Twronif-poim MONDAY, JANUARY 8, 1972 Average D ai^ Net Press Ron JHanrlffaterc lEvanlng ?l|araUi For T|m Woek Bnded The W eather” November M, ,1071 . Ralri tonight likely changing back to maw before' ending M m t Hpralh early in a.m.; low Tn 20o. To­ 15,590 morrow gradual clcaHng, windy, Manchettef— A City of Village Charm cold; high near so. STOREWIDE CLEARANCE SALE VOL. LXXXXI, NO. 79 (F O U R ’TiBBN P A G E S ) MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, JANUARY 4, 1972 (ClMolfled Advertloing on Plage 13) PRICE FIFTEEN CENTS • * ■ IJth Plane Lost, SfiVE ON RNY OF THESE 32 THINGS YOU WANTED BUT DIDN’T GET FOR CHRlSTmflS - Tax-Balance 4 Copters Down AND IF YOU’YE GOT ALL OF THESE, BUTTERFIELD’S HAS HUNDREDS OF OTHERS ON SALE NOW! Bite Coming In Air Sorties ■ Savings on Women’s Coats and Dresses ^ i f ■ Savings on Jeweirg and Rccessorles: SAIGON (A P )— The U.S. .Command today announced « Fake fur coats you can brag aboutr-T^1ey wear well, care well ahd come i - i 1 6 . Distinctive designer jewelry by Vendome and other famous makers. the loss of another fighter-bomber over northern Laos, On Paycheck r_i 1 and four American helicopters were shot down during an in lots ot fashion styles from pant lengths to hooded mIdis.rA real buy at But­ Ropes; bibs, pins and earrings. Now at Butterfield's', Vi Off the ticket a ^ k on a U.S. patrol northeast of Saigon. terfield's 49.00 to 49.00 prices. price. Th6 cominaiul sold on A ir " ' By STERUNO F. GREEN Xnoroe F4 Phaxttom waa hwt last tN^hfAr wimr witiAti W A SH IN G T O N (A P )— In spite of the tax relief vot­ BWday due to unknown oauaea ^***®’J o ^ r a ^ □ 1 • Leather and suede coats. Cabretta or buckskin with zip-out pile linings □ 1 7 . Costume jewelry. Earrings, necklaces, braclets^and the like. Values tram the base, waa Inactivated ed by Congress last month, millions of Americans will for New England winters. Misses sizes in many lengths. Butterfield's has priced from 2.00 to 7.50. Now take yourchoice, just 99 cents. ' ' ed aa it iVSi last aununer and since then the find their take-hbme pay reduced after Jan. 16 by a them at just 59.00 and 69.00. U S w **“ housed various head- bigger income tax bite out of their checks. ^ quarters units. C o n g re s s has increiued ------Norttr Vietnam since Dec. 10; □ 1 8 . Large selection of assorted style handbags. Shoulder straps, frame sharply the withholding rate, to em pflon-to Insure that he Is 10 of th^ crewmen are listed make the ^ o u n C of tax with- meeting, his tax obllgaUons I I 3 . Special purchase Suzy Perette dresses. A group of stylish little numbers. styles and many others. Dressy looks and casuals. Good buys at their regular missing and six were rescued. held by employees come closer throughoUf the yeEir but not Very Suzy! In sizes 6-16. Regularly 50.00 to 130.00. An unusual valu^ even for prices from 7.00 to 16.00. Better buys at Butterfield's sale prices, 3.99 to 8.99. A spokesman, Capt. James r.r'i to matching the employe’s ac- overpaying along the way. Butterfield's', at 29.99.. D’Bnbremont, said his reports India Quiet tUEii tax UabiUty for the year. He CEUt Ijiase his allowEincea □ 1 9 . Six-foot skinny scarves. Orion acrylic or wool,-to keep the cold away. did not Indicate wfakt mission That will correct the under­ for 1972 cm the Eunount of de­ the F4 waa on, but ineaumably r:n 4 • Famous label^ dresses. One and two piece styles. Knits, wools, novelty AAany colors and patterns. Regularly 5.00. Amazing at Butterfield's low sale price withholding which, for mfuiy ductions he claimed in 1971 or blends. Street and ankle length styles. Junior and Misses sizes. This selection sold It was either supporting Lao­ tEtxpayers, luis been a nulsiuice on a reasonable esUmate. If his of 99 cents. tian gnXind forces or was tak­ On Releasing for years. For 1972 Etnd there­ regularly in our stock for 32.00 to 85.00. Butterfield's now brings them to you for SEilEtry or deducUble expenses ing part in the massive air after, fewer middle-Emd upper- chEUige during the year, he cEm 16.99 to 39.99. ■ Savings on Lingerie and Foundo^tlons: i f canq^algn against North Viet­ Income taxpayers wUl have to jjjg new certificate increasing nam’s Ho Cbl Mlnh supply trail Of the Sheik mEiil quEirterly estimated tax OF decreasing the amount with­ n 2 0 . Semi-annual sale of famous name foundations. Vanity Fair, AAaiden networii. payments or- make large lump­ NEW DELHI (AP) — The In- held. Form, Warners, Playtex, Peter Pan, Smoothie, Gossard, Youthcraft, Van Announcement at the loss sum payments when they tile □ 5 • Budget dresses and two piece (polyester knit) pant suits. Lots of looks for Raalte, FormfIt-Rodgers and many others. Save 20 per cent to 40 per cent on all was delayed whUe search oper- “ “ government remained sl- their income taix returns. Juniors, Misses and Wom^n. Our regular Butterfield's prices were 15.00 to 30.00. your favorites. * ” . atkms were under way, today on hie Pakistani This WEIS a particular' prob­ D’Bntremqnt said. president's EuinoUncement that lem in 1971 for married couples But now they're sale priced at just 8.99 to 14.99. Roma-^Eternally Jammed City in which both husbamd and wife The four heUcopten were Sheik Mujlbur Pahmon will be 3 1 . Nylon tricot nightgpwns and matching robes. Maize, pink or blue. Sizes work. The old withholding ta­ they released and on hU offer to Despite free bus service, Rornans prove obstinate as this car-filled downtown streetsKows. (A P photo) ^Raiders ’ S, M & L: Regular 10.00 values^ Butterfield's sale price, 6.99 each. bles were geared to give them ■ Savings on Women’s Shoes: ^ trol that was attacked n w ^ cne too mEiny low-income Edlow- Etnees; mEUiy will have to pay nn 6 * Women's sporty casual shoes. Group of great looks. Crepe soled suedes, ^ 3 2 . Cotfoh flannel sleepwear group. Tailored pajamas, long or short gowns. dusk Monday In the Jungles 40 . Very specially priced at 3.99. miles northeast ot Saigon. The ^ k e d about the possibility of several hundred dollEirs on Tackling right and ready for pants and jeans. Charlie Browns and leather lace-ups. By command said one GI was peEUM talks, a . government April 16 to get right with the Connie, Bass Weejun and others. Regular 15.00 to 23.00. Butterfield's January kUled and 18 Were wounded In spokesmEui referred ',to state- IntemEd Revenue Service. The chamge In the wlthludd- price, jusf^.99 to 15.99. , ^ 3 3 . Famous/name brushed nylon gowns and pajamas. Trimmed with lace or the attack. It waa the bisBest ky Prim e Minister In- Muskie To Tell Us cret embroidery. Sizes S, M & L, or 34 to 40. Regularly 8.00 to 10.00. Now 5.99 and 6.99 at American ground M tlS f^ ing tabl^ WEES designed to cor­ Ecology more than a month. BkiMny = By W ALTE R R. M EAB8 It is part of a presidentiEd bid lEuider Muskie is heavily fa- dlEina, who Eumounced his cEm- rect that situation for the new Butterfield's. tax year—Euid to give the Q 7 • Dress shws for day into evening. And pant suit styles, buckled or with loaaes were not known. ' f TOAaiTnmrvnr.M /a d i EdpeEidy has cost Well over vored. didacy in Manchester, N.H., MONTVILLE (A P ) __ .__ _ . ^ , friendship and fruitful tEdka Is 41 million, Eind has taken Mus- "This is where the first real Monday. " I will win,” said TreELBury the current use of eui"^ the latest lacings.'By names you'll know like Air Step, Risque and Vaneli. Were High school students Etfound the 3 4 . Famous name robes. Large selection of styles in long and short lengths. had been sent out discernible, the modaUty will Eidmund S. Muskie Maine ki« to 34 of Jhe 60 states during primary takes plEice,” JEtekson HEirtke, venturh^ a forecast estimated f l billion which for- 15.00 to 24.00. Starting tomorrow, just 9.99 to 16.99. f ^ ^ “ "tU- not present pitAlems.” flig h t formally entera the flvi^months. said In JackaonvlUe, Fla. state are being mobilized to V Sizes P, S, MT& L. Regularly 20.00 to 45.00. Butterfield's sale price, 12.99 to 24.99. ctltor -IJemdcraLts have avedded m erly has been underwithheld A?*"rv.*'*i****T^!?-,®*******’ The Indians have said repeEd- Democr^c presidenUal race ^wo of Muskie’s rivals for In New Hampshire, in a state Euljacent- t o Muskle’s in the course of each ycEU*. force political CEindidates emd Cavalry Division, nine « u y that Oie release of Mujlb But in correcting the under m 8 . Fashion boots. Best of the season in black or brown su^e. Good range of has been running for more nomination. Sens. George McGovern weus filing his peti- Maine, A , other public officiEils to tedee a ^ 3 5 . Hostess length robes. Choose from prints and patch-work patterns. Sizes nuies away. would bring settlement o< Uist than a year. McGovern of South Dsdeota amd tions of candidEicy today, and President Nixon’s name was withholding of one lEuge group . . . ^ . women's sizes. Front zipper closing. A regular 30.00 value. Now just 22.90. Tile patitd was hit by a bar- month’s two-week weu- much of tEoepayers,____ Congress___ stand hEta on environmentEd issues. S, M & L. They were an unusually good buy at Butterfield's regular price, 8.99. Muskie purchased 10 m inutes chiding Jackson, Humidirey filed for the . Republican prl- rage of amaU arms and auto- closer. President Zulflkar AU of prime, nationwide television m Euid Mayor John V. Undsay of mary ballot Monday. complicated the finEUtcial prob­ The Connecticut Citizens’ Ac­ Now they're just 5.99, tion Group, affiliated with matte weapon! fh». The Ameri- Bhutto Euuiounced Monday tim e to niEdce sui Eumouncement New York for skipping the Nixon, who has vlrtuEdly de- lems of Emother lEirge group by ■ Savings on fTlenswear: Ralph Nader, has held two ses- cans moved back with their night that the sheik, the father h e taped Monday at his chlUy Maine leadoff state. dared candidacy Edready, is causing overwithholding. casualties, and teams o f obser- of the BEUigladesh Independence Millions of taxpayers—par- sicHis helping high school stu- ■ Savings on Teens* and Children’s Stgles:^ sununer hom e in Kennebunk “ I know the poUtiCEd pres due to formally announce his' 'vatton helicopters, rocket-tiring movement, wlU be releEised Ettt- Revelation ticulsurly middle-income couples 4ents become ecologicEdiy llter- □ 9 . Entire stock of men's suits reduced. All new fashion looks with famous Beach, Midne. automaticEdly concede this bid for re-electlcn before J eui. In which only the husbEmd *4® enough to Intelligently quiz c n 2 6 . Girls' pre-teen coat sale. From pant coats, to midis and Gibson Girl gunahlpe and medlcttl evac- er another session of talks be- Sen. Hubert H. Humphrey of stEite to your neighbor, Ed Mus- 14, but has sEdd he w ill not en- labels you'll recognize. Polyester knits and wool worsteds. Eyecatching patterns, works, Emd those cledming officials on environmentol Is- lengths. Wools, tapestries, fake furs and novelties. Sizes 6-14. Regularly 24.00‘to uaitton heUcoptera were called tween the two. Minnesota is expected to round Henry M. Jackson of Washing- kie, but I don’t think New gage in public partisan Eictivi- geometries and plaids. Regularly 65.00 to 150.00. Now 49.00 to 109.00. large eimounts of itemised de- sues. In. India has made ’‘Euudous In- out the Democratic field when ton, already were at work In Hampehlre men and women ties imtU shortly before Labor 70.00. Now 15.99 to 49.99 at Butterfield's. ductions—^will find the new Toby Moffet, heEto of the Enemy Are brought down quiries”' to the Intemittimml he declares his candidacy Jan. the leadoti primaiy; states. give Euiythlng automatically,” Day. lO.AAen's outerwear and overcoats. Suburbans, parkas, and stadium coats. three of the medy^ i evEtcuatton Cross, to the Swiss and withholding tables take too CX3AQ, noted recently that I _ I 10. \ Florida, vriiere M c ^ m said. ^ i^ ^ n faces the challenges of deep a bite. young people 'have been lumdi- n 2 7 . Entire stock of boys' coats and jackets reduced. Toggle coats, subur­ heUcopten and an obaervatton “other friendly governments’’ Muskie’s announcement will the votes wlU be cast March 14, The Democratic field In New Rep. paul N. McCloskey Jr. of Leathers, suedes, woofs and other fine fabrics. Priced to warm the heart. The withholding IncreEuse Is capped by lEusk ot knowledge heU cop^. They suffered mod- tor further InfwmEitlon E^bout be broadcEESt on CBS television, was busy discounting tiie voting Hampshire includes McGovern, California a Republican llber- Regularly 50.00 to 140.00. Now just 34.00 to99.00. bans, parkas and pea coats. Sizes 8 to 20. Regularly 25.00 to 42.50. Now But­ so Isirge, In fact, Uuit In msmy about specific issues, erate ^ heavy damage, and Mujlb, the spokesman said, at 8:20 p,m. EJST. 'Die Maine in New Hampshire, scheduled Muskie, who w ill-file tor the John M. Ashbrook £ terfield's sale priced at just 16.99 to 29.99. ceises It will more than offset He cited the exEimpIe of stu- one crewman was wounded. Swiss government has senator said the television time « i e weric eariier. Jackson de- primary ballot Thursday, May- of Ohio, a conservative, the paycheck benefits that Con- dents meeting with their repre- The medical choppen were looked after the Interests of In- cost Me; CEumpidgn organisatioa elded to bypass the New HEunp- or Sam Yorty of Los Aitigeles, d l i e Famous name dress shirts. Stripes, solids, patterns and high fashion gress enacted lEust month In the sentatives during the con­ □ 2 8 . infants' layette sale by Carters, ^hirts, gowns, kimonos, sacque sets, maiked with red crosses, but 41a and Pakistan In each oth- ♦80,000. shire primary, where New Eng- Eind-Sen. VEince Hsu-tke o f In- . ^ ' fancies. Every wanfed size and sleeve lengfh. Were 7.00 to .13.00. Butterfield'? form of h i^ e r personEd ex- troversy over the McOovern- stretch cotton terry coveralls and training pknts. Save 20 per cent to 40 per cent on thp 1st A ir Ckv said one of pris territory during the weu:. January price, 4.99 to 7.99. them also CEurled two miushlne Sources Indicated that the In- emptions Emd Em IncreEued Hatfield Eind Cooper-Ghprch Butterfield's regular ticket price. guna. ■ It reported these were dlan government is not com- stEmdard deduction. amendments to end AmericEm not tired because there was too mentlng on Mtijib .for feEir that Taxpayers at the income lev­ mllltEiry involvement In In­ H pavings on Women’s Sportswear: ^ much smrce plans to turn over Its |60 mEutahlp." bility. ■ n I S • Sporty car coats. All wool meltons with pile or quilted linings. Pea coats, tratl(Hi-backed legislation for Diego yards of the Natlonad pam, the Nixon-Sato summit Is politics figured In the dis­ at a conference hosted by Na­ mlUlon base itt Phan Itang, 100 Praise for Bhutto's speech □ 3 2 . Fuzzy piie fabric coats in a Gibson Girl length.^One style with hood and heavy federad subsidlzedion of Steel Emd Shipbuilding Oo., one widely expected to be the most cussion. Tile new form caurrles a table der. captains' coats, blazer styles. Sizes 6-18. Recognized values at 46.00 to 52.00 Now mUe# northeast of the capital, Edso cEune from the BhEuratiya modem vessels that otherwise of mamy feeling the burden of contentious of six the President On Wednesday. Nixon -will showing how mamy ’ ’adlow- During the FebruEuy confer­ 24.99 at Butterfield's. multi-coior braid trim. Specially pricedat29.90. Another with vinyl trim and a pull to the South Vietnamese air Krantl Dal party of Uttar Pra- would be build In shipyairds lower-cost foreign eompetlUon. liELS been holding with leaders confer at the Western White ances” the taxpayer should ence adoption of a statewide through rope belt, Also kind of speciai at 24.90. Both availabie in sizes 4-6X, 7-14 force within the next two desh, Mrs. Oandhi’s home overseaui where construction The President, who g;ave no of major aillles. claim—at ♦750 each, the gpw policy on environmentEd Issues mrp., which contains a first- ceeded the 5.8 per cent guide­ fired, wrecking the truck tha) members Tfould prepoae such a year raise of 81 cents In the was Its launching pEUl. m line, and wem cleEurly inconsist­ 'fit. regulation during meetings this ♦4.82 hourly average, an 11.8 ent with ' a policy of stable “ Never again,’’ said Smith, per cent increase. The ex­ vOeek. prices.” wading ashore. “ It’s the last BunERflEld'sMANCheSTERFhRkAdE BWTERfiEld'sMANChESTERB»RkAdE BtrrERflEld'sMANChESTERB^RkAdE BoiTERflEld's M;\NchESIERPARkAdE BuTTERflEld'S MANChESTERB»RkAdE BuriERflEld's'"' Lest month the busineBa ception Is the lA M pket with In thes.e actions the boEird ap­ time I travel that way,” • members Issued a Manket ohal- Uidted Aircraft Oorp. in Oon- proved a flrst-yeEur ndse of 15 I ■ m "H e’s too heavy,” said Webb. iMige of aU deferred ralaee nectlout, where the union got per cent for coal miners, smd Mama Bear and Baby Bear “ He should have flown 80 feet.” over 7 per cent, hut under this only an 8-per-cent rtdse In the It’s going to coat him ♦SOO to procedure the board would .first year. (See ftge Six)' Hilda, a polar bear at a Memphis zoo, lets cub peek from parental safety then take a ride. (A P photo) repedr the cqnnon.

■ I ./ ■\ ■ .. . MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN;, TUESDAY, JAI^ARY 4, 1972 PAGE THREE PAGE TWO ^NCHESTER EVESflNG HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, JANUARY 4, 1972 try, jl^ ure to display rear red Indiana Gets IDENTIFICATION Hebron SheinwolcI on Bridge Coventry lights. Public Comnients Tonight Court Cases Leo J. Kajda, 48, of Hartford, Drug "Snoopers PASSPORT PHOTOS intoxication. j SAIJEM NASSIFF IFOR RAREN18 AND DONT THROW PAF« On Agenda Before Board CAMERA SHOP A SfTUlHO NORTH Edward L. Lauritzen, 68, of I INDIANAPOLIS (AP) — In- I YO U N Q P EO P IE j AND THEN CATCH IT CIRCUIT COURT 12 Coventry, breach of peace, and f. 628 Main St., Manebester Towii^ Votes TonigM ^ K 83 Thtee Jobs Approved By ALFRED SHEINWOLD Manchester Session Intoxication. The Board of Directors will 4. Proposed increase of four dlana state police are purchas- 648-7866 I SMMaSMSKMilMSaSyW One of (the Important Iwsons <:} AK83 per cent in the town clerk’s ing about 800 field narcotics de­ 0 AK6 An 18-yOar-old Enfield youth Daidel V. Paul, 2^ ^ ^ U a n d , meet tonight at 8 In the Munlcl effective Jan 1 you learn from bridge is that It tection kits which allow pollce- doesn't always pay to be a ♦ AJ2 In Emergency Fund who is charged In five Novem- operating an unregistered mo- pg, Building Hearing Room to ®«®®“ '"® J®"- i- On Buying Rec Land I *a Mil UMlIflo' - her house breaks In Manches- tor vehide, and Improper use of hear public comments on Items 6. ^ Proposed amendment to toe ^en to test suspected narcotics hero. You don’t have to throw a WEST EAST Manchester Country Club lease fiswnl AMItnen 4k A762 NEW! — EXCITIMO ‘ Residents will have the tlnal the Board of Finance, and the., 90-yard pass and then run down # QJ 105 The Coventry Town Council members fer the Conservation ?ry® ® ‘ ®'’'? y ’„P*®^®? S a t e d clmrges of larceny on its regular monthly agenda, to allow new membership fees . ,, 9 6 2 chairman of the Planning and the field and catch It yourself. <;?■ 7 4 last night agreed to go for three ^m m U slcn. ^ m o cra t Bwee S toreTthe fourth de^ ee in connec- At 7:30, before toe hearings of $818 for . families,...... $240 ...for t®**® the substance to a police say tonight at a special town' Ml MU MMintO i Today’s hand makes the same O J 10 5 Zoning Commission to establish 0 Q982 laboratory. NATURAL HEALTH meeting called lor 8 p.m. at the 6 P PlTMUl GuMiMt IllliiUlll I point In purely bridge terms. + 10 7 6 A Q 8 5 4 and revise when necessary, the ' A state police spokesman FOOD SHOPPE Hebron Elementary School ^on fees for driveway permits an^ North dealer . SOUTH Neither side vulnerable said toe kits are being pur­ whether the town should buy sanitary permits. 4 94 Manimo | Opening lead — Queen of chased from a Junior Achieve­ the Oross-Dressman property 9 QJ 1095 sessor, and two clerics for toe to fill toe vacancy created, by T^ie arrest Dec. 7 of Ronald , . ’ ’ roctors discuss the fuitetion And finally, residents will be IMV 17 KWlrM I Spades. - toe resignation cf Aaro Aho, White, according to Manchester ‘ ’'“ ‘‘P- ^ ' O*^®" Job Bank It would be toe first since 1967. propriation Dec. 19 for the pur­ Co, 1, Main St. QWef Dosiald king and then leading a low Q-9-8-2 ; Clubs, 10-'f-6. ITie largest of these, a claim Supeili EVENT SCHEDULED went------down- to^ unanimousu n X o u ^ s defeat, T J ^ t ’. Elm St., and WillUms ^ of It Is not known what changes chase. Qrlttl,n Sr. called for an early unoH. club to try a finesse with dum- What do you sayt “ on toe seven- which occurred Nov. 29. Capt. of $76,000 damages, >^03 brought Before this, two options on the •W EW l my’B jack. Answer: Bid three clubs, the having been moved only for a Charter Revision Commission THAT CALLS FOR meeting to enable members to purposes of discussion. member CC new consists of Joseph Sartor said about in against toe town, the Board of property were taken out by the This line of play m et with the Stayman Convention, asking would be charged with making. m m m FOOD? attend the town meeting. T1 G ets Start Educaticxi, and three custodians town. An attempt was made to success it deserved. East took partner to bid a major suit of ■me Emenfency Employment ®®®^ Discussions of charter changes Annual reports of the chief, at Manchester High School, ’tlie have the finance board appro­ the queen of clubs and returned four or mere cards. If partner Act is federally funded^ and toe The South Windsor'Job Bank, In toe past year have touched It n»y .be a wedding, a bon- secretary and treasurer will be ‘Share SkUV plaintiff, Mrs. Harriet Adairilk' qnet or Jnat on fafformal get- priate funds before the first op­ the jack cf diamonds. The de- bids three spades, you will on a number of areas. presented at the meeting and as White is free on a non-surety conjunction with toe Connect- of Bolton, clalifis she slipped on together of a. oodety, lodge or tion expired. This failed and, at fenders eventually took the set- raise to game in spades. If he tlclpate in it at a December Former mayor and now State annual dues will also be pay­ TmJTmMHncr ^ . ®«an alternate to to,© Planning ond Icut State Employment Service T ® '*'step s leading from Manchester some friendly graop. a special town meeting, the op­ Plan Forms ting trick with the queen of dla- bids anything else, you will bid able at this time. All members , 1 t » o , ^ is Zoning2cnlnar Commission, the reason y ,- jjareh -hirv (CSES) and toe South Windsor Oomptroller*^>nptroiier Nathan AgostlnelflAgostmeiit Hlah.nigh. School Dec. 16, 1970 at tion was-renewed. 3-NT. are encouraged to attend. - monds. ®PP” "‘^ ® t* 'y W7,- being itoat he has been a{^>oint- jigf Chamber of Commerce, began **®® wtYeJ direct election of toe about 8:30 p.m., 'after an adult We Are Prepared to Subsequently, the Bbard of Fl- Copyright 1672 At School South went down because he S S t ^ y 4 r ^ " S t o S ,^ “'S id ^ 0* A 90-day suspended sentence operations today. town’s mayor and substantial In- education class. She claims that Serve You to Yours , nance voted, Ijlefore the second Just prior to the annual, meet­ tried to do everything by hlm- General Features Corp, agency. Town Manager Terry Sprenkel creases in the mayor's and di- jali resulted from Ice and ing, the Ladies Night Commit­ may be allocal.ted for a second Complete Satisfaction option expired, to permit town Mrs. Ellen____ Morse_____ ^of 31 »Prince- _____ ael^- He should have made the Requesto from both toe North ^ ^ u < m *h e ^ to^Texafto Ws ®®*‘^ ^® ‘ the ewpera- rertdrs’ salaries. on toe steps. 'meeting action on the purchase tee, composed of Harvey Des- year. r%/4 a^s,6u sxsse. conoiucm M lo loxas lo Hw tlon of South Windsor business Maiicheflter'flManchester’s CCDAP task force ton St., a fifth grade teacher contract by getUi^ a little help THEATER TIME . . __and Scuth Coventry Volunteer Adamik claims she sus- Oor oatoriag oervloe is set op I for $60,000 but fklled to make rulsseaux, Thomas Nee, Tony Advertising for the poBltloiis» pire Departments were atmrov* J a Sm , uid tho computer MCTloi, ■<»' sovomment oorect- Pitrone, Paul Jones' Kenneth at Waddell School, is develop- opp^ents. SCHEDULE tain multiple Injuries, in toe to be flexible enough to oc- any appropriation. ing a volunteer "Share Your which WUl go^ to Coventry resl- ed, so toot repreaentaUveifrom ~ “ «' <4 th. OSIPS. I m a m t s r n u llot ? fall. voommodate any size gathering, Porter and Bruce MacBryde dents prrferatoly, and second to both departmento may attend r®’oley o i y OL.,St., aafter «er hene pleadedpieaaeu gull iob vacancies will be changes last March which In- At a town meeting that follow­ Skills’ ’ program for pupils In . f A $^,000 claim has been wlnr not eoll ns sad talk over | will meet at 6:30 at headquar­ Burnside — "Diamonds Are Tolland County residents, tan t h e Emergency Technician ty to possession of controlled duded consolidation of the ed, residents approved the pur­ Grade 6 at the school. It has. the ( '"‘"'Hi brought by Alisa Kove, a minori th^detaOs? ters. clubs alone. No matter how the Forever,” 7:00, 9:10. commence immediately in toe ccurae. The South Coventry drugs. chase, but again the Board of backing of the school system wlll be held open for 72 hours town's financial operations into through her father. Dr. Irwin Weather permitting, Co. , play goes he Is sure to lose a Manchester Drive-In ■ Re­ case of the municipal positions, company received $400 for 20 Prosecutor lAfilUam Collins Finance failed to .appropriate 3 admihlstration. with preference given to unem- ® department of Finance, ap- Kove of 202 Henry St. The suit vdll hold its next paper drive ' diamond sooner or later, and opens FMday. since they have already re- men to attend toe course, whUenoUed-charge , of sale of mari- the $60,000. Based on an apprais­ It is aimed at attracting the ployed South Windsor residents, polntment of a full-time, town claims that the gtol slipped and cn Feb. 26 in the north end of South should give that trick up East Hartford Drive-In - Re-< cei'ved aj^roval from toe BEA the North Coventry company re- J“®**®- al of the land, the board appro­ talent of the community and T 4 nvtii ru. 4 i.a m- V Thosc interested may review counsel, consolidation of the fell on a Henry St. sidewalk Jan. Carden Grove Caterers, Inc. town. a; the right time. That Is, South ^ , * officials. The school boaM must celved $200 for 10 men. priated $40,000, requested the sharing it with school children Judge PhUlp Dwyer told T a ^ regional and local vacancies Park and Cemetery Depart- 7 , 1971 at 10:16 p.m. sustaining a TELEPHONE 649-5313—649-^314 takes the top diamonds and Bast Windsor Drive-In - Re- seek its own approvals through -r The courae is run by toe State >>e. „.m- was fortunate inim having h.uHm- his. m j^e TowH Hall duting normal mente, making toe town clerk’s selectmen to make an offer to The firemen request that all in small groups for a two-hour 1 1 fractured right anicle as well as papers be bundled, tied and left then g iv es up the third diamond opens Friday, Town Manager Dennis Moore, Department of Transpertation, family and community help the owners. session each week. office hours. .A new list wlU be 'post appointive rather than other injuries. The suit claims When the owners refused this at the curb for pick-up, For to t h f defenders. Meadews Drive-In - "Week- who is the official administrator and is required for ambulance Mm, and wished him luck In nvallaible by toe OSES on Tues- elective, allowing toe Board of She Retires from Nursing The youngsters have listed 4mm ^NlMeeMM*eMe ■ -•___ •_ _ _ _*. _*.._-*------cavn ,7 sm*______*______the fall resulted becailae of Ice offer the Board of . Finance met special pick-ups residents are The defender who wins the With Babysitter,” 7:07; of toe program for Coventry. drivera. In an effort to standard- Texas. Both charges, according Mrs. Ceretha Lachausse of In the picture, Mrs,:Lechau8se a year she spent in Japan, she these skills that they hope to days and Thursdays lor use af- Directors to borrow up to $200,- on toe sidewalk. asked to contact Dick Bergeron, trick must return a club, since?* ‘‘Babysitter,’ ’ 8 :66; "Blood of Purpose of the program is to ize tills training throughout toe to Collins, resulted) from a again and voted to appropriate share: Guitar, French, Spanish, ter 1 1 a.m: on those days. COO for emergencies in any fiscal A $16,000 claim has been filed Fran Williams or James Lee. 666' E. Center St., who will re opens an envelope of mew junior high school, dition of piibllc sidewalk,” the IngiMM. In4m mind that tug. the ♦«««,town owns Thufsday! PubUca ^ Hearing ^ on program by tying down the poo- Also approved by th^ council ^ ty to toe charges. LaBelle thg state The l®«d would cost) $221,300 MM. KCgionaUxatlon, 8 p.m. Hebron and rtmple program of skUl- the cards lie. West should - ^ suit claims. almost no land for recreatiwi-..