PAGE THIRTY-SIX - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. Manchester. Conn.. Thurs., Dec. 12,1974 a MANCHESTER HOSPITAL Effective November 27th. The F.p.I.C. is raising its maximum insurance NOTES on savings accounts to $40,000. So now you can save more at Hartford National lHanrI|ratrr fEurntng Mrralh Discharged Tuesday: and still have this gu a^ teed protection. Edward Cunningham, 23 Union MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1974- VOL, XCIV, No. 63 Manchester—A City of Village Charm St.; Eileen Tupper, 39 Hilltop THIRTY-TWO PAGES — TWO SECTIONS Ave., Vernon; Cecil Dorsey, 23 PRICE: FIFTEEN CENTS Fairfield Dr.; Adrianne Michaud, 442 W. Middle Tpke.; Richard Weekes, 25 Discovery Rd., Vernon; Nina Anderson, 29Cottage St.; Alice Brown, 28 Turnbull Rd.; Steve Roberts, East Hartford; Dorothy Crude Oil Costs To Go Up Copeland, 85 Deming St. Also, Richard Crowley, East Hartford; Donna Bushey, 56 Channing Dr.; Marie King, 299 Oakland St.; Harvey Harpin, East Hartford; David Newton, Under New Price System RR 3, Coventry; Joan Fazzina, 159'Birch St.; Thomas Young, Hartford IMatkmal Stafford Springs; Eugene VIENNA (UPI) — The world’s major oil pricing system, ending the posted price "We all agreed that a single unified Arabia and Venezuela — produce 85 per O’Reilly, 91A Downey Dr.; Lyle exporting nations decided today to in­ system which set prices at an artificially price system must be adopted. The new cent of world oil exports. , Butler, Glastonbury; Scott crease the price of crude oil by 7.4 per cent high level. system will be in the interest of the con­ The posted price is a theoretical price of Mazur, 160 Loomis St. from Jan. 1,1975, Iran’s Interior Minister The new price for a 42-gaIlon barrel of sumer. It will limit the profits of oil com­ crude oil from which actual prices are Jamshid Amouzegar said. The new price oil was fixed by ministers of the 13- panies.” worked out by a complicated system of will be 110.46 a barrel, Amouzegar said, member Organization of Petroleum taxes and royalties paid by oil companies WORK FORCE compared with the present average selling Exporting Countries meeting in Vienna. to the producers. PHILADELPHIA (UPI) - By price of crude of |9.74 dollars a barrel. Produce 85 Per Cent 1980, about half the U.S. working annotmces "We agreed to abolish the posted price OPEC’s m em bers — Abu Dhabi, Present Price $9.74 New Pricing System force will be feminine and about system — the root of excess profits by oil Present posted price is 311.65 a barrel The new price will be under a unified Algeria, Ecuador, Gabon, Indonesia, Iran, one-seventh of the total work companies," Amouzegar said. Iraq, Kuwait, Libya, Nigeria, Qatar, Saudi but the actual price is about 39.74. force will be black, says Dr. The OPEC ministers also agreed to hold Seymour L. Wolfbein, dean of a special strategy session on a proposed Temple University’s Business global oil summit in Algiers Jan 8. Administration. Wolfbein also Venezuelan Mines Minister Valentin said that, contrary to opinion Fate of Coventry’s New Town Hernandez-Acosta said the Algiers sometimes heard, all through the meeting will discuss the proposal by remaining 1970s the demand for ne\% higher French President, Valery Giscard workers with manual skills will d’Estaing for a three-way summit of oil be just as great as that for peo­ producers, consumers and developing ple with mental skills. May Be Decided Next Tuesday nations.

By MONICA SHEA nothing to do with the concept of new coir. Libassi said the board would have WORLD ALMANAC Peter Lebassi, president of Greater munity or if it is the right thing for Coven­ several options opbn to it next week. FACTS Hartford Process-fievCo, said-today that try. There is no question of the validity of Israelis Shell the Process Board of Directors will meet the concept of a new community.” Libassi said, “One of the options is to Lebanese Town interest rates. Tuesday to decide the fate of the new com­ withdraw the zoning application and the Libassi said the strength of the opposi­ other would be to leave the zoning applica­ munity in Coventry in the light of current By United Press International economic conditions. tion in Coventry to the new community tion on the table and just not go forward He said no decision has been made and had nothing to do with bringing about the with the building. It is possible that we Israeli artillery rained shells today on none will be until that meeting at which an review of the project. could withdraw the application and hold the southern Lebanese town of Nabatieh, assessment of the economic factors will the land for future use. It is also possible wounding 10 persons and destroying 15 be presented to the board. Libassi said, "We have had opposition that we will withdraw the application and houses in a two-hour barrage, residents of for two years and if the new community is dispose of the land.” the area said. Rumors Persist built we will have opposition for the full 15 There is an application before the Plan­ Lebanese antiaircraft units opened up Seven Years Bad Luck? His statement came amid persistant years of building time. The opposition is ning and Zoning Commission from DevCo on Israeli warplanes nearby, but the jets reports that DevCo had changed its course something you can deal with. You can which would add a section to the zoning did not attack and appeared to be on a Janet Linley expresses the dismay more than just seven years of bad of action, including one published report have coffee hours, and distribute regulations to allow for building a planned reconnaissance mission to inspect damage that is shared by many who are luck. On the optimistic side, maybe that the project for Coventry had been brochures to get your point across. The community. The commission is now trying of the barrage, newsmen in the area said. The expression “to pull superstitious especially if they break the mirror was old anyway and cost shelved. local opposition is not a factor in making to engage a consultant, Walter Blucher, to The Israeli predawn groundfire tore into a mirror on Friday, the 13th, which the wool over one’s eyes" this decision. only 69 cents. (Herald photo by Pinto) was originated during the Libassi said, “The Board of Directors is review the application. three Nabatieh residential quarters and means, if you are really superstitious. period when gentlemen meeting next week on the economic their markets, witnesses said. wore white wigs which were viability of continuing the project. We are usually made of wool. When looking at problems such as housing starts highwaymen committed a in the area and the economic situation in robber they would pull their the state.” Waste Paper Market Slumps ignore it, if You can victim’s wig down over his “Most pf the staff (of DevCo) is working eyes before taking his valu­ on the economic data and assembling an • JL SOL R. COHEN We...... say.. to nthose people, “Life’s not all that ables, The Worlcf Almanac analysis to present to the Board next bad — it’s just what you make it, either notes. To those who insist that today is sa(T-^ that w ^ . th e DevCo Planning Center in By SOL R. COHEN “All of your good works for ecological effect until Jan. 6. He said his yard is it’s one of those days when all things go happy or sad. - -antry has been closed berause we felt recycling may be going for naught these cooperating and won’t accept any paper bad. “There are those who are able — when there was not much point in having the until then. If you are among the millions of days,” is what it’s saying. Who tell you today’s a day to fear — and things go wrong — to whistle a tune, to SPECIAL center open until we know which way we Super-Seven patriotic Americans who patiently tote call you quite mad if you tend to jeer, hum a song. on Packor Cut are going.’’ Oversupply Prices Plummet their bundles of used newspaper to the “It’s the 13th, a Friday,” they tremblingly “You claim it’s unlucky, because it’s The 10 Lb. Avarage Meeting Tuesday in Foxboro, Mass., the His association’s statistics for the past Choice Account curb, or take it to the dump, or sell it as say, and, Day. We claim you can’t mean all the U.S. CHOICE Objective Review scrap paper to dealers, listen to what the association members learned — to no few months show that mill prices paid to things that you say.” 4^1bu* Account Libassi said, “We are making a very one’s surprise — waste paper products are waste paper dealers for mixed paper sure to be careful when you go out Eastern Paper Mill Suppliers Association objective review of the facts of life. You in serious oversupply. As a consequence, dropped from 340 to 310 per ton, today. We decided this morning, when the day •1.3 9 . is saying: began, to forget all about it—that is, if we can not defy economics. This review has paper stock dealers have been caught in an newspaper from 370 to only 320, and cor­ “Don't walk under ladders, or light three economic squeeze between inventories rugated from 360 to a low of 320. on a match, or look at black kittens, or an can. iFrank Toroa will cut your I purchased at high prices and declining The Paperstock Institute of America umbrella snatch.’’ |sirloln Tip Ovan Roaatl mill-buying prices. posts prices the 10th of each month for linto Roaata, or Roaata and Abe Ostrinsky of Manchester, who owns used paper sold to dealers. Stop by our nearest office today and start earning more a waste material business on Parker St., is Isirloin Tip Stoaka.l Travel Show Features For the first time in many years, the in­ secretary-treasurer of Eastern Paper Mill Why Knock on Wood? I (Weight about 10 Iba.) stitute didn’t post prices on Dec. 10. interest on your money. Because weVe just boosted our Choice Suppliers Association, the largest trade • “Nobody is quoting prices on used By WEBER F. TROUT |Pork la another good] 1-Year Account from 5% % to a hefty 6% interest. So it now earns Fly/Cruise Vacations group of its kind in New England. take a chance? Knocking on wood can’t paper,” said Ostrinsky. “The price is United Press International hurt, unless you knock too hard. The tree freezer item Ostrinsky said paper dealers and mills nominal, provided, of course, any dealer is as much as our Choice 2-Year Account. Today is another of those spooky days gods are said to possess a keen sense of CORN FED in the New England area have placed a even buying. It’s virtually impossible to hearing. A light rap will do the trick. The audience attending last night’s The next Travel Show is set for Jan. 23 enscribe any price at all.” for the superstitious — Friday the 13th WHOLE PORK LOWS And our Super-Seven Account is raised from 7% to 7V4% Travel Show, sponsored by The Herald and when Ireland will be featured, complete feeze on purchasing used newspaper and What about the black cats? People have cardboard and that the freeze will be in with all its awful portents. ($1,000 min.).* its participating travel agencies, received with Irish stepdancers. The scoffers say “Hah! Why knock on been afraid of those sinister-looking •1.09 a rare treat when former American wood? What’s wrong with black cats? The creatures ever since the middle ages. •« We continue to pay the highest legal rates on all our sav­ Airlines stewardesses modeled uniforms whole thing is silly.” They believed black cats actually are dating back to 1934. The legends of superstition say the devils and witches and that they prowl Turkeye are lower with ings and investment accounts, to encourage you to save. And around the earth looking for some hapless 10 to 12 lb. BIrdaat In cooperation with American Airlines wood-knocking thing goes all the way back help you fight inflation. and the Cunard Cruise Lines, fly/cruise to the Druids in ancient England. soul’s path to cross. vacations were featured. WEATHER The Druids believed trees were in­ The belief persists to this day that 'lb. We’ll even help you save with regular transfers from check­ Julian Matte, sales representative for habited by gods. something awful is going to happen to ing to savings, if you like. Just ask. Cunard, told of the Queen Elizabeth 2 and You might figure that knocking on a tree those whose path is crossed by one of those I Lettuce la lower and we I her upc(^ming round-the-world trip. Partly sunny this afternoon with highs in might be construed as rapping the gods, black devils with the yellow slanted eyes. have the beet Iceberg ln| “For such a trip,” he said, "the QE2 the 40s. Variable cloudiness tonight with but that is not how it works. Especially on a day such as this — I town at takes aboard two and one-half tons of lows in the 20s. Saturday colder with Knocking on wood, tree wood, of course, Friday the 13th — when believers crossed caviar and over two tons of filet m ipon.” variable cloudinesss, high in the low 40s. is the same as asking those gods for by a black cat may be found cowering in Following his presentation of slides Precipitation chance: 10 per cent through protection against some misfortune the some hideout surrounded by good luck 3 9 ^ Ig. head 5% Regular Accounts yield Sj098% showing life aboard the QE2, Matte shows Saturday. bad gods may be conjuring up for you. charms and expecting the double wham­ • slides of the “Adventurer” which cruises You don’t have to believe it, but why my any minute. STATE OF MAINE Caribbean waters. U.8. NO. 1 m 90-Day Preferred Accounts yield 5.6l4!l[r Robert Bader representing American Airlines discussed the convenience of POTATOES flying to the Caribbean islands and then lare a budget buy at| Choice 1 & 2-Year Accounts yield boarding a cruise ship to visit the other Auto Industry Spokesmen I PInehurePa low price of 6% 6.183%" islands. "Getting to the sun in a hurry,” was the 7 ^ 4 % Super-Seven 4-Year Accounts yield way he termed the fly/cruise vacations 10)59* offered. A film "It’s A Pleasure To Be Here” Plead for Federal Action I We have a limited grin- was also presented by American Airlines. I ding of Representatives of LaBonne Travel sporting goods, were laid off or given priming to help the auto industry in its Of course these new rates are available to our Favorite Agency and Goodchild-Bartlett Travel, By RICHARD HUGHES SWEOISHKORV UPI Business Writer notices Thursday. worst sales period in 15 years. I for thie week and are I both of Manchester, were on hand to Recovery Predicted Milliken said the President gave a Person™ Account customers, plus a great deal more. You get answer questions and help expedite any Auto industry executives from Presi­ I taking ordara lor Holiday | And Budget Director Roy Ash told a “clear indication” he would consider a tax travel pliuis. dent Ford’s home state of Michigan told IKorv, Morrell Hama, U.8. totally free checking. Master Charge, your own Favorite Person Senate hearing the next six months will be cut to provide more dollars for buying Following the program, a draw for the President Thursday the economy is in so bad in terms of unemployment and cars. Press Secretary Ron Nessen said ChSIca RIB OVENI Card, no-bounce checking, discounts on most personal loans, free prizes donated by area merchants and par­ worse shape than he says, calling it a dis­ sagging business the nation will want to President Ford promised to “do I ROAST O f Beef and Freeh | ticipating travel agencies, was held. aster verging on a depression. (Turkeye. traveler^ checks, and much more. Elsewhere, workers from a variety of see them to pass into history “as soon as something” but said nothing about a tax cut. • ^ e n it comes to fighting inflation, Hartford National gives industries, including textiles, autos, possible.” CASINOS FOR KORV 1 paper, aluminum, clothing, appliance and However, he said, the economy will Ford Opposes Gus Tux 1-LB. TUB you more tools in one convenient account than any other bank recover in the second half of 1975. Ford also once again ruled out a big • At the White House, Leonard Woodcock, boost in gasoline taxes to conserve energy. president of the United Auto Workers, a FRESH FLOUNDER around. There are no fees or service charges whatsoever. The Both houses of Congress moved to only time you ever pay a cent is if you actually borrow money. union with some 200,000 laid-off workers, create public service jobs and expand un­ said he challenged Ford's statement that employment benefits for the hundreds of FRESH BLUEFI8H Pick up an application to- INSIDE the economy was in “difficult straits ” but thousands persons thrown out of work by not in a crisis. the recession. TINY BAY SCALLOPS dy^d^nk the free way.- H A R TFffllD IVATKJVAL TODAY “I think it’s a crisis situation. It’s highly The Senate passed a 37 billion program critical... feeding on itself and may go to and the House began debate on a similar FRESH OYSTERS Itstheonlywaytogo! (T lieR ivoliteP ersoiO B A N K worse conditions,” Woodcock said. The bill and that extends unemploy­ • recession, he said, could lead to a depres­ ment Insurance from 39 to 52 weeks. 9hop Pinehunt Tonight I TuriplM, iMt; 820 MM«t TurnpOw, Will; 800 Mahi Otratli 2201 Area Profile...... Pages 7, 8, 11, 15 sion. In other developments: Disaster Area I’lff 9, Friday from 8 A.M, High School W orld...... Page 20 EMt Hirtford OfllOM: 1088 RWii OInst 704 IRvm' Lim Model Uniforms at Travel Show Lee lacocca, president of Ford Motor l.«veling Off Soon 'tU 9 P M Business news...... Pages 24, 26 Co., told the President the auto industry is —The Labor Department said in­ flationary price increases may be leveling PINEHURST •Federal law and regulationa prohibit the payment of ••Effective annual yield when savings and interest Old Codger ...... Page 9 The Kiwis, fonner American Airlines Manchester models uniform worn a “disaster area.” a time deposit prior to maturity unless three months' remain on deposit for one year or to maturity. stewardesses, modeled uniforms of 1942-58. Moderator Shirley Chandler, The top executives from Ford, General off. The department’s wholesale price in­ Gardening with Atwood___Page 23 dex rose only 1.2 per cent in November, GROCERY interest is forfeited, and interest on the amount SUUwid. ConiMctlnit Offlcn M«nb*r F.D.I.C yesteryear at The Herald’s Travel also of Manchester, wore AA’s 1969 Motors, Chrysler, American Motors and MHS honor roll...... p$ge 2 half the gain of prior months. Most of the 302 MAIN withdrawn is reduced to the regular passbook rate. Copyt^t 1974 a. Show Thursday night at Manchester uniform named “ Americana.” SHOPPING DAYS the UAW, along with Michigan Gov. ECHS honor roll...... Page 10 William G. Mllliken, met for two hours increase was caused by higher sugar High School. At left, Susie Gregg of (Herald photo by Dunn) TO CHRISTMAS with Ford, urging him to do some pump­ prices. PAGE TWO - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. Manchester. Conn,. Fri„ Dec. 13, 1974 ^•ANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester, Conn., Fri., Dec. 13, 1974 - PAGE THREE NATIONAl WiATNfl tllVICI FOMCAST t* 7AM 1ST a - 14- 74 THEATER SCHEDULE MHS Honor Roll Long-Hair Music a H/t in Shopping Malls DILLON FORD Seniors Virginia Redd Mitchell Out Angela i-raciona Joeeph Reiter Lorraine Egan (• open every nlte ’til High Honors Ptmala Fratua Jenia Runda By PATRICIA MtK;OKMACk Karan Goidatsln Showcase Cinema 3 — "The 'Tm still learning,” Slone said. Selections from musicals, such and a novelty in seeing it per­ When the masic slopped, his has New and (exc«pt Saturdays) b V

GIRLS' POINTELLE TOPS 3.49 ORIQ. 5.00, sizes 4-6X. Long sleeve cotton knits in white, yellow, peach or navy. All with a I pointelle design. Sizes 7-14, ORIQ. 6.00, 3.99 E C


LEATHER & LAMB SPECIAL 3 6IRLS’ L0N6 DRESSES ORIGINALLY 60.00 to 90.00 TODDLER DRESSES BELTED AND HALF BELTED SINGLE AND DOUBLE FAMOUS MAKES TIGHTS BREASTED STYLES FABRIC BLENDS • SOME WITH ORIQ. 210.0a An^excltlng collection of fij|l length and pantcoats in single, and double breamed styles. Genuine leather In rust, brown or gold. Sizes ORIQ. 9.00-14.00. Very famous maker hand- FUZZY FAKE LINING 8-16. Left, the reversible dyed shearling iamb coat. Center, the full length ORIQ. 16.00, sizes 4-6X. Perfect for the holidays. 1.79 .2/3.50 leather coat with lamb collar. Right, the leather pantcoat with iamb collar ORIQ. 2.50. Nylon mlnl-rub tights or extra warm smocked dresses. See the whole collection at MISSES' 10-18 Easy-care perma press dresses In cotton or cotton tremendous savings. Many styles and colors In and cuffs. and polyester blends. Lace and ribbon trimmed. cotton lined tights. Red, navy, white, hunter, IN SPORTSWEAR & COATS All Fur products labeled to show country of origin of Imported furs. cream, gold or brown. Sizes 2/4 to 12/14. perma press polyester and cotton blends. Sizes Sizes 7-14, ORIQ. 18.00, 13.99 2 3 4T FORBES MANCHESTER PARKADE OPEN DAILY 10 -10 PAGE SIX - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester. Conn., Fri?: Dec. 13. 1974 ^.ANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester, Conn., Fri.. Dec. 13,^ 1974 — PAGE SEVEN New Britain fHaurliPstpr tupiumi Bachelor Wins Lottery Vote on Ambulance Urged TOM TIEDE WEST HAVEN (UPI) - HEBRON a luncheon meeting, Thursday, elementary schools will be; OPINION Richard Salicki, a 27-year old The chairman of the Am­ Dec. 19 at 12:30 p.m. at Gilead Monday; Baked ravioli with bachelor from New Britain, bulance Purchasing Com­ Congregational Church in the meat sauce, tossed salad, fruit l/eSe Military's says he will have “the best mittee, Harvey Desruisseaux, social room. cocktail. Christmas ever” with the $100,- asks that all town voters turn out for the Dec. 16 Town & Expensive Bauble 000 he won Thursday night in Building Permits Tuesday; Orange juice, Meeting for the implementation the Connecticut state lottery. The following is a list of Salisbury steak, mashed of an Emergency Medical Ser­ Inflation: Now Salicki is a meatcutter at the building permits issued during potatoes, green beans, frosted Thus it is that rather than add to the Shopping Bag supermarket in vice in Hebron. the month of November in ■m WASHINGTON ( NEA) - There is a cake. national security, much of Anttrlca’s Bloomfield. He was a weekly Desruisseaux said after Hebron: national Guard unit in Daytona Beach working on both the Ambulance reserve military capacity may be detrac­ winner of $5 in the Nov. 14 Three single family dwellings Wednesday; Sliced turkey, The Good News? which, for the past decade, has been using Study Committee and on the ting from it. “The sheer statistics of the drawing and was drawn as a at $84,400, two additions and gravy, mashed potatoes, corn, tax funds for the purpose of remaining Ambulance Purchasing Com­ reserves may have lulled us into a sente of finalist last week, winning an repairs totaling $2,200; one pumpkin tarts. proficient in obsolescence. mittee, he feels that it would be false security,” says a Brookings staffer. additional $230 in the new Dou­ barn, $200; one chicken coop, Thursday; Ham or salami It hasn’t been proven yet that the for 40 per cent of the rise in the ser­ The unit, an air defense battery, is a major Improvement toward “We say we have almost 2.5 million in the ble Play game. $92,000; one shed, $200; and one grinder, citrus fruit juice, assigned as its responsibility a Korean the combing betterment of country can think itself into a depres­ vices sector of the CPI. reserve force and that sounds gl^ntic. Results of the regular storage building, $450. potato chips, carrot and celery War vintage anti-aircraft weapon with Hebron’s public safety. Actually, given the probable foe in an drawing were; the color red; sticks, ice cream. sion, but there's no doubt that the in­ If you avoided buying a new range which it is virtually impossible to shoot Senior Citizens School Menus m down an aircraft. Many members of the atomic age, it is nothing but mathematics. the two-digit number 48; three- Friday: Pizza casserole, gar­ dividual American can. or refrigerator, inflation didn’t touch digit num ^r 509. The menu next week at the unit believe the whole thing is unwise but Our reserve bigness is mostly expensive The Senior Citizens will hold den salad, apple crisp. All he has to do is read the latest you there. If you managed to stay continue to belong — and why not? — fat.” The situation is nothing new. Critics report on the Consumer Price Index healthy in October, higher doctor and because they are paid up to several thou­ sand dollars a year to keep the worthless have worried over reserve excesses and (CPI). The cost of living went up hospital prices didn’t bother you — not artillery oiled. incapabilities since the end of World War another 0.9 per cent in October, says that much, anyway. The example is only ope of a lengthy list II. But most tries at modemizatloh, in­ cluding Robert McNamara's sensible plan the U.S. Labor Department. Even in the category of food, prices of similar budget abuses and wastrel extravagance in the U.S. military reserve to merge the Guard and Reserve into one This brought the rise in consumer were down for meat, poultry, and fish system, a system that has through the lean unit, have gone down the drain. One SATURDAY ONLY reason is the powerful anti-change lobby prices in the past 12 months to 12.2 per by 1.6 per cent and by 0.3 per cent for decades defied almost all attempts to V: modify or eliminate it. Americans spend within the reserve itself; state governors cent — three times higher than the in­ fruits dnd fresh vegetables. The price more than $4 billion annually to preserve a command National Guard units, leading flation of 1970-71 that w« thought was of gasoline declined for the third 2.4-million-man reserve apparatus that in citizens people local companies, and almost one of five in the current Congress bad. straight month, by 2.5 per cent. ’/r the opinion of many military and civilian observers is largely a joke. is a proud member of the big fellowship Now without being unrealistically On the other hand (there’s always Numerous investigations have rein­ club. Even now, with Congress casting about Pollyanna-ish, there is a cheerful way an other hand), all other foods went forced this opinion. A recent Brookings Institute study concluded that most for ways to cut spending, nary a word of and there is a gloomy way of looking up in October — sharply so for sugar, reserve units (including Reserve and wonder is raised about the need for a $4 Picking Presents for Parents at such news. cereal, and bakery products. Rents, Guard components) are woefully short of billion-a-year reserve. The armed ser­ vices committees recognize the reserve Students at the Gilead Hill School in Hebron look over an Christopher Mayhew and Stacey Pineo. At right, Gerlyn The average person’s first reaction utilities, and costs of home repairs combat capacity; that at least 300,000 of assortement of gifts to boys for their families, while Mrs, FORBES & WALLACE Corriveau chats with with Mrs. Dana Pineo. The events the paid reservists (there are 925,000) deficiencies, but think in terms of in­ is something like; "Omigosh! and improvements were also higher. “EcJucational toys, Ki(d!” could be eliminated without fear of disrup­ creasing outlays to achieve better perfor­ Julie Guimond, left, assists them. In the foreground are was sponsored by the PTO. (Herald photo by Dallaire) ting national security and that, indeed, the mance. "Cut the budget?” says an 3 Everything costs 12 per cent more And, despite raises, the real spen­ state of the reserves is so low that entire astonished staffer, “are you kidding?” than it did last year!” dable income of Americans was new regular army units could be brought About half the members of both armed But everything doesn’t. Not for services committees are reservists. OUR eroded a further 0.3 per cent in Oc­ to proficiency in the time it would take to Still, in times of inflation, cuts may not everybody and all at once. tober. whip most reservists into battlefield con­ dition. be avoided for long. One idea worth con­ Take the October increase in the Little enough cause for cheer, to be RAY CROMLEY The Daytona Beach battery is a ripe ii- sidering is a total restructuring of the CPI. If you didn’t buy a new car in Oc­ true. But the point is that the Con­ lustration of the last point. While it has reserves into cadre units. This, done now been shining up outdat^ AA artillery for on a small scale, would eliminate ENTIRE STOCK OF tober (and hardly anybody did, to the sumer Price Index is an extremely the past dozen years, several generations everyone from selected (paid) status industry’s alarm), you escaped a complicated figure that gives an over­ They D on’t Share of new air defense guns have come and except highly skilled or administrative 2lic HcratJi people who would continue to keep major factor in the general rise in the all indication of the state of the gone. Says one Florida Guard colonel; “If Profits, Only Blame we could, we’d get the new weapons. As it organizational apparatus active toward cost of living. economy. It does not necessarily is, if it came to an emergency, we’d have the day of possible mobilization. Area Profile Similarly, if you didn’t finance a describe how any given individual or to completely re-train these men in the If the day came, the cadre would simply WASHINGTON — A while back, my has been so great that much of what we new weaponry. That would probably take call ready (standby) reservists up to flesh new home, you were unaffected by a family within the economy may be four-year-old dryer collapsed and was buy could last 10 to 20 to 50 per cent longer, months. Maybe it would take as much as a out the ranks. The citizen-soldiers, this rise in interest rates that accounted faring. irreparable. It had been built by one of this with a small increase in initial cost, but' year. Even then, remember, they’d be no way, would still be ready for emergency country’s highly regarded manufacturers less overall expense. Studies have shown good against nuclear attack.” duty, but the nation wouldn’t pay them un­ and purchased from one of America’s that an air conditioner which costs but a less it occurred. No Resident Trooper Available Now leading retail stores. A phone call to the fraction more than another, may use only company brought this reply; “Just how 50 to 75 per cent as much electricity to COLUMBIA The number of resident Bolton costs $13,000. Bolton also Report Cards long do you expect our dryers to last produce the same coolness. An automobile troopers is determined by the- pays another $3,000 for lay con­ A new report card for Grades The Plastic Shape costing a fraction more to produce, may Virginia Carlson anyway?” Correspondent legislature, he told his stables. 3, 4 and 5 will be discussed at make up the additional initial price audience. the next school board meeting several times in repair savings. 228-9224 There is “no way” the town He said a bill allowing the Keilty pointed out the trooper Dec. 16. would not work on a weekly Of Things To Come President Ford has been approaching could have a resident trooper commission of state police to In tbe meantime, the Report the problem of inflation wrong end to. A basis. By law he works a 40- now even if it voted to have one, appoint a number of men as he Card Committee for those Massachusetts Institute of Technology There are other hidden costs. We read sees fit — an open-ended situa­ hour week over an eight-week repeatedly of automobiles being recalled ANDREW TULLY according to Sgt. Victor Keilty, grades is evaluating the student study, sponsored by the National Science tion — will probably be period. to the factory for defective parts. But that coordinator for resident progress reporting system with Foundation, indicates the purchaser of an Ours is often called a plastic socie­ is only part of the story. Almost any troopers, who said all proposed in the legislature with assistance from the parents. To remove this much land from food average $400 color TV can expect to spend the request coming from the producer will talk for hours about the high Butz Is A Dope authorized resident troopers The resident trooper works Questionnaires which have ty, and no compliment is meant by the production to grow cotton or pasture another $400 or so on servicing and elec­ commissioner, Keilty said. He percentage of rejects in his factory. These are assigned. He said he will for the area troop commander been sent home state the goal of tricity during its usable life. And that a term. We may have to become even sheep would be unacceptable in the put Columbia on the waiting list added that a maximum of 15 ad­ and his schedule is set up by the the conference-card system fam ily buying an av era g e $300 are the ones that don’t get through to the more “plasticized,” however, if the for such a service. ditional troopers would be troop barracks. The schedule was used for the first reporting light of the world food shortage, even refrigerator, will spend another $830 for consumer. We pay for them all the same However, the town will be un­ needed. Half the towns with a could be arranged, however, period to give parents a more world is going to be able to feed itself electricity and service. We’re all familiar since the company must pass this cost on if it were practical. to the consumer if it is to stay solvent. WASHINGTON - One of George Faugh! Bad taste is always bad taste, der no obligation to follow resident trooper want another between the selectmen and the detailed accounting of each with the cost of auto repairs and gasoline. one, he said. in the years ahead. The problems do not end with the fac­ McGovern’s top-level managers in the whether the victim is an Italian Pope or through, he added. trooper, Keilty said. child's academic and social 1972 Presidential campaign put WASP banker. In matters political, growth and development. At least one scientist thinks so. Ac­ tory. A friend who runs an office supply "Nothing is binding until the At the present time, the total The tenure of a resident A single synthetic fiber plant the Agriculture Secretary Earl Butz’s broken- including debate over birth control, the It also asks for a comment on The military constantly battles mean store reports an unbelievable amount of contract is signed, Keilty said. expense for a resident trooper trooper runs anywhere from cording to Dr. James' E. Guillet, English joke about Pope Paul in political Pope is, and should be, a fair target for the new written report card for­ size of a football field, says Guillet, time to failure, meaning how quickly a breakage in transit of such “indestruc­ He was invited by the town’s is $21,240, according to Keilty. two to 15 years, according to perspective. criticism. Birth control proponents have a mat as compared with the professor of chemistry at the Univer­ can produce 200 million pounds of piece of equipment or a key part breaks tible” items as steel filing cabinets, steel Safety Commission to speak on The town’s share is 60 per cent. Keilty. He said the trooper “I know how President Ford feels,” he perfect right to criticize Paul’s stand with written form used previously. down. The time is invariably much shorter desks, chairs, and assorted products. This the issue of a resident trooper This covers the trooper’s doesn’t have to be a resident of sity of Toronto, an increased use of plastic fiber. This is equivalent to 10 said. “One of the reasons we got clobbered as much vigor as they can muster. Finally, it asks for an indica­ than technically necessary. breakage cost is also passed on to you and after residents at the October salary, overtime, fringe the town in which he is C in ’72 was the continuing tendency of some But Butz forgot the commandment plastics will help meet the food million acres of land devoted to the me. annual town meeting voted to employed. He added he knows tion of which method the of the so-called liberal intellectuals on whose observance marks the gentleman in benefits which are not figured problem by leaving more land authorize the commission to by the department. of no town that gave up a resi­ parents prefer first, a card with raising of wool and just about Many a fighter pilot or tank com­ George’s team to look down their snobbish any political controversy; Thou shalt not grades A, B, C, D, F, issued available to produce foodstuffs. mander, thus, has been so dependent on study the security and law en­ dent trooper once he was es­ matches all the farmland in a state If the nation, at an extra 5 per cent rise noses at the hard hats, a helluva lot of poke fun, or be condescending about, an in­ forcement needs of the town. Also the trooper’s meals, four times a year; second, new his line of supply and repair facilities that whom are what we call ethnics. Like our dividual’s religion or national origin. tablished in the town. Some He points out that current world like Louisiana or Michigan. in costs, could increase the mean time to There are 68 state police Social Security, telephone reporting sheets issued three he has not been as effective as he could jokes, Butz is a dope.” The commandment applies particularly towns gave them up when they failure in the average gadgets we buy by authorized as resident troopers expense, other vehicle expense, established their own police times a year with a conference production of synthetic fibers is about have been. 15 to 20 per cent, and decreasing fuel The McGovern man is right. Politically, in the United States — a proud nation of and all are being used in that motor vehicle depreciation, force, however, he said. He also at the first reporting period, or 20 billion pounds a year. If these fibers usage and breakage during transit by a Butz definitely is a dope. It seems incredi­ immigrants. This Republic was built and % It takes energy, of course, to make capacity, according to Keilty, clothing and miscellaneous. third, another method. ble that a supposedly with-it Cabinet of­ sustained by a fortunate mixture of noted it is cheaper to have resi­ were to be replaced by cotton, it Technological progress is this country like amount, we could bring inflation un­ who said there are 840 troopers State Rep-elect, A1 Ahearn At the recent Board of Educ - plastics, as well as petrochemicals, ficer should so easily forget the melting peoples; WASPS, blacks, Germans, dent troopers than a town police der control and be a leg up in solving our in the state. noted the resident trooper in force. tion meeting, a parent object d would require 40 million acres of derived from oil. But it requires far energy shortages and in meeting conser­ pot quality of the country as to make the Italians, Jews, Irish, Greeks, Poles — peo­ to the new six-page report crack about Pope Paul’s criticism of ple representative of the whole ethnic / agricultural land. If they were less energy and raw materials to vation objectives. Using the same gadget since, she said, it gave no in­ longer is superior, environmentally, than wealthy nations which are urging others to spectrum. Some of them still speak in dication of where the child replaced by wool, it would take over a manufacture plastics for our daily a short life recycling. control their population by using birth con­ what Butz obviously considers a comic stands with his peers. billion acres — or the equivalent of all needs, says Guillet, than goods made The fault at hand does not lie alone with trol; “He no playa the game; he no make dialect. Some may be shabby, unlettered, Bicentennial Group Formed da rules.” the agricultural land in the United either management or labor. We con­ coarse and, by drawing room standards, of minerals or timber or agricultural sumers are to blame for not insisting that Well, Butz complied with Ford’s order unsanitary. But though a Cabinet officer SOUTH WINDSOR Congregational Church; Louise Ann Loftus, St. Francis OFF DILLON FORD States. products. what we buy hold up to minimum stan­ that he apologize “to anyone who might shun their company, they are still Judy Kuehnel Evans, Eli Terry School; Church; George Meadows, dards. There are testing organizations have been offended,” and that’s that. But I Americans. Correspondent Walter Foster; Abe Glassman, American Legion; Ellsworth now, privately supported, some of which find lame Butz’s explanation that he was At the same time, the demand by Rep. 644-1364 Margaret Goulet, John Hor- Newberry, Claire has New and do solid work and some which thrive on merely quoting a joke uttered by an un­ Mario Biaggi, D-N.Y., that President The South Windsor American nish, William Jurgelas, Lithua­ Niziankiewicz, Mary O’Hare, HERALD shoot-from-the-hip sensationalism. Free named Italian woman at the recent inter­ Ford dismiss Butz for “anti-Catholic, anti- \ Revolution Bicentennial Com­ nian Society; Annette Kehoe, Jackie Smith, Joan Stein, Used Cars enterprise and competition would be en­ national food conference in Rome. He was Italian remarks,” was ludicrous. You mission has been organized and Lithuanian ^ ie ty ; Marshall Cultural Arts; Caroline Toce, YESTERDAYS couraged, and the consumer would get a guilty of an attack of insensitivity in don’t sack a Butz for bad manners. We’d will be headed by Russel Lamenzo, Historical Society; Historical Society and Girl PURE WOOLS better deal if some way could be found to repeating the remark to anyone, and es­ be in a bad way if any President Burnham of 647 Ellington Rd. Howard Lappen, Knights of Scouts, Alice Vale, Women’s For Sale. provide private, impartial research pecially to a bunch of reporters. Taken in proclaimed that only gentlemen need app­ The 39-member commission, Columbus. Club; Ellen Walcek, Historical 25 Years Ago organizations the funds they need to spot context, Butz’s quote implied approval of ly for high government posts. which is encouraging others to Also Ralph Lasbury; Stewart Society; Elsie Woolam, 4-H; Louis J. Tuttle is promoted to test the output of all major producers, the woman’s remark — if indeed the In that connection, the Vatican showed become active in the program, Leland, Exchange Club; Betty Edith Yonan, Cultural Arts. Good Buys! woman exists. superintendent of Casualty Statistical then publish these reports wholesale. the class of which tolerance is one of the has elected Richard Nicholson WOOL BLENDS department of Aetna Casualty and Surety Moreover, Butz’s insensitivity seems to ingredients. A spokesman with what may of 736 King St. as vice chair­ OPEN FORUM Co. be shared by at least one of his top-level have reflected a wry humor, said only that man; June Skinner, 57 Ordway Manchester DeMolay holds Father and aides. Agriculture Undersecretary J. Phil American Catholics “may be overreacting Dr., secretary and Harrison Son banquet. Campbell compounded his boss' lapse into to what may be mainly a case of a bad Cameron, 133 Miller Rd., OUR FRANKLIN STOVES bad taste by telling the press; “ We don’t taste joke.” In effect, the Vatican was treasurer. A Further Look take it seriously here. He was Just chat­ bestowing indulgence on a mixed-up guy DOUBLE KNITS Etipnitt^ Mpralb ting around. We didn’t think it was of that who didn’t know any better. In its present form, the com­ much moment.” mission represents a number of ARE HERE! At Off‘Track Betting 10 Years Ago FOUNDED OCT. 1, 1M1 churches, civic and social This date was a Sunday; The Herald did Publlihed by (h« Publlthad avary clubs, fraternal and patriotic Manchaatar evening a«cept Sun- HUNDREDS IN STOCKI 3 not publish. Publlahing Co., Herald daya and holldaya. organizations, several schools, To the editor; employes and the other is a mini- or tele­ Squara, Manchaatar. Entered at tha the Cultural Arts Commission, HURRY IN FOR It was really very upsetting to read that track type which would staff about 60 sUte C o n n . 