and we need your support to do this.

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Project Project Cost of Amount Number project requested SO 527 Avenue Centre for Education 2070.00 1,170.00 Through our developing Forest School we have made links with Jane Conway and Kidney Woods and together we would like offer our pupils the chance to work with a Forest Ranger learning forestry conservation techniques. This would initially be on a 6 week trial basis but with the long term view to becoming an on-going partner, helping to manage Kidney woods.

We aim to take 8 key stage 3 & 4 pupils to Kidney Woods for 1 day each week over 6 weeks. These pupils will be accompanied by 4 staff members this would mean in total we would be providing 12 volunteers each week to learn and carry out woodland management tasks.

We have three sets of existing outdoor clothing bought via the Forest School/Health Fund and would like to by 5 more sets. This will ensure that our pupils are warm, dry and comfortable at all times whatever the weather.

Venue: Kidney Woods, London Road, Luton Cost of a Greensands Trust Ranger per day: £296 x 6 sessions = £1770 Outdoor clothing: £300

TOTAL: £2070 ACE @ the Hub contributions: £900

Total funding request: £1170

Please see document 2 for evidence of previous clothing spend for 3 people.

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Project Project Cost of Amount Number project requested SO 528 Made in Luton 1,500 1,500 We would like to organise a community action day at South ward in September this year to tackle ASB- Anti-Social Behaviour and improve the environment.

We will identify key hot spot locations prior to the event and organise an action packed day with activities such as litter picking, painting, weeding, and general tidying up, share information and give opportunity to everyone to make a difference to the ward and meet their neighbours.

We have successfully organised similar events in the past, most recent event was in Guildford/Bute/Cheapside as reported via the South Area Board report June 2014. Given further funding support this project has potential to build on the great effort that was put in.

We will work in partnership local Churches, NOAH, Salvation Army, Park Town Community and Children’s Centre, Diverse FM, Luton Borough Council, The University of Bedfordshire, Police and will involve ward councillors and volunteers. DA 529 Luton West Indian Community Association 1,315.00 1,315.00 For over a decade the LWICA has provided a luncheon and social club at the Bury Park Community Centre which has been a main fixture for the 50+ community, however not exclusively, but also for the members of the public to enjoy the Caribbean culinary delights, but also as a place to socialise, play dominos, cards, and generally to catch up with fellow likeminded individuals. The provision was recently reduced from the 3 sessions i.e. a Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday to two sessions and this was as a result of the cut backs within the council who funded the sessions. The Association managed to secure LAL funding to enable us to maintain two sessions, however, the financial situation is still problematic. Therefore this funding application is for the partial cost of the room hire and to help ease the financial constraints of the LWICA and to help us continue to provide a valuable service for our users.

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DA 530 Luton All Stars FC 2,800 2,800 We are a Football Club which is coming to the end of our first year. We have provided football coaching for over 14 football teams which is more than 150 children aged 6-14 years of age. All of our work has been through 28 volunteers FA Qualified Coaches and parents as assistants. We applied for funding, got local businesses to fund our football kits. . allstarsfootballclub/ The football season has ended and the summer holidays are coming up and the parents have requested a holiday camp for the children to keep them occupied with friends in a safe and affordable environment. We will provide children with different sporting activities, challenges and

We are hoping to run a holiday club for 6 weeks for 3 days a week 12-4pm. We are hoping to deliver this project from the Brache Sparta using the football ground. We hope to charge £2 per session which will go towards the third staff member. The age group we are targeting is 10 and over as we have researched and found there is only 4-10 year old play schemes in the area. We hope to work in partnership with them.

We will provide activities such as: Table tennis Pool Play Station Football Tennis

Ref: DA 530 will only be presented subject to receipt of supporting documentation which has been requested by the Area Boards Support Manager.


10. I am pleased to report that following several attempts the latter meeting did eventually take place on Monday 14th April in the Council Chamber, Town Hall. Everyone who appears on the South Luton Area Board database were invited.


11. The group went to Bristol on the 28th March on a bus provided by Luton Borough Council.

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There were twelve attendees on the trip including Councillor Castleman, local residents, leaders of the Farley Junior Youth Club, Brownies and Rainbows, a Council representative and a representative from Luton Culture. The Group also included a teacher and two children from Farley Junior School.

12. The group were met in Bristol by two Bristol City Council officers, one of whom was originally from Luton, and the world-renowned trail designer, Phil Saxena, who designed Bristol's trails. Some of the group hired out bikes, including the teacher and school children, whilst others walked on the walking trails around the site. A meeting took place with the Bristol City Council officers who gave the group the opportunity to ask a wide range of questions and the information and experience they shared with us was helpful and insightful. It must be said that their enthusiasm for what we are trying to achieve up here was really encouraging and their assistance was much appreciated.

13. The Bristol bike park has been a huge success and we would like to replicate their success here in Farley. Phil Saxena has already visited Winsdon Hill and he has stated that our site is potentially a better mountain bike site than that in Bristol.

14. The experience and knowledge gained from the Bristol fact-finding trip has proved invaluable in assisting the group to move forward with their plan for a bike park in Farley. With the assistance of our ward councillors, they have already had a joint meeting with them and the Parks and Asset Management. I understand that the feedback from the ward councillors to date has been very positive and the group are looking forward to receiving more information from them following an internal Council meeting to discuss the matter. The group has also met with Team Beds and Luton to discuss the possibility of securing some of the funding from Sport England.

15. In the meantime, support is being sought from local Schools who are interested in the idea of using the bike park and from local residents who have seen the bike park posters in Market Square. The posters are generating positive feedback and it has been commented that the bike park is a great idea.

16. The group would like to thank the South Luton Area Board for your valued support and financial assistance which has been very much appreciated by the Group. They would also like to thank the Community Centre Development Officer at Park Town for her time and assistance in arranging the transport for the Bristol trip.


17. It is proposed that Members of the South Luton Area Board note the report.

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18. In terms of the application under the Area Board Projects Scheme

 Reference ALL 526  Reference SO 527  Reference SO 528  Reference DA 529  Reference DA 530

Members may consider the following: (i) Granting the full application. (ii) Making a different contribution towards the scheme. (iii) Deferring the application for future consideration. (iv) Refusing the application


19. Much of the work conducted by the Area Board will have an impact on Council services and will address issues such as accessibility, local participation and the general quality of life within the Borough.


20. A large amount of the work being pursued and undertaken by service areas and other outside agencies will make a major contribution to community safety and need to be considered alongside other schemes that may be under consideration or being implemented.


21. Any contribution made by the Area Board will be met from existing budgets.


22. The implications of the work being undertaken will address and improve the environment, create safer communities and address the quality of life for local people.



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