— “ . „ ' ,^8 itions, since priorities may were legal fees submitted by jg charged i wlto an October CJhambe^OT Commerce and over five years. sharMig, helping to make it use- the third diamond in order Mrs. Anita Lajeunesse of 191 ronflervation nurooses ** **It is ®^®**'®*'^**y School, Recreation Hebron-Andover-Marlborough shift. town attorneys Marte, Shea and house break in' Ashford. He is firms and added Other agenda items include.: . % n fl sa »• >isa WA fiiH Commission, 8 p.m., Town Of- fill, creative, cwistructive, and ^ lead a club through dummy. h ifw ^ v . local bualne Eldridge St. is asking $2,500 2025 time, he added, -' that we did a ^ Job Descriptions Keith totaling $00() and not cov- free on a promise to appear. the "coopera- I. Proposed acceptance of title damages. She claims she ' fell- acquire some land for these pur- ® BuUdlng; Street N u m ^ n g Scuth plays low from dummy,„ Vearis Moore SI elled out toe duties ered by ffco toe ^annual.„~.oi retainer. Robert GoigogUone, 28, of ^ ^ ~ _ Not All Styles and Sizes Available The program is scheduled to however, and East’s queen Is *‘®^® teS personnel and for a snow blower. 'Ihe tavm on a "dangerous and defective” po^ s and for future needs.” ’ of toe tore^ municipal poete for The first 1)IU, for $400, is for wiUlmantic, pleaded guUty to n.'^Jr"offer ta inake chmiges in has paid a total of $7,882.76 rent- begin early in February, de- trapped. Scuth is sure of hie E'"®- sidewalk on Eldridge St. Oct. OUR REMAINING STOCK OF “ The Groes-Dressman prop- Hearing Slated Tomorrow council members last night, not- work In connection with the case operating . a motor veWcle their computer program sys- al for the machine over toe 20, 1979 at about 8:30 p.m. She erty” , he said, “ offers the most Friday: Planning and Zcmlng pending solely upon volunteers contract unless East has both' Ing that toe assistant to toe involylhg Ernest Martuccl and vriiile toe right to drive Is under tams to “ flag South Windsor post two years and for $149.19 says she suffered a cut over potential for recreation and con- Commission public hearing on to share with chUdren the talent the queen and ten of clubs. ^ ‘Alias Smith and Jones, Davis will play opposite Ben building inspector arid assessor the Board of Education. The for- suspension, and to being a sub- yacancles with a minimum ot can acquire title to It. her right eye and an abrasion AFf ER SKI BOOTS servation. Also, of all the par- suspension of duplex building In and craftsmanship that has Dally Question given them pleasure, and satis­ Partner opens with 2-NT (22 Murphy. They ^ rtra y two will work on updating the aerial nier high school guidance coun- sequent offender to that of- the program 2. Proposed allocation In toe o f‘her^ieft ta e e ALSO AVAILABLE AT 2 0 % REDUCTION cels cf land reviewed by the town, 8 p.m.. Town Office Bulld- maps, act as a general assis- selor had sued toe board, but fense, and was given a 80-day be initiated," he said. Capital Improvement Reserve Bruce G Ronson of Bolton, commisslcns, Thornton Secor, ing. On School Regionalization faction, to 24 ponts), and the next play- Those wishing to participate tant, and ^tralghten out toe con- the case was dismissed when suspended sentence, with pro- Chamber’s director, Ro- iFund W $600 for architect’s fees owner of a buUdlng at 489 E. CLOSED TODAY IAN. 2ND State Conservation Agent, gave Saturday: Youth Basketball er passes. You hold: Spades, Q- "®®^y ^®®* fusion In toe cemetery maps Martuccl was unable to appear, bation for a year. Aubln and Sprenkel are Incurred when repairs were middle Tpke., Is asking $77.45 this piece of i«x>perty the best Doubleheader, Falcons vs. The- first in a series of three towns of the buildings, land and grams that have proven sue- th^ W ^ ' and deeds departimmt. - The second bill, for $600, cov- judge Dwyer gave Gorgbgll- urging unemployed residents to made to toe Manchester High damages, toe amount he rating” . Eagles and Hawks vs. Owls, pubUc hearings scheduled by contents of the present school cessful. ^ “ ‘® dell School office. ^^^two^clerksMwlll sewe^^ej^ et^ expensed In connection one a choice between that sen- take eidvantage of toe state’s School roof. ^ y s he spent to correct plumb- RIZZO SKI CHAIETS If residents vote to approve 1 .3Q p.m., Gilead Hill. School Regional Study Committee buildings less the bonded in- Also, the development cf eral functions. One id to wdrk the November drug raid, includ- tence and a $200 fine, first local Job bank jdlot pro­ 3. The proposed transfer of difficulties in toe building BERLIN TPKE. NEWMeTOII-VERIION CiULL VERNON the appropriatim they wfll then g^ n aslu m . to familiarize residents of He- debtedness, giving a paid-up well conceived and coordinated out of IMoore’s office wlto finan- conferenced-with toe T«Swn other cases- disposed of: gram to make it succeed. $7,600 from the 1971-72 ConOn- a sewer line in front of it be asked to vote -on financing o f- ______bran, Andover and Marlborough value, pupU personnel and guidance cial records, purchasing, bills council ahd Moore, Interviews Raui p. Bermudez, 27, of gency Account Unemploy- backed up Nov. 29. open dally 9-9 Sun 12 to 6 the $60,000. _ ■' . „ ... with its recommendation to fully South Windsor to Then, according to the town’s program. The committee felt D i a l and payioU, w M o tod other j^^l conferences with tRiB CMet Hartford, found guilty of a sub- ment Compensation. The IBoard of 'Finance has rec- Manchester Evening Herald regicnalize the schools will be wculd act aa an assistant to the Police and members of the stituted charge of failure to emmended that $6,000 be ap- Hebron correspondent, Anne percentage share based on aver­ there is a heed fer a full-time Teen-Age Girl held tomorrow evening in Marl­ schcol psycholcgist to head up, Bus Stop Signs zoning wept, and assist In plan- department, and attend- drive in toe established lane, proprtated fnxn thq, Reserve for Emt, -Tel. 228-3971 age daily membership at Rham p l e a s e borough at the ‘Thienes School. possibly, a department of Pupil nlng and, zoning matters, as weU ^ ^own CouncU meeting lined $80. Cental and Non-Recurring Ex------High School, the town’s obllga- Killed in Fire Other hearings are scheduled tion is figured. Perscmnel Services. Topic of Report CHECK ’ aa help! out toe tax collector Loulselle Boudreau, 21, of This department might In­ during peak periods of activity Hartfoixl, operating a motor ve- HARWINTON (AP) — In the event regionalization is To School Board SHOW in ^ t Office. Ratchford Says clude two full-time social work- TICHWCOtOM Manoheater Evening Herald hide without a Ucente, fined a 14-year-oId girl waa killed in apifroved, the payment schedqle Moore’ explained also toe du­ T!IMEr' Coventry oorre^Mndent, HoQy $ io . a fire early tills morning that He Backs Muskie iSoT to cover the equalization plan era, ccunaelora for both high -njg Board of Education wHl ties of toe proposed police of­ notes for a period cf three would have Andover making sc**®®* elementary pupils, a report on the status of BURNSIDE Oantner, td . 742-8796. \ WllUairi H. Felber, 41, pf destroyed her family’s home, ficer, -adiich would have been to Hartford, reckless driving, fin- officials reported, years. DANBURY (AP) — House k- equal apnual payments of special teachers as needed, at ..pug Stop” signs for Ellington go on regular patrol, freeing an . - M'|[ ed $60. The victim was identified as Approval wUl also be sought speaker WlUlam R. Hatch- ^® mder this rule, Mark G. Mlirdock, 16, of West escaped uninjured. would make five equal annual Other Programs task of following up a request by Visiting hours are 12:80 to 8 asked to determine whether the Edmund______S. Muskie,_____ D- ______^ ' ^ “ ‘“ tlze payments __ _ of _$34 374__ for credit__ Other program goals includ- a Tumblebrook Dr. resident to diVifwilfl nnnlv for F*6deral X, xvfi. BREAKFAST SPECIAL town should apply for Federal Maine, for the Democratic against Marlborough’s obliga- ed the establishment cf a ceii- have these indicator signs men, and State funds for partial re- presidential nomination. The report of thfe comnuttee tion the same period of time, tral resource center to serve toe placed on state-owned Elling- Jesse 1.4 ------a______X M * n«i^l_«v4 csiial a# a. .a m m ^ A. ______pmm • 2 EGGS WITH TOAST se urainara, in ms capw iiy * veWcle' uHihniitwithout a itoense.license, and imbursement cf toe purchase ' ^^tchfOrd’a announcement “ ®^. ®?™® “ *® advantages of media and audt-vlsual needs of ten Rd. for safety reasons. The as council liaison to toe police kindergarten through twelve . on uie ouier the schools In the area cf mate- parent maintains that toe poel- • 3 PANCAKES 49® reckless driving, were nolled. PLUMB-OUT The Children's Deparfmenf Store P'1 ?® ..? aeiect- made hlhi toe first elected offi- ^ ‘ ' hand, will leceive eqhvalent ^als production as well as tlons of toe dips and knolls, in • 3 SLICES FRENCH TOAST department, ought to bo giveri Admitted Monday; Dorothy NoUes -were entered in the Neither toe Boa cial In Connecticut publicly to *'®Bj°ual dlrtrlct, the opportunity to return to toe ™ j ^ ™ , j., men. the Recreation (tommis- ws support to W k l e . ^®®® ® P®d®y ^ district budgete. equipment. the road just prior to toe Tum- council with ^ specific recom- Dr., Rockville; following cases: Timothy J. Ahem, 21, of South STOP Sion nor toe Conservation. Com- m a written making board resulting general- ***® employment ot ade- blebrook-Falrway Dr. exit TOP HAT RESTAURANT mendatl9ite before another man Irene Chatham, Vernon Garden mission ara ;avor of toe stS^mS he^uived iSkie «duc^n of dupllca- ^ administrative supervl- where students board a school Windsor, larceny In the fourth 267 BROAD STREET was Wrbd. Apts., Rockville; Emery Clough, THIS HftPPY NEW YEAR - HAPPY SAVINGS - HAPPY SALES c< Federal and/or state funds contenders for toe conflict; Increased ef- personnel to provide toe bus create a visibility problem degree. er em eem of toe C (^ - ToUand; Gertrude Dawldowlcz, Ai-I ID ^ ^ ------— ------— JJames a m es nH. . AAiuiusun,Atkinson, zo, uiof De- !r. ““ ^■‘7- ™bi=or-b.r-! <” toe student «' embarkment cl] %as thii \Bo^ ^ Warehouse Pt.; Madeline Dusto. troit, Mich., failure to carry reasons. , ^ ^ ^ clearly shown he understood ‘m"®*'» single admlnlstra- nd as Fgrst, if such funds are used, ,tion; economics in toe purchad- However, the report goes on and evaluate toe recommended point. I to n e ^ for a p way on a one-way street, and styles are now reduced. Save for toe general supervision and (1) The Babysitter (R) comes to^,287.26 or ^ gj vemon; John A. JuUan, 22, of Coven- fire truck. Manchester Emblem Club ment of staff than that of four Teleph'6ne 648-2711 KIMBEaiLEY, South Arica — this year and next. Slzre 4-14. Money for toe purchase of a -wiU honor its past presidents at separate school systems; and control of toe State Board of Second Class Postage Paid at For toe past 80 years or oo, capita. Adding again Paym®®t Robert, Main St, Ell- Boys' Sweaters Coots and Coot Sets . Education. Uanchester, Conn. (06040) (2) Weekend with Babysitter new fire truck has been put its meeting tomorrow at 8 p.m. additional state subsidies pro­ gem-atone (hamotids have been ^Open Every Nite due on toe Jactaon Pr»P®^y; ington; Richard Eldienhorst, 18 2.99 to 6.99 30®/o O F F Would Purchase ' Properties SUBSCRIPTION RATES (3) Blood of Dracula’s Castle recently purchased for adWtloMl B^^,.oft Rd., RockVlUe; Ethel Girls' Slacks and Skirts aside over toe past several at toe Elks home. idded a K-17 Regional District. Payable in Advance mechanlcfOly mined from under­ Reg. to 10.00, now all our sweaters some with leggings, some without. years in reserve funds. ------The 'committee also listed sev- Regional District 8‘Vould pur- ground "pipes” that were the landfill land, toe P '® jf Grosch, Cedar Swamp Rd., Tol- 1.99 to 5.99 are reduced for after Christmas sav­ Most with hats. All at. great savings. c quest for authorization for toe AuxlUary wUl.- meet tomorrow er communications between toe owned -and used Three Months 6 TO Only toe large gem atonea — capita. Green Rd., Tolland; Empson able are in this group. Many have Moore noted toe per j^bom. Maple St., EUlngton: first selectman, the chairman of at 8 p.m. at toe clubhouse. Regional Board and the elected ®^** ”‘fs i n | i ? O o p y '' ...... 3-25 those of 12 carats or more — are elaatic backs. Sizes 4-14. Boys' Polos lie elementary education. capita costs were bawd on a jamco Tomllnsor, Plnney St, Sleepwear fiscal bodies of the three com­ becoming harder to find. The district would also .as­ CASA NOVA RESTAURANT population of 8,140, me iw i Ellington; Mary-Ann DlUUo, Htcrting Oil , 20®/o O FF 1.99 to 3.99 munities, if toe report is accept census figure. He said ^ o that c ir c le , Rockville; Doris from Atlantic Richfield Jerseys ond Blouses Ail our long-sleeved polos from Don- ed by referendum. sume toe responsibility for ROUTES so A 88 MANGHESTER/VERNON TOWN UNB Palamas, gown.s. sleeners from Car­ completion of toe ITilenes IV toe figures quoted are toe ac- Ellington; Gall 1.99 to 4.99 moor, Pickwick and Abels are now on ter’s, Hanes. Nltev-Nlte and ethers, Snowplow Operators They recommended that toe i_ Marlboroueh and as- LAST D A Y : “ LAD Y & TRAMP” 6 ;30 - 8;15 (Opposite Conn. Golf Land) sale. Deduct 20% from toe ticket. xveglonal school board begin Maruyrougn and as- tual dollar cost to toe towm Looby q w Farm Rd., ToUand; Choose from a ■wide assortment of all reduced for Infants and toddlers. , * , , , "^6 *“ sume payment for toe towns of However, perhaps toe cost « Toilano, 61 Huntington Dr., You iModn't give your colors and styles in knit jerseys and Sizes 4-20. plans for Implementing a mid- Andover. Hebron and Marl- ITALIAN & AMERICAN FOOD tlie land should not be consider- perma-press blouses. Sizes 4-14. die school program to serve Polos Appeal Loss of Pay borough for outstanding Ix>nd 6*3-7833 FBII PARKING RFAR Of THIATHf ed as a total cost of l a n d f i l l ______■_ oil burner o second Hieught' Dress Shirts Grades 6, ’7 and 8 ; all children participation notes Issued and since iL is e capital investment 30®/o O FF 20®/o O FF In Grades kindergarten through outstanding bonds. STARTS TOMORROW Girls' Dresses All long-sleeved tx>les are now reduced HARTFORD (AP) — snowstorm. ^ IS PRINCE and 'wiil have some value to toe All In perma-press in stripes, solids The Ommecticut State Employ- The men worked in toe'g a - five be housed in toe elementary committee In Its report town after ^ no longer used Peace Talks 3.99 to 6.99 from stock. Infants’ and toddlers’ WEDNESDAY SPAGHEHI ■when you put your oil bumer in experienced handk. We’ll and patterns. Great savings from a sizes In an assortment of styles. es Association (C8B3A) Is ap- rpge. C a ffr^ . said, until 11:30 schools of their respective towns, ngted some of toe future goals for landfUl purposes. Every dress in our winter stock is great maker. Sizes 4-20. pealing a decision that denied p.m. repalrtilg equipment and Also, that toe regional board and recommendations for a kin- DAY “ Also," Moore said, "if toe Will Resume give your oil bumer the full treatment — to make sure that now reduced at savings up to 60% pay to nine state highway readying snowplow trucks for conduct a program of transitipn dergarten through 12 regional cost of toe compactor is figured It is functioning properly — to give you carefree, econom­ and more. Toddler Ployweor S P A G H EH I & PARIS (AP) , —The United Sport 0 Jackets malntalners ’ for ■ 8% - hours toe road. from toe control of toe three district. over a ten-year period, too ical heating comfort. Day or night, routine or emergency. Reduced! overtime work Thanksgiving . Supervisors have testified town boards to that of toe reg- Among toe program goals are estimated life expectancy of the States and South Vietnam today 30®/o O FF MBATRALLS We make prompt delivery of famous Atlantic Richfield l i < ^Bve. that toe men were "gi^infully tonal board; that toe regional the development cf well articu- Girls' Bkners A terrific group for now and into Overalls, jumpsuits, pantsuits, cover­ machine, too annual cost would accepted a Oomihunlst proposal alls and other playwear have been re­ The appeal Is being made to employed" duiing. the 8% board consult with toe local fl- lated K-12-programs In all areas HMttng Oil. Vz Price sprhig. Many polyesters and blends. be cMislderably reduced." bold a session of the Vlet- Blazera also. Sizes 4-20. duced for this sale. A. Eari Wood, commissioner of hours, but they have received nance - boards during budget such as English, social studies, “BLUE WATER, Children • 1 .2 5 Breault said toat, M c ^ ln g t e nam peoc6" talks on Thursday A gpreat buy on this all-around jacket. transportatim. no pay for toe work, Caffrey preparations; and- that toe math, science; toe development to be At> t i n And All The Spaghetti studtos he a ^ capita after a four-week suspension. The state Department of said. regional board make provision (expansion) of K;12 programs W HITE DEATH Accompan­ You Can Eat FUEL OIL — OIL BURNERS — Transportation decided not to At 11:80 p.m., he said, toe for regular meetings with town in art, music, physical educa- The hunt for the ied by S I n ^ h e ques^tLed’ toe The United States called off Parents a full-time. caretaker the weekly meetings on Dec. 16 pay toe men after they refused maintailners were told to begin agencies. ticn, developmental reading, G r ^ Whifo StiMfc AIR CONDITIONINO r JUVENILE FURNITURE SAVINGS — UP TO 30% OFF! to work one man to a snowplow to plow snow, one man to a Cost Apportioned <> ' lemedial reading. ^ OPEN EVERY BUSINESSMEN’S LUNCHEON Mon.-Fri. "fth ^°nrt«ll It was noted how- and Dec. 28, saying It wanted Tremendous savings now, on Cribs, Chests, High Chairs, Car Seats, Toy Chests, Dressers and almost truck. The employes claim toe truck. They refused and were In its recap of toe cstinfate of -Also, toe development and e 'l e T S r s U n e ^ o n p r o l to give North Vietnam and toe -PLUS MOANING any of your furniture needs. This is a great time to get great savings. lack of a bsuik-up man on toe sent home. cckts of lands and facilities and implementation of a middle Cafeteria Style Daily tlU.2 P-M, ®I?'^’)»*l«niilred lust lor general Viet Oong more time to consld- 24-HOUR CUSTOMER SERVICE plows would cause a "serious The standard highway bureau equalization plan, toe committee school program to meet the (EXOEFT SUN.) of t o ( « r b r i K er their position in hopes they AT A.M. PIZZAS - GRINDERS _ TAKE d lw supervision ^^uid e n ^ into serious nego­ safety hasard to the public and policy has been to put two men lists Andover as being $69,388 unique needs cf toe young ado- 6 refuse to toe site, even though to themselves," said toe CSEA. on each plow truck. The size of short of its obligation; Hebron lescent; toe continued develop- J O H N W A Y N E TO SERVE ORDERS — CALL BEFORE LEAVING the caretaker Actually compacts tiations. OPEN M ON. FRI. TILL 9 P.M. A Howard Hawks Production BREAKFAST Both sides canceled toe Deo'. TRI-CITY PLAZA Edward Osffioy, a OSEA rep- toe crews has become an issue as $171,OT4 short; and Malrbor- nient of programs designed to HOME — 648.0266" and fills fof o” 'y *‘®'“ '® resentative, said the men were recently, however. The Ether- ough $241,204 in excess of its meet the needs of Individual 30 meeting because of the FOGARTY BROS.. INC. SAT. TILL 6 P-M. _ TEL. B72-9193 each day. . heavy U.S. air attack on North VERNON CIRCLE called to toe highway g a n ge in ington Commission said a one- cbligation. students (indlvlduaUzqd in- “ R IO L O B O ” VISIT OUR 9H1LDERS RESTAURANT Conservation Commission 319 BROAD ST. A A O jtR W Bolton iki 8 p.m. Nov. 24 during man operation would be more These figures based on toe struction); toe encouragement Appointees Vietnam last week. Each side 'fechnicokx* At: 7:w ON HARTFOBJD ROAD IN MANCHESTER MANCHESTER the state's first major winter, efficient. appraised value in. toe three and expansion of pilot pro- Tn nthnr last night, toe accused toe other of taking

k l ' l % PA(5E POUR MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, JANUARY 4, 1972 j - MANCHESTER ^EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, JANUARY 4, 1972 PAGE JTVE il$nrl;p0tpr for his party in 1970. He is in front large­ ly because of a ^yle which seems to South Windsor Drug Center lEttmns If^raUi well up out of hts own character even Yoii Should Know ’the Drug Advisory Center, when,-as. with s6 many candidatbs, the ?•' ,-•«! .V 83 Park St., Is open Monday X PUBUSHED BY THE ' words he uses are written by somebody Gounlcil Takes Steps through Saturday from noon ^ MANCHESTER PUBLISHING CO. ^ rVft''‘i to 10 p.m. 13 Bisaell Street else. His main problem, from here on in, Mrs. Michael Mlsovich can’t Manchester, Conn. picture her life without 4-H. A telephone backup service BURL LYONS is to avoid mistakes which might shatter ^Publisher "I can see mdy good in being is available when the center Founded, October 1, 1881 the image. in 4-H,” she said. She enjoys To Reeycle Newsprint Is closed. ? " For drug hd-visory informa- i^bllshcd Every Evening Except Sundays If Muskie stumbles, as Romney did, learning new crafts to bring to ’The 'Town Council last illght equipment must conform to all and Holidays. Entered at the Post Office at members Krf her group ■who Uon, call 646-2016. Manchester. Conn., as Second Class Mall then it is Humphrey, the loser whose se­ took the first steps toward join­ requirements of Public Act 867 meet at her 31 Bell St. home Matter. ______■ ______lection by his party to run for {President ing a nine-town paper recycling and motor vehicle commission SUBSCRIPTION RATES one evening a week to work on ^ progrram when it adopted a regulations, ■with special atten­ Payable in Advance again would seem unthinkable arid im­ sewing, cooking and creative resolution authorizing Town tion directed to having valid One Year ...... possible, who stands in relatively the crafts projects. She has been a ■Menager Terry Sprenkel tiS-lm- Connecticut registrations and Police Log Three Months ...... 9.75 leader for six years. same position Nixon occupied four and plement the program in conjunc'- plate, lights, brakes, muffler One Month ...... 3.^ In the picture, she is carving single Copy ...... ,...... 19c tion with the Conservation Com­ and reflective numerals. ARRES’TS By Carrier ...... weekly ’ 75c a half years ago. It would be almost un­ her original design- on composi­ mission and volunteer organiza­ Vehicles may be operated James Daly, 52, of no certain tion board wiUi a linoleum cut­ MEMBER OF „„„ believable for it to happen. So was It tions. from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. dally. address, charged with intoxica­ THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ter. She combines a pineapple, Drivers must be 16 years of age The Associated Press Is exclusively en­ four years ago. ’The used paper collection pro­ tion, last night on Main St. titled to the use of republlcatlon of all a Colonial symbol for hospital­ gram is a project of the Capitol or more unless parent or guard­ ’That’s the permanent legacy .of the re­ Court date Jan.. 17. news dispatches credited to It or not other­ ity, with birds and other designs. Region Council of Governments ian or a licensed operator is wise credited In this paper and also the vived Nixon political career. After what Sometimes she paints designs present in the’ vehicle, and at local news published here. . , and South Windsor is the sec­ Michael N. Bald, 21. of Terry- All rights of republlcatlon of special dis­ ■with acrylics and sometimes least s ix ' inches of snow must he has accomplished, we people of the ond town to formerly agree, by vllle. Conn., charged with mak­ patches herein are .also reserved.______she leaves them unpalnted. cover the ground before toey resolution, to enter it. ing unnecessary . noise with a The Manchester Publlslilne Company as­ press no longer dare try to kick anybody Right, on driftwood, are birds According to Mayor Abraham can be used. motor vrfilcle, early this morn­ sumes no financial responsibility for typo­ aroimd to the extent of proclaiming a she sculptured ln ’'clay and then graphical errors appearing in advertls- Glassman the town will not be Entrance to the trail system ing at Main and Bissell Sts. ments and other reading matter in The cast in different media, plaster will be at the Rye Street en­ Manchester Evening Herald.______career finished. subject to any commitment until Court dateNJan. 