0e040, Manchaatar, Conn., Talaphona S43-2711 Poat Office aa Second T r « the Community Service Coun­ our mayor is proposing to the Board of employes. Either type if accepted would (Araa Coda 203). Claaa Mall Miner. I 2 2 cil, League of Women Voters, 4- RUGGEDLY RUILT OF HEAVY Directors that it should not allow an off­ 4 s t ; I • 10 give the town added revenue. The town BURL L. LYONS, PUBLISHER II 12 II 14 IS II i; H Gubs and the South Windsor track betting parlor in our town. Before a would receive one-fourth of 1 per cent of II IS20 21 22 n 24 Historical Society. GAUGE STEEL decision is reached on this matter, there the admissions fees from the tele-track SUGGESTED CARRIER RATES 2S 21 22 21 20 10 ALMANAC are some aspects of O.T.B. that if in­ type. PAYABLE IN ADVANCE Besides the officers of the ELECTRONICALLY WELDED BEST SELECTIONS TODAY’S commission other members vestigated or studied, could possibly prove A considerable amount of money is Single Copy 15a 3 Moniha $9.75 to be beneficial to the town. These findings spent on recreation and other worthwhile Weekly . .75i 6 Moniha. $19.50 Hy Uniled Preis Inlernalioniil In 1862, almost 11,000 Northern soldiers currently include Bob Abshier, FOR LONG LIFE THOUGHT ONE Month should be presented to the people of the projects in our town. Maybe some of this $3.25 One Year. $39.00 Today is Friday, Dec. 13, the 347th day were killed or wounded in a battle with Jaycees and Wapping Fair; town for their acceptance or rejection. added revenue could help defray the cost Mail Ratal Upon Requaat of 1974 with 18 to follow. Confederate troops at Marye’s Heights Marcia Andrus, League of TRADITIONAL CHARM FOR Subicribara who p m. ihould telephone The moon 1$ new. Women Voters; John First of all, an O.T.B. parlor would not of another softball field or another rented Most of us are learning the bitter lessons outside Fredericksburg, Va. fill to receive their the circulation depart- The morning stars are Mercury, Mars Borlsewich, Chamber of NO MAIL OR PHONE ORDERS, coat the town any money at all. American parking lot and other worthwhile projects. of how not-to-llve. We try the not-the-ways Herald belore 5 30 menl. 847-9946 MANY YEARS Tatallsator Comp., Inc. which is handling Many people use horse racing and pari­ and Saturn. Commerce; Kathy and George to live and hurt ourselves as well as Borst, Pleasant Valley School; some phases of O.T.B. will either mutuel wagering as their type of recrea­ others. We try other than God’s ways, and Member Audit Bureeu of Circulations The evening stars are Venus and In 1918, American soldiers of the U.S. TAKE ONE Jupiter. Clinton Bowman, Doris purchase or lease the space for this type of tion or hobby and maybe many more end up in decay, in death—death to peace, 3rd Army crossed the Rhine River at The Manchaatar Olipliy adverliiing 'hiose born on this date are under the Burgdorf, Historical Society; HOMETODAYI facility. Wherever possible, the operating would if they wouldn’t have to leave the to joy, to well-being, to health. Coblenz. Germany, during World War I, personnel of this facility will be sUffed Publlahing Co. doling houra Three sign of Sagittarius. In 1937, Japanese soldiers captured Dexter S. Burnham, Richard FIREPLACES state or town to participate in It. It would Why not try the better Way rather than lull dayi prior lo PLEASE aiium ai no linancial Clark Mills, American sculptor of Cahoaii, Brad Case, First with local personnel, who can qualify really be a shame to let this money slip the bitter way? Try Jesus’ Way. His Way publication Nanking. China, and began a systematic ONLY raaponiibillly lor Deadline lor Herald famous statues in Washington, D.C., was looting of the city’s homes and shops. Congregational Church; through the state testing system, thus through our hands, especially if surroun­ is the Way to do everything. typographical arrori claiiillad advertising Lorraine Clapp, First pouibly creating new jobs. The number of ding town; and cities nltnw it And thcr*' jr ■ nc-1 ■ • I 12 noon pi nr loday ol born Dec. 13, 1810. A thought for the day: Seeing a federal A r e • g l o w c H sf., jobs would depend on the type of facility, t On Ihis ddv in history; charge repulsed at Fredericksburg. Va.. Congregational Church. RT.83 VIRNON, CONN. in New Zealand was discovered Southern Gen. Robert E. Lm said "It is of which there are two, one is a branch of- J i l OOC,yCl' h lU S t. Mon- Other members Include 2 MHm North of Vomon Cirdo on Rt 13 Qoe type which would staff S or 10 state Manchester 0(iy and named by Dutch navigator Abel well that war Is so terrible, or we'should 199 (NEXT TO EQUIPIEiNT) SHOP FORBES A WALLACE, MANCHESTER PARKADE Methodist Church LAM Yasman. get too fond of It.” Sheitlll Collins, Historical Society; Arthur Dunham, First Oita: Taei.-Fri.. l0:0M:0a ti* 1-ao.R-ia ta. fi-ia.t-nn SATURDAY, 10 A.M. to 10 P.M. I PAGE EIGHT - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Mancheater, Conn., Fri., Dec. 13, 1974 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester, Conn., Fri., Dec. 13, 1974 — PAGE NINE Settlers* Theories Blue Cross Goes Up, Chamber Told Of Rainfall Odd ARROW SHIRTS SWEET APPLE CIDER MADE FRESH ON THE FARM VERNON named Wiiliam Repoli, last year's presi­ students in schools in Vernon, Tolland and Omaha, Neb. — Ununually Regular $12.00 Ellington for Arbor Day, and the V wet ycara between 1880 and The Blue Cross portion of the group in­ dent, as the chamber's nominee for the the extension of railroads drew Long alM vt, mon’t knit drMS No preservatives - Not pasteurized. A pure and surance held by some members of the Rockvilie Rotary Club's “Citizen of the memorial tree planting project. a steady stream of farmers into •hlrlR. Colors: Blus, tan, brown, natural product. An excellent substitute for soft Rockville Area Chamber of Commerce Year” award. He said the chamber was Lee Higgins, chairman of the entertain­ the Great Plains states. They yallow and maroon. drinks. ment committee, said the next chamber- > i will cost more starting Jan. 1, Robert asked to take action to nominate a person believed that the rainfall was 7 8 sponsored “Get Acquainted” luncheon is CODGnATIONS Tedoldi told the board of directors for the award. saiunkiy only! at miirratintc with them. 6LENNEY’S««»*si.op Wednesday. scheduled for Jan. 21 at Howard John­ • MacINTOSH • BALDWIN Steve Lament of the economic develop­ son's, Rt. 30, at noon. One theory at the time was TTie rate change for individuals will be ment committee said the committee has 789 Main 8L from the present J14.73 to |17.65 a month The board accepted three hew that plowing the soil increased OPEN TON in HI 0:001 • CORTLAND • WINESAP been contacted, by a number of There are so many racial and rainfall. Another held that the and family coverage will go from $35.88 to members; Jerry's Transmission of his horse and two-seat surrey O.C. remembers one trip he organizations and individuals looking for Rockville; Town House Restaurant, International suspicious and an­ for a half day. Bicycles were got horned into. There was to be new railroad and telegraph lines $42.95. industrial or commercial space and as a tipathies now that O.C. wonders encouraged condensation ^ OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK He said all members will be informed of Tolland; and Tri-City Cleaners, Vernon. four-bits (our money) for all a big celebration for the water vapor in the air. Mqify result the committee has become quite Crowl said 61 new members were if shore liberties can be enjoyed day. opening of the Cape Cod Canal. the proposed increase. The insurance aware of what space is available and who as much as they were sixty or thought that every yard of steel payments are handled by the chamber accepted this year and a target of five new The ship (an old battlewagon) The President on his yacht The FERRANDD DRCHARD to contact concerning it. sixty-five years ago. Practical­ rail drew a gallon of rain a which bills the members quarterly in ad­ members a month is set for next year. was anchored a mile or two out. Mayflower was to lead the year. Read Herald Ads BIRCH MOUNTAIN ROAD, QLA8TONBURY ly everyone was friendly then vance. Tedoldi said there will have to be He also said Bernle Crowl, executive Prior to the board meeting the executive She carried a couple coal fired parade through. (3 miles beyond Vito's Restaurant) director, and Pozzato have been active in and everywhere was law and steam barges (launches), half a We went up with the Wasp adjustments in the bills as of Jan. 1. There committee met to discuss taking a stand order. are less than 100 people in the plan, he trying to keep the Contromatics Corp. in on the problem of the plan for local dozen big sailing cutters and and fired a 21-gun salute for the Some balls, a bat and some said. town. theater owners to bring live sex shows to Regal’s several smaller cutters and President when the Mayflower gloves usually got ashore with The plan has three parts. Besides the Crowl said the beautification committee Rockville. whale boats. A steamer with passed a couple miles away. No Manchester Vernon the party, so if other radio then. The President was Blue Cross hospital insurance it also in­ will emphasize three projects this year: He said the committee decided that the three sailing cutters in tow amusements failed some could not aboard his yacht. Were our cludes CMS (surgery), and major Rid Litter Day, the sale of flowers, and matter should be brought to the attention could take a big party ashore. medical. He said plans are also being dis­ park beautification. have a catch, or bat out flies, or Last boat back to ship was to green officers proud of that of all chamber members and agreed to start some kind of game with cussed to increase the CMS portion. He said several other long-standing send out questionnaires to find out how leave at seven bells (11:30 bull! John Pozzato, president of the board, projects will be continued, including the which all U.S. kids are familiar. p.m.) and ship was to weigh But they had dates for the they stand before taking any formal ac­ Once there was a cricket told the directors that the executive board distribution of small trees to Grade 3 tion. anchor (pull the hook) a couple evening on Block Island so beat match going on but it was such hours later. it over there, were rowed slow motion that the visitors The last boat had just pulled ashore and ordered the boat to HOLIDAY lacked enough interest to stay away from the Hamilton Har­ pick them up before midnight Rice Takes Lone Role In ‘Krapp’s Last Tape’ with it. They found a nearby bor quay when a gob on a bicy­ so we could get back to field where they could lay out a cle came tearing down Queen Brooklyn early next day. diamond and soon a good ball Street, out onto the dock and off There were many lobster pot game was in progress. the end, man and bike, into the floats around where we were VERNON feeling of peace and happiness. No re s e rv a tio n s a re Church Parly First a couple people strolled drink eight or ten feet below. anchored. Now law gives stiff STORES J. Alan Rice will play the role Group rates for tickets will necessary. Tickets will be $3.50 St. Bernard Church Home over from the cricket field. He knew the boat would not put fines for meddling with them. of Krapp in "Krapp's Last be available. Further informa­ for adults and $1.75 for and School Association wilt SPECIALS Then more and more until most back for a man on the dock who Don’t know if it did then. Tape,” to be present^ Jan 9,10 tion may be obtained by contac­ children. — , sponsor a New Year's eve of the cricket crowd was had overstayed leave, but no After dark a boat went over ting Andrea Hanson, 647-9697, and 11 at the Vernon Center dinner dance. Tickets are O ur Entire S to ck o1 watching the Yanks’ ball game. one can leave a man . and pulled the traps. A little Middle School, by the Tri-Town or Carol French, 643-2280. Methodist Women available at $25 a couple. In one place it was interesting He was picked up and sailed later plenty of lobsters were Players. Turkey Supper The Rockville United A buffet will be served from 8 to watch the tradesmen with his ship. cooking down in the fire-room. The one-character, one-act Vernon Grange will sponsor a Methodist (Jhurch Women will to 10 p.m. and there will be dan­ SUITS...SP0RTC0ATS & building a house (were they During the Spanish-American A fine time was had by all, even play concerns the fragmented public turkey supper ^turday meet Dec. 18 at 8 p.m. in cing untii 2 a.m. in the church masons or carpenters?). They war the U.S. commandeered a the young ensign left aboard memories of an aging man as from 5:30 to 7 p.m. at the Fellowship Hall when newly hall. A snack will be served at worked with stone, a soft white private steam yacht, mounted 4 with us. he tries to recapture, through Grange Hall, Rt. 30, Vernon elected officers wili be in- midnight and noisemakers will ALL-WEATHER COATS* limestone, probably made by one-pounders forward and 2 tape recordings from his past, a Center. stalied. be furnished. coral. It came from the quarry three-pounders aft and used it Following the installation Tickets may be purchased by *EXCLUDINQ FAIR TRADE ITEMS,AND LEISURE in large blocks. Men worked as a gun boat inshore and in there will be a carol sing. contacting Mrs. Robert SUITSI like carpenters measuring to rivers in Cuba. It was called the DILLON FORD Members are asked to bring C allahan, 872-3939; Mrs. find the size required to fit a Wasp. After the war it was kept canned food or nonperishable Wallace Gage, 875-6572; or Mrs. space then marking it off on the up around New York and has Nb w and items to be sent to New Hope William Mullaney, 875-3080. large piece and sawing off with Brooklyn and used more or less FREE ALTERATIONS! a hand saw like with wood. Manor, drug rehabilitation Day Care Sale as a “bum-boat.” She Reratb center for girls, Manchester. In Bermuda at that time no Senior officers didn’t bother UsBd Cars A raffle and baked goods sale, FAMOUS NAME GENUINE motor driven vehicles were with it! Sometimes some junior Area Profile to benefit the Hockanum Vailey allowed. The only thing allowed officers would take a little gala- School Lunches Day Care Center, will be held at For SalB. The following lunches will be LEATHER JACKETS to move under mechanical vant with it if they could recruit Hartmann’s Supermarket, power was a traveling crane for enough off duty guys to man it. served in the Vernon public FULL ORLON PILE LINING AND COLLAR schools next week: Rockville, Dec. 21 from 9 a.m. unloading ships at the quay. For Chance to pick up a little TAN-BROWN-NAVY...REGULARS - LONGS Good Buys! Rham Honor Roll Monday: Salisbury steak, through the day with the a buck apiece up to four could change. gravy, buttered noodles, drawing for the raffle to be at 5 OUR REG. $150.00 hire a Portuguese driver with Grade 12 Honora Deldre Feeney carrots, rye bread and butter, p.m. High Honors John Foley fruit cup. To promote the project, some Lea Anson Qemms Fontanella FAMOUS NAME GIFT BOXED SLEEVELESS A Leslie Qraham Tuesday: Sloppy Joes on bun, of the children from the center OUR MAIKHESTER Jean Barratto Fred Brehant Louanne Bricault Collesn Qreen whole kernel corn, banana. will be in the store dressed as Walter Berk DeeAnn Qreen Laure Devine Bethar» BurrIII Wednesday: Juice, grinders, little elves. PARKADE Janet Carlberg Jennifer Harger SWEATER & SHIRT SETS 9 Janet Krone Deborah Hayber potato chips, fudgesicle. The raffle will feature more Pamela Colgan NAVY - BURGUNDY - GREEN S-M-L-XL Jonathan Little John Henaghan STORE Kathryn WIrth Mark Devine Thursday: Pork patties with than 40 items donated by local OUR REG. $20.00 and $22.50 Sherry Duchesneau NIckle Hurlbutt applesauce, mashed potato, merchants. Some of the prizes Ronald Dumond David Jeannotte Honors Carl Emt Dina Katkavek broccoli, bread and butter, will include two tickets to a IS O P EN Robin Kearns Patricia Barton John Erickson Christmas cookies. New England Whalers hockey FAMOUS NAME Susan Farmer Tod Krewson Qerald Bennatt Debra Labreck No lunch will be served on game and a turkey. TONKIIT Karla Berglund Alan Fish Cynthia Foley Diane Larrabee Carla Campbell Deborah Layman Friday. The schools will close Diane Marshall and Brenda Catherine Coburn Debra Fournier Buttimer are co-chairmen of TURTLENECK SWEATERS TIL 9 Lucinda Grant Scott Leonard at noon for the Christmas David Devine ,David Little WINTUK ORLON S-M-L-XL Jon Donahue Christopher Qreen holidays. the event. JIM Harrison Qall Marshall 7 COLORS OUR REG. $14.00 Robert Dumschat Richard Martin Cheryl Foley Judith Henderson Kimberly Kabllk Inger Nielson Jamea Fracchia Cathy Oakes ./ Richard Frost Jeanne Kulawlcz Fern Lee Elaine O'Brien FAMOUS NAME T". Linda Haggerty Clifford Parker Clair Hand Dennis Lindley Linda Lunt HledI Phllbrick Reserve To Help Donna Henderson Craig Porter Bethany Horton Elizabeth MacArthur SLEEVELESS SWEATERS Mark Massey Robert Post Teresa Johansson Carolyn Powless 10 C O L O R S S -M -L -X L Darlyne Johnson Nancy McQuenneas Michelle Mecteau James Rorstrom Katherine Kabllk Paulette Sachs Santa Operation OUR REG. $10.00 Judith Lack Tamara Morey Karla Mortenaen Michael Sharp Karen Lathrop Jason SIrols Qerald Lindley Jeanne Nicholson Maureen Pawllna Kevin ^auldlng All persons wishing ad­ FAMOUS NAME Jonathan Little Alison Stevens SOUTH WINDSOR James Lunt Jonathan Phelps Vincent Szwed ditional information on “Opera­ ' V Karan MacDonald Ronald Phllbrick Judy Kuehnel Jamea PIro Shelley Tayntor tion Santa” may call the ser­ Jean Marshall Donna Thresher CABLE SWEATERS Theodore Poaunlak Correspondent Nancy McMuter Robin Tyrseck vice office. Daniel Moore Zane Roberts 644-1364 100% WOOL - MOSTLY MEDIUMS Marlene Ross Mary V^allfskl Deborah Nericcio Elizabeth Wallace 5 COLORS OUR REG. $23.00 Susan Oliver Valorle Schwarzmann Charge Brian Stomberg Edward Whitney The South Windsor Communi­ Thomas Oliver Matt WIrth Erin O'Nall David Tow ty Service Council Office, with Accounts Cynthia Whltehlll Lori Wood Cheryl Osborn Karen Yeomans LONG SLEEVE ^ Invited David Phelps Roy WIrth the assistance of men from the Mary Kolhok Joann Zachmann David Pratt Army Reserve, wili coodinate Great Bank Christine Prussia Hazel Prevoat “Operation Santa” this year for FLANNEL SHIRTS Dorene Scheuer Dana Santangelo rC ift ToTrinii Charge* Audrey Senkblel the town’s less fortunate 100% COTTON - ASSORTED PLAIDS Accepted Jacquelyn Stomberg families. ATI’ecWitfl Cathy Sylvselsr Grade 7 S-M-L-XL OUR REG. $7.50 to $10.00 Lauren SIMnaky Grade 9 Joanna VInoent High Honors The'program will be assisted M g C Q I i m C H Robert Vonlell High Honors by personnel from the 1st Bat­ ARROW 100% COTTON Jean Zachmann Thomas BIrdaaH talion, 385th Regiment, 2nd i CHAM SAWS Joann Zimmer Cathy Cole Lori Caftyn Jeffrey SIrols Rita Fontanella Lena Calvo Brigade of the Reserve. FROM Robert Tyraack David NIemezyk Shslla Fogg CORDUROY SHIRTS Susan Johnson S-M-L-XL - 5 COLORS Scott Lavoie EVERYTHING IN THE STONE “Operation Santa” which *99.95 Grade 11 Honors Patricia Maltzan OUR REG. $12.00 High Honors JoAnne Martin provides food baskets for needy Coleen Ackerman Dina PIzzo families and gifts and toys for Dawn Barraaso Joy RankI Kathle Doucette Amy Anderson the children, is made possible Sale Sharon Reynolds ARROW DOUBLEKNIT POLYESTER Jean Franceschena Bonnie Atherley James Bunker Sheron Sage through donations by groups Brenda QIazIsr Sandra Schoen LONG SLEEVE ALL DAY TODAY Watson Coburn and organizations as well as in­ McCulloch from Joan SherrIck John Sheehan Eric Peterson Jackie Colgan dividuals. This year's program Portable Alan Comira Emile Sklodosky Girls' Reg. 11.50 SATURDAY DEG. 14th Honors Cindy Conklin is being viewed as more Qeneratore. *219” DRESS SHIRTS Dawn Dallaira necessary than ever because of Electric power 14%-32 - 17-35 - OUR REG. $12.00 Jeff Adams Loretta Delguldloe Susan Aldan David Doucette the state of the economy. when you want It, .BLUE • WHITE - TAN - MAIZE Just imagine a 15% discount on every gift you buy! That’s Albert Attardo Elizabeth Dreyer where you want it Linda Bartlett Timothy Fisher Honors Members of the Service Debra Clark what we're giving you at Grants— think of it as a Christ­ Rita Fontanella Council noted, however, that Susan ComIre Jeffrey Qraham l5oo watt FAMOUS NAME Rocco Anselmo Douglas Chaney Sandra Qustafson the community has always 118 volts mas present to your budget. Perfect gifts for everyone on Virginia Donnelly Sandra Koval Thom u Armstrong Troy Bard responded graciously to the Heidi Doss Thomas MacArthur Lola Ellsnberg Melanie Barlbeault program and the council is con­ WINTER COATS your list ... great ideas for giving in every department. Laurean MacDonald Brian Begin Maureen Hanaghan Marie Montmlny fident the program will meet 100% WOOL - ORLON PILE LINED David Hson Llaa Oliver Alana Bernaten Ellen Bodey with the same success as it has SOLIDS - PLAIDS - OUR REG. TO $85.00 Steven Hovay Cora Ratti And ... everything and anything in the store ... big and Lori Krewson Dennis M. Rlhm Lane Brunner in past years. Susan Chace Cheryl Lack Michael Ray 2000 watt Laurel Chaaae small ... gets 15% taken off Its regular price for this great Heather MacDonald Susan Saucier 115 volts Linda McQuennes Pam Shaw Qary Coiro As part of this year’s Howard MeSparran Diane Smith Diane ComIre program, the council said DUR Kimberly Daniels holiday event! Chris Marrall Diane Staslak students at Timothy Edwards Monica Miller Nell Twine Kimberly DlSdpIo John Donnelly Dorothy Moore Qeoffrey Watson Middle School will be collecting Karen Nichols Thomas Weeden Mark Durocher Famous make toasty-warm Paul Nielsen Debra Qelsomlnl nonperishable items for food ENTIRE Jeffrey Weingart brushed acetate & nylon paja­ m John Orzech Joel WIrth Thomas Qluffre baskets. Jason Osborn Lori WrobllnskI Sharon Glazier 3000 watt Cathy Oliver Patricia Hariwla mas. Flame-retardant. Vinyl A number of other groups 118/230 volts Laurel Palmer Karen Henderson skid-proof soles. Colorful prints. STDRE SALE- Leon Palmar Gradb 8 Sarah Horton and organizations have con­ Thrt< ...y w.yi to Chirg.-ll' Leslie Poirier Kathleen Infante Sizes'4 to 14. Melissa Porter High Honors Rebecca Jewett tributed to the program and the Kathryn PuriyckI Pamela LaCroIx Community Service Council of­ On purclrasfts of M " or more. Michele Ratti Cynthia Adams Richard Lee fice is communicating with Stop In Our PRICED 15% Barbara Richards Sharon Derby Brian Levasaeur Regal’s Pamela Roberts Richard Harrison Laurie Long several more in hope of making Store and Look Not applicoble to prior solos, fnanchiso cosmotks, Rostouront, William Ryan Jamas Kllduft Janey Marquee the program a success. MAIN ST. MANCHESTER TRI-CITY PLAZA VERNON Deborah Rzonca Michelle Merbler Jeannette MeSparren One O ve r. OFF Christopher Sage JoAnne Moser Elizabeth Mooney Snock Bor and fair trade items. Michael Shannon Cheryl Perry Kathleen Murphy SHOP DOWNTOWN MANCHESTER 14.00 - 18.00 Girls’ Famous Make Robin Shaw Alisa Schaeffer Kathleen Powleu COVENTRY SPORTS Valorle SIrols Stacy Queen FRIDAY TILL 9:00 P.M. SATURDAY TILL 5:30 Debra Tootell Donna Reed Philip Turgeon Honors Rebecca Rlhm DILLON FORD ft Elizabeth Thomas Katherine Roberta SHOP TRI-CITY PLAZA, VERNON Christmas-Perfect Quiit Robes Dana Wood Robert Roaka POWER EQUPMENT Walter WrobllnskI Carol Andrews Tonya Say has New and Scott Yeomans Kenneth Bain Diane Shain FRIDAY AND SATURDAY TILL 0:00 P.M. Deborah Baker Stsphen St. Armand R0Un44A Joanne Bennett AND ALL Sue Stamp Wed. ft PrI. 0-0 Grade 10 Lynne Boyajlen Used Cars Robert Tourtlllotte Tues. ft Thurs. 0-0 Hiah Hunure Victor Brown FInoa Twine Clifford Burnham Karan VashallfskI 8al. 0-8 Sale 10.99 Fern Barrasao Qary BurrIII Paul Violetta For Sale. CLOSED MONDAY Laurie Bark Ralph Clark Arthur Volalne Thomas Fisher Linda Comira Robert Weingart Cuddly cotton t polyester and nylon quBt robei. These ankle length beauties will delight WuH Loeee Leslie Congleton Julia Wllllvar Phono 6RANT STORES Natalia PalUar Maryann Cwirka Mary Welsh Good Buys! 7 4 2 - 6 1 0 3 every girl Christmas morning, name retardant Prints and solid colors. Sizes 4 to 14. Panatopa Stbun Brenda Durochw Robert Wood Laufta.Bpoonar Sharon Eachar Nina Zappulla f 'l PAGE TEN - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester. Conn., Fri., Dec. 13, 1974 EVENING HERALD, Manchester. Conn., Fri., Dec. 13, 1974 — PAGE ELEVEN Use Restraint Graduation Exercise On lECHS Honor Roll With Lighting TOLLAND formal education at that level. taken against possible elimina­ Second Honors tion if parents or the communi­ SENIORS Urges Brooks VIVIAN KENNESON. “The education system in this Manchester: Robert (Caffrey, ty were for it. "Some students (Wa Hava A Notion To Plaaaa) First Honors town is kindergarten through Naxt to FranTa SuMrmartal t (with distinction) Clara Cosme, Diane Evans, Wxt lieralti (^orrenpondenl Grade 12," he said. are recognized for academic ^ a s t Hartford: James Gentile, Marcia Holmes, Gail "May your Christmas be Tolland Middle School will Dr. MacKenzie also objects and some for athletic achieve­ Eaat MMdto Tpka., iRMciiaator have eighth grade graduation -i Second Honors lamonaco, Carolyn Kozuch, bright — but not too bright" Area Profile to the amount of money some ment, but this provides achieve­ OPER EVERY RIGHT URTI. CHRISTMAS! ' Manchester: Brenda Bailey, Rita-^upacchino, Jeanne could be the holiday season exercises in June as a result of parents spend on students' ment for the whole class,” she ^ a r y Barrett, Grace Belfiore, Mader, ^Kathleen McCabe, message of Connecticut Energy a survey taken by the school of clothes for the ceremonies, and said. G IFT IDEAS parents of those students. ^laudia Bertrand, Jean Kathryn Tuker. Agency Administrator Lynn recommended that if the The board took no action to Somers: Charles Mercier. Alan Brooks. The Board of Education dis­ FROM PLAZA... Crouchley, Louis Hafner, graduation ceremonies are to discontinue the ceremonies, FOR DAD and BROTHER: sAngela Kaiisiak, Edwin East Hartford: Deborah cussed elimination of the continue the rental of caps and thereby allowing graduation ceremonies last spring, but Underwear, Pajamas, ^ojeski, Thomas Martin, Beaulieu, Kathleen Fleming, * t Brooks, in a letter to energy $18,000 More Sought gowns be investigated. Vene exercises to be held, in 1975 Elizabeth Perry, Karen Perry, Richardrd Gentile, Carol coordinators of the state's T / a f iy - ^ r V £ O A * f students and parents protested. Harding, Tolland Middle School anyway. Socks, Blue Joani, [)avid Roger, Lisa Schaller, Lavertu, Charles Maillet, towns, is urging "prudent A poll of this years’ eighth principal, estimated the Handkerchiefs and usan Tesik, Kathryn Walsh, Mary-Jo Quinn, Linda restraint and moderation in the grade students’ parents showed graduation costs about $250. . Wallets. outh Windsor: Karen Barlock, Tyburski. ’ matter of Christmas lighting.” 135 in favor of continuing the Board member Carol Duncan nMRO IUOZ0 , MC. FOR MOTHER: Sleepwear, South Windsor: Therese While such lighting is only a To Rebuild Bridge exercises and 54 against. 'There 22 REOENT STREET hristine Franzosa, Laurence disagreed that graduation exer­ Slippers, Aprons, Purses Cohan, Karen Daugherty. small part of energy use. were 10 responses with no opi­ MANCHESTER I erbo, Janice Lappen, Donna TOLLAND cises are unnecessary, and iSth Y ttr In and Housewarea. _^PaJot, Robert Steben. Rockville: Carolann Skrok. Brooks says that indiscriminate nion and 38 did not return the questioned why moves were DrywtII ContiruoUon forms. Z East Hartford: Corinna Honorable Mention holiday lighting creates the The agreement between the Emergency Plan I Ccninyi Rcpalrad A R*pl«c*d FOR SISTER: Panty Hosa, 1 0 ■ m tom IKSE Knas. ^ I d i , Mary Cadorette, John South Windsor: Paul false impression that energy Vivian Kenneson two towns has been prepared An interim Emergency Dr. Kenneth L. MacKenzie, 7 ii Cosmetics, Nighties, t$ .9 £ - M t m m MET m c n i TpiStefano, Nancy Donovan, Bienkowski. sources are plentiful and tends C^orreitponilenl and the remaining question is Operations Plan for the town is superintendent of schools, told GIFT CAMERAS Warm Gloves and Hats. to discourage the necessary the apportionment of costs the board Wednesday that he CAU UR or ^n n Dumais, Gerald Dundon, Manchester: Ronald Blasko. The Board of Selectmen will now on file in John Harkins’, PROJECTORS Como III wmi Tour ProWams ALSO: TOYS, GAMES, PUZZLES, DECORATIONS and Rockville: Francis conservation of energy. be asked for an appropriation of between the towns. Harkins town manager, office. has “very strong feelings’’ that FREE COFFEE rCanda Johnson, Janelyn Kabot, svrr ENLARGEMENTS GIFT WRAP FOR ALL !^rb ara Luko, Nancy Mullins, Fitzgerald. $18,000 Tuesday, the additional said, assuming the Tolland middle or junior high gradua­ “SAVINO YOU MONEY The plan, necessary for IB OUn OOLD..." :pavid Ramer, Diane Reddy, East Hartford: Linda Carney, "Another aspect of energy amount required to enter into a share as being 72.87 per cent, tion is a “thing of the past,” ARTHUR DRUG Need Something? Try Plaza! the town would be paying $66,- operational control in the event belonging to an era when a good m 648-4484 or i^atricia Swider, Steven Laura Morkan, James Tosti, use during the Christmas contract to replace the bridge of an emergency affecting the 848-4464 Brian Sweeney. 329.83, while Willington would number of students ended their Turgeon, Bernadette Young, season is in the field of to Willington which collapsed community, such as the ice Glastonbury: Allison pay $24,695.05. James Morin. transportation. It is heartening nearly a year ago. storm of a year ago, was com­ Burke, Gary Carlson, Steve Both town counsels have dis­ Glastonbury: David Carter, to know that a number of John Harkins, town manager, piled by Ronald d^ittell, civil Noone, Pamela Wesbecher. cussed bringing suit against William Leahy, Barbara Upton, municipalities have increased has met with contractor John defense director; represen­ Mahiliak Gravel Co., whose Use Your Master Charge Kathleen Welch. bus service to accommodate Olender and Willington Town tatives of the State Office of truck was crossing the bridge Honorable Mention FRESHMEN (Christmas shoppers," Brooks jv /T V c r t i ^ n t e s Counsel Robert Daskus, to Civil Preparedness; and when it collapsed. Mahiliak’s Manchester: Anne Arnida, First Honors says. review the contract proposal. Harkins. Ellen Burns, Maryellen (with distinction) ’The contract whs originally insurer, Aetna Casulty, has so Broad Street Casalino, Tim Charlebois, He suggests that persons not awarded at $101,713 several far only offered a feeler of $10,- East Hartford: Laura The plan sets down the duties Katherine Curtice, Lise served by public transportation months ago, was renegotiated 000 toward the repair, while Straceski. and responsibilities of the Engelbrecht, Theresa Keeney, might combine shopping trips for $91,025, and takes into con­ engineers Griswold & Fuss es­ Manchester Manchester: Richard Walsh. various departments and agen­ Nancy A. Murphy, Deborah with neighbors and make cer­ sideration some of the timated the value at $38,200 in Second Honors cies involved with emergency Phillips, Cathleen Toomey. tain each trip is really preparatory work being done by January. Any insurance settle­ Manchester: Linda necessary. services in Tolland. Harkins Parkade Glastonbury: Cynthia Coma. each town’s crews. ment would be allocated to the Chambers, Patricia Curtis, noted that the plan is an interim kTHE THANK YOU STORE Elast Hartford: Mary Jo Ban- . The contract figure reflects towns in a percentage based on Catherine Derby, Cynthia & A 3 HAIK ST one, which requires additional non, Robert Merrill, Karen OPEN DAILY 'til 1 P.O an increase in materials in the average tax receipts. Fabrizi, Mary Farley, Deborah work. However, it is sufficient Only 9 More Shopping Days Left! Picano, Mary Thiery. NEW TERMINAL amount of $1,316, and a seven Intagliata, Margaret McGrath, The board had approved an to be filed with the State Office South Windsor: William per cent contingency. Harkins Monica Smith, Kathleen Tesrk. BRIDGETOWN, Barbados allocation of $52,000 in of Civil Preparedness and will Carrinton, Maryann Golden, Bolton: Douglas Ovian. (UPI) - A new $10 million air said in a memo to the Mario lerardi, Denise Pajot, September, and the additional open the door for state and Vernon: Patricia Tylee. terminal is expected to be com­ selectmen, “I think that the Pamela Reckendorf. allocation of $18,000 will also federal assistance where East Hartford: Carolyn pleted by 1978 at Seawell Inter­ negotiations between Mr. cover engineering costs. applicable. JUNIORS Bradley, Sonia Famiglietti, national airport on this Ciu-ib- Olender and the parties in­ First Honors Gina Frese, Patricia Kenyon, bean resort island. The terminal Read Herald Ads volved have been excellent and (with distinction) Greg Lareau, Lillian Palmiere, Plan Combined Concert is part of a complete renovation the revised contractual figure Manchester, Mary Parla. Jane Queriddo, Joyce Wehner. project for the airport is a fair one.’’ South Windsor: Janet Glastonbury: Kelly Dwyer, A time for Nesteruk. Stephanie Hauser, Mary Lytle. Preparing for the concert of seasonal music to be presented by the Senior Choirs of North Second Honors Hebron: Edna Williams. United Methodist and Emanuel Lutheran Church Sunday at 4 p.m. at Emanuel Church are Manchester: Elizabeth Honorable Mention James McKay, left, and Melvin Lumpkin, organists and choirmasters of North Methodist Christmas joy. Cowles, Beth lamonaco, Manchester: Brian and Emanuel Churches, respectively. The concert is open to the public. A silent offering School Menus Richard Lautenbach, Jane (3iarlebois, Katherine Leonard, Steven Olechny, Kathleen Pon- will be received. After the program, refreshments will be served in Luther Hall of Lemelin, Nancy Maillet, Dena Emanuel Church. (Herald photo by Dunn) Give Omega Persico, Douglas Ryniewicz, ticelli, Brian Sirois, Diane TOLLAND EUena Vira. Weiss, Jeriljm Wright. to make her Christmas merrier Parker and Hicks Bolton: Johanna Young. Glastonbu^: Kathleen Monday: Hot dog on roll, East Hartford: Colleen Agar, Damiata. No Plugs, No Lights The Little Shop with ALL the big qiustard or ketchup, corn, THE ENVIED TITLE: Ellen Ehrhardt, Joseph Golec, Andover: Kevin Hurst. DILLON FORD gifts for that special girl on your list. p^nut butter cookies. Vernon: Degie Kindred. Robin Mullins, C^thy Ploszaj, Complete ensembles, as well as Tuesday: Spaghetti with Donna Roberge, Mark Skehan, Rockville: Kelly Sheehan. meat sauce, tossed salad, Several of the holiday lighting has New and accessories galore. ., Diane Thompson. East Hartford: Maureen ting an estimate on replace­ cheese cube, Vienna bread, pud­ "chronometer” fixtures on Manchester's down­ Glastonbury: Marie Agar, Mary Fitzgerald, James ment of the outlets from the ding. Schoebel, Eileen Supino. Fox, Mark Lavoie, Donna town Main St. are blacked out Hartford Electric Light Co., but Used Cars Wednesday: Hot turkey Honorable Mention Micoletti, Kathleen Viola. this year because there's downtown committee members sandwich, cranberry sauce, nowhere to plug them in, the Manchester: Alice Belfiore, South Windsor: Lisa Donnel­ agreed the procedure would for Sale. peas and carrots, fruit. Mayor's Downtown Action Shirley Casterline, Bernadette ly, Tim Hennegan, Lauria take too long and the \jferk ..^Thursday: Pizza, cole slaw, Slack. Committee has learned. "A Friendly Hagenow, Vincent Nadaskay, wouldn't be done in time for Moa-3it applesauce. Ellington: Marc Pinard. Mrs. Suzanne Flocken, this year's Christmas shopping I Place To Shop!' Sally Smith, Warren Zaccaro. 6bod ^ys! 305 EAST C E itnil STREET MANCHESTEH Tlan. I f i t -8 MO Fit Friday: Fish and cheese South Windsor: Barbara Bell, Bolton: Marybeth Van Dine. executive director of the season. square, french fries, tartar Mark Slack, (Christopher Welch. Greater Manchester Chamber sauce, ketchup, green beans, Andover: Patricia Hurst. of Commerce, said about half a dessert. Vernon: Frank Mara. dozen of the decorative fixtures FLORAL CENTERPIECE Hebron: Kathryn McHugh. aren't lit because electrical out­ NEW YORK (UPI) - Flow­ lets were missing. Tolland Middle School East Hartford: Mary Britton, ers and candles make a fes­ She was unable to explain the Monday: Ravioli, tossed Patricia Ebert, Susan Galipo, salad, cheese slice, roll, Joanne Girardin, James L. tive holiday combination. disappearance of the recep­ The Society of American tacles, but suggested that they dessert. Hogan, Rosa Kavanagh, Alan Tuesday: Hamburg gravy, Lareau, Michael McCarthy, Florists suggests a trio of might have been lost in last green, yellow and red can­ winter's severe ice storm or mashed potatoes, wax bean$, Laura Morkan, Paula Raum, bread and butter, dessert. UHTIL Jane Thiery. dles in a setting of yellow removed when new traffic amymiahickume. carnations and holly for an lights were installed downtown. Wednesday: Juice, hot entrance hall or table. Mrs. Flocken said she is get- turkey sandwich, cranberry SOPHOMORES sauce, peas and carrots, For formal dinners, try a dessert. First Honors centerpiece of roses with Thursday: Juice, grinder, (with distinction) golden arborvitae and gold South Windsor: Kristine potato chips, corn, desq,ert. and green Christmas balls Philadelphia’s Rodin Recktenwald. Friday: Fish and cheese on arranged at the base of a Museum houses the largest Manchester: Kathleen Roy. roll, tartar sauce, french fries, white iron candleholder collection of the works of Hundrecis of people in the area received their Christmas Club East Hartford: Anthony green beans, dessert. Straceski. bearing bright red tapers. sculptor Auguste Rodin out­ checks from Manchester State Bank .. . and as a bonus they side the Musee Rodin in Paris. The museum contains received FREE the last payment on their club ... how about-you? Tolland High School more than 190 works by Monday: SpagheUi with meat Rodin. BE A LUCKY ONE . , . open a 1975 Christmas Club sauce, tossed salad, cheese cube, Vienna bread, dessert. 3am Bennet Yule Concert today at Manchester State Bank for any amount $1, S3, $5, $io, Tuesday: Hamburg gravy, Planned Monday Night GIFT TIES $20 ... Manchester State Bank will make the last payment on your mashed potatoes, mixed RIBBONS - PAPER 1975 Christmas Club “FREE” as a bonus for making the first 49 'vegetables, cranberry sauce, The Bennet Junior High with the combined choirs and XMAS CARDS payments on time . . . no matter how many clubs you have or the biscuit, dessert. School will present its annual the band performing “White Wednesday: Juice, turkey Christmas concert Monday at C3iristmas.” The public is in­ ARTHUR DRUG dollar value ... and gravy, mashed potatoes, 7:30 p.m. in the renovated vited. Admission is free. peas, cranberry sauce, raisin auditorium in the Main BE LUCKY . . . open your 1975 Christmas Club today at bread, dessert. Building. Manchester State Bank . .. let the bank give you your last pavment Thursday: Italian grinder, juice, potato chips, beets, 5 BONUS HOURS The program will feature the “FREE” dessert. seventh grade choir, the eighth Friday: Fish and cheese grade choir, the 57-piece band, square, tartar sauce, cole slaw, and soloists. french fries, roll, dessert. The band, directed by ____ 1 8 ® ^ ______Michael Orfitelli, will open the program with Anderson's '(brthe Spirit of 0kf4sCwciA "Sleigh Ride.” The band will Ihrlit also play "Alleluia," "Jingle TO SAVE Bells Fantasy,” “Little Christ­ HAPPY DISCOVERY mas Suite,” ‘"Yea, The Heaven­ MANCHESTERT STATE BANK WILLEMSTAD, Curacao ly Child is Bom,” and “Carol of TR MANCHESTfR, a . (UPI) - Spanish sailors origi­ The only electronic watch to the Drum.” nally planted orange trees on this island off South America achieve the “ Chronometer" rat­ Directed by Walter Grzyb, PAY to help prevent scurvy during ing is yours from Omega. In a During th e the seventh grade choir will CHKXNO. 1 1 5 7 DATI Oct. 3u, 1974 .their voyages through the sing "Christmas yellow top, water-resistant, Song," 'Caribbean. But climate and "Winter Wonderland,’ ’ “Away TO THI ORIXR Of cushion-shaped case with a in a Manger” (with JOHN DOE soil combined to produce soloists trees whose fruit was vir- Elise Nassiff and Diane u.anc Main Street stainless steel back, date-telling Hellandbrand), “Silver Bells,” vtually inedible. It was con­ Manchester, Conn. 06040 sidered useless until soimeone dial and gold-filled bracelet. LAST 2 DAYS OF OUR “Drummer Boy” (with soloists Michelle Martin and Christine 1 discovered the skin oil from Odegard), and “Light the Jthe oranges made a perfect Chndles.” ^ a se for what is now the )vorld famous Curacao li- O OMEGA Donald Embser and Linda W s fleve PsrtomUy Sslsctsd end Cut Our Own ,queur. Embser, violinists, will play N a tiv e , . . Bach’s Concerto ^ 1 7 5 0 0 for Two B Lin E IPRUCI * WHITE IPBUCE GREAT CHRISTMAS Violins, “Gesu Bambino” and "Silent Night.” ICOTCl PIHE * HOBWAT IPIUCI The eighth grade choir DILLON FORD directed oy Melvin Lumpkin Largs tsIssHsa sf NsrA Mads OPEN DAILY TO 9 P.M. will sing “Do You Hear What I l A L L I O 1 OHRItTM AS has Now and Hear?!’ “A Holly JoUy Chrlst- lURlAPFlO LIVI M o m i SATURDAY TO 0:30 m«i,” "Who Would be a ONRIITMAS TR III M f M Shepherd Boy?” (with Jeff Used Cars ■UNTIL CHRISTMAS Lumpkin, French hom), “Fum, MANCHESTER STATE BANK Fhm, Fum,” “Christmas Bell WAGOI SHED HURSERY For Sale. Carol,” and “The Snow Lay on i n RRIFFIN ROAD. SOUTH WINDSOR • IN-1SSI 1041 MAIN STREET MANCHESTER, CONNECTICUT 06040 TELliFHOHp ijfrtf g4h 4fg,4 the Ground” with soloist Candle SUOOR SALE! A OPIN T DATS A WEEK Qiackenbush. Good Buys! SMih M Aft. 5 to Sylliv*B Am. (Rto. 1941, R|f« St. to GriffIr R4. . The program will conclude tmmmsaimmmmmmmmmKmmmmmmtsa* Open Sat 9 A.M. Noon MEMBER PDIC YOUR DEPOSITS INSURED FOB mmUitt 017 Main S L MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester, Conn., Fri., Dec. 13, 1974 — PAGE THIRTEEN PAGE TWELVE - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester, Conn., Fri„ Dec. 13, 1974 4-H’ers Elect Early Birds Plan Perfect Holiday Meals a * * * . - 4 New Officers

The Busy Beavers 4-H Club By JEANNE LESEM Because stuffing spoils time, include an extra 15 to 30 ABOUT TOWN SCANDINAVIAN SHOP according to the weight of the recently elected officers at its DR. LAMB UPI Food Editor more easily than solid blocks minutes so the cooked bird tUINGION CtNTHC fLAZA turkey, its temperature when meeting at the home of Mrs. NEW YORK (UPI) - It of meat, poultry of any kind can set in a warm spot out of ’’e LLINGTON.CONN.**®"' ‘ _ it goes into the oven and even Members of the Organization School. Proceeds of the tag sale THE BABY Paul Edberg on Hilltop Dr. pays to be an early bird in never should be stuffed until the oven for juices to be 872-0273 '''• “ • ^ the frequency with which the of The Handicapped (OTH) will will benefit the OTH and Sat E tun. 10 - 6 Elected officers are Lucy planning holiday meals. it can go directly into the reabsorbed. This will keep R eader Charges Vitamin ^Ignorance* door is opened for basting. conduct a tag sale and an arts proceeds of the arts and crafts IS NAMED Fontaine, president; Pamela And by shopping ahead, oven. the meat moister and make Ideally, a turkey should be and crafts sale Saturday from 9- sale will benefit the individual Why Not Add Edberg, vice president; Cathy you can be sure of getting the The best buys are the big­ carving easier. The larger •J Connors, secretary; Diana size turkey you want. You about 40 degrees - refrigera­ the turkey, the longer setting a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Waddell craftsmen. Somathing ^la By Lawrence E. Lamb, M.D. ability to convert PABA to and good when used proper­ gest birds. They have a Marchand, treasurer; Kathy also can have ample time to tor temperature -when it time needed. Special To Your O folic acid. We have to get our ly, or as a food supplement greater ratio of meat to bone. Mentel, Scoii Alan, son of Alan and Roseann Constantino Starkweather, news reporter; DEAR DR. LAMB - I’m for those who need them. defrost it before cooking. starts cooking. If it is colder, folic acid from other sources. Using a five ounce serving of ORREFORS Menzel of Dunn Rd„ Coventry. He was born Dec. 4 at Manchester and Vicki Binks, song leader. sure you won’t put this letter However, they have none of The best method for thaw­ or even partly frozen, allow We don’t stop cell reproduc­ cooked meat as standard, you Memorial Hospital. His maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Robert Marchand is in your column, because you the magical qualities often ing needs a refrigerator extra roasting time. Collection. . . know nothing about vitamins tion and die off when we get can expect about 12 portions n m IM11L m WM TK m James Constantino of East Hartford. His paternal grandparents leader of the group, and Mrs. sulfa. ascribed to them by large enough to hold the With the oven preheated to DILLON FORD are Mr. and Mrs. William Menzel of Dunn Rd., Coventry. He has to speak of, let alone write enthusiasts in the vitamin from a 10 to 12 pound turkey; 325 degrees, allow about two Edberg, the assistant leader. about. Tell the woman who Now, about that gray hair. turkey along with all the WISHING TO THE MOON a brother, David, 4t4. Gray hair can be produced in trade. They don’t cure cancer 18 from a 14 to 16 pound one; to two and a half hours for 6 asked about turning hair other food you ordinarily KMNUOMIW some animals by giving them or arthritis, and they don t 25 from an 18 to 20 pound one has New and dark and what vitamin she store there. Partly open or to 8 pound birds, two and a SheppartI, Carolyn Elizabeth, daughter of David J. and Paula a diet deficient in PABA. change gray hair back to its and 50 from a 26 to 30 pound should use, to try a B vitamin puncture the plastic bag the half to three hours for 8 to 12 featuring “The Entertainer’' Ruhan Sheppard of Andover Rd., Hebron. She was born Dec. 5 at Goodman and Gilman and original color. bird. called para amino benzoic bird is packed in and set it on pounds, three to three and Used Cars Manchester Memorial Hospital. Her maternal grandparents are other reliable texts, will tell 1 recognize that it is futile Keep oven size in mind IN THE acid. It has been proven to to try to provide factual in­ a tray or platter to catch three quarter hours for 12 to Mr. and Mrs. Paul Ruhan of Milford, Mass. Her paternal grand- work many times if given a you there Is no evidence that when you shop. For even heat formation to those who don’t drippings. Allbw about 24 16 pounds, three and three For Sale. BUBALDOIM^ CENTER • parents are Mr. and Mrs. George Sheppard of Masslllion, Ohio. Nassift Photo SERVICE fair chance (at least six graying In humans is in any way circulation allow at least one want to be confused by the hours thawing time for each quarter to four and a half Her great-grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Joseph ^onksfield of months to a year) along with related to PABA. and a half inches of airspace 6 4 9 -6 2 0 5 facts. Hopefully, presentation five pounds of turkey. It will, hours for 16 to 20 pounds and Massillon, Ohio. The engagement of Miss a multivitamin and mineral around all sides of the turkey lU West MMe Tpki. Opon Daly 3-l:3D, Sit 9-5 Read Herald Ads The engagement of Miss Cpl. Paul L. Buettner, son of So, my dear, unless you are of facts will be useful to those of course, thaw faster if the four and a half to five and a Good Buys! Christine Elaine Dooley of preparation a day. Try it, who do want to learn and and the roasting pan. Patience Jane Galinat of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Buettner of you 11 like it. Until then, don’t a microorganism being at­ refrigerator is opened often. half hours for 20 to 24 pounds. : Beauilreau, Michael Alfred, son of James J. and Valerie Gagg Bolton to Terence Christopher tacked by sulfa drugs, I’m profit from factual informa­ Roasting times vary When you estimate cooking Coventry to Richard Kevin 169 Autumn St., recently was knock it. Poultry also can be thawed Beaudreau of 7 Carriage Dr., South Windsor. He was born Dec. 5 ■Rigden of Shrewsbury, tion. Eckler of Manchester has been promoted to his present rating DEAR READER - I found afraid you won’t benefit from at Manchester Memorial Hospital. His maternal grandparents England, has been announced PABA. In other words, you safely at room temperature, announced by her parents, Mr. while serving at the Marine your letter rather amusing, are Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Gagg of Hauppauge, L.I., N.Y. His by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. are all wet. either in water or on a platter and Mrs. Frank L. Galinat of Corps Air Station, Santa Ana, and I enjoy a good laugh once paternal grandmother is Mrs. Margaret Beaudreau of Philip G. Dooley of 40 Watrous 1 might add that if and enclosed in a heavy duty SHOP YOUR NEAREST D&L-OPEN EVERY NIGHT UNTIL CHRISTMAS Merrow Rd., Coventry. Calif. Cpl. Buettner enlisted in in a while. Woodhaven, N.Y. His maternal great-grandmother is Mrs. Rd., Bolton. when someone finds a way to paper bag. The bag traps the Marine Corps in January If you had any scientific I 't i i H ^ ^ • Farmington Valley Mall • Tri-City Plaza, Vernon ") 'ti|Cl"^^^- „ Giadys Austin of Hauppauge, L.I., N.Y. He has a brother, Jimmy, Mr. Rigden is the son of Mr. background, I would tell you prevent graying of the hair, cold air and keeps the sur­ • Corbins Corner ikexcept new Britain Mr. Eckler is the son of Mr. 1973 and completed his basic without using hair coloring of .7; and a sister, Elizabeth, 5. and Mrs. Brian Rigden of to read Goodman and Gil­ face of the bird from spoiling • Manchester Parkade • Bristol Plaza • New LoneJon Mall • Groton Plaza and Mrs. Gordon F. Eckler of training at the Marine Corps some form, we will all know j J Shrewsbury, Shropshire, man’s text, “The Phar­ before the insid^ is defrosted. 15 Byron Rd. Recruiting Station, Parris about it. It won’t bo much of a : Hayes, Peter John, son of John J. and Sharon Bailey Hayes of England. macological Basis of Using the water method, Island, S.C. After a 30-day secret. 438 W. Middle Tpke. He was bom Dec. 6 at Manchester Memorial The bride-elect is a 1974 Therapeutics.” Other good place the poultry in its The bride-elect is a graduate furlough, he will be assigned to reliable texts would do as Another reader wrote to Hospital. His maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. L.E. honors graduate of Bolton High unopened,unpunctured of Coventry High School and duty in the Pacific area. well. It explains that para- tell me I was wrong and iBailey of Augusta, Maine. His paternal grandparents are Mr. and plastic bag in cool water six The Creative School of Hair­ School and is studying art at aminobenzoic acid (PABA) is stupid. That hair was made ''Mrs. John J. Hayes of Staten Island, N.Y. He has a sister, Lisa dressing. She is employed by North Staffordshire not really a B vitamin. It is up of vitamins and minerals. to eight hours. Either change I found this remarkable Marie, 2W. Edie Adams’s Cut & Curl in Polytechnic in Stoke-on-Trent, Kenneth A. Brown, son of used by certain bacteria to the water often or leave the Staffordshire, England. Frederick Brown of 28 ’Turnbull enable them to manufacture statement also very educa­ bird under a running cold Manchester. tional. Hair is a specialized Spicer, Jennifer Lynn, daughter of R. Todd and Karen Her fiance left the Priory Rd., has entered the U. S. Air folic acid. The folic acid is es­ water tap. Allow about half form of skin. It is mostly give the best-looking slacks Richards Spicer of 49 Barry Rd. She was born Dec. 6 at School for Boys in Shrewsbury sential to the growth of bac­ an hour per pound for this Her fiance, a graduate of Force Delayed Enlistment keratin protein, not vitamins Manchester Memorial Hospital. Her maternal grandparents are with an A-level grade in Program until he reports for teria. method. East Catholic High School in Interestingly, that is how or minerals. Vitamins are es­ Mr. and Mrs. Carl Somers of 36 Barry Rd. Her paternal grand­ physics, and is now studying active duty on Jan. 19. He is a Using the bag method, Manchester and St. Michael’s the sulfa drugs work. They sential to health, but they are parents are Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Spicer of 95 Coleman Rd. mechanical engineering at puncture or partly open the College, is employed at St. graduate of Manchester High interfere with the bacteria's not used as building blocks North Staffordshire Francis Hospital, Hartford. School and has selected a posi­ ability to form folic acid in for body structures or se­ Incredibly plastic bag and be sure the King, Jeffrey Paul, son of Charles D. and Marie T. Frank Polytechnic. tion in the mechanical career the bacteria and, through this cretions. Such comments outer paper bag is large ' King of 299 Oakland St. He was born Dec. 7 at Manchester The couple plan a late aren’t just amusing, they are The couple plan an August field. After completion of six method, prevent them from enough to leave at least one Memorial Hospital. His maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. dangerous and point out the on two feet... HRGGRR summer wedding., 1975 wedding. weeks of basic orientation at dividing and growing. With­ Fast Cooking! inch of air space above the August Frank. His paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. great need for public educa­ Lackland Air Force Base in San out reproduction, they soon turkey breast. Fasten the Douglas King of 12 Parker St. His maternal great-grandmother is tion about vitamins. Antonio, Tex., he will then die off. paper bag securely with Mrs. Belle Hagenow of Manchester Manor convalescent home. Mammals do not have the Vitamins are very useful receive advance technical clothespins or paper clips. His paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Fred King of 41 training for which Allow about an hour per Edwards St. and Charles Moran of Holyoke, Mass. He has a transferrable college credits pound for thawing -slig h tly Haggar polyester double knit slacks make your guy not only look great, but feel great tool Handsome­ brother, Charles D. Jr., 6; and a sister, Kathryn M., 2%. Inflation and the Family will be granted. less if your kitchen is warm ly designed and perfectly tailored, they stay fresh and wrinkle-free all through the hectic winter season or slightly more if it is cool. activities, from partying and bowling to taking the children to the movies...they’re even right for the of­ GAY PAULEY leaders and the news media. Navy Airman Ret. Scott K. CUB SCOUT For all three methods, The final stage of the present Wagner, son of Mr. and Mrs. remove the bag of giblets fice. Machine-wash-and-dry, of coursel Look ’em over and take your picki UPI Women’s Editor research will be completed this Richard B. Wagner of 425 NEWS from the cavity as soon as the month and query more than 1,- Hackmatack St., recently turkey is pliable. Complete NEW YORK (UPI) - Infla­ 100 families. graduated from recruit training Wlochowski, Kenny Willis, the thawing either in the tion and scarcity have become Pack 54 GE Countertop The sponsoring company at the Naval Training Center, Mark Holmes, Christopher paper bag or the refrigera­ (left to right) part of the American scene, yet Don Flavell, vice president of ABOUT TOWN already has established a con­ Great Lakes, 111. Nelson and Michael Morris, tor. Ideally, a thawed turkey many families are unequipped the Manchester Midget Foot­ MICROWAVE OVEN Bold glen plaid pattern on 100% Dacron polyester double knit, gentlemen’s flare leg, sumer center—in answer to Bobcat badges. should be cooked promptly. to meet the problems the un­ ball Association, was guest with new "DEFROST-PLUS” Cycle what James P. McFarland, Also, Michael Donlon and But an unstuffed one can be western pockets, 32-42 waist, 29-34 leg. 22.50 even economy'creates. speaker at the first for frozen foods — new 2-Speed board chairman and chief Raymond Tweedie, son of James Bosse, silver arrows; refrigerated safely for two or A'new study of the consumer regular meeting of Cub Pack 54 Timer— unique GE built-in Rolling Trimmer, slim cut slacks of 75% Dacron polyester, 25% combed cotton in a distinctive > Christmas Communion will Youth Fellowship of South executive officer, calls the Raymond ’Tweedie of 91 W. John Gaily, Joseph Cosgrove, three days. Keep it covered puts matters this way: “This recently at Bentley School. Recipe Guide to ^ 3 9 8 be celebrated Sunday at the 9 United Methodist Church will “ more articulate” voice of Center St., has entered the U. S. Robert Wilbanks, two-year ser­ lightly with a damp towel so muted plaid, flare leg. 30-38 waist, 30-34 length. $16 country has become so ac­ Flavell explained the rules of cooking timesi ' a.m. Mass at St. John’s Polish meet tonight at 7:30 in the today’s buyer. Air Force Enlistment Program vice pins; George Cappalla, the skin won’t dry out and Comfort plus fit In fine weave Dacron polyester double knit slacks with flare leg, western customed to times of affluence midget football and the training ARD °Mlmlmum Retail Price National Catholic Church. After youth lounge of the church. The 150 experts interviewed until he. reports for active duty Paul Duff, Patrick Cosgrove, crack later when roasted. and economic growth that boys are given. He also pockets. Navy, brown, rust or green, 30-42 waist, 29-34 length. $18 Mass, coffee and cake will be in the preliminary study on March 24. A graduate of Jam es Bosse, Kevin Brophy, many families are apparently demonstrated the protective served in the church Concordia Church Women reported many signs of trouble Manclnster High School, he and Michael Donlon, one-year Bold, bright houndstooth check pattern on 100% polyester double knit, off-seam unprepared and sometimes un­ gear used by the players auditorium. The Ladies Adora­ will meet Tuesday at 6:30 p.m. on the home front. attended Central Connecticut service pins. willing to face up to the threat Laurence Duff, cubmaster, ft pockets, flare leg, 32-42 waist, 29-32 length. 22.50 tion Society will conduct a bake at the church to visit shut-ins. The impact and stress State College and has selected a Plans were announced at the MANCHESTER of austerity and sacrifice welcomed the cubs and parents. w sale. Friends and parishioners After the meeting, which begins created by economic problems position in the inventory meeting by George Gaily of a D&L Men’s - Corbins, Avon, Manchester, Bristol & New Britain presented by today’s uncertain The Webeos conducted the HOSPITAL are welcome. at 8, there will be a carol sing. include increased levels of management career field. Upon hike and picnic at Gay City on MANCHESTER economy. opening ceremony. Refreshments will be served by borrowing, greater reliance on completion of six weeks of the following day. The meeting Manchester Parkada "This is seen as especially ’The cubmaster, assisted by NOTES Manchester Young Marines Mrs. Walter Smith and Mrs. credit buying, late payments on basic orientation at Lackland concluded with games. NEXT TO FORBES E WALLACE true for the postwar generation, George Brophy, officiated at an will meet tonight from 7 to 9 at Michael Sibrinsz. Members are bills of all kinds, and a sharp Air Force Base in San Antonio, the Burnside Ave. School, East reminded to bring cookies for for whom the Great Depression awards ceremony. Receiving rise in personal bankruptcies. Tex., he will receive advance Discharged Wednesday: John Hartford. the shut-ins to church Sunday stands as but a remote and un­ awards were Michael Donlon, technical training at Denver, Strobel, Stafford Springs; and leave them in the Altar familiar piece of history. The experts were divided on John Gaily, Joseph Cosgrove, Colo, for which transferrable Edward MeVey, 74 Cottage S t.; Sunset Rebekah Lodge will Guild Room. “Moreover, this confidence in how seriously inflation and Robert Wilbanks, Webelos college credits will be granted. Lenora Merz, 4 George St., Ver­ •j have a Christmas party at its a perpetually prosperous related problems have hit colors; Eric Nason, Edward the non; William Fenstamacher, 20 meeting Monday at 8 p.m. at The Pratt & Whitney Aircraft economy is thought to have led American families up to now. Tighe, David Vitols, Jonathan Hartford Rd.; Dominick Marot- Odd F ellow s H all. M rs. Club’s retiree group will have many American families away Some indicated that they saw Whaley, Michael Patulak, Charles A. Crockett, son of ti, 149 Oakland St.; Lena Virginia Keeney is in charge of its annual Christmas party from traditional concerns about the impact as extremely grave, Darrin Gilbert, Timothy Mr. and Mrs. Charles Crocket Patterson, 89 Bigelow S t.; Ger­ the program and refreshments. Wednesday at the club’s facility saving and planning for the with certain segments of the Calvart, Robert Taylor, Weston of Amato Dr., South Windsor, trude LaShay, 86 West St.; ^ Members are reminded to bring on Clement Rd., East Hartford. future —thus leaving them public already immersed in a Willett, Andrew Taylor, Jason has entered-the U.S. Air Force Mary Porter, East Hartford; 1 toilet articles for residents in A business meeting and election exposed and vulnerable during depression-like situation and Delayed Enlistment Program frivobus this difficult period.” Jo sep h in e B en nison, 103 ' the infirmary of the Odd of officers will begin at 10 a.m. the rest soon headed there. until he reports for active duty The state of the family and Jonathan Dr., Vernon. ' Fellows Home in Groton. before the party. ’The Sunshine Others felt the situation had on April 9. A graduate of South DILLON FORD Group will provide musical finance these days is outlined in Also, William Buniski, East not yet become that serious, Windsor High School, he has Hartford; Robin Lawrence, entertainment and the dinner what its backers plan as a selected a position in the elec­ with most families still able to has New and East Hartford; Alphonse will be catered. semiannual look at the con­ tronics career field. After com­ make ends meet. Bogush, Windsor; Edward sumer. It’s the first of these pletion of six weeks of basic fragrant WATER SAVING Scott, 8 Hemlock St.; Augusta backed by General Mills and One of the more painful orientation at Lackland Air Used Cars ' PITTSBURGH (UPI) A Tozzoli, East Hartford; conducted by Daniel aspects of today’s economic Force Base in San Antonio, typical American family can___ Michael Sheehan, 49 Deming Correction Yankelovich, Inc., the opinion situation is that many less Tex., he will receive advance For Sale. save up to 150 gallons of water a research organization. S t.; Marva Palmer, East Hart­ affluent families may be technical training for which day by various measures, In the account of the anniver­ Preliminary findings resulted ford; Helen Hove, 13 Egypt “losing faith in the American transferrable college credits : economists at Rockwell Inter­ sary of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Rd., Ellington; Violet Carr, 19 from more than 150 interviews dream of an abundant future. will be granted. Good Buys! national Corp. say. Among A. Wutsch which appeared in with experts who ranged Cornell S t.; Hazel Osgood, En­ them: Use a dishpan for Wednesday’s Herald, it was in­ through social workers, home field. washing dishes, turn off the correctly captioned 25th an­ economists, bankers, credit water tap while shaving, take a niversary. The Wutschs are managers, marriage shower instead of a bath, run celebrating their 50th anniver­ counselors, doctors, public CUTS CHOLESTEROL the washing machine only with sary. Mr. Wutsch is a volunteer health nurses, community NEW YORK (UPI) - Eating a full load of clothes, and keep at Manchester Memorial large quantities of yogurt can the basement water heater at Hospital. True Collectibles! an even setting. reduce your body’s cholesterol The oyster’s ingeniously formed level, reports the National En­ quirer. baroque pearls Despite the dairy product’s in-' nate high ch o le st^ level, tests crafted by us into ducks and cats • at Vanderbilt University indi­ cate there is a subsUuKe in by adding 14-karat gold and gemstone yogurt which reduces the 3.75 with any amount of chqlesterol in your eyes and noses. body. Dr. George V. Mass of the National Heart and Lung In­ stitute has achieved lower levels Revlon purchase of cholesterol in 12 adults, each fed some two quarts of yogurt It’s filled with Moon Drops solid perfume and daily. Dr. Mann is now trying to lt’8 yours for just 3.75 with any $3 Revlon isolate the substance in yogurt (purchase at D & L in Corblna, Avon, Bristol. which caused the drop. <0^ Vernon, Manchester, New Britain and Groton BARBS By PHIL PASTORET At today’s prices, a take-out dinner Is finger-lickin’ good, 9 ^ and that’s about all you get // out of It. ■f + -F \P' They’re refrigerating the safety deposit room at our bank — helps keep the steaks stashed there in prime condi­ '‘”• 9 0 ^ tion. i + + + All on$ of §‘klnd Savings Bank Our 75th Anfwersary \bar As LeadngJewelers&Silversniitbs You need D&'L more I * of Manchester Remember when “ Inflation’’ 958 MAIN S T R IIt DOWNOTWN MANCHEtTIR meant the act of blowing a f ; 4 balloon up? this Christmas! f Hartford * Weetferme MaH______PAGE FOURTEEN - MANCHESTER EVENING HEKALD, Manchester. Conn., Fri„ Dec. 13, 1974 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. Manchester, Conn., Fri., Dec. 13, 1974 - PAGE FIFTEEN State College Trustees Asked to Explain Plans New Bids Save ,827 For Posh New Offices On High School Addition HARTFORD (UPI) - Gov. violated laws when it diverted Thomas J. Meskill has asked maintenance funds towards the the Board of Trustees for State renovation project, failed to in­ VERNON company has every intention of Colleges for an immediate form the state Public Works BARBARA RICHMOND getting the job done as quickly explanation of illegal plans to Department of the amount of Mechanical bids for the as possible. spend $100,000 to install money being spent on the Rockville High School addition Eveleth listed some comple­ project and dipped too far into lie r a lb themselves in posh new offices. project, opened Thursday night, Aff.i ProliU* tion dates for various phases The governor Thursday also the Educational Extension for the second time around, and said he would assume them directed state Comptroller Fund to help finance the totaled $179,827 less than the would have been over the to be realistic. Nathan G. Agostinelli to stop all project. original bids opened last Oc­ A referendum last year ap­ The classroom wing which payments for the project until proved a budget of $5,020,(XK) for amount appropriated by the PASSPORT FEE tober. The decrease will make referendum and the contract was scheduled for completion the matter is cleared up. it possible to ask Mayor Frank the project. The low base bid, WASHINGTON, D.C. (UPI) could not have been signed. on Dec. 1, 1976 should be State auditors Wednesday McCoy to sign the base contract submitted by Horn, Including " Congress recently passed Horn Construction Co. of finished Jan. 1; the library revealed the board had violated with Horn Construction Co. an alternate for classroom par­ and President Ford signed a Hartford was supposed to have expansion completion was three state laws in planning and ’The apparent low bidder for titions, touted $4,231,800 the moved up to Oct. 1976 and the law raising the passport ap­ had the contract signed several authorizing funding for the the electrical work in last decrease in the mechanical con­ rest of the construction to Jan. plication fee from $2 to $3. weeks ago and work at the $100,000 renovation of a building night’s bid opening was Johnson tracts will bring this down to 30, 1976. The fee for a passport, school was to be started Dec. 1. at Central Connecticut State Electrical Co. with a bid of $4,051,973. however^ remains at $10. However, Horn agreed to wait College in New Britain. $778,865. ’The apparent low bid While the town will be able to Dr. Raymond Ramsdell, In a letter to Board Chairman sign the contract, there are still for the reblddlng of the for the air conditioning and ven­ mechanicals with the contract superintendent of schools, said Bernice C. Niejadlik, Meskill problems concerning equipping if the school is ready so it can tilation was submitted by to be signed by Dec. 20. said he wanted to know how the CHECK YOUR EAR the addition when it is com­ be used in Februai^ of 1977, J.C.M. Corp. of South Windsor Architect David Eveleth said problem developed, what is NEW YORK (UPI)-Colum- pleted. then the Board of Education at $574,865. the delay in signing the contract being done to correct it and bia University psychologi its The budget called for $401,200 would have to ask for a TTie low bid for the electrical will mean a change in comple­ what steps have been taken to have found that ‘musically for equipment and until the supplementary budget for such work in the October bidding tion date for the various phases insure it doesn’t happen again. experienced listeners recog­ $179,827 was picked up in the expenses as additional teachers was $916,356 and for the air con­ of the project. The auditors said the board nize simple melodies better ditioning and ventilation, $617,- rebidding, the equipment ac­ for new programs to be in­ planned to finance the renova­ in the right ear than the left, count was almost wiped out. In Hugo Sievertsen of Horn stituted when the addition tion project with $60,000 worth 2 0 0 . while the reverse is true of Before going out to rebid, the order to have the contract Construction Co. said the delay opens. A of labor from state college musically naive listeners." Permanent Building Com­ si^ed, $222,697 will be put into involved an important 45 days. maintenance personnel. The verdict was published in mittee, Board of Education, this account but now the con­ He said his company hoped to He said should there be a Materials were to have cost a Science, magazine of the and McHugh & Associates, the tingency account is void of get work sta rt^ before the delay and the school is not minimum of $40,000, they said. American Association for the cash. very cold weather sets in. He ready until April, then he would The auditors said the board architects, went over all of the Advancement of Science. specifications and made The budget includes ^59,000 said a Dec. 1 start would have recommend waiting until the for structural steel which has given the contractors one several changes in quantity and following September for its use. quality to bring the costs down. already been contracted; $78,- month of fairly good weather to 695 for work on the athletic get some of the preliminary John Murphy, assistant prin­ field; $12,^ for miscellaneous work started. cipal at the high school, said the expenses; $30,000 for salary He said starting Jan. 1 will opening of the new classroom (two years) for clerk-of-the- mean the ground will be frozen wing will mean collapsing the schedule from two sessions 3 PARKADE ROCKVILLE works; and an estimated $265,- and many days the temperature 000 for architect’s fees. might go below freezing. necessary now, to one session (Herald photo by Dunn I HOSPITAL If the mechanicals had not However, he assured the but Dr. Ramsdell said it could be done mid-term if necessary. Volunteer Service Acknowledged Health Shoppe NOTES been rebid, the overall contract building committee that the