17. We will limit ourselves to this: This tinted with food coloring, a mix­ a sufficient number of - towns trance only, and parking will be Subscriber to Los Angeles Tlraes-Washlng- ture of vermlcuUte and plaster, available for cars-and snowmo­ agree to participate. ’The council AGCTOENTS ton Post News Service. _ „ , , time, Nixon will be holding a nomination and Vatican stone. She made bile trailers behind the ceme-^ r\ill service client of N. E. A. Service, Inc. did, however, agree to purchase A summons changing him with Publishers Representatives — Mathews, he deserves for performance in OMice. the rubber mold on the table tcry near the park. Shannon and Cullen Inc., Special Agency 8 storage van for a deposit sta­ evading responsibility was is­ next to the driftwood for the Participants will be required —New Y6rk, Chicago, Detroit and Boston. Muskie seems, on his present degree of tion for used paper for $775. sued to Richard Condon, 51, of casting. Left is the head of an to stay on trails, ■within the MEMBER AUDIT BUREAU OF CIRCULA­ from an East Hartford firm. ’The West Hartford, last night at 7:35 exposure, to be the candidate best quali­ old woman she sculptured. Also bounds- of designated areas us­ TIONS. ______trailer is 32 feet long and in good on Osde St., a few minutes after fied to give him honorable, effective on the table is cane she used ing a maximum speed of Di^Iay advertising closing hours condition, according to Coupcil- 20 an accident on Main St. near miles per hour. No alcoholic For Monday — 1 p.m. Friday contest. for chairs. man John Mitchell who was as- Park St. allegedly involving his For Tuesday — 1 p.m. .Saturday. beverages or litter will be al­ For Wednesday—1 p.m. Monday. sigined the task of finding a car and a parked car'belonging lowed. ’They must be consider­ For Thursday—1 p.m. Tuesday. ^ reasonably goed freight-hauler to Edward A. Traygls of 1 Bow For Friday—1 p.m. Wednesday. . . with tremendotu ate of others and their own safe- Classified deadline 4:30 p.m. day type vehicle for the puiqiose of accldente St. Court date for Condon is Jan. belore publication 4:30 Friday for Singing, Big As Life feeling of pride . . keeping collected newspaper Saturday and Monday, publication. involving personal injury or 17. dry and consolidated. Now and then there comes a yielding nrenent PK>pcrty damage must be re- Tuesday, December 4 In ))fovember, Mrii. liRBOVlch According to the At Redwood and Hillptown which reminds even |the most stubborn represented state 4-H leaders w.’s, “ a R o S T S l T .rirSiJ’SS”!; < e. of us that man is, after all, something and chaperoned members at the town 1. mm to IW . collMoo Involvea o u . drlvon by I 60th annual National 4-H Club tons of used newspapers weekly / First Quarter Score destructible. William H. Sukosky of 80 Ralirfi Congress in Chicago. or be s u i t e d to" a M penalty ^ e permission to use the toalte Rd. and WiUiam G. Aiigell of Our non-vidiite Christmas was not, af­ For the last 20 of his 83 years, Maurice "When I think about it I get fee for every ton it I s ^ . f “ automatically be with- East Hartford. ’Therefore, Glassmaui urged ter all, followed by a non-ice New Chevalier has catried the a s ^ ct of be­ Photographed by Sylvian Oflara all excited again,” A e said Mayor Glassman pointed out about her week at the Conrad residents to begin saving all old ing always the same, never breaking ON THE CAPE IN WINTER: COAST GUARD BEACH I At Center St. and P iw tor Rd. Year’s, And the moral would seem to be Hilton in Chicago. "It was with newspapers for the p u ^ e o f ^ » ‘ “ f f®*-“ ^e town- yesterday afternoon at 12:55, a that when you play on winter’s htmie down into 'wrinkles, never losing his ca­ a tremendous feeling of pride aldlnToie town to meet their l^ d as t ^ is councl collision Involved cars driven weeWy quote in this reclama- responsibility He added that grounds, on winter’s time, you can’t pacity to whirl on his feet If a routine I saw all those fine youngsters trails set up in the meadow land by Richard S. ’Turner of Rock­ and heard their speeches ac­ ville and Philip J. Lagace of 40 h ( ^ to win them all. called for it, never conceding to that He s a l ^ i the price the town have b ^ n undei^ken ^ the cepting national awards,” she Griswold St. Utere were, however, two special holi­ gradual deterioration which, for less Connecticut Yankee would receive fof used paper said. per ton wiU average between $5 SnowmcAlles, with tee permls- nicely flamboyanf characters, can mark She described some of today’s (Herald photo by Pinto) COMPLAINTS day weather dividends, in the shape o f Inside ISixon^s Nofziaer By A .H .O . te depending on tee rate cf f hi the ^ a , $10 Over tee weekend sometime, two spectaculars which preempted nor­ the entrance upon age7 the last lap of the Swains Wed 40 Years youth as "marvelous. They used n ew s^ n t set by tee Gress “ d is not under council juris- know what they want and are Mrs. Michael Misovich two wheels were stolen from a mal programming. journey. When the Connecticut Legisla­ less Intends to be sparing in the Co., working: in conjunction with Gamhle granting of emergency certifi­ Mr. and Mrs, Samuel Swain of leaving sometime next month concerned with the world as it have summer jobs they can’t go Misovich found many pieces of In other action the council ap- flatbed trailer parked in a lot ’Then, suddenly, or so we are told by ture comes into its first ’’annu­ at 260 Tolland ’Tpke. An office ’There was, the night before the eve of cation to any of the measures 75 Cottage St. were honored Sat- Ecuador. is. I learned so much listening on longer trips, but we’ll con- furniture at auctions and sec- Magazines are not to be in- ^ e adiiptlon of a M ^ al” session in February, one at tee same location' was en­ the New Year, the bright flash and the the printed news, the perpetually lively his own best friends 'Will be urg­ The guests of hmior received to them,” die said, referring to tinue them for those -who can ond-hand stores and refinished cliided In tee reclamaUon pro- Commission to consist thing it will be certain to be urday afternoon at a 40th we> ^ ^ ^ ^ ^.e tered and an adding machine wedding cake figure was crumbled down Report ing him to let in for action, and gram as they ccmtaln certain electors of tee town to. deeip drum of as fine a thunderstorm as doing is to wage an incessant dln^ anniversary celebration at .Mjrs._Swtin __were congress. get away.” them. She rMlnished the dining was taken. Police did not conr so, for that matter, will his _ Blxcellent materials for proj- room taHe v ^ c h serves as a oils which prevent their reuse, he appointed by tee councU to July itself ever produced. and shattered. battle over its own agenda. theu-'home. married Dec. 30, 1931 in tfie' ~ Some of the topics of seminars nect the two incidents. counterpart. House Speaker ects are available free to mem- -yyork table for crafts and die Ck:nservaUcn Commission study tee needs of the town in And there was, come the second day By his own instructions, those who ar­ By Rowland Evana Jr. and Robert D. Novak As proposed and sold to the WilUam Ratchford. But if either About 60 friends, apd relatives Drumcree Parish Church, Por- at the congress indicate the Cteairman Louise Evans teank- *uaaa transportation and to pre- ; bers and leaders from the Hart- recaned the dining room chairs, Scmetlme last niqht a fire ex­ rived to pay their respects to his re­ people of. Connecticut, the sec­ one of them wants to yield once, attended the open^house given tadmvn. Northern Ireland, by scope of club acUvlUes. ’Ihey ed tee Council $or approving tee sent to tee council,- plans and- of the New Year, that rainbow which ap­ ford County Extension Office, The giris artistic and sewing tinguisher was stolen from a ond ’’annual” session of each that will probably require, . .. , , . . ______. the Rev. F. J. Hallag^ian, and included communications, com- program and said she did not programs for tee development peared over Miami and reached right mains were turned away. By what WASHINGTON — President bases in California. Through waning popularity in California, by the couple a^ daughters and uved in Manchester for munlty development, economics, she said. Workshops are avail- gkllls can be seen all over the truck parked at 232 Center St. Legislature was intended to be given the instlnctl've rivalry be­ able free. Her members have think tee town should be con- of a comprehensive balanced seemed good taste, for once at least, the Nixon’s decision not to veto Atty. Gen. John M. MitcheU, will rei>el rather than attract Bons-in-Iaw, Mr. a n d .Mrs, jjje past 20 years. ’They have 10 ecology, health, personal devel- house. down to touch the Dolphin huddle with primarily a budgetary session. tween the Senate and House participated in modeling and cemed with penalty fees. “ I maes transit policy, networks gave news of his passing by Hard-line conservative Lyn Nof- the President informed Reagan- independent voters and party­ Charles McFall of Manchester grandchildren. opment, politics, poverty, race Seed pictures- from her 4-H know of four Interested crganl- It will also be required to In- Studies Expansion instant promise of glory and victory. switching Democrats. leader^ips in this Legislature, grooming workshops. Resource zlger as his operative cami>aign that he could name the Cali­ As the Legislature itself set and Mr. and Mrs. Donald Phil- Mr. Swain is .employed at relations and religion, group are in the living room. zations jiist waiting for tee weird vesUgate, analyze and advise DALLAS (AP) — Trustees cf reaching into the tapes and offering him Hiey are not impressed by letting down the bars ^ c e , so people from various fields pre­ M, in between two such spectaculars, manager in CaUfomla next fall, fornia manager, save for one up the amendment proidding for lips of Enfield; and their sons Pratt and Whitney Division of a surprise was waiting for Mrs. Misovich said "I gave the go from the Council,” she said. t*>e council on proposals made Baylor College of Dentistry are the fact that a Reagan-Nofzlger that each leadership gets some­ sent w orktops as a public containers of seed, rice, some traditional, routine year-change singing again, big as life. avoided a confrontaUan between caveat: If Reagan’s nominee annual sessions, the limltatiori and daughters-in-Iaw, Mr. and United Aircraft Coip., East Mrs. KDsovlch when she retum- It was also decided by tee; by, federal, state, regional, local Studying a plan to expand tee campaign will solidify the Re­ thing out of it. service. She will give one on the President and Gov. Ronald was totally unacceptable, there on the business of the even year, Mrs. George Swain of Vernon Hartford. He and his wife are ed from Chlcego. ^ e received barley, lentils and sunflowers, members that purchasing tee' or private agencies in mass college’s facilities and increase ice fastened down on yai;d and driveway publican right wing, wdiose de­ caning and retinishing fuml- Reagan but raises serious prob­ would be a Presidential veto. session had holes as 'wide as the In addition to such pressures, and the-Rev. and Mrs. R, Alfred members of the Manchester a letter saying her Marne suid and glue. I suggested they draw trailer was more profitable than transportation and to recom- enrollment 50 per cent ■within it was still thin enough in such loca­ fection in Mr. Nixon’s losing ture. lems for Mr. Nixon in carrying As matters turned out, Nofzlger session itself should choose to one has to count on s(»n'ethlng Swain, ■who are presently on Church of the Nazarene. (Her- biography will be in tee sixth a picture or select ters, Sheila, leom useful skills and gain self- ^ -small group, teen to a larger shortage of refuse was automatically dissolved District of Manchester you get something you didn’t ask for it iriutcr or tourist whizzing by in delight, The reason for the astonish­ paign tune, the mbderates are bly and those matters certified all the pressures for NOTICE ’TO CREDITORS ity leader of the Assemldy. HARTFORD (AP) — Northeast says tee biggest Marlene, Allison and Christine, cainfidence. group, she knows its worth tee 'gpgjje in tee town landfill area, with tee end of tee former town ESTATE OF the local resident confrcaited -with a , vast ment: Ex-newspaper reporter now betting the President's ma­ ■in writing by the Speaker of the of the ^ort session's business? INNOCENZO FONTANA is sometimes possible to find more ful­ Mitohell himself leaned to Mona­ With no money, ho office, no ‘‘Sk care of tee house while Pursuant to an order of Hon. John J. filment in it than quarrel with it. We’ll Nofzlg;er was public relations gan, who has loyally pushed the House of Representatives . and awav. brightened by tee competition— tually, she gives more than an designated by tee town man- The $713,000 federal sanitary wa\T^!‘VudKe."^r‘ciaims“ mu« former unity. welfare reforin’s income-main­ wide open session that we can chairman and two brand new needs are increased population, Mrs. Misovich was away. chief of Reagan’s first campaign governor’s legislative program President Pro Tempore of the members, the State Power Fa­ "Their father was 80 nroud of thrive on IV ’ she said, because she is cpnstantly thg trailer arrives, sewer grant was a'so accepted take all this 1971-72 weather to date, and In Manchester, Connecticut, they have for governor in 1966, was a key tenance scheme, onerous to Senate to be of an emergency locate is to have the press keep tee presence of a skilled work even though his philosophy is to cility Evaluation Councillii its11.0 L tee way they managed tee *_1^^*^_bbey re g^tlng^ready^for learning new skills and looking ygjj ggjj be hauled by a by tee council along with tee bj barred by law. The fiduciaries count ourselves well ahead in at least changed all that. In that town, threaten­ political adviser during his first Reaga^—will be drowned out nature.” on predicting, as we are pre­ a drees revue or a food show j^eas for projecte. Reagan’s left. first Job Monday: Deciding torce,\ environmental cleanup house,” Mrs. Misovich said. tractor to a place for payment approval at a revision to tee are: ed by the ccmstruction erf a mammoth in­ two years as governs and help­ by the loi^ng conservative dicting today, that the session some are so happy and excited, Rose Dumas the opening quarter of the annual super But just as Mr. Nixon had where, or if, a new nuclear efferts and tee move of corpo* ’The daughters, all teen-agers. each week. town’s pension plan to maintain 706 No. Main St. terchange for Interstate. 84, the people ed talk Reagan into challengiing theme of the 1970 campaign: How restrictive this language won’t be any more able to con-, others are almost crying, 'wish- SnowmobUe Rules Adiqited tee qualifying status of tee In- Manchester, Ctonn. 06040 bowl against winter. rallied round and negotiated. Hie res^t, veto ixiwer over , Reag;an’s will really prove. depends upon power plant -will be built in rate headquarters from New are active in 4dl and have wn ©r dress had Nixon for the Preslderitlal nom- La'vv and order. trol itself than 'was the last ses­ Mothers make Also adopted were snowmo- temal Revenue Service to com- according to a story in Hftie magiiztatS,'" choice, BO the governor had a Connecticut. York to Connecticut. awards in various categ;ories. Josephine Hartwlg liiaUan in 1968. That concern, however, is' be­ the session Itself, and the ses- sion, or the one before that. Hie turned out better. When some good leaders blle regulations lor use of tee ply with recent changes. ’This 464 Reed Ave. veto over the President. As we ing kept strictly private. Hav­ . Sion will have its biggest battles "It’s a mess,” said State Ben. ’The Misovich family is a 4-H Windsor Locks, (Tonn. 06096 is a cloverleaf like none in the world. In short, Nofzlger—now a de­ legislators might be stung badly problem arises, suite as a for­ Rye Street Park. All operators action increased tee contribut- __L reported from Sacramento in ing lost the battle for campaign George L. Guirther of Stratford, family. Mr. Misovich helps in -Within the encircling ribboM fit con­ puty chairman of the Repub­ with itself on the questibn of enough to resolve to prove us gotten accessory for a revue, must be South Windsor resl- Ing porticn of members from Court of Probate November, the Reaganites axed ' chairman, the moderates have who helped create tee' council. transporting tee girls to fairs "Leaders don’t have discipline District of Manchester On Political Fates And Fortunes crete are being built a softball field, a lican National Committee after just how wide the door shall • reporters wrong. someking, 46Vj Summer Street ger as working manager, the The lEist session of the Gen­ House with John D. Ehrlich- better’.’’ insurance. Snowmobiles and Barbara Varriek, Tel. 644-8274. ed by the $263,275 the town received with Republican money men in from starting its work. He nutrition, health and homemak­ Manchester. Conn. 06040 Igran, stood at a stage relatively just a Nixon campaign thus takes on eral Assembly itself set up spe­ man, his domestic affairs as­ on 10-day trip She credits 4-H with 'the close from the government for the interchange the governor’s quarters on Dec. 25 Years Ago named Jeremiah Wadsworth, a ing. So often when a wohian a fully Reaganized image, Thds cial commissions, like that on sistant, on tee forthcoming fed­ relationship her family enjoys. little earlier In the J96S campaign. land and it is a splendid example of tra- 15, Reagan dropped his bomb­ Current Quotes Farmington farmer, and Hen-, is asked to lead a group she is precisely what some of the no fault insurance, to make re­ Dr. Eugene Davis succeeds eral budget, tee President’s Last year Sheila , won a trip to "It puts us together planning And Senator Hubert Humphrey, with didional Yankee ingenuity applied to a drlk Eleveld, a Windsor stock­ declines because she feels she President’s most intimate ad- shell. He was pleased to report, ports to this forthcoming ses­ Atty. Harold Garrlty as presi­ address the annual congress which is al- things,” she said. More parents peculiarly modem problem,. he said, that ” Lyn is coming “ Hiere is a certain situation broker, to round' out tee seven State of tee Uniem has nothing to offer. Our leaders his chance of obtaining his party’s nomi­ 'visers, along with substantial sion. ; dent of Kiwahls Club.' scheduled for Jan. 20 and tee ways held in Chicago. should get involved in children’s The Manchester solutlcm offers a pat­ cut ito help us in the cam­ the United States must real­ members who are sharged with have long waiting lists of pros­ numbers of California Repub- E. J. McCabe, executive di­ administration’s election year Three years ago Mrs. Mlso- activities by tee time their nation for President, stands just about tern fer communities everywhere, not paign.” ’The fact that President ize—^that Bamgla Desh is no long- • approving new sites for power pective members.” .lican politicians, d c not want. Various interim commltteea rector of Junior Achievement in "domestic initiatives.” vlch chaperoned a group of children are nine years Old, she where one Richard Nixon was standing, least the community of Washington. We Nixon 'was allowing kofzlger to er a part of Pakistan but. 'won plants and transm^sion lines. Hiey 'want Mr. Nixon to cam­ of the General Assembly itself Henry A. Kissinger, Nixon’s seven 4-H members for a 10-day said. Too many wait until tee For the last twelve years Mrs. already have miles of superhighway and be ’’sprung loose” from a top its independence in a justified Conn., is named to position of On tee same day, Northeast pa(|ri)n/UiUsJ17 four yesirs ago at this time. paign under the largest possible have been ccmductlng hearings bbKrat national security affairs assist- trip to Wisconsin, part

MANCHESTER. EVENING :HERALDf MANCHESTER, CONN., M s DAY, JANUARY 4, 1972 PAOE SIX MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, JANUARY 4, 1972 PAGE SEVEN ness trip. He was the husbahd PZC Tables Decision Tolland by Don OoMoy Films Shown of Mrs. Bernice Jackman. Tolland County One-Fourtk of Mankind (S', Th e Cyeh b f Dynasty) and John Lono Obituary Mr. Jackman, a branch man­ School Criticized Directors To Chatninade ager for the Hobart Manufac­ Superior Court o> turing Co., was bora in Con­ Hearing Set Feb. 7. An imaginary tour ot the John T. Buck cord, N.H. He was a Marine G>mment L&M Zone Change Bid South Pacific was presented last John T. Bttck, 62, of 137 Corps veteran of World War II. The opening of the January On Programs For night by Mrs. Clare Chapin of Spnicp St. died yestertoy after­ - Survivors, besides his wife, session of Tolland County Su- Suffleld, at the (Jhaminade Mu­ noon at Manchester Memorial Session sical Club’s annual potluck at are two brothers. Richard perior Court, scheduled for this Supported, Opposed On Campsite Request Hospital. He was the husband Jackman and John Jackman; morning,''has been delayed. un- Center Congregational CSiurch. of Mrs. Eileonor Schieldge Buck. and a sister, Mrs. Ruth Abbott, til Friday due to the Illness of Problem Learners. The Board of. Directors (con­ By BILL COE ^ Planning and Zoning plication fee. Mrs. Chapin, a' former airline Mi*. Buck was bom in Willi- . Private memorial services State's Attorney Donald B. Cald- ducted a public comment ses­ > (Herald Reporter) Commission set Feb. 7 as the Past problerns with the first stewardess, la a member of the mantle and had lived in Man­ By JOHN JOHNSTON and burial will be held at the well, a victim of the currentt:ih. iiu(Herald flu Reporter) sion this morning in the Board The application by developers Sol JUvitt J ^es date for a public hearing on a lots in the subdivision have American Airlines Kiwi Speak­ chester for 30 years. He was em­ convenience of the family. epidemic. oi Directors’ Office in the Mu­ McCarthy for a zone change on a portion of their land proposed zone change which prompted the PZC to decide in . ers Bureau. ployed at Hamilton Standard Di­ hir'SvUi Education members, because tliey were pres- Hie Watkins Funeral Home, Judge Joseph F. Danneh; nicipal Building. Mayor John off Keeney St. drew only minor opjwsitton and some su ^ would open the way for a rec- favor of holding a public hear- The progrram Included a film vision of United Aircraft Corp., ent and are the first step in budget formulation, were Thompson and Director Vivian of Hawaii, which showed not 142 E. Center St., is in charge preside over the court port from area residents at a public hearing last night reational camping qrea off Rt. ing on the ajpUcatlon once it is Windsor Locks, before he re­ of arrangeinents. when divorces are ^ h e S ^K ^ir^t target of several requests and dema^^ Ferguson were there. Thomp^ 74 on the KD Camp property', recelveii in proper form. only the beaches, surf, and flow­ tired about a year ago. before the Planning and Zoning ~ added that he feared traf- There ara- no calling hours. rather than criminal matters, nigcht. The Board 0 1 Directors^ as thermal step, was the son is a Democrat. Mrs. Fergu­ The zone ch an^ request from Floyd Smith of Eastview Ter- ers, but an Hawaiian cowboy, He was a member of Man­ indirect target. — ^------son is a RepubUoan. Commisslon. jjp y^ould be heavier than pre- rertdential to recreation camp- rAce complained of the septic the harvesting , of sugar cane, chester Lodge of Masons; Delta Due to the length of the "ear- described and that a Marksmen were about half a Kahn asked what cah be done A lady who Uves on Shallow- ing is being sought by Kenneth „sanitary problems he is expe- and an erupting volcano. The Chapter, RAM; Nutmeg F o t ^ , ing and another which followea proportion of vehicles dozen speakers among approx- for the rest of this year and If breok Lane asked why two tax Parsons of Vernon, owner ot riencing at his home in the first delights , of American Samoa,, Tall Cedars of Lebanon; the it, the PZC took no action but ygg Linwood Dr. M Zone Adopted Imately 200 Who attended the money for tutors could be con- bills were not aeht out, one prior the Howard Johnson’s r«e- section of the subdlvisicui and Fiji, Australia and New Zea­ Wayfarers Club at Hamilton tabled the request until its Jan.. p,.jgo j^nd some other speak- curriculum session on learning verted to employing another to each payment period, instead taurant and motor lodge there.' requested the PZC table action land, were shewn in another Standard; and Miantonomah disabilities at Waddell School. consultant. of the dupUcate bUIs now sent it meeting. said detailed subdivision Parsons hblds an option ©n sion, the club voted to combine are three sons, Roger G. Lord acres west of Keeney St. ana u,g magnitude erf the ■ha B eaoe +he Uivmg ■ho Appease "Hie Dead By BILL COE form«4 presentation by Mrs. received a 1700,000 c u t" To the and January. Although Parsons offered to Smith claims the actual loca- Its annual benefit concert with, of Tolland, and John S. Buck (Herald Reporter) Barbara Desro^ers. learning second, Bradlau that it would She also asked why bulldqrs south of Linwood pr. that a ,ggj These speakers were Its Easter program, which is and Paul W. Buck, both of Cali­ present his plans for the pro- te>n of the septic systonls for the X. /< country where uniformity o f purpose has Inscriptions found on Shang tombs, excavated Following two lengthy public hearings, the Planning er- t r ^ t o t a ^ 269 ecf®®- that she would like to see a road wlU be In the Old WUUmanUc ties. The land Involved the same gg„gy.ucted through her proper- Parson’s original appUcation for *'*®®’‘ tee subdivision its beginnings in the cradle of the Yellow River. men on earth was attuned to the rhythm— the As was to happen again and again in Chinese VnnM nnnd M "«*ester, It was cruel, vicious," she added that he advised, "close the s c h ^ the zone change, especially the recommended the commla- CemeteiTr. i She complained that a traffic tract wWch Lavltt «md McCar- previously While no archeological proof exists for China’s “ Yang and Yin” — of the celestial order. Priests history, the ruling dynasty fell into decadence of a sMc“ f i S : S i S b the com m l^on she has been Informed he will for one day, and the money wlU type of recreational vehicles ®‘®" ‘**® revised plana to niere are no calling hours. or a special excepnon. at the hearing that more than develop emotional problems if be back in." signal on New State Rd. ' at ^ p r e v io u s ly sought to c^ n ge t unsuccessfuUy to have first dynasty, the Hsia, a legendary, golden age divinra the will of Heaven by interpreting the and was overthrown. After six centuries, in Thd family suggests that any specified in the regulation. *® ®tete Board of Health for The two votes mean tiiEti,. In 600 units of apartments have special training is not provided, Adams St. is c(mfuslng because to C o m p r^ ^ lv e Urban I^vel- ^ ^ y ruled by sage-kings, A e remains of the next cracks in the heated bones of animals. 1122 B.C., the Shang succumbed in violent up­ memorial contributions may be Asks For Support opment (CUD) Zone, a planned, Although no one came right tabled the mat- the future, apartments may \ie., been approved which have nev- "We intend to see that the Man- the timing is too short. She said dynasty, the Shang, indicate there must have Worship of ancestors was already a strong heaval to the warlike Chou clan from the west­ made to the Heart Association Oommentlng on audience mixed-use type of development. ' _ . _ out and said it, some of toe J " “ "t e tee corrected appUca- built only In the M Zone, which fer.^ en started, and it is the cheater Board of Educatimi pro- action to ZZ the light also needs directional been many centuries of previous development. element in Chinese religion. Sacrifices— some­ ern frontiers. of Greater Hartford, 310 Collins signals. They withdrew the CUD plan in Abm PZC m eihben and several peo- “ ®" “ "L^®® ‘f 5®®w®f^ Is designed to drastically re- PZbr. stand that the total may vldes an appropriate p r o g r ^ ^ Shang skill in working bronze has never been times human— were made to them and tp_ other Now began the third dynasty, the Chou, which St., Hartford. era! speakers, board member The woman also suggested July after it ran Into stiff oppoel- Atty. Thomas, answering Mrs. pie in the audience s u s p e ^ strict construction of apartment soon rekeh the saturation point, for our son within the next tew mM.. PhiUpSusag PhiUp Susag said, ““Appla^ Applause ticn from area residents. Swetzes, noted that the prelim- surpass^. Pottery making was of a high order. potent. spirits of nature, to insure success in was to enjoy the longest reign—900 years-^in t housing and to require a mix­ Action od -t^ regulatim had weeks," she said. that the “ T ” in the road at Bid- the term referred to snowmo- ^ 1®*“ ® ^ ®®“ 5 Atty. Allan Thomas, who rep- Inary Lavltt and McCarthy plan Writing on shells and oracle bones was in an mortal undertakings. John T. McLeod ture of moderate-cost here is fine, but at the pubUc well St. and Hartford Rd. be u » , w . „ China’s long history. ROCKVILLE' — Funeral ser­ of moderate-cost private been postp<^ed"At the Dec. 29 Her statement pointed out hearing on the bu dget,'if rhsented the developers last shows road spurs abutting the advanced script, showing many of the basic Below and around the king were nobles, who homes. meeting at the requert of t ^ that twcthlrds of the cort e f’^ i l ^ e l ^ e 7 ’“ uW tag*l“ changed to a "T ." She said the vices for John T. McLeod of 177 sltuat^m there now is danger-^ night, presented sketch draw- Swetzes property, which could forms o f modern Chinese. lived in luxury and served as governmental NEXT: The Sage of Lu South St., who died Sunday in The zone will l>e what is term- commlsslOT m e m ^ r^ m - ^ c i a l education programs is at the nubUc hMrimr ings of the proposed new devel- be linked up In case of future “’sr* ■” r “” ^ « ed a "lloating’’ zone; that is, it Garri- state reimbursable, “ but it goes on w budget and suDUort of ous. ■ / I.^®^®l®f’ Edward Wochomurka at the Middletown, R.I., will be tomor­ A woman fromi Chambers St. opment and told the commls- development off Wetherell St. row at 11 a.m. at the Ladd Fu­ will not be preassigned to any Mked for more time into the general fund. Under no the "whole education^’^’^nro- Sion the AA Cluster would be He also noted that the develop- P ^ *®®** **® te® com er of Dunn HUl and Old glven area. A devrfoper want- ^ “tudy the proposal before circumstances, should that mon- u ^ e n t ^ requested an active program of town respimsible for developing Stafford Rds. Manchester neral Home, 19 Ellington Ave. job placement for returning slmilar in character and quality ers have not plaiuied any cen­ Hospital Asks New Haven Bank The Rev. Robert H. Wellner, ing to build apartments will „ ®y go any place else but back night and others he edded to the homes in Redwood nection with Redwood Farms, i*®*ten Rd. The complaint was filed by l i X A R . Vietnam veterans. which la officlaUy discontinued Mrs. Dean Shores who claimed No Visitors rector of St. John’s Episcopal first have to obtain a zone d lw L * ta ” sovT4l^sM system. We have ^ S n ’t come back to us a i S ^ ! Farms, developed as a Rural since open space land owned Hospital Notes -By CLAY IUPOIXAN7 Robbed of $714 A man connected with Pio­ but not abandemed by the town, the junkyard was being erat- Because of the flu epidem­ L lIR A Church of Vernon, will officiate. change from the commission for “ otetis in sevem s m got to make sure that it does.” ‘You didn’t do it ’ when vni Cluster. by the town and a Hartford Your neer Industrial Park complain­ If approved, he would encour- ©(] by Alan Jones of Manchester VISEnNQ HOURS ic, Bert Dittus, public rela­ M X3.2I Daily AdMlyJSuldt Burial will be in Grove Hill his property. Sf” ^ s “ C i t i ^ 1 ? ~ ^ Under AA Cluster zoning. Electric Ught Co. right of way According to Iht Start, N E W HAVEN (AP)—A In all but special circiun- ed that two state - owned cul­ ago seasonal, weekly or m a rural residential zone, Intermediate Care Seml- tions director of Manchester It PORTRAITS Cemetery. however, lots may be some- lie between the two sites, 0^37-38-70 T o develop message for Wednesdoy,., man brandishing a shiny pistol stances—basically, Where a verts which carry drainage monthly camping at the site. She claimed 29 vehicles were .private, noon - 2 p.m., and 4 Memorial Hospital, asks res­ 142-43-51-44^ Friends may call at the fu­ from Schaller Pond need en­ what smaller, with 12,000 Two Bush HUl Rd. residents, reod words corresponding to numbers' 72-73-74 ^ robbed the College Plaza neral home tonight from 7 to 9. tract is too.w small to develop ^ Stating tee ^ e for her budget preparation. Dr. Karas and would schedule prices to scattered eratlng a camp site. The PZC will interview two 4 p m . g 'Visits are limited to mem­ 20 9Vyelcom* 39 And 69Doy* homes or with one-third duplex- j,ald up by the ceptual and auditory handicaps that various statistics reveal A St. man asked to know lots may approach the mini- Hill Rd. mlg^t be used for ac- e^fSjUNe DK. 21 after 2:16 p.m. Hirth, 53, of Sandy Beach Rd., A section of the campsite candidates for the port of Zon, i^te’^iv e c Z e and Oorona'ry bers of 'the immediate fam­ 10 A 40 Romantic 70 When visit the studio at es (two famUles) and one-third pending approval of details re- ® teaming disability. that 10 to 16 per cent of the vdio/had the original respmisi- mum size, he said, most would ©ess to the site. . ily, and no children. f \ 6 - 7-11-13 11 Frankly 41 Fin* 71 Or 114-16-20-21^ Crystal Lake, died suddenly yes­ ^singles. garding road circulation for Commenting Uiat her daughter nation’s population has learning tormeriy used for swd and ^ E n f o i ^ e r t j ^ c e r Care: Immediate famUy onlv. 1^6-57-46 12 Social 42 Be 72 For 125-44-44 bl^iy for issuing a building per- be larger, ranging up to as But Atty. Thomas assured him A patient- can catch flu 13 Be ' 43Smort 73 Loved 57 Pratt St.., room 303 terday afternoon at his home. gravel o^ratioim would serve W ^ ^ y ap- ^ n U n»ln CANCER The voracious octopus is The intent of the regulation, flre-flrtting purposes. y®” ® education disablUties. "The town program for a pigeon coop in his much M 100,009 square feet. tija$ q,e spur could not be used from a visitor who doesn’t 14 You •44Circulot»' 74 Ones CAPRICORN He was the husband of Mrs. as a public picnic area for the plicants for the port are Ernest rj„^JUNe 21 15 Excitement 45 Before 75 Reseorching nimble ^nough to gather as Hartford the commission has said, is to Satisfied over those changes, terough a series of errors, she ig about a year old, with em- ^mrd which was recently ruled Two 20-acre areas at the west because it has only 32 feet ’of utes. realize he la coming down e«i. 22 ^ Leona Tawlikowskl Hlrth. community and its organlzationa, Taggart and ZmUng Board of ^mr 16Need 46Mor* 76Trav*ling many as 26 crabs at once in its restrict apartment development members passed the appllca- ®®te, “ The latest date for a phaais cn kindergarten throu^ illegal in the coiuts. and north ends cf the tract are frontage on Bush Hill Rd., and Maternity: Fathers, 11 a.m. - with it and visitors, <»n 22 17 Novel 47 Doy 77 This JAN. If Mr; Hirth was bora Jan. 27, according to Parsons who also Appeals secretary Charles Re­ eight arms before eating them 9130 TO 4:30 without completely prohibiting uon but conditioned their vote PrescrlP«ve program for her orade 8,” he said, “ but m oiW planned to be left as open space 50 feet of width is needed for a 12:46 p.m., and 6:.S0 p.m. • 8 catch the disease in the hos­ , 5- 9-27-29 ISDeliberote 48 Coming 78 Writing 2- 3- 4-24/^ 1918 in Ellington, son of Hmil envlalixia its use by schools as gan. Regan was the unsucceas- ^31-36«164 19Anolyie 49 For 79 Month Z4-28-34 V cne by one. it, and to create by legislation to stipulate that the applicant teould have been September jg always a problem wltii new and would be deeded over to the legal right of way. p.m .; others, 3 p.m. - 4, pital, Dittus said. Several of 20 To 50 Heoded 80 You and Amelia Siedel Hirth, and a nature study area. ful Democratic candidate for LEO AQUARIUS more land suited for moderate- must p rovide satisfactory tew. It is five months ’programs." x- / town, Thomas said. Lamson questioned the quality and 6:80 p.m. • 8 p.m. the hospital’s staff are out 21 Visit 51 And 81 Atmosphere had lived in Ellington all of his the nature and use of some of Developer Rae Peck appear­ selecitman in the past election. 22<3()^ 52 One 82 Emphasized JAN. 2S priced private housing. screening onTthe side of the lot teter and there is nope. Who has Bradlau declared "We Would In addition, he said, a long proposed open space par- Age Limits: 16 in maternlt}’. sick with the flu. life. He was employed as a fore­ the steps. ed bqfore the PZC regarding Bulletin Board 23 Personal 53 Protect' 83 Money-wise ’a e regulation was tiie sub- facing an adjoining apartment I*®®" '‘emlss by circumventing ji^e to n r o v ld ^ services for narrow spur at the southwest- ©els, saying one was steep and 12 in otter areas, no limit In £ ^ A 0 ® . 22 24 Course ' 54 0f 84 Heor ns. IS man at the LaPointe Industries Bradlaurfhdd that the follow­ property he wlahea to subdivide The Boai:d of Recreatimi v^I t^® ® ’ ® hearing, development a e y specified a tee law?" everv child with ^ dlsabllitv. era end (near Bush Hill Rd.) the other marshy, ftid asked aelf-service. ->^2-54-59-48, 25 And . 55 Appepronce 85 And 1- 8-10-22/C- of Rockville. ing learning disabilities pro­ into two lota on Cone Rd., but meet tomorrow night at 8 in toe (§jW-77-79« 26 Avoid 56 Assertive 86 Money 12^55-87-89'^ THE UNIVERSITY OF CONNECTICUT at which the majority of per- hedge of Canadian hemlocks Questions Need for Coach 1,^ y,g, doesn’t^vide for w ^ ld not be developed. gbout sewer exte^rions to the All emeigenoy patients and entry; Brian F. Young, 28 Elm­ 27The 57 No 87Attioct* Survivors, besides his wife, grams are currently operative: which has only 860 feet fnmtage. Town Hall. VIRGO PISCES sons speaking opposed it on planted elgflit feet apart and The speaker also questioned y „o r U It Intended to I don’t Real . estate ai^raiser Her- gjt^ outpatients are requested to use wood R d.; Mark J. O’Connor, 28 Risky 58 Yourself 88 Creoting Non-Credit Extension are five sons, Ronald Hirth, Pre-school screening, started -in Although the property totals 19 The Young Democrats Club ; X. AOG. 23 29 Good 59 Your 89, Attention ns. It various grounds. Most of thqse tour^feet high at the time of tee^^^sdom of a recent ^^ard the possibility in , the near bert J. McKinney, presented, by the new emergency room Enfield; Mrs. Harriet Hough­ Rene Hlrth, Dermis Hlrth and voicing opinions were atC ^ plating. of Education action that allocat- Grade 1 and moved down to Civil engineer Walter Puss an­ acres, the PZC advised Peck he will meet tomorrow night at 8 6WSEN. 22 30 Be 60 To 90 MAR. 20^' Presents ** ** **"” * * future, the tax basis being what ’Ihconas, testified that AA entrance oft Armory St. Access ton, 36 Main St. Ricci Hlrth, all of ElllingUm, ed ^ ’’to cwch wrestling for y ^ g^^ kindergarten; pre-school class swered later that the developers must go before the ZotOng in the Town Hall. lg>.18-19-45-48 41-47-49- would be the most a w r^ ria e ^ ^ to the entrance is via existing Also, Timothy G. Tomko, ,116 ^lj@Good (^Advetsc ^Neutral and Karl Hirth of TerryviUe; for the mentally retarded, with Board of AppeEdS for a variance The Welcome Wagon New­ U40-43-84-90 67-71-76 REAL ESTATE PRINCIPLES & PRACTICES M boys for three months when conceded, many parents are driveways. Eldridge St.; Peter E. Fagan, Decision fjahled\to San, 24 ^ Une from the BldWell-FoUy from the required 200-fo0t road comers Club Arts. And Crafts two daughters, Mrs. Peter Cof­ there are more urgent academic questioning whether the school children being sent to Vernon; properties in ^^yy^ would,- . .i:— '^'j08A .Bluefield Dr.;. Robert" B. This course is am>roved by The Connecticut Real Estate fey of IMndsor Locks and M&:s. Head Start; pre-school class for the aiea. frontage;''J ’’ ../Jgroup will meet'tomorrow night.. Commission aa meeting the educational requirement to be­ ” ®®™’ ’ system Is doing what is legally "no question” of the line’s Peter Skelly of Issaquah, Warii.; Board member Dr. David Wi- reauired. the hard of hearing, blind, and Andrew Throwe, a traffic en­ c>r.i’t7;50atthehomft(rfMr8. Jort« f. Paliente.Tbdayi: W - ’ ‘'*’teSSiIteto“ T F ^ ^ S L - come a.'Real Elstate Broker. (Approved for Veterans.) a brother, Richard W. Hirth of those with speech defects; re­ gineer with 17 years cf experi- ability to handle the develop­ Ttie P ^ voted to return the Wolfe. Robin Circle. , , r Tour™^» ^ Gas Station Zone ner commented that apparently Mrs. Desroslers outlined, an ment appUcation for a 66-lot addition ^------^ADMITTED Y ESTER- Mrs I ^ L. Lawrence, 29C Town Engineer Predicts Lecturer: Gerard T. Wholey Hartford; and five grandchil­ the greatest need is help for overview of the learning dla- vised kindergarten curricidum; ence .ln the State Department of dren. pre-kindergarten for 24. children Atty. Thomas McHale, who . to the Sugar HUl subdivision, Manchester Evening Herald A0>’ '« *« » $ « Avn 96C T .ATt/W Qf* • _ vwsAeiMei AM a ViTndsor; Mrs, Terry M. Car- Garrisem and son, 28 Lenox St.. ply for $250,000 in federal funds This means that there might more advanced offeihigs in the Real Elstate Profession. nity United Methodist Church of strict gas stations, was met by procedure. He warned the com- feet and said, " I asked for “ You cannot speak of ’a’ class at Bentley; Bowers cen-. During this period, Throwe tee change to AA zone as "in Mrs. James Shambo and son, 27 be less possible roadblocks ‘.to CiYstal Lake will officiate. ter for language handicaps; and said, 1,018 vehicles traveled on tee best Interests of -the area."' dile, Llynwood Dr., Bolton. for a "feasibility study’’ of a numerically light opposition mission that the new zone would $89,000 m personnel, specifically with ‘a’ learning disability," Also, Leslie E. Carroll, 3 Bar­ LUley St. the Laurel Lake landfill propos­ Burial wiU be in Ellington Cen­ from land development interests make all 62 operating stations a language consultant for the she said, "because a dilld with a Grade 2 follow-up to the pre- Keeney St., slightly mere than Oppose Change Panel Dheussion Planned regional approach to solid waste al than anticipated, but the I Please enroll me in the above course in Manchester. En- I ter Ceinetery. priinary group. 200 an hour. In addition, he Roger McDermott of 107 bara Rd., South Windsor; The­ • closed is my check or money order made out to The ' at a sparsely attended public non-conforming uses. "If one junior highs, and over $12,000 in ©ne can have a problem in any resa L. Cheever, 22 Dogwood disposal. In spite of this and town probably would still have Frienids may call at the fu­ hearing last night. burned down, it could not be re- equipment and materials." area or a combination." She counted 24 commercial vehl- Keeney St., Mrs. Alice Carey of University of Oonneeticut for $...... i Lane, South Windsor; Mrs. Dor­ other state steps to encourage to convince the state that a pos­ Mail to: The Certificate Program, U-56RE, The University neral home tomorrow from 2 to As expected, the proposal re- built,” he pointed out. Mrs. Desroslers said that her said that any problem must bo cles, 13 school buses, and only Wlnthrop Rd. and 'Hieunis On LoW’Modeirate Housing €k)tham Lenders I cne pedestrian. Werkhoven of 88 Santina Dr. all othy L. Conley, South Rd., Bol- regional solutions to the prob­ sible gound water source in the Iof Connecticut, Storrs, Cfonn. 06268. Tel. 429-3311, Ext. 1280. 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. ceived support from the Inde- Referring to stiffer ragula- most pressing personnel needs looked at in four ways: Laurel Lake area and the Rockville Youths Throwe said drivers appear- eP®’'® against the change, A panel, made up of represen- chU3Xh. All Cubs and parents ten; Jamta L. Copeland, 86 Cut Prime Rate pendent Garage Owners Assocla- Oons on gas stations passed only were a reading person with j. Evaluation. “ We cMi’t look lem, an application by Manches- Hockanum River will be protec­ Alexander M. Rogowskl ed to have no difficulty enter- mainly on grounds of increas­ taOves of the Capitol Region are liivlted to attend. Doming St.; Mrs, Rutt P. Oon- N am e...... tlon, which for several years a •year ago, LaBelle charged learning dlsablUties experitse at the total tost score but must Held in Breaks Plaimitig Agency (CRPA) nylll The boys consttxicted the verse. Box 366C, RFD 2, Man- NEW YORK (AP) — Three ter for a new sanitary landfill ted from any contamination. R(X1KVILLE — Alexander has been backing stiffer regula- teat they were sufficiently for children , in Grade 2 and look at sub-test scores," Mrs. ing traffic flow cn Keeney St. edj density and traffic. Mrs. ©ut area probably from side streets. ' He added Carey said she would like the discuss how low and mcxlerate- rockets wltt materials purcltas- Chester. major major New New York banks cut area pronaoiy 'would be apprw- M. Rogo)vski, 53, of 1 West St. tions governing gas outlets. etelct, above, and a tutor coordinator. Desroslers ssdd, "because a Four RockvlUe youths were Address ...... that, in his (qainlon, Keeney St. " e ® te remain rural in chaTac- income housing and (JHPA’s ed from the proceeds of a can- Also, Francis H. Dineen, 128 their prime lending rates today ed, by the state agency, accord- Fair on Paris Bridge died yesterday at Rockville Because of other matters, the Among other things, be noted. To this, George Bradlau, as- child could be average or norm- ■ - (Street) (City) Zip Code arrested yesterday by ITenum is well below capacity and ter, and Werkhoven commented Nelgdiborhood Plan affects Ver- dy sale conducted by the pack. West St.; .Susan M. Duprey, 86 to 6 per cent from 6% per cent, hig to Charles Kurker of the de- PARIS — For 200 years—until I General Hospital. He^iwas the (Commission took no action foh they require a new station to sistant superintendent of schools ©i m the total but be low in one husbandof Mrs. Genevieve police, on warrants issued by could handle additicnal traffic teat he had not heard any good non*B growth and development. Orange Meets Lake St., South Windsor; Roy J. Bankers Trust Co., CSiase partment. the Neq>ole(»iic WarsParis’ lowing the hearing but tabled it have 120 feet of frontage, and for curriculum, added _ another of them." She said that the re- The meeting, sp<«isored by Vemtm Grange will meet Durey, 188 Lyness St.; Mrs. Manhattan Bank and Manufac- The Board (rf Directors tonight Pont Neuf (New. Bridge) was the I Day Telephone...... Socirt Security # ...... Wojtach Rogowskl. discussion at its Jan. 24 busi­ Circuit Court 12, and one juve­ from the propose^ development *’eaaons presented for the tor to be at least 400 feet from a resource room, part-time gojta of all scores are given to the League ot Women Voters of Friday at 8 p.m. at Grange Elizabeth M. Evtushak, 221 Fer- turers Hanover Trust 86 line short-term mOTey indicate the existing land- and the Central Business Dis­ now, and he seconded LaBelle Figures released by Wilson streng;th and weaknesses," she Survivors, besides his wife 8 The four were charged with It was pointed out during the would be more economlcai than Almont Vermm’s former town Kail. Members o f Enfield end Brairford St.; Thomas C. John- trict), and Business 5 would be- on the matter of non-conforming E. Deakin Jr„ assistant super- said. "The most important thing ‘^®" fill Will be full by 1978. m i and parents, are a son, Gerald burglary and larceny with an diseusslmi that access rOads to hnear AA development, which planner he that ^ e de- Stafford Junior Granges will be eon, Mansfield Center; Mrs. come the only zone where ad-, uses. If the present outlets be- intendent of schls for per- is to provide ^sucjcess for the A. Rogowskl of Rockville; two added charge of crimlnai mis­ the site are proposed off Keeney would require much cutting mond for low and moderate In- Kuests. Rita C. Kay, East Hartford; Ml; m i three iL k s foUowed the J " a ^JX ^w asta ditional stations could be built, come non-conforming, their sonnel, showed that $164,850 was children. Some have already brothers, Jacob Rogowskl of chief placed against three of St. opposite Garden Grove Dr. and filling, dome housing was h l^ In Ver-. Nomlneee Sought chaol W. Kurtz, 120 Birch St,.; lead of Irving Trust Co., which. ^ ^®®^® Town Planner J. Eric Potter, owners will find it impossible estimated a[s the cost of this failed in games or at home.” disposal eng;ineer working for Manchester and Joseph Rogow- them. and at the crest of the hill near Thomas pointed out that it non with only two such com- Nominees are still being ac- Mrs. Alice Laubcicher, East announced a similar cut on Fri- In explaining the regulation; said to get additional bank financing, year’s learning disabilities pro* 3 . .Nature of the program, the town under the emergency ski of Bolton; and two sisters, Carleton Hamm, 17, ke.; Steven H. T™®‘ both have flertble prirne gas stations in the town’s de- throughout New ubiginTi^, main- $12,000 for materials, supplies, all senses, auditory, visually, for state approval ol^the plan. The funeral will be tomorrow breaks at the Rockville Bowling roads. Leland woqltt end in a cul Uc tanks, carried throurti This proposed Individual nominations may Parent,' Glastonbury; Joseph rates, which are review ^ peri- Kurker Indicated today that at 8:15 a.m, from thes Burke veloped areas now. A recently tained that his experience has equipment, released time, and kinesthetic. She stated that the Plaza, the Goodwill Store and de sac, vriiile Linwood Dr. This development woiild have ®“ ” ^ th gn. p_ ^ submitted by any resident of pastore, 54 Margaret Rd.; Mra. odically In response to fluctua- published planning office sur- gtv©u jjjm a keen eye for poten- the summer program. open^ concept is not being em- that the town lease 601 the state's feasibility study Fimeral Home, 76 Prospect St., the Maple Street School. The would serve as a major access both city water and sewer, thus ment units at scattered loca- “ ‘® Vemon-Tolland are^ The Lillian M. PoulTot, Eait Hatjt- tions In other money niMketa. probably wtiuld not be don^ ln with a Mass of the Resurrec­ vey showed 62 operating stations tial sites. “ I dare say one could “ Apparently the m(wt press- ployed at present but may be charge of criminal mischief was road, carrying an estimated 400 '***8® ^ete would not be in town at present, plus six not find four spots in town now ing c«ed is for a person like'introduced later.' tioM and to allow Idw and mod- S ttoM lfta J d ^ ^ m rra te. ^ I c h HaruoraHartford v^unry.County. Ifn the me , Ik tion at St. Joseph’s Church at added in coimection with the veMcles dally. required, he said. re- - 9. Burial will be in St. Ber­ others that have gone out of that could bye built upicommendation8 to the Board ville, Jani 18. Ruzzoli was un­ Bookrt Derby d,uie to comply with new nation- Usab, 184 Park St,; Mrs. Jo­ per cent. First National City l in e n Still In memory you are with us. Vemo|»^b.r ------“ financial Incentives" for towns Open Mon. RUGS oper still would have to go be- tforman, who ectea as chief kindness’’/ in calling them. cf Education. The .local team, able to post bond and was to be ^ .SepUt 228 jtarty rules. TTle Self-endofae .enninesephine uG. Wing,wuur x/o173 ouixiocSpruce HISt. Bank, however, recently cut Its As you always were before. to work toward a regional solu­ fore the Zoning Board of Ap- apokesmam termed the proposm “ dumb, stupid." Dr. Schardt he said, has investigated and presented in Circuit Court, When Ladder Slips will ccnduct Ita annual ‘Rocket ment of committee members Mrs Lillian E Zavarella 126 N' rate to 6% per cent. Daughter Florence Brunner Derby" im t was the method used prior to tion to refuse disposal prob­ peals for a special exception, as A step M d , gj^jq in.depth in-service passed on 624 cases, Rockville, today. Lakewood Circle. and Family ’ p.m. at S t John’s Episcopal ^,6 change. lems, accordlng,te Kurker. required by state law for gas P ^ ‘®“ mat the S^up has program being drafted by teach- Explains Procedures The arrests were n ^ e by Lt. BIRTHS YESTERDAY: A 449.7, been seeking stiffer controls for Church, Rt 80. . "Dte executive board of the Kurker says that P.A. ■ 846 re­ In Memoriam stations. ers should help to remedy this Edward Tlmbrell, Keeney St. Edwin Carlson a n d ^ gt. John daughter to Mr. and Mra. Don­ the past three years.. 111 order to qualify ' tor the town committee -wds azked to Public Records quires that' regional plans be In lovhig memory of Mrs. Teresa The procedure. Potter said, and other problems. School principal, explained the Marshall of the Special Serv­ a gsmge oft at 111 E. Middle Tpke. Fire officials sa^d ald R. Bllasqn,,49A i^chel Rd.; McCann, who passed away January lid that while the mem- dertiy, all boys must compete prepare a plaii'for running the prepared by .regional planning 2. 1955. would g^ve the PZC control over bers "® ®®*'hai^e been critlelzed for Answering a question from following procedure steps that ices Squad. a ladder sUpped from underneath -McGreiror k son to Mr. uid MtQ, Arthur Warranty Deeds ive He was taken to M anchester----- * in a preliminary trial heat Fri- ©aucua which will be held next agencies by July 1, 1973, and locating the''outlets. He added trvlnr to tmt comoetiUon their *tebert Karas, president of precede recommendations: Prln- Vernon police are investigat­ Dean, Rt. -6, Andover; a daugh­ Herman M. Frechette to Jean Away in God’s beautiful garden. Memorial Hospital, the arm was of tho 8th District said the fire day at 6:80 p.m., also at the month. Ibis plan will be pre- that towns adopt these plans by^ In the valley of peace so fair. that the commission would not’ motives\vcnt dM^ ^ ^ .. . teethA ManchesterMAnnhAat-Ar Association AaorkAlaHnn for clpal’sAinAl'tt check nhAnlr sheet; nhAAl’r elementafy,AlAmAfit-oM/ ing a break into LaPointe Indus­ ter to Mr. and Mra. Richard B. G. and Martine Bouchard, prop­ set, and he was sent home. began when a small four-burner ------sented at tho Jan. te meeting, July 1, 1974. If p. town does not Some day, some time, when toil Is spot zone an area merely to ac- y^ ’ Children With Ixarqlng Die- teacher’s Inventory of about 20 tries, 166 W, Main St., Ropkvllle. Cool, 41 Strickland St. erty at 15-17, Grove St., convey­ o'er, stove in the loft ignited some . • for tqn>roval ot the committee. accept the regional plan. It Wn’ll meet our loved one there. commodate an oil company, g^j^le the industry i"from the e*>teties, about an earlier mis- questions; physical educStion The break, police said, occurred Moderate damage was done to DI8CHAROBD YESTER­ ance tax-$48.40. bedding, spreading flames to the would have to prepare and sub­ saying that other business serv- standpoint of beauty and ecolo- “ iKlerstancUrg ifeiative to In- teacher’s report; health report; some time during last night. the furnished loft before firemen DAY: Albert W. Nackowskl, 88 Her Children carpet and walls. BuUdteg Permits mit Us own plan for waste dls- ices also would be required. At gy „ service sessions, Bradlau an- group testing results; psycholog- Police said a sizable amount from both the town and the 8th Chcwl Lockwood St.; Santo Slpala, 65 The garage la at the address A Hare>in1,1 a FASTEETH*PDwdK five strokes here when some- St. ' n Frechette,' two permits for 2 Until then, however, the (mly Andind friendsfri ■ from day to day, developeq Alexander Jarvis; He said he opposed more outlets Money was paramount in last zano; Mrs. Dorothy Coleman, ed. with intoxication. He was also notified, and thb com- thing moved In the cup. He Also, Beverly A. Holmes, 361 But never will the one we. loved R tal«9 ttw worry pulled out g, neW-born rabbit. M ain'St.; Greg J .. Holbrook, twc^famlly, houiles, (»ie at 13-15 reftsoh a proposed jandflll might From memory pass away. and from John B. Barnini of 249 even along future highways, night’s questions, answers, and head nurse;, and Joseph Falla- released on hia promise to ap- ponies brought the fife under t h ^ R(3we put the baby on tte green RFD 2, (Bolton; Chester F. Alton St„ one at 19-21 Alton St., be turned down ■would be be- ™ Boplder Rd., q land developer, sinhe they are usually provided discussion. Social workers Mrs. card, psychological examiner, peai^ln Circuit Court, Rockville, control within a hour. . ^ N o ^ “ st?S ta out of jywiirfhg dwiturae. Wife, Children ...... where Its m otterm lght find it. Johnston, Sam Green Rd., Cov- $24,000 ^ h . cause a particular parcel Is Lv'i V and Grandchildren ' LaBelle scored the proposal for in the highway m i^ e r plans. Sylvia Hadge and Ruth inserted pertinent comments on Jan. 18. Fire Chief GranvlUe Llngard was given. »«m aie Vi* I'. I, r •

MANCHESTER e v e n i n g HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAfY, ^ANUAI^Y 4, 1972 PAGE NINE PAOB BIGHT MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD.-MANCHES1E.R, CX)NN., TUESDAY, JANUARY 4, 1972 Bolton in 1971 Labor Commissioner Wants BUGS BUNNY OUR BOARDING HOUSE with MAJOR HOOPLE TV Tonight ifi l«n h* WifM* ItM. Iw, \ WELL,THAT'S' ^T.M. «*t W S. H*. OH. "MAYBE ‘^New-Deal-Type’ Program See. Saturday’s TV Week THAT FOR ALVtN Anivir to rrtTloiM The Baby Has TOOWJ FINALLY ALVIN'LL for Complete Listings. MUSIC IS BE A Austerity and Effort H ARTFORD (AP) — In beautification programs like ? t r ic k Scram bler SEEIOUSLV ' State Labor Commissioner Jack the COC camps," he sold. TOOK INS- VFIPPLER! S;M (3> Blc Valley (C) A.'Fusari Monday 'caHed for Fusari recegnizes that his (8) I Dream of Jeaaaie (C) SURPRISEP IHECAH ACROSS DOWN plan Is drastic and politically (S() Timmy and Laeile YOU’LL BE- AT I MAKEn Been Named the creation cf "make work” (40) 1 Love LKcy VAT HE NOW^ '^OUND 1 Cooking IG o b y Marked Year for Tdivn unorthodox for a Republican .to S;Se (8> Dragnet 4 Kind of cloth 3 Close <8«) OUllgan’a laland / 13 Wolfhound 5 Medicinal A U SC enty and ^imnum- Andrew Maneggla of Stony oral snowmobiles, antique horse Marceau,yl^ani Ellen, daughter of Sgt. William F. and unemployment rate. 6:M (S-S-88) Newa — Weather and 14 Sea eagle plant t y concern were the major Rd. was unanimously elected buggies, farm machine^ and Marcia NalMmJek Marceau, Bod Klsstngun, Oermany. She I believe,” Fusari said; Sporta (C) 15 Courtesy title CZoroastrian Was born JDec. 15 at Bod Klsslngun. Her maternal grandpar­ Terming Connecticut’s em- Fusari is quick to say the (18) Wild Wild Weat (var.) forces at work in Bolton in board chairman. riding equipment were destroy- (SO) To Tell the Tmth - (C> 18 Witchery 26 Frenchman's )41 Sharpens, ents are/Mr. and Mrs. Charles Nalawajek, Kensington. Her p’.oyment situation "pretty problem cf unemployment is (40) The Saint (C) 18 Body seg­ 7 Social insect as a razor 1971, as sch'ool and town ed in the fire, $;rlm,” Fusarl blamed toe high "inherited” by the Republican ±± ments (anat.) 8 Skirmish name p ater^ grap^parents are Mr. and Mrs. William H. Marceau, 6:80 (S) Newa with Walter Cron- 9 Town in Utah 27 Every other 42 Allowance administrators tried to live a comprehensive drug educa- unemployment on cutbacks in Mesklll and Nixon adminls- klte -Y (C) 20 Greek for waste - 8 Tracy Dr., Manchester. Her paternal great-grandparents (8) Newa with H.K. Smith and townships 10 English 28 Falsehoods within a minimal bu^et “ 5*" for studonU in Bolton, resldente again opened are Mr. and Mrs. William Lynn, 417 Hartford Rd., Manches­ federal defense spending. tratiens. , Harry Reaaoner (C) MICKEY FINN 29 Whims 43 Demigod BY HANK LEONARD 21 Chemical clergyman 44 Turkish ter. “ We In the state of Con­ Joblessness "Is not toe fault (88-80) NBC Newa (C) suffix 11 Observes 31 Treats with 1*1 • *. « « 0:S5 (40) Newa (C) nitric acid dignitary S id ta Tl^iS ' A wS: ^ necticut can’t say we want our of President Nixon or Gov. 7:00 (3) Untamed World (C) I YES INDEED/ LINDA '">( VOU DON'T THINK 22 Fencing sword 17 Fancy 46 Contain 24 Musical group 19 Asian nation (var.) trijunid budget o( $1,722,. S J T Bailey, Alexander Joseph, stm of Michael W. and Anita beys home and cutbacks in de­ MeskiU,” he said. "It is toe (8) Tmth or Conaeqnencea (C) ( got alon g very well 1 SHE WOULD 47 Wicked (18) Dick Van Dyke LINDA WAS VERY DEPENDABLE I WITH EVERYONE IN THE / S FAKE AN 26 Olympian '23 Mold 33 Fdll flower Staples Bailey, 70 Dogwood Lane, South Windsor. He was bom fense and .E'tlll say we want fault of toe cutbacks In defense 38 Choice M Ravine 810 was approved for the six-part workshop conducted by (8840) Newa — Weather and ... ALWAYS KNEW HER LINES* goddess 24 Couches SO That girl Dm . 