David Cormier, left, and Paul Philopena receive Center for Environmental Education 404 W. MIDDLE TURNPIKE MANCHESTER PARKADE Admitted Thursday: Gloria patches from Juan Sanchez, director of the center, as Steve Fish, assistant, looks on. The Botelho, Ellington Ave., Firm Hired To Design patches were awarded for outstanding service to the center on weekends and during after Rockville; Gordon Doherty, school hours. Both boys help to maintain the property and building at the center on Oak NEW SALTON East Hartford; Rene Gendreau, Grove St. They also help to construct displays and educational exhibits. Danielson; Columbo Gianan- Repairs to School Roof toni, Stafford Springs; Alan Jeppesen, Reed St., Rockville; HEBRON YOGURT MAKER Bernard Kelley, Robert Rd., the Hebron School will need a at 865 children for the Hebron Rockville; Marlene Klotzer, Anne Dallaire new burner. The burner is 26 elementary schools; however th e state’s enrollment West Willington; Sylvia Labbe, Correspondent years old and the estimated Cost of Stolen Property Merrill; Cornelia Lynn, Bur­ 228-3267 cost is $1,500. projection-percentage of sur­ bank Rd., Vernon; Joan vival shows an estimated 886 The Board of Education voted One of the major budget Penders, Range Hill Dr., Ver­ children for the years 1975-76. Thursday night to hire the firm problems this year will be in Put at $54,040 for Month non; Danielle Matthews, of Chandler, Palmer and King Dr. Zanini added that they the substitute teacher’s pay. can make a more accurate Ellington Rd., South Windsor; as engineers and architects for The board approved the analysis in the spring for the The most dramatic change in • Arrests for misdemeanors dropped to 307 compared to 371 Lorraine Mendall, Bald Hill the preparation of bid meeting schedule for 1975. needs of next year. the October monthly police totalled 79 and for felonies, this in September and 476 in Oc­ Rd., Tolland; Clarence Neff, specifications for the Hebron report from Chief James Rear­ October. Misdemeanors in tober, 1973. Gaynor Place, Rockville; Bo Elementary School roof. The meetings will be held on The Regional Board District don to the town manager comes September totalled 90 and • Miles of town roads Yee Ngan, Storrs; Janet Niles, Joseph King met with the the second Thursday of each § i has asked all the local in the stolen property category. felonies, 118. Misdemeanors in patrolled rose to 52,149 com­ Kerry St., Manchester; Daniel board Thursday and discussed month. In addition two budget boards, Hebron, Andover and Thieves stole $M,040 in cash October, 1973 totalled 78 and pared to 48,317 in September Spak, Burke Rd., Rockville; the possibilities of repairing the meetings are scheduled for Jan. Marlborough, to meet with it on and goods compared to $123,400 felonies, 57. and 49,656 in October, 1973. Stephanie Zalewa, Old Staffonl rdof. The main problem is that 23 and Feb. 27. All meetings Jan. 6 to discuss the proposed in September. • Total complaints about Rd., Tolland. the school now has a flat roof will begin at 8 p.m. middle school. Cash and goods recovered • All complaints of any type animals dropped to 143 from 181 Discharged Thursday: and rain, snow and ice will set­ rose to 2,355 in October from 1,- David Calchera spoke to the White complimented the PTO totalled $19,388 in October com­ in September and 144 in Oc­ Cynthia Fox, Kozley Rd., tle, causing extra weight. King 181 in September and 1,930 in members of the board on on its Santa’s Workshop. White pared to $74,066 in September.' tober, 1973. Tolland; Mrs. Lincfa Graczyk also talked of the possibilities October, 1973. behavior modification. went on to say that it was a Cash and goods stolen in Oc­ and son, Hartford Tpke., of a pitched roof along with dry Calchera is the school’s part- wonderful experience for the tober, 1973 were half this year’s • Traffic accidents rose to “Make your own yogurt Rockville; LuAnne Haas, Ver­ wells to catch any excess rain. time psychologist. children to be able to buy figure and totalled $27,683 with 204 from 191 in September and non; Frank Haughton, Somers; King also suggested it would In other board business Dr. something for their families at $9,623 recovered. 170 in October, 1973. Lawrence Michaud, Spring St., not be feasible to start the job Richard Zanini, assistant such a little cost thanks to the Total cash and goods stolen DILLON FQRD Rockville; Richard Parker, now due to unknown weather • There was one fatality in superintendent, gave tjie enroll­ mothers and fathers who helped by Oct. 31 of this year was $480,- and save plenty!” Woodland St., Rockville; Ross conditions. The estimated cost ment projection and absolute make this event such a happy 356 compared to $274,659 as of October due to an accident Oct. Pease, Franklin St., Rockville; is $30,000. 6. Mrs. Tabitha J. Duchesneau, has New and numbers for the 1975-1978 years Oct. 31, 1973. Total recovered Save 70% of Grocery Price Ada 'Tobin, Old Stafford Rd., Other Actions this year as of Oct. 31 is $178,412 18, of Newington was thrown Tolland; Ian Webster, Kelly from a motorcycle and died. Used Cars Paul White, principal of the compared to $93,411 in the same Rd., Vernon; Mrs. Winifred Hebron Elementary School, period of 197^ She became the third fatality of Costs only 9c each as Wright and son, Stafford the year at that point. There spoke about last week’s Other facts in the report in­ For Sale. Springs. language arts workshop. White cluded: were eight fatalities here as of Birth Thursday: A daughter Oct. 31 in 1973. opposed to paying 35c added that the staff was par­ SLEDS to Mr. and Mrs. Douglas ticularly interested in two of • Total motor vehicle arrests Good Buys! Whelan, Ashbrook Dr., Coven­ the texts. SIZES In most supermarkets try. White also told the board that Student Given Jail Sentence GOOD FOR YOUR HEALTHI T h e N e w T h e N e w LADV REMINGTON’ REAAINGTON"'^ FIGURE SKATES In Drug Case Medical studies show eating one quart of yogurt Curling Wand MIDDLETOWN (UPI) - A brought down high cholesterol In the blood. |Nmcr CM tnri Wesleyan student has been D r y e r sentenced to three years in jail Also, Bulgarians live longer and have much less high blood pressure, stroke and heart trouble because BEGINNER’S for financing a scheme to SHOE SKATES smuggle 21/2 pounds of hashish of their high diet of yogurt. into the U.S. stuffed inside edam cheeses from Amster­ dam. Robert Gershen, 22, of ESPECIALLY PRICED FOR TOBOGGANS Middletown, was sentenced 4 ft. to 8 ft. Thursday by Superior Court Judge John Alexander on CHRISTMAS GIVING charges of conspiracy to sell UP the hashish. Prosecutors said during the Gary Is pleased to announce that Mr. trial Gershen put up $1,500 to Qaleker lhaa m pla earll Whlte.Stag-SpeedcT purchase the hashish in Bill Steinbach will now be associated with 10 YEAR GUARANTEE UalqM Power Cootrol our Unisex salon. Bill has an outstanding l.,eiM bather lhaa a Amsterdam, conceal it inside systeM ^roil(N ■ eoo* WARM-UP SUITS 2 Place the cheeses and mail them to a background In haircutting and styling. He baaael dryer! iloooosly variable selee* | I A c rylic number of places in Middlesex Is a licensed barber and hairdresser and Is An ventallle an a roller! llaa af heal aad airflow and New Haven Counties. »19**»»27"® and N ylon a former owner of Manchester's most Unlike otiicr Imiul-licld dry­ Gershen also received Mist vents surround the TANK SUITS IN STOCK successful salons. His talent will be an wand for even steam dis- ers which offer only high or another sentence of no more ‘wrap’ her In sumptuous robss of low settings, this new Rem­ than three years, to run con­ asset to our reputation for providing the trihnlion. Spreiul finish ington can he adjusted to MURRAY TRIKES currently, for a separate case best In hair care for the entire family. keeps even sprayed hair 10-12 and 16-INCH in which he had been convicted Extracts All Vitamins From Vegatables and Fruits lie’ or snuggly ‘poodle’... flt individual drying and styl­ Men’s, women’s and children’s halr- from slieking. Features ing needs. From a powerful ALSO WAGONS of possession with intent to sell cuttlng are his specialty. Without Destroying Them By Heat. of 20 pounds of marijuana. a eonvenienl "ready” 9(M watts (equal in perfor­ SCOOTERS, PEDAL CARS 3 10 choice is yours! mance lo models used hy Four Wesleyan faculty Give us a call to arrange for a holiday dot that ehanges eolor • RmoMniUfy PtlMriwI ''0)no" Bm. Com pM tly iM mIii nbtitioii, liurhers uiid hcuutieiuns) members spoke on behalf of appointment. or lulwi Ihil am i h itpktltd ky in, odw wlien llie e.orreel styling aiM IllKtllO f. /. Appel robes make news in the warmest, snuggly, for fastest drying, to very Gershen, asking Alexander not (einperaliire is reaehed. to impose a prison term. A carefree acrylic fabrics that machine wash and dry like new low watta c for op Plieo STICKS »8" e "Hoilm i ActiM" SUinlus Stnl BliBi ita lM tit tta n itv ruM a imported genuine .Swivel cord for easy styling, oiily this Remington number of university students b f m 4m » m Md tur M ailicb pwti. II nnrts ye. of Mioolk every time! Both shown, wrap styles with new turn-back cuffs, handling. Heat resistant has the flexibility ncedcu for also were in the court during yibnliN ItM nIrK tiM aid iM ihrii pidp dntiikiitinL shatol collars. S-M-L. The *Poodie\..soft, cuddly and curly in MT iotBDS ^ the sentencing. safely tip >*> |iro(e«'l any drying or styling task. e StB AdjuslInt Irontdi Fi m . Midi to lot i UMIi m . No IoocIiIoi Double safely system. Styl­ 9 9 ieather handbags Two persons already have pats to «oa out. no broikoi to roploco, no sonidot lo n iotataonco. pink or blue. $ 2 9 The *Plush Pile* robe...a rich, deep acrylic pile fingers. been sentenced in the hashish Prictsloo kill boainp iMoito tbo oood la odini. Floo ciittini klodoi as soft and fluffy as they cornel Dreamy shades of rose, aqua. ing Itrusli, two uomhs. BOYS’ HOCKEY SKATES »1 case and four others are muo mai juico. $25 $ 2 j a s values to *24 scheduled to be sentenced e Eiiif to cloio. No ioti t koHi. lost 00 onp . 1399 lingerie, downtown and Parkade. Wednesday. liM ol I ipriol cMck la Mtlo| onl iB pati Fantqstic savings . . . up to $10! Be early for a great selection! These are the bags to have Olid cliiokii, aRW<^RB/\AINGTON MPSWY^MIAAINGTON Use your convenient Worth*s Charge deserves a lot of ■ MNtOMAl CMH FRODUCth ■ FinioMaL cant nnoouote • Faailif Siio Baikol. Tki It mini stool kodiol BOOTSSURVIVOR BY HERMAN and to give! Soft, crushable, leather fashion bags in a multitude of styles with features so great is la|i ooooik lo prodoco ki i m ilt opaolioo Store Hours: Credit!** NEW GAS LAW 0Mo|k (i aKrt) Mco tor Iki aillri laollp Laathar - Inaulatad you have to see and touch them to believe the fine quality, workmanship and detailing. LISBON (UPI) -Portugal aNkoitl slo f^ Downtown — 9:30-0:00 Mon.-FrI. QUINN’S SHAVER CENTER to 20 bolow 0° • Double handle styles • Adjustable handle styles • Double pockets • Regular shoulder bags Sat. till 5:30 has lifted all restrictions on e Goiaoonol Tostod. All nulalols wd to 22 Blroh Strati Minclwster nEOISTER FOR FME 6’ SANTA • Zipper tops • Side zips • Double lock features • multi-compartments and much more! - All the sale of gasoline to Acom lidcoti ao loslod kp Iko U3. Bwooo pi Parkade — 10:00-9:00 Mon.-FrI. (Downtown Aron, off Mnin Stroot) motorists. Under the new rul- M ltpni Sloodadi. (My stoioloio stool aid dutikto ooo. TO BE DBAWM DEC. 23rd in the newest earthtones... rich, deep colors you'll love! handbags, downtown and Parkads... porws outaM oto Mdd. Sat. 10:00-6:00 WHILE YOU WAIT SBRVICI ON ^ ing all gasoline stations must ELECTRIC SHAVERS 2 NAM ST. ora NOK TO ' once again open on weekends e Nooo Bolta Modo. E«|looaod tor moiioHM 0 10 '. ' .^nd resume normal hours of 1708 ELLINGTON RD., Rt. 30,80. WINDSOR p4cill| IpNd, HMOdl “iktln piMf’ OpWlUM, PHONE 646-5520 FARR’% TiL 648-7111 UT. to I HI g| opwillon 6 duANif md m iIimm yMd “Use your convenient Worth’s Charge Card . . . it deserves a lot of Credit/” i kperation as before the Monday thru Thura. 10 to 8:30 • Sat. 9 to 1 P.M. TEL. 644-2563 (4odel Ml UpidpIrNloleos. > Kprldwide fuel crisis. (Cloood Pfkiaya) OPEN SUNOAY 10 to 7 NOW! 8 great Smiling Service stores for Christmas giving ... Worth’sl PAGE SIXTEEN - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester, Conn., Fri., Dec. J3^ 1974 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester, Conn., Fri.. Dec. 13, 1974 — PAGE SEVENTEEN OBITUARIES 1 German Charles E. Nelson Miss Ada Pagan! COURT CASES Charles E. Nelson, 51, of En­ Miss Ada Pagani, 83, of 107 Slalom field died Tuesday at Peter Strickland St. died today in a Bent Brigham Hospital, local convalescent home. Boston^ He was the father of She was born in Magliano Champ Duane C. Nelson of Vernon. Sabino, Italy, and lived most of CIRCUIT COURT 12 He was also fined |10 for Mr. Nelson was repair her life in Manchester. She was Manohtttar Saulon failure to obey a police officer's CORINA d’AMPEZZO, maintenance supervisor at the a member of the Daughters of Miguel Mullet, 17, of 78 Oak signal. ITALY (UPI) - Rosi Manchester office of Southern Italy and a communicant of St. St. was sentenced to two con­ Mittermaier of West Ger­ New England Telephone Co., Bridget Church. current one-year sentences for Other dispositions in court many blitzed down the and had been employed by the Survivors are a sister, Mrs. two counts of violation of proba­ Thursday included: slopes of the Romerlo company for 32 years. Louis Genovesi of Manchester, i * tion. • John Carvalho, 21, of Wind­ course today to win the He is also survived by his and several nieces and On Oct. 24, Mollet was sor, disorderly conduct, 850. world cup special slalom by wife, another son, two nephews. sentenced to an Indefinite term • Kenneth E. Dumore, 23, of daughters, his mother, a The funeral is Monday at 9:30 not to exceed two years in the 126 Charter Oak St., breach of a full two seconds. brother and a grandchild. a.m. from the Fitzgerald Cheshire Reformatory after peace, 825, disorderly conduct, Miss Mittermaier, who The funeral is Saturday at Funeral Home, 225 Main St., being found guilty of second- 825, possession of marijuana, along with the rest of the 9:30 a.m. from the Leete with a Mass at 10 at St. Bridget degree larceny and third- 840, and being found in­ German team withdrew Funeral Home, 125 Pearl St., Church. Burial will be in St. degree burglary. His sentence toxicated, nolled. from Thursday’s downhill in Enfield, with a Mass at St. Bridget Cemetery. was suspended for 90 days for • Robert LaFountain, 24, of Patrick’s Church, Enfield, at a dispute over new slick ski Friends may call at the him to t ^ a treatment program East Hartford, failure to drive 10:15. Burial will be in St. suits, turned in times of funeral home Sunday from 2 to at Norwich Hospital. in the established lane reduced Patrick’s King St. Cemetery, 47.34 and 44.39 seconds for 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. On Nov. 6, Mollet escaped from evading responsibility, Enfield. an over-all time of 91.73. Those wishing to do so may from Norwich. He was arrested 830. Friends may call at the France’s Fabienne Serrat, make memorial contributions Wednesday by Manchester • George Love, 18, of En­ funeral home tonight from 7 to to the Vincent Genovesi Police at a jail in Evergreen, field, third-degree burglary and posting the fastest second- 9. Memorial Library Fund of St. Ala. and returned. second-degree larceny, dis­ heat time, took second place Bridget Church. missed. •Vi with an over-all 93.73 Joseph C. DeFazio, 41, of seconds. Christa In Memoriam • Robert Robinson, 22, of 7 /I Joseph Marcin Hartford was sentenced to 360 ■t Zechmeister, also of West In loving memory of Marion D. Davis CHark Rd., Bolton, third-degree Joseph Marcin, 57. of 128' days in jail on a charge of viola­ larceny, 8100. Germany, came in third in Vernon St. died Thursday night who passed away one year ago, Dec. IJ, IS73. tion of probation. Cases nolled (not prosecuted) 94.27. at Hartford Hospital; He was DeFazio was credited with included: A u s tr ia ’s A n n e m a rie the husband of Mrs. Nellie My heart still aches with sadness having served 221 days of his And secret tears still flow. • Denzil A. Dixon, 16, of 153 (Herald photo by Dunni Proell-Moser, winner of the Zilinskas Marcin. sentence on a separate charge, What it meant to lose you Adams St., fourth-degree downhill and currently Mr. Marcin was bom Sept. 4, No one will ever know. which means he has a total of larceny, third-degree larceny leading the World Cup stan­ 1917 in Cambridge, Mass., and 129 days to serve. (two counts), and third-degree Mascot Keith Blanchard Gets Off Cheney Bench to Join Huddle lived in East Hartford and When the days are sad and lonely. dings, placed fourth in 94.53 And everything goes wrong, A second charge of non­ burglary (two counts). Bristol before coming to I seem to hear you whisper. support was nulled (not Mary 'Torrey, 40, of 19 Proc­ Coach Gerry Blanchard's Son Has Been Good Luck Charm to Date for Beavers with teammate Monika Manchester 21 years ago. Cheer up and carry on. prosecuted). tor Rd., being found intoxicated Kaserer fifth in 94.80. He had been employed as an Each time I see your picture. and breach of peace. Light show fell through engineer at Pratt and Whitney You smile and say Bowers Students Become ^Editors^ Donald J. Bramande, 25, of • Daniel L. Palozie, 20, of the first heat but a brilliant Division of United Aircraft Don't cry. I’m only sleeping 3 Wilson was sentenced to 60 days Crane Rd., Ellington, breach of Corp., East Hartford, for the We'll meet again someday. sun came out during the se­ Possible editors and publishers of the future, members of issue of a contemporary magazine called “Monthly in jail on a charge of third- peace. past 29 years. A Navy veteran cond run down a 145 meter Sadly missed. Mrs. Joan Getchell’s fifth and sixth grade team on Wipeout,” with strictly feminine topics among the con­ degree sexual contact. The • Howard R. Saxby, 46, of 230 THE HERALP Sets Pace of World War II, he was a Husband drop through 54 gates. language arts projects at Bowers School look over and dis­ tents. Lynn Czersinski holds her book which she wrote in sentence was suspended and he Sandy Beach Rd., Ellington, member of the East Hartford was placed on probation for one Freezing temperatures left In Memoriam cuss their “publications.” Douglas Lucek, center, the style of a diary and .bound herself. Other students’ allovdng dog to roam. VFW Post. He was a communi­ year. A N G L E In Maryland Win the course icy. cant of St. Bartholomew’s In loving memory of Jam es Ellis who examines his magazine on “Boating & Sailing” which con­ publications resembled comic books, news masazines and “I like ice,” Miss Mitter­ passed away December 13. 1964 Church. tains his own drawings and stories. Andy Wickwire is women’s magazines. Mrs. Getchell said she will put the maier said at the bottom, Other survivors are a son, Your memory is as dear today, editor of his own publication of “Time” in which he has in­ magazines in the school library to be shared with other Snopta PHli YORK (UPI) — Lefty Driesell likes easy pickin’s grinning broadly at her first As in the hour you passed away. By Earl Yost Joseph V. Marcin of Vernon; a cluded updated news stories. Jill Lampson, left, holds her students. (Herald photo by Dunn) opons Bdltor ■ early in the season so the lOth-ranked Maryland Terps World Cup win of the young daughter, Mrs. Wayne Johnson Wife, Irene pleased their coach by picking on De Pauw for the largest season. Asked if she were of Vernon; and a grandson. Fitzgerald margin of victory in their 51-year history. The funeral is Saturday at (Herald photo by Dunn) bitter about not being able to 9:15 a.m. from the Holmes Funeral Maryland’s 64-point, 113- Youngster Listens to Talk During Timeout compete in the downhill,.she Funeral Home, 400 Main St., AREA Consistency in Bowling 49 triumph over De Pauw said: “ Yesterday is with a Mass at St. Home Talk about consistency in bowling, Bruce Moquin, rolling gave the Terps a 5-0 record As Coach Talks During Timeout Session forgotten and today is a new Bartholomew’s Church at 10. Police Seek to Link in the Friendship M ix^ League at the Parkade Lanes, and they have now outscored chance.” Burial will be in St. James POLICE REPORT Dear friends, turned in three straight better than 200 efforts. That’s the opposition, Richmond, Cemetery. Shootout, Homicide quite a feat in itself for most bowlers in leape play at Wake' Forest, Long Island Friends may call at the WHATEVER your financial circum­ Manager Bernie Giovino’s pin house but when the in­ and Georgetown, by an funeral home tonight from 7 to stances . . . you can be assured dividual efforts come out to 205-204-203, that’s news, and average of 31.6 points per 9. SOUTH WINDSOR Police said Kelley was ford, were arrested Thursday Manchester Police are ap­ around and we didn’t confirm that FITZGERALD FUNERAL HOME treated at Rockville General marks some pretty consistent work...Comedian Bob Hope, game this year. The family suggests that any Francis P. Pajot, 13, of 770 morning by Vernon Police in parently working to establish a anything,” he said. can arrange a dignified and Fourth Straight Win memorial contributions may be Clark St., South Windsor is Hospital for a gash on his connection with the investiga­ link between a burglary- Hartford Police also declined appearing at the football Hall of Fame dinner in New York Maryland’s Cris Patton fitting tribute for a loved one made to the University of reported in satisfactory condi­ cheek. In lieu of posting bond, tion of a complaint that un­ shootout at the Parkade and a to discuss any link between the this week got off a rib-tickler that sent the crowd into a led all scorers with 23 points Connecticut Cancer Research tion in the intensive care unit at Burgess was held at the police authorized persons were at homicide in Hartford, although case and the Manchester inci­ WITHOUT CREATING A FINANCIAL relaxed mood when he got off this one. “I’m going right and Tom Roy scored a BURDEN. Center, Farmington. Manchester Memorial Hospital station and was to be presented Bielecki’s garage on Rt. 30. both Manchester and city police dent. from here to Washington to organize Wilbur Mills’ next car career high 19 points and in Circuit Court 12, East Hart­ with injuries suffered in an ac­ Thomas was charged with declined comment on the case Cornwall was found Tuesday pool. They tell me his car was going down the street at 80 added 15 rebounds. De Goal for Tech Tonight cident Thursday night on ford, today. third-degree criminal Edward M. Fitzgerald today. night in a cemetery in Hart­ miles an hour when a cop stopped it and said to Wilbur Pauw, now 1-3, shot only 24 Ellington Rd. Diane Beckwith of 655 trespassing, fourth-degree Reports are that Noel W. ford’s North End. City police, 225 Main Street Manchester, Connecticut ‘Who’s driving?’ Wilbur said, T don’t know, we’re all in the per cent as Maryland was The youth was riding his bicy­ Talcottville Rd., Vernon was larceny, and operating a motor Cornwall, 21, of Bloomfield — still investigating, said By Len Auster hits the road at Charter Oak Conference foe Portland High back, seat dancing.’”...It’s a long road ahead but Coach able to race to a 62-22 half­ cle west, in the eastbound lane, treated at Rockville General vehicle without a lifcense. whose body was found in a Cornwall had suffered a fatal Phone 643-5940 (0-1). It will be the conference opener for both clubs. Also Hospital for minor injuries Gerry Blanchard has his Cheney Tech five marching along tim e lead. police said, when he was struck Wilson was charged with third- Hartford cemetery Tuesday — chest wound inflicted by a .22 Winners of three straight basketball games, Cheney in the COC, Bolton High (1-1) is at Rocky Hill (1-2). In a by a car driven by Eugene A. received in a one-car accident degree criminal attempt and caliber weapon. with heads held high. It’s been a long time since the school In other college basketball may be one of the men who Tech goes after No. 4 tonight at home against Windham non-league tilt, Rham High, which opened Nov. 30 with a Interlandi, 16, of 20 Palmer Dr., early this morning on Rt. 15, third-degree criminal exchanged gunfire with police a In the Manchester incident copped three straight basketball decisions and tonight No. action, Seton Hall beat St. Tech. The Beavers, under the direction of first-year Coach 60-39 win over Cheney, entertains Middletown High. South Windsor. The car was Vernon. trespassing. week earlier during a burglary Dec. 3, Robertson apparently 4 will be the aim at home against Windham Tech...Clyde Bonaventure, 75-69, Rutgers E FIRE CALLS Gerry Blanchard, lost their opener to Rham but have traveling east, police said. State Police said she lost con­ Both were presented in Cir­ attempt at the Manchester surprised two men as they were topped M anhattan, 85-77, Rockville High returns to combat hosting Central Valley Frazier of the New York Knicks is averaging just under bounced back strongly. The accident is still under in­ trol of her car as she was going cuit Court 12, Manchester, Shopping Parkade. trying to remove a safe from Iowa downed Iowa St., 77-66, Conference rival Newington High (1-1). The Rams began three steals per game in NBA play this season. He may Five-foot-ten senior guard Tom LeCourt paces the vestigation. onto an exit ramp. Police said Thursday and their cases were Manchester Policeman the Scuffy Pet Center at the Richmond beat Davidson, with a non-conference setback to Manchester. Also, in the have the quickest hands in the East!...Pennsylvania is No. Tom Roy Techmen in scoring with an 18.7 average. Mark Viklinetz MANCHESTER VERNON she struck and broke in half a continued to Dec. 26. ’They were Phillip Robertson has reported­ Parkade. Robertson and his 67-61,' Memphis State CVe, South Windsor High, 0-2 after losses to South Catholic small tree and her car came to 1 in the country as the heaviest hunting state with Califor­ and Tom Foran also have been hitting at a double figure Thursday, 2:13 p.m. — Pile of Richard Harvey, 17, of High released on their promise to ly made a tentative identifica­ police cruiser were the target whipped East Texas State, and Northwest Catholic, faces Simsbury High (0-1) and 6- rest against some guard posts. nia, New York and Michigan ranking next in that rags by the side of the road St., Rockville was charged appear. tion of the dead man as the man of gunfire from a shotgun and a clip' along with leading the ejub in rebounds. In the last two 11 center Tom Young. It will be the CVC opener for all four No police action was taken. 6rder...and all the tim e the feeling was that Maine was No. 100-89, Colorado kayoed Air were on fire near Exit 94 of 1-86 Thursday with third-degree Kenneth Mallory, 22, of who shot at him in the burglary smaller handgun, police said. Hockey Deal outings, freshman Tim Martin has replaced the injured schools. Ellington High, 1-0 in the NCCC and 1-1 overall, Rodney A. Elliott II, 18, of 1. Force, 70-65, Oklahoma westbound. Cause is unknown. criminal mischief in connection Springfield, Mass., was incident. A search of the Parkade area Mike Pressamarita in the backcourt and has done a fine entertains Suffield High (0-3) in a conference duel. The (Eighth District) School St., Rockville was after the incident by state and Looking Good State handed Texas its sixth C with the investigation of a com­ arrested Wednesday night on a But Capt. Joseph Sartor, who job. charged Wednesday night with s tra ig h t loss, 73-63 and Purple Knights broke into the victory column Tuesday VERNON plaint from Gas Land Service Circuit 12 warrant charging heads Manchester’s detective local police was unsuccessful. In other hoop clashes on tap tonight, Coventry High (0-1) breach of the peace in connec­ Plenty of Live Hockey Bue NEW YORK (UPI) - Pierre with a 70-59 besting of Stafford. Thursday, 12:46 p.m. — Hot Station, Union St., that a toilet him with third-degree forgery division, said today nothing has The two suspects escaped Arkansas edged Hofstra, 63- tion with the investigation of a Hockey buffs, and they are increasing with leaps and Guite wasted no time showing water heater fire at a home on and soap dispenser had been and third-degree larceny in con- been confirmed. through woods in the direction 58. domestic disturbance at 26 the Michigan Stags they made a Cherry St. (Rockville Fire damaged. .nection with the investigation “It appears that Hartford has of St. James Cemetery, police bounds in these parts with the arrival of the New England Phil Sellers’ 22 points and Ward St. good deal when they acquired Department) Harvey was released on a of the cashing of stolen checks a murder on their hands,’’ Sar­ said. Whalers, will have a good chance to see the World Hockey Mike Gabney’s 21 helped Elliott was released on his him from the Quebec Nor- 8100 bond for appearance in Cir­ at the Super-Finast Store in tor said. “We’re still poking Assn, club in actioh in no less than 26 games from Jan. 11 speedy Rutgers upset promise to appear in Circuit diques. cuit Court 12, Rockville, Jan. 7. Vernon. thru April 3, plus the playoffs. Conditioning Important for Skiers Court 12 Jan. 7. Guite, who went to the Stags Manhattan. George Bucci AMBULANCE CALLS George T. Kelley, 48, of 20 He was released ona 81,(X)0 The Whalers, who will be without an official home until in a deal last week, scored a had 22 points and 6-10 center surety bond for appearance in DILLON FORD By Davig Hagkell in fairly good shape as it is. But walking is the very best thing,” SOUTH WINDSOR Robert Rd., Vernon was Jan. 11 when the Hartford Civic Center throws open its three-goal hat trick which in­ Bill Campion had 26 for etc. Easy, not time consuming, Thursday, 10:45 p.m. — 13- SOUTH WINDSOR Circuit Court 12, Rockville Jan. BOSTON (UPI) - The sight if you’ve allowed yourself to he said. “Just a good program and very beneficial. It’ll pay off arrested ’Thursday on a warrant doors, have a crazy schedule, to put it bluntly. cluded the decisive tally Manhattan. year-old boy hit by car at 1678 Linda A. Cassidy, 19, of 13 7. has New and 66 of my wife wearing tissue boxes become soft, as many do, then of hiking and walking, and there in better skiing, and isn't that issued by Circuit Court 12 SWIMG Thursday night, giving the Candlewood Dr., South Windsor In the fairy tale Cinderella, Seven of the first nine games were at the adopted home Scott Thompson’s 18 first- you won't get as much out of are a few basic rules. One is Ellington Rd. See story in charging him with issuing a bad ELLINQTON Stags a 5-3 victory over the Win­ on her feet and doing what what you want? was charged early Thursday which has b ^ translated into at the Big E .Coliseum in West Springfield. Then 13 of the half points put Iowa into an skiing as you should. don’t smoke. Skiing requires today’s Herald. (Manchester check. He was released on a Truman Woodward, 78, of nipeg Jets. appears to be a variation of the Even if you think you’re in morning with failure to drive in almost every language on the Used Cars next 14 games were on enemy ice. early lead and the Hawkeyes The benefits of being in shape good breath control, and Ambulance) 8150 bond for appearance in Cir­ Windsor was charged Thur^ay Guite scored his first two “Twist” on our living room rug good shape, it's not a good idea proper lane in connection with globe, only English versions de­ Once in the Civic Center, the Whalers will play 26 of are many, including getting smoking doesn’t help that.” MANCHESTER cuit Court 12, Rockville, Jan. 7. night with making an Improper nvDULaift goals at the start of the second went on to defeat intra-state is a sure sign the ski season is to go zipping down the expert the investigation of a one-car scribe her slippers as glass. Most their last 40 starts in Hartford. In a span of 20 days, March more for your money. The more Stretch your muscles. Simple Thursday, 10:47 p.m. — Head- Gary E. Cahoon, 18, of Wind­ left turn in connection with the For Sale. period to give the Stags a 3-1 rival Iowa State. Thompson, here. trails the first time out. Spend accident on Ellington Rd., languages describe the slippers runs you can make in a day, the exercises to tone your muscles. on collision on Olcott St. See sor was charged Thursday with investigation of a two-car acci­ 11-29, the club will be home for 10 dates, which should be lead and added his third goal at who hit 9-oMl shots in the And for all those recreational some time on the easier runs, South Windsor. more you get for your lift-ticket Ankle lifts, squatting with your story in today’s Herald. operating an unregistered dent on Rt. 83, Ellington. as while a few identify them enough hockey to satisfy the demands of all. 6:52 of the third period. first half, finished with a skiers who have been sitting reminding your muscles what Police said she was Good Buys! dollar. If you poop out after a feet flat, touching your toes. (Manchester Ambulance) motor vehicle and misuse of Police said Woodward turned as gold or silver. Attendance figures will be watched closely once the Ulf Nilsson scored two goals career-high 24 points in around since last winter, you expect of them. Ski gently southbound, lost control, few runs, it's obvious much of marker plates. He was released left on to Rt. 286 into the path of Civic Center opens. The spending dollar can go just so-far and Bobby Hull tallied his 25th perhaps getting a bit soft, it is a at first. There’s less chance of skidded and struck a pole. Ms. leading the Hawkeyes to your dollar will go to waste. on a 8100 bond for court a car driven by Miles Moores, and the iqe presentations will be in opposition to a number for Winnipeg. It was Hull’s reminder that before you head exhaustion and possible injury Cassidy and a passenger in the their third victory against And you decrease your risk of appearance Jan. 7. 30, of 52 Village St.. Rockville. < ( ( < < ( I 1 eighth goal in only four games for the slopes for the first time, by being a bit prudent early in car, Richard Prunier, 21, of 206 of high school and college basketball games on the same one loss. Iowa State, losing injury if you are in condition. Berjiice J. Crowley, 34, of Rt. Woodward is scheduled to against the Stags. you had better do something the season. Pleasant Valley Rd., South dates. for the third straight time to Tired legs don’t always res­ 85, Hebron was arrested appear in Circuit Court 12, In the other World Hockey about conditioning your Of course, there are those Saxbe Named Windsor were taken to Rockville, Jan. 7. Coming up next for the Whalers will be a meeting Satur­ a Big Ten team, fell to 1-4. pond, and you never want to Thursday on a warrant issued Association games, the Nor- muscles. who'll still go out without being Manchester Memorial Hospital day night against Quebec at West Springfield. reach that point on some by Circuit Court 12 charging her dlques downed the Cleveland Conditioning need not be an in shape, and then spend half Ambassador by Manchester Ambulance. narrow trail, else you’ll be with issuing a bad check. The Crusaders, 5-2, and the Phoenix expensive proposition — though the day resting in the base lodge , They were treated for minor in­ making the acquaintance of BOWLING To India complaint was made by Hart- Roadrunners downed the Van­ some may be conned into or whatever. Which means juries and discharged. End of the Line Hockey Schedule some tree trunk. m a n n ’s S u p e rm a rk e t, VITAMIN ^ OpSciate couver Blazers, 4-2. buying so-called bongo boards they’ll spend less time in the lift WASHINGTON (UPI) - Ms. Cassidy is scheduled to Joe Namath has been sacked 17 times this season - hit Don’t get the wrong impres­ Rockville. She was released on Third-period goals by Chris­ Sunilny’s Manrlipgter or whatever. Empty tissue line, which means more skiing President Ford today appear in Circuit Court 12, East behind and dropped behind the line of scrimmage. During sion. You don’t have to be a a 8150 bond for court Jan. 7. tian Bordeleau, Serge Bernier Youth llorkey Aggn. gphedule boxes, such as my wife Ethel for the rest of us. nominated Attorney General Hartford Dec. 30. Liggett Parkade AT BLAU’S super athlete to enjoy skiing, Julie A. Young, 16, of 23 High the five-game win skein the Jet quarterback has been and Marc Tardif led the Nor- ul llu* Hollon Ice Palace uses, slide nicely over a rug and BUSINESSMEN’S - Ed William B. Saxbe to be am­ James Thomas, 20, and I O iV P mcus St., Rockville was charged dumped five times while connecting for nine touchdowns followg; 6:10 Bruing vg. provide an excellent tool with but the better condition you are Ralph 146-406, Bill Chapman bassador to India. Arthur Wilson, 19, both of Hart­ diques to their win. Bob Mowat Thursday with fourth-degree and hitting 66 of 119 throws for 915 yards...Dallas Dodge Kangerg, 7:20 Gromun'g vg. which to practice parallel in the more enjoyment you’ll 160-405, Bub Holmes 153-150-426, Saxbe will succeed Daniel P. and John Gray scored 64 larceny on complaint of the RECLINERS Army & Navy; 8:30 Trudon Christie twists or, for tourers, get out of it. Mick Holmes 162-397, Sandy Moynihan, who has resigned. has won a place on the UConn varsity track squad as a shot seconds apart midway in the W.T. Grant Co., Vernon. She vg. Naggiff Ariiig, 0:40 Rotary gliding. One of the most simple exer­ Hanna 135-371, Ron Joiner 158- In an exchange of letters putter...Lincoln Downs opens Dec. 26 for the 1975 third period giving the Time foi a Ube was released on her promise to vg. Firgi Hartford; 10:50 If you’ve spent the summer cises, says Saddleback’s John 375, Joe Torneo 139-352, Larry made public at the White thoroughbred racing season. Tuesday will be an off day at Roadrunners their triumph at appear in court Jan. 7. Kathy aaya: "Oakland Street la now opan (o traMc both Kronomy Kleelrie vg. Meliolg, playing tennis or riding a bike, Christie, is walking. “I think Job? See Us... the Rhode Island track. Phoenix. Aceto 147-138-407, Angelo 3 House, Ford accepted Saxbe’s Richard Abrahamson, 28, of ways, fft easy once more to ahop for thoaa In and out ONLY NOON, Farr’g vg. Regal’g. chances are your muscles are Napoletano 164-378, Howie resignation as attorney general 54 W. Main St., Rockville was of season hard to find produca Itamal" Peters 149-369, Bert Carlson effective on the appointment of charged ’Thursday with fourth- FRESH; CortlMMto, Maos, RaO * OaMan DalMeua, Ruaaata 146-398, A1 Bonini 140-385, Ed a successor or his own confir­ degree larceny in connection a Baldwin Applat, olut Ruaaat Paara • Fraah Cldar. mation as ambassador to India, FRESH: Oraan S VaHow Baan^ Paaa, BrooeoS, CauWlowar, Baala, Schworm 138-380, Paul Gilberto with the investigation of a com­ to lM , 8 h ^ , Laaka, WhHa Swaal Polatoaa, Em Ptwit, BrutaaU 136-383, David Grzyb 137-376, whichever occurs earlier. plaint from W.T. Grant, Ver­ teouta, Balglum Endiva, Varna, Purpla Top • V ^ Qloba Turnlpa, Presidential Press Secretary Savm a Chinaaa Cabbim , Cranbarriaa. Reason Giants Gave Up Bonds Simple Joe Giambelluca 145, Larry non. He was released on his IMPORTED: Malont, Rad, Whila • Blua Orapaa, PInaapplat, Give her two gifts for the Faysinger 143, Tom Turner 352, Ron Nessen refused to discuss promise to appear in court Jan. Tangarinat, Ortpafrult, Promargranalaa, Partimmona, Importad By MILTON RICHMAN ChaatnuU, Slrawbarrlat, Cumquola, Oulnoa, Dalaa, PIga. price of one. A precision- deal, but the fact is they didn’t. Bonds, and the next thing you and has been, the most warm, idea, but he said he intended to After all, the ballplayer is Jim Sirianni 361, Slim Harrison speculaAon that Ford is con­ 7. sidering naming Dr. Edward “nek Your Chrittmt$am$ from Our W kkfDlsplay' . jeweled, Bulova-bred watch NEW YORK (UPI) - The deal was a straight know they were raising their the most considerate, the most make the deal anyway. They working for the owner, not the 363, Mike Zwiek 352, Pete Scott Robert W. McEwen, 23, of 146 Curiosity not only killed the cat. Levi, president of the Universi­ THRIFTY WEEKEND SPECIALS by Caravelle. Shock resistant player one. Bonds fr Murcer, as voices. Both men got hot; They generous club owner In the en­ pleaded with him to think it other way around. 374, Ted Kowzun 362, Dan Toce Prospect St., Rockville was FULL SELECTION FROM LA-Z-BOY It keeps killing a lot of people ty of Chicago as Saxbe’s FRESH STIUW IERRIES ...... baakaiTSO and anti-magnetic. And a originally announced. Here's grew Increasingly emotional, tire game. He also can be hard, over some more. HH mind was 351. charged Thursday with dis­ AND OTHERS also, particularly when for the Regular lube jobs are successor. NAVEL 0RAN8ES ...... d o z a n t s c gleaming golden-hued pendant, what wasn’t announced though. and the more they did, the unbending and abrasive. made up, though, and he got on orderly conduct in connection very life of them, they simply The Giants were the ones who fo There also was speculation ICEBER8 LETTUCE i^gahaadSNO swinging from Its own 24-Inch Shortly after the season was louder they became. After Bonds left his office the phone with the Yankees and vital car care — with the investigtajtion of a dis­ can't ferret out the reason for initiated the deal with the that Sen. James Eastland, D- CILERY H EAR TS...... bunch 4*0 chain. An up-to-the-minute jewelry over, Bobby Bonds, who lives in They never reached agree­ that day, Stoneham, who had told them It was a deal. they restore special turbance at his home. He was «*P the most lopsided deal In the that area, visited.the Giants’ of­ Yankees for Bonds. Originally, Miss., chairman of the TANRERINES...... doxanS*0 ^ 9 9 fashion In a variety of designs. ment, and eventually Bonds got feelers for Bonds during the DILLON FORD greases to all mov­ released on a 8125 cash bond for Fw,,mg«^bg-k ».n<# **0* past two months. Judiciary Committee and its “CO N E" . ^...... 32-01. non-raturnabla bolllat 2 lor 7 9 C SHOP OUR 3 OISPUY FLOORS fices at Candlestick Park In San up to leave. He had spoken his World Series, now went about the Giants asked for Murcer court appearance Jan. 7. Why? Why? Why? Why In the Francisco. Owner Horace and pitcher Doc Medlch for ing parts, ranking Republican member. mind, and Stoneham had spoken seeing what he could get for his Those who might be tempted has New and Dana E. Burgess, 21, of 41 • Wo Soil The HoroU, $utidor Papara, plus Lonory Tfekokl • world did the San Francisco Stoneham was in and the two Bonds, pitcher Tom Bradley Sen. Roman Hruska, are op­ OPEN EVillY MCHT his. When the Giants’ owner fleet, 27-year-old super slugger to criticize Stoneham for par­ Spring St., Rockville was Giants ever give up Bobby talked axthlle about some of the and a third player. The Yanks BROWN'S posed to Levi heading the 'tB 9 P.M. finally emerged from his office, in earnest. Several clubs came ting with Bonds precipitously charged Thursday with first- blau Bonds to the New York things which occurred this past wouldn’t go for that. Used Cars TIRE SHOP Justice Department. he was still burning. up with offers. The Yankees degree assault in connection E KINQ furniture storei SAT. 'tl S;30 P.M. Yankees for Bobby Murcer? season. should also know that during Moynihan, a Nixon appointee, CASH p MASTER CHARQII Dtp* SLr QtmtimItotti: “He’s finished," Stoneham offered Murcer'^ven up. their disagreement. Bonds told 333 MAIN 8T. with the investigation of a dis­ Nobody can figure It out. Pretty soon their conversa­ I is expected to resume his I4t, 6M)« ■< 100 I'A 1 " i ' SANKAMERICARO • SOM said. "He’ll never play another Stoneham said he’d think it Then they ame up with For Sale. MANCHBSTeR turbance on Spring St. during MUOKITq rNMK! EveryM y agrees the Giants tion took on the tone of a Stoneham he’d never play for teaching post at Harvard IPI XMAS LAYAWAY game for me.” over. He told some of his the Glpnts anymore. He was Murcer for Bonds. They men­ which he allegedly assaulted gave up far more than they got preliminary contract talk. A 646-3444 University after two years in 276 OAKLAND ST„ MANCHESTER • 643-SS84 Msnchaslar Horace Stoneham calls all the front office people he liked the giving Stoneham an ultimatum, tioned It to a Giants’ official, Lm —----- M Bernard Kelley, 17, of 20 Robert back. Everybody also suspects disagreement arose between India. shots for the Giants. What he Idea of Murcer for Bonds. They and no owner takes that from' a who relayed it to Stoneham, and Good Buys! Rd., Vernon. the OlantI got money in the Horace Stoneham and Bobby says goes. At times he can be told him they didn’t like the ballplayer. Why should he? the deal was made. I PAGE EIGHTEEN - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester, Conn., Fri., Dec. 13, 1974 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester, Conn., Fri,^Dec. 13, 1974 — PAGE NINETEEN u Fourth Shutout One-Time Free Agent