16 at Manchester Memorial Hospital. His maternal grand­ jobs,” he said in an interview. spending." Sporta (C) 27 Masculine 25 Nautical term 40 Moment 1971-72 fiscal year and a instructors from the Capltol ^ athleUcs, the Bolton (40) ABC Newa (C) tax ra-te of 56 mills w as,set, Region Drug information <3en- T*5«r8 midget football team parents are Mra. Anna Staples, 70 Dogwood Lane, South Wind­ i;^^dcn’t see that In the very Only the federal government, nickname near future it’s going tc get he added, A:an supply toe Jobs 7:30 (3> Glenn Cnmpliell Show (C) , D if f e r e n t 30 Feminine an increase of two mills t«>-. coached_^by Dr. OirBolsoneau . sor; and Wilbur Staples, LoulsvlHe, Ky. His paternal grand­ (8-40) Mod Sqnnd (C) , better unless toe federal gov­ needed to put people back to (18) Movie Game (C) POINTS £?F parents are Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bailey, St. Petersburg, Fla. apMllaition rTT (88-88) Sarge (C) 6 over last year. a curriculum guide to be V I E W * < 32 Italy toa 2 ernment establishes a program work. 1 He has a sister, Karen, Vi. 919 6 3457 8:00 (18) When Stars Were Stars native Capital expenditures for used as an aid for introducUon wnnthnii rr NIA, W, TX. u, UI. M. OW. * * *^ 12 school and town were kept at a cf the subject was prepared toy Football Conference 8:30 (8) Hawaii Pive-O (C) 34 Hold in 14 (8S-M). Man Is My Name (C) 13 servation Corps ' — make work ewes it to tola state, for being Bearden, Michael William, son of Michael A. and Linda custody it minimum,.,,1-. ____ ...„uwith budget In- a faculty :committee____ for the during second the consecuUve ” year. ‘'7 “ (8-40) Movie (C) 1$ program.” Fusari said. sc '’efense-'riente'i,” he said. 35 Packed in a 17 Wutseh Reardon, 3 Edith Rd., Vernon. He was bom Dec. 17 9:80 (3) Cannon (C) creases mainly due to inflation^ summer. v « r graduated nr • at Manchester Memorial Hospital. His maternal grandparents xhe CJC was one cf the first There are about 120,000 per­ (88-30) Nichols (C) 26 rather than to InnovaUon or ox- y*” 10:00(8-40) Marcos Weiby, M.D. series 9 undertakings cf President sons out of work in Connecti- reaching state semi-final play­ are Mr. and Mrs. William Wutseh, Billerica, Mass. His pater­ OUT OUR WAY BY NED COCHRAN 36 Bishopric 21 pension. At the elementary school lev- Franklin D. Rccsevelt's "New ■ offs. nal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Michael Reardm, 47 Eva cuL acconliiv to toe la^r de- Revue (c> 37Horse^sgait il ^any local residents were vie- «L teachers and adthlnistrators Deal.” partment’a November figures. (ig) HaHford Taik-in (C> Dr., Manchester. He has two sisters, Michelle, S, and lisa, 8. " TURM THAT KEY, I AM--I'M THIMKIMO 38 Hardy 9 f PUNCH MfeOMTHE 2728 tlfjis of imemployment, particu- began to investigate the c Sn“ h ‘*TSward Freedom Kjose At^osLue AW--1 CAM'T, WITH ABOUT THE TIMES heroine $2 tt larly engineers from Pra,tt and cept on lOE, Individually duld- Initiated thta year under the dl- AAEIWTHESTOM- iSLOVESOM/ OR IVEWARMEP YOU Journey 31 33 Hay, Emily Beto, daughter of LeRoy E. and Lorraine were put tc werk In ( X C camps at 8.3 per cent, up from 6.6 per (M -gwodO) Nows - Weather ACHE; WILL VOUT.' HOLPTH’ DOOR ASAIMST PUTTIMSOM S Pronoun $ Whltney Aircraft. ed ■ BducaUen. A more Into- recUon of Jim Marshall of Fern- Latimer Hay, 25 Brimwood Dr., Rockville. She was bom Dec. tullfiin? and beautifying parks. cent a year ago. And Sports (C) PRISCILLA’S POP BY AL VERMEER AMP a f t e r PROM SHUT TILL I t h e g l o v e s /a m p I'M 42 At thatplace 3 ^ “grated language arts program wood Dr. The boys are at the the. Bocks 34 Fusari said "we’re not going The problem la worse In toe ieiM<3 MOT TO.' CAM SETOUTA. ALSO THIMKIMG MOW'S 45 Thorny 36 17 at Manchester Memorial Hospital. Her maternal grandpar­ was also set as a main goal for preliminary stages of organiza- l^tc get the tc make heavily Industrialized areas, OEAB HIM,AW, HERE/ SHE RAM A GOOPTIME rO RM E 49 Pardon 36 38 ents are Mr. and Mrs. Albert W. Latimer, Cortland, N. Y. 11:30 (88-30) Tonight Show Johnny Ecology figured the present school year. tlon and are working to Im­ AMP HOLPHIM/ RIGHT IMTO TO JUST STAMP HERE 51HaU! Her paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Uoyd Hay, Cort- guns and bombs and all if we however. Bristol has a rate of Canon (C) THOSE PUMCHESf AMPLETYtSUTWD 41 prove basic skating skills before (8-40) Dick Cavett Show (C) 52------the Red In Town Actions are nf-t going ito have wars. more than 20 per cent; An- I PO SOMETH IM’, EO THE SAME.' laad, N. Y . She has a brother, Brandon, 2\i. 18:85 (8) Startime (C) 53 Cavity 48 At the high school, plans are entering competition with -• »i #1 «> « And I’m not for wais. sonia, Torrington and Newjprit- 46 47 1:00 (8) lAical News Headlines (C) A\A/ 424344 54 Sesame Utl under way for the introducti teams from other towns. ^ *'I'd rather have people workain, more then 12 per cent. ^80) News a Sign Off (C> la Concern for protection of the Markstein, Marcia I^mn, daughter of Michael R. and 55 Ripped onof an enrichment program (40) Prayer ASIgn Off (C) 56 Concludes HT vrAu town’s natural resources rated Claudia Carrcdl Markstein, 58 Overland SL, Manchester. She 57 Measure b high on the priority list this which .. will ,offer .... such ^ courses The site for meet of t^p. *■ town’s was bom Dec. 17 at Manchester Memoirlal Hospital. Her Channel 24 of cloth u ') y w and two nroiirtv owners “ sewing, knitting, shop, art, athletic events has shifted from S6 maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Carroll, 8 (NEWSSAfta ENTISnilSE ASSOCIATION) 4 Nation’s Youngest Mayor Tnesday, January 4 were’ forced to ^ acUviUes toe scl^l flel^ to Hetrick Barbara Tld., South Windsor. Her paternal grandmotoer Is PM which were endangering toe during free periods. Memorial Park which opened Mrs. Mary, Markstein, East Hartford. She ha^^ a brother, 6:00 Hodgepodge ILodge (C) 'town's wsitsi'w&w -l&to in tho yoftr, IMCn.-B. Piopco 6:30 Commnnicntlons and Edaco- Michael, 2. Gets Call from President tion (C) After t a c a n ^ in the’courts, Herrick, vdio donated toe land, AYRSHIRE,' Iowa (AP) — "I bus," Smith said of his talk 7:30 Mission Oceanography (C) toe pollution against Bruce R«i- ** ® dedication Golden,; Georgette Le, daughter ot George Jr. and Ju­ 8:00 FonHh Estate (C) now have the power to marry with Nixon. 8:30 The Advocates (C) son of Bolton Center Rd. was hi.* ceremony attended by many dith Wilson Ckdden, Sandy Becush Rd., Rockville. She was bom 9 SO Black Jonrnal (C) settled as he was farced to have ’*"* the high mhool in SeiH towmpeople and local offtclals. Dec. 17 at Manchester Memorial Hoo{dtal. Her maternal others," toe new mayor said, "And he asked me what else 10:00 How _Do Yonr Children Grow? ^uea asnewasiorceatonave when they approved 'Th> nark’s faHiitiea include n. "but If I want to get married I do. I Udd him about my refer- ioiso Conne'bf------biir TiiiTes' (C) \ - « r gl iwaw HtA. Uc. TAt If. Vi. M. Off. grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wilson, Amarillo Tex. CARNIVAL BY DICK TURNER his rental prepay on Lok^de g4^ooo preliminary plans and recteaiion tsiiiding two baseball Her paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. <3eorge Golden myself I must have my dad’s eelng activities, and he asked If ______$^*afteTSig hi>ir“ln and engineering work. The diamonds or ^football field, Sr., Enfield. She has a brother, George m , IH; and a sister, signature (ri the marriage U- I participated in sports, SJp^ c^ hi. «fS^ Commission U ^ ^ rfnk. Marcy, 4. cense because I ’m under 21.” ..j ^Ad him no, that I’m too FUEl ’|70e Gal. GUMMER STREET B Y '^IL KROHN tempi or c«m tor ms renisai ^^w In toe process of preparing I* ' 4- « * At the age <4 19, Jody Smith clumsy, and he said that’s fun- spaclftcaUons and wUl soon en- WasUelsky, Bernadette, daughter of William and Geoigl- became toe nation’s youngest ny because when he was In col- O IL C .O .D . i-'i POUUtlOBl OPdOPa XDd vVfiitCP Ro* aMOTA A.n AJTGhltAGt tA Hfisiflm thfi a.._. s ___ _ A 0(2i(?a>a WHYMOTOERS GET GRAY M sources CbmmlsMon determined cS' ahna BoUea WosUefSky, 8 Linden PL, Rockville. She was bom maydr Monday vriien, after re- lege he liked sports too, but he Dec. 17 at Manchester Memorial Hoqiital. Her maternal celvlng a telephone call from was too clumsy to play. Jake lA/e c A s J c ^ s s In 1967 that seepage from Ron- present plans caU for the JS^wrth' Qflgefg flAntip tftnk vtaji ov^iut am aaa —' a. j j«a« x, C6l®0Pft*6d nOP lOOul Oirtll* grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Dousdu BoUes, 86.Center SL, President Nixini, he was sworn "He also knew that I worii In TM I$ (2 lv e ^ ^ ... N son 8 se^ was gomg m- 7^400 square-fbot addltian to pro- KCIIEY I SONS rectly Into Bolton Lake. ..ia. aw iq>on nouse tor Rockville. Her paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mra. Wil­ into office by Town Clerk C. A. my father's filling station, and ^ vide seating for 500 and eating fiends and family liam WasUefsky, 7 Ward SL, Rockville. She has a brother, Spitler. he said he worked in a .filling 24-HB. BURNER SERVICE SHORT RIBS BY FRANK O’NEAL space for 200, with cost estt- _ VlTQiam, 9; and a slstpr, Marie, 8. A liberal arts freshman at station when he was young too. In an. unrelated case, local ranging from $221,000 to ^ community was sadden- Iowa Lakes Community College residents and town officials |3oq qqo, ed by toe Ices of Mra Elinor "He said that’s~a^verjr gd 647-9732 Bentley of Birch Mt. Rd., who at nearby Emmetsburg, Smith way to get to know lots of dif- broui^t pressure to bear on toe ' Serving Greater Manoheater, USOK A -T , 'TMOSE I^ELV E V K f owner of Little Jim's Restaurant served as town librarian for was 18 when toe 296 residents ferent kinds of people and find of this northeast Iowa commu ■tlAAt So\Ht on RL 44A to halt dumping into O vic EffoitB over thirty yean. At a recent Democrats Ask Free Time out what’s on their minds." Vemen, Coventry, Tolland, town meeting, residents unan- nity elected him Nov. 2, to head Smith said he someday wants BlUngton and Smtifa Windaor Bolton Pond Brook in an effort Involved People their city government. to divert toe stream by several lously voted to rename toe Bol­ to be a city manager. ton Public Ubrary Bentley Me- After Nixon Appearance Smith was waiting to be i'*-. feet. Residents complained when sworn in when Ids father Elmer toey saw at least ^a UUK»dosen JIUMJunk. ^. through 1990 mortal Ubrary In her memory, WASHINGTON (AP) — The controversial Issues of public dashed to toe City Hall to bring Democratic National Oom- importance.’' hl8 son home. The President Tto Bdtm Junior Wtmen’s niittee wants free air time on Califano said N B C s telecast was on toe phone. M.Y.F. PAPER DRIVE li«K MavMjf A aaAiA Im 4ma ^_ . . . _ .. . . . ^ JANE BY FRANK BAGINSKI m e d h ^ and voluntarily Se?to!S\)ards S!nd toe OclumUa Broadcasting Sys- was "clearly political in its "He knew I drive a school houn reviewing each pnwislon. tqm to respond to President conception and execution.” SATURDAY, JANUARY 8, 1972 1-4 Nixon’s appearance Sunday A similar request for time (RIW J A N E f ! ...AND TH E Y TURNED'' Planning exta n t Robert 8:00 AJ«. — 1 W H ATfe W R O N G ,?/ HE DOWN FL/CT!! Soil Oonsorvatlon relative to a ^ Brawn. Donald and S^ele a* featu^ night Yvlto CBS correspondent was made of toe American HAU FOR HINT S R R R R R R ^ better method of filling toe indl^tS^ that Bolton Is Dan Rather. v Broadcasting Compemy last TMA-r 1-EfS FACE IT. IM iSU^T Fsr poittss. South United Methodist Church Parking Lot stoeam and changing the water- r ilS I^ 'X p e ’’ from a ttand- The National Broadcasting fall, foUowtag a program (Comer Hartford Bead and Main Street) KAtmFDL A MAL£C/WWlMlSTPk&I C0U1B6. aa visUm and audio axama for Company also receiyed a re- March 22, iiriien Howard K. point of land and natural re- pre-achoolera, and providing COAT' ...... sources available, schools, traf- quest for tone from toe Demo- Smith Interviewed Nlx<». The #OR FREE PICK-UP town’ s crats to answer toe NBC pro- Federal Communlcatifms Com- senior citizens. ai2'*t«^^3ro?"*ss-alsp took A oyid on present loidng regulations, although gram "A Di^ In' toe Presiden- mission upheld ABC’s refusal of " c a l l 643-R334 or 643-1384 Kxdng regulattcns, recommend- reoammendatlons were made in cy ,” aired Dec. 21. toe request, but the ruling is 94 OOC.WAT m aa a n tag that aU R « zones (pnwld- gji those areas. On the political front, Juniors Neither network had a rq-.,^ under appeal in toe U.S. Circuit biangheskeb 8:00 AM.— 4 P.M . sponsored a "Meet the Candi- ing for one-half acre bullSitag Calvin Hutchinson was ap­ sponse to toe requests, which Court of Appeals here, iN M i 64S4HS er e » 4 U » “I won’t sell! With recyclinB;,i^lt’ ll be worth lota) be abolished in Bolton in poSii^'toii^”,;;;;^ ; were made In telegrams from ^ p . Paul N. MeCSoskey, R- order to Insure the preservation S ^ tor and zoning agwTr? I^tosal hopefuls Joeeph A. Califano, toe com- C ^ „ also asked for equal millions!"' mittee's general counsel. time on CBS, saying toe Sun- The Sunday night program day ni^t broadcast gave Nixon Residents rejected a proposal Swmtiy. ^ ^ electors to express their views, was termed "highly pi^itlcal In an unfair\^vantage in toe up- which would have authorized ns,« As the year ended, club mem- its overtones and offered the coming nW Hampridre pri- MR, ABERNATHY BY ROLSTON JONES and FRANK RIDGEWAY the commlsston and toe select- *>*r8 were laying groundwock Presldent an (ipportunlty to ex- mary. MoCloiikey is challenging men .to . apply . . . o . , for____ state_ ..aand fed' ed to the town rolls with funds for two communl^ endeavors: press his views on a number JLA>./ made available through toe fed' LAJOLA-MAJ SHALL J FEED y o u CERTAlNiy ARENT- oral fuiuling to purchase lake' ^ street-numbering project and U a a J BY DICK CAVALLI HER N O W ? COVUNG TO d in n e r WINTHBOP front pn^rty for open space oral Eme^eimy Employmeid a^nit education program CUDDLES Act. A civil engineer was hired “ ^ HfiSBEBsl UNTIL y o u WASH and recreation, apjparentty feel -PniionR n«i. ta scheduled to begin Jan. THAT DIRTY IT WAS ANNOUNCED TODAY W HY C O O L X > t r I HAVH BEEN PLAVilNS do OUTSIDE THATAN UNDERGROUND ACOPTEP BVA fAMItV WITH A , Uc beach would attract large ^ ^ NUa EAR TEST IS BEING' SENSE OF HOAAOR? ^ road survey work. AND IS crowds to Bolton’s already en­ PLANNED RDR... — >. ------dangered lake. Earlier tola month a fuU-tone VBPy road maintenance trainee was ' FOR HUNGRY i hired with EEA funds. CONNECTICUT Rt. 1-84 was In the news sev­ On toe political front, Repub-1 J eral times this year, and at a C\ public hearing called to con- licohs , made .. . a, clean . _ sweep______In I Cosmetics ■ alder proposed routes, residents ® biennial tovm riecUon, overwhS^y supported toe 1 IT’S RESIDENTS route torouS toe^^otch. Tlie/ 1-4- notch whUe apparentiy R“*Ard hforra for a fifth term. ® ®| 'BUZZ SAWYER BY ROY CRANE K 0 ® I toe most expensive of toe six , "A , . . li fn 1/ Dioii altemaUvsrVrooented by toe volunteer firo de­ Uggetts L e (P ^ r CKJALU YES, WE WANT A PICTURE OF. / MY FRIEND EDWRDO M state highway engineering de- partme^ was kept bu^ this . At the Pariude OUR FRIEblD WITHOUT HER AND X DO MUCH s partmenL ta toe route which year- w l* ®«wral Bros taclud- WIG AND SUNGLASSES. PICTURE WORK COR would disturb toe least number a major b l^ which com- MANCHESTER PRIVATE DETECnVES, CAPTAIN EASY BY CROOKS & LAWRENCE of farms and residences ta Bol- P'ately desfr^ed a large stable WE UNPERSTANP.y:i and bay-filled storage bam on to I tUffir NOTIFY THE ro u ce \ 50RRV TO A HIGH-RISE APARTMENT A new s^toh of 1-84 connect- ______^______46 67 DISTURB YOU. ABOUT THE SHOOTIMS I SAW, BUT I'LL IN THE NEXT BLOCK, EASY- tag the notch and Sliver Lone In jm— ------— YEARS OF AGE ONLY! IN THAT APARTMENT WINDOW. TR Y TO M IKE- BUT IT ^ TM AFRAID I MAY HAVE MR.AMRCO... _ « w 4 t T KEEPYAH/R LOOKS UK E WINDOW-PEEPED ON A East Hartford, opened In toe R NAME o u r A POSSIBLE MUKfieKl fall, making toe dally trip for ■ ^ reRMANENT LIFE INSURANCE ^ OF ITl HOMOCIDEi BoIton-to-Hartford commuters ■ CARRIAGE considerably Rhorter. R • EVERYONE ACCEPTED! School MattcTB ■ HOUSE ] • NO PHYSICAL EXAMINATION! Gained Attention I BARN • YOUR PAST MEDICAL HISTORY IS Concern over education ac-1 A L L E Y OOP BY V. T. HAMLIN counted for much of itoe news " NOT CONSIDERED! ta 1971. ClUieiis worried about I DISCOUNT MY 60SH, THE WHOLE \ YEAH, BUT SUMPIN^ WHY, IT'S \ HEY, THAT MUST BE TH' 1 WELL THE OLD BOY WAS CERWINLY the size of kindergarten classes H • WE OUARANTEE'^YOUR LIFE THINS STAKING OFF HAPPENING TO IT.' FADING J 'SIAR-DIUVE' BUSINESS RIGHT ABOUT ONE THING... ITS UKE A BALLOON.' , . LOOK/ AWAY.' / THE OLD ZAN WAS / WNY'BEYOND MY GRASP.' ^ (with .approximately 28 stu­ TOXINS US ABOUT), dents) organized In an unsuc- ■ SHOES and BOOTS!! tNSURANOE POLICY WILL BE STEVE CANYON BY MILTON CANIFF cessful attempt to Induce toe R Board of Education to add a _ OPEN 16:00 A 3 I. to 5:80 PJd. _ ISSUED! BUT OWRY SAME WIT)?* fourth section. Lack of funds R MOS„ TUEB., WED., PR I., BAT. I HOGAN-5ANON SAME was cited os the major reason ■ raUItaDAYS. 16:00 A.M. to 9:00 P.M. ■ fill out coupon below for furtivor information " l MAKE BAFT of"' IS TOO MUCH FELLA/ fo r the board’s position. ■ 20 PURNSUi PLACE IN DOWNTOWN MANCHESTER ■ ^ ■ "Come In The Back Way and Save!" ■ or call — - In Hartford, Board members parttolpaled m , ta an open comment session RUO ■■ ■■■ ■ ■ ■ i^U ■■ ■■ HOB sponsored by the Bolhm Junior -Women’s Club at which towns- ■ 'EYE-GLASSES by------2 4 9 - 0 0 7 7 pec^Ie and board members had r ------i an oiq>ortunlty to exchange "Guaranteed Issue" Life Insurance, for Ages 46 ideas and educational matters DeBella and Reale Opticians ' through 87 Connecticut Residents ' on an Informal basis. I UFE OF AMERICA I I INBURANCE CORPORATION OF BOSTON * , ’ LANCELOT BY COKBR aiid PENN Complete 40 BROAD STREET In a further effort to Improve >. BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS, 92109 > How MUCH ABE VoiJ«l/['4«4.SO/499.S6,'»fiG.SO,)'rm7AKeTrie. \ I T T SeEMS WGM. WORTH ^ school - community relations, Eye Glaa$' ^ TV ^ ivNosi3y.9a.y~^-.»x^^e.,.^^|Q(^ THE ^PfeRSHce i schools Initiated publication of • Please send me information on your "Guaranteed * a monthly newsletter. Atten­ Service I Issue" Life Insurance. I imderstand that no salesman 1 t e a g a a / ^ , dance at school board meetings I will visit me and I will,not be obllg^ed ta any way! ^ I increased .notably, with both I Name ...... i...... ^ parents and students present. Contact LITTLE SPORTS BY ROUSON . Date of Birth ...... LetuMs ' Monto Date Year • v \ \ The Board of Education, (T- whose membership has chang­ • Address ...... * ed during toe year, continued I I to apend long hours meetings , (Xty ...... Connecticut...... j ' ! ' usa called to conduct theta business , □ MALE ^ Zip , of running ths town’s schools. 18 Asaddm St. , □ FEMALE - 1 -...4M Those elected to toe board In Rool^ 104 ' ^ - MH-C-1 ' 177 HARTFORD ROAD • MANCHESTER yiWi iar|g ■ ' i May were John Gleason, Mari­ Tel. OSla-0757 Bnrioo F. |tea>« CLOSED SATURDAY / OPEN MONDAY THRU FRIDAY 9:30 ta 9,*lsU N ^Y lo to 0 1} OM ' lyn Breslow ond William’ Vogel, Hartford ■x Ul »#« CHI replaoing Rigby Graham, Her-

i - . I- 4 . MANCHESTER'EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, JANUARY 4, 1972 PAGE ELEVEN PAGE-TEN MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, JANUARY 4, 1972 JhjL dfujudd. dnqlsL Frazier fcikes Bucks Over Lakers NEA All-Pro Team B y FA R L YOST Chosen by the players’ vote Hot-Handed Stafford Five One, Two, in Grid Poll Sports Editor New Y o r k e r Easily Tops braska 36-31 Thanksgiving Day, Houston, Tttcas, Washlngt6n NEW YORK (AP) — fourth spot in the poll. TTiq Nlt- ’That never materialized as Mr. Mas­ Lilly Humphrey was a unanimous choice for the tany Lions, 30-6 victors over and Southern California. Sam Massey, Builder of Men Cheny Tech DT-Dal. DE-Att. “ The Big Fight is the ' The Top ’Twenty teams, with sey was content to work with youngsters Enjoys Spree runner-up spot with 990 points ’Texas in the Cotton Bowl, ’IhS yeaixround holiday seasmt was at ’Trinity Parish and help mold them Cheney Tech started the new toughest conference . . . no after whipping Auburn 40-22 in season records and total points. jumped, from 10th to fifth with saddened when word was relayed last into ycung men. year off on a bad note last night the Sugar Bowl. Points tabulated on basis of 20- NEW Y 6R K (AP) — contest,” crowed Nebras­ 666 points. ^ ’Thursday that Sam Massey had died af­ Mr, Massey loved his work. H« was as Stafford High defeated toe A third Big Eight team, Colo­ Michigan dtopped from 18-16-14-12-KJ-9-8 etc. Walt Frazier, a neutral ob­ Beavers, 66-44 in a non-league ka’s All-American middle 13-0 1,100 ter a lengthy illness. ’The little white- doing tomething that he had always rado, captured'third place with fourth to sixth Mdth 479 points 1 . Nebraska haired man, who was called by many server, believes the Mil­ battle in Stafford. The victory ' guard. Rich (jlovel*, after Oklahoma . 11-1 990 wanted to and was just as enthusiastic 746 votes after defeating. Hous­ after losing to Stanford 13-12 in 2 . the best all around athlete Manchester over the years as when he first started. was Stafford’s first In six out­ 3. Colorado 10-2 746 waukee Bucks, defending the Comhuskers demolish­ ton 29-17 in the Astro-Blue­ the Rose Bowl. Georgia, 7-3 vic­ ever produced, was always interested In Port of his job at T ^ t y Parlrii was to ings while irech. dropped to 1-6. 4. Alabama 11-1 674 bonnet Bowl. Colorado’s only tors over North Carolina in the' sports, particularly programs involving coach the baseball and basketball teams champions of the National ’The forward Hhe of Gary Bar- ed Alabama 88-6 in the 6. Penn 'State ■ 11-1 666 defeats in a 10-2 season were to Gator Bowl, took seventh place the youngsters. and he came up with some phenomenlal Basketball Association, are saleau and Ted Baxter combin­ Orange Bowl New Year’s 6. Michigan 11-1 479 Nebraska and Oklahoma. with 471 votes. Helping others, through recreation, squads that xx>sted glittering records. ed for 36 points to pace the win­ 7. Georgia 11-1 471 better than the Los Ange­ night. Nc conference had ever Rounding out the Top Ten was Mr. Massey’s life. For more than 85 Sports being his second love, his' fine ners’ attack. Barsaleau ripped 8. Arizona St 11-1 414 And the nationwide panei of swept the top two spots in the were No. 8 Arizona State, 46-38 years he served as director the Trin-- family always was first. Mr. Massey, af­ les Lakers, the league’s the cords for 22 markers while' 9. Tennessee io-2 379 i sports writers and broadcasters poll, but the Big Eight went 1-2- winners over Florida State in Ity Parish House in New Haven, which ter retiring from ’Trinity, accepted a po­ hottest team with 31 con­ Baxter tossed in 16 points. 3. io . slanford 9-3 847 Griese KeUy Wilcox EUer who vote in Hie Associated the 'Fiesta Bowl,' 414 points; No. turned cut hundreds of youngsters who sition as freshman baseball coach at Stafford led at the periods. 11- 11. LSU 9-8 324 secutive victories. QB-Mia. RB-Clev. LB-S.F. DE-Minn. Press* weekly college football It was the second consecutive 9 Tennessee, 14-13 victors over went on to greater fame with New Trinity College In Hartford. ’Trin 10, 31-21 and 61-30. 1 2 . Auburn 9-2 282 “ I’ll take the Bucks," said poll apparently agree, because national championshp fot Ne­ Arkansas in the Liberty Bowl, Haven high schools and later to colleges couldn’t have picked a -better man. ’Ihe Cheney’s only double point- 13. Notre Dame 8 -2 164 Frazier Monday night after he they voted Big Eight teams to braska, a team which has won 379 points, and No. 10 Stanford, throughout the country. veteran coach, who haA a great knack of getter was Tom Tomko with 12 14. Toledo 12-0 126 had sparked the New York the top toree places In the »nai its lELSt 23 outings and has gone Rcse Bowl champions, 347 Mr. Mlassey was a close friend of thfo understanding yodng people and in markers. 16. Mlssissij^l 10-2 104 Knlcks to "a 101-99 comeback poll of the 1971 college season. 32 games without a loss. points. writer tor nearly 40 years uid up until a teaching the games he loved best, pro­ ’This was Tech’s 43rd defeat In 16. Arkansas 8-3-1 39 ■victory over Milwaukee in a na­ Nebraska, of course, took the Nebraska is only the sixth Despite trouncing Iowa State few months ago was a frequent visitor to duced a number of outstanding young­ their last 44 ouUngs. 17. Houston ^ 9-3 87 tionally televised game. top spot, gamering all 66 first- squad to w in . consecutive 36-16 in the Sun Bowl, Loui­ this depfutment. sters who went on to letter ■with the var­ The Beavers are In action Texas 8-3 81 ‘"They won the title last sea­ place votes for a perfect score crowns. The others were Mln- siana State could not climb 18. It was the New Haven community’s sity squad: again Wednesday ■when they, 19. Washington 8-3 16 son,” cmitinued the veteran of 1,100 points. Nebraska’s rout nescta in 1940-1, Army in 1944-6, above 11th place,, while Auburn gain, and Manchester’s loss, when Mr. Later, ^ e n an opening developed at' travel to East Orariby High In 2 0 . u s e 6-4-1 9 guard, “ and the Lakers have a of previously unbeaten Ala­ Notre Dame in 1946-7, Okla­ dropped to 12th after being Massey accepted the position at ’Trinity the University cf Connecticut, Mr. Mas­ a night contest. Others receiving votes, listed bad track record," a reference bama completed a 13-0 season homa in 1966-6 Euid Alabama in crushed by Oklahoma in the Parish which he held for better than 30 sey stepped into the freshman baseball BUffoWI (6W „ _ alphabetically: Boston College, to Los Angeles’ playoff per­ B F Pts. for Coach Bob Devaney’s Com­ 1964-6. No team has ever won Sugar Bowl. yeaih. , coaching post. Here, too, he jumped huskers. , ' Florida State, Iowa State, formances in recent years. Angley o ' . o three in a row. Notre Dame retained the 13th Although he resided downstate for right into the thick of things and pnxluc- Bachiochi § ? North Carolina, Northwestern, "I don’t think they can main­ Baxter Oklahoma, ll- i with the only Alabaina collected 674 points spot, followed by unbeaten To­ more than three decades, Manchester ed one of the best- clubs in jth® college BrocUngton Warfield Lanier Page Ohio State. tain their current pace,” he . Bradway loss coming at the Hands of Ne. to nose otit Penn State for the ledo, Mississippi, Arkansas, was his home and he always had a- h lst(^. True, the material ■ was there, . Campbell ■ RB-G.B. WR-Mia. added. ‘"They’ve got to hit a Galolto i LB-K.C. DT-Mlnn. warm spot for the community in which but it was neatly molded into a top-flight slump, socmer or later.” Hanley he grew up. college squad, capable of beating 'Itnost Verllk At present, neither the La­ Martin ^DonH Ever Try to Interview Me After a Game’ It was after his 'retirement from ’Trin- varsity teams In the state. kers nor Frazier show any Crompton Charlie Sanders, premier Detroit Lions* x tight Ity.' a Ume during which he purchased a Barsaleau signs of slumping. ’Ihe Knlcks’ end,___, _ is______about to „ get crunched and slammed to % h ^ e in Union, that I saw more of Mr. 28 12 68 star has scored 20 or more Totals the ground by Chicago’s Ron Smith, above, while Massey. Before being cut down by Uie Cheney Teeb (4 Couched aft Trtnity points in 17 consecuUve games, B. Landry 3 being slammed to the ground by the Bears’ Dick Thomas Snaps at Writer, <§5 illness which was later to take his life, including 31 against the Bucks. Tomko 6 Gochee 2 Butkus, below. But his rugged performance made Mr. Massey spent as much time as per­ Mr. Massey always had to have his Frazier started slowly H. Landry 2 him the leading vote - getter for the second mitted idaylng golf at the Manchester hand in working with youngsters and against Milwaukee, hitting only Maynard 0 Country Club. Despite his lack stat­ Meek 1 straight year on the NEA All-Pro football team. when the varsity gtdf coaching post was one of seven field goal attempts Poole 1 ure, he would Mt a golf bail for an vacant at ’Trinity College, he was sum­ in the first half and coUeoting Beaidieu 1 Club Accepts Him as He Is amaring distance and with accuracy. moned to help out. only six points. It was no Totals 15 14 44 While in New Haven, the Yale course He graduated from New Haven Nor­ Taylor Otto ct^ncldence Uiat the Knlcks fell Johnson Hendricks DALLAS (A P)— ^Duane titude to reporters but admitted stand him ," Landry added. EAST SIDE MIDGETS was his favoribB and he held a low handi­ mal School jond e a m ^ degrees from behind 24-9 early in the first pe­ C-Oak. cap tor many yearn Sports Briefs WR-K.C. DHB-S.F, LBBalt. Thomas yanked his jersey "I don’t know if 1 can enlighten Landry said he talks to A r h ^ CoUegfe, "Yale and Columbia Uni­ riod and trailed 68-46 at half- Monday night’s game found • * * you.” Thomas a lot "about every­ versities. Ume. JOE MULLANEY of toe Ken­ off in the dress(pg room the Pumpers beating the Mas- Landry^ said, "He is a unique thing;’ ’ Played With the Best Several summers Mr. Massey ran the Bhazler tallied nine points in tucky Colcmels and LADELL and looked his questioner tro-Sonics 18-9. Big Dave Ab­ person. His sole object is to be He said Thomas didn’t have a recreation program in Manchester and the third quarter, but the ANDERSON of toe Utah Stars square:in the eye: “Man, bott and little Pee Wee Wy- Fifty y ea n ago, «dien Manchester prepared to play football. He particularly good day against with his vast knowledge was able to of­ Knlcks still trailed 77-72* at the were officially named ’Tuesday don’t ever try to interview maii (9) were the key men in IxMUked a baseball team second to none dees it his own way. He doesn’t the 49ers because "none of the fer outstanding programs for young'and'^ end oi the period. ’Then, in the as toe coaches for the American offend had a good game ex­ the Punipers’ attack. For the in the .state, "tiie second baseman was a me after ft game.” like any distractions. At meet­ old alike. final period, he scored 16 Basketball Association All-Star This was after Thomas had cept for Walt Garrison. Thomas undermanned S<»iics, Rick Mar­ little, lefthanded hitting f^low who an­ ings he says' maybe two words. ’Ihe popular little man retired in 1961 points, including the Knlcks’ game in Louise'vUle on Jan. 29. scored a touchdown on a two- He seldom is not ready, to pl.ay is the type of nmner who uses shall (6) led., the scoring and swered to the name of Sam Massey. and was presented with a plaque 'Mriilch last 18 and the basket that MuUaney, whose team has a -yard run Sunday to help Dallas- — .“r-he“ ll3tehs-^-rr he ddewt*t- hls-Wocklng-tremendously. had help from Paul Peracchlo ’This was the era when local teams, as read: He has dedicated his life to the broke a 99-99 tie with three sec­ commanding lead in toe Eastern to a 1.4-3 National Conference ask many questions.’ ’ "The blocking wasn’t there and David Del Mastro. well as visiting dubs, loaded up with service of youth of ’Trinity Churrii as onds remaining. Division, will coach toe East title victory over San Fran­ This comes from a man and he was trying to find a major league players, and mills and well as of the community and by his The winning field goal was club while Anderson will coach • cisco. ’Thomas caUed "a plastic man hole. When he Has an opening WEST SIDE REO stores closed when games were staged m teaching aiul example has shown them the only time the Knlcks led the West after leading toe Stars GUIinghahi Mack ' ’This is the way it has been . . . no man ,at all’’ in a July he' really heads for the goal. ’Die undefeated Angels last against RpekviUe and Willimantic teams- how to be loyal, honest, thoughtful, co­ and came alter New York’s Krause Renfro "WhUe he’s waiting for the in porilcular. to a runaway lead in that divi­ since Thomas rejoined the tirade. night played a great gune af­ operative and fine cittzens. Phil Jackson had swatted the G-G.B. G-L.A. S-Minn. DHBrDal. team after a stormy dispute blocking, it looks like he isn’t ’Die little leadoff bedter for Manches­ STUFF ONE FOR JABBAR— Jerry Luias of the Knicks was unable to stop big sion . . . If you think that the Landry said, "Thomsus acts ter their holiday rest d ^ olish - ’This best sums up Bam Massey. He ball away from MUwaukee’s doing an3Tthing. But he really ter faced the best and old timers who Kareem Jabbar of the Hawks who stuffs in two points at Garden. (AP photo) 31-game record winning streak with management over money as if he is not part of the team' Ing Nasslff- Sport, 47-26. Little lived a gcod life for 75 years. Oscar Robertson and Frazier that ran well into the ^regular can run." followed the team fn »n town to town that Los Angeles has put to- but he is part of the team. ’Ihe Joe Bascetta again led his team I’ll- miss his frequ^t -visits but his had retrieved it. ' New York season. team has to understand him Thomas made the boast in still dalm the second baseman belonged getoer In the National Basket- to victory netting 22 points. John warm friendship will always be remem­ quickly called a timeout with 20 ■ "We’ve come to accept him and I believe they do. We’ve July that the Cowboys Could In professional baseball. baU Association this, season Is Andreo (11) and Glenn ^U is bered. seconds left and set up a play Indians Host Bristol Eastern Tonight as he is,’’ says Coach Tom Lan­ n ever' asked him why he never get to the amazing, consider JERRY '(8) controlled the boards. Mur- for Frazier.. After dribbling the dry. doesn’t talk to reporters or sign again without him. 'WEST’S mark. With West in toe fdiy and Plecity also played baU for several seconds, Fra­ Landry went to great lengths autographs." In his mysterious way, lineup, toe Lakers are 35-0 this well. For Nassiff which poplte’t Major College Baskethall Roundup zier moved toward the top of season. Jerry missed five early Monday to explain ’Thomas’ at­ "The team wants to under­ maybe he was rig^t. the keyh(rie. As he spun around, seem to find the right combin­ season games and without him, Robertson fell down and Fra­ ation, John Wleczorek (6) was Eagle Skein on Line LA went 2-8. Now Ihat’s amaz­ zier lofted in his winning 16- high followed by Bob Smito (4), ing . . . The BOSTON BRUINS Mike Presti (8) and Steve Big Man Chones Just That footer. “ I had some doubts that the By DEAN YOST to toe loop. Also in the of the game and force them to all even with their 19^71 .Vary President Phones Agostlnelll (8). Donnelly and Brown iTolk Knight SPORTS Warner also played good floor ball, would go in j’, said a tlrod COC, Portland High, 1-1, visits Hockey League record by piling OT-Minn. OT-Oak. S-Balt. K-Wash. games for their cl$be, " '• ' Frazier after playing 44 min­ The night’s top billing on Bolton High, 6-2. Ogrodnlk said. utes. "I thought it might hit the up 121 points in winning toe the S ^ o lM t ic SCOTe finds , . J yiink we are ready for “I have to give toe players all rim ." Prince of Wales Trophy. How­ BUSINESSMEN’S LEAGUE With High-Riding Marquette Esst C&tholic snd North- them,” commented East Coach the credit for our record so far. Shulaail:30a.m, Alter it dropped, toe Bucks ever, the Bruins trail New York RESULTS Westewn Pharmacy, behind west Catholic battling at stan Ogrodnlk. "Northwest is , a ’They have batUed in some by one point In the Bast Division had one more chance. Kareem MIAMI (A P)— ^Miami Dolphin coach Don Shula said the scorlhg of Paul Quey (20), NEW YORK (AP)— ^At ton scored 19 for the game. scored 16 andreserve Jack .. w . Central Ckmnecticut State fust-breaking club with a fine games that we didn’t play too today. A year » ago, after 36 Basketball Marquette they ' call Jim 'Two other members of the Wolfe added io, down the well and we won them. Players Sanders Top Vote- Getter he first thhpght someone was pulling his leg at 1:30 Craig Phillips (19) and Spike tkls cf 38 points and 22 College’s Kaiser Gym at balanced offensive scoring at- gp.mes, they led the Rangers by NBA Monday morning when a late-night telephone caller iden­ Houston (12), defeated the Buz­ Chones “ Biff Man’^ — and Associated Press’ Top Ten had stretch. 8:16. ’The Eagles enter toe coiv tack. We have to be aware of like Joe Whelton and Bill Gorra, three points . . . Goalie KEN EASTERN CONFERENCE In other malor games •niea took a hook shot, but test with a 6-0 overall mark and their feist break and put forth two inexperienced players com­ tified himself as President Nixon. zards last- night, 85-76. Paul for good reason. IS bound- MtVDEN of the Montreal Cana- Atlantic Division Dunlon. (19) and Charlie Bossi- Tile ^foot-11 Gbones scored a nalA to win. day night, No. lo Southwestern _____ are 1-0 in the Hartford County our best effort.” ing Into the season, have pick­ dieris was to undergo special X "I started scrutinizing the------^ ^ ------™,t«.nreH WeXTee.e “ th e final bUZZer ed up valuable experience so W. L. Pet. G.B. voice, but in only a few seconds dy (14) led the Buzzards. career-high 81 points and Ninth-ranked "^Hxiglnia» trail- Louisiana outscored IdcNeese Conference. ’The Indians are 8-1 East’s front toree of ’Dm rays today for what he says is phoned Shula the previous week sotmded. far,” the coach added.' Boston 27 14 .659 — I knew it was the President," grabbed 18 rebounds to lead with eight minutes to 89-80 behind .32 points from 6-9 Milwaukee then rushed at toe overall and sport a 1-0 loop Quish, Kevin Tierney and Bill tension on a disc in his Iteck. after Miami nipped Kansas SENIOR LEAGUE D go, outscored Wake Forest 17-3 soph Roy Ebron and 26 from — , Second Year for All-Pro New York 26 14 .641 1 said Shula. second-ranked Marquette 84), to Ed Rush and Mike mark. Gorra In six games to I'*'® Manchester High got a tre­ Dryden suffered the back Injury City 27-24 in the Imigest game in toe next seven minutes to Dwight Lamar. ® • Philadelphia 16 24 .400 10>^ Nixon was calling the Dolphin a 72-60 victory over anto-rival DlTomasso, claiming Jabbar In other games tonight, Brls- combined for '291 of the clubs’ mendous team effort against in a National Hockey League in ’The) Marines routed Allied register a 74-64 Atlantic Coast Rem King scored 24 ixrints to r Buffalo 11 26 .297 14 coach to congratulate him on toi Eastern, 1-2 In the (XJIL, 422 season points. Quish has net- Windham High in Its last outing. gim e Dec. 22 against Toronto NEW YORK (NEA) — Minnesota led all teams with John Otto of Oakland, is this 6-7 Ted Hendricks, corner line­ ... Central'Division history—82 minutes and 40 sec­ Printing, 99-51, in a sloppy con­ victory at Wake help No. 20 Florida State to an P«> Miami’s 21-0 shutout of the Bal­ test. Tim 'Coughlin (80), Stove '*It was Jimmy’s best game oo .rn .-1____u ______«_ tests were to no avail. visits Manchester High, 2-1 in ted 103 marker^ with Tlemey John Herdlc and Dan Carlson j,e dashed out of his goal Pbr the second straight four selections. TVo of them season’s No. 1 center. Bill Cur­ backer. BalUmore 16 22 .405 — onds. 88-70 triumidi over Denver In carried the floor game with break timore Colts Sunday for the Campano (19), Jim Jachym ever—by a ton," raved Mar- *»*'•*• "How can he be in the low league play, at 8:16. EUington adding 96 and Gorra 92. up a breaka'way at- came from the socalled Purple ry of Baltimore was a ’ close San Francisco placed two Cleveland 16 24 .385 1 Jack Phelan will be a dlffi- Mike Mlstretta, Rich Haberem tgj^pt by the Leafs’ Norm Ull- year, Charlie Sanders, of Conference (19) and Ben Gryzb (12) led quette Coach A1 McGuire, ap­ People Eaters, the defensive Second. men on the defensive team, AUanta 14 25 .369 2 and reserve Larry Perry doing LEWIS, captain the Detroit Lions is thd f championship. the Marines. Ron Girard (19) preciative of his plvotman’s cult man to stop,” added the front four: End Carl E'ller and Two neo-acrob.ats are .the wide halfback Jim Johnson and CSnclnnati 10 27 .270 6 of free throws by Frank ^ toe other first round pairing, f T ' the bulk of toe rebounding. senior guard with the top vote-getter on the NEA And the President, who once Bowling and Phil Clark (12) were bright performance. "I think Jimmy’s coach, “He can do so many tackle Alan Page. Safety Paul receivers. 'They are P^ul War- com er linebacker Dave Wilcox, WESTERN CONFERENCE W tt Barry ParkhlU of VlrglnlB St. Louis whipped South Ala- J ^ ® ? T n All-Pro team as selected by played end for Whittier (Calif.) spots for the losers. off. toXX, toe X.XX, races xm, xM xZxixx*„ Uxxxxxxx (3oach LoTTy Oostello, who High, 6-0 overall and 3-0 in the things well that It’s tough to Another sound performance providence College basketball the team captains and players Krause and offensive tackle Ron field of Miami and Otis ’Taylor as did Dallas, tackle Bob Ully Midwest Division ’ College, wanted to offer a few RED LEE—Dottie - Whitehead Wisconsin Coach John Pow- ^®<* scorera vrito 20 p o ^ boma 78-61. thought Jabbar was pushed on Charter Oak Conference, treks defense him." like this could possibly make team. Is back In good standing MUyraukee 32 8 .800 — representatives on the 26 Na­ Vary are the other two Vikings. of Kansas CSty. and halfbhck'Mel Renfro; tips about_____ the _ ___ Dolphins’^ next 180-465, Sandy Brown 180-487, less could only agree. and te ^ a t e Jim Hobgood E l s e w ^ , Wichita State his final shot. to East Hampton. 1-4 overall “We must control the tempo Friday night’s encounter with virith toe Friars, one of toe Chifcago 27 10 .730 added 17. edged Bradley 71-67, Dayton , tional Football League teams. Another top vote-getter was Bob Brown, Oakland tackle; Atlanta’s standout end, Claude 8% 'opponent—the Dallas Cowboys Ginger Yourkas 191-470, Betty "CSKHies Is toe best Mg man undefeated league-leading Pen- East’s major powers. Coach Phoenix 23 17 .676 OappelleHi Cited Nq. 10 Ohio State, down by upset Houston 78-69, soidiomore ------;— ;------Sanders, the 6-4, 226-i>ound Bob Griese, Miami quarterback. Gale Gillinghrm, Green Bay Humphrey, rounds out tile de­ * in the Super Bowl Jan. 16. Richardson 180-479, Joyce (3or- in toe country," Powless said ney High more important. Dave Gavltt announced Detroit 15 24 .366 16% flatly. "He figures to get 20 or seven with 12 minutes to go, Uoyd Batts scored 27 points to tight end, has provided sub­ Griese, who was second last guard; , Los Angeles fensive team. “ He alerted me that the Cow- riveau 183-466, Bea Moquin 189- BOSTON (AP) — Gino Cap- Entering tonight’s grame. Her- re-instatement of Lewis Monday Paciflq Division 26 against anybody If he plays outscored Creightem 18-4 and lead Cincinnati past Drake 81- year to John Brodie, beat out a guard, and. Washington kicker The NEIA All-Players All-Pro boys were • a great football ^ 8* Delucco 184-181-498, pelletti, who retired last seasvictory. 78, ’Tulsa got 30 points ' from in his four-year career. But the surprise newcomer to pro foot­ Curt Knight round out t|ie first- t(^m. seRSbted with the coopera­ team, but the President said he Dolly Dawood 460, Terry Lind- after 11 years a high-scoring Standings Carlson has chipped in 60 mark- standout from <3romwell. Conn, Seattle 23 18 .661 Powless tried a Ohio State Coach Fred ’Taylor Steve Bracy and 'coasted post feelings have been mutual. ball star status, Roger Staubach team offense. tion ftt the NFI^ Players Associa­ thought the quick slant pass to Harriet Coons 471. football receiver and place- ers. Haberem has 41 with Kler- Lewis had left the team before Golden St 20 19 .613 man-to-ihan and Fon* defense, was pleased with his team’s 67 ’Trinity, Tex. 98-70 and Iowa COIL of Dallas. tion, will be honored at the an­ Paul Warfield would go against ------kicker for the New England Pa­ nan and Mlstretta producing the New York Holiday Festival Sanders has had several con­ This season, Willie Lanier of teuston 14 26 .350 to no avail. ‘"The defense we points scored in the second tripped Kansas 81-68. cussions this'season and several This year’s All-Pro running Kansas City officially takes his nual presentation ceremonies in. Dallas," recalled Shula, who CHURCH — Earl White 201- triots, was named today winner Fred’s, A&N Score League O’all 37 and 29 points respectively. in Madison Square Garden last Portland 0 32 .220 were playing was to try to dls- half. Also, 6-8 Marv Barnes scored Penney more times was knocked uncon­ backs/are a combination of the place among the game’s su­ CBS’ television City, Holly­ was up and about ■ at that hour 618, Art Johnson 214-664, Steve of the 1971 Earl of McIntosh 3-0 4-0 TONIGHT’S PICKS: East week . The BOSTON Monday’s Result allow or Hm»' the ]piM to toe “ We played toe other 28 points and pulled down 21 Platt scious. He spends so much time old and the new. Cleveland's Le­ preme middle linebackers. He wood, on Thursday, -Jan. 20. watching a replay of the win Gadallno 204-668, Cy Perkins Award, given annually to An 2-1 3-1 Catholic remaining undefeated GEL’TICS marked time today New York 101, Milwaukee 99 high post, because can and scored only 63 points toe rebounds as Providence de- Windham ’ being carried from the field that roy Kelly, pro star for several beat out the renowned Dick The players will receive in­ over!Baltimore. 216-670, Tony Baluk 205, Bernle outstanding Massachusett over Northwest; Manchester before resuming a long trip only game scheduled just turn around and pc^ from whole game,” Taylor noted,.-re- feated toe Australian Nationals Impressive Victories HaU the Sealy Co. may begin making years, gained one . backfield Butkus of Chicago for that posi­ dividual statuettes, sculpted by "He also warned that Dallas Banavlge 232-674. sports figure. 2-1 , 2-2 bfeej-ing past Bristol Eastern; with a National Basketball As- ’’ ferring to his team’s 79-63 76-64, - Vanderbilt spoiled toe Manchester Posturepedic stretchers for him. spot. His running mate is Green tion on the .AllJPro team. NEA editorial cartoonis| Bill ABA had a pretty fair cocuih in Tom ------Cappelletti, who will be hon­ After a tw^week recess, Businessmen’s League ac- 2-1 2-2 EUington routing Stafford; Cov- sociation meeting against the East IHvlslon Landry.” SILK CITY—Ron'Fletcher 235- It didn’t work. ,r pounding at the hands of top- opening of ^|/>ulslana State’s ^ ^ . .^v ^ , ...... ,4. 4. tii- Malcney , 2-1 2-1 gntry downing East Hamptcsi Houston Rockets Wednesday But five minutes later, he re­ B^y’s John Brocking;ton, who Baltimore’s defending Super Cra'wford, to honor their selec­ ored at a luncheon at ’The Point Chones hit on 12 of 20 field rated UCLA. ‘"Itols will help all nOw $11.6 mlUlcn Assembjy, tion resumed last night With two exciting tilts at llling Bristol Eastern W. L. Pet. G.B, Shula said that Nixon report- k o , ^ Mulnltc 216-202-«13, and Portland topping Bolton. • night. •». turns to action. gained over 1,000 yards in'this Bowl champions placed two men tion to the all-pro team and will After next Monday, is the sev­ goal attempts, many from toe the kids to know we can bust Center by defeating toe ’Hgers Gym. In the opener, Fred’s A.C, outlasted the Dentics, conard Kentucky 80 9 .769 ed he would be unable to attend Dick 655 Skip Mikoieit 211, 1»2 1 - 2 ______—------He dives lor passes. He bur­ his first pro season. on the team. One is safety Rick also be presented with engraved enth wiimer of the award pre­ high pbst. And when everybody loosq,” 80-73, Ronnie Hogue and John 7X.70. The finale saw league-leading Army & Navy Club Bristol Central rows for loose balls. He bangs Another long-time pro star. Volk. The other is a rookie, the Bulova watches. Virginia 26 16 .626 6% the Super Bowl game in New Chet Kosak »)8, Bob Bassett sented by the Massachusetts ganged up on "Big Man," it One kid ■who busted Icoee for Fraley scored 28 points each to hold off a gallant attempt by Wethersfield into defenders and walls with Floridians 18 20 .462 12 Orleans. . 203-661, Bob Griffin 213-668, Jim Department of Agriculture in left sMtoomore Marcus Wash- toe Buckeyes was 8-1 guard Al- lead Georgia past Rollins 112-77 Manchester Honda to post a 79- points, 72-69, with just under equal abandon. On one running New York 16 23 .410 14 The Dolidiin coach and Nixon Lawrence 200, R. Reid 242-663, cooperation with the New York-. ington free to drive toe baseline Ian Homyak, who led all and Texas-El Paso topped New 73 vl^ory. two minutes to go. A&N’s Joe e v o Sundance Plays play this sesison, he put a block Pittsburgh 17 25 .405 14% are getting to be bosom tele- Rick Tedford 200-667, Tom Al- New England Apple Instltuter from his com er poet. Washing- scorers with 26 points. Homyak Mexico State 76-69.______FreCT held toe Dentics score­ Massolini succeeded in torow- Bloomfield on Aaron Brown that sent 1971 NEA AII-iNFL Team CaroUna 13 28 .317 18 phone buddies? ’Ihe President bertl209. Inc. less for toe first 4:80 in erecting ing in three- consecutive spin­ PlalnvUle Brown,.,to the sidelines for the West Division a 20-14 first period lead. Behind ning layups to offset Honda’s South Windsor r e s to f that game and for the Utah 20 10 .744 ’^ m Clark’s shooting, the Den­ single free throws. Simsbury game after. “ The most savage Indiana 23 18 .661 For Enjoyment tics fought back to come 'Within Carlscn, hitting ,his first nine Newington block I’ve ever had,” said Denver 16 21 .482 Tourney TriumphsI Sports Slate OFFENSE Memphis 16 23 .410 one point, 86-35, at the h'alf. of 11 from the /floor, had 25 Windsor Locks Brown. * TUESDAY ’Thanks to a strong third perl- MIAMI (A P )— The legefid of Butch Cassidy and the FIRST TEAM POSITION SECOND TEAM Dallas 16 26 .381 SICN UP NOW BaoketbaU points to lead/ the winners. Windsor Of the 23 positions, the Na­ od effort by Jon Rlchardt, Bounding out the A&N attack RockviUe Sundance Kid has spread to the Super BowL______tional Conference - placed 12 Monday’s Result East Catholic vs. Northwest Charlie Sanders, Detroit Tight End Ted Kwalick, San Francisco Dallas 102, Indiana 101 Fred’s increased their lead were Pete Kiro ___ and______Massolini Southinghon __ "In the somewhat gruesome. players to the AFC’s 11, in this FOR BOLAND OH. OOMPANITS Help to Shuffle Poll CathoUc at OCSC pered with Butch and Sun­ Paul Warfield, Miami Wilde Receiver Fred Biletnikoff, Oakland Only game scheduled even blood-thirsty world of pro the second year that the two Eastern at Manchester ^ r i o d r « n S ^ ° respective- Gtestoiteury dance. Otis Taylor, Kansas City Wide Receiver Gene Washington, San Francisco NEW YORK (AP)—^Tournament triumphs have pro­ football,” said Sundance, "we "Jim and I became close leagues have had a joint All- Ellington at Stafford ’The lead exchanged hands ly - , H ock ey vided a bull market for Penn and Louisville, pushing Tony Iterlanos once again HOC ■go more for playing the game friends, but it’s been somewhat Star team. Bob Brown, Oakland Tackle Winston HiU, N.Y. Jets Coventry at East Hampton countless times during toe final their stock way up in the college basketball polls. led Honda’s offense with 21 tal- East CatooJlc for enjoyment.” overdone,” said Csonka, tyho Ron Vary, Minnesota Tackle Jim Tyrer, Kansas City ■ NHL AUTOMATIC Portland at Bolton period. Only a determined effort Penn, 'winner of toe Kodak — Swimming lies. ChMlle Eaton and Ken Northeast Cath. Sundance is 237-pound full­ was walking off the leftover Gale Gillingham, Green Bay Guard Gene Upshaw, Oakland East Division by the winners’ Jim Matrks Classic last week, lunged ahead tlval, moved back one spot to Platt at Manchester Ferry «(ach had a dozen, one Xavier back Larry Csonka. Butch is hurts Monday from Miami’s 21- Tom Mack, Los Angeles W L T Pto. OF OA brought toe victory to Fred’s. Jiminy Brown Guard Walt Sweeney San Diego eight {daces to No. 6 and Louis- No. 4 with 463. ' Rifle more ^an Walt Bycholskl. Tall South Catholic Jim Klick, his 215-pcund run-^ 0 playoff victory over Balti­ Jim Otto,' Oakland New York 25 6 6 66161 86 DIELIVERY Fred’s was paced by Marks’ ning mate In the Miami Dol­ more 24 hours earlier. Center Bill Chirry, Baltimore vUle,; a runaway' victor In toe Indiana, champion cf the Old Vlnal Tech at Manchester Merrill Meyer’s contributed 10 St. Bernard • Divorced by Wife Boston 25 6 6 66147 80 25 points. Reichardt 'was close phins' backfield. “ We do both have our own Bob Griese, Miami Quarterback Roger Staubach, Dallas Holiday Festival, also moved DeminTon duriii« toe tourna­ WEDNESDAY behind with 17, five more than point;). Montreal 21 8 7 49182 91 COO We’re a couple cf guys who lives. Our homes are 60 miles CLEVELAND, Ohio (AP)— , Green Bay Running Back Larry Brown, Washington get m vis;. STJUMPS up eight spots to No. 7. ment • happy holiday week, BasketbaU Don Francis. / Toronto 18 12 8 44 116 106 UCLA, meanwhile, continues seldom shew how serious we apart in south Florida. It’s just Sue Brown, wife of former Leroy KeUy, Cleveland moved up itwo spots to No. 5 Cheney Tech at East Granby The Dentics’ attack was led j ' ■ Coventry Running Back . Larry Csonka, Miami Detroit 16 17 6 36 116 122 In Its famlUar strongman role are,” said Csonka. "So, after that we enjoy each other’s com- Cleveland Browns . fullback Jim with 862 points. ’THURSDAY by Mike Goodman, CJlark fin- Curt Knight, Washington Kicber Garo Yepremlan, Miami * Buffalo 8 22 10 26 110 166 A WHOLE BOOK FULL — Stamps issued after payment for first delivery. of No. 1 after winning Its own Warren^ KeyJ Man _ Cromwell Cromwell the movie about Butch and Sun- pany and having a drink to- Brown, was granted a divorce ■Vanevr. 9 28 4 22 83 129 After Penn and LoulsviUe, B ask etball shed with 14 points. Teammate Monday on grounds at extreme Bruin Classic. Manchester C.C. at Mattatuck Mike Daly and Charlie Rea net InMaiorTrade Portland 3-2 dance became so popular, we gether.” West Dtvizton A nationwide panel of sports Beach ^ t e held d o ^ to the screen Speaking of drinking: neglect at duty. DOUBLE STAMPS C.C. J RHAM were likened DEFENSE (tolcagb .26 8 3 66122 66 writers and broadcasters al- No- 8 ^ r .^® ted 12 and 10 points respective­ "'A couple of years ago, we Domestic Relations Court 47 99 73 Sw im m ing MEMPHIS, Tenn. (AP)— "I East Hampton pair.” Minn. 21 11 6 most made it unanimous, hand- natlcnal City O a « c; V lrg ^ a ly- The Miami Herald dressed were playing the Patriots in Judge John Macwell ordered a FIRST TEAM POSITION SECOND TEAM 80 114 164 Manchester at Maloney In toe early going of the sec­ could have sworn I was dream- Bolton CalU. 11 20 8 ing toe Bmlns 41 first-place Cscnka and Klick in 19th Centu­ Besten," said Csonka. "Jim •detailed investigation at 11 19 6 28 82116 month. . . i ' ^ FRIDAY ond game. Army & Navy ap­ In,7 when' he told me I was Bacon Academy Carl Eller, Minnesotai End Bubba Smith, BkdtinLore Phlla. REGULAR STAMPS vMes. Marquette, which won “ ««<> p l ^ c and OWo St^e ry finery for the portrait that and I had some very nice after- Brown’s financial worth and pitta. 11 21 6 28 96 118 BasketbaU peared to be on Its way to a traded," reflected Bobby War Claude Humphrey, Atlanta End Coy Bacon, Los Angeles toe Milwaukee Classlo, got toe the NOCO graced the cover cf the news­ dinner liqueur the night before. ruled that until the investiga- St^ Louis 10 21 7 27 104 128 Manchester at Penney romp over Honda. Taking a sCl- ren, leading scorer of the Mem- ^ Alan Page, Minnesota Tackle Buck Buchanan, Kansas City SAVE STAMPS! SAVE MONEY! only other top ballot and fin,/ ^en beaten by UOTA in. toe paper’s preseason football sec­ The field that day was tiem is completed Brown must L. Angeles 10 27 1 21 84144 South Windsor at RockviUe Id 23-12 advantage into' the sec- phis Pros of toe American Bas- Elllngtort- drenched and all muddy. I told pay his wife $126 a month sup­ ished second In too voting, ond stanza, A&N, behind Bob ketbaU Association, Who was East Windsor tion. . Bob Lilly, DaUas Tackle Joe Greene, Pittsburgh Monday’s Results* uame as last week. * Southern CiMi whipped In the Rocky Hill at CJoventry kUcH not to swallow any of tha't port plus $126 a month for each CALL ANYTIME — 24 HOUR SERVICE Carlson’s fine shooting, stretch- part of a six-player deal be- East Granby An automaker liked the pose Willie Lanier, Kansas City Middle Linebacker bick Butkus, Chicago No games scheduled. The Bruins collected a total Kodak by Penn In toe first Boltcn at Rham . contracted the Dolphin gook when he was tackled . . . of the couple’s three children. ed its lead to 44-31 at Intermls- tween Memphis ^ d toe Caro- Tolland and Dave Wilcox, San Francisco Corner Linebacker Bobby Bell, Kansas City of 888 points to too Warriors’ round, skidded six'spots to No. R ifle to dress up again for a he might ruin the taste of the \ i Mrs. Brown also was given ajon. ll*iA Cougars Monday. Somers aces 816, shaving toe Uq;>-ranked 11 and both Maryland and Mar- WUcox Tech at Manchester nice booze.” iflUe to the condominium where ■ Ted Hendriclu, Baltimore Corner Linebacker Isiah Robertson, Los Angeles Mike Franks, Eastern New television commercial. team’s lead from 48 last week, shall moved up four spots to SATURDAY Hond4 fought back gamely In The Cougars will get Warren, Granby The former Syracuse AU- she lives in suburban Shaker Mel Renfro, Dallas / Halfback Roger Wehrli, St. Louis Mexico senior quarterback, Dclphln fans went\wild about North Carolina, winner of toe Nos. 12 and 18, respectively, B asketbaU sloppily played third period to all-star Wendell Ladner and Suflleld Amerlcan had a less expensive Heights. Brown had co-signed .won the individual total offense cut Army'& Navy’s lead to 66- rookie Thomas Owens In return Stafford their heroes and .to® Herald be­ Jim Johnson, San Francisco Halfback Willie BroWn, Oakland ‘Sugar ■ Bowl ’TOiimamont, Maryland won too Maryland^ In- South CatooUo vs. Bast Cato- birthday' drink In Kansas City the papers for the house. and passing titles during the B0UUID0I.IM. gan selling color copies of the oUc at