f ■ By Flyer Goalie JCi raa . 'v f ^ Hart Lauded by NFC f *1; %i*i ka« raa I ^ - £* ^ ■'7 1 ~'i* * « " ** y M NEW YORK (UPI) - Goalie Bemle Caniirka Sabrcn ,3t NEW YORK (UPI) — One-time free agent Jim Hart, ?■ '•■Ji ..t„ a ^ wjnlii'Q Parent of the Philadelphia Flyers is Vancouver snapped Buffalo’s 11- running backs Lawrence McCutcheon of Western Division rjLTIf who directed the Cardinals to their first playoff •■M «»aiM 1. t,y .ni ! - v^ having such a good' season that one game home winning streak with the champion Los Angeles and Chuck Foreman of Minnesota. ^litTSi appearance in 26 years and the first since the franchise might think he is having a good time. help of two goals and two assists by McCutcheon, the conference’s leading rusher, already has m r o t moved from Chicago to St. Louis in 1960, was a runaway No chance, says Parent, whp still Gerry O’Flaherty. O’Flaherty opened passed the 1,000 yard mark while Foreman ranks fourth in choice for quarterback today on the United Press Inter­ tv gives a stock answer when asked what the Canuck scoring at 5:29 of the first RSox Telecasts that department with 777 yards. Calvin Hill of Dallas, who national’s 1974 National Football Conference All Star ranks second to McCutcheon, drew only one vote. •OLTM , he enjoys most about playing in the period and scored the decisive goal at BOSTON (UPI) - WSBK-TV M i 9 WtTOi Wirw aL“ 2f National Hockey League. team. Joining Taylor at wide receiver is Drew Pearson of IflL m WtTOI* V the 18-second mark of the third Thursday announced Dick “The five months we’re off,” he period. Hart, who was signed by the Cardinals as a free agent Dallas, the NFC’s leading pass catcher with 58 receptions. Stockton and former baseball upon his graduation from Southern Illinois in 1966, easily a., r-i 7 32 83 84 says. “I’m a nervous wreck the rest of Capitals 6, Rangers 6: player Ken Harrelson will han­ Pearson and McCutcheon were the top vote-getters with 35 beat out runnerup Fran Tarkenton of Central Division iD the time.” Washin^on, which has lost 23 of 29 dle telecasts of Boston Red Sox ballots apiece. champion Minnesota for the quarterback spot. Hart, who Parent scored his fourth shutout of games, gained its fourth tie with a games next season over Charles Young of Philadelphia was picked at tight end leads the NFC in touchdown passes this season with 18, the season Thursday night when the three-goal rally in the third period. Channel 38. while the rest of the offensive line includes Ron Yary of outpolled Tarkenton 30-8 in balloting by a nationwide panel Flyers defeated the Minnesota North Jim Hrycuik capped the rally with Stockton did the play-by-play Minnesota and Rayfield Wright of Dallas at tackle, Tom ■ for the of 39 sports writers, three from each conference city. Billy Mack of Los Angeles and of Green Bay at - - - Stars, 6-0. The victory raised Parent’s 3:50 left to play with a 40-foot slap L A record this season to 15-4-4 and and currently serves as the Kilmer of Washington drew the remaining quarterback guard and Forrest Blue of San Francisco at center. shot. Mike Marson and Steve Atkinson voice of the Boston Celtics in vote. enabled the Flyers to maintain their scored the other third-period goals for of Green Bay, the NFC’s leading scorer televised games. Joining Hart on the All Star squad was teammate Roger with 91 points, was chosen as the team’s place kicker while eight-point lead in the NHL’s Division the Capitals. Harrelson, who quit baseball 11. Penguins 3, Canadiens 3; Wehrli, who led all cornerbacks in voting with 24 ballots. Tom Wittum of San Francisco was picked as the punter. to become a professional golfer Ten of the 13 NFC teams placed at least one player on Reggie Leach scored three goals Wick Kehoe’s 10th goal at 17:35 of several years ago, played with The defensive front four consists of Jack Youngblood of the All Star squad, with Washington leading the way with and Rick MacLeish, Gary Domhoefer the third period, lifted Pittsburgh to the Red Sox from the end of the Los Angeles and Claude Humphrey of Atlanta at end and four, three of them on defense — the Redskins’ specialty. and Bill Clement scored one each for its tie with Montreal. Kehoe’s goal 1967 season until the beginning Alan Page of Minnesota and John Mendenhall of the New The Washington All Stars are wide receiver Charley the Flyers who have an 18-6-4 season came only 13 seconds after Yvon of the 1969 season. York Giants at tackle. Taylor, outside linebacker Chris Hanburger, cornerback record. Lambert’s tally gave the Canadiens a Bill Bergey of Philadelphia was selected at middle Boston routed Los Angeles, 8-1, 3-2 lead and an apparent victory. Mike Bass and strong safety Ken Houston. linebacker while Ted Hendricks of Green Bay and Han­ Vancouver beat Buffalo, 5-3, The only clubs not represented on the UPI first team are burger are the outside linebackers. Free safety Cliff Blues 4, Red Wings 3: Detroit, Chicago and New Orleans. Eastern Connecticut Pony Football Champions Washington tied the New York Gary Unger and Craig Patrick Neale Recalled Harris of Dallas joins Wehrli, Bass and Houston in the Rangers, 6-6, Pittsburgh tied Mon­ The offensive backfield, in addition to Hart, includes defensive backfield. scored in the third period, enabling St. CLEVELAND (UPI) - treal, 3-3, St. Louis shaded Detroit, 4- Undefeated in 10 starts, Coach Gil Husseym. Second row, John Jeff Potterton, Dennis Monahan, Louis to rally from a 3-2 deficit for its Center Robbie Neale was 3, and Kansas City topped California, triumph over Detroit. Unger’s 15th recalled from Cape Cod by the Boisoneau's Bolton Bulldogs Dzienis, John Varca, Craig Jensen, Steve Everett, Steve Luchenbill, 5-3, in other games. copped the 1974 Eastern Connec­ Dave Higgins, Kurt Bogner, Chris Brett Georgetti, Alan Bulkus, goal and Patrick’s fifth came on Cleveland Crusaders Thursday. quick-reaction shots after the puck Neale had 25 points —15 goals NBA Roundup: Kings Stop Bucks 3 ticut Pony Championship. The Holbrook, Bill Chick. Third row, Mickey Chermerka, Coach Bruins 8, Kings 1: and 10 assists — in 22 games squad won 10 games while scoring Marc Ouellette, Chuck Hilton, Boisoneau. Back row, Steve Nar- changed direction suddenly and left goalie Jim Rutherford out of position. with Cape Cod this season. 370 points to 22 for the opposition. Jerry Stamp, Mike Bushnell, Shan­ savage, Mike Levn Levanduski, Jim Johnny Bucyk scored two goals and He was to report to the Squad members, front row, left to non Young, Tom McDonald, Chris Stamp, Don Assard, Randy Potter- Phil Esposito connected for his 24th as Scouts 5, Seals 3: Crusaders tonight at Toronto. right, Peter Ryba, Bob Bogner, Everett, Jae Fontanella. Fourth ton, Skip Soares, Harold Sanborn, Boston handed Los Angeles its first Goals by Simon Nolet and Jim Randy Fish, Hal Sanborn, Jerry row, Brian Molde, John Grimaldi, Jim Rufini. road loss of the season. It was only the McElmury in the first two minutes of Behagen Gets into Act Chemerka, Paul Gtoves, Brett third loss in 27 games for the Kings, the third period gave Kansas City its Pepper Signs who went into the game with a 6-0-5 fifth victory in 28 games. The loss was road'record. the 19th in 30 games for California. ATLANTA (UPI) - Pepper Rodgers, the sixth fooball coach in Georgia Tech’s (DPI photo) Rose Bowl Kindness history, Thursday became the With Hot Shooting Hand first Yellow Jacket coach to sign a contract. NEW YORK (U PI)-K ansas And after that they took turns ble figures, led by Archibald points in the first quarter and 70 Victorious Annamarie Proell-Moser BOWLING Staying Healthy The board of trustees of the City-Omaha’s smooth-shooting keeping the Bucks at bay and with 25. Lacey had 18 and in the half. Expresses Self After Winning Downhill Ski Event in Italy Big Worry of Hayes Georgia Tech Athletic Associa­ forward, Ron Behagen, played winning their second game in Behagen finish^ with 12. Warriors 129, Hawks 109 tion voted to award the former three meetings against the club the first half against Milwaukee “We used to get up a little A 27-point first half burst by star quarterback a three-year that beat them in all seven BASKETBALL Thursday night rarely even more for teams in our NBA scoring leader Rick Barry BLOSSOMS - Jennie NEW YORK (UPI) - College foot­ “I have never criticized a football contract in appreciation for the glancing in the direction of the games last year. division,” Lacey said. “But this Kowalsky 185, Ginger Burdo Goal of NFL Clubs powered Golden State past the ball is reknowned for its innovative outstanding job he did this year. The win moved the Kings to player publicly in my 24 years of basket. When he finally decided team’s changed. Now we get up Atlanta Hawks. Barry, who 193-480, Barbara Sherwood 452. play, especially in the area of offense. Rodgers left the head he ought to sl(oot the ball, within a half-game of the for everyone. We know we can coaching. I deserve the same thing.” SENIOR LEAGUE (UPI) - It finished with 41 points, hit his NEW YORK (AFC West) entertains the NFC East lead and both coaching job at UCLA last year leading Detroit Pistons in the play with any team and beat But Ohio State Coach Woody Hayes is Hayes doesn’t care what others With three players hitting though, everything began to go first eight shots and Jeff Griffin Tearfully seems like staying healthy Dallas. are in the playoffs. A St. to return to his alma mater and Midwest Division, a game TWI-LITE - Sally Granato not known for his liberal thinking to click for the Kings. any of them.” Mullins got hot in the second think of him — only what his players over 20 points each, Moriarty rather than winning is the Sunday’s action finds the Louis victory would give the posted a 6-5 record this year. ahead of Chicago and three 181-475, Jean Archambault 180- either on — or off — the field. In the third quarter he In other NBA action, Buffalo period and poured in 12 points to feel. “Frankly, I don’t give a damn Brothers stopped Langan keynote for playoff clubs on New York Giants at St. games ahead of Milwaukee. 177-499, Charlotte Emery 452. Hayes, 61, whose teams have been Cardinals their first division figured he ought to at least try ripped Houston 124-113 while help Golden State build a 69-49 what other people think — alumni or Volkswagen last night at filing, the National Football Louis, Chicago at “This is a different club this known as the prime example of the 101-91. title since 1948 and send his hand at shooting, and he hit Golden State did the same, only halftime lead. SPICE - Linda Smith 161-357, writers. The people that fire coaches League’s final weekend. Washington, Buffalo at Los them against Minnesota 5-for-5 to lead the Kings to a year,’’ Behagen said. worse, to Atlanta 129-109. In the Spirits 96, Stars 91 Gets Top Award “three yards and a cloud of dust” Bob Beckwith (24), Ben Gr- Nancy Joyce 147-365, Barbara are players.” All eight playoff spots Angeles, Cleveland at next Saturday in opening- Norman Added torrid 71 per cent shooting pace “Everybody’s playing hard and ABA, St. Louis beat Utah 96-91 Marvin Barnes scored 24 philosophy, is not exactly your bastion zyb (23) and Tim Coughlin (26) giving 110 per cent all the time. Backus IM. To his players, he says, “I’m honest paced the Gas Housers with have been filM and the con­ Houston, New England at round play. A Washington PHILADELPHIA (UPI) - in the period and a 113-105 win and San Antonio routed San points and, along with Goo of liberal thinking in his personal tenders are just hoping to over the Milwaukee Bucks. We’ve got a lot of confidence Diego 117-98. NEW YORK (UPI) - Archie Grif­ three D’s — desire, dedication and beliefs, either. and straightforward. I believe in Rick Mamicki (27), George Miami, Detroit at victory and a St. Louis loss Coniel Norman, a former Kennedy, sparked a fourth- positive reinforcement, like that come out of this weekend in Philadelphia, Denver at San “Everyone else was doing so and a win like this gives us even Braves 124, Rockets 113 quarter rally over Utah to make fin of Ohio State, a believer in the determination. He told me to apply His Buckeyes are going out to Brok Brook (28) and Paul would send the Redskins Arizona star, has been added to more.” fellow Skinner. I get out of a man just Russlllo (16) best in defeat. one piece prior to next Diego, the New York Jets at the roster of the Philadelphia well in the first half that I didn’t Bob McAdoo scored 32 points up a 10-point deficit and give St. words “the honor of the Heisman the three D’s to anythng I do and I Pasadena to meet Southern Cal in the against Minnesota and the “We know we can win any what I expect from him. He gets Y INTERMEDIATE week’s opening-round ac­ Baltimore, New .Orleans at 76ers and will dress for even have to put the ball up,” and Randy Smith contributed 29 Louis its victory. Barnes, Trophy is a responsiblity,” tearfully would achieve success. This trophy is 1975 Rose Bowl game and one of Cardinals against Los Behagen said. “Sam Lacey and game we’re in,” Kings Coach better what he puts into it for the Needing an overtime, the tion. San Francisco, and Green tonight’s National Basketball to lead Buffalo over Houston in matched against fellow rookie accepted college football’s most especially meaningful to me because E Hayes’ biggest worries, although he Angeles on Sunday. Nate Archibald were doing it Phil Johnson said. “But we Toronto before a disappointing Moses Malone, gathered a team. That’s what the country needs Superbuds nipped Out of Order Tliree division champions Bay at Atlanta. Association game at the Spec­ ■ have to do a job on everybody. coveted award Thursday night and it represents excellence. And that’s AND tries to disguise it as a joke, is the W^nesday night, 61-56, as Dan In other first-round action, trum against the Milwaukee and so were the guys who came crowd of only 4,519. The win game-high 17 rebounds for St. today.” will be in action on national ■rhe only question left is We can’t just try to stop one promised to make it meaningful to the what the three D’s are all about.” “kindness” the Tournament of Roses Miami, the AFC East cham­ Bucks. off the bench. But I figured I'd gave the Braves a one-game Louis. But Hayes can be nice on the field to Socha poured in K points. Mike television Saturday when who will be the NFC East man.” nation’s youth. Griffin, the fourth Ohio State player Moreau added 10 more while pion, will be at Oakland on Norman, 21, of Detroit, is 6-5 give it a try in the third lead over idle New York in the Spurs 117, Q’s 98 RADI( Association will show his team. Kareem Abdul-Jabbar had 31 Griffin, only the fifth junior in to win the Heisman Trophy, had his players — under the right cir­ Jim Rossillo (17) and Rick Pittsburgh (AFC Central) champion and who will wind Saturday and Pittsburgh and was the 76ers third-round period.” NBA’s Atlantic Division and San Antonio dominated San “ We’re going to give up two points for Milwaukee. Bob Dan- history to win the Heisman Trophy, cumstances. Nicola (10) starred in defeat. takes on Cincinnati, up as the wild card or best plays host to Buffalo, the draft choice last year. He had The Kings trailed 48-47 at the both teams are scheduled to Diego from the tipoff behind the special praise for his family; his touchdowns by going out there for two dridge scored 32 and George officially received the award before TONIGHT “You have to rebuild confidence in The THJ’s had little trouble Minnesota (NFC Central) is runnerup entry. St. Louis been placed on waivers this half, but thanks to that 71 per meet each other in back-to-back 28 point scoring of Donnie coach. Woody Hayes; and his team­ weeks,” Hayes says. “They’ll kill us AFC wild-card entry, on Thompson had 22 but no other the players after a defeat. That’s the upending Gunver, 47-28. Carl at Kansas City and Oakland and Washington are tied for year, but was not claimed by cent shooting in the third games tonight in Buffalo and Freeman. Rich Jones, George 1,]00 people, including nine former mates, especially his offensive line 7i30 NBAs Celtics vs. with kindness.” Sunday. Bucks had more than 10 and the only time I’m a nice man on the field. Bujaucius (17) and Pat Vignone any other team. quarter, they took an 83-77 lead Saturday in New York. The Gervin and Swen Nater added Heisman winners, at the annual without whom he said “I couldn’t Washington, WINF Just this quote, taken alone, might Kings had seven players in dou­ If you can laugh off a loss you’ll play (14) set the point-making pace into the final period. Braves established a pair of 23 points each. Nater also banquet and was so overcome with have won it.” SATURDAY easily be taken for a quip, but not 1:00(22, 30) NFL Bengals badly. I raise hell when we’re going with Dave Wyman (10) and Bob team records by scoring 43 grabbed 24 rebounds. emotion that he could barely get the Prior to Griffin’s speech, a former when followed up with the following: vs. Steelers good. 'That’s when we need it.” Quagiia (8) standouts for the Pittsburgh's All-Pro Selection words out when it came his turn to Heisman winner, Tom Harmon, spoke 1:00 (24) Pro Tennis “That’s the trouble with society Stampers. u' speak. eloquently about what the Heisman today — we’re too soft. ’Those who Hayes is strict with himself as well Honors Given 1:30 NBA: Knicks vs. as his players. Before the beginning of Results were not turned in un­ Using a handkerchief to wipe away Trophy had meant to him over the remember the depression know we’re til today. LOS ANGELES (UPI) - Braves, WINF the season, he suffered a heart attack, the tears, the 5-foot-9 running back years. In his talk Harmon, directing 2 :0 0 (3) Basketball: too soft.” Last night in the same loop, University of Southern Califor­ but hasn’t let it get him down. Steelers’ Mean Joe Greene New World Ski Rule said he still couldn’t believe he had his talk at Griffin, said that winning UConn vs. Rhode Island, the Hustlers downed the nia’s Pat Haden captured four As a coach, Hayes thinks of himself won the trophy, which has become the Heisman would dictate unusual WTIC “as a benevolent despot. Somebody “I’ve worked harder this year than I Celtics, 43-29, and the Ouchers honors, including the Mike 2:15 (8) College Football ever have,” Hayes says. “I’m not edged the Lakers, 42-40. McKeever Award as his team’s synonymous with excellence in demands over the years and men­ has to run things. If 1 didn’t limit the Most Valuable Player, at the college football. tioned that the “honor of the Heisman 4:00 (3) NFL: Vikings vs. players from talking to you newsmen, worried about another heart attack. I Jeff Gorman (28) led the Takes Aceolades in Stride Threat to Amateurs Chiefs Hosiers with John Johnson (10) Trojans’ annual awards “Winning the Heisman Trophy is will be your constant responsibility.” a player could say something to em­ knew I could do it. I’ll either work and 5:30 (8) Wide World: Ski coach or get out. It’s still fun. I love to and Truman Sleyhoffer (9) best banquet Thursday night. one of those goals in life that everyone Among the many tributes paid to flying* figure skating, high barrass us and himself. I’m not about for the Celts. Skip Nowik (14) The Trojan quarterback also dreams of but deep down inside no one Griffin during the evening was a win. I die when I lose.” PITTSBURGH (UPI) - Joe Greene VIENNA (UPI) — A new World Ski Federation (FIS) diving to do that. and Kevin Fin Flynn (13) paced Then Noll asked Perles to received awards as USC’s most believes he can get,” said Griffin. "I telegram from President Ford, which On the field, Hayes’ biggest ad­ was selected for the as a elaborate. inspirational player, the senior rule allowing extra-payments to top amateur skiers 7:30 Hockey: Whalers vs. “We’re a family. We’ll keep our the Cricher attack while Bill couldn’t believe it when I got it and said, “as a Michigan fan I have not vance offensively has been due to rookie in 1969 and was chosen the next with the highest cumulative threatens the U.S. professional ski circuit and endangers Quebec, WTIC troubles within the family. I may have Donovan (18) and Duffy Leone I’m not sure now that I do. It’s hard to always cheered your football skills tailback Archie Griffin. (10) led the Lakers. four years. ’There’s little doubt that “What got us started with it was grade point average (3.7) and the importance of the 1976 winter Olympics, ski officials 9:00 (8) NFL: Cowboys vs. argued with a player on the field but I imagine yourself as the winner. but as somebody who knows Raiders, WINF EAST SIDE MIDGETS the 6-4,275 pound left defensive tackle that people were altering our pass the outstanding player in the might then turn around and soap his said Wednesday. “A long time ago my junior high something about the game I have SUNDAY Pro Remodeling topped of the Pittsburgh Steelers will be in­ rush by spreading their offensive Notre Dame game. “The new rule amounts to a split in the amateur camp,” back in the shower ... it all gets pretty school coach taught me about the always respected them.” 12:30 (24) Pro Tennis Manchester State Bank iast vited for the sixth time. linemen out, creating wider gaps Senior Tailback Anthony an Austrian ski official said. “We will now have amateurs honest and open when a man is Davis was presented three 1:00 (22) NFL: Pals vs. night, 39-11, and Allied Builders between people while forcing our ends eligible for Olympics and semi-professionals likely to be stripped down to himself. But even with his latest accolade — awards, including the Weisman Dolphins whipped Police, 25-17. to take longer routes to get to the barred from Olympics.” Pat Silver was the night’s top being named to the UPI American Trophy given to the outstanding 2:00 (3) NFL: Giants vs. quarterback,” Perles said. He referred to a rule adopted last weekend at a FIS Cards scorer with 16 points, the only Football Conference All-Star team — college football player in the “Then too, they were hurting us country. meeting in Geneva, Switzerland, leaving it to the national 2:00 (8) Golf Billie Jean’s Reign Ends player in twin figures. Greene remains modest. He shrugged Templets Quarterback with draws and a lot of traps. At first, federations to determine the amount of payments to their 2:00 (30) NFL; Jets vs. off praise by Steelers’ defensive line we were just planning to play games top amateur skiers. Colls BuBinessman coach George Perles for the success Wins Maxwell Honor without two tackles, we do a lot of These payments, the new rule said, could even go beyond 2:30 (8) College Football Standings of the team’s radical new defense Women^s Volleyball Bowl Preview As Top-Rated Net Star the limit recently set by the International Olympic (Com­ W known as the odd 4-3. that with the ends and tackles, but this Standings 4:00 (30) NFL: Bills vs. Army & Navy was just-the tackles. By playing these w mittee (IOC) which permits an athlete to be paid the BOWLING PHILADELPHIA (UPI) Rams NEW YORK (UPI) - L T W i Defensive tackle Merlin Nancy Gunter and Julie Honda Civics “George is ^vlng me credit for his games, you wipe out a lot of draws Porpoises 13 2 1 j equivalent of his normal salary while he is away from his — Quarterback Steve Billie Jean King’s four-year Heldman. Olsen of the Los Angeles 4:30 (3) NBA; Lakers vs. Roberts Electric baby,” Greene said. “I thought the and screens. Dolphins 11 4 p N job. Joachim of Temple Univer­ Rams was selected winner reign as the top rated In doubles rankings, Trail Blazers Groman’s defense worked better against New Sharks 11 4 ■ The new FIS rule is in line with a longtime plan of FIS sity, the nation’s total of the Bert Bell award, sym­ American women’s tennis Rosemary and Billie Jean “ It was Greene’s Idea to turn UAC Barons Orleans than against New England Marlins 6 9 president Marc Hodler who repeatedly suggested,to divide offense leader, has been bolic of pro footbalT’s player ended today when the are No. 1 for the fifth con­ Sport Mart sideways like hj does. At first, we Barrachudas 5 J^Q POWDER PUFF - Roberta BASKETBALL last Sunday. But it did create a lot of (UPI photo) the international ski camp into “Olympic amateurs” and named recipient of the 1974 NO SHOWS U.S. Lawn Tennis Buzzards were just going to line him up heads- Whales 5 10 Shore 218-178-563, Ginette “Player of the Year.” Windham Tech at Cheney secutive year. Mona confusion.” “licensed skiers.” The latter skiers would be allowed to Maxwell Club award, given CLEVELAND (UPI) - The Association’s rankings for Fred’s on opposite the center and mix up the Flounders 5 10 Girardin 175-491, Ruth Ann Tech Schallau of Iowa City and Maurice Lucas Grabs Rebound compete in all FIS ski races and world championships but in memory of the late 3 Cleveland Browns are the 1974 put C3iris Evert in the Westown Pharmacy The odd 4-3 is a four-man line with rushing lanes he and Holmes would Stingrays 4 11 Glass 459. Coventry at Portland Pam Teeguarden of Los are likely to face disqualification from the Olympics. Swarthmore College football only National Football Bolton at Rocky Hill No. 1 spot. Telso Greene lined up at a 75-80 degree take.” Season Ticket Angeles were ranked se­ Looks Downcourt for Fast Break “We want to keep all top skiers eligible for the 1976 star and coach. League team without a Middletown at Rham Miss Evert won 15 tour­ cond. B.A. Club angle to the opposing center while the helmet insignia. Second Congo right tackle, Ernie Holmes, assumes Perles then mentioned the psy­ winter Olympics in Innsbruck,” said Austrian ski federa­ Sale to Start Newington at Rockville naments this year, including Men's Volleyball PAKKADF. IMNNEUKS - Joachim, who led Temple Simshury at South Windsor the traditional position. chological advantage of the odd 4-3. tion president Kurt Schlick. “We are not interested in a to an 8-2 record this fall, was South Africa, Italy, France Senior l.«ague Standings division.” Dolores Dzienis 175-510, Alice Going on sale Monday at East Suffield at Ellington Hartford Wins The Steelers experimented with the “How would you like to see Joe Klee 175, Kathy Satryb 176, selected over Heisman Catholic at its main office are and Wimbledon. She also Standings W L Schlick said Austria prevented its skiers changing ski defense mainly on passing downs for Greene standing there ready to pop ABA Tool 13 5 Ellen Bauer 193-468, Ginger Trophy-winner Archie Grif­ basketball season tickets, Cliff BOLAND Saturday retained her U.S. Clay Court Four in Row W Figure Skating Opens brands until 1976 to avoid problems with Olympic eligibili­ title for the third year. At Moriarty Bros. eight weeks. ’They used It 23 times, you with a forearm? It has to be In­ Latvians 13 5 Yourkas 198-502, Betty Plumley fin of Ohio State, defensive Demers, athletic director, an­ BASKETBALL about one-third of the snaps Pratt & Whitney ty. But FIS president Hodler said other national ski 485, Linda Gustafson 497, Helen nounced. Forest Hills she gained the WEST HARTFORD (UPI) - Schiebel Bros. in timidating. Your blocking patterns 4 15 tackle Randy White of East Catholic at Mancheater beating the Patriots 21-17. North Enders 4 15 With Variety of Events federations were less careful. Rancourt 469. Demers said that 150 season OIL CO. semifinals for the fourth University of Hartford, l^hind Kahuna Kids are already destroyed by his Maryland and Harvard end the 18-point scoring effort of Langan VW Head coach Chuck Noll said ‘Lakewood Circle 4 15 The Italians, for instance, provided enough money this tickets will be available. time, but lost to Evonne “it positioning himself where he does and Patrick McNally. EST. 1935 Bill Brown, took its fourth Cycle Gear started out strictly as a pass rush ‘Dropped from league. winter to satisfy all demands of their skiers according Goolagong. then you’ve got to be a little shaky straight basketball win technique. HAMDEN. (UPI)-The 1975 (compulsory figures) — their ability. Billie Jean, ranked second with him as close to you as he can Nuliunal Division DILLON FORD Thursday night with an 81-60 “We got very enthusiastic about it without being offside. New England Figure Skating Elizabeth Freeman, Boston; Ski officials said this could lead to an eventual Olympic ffijSSSkSNOW TIRES 2 12bHI.. FU EL OIL to Miss Evert, won the U.S. Standings Championships opened the first Theresa Martinson, Boston; DILLON FORD victory over Quinnipiac as time went by and with experimen­ disqualification of such top stars as Italy’s triple World ■ - MOST SIZES • NEW TREAD Open over Miss Goolagong College. Saddleback Refund day of competition Thursday Laura Beardsley, New Haven. has New and “If the line takes its position before Watkins Cup winner Gustavo Thoenl and present World Cup holder Hartford, now 4-1 for the RANGELEY, Maine (U P I)- tation discovered it could be an effec­ with 106 skaters taking the ice Intermediate Mens final and five events on the he moves into that stance, they cannot Conn. Bank & Trust Piero Gros, his teammate. has New and 37.9 year, also had scoring from 'The management of Saddleback tive defense against the run also, “ In a variety of events. (figures and freestyle) — tMOoUMlIMmum USLTA winter tour, in­ Fantastlks TIREMASTERS Gary LaRocque with 17 points, ski area h u instituted a policy Noll said. move. That means they can’t narrow There were 33 juvenile girls, Timothy Murphy, Boston; The new FIS rule will also discourage top amateur Used Cars cluding the National Indoor. Kasden Fuel AUTOMATIC DELIVERY Peter Egan with 12 points and a to refund lift ticket costs to per­ “It is a very aggressive, make- their spacing. Now you’ve got a situa­ 31 intermediate ladles and 23 Charles Hagedorn, Lexington, skiers from joining the U.S. professional ski circuit as they Used Cars DRIVI HAPPY, SAVl ON IViRYM Iltl She was a quarter finalist at Lloyd’s Auto Parts 24 HOUR SERVICE game-high 14 rebounds, and sons who' disagree with the something-happen kind of a defense. tion where the guards can’t pull out 1 17 novice ladies skating com­ Mass,; Timothy Berthold, could make at least the same money as semi-professionals RUING THIS CARD FORDiALI For Sale. Wimbledon, losing to Week’s Results; Latvians 3, Steve Scheerer with 10 points. area’s snow coi^ition reports. You get a lot of penetration from It. like they want to, the center has to pulsory figures and freestyle in Norwich, Vt. in more attractive and better publicized FIS races. Kasden 0; Watkins 3, Lakewood For Sale. 646-6320 Russia’s Olga Morozova. Quinnipiac, now 1-3 for the "If they disagree with the take Joe and the quarterback has to the first qualifying round. Final Novice Pairs final — Lynn This would restrict newcomers to professional races in bN What makes It work is Greene’s speed 0; CBT2, ABA 1; Fantastlks 3, season, was led by Scot Valente report we filed,” said owner drop much deeper and faster because rounds In each event are today. and Bruce Sweet, Brookline, SAA AA **--- ‘ »— Good Buys! 'The next three spots were and quickness. Not everyone can do It. Pratt & Whitney 0; North the United States, like in past years, to veterans such as with 11 points. Hartford led John Christie, "they can get of the penetration and chaos in front The results Thursday were; Mass.; Megan and Timothy Good Buys! filled by Rosemary Casals, "We had never seen anybody else Enders 2, Lloyd’s 1. Austria’s Hugo Nindl or suspended amateurs like Jean ROUTE 83 VERNON, CONN. I MICE NORTH OE VERNON (IRCIE throughout the game. their money back.” use it.” of him.” Senior Ladies semifinal Berthold, Norwich, Vt. Noel Augert and Patrick Russell of France. i

. 1 PAGE TWENTY - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester, Conn., Fri., Dec. 13, 1974 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester, Conn., Fri., Dec. 13. 1974 — PAGE TWENTY-ONE Police Union Files Grievance Over Promotion of Pat Graves