Out of Town THERE OUGHTA BE A LAW BY SHORTEN and w WPLE i Howes______For Sate 72 b u t of Town For Rent 66 6,900 — LARGE 3 - bedroom Sote 75 I JUSrpOLI«HEO . CLASSIFIED ROCKVIIXE — S-room apart* W u y « iT ? a o w « K$al Estate 77 643-2711 furnished ^^«*'ator, disposal, basement MASONRY work, all types. No n person. J. T. Slocomb Co., 59 harvest gold, one year old, de­ $1M.r rental . ^plus A security. j n r v M. c i THREE X b - ROOMrwjuxn. lumiBnea . • - . •* ■■ n* 275’ FRONTAGE ON 83" SELLING your home or acre­ job too smaiU. Excellent work­ Matson Hill Rd., So. Glastm- louses For Sate 72 Houses For Sate 72 7-Room Split, 3 bedrooms: ' luxe model, window oven door, »■ " M l - . ly, no pets, $136 monthly, $136 age? For prompt friendly. ser­ manship, many years experi­ bury, 683-9485. 649-0638. person, no children or peto; - IVi baths, living room wtih many exti‘as. Orig^inally $400, lease-security. Call James J. BOLTON MANCHESTER vice, call Louis Dlmock Real­ Tracks - Tractors 5 ence. Free estimates. Call af­ will sell for $200. Call 876-1664 CONGRATULATIONS NEW/LISTING fireplace. 14x18 rec roonl on ty, 649-9823. ■ — . ■ ...... SAliElS — Marketing part-time ROYAL ARMS — novely now 272 Main St. GARRISON COLONIAL first floor, basement finish­ ter 6 p.m., 742-6486. after 6 p.m., 643-6266 9-4. New listing, practically new 6- 1981 CHEVROLET half-ton, new and full-time positlcns avail- townhouse, 2 bedrooms; hem- TORn ISHED----- a p ^ ^ n i ------i ------M anchesW - 7-roori» ^ c h . Preferred area, spic & span ed, 1-car garage. Alniost an ALi, CASH for your property HERALD ( brakes. Good condition. $360. able. Up to $1,000 per month. ELECTRIC range, 36” ,‘ good 'id, fully carpeted, all a p ^ - rooms Ideal for^vmrklmr’ cou- IlOCKVILLB — 8^-room apart-. spaclous/Tlvlng room >;'8good Raised Ranch, 3 7 roonxs, first floor family acre of trees. Sets back from within 24 hours. Avoid red Phone 646-3987 after 5 p.m. 649- Barb and Dave Special Services 15 649-4194. cendition.. Cast iron bathroom ances, 1% baths, full baseiS^nt T o r S w l w e r S n ti^ T «tove, refrigerator and s lz ^ ^ r o o n ^ . s e p ^ t e f a W room, multi-baths, eat-in road. $28,900. Call Jim Flor­ tape, instant sendee. Hayes BOX LEHERS^ 8019 days. sink. Old starter set of golf with laundry-** ... t . ------hook-ups,** ’ *'private . ” LauCall 649-3142.. 649-3142 ^ ------'^‘*“ ** ------couple. - No pets. roonJ^lning. roon^^^ kitchen, ’ Sliding doors, ^ 2 fuU baths, fire- kitchen, fireplaced living ence, 649-6306. Agency, 846-01.31. PIANO Tuning by graduate of patio off dining room, on bus Security. $120. monthly. 649- attaimed gar&gf clubs. Call between 3-6 p.m., IT'S A BOY! room, three large bedrooms, F or Your Hartt College of Music. Instru­ Salesmen Wanted 36-A line, near schools, shopping, FURNISHED 3 rooms on bus 4824. peting, app] cea screened waU-to-waU carpeting, attached garage. Thought­ SELLING your property? We 643-1314. ' aliuninum slilliig, aluminum Auto Accessories-Tires 6 ments sold and repaired. Sheet ’hurches (closest thing to a line. $165. After 6 p.m. call 849- irnnr jjqrch. — Convenient location, city ful floor plan, lots of closets ..B&W.. need listings, call John H. Lap- Information TEXAS OIL COMPANY needs storms, 2-car basement garage, music and accessories. Ward SBNVTNG MACHINE —Feather- HAPPY orlvate home) $215. Call 644- 4425. RCKJKVXIAjE Pout roouM,^ ...... 11,900. and more. $86,900. Mr. BARROWS AND W A IX ./^ CO. pen Inc., Realtors, 649-6261. SEVEN 13" wheels, 4-lug, will good man over 40 for short ■______second floor, large room for one acre treed lot. Only $84,600. THE HERALD will not Krause, 643-5336. weight Singer portable. Excel­ Lewis, 640-0306. Manchester Parkade disclose the identity of fit Falcon or Maverick. $3.50 ANNIVERSARY trips surrounding Manchester. lent condition. Buttonhole at­ ------TWO-'ROOM furnished^ Manchester — 649-6306 any advertiser using box each. Excellent condition, 646- GRANDFATHESl - clocks with CO- INC. U 4B REALTY CO. INC. Contact customers. We train. tachment included. $50. 647- to ONE-BEDROOM deluxe apart- ment, stove, refrigerator, letters. Readers answer; 6227. Westminster chimes made to ment.. All appliances and heat heat, hot water. Apply Mar- 0:30 p.m . . B &. W . . VERNON — 6Vi-rcom Ranch, Air mall, • B. E. Dickerson, 9093. Grandma & Grandpa 648-2692 648-2692 ing blind box ads who ^order. Several models, from (g) mi ky NEA, Pres., Southwestern ^Petrole­ Included. Phone 643*6266, 649- Mew’s, 867 Main St„ Manches- BARROWS AND WAULACT3 CO. excellent area, fantastic ilew, INCOME TAX desire to protect their •from “ Robert D. Murdock, Realtor PONTIAC 400 • engine, $300. $326. 646-4235 alter 6 p.m. um Corp., Fort Worth, Texas.' 0368. ter. Robert D. Murdock, Realtor Manchester l^arkade- 1% baths, wall-to-wall, fire­ identity cun follow this Wearing Apparel - Resort Fro|tei1y/ Manchester — 649-6306 place, built-ins, lai^e recre­ PREPARATION procedure: firm. 646-7634. Susie and Jackie MANCHESTER — Lovely 8- " / think we've got an extra-attention-getting campaign AN OHIO oil company offers Furs 57 APARTMENT — convenient lo------ation room, bar, garage and CaU DAN MD6LE» For Rent / nxxn Raised Ranch in pres- MANCHESTER — Early occu- MANCHESTER — Large 6- Enclose your reply to Roofing e- Siding 16 here for you, sir. Women'f liL^ iH positively consider the opportunity for high income HAPPY BIRTHDAY cation, 2 bedrooms, fuU sise BusInW S L o c a t lo n s pool. Owner agent, 872-0047. plus regular cash'", bonuses, WOMEN’S winter clothes, size kitchen, many cabinets, a|^ll- fl y Si| FORT LAUDEI^ALE off La- tige area. 2H baths, 2-car ga- pancy cn this 9-rocm Cblonlal, rocm CScnlal, double garage, ______649-3329 the box in an envelope — Motorcycles-Bicycles .11 AL LAPLANT—Siding, roofing, whole series of ads as^egrading to women!" 0 Rent address to the Classified convention trips, abundant 8, two coats, $12. each. Baby’s to ances, laig^e living room, heat. ___ solas Blvd., luxury iqpartment, rage, 2 fireplaces, 3 or 4 bed- 27’ living room with firejlace, treed lot. Priced for imme-. EA=ST HARTFORD —6^4-room 247-3115 storm windows, awnings, Qual­ Manager, Manchester 1962 XLH Sportster (900) com­ fringe benefits to mature man Sirth to 3. $6. 643-4226. STAN FETTIG hot water, laundry facllltiea, FIVE-ROOM Apartment offices Prime Isles airea, waUdng dls- rooms. Wall-to-wall in several huge dining rocm, heated sun- diate sale at $26,900. Heritage Colonial, nice house, low 20’s. ity workmanship, free esti­ Evening Herald, together pletely chopped, semi-complet­ in Manchester area. Regard­ from garage, adults, no peto, $175. combination, heat, hot water, tonce to b e ^ on Sunset Lake, rooms. ’Three years young, rocm, up to 6 bedreoms, 2H House, 646-2482. Owner moving. 628-6453. with a memo listing the ed. Must sell immediately, 646- mates. Fully insured. 649-3417, less of experience, air mail, Wanted - To Buy 58 643-4884. private bath, air-conditioning, dock privUeges available, ref- Mr.. Funderjiurke, Belfiore baths. Home and office poten­ 872-9187. companies you do NOT 4296, after 6 p.m. Bonds - Help WantecM^male 35 G.F. Read, Pres., American Karen and Terry ;------— v -,.' carpeting, ground floor loca- erences required. Call 649-0510 Agency, 647-1418. tial. $44,500. Wolverton Agen- want to see your letter. HOUSEHOLD lot.T — Antiques, THREE nice rooms, heat, hot n__ aftor ------cy. Realtors, 649-2613. BIDWELL Home Improvement Lubricants Co., Box 696, Day- ParkJngr- Apply Marlow s, anero^ro^^______TWO-FAMILY house, 6-5, 2 car _Your_ letter will be de­ Stacks - Mortgages 27 WOMAN — Full-time for coun­ brlc-.a-brac, locks, frames, Rooms Without Boord 59 Co. Expert installation of alu- ten, Ohio, 45401. water, stove, and refrigerator. 867 Main St., stroyed if the advertiser Business Services 13 terwork, 6 p.m. to 12 midnight. glassware. We buy estates. (Jail 568-0633. ’ / I------garage, well landscaped. Pros- is one you’we mentioned. ' minum * siding, gutters and MORTGAGES — 1st, and 2nd. Good pay for right person. Ap­ Village Peddler, Auctioneer, CLEAN furnished room' for el­ ct St., Manchester. CaU 649- PROFESSIONAL !MEN If not it will be handled TREE SERVICE (Soucier) — trims. Roofing installation and mortgages—interim financing — ------„ , , FX>R LEASE — approximately ply in person only, CJs Giant Help Wanted - 420 Lake St., Bolton, 649-3247. derly gentleman. Call 649-3142 in the usual manner. Trees cut, building lots clear­ repairs. 649-6496, 876-9109. — expedient and confidential or 643-0363;------Wr Sate ' ^0-A Here to a large 6-room home Grinders, Inc,, 273 Broad St., iwms, T%^tethif^FuU fesslonal offices, combination 2 —------*21 900 — 7-room older home that can easUy be converted Mail In Your ed, trees topped. Got a tree service. J.D. real Estate As­ Mate or Female 37 WANTED — antique furniture, ------soc., 643-5129. Manchester. _ basement. Carpetog. ,^1 mod- Attlee and warehouse space./^OCKVILLE - Well kept four- to office apace. Ideal loca­ problem! Well worth phone NEWSPAPER display advertis­ glass, pewter, oil paintings or A p a r t m e n t s — FkltS •• em appliances. C ^ e to Bho^ business zon e/ family house. Good Income. call, 742-8262. Roofing and tion near hosidtal. Please MORTGAGES^ loans, first, sec­ TYPIST — Receptionist, part- ing salesmcm. Full or part- other antique items. Any quan- T e n e m e n t s 6 3 p ln g ^ d Mhools. ^U dren weF ^oom for expansion, ampfe Central location. $44,000. For ftove. (amlly room, lot. ti^l20, Lost and Found Chimneys tity. The Harrisons, 643-8709, ______immediate occupancy. Marion caU for inq>ection. $25,600. 16-A ond, third. All kinds. Realty time, hours 1 p.m. - 6 p.m. time. Some experience neces­ coined. $260 monthly. Paul W. parkins, located In Bolton/rc- further Information call, 643- CARPEUfTER—Available e-ve- Easily accessible to 1-84. Call 166 Oakland Street. LOOKING for anything in real E. Robertson, Realtor, 648- REWARD —2 purebred male nings and weekends. No job ROOFING — Specializing re­ statewide. Credit rating unnec­ sary. Very prcgresslve news­ Dougan, Realtor. 649-4685 or an d/iiew 9678. HERITAGE HOUSE Classified Ads! 549-2600. estate rental — apartments, 6953. Beagles missing since Decem­ essary. Reasonable. Confiden­ paper. Write Box "CC", Man­ ______Route 6. Amedy Realty/Re^ Realtors — 646-2482 too big or too small. Call Ste- pairing roofs of all kinds, new Rooms Without Bobrd 59 homes, multiple dwellings, no ber 20th, last seen -vicinity Sec­ roofs, gutter work, chimneys, tial, quick arrangements. Al­ chester Herald. tors, 875-6288. I^en Martin at 646-7295 after WAITRESS — days,. Monday fees. Call J.D. Real Estate As MODERN three-room apart- ______Houses Fer Sole 72 MANCHESTER — 7 - car ga­ FV>r the finer homes ond Bolton Lake, Vernon. Im­ 2 p.m. cleaned and repaired. 30 vin Lundy Agency. 627-7971. THE THOMPSON House— Cot­ Fill in the Ad Form^and Mail with only $1.89, cash or check, to: through Saturday, day off dur­ FULLER BRUSH — Full and sociates, 'Inc. 643-5129. ment, all utilities. Call 649-4666 WINDSO' square rage, $26,600. Large 7-room portant—older dog needs heart years experience. Free esti­ 100 Construction Plaza, Hart­ ing the week. Inquire W. T. tage St., centrally located, Colonial, nice treed lot, cen- part-time jobs available. Dale between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. industrial spac. Also sep- MANCHESTER medication. Young dog had red mates. Call Howley, 643-5361. ford. Evenings, 233-6879. Grant Co."', Manchester Par- large, pleasantly furnished DELUXE one-bedroom apart­ trally located. Hutriiins Agen- MAN(JKESTER — Large cus- JUNK cars i-emoved, any con- Higgins, 643-0472 between 6-7 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD collar, ID tag, Vernon license rooms, parking. Call 649-2358 ment, wall-to-wall carpeting EXCELLENT five large rooms, '*™te office spaca and ample TRANSFERRED cy. Realtors, 649-6824. tom five • bedroom Raised dlUon, $10. 872-9433. ^ .H H m Z Z Z I ^ Z Z III Z Z Z IZ Z Z Z ...... ' ...... kade. p.m. only. No. 123430. Answers to Rebel. for overnight and permanent throughout, complete appli­ near center. Garage, attic and parking t/6r equipment Ranch. Three baths, fimUy 13 Bissell St., Manchester, Conn. 06040 Call M9-3077. Heating and Plumbing 17 Business Opportunity 28 g e t m o r e out of ufe, be an y o u n g intemauonai concern guest rates. ances, vanity bath. Centrally cellar. Security and refer- storage. 668-1!' Six-room Ranch, attached $27,000 — COZY 7-room home. room with fireplace and patio. Avon Representative. Meet GRANTS Plumbing Service — INVENTIONS wanted — call or has part and full-time posiUons located. $176. monthly. R. D. ences. CaU 649-6896, 647*1146. LARGE officyispace to share in garage, aluminum siding, Baseboaid heat, two-car room •with simdeck, ga­ FOUND — White, black and MR. ED Snow plowing. Hebron- new friends while you sell LARGE furnished room, for rage. Nice ^ horse staUs, gray tiger striped cat. Vicinity Amston area. Call 228-9967. FYee estimates, plus quality' ■write. New Products Develop­ av^lable in sales and manage­ Murdock, 643-2692. M anchester/ Ebccellent loca­ waU-to-waU, near schools products of the world’s largest male only. Parking. $16 week­ TWO^EDROOM apartment, 4- and transportation. Land­ one acre. Hutchins Agency, Agency, 648J180. Bolton Rd., Vernon. Phone 649------— work. 643-6341. ment Services of Hartford, 61 ment for this area. High in­ tion. CaU 2^2133. Tsrpe or print A d on followinsf lines ■ cosmetic company. Do it in ly. Call 646-0223 after 6 p.m. MANCHESTER — Newer one- family house, chUdren accept­ scaped lot, excellent condi­ Realtors, 649-5824. 9934. Cook Hill Rd., Windsor, Cotm. come potential, variable your own spare time. Big earn­ bedroom duplex includes heat, ed, $135. J.D. Real Estate, 643- COMMEI place for lease MANCHESTER — $4,400 down, SNOW Plowing, residential and SAM WATSON Plumbing and 06096. 688-6326. ; appoint- r o o m s for rent, Manchester tion. Salesman must move. LOST — 'White angora cat, g(ray commercial. 646-1634. Heating. Bathroom remodel- ing opportunity. Call Avmi ment call 647-1360. appliances, carpets, alr-condl- 6120. or s a l / 461 M ain. St., next to Principals only. $25,600. OWNER MUST SELL buys a new 5-5, 3-bedroom Du­ new! 289r4922. Green, complete house privi­ tipning. F^ll basement. $105 markings, two years old. Coo­ ------ing and repairs. Free esti- leges. Prefer women only: In­ SPACIOUS four-room apart­ post pHlce- Excellent business 643-0960. This huge four-year-old 8H- plex, IH baths, aluminum sid­ per Hlll-Falrfield vicinity. 647- SNOW plowing, commercial mates. Call 649-3808. Private Instructions 32 Situatians Wanted - per month. Paul W. Dougan, locatlm with building. CaU room Colonial with 2 ^ cer­ ing, separate heating systems. and residential. Reasonable INTERIVIEWER — Expanding quire, 643-2466. ment, appliances, one child, no 9692. Realtor, 640-4636. 646A426, 9-6. amic baths, two fireplaces, CaU now! FYechette Realtors, rates. Also available as a back M & M Plumbing an4 Heating, leading national placement Female 38 peto. Security deposit, utilities MANCHESTER, 4-bedroom old- PIANO lessons — Saturday af­ LADIES only — Nicely furnish- MANCHESTER aitd double garage. Execu­ 647-9903. up rig. Call 646-3467 or 647-9304. no job too small. FYee esti­ firm offers a rewarding and a Newer two- extra. $135. 638-6026. QE-ROOM comer office Colonial in desirable east LOST — Boy’s Timex (Christ­ ternoon. Beginners and inter­ ejr room for rent. . Community tive area In the emter of mates gladly given. Bathroom career opportunity ' to anmother ■will bedroom first-floor apartment. iilte; also one-room office. side ^ location. Goods condition. IdANCHESTER — Large SM- mas gift) watch, December 27, mediates. Private Home. East ^itchen and bath. All utilities THREE large, modem rooms. town. Huge/lot. Asking mid DICK’S Snow Plowing — Spe­ gresslve indlvidutd who Is babysit In her home. Call 646- Includes heat, appliances, car­ ^House A Hale Bldg.. 968 Main *28.900. Hayes room Colonial, 2% baths, two vicinity West Middle Tpke. remodeling, heating systems Hartford. Call 628-6780. ( included. Located on bus line Heat, air-conditioning, stove, 40s. Please caU: cializing in servicing Rock- worked on, water pump work, sales oriented. Personnel pets. $190 per month. Paul W. St. Phone 648-4846. Agency, 646-0131.______fireplaces, double garage, alu­ Call 649-1418. I and near stores. Call anytime. refrigerator included. Prival Name ...... ledge and surrounding area. faucet packings. 649-2871. background not required. Need Dougan, Realtor, 649-4535. HERITAGE HOUSE minum siding, huge lot. Exec­ 644-0383. yard, basement space, laund: MANCHESTER — 860 to 800 NEW 3-bedroom SpUt Level. FOUND — Black and tan shep­ Lots, driveways, sidewalks, Schools and Classes '33 immediately. For confidential Realtors — 6 4 6 -^ utive area. Heritage House, Dags - Birds > Pets 41 ENJOY the privacy of your own available. FYee parking.- $ , ' square feet of*'prlm e Capitol Equipment Co., - 38 ding gowns and veils, all cus­ Nearby resident school special­ of river, good benefits. Hours space in addition to your own Oon»r «»C.. «»= ’S S S T d Here to an economy offering Day to Start ...... ; ...... Main St., Manchester. Hours tom ^ade. Some alterations. izing in complete field training 3 p.m. to 11 p.m. Never a fee. ADORABLE Fox Terrier, AKC, ROOM Female only, a real laundry room, storage base­ BONUS tnU Trl.cUy U»iJlon. Oo,.v^ b-,uOMly Iiu,d»,.p.d wocd,a at a realistic $24,900. Pres­ LOST: Passbook No. 26 0147068, dally 7:30-6, Thursday, 7=30-9 Reasimable prices. 646-1133. on backhoes, loculers, scrapers Salary to $110. .^ t a Girl, 99 puppy, 6 months, male, shots, home away from home. Park­ ment, carport, balcony and ''nlent to Routes 86 and 16. $60. a-vnAT *®t. Formal Uvlng room with ent owner transferred. This Savings department of the Con­ store and apartment. Bbccel- Saturday, 7:30-4. 643-7968. and graders. Limited full and East Center' Street, Manches­ good with children. Reason­ ing. Kitchen privileges. Phone terrace. We pay for gas cook­ One and two-bedi/om apart per month. 616-4485. Investment $86 900 Hayes Ar^Pl*®®. dliflng - room, big 6-room home features alumi­ necticut Bank & Trust Co. Ap­ part-time classes. ter, 646-3441. able. 647-1361. 643-6609. ing, gas heat and gas air-con­ mento, bonvenienw located to ”Zc AAAn^J ^ kitchen with buUt-lns, S bed- num siding, flr^laced 'Uvlng 15 WORDS FOR 8 CONSECUTIVE DAYS — ONLY $1.89 plication made for payment. TWO YOUNG married men will Call the “ HOTLINE’ ’ to con­ 65 Agency. 646-0131. ditioning. No extra charges. shopping and bu nine.______Elevator______Houses For Rent room ft garage. (JaU Mr. do small repair jobs and paint­ Moving - struction now! Our Connecticut PART-TIME cook, mature, no ROOM FOR gentleman or lady, Northwood Town Houses at in­ Gordon for details, 6495306. Send this fohn in together with your check — your classified ad LOST — Dog, male, brown and ing, Eilso cellar cleaning and experience, small restaurant, GERMAN Shepherd puppies, quiet, convenient location. 224 service. Free pjfrklng. Laundry SINGLE house, three bed- MANCHESTER — 6 - rrom n xm wlto old brick fireplace Trackiracking - Storage 20 number is 1 -443-6686. Call any­ tersection of Woodland and KBl- rboms, dining room, living Cape, rec room, garage, price waU, raised hearth, pegged will be placed the very next day. •white, medium size, tag No. light trucking. Call 646-2692, 9:30-1:30. Call after 6:30 p.m.. Phone 643-4678. on each flooiy From $160 up- time. Charter Oak St., 643-8368. liard Sts., Manchester. Office room kitchen Full basement, reduced to, $23,600. Frechette wide pine floor, oversized two- 16466. Reward. Call 643-1616. 646-3726. MANCHESTER — Delivery- ALLIED CONSTRUenON 649-2186. ..B&W.. FAST — ACTION PACKED —ADS! ______^ on premises or call 649-6736. Call Superlnt/ndent. 849-2662. security deposit Realtors^ 647-9093 light trucking and package de­ J(1214 Main St. - FREE 7 weeks old female WE HA'VE a clean, airy, com- ’ ...... -..AAA- BARROWS AND WALLACE CO. LIGHT trucking, odd jobs, a ^ SE'VERAIL women needed for puppy, avaiiaMa a± onpft ------work shop. BxceUent condition livery. Refrigerators, washers Springfield, Mass. Shepherd-Welmaraner pletely fumished rocm for el­ HILLIARD ST. — New four- DELIDCE - bedroom apart- require^ A v ^ b l e ax on ^ . MANCHESTER — 8-room over- •_ _ wonderful netohbortiood Manchester Parkade moving large*' appliances. and stove moving, specialty. light assembly work. Apply in bred. Call after 8 p.m., 649- derly lady. Call Mrs. Morse, room- fiat, $160. Security re­ ment, wallHlo-wall carpeting, Keith Real Estate, 646-4126, j ------. - - —— a*— *• Automobiles For Burning barrels delivered. $4. person. Engineered Metals, 10 6076. sized expanded Cape. Two Mid 40’s. Principles, 6485270. Manchester — 649-5806 Folding chairs for rept. 649- 643-6388 or inquire 109 Fester quired, Heat and appliances complete appliances, 2 air- 649-1922. baths, four bedrooms, family 644-1776. Hilliard St., Manchester. NEED CAR? Credit very ' 0782. St. ; extra. 643-6268, 9-6 p.m. conditioners, full basement,basement. kw*tt ■'_« b e d r o ^ iiouM lovely suburban lot. Ga- MANCHESTER — Ideal for the $16,900 — Attractive.Five-room Bankrupt, repossession? Hon­ Help Wonted-Female 35 Articles For Sale 45 SECRETARIES — Several washer-dryer hook-up, vanity worklna couole Cali »2».900. Hayes Agency, growing family la this 7% Cape, Fireplace, paneling, est Douglas accepts lowest ROOM for rent, centrally locat- FOtjR-ROOM apartment, heat, type bath,hAth glassD-lARA slidingAlifUnir doors,doors. *‘‘®“ worsuig youpie. r —__ ' w______hAAAhoArd hAAt riAPAVA. 160 openings. 90 words per minute SNO'WMOBILES — Gerich’s 648-6679 before 6:80 p.m. 6465131. f room 'English Cape. Down- baseboard heat. Garage, 160 down, smallest payment, a n y -Household ______Services 13-A ed, private entrace, ample hot water, parking. Centrally onto patio. $220. per month. Painrihg - Papering 21 MEAT WRAPPERS. shorthand; 60 words per min- Service Station, 1082 Tolland parking. 649-6271. located. 649-6761. stairs Is a den, living room foot wooded lot. Hutchins where. N6t small loan finance WASHING machine repairs. ute typing. Figure aptitude a Robert D. Murdock, Realtor. gix-ROOM C ^ , new bath, F ^ t ^ S T E R — West Vernon fj^piace, large kitchen. Agency, 649-6324 company plan. Douglas Motors T. J. FLANAGAN & SONS' -r- Experienced'Only Tpke., Buckland. . E'vinrude ROA, Whirlpool, Kenmore, plus. At least one year experi­ 643-2692. completely redecorated, 3 chll- 8-room Executive Raised j bedrooms and bath. Upstairs 346 Main. PainUng and papering. Fully aitd Alouette Snow Mobiles, $26,900 — OFF EAST CENTER Maytag. Reascmable rates. Why not work for the: newest ence. No fee. Salary to $126 sales and service, clothing and r>jTT TTVB^— a hAdrnnm rtunlex accepted, $210. monthly. ^®*’® _^®®** 2% rooms, aU sleeping ihsured, 'workmen’s compensa­ DELUXE 8-bedroom DUfaw ^ denoslt and transferred. Offers considered. Detached' raraae St.; 6 spacious rooms and bath 1966 FORD Fairlane 600, wag­ Owner of Pike Coin Wash and and blgge^ supermarket? plus. -Rita Girl, 99 East Center accessories, Mastercraft and apartment. living room with Lew®, aecumy uepoeu aim ^ ^ space. ueiacnea garage Dry Cleaning, 276 West Middle tion, liability, property dam­ Haves JL^CY 64^ Low 40s. Frechette Realtors, Wolve^n **®®*’’ on, V8, automatic; excellent age. Call 643-1949. • Ideal Working Conditions Street, Manchester, 646-3441. Holsclaw trailers. .643-2363. NIGHT JOB POSITIONS fireplace. Kitchen, appliances, «t®rence8. Hayes Agency. 646- ^.900. ^ 1 ^ basement g s Y sie. phis 3 condition, one owner. Asking Turnpike, ndxt to Stop and Shop. 643-4913, 647-1719. •All Benefits Company Paid TYPIST needed immediately ALUMINUM sheets used as spacious dining area. Carpeted ^------Agency, Keauora, 649-aaia. additional rooms and bath sec- $600. 646-5848, 742-8894. CEILING speci&list —• expert • Ex6elle>9; Salaries den with glass sliding doors to MANCHESTER — 6 -room CARTER ST. — (Justom ranch, MANCHESTER — Beautiful 6- ®**d fiSor, 270' lot. Hutchins, workmanship. One ceiling or afternoons only, Monday thru printing plates. .009 thick, 23x LIGHT trucking, cellars^ IN EAST HARTFORD enclosed porch. Beautiful pan-^ house. Attic, basement. Large 2 fireplaces, plarter vralls, 2- Ranch on a treed 120x180’ -Agency, 640-5324. 1970 PONTIAC GTO, automatic, all your ceilings repaired and Come in and see what we have FYiday. Must have = pleasant 36", 26 cents each.or 6 for $1. tics cleaned, odd jobs. Rubbish eled, oarj^t^d rec room. Pan- treed yard, $200 rental plus, se­ low mileage, vinyl top. Excel­ painted. Also interior painting to offer. Interviews dally 9 a.m. telephone manner. Call 289- 6(8-2711. . *11 ®PP“ “ *®®8> lot, 2 bedrooms, dining room, imTTWuWinnBr-Atw. ^ removed, domestic and com­ At Our .Modern, New Offices eled basement. Laundry hook- curlty deposit. M. H.'Palm er, la ^ e treed lot. priced to seU kitchen, family ®OUR«EDROOM Cape, alu- lent c<»idltion. Reasonable and wallpapering. Call 289- - 5 p.m., Monday through Fri­ 9641, after 9 a.m. for interview ------mercial, 644-8962. ups. Treed yard. $276. rental Realtors, 643-6321, 649-0636. at $33,600. Frechette -Realtors, minum siding, carpeting. price. 649-7296. 0773. day. ^ late Thursday aftemomi. ASSORTED skids all shapes room and a fireplaced Uvlng ^ ^ SMILE! and sizes,, yours- for the haul­ plus security. M. H. Palmer, ------^------647-9093. room, attached garage, all elu- ** t , ’TWO handymen want a Variety RECONCILIATION CLERK bara Rutherford, 668-7339. Pa- 1969 VOLKSWAGEN sedan, "ex- INSIDE —outside painting. Spe- ing away. Contact, Control Realtors, 648-6821, 640-0638. < of jobs. We also do paper PATHMARK 6P.M.‘ to2 A.M. minum sided. Only $82,000. Wol- sek Realtors, MLS, 289-7476, cellent running condition. New clal rates f6r people over 65. Data Corp. 41 Progress , Dr., ------:— ---- :------TWO-BEDROOM Ranch, $200 verton Agency, Realtors, 849- OF MANCHESTER Help Wantod-Mate 3fi MANIJHBSTER — Three-room per month. Phone'646-6200. 742-6744. It's Catching ... Send snow, fires. $1,260. Phone 742- ceUlng competitors, then call Manchester, 646-6200. Prefer person experienced with 2818. 7928 after 5 p.m. _____ | ______nie. Estimates given. 649-7863. 214 S p a cer St. Manchester ID-key adding machine operations. apartment. Refrigerator and ------HOT WATER furnace, 77,000 stove. $V36 mcMithly. 289-7476, SINGLE house, , 6 rooms and REWEAVING of burns, moth- Connecticut Company Bus #B FRANKLIN COMPANIES MANCHESTER — Immaculate Btu, complete, $60. convec­ 568-7889. C garage, one block from Main Garrison Colonial with front- Happy Thoughts holes, zippers repaired. .Win- RICHARD E. MARTIN. ^11 passes our door. From Man- ANNOUNCE' MMIOR 1966 (JORVAIR, good condition, professional painting service, tors. Built-in bath tubs, lava­ PROOF OPERATORS (2) St„ no children. Available at to-back living room, formal THURSTON dow shades made to measure, FTVE-ROOMS, first floor, re- once. Security deposit requlr- $276 or best offer. 646-8677. interior-exterior. Free esti­ Chester or Hartford. Part-time or Full-time tories, cabinet- sinks^ alumi­ dining room, flreplaced-living all size Venetian blinds. Keys 12 Noon tb 8 P.M;- decorated, garage. Adults, no ca li 649-0771. Apartments mates, fully Insured. 649-4411. CAREER num combination- doors. 643- A P A R T M ^ to someone you love. 1966 BUICK LeSabre, new fires, made while you wait. Tape An Equal Opportunity Employer Should be experienced on 1260 IBhf peto. Reasonable rent. 648-8610. — ------room, big country kitchen with 140 HniJABD ax. OPPORTUNITIES 2465 evenings, 643-1442. all the bullt-ins, 3 large- bed­ muffler and shocks. A-1 condi­ recorders for- rent. Marlow's, c'/'-.-p /-'V- m r'm w F nair In- proof machine and lOrhey adding machine. ______COVENTRY — Three - room hombshbao ST. 867 Main St., 649-6221. GEORGE N. CONVERSE WE HAVE customers waiting house. Stove, refrigerator. $110 rooms and full bath up. Pro­ niree rooms, fully carpet­ tion. $350. Phone 649-0903. • terlor, .exterior, painting, pa­ SECRETARY - Receptionist, Rt sales and sales manage- OFFICE COPIERS, roll fed, OEV W. VaO D LE TPKE. for the rental of your apart- nionthly. Lake privileges. 742- fessionally finished basement ed, complete appUances, per hanging. FYee estimates, busy OB-GYN office In Man- ment. Above average earnings automatic, were $660 now MANCHESTER shades, generous closets, Happy Birthday 1968 PONTIAC, four-door hard­ Chester needs a good typist potential. Ccilnplete training in $199.60. Dealers’ Marlows, 867 SECURITY GUARD ment or home. J.D. Real Es- gagi, with rec room, bedroom and top, all power. Financing ar­ Building Conmieting 14 c a l l after 3 p.m. 643-2804. one-half bath. Breezeway and heat, hot- water, pariclng, with a pleasant personality aspects of life and health Main St. 640-5221. Legal Photo tote Associates, Inc. 648-0128. ------— ------=------1, 2 and 8-badroom luxury basement storage, near Rotating Shift — Fiexible Hours ------— SOUTH WINDSOR area — 6 2-car garage. All on a treed ranged. Dealer Roberts, 647- MASONRY work all typ^s stone J- P- LEWIS & SON, custom and telephone manner. Hours insurance. Call Mrs. Bousfield Service, 648-1442. apoitmanto. Features wall-to- shopping and churohee, 9661. l; Retired Policeman or Fireman Ideal. MANCHESTER — Deluxe du- rooms, newly redecorated, wall carpeting, vanity tUa 120x160’ lot. $48,900. Wolverton and concrete, no job too small, decorating, interior and ex­ are 9-6, Monday. Tuesday. arrange for interview, 646------$170. per month. CaU Happy Anniversat7 Must be familiar with use of firearms. plex, two bedrooms, full prl- adults, f200. monthly. Call 644- baths, buUt-in oven, range, Agency, Realtors, 649-2813. over 20 years exp^ience. Free terior, peperhanglng,- fully in­ Thursday and FYiday; 9-12 al- between 8:80-4 p.'m. An OARPETS and life too can be 1967 FDRD Squire wagon,' V-8, beautiful if you use Blue Lus­ vate basement, heat, carpets, oggg, dishwasher, refrigerator and Peterman Benllor, S - M estimates. Call after 6, 643-1870 sured. FV>r free estimates, call ternatlng Wednesdays and Sat- opportunity employer, v 49 84 automatic, po\yer steering and tre. Rent electric shampooer ALL POSITIONS OFFER: appliances Included. $220 per ------—------disposal, eleotrlo neat. 3 air- MANCHESTER — Comfortably brakes. Financing arranged. or 644-2976. 649-9668. If no answer 643-6362. urdays. Personal and business month. Paul W. Dougan, Real- FOUR-ROOM single house, one conditioners, glass sUdhur large three-bedroom Colonial. Congrahilalions references required. Please re- LATHE $1. Olcott Variety Store. . • Salaries based on background doors, all large rooms. Full Dealer Roberts, 647-9661. and mill machlnest. tor, 649-4680. or 2 bedrooms, large rooms. New -rinyl' siding, lovely big ’ 1 LEON CTESZYNSKI builder — ply Box AA, Manchester Her- second shift, Class-A. Job shop FOR better cUiming tn • FYee Parking Facilities 648-8870. basement ito ^ e area, am­ treed lot. Immediate occupan­ 1969 CHRTfSLER New Yorker, new homes custom built, re- Floor Finishing 24 aid. experience. Familiar with air­ colors gleaming, use Blue Lus­ • Low cost company cafeteria MANCHESTER Available ple p a r i ^ . RtartinR at |170. cy. Bel Air Real Estate, 648- 2-door hardtop, full power, vi­ modeling, additions, rec immediately, 2-bedroom apart- SIX-ROOM Rwch, la rg ^ bring Randy to shopping, aohools, P.S. Girls—Remember This Is Leap Year! FLOOR SANDING, . and refln- craft type of work. Overtime. tre carpet cleaner. Rent elec­ • Company paid medical insurance 9382. ^ V ILLAG ER nyl top. All financing ar­ rooms, garages, kitchens re­ WOMEN, girls, do you want to Apply in person, J. T. Slocomb ment, heated, appliances, alr- room, fireplace, carpeting, bus and reUgim noUities. ishing (specializing in older . earn extra money doing some­ tric shampooer, $1. The Sher­ a RetiremenL program Model anaiiment apm tm At»ARTMENTS ) ranged. Dealer Roberts, 647- modeled, bath tile, cement Co., 69 Matson Hill Rd., So. win-Williams Co. condltioner, dish washer, dls- convenient location, ' $360 9661. work. Steps, dormers. Resi­ floors). Inside painting, paper thing that is fun and profitable, • Generous vacation policy powd, $190., 649-8878, or 648- monthly. Lease required. UftR huqgttotlon 12-6 Saturday c m hanging. No job too small. Glastonbury; 633-9486. Su n ^ , other times by ap­ Immediate Occupancy )) What could make a person happier dential or commercial. Call making your own hours with­ Fuel and Feed 49-A w 11 Paid holidays 6160. Realty Co., Inc., Robert D. RAMBLER Rebel wagon, 1970. 649-4291. , ■ John Verfallle, 646-6760. 872- out sacrificing family, job or Murdock, Realtor, 643-2692. pointment. PRISIDINTIAL S-Room XownhouftM, 1%-^ • Profit Sharing plan Bnltt by tiled baths, complete Only 7,000 miles. Like new. 2222. school responsibility. Call 643- PLUMBER Journeyman. Call ATTRACTIVE heated 4-room Y lU A G I APTS. (kitchen, heat, air-condl than to make another person smile? Flill power, new snows. Owner NEWTON H. SMITH & SONS-j- 9360 between 8-4 p.m. after 6 p.m., 644-1317. DRY OAK fireplace wood, $10 APPLY IN PERSON TO EMPLOYMENT DEPT. apartment. Second floor, appU- Out of Town tlOinlng:^^ car- going abroad. $2^00 or $600 Remodeling, repairing, addl- anoes. Immediate occupancy. U It R Homing Corp. m a n c h is t c r ( '------orders delivered. Call 742-7886. KEYPUNCH operatorsj experi­ GENERAL clean-up m a n ,______(or coll 244-6621 for appointment) 66 peting, private bosement.X and take over payments. 646- hons, rec rooms, porches and Wantod - $100 plus security. M. -H. For Rent washer-dryer hookup. n enced. Alp^N uiparic. Days, wanted for mornings. Apply SEASONED' firewood, cut and One and two bedrooms. Order Yours Today! 4196. roofing. No job too small. Call Business Service 26 fj=^r^>=rp THE COIMNECnCUT BANK Five • room, Rbntala by evenings. Full, part-time. Cavey's Restaurant, '46 Ea|fi split to length, dump-iruck oooiqwaoy. ( 649-3144. 0088. Robert D. STEPS, sidewalks, stone walls. E.C.M., South Windsor, 644- U ' AND TRUST CfNWFANV two-bedroom duplex, heat, hot Near aohools, ohutobes Center St., Manchester. load, $26, half a load, $16. Call Murdock bhopplng oontor, on Charles Lesperance X Tracks •• Tractors 5 WES ROBBINS carpentry re- fireplaces, fiagstone terraces. 2446. after 5, 643-9604. Founders Plaza East Hartford, Conn. GARDEN Apartment — Two water, stove Included. Rptrig- Call 643-2711 ------=.------modeling specialist. Additions, All concrete repairs, both In- MECHANIC wanted to 'work In­ bedrooms, heat, hot water, erator optUaial. Two-chUdren Realtor 64S4693 INW line. Cell anytlmo ^ (First exit off. FY>unders Bridge)^.: 1964 HOUGH pay loader, low rec rooms, dormers, porches, side and outside, - railings, side and outside. Mehty of FIREWOOD for sale, seasoned, range, refrigerator, parking, allowed. Basement and lar^e J648-HS1 649-7620 y 6il85906 646-2523 boy trailer, back hoe, truck cabinets, formica, built-ins, landscaping; Reasonably RN or LPN, weekends only. overtime. Year ’round job. Delivere4. $18 a pick-up load. An equal opportunity employer m /f Conveniently located. No peto. yard. One month security, one iHfittrljfFBtrr lEuriting i|rraU i mounted. Phone 649-6020. bathrooms, kitchens, 649-3446. priced. Call 648-0861. Call 640-4619, 9 d.m . to 2 p.m. Ask fer Roger, 648-2873. " 872-9438. - „ Adults. Available— February year lease. $180 monthly. 876- fOtoben J / tot. 648-0073. 2719. <

1 TUESDAY, JANUARY 4, 1972 TAtJE FOURTEEN Average Daily Net Press Ran jTOanclifMtpr Cn^nfttQ ff^raUi For The Week Ended The Weather , November 20, 1671 Partial clearing,, colder with The Mark Master Mason de- ^ e . Adult Forum of NorBi Manchester Orange The Ladies Aid Society of the low ranging from five to 20. To­ About T ow ^ will be conferred when tJhltdil Methodist Church' will tomorrow at 8 p.m. ab the Lutheran' Women’s Missionary morrow sunny, cold; high near Gaming Commission Head Delta Chapter, Royal Arch Ma­ meet tonight at 8 at the' church. Orange Hall, 206 Olcott St League of the Zion Evangelical 15,590 30. Friday’s ouUook . . . parUy The Adult Bible Study Class of ’There will be an auction table Church will meet tomorrow at cloudy; high again near 30. sons, meets at 7:30 tomorrow Manchester— A City of VUlagt^harm Jaycee Banquet Speaker Zion Fvangelical Lutheran at the Masonic Temple. Wayne ’The Five iFolnt Club of Temple and refreshments. 7:30 p.m at the church. The ChurcH will meet tonight at Garland, captain of the host, Chapter, (XE3B, wiH hot meet this program, 'The Power of Pray-, 7:30 at the church. vrill preside. month. OUbert Hunt, head of Maiir er,;” will bo taken from the wln- Joseph B. Bums, executive VOL. LXXXXI, NO. 80 (THIRTY-SIX PAGESr-TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN;, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 5, 1972 (Classified Advertising on Page S3) PRICE PIPTEEN CENTS secretary of the Connecticut cheater High School’s English ter issue erf Uie (^arterl^ H ^ The Senior High Forum of esses are Mrs. Ernest Ruebln, Commission on Special Revenue, Officers and directors qf Omar ’Ihe ftenlor High Drama DepaKment, will speak on ’’’The ‘ North United Methodist Church will be the featured speaker at airlne Club will meet tomorrow Workshop of South United Linguistic Gap, or Hbw to Thlk Mrs. Emil Seelert and Mrs. will meet tonight at 7 at the the Manchester Jaycee Dlstin- at 8 p.m.' at the home of Da'vld Methodist Church will meet to­ to Tour Kids;’ ’ at the meeting Thomas McKenna. church. Grades 8 and » will also (pushed Service Award Banquet R. Nichols, first vice president, night at 7 at the Jesse Lee of the Manchester Rotary Club meet at 7 at the church and cm Monday, Jan. 17 at Willie’s House of the church. tonight at 6:30 at the Manches­ The Welcome Wagon Bridge Grade 7 at the church parson­ at 74 Amott Rd. * Refugees Flock Steak House. ter Country Club. Group will meet tomorrow at 8 -I age. Bums is the former president Ruth Circle of the Women’s , Mystio Review, NABA. will p.m. at the home of Mrs. E. L. cf the Puller Brush Co. where he meet tmdght at 8 at Odd Fel-. The executive board of the Davies, 64 Woodhlll Rd. Grade 9 Conformation Class Society of Community Baptist served in many executive cap­ Church will meet tomorrow at lows Hall, Refreshments will be Highland Park School PTA will Q f Center Congregational Church served, .... * acities over the Isust 25-years. He 2 p.m. at the home bf Mrs. Lil­ meet tomorrow at 7:30 p.m. at To Join Sheik will meet tonight • at 6 :46 ,ln received his academic training the home of Mrs. Hugh Swanson Memorial Hall of the church. lian BUllngs, 114 Cambridge St. at the University of Connecticut, Scandia Lodge, 'Vasa Order of of 221 Porter St. Grades 7 and 8 will meet at Yale university, and the Uni­ America, will install cCflcers at 6:4S In the lower junior hall. ’The board of deacons of Cen­ PLAZA DEPT. STORE versity of Colorado. At the pres­ its meeting ’Ihursday at 8 p.m. Peter Mletzner of 24 ’Trotter ter Congregational Church will at Odd Fellows Hall. There .wilt St. will present a program of In Bangladesh ent time, he serves as a mem­ Ann Judsorf d rclo of the Wom­ meet tonight at 7:90 in the Fed­ bo a social hoiir with refresh- original poetry tomorrow at (We HAve A NoMm To PleoM) Future in Space ber of die faculty of the College en’s" Society of Gommunlty eration Room of the church. ’The of Law, University of Connecti­ ments-.^tor the meeting. 1:30 p.m. at the Senior Cltlsens COMILLA, Bangladesh (AP) Burdened with their Baptist Church wUl meet tonight board of deaconesses will also B. AODDUB TPKB. (»•«» *» Peprtaf Maifes*) ----- Center, Myrtle and Linden Sts. bundles and small children, their blackened cooking pots SAN CLEMENTE, Cailf. Nixon /said foreign com­ petition much in mind during cut. at 8 at the home of Mrs. Andrew meet at 7 :30 in the Robbins Prior to his association with St. Mary Episctgnl Guild The program is open to all Man- o r t N WHO., THHM ., m e nh • and oil lamps and battered umbrellas, the refugees of (AP) — With the end of Apollo petition^^in shipbuilding was their talks at the Western Soltis, 26 MaUard Dr., East Room (rf the church. . ' the Fuller Brush Co., Bums was will meet Thursday at ll a.m. Chester senior citizens. Bangladesh are coming home. moon missions almost in sight. "drivtog us into a second-class White House and at the Presi­ Hartford. ----- to the parish hall at the church. ------counsel for' the Manufacturers COM! IN AND MOWU They come In trucks and ------1— ------President Nixon called space positim’’ when he took office. dent’s , mansion next door. Association of Connecticut. He ----- Queen of Angels Mothers Clr- Members will bring sandwiches. The Manchester Newcomers agency officials to the Western While welcoming the cont- ' Sato was set back politically is a member of the Hartford The Pilgrim Choir of Center cle will meet tonight at 8 at the Dessert and beverage will be Club ^ ladles evening bridge Many Ittmt Riidiiead for CtecHaBcal White House today to discuss p^titlon, he said, "it means that by Nixon’s surprise announce­ served by jrfrs. Arthur Bumat, group'will meet tomorrow at 8 County, State and American Joseph B. Bums Congpregational Church will re- home of Mrs. Laurent Bourcler, future programs. we’ve got to'do better.’’ ment Aug. 16 of his major drive Mrs. Joseph Kennedy and Mrs. p.m. at the home of Mrs. Wil- Bar Associations, and a former hearse tomorrdw at 3:15 p.m. in 57 Hamlin St. Mrs. ’Ihomas ’There has been speculation He said the workers should to curb imports and force inter­ Memorial Hall of the church. ’ BugnacM is co-hostess. Walter' Kashe. 11am Smith, 55 Galaxy Dr. m onS ^ Bangladesh Independ- that (he National Aeronautics Industry member of the National the venturesome e„ce movement. think: "I am not just building a national monetary reforms. Al­ War Labor Board, and its suc­ a n d Space Administrtttion ship. I am building America. I though the United States lifted c ^ t o ® Women with babies balanced might place increased' empha­ cessor, the National Wage want America to be No. 1.’ ’ its temporary 10 per cent suri n L th^ their hips gathered their oth- sis on earthy applications' of Japan has become a major charge- on imports last month Stabilisation Board. As an , the tricI^ hM become a children around them and space t^echnology as manned lu­ author, he has written many shipbuilding power since WoHiI and a new monetary accord squeezed Into crowded buses. nar exploration winds down. War n and now turns out su­ articles on Wage and SalEury has been reached among indus­ ^ \ J? menfolk collected tin Dr. James Fleteher, NASA pertankers larger than those to StoblllzaUon, IndustMai Rda- trialized natiema,- a variety of to Ume ^ ’ tnuiks and rush mats and what administrator, and his deputy, be built to San Diego. trade problems remain as irri­ tlons, and Labor Law. rice *‘ttle else they had salvaged George M. Low were to meet Nixon and Sato will have in- tants to U.S.-Japanese rela­ He has been appointed civilian and piled them precariously Many return to homes burnt with Nixon. Fletcher planned to ternaitlonal economic com­ tions. aide to the Secretary of the atop the buses. meet later with reporters, sug­ Army. He is president of die or ransacked. Peasant farmers For refugees with homes have lost their few cattle and gesting he might announce the University c t Connecticut ____ j Oomilla, it was a rickshaw ag;ency’s future research and Foundation and 1s vice chair­ f ? >^tl® tt*® of the way. Long development gXMils. man of the board of trustees of ^ in them straggled along Nixon, wdio will begin two Springfield College. He is active the roads for miles around. 'Die days of summit .talks here several thousand refugees rest- refugees traveling two and on ntany boards of directors and ’Thursday with Japanese Prime Bomber Returns ' business and charitabte ac­ three. to a vehicle with their Minister Eisaku Sato, worked tivities throughout the state. chattels on their laps. in his office ’Tuesday afternoon Bums’ talk vrlll cover legalis­ Impetus Some came back with chick­ on the State of the Union mes­ ed gambling in the state of Cem- ens and even goats. One' man sage he will deliver before Con­ necticut with special emphasis To Return carried the sign for his shop. gress Jan. IE. To Batter North on the lottery. Ral Mohan Das is 45, a hag­ ’Ihe President also announced ’The DBA award will be pre­ gard, bearded Hindu who he has given a recess appoint­ SAIGON (AP) — A U.S. eastern flank of the DiMZ that ed among their bundles, await­ sented to an individual from the earned . a living making ciga­ ment to Robert Gottschalk of fighter-bomber today made the divides the two 'Vletnams, the ing transport to distant towns Manchester area under 35 years rettes from local tobacco rolled McLean, .Va., as commissioner first American air attack in Saigon command said, ^ v e n of age who has made a signifi­ tn Until he fled to India of patents. Gottschalk has been North 'Vietnam since five days marines were reported cant contribution to community ^® “ ved with a score first assistaht commissioner of heavy raids there ended last wounded. life. An "Outstanding Boss’’ since May 1970 and succeeds ’Thursday, the U.S. Command ’The B5Zs attacked North tions ^ erf rice and molasses. « f relatives to the vlUagevillage of Ra­ award will also be presented. . ronkhal, a few miles from Com- William E. Schuyler Jr. who re­ announced. It also reported Vietnamese infiltration routes, There were malaria pills for Nominations for either award signed last August. several North Vietnamese MIG bunker - complexes and storage all who needed them but no should be forwarded by Earlier ’Tuesday, Nixon flew jets sighted along the border sites in the southern half o< the other medical services. Wednesday to Donald J. Malo­ by helicopter to San Diego and between North Vietnam and DMZ and at the entrance to the ney, 38 Autumn St. An InternaUonal Red Cross ^ Hindus, Laos to the last 48 hours. A Shau valley bordering Laos. team arrived from Dacca in Now Das and his relatives told 2,000 hardhat 'workers of ’Ibis year the awUrd commit­ What are the facts? "There’s been no engage- ’Two waves of the bombers gleaming white jeeps to assess ^ere returning home. They left National Steel & Shipbuilding tee is making a special effort to ments with the MIGs, how- numbering a half dozen planes the refugees’ health require- ^® rickshaws at the mailt road Co. that they would build three invite as many past Jaycee ments. made their way silently on big tankers costing $54.6 mil­ ever," a U.S. spokesman 'said, dropped nearly 200 tons of ex- members as possllfle to the ban- "They haven’t chosen to g;et plosives. Frail old men with broom- through rice paddles and lion. ’The federal government .quet. Some tickets are still close enough." Other waves of B63 bombers sUck Umbs and sld like parch- banana groves to the vlUage. will put up 43 per cent of the available from Atty. Jack money. Other U.S. military sources I'ept up their heavy raids Papa, .program chairman, 264 planned. Attesting to the safety of commercial ment stretched out asleep to found their huts What Are The Faeta? still further. Seldom, if ever before, has a the dust while children romped stripped bare, sheets of tin said the enemy jets were ha- HMMMiMRMMRMNMMW Main St. scientific achievement been more critically nuclear power is the fact that no worker in around them. roofing ripped away and not a Joking with Gordie rasstog American planes at- ^ We would like to talk about an emotional tested , for the protection of man and the industry has suffered a radiation injqry and ’Ihere were women whose furniture left, Former Detroit Red Wing hockey star Gordie Howe jokes with March of Dimes tacking the Ho Chi Mlnh trajl U V e r subject in an unemotional way. Frankly, we have his environment. there has never been an accident that has hucrtjiands had . died or been man carried his sick poster girl Carmen Donesa, at kickoff luncheon. (AP photo) Trooper Slain in Laos and possibly were try- rwrt r • Swim Classes a big commitment in nuclear power because caused injury to any member of the public. killed and children without par- *’^^® Ihside and laid her gently tog to lure U.S. fighter-bombers ± fie M jtne we see it as today's cleanest, most economical - ✓ ents coming home, with distant a rush mat. into North Vietnam to be en- WMNMMMHHMBMHMi Begin Monday In Delaware g^ d by a m^rior MIG foroe. jj^^h Vietnamese posl- method of getting you the electric power you are Whore Does The Small Additional Radiation From relatives. Das looked around bleakly. going to need in the future. This year, 30 percent What About Fuel Waste Disposal? To no apparent purpose, a "We have suffered much,’ ’ he OHESTEHl, Pa. (AP) — More ’The attack into North Viet- ^ along with scores ’The Manchester Recreation A Nuclear Power Plant Originate? squad of Awami League young- said. "Now we are home and than 300 policemen, dogs and n ^ ww ™^®_by “ A i^ ^ ® of smaller tactical flghfer- of your electricityxcomes from nuclear plants, F105. A commuidque said it Department is taking registra­ Nuclear fuels do not last forever. Our plants sters marohed to single file our lives begin again. We ask Pay Board Vetoes Raise police helicopters surrounded a bombers. and by 1975 about half of the electridity you use There are three kinds of radioactive wastes fired one Shrike missile at an tions for its second series of 10 are usually refueled annually and the spent fuel among the plies of belongings, only for peace.’’ heavily wooded oil tank farm in ’Ihe fighting near Gio Unh on swimming lessons vdtlch will be­ will be from nuclear sources. from nuclear plants. Almost all - qver 99 percent antiaircraft radar site "viiioh assemblies must be disposed of. There are ’The departure of trucks and As he spoke, the cooking pots WASHING’TON (AP) — 'The ’The vote was reported to be The news blackout was or­ southeastern Pennsylvania to­ the eastern flemk of the DMZ gin Mcmday at the Fast Side — are solid and remain in the spent fuel. This resulted in the suspected de­ First, consider the cleanlineira of nuclear buses was ainnounced from were being unpacked and the Pay Board was reported today nine to five with business mem­ dered by the board’s new exec­ day in an attempt to capture a erupted '■vriien North Vietnam­ Rec. three steps involved. First, the assemblies struction of the site." is handled at a reprocessing plant. blaring loudspeakers. Daud- fires rekindled in Karonkhal to liave vetoed its first labor bers and four public members man and a woman who alleged­ ese troops bombarded a marine Registration may be made power. Since nothing is burned in a nuclear containing the fuel are transferred to a deep, utive director, Robert P. ’Tier- plant, no smoke or gases tike sulfur dioxides or water-filled pit in the plant and allowed to kandi, Baldyabazar, Chandour. and countless other villages in, contract by rejecUng nine to combining against the labor nan, reliable sources said. The ly shot and killed a Delaware It was the first so-called jwo- pg^trol with mortars and recoll- from 8.'30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. or The small remainders are in gas and iiquid tectlve reaction strike of the ,ggs ^ ^ 0 flre. An hour later, Hajigang—towns from which Bangladesh. five a 12 'per cent raise for members- Chairman George H. Pay Board’s public relations state trooper and ' critically from 6 to 10 p.m. at the Fast nitrogen oxides are produced and one ton of forms. Gaseous wastes are held for short periods “cool" until the short-lived radioactivity decays. wounded another following two aerospace workers. Boldt, one of the public mem- chief, Herbei;t Wurth, resigned new year. , . ujg marines engaged about 100 or Wbst Side Rec. A nominal nuclear fuel contains the energy equivalent of to permit most radioactivity present to decay, Second, the assemblies are transferred to motel hirfdups. The attack was made 10 i^orth Vietnamese troops, An informed source said the his position m protest over the fee is charged and children nearly two million tons of coal, or 600,000,000 and are then diluted and discharged through specially designed, heavily shielded casks and State police believed the pair miles north of the Ban Kara! another battle along the board did not roll back the secrecy. must be at Iqast B2 inches tall gallons of oil. are shipped to a fuel reprocessing plant so Eariier UAW story. Page 12 was cornered in the 176-acre pass, or about 45 miles north cf coast 215 miles northeast of ventilation stacks. raise to any specific figure. to take lessons. that valuable materials can be recovered. Wurth said he gave his resig­ British Petroleum tank farm in the demilitarized zone, and 10 galgon. South Vietnamese mi- Rather, the source said, it sim­ ’Ihe schedule for Monday and Second, the use of nuclear fuel permits us Small, carefully controlled amounts of After reprocessing, any remaining radioactive Market in Strong Rally nation orally to Chairman Boldt Delaware County after a chase miles east of the Laotian bor- uuamen reported'kllltag 24 ene- to design and landscape our plants to be more ply turned down a motion by bers, was sajd to have ab­ then followed ■with a letter. Friday win be beglnnera, 6 p.m. low-level radioactive liquid wastes are periodically waste is packed in shielded cylinders and stored stained. at 60 miles an hour in which der, the communique said. my soldiers with the help of air and advanced beginners, 6:30 compatible with their surroundings. diluted into the great quantities of water used safely underground under United States NEW YORK (AP) — Stock est rates and signs of increas­ the five labor members to ap­ It said in part, “ I am termi­ more than two dozen shots It reported that the F106 •was and arUllery strikes, •while suf- prove the raise. ’The reported rejection of the nating my association with the p.m. All fuel is contained within the plant itself, market prices rallied strongly ing consumer confidence. On were fired. escorting other planes bombing fertag no casualties, .for cooling steam condensers, but without harm. government supervision. The board recessed filter the 12 per cent raise came after On Tuesday and ’Ihursday the eliminating the need for conspicuous fuel storage ’Tuesday. many mejor banks Pay Board because of policy* The two Delaware state the Ho Chi Mlnh trail to Laos Elsewhere, two South Viet- As for as radioactivity is concerned, the today-as the-Dow Jones aver­ vote, leaving open the possi­ the board debated^ for a third schedule will be beginners, 6 lowered' their prime lending differences with the executive troopers had chased the pair and picked up radar signals in- namese were killed and 17 and handling equipment. water is literally “fit to drink." Plans are under review by the U. S. age climbed above the 600 lev­ bility that it migdit later set full day ’Tuesday about how p.m .; advanced beginners, 0:30 rate, to 6 per cent from 5^, and director over the handling of following two motel holdups dicating that the site was track- mounded by a terrorist grenade government to store- cylinders of waste material some standard to g;ulde labor much to cut it back. The public -p.m.; intermediate, 7 p.m.; and As to economy, although nuclear plants cost el, spurred by a bullish outlook it was also reported that con­ your information program. two miles apart, one in Dela­ tog them prior to an antlalr- tossed into a restaurant near Solid low-level radioactive materials which in holes drilled in the floors of salt mines for the economy in 1972. Trad­ and management in renegotiat­ and business members of the “ I wish you much success to adults, 7:30 p.m. more to build than conventional oil or coal-fired sumer credit showed a strong ware and one to Pennsylvania. craft attack. It said the U.S. pi- the district town of Trang accumulate in the continual cleaning of 1,000 feet deep. Salt mines are the tightest ing was moderately active. ing the matter. board, reportedly are all op­ the future and will continue - to 'There will also be classes generating plants, they are the most economical gain to November. The troopers were gunned lot fired first, and none of the Bang, 30 miles northwest of reactor water systems are stored on plant sites geological formations known to man. ’The noon Dow Jones average posed to the full 12 per cent laud your personal contribu­ meeting on Wednesday emd Sat­ Other brokers noted that in­ ’The two unions Involved, the down at the Concord Motel fol­ American planes was damaged, saigon. type for continuous operation and help us temporarily and are later shipped to burial Little space is needed for waste storage. of 30 industrial stocks gained raise, were unable ’Tuesday to tions to the Pay Board." urday. ’The sechdule will be: vestors were encouraged by the AFL-CIO International. Associ­ lowing the second holdup. Meanwhile, U.S. B52 bombers The U.S. Command disclosed reduce the effects of other rapidly rising costs. locations controlled by the U. S. Government. In fact, in handling the atomic waste of the 11.29 to 603.52. The last time agree on any specific figure, or Beginners, 6 p.m. Wednesday market’s ability ’Tuesday to ation of Machinists and the ’Tlernan was not immediately The dead trooper was identi­ attacked North Vietnamese po- that American helicopters acci- electric industry today, it would take a the 'Dow average closed above even on whether the board has and 10 a.m. Saturday; advanced overcome profit taking forces. United Auto Workers, have available for comment. News­ fied as Ronald L. Carey, 29, of sitions to the northern quarter dentally fired into a column ether he wants to end r, *' ' ... The Viet (tong plan did not the war