The Manchester Police Union “This is the first promotion to promoted was not in the top expelled Irom our police has filed a grievance with the sergeant that Chief (James) eight finishers on that test. This department and fair play will M i town concerning the Dec. 4 Reardon has made without any promotion bypasses those of­ prevail.” V O L XXXIX 10 mo0i FRIDAY, DEC. 13, 1074 promotion of Miss Pat Graves type of an examination, so that ficers who finished higher than Chief Reardon refused to to sergeant. all the officers eligible would the new sergeant in a fair comment on the union’s ac­ “This promotion was given have a fair opportunity to be examination.” tions. Sgt. Graves who heads without the benefit of a com­ promoted without favoritism,” He added, “Our union has the Youth Services Bureau also petitive test and is unfair to the Sweeney said today. ' always abided by the Town of had no comment. A Cheer Defense Christmas Concert other members of the police Sweeney said that the most Manchester personnel rules, department who have hopes of recent sergeants exam held in which specify that Did you ever wonder about machine are: Captain Sue planning to have another "50’s” a promotion,” according to June of 1973 was not used in this examinations are to be given that dynamic group of girls, Camilleri, Co-Captain Cathy pep rally dance for the winter In Bailey Tonight Det. James D. Sweeney, presi­ promotion. for all promotions, and we feel DILLON FORD dressed in brightly colored red Cuneo, Jackie Goss,. Darcy sport teams, under the direc­ dent of the union, a local of the The reason for bypassing that the town should at least abide and white uniforms, who jump Walter, Sue Malo, Janice tion of Sue Camilleri and Billy Highlighting another busy Round Table’s numbers this AFL-CIO. exam, he said, might be with its own rules. has New and up and down in such a lively Runde, Sue Hodgkins, Donna McLean. Do the excitable and season of Christmas concerts, year include traditional carols “ ...because the individual “If the efficiency and morale way for the sports teams of McDonald, Leslie Granquist, enthusiastic cheerleaders of the Manchester High School such as Hark the Herald Angels of the police department are to Used Cars MHS? Linda Williams and myself. MHS a favor and come with Round Table Singers will per­ Sing, carols and hymns in Latin be maintained, all promotions Well, not everyone knows, but Off the cheering field, we are your bobby soxes and greased form tonight, for the MHS an­ and Old English, including that must be made through com­ we are the Manchester High a rowdy group in action, es­ hair and have the time of our nual Christmas concert,' at 8 old favorite, T’was the Night Storrs Man Killed in Crash petitive examinations,’’ For Sale. School cheerleaders, providing pecially when we “decorate" life. The cheerleaders will o’clock in Bailey Auditorium. Before Christmas,” which the Sweeney said. enjoyment and laughter during houses. We all get together at make sure of it! — Cindy Round Table, led by Miss Round Table has been singing “This should be so that rule­ Warren L. Hopkins, 33, of and went off the road striking a game times. The squad this two in the morning and go to all Tucker Martha White, receives at Christmas for the past 35 bending and favoritism will be Good Buys! Storrs was pronounced dead on large oak tree north of the Bab­ year has done an excellent job of the players’ homes and numerous invitations each year years. A special echo carol will arrival at Windham Memorial cock Hill Rd. intersection. motivating school spirit in the decorate them with toilet to perform in clubs, churches also be featured. Help Us Hospital, Willimantic, Police said an emergency crowd and the paper, shaving cream, balloons, and schools around the state. Choir accompanists include Thursday night of injuries suf­ crew pried the car from around morale of the players. Of and posters. We only do this They have already performed Karen McArdle, Gloria Tripp, Help The Needy fered in a one-car accident in the tree to remove Hopkins. TAG NOW ■ CUT LATER course we are only human and before one game in either for several churches in town, Sue Horton, Marina Moyer, Coventry. Police said Hopkins was pinned do not always succeed in soccer, football, or basketball. Although the Student being rewarded everywhere Lynn Hodgekins, Marcia Pliz- stimulating enthusiasm and in­ Since I have participated in the Assembly Christmas Project is za, and Marcia Spano. ’This Police said Hopkins was in the car for 45 minutes. Police with enthusiastic thanks and said the road had a thin slick of terest to everyone but we action. I’ve observ^ we spray nearing its end, many students applause. Tonight’s concert is year’s numbers require many traveling west on Flanders Rd. deserve an “A” for effort. most of the shaving cream at and teachers at MHS still don’t soloists, including John Griffin, when he apparently lost control ice on it. The accident happened only the sixth of more than 16 about 7:30 p.m. CHRISTMAS TREES Cheerleaders is an activity each other and very little in the know exactly what it is. ’The Christmas concerts the singers Chirley Giraitis, Linnea Ben­ iWRwntt which fits the cliche “one for yards. It is utterly crazy, but project is designed to aid some are giving in December alone. son, Gloria Tripp, Laura Haines all and all for one.” This is a traditional for the cheerleaders of the needy and elderly people In addition to the traditional and many other fine singing' key factor for a successful to do this and all of us have a in town. Donated goods from Community Carol Sing in voices. squad. At all tim es it is hilarious time. town merchants and citizens Center Park, of which the necessary to display good con­ Unfortunately, sometimes we will be packaged and delivered Enjoying The Junior Prom Round Table is an integral part, Tonight’s concert will also (• duct and sportsmanship are unappreciated by the to the Manchester Social Ser­ open every nite ’til Eddy Adamy flashes his famous grin at the camera. He and Mandy Dennison were caught the group was sponsored this feature numbers by the MHS because we represent the students and we’re subjected to vice Department and possibly year by the Manchester combined choirs, led by Miss (except saturdeys) 3 enjoying themselves at last Friday’s well-received Junior Prom. (Photo by Swadams) students of MHS. name calling, being made fun some convalescent homes for Evening Herald, to sing carols White, and the MHS Band led The most frequent comment I of, and other kinds of annoying distribution. ’These packages about town for the people and by Mr. Shreeves. The audience window lights, hear is that cheerleaders are gestures. Of course to complete will help make Christmas a lit­ merchants of Manchester. ’They will be invited to sing along nothing but show-offs. With this the harassing, some students tle bit merrier for some. will also perform for lOH, Head during several numbers. Ad­ only «i6«l ANY TREE ON THE LOT I agree completely. An still insist on branding us with Although many local Profile: Cindy Timbrell Start, and several hospitals and mission is free and the public is the name “jockette.” ’This is merchants have donated excellent cheerleader is an nursing homes in the area. invited to attend. — J. Adams Bring the Family to Select Your Tree! exhibitionist. Who else can get totally uncalled for and it really generously to this project, we “I like to be with people.” One of Cindy’s favorite ac­ in front of large audiences and is too bad that these students do have had virtually no response ’This is what Cindy Timbrell tivities is traveling. She has “toe have tumble, toss, turn, scream, it deliberately. As a result of from the students and teachers does whether she’s at home, been to almost every state and The Shoeless Booter every TREE FARM ^ the mtracle of mo*m i t r t £ t i yell, and move with real ei^cite- this, there are less girls trying at MHS. Canned foods and school, or at any of her parts of Canada. Cindy loves little You are watching the MHS kicker and has improved vastly downtown manchester DZUN'S CHRISTMAS ment, without feeling in­ out for cheerleading and less small gifts such as candy, nuts, numerous activities. Cindy, a the out-of-doors and likes to [0 thing!" Indians battle on the gridiron since the beginning of the year. Green School Pupils Appear in Play hibited? that are really interested. toys, jewelry, stationery, etc., native of Manchester, is a camp, canoe, swim, and as she BARBER HILL ROAD. SOUTH WINDSOR one fall day. On the kickoff you Neal also has good accuracy A lthough the MHS ’This spirited group helped to are still needed and can be former student of Illing and puts it, “attempt to skate.” see No. 88 ready to kick without and good distance.” Tel. 644-0444 or 875-5470 cheerleader does everything organize and then participated dropped off in the Student Of­ Buckley schools. She likes to Another accomplishment of Looking very much like visitors from the United Nations, their special scene. Other scenes portrayed the Congo, his right shoe on. No, he didn’t It is already well-known that Dit»etloni: From Wipplng • RouM 74, turn M t on Fo M r S t M fir» with ease, it takes time, effort, in the successful “50’s” pep ral­ fice. Monday is the last day for get involved in the school and Cindy’s was being left halfback these students of Green School wear the costumes of Mexico, England, Ecuador, Hanukkah, United States. The community and wishes that leave his shoe in the locker Neal has good accuracy (9 for houM, riMtt on MHI« Rd„ Itft on BvtMr HMI Rd. - from WindtorvlHo ■ and a lot of practice to prepare ly dance that everyone enjoyed the collection of goods, as ^e on the field hockey team. Metal Bagdad as they participate in a Christmas program of program, presented Thursday, included the glee club Rockvillo Rd„ r i^ t on BortMr HUI Rd. for two mMW - from Rock- more people gave support to room. Number 88 is Neal 11 in extra points). Neal has for each game.. These d^icated so much. Just to let you know, will then start to wrap Smithing, a course that Cindy villo • ri(4it on WindtotvWo Rd. M FitzgmM Ford, M t on Griffin McKenney, or barefoot kicker. told me that he is confident that world festivals of cultures, past and present. Martin Simon directed by Mrs. Joyce Toms. The presentation was individuals who work together for a little advanced “info” and everything. Please support this worthwhile activities. elected this year, also interests Rd„ M t on BirtMT HUI Rd. ■ 1 mii« on ri^ it That’s right! For some of the he can make 80 per cent of his narrates as, left to right, Angela Marcantonio, Leannd produced and directed by Mrs. Marilyn Parker and Mrs. as a finely tuned “Big Red” advertisement, the squad is worthwhile project. Cindy has worked at Camp her. She likes to make things Read Herald Ads less frequent followers of the field goals inside the 35. Cichowski, Donald Hurst and Sharon McGary perform in Barbara Smith. (Herald photo by Pinto) ______OPEN SATURDAY AND SUNDAY 9 to 5 Kennedy in the summer and is and spends leisure time on game, Neal kicks without a presently treasurer of lOH. crafts and embroidery. shoe on. ’This reporter decided Checking on his distance I Because of her compassion for Cindy describes the open to pursue this unusual cir­ found, after measuring several those who are handicapped, she campus at MHS saying, “It cumstance. kickoffs, Neal has an average has decided to go into the field has its advantages and disad­ Neal’s explanation is, “I used distance of 50-53 yards — one of special education. Cindy has vantages, but I like it.” She A Fishy Bio Field Trip to run barefoot in the summer. shot was more than 60 yards been accepted at Keene State feels that some students don’t I always l^iced without a shoe into the end zone. Three Ransack Ellis’ Home College in New Hampshire Cindy Timbrell fulfill its purpose; to learn how where she wishes to pursue this on. It didn’t hurt, so I just kept Neal’s college choice is un­ to make your unassigned time decided, but wherever he goes, MANCHESTER career. dent Assembly. kicking without a shoe on.” wore a ski mask and the others Since neither Mr. or Mrs. On ’Tuesday, Nov. 19, the Ad­ ’Thames is an example. It has starfish, and a pair of pajamas. as beneficial as scheduled class he will continue to kick barefoot Three masked men broke into She feels that too many peo­ Cindy’s musical interests are Neal has been kicking wore stockings. They took the Ellis are available, police are vanced Biology class at MHS been making two trips a day, The plankton net brought in periods. for that college. Who knows? the home of Sidney Ellis, 123 ple at MHS are apathetic and shown by her involvement in barefoot for four years. When caretakers upstairs where they not sure yet what is missing. joined the Ecology and Man 130 school days a year, for two some fascinating microscopic Cindy is also co-chairman of One Sunday you may turn on the Boulder Rd., at 6:30 p.m. don’t get involved in school ac­ Round Table and Band. If you Jack Maloney came down with handcuffed them and tied their Each man carried a handgun. class for a field trip to Avery years. Roughly 15,000 students life. Most of it unfortunately the movies and assemblies boob tube and see somebody Thursday, police said. They tivities and functions. Cindy wondered who was march­ a knee injury, Neal broke into feet. Then they laid them on the Sartor said he does not think Point, at the mouth of the have been given an on-the-spot perished within the next 24 committee of the Student kicking without a shoe on. It handcuff^ and bound the two sees a need for more school ing in the odd white uniform the kicking ranks. Jack, void of floor. this is the first armed robbery ’Thames River in Groton. ’The lesson in oceanology by means hours because of the change of Assembly. She wishes that just might be MHS’s barefoot caretakers, a man and woman, spirit. “When students have leading the band at football his kicking chores, had this to While one man watched in a Manchester home but could two classes are the favorites of of this project. water temperature between the more students got involved in wonder. — Brian Motola and then ransacked the home, graduated they’ll wish they had games, it was Cindy, who is co­ say about Neal: “Neal is a good them, the other two ransacked not recall any others off hand. Mrs. Levine, MHS biology ’The trippers split into two ’Thames and the sample jar. the school and gave opinions police said. contributed more to their drum major. Cindy is also a the house. teacher, who planned the trip. groups on the boat: One in the While all this was going on, more readily. Cindy’s warm Police are still working on the At Avery Point, the classes bow, one in the stem. In the the group in the bow made a school,” she says. Cindy feels member of rhythm choir at personality and her concern for that MHS has the potential to be case and would not go into boarded the scientific vessel stem the group used two collec­ number of tests with the water. North Methodist Church, where others will certainly help her really spirited as shown by all The Spirit Returns detail on the crime. However, The$200000 she is also vice president of Enviro-Lab, to take data in the tion devices, to get samples of A van Doren bottle was used to attain all her ambitions. — Det. Capt. Joseph Sartor gave mouth of the Thames River. the water life. An otter trawl, the events planned by the Stu- Methodist Youth Fellowship. sample the water at different Mary Stack A stranger has come back to Besides the old favorites a out the following information: ’The students were issued foul- which is a large, cone-shaped depths without the contamina­ MHS. It’s school spirit! few new cheers were heard. The three armed men forced weather jackets for protection net, was dragged behind the tion of atmospheric oxygen. A ’This spirit among us was Even the “refs” got cheered — their way into the home. One from the elements. boat to catch fish and other white Secchi disk was lowered Indians Tromp Rockville away for the past few years. something about eating his The Enviro-Lab is run as a large, free-swimming water into the water until no longer People tried to find it but it was lunch and shorts. major part of Project creatures. A plankton net, visible, to measure how far ’The Indians started off the Ray Sullivan, and also in the 14 points, Mark Demko with 10, nowhere to be found. I’d just It was the largest crowd seen Oceanolo^, which is funded by shaped like an aquatic wind­ down light could penetrate. The 1974-75 season with a victory by lineup was junior Mark Demko. Ray Sullivan with 8, and like to welcome it back and say in Clarke Arena for some time. state education money. It is sock, was used to capture a (^ristmas gift temperature was measured at bouncing the Rockville High Coach Pearson was very Maloney, Healy, and Koepsel it’s good to see it! It put money in the athletic designed to increase students’ sample of the microscopic life H O LIDAY HOURS. Mon-Fri. 10-9, Sal S Sun. 10-6 various depths, as was the Rams by a score of 56-39. This pleased. He said, “I can’t single chalked up 6 points each. Last ’Thursday the basketball fund, which was once a well awareness of the marine en­ of the river mouth. ’The otter number of parts per thousand of first game of the season was anyone out, everyone played Tonight the Indians are at team opened up its season with running dry. vironment, and especially life trawl brought in such animals salt. played at the Clarke Arena. defensively and that’s where we home facing the East Catholic a 56-39 win over Rockville. The Saturday night the Indians in estuaries, of which the as crabs, lobsters, flounder. After each group had ’Die Indians led all the way, won it. Our defense won the Eagles for the first time. We stands were full of cheering take on the East Catholic ABOUT finished, they switched ends of with the score standing 32-20 at game for us and considering it had nearly a thousand spec­ fans. They were not disap­ Eagles at 7:45 in Clarke Arena. the boat. ’The group in the stem the half-time break. Starting was our first game; I’m really tators at last week’s game. pointed as it was a very fast It should be the best game of TOWN then examined the specimens for the Indians were seniors pleased.” Let’s see how many will turn moving game. the season, and well worth brought up by the other group. Bob Healy, Bob Ostberg, and High scorers for the Tribe out for this week’s match. It’s ’The cheerleaders did a lot of going to. A tip for the The group in the bow co-captains John Koepsel and were junior Mike Quesnel with sure to be a great game. JV ac­ yelling, and the crowd joined in. gamblers: “I’d bet on the In­ meanwhile listened to Dr. tion starts at 6:15 and Varsity The sound was overwhelming. dians.” The time of the Christmas Weiss, director of Project begins at 7; 45. Only 800 tickets A few very spirited fans in the So, come see the Indians concert being presented tonight Oceanology. He discussed the will be available on a first- corner could yell only one cheer scalp the Eagles and send them at Bailey Auditorium in various ways in which man is come, first-served basis. See DEFENSE, which was done at flying home. Don't forget your .Manchester High School has adversely affecting the aquatic MHS Guidance Notes you there. — M.C. the right time; loud and clear. spirit? — Goosie been changed from 7:30 to 8. * V environment around the mouth of the Thames, such as Representatives visiting at 11:30; Wednesday, Dec. 18, dredging. MHS during the week of Dec. 16 Computer Processing Institute, American Legion Auxiliary The problem of oil spills through Dec. 20 are as follows: East Hartford, period 3. will meet Monday at 7:30 p.m. Now, you can give No numbers to check. came up, and Dr. Weiss said Monday, Dec. 16, Marist College Board SAT tests will at the Legion Home. The Past SPARKLING ELEGANCE that most of today’s super­ College, Poughkeepsie, N.Y., be given Feb. 1,1975. Registra­ Presidents Club is in charge of TO CAPTURE THE EYE someone the most No claims to make. It’s tankers are built fast, with period 4; Tuesday, Dec. 17, St. tion for such tests must be post­ the social hour. Members are resulting low quality, 'hiis is John Fisher College, Rochester marked no later than Dec. 26. reminded to bring |2 gifts (or a unique Christmas gift the easiest way ever to the reason for many oil spills. grab bag. Fine Crystals by littola of Finland of all. A chance to be­ win the Lottery. ’The tankers are so massive that From Sweden - Hond-blown figurines and vases. Wonders of Nature, it takes 2!4 miles for one to 3 .V '- to’. 1 6 come instantly rich. You can play your stop, with its propellers in full The Professional Women’s captured forever in glass, art objects Give a gift subscrip­ numbers for 12,24,26 or reverse. As the Enviro-Lab Club will have its annual Christ­ conversation pieces, paper weights. passed the docks of the Electric Rock Review v'd'ns.ii'j-n:45 mas party Saturday at 2:30 Woodcarvings and Metagraphics tion to Connecticut’s even 52 weeks. They’re Boat Company, where the p.m. at the home of Mrs. Ellen By J. Muller. Loggin* & Messinai new $200,000 Lottery. registered at the Lottery nuclear sub ’Trident is being that Loggins L Messina are Lindgard, 35 Hudson St. Co­ Full Sail built, students were advised to super talents. hostesses are Mrs. May White, Player’s Choice. and entered in every Logglns & Messina just don’t put cameras away, since Miss Catherine Putnam and stop. Now they’ve got another Jethro Tull I Player’s Choice lets weekly drawing for the security men might confiscate Miss Beatrice Clulow. album out: Motherlode. I War Child their film. Members are reminded to bring you pick any numbers life of the subscription. haven’t listened to it intensively Over the years Jethro Tull 3 ’The students returned to the wrapped gifts for patients at a yet, so I can’t pass judgment, has produced several albums. dock and rode back home as it you want. Play your license plate or but of their first three efforts, Some were only mediocre but local convalescent home. There Make somebody rich grew dark. Soon, the two also will be a grab bag for Sittin In, Loggins & Messina the majority of them were adfjress. Your birthday or anniversary. classes will face the task of members. and Full Sail, I think of Full Sail excellent. This album is one of th is year. ogranizing and analyzing their Or any other numbers you like. as their best. the excellent ones. War Child data. — George Sweetnam Cadet Girl Scout Troop 77 of In this collection these two seems almost a fallback to Applications are available wherever Center Congregational Church fine songwriters and guitarists Acualung. Following Aqualung, Automatic payoff. will conduct a sale of candles you buy Lottery tickets. display great versatility with a Ian Anderson wrote the incom­ Saturday starting at 10 a.m. at wide range of songs. There are parable opera-type Thick as a When you win, you don’t have to tell Player’s Choice. The gift that says Service Dates To 1790 the Top Notch supermarket, N. some soft songs with just guitar Brick and the not so Imcom- Main St. The candles have been us, we’ll tell you. And we’ll do it with a "Merry Christmas and A Lucky New Washington — The Coast and a fine harmonizing of parable Passion Play. Now he Guard was launched Aug. 4, voices including “A Love Song” has returned to prc^ucing an made by the scouts with the EVERYTHING IN GREENERY check. Each and every time you win. Year.’’ assistance of their mothers. 1790, when President Washing­ and “Watching the River Run.” album of various unconnected The Green House I & II at the House of Har­ ton signed the authorization for The music becomes more cuts instead of opera-type vey has everything you could desire for home 10 cutters costing |1,000 each. exotic with some added percus- productions. The quality Is also decorating or gift-giving, if you are looking Neither he nor Alexander sion on cuts including equivalent to Aqualung, which for that special plant or tree, you'll find it Hamilton, who proposed it, in­ is very good, ^ m e featured tended it for missions of mercy; “Lahaina” and "Sailin’ in the here. We have both the Time-Life En­ Aboard The Enviro Lab its purpose was to catch smug­ Wind.” You can get down to songs are “War Child,” Though it hat not been proved, cyclopedia ol Gardening and the Sunset glers. some simple boogies in “My "Bungle in the Jungle,” "Two It if generally accepted that The armed cutters, deployed Music” or get into some com­ Fingers,’’ “Skating,” and agriciuture, aa it now is known, Pete Cordner, prime student of Mrs. Levine, is shown from Massachusetts to Geor^a, plicated sound and thought in "Third Hurrah.” began in Central America Connecticut’s Subscription Lottery. with a Van Doren water sampling bottle. Mrs. Levine’s ad­ became part of the Revenue "Pathway to Glory.” Ian Anderson, the lead aroiaxl 7J)00 B. 0., almoat 2,000 vanced Biology and Ecology and Man classes ran a Marine. The name later was Of course, I can’t give any vocalist, flute player, and com­ Next week’i drawing will be held g. years aftw cultivated crops had Harding Rd., Old Greenwich, December 19,1974 at 10.00 A.m. number of these tests aboard the Enviro-Lab at the mouth changed to the Revenue Cutter bad comments on any of their poser of all this fine music can been grown in the region now ol Dm Thames River. (Photo by Sotherland) Service and finally, in 1916, to earlier albums. Both of these take another bow. — Mike Dar­ known as Thailand. Coast Guard. are strong albums and prove by and Joe Damon PAGE TWENTY-TWO — MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. Manchester, Conn., Fri., Dec. 13, 1974 MANCHFISTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester, Conn., Fri., Dec. 13, 1974 — PAGE TWENTY-THREE Commission To Consider School Fund Equalizatio/ Norway: A Prisoner of Geography and type of ppgram and the By ROBERT LAMBER I' munities with a declining situation may have to divert special situations while other resuts of achievement tests to "Scool districts that inherit a funds from the instructional school districts do not,” Mon­ NEWS HARTFORD (UPI) - The establish how well education school enrollment. unique geographic, social, shores and from the unit In order to deal with these dani said. GARDENING By Pllll, NKWSOM wealth also is within her easy This is a move by the Berents sea are threatened Commission to Study School funds can be spent, he said. The association said in­ physical or environmental Spitsbergen island group which creased costs for fuel, power, By FRANK ATWOOD UPI Foreign News Analyst grasp, but this, too, she has Norwegian government to bar with extinction because foreign w r CAPSULES Finance and Equal Educational "We are looking for a for­ Since World War II all that rejected, preferring to protect Norway also controls under a foreign fleets from commercial fleets are concentrating there Opportunity will meet next mula which is geared to the supplies and equipment have 1920 treaty signed by the Soviet pushed the cost of Question up. Norway has asked is to live life her fishermen and the stability fishing waters off the coast. after being driven away from Thursday to draw up alter­ needs of the individual child and in her own way. For this reason of her economy. Union, the United States, Bri­ These are traditional fishing Iceland, Canada, Latin natives for reducing local dis­ the individual community and “Teacher salaries are not the When Thomas S. Moore was ' tain and others. villain in the rising school named controller of the Town of she rejected membership in the But since she also is a grounds for foreign fleets and America and West Africa. parities in school funding. which will go a long way to European Common Market. Under ordinary cir­ the Norwegian decision arouses The commission, however, costs,” Mondani said. Manchester and moved into his prisoner of her own geography, McCord Conviction Upheld reduce the disparities in the p.flvstock, Ferre Even though she is a member of other events conspire to force cumstances the question should visions of a new codfish war WASHINGTON (UPI) - The U.S. Circuit Court of will not recommend specific amounts available in each com­ In the 1972-73 school year, he new office in February 1972, he be relatively easy to solve, said, Connecticut ranked 10th NATO, no foreign troops are her into the forefront of the such as occurred between Bri­ Appeals Thursday unanimously upheld the conviction of ways for financing any munity for the education of found a Heartleaf Philodendron except for two important con­ among the 50 states in teacher SEED SINCE 1820 stationed on her soil. Sudden oil power struggle between the tain and Iceland in 1972 and DILLON FORD equalization proposal, Sen. children,” Mrs. Truex said. in a pot on his bookcase. It was siderations — oil and the James W. McCord Jr. for his role in the 1972 Watergate salaries but sixth in per pupil Communist and the non- 1973. Ruth 0. Truex, R-Wethersfield, Any proposition will have to a welcoming present from his proximity of an important bugging and break-in. expenditure. L ast year, Communist world and into the has New and said. The financing of an be considered in light of the 1975 Garden Seed Preview in our January Issue of staff. Soviet military base on the Kola The ultimate Norwegian aim The court also upheld a contempt sentence of Watergate average saiaries fell an es­ Degrees Days international battle for equalization program will be up austerity in state spending and Now, less than two years Peninsula which has a common is to extend control in three mastermind G. Gordon Liddy in a separate opinion last timated three places, he said, economic survival. to the legislature, she said. may be done on a gradual basis, later, the Philodendron has border with Norway. stages to waters 200 miles from Used Cars month. Liddy, who is free on bond, received an 18-month while spending dropped only [Ik e O U S iou JJ 6 W S Showing Need In late November, Norway Although Connecticut ranks he said. The state now grants climbed to the ceiling with no shore. The first phase involves one place to seventh. If you are jjqL on our mallinfl Hat, we Invite you to complete and return the and the Soviet Union resumed sentence for refusing to testify before a federal grand jury. seventh nationally in per pupil local aid based on the number support but its own tendrils that Beyond the question of oil and a ban on trawling in an area There are built-in differences To Conserve talks that began in 1970 on the For Sale. He was sentenced to from six to 20 years for the break-in. spending, there are wide of children in the school following coupon: cling, somehow, to the painted strategic considerations, a covering 5,000 square miles, in communities which produce boundaries of the continental variations in how much is spent system. surface of the wall. The vine third element has entered the mainly off the northern coast. inequities in raising local taxes shelf reaching out into the in each school district because Meantime, the Connecticut farthest to the right in our pic­ Connecticut Energy Agency picture, also with important in­ The government holds that for educational purposes, he Pleabe Include my name among those who wish to receive monthly copies of Berents Sea from their own Good Buys! Nears Full Confirmation of the state’s heavy reliance on Education Association said it ture has climbed to the ceiling, degree day figures so far, for ternational implications. cod and other fish in the said. “The Old Store NEW S,” written, printed and sent by Comstock, Ferre & Co., the 1974-75 heating season, in­ WASHINGTON (UPI) - The only obstacle Nelson property taxes to finance supports a state income tax and Wethersfield, CT. toppled over of its own weight, Rockefeller has to face now in his quest for the vice education. changes in local property taxes grown down to the bookcase dicate a continuing need for and has now turned and started Connecticut citizens to con­ ea«««saB!«tsatga!aataagat.7it8ia3tgwgas;acga;ga;ga!ga;sa!gt8; presidency is a vote by the full House next Thursday or Per pupil spending ranges to equalize education funding in Perhaps the most moving NAME TELEPHONE up again. It is nearly nine feet serve energy. Agency Ad­ Friday. There was some concern expressed about the en­ from $670 per pupil in Lisbon to Connecticut. rendition of all took place in $1,570 in Darien. from the top of the bookcase to ministrator Lynn Alan Brooks Thomas P. Mondani, a little German village on GARDEN CENTER dorsement of the merger of great wealth and power, but James Guthrie, an educator the ceiling. says. executive secretary of the Christmas Eve, 1917, when ADDRESS AND the House Judiciary Committee Thursday voted 26-12 in from University of California at Mrs. Francis G. DellaFera The Energy Agency is plot­ association, said the existing 150 World War 1 soldiers from favor of Rockefeller’s confirmation. Berkeley, told the commission (Catherine), who has charge of ting degree days on a day-to- flat grant system of school aid practically every^nation sang J75H ZIP CODE at a meeting Thursday an has built-in inequities and im­ paying bills owed by the town day basis for 19^, 1973 and 1974 VinNER’S FLORAL SHOP the words to “Silent Night” in analysis can be made of the other than salary checks, is, by and the average for the last ten poses a hardship on com­ a t least six different 1 TOLLAND TPKE. - ROUTE 83 number of students, the cost 263 Main Street, Wethersfield, CT. 06109 • 529-3319 common consent of her fellow years. Trial Continues languages. MANCHESTER/VERNON TOWN LINE WASHINGTON (UPI) - Witnesses for the fourth of the workers, in charge of the plant. "Our records show Connec­ five defendants, former Assistant Attorney General Robert They say she has a "green ticut to be appreciably colder OPEN 7 DAYS C. Mardian, were on call for today’s session of the thumb." Mrs. DellaFera says than normal as well as colder i ImkAm iiic u i than last year," Brook said. Watergate cover-up trial. The first is former Attorney all she does is give the plant a TUES. thru FRI. NIGHT HI 8:30 / "As of Dec. 1, this year is run­ General Richard G. Kleindienst. Thursday, John D. glass of water once a week and a quarter teaspoonful of soluble ning 15 per cent colder than nor­ Ehrlichman’s case was rested with his claim of innocence 1 ^ rRKfaURANr GUIPII fertilizer once a month. mal and 31 per cent colder than and that former President Nixon misled and deceived him. She fills the glass with water last year. Although winter i'-ful-/ the day before she intends to doesn’t officially start until Dec. 21, this data supports our 3 use it so the water will be at FRESH CUT CHRISTMAS room temperature when poured agency’s emphasis on the need Silver Firm Charged into the pot. Probably helping to conserve energy.” WASHINGTON (UPI) — According to the Securities and the vine to make this extraor­ Degree days, originally calculated to help heating oil Exchange Commission, the Pacific Coast Coin Exchange dinary growth is the abundant A dealers estimate demand, are TREES LOCALLY GROWN sold $1 billion in nonexistent silver and coins. In U.S. light in the controller’s office, the difference between 65°F District Court in Los Angeles Thursday the firm, also with large windows on the south and west. and the average daily outside known as Monex International Ltd., Inc., consented to the temperature. If the outside charge. This means they neither admit nor deny guilt, but 244 CENTER ST. temperature is 20°, the LARGE SELECTION agree not to contest the charge. Judge Harry Pregerson Pot Never Changed number of degree days is 45. m f The Philodendron is in the Anyone seeking degree day accepted the plea and took under advisement an SEC M A N C H E S n R . 1\ request that the company “disgorge improper profits and n - ■ original pot, which has even data may call the agency’s toll- monies ... as a result of the illegal activities ... and from kept the foil in which it was free number in Connecticut, 1- Phone 646-1995 wrapped and the ribbon bow .■XJPth unfair prices and fees for non-existent services.” 800-842-9550. tied there by Flower Fashion OPEN 7 DAYS where the plant was purchased. iCOME SEE OUR LOW It then had grown about to the Indicted in Swindle AMEFUCA’S STEAK EXPERT V 9:00 p.m. top of a cedar slab, barely visi­ Sen. Weicker LOS ANGELES (UPI) - Robert S. Trippet, a ’Tulsa, k ; -V''' ble behind the foliage. When tendrils touched the wall they Seeks Vote Okla., lawyer was indicted also with 12 others Thursday PRICES ON TREES for an alleged phony oil-drilling swindle. The list of victims EVERY TUES. NIGHT! simply grabbed what would seem to be a slippery hold and Of Confidence included top show-business stars and astute financiers, new growth reached up for / who were rooked out of $130 miilion. The 13 were charged MERIDEN (UPI) - Sen. another hold. Lowell P. Weicker, R-Conn., with 39 counts of conspiring to defraud the govement and When the tallest vine started Heartleaf Philodendron climbs the wall in office of LARGE SELECTION investors in an elalwrate tax shelter and securities The Country Squire who said last month he might CEMETERY BASKETS to tip over, an effort was made Manchester’s controller, Thomas S. Moore, Mrs. seek re-election as an indepen­ PLAIN & DECORATIVE scheme. You’ll find a pearl in the middle of the quaint town of Ellington—The Country Squire—a total food and entertainment to train it out to the tight and Catherine DellaFera, administrative accountant, standing dent in 1976, has asked for a AND BLANKETS center. The plush blend of Mediterranean and Colonial decor create an inviting atmosphere. The restaurant offers perhaps keep it growing around with the plant, attends to the watering and feeding of the vote of confidence from fellow KIDDIES'MEAL the room. Pieces of Scotch tape WREATHS RULES FOR KIDDIES’ FREE MEAL - businessmen’s luncheons at noon. The chef takes pride in preparing a variety of culinary delights. A few of his favorites, Philodendron. (Herald photo by Pinto) Republicans. which might be yours, include Baked Stuffed Shrimp with a special house dressing. Boneless Chicken Breast Kiev, and held it tor a while, but the area Weicker asked GOP State Moral Revolution Advocated Two (2) FREE Meals Per Family For Children 12 and was directly in line with a draft Roast Stuffed Sirloin of Beef (his own creation). You have a choice of over 20 delicious entrees plus an elaborate Salad has flowers that resemble those Manchester’s late town Chairman Vincent A. Laudone STOCKHOLM (UPI) - Although he refused to say Under. Family Means One Or Both Parents Present. All from the air conditioner in the Bar. Each entree includes salar bar and potato or vegetable. Enhance your meal with an imported or domestic wine from of the Calla lily, but it makes no manager, Richard Martin, and of Norwich to invite some 4(X) whether he believed in religion himself, Alexander I. I t ^ On Children’s Menu Available, Excluding “Little Jack south window and this seems to the wine cellar. Top entertainers, prudently chosen on a rotating basis, provide fun and appeal for all ages in the lounge on promise that flowers will his wife. It had grown to a Repubican leaders throughout Solzhenitsyn Thursday said, “ ...There is no salvation (for Horner Steak”..... have dried out the tape. At any Friday and Saturday evenings. Another superb feature of The Country Squire is their management of group functions such appear on a plant grown in the height of six feet at our home in the state to a meeting here ROPING rate, it failed to hold, and the E the world) except moral and religious awakening.” as weddings, anniversaries, retirement or testimonial dinners. The banquet rooms are elegant and accommodate from 15 Storrs when the living room Monday to voice their opinions vine took its natural course of house or in an office. The vine Because of what he called the world’s “psychological” to 250 people. Open Tuesday through Sunday. Telephone 872-7327. can be propagated by cutting door blew open one cold winter on Weicker’s political future. V IS IT OUR problems, he said a moral revolution was necessary, ad­ growing downward. night and the plant seemed to The meeting originally was Mrs. Thomas S. Ferguson pieces of stem that have at i ding, “ ...The method of physical revolutions should stop least two joints and placing be killed from the pot up to the meant for the 72-member GOP CHRISTMAS (Vivian), who has occasion to throughout the world, because never have problems been them in sand with bottom heat highest two feet where the air State Central Committee to call at various town offices as a SHOP of at least 70 degrees. They will stayed warmer. finalize plans for a special com­ ^ POINSEHIAS solved by this method. Solzhenitsyn came to Stockholm to member of the Board of Direc­ HOUSE PLANTS root sometimes in water. I cut off the top and rooted it mittee to study party reform. collect his 1970 Nobel Literature Prize. tors, and who writes The There are several kinds of in sand as a new plant. The old Weicker asked Laudone to in­ Herald column, “In Your Philodendron, all apparently plant put up new growth from vite all Republican town Neighbor’s Kitchen," called my the roots. We still have both chairmen and vice chairmen C from South America, Central I sfNGtBE attention to the Philodendron America or the islands of the plants, each more than five feet and the 116 GOP members of many weeks ago, but outdoor BRECHT ON AGE!!^DA taribbean. Where there is room tali. Each has a Heartleaf the 1978 legislature. CANDLES gardening subjects seemed to % STRATFORD, Ont. (UPI)- DILLON FORD for a tall, large plant, the Philodendron in the same pot The senator said he wanted to ' rFSTAI RAN r & M Ui RESTAURANT claim priority when cold The Stratford Festival Cutleaf Philodendron is a which uses its big cousin, the get the broadest possible opi­ weather was soon to reach us. Theater will open its season has New and ST. 13 ELLINfiTOS TEL. 872-7327 reliable giant. Cutleaf, for support. There is nion on his status within the I next summer with Bernard Untouched for fine Food and Atmoiphere CompMt Luncheoni Servad also a cedar slab in each pot but GOP. Plans for the special -OiSOAT • OpotTODm Lata Evening Dining We have a Cutleaf Philoden­ Shaw's "Saint Joan” on June SOMETHING NEW HAS BEEN AbDED> 1 Choice of Over 20 Delicious Entrees Will Be Moved dron given us years ago by these have been supplemented reform committee were an­ MINIATURE Used Cars COMPUTE C M R Y OUT SERVICE Now there is a somewhat I 9. Shakespeare’s works to be Plus Elaborate Salad Bar by taller bamboo stakes. nounced by Laudone in presented are “Twelfth CWNESE, POIVKSUII and urgent reason for giving the November, after Weicker an­ LIGHTS Stevens & Tom^s OPEN TUES. THRU SUNDAY RIBBONS Night” and "Measure for For Sale. SUNDAY COCKTAIL 4 DINING 12 NOON TO 9 P.M. Philodendron a place in the nounced he was considering Measure.” Also, Bertolt ELEGANT BANQUET FACILITIES IMEIIICIUIFIX)II paper without more delay. The running as an independent in GARLAND PASTA Delightful Family Style Dinnere controller’s office is to be State Lease Prober Brecht’s “Trumpets and Up to 250 Poo 1976 if the GOP did not reform Good Buys! MON. - WED. A THUR8. oral moved across the street to the L Drums” is on the agenda. EXOTIC HtaTlan BANQUET itself. PASTA ITEMS SERVED UNTIL 9:i^ P.M. I POLYNESIAN II ja u i lLta fm FACILITIES FOR I Municipal Building from its Wants Investigation 9m to wootwnd votumo or* torrv Pm Io It not tv iiltU o Fri., Sat. S Sun COCKTAILS Fri. I Sit 2S0 SEATINO present location in the Hall of ll:M UL liW in FEATURING JOHN MITNEY, ORGANIST SaUq IM I an Records. Mr. Moore doesn’t Of DiNardo ‘Offer’ FRI. A NIGHT 9 P.M. to 1 A.M. know when the move will take I El Camino Plaza Rte. 30, Vernon place, except that it will be LOWER LEVEL By ED BUTLER vestigating possible corruption from Vornofl CIrcIt. Rto. 30 North soon. GRINDERS in Connecticut’s leasing T her^ a Family Hot Oven on Request The Philodendron will be HARTFORD (UPI) - A moved along with the office fur­ leasing investigator says he program. Feast every weekday niture, but whether the vines, wants the state’s attorney to Richard Altschuler, assistant FACTORY once taken down, can be per­ examine a charge that real es­ counsel of the legislative The lop of the bun suaded to cling to a new wall is tate developer Frank DiNardo leasing probe, said he would an unanswer^ question. 'They offered to “take care” of a at Howard Johnsonik! recommend lawmakers con­ ONE WEEK ONLY! SIT. DECESBER 14Ni thru SIT. DECENBER 21il BIBSEB SUNBIT never touches / may have to be cut back and state senator in exchange for sider turning DiNardo’s case WITH SECONDS ON THE HOUSE new ones encouraged to grow. his help in winning a lucrative over to the state’s attorney for Ihebottom It may be of Interest for Mrs. state lease in Ansonia. "attempting to unduly in­ DellaFera to know that my Sen. William Powanda, R- Monday F is h F r y House fluence” a state official. CAVROK* plant encyclopedia says the Seymour, said Thursday DiNar­ DiNardo earlier testified un­ OFF Golden filet of flounder, french fries, of the bun* Philodendron grows best when do came to his office sometime o ooie slaw. $1.39 for kids der oath he had never ap­ •249 the roots are somewhat in December of 1973 and started proached a public official con­ W RETAIL cramped in the pot, as these "dangling bait’’ to elicit his cerning either the Motor Vehi­ BRICK C STONE roots must be now, that it needs help in convincing the state to 50 liiesday Spaghetti Spice Chung cle lease, which he failed to l i t RutUly Sm h an d lM Only! NO SEOBNOS! PANELS less light than most other house lease some DiNardo property % win, or a Labor Department 4 x 8 Panels With meat balls, meat sauce, garlic plants and does best at a for a Motor Vehicle Depart­ lease in Ansonia, which he won. bread and salad. $1.39 for kids temperature between 60 and 72 ment branch office. Powanda quoted DiNardo as Unbelievable Realism •2.49 degrees. The temperature in of­ Powanda, who said he saying. "You know if you can 3 now open fice buildings would certainly accepted nothing from DiNar­ play ball and I get the Motor VCfednesday D e e p S e a D in n e r be somewhere in this range. do, outlined the alleged Vehicle lease I’m sure we can Each The book also says that the scenario for lawmakers in­ Golden fried Tendersweet clam^ filet of featuring Polynesian and do something for you.” flounder, french fries and cole slaw. t'V A tS Philodendron, native to Brazil, $1.39 for kids Z . 4 7 Cantonese Specialties Famous Pu Pu Platter SPECIAL SALE - ONE WEEK ONLY Thursday Turkey Dinner AT CAVROK FAaO RY - EXIT 07 OFF 1-86 Roast Turkey with giblet gravy, com bread stuffing, cranberry sauce and all a»A Special Family Dinners VERNON the tritninin’s. $1.49 for kids and Combination Platters i f r e s h g r e e n s ^ H j f } ELECTRIC For Holiday Decorating! Rkhy Clam Fry FrMh'Cut Conntotlout Grown Chrlatmas Trooo • Opruct FIREPUCES CAVROK Heaps of golden fried Tendersweet OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK 110 to 120 Volt U.L. Approved dams, french fries and cole slaw. Mon-Thurs 11-11 pm Garlands • Wraaths • Holly • Plain or Varlogatod Heater PRODUCTS COMPANY $1.49 for kids •299 Fri-Sat 11-11:30pm Plus othor Dooorating Itoma: Thermostat Control Sunday 12 -10 pm Pina Conas • Rusous a Ribbon • Roady-Mado Bows Real Wood Logs with Season'*B Greetings Firelight Glow INDUSTRIAL PARK AVENUE 894 Tolland Tpko. 363 BROAD ST. SEED STORE it HOLIDAY DECORATINO VERNON. CONN CHRISTMAS BREENS SHOP ^8 9 toM99. WOLUARD MANCHESTER COMPLETE ARBn ROAST BEEF 875-2548 Manohettor COCKTAILS Mon.-Pri. 9-9, t a t 9-6 Mon.-Fri. 9-9, Sat. 9-9 AT eXIT 04 JownsonS TAKE-OUT 207 BROAD STREET SERVED 6 4 9 -4 95 8 ____ IRAHCHE8TER, CONN. Sunday 10-9 Sunday 10-6 WILBUR CROiB PARKWAY SERVICE J ib, tfcm Owri 11 t t to 10 PJl F r ll tit tl i m t n FJl h i PAGE TWENTY-FOUR - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. Manchester. Conn., Fri.. Dec. 13, 1974 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester, Conn., F ri., Dec. 13, 1974 PAGE TWENTY-FIVE Several Bankers Enroll ) * i l I • « ! In MCC Reading Course DILLON FORD give A c fln s T m has New and The Finest In A total of 22 executives and employes of Hartford — is Burton Schweitzer, assistant a i o c f e t o t " TENNIS GIFT FORTH the Connecticut Bank and Trust Co., Hart­ professor of reading at MCC. U sed C ars FORUM WHOLE FAMILY ford, are enrolled in an eight-week, non­ The course is designed to improve HOLIDAY CATERING MEMBERSHIP credit reading improvement course con­ reading speed and comprehension skills. I.' A Membership to ducted by the bank and Manchester Com­ MCC has been involved with reading F or S ale. PICK UP or DELIVIRED The munity College (MCC). skills courses for area banks three times in TENNIS FORUM* Instructor for the course — which has the past: Twice for CBT and once for Hart­ BUFFETS -44 Championship Courts weekly classes at CBT’s eduation center in ford National Bank and Trust Co. Good Buys! ■ if 2 Outdoor Courts FAMILY MEMBERSHIP * IN READY TO SERVE CONTAINERS 'A Open every day 7 a.m. -11 p.m. ONLY •66.00 * •k Shower end locker room l i i Alao Catered Dinners A Buffets at Our Attraethre! I . r>u IHDIVIDUAl OMIT •38.80 * •k Complimentary towel service n ■n ■ Hall or A Place of Your Cholcel w 'AComplimentary towel eervice P h o n G ^ 8#k Professional Instruction ■ _ A rzc 91 •55 WMiVMmm W. G. GLENNEY CO. GARDEN GROVE CATERERS,INC.] 4 g ★ FREE Babyeining 8 7 5 - 7 0 9 4 H P i n 8 fm m m m 2i?HP.,k,„g 872-8400 i l U l L 4 L, A. t t . W 649-5313 or 649-5314 - WIT 97 OF«• WILBUR CROSS HWY. ROAD - EXIT 97 OF, WILBUR . 8CROSS HWY ^ BUSINESS t lA R R IS O N ’S A m e r i c a n GIFT I Bolton Man H a r d w a r e m In Workshop c r t r I 849 Main St. BEA u »99999999999»»999999»< Richard Bettez of Bolton is among 28 district agency field Manchester^ Conn, representatives of the John GUDE Since 1945 SMART OPEN Hancock Mutual Life Insurance ■ Co. attending an intermediate CHECK THE HERALD estate and business planning SUNDAY HAIR S E H E R YOUDUKE SANTA CHRISTMAS GIFT GUIDE 10 A.M. to 7 P.M. workshop at the company’s home office. TO RECEIVE GIVE A BICYCLES •TOYS 130.1, $ J 8 8 Bettez is a representative of A & B SPORT SHOP DAILY UNTIL .. SPORTING GOODS TT7! ■ I ' 0 I H A I t L E i r the Hartford East district of­ C.mplnii, Niinl>iis,iGamralSpoitt: M O DEL HQD2 M PRECISION PORTABLES DECEMBER 23rd! CAMPING EQUIPMENT fice located at 364 W. Middle H irs H A portable typewriter Is the Ideal g ita KitchenAld. Tpke., Manchester. Ifor everyone In the family — Includlngl PLAYBACK ■yourself.•••ourself. EspeciallyEs— If It's a precision^ ' ' / FARR’S The representatives were FOLDING HARDWOOD STURDY W ORK A Rbullt)uilt Adler. 1 SLEDS and TOBOGGANS; I TimruiiiiTre ■ selected to attend the 6-day TENNIS FRAMED HORRY RENCHIS TYPEWRITER Quality Marchandlae at Reasonable Prices 3 workshop on the basis of out­ TABLES DOOR MIRRORS HART 4-PIECE „ - SERVICE Open Mon. to Sat. 9 to 10 P.M. MANCHESTER FIRESETS 41 PURNELL PLACE idii ^♦999«999999999999999« standing sales achievements. 1 MANCHESTER Gift Certificates for Christmasi la lF ia ie il •ttlM i 1991 PARKADE Bettez received an associate ^HONE 64^1^ 1000 HARTFORD TPKE. OPEN clishujcisher degree from the University of 'aiG. REO. Mon-FrI 9:30 to 9 PM '$ 5 4 .9 5 • EASY TO VERNON a 872-8052 IRAY'S Massachusetts at Amherst. He $ 7 .8 9 ASSEMBLE REG. . Sat. til 6:00 PM JEWELRY STORE Shatterproof q Iqss in I ' $19.95 resides at 12 Sunset Lane, Plated steel legs, roll-ow ay 2 x 4 high’impact work noturol varniihed frome. Satin black ond bross fire- 737 Main St, Nmchoster Bplton. wheels. Vj ' thick playing surfoce, tool rack, peg- FREE LOTTERY TICKET top. 5 x9’. By Powco Hofdwore incl. 16’ x 56’ . boord side pbnels. 34 H set IS complete with stond, brush, poker, shovel. 28” H. w AND with $10 or m or. purchiM l Blue Gross, CMS k 25741/S3JI4/I . M i Minchultr'. Ofd..l EiltbU$h»y.V.y OKN DAILY 1 LB. PRINCH LOAF Sedgeley, property at 263 1 LB. IMPORTID BOILIO HAM Of Us For Tires 1 LB. IMPORTID 8WIBS CHIB6I 1 LB. ITALIAN LOAF Grissom Rd., $51,000. ^ 0 , H H M I N t r w RONt FN VM MFFMS GOMDCtt SHOCKS • FRONT END • DISC BRAKES lUN. 12-B 1 LB. PASTRAMI 1 LB. POLISH LOAF Attachment • it,**,' 1 LB. HARD SALAMI 1 LB. OIRMAN BOLOONA EXHAUST 1 LB. OLIVI LOAF 1 LB. BLICBD PROVOLONB Manchester State Bank 16 o r DILL PICKLBS (BPIARB) against Jesse E. Wagner Jr. 68 HEBRON AVE., 6U8T0NBURY AND OF COURSE OUR TIRES AND 2 LBS. POTATO lALAD A 2 LB8.COLI BLAW I LBI. OIRMAN POTATO SALAD and Dolores Wagner, property Mon.-Frl. 8-6:30; Bat M 633-4678 FREE MOUNTINQ barn's A pple 16 o r DILL PICKLBS (SPIAflS) 1 LBB.COLI BLAW • t 7 Brookfield St., $2,800. 2 LB8.RYI BRIAD 2 LM.nVI BMAO MANCHKTjRFARKA^^ 1 JAR MUSTARD 1 JAR MUBTARD <$ Y

^^A.NCHE^ER EVENIN^^ HERALD, Manchester, Conn,, Fri,, Dec. 13, 1974 — PAGE TWENTY-SEVEN

PAGE TWENTY-SIX - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. Manchester. Conn., Fri„ Dec. 13, 1974 H»lp Wanted 13 Homee For Sale 23 JOBS - Interested in a job that MANCHESTER - 8-room i HAPPY ADS m m K BUYER’S requires no experience and Contemporary, 4 large B bedrooms, 2Vz baths, magnifi­ Price Hikes W if S]P offers free training, security, R travel, education and good pay? cent view. In the 60’s. Warren m billbooRl Contact your Air Force E. Howland, Realtors, 643-1108. Said Fewer IP representative at 221 Asylum y| m MANCHESTER - Nice custom BUSINESS By MICHAEL J. CONLON Street, Hartford or call 244- Than Usual m 2347. Cape. Formal dining room, WASHINGTON (UPI) - With She H etali) good size living room with the price of sugar climbing HAIRDI\ESSER- experienced, fireplace, dinette kitchen. Convenient east-side area. WASHINGTON (UPI) - The daily, many consumers wonder full or part-time. LuJon Salon why canned fruit continues to be of Beauty, 61 East Center Priced to sell at $35,900. Paul Wholesale Price Index rose 1.2 Goods Marketed CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING W. Dougan, Realtor, 643-4535. per cent in November—mostly packed in heavy, high-sugar Street, 643-1939. syrup. because of large increases for OFFICE manager - Position of EAST HARTFORD - Spec­ processed foods especially i d Q r e e “Why can’t the canneries pack tacular 4-bedroom LaCJava Sans Advertising growth in Manchester requires ... SoflMon* sugar—but there were in­ one line of fruit in extra light bookkeeping and basic accoun­ Colonial. First-floor family dications price increases were By JUNE TOMPKINS often claim “wears” fabrics syrup? Or light i^ p ? " ask two ting skills as well as typing. room, carpeting throughout, 2- may hovt taut yow car garage, huge rear deck beginning to flatten out, the When it comes to during washing because of readers in Versailles, Ohio. Experience preferred. Cal! Ms. o happy afear mas and the New 1974, from 7:00 to 9:00 P.M., for In said application on file more fully An aqua/ opportunity omployor. pool, trees, $35,900. Warren E. Federal Energy Administraton a lot of hurdles before that future. season and the coming inside appears, at the Court of Probate on mountain views. Near schools, parks and shopping As Leading JewetefsSSI\«fsmiths the purpose of admitting all RN or LPN to work part-time in Howland, Realtors, 643-1108. says it will reimburse the happens. In another development, the New Year. (Name and ad- Year be filled with And, the council adds, you December 23, 1974 at 10:30 a.m. 12 minutes from downtown Hartford. public for possibly 32 billion in It will take time to trace Senate Wednesday confirmed should not be charged thigh persons who are found to be Madeline B. Ziebarth, Clerk a busy doctors’ office in 958 MAIN STREET, DOWNTOWN MANCHESTER dress). good friends, good Manchester. Will work on a MANCHESTER - McKinley Directions: Route 86 to Exit 92 in Manchester. Follow Center overcharges for gasoline, fuei alleged overcharges. Many the nomination of Frank G. prices when the piece is some­ qualified to be Electors of the BABYSITTER wanted im­ Also: Hartford • West Farms Mall times, good cheer "buddy system” Monday- mediately, week days, my Street. Lovely custom six-room St. to McKee St. Turn right on McKee, continue directly onto oil and other petroleum charges may turn out to be Zarb to head the energy agency. thing else. The best way to check Town of Bolton. Court of Probate, District of Manchester Keeney, straight to Nutmeg Dr. and our sales office. Or, lake and all the finest The qualifications are as NOTICE OF HEARING Friday, 9-5 and every third home, off Center Street, call Split, 11 years old, 11/2 baths, 3 products. perfectly legal. that out is to compare prices at ESTATE OF GERALD J. KING, Saturday. Should be available 646-7679. bedrooms, sliding glass doors Route 84 to Keeney St. exit. Turn right to Rolling Hills. But it doesn’t know how it Many may involve a refiner Hurryl Deadline things of life. another store for the thigh-only follows: Applicant must be a Deceased to substitute when the need from living room to patio, gar­ will do this, or when, or who overcharging a wholesaier who (Name and a d ­ cuts and see if the version you're United States citizen, eighteen Pursuant to an order of Hon. William arises. Send resume to Box C age. Professionally landscaped. Developed by Greater Hartford Cbmmunities, Inc. Is December 19. E. FitzGerald, Judge, dated December PART TIME - Counter help will be reimbursed, or by how did not pass the price hike on to dress). finding in the first store is (18) years of age, and be a resi­ 10. 1974 a hearing will be held on an Manchester Herald. wanted. Call 646-1555. Priced below replacement dent of the Town of Bolton. application praying that an instrument Open daily 12-5 646*5458 much. consumers. Then the (A full page costs only $294.) cheaper. value. Only $37,9()0. Arruda Gorman Smith, an acting wholesaler would get a refund $3.50 Dated at Bolton, Conn., this purporting to be the last will and testa­ SECRETARY for law office in DRAFTSMAN - Full-time, five Realty, 644-1539. It sometimes happens that one ment of said deceased be admitted to Wlllimantic. Excellent skills assistant FEA administrator, but not the public. supplier will handle poultry for 11th day of December, 1974. probate as in said application on file years eiuDerience. Store more fully appears, at the Court of required. Experience preferred fixtures. Excellent benefits. said at a Senate hearing No one knows just how to re­ Mail to MANCHESTER HERALD, P.O. Box 591 an entire area, and it may not be Virginia A. Assard William J. Houle Probate on December 23,1974 at 10 a.m. but not essential for bright, Call now. Jobseekers, 568-1070. Wednesday his agency suspects fund money to the public. Smith possible to find chicken cut any Madeline B. Ziebarth. Clerk capable person willing to learn. Nature has a gift lor you.. Manchester, Conn. 06040 Registrars of Voters Country Living the petroleum industry has said one possibility is to have other way. But don’t stop com­ Please submit full resume and WANTED - Christian Educa­ charged |1.4 billion more than gasoline stations cut prices by a plaining. It sounds like a legiti­ Catherine K. Leiner references to Box ‘‘T’’ tion Consultant as advisor to price controls allowed. given amount for a set period of A happy holiday home. mate gripe. Town Clerk Help Wanted 13 Manchester, Herald. Church School and Youth These controls allow time, thus repaying the The Broiler Council contends Program. 15 hours per week, petroleum firms to raise prices “public” but not necessarily the thigh-with-back cut has been LEGAL NOTICE $2,000 yearly. Send resume to only as much as their costs go the same customers who were showing up in some sections of Second Congregational Church, overcharged. HOUSEWIVES! RFD 4, Box 45, Coventry, Conn. up. For Your the country because the industry TOWN OF MANCHESTER “The emphasis in remedial Another possibility, he said, 3 WAYS TO BUY 06238, Attention: Mr. Winthrop 3 is trying to “diversify” and turn DEPARTMENT OF DO YOU WANT TO EARN actions is getting the money is to make companies hold back Richardson. out a cut that is “more attractive PUBLIC WORKS EXTRA MONEY? I back to the public,” Smith said. price increases they otherwise HOUDAY DECORATINS for consumers with moderate in­ NOTICE OF SAND CHRISTMAS DELIVERY We have an Immediate opening for women who want to PHONE FROM home to ser­ comes” vice our customers for super Besides, they add, the back is a Home owners desiring sand work only part time. Afternoons, approximately 3-7 p.m., 6 Town Printer Joins * W R E A T H S days a week. Must have car. earnings. Choose own hours. TREES very “slow mover” in most meat delivery for use of ice control Call 647-1810. * R O P IN G counters - although presumably call Highway Office by Phone Todeyl NAME Don Hatak (Circulation Depl.) Civic Center Exhibit * FRESH HOLLY it moves a bit faster when the December 18, 1974 at 649-5070. LAB TECHNICIANS - Required 1 . -C u t your own Town personnel will fill the Mancheater Evening Herald to have a minimum CLA cer­ * POINSETTIAS ADDRESS thigh is attached. Allied Printing Services, Inc., banks, and insurance com­ White Spruce home owner’s metal or wood 847-9946 tification with one year of Manchester is one of several panies plan to participate in the containers at the curb line or experience in a hospital PHONE laboratory. Will be expected to festival, which is to Im a major road edge. businesses which has an­ 2. - Fresh cut occasionally rotate weekends nounced ^lans to participate in attraction of the Civic Center CONTAINER’S SIZE SHALL HOUSE PLANTS Fragrant Balsam BE LIMITED TO 5 GALLON as scheduled. These are full 4-BEDROOM RANCH a "festival of progress" opening. time, permanent positions with scheduled at the Hartford Civic or PHONE 643-2711 CAPACITY. excellent salary and above Wb have an DILLDN FDRD Home owner shall be responsi­ Located In nearby Bolton on cul-de-sac. Center Jan. 9 to 12. 3. - Balled Live FOR ASSISTANCE IN PLACINQ YOUR AD average fringe benefits. Only Sponsored by the Greater DILLON FORD endless variety ble for placing and removing those wltn acceptable Featuring i Hartford Chamber of Plus many, many Fraser Fir or has Now and said containers on the references need apply. Please e Garage • Fireplace • 4 Bedrooms scheduled delivery day. WANTED contact: Personnel Employ­ Commerce, the festival will has New and types of Planters Colorado Spruce Assistant correspondent to help In the • 3/4-Acre Lot • Rec Room • Dining Room feature animated exhibits, Used Cars Sand will be delivered Friday, ment Office. W.W. Backus audio-visual productions, elie Herald December 20, weather permit­ coverage of Coventry news. Hospital, 326 Washington CLASSIFIED ADVEmiSING ting. Street, Norwich, Conn. 889-8331 Price....Low 40’s souvenirs, educational Used Cars HOURS: OaHy and Sunday M O A.M. to 640 P.M. For Sale. ext. 357. EOE. literature and other material In the event of Inclement Phono Monica Shoo portraying the products, ser­ weather, delivery will be post­ LICENSED Electrician and For Sale. poned to Monday, December 23. 742-9495 after 12 noon. ZINSSER AGENCY vices, resources, and careers Good plumber - Excellent hourly m 6 4 6 -1 S1 1 < by companies in the Capitol WHITHAM NURSERY Jay Giles rate. Manchester area. Reply REALTOR* I ROUTE 6 BOLTON Director of Public Works Box ”S” Manchester Herald. major manufacturers. Good Buys! \J

MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester, Conn., Fri., Dec. 13, 1974 — PAGE TWENTY-NINE PAGE TWENTY-EIGHT - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester, Conn.. Fri., Dec. 13, 1974 2$ 23 Homes tor Male 23 Homes tor Sale 23 Homes For Sale Hom n fo r Safo 23 Homos For Sale 23 Homes For Sale 23 Homes For Sale 23 Homes For Sale EAST HARTFORD- Two- WILLIMANTIC - New 5 room Exclusive With family, seven rooms each floor, Ranches, from $24,990. 5% We find the house lots of room, gas heated, storm down, 87o interest, 30 year you make the home. J. WATSON BEACH REAL ESTATE CO. windows, 2-car garage, walking iwHEN YOU ThS k REaTS tAT^^ mortgage available...... to qualil ilified NUITOX Prot»$$lonal Roal Estato Sarvica For distance to everything. Long buyer. Other models available. dsnlsl t. rssls MIS Mora Than 45 Yaara. . . range inflation beater, act fast! I THINK I J.J. Lindy Childress,( Builder, 456- Donald S. Gale Realty Co., 0797, 429-7551 from 8 a.m. - 4:30 Realtors, MLS, 289-7939. p.m. ^ NO NEED TO PAINT $ 40,500 - Manchester. Large 5 room Cape, 1 'A baths, at­ |ft\duc\xacd & ^osseWo ■ I tiM outside of this Immsoutsts 7 room Capo wKh tached garage. Well maintained original owner aluminum roll-up awnings, wsll to wsll oarpoting and UMDIJAM H S11,000 — BuGinaM ton* 1.6 acre corner lot In Andovar H home. Nicely landscaped level lot. Immaculate § flroplaco In the living room, finishad family room, and condition. EXCEPTIONAL VALUEI on Route 6. Excellent edge on Inflation. ■ Offered by the S- many lovaly faaturas. $38,800. $ 48,500 - Manchester. Custom built deluxe ranch. 1’A See this immaculate 8-room Building-Contracting 33 Articles tor Sale 41 Articles tor Sale 41 Articles lor Sale 41 Apartments For Rent 33 Apartments For Rent 53 Apartments For Rent S3 Apartments For Rent 83 $20,500 — Immaculate three bedroom Ranch, I baths, 2 fireplaces, 2 car garage. Superior qual­ Swiss Chalet that offers three _ fireplaced living room, treed lot plus much more. ^ R. E. GOWER Remodeling, ad­ FOUR ROOM apartment, se­ ity and construction. Choice lot In quiet residen­ or four bedrooms, large I PHILBMCK MANCHESTER- Three VERNON - Willowbrook $24,900 Four room capb stylo with largo former wood­ ditions, garages, porches, bedroom apartment in newer 2- cond floor, central, gas and gas tial area. kitchen, beamed ceiling living I $30,000 — Immaculate 2-bedroom Ranch style Condo. I Use this handy classitiad Apartments, one bedrooms ROCKVILLE 3% RQQMt working shop In roar. Aluminum storma and kitchen and formica work, family, fully carpeted, available. $180 includes heat, stove, security. 646-1189. $ 52,500 - Andover. 7 room Federal Colonial on 2 pictur­ room, formal dining room, H Rec room, 1 'A baths. Only one available. B ROCKLAND TERRACE screens. Croat starter home. ^ repairs. 646-2087 after 4 p.m. appliances, convenient loca­ and hot water. Security esque acres. 2 fireplaces, 2 baths, huge country large barn board paneled rec AGENCY tion, $245 per month, security RESPONSIBLE female to Large and beautllul one-bedroom kitchen. All large rooms. $34,900 — s-bedroom Ranch, first-floor family room, ■ required, superintendant, 872- apartments, heat, hot water, all room, 2 full wall fireplaces, FARM — So acres, mostly $39,900 Immsdlstsledlate occupancy. 7 room *;rlth for- TOBIAS CARPENTRY Service and references required, 643- 4400. share home in Manchester with fireplace, carport, treed lot. Immediate occupancy. | cleared and level land, 8 room - remodeling, repairs, counter ORDER RLANK young family, good location, appliances Including dishwasher, $ 53,000 - Mansfield Center, close to UCONN. 10 room Co­ sun deck, patio, 2t4 baths, 2- msl SOLD - But W6 hav6 oUlSrStmed In 5836. disposal, carpeting, pool and your and cabinet work, free es- reasonable, references needed. own private terrace In a countn set­ lonial (circa 1720) converted to 2 apartments. car garage. Park-like H $30,900 — New 6-room, Vh baths, aluminum sided H house, barn, two large poultry pore:n, Vh baths, fireplace, and other extras. MANCHESTER - Newer one- I timtes. Call 643-5769. tor placing your want ad. VERNON - One-bedroom Write Box JJ, Manchester ting. $1BO. No pets. ^ Good Income potential. grounds. Occupancy for houses,'2-car garage. bedroom Ranch-type apart­ * Colonial. ASSUMABLE 8%% mortgage. * townhouses available for im­ Herald. ANEW LISTING — Andover. Five-bedroom newly construc­ Christmas. Financing $41,900 Walk to the golf course, walk to school, from this Fill In - Clip Out and Mall Todayl ment. Private entrance. 872-4223 875-7466 5294586 H $30,900 — 5-5, 2 family, 2 bedrooms, dining room, big I IN-LAW Apartment, con­ TOP QUALITY work - Septic, mediate occupancy. Designed ted New England farm house on 10 acres. Large available. $55,500. 8 room Ranch on a 100x178 lot. Ragular ralM apply — rataa at tha b^lnnlng of Includes heat and appliances. I kitchen, living room, double garage. Qood Income. sisting of three rooms, plus 6- sewer connections, bulldozing, see for comfort, convenience and MANCHESTER - Gracious country kitchen with fireplace plus spacious $185 monthly. Paul W. Dougan, U A R REALTY CO., INC. room home, living room with excavating. Loam, fill, gravel. lha claaaiflad aactlon. pleasure. Features include Realtor, 643-4535 , 646-1021. two-bedroom Townhouse, fireplaced living room. An outstanding value! $42,500 — Clean 3-bedroom Raised Ranch, I'A baths, H $42,000 S&8 alumlnum-sidod Duplex. Each aide has 3 private entrances and patio. 043-20^ fireplace, dining room, Latulippe Brothers, Inc., 646- private entrances, slate foyer, FOUR ROOM apartment, un­ $ 73,500 - Manchester. U&R built Colonial, one year old. 8 Robart 0. MunhSck, Raaltor fireplace, carpeting, garage, treed lot. ■ kitchen, bedroom on first bedrooms and 1W baths. On one-haH acre lot. 5114. total convenience kitchen, for­ Full basement. Includes heat, Aluminum storms and screena. DATE OF FIRST INSERTION.. MANCHESTER - Deluxe 2- appliances, carpets and pool. furnished, second floor, four- spacious rooms, 2'A baths. An exquisitely ap­ floor, with 2 bedrooms on se­ mal dining room and living family house, pleasant $44,000 — New 8 room Raised Ranch, one full, 2 half B Rooting-SIdIng-ChImney 34 NUMBER OF DAYS TO RUN. room area, open balcony bedroom Townhouse, 1 1/2 $255 per month. Paul W. pointed home In lovely Forest Hills. cond floor, screened porch, 2- $44,900 Pick your own colors In this brand now 0 room baths, full, private basement. Dougan, Realtor, 646-1021 or neighborhood, adults only, no $ 74,500 - Manchester. 8 room, 2'A bath U&R quality built ■ baths, fireplace, double garage. Only $2,200 down at ■ car garage, $38,000. CLASSIFICATION______bedroom, 11/2 baths, entertain­ pets, $150 heat included. 643- MANCHESTER - Porter Street Raleed Ranch on a 3-acre lot. 643-4535. 84 baths, carpeting, ... f- Real Estate Wanted 28 Painting-Papering 32 ting. Residential and commer­ CHRISTMAS TREES cial. Whether it be a small SEASONED oak wood - Split 1st. Can be seen 6-7 p.m. Satur­ unique beamed rec room with and ready for fireplace. $20 days 6-8, 28 Church Street. SPECIAL INSIDE - Outside repair job, a custom built home at mckory Riilga Farm BOSTON TERRIER - Male, This wagon Is equipped with nearly every available op­ fireplace and garage. Treat | l SELLING your home or orders delivered. 742-7886. AKC registererd, 14 weeks old, acreage? For prompt friendly ^ c i a l rates for people over ( or anything in between, call 646- tion Pontiac offers. Factory list was over $7100. It has yourself to an inspection. Joe 1379. tlOOtSfenM *Dl has shots. Call 875-6142. MANCHESTER- Brand new 2- LAST OF THE DEMO’S Gordon, 649-5306 service, call Louis Dimock Fully insured. Estimates given. DARK, RICH Loam - Five family , 4-4, includes range, dis­ been driven under 11,000 miles and always serviced by Realty, 649-9823. Call 649-7863. ★ WkNi IgniM STEPS sidewalks, stone walls, yards, $27.50 plus tax. Also PUPPIES - Female mongrels, posal, dishwasher, washer and us. SPECIAL EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY sand, stone, gravel, pool and one blaciL two black and white, dryer, wall-to-wall carpeting ♦5995 ALL CASH for your property CEILINGS, inside painting, fireplaces, flagstone terraces, 1974 MUS7MH; STK. 4199 BARROWS & WALLACE concrete repairs, inside ana patio sand. 643-9504. PUnUUon li located oo SouUi River $5 each. Free kittens, all colors. and parking. Full basement, Hartisrd within 24 hours. Avoid red tape, papering, floor sanding- Rd., oil Route 91, North Coventry. $250 monthly. Tenant pavs refinishing (specializing in outside. Reasonably priced. 228-9095. 6464306 397-1819 728-6619 instant service. Hayes Agency, 643-0851. NEW-USED - reconditioned Robert Viiny and Family 749-tlM. utilities. Jesaor Realty, 633- 6464)131. older floors). John Verfallle, typewriters ■ Many makes and 1411. 1S74 FORD MAVEHCK 'SISS mm, NOW * 3 4 9 7 3 646-5750, 872-2222. ENGLISH SETTER, female, 6 Economical V-S angina, powtr ttaaring, vinyl top, bucket Mata, AM/FM ANY TYPE Carpentry and models from $60 to $265. Fully months old, beauty. Call 649- aterao radio, radial tIrM, under 11,000 mllM. WE WILL buy your house. Call MANCHESTER - Newer one- 1974 COUNTRY SEDAN WAGON STK. 4248 GRAD STUDENTS masonryy work, additions and guaranteed. Appliance Service DINING ROOM harvest table, 4195. MANCHESTER - Owner anytime, Hutchins Agency, Center, 707 Main Street, deacon’s bench, two Hitchcock ...... bedroom apartment. Quiet anxious for quick sale, 5 1/2 remodeling. Free estimates. A. 1973 PONrUC U T im *3393 Realtors, 646-3166. experienced insured, excellent Manchester. 643-7577. chairs, black and maple |300; Uv§$tock 44 location. Includes heat, room Cape, 11/2 baths, garage, references and quality interior Squillacote, 649-0811. i 4 Door Hardtop. Automatic tranemlMlon. power iteerlng, power brakes, air Kling maple buffet $150. ------appliances and carpeting. $195 conditioning, vinyl top, AM radio wlUt stereo tepe player, extra nice car. Ust*4740 NOW ^ 3 8 9 7 eat-in kitchen, Waddell School OPEN HOUSE - SUNDAY 1-4 P.M. SELLING your house? Call us painting at the lowest price. area. LaPenta Agency, 03 PHIUIP ROAD • MANCHESTER 649-703f. BUILDING - Remodeling, SEASONED hardwood, large Telephone 8788320. FOR RENT - Box sUll and 1974 GALAXIE 4-DOOR SEDAN STK. 4249 first and we'll make you a cash 3/4 ton pick-up truck load, $30. board for horse, country, plenty Realtor, 643-4535, 6481021. 1973 OEV. NOVA •3098 Realtor, 646-2440. LARGE FAMILY? Stop by and Inspect this newly listed Ranch In excellent offer. One day service. T. J. roofing, rec rooms; additions, garages. All kinds, carpentry Call 875-4350 or 742-6519: GE pot scrubber portable dis­ of places to ride, excellent 2 Door Sadan. Economical V-S angina, automatic tranimitalon, powar This 4-bedroom home Is avalloble Immediately. Not to location. Eating space In kitchen, large fireplaced living Crockett, Realtor, 643-1577. PAINTING and pat ■taaring, air conditioning, undar 12,000 mllaa. MANCHESTER - two-family, mention the fireplaced family room and beamed cathedral work. For estimates call 649^ hwasher, almost new, gold, care. 742-7035. FOUR ROOM apartment, heat, room, wall-to-wall carpeting throughout, 25x22 Stylarama excellent work. Refereiicei. butcher block top. $200. hot water, cooking gas, stove, mnm NOW > 3 4 9 7 excellent investment or owner- cellinged living room, 2-car garage. Priced at $44,500. Call Free estimates. Fully Insured. 1142. CHRISTMAS TREES - Tag and rec room, 2-zone gas heat, many extras. A pleasure to see. IMMEDIATE cash for your cut your own. All trees $o. 66 Telephone 875-8320. •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• refrigerator, wall-to-wall 1972 POnUC lUXURY LOMUS *2595 occupied, first floor, 872-7311. Mid 30’s. Call 289-4331. property. Let us explain our Martin Mattsson, 649-4431. 2 Door Hardtop. Automatic trantmiulon, powar itaaring, powar brakes, air 1974 MOSTANG 37K. 4999 redecorated, $32,500. Keys, 528- MASON CONTRACTOR - Birch Mountain Road, Bolton. Sporting Qooda 46 carpeting, $185. Adults only, no DIRECTIONS: Ch«rt«r Oak 8t. to Phllllo Rd. SIgni pottad. lair proposal. Call Mr. Belfiore, 275 GALLON oil tank, $40 or pets. Security deposit required. conditioning, vinyl top. 9081, 633-3006. 647-1413. Plastering, custom built stone Weekdays after 3, weekends B EH E CIRCLE, VERNON CONNECTICUT Painting Con­ or brick fireplaces, chimney anytime. best offer. Call 649-8215. MODEL 99 Savage 22 hl-power, Centrally locatecL Call 643-9678. 1970 VW MOIH. 1131 SEIMN *2395 NOW * 4 3 9 7 Exceptional 8-room Garrison Colonial which Is Ideally tractor - Interior and exterior excellent shape, $100. Call after Ust *5294 GROTON LONG POINT - painting. No job too small. Call repair, block and cement work. Balga, a real g u Mvar. Private beach, dock, boat suited for a family which enjoys entertaining guests. New and repairs. E. Richard­ SEASONED cordwood - Cord CHRISTMAS TREES - Any 5, 6487578. MANCHESTER • Unusual one- anchorage. Spacious living Featuring first-floor family room, formal dining room, fully son, 643-0889, 649-0608. and half-cord loads. E. size, $5. Buy one cord wood, get bedroom Townhouse, full, 19(9 PMtlUC UTIIUU 'lOOO finished walk-out basement. Owner transferring. Only □ MI8C. SERVICES Yeomans, 742-8907. your tree free. 194 French private basement. Includes Your Small Car room with sliding glass doors to SENTRY J. P. LEWIS k SON - Custom 4 Door Sedan, V-6 angina, automatic trantmiMlon, power eteering, power FORD sundeck with view of Sound. $49,900. Call 872-7311. Road, Bolton. 643-09M. Antiquss 4$ neat, hot water, appliances, brakee, radio. Headquarters Roal Estate Sorvicas decorating. Interior painting. b^ home POINSETTIAS, carpeting and pool. $230 Quality built, year 'round 5- 31 Paper hanging. New Ceilings. bedroom home with many Services Ottered MHtOVEItNTCO. plants, foliage and ferrarlum PINE CONE Christinas furniture, monthly. Paul W. Dougan, All Carry Our 60 Day -100% Warranty MANCHESHR Remodeling. Exterior painting. plants, also wreaths and decorations - Wreaths, table Realtor, 643-4535 or 6481021. extras. Price $80,000. MSA 44^ 301 Mfrilna Ra. 29 ConmeUail IM . Gutters ana leaders. Carpentry. glass, pewter, oi" Maintenance free Condo In excellent location, 3 SHARPENING Service - lini6*llMd6«Piao0ov6r6 cemetary baskets. Ponticelli decorations, wall hangings. other antique iiqjjis. 9715, 536-2182. imwi — 872-7311 Em I Hirtford - 289-4331 Fully Insured. For estimate call bedrooms, 2Vi baths, wall-to-wall throughout, central air, Saws, knives, axes, shears, 4MtkM6 • R60 Itoom Greehnhouse, 427 North Main Reasonable prices. Call Sue, Harrison, 643-8709. DELUXE ONE-bedroom apart­ liDlLLON FORD 6 4 9 '^ . KIMmim • Roollni TED TRUDON PONTIAC WILLINGTON - Raised Ranch, all appliances. Low 30’s. Call 269-4331. skates, rotary blades. Quick Street. 649-9574. ment - Complete appliances, REALTOR - MLS service. Capitol Equipment Mumimiiii M h i| carpeting, air-conditioned, 319 Main S t. MandiMtar r, 7 rooms, one acre. Mortgage Vernon Board of Realtors, Maneheeter Board of ReeHors, | PAINTING ■ Save 30 - 60%. 373 Main Stroat, Manchester available. Pay no com- Co., 38 Main St., Manchester. Working wHH oM Sam Scania aaS swimming pool. $175 plus Hartford Board ft ReaHora Hours daily 7:30-8, Thursda)sday Five years experience. Hand Hamn Saama A tpiiHillr utilities. Kobet D. Murdock, Phone 640-2881 L^fliioslon. Priced to sell, make Excellent references. Pete, 742- [ offer. 684-4729. 7:30-9, Saturday, 7:30-4. 643- Realtor, 6482692. 7958. 6117 (toll free) 5-10 p.m. PAGE THIRTY - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester, Conn., Fri., Dec. 13, 1974 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester, Conn., Fri., Dec. 13, 1974 — PAGE THIRTY-ONE e t A ufoi For Sale 51 55 Autot For S a lt A utoi For Sale BENJY HY JIM BERRY Bus/neai for Aonf OUT OllR WAY BY NKI) COCHRAN OUR ROARDIM; h o u s e with MAJOR IlOOPEE WE PAY $10 for complete lunk 1968 VOLKSW AGEN - NEED CAR? Credit bad? Excellent condition. Just BUGS lUINNY I J1>&T HAP A JOP O F F P R F F p M OFFICE SPACE Bankri^t? Repossessed? cars. Call Joey, Tolland Auto painted. $850 or best offer! O tlT4 .. mum Om m A 910 PpPAPTAAfMT 6 T O P F . FOR RENT Honest Douglas accepts lowest, Body, 528-1990. MV DON'T WORKV - IM hot UI F« on (aOOO LU C K I G UESS TH EV R E S / TR O U B LE IS, FOR WERE ALSO 5ELLIN' A GAS SIPHON UM.'/AS. CERTAINLY Phone 643-0213, CHISEL,') THIS IS S O N -H O P E S L A P T O G E T R IP O F \ EVERVOME WHO TO down, smallest payments. Sink IS \ w e 'l l TAKE, SORT OF LIKE WITH A AMERICAN FLAG ON THE BULB SOME ORIGINAL THpr 250 square feet, center of I y o u AAAKE THOSE GU/S W ITH DREAM S) LEAVES WITH A — A COMBINATION BEER-CAN OPENER IDEAS! BUT Douglas Motors, 345 Main. STOPPED) CAREO’IT.V IT B kJ IN 6 L A U 6 ' Manchester, air-conditioning | CHEVY IMPALA, 1972, vinyl 1970 FORD - custom, 500, good WATCHING ONE OF OF ANOTHER CAREER ^FUTURE,ANOTHER AN' CORN RE/HOVER-AN SIX (JUARTS PERHAPS WE UP.' THOSE DOCTOR SHOWS b a s k e t ­ and parking. Call; 643-9551. top, air, automatic, excellent running condition. $400. Call AHEAD OF THEMI AGUV fcOMES BACK WHOS OF USED MOTOR OIL THATiS BEEN ' SHOULD SEARCH ON TELaviS^.' b a l l / WHO WANTS TO GET OUT !HAP A FUTURE - -AN' TOYOTA ■ See us for reliable condition, 649-2538 after 4:30 649-8215. OF TH'SHOP AIN'T rfiS JUST AS USELESS 5TRAINEP THROUGH A T-SHIRT.' OUR ATTICS used Toyotas with our 60-day p.m. MUCH GOOD 21 WITH HIS DREAM FOR ITEMS TO 7 ^ TWO-ROOM office with private 1974 MUSTANG 11, 6,000 miles, N IT.' vffmmnrrm OF T H PAST. SHIRT ATTRACT THE 100% warranty. We also buy MAKES A lavatory. Near Manchester used Toyotas. Lynch Motors, VEGA 1972 Hatchback - asking price $2,950. Must sell. LADIES S5 Hospital. Call 643-1186. 345 Center Street, Manchester, Excellent condition. $1,595 or Call 649-9329. 646-4321. best offer. Silver gray, SINGLE ROOM and three economy car. 646-3325 after 1968 OPEL, good condition, $400 rooms available as suite or 5:30. firm. Call 649-6983 after 5 p.m. singles. Air-conditioning, off • i z l l . 1974 FORD Maverick, 6 street parking. Phone John H. cylinder, excellent condition, BUICK 1966, sedan, new tires, 1965 OLDSMOBILE Wagon - 54 Business for Rent 55 Lappen, Inc. 649-5261. exhaust system, fuel and water Homes lor Rent 54 Homes lor Rent S4 Homes tor Rent $3,200 or best offer. Call 649- Needs repairs. $100 or best •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 0105 after 5 p.m. pumps, excellent body, $500. offer. Call 643-4306. -YJ,- ELLINGTON - three bedroom FIVE ROOM country house, MANCHESTER - East Center Wanted to Rent 57 MICKEY FINN BY HANK LKOINARI) TWO new Northfield Green Street. Modern air-conditioned condominium homes with three split level with 1 1/2 baths and large lot, barn, 2-horse stalls. rec room. $300 monthly plus Occupancy, December 16th. office space, from 100 to 2,000 COUPLE desires to rent small bedrooms, 2 1/2 baths, 3 3 T utilities. Three bedroom References. Write P.O. Box square feet, $4.50 per foot. house, will pay up to $200 per WE THINK ] ALL RIGHT — ALL N I'LL EXPLAIN LATER! carpeting, air-conditioning and Hayes Corporation, 646-0131. month. Call 646-8353. much more. Each $350. monthly Ranch, 1 1/2 baths, $250 159, Buckland Station, 1 YOU ARE! j RIGHT/ I WANNA JUST CANCEL OUR OKAV,, monthly plus utilities. Manchester, Conn. 06040. ■/OU'RE WITHOLOINQ Y A 4 MAKE A PHONE TICKETS TO MIAMI! s l ic k ! plus utilities. One year lease or MANCHESTER - Only store in INFORMATION, CUTTER! ) /M, VT CALL! lease with option to buy. Call References plus security THAT'S 06STRUCTI0N I WITHOLOIN deposit required. 646-2300. SMALL five room beautifully south end, ideal for food □ AUTOMOTIVE CARTER USED CAR Frank Filloramo, 646-6555. OF JUSTICE./ NOTHIN'/ restored 250 year old home, business, real estate, etc. For J CStpevan,' A F T E E - situated on 80 acre country es­ details, 643-8078 after 6. \T H 0 U G H T : DUPLEX - Three-rooms, one Autos For Sale 61 bedroom. $155. Adults. Securi­ tate. Ideal for couple. $225 per ROUND TRIPS 11-13 WILLIMANTIC - Oak Ridge 4) m> toOaa idtotVl'P ty. Stove, refrigerator. Pasek month. References and security SIX-ROOM Duplex - Garage, Village. New 5 and 6 rooms, AUTO INSURANCE - Compare Realtors, 289-7475, 742-8243. re q uuired. i Richard T. full cellar, porch, yar/ard, good SPECIALS from $175 per month. our low rates. Young drivers CREATED BY Bill) FISHER References and security. Fur­ McDonald, Real Estate, Judi location, near schools. 649-7230 ELLINGTON - 2,000 sq. ft. new after 5. welcome. For quotation call nished models open daily. Babin, 228-9037, 646-5232. f brick and steel building, clear Rod Dolin, 646-6050. THAT y FOR SIX YEARS 1 MUTT, THIS IS WILLIAMS, > THANKS? t h a n k s m il l io n s , Builder, J. Lindy Childress, 456- Autos For Sale 61 Autot For Sale 61 s u y s WORKED HARD IN THE NEW VICE PRESIDENT 0797, 429-7551 from 8 a.m.-4:30 span, loading dock, heat and 71 DODGE '2399 IS THAT ALL UNCLE WILBUR.' 74 CAMARO *4595 Charger Sport Coupe. V-8 engine, automatic transmis­ NEW THIS DEFAKTMENT.V WHO WILL BE IN CHARGE air-conditioning optional. 872- LT. Coupe, V>8 engine, automatic transmission, vinyl y o u CAN p.m. sion. air conditioning, vinyl roof, power steering. AROUND I D ESERVE 8351. roof, air conditioning, radio, power steering, many more SAY? options. HERE.' A PROMOTION.' Autos For Sale 61 Autos For Sale 61 74 CAMARO *4999 L.T.Coupe, V-8 engine, automatic transmission, vinyl 71 NOVA *2 3 9 5 roof, power steering, radio, air conditioning, and much Coupe, 8 cylinder engine, automatic transmission. m ore. PRISCILLA’S POP BY AL VERMEKR ORDER YOURS power steering, radio. TODAY! 7 2 FORD *28 9 5 E V E R Y D A Y H E R E 'S A N ' j e n n y L U , TOYOTA Gran Torino Station Wagon. V-8 engine, automalic 1 T R Y T O l e a r n ] INTERESTING [DO You KNOW **Based on a W M A T A comparison of 74 CHEVROLET *4295 transmission, air conditioning, power sleenng, power ,F IV ^ NEW , „ O N J E , Impala Sport Sedan, V-8 engine, automatic liansmis- . W C D R D S 'BOYCOTT' V" BO YCO TT" .PL Has the lowest manufacturers' brakes, radio. retail prices. slon, air conditioning, power steering, power brakes, .IS? power windows, radio. priced car sold in America! * 72 OPEL *2999 Q.T. Coupe, 4 cylinder engine, 4-speed Iransmission, 12-13 3 !1974 d o d g e d a r t 4 DOOR SEDAN > 13 9 5 ' -V 6 8 MUSTANG radio. Ttada Mark kafititra4 ^port Coupe. 6-cyllnder engine, standard transmission, ■AL^m 225 cld 6 cylinder engine, radio. 99 VOLKSWAGEN *1499 automatic transmission, Squareback, 4 cylinder engine, 4 speed tranamlaalon, CAPTAIN EASY BY CROOKS & LAWRENCE power steering, inside 71 BUICK *2445 radio. hood release, vinyl roof, Skylark Station Wagon. V-8 engine, automalic transmis­ sion, radio, power steering. 70 CHEVROLET *1999 WELL. L RECKON THE LUCK OF BLAZES! WHAT'6 vinyl side mouldings, vinyl Impala 4 door Sedan, V-8 engine, air conditioning, THERE'S NO POINT THE GLUCKS" THAT THING VOU interior, electronic Igni­ IN USSTICKIM0 SURE DIDN'T SLIPPED ON? 72 CHEVROLET *2795 automatic transmission, power steering radio AROUND, LULU tion, carpets, AM radio. Impala Sport Sedan. V-8 engine, automatic transmis­ D O H u n t N O - Corolls 2'Door Sedan Laige selection of 1974 Dodge sion, air conditioning, radio, power steering. BELLE! STK. 4456 74 MONTE CARLO *4299 il-ij 4) H74 by kU ITK . T M lUfl U S FM < Perfect for the economy-minded! Darts left In stock. Sport Coupe. V-8 engine, automatic Iransmission. air S i t 70 MONTE CARLO *2195 conditioning, radio, power steering, power brakes. THE BORN LOSER BY ART SANSOM Combines great features like a Sport Coupe, V-8e engine, automatic transmission, vinyl 1975 SNO-FIGHTERS roof, radio, power steering. hemi-head engine, bucket seats, 70IMPAU *1849 N O ,StU 'R E WELUWkVBE 4-speed synchromesh transmission *2897 Custom Coupe, V-8 engine, automatic tranamlaalon, . . . with snappy performance. IndudM AM raiflo and IN STOCK FOR 73 PONTIAC *4195 vinyl root, power tteering, radio. w o t ! ^SOU'RE RlfeHT. dealer preparation. Qran Prix Coupe, V-8 engine, automatic trantmlaalon, ilWIWEDIATE DELIVERY! air conditioning, lull power options, radio, vinyl root. 72 MAVERICK *2399 70 MONTE CARLO *2195 2 door, 6 cylind er engine, autom atic tranam laalon, radio. Sport Coupe, V-8 engine, automatic tranamlaalon, vinyl 71 DATSUN *3789 LYNCH TOYOTA root, power steering, radio. 240Z Coupe, 6 cylinder engine, 4-speed tranimitalon. 345 Center Street 646-4321 Dependable Used Cars 72 OPEL *2195 71 HORNET *2099 g) 1974 by NtA. IftC T M U S Fit 0ft , rri r~i r ir 3r^r~ i station Wagon, 4 cylinder engine, automatic tranamls- Station Wagon, 6 cylinder engine, automaVc tranamla- 1972 NEW YORKER * 3 1 9 5 slon, radio, luggage carrier. slnn, radio. DODGE * 1 0 9 5 Chrysler 4-Door Hardtop. Power steering, power : 71 TOYOTA *1695 FITZGERALD FORD. INC. 1966 brakes, automatic transmission, tinted glass, vinyl 70 NOVA *1945 THE FLINTSTONES BY HANA-BARBERA station Wagon, 4 cylinder engine, 4 speed tranamisalon, SPORTSMAN VAN. V-8 engine, automatic tranamla- root, low miles, STK 5047A Coupe, 8 cylinder engine, standard transmiaaion, radio. aion, radio, 5 passenger, clean. STK P501A radio. 65 FORD *1095 DODGE DART *8 9 5 .1 YEAH... EXCELLENT SELECDON OF TORINO STA. WGN. * 2 7 9 5 1968 Falcon Station Wagon, 6 cylinder engine, automatic TRUCKS 1972 2 Door Hardtop. 6 cylinder engine, automatic ALLEY OOP BY V.T. HAMLIN I W A S Ford, V-8 engine, automatic transmission, powe^ tranamisalon, radio. transmission, power steering, radio, vinyl root, STK BBE-yuriFUL. WONDERING steering, air conditioning, clean, STK 5084A 7 2 SCOUT *3 8 9 5 5078A I 70 CHEVELLE *2095 Travel Top, V-8 engjne, automatic transmission, power GIRLS/,.. I THAT,, USED CARS HOW FAR IS OH, ABOUT A MILE I'M AFRAID WE TOO/ Malibu Sport Coupe, V-8 engine, automatic transmis­ steering, radio. m o o o p i s AND-A-HMJ=, ^ MIGHT NOT W O N D E R H O W LAGUNA *2 9 9 5 sion, vinyl root, power steering, radio. MAVB6TW0/WMY? M A l^ IT L O O K S 1973 1971 CHARGER 500 * 2 5 9 5 7 3 DATSUN VlUASE.MR. FROM Chevrolet, air-conditioning, V-8 engine, power Dodge 2-door Hardtop, V-8 engine, automatic : *2 6 9 5 B O O M t IT.' steering, power brakes, automstic transmission, transmission, power steering, air-conditioning. ; 73 OPEL *2995 Pick-up, 4 cylinder engine, 4 speed transmission, very OUTSIDE?.... radio, vinyl roof, and many more extras. Low mileage Station Wagon, 4 cylinder engine, automate transmis­ low mileage. and ready to go. Stk. 4428A. bucket seats, vinyl root, clean, low miles. A real FO R S A L E sion, air conditioning, radio sports car. “A good place 1974 PINTO WAGON to buy a car” 1974 RAMBLER GREMLIN 2 Door CHEVROLET e i»7« CHORCHES McNtiitN tay« 1974 PWTO WAGON CO.. INC. 12* L3 O Hiiai-lMbar DODGE OF v r mMANCHESTER HnvniiM cCHRYSLER h r y s i» CARTER 'tl-13^ 1974 PINTO RUNABOUT 3 Door 1229 Main Street. Manchester Phone 646-6484 1874 by HEA, Inc.. T.M. Rig. U.S. PM. Oil. ;0 OAKLAND STREET, MANCHESTER 643-27' MR. ABERNATHY BY ROLSTON JONES and FRANK RIDGEWAY 1973 LTD BROUGHAM 4 Door Open Evenings ’til 9 — Thurs. 'til 6 — Sat. 'til 5 WIN AT BRIDGE 1973 CNEV. VEGA 2 Door 1972 FORD Torino Station Percentage play more apt to win 1973 DODGE CHARGER 2 Door Hardtop Wagon - V-8, automatic, power The bidding has been: 13 steering, air, very clean. would have been to lead the West North East South 1973 BUICK LESABRE 2 Door Hardtop Chorches Motors, 643-2791. South was bitter. He sput­ 10 and lake a first-round 19 IN.T. N O R T H i; tered, "Grand slam bids are Pass 2 A Pass 2N.T. 1968 OLDS as is, best oiler. finesse. This would win for 1973 OLDS DRTA 2 Door Hardtop 4AKJ98 for idiots.” Pass 3 * I' Standard. Call 647-1169. y Q832 him if West held four spades or less including the queen, or You, South hold; AMC will give you ♦ 93 " “1 guess you’re right,” 1973 GRAN TORINO 4 Door Sedan ■ 4 A6 replied North philosophi­ 42 per cent of the time. ♦ 43VAQ 10 864KJ4 + AQ3 cally. "I was an idiot to put an What do you do now'.' Trucks lor Sale 62 I 1 W E S T EAST 1973 DODGE COROHn 4 Door Sedan ♦ Q64 4 753 idiot in a grand slam." The play adopted by South A —Pass. You have bid one and was to cash the ace-king of two notrump and your partner an «tra year of coverage. BROCKWAY DUMP Truck and V 9 6 Y 10 ♦ KJ82 ♦Q1064 We think the use of the spades right away. This has signed off. Respect his deci­ 1973 PINTO WAGON four-ton tilting flat bed trailer sion. WINTHROP BY DICK CAVALLI ♦ q J 108 4 )K 7 5 3 2 word idiot was a trifle strong, would have worked if the with winch and electric brake. queen had dropped but that 1973 CHEV. CAMARO 2 Door L T . 875-0179, ask for Dennis. SOUTH(D) but we do feel that North had TODAY'S QUESTION Double BUYER PROTECTION PLAN ♦ 102 justification for being an­ was just under a 20 per cent Instead of bidding two clubs y A K J754 noyed. To start with South play and any banker will tell your partner has bid two dia­ 1970 INTERNATIONAL - Half­ you that 42 per cent is belter 1 1972 VW KOMBI ton pickup with Fisher plow, ♦ A75 had a minimum opening bid monds after your one notrump. than 20 per cent. extras, low mileage, excellent ♦ 94 with a broken six-card suit, What do you do now'.' 1972 LTD 2 Door Hardtop yet he had made a jump condition. $3,400 or best offer. North-South vulnerable Answer Tomorrow 633-5948. rebid. North was entitled to 1972 CHEV. NOVA 2 Door West N orth East South play him for at least seven (NKtt.SI’Al’KII KNTKIinil.SK ASSN I Now, during December, January and February, 1st YEAR-FREE. 2nd YEAR-FREE’ Heavy Equipm ent IV hearts. Pass 24 Pass 4V Answer to Previous Puzzle American Motors will give you Double the TKe loltortnt perte eetf lenrloee ere oevefe# The loMowtm eerta tnO MnrlMe ere eovered to r Sale 63 1972 BUICK RIVIERA 2 Door Hardtop Pass 4N.T. Pass 5V N •telnel He*om tfeleen er leNwoe 4ee le feStire Mwe le However, the slam was a In the Oven T A 3 S U N M O O coverage of AMC’s exclusive BUYER veer ler 17 wieelhe er it.OOO fnNee:.** or 11.000 MiNee.** Pass 5N,T. Pass 64 cinch the way the cards lay. 1 S lEj A & E U N T O ROGERS model 72, all metal f5| T e A G A T S 1972 PINTO 2 Door trailer. Bought new this year Pass v r Pass Pass If South had bothered to LJ A PROTECTION PLAN™ on every new FAin'g nXEO OR RgPLACfO FREE PARTS FIXIO 09 UPUCtO PftU ACROSS 4 Feline 3 (2 E. T E R R A <9 E E for $1,200. Will sell for $850. 5 Warning A N H 5 £ £ R AMC OM FORD CNRVSUR ABAC OM FORD CMMYSUIt Opening lead -Q* count to 13, he would have S 1975 Gremlin, Hornet or Matador, if you take 6x10 body, 2,500 lbs. capacity, 1 Crusted device n s T u O EJ T 1 s 1972 FORD F250 PICKUP Engirte/Orlve MMn YU YU YES YES Cno^nh/Orlve tram Via NO NO NO seen that he needed five dessert 6 Metric 1.000 * U U S E O delivery before March first. Spark plu^a YU NO NO NO Sperk ptu99 YIS NO NO NO heavy 8 ply tires, tilt bed, 30” By Oswald & James Jacoby spade tricks to make his 4 Loaf or layered (comb lorm) A E T? E Shock Abaorttert YES NO NO YES Shock Abeorberv n s NO NO NO tailgate. Call 649-8667, days. grand slam. The best way to dessert 7 Summers (Fr I J 11 T H S O R L 1972 MAVERICK 4 Door Brake Hnin9i YU NO NO YES Biake Unioo* YiS NO NO NO 8 Flesh lood 8 Mistress (abl f s [3 N E. T 1 L T Chtich IlninQ* YU NO NO YES Clutch liAlngt Yie NO NO NO ••••••••••••••#•••#•••#••••• This means AMC will fix or replace any part score those five spade tricks 12 Upper limb 9 Certain a 171 XJ K) D A s E Wiper biBdea YU NO NO NO Wipar WaOM Yte NO NO NO Motorcycles-BIcyclea 64 [CT r g E O M r FT LipM bulbe VIS NO NO 13 Landed li Sherman B H n 1972 CHEV. NOVA 2 Door NO L19M bulba YIS NO NO NO 14 Network (anal I R E C W A R free—except tires—for 24 months or 24,000 miles, Hoaee t Beiu YU YES NO NO Horm 4 Bella YIS NO NO NO 10 Coral Island E is S A S EXPERT bicycle repairs, all HAVE MDU EVER CONSIDERED MITA AMN WCTHA PljOW- tS Also 11 Abounds f a T D 11 £ 3 T E SERVICIt FROVtOEO FREE 16 Story 19 Newspaper 1972 PINTO RUNABOUT 3 Door whether the part is defective, or just plain wears UftVICtt P90V10I0 PMI makes, models and speeds. HAMMERIN&VXIR SWORD SHARE AND HE5 GOING steamed clams 48Badgerlike Wheel aitonmeni YU NO NO NO Wheel aUonmeni VIS NO NO NO 17 Wild plum ollicials (ab I ID KNOW HES 5EEN HIT. B t a r G A X E I C * iC^ IBQrsItsdlhet.l 21 Japanese com 36 Allilude lab I animal out under normal use and service. Wheel balancing YU NO NO NO Wheel Oelaoclng YU NO NO NO Peugeot, Raleigh dealers, INTO A PlOWSMAfRE? 49 Make a speech AHpn headlighta YU NO NO 20 Belay — .flag 24 Manner s 37 Cooking NO Alton heedllghta YU NO NO NO Manchester Bicycle Shop, 649- -By CLAY R. POLLAN- L llllA abbreviation 50Relales 1971 VW MODEL 411 4 Door AO^al carburalor YU NO NO NO Adluet carbureter YU NO NO NO maker direction 2098. 39 Three Icomb 53 Jewish law Buy a ’75 AMC car now and get the free Double Adiual dtitribolor Y It NO NO NO Adjuat diatribwior YU NO NO NO Your Dally Ad/rily GuWo K u n . 22 22 Shade tree 26 Homan bronze 54 One Ola pair Adfirai brakea VIS NO NO NO Adjuel brake# YU NO NO NO According lo lha Start, '• 23 Same (Latin) 27 104 (Roman) lomil 1970 VW 2 Door Adjual clutch YU NO NO Ad jwai clutch OCT. 22 25 Masculine 28 Fish delicacy 41 Thai girl 56 To make lea BUYER PROTECTION PLAN.™ The longest, NO YU NO NO NO To develop message for Saturday, 57 Seasoning Adiuii i/anamaaton banda VIS NO NO NO Ad|ual tranemlaaion banda YIS NO NO NO Campert-Trallert 6-5^66-73, name (pi I 29 Pork — toasi 44 Spanish cheer Adfuai S tighten beMi VIS NO NO NO Adiual 4 Uohttn balta YU NO NO NO read words corresporxllng to numbers 174-76-77 27 H o t----- buns 30 Picnic peal 46 Belore Ipoel I herb 1970 VW BUS 9 Passenger most complete coverage offered by an American Tlghlen rHilaSboItt VIS NO NO NO Tlghlen nuta 4 boHa YU NO NO NO Mobile Homes an of your Zodloc birth sign. £ 47 Dip liquid over 59 Jewel 29 Country tosd 33 Sheep cry 6 ’ Body ol water free ioaner car YU NO NO YES Free leaner oer YU NO NO NO y f T A U K U l 31 Elscirilied 35 Picnic ol roast Trip Interruption broieetton VIS NO NO NO Trip Interruption Frotecllon YU NO NO NO ^ A ft. to 1 You 31 A r* 61 Past car manufacturer. 2 Fin* 32 Caution 62Worthwhils psrlicis INKWSl’M'KK KNTKKI’lll.SI-; AS.SN 1969 TOYOTA CROWN WAGON CUMMCt TIME AT r U U I ^ MAY JO 3 Don't 33 M*ssog«s 63 E nttr 32Blsck (pool I The AMC Double BUYER PROTECTION N«w 12' Ktriy Anwrioin, 2 Bmiroom 4 Lucky 34 Is 64 M oving 34 Shoo.lo SCSI r " r “ T" I r" r I 5" nr II 5 Important 35 Original 65 You 38 Sleevsiess 1968 LINCOLN CONTINENTAl 4 Door I7 ,H 9 (‘Winrr ^.v’Tirg.'Ti'i ir i'j |t/32-63e2-84| gsrmeni PLAN. 14’ Supvr Big 2 Bmlroom If.H S 6 Impulslv* 36 Right 661s ill U 14 O IM IN I 37 Up 67 Promotion UO tTTARIUS 40 River isisnds UMd C lu n 2 Bedroom 12,IIS BY ROY CRANE 7 Ploy 42Bschelorol BUZZ SAWYER I MAY I t B Lucky 38 M ay 68 Assuranc* iT 10 Mlnutoi from Hartford ■ Uaod I P nor. Law sisb) IB 16 AMCn Dealers 9 Avolti 39 Com* 69 Ang«r 43 Horse color bodroom 12' 1W batlia wHh appH- I m i 20 7 0 lllsg a l Die !l a Gremlin • Hornet ■ Matador THAT NATWe FAMILY MUST HMM! lO T o k i 40 Of 45 Mokes hoi n r l9 ar W.NB t e I F16-27-36 11 Try 41 Hunches 71 Ups«t 1-14-25-36 SALE ON AU HAW PUT t h a t o c t o p u s IH p l e n t y o f 47 Cook by direct 42 About 72 Goins BKIINQ CAMP aPICIAL lO* W IOI, D,^'oy-TO-TB 12 D os* 147-5969 heal 2!i OUR SWIMMIHQ POOL, BUZ. BARE f o o t ­ 13 Asptets 43 W hile 73 N tv tr INEBOONCMTEX^B^ QUN BUNNIN, aUARANTBID CAPRICORN 50 Time inoKice 14 M ay 44 Could 74 A DILIVIRV IN NIW INOUND THBV'RE THE OMLN OTHBR p r in t s ,BUT « C . 22 ^ St S w iss river IT RECREATIONAL VEHICLES PEOPLE ON THE ISLAND. 15 To 45 W ork 75 Modiinsiy 52 Feminine oullix 11,109 MO TENNIS 16 Anything 46 'Your 76 W is* JAN. t» All Naw Nomaa BeW Uacoameitellt 56 Recedes $1 SHOES. l7 B r« ik 47 But 77 Proetdurs 3-1B-29-40, 58 Male dser Ouaranraad for Ona y«ar. l8 L * t 48 Some 78 Immoral 61-71-79-85' 80 Night birds M NOW AT 49 8* 79 Your to Ao/nai to oAoato Oram 19 Your 62 Consitllalion A Holiday Praaani from Plua, 8 you 20 Hopptnings 50 T h o t’d 80 Dtllghtfully AQUARIUS eS H tad IF r) DeCormier Motor Sales, Inc. UO 81 You 21 Extrwiw 51 Expect JAN. 20 64 Itriltle (coll I buy boforo Chrlttmu, No Paymontt JUIY 21 82 Your until April 1076. Parta, auppllao m d 22 You! 52 To 65 Small batral n u 4#i 285 Broad Street ^AUO. 22 23 Cooperation 53 Around 83 Sptllbound FEl! I I eSEIamenlary aooaiaorlaa. (ull-tima Mrvloa 24 For 54 Moke 84 Lit* 817-2839^„. (a b ) St W ST FITZGERALD FORD daparlmanl. I10-21-32-43 25 B« 55 Host* 85 Comfort 1 5 8 ^ 1 -8 6 '^ 67 Handle 26 Squor* 56 And 86 Upward 68 Female sheep iT u M anchester PLAZA HOMII 'mi-TL PISCIS s r 100WINOOBRAVE. ROCKVILLE VillO O 27 That 57 Best 87 Situolion TM Buyer Protection PUn la ■ Trade Mark "Quality Homaa Banatbly Prioad* 28 Could 58 Repreu 88 For H I. I* DOWN ST K" of American Motors Corporation. 0 “ 6 4 3 -2 4 8 5 8 7 5 -3 3 6 9 Phone 643-4165 1141 WILHUR CROaa HIQHWAV 29 Thoughts 59 Entongled 89Todoy mar. 2 0 * ^ 'Special offer good on cart delivered between December 1, 1974 GsofCtf.OtCofmisr ■RNLIN TPKI, U N U N , OQNN, -jis :;; 30 M o tt*y 60 Move 90 Succtsi 1 Top ol head t r IT H ihroush February 26, 1975. (Not applicable to fleet lalca.) 12-23-34-46<. 2 Praat SHOP AND SAVE M 2 I4 1 M I n-15-26-37 ( H ) Adverse ^^N'il/irsl 57-688890 J! **Chryaler coverage U 12 monthi, unlimilcd mlleaRr. )48-59-87-W 3 Strong leelinga PAGE THIRTY-TWO - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. Manchester, Conn., Fri., Dec. 13, 1974 lianrljpafrr lEumng Mmlh MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1974- VOL. XCIV, No. 64 Manchester—A City of Villnge Charm EIGHTEEN PA(;ES — TWO MINIS PRICE: EIETEEN CENTS Get the gifts Ford Seeks French Cooperation In Dealing with Oil Problems WASHINGTON (UPI) — President Ford began in 1918, when President Woodrow flies to Martinique in the West Indies to our current economic probems, ” he told Giscard, who has close relations with Wilson went to Europe at the end of World business eifecutives Wednesday night. today for talks with French President War 1. the Arab countries, had proposed an inter­ Valery Giscard d’Estaing, and the hope “And when I fly to meet the president of national conference now between oil that cooperation in the oil area will pay Sensitive to Criticism France this weekend, I will be by no producers, users and the developing that are driving dividends that silence criticism of his Ford is apparently sensitive to criticism means neglecting our domestic difficulties nations. The United States wants con­ that he should park Air Force 1 in the if I improve the climate of cooperation , i? - traveling. sumer nations to form a cooperative unit France is perhaps the United States’ hangar and concentrate on the home front, among the fuel-consuming industrial before meeting with the exporters. oldest ally, going back to the particularly the economy. ‘iSome factors nations by a common effort to ensure The Vienna agreement Friday by the Revolutionary War. The summit meetings — especially fuel and food production — adequate food and fuel supplies at accep­ table prices.” world’s major oil exporting nations to in­ contribute formidably, as you well know. crease crude oil prices 38 cents a barrel Top Advisors Along was also expected to spur consumer Secretary of State Henry A. Kissinger nations to adopt a cooperative strategy. and Secretary of the Treasury William E. Senate Okays Trade Bill Simon were among the top advisers ac­ companying Ford to the sunny Caribbean To Compare Notes island where energy, recession, and Euro­ Both Ford and Giscard also will swap Manchester wild pean defense will be discussed. notes on their recent sessions with Soviet After Two Year Delay On leaving a NATO meeting in Brussels, Communist Party Secretary Leonid I. Kissinger foreshadowed the possibility of Brezhnev. WASHINGTON (UPI) - After two said: “If the Soviets fail to live up to the years of delay, the Senate has passed a bill a compromise that may permit the United The Ford-Giscard formal talks begin letter and spirit of this agreement the States and France, along with other major Sunday. Betty Ford will not be along to offer the Soviet Union non- basis of trust and confidence that is essen­ discriminatory trade terms in exchange consumer nations, to coordinate their ap­ because <)f a recurrence of osteoarthrisis, tial to the whole range of our relations will proach to energy shortages. a back ailment. Saturday evening. Ford for freer emigration for its Jews. be destroyed.” He said he wanted his in­ President Ford was expected to Kissinger said the'United States and its will ride by boat to Fort de France for a vestigations subcommittee to monitor allies “agreed on the sequence of moves” dinner in his honor. He will return the welcome Friday’s passage of the bill by a emigration. 77-4 margin although there was no im­ to achieve consumer cooperation and a honor Sunday with a charcoal broiled Congress will have the ability to rescind dialogue with oil-producing countries. steaks and baked potatoes. mediate comment from the White House. most favored nation treatment for Russia The bill now goes to a conference with the after 18 months, if the Soviet Union does House. not allow disgruntled citizens to leave. (Herald photo by Richmond) Slate Department Pleased Expect 60,000 Annually At the State Department, a spokesman Jackson said he expected at least 60,000 expressed gratification over passage of the Strip Mining Bill Jews to emigrate annually. Miss Webb Plans to Retire bill which the administration considers The Senate also adopts amendments crucial in building international good which would: Miss Cora Webb, Tolland County coordinator, will retire Jan. 1 after feeling with the Soviet Union and other • Establish an East-West Trade Review Communist countries. Faces Ford’s Veto Extension Home Economist and field serving in that position for 30 years. Board to assure orderly development of The Senate endorsed, by an 88-0 vote, an trade with Communist countrie and avert WASHINGTON (UPI) - President Udall asked Ford to veto the measure amendment by Sen. Henry M. Jackson, El- huge, unbalancing deals like the Soviet Ford, accepting the recommendation of quickly, if it gains expected Senate ap­ Wash., to provide most favored nation grain purchase two years ago. his new energy administrator, plans to proval, so Congress may attempt to treatment for the Soviet Union only if • Limit credits to the Soviet Union to reject a bill to place environmental con­ override it. Russia opens its doors. That amendment $300 million. trols on strip mining. Home Service Career had held up the bill for a year until a com­ ’The House gave final approval to the Additionally, the bill will grant Presi­ Land Reclamation Involved promise was reached Oct. 18 between dent Ford authority to enter into inter­ measure Friday. If the Senate does not get Jackson, Secretary of State Henry A. to the bill today, it will act early next week. Strip mining involves scraping away the national negotiations to lower world trade topsoil, then gouging out coal with giant Kissinger and the Russians. barriers, compensate any domestic in­ Spans Three Decades Ford Veto Anticipated shovels. 'The bill would set standards for To Monitor Emigration dustry injured by foreign competition, and A top White House official says Ford land reclamation, authorize a reclamation As debate on the bill unfolded, Jackson set up preferences for developing nations. will veto the bill if it reaches his desk, fee on all coal production, and give sur­ BARBARA RICHMOND The offices were originally on the third citing energy considerations. Two face rights to western ranchers who have procedural votes on the bill indicate that federally owned coal on their lands. Miss Cora Webb, home extension floor of an office building on Park St., he will succeed. A test vote Friday Frank Zarb, the new head of the Federal economist and field coordinator for the Rockville. A fire in the building several years ago burned out that floor and the Meany May ‘Disengage’ resulted in a 198-129 tally, far short of the Energy Administration, told a news con­ Tolland County Extension Service, will be two thirds needed to override a veto. ference shortly after the House vote that retiring on Jan. 1 from a position she has service moved into the Tolland County Agricultural Center (TAC) on Rt. 30 in Rep. Morris K. Udall, D-Ariz., floor Ford said: “I am not prepared to make a held since 1945 and during that time she Unions from Democrats manager for the bill, said Ford was decision which will limit the flexibility for has seen problems of homemakers make a Vernon where it has been ever since. “selling out to some of the most greedy, our design of a national energy program at full circle. She said when she first came to this backward forces” in deciding to kill the a time when energy and development of Miss Webb, in reflecting on her job, said county she would go out and meet with WASHINGTON (UPI) — George Meany, reject any walkout. Frank Raftery of he legislation. energy is so critical to our future.” she couldn’t help but do some recollecting. each homemaking group, but due to the once a powerful force in the national Painters, George Hardy of the Service ‘‘When I came into the county, people population growth and the increasing Democratic party, may “disengage” the Employes and state labor federation were asking for sugarless recipes number of groups, this has been changed remaining AFL-CIO forces from the par­ leaders John Schmitt of Wisconsin, Frank extenders, as both items were on the ra­ so now she meets with training classes of ty’s ruling council as a result of the drub­ King of Ohio, William Marshall of tion list,” she said. representatives from the homemaker bing they took at the Kansas City midterm Michigan and Victor Bussie of Louisiana She added, “Today people are asking for groups and the in turn present information convention. were regarded as the most likely to leave. the same information, sugarless recipes and material to their own group. Although the labor federation’s Although the AFL-CIO maintains that it South Windsor Youth and meat extenders or substitutes, but for Loves People spokesman professed to know nothing of has no official link with the Democratic a different reason — the high cost of food.” She said this enabled her to expand the it, word spread among union officials party, 8 of 10 at-large labor appointments Friday that Meany would convene his to the national committee in March of 1973 Dies from Injuries Has Mixed Emotions number of programs and to reach more people. Emphasizing her love of “people,” political lieutenants next week to plan were nominated by Meany and COPE She said she is retiring with mixed withdrawal of union representatives from chief Alexander Barkan, who told a she said this also enabled her to conduct Frank J. Vignone, 20, of 102 Pleasant emotions but is looking forward to the Democratic National Committee. reporter at Kansas City that he had been When police arrived, the engine was more meetings for the public. Valley Rd., South Windsor died this mor­ burning. A driver of the Moriarty Bros, enjoying her home in Tolland, doing some talking to individual unionists on the She said a fact few people know is that Resignations Expected ning as a result of injuries he suffered in a wrecker put it out with a handheld fire traveling, and finishing so many projects possibility of disengaging themselves her agency is doing the nutritional compo­ According to the reports, six or more one-car accident on Center St. 179 feet extinguisher. she has started while working and from the party. teaching at meetings and that she put nent for the feeding programs for the top labor officials would resign from the west of Fairview St. at 2:14 a.m., police Firemen and the ambulance crew aside as “retirement projects.” elderly. She said through federal funding committee. ’The purpose would be to COPE Involved said. worked together for nearly an hour trying The Tolland County Extension program she has a special staff just for this project punish the party and Chairman Robert S. COPE had a number of representatives The car he was driving east on Center to extricate Vignone from the car which is a cooperative effort of the Tolland Coun­ which is mandatory for all feeding Strauss for embracing reforms in the on the Democratic Charter Commission St. apparently went out of control coming was wrapped tightly around the pole. The ty Extension Council, Inc., the University programs for the elderly. charter it adopted at Kansas City that that wrote the party constitution adopted out of a curve, police said. There are about car was cut and pried at while the men of Connecticut, and the U.S. Department Home Sewing Popular were vigorously opposed by the AFL- aJ the miniconvention. COPE’s members 400 feet of tire marks leading up to the attempted to do what they could for of Agriculture. Another increasing program due to the CIO’s Committee on Political Education. fought a number of “open party” utility pole that stopped his car. Vignone. The program is funded with state and rising cost of clothing, is the home sewing A walkout of COPE supporters would provisions supported by black and female Reports from police, firemen and the He was finally cut free and transported federal money and all programs are free- classes. Miss Webb said, noting that peo­ not take all unionists out of the activists on the comission, but were left in ambulance crew together helped form the by ambulance to Manchester Memorial of-charge to anyone interested. ple are learning to sew out of necessity. Democratic National Committee. Three an isolated position when party regulars, following account of their work after the Hospital where he was pronounced dead Over the years she has seen a big and possibiy more of about a dozen labor led by Strauss, sided with the reformers accident: on arrival at 3 a m., according to a It started innocently on the gifts. They’re Many Changes union officials on the committee have on most of the controversial issues. The car had struck the pole on the hospital spokesman. $100 deposit. $5,000deposit. Miss Webb said she has not only seen a decrease in the number of farms in the enough. The eagle was free with any de­ county. She said the smaller farms have been fighting COPE on the reform issue The miniconvention ended with an angry passenger’s side. The pole did not give Firemen worked another hour to the car big change in th facilities of the service and other political questions for more than warning from the rostrum from California way. For some unknown reason, the before it was fully pried loose from the opening his new Man­ posit of $25 or Choose from: an 18-piece Take your pick: a versa­ since she first started, but also a change in two years, and would be expected to stay. labor federation chief Jack Henning that passenger door had turned out at the point pole and remove)! from the scene. the type of programs. (See Page 10) chester office. So he _ more in a First punch bowl set; an 11- tile Black & Decker jig Two May Reject Walkout the Democratic party would fall into of impact and then was shoved back into Firemen reported back to the station on Glenn Watts of the Communications “ruin” without labor, and Strauss told the passenger space. Center St. at 4:40 a.m. thought he’d Federal sav­ piece table service; a saw kit or a %" Black Workers, Floyd Smith of the Machinists reporters he hoped to make peace with Vignone was unconscious inside the car Police are still investigating the acci­ powerful flashlight; & Decker drill; a GE and William Lucy of the State, County and Meany and Barkan. with an arm around the pole. dent. throw a little ings account. MACC Seeks Volunteers Municipal employes would be expected to party. If you don’t or an alarm clock. digital alarm clock; But when have one, a steam spray and To Deliver Yule Meals he put on start one. dry iron; or a The MACC Seasonal Sharing Appeal is taged Manchester families for holiday dis- blender. seeking persons willing to provide and tribution INSIDE his Santa t Then take your Choose any . of deliver home-cooked Christmas dinners to Non-perishable food and gift items for these: a pair of It can’t last for­ several Manchester elderly shut-ins. Christmas giving may be left at the Salva- TODAY suit and choice. Those wishing to provide such a meal are tion Army Citadel, 661 Main St. Capt. started giving regular tote bags ever, so come in asked to call the Manchester Area Arthur Carlson, commanding officer of Conference of Churches office, 649-2093, as the Manchester Corps, asks that those Senior Citizen s...... Page 2 out gifts, the whole $25 deposit. or a single deluxe now. Save some soon as possible. wishing to leave donations call 649-7787 rh n rrh es ...... a town went wild. Crowds Take home tote bag; a dutch money. Take home a Seek Funds, Food, Gifts and make arrangements for delivery. ^ ...... rag e o The sharing appeal is also asking for E.rl, Urged ...... " poured in. Begging for an elegant gravy oven; a spice rack; gift from our Santa. funds, food and gift items for disadvan- Donors are reminded to send their con- Manchester Has I t ...... Page 18 a distinctive sal­ And join the celebration trlbutlons as soon as possible to insure Business N e w s...... Page 7 blenders. Screaming for ladle with match­ equitable and effective distributions of x v Pace 9 ing cake server, or ad set; a bridge that Manchester just their gifts. Checks will be accepted until u,iJY't U ...... „ “ ,, spice racks. Crying for Dec. 31 and may be made payable to Wings of Evening...... Page 14 comforters. a handy combination chair; or a cozy couldn’t hold back. MACC Seasonal Sharing Fund, PO Box Cheney rolls on ...... Page 13 comforter. 773, Manchester. East, MHS tonight...... Page 12 Come on down and get in screwdriver/wrench set. Food baskets, food vouchers and gift u„_oia A„nir